fosermi · 3 months
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Eclipse: Shadow... what the fresh hell am I looking at?
Shadow: Guifil has heart, and Silver shows promise and power... I need you to tutor them, Eclipse...
Eclipse: you want me to tutor THAT mess??
Shadow: yes.
Eclipse: shadow, they can't even walk around the city without catching on fire...
Shadow: *sigh* I know...
Eclipse: ... you just want to dump them on me don't you?
Shadow: maybe.
Eclipse: oh, fuck you!
Shadow: yes, fuck you too.
Sonic: that fall looks painful...
I just think that they <3
Anyway, this is how Eclipse first meets Silver, he gets called over by Shadow to teach the boys how to fight since they've been begging him. Shadow has no idea how to teach people how to fight plus he doesn't want to but figures it would be better for them to at least know self defense. Thus, that's how Silver and Guifil begin their tutelage under Eclipse, leader of the Red Arms rebellion.
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whowantsnachos · 1 year
me every time ben barnes comes on tv during the t-mobile ads:
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Time for a revelation ladies, gentlemen, others who do not identify themselves like this,
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In short, Shadow stole something of his again XD
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 11 months
"I play with kitties!"
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Cat Dad Darkling gifts by @ladylrbloom
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What do you think of people hcing darkling as a girl dad? Do you see him be a father ever? Like if things with Alina had worked out do you think they would've had a child. For some reason it's very hard for me to imagine book darkling as a father, show darkling on the other hand definitely has dad energy.
Yeah my stance on this is:
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I’ve talked about this a little bit before here and here, but tldr I think he’d be too wary of the threat and weakness any potential child would pose for him. A child can die, can be held hostage, can be a liability, can emotionally compromise him. He hates emotions! And also if they’re another immortal Grisha then they could very well be a future enemy that he’s created for himself.
Meanwhile imo, physically looking like he’s ambiguously just out of his teens for multiple centuries, and also being stuck with his mother— who very much treats him like a child— for all that time, emotionally defines him too strongly as a son. I don’t think it would even really occur to him to want to be a parent.
And yeah show!Darkling would be absolutely disgusting about wanting a sappy little nuclear family and the Ravkan equivalent of a white picket fence. But also I do not acknowledge him, he’s boring as fuck.
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malewife-darkling · 2 years
Au: Book! Darkling is Show! Darkling’s son 
(They both desire Alina carnally)
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andimthedad · 2 years
[Scene: we're grocery shopping...] Me: "Those baguettes look good." Beth: [age 14] "Baguettes. That's a good word." Me: "What?" Beth: "Baguettes. It's on my list." Me: "Your list of what?" Beth: "I have a list of favorite words. It changes a lot, but baguettes is on there." Me: "What else is on the list?" Beth: "Right now, it's baguettes, vendetta, barbel, and darkling. Maybe one or two others." Me: "Darkling? Like the character from Shadow and Bone?" Beth: "It was a word before that. It means something that is dark, or turning dark." Me: "I did not know that. And barbel? Do you mean barbell?" Beth: "No, a barbel is that little whisker thing that some fish have under their mouths." Me: "Oh, like catfish." Beth: "Right." Me: "Why are these your favorite words?" Beth: "They sound right when you say them. It doesn't even matter what they mean. Their letters and syllables just have a good vibe." Me: "So they have a good 'mouthfeel' like people say about food?" Beth: "Yes." Me: "It's sort of like why there are so many kinds of pasta. They each hold sauce differently and have a different mouthfeel when you're eating them. So maybe it's the same for words?" Beth: "I guess. A lot of pasta names are also pretty good words. Like rigatoni." Me: "Pasta generally has a good vibe, no matter what it's called." Beth: "Maybe, but it tastes better when it has a good name."
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doomfox · 2 years
Darkling Wade - desperate for cash, gets a job as a mall Santa.
He’s so good at it he gets the job every Christmas.
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itachi86 · 1 year
“Fuck,” I yelled. “Mason, you owe that asshole a favor, too.”
He threw his hands up, his eyes wild as he answered me. “Don’t you think I know that? Thanks for the reminder, Dad!”
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"Watch it, dog breath."
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fosermi · 3 months
please imagine Eclipse in sacrificed chaos au, Eclipse finds a little kid who lost their family. And he lets them burrow his plushie, he doesn't know how else to help them, but wants to comfort this poor kid
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Eclipse just keeps picking up kids, slowly grew an army by being a good dad/lh
Seriously though, Shadow gave him a plush, Eclipse uses it to comfort others just as it comforted him once upon a time.
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Bonus clippie 200 years in the future
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 2 months
Poll 3, Round 1.
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About Geode: (by @oddogoblino) In an attempt to impress The Eggman, a mad yet inexperienced scientist stole Gerald Robotnik's blueprints of Project SHADOW and tried to improve on it to make the definitive true ultimate lifeform to defeat Sonic once and for all. To add insult to injury, the eggsupporter had chosen to use some of Sonic's DNA along with Shadow's, that'd been found from battle aftermaths, to make his creation. Before their prototype was even finished though, GUN had found out about Project REMASTERED. Rouge told Shadow about it before GUN could do a raid though so he could handle this personal matter how he found fit. Well, Shadow went and destroyed the lab of course, though he wasn't prepared to see just how early in development the project was. He was expecting something full grown but all he found was the prototype barely in the infant phase in its development. Being unable to just kill a baby or adopt this all powerful baby off to an unsuspecting family (and also being unknowingly motivated by Black Arms instincts to keep the species alive), Shadow decided to take the little hoglet in as his own. At first, Shadow was too caught up in caring for Geode off instinct to think about telling anyone about him, but just a few months in and Geode already began showing his defects in creation and Shadow turned to Sonic and Tails for help. Now, Geode has inhibitor rings to keep his chaos energy at a stable level and has been growing up comfortably from home to home, adventure to adventure. Geode himself though, by the time he's 16, is a very quiet, introverted, affectionate, emotional, compassionate, and sort of awkward character. He's not good at social but he cares about others and is very forgiving when hes wronged and has decent emotional intelligence. He's a "be mindful of how you use the water if the cup's half empty" kinda thinker. He's very curious on just about anything new he discovers. Others can think of him as being a bit simple minded sometimes though. People tend to overwhelm him easily so he finds most comfort in spending time with Chao. If he's not on a mission, he's a bit of a clumsy puppy of a guy. But, if Shadow puts 2 thoughts into something and Sonic puts none, then Geode only puts 1 thought into everything he does. He's a pacifist who can't bring himself to hurt living beings, he can fight nonsentient robots just fine but otherwise he prefers to trap any living enemies in whatever he can get his hands on. He's a stealth type and has a habit of stealing artifacts and other magical things he deems too powerful to let be taken even by his dads. He can see chaos auras 24/7 to a heightened sense, being able to see the chaos energy even in plants along with being able to see the chaos energy left behind from those deceased (aka, ghosts). He's faster than Sonic but he's weaker than Shadow. He loves the world around him very dearly, having Sonic's passion for life/the world and Shadow's determination to fight for himself. Geode also has picked up mechanics as a small hobby though he's not very passionate about it.
About Brutus: (by @susahnasomething) A genetically enhanced clone of Shadow (mixed with Sonic's DNA) Brutus was made and raised by Eclipse the Darkling, who hoped to bring back the black arms by making a bunch of super powerful clones. This was not good for her. Eventually the heroes defeated Eclipse, and Shadow rescued her (not her clone siblings sadly, cause SOMEONE DECIDED THAT THERE SHALL ONLY BE ONE) and was then raised by sonadow. Brutus is a dark and conceited girl, reminding everyone of past shadow. Who firmly believes she cannot be killed nor destroyed, so she tends to throw herself into danger. (shes the ultimate lifeform nothing can hurt her!!) . . . totally!
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lefaystrent · 12 days
Virgil/Remus college roommates AU
It's Remus's third year of college. He's majoring in a medical field because it's gross and cool, and he knows human anatomy like the back of his hand.
Remus's major is not his first choice or second or third. But it is the choice that he could live with along with hopefully making his parents proud.
Somehow, his parents still think he's an embarrassment to the family. They often compare him to his twin brother, Roman, who gained major success as a child actor.
It's not Roman's fault, and Roman tries, but there's an unresolved part of Remus that's jealous and wishes he had any attention at all.
Remus has been through a few roommates. They usually request a transfer the first month in. Either Remus is too crass or too loud or too nosey or too gross. Too much in general.
Remus doesn't know how else to be but himself. He's proud of who he is. Doesn't make it any less lonely or easy to make friends.
Remus has one singular friend. Janus who's not even a student at this college, but he does some work for some students for under-the-table pay. Otherwise known as plagiarizing papers for the tired or lazy masses.
Remus meets Janus because someone recommended him as a tutor. Janus never corrects him and continues tutoring him.
Beginning his third year of college in the dorms, Remus does not have high hopes for his new roomie. Mostly he is excited to see how long the new guy will last. Remus gets set up in the room first and waits for whenever his roomie will appear.
The new roomie is Virgil. He's an undecided major, wears an oversized hoodie, has anxiety out the wazoo, and is the cutest emo he has ever seen.
Remus has a type. His type is angry kitten. He does not realize he has a type until this moment. He kinda wants to really keep this one.
Virgil doesn't mind taking the leftover bed, so Remus doesn't have to move his stuff. Virgil's dad is also there to help his son move in. His dad is a therapist (psst, it's Emile), and is like the total opposite to his son in terms of attire and personality.
Virgil is also really close with his dad. It's clear as day in the way he waddles after him like a darkling duck while giving Remus apprehensive glances.
Remus tries to be on his best behavior, he really does. He offers to help them carry stuff, and Emile is delighted, and Remus cracks some jokes that they actually laugh at a couple of times.
Before Emil leaves, he asks Remus to take care of his son. Remus salutes him seriously and says it will be his honor.
As soon as the door closes, Virgil's timidness skyrockets. He admits that this is his first year living on campus and without his dad. Even though Emile promised he's only a phone call away and he doesn't live that far, it's still a lot for a kid to be thrust out of the nest.
Remus cheers him up by asking if he wants to see his bone collection. Yes, you heard him right. He collects bones of dead things. They're stored under his bed which he affectionately refers to as the boneyard.
Virgil rolls with it. He lets Remus chatter, and he doesn't interrupt him. Remus thinks he doesn't know what to say to break the ice, so Remus smashes all the ice for him.
Remus learns that despite this being Virgil's first year on campus, he already has enough credits under his belt to graduate and then some. Apparently, he's been racking them up at breakneck speed with online classes ever since he graduated high school early.
It was Emile's idea for him to attend university life, to push him out of his shell and make friends. Virgil has been homeschooled most of his life because he can't handle crowds and other kids are the worst. He wants to try this for his dad though, to at least be able to say he put effort into it.
Remus respects that. He doesn't understand anxiety. He's so used to throwing himself out there. Who doesn't like attention? But attention makes Virgil nervous so Remus makes a solid attempt to not pay attention to him.
Which of course makes it all the harder. He overcompensates and comes on too strong. He babbles one night their first week into classes about a documentary he watched on Ted Bundy which leads into John Winn Gacey, and then on to the Zodiac Killer.
Virgil stops him at some point, eyes like saucers. "Do you realize you've been talking for over an hour about serial killers?"
Remus thinks this is the part where Virgil applies to switch roommates on the grounds that Remus is secretly a murderer. But instead, Virgil admits he's impressed by how much he knows and asks if he's ever watched Buzzfeed Unsolved.
And then they bond over watching shows together, and Virgil calls his dad and gushes about it, and Remus feels his stomach do a little flip at how happy Virgil seems to want to share this.
It becomes a thing where Virgil calls his dad and gives him updates not only about his life but Remus. Emile always asks about him and tells Virgil to tell him hi.
Remus is dumbfounded. He can't imagine calling his folks every month, let alone every day.
The two of them find a routine after the first week. By which, that means they have no routine. Virgil is a chronic insomniac and Remus can sleep through anything. Whenever Remus catches Virgil finally asleep, he either steps out of the room or sits completely still on pain of death. It helps that Virgil often wears his headphones and blasts music.
There's a time when Remus returns early to their dorm room and hears the slight, muffled sound of Virgil's music coming from Virgil's closet. Curious, Remus opens the closet to find that Virgil has made a blanket nest for himself inside and is fast asleep. Remus closes the door back gently and never tells Virgil that he knows about his super secret napping spot.
For Virgil's part, he doesn't know what to make of Remus for the first few weeks. Remus is flamboyant and proud in his masculinity even when wearing booty shorts. He sings like a hyena and he has those weird 3am pillow talk thoughts but like all the time.
He's also so random that even when Virgil feels anxious, it somehow gets him laughing more often than not. Remus beams during these moments and doubles down, usually becoming even more ridiculous.
Remus notices early on that Virgil skips meals. He doesn't think that it's an eating disorder or anything, because he eats whatever snacks Remus throws at him. Remus is smart though, more clever than people give him credit for, and his eyes often gravitate towards his favorite little emo.
Remus begins escorting Virgil to the food court. Virgil starts eating regular meals again now that he doesn't have to brave the swarms of people alone. The first time the food court is too congested indoors even with a buddy, Virgil crowds close to Remus and holds onto his arm and trusts him to steer them through.
Remus starts offering his hand whenever things get too claustrophobic. Virgil is surprised the first time, because guys don't just hold hands like that. But Remus is far from normal, and Virgil never claimed to be, so he takes the hand when it's offered. He can't look anyone in the eyes while they hold hands, but Virgil refuses to let go.
Holding hands with Virgil quickly becomes Remus's favorite activity. So much that he offers even when they're not around other people. Virgil doesn't always take it, but it makes him go soft in a way that Remus relishes.
Virgil went into university life initially thinking that he would hate it. After some weeks with Remus, he finds enjoyment. He's happy, and his classes are fun, and he never thought he'd befriend someone like Remus. At least, he thinks they're friends. Remus wouldn't hold his hand if they weren't at least friends, right?
Eventually, Remus admits to some of his struggles with his school work. Janus helps, but he's not knowledgeable in every subject(aka, Janus is flying by the seat of his pants and Remus doesn't realize it). Virgil agrees to help for the price of sour Skittles.
Remus learns quickly how Virgil has so many credits. Virgil's got that thing where he reads super fast and has a photographic memory.
"You have super powers," Remus accusses.
Virgil flushes and mutters something about it not being fair that he has built in cheat codes. He seems to be under the impression that this detracts from his successes and that he's not very intelligent.
Remus endeavors to prove him wrong any chance he gets. He compliments him often and praises him for helping him so much. He wants to show that Virgil's effort is its own merit. And Remus proves it to him because his grades do start improving in the courses he struggles with.
There's one night that they stay up late working on one of Remus's research papers. It's worth over a quarter of his grade, so it has to be good. He's got it printed out and ready to take to class, only he gets terribly distracted when getting ready that morning and runs out the door without it.
Virgil wakes up and spots the super important paper on Remus's desk five minutes before Remus's class starts.
Remus is very surprised to see Virgil show up to his class, panting for air and paper in hand.
"You sprinted across campus to bring this to me?" Remus asks, incredulous.
Virgil shrugs, wiping sweat from his brow, "You worked really hard on it."
That's the moment that Remus thinks he falls a little bit in love.
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 2 months
When Shadow Daddy says
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Influenced by "Matt chats with cats" Gifs by @ladylrbloom
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star-kissed583 · 2 months
Prideful event | Dark + Yandere
Summary: “ Yandere stood in front of Dark, having puppy dog eyes as she stood holding a hair brush and some hair ties.”
Yandere every year goes to the pride event in the city, usually going with Wilford. But now with Wilford out of state for a while, she’s determined to convince her mom, Dark, to come with her this year.
| 3rd Person POV |
Dark was sitting in his office, simply finishing some files that he had left.
Papers were strewn about on the desk-yet there was a three picture frame sitting on his desk that was protected from the mess.
One of the pictures was of him and Wilford and a little boy, Yandere, that was being cradled in Dark's arms.
The second picture was of Wilford and the little Yan during Christmas time. Wilford was dressed like an elf while Yandere had a Christmas dress on with a Santa hat. Yan had basically begged to get that dress.
The last picture-Yandere had taken the pic. It was of Dark and her out in a park for a picnic. She was already grown as a teenager girl. Both had flower crowns on that Yandere had made.
Dark glanced at the picture frame with a soft smile.
Until suddenly his door was slammed open.
In came a teenage girl running. Her trans colored skirt fluttering softly while her hair was in a loose.
"Mom!!" The girl, Yandere, giggles happily.
Dark sighs and turns to his daughter, "How many times do I have to tell you not to slam my door? What's so urgent?"
"Well, since papa isn't in state right now-he can't go to the pride event happening in the city with me. So can you come with me? Pleeease!!"
Yandere stood in front of Dark, having puppy dog eyes as she stood holding a hair brush and some hair ties.
"I'm sorry princess but I don't think I can. I have a lot to work on-". Dark tried explaining
"You only came to one once! C'mon mom! It will be fun! You'll love it!"
"Princess, I would love to but I have all this work to do" Dark looks at his daughter, seeing her pout.
"Can you at least do my hair??" Yan asked, holding up some hair ties and a brush.
Dark was about to reject again, only to see her puppy dog eyes once more. With a sigh, he nods and stands up. He lets Yan sit on his chair while he grabs the items, "Why don't you call your dad while I do this. A braid correct?"
Yan nods, pulling up Dark's computer and FaceTiming Wilford.
After a couple of rings, Will responded with a bright smile, "Oh my two darlings! How are ya?!"
Dark smiles softly, "Hello Will" he responds as they worked on Dutch braiding Yan's hair-letting Yan speak about her day.
"-And today is the annual pride event in the city!"
"Oh sounds like fun, I'm assuming Dark and you are gonna go together this year!"
"Well...mom says he can't go cause of 'work'!" Yan gave a sad pout as she huffs softly.
Wilford stops doing whatever he was doing and looks at the screen, "Really? Now Darkling, why would you say that! Why not take a break and go out with our girl! You deserve a break"
Yandere turned to look at Dark with pleading eyes, seeing the internal conflict of her mom.
After a bit of thought, Dark sighs and nods, "alright fine...we'll go" he mumbles but smiles at seeing how excited Yandere got.
Wilford chuckles, "Take pictures for me and tell me how it goes. I'll leave you two to get ready" he says, saying goodbye to his daughter and husband before hanging up.
Dark smiles as he shakes his head, "Let me put things away and we can get ready"
Yandere clapped her hands, helping Dark tidy up the desk.
When they both were finally ready to leave, Dark's body had shifted just a little. They fixed the suit they had on, making sure the pins that Yandere gave them showed. It was the gender-fluid flag and a gay flag.
Dark had driven them to the city in their fancy car. It was a struggle to find a parking spot-but finally they did. Along the way to the event, Yandere was in charge of the music. Dark always had an interest to hear what type of music their daughter liked.
Getting out of the car, Dark saw the bright happy smile of Yandere. She grabbed their wrist, happily leading them to the festival.
Entering the event, it was a splash of colors and loud music. It almost convinced them to back out, but seeing how excited Yandere seemed made them stay. Dark let their daughter direct them around, buying her anything she wanted.
A Yelp escaped Dark when suddenly Yandere's arm wrapped around their shoulders, seeing she was holding a camera in front of the two.
"Picture mom! I want to hang this up on my bedroom with my other family pics!"
"Alright, anything ya want hon."
And Dark smiled, allowing the camera to capture the moment.
Even though Dark resisted to come to the event before-they didn't regret joining their daughter to the event. On Dark's desk sat a new picture in a small, rose gold picture frame.
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savethegrishaverse · 8 months
Milo the Goat is actually Morotzova, and I can prove it
UPDATE: SO I may have been misguded a tad. Illya is in fact Baghra's DAD not her husband so...
Okay so we know Morozova dies - gets split in half, it’s all sad, it’s in the Lives of Saints I think. So Morozova the man is dead, right? But his whole story is about bringing the dead back.
And we know Sankta Lizbeta dies as well in her Saint Story and her blood is why roses are red. 
BUT in Season 2 we see her as a bee in reference to when Zoya will meet her officially later,
And now I’m thinking…
So Kaz finds a goat in Os Kervo. A random goat named “Milo”
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The goat ends up being Jesper’s emotional support goat
And while Jesper is holding him, he performs an unbelievable feat of fabrikation to save their lives.
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We know the Morozova line are all amplifiers
We know Jesper is a Grisha, who would benefit from the effects of amplification AND we know Kaz is NOT Grisha, which would explain why he assumes the goat is normal.
Jesper says a heartfelt goodbye to Milo, and gifts him a bullet necklace to remember him by.
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Later, at the Military camp where Mal and Alina are being held captive by the Darkling, Milo sees Mal. 
Somehow the goat happens to mosey over (after no doubt hearing the juicy gossip the Darkling and Mal were shouting at each other moments before) and Mal happens to be able to use the bullet to break free, thus in turn starting the chain of events that ends with the main crew breaking out of the Darkling’s control.
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Knowing that Mal is the firebird and therefore also from the Morozova line, it’d make sense why Milo (who is Morozova) would help him. This would also explain why Milo isn’t in season two, as he’s terrified of coming across his daughter Baghra because she would 100% chew his ass out for hanging around as a goat when he should be helping to reign in his emo grandson. To be fair his emo grandson and said grandson’s ex-girlfriend/ex-grooming victim have been killing off Milo’s amplifier friends so like… I dunno, maybe he’s grieving. So he obviously fled across the fold when everyone was distracted fighting and is now happily chilling in Os Alta waiting for his wife and daughter to reincarnate again like he did. 
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please don't take any of this seriously, I am on pain medication.
Also thank you @sleepyzenpanda for pointing out my mistake you're a Saint 🫰
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