#da eel
sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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Moray. Hooray!
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HIII can u do the prompt number 5 for floyd pls :D (romantic)
Also i saw that you eanted ppl to put 2 backup characters and prompts so my backup characters are lilia and leona and my backup prompts are the fairytale scene and the taste of salt :D (also romantic)
Take ur time and ty ! 😍
Tandem Bike; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Content Warning; Swearing(?), semi-serious mortal peril /hj
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; I hope you know how to ride a bike, cuz Floyd is no help in the matter! Hope you enjoy!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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“I don’t think this is a good idea, Floyd,” you gulped, looking down the hill.
Floyd laughed behind you on the tandem bicycle, and you could feel the bike reverberate from it. “Ehhh, are ya scared?~” 
You dug your heels into the ground, making sure that the both of you wouldn’t end up going down the hill without knowing where you were going. The last thing you needed was to hit a pothole or a big enough rock and end up getting hurt. “Not scared,” you huffed, “just thinking.”
Floyd rolled his eyes, “We’ll just be up here all day then! Come on, Shrimpy.” He nudged your feet, but you dug your feet in further, cementing the bike into place. Floyd sighed and slumped his head on your shoulder. “You were the one that wanted to ride this thingy, but now you’re gettin’ cold feet about it?”
You took in a deep breath. Yes, it was your idea to take the cute tandem bike you found in the shed out for a spin, but your cycling partner had never ridden a bike before, and you also didn’t want to crash. “Just give me a minute, okay.” You clenched your hands on and off the brakes.
Floyd just looked at you curiously, before a wild smile took over his face. And when you eased up on the brakes again, he pushed you both forward. “Minute’s up!~”
And down the hill you went. Being angry could wait for later, as your main concern was making sure you were both staying upright and avoiding the aforementioned potholes and rocks. Floyd was cackling behind you, helping you steer a bit, but mainly just enjoying the wind wiping up his hair and watering up his eyes. And eventually, you started slowing down, coming to a more manageable pace that didn’t leave your hands clenching for dear life on the handlebars. But once you came to a complete stop you exploded in laughter; a mix of relief that you hadn’t died, of pure joy, and the infectious cackle that was coming from behind you.
“See, Shrimpy! That was fun,” Floyd poked you in the back. 
You got off the bike, legs a bit shaky from the adrenaline. “Yeah, it was a little bit fun.” Wait, I'm supposed to be mad at him! You could never stay mad at him for very long though.
Well, gravity is a thing, a thing that Floyd was not accounting for, and he wasn’t supporting the bike up, so he and the bike tumbled to the ground. And instead of sulking, he just laughed and got right back up.
“Wanna go again?~ This time I’ll steer!” He laughed, and hugged you, squeezing you gently.
You let out a long sigh, decompressing. “No, absolutely not,” you pushed against him slightly so you could put your hands on his shoulders.
Floyd pouted, “You’re no fun ya know.” There was no bite, he was just being pouty since he was planning on making you shriek as you both had no idea where you were going, but downhill, and downhill fast.
You hummed, kissing his cheek to bring him out of the dour mood. “And you’re no fun if you can’t go on little adventures with me. Can’t do that if we crash on that cursed thing,” you pointed your chin at the bike.
Floyd looked briefly at the bike before turning his attention back to you. “Okay, okay, okay, I got the memo, Shrimpy…” He placed a quick kiss and bite on your lips before pulling back with a wink, taking a look at his handy work. 
You could feel the slight sting. His bite wasn’t sharp enough to draw blood, but it was enough to make them puffy. “Are you proud of your handiwork?” 
“Mhm!~” Floyd pressed another kiss to your lips, but this time it was gentle, soothing the stinging sensation.
And you bit his lip back, deciding that you deserved some sweet vengeance.
Floyd pulled back, and the shocked look on his face turned into pure glee and he was doubled over laughing again. “Damn, Shrimpy! I should do that more often!~”
Wait, what?
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @identity-theft-101, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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creepa-b0t-inc · 5 months
Man I've made SO MANY secret bosses, Jesus Christ
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Maybe I'll add a quick rundown of who is where
The Neighbor - Chapter 3 Dreemurr House
Honeur Able - Chapter 4 Police Station
Kass Sheere - Chapter 5 Sans' Store
Xirsk - Chapter 6 Festival
Bellamy the Dinosaur - Chapter 7 Susie's Parents House
Gilmore - Weird Route Chapter 4 Berdly House
Eve - Weird Route Chapter 5 Holiday Mansion
FUN6.exe - Weird Route Chapter 7 Bunker
Sheriff Sprucey/Bosher - Non-Canon Chapter 3 Dreemurr House
Teel Da Eel - Non-Canon Festival
Ash-E - Non-Canon Church
Rock-E - Side Story Ice-E's P"E"zza
Antoinette - Side Story Flower King
Mizpelt - Side Story Cat House
Dummy - Side Story(???) Castle Town
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aquakat-draws · 4 months
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Extended tally hall critter designs!!!
(I got a massive creativeblock, so... don't rely on them they might change)
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osarquivosmagnus · 1 year
funniest shit cellbit ever said was a couple days after the french got in the island, pierre (I think it was pierre) went to the favela and invited him to look at his shit farm. When he left, richarlyson said "dad, uncle took all our plants/vegetables" something like that, and cellbit saw it, laughed, and went "jesus europeans really can't come anywhere near brazil and are already stealing stuff" PLEASE
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 11 months
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four hours fifteen minutes and one crappy background later, my art swap with the incredible @mushiimune is complete!! mushii asked be to draw 92sies racer, but i couldnt help a cheeky little kid blink cameo :3
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buckosartthingamabob · 10 months
teel da eel doodel
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@creepa-b0t-inc how the fuck are your character designs so FLIPPIN GOOD
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neoninky · 9 months
Finally finished another chapter! And I'm once again posting it before I crash for the night lol I'm aiming to write one more part for this short story and then diving right into working on my next big, big fic. Oh yes, the big big Dramasomnia fic But until then, I hope y'all enjoy!
Tagging some peeps: @wysteriadelights @foxwitchaine @iscarlettappel @nuitthegoddess @aiimee9 @victoria1676 @zstargalaxy @twist-it-dont-fix-it
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glitch-the-artist · 1 year
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Character owned by @creepa-b0t-inc
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sanguine-squid · 5 months
the more time i spend with my mom the more i understand where i got It from
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rominasaintofthebud · 9 months
ouuuugh. i fear it is so over.
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 years
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Have some Da Baby upon thee, the deep-sea siren out for a hunt!
Baby isn’t just angler fish inspired, they are also inspired by the gulping eel. Catching its prey in big gulps. 
Just wanted to see if I could somewhat illustrate that and I feel I did alright.
Do enjoy!
The Roan RPG Project ScreeCon Server on Discord Leave a Tip on Ko-Fi
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Nights Spent In; Azul Ashengrotto
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; This is for one of my first mutuals @azulashengrottospiano! I hope you enjoy this, and some domestic Azul! [and I'm keeping a screenshot of your ask ^v^]
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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Safe to say your social battery was pretty much at zero. You had fun, yes, but all you wanted to do was stay at home in some ridiculously comfortable pyjamas, eat leftovers from lunch, cuddle a bit, and maybe look through the storage container labelled Games! :D since there could be some hidden gems in there. And right now you were cuddled up under a super chunky knit blanket, snug as a bug in a rug.
You were content just putting the leftovers from lunch in the microwave, but Azul had insisted that he made the both of you dinner. You didn’t mind, since you had a nice view of him working away in the kitchen, muttering the recipe of tonight’s dinner to himself. He was even wearing the frilly apron and kitschy oven mitts.
What a dork. I love him so much. You giggled to yourself, watching Azul go about the kitchen, off in his own little world. 
Sighing, you got up — the blanket draped over your shoulders so you were still in your nice blanket burrito — and shuffled over to the Games! :D container, seeing if there was anything interesting that Azul wouldn’t just automatically win. You loved him, but if he made you go bankrupt again in this world’s version of Monopoly one more time you swore that you weren’t going to give him any kisses. You may love him, but he was not a humble winner. 
So any strategy games were completely out the window, luck based games were more on your side… hopefully luck just decided to favour you tonight. At least you had a cute chef at the least.
Hmm? What’s this? Blowing off the dust you pulled out an old edition of Snakes and Ladders. It relied only on luck, so it was perfect!
“Hey, sweetie,” you called to the kitchen.
Azul was just placing your dinner in the oven, it would take about thirty minutes to bake, so he had time to spare… and for you? He could spare all the time in the world for you. “What is it, darling?”
You held up the game under your chin and gave him your biggest smile. “Wanna play?” You waggled eyebrows for some added flair, and it made Azul chuckle.
“Fine, one round, but I won’t go easy on you,” he said, sitting down at the coffee table. He eyed the game, and squinted his eyes at the dice. A luck-based game? Playing your cards right I see.
“You never do,” you shot him a wink and rolled the dice. You moved your piece forward, not hitting any ladders.
Azul rolled his eyes, but took his turn, overtaking you by two spaces, also not hitting any ladders. “Would you rather that I did?” He looked up at you through his lashes, a small smug smile on his face. 
You hummed as you took your turn, getting a ladder and going up a row. “No, it’s more fun like this, plus you’re extra cute when you get fired up.”
Azul pushed up his glasses, trying to ignore the warmth that had seeped into his cheeks. “Flattery won’t help you, my dear, when I win.”
“We’ll see about that.~”
The rest of the game was spent in silence, the occasional tch escaping when either of you hit a snake, but the game was neck in neck. You had to roll a perfect six to win, and Azul a four, and it was his turn. The both of you had your fingers crossed.
He rolled a two, the exact number that he didn’t want. He moved his piece forward and gritted his teeth as he moved it down two rows. He sighed, handing over the die. He knew that he had most likely lost this game.
You gently took it, and rolled a six. You had won. “Looks like luck was on my side tonight,” you grinned.
Azul grumbled, but he couldn’t stay mad at you. “Would you like a prize for that?” It was part sarcasm, but also part genuine question.
You placed a kiss on his cheek. “Just spending time with you is a prize in its own right… but I won’t say no to your cooking either!”
It wasn’t really a prize, as you were already getting his cooking for dinner, but it nonetheless made Azul feel soft and warm. The two of you really should spend more nights in if they were going to be like this.
Tags: @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @inkybloom-luv, @identity-theft-101, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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creepa-b0t-inc · 1 year
Fuck it, take this
A wip for Teel's song/a wip of their battle arena
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moonsugar-and-spice · 2 years
Is that Lu Da in a Halloween costume?! 😍
Heh, it is! The poor pirate has become the mannequin that I keep in my shop window and dress up for each holiday.
He's thrown on one of those cozy pajama costumes designed to look like an electric eel. After all, he does live on the water, and he is known to be rather slippery.
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acervo-de-memes · 2 years
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