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edsonjnovaes · 1 year ago
Uma lei que faltava na natureza
De autoria de um grupo de cientistas renomados da Carnegie Institution for Science, do Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia (Caltech), da Universidade Cornell e de filósofos da Universidade do Colorado, a nova lei desafia nossa compreensão da evolução e da complexidade do universo. Júlia Mazuco (Via N-Experts) – Tecmundo. 18/10/2023 A lei recentemente descoberta afirma que sistemas naturais…
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thinkgrowgames · 8 months ago
The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom
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The different stages below include chronological suggested readings that will help in understanding and appreciating important ideas and perspectives. Some of these super ideas have been mentioned in The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom, and others serve to build on certain themes.
The assumption is that between half an hour to one hour per day can be dedicated to this project
thisis where the expected timeline for each stage comes 
The different readings and suggestions are included in tabular form in the last page of this document. They have been categorized into the different spirals and the different stages. To get the complete information about any of the books, check the ‘References’ document.
Stage1: Basics-I– 10Books–~ 4months
SixThinking Hats (De Bono)
TheLessons of History (Durant)
The7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
TheMind Map Book (Buzan)
What theNumbers Say (Niederman)
TheArt of War (Sun Tzu)
Think-GrowModules : Personalities & Behavior 1
Think-GrowModules : Succeed
Think-GrowModules : Win-Win
ChooseOne :
Howto Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
Oneof [ Brain Power or Verbal Intelligence ] (Both by Buzan)
1 For the Think-Grow Modules, check out the ‘Apps List’ Document, or go to: ahijazi.website
Stage2: Basics-II– 10Books–~ 4months
Howto think like Leonardo Da Vinci (Gelb)
Thinkingin Systems (Meadows)
ChooseOne :
AtomicHabits (Clear) or Tiny Habits (Fogg)
ThePsychology of Money (Housel)
Think-GrowModules : The Better Brain Library
NakedStatistics (Wheelan)
TheRichest Man in Babylon (Clason)
CashflowQuadrant (Kiyosaki)
Think-GrowModules : Lead
Buildinga Second Brain (Forte)
NetWork (Anklam)
Stage3: Insights&Synthesis–10 Books– 4to5 months
Fuzzyon the Dark Side (Hijazi)
TheNew Leaders (Goleman)
TheArt of Worldly Wisdom (Gracian)
TheArt of Thinking Clearly (Dobelli)
The80/20 Principle (Koch)
Creativity, (Catmull)
Emotional Intelligence(Goleman)
ChooseOne :
TheGreat Mental Models-I (Parrish)
OneSmall Step : The Kaizen Way (Maurer)
Theone left/not chosen from 10 [Stage 2]
Stage 4 (Mastery & Further) and Stage 5 (Cultured : Beyond) include a total of 16 books, but these will (probably) take significantly longer to finish than those in Stages 1 to 3.
I believe that going forward, personal tastes and preferences can play a bigger role. These are landmark books that will expand your knowledge and awareness into key fields and to include important super ideas. Choose the ones you prefer, but try to keep moving between the categories of the Triple-Spiral (Awareness, Intent, Creativeness).
As you read the books in this category, many ideas for further readings will come up. The path should get progressively more interesting as you advance and customize it further with more personally-relevant choices.
Stage4: Mastery& Further –10Books –4to5months
GiftsDiffering (Meyer-Briggs)
GoodStrategy Bad Strategy (Rumelt)
Steal Likean Artist (Kleon)
TheBed of Procrustes (Taleb)
Fooledby Randomness (Taleb)
Skinin the Game (Taleb)
ScientificRevolutions (Kuhn)
Theone left/not chosen from 8 [Stage 3]
Bookof your choice on Design Thinking & Creativity
Bookof your choice on the Philosophy of Science
Bookof your choice from cognitive science
Bookof your choice from Popular Science (Evolutionary Biology or Quantum Physics)
Next you can go through the list of books I’ve included in the ‘Cultured: Beyond’ category, and keep growing your knowledge and understanding of the world and yourself.
This reading list is a work-in-progress. It will keep changing and will be updated regularly (I hope).
On the following page you can see the suggested readings as a table, categorized by level and dimension.
Good Luck!
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scienza-magia · 9 months ago
Nella costellazione del Leone un esopianeta con la vita
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Rilevato gas prodotto da esseri viventi: sull'esopianeta K2-18b potrebbero esserci forme di vita. Sensazionale scoperta dell'Università di Cambridge. Se le ulteriori indagini condotte col telescopio spaziale James Webb daranno conferma, potremmo davvero trovarci di fronte a un pianeta con forme di vita. Un pianeta, non troppo lontano da noi, che potrebbe avere caratteristiche simili alla Terra, e che, per tale ragione, potrebbe addirittura ospitare la vita: si tratta di K2-18b, un corpo celeste distante 120 anni luce e di recente scoperta. Secondo alcune ricerche nella sua atmosfera si troverebbero tracce di dimetilsolfuro, un composto organico che può essere prodotto soltanto da esseri viventi. Una scoperta straordinaria che, se confermata, aprirebbe a incredibili scenari. K2-18b
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Un'illustrazione di K2-18b, su Wikipedia Cosa sappiamo di K2-18b? Si tratta di un esopianeta, ossia un corpo celeste che non è legato al nostro sistema solare. Viene chiamato anche EPIC 201912552 b e orbita attorno alla stella nana rossa K2-18, a 111 anni luce di distanza dalla Terra. K2-18b è stato scoperto da poco, nel 2015, nel corso della missione Kepler. Alcuni lo considerano una sorta di super Terra. La ricerca che ha evidenziato la possibile presenza di dimetilsolfuro nella sua atmosfera risale allo scorso anno. Un team di ricerca internazionale guidato dall'Università di Cambridge, con la collaborazione della Scuola di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Cardiff, dell'Earth & Planets Laboratory – Carnegie Institution for Science di Washington e dello Space Science Institute di Boulder, ha potuto rilevare il composto organico dimetilsolfuro nell'atmosfera dell'esopianeta. Si tratta di un dato molto importante, perché questo gas ha origine esclusivamente biologica. Se la presenza del dimetilsolfuro venisse confermata, dunque, si potrebbe prendere in considerazione l'idea che sul corpo celeste si trovano delle forme di vita. Le osservazioni col telescopio spaziale James Webb Tutto ciò è stato possibile grazie al telescopio spaziale James Webb, che ha permesso al team guidato dal professor Nikku Madhusudhan, docente a Cambridge, di individuare il composto organico tramite delle indagini spettrografiche. Studiando il modo in cui la luce si riflette sull'atmosfera di un pianeta, è infatti possibile risalire a quali sostanze chimiche la compongono. Nella costellazione del Leone - lì, infatti, è collocato K2-18b - potrebbe dunque trovarsi quella risposta alla onnipresente domanda: c'è vita nell'universo? Chiaramente da parte degli esperti del settore c'è un'invito alla cautela, malgrado l'entusiasmo. Proseguiranno quindi le indagini con il telescopio spaziale James Webb, nella speranza di ricevere ulteriori conferme circa la presenza di dimetilsolfuro nell'atmosfera dell'esopianeta. Già nella giornata di oggi verranno effettuate nuove osservazioni. I risultati saranno poi esaminati nei prossimi mesi, dato che si tratta di un lavoro abbastanza lungo. Nel 2028, quando nello Spazio verrà lanciato il telescopio spaziale ARIEL, si potrà procedere con indagini ancora più approfondite. Read the full article
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astroimages · 1 year ago
ASSINE AGORA O SPACE TODAY PLUS PREMIUM, APENAS R$29,00 POR MÊS, MENOS DE 1 REAL POR DIA!!! https://spacetodayplus.com.br/premium/ Pesquisadores mapearam o sistema de encanamento de magma abaixo do vulcão subaquático de Tonga e descobriram três câmaras de magma, duas das quais alimentaram a erupção recorde de 2022. Quase dois anos após uma enorme erupção abalar o vulcão de Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai em Tonga, no sudoeste do Oceano Pacífico, cientistas finalmente mapearam o enorme sistema de encanamento de magma que deu origem à explosão recorde. Em 15 de janeiro de 2022, um vulcão abaixo da ilha de Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai explodiu com tanta força que desencadeou a tempestade de raios mais intensa já registrada e o primeiro mega tsunami documentado desde a antiguidade. A erupção foi sentida em todo o mundo, mas a localização subaquática do vulcão apresentou um desafio para os cientistas que tentavam entender como ocorreu uma explosão tão violenta. Agora, em um estudo publicado em 15 de dezembro na revista Science Advances, pesquisadores mapearam variações sutis na força da gravidade nas águas ao redor da ilha antes e depois da erupção e descobriram que a explosão provavelmente foi alimentada por duas câmaras de magma que se fundiram. "Fiquei felizmente surpreso que realmente podemos imaginar um sistema magmático relativamente grande usando esse tipo de conjunto de dados e método", disse a autora principal Hélène Le Mével, vulcanologista e cientista do Instituto Carnegie de Ciência em Washington D.C. Esse tipo de trabalho "raramente é feito para estudar vulcões submarinos", disse Le Mével em um e-mail ao Live Science. Os reservatórios de magma estão em diferentes profundidades entre 2 e 10 quilômetros abaixo do vulcão e provavelmente armazenavam uma alta proporção de magma líquido antes da erupção de 2022, de acordo com o estudo. Os pesquisadores descobriram que a explosão ejetou aproximadamente 30% do magma - mais de 9 quilômetros cúbicos - de uma câmara central rasa, o que fez o teto do vulcão desabar e formar uma depressão em forma de tigela chamada caldeira, com 850 metros de profundidade. À medida que a pressão no reservatório central diminuiu após a explosão, o magma armazenado em um reservatório mais profundo ao norte pode ter rompido a crosta e reabastecido o reservatório central, abrindo um canal entre as duas câmaras. Também é possível que o magma de uma fonte rica em gás mais profunda na crosta terrestre tenha subido para a câmara central, o que "também pode explicar a violência da erupção de 2022", de acordo com o estudo. Um terceiro bolso de magma, localizado a noroeste da câmara central, parece desconectado do sistema e pode representar "uma zona de mingau mais antiga e solidificante", escreveram os autores. De acordo com o estudo, até 26 quilômetros cúbicos de magma eruptível ainda podem estar presentes nos dois principais reservatórios abaixo do vulcão Hunga, o suficiente para encher 10 milhões de piscinas olímpicas. (Magma eruptível é definido como magma com mais de 50% de fusão e baixo em sólidos cristalinos.) Embora o estudo tenha revelado o que alimentou o vulcão, não foi possível determinar o que desencadeou a erupção em massa. "Por si só, os resultados da gravidade não permitiriam concluir diretamente sobre o gatilho da erupção", disse Le Mével, mas eles fornecem aos pesquisadores "uma ideia de onde e quanto magma poderia ser armazenado sob o vulcão". Os achados também podem ser limitados porque foram usados dados de satélite que podem ter sido afetados por ondas do oceano e mudanças na gravidade do leito marinho até a superfície do mar, observaram os pesquisadores no estudo. "Só temos informações sobre o que mudou ao longo de um intervalo de um ano, então não podemos dizer especificamente o que aconteceu durante a erupção", disse Le Mével. Mas os dados sugerem que "novos caminhos entre os reservatórios foram criados", acrescentou ela. Passaram-se 900 anos desde a última erupção desse porte que abalou a ilha, disse Le Mével, mas erupções menores ocorrem com mais frequência. Uma erupção anterior em 2015 deu origem a um cone de terra conectando duas ilhas, Hunga Tonga e Hunga Ha'apai, que formam a única parte visível do vulcão de 2.000 metros de altura. A enorme erupção de 2022 destruiu o cone e reduziu o edifício subaéreo de Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai a duas finas faixas de terra. FONTE: https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/sciadv.adh3156 #VOLCANO #EARTH #LIFE
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edsjesusii · 1 year ago
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skycrorg · 2 years ago
Confirman cómo se originó el sistema solar; descartan creación divina
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El potasio de la Tierra llegado por un servicio de entrega de meteoritos encuentra una nueva investigación dirigida por Nicole Nie y Da Wang de Carnegie. Su trabajo, publicado en Science, muestra que algunos meteoritos primitivos contienen una mezcla diferente de isótopos de potasio que los que se encuentran en otros meteoritos más procesados químicamente. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a…
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hetesiya · 3 years ago
Manyetik Alan Yaşam İlişkisi – Nokta Haber Yorum
Manyetik Alan Yaşam İlişkisi
Küçük yıldızların yakınında dolanan Dünya benzeri gezegenlerin büyük bir kısmının manyetik alanı olabilir. Bu alan yıldızdan gelen ışınımdan (radyasyon) gezegeni koruyarak yaşama destek verebilir.
Bir gezegenin manyetik alanı atmosferini uzayda yayılan yıldız rüzgarının yüklü parçacıklarının etkisinden korur. Bu da Dünya’daki gibi yaşam biçimlerinin zararlı ışınımdan korunması anlamına gelir.
Evrendeki yıldızların büyük bir bölümü küçük kütlelilerden oluşur. Bakış doğrultumuza göre yıldızının yakınındaki yörüngede dolanan bir gezegeni geçiş yöntemiyle keşfetmek daha kolaydır. Geçiş yönteminde yıldızın yaydığı ışığın eğrisi oluşturulur. Eğride örneğin binde dörtlük bir azalma gezegen geçişi nedeniyle olabilir. Yıldız küçük ise bu azalma daha kolay görülür ve yakınındaki bir gezegende sıvı su olabilir.
Yıldızına çok yakın dolanan bir gezegen Dünya-Ay ikilisinde olduğu gibi yıldıza kilitli olabilir. Bu durumda yıldızın güçlü kütle çekimi nedeniyle oluşan gel-git, gezegende ısı oluşturabilir. Bu da Jüpiter’in Io uydusundaki gibi volkanik açıdan zengin bir yüzey oluşmasına neden olabilir.
Washington Üniversitesi’nden Peter Driscoll: “Hep yaşamı Dünya gibi gezegenlerde arıyoruz. Ama yıldızına kilitli dolanan bir gezegenin gel-git dalgaları yaşayacağı cehennemi göz ardı ediyoruz” diyor. “Böyle bir gezegende manyetik alanlar ne durumda olur merak ediyorum.”
Carnegie Bilim Enstitüsü’nden Jeofizikçi Rory Barnes: “Yıldızına kilitli olan bir gezegende neler olup bittiğini bilgisayar benzetimiyle göstermeyi başardık” diyor.
Barnes, gökbilimcilerin çoğunluğunun kilitli gezegenlerin koruyucu manyetik alanına sahip olmadığını kabul ettiğini belirtiyor. “Araştırmamız bunun doğru olmadığını gösterdi” diyor.
Yaşam alanı içindeki yıldızın dibindeki gezegen için manyetik alan şanstır. Gezegeni zararlı ışınımdan koruduğu gibi yaşamı da destekleyebilir.
Gezegenin sıcak mantosunun gel-git etkisi nedeniyle soğuduğu, ancak manyetik alanın bu ısıyı dengelemesi gibi karmaşık bir süreç içinde olduğu görüldü.
Barnes yaptıkları bilgisayar benzetiminde çoğu gezegenin ömür boyu manyetik alan oluşturduğunu gördüklerini belirtiyor. “Gel-git etkisiyle gezegenin sıcak mantosu soğuyor ki bu da gezegenin hayatını kurtarıyor” diyor.
“Böylece ilk birkaç milyar yıllık dönemde oldukça aktif olan küçük kütleli yıldızların çevresinde dolanan ve manyetik alanı olan gezegenlerde yaşam olabilir diyebiliriz.”
Driscoll ve Barnes’ın çalışması çok küçük kütleli yıldızların yaşam alanı içinde olanlardan yarı güneş kütleli yıldızların çevresindeki uzak yörüngeli gezegenlere kadar geçerli olabilir, benzer sonuçlara ulaşılabilir.
Düşük kütleli yıldızların çevresinde dolanan bu gezegenlerin gel-git nedeniyle yörüngelerinin eliptik değil oldukça çembersel olduğu görüldü. “Bu konuda temkinliyiz. Karşımıza Venüs gibi gezegenlerde çıkabilir. Yakın gelecekte ötegezegenlerin manyetik alanları daha hassas ölçülerek kesin yargıya ulaşılabilir” diyor Driscoll.
Science Daily
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dragonpatronus88 · 4 years ago
The Avengers vs. Proust
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The Avengers vs. Proust [Read on AO3]
I’m trying to wake my muse the hell up so I’ve forced my self to write something, anything and this is what came out.
Warnings: None really, some language
Genre: Humor, Vignette
Word Count: 4k
Summary: In this collection of vignettes based on the famous Proust Questionnaire; Earth’s mightiest heroes wax philosophic about virtue, ponder politics and wonder whether the last season of Game of Thrones is truly the lowest depth of misery.
Do not copy, rewrite, translate or post my work anywhere. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work.
Reblogging is always welcomed.
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Tony Stark/Iron Man
What is your greatest Achievement?
Successfully teaching my bots how to fill out a 1040.
What is your greatest fear?
Burger King going belly up.
What is your current state of mind?
Given the current climate, warranted.
What is your greatest regret?
I can't say that I ever experience regret so much as a slow, creeping panic that I may have done something Pepper will be pissed about.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Science, orgasms and a single malt. In that order.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
What is it that you most dislike?
Lousy logic, fueled by bias, presented with unearned hubris.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Who is your hero of fiction?
Sherlock Holmes.
Who are your heroes of real life?
Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla and Marie Calendar.
What is your most marked characteristic?
My charisma and masculine yet sensual physique.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Physically? Nothing. Character wise, however? Also, nothing.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Can one be too striking?
Which quality do you most like in a man?
Which quality do you most like in a woman?
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Not getting a word in edgewise.
What trait do you most deplore in others?
The inability to let me get a word in edgewise.
What trait do you most deplore in yourself?
I'm not one for self hate, obviously.
Which living person do you most despise?
Whoever ate the leftover Thai in the communal kitchen. So probably, Barton.
Which living person do you most admire?
When he manages to keep the stick out of his ass long enough? Steve Rogers.
What is your most treasured possession?
A limited edition watch I got from a friend and a screwdriver I've had since I was five.
What is your favorite journey?
To the coffee maker.
When and where were you happiest?
Happiness tends to be almost exclusively retrospective for me.
Which talent would you most like to have?
If I ever learn to sing I'll be unstoppable.
On what occasion do you lie?
Lying is crude, I only ever finesse.
If you were to die and come back as any person or thing, what do you think it would it be?
My own LMD.
Who are your favorite writers?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, Philip K. Dick, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Ron Chernow, Malcolm Gladwell, Haruki Murakami, etc.
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Leonardo Da Vinci and Cary Grant.
Who or what is the greatest love of your life?
What are your favorite names?
Maria, Morgan, Stan, Don, Larry, Jack.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Lately, it's "Where do you guys keep getting these 1040's?!"
Where would you most like to live?
Forever in the hearts and minds of the public.
Which trait do you most value in friends?
A willingness to conspire.
How would you like to die?
With dignity...or in bed with a leggy blond, I'm not picky.
What is your motto?
Dazzle 'em with your brilliance or baffle 'em with your bullshit!
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Author’s Note:  As one might imagine, doing Tony's chapter was a lot of fun! Most likely due to him being my absolute favorite, the answers came incredibly easily. The only thing that gave me a moments pause was his favorite writers. In the end I think I got a semi well rounded group for him. Consider reblogging or commenting if you enjoyed reading this!
Read the rest of the Avenger interviews HERE
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arcticdementor · 4 years ago
On June 24, amid great cultural upheaval and unrest, Glenn Yu reached out to Glenn Loury, his former teacher, to record his thoughts about the current moment. An edited version of their conversation follows.
You may or may not have an opinion about that, but suppose the question were to arise in the dorm room late at night. Suppose you have the view that you’re not sure it’s racism, and then someone challenges you, saying, “you’re not black.” They say, “you’ve never been rousted by the police. You don’t know what it’s like to live in fear.” How much authority should that identitarian move have on our search for the truth? How much weight should my declarations in such an argument carry, based on my blackness? What is blackness? What do we mean? Do we mean that his skin is brown? Or do we mean that he’s had a certain set of social-class-based experiences like growing up in a housing project? Well, white people can grow up in housing projects, too. There are lots of different life experiences.
I think it’s extremely dangerous that people accept without criticism this argumentative-authority move when it’s played. It’s ad hominem. We’re supposed to impute authority to people because of their racial identity? I want you to think about that for a minute. Were you to flip the script on that, you might see the problem. What experiences are black people unable to appreciate by virtue of their blackness? If they have so much insight, maybe they also have blind spots. Maybe a black person could never understand something because they’re so full of rage about being black. Think about how awful it would be to make that move in an argument.
Suppose someone, a white guy, is arguing about affirmative action with you. Suppose he thinks that affirmative action is undignified because he thinks that positions should be earned, not given, but he allows that he doesn’t expect someone like you to understand that argument because you’re black. That would be terribly unreasonable— even “racist.” Yet I’m hard-pressed to see the difference.
People cry, “structural racism.” Is that why the homicide rate is an order of magnitude higher among young black men? They say structural racism. Is that why the SAT test-score gap is as big as it is? They say structural racism. Is that why two in three black American kids are born to women without a husband? Is it all about structural racism? Is everything structural racism? It has become a tautology explaining everything. All racial disparities are due to structural racism, evidently. Covid-19 comes along and there’s a disparity in the health incidence. It’s due to structural racism. They’re naming partners at a New York City law firm and there are few black faces. Structural racism. They’re admitting people to specialized exam schools in New York City and the Asians do better. This has to be structural racism, with a twist—the twist being that this time, the structural racism somehow comes out favoring the Asians.
This is not social science. This is propaganda. It’s religion. People are trying to win arguments by using words as if they were weapons.
And just so I don’t sound like a right-winger, observe that if I were a Marxist, I’d be furious at these people going around talking about “structural racism.” Structure, yes. Racism, no. Because if I were a Marxist, which I’m not, I’d understand the driving force of history to be the interaction between class relations and the means of production, the struggle between workers and capital in the quest for profit given the logic of capitalism. Though I don’t subscribe to it, that’s at least an intellectually serious theory. I know what people are talking about when they say we need more unions, when they say we need to break up big companies, when they say that the accumulation of wealth has gotten too great. When someone says that the logic of profit-seeking leads to war, at least I know what they’re talking about. I don’t necessarily have to agree with Das Kapital to understand that it’s a serious engagement with history.
Structural racism, by contrast, is a bluff. It’s not an engagement with history. It’s a bullying tactic. In effect, it’s telling you to shut up.
Yu: I’ve had conversations in the past few weeks that have ended very poorly; conversations that have spiraled out of control, where I’m suddenly a racist, so I’m on damage control. I just don’t know how to reach people in a meaningful way, and that’s very disturbing to me.
Loury: It is disturbing. I’m not a seer. My mouth is not a prayer book. I only say what I say based on my subjective assessment of it all. But it may be that, for a while anyway, there’s not going to be a whole lot of effective talking. It may well be that we have to imagine a world where effective deliberation and consensus is not within reach for us, and we’re going to have to manage that situation. It could get very bad. It could go to violence. This is what Sam Harris always says, and he’s got a point. He says that if we can’t reason together, then the only alternative for dispute resolution is violence.
I don’t know if you saw my piece in Quillette about the looting and the rioting, but I pick up these pieces published in the New York Times, respectable left-wing journals. I’m reading them, and the writer is saying, “America was founded on looting. What did you think the Boston Tea Party was?” Or, “You’re talking about looting when George Floyd lies dead? Oh, I see, black lives don’t matter as much as property.” These are, to my mind, incomprehensibly idiotic. I don’t mean that to cast aspersions. The civilization that we all enjoy rests upon a very fragile foundation. Look. I’m in my backyard. It’s very nice. I’ve got a lot of space. There’s a fence. The birds come. I have a lawn. It’s mine!
Now, if a homeless person comes and squats in my backyard, I call the police. I have him removed, forcibly. There should be no lack of clarity about whether George Floyd’s death somehow excuses or justifies burning a bodega to the ground that a Muslim immigrant spends his whole life building. Being confused about that, equivocating about that, splitting the difference about that—I don’t understand how we’re going to have a reasoned discussion. My thoughts go back to, protect civilization. Again, I know how that sounds. It’s hyperbolic. It’s exaggerated—but only a little! My gut response is that this is not the time for argument. This is the time to protect civilization and protect institutions. When people start toppling statues of Abraham Lincoln and spray-painting on statues of George Washington, “a slave owner,” things fall apart. The center cannot hold. We teeter on the brink of catastrophe.
Yu: If there’s no available policy intervention, and there’s also no way we can change people’s minds, then is it hopeless? Is disparity always going to be the case?
Loury: Yes. My answer is it’s hopeless. But let me rephrase the question, and I’m channeling Thomas Sowell now. You have two alternatives. You can live with disparities, or you can live in totalitarianism. Again, hyperbolic, I know. No, I’m not talking about Eastern Europe circa 1960, but look at it this way: there can’t be a disparity without somebody being on top. People don’t recognize this.
What groups are on top? What about the Jews? You could say, “There are too many Jews in positions of influence.” If there are too few black lawyers who are partners in big law firms, doesn’t it follow that are too many Jews who are partners at these big firms? If there are too few blacks who are professors of mechanical engineering at places like Carnegie Mellon, why aren’t there too many Korean professors at these places?
What is the nature of the world that we live in? Why would I ever expect that there would be parity across the board between ethnic, racial, cultural, and ancestral population groups in an open society? It’s a contradiction because difference is a very fact of groupness. What do I mean by a group? Well, it’s genes, to some degree; it’s culture; it’s networks of social affiliation, of intermarriage and kinship. I mean the shared narrative, the same hopes, the dreams, the stories. I mean the practices of parenting and filial piety and whatever else there might be.
A group is a group. It has characteristics. Those characteristics matter for whether you play in the NBA. They matter for whether you learn to master the violin or the piano. They matter for whether you pursue technical subjects or choose to become a humanist or a scientist. They matter for the food that you eat. They matter for how many children you raise and how you raise them. They matter as to the age when you first have sex. They matter for all those things, and I think everyone would agree with that.
But now you’re telling me that they don’t matter for who becomes a partner in a law firm? They don’t matter for who becomes a chair in the Philosophy Department somewhere? Groupness implies disparity because groupness, if taken seriously, implies differences in ways of living life. Not everybody wants to play the fiddle. Not everybody wants to dunk a basketball. Not everybody is frightened to death that their parents are going to be disappointed with them if they come home with an A-minus. Not everybody is susceptible to being swayed into a social affiliation that requires them to commit a violent crime in order to prove their bona fides. Groups differ. Groups are not evenly distributed across society. That’s inevitable. If you insist that those be flattened, you’re only going to be able to succeed by imposing a totalitarian regime that monitors everything and jiggers everything, recomputing and refiguring things until we’ve got the same number of blacks in proportion to their population and the same number of second-generation Vietnamese immigrants in proportion to their population being admitted to Caltech or the Bronx High School of Science. I don’t want to live in that world.
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art-now-russia · 4 years ago
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My little planet, Galust Mkhitaryan
I created a "world list". Even many famous and good people did not get into this work, but they are much more on the list, I'll draw the next time. In the picture all the colors, all the styles in the painting. 252 people, 252 masterpieces, portraits. in this picture are depicted 252 influential people of our planet. People who created our world. The painting is a real museum exhibit, where he painted 252 masterpieces. The very first king from the Mesopotamia, known science Alilum a2 - Lu-Lim XXX BC famous Gilgamesh XXVII-XXVI and the first pharaoh of the first dynasty of Egypt Menes. in my list found the places Iisus Hristos, Muhammad, In the list I painted portraits of great scientists and artists. Great artists and athletes. My heroes, from all over the world and states. There are heroes from China, America, from Central America, from Europe, from Russia. from Armenia and from the East. Successful businessmen of all time, the famous Morgan, Rockefeller and today's Mark Zucemberg. In the picture I drew and negative people in the negative form is Hitler, this is Stalin is Lenin and others. Features of the picture. Thanks to my work, many ancient heroes found their faces. Based on ancient sketches, sculptures and bas-reliefs, I created their faces. Now, Kleopatra,. Tutankhamen, Gilgamesh, Hammurabi have their scientific faces. I was inspired to this work by a portrait of SirWinston Churchill and Charlie Chaplin. After I thought of drawing all the influential people. In the picture, I decided to use different styles, and genres for a change. I also want to show the world to the whole world that the 1915 scum of the Turks cut out such a talented people as the Armenians, and I drew representatives of the Armenian people such as Aram Khacaturyan Charles Aznavour Michel Legrand and many Armenian origins. This is my list of the World, I believe that it is necessary to create such a picture list and make people happy, so that everyone can see on one canvas at once. In the future I will draw even more people, many modern people who did not get into the picture let me be forgiven, because this was the first work. and was very difficult. I think that the picture will be very interesting and attractive. People will walk with phones, turn on the Internet and look for those who are pictured in the picture. At the opening of the exhibition, there will be a queue for viewing portraits. This picture I spent 7 months enjoying the viewers, I dream that people learn from newspapers and from the Internet go and look at this work, in any city where I go to show, there will be numerous views. I specifically tried to draw different styles and techniques. I documented the video snapshots sent by representatives of Guinness World Records. I hope that a positive response will come and I will set a record., The real value of the picture is 1 million Euro. I in other sites exhibited a picture for a million dollars. In Saatchi there is a limit of 100 thousand dollars, so I put out 100 thousand. If in the Saatchi Site the first person who buys something I will sell for 100 thousand dollars. .List of people 1.Gautama Budda Born c. 563 BCE or c. 480 BCE Died c. 483 BCE or c. 400 BCE 2.Maria Mother of Jesus Third quarter of de icentury BC. The middle of the 1st century 3.Iisus Hristos 4 î.Hr. 33 d.Hr. 4. Muhammad April 26, 570 January 8, 632 5 Hayk XXXII or XXX centuries BC. E. 6.Piotr Weliki 30may 1672 28 January 1725 7.Elizabeth I. 7 September 1533 24march 1603 8.Alexandr Graham Bel 3 march 2 August 1922 9.Charlies Robert Darvin 12 February 1809 19 April 1882 10.Enrico Fermi 29 September 1901 - 28 November 1954 11.Tomas Woodrow Wilson 28 Dekember 1856 3 February 1924 12.Winston Churchill Sir 30 November 1874 24 January 1965 13.John F. Kennedy 29 May 1917 - 22 November 1963 14.Charles de Goulle 22 November 1890 9 November 1970 15.William Henri Gates 28 Oktober 1955 16.Minas Avetisyan 20 July 1928 24 February 1975 17.Galust Gulbenkian 23 March 1869 20 Juli 1956 18.Arshille Gorki 15 April 21 July 1948 19.Grigor Shldyan 20 August 1900 1 April 1985 20.Jean Jansem 9 March 1920 27 August 2013 21.Vuslim Magomayev 17 August 1942 25 oktober 2008 22.Demis Roussos 15 1946 25 January 2015 23. Goyko Mitich 13 Junen1940 24.Stiven Frederic Segal 10 April 1952 25. Jean-Claude Van Damme 18 October 1960 26. Alilum a2 - Lu-Lim XXX BC 27. Gilgamesh XXVII-XXVI 28.Menes 2800 BC 2700 BC 29. Kleopatra 2 November 69 12 August 30 BC 30. Nefertiti 1370 BC 1330 BC 31. Tutankhamen XVIII Dynasty of the Nev Kingdom 1332-1323 32. George Washington 22 Febrary 1732 14 December 1799 33. Hammurapi 1820 1750 BC 34. Johann Sebastian Bach 21-31 March 28 July 1750 35. Merritt Singer 27 October 1811 23 July 1875 36. Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21 October 1833 10 December 1896 37. Amerigo Vespucci 9 March 1454 22 February 1512 38. Coco Chanel 19 Augusta 1883 10 January 1971 39. Gianni Versace 2 Dekember 1948 15 July 1997 40. Stive Jobs 24 February 1955 5 October 2011 41. John Davison Rocefeller 8 July 1839 23 May 1937 42. Sr John Pierpont Morgan 17 April 31 March 1913 43. Raymond Alfred «Ray» Kroc 5 October 1902 14 January 1984 44. Andrew Carnegie 25 November 11 August 1919 45. Walter Elias Disney 5 December 1901 15 December 1966 46. Martiros Saryan 28 February 1880 5 May 1972 47. Ciorgio Armani 11 July 1930 48. Jack" Kevorkian 26 May 1928 3 June 1911 49.Garegin Nzhdeh 1 January 1886 21 December 1955 50. Arthur Abraham 20 February 1980 51. Sergei Parajanov 9 January 1924 20 July 1990 52. Tigran Petrosyan 17 June 1929 13 August 1984 53. Alessandro Safina October 14, 1963 54. Antonio Banderas 10 August 1960 55. Mark Elliot Zucemberg 14 May 1984 56. Sir Isaac Newton 25 December 1640 20 March 1726 57. Will Smith 29 September 1968 58. Leonardo Di Caprio 11 November 1974 59. Alla Pugachova 15 April 1949 60. Gyros 590 BC 530 BC 61. Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus 27 Febrary 272 23 May 337 62. Asoka 304 BCE 232 BCE 63. Gaius Julius Cesar 13 July 100 BC 15 March 44 BC 64. Aleksandr Makedonski 356 July 323 BC 65. Genghis Khan 1156 - 1162 25 August 1227 66. Ferdinand Porsche 3 September 1875 January 1950 67. Emest Hemingway 21 Jule 1899 2 Jule 1961 68. Nikolaus Copernicus 19 Feruary 1473 14 May 1543 69. Michelangelo 6 March 1475 18 February 1564 70. Galileo Galilei 15 Feruary 1564 8 January 1642 71. Boris Piotrovski 14 February 1908 15 Oktober 1990 72. Henry Ford 30 July 1863 7 April 1947 73. Baron Amchel Mayer von Rotscchild 23 Febrary 1744 19 September 1812 74. Cornelius Vanderbilt 27 May 1794 4 January 1877 75. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov 24 November 1730 18 May 1800 .76. Vasco da Gamma 29 September 1469 24 December 1524 77. Mikhail Gorbachov 2 March 1931 78. Abraham Alikhanian 20 February 1904 8 December 1970 79. Shavarsh Karapetyan 19 May 1953 80. Andre Aggasi 29 April 1970 81. Komitas 26 September 1869 22 Oktober 1935 82. Yurik Vardanyan 13 June 1956 83. Cher Cherlyn Sarkisyan 20 May 1946 84. George Clooney 6 May 1961 85. Jackie Chan 7 April 1954 86. Jean-Paul Belmondo 9April 1933 87. Alain Delon 8 november 1935 88. Elton Jhon March 1947 89. Elvis Presley 8 January 1935 90. Cai Lun 48-62 CE 121 91. Aristotel 384 BC - 322 BC 92. Emperor Wen ot Han 202 BC 157 BC 93. Sui Wendi 21 July 541 AD 13 August 604 94. Erik Raudi Thorvaldsson 950 103 95. Leonardo Da Sir Piero da 15 April 1452 2 May 1519 96. Willam Shakespeare 1564 23 April 1616 97. Ludwig Van Beethoven December 1770 26 March 1827 98. Alexander Dumas 24 July 1802 5 December 1876 99. Mikhail Lomonosov 19 November 1711 15 April 1765 100. Fridtjof Nansen 10 October 1862 30 May 1930 101. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 18 July 1918 5 December 2013 102. Mother Tereza 26 August 1910 5 September 1997 103. Indira Gandhi 19 November 1917 31 October 1984 104. Karl Marx 5 May 1918 14 March 1883 105.Viktor Amazaspovich Ambartsumyan 18 September 1908 12 August 1996 106. Ovanes Aivazovski 17 Juny 1817 2 May 1900 107. Arno Babajanyan 22 January 1921 11 November 1983 108. Aram Khacaturyan 6 June 1903 1 May 1978 109. Andranik Zoravar Ozanyan 25 Feebruary 1865 31 August 1927 110. Kirk Douglas 9 December 1916 111. John Winston Lennon 9 October 1940 8 December 1980 112. Louis Daniel Armstrong 4 August 1901 6 July 1971 113. Charlie Chaplin 16 April 1889 25 Dekember 1977 114. Louis de Funes 31 July 1914 27 January 1983 115. Bruce Lee 27 November 1940 20 July 1973 116. Lise Koch 22 September 1906 1 September 1967 117. Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria 29 March 1899 23 Dekember 1953 118. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler 7 October 1900 23 May 1945 119. Lenin 22 April 1870 21 January 1924 120. Adolf Hitler 20 April 1889 30 April 1945 121. Tamerlane 9 April 1336 19 February 1405 122. Spartacus Diet in April 71 BC 123. Hipokrat 1 March 460 CE 370 CE 124. Niccolo Paganini 27 October 1782 27 May 1840 125. Robertino Lorreti 22 October 1946 126. Wolfgang Amadeus Mazart 27 January 1756 5 December 1791 127. Cristopher Columbu 31 October 1451 20 May 1506 128. Albert Einstein 14 March 1879 18 April 1955 129. Andrei Dmitrievich Shakarov 21 May 1921 14 December 1989 130. Ferdinand Magellan 3Februari 1480 27 April 1521 131. James Gamble 3 April 1803 29 April 1891 132. Isbella I de Castille 22 April 1451 26 November 1504 133. Che Guevara 14 June 1928 9 October 1967 134. Micho SUzuki 10 February 1877 27 october 1982 136. Dalai Lama 6 July 1935 137. Mesrop Mashtoch 361 17 February 441 138. Ovanes Bagramyan 2 Dekember 1897 21 September 1982 139. Gevorg Vardanyan 17 February 1924 10 January 2012 140. Hovhannes Toumanyan 19 February 1869 23 March 1923 141Movses Khorenatsi 410 CA 490 142. Raj Kapoor 14 Dekember 1924 2 June 1988 143. Fatima Rashid Nargis Dutt 1 June 1929 3 May 1981 144. Paul Mc Cartney 18 June 1942 145. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin 6 June 1799 10 February 1837 146. Garsia Lorca 5 June 1898 19 August 1936 147. Tigranes II 95 CE 55 CE 148. Josep Stalin 18 December 1878 5 March 1953 149. Pol Pot 19 May 1925 15 April 1996 150. Enver Pasha 22 November 1881 4 August 1922 151. Mehmed Talat pasha 10 April 1874 15 March 1921 152. Delphine La Laurie 19 March 1787 7 December 1849 153. Herostratus Diedc 356 BC 154. Amin Idi Dada 1923 16 August 2003 155. Shiro Ishii 25 June 1892 9 October 1959 156. Stiven Allan Spielberg 18 Dekember 1946 157. Julio Iglesias 23 September 1943 158. Monserrat Caballe 12 April 1933 159. John Christopher Depp 9 June 1963 160. Mark Tvain 30 November 1835 21 april 1910 161. Confucus 09 -28 551BC 479 162. Napoleon Bonapart 15 August 1769 5 May 182 163. Mansur Hasan Firdousi Tusi 935 1020 164. Nizami 1141 1209 165. Omar Khayyam 18 May 1040 4 december 1131 166. Quanah Parker 1845- 1852 25 Feburary 1911 167. Robert Bosh 23 September 1861 12 March 1942 168. Jams Clerk Maxvell 13 June 1831 5 Novwmber 1879 169. Martin Luther King 15 January 1929 4 April 1968 170. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy 9 September 1828 20 November 1910 171. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan 3 October 1935 172. Charles Aznavour 22 May 1924 173. Jivan Gasparyan 12 October 1928 174. Yousuf Karsh 23 December 1908 13 June 2002 175. Kim Kardashian 21 October 1980 176. Serj Tankian 21 August 1967 177. Luciano Pavarotti 12 October 1935 6 September 2007 178. Viktoria Ronjina 7 December 2011 179. Arnold Schawarzenegger 30 July 1947 180. Mel Gipson 3 January 1956 181. Sylvester Stollone 6 July 1946 182. Amitabh Bachchan 11 October 1942 183. Adriano Celentano 6 January 1938 184. Bridgitte Dordot 28 September 1934 185. Sophia Loren 20 September 1934 186. Sara Brightman 14 August 1960 187. Elizabeth Taylor 27 February 1932 23 March 2011 188. Jean Alfred Villain-Mararis 11 December 1913 8 November 1998 189. Janne d. Arc 6January 1412 30 May 1431 190. Arhimed 287 BC 191. Paul The Apostle 5-10 67 192. Jacques-Yves Cousteau 11 June 1910 25 June 1997 193. Yuri Gagarin 9March 1934 27 March 1968 194. Julius Robert Oppenheimer 22 April 1904 18 February 1967 195. Mikhail Kalashnikov 10 November 1919 23 December 2013 196. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 8 February 1834 2 February 1907 197. Simon Bolivar 24 July 1783 23 December 1830 198. Salvador Dali 11 May 1904 23 January 1989 199. Wassily Kandinsky 16 Dekember 1866 13 Dekember 1944 200. Andy Warhol 1 August 1928 22 February 1987 201. Michel Jean Legrand 24 February 1932 202. William Saroyan 31 Augusta 1908 18 May 1981 203. Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan 5 August 1905 9 December 1970 204. Larry Gagosyan 19 April 1945 205. Jean Carzou 1 January 1907 17 November 2000 206. Vasily Alekseyev 7 January 1942 25 November 2011 207. Angelina Jolie 4 June 1975 208. Aishwarya Rai 1 November 1973 209. William Bradley Pitt 18 December 1963 210. Jennifer Lynn Lopez 24. July 1969 211. Dahram Singh Deol Dharment dra 8 December 1935 212. Hema Malinini R Chakravarth c 16 Oktober 1948 213. Jordi Cruyff 25 April 1947 24 March 2016 214. Eusebio da Silva Ferrera 25 January 1942 215. Herd Muller 3 November 1945 216. Pele 21 October 1940 217.Sergei Pavlovich Korolev 12 January 1906 14 January 1966 218. Muhammad Ali 17 January 1942 3 June 2016 219. Ronaldinho Gaucho 21 March 1980 220. Adrey Shevchenko 29 September 1976 221. Pablo Picasso 25 October 1881 8April 1973 222. Paul Gauguin 7 June 1848 8 May 1903 223. Vincent Van Gogh 30 March 1853 29 July 1890 224. Zurab Tsereteli 4 January 1934 225. Ayrton Senna 21 March 1960 1 May 1994 226. John Tavares 20 September 1990 227. Lev Ivanovich Yashin 22 October 1929 20 March 1990 228. Wladimir Klitschko 25 March 1976 229. Vitali Klitschko 19 July 1971 230. Carlos Ray Chak Norris 10 March 1940 231. Alfredo James Pacino 25 April 1940 232. Michael Joseph Jackson 29 August 1958 25 June 2009 233. Marilyan Monroe 1June 1926 5 August 1962 234. Diego Armando Maradona 30 October 1960 235.Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lama 18 September 1976 236. Lionel Andres Messi 24 June 1987 237. Cristiano Ronaldo 5 February 1985 238. Oleh Blokhin 5 November 1952 239. Michel Francois Platini 21 June 1955 240. Alex Ferguson 31 December 1941 241. Steffi Graf 14 June 1969 242. Franz Anton Beckenbauer 11 September 1945 243. Carl Lewis 1 June 1961 244. Irina Rodnina 12 September 1949 245. Michael Jeffrey Jordan 17 February 1963 246. Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi 25 May 1982 247. Serhii Nazarovych Bubka 4 December 1963 248. Shaguille Rashaun O' Nea 6 March 1972 249. Valeri Kharlamov 14 January 1948 27 August 1981 250. Michael Schumacher 3 January 1969 251. Mike Tyson 30 June 1966 252. Mkhitaryan Galust 1 January 1959
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jbgravereaux · 6 years ago
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João Gilberto, en août 2008 à Rio de Janeiro Photo AFP                                                                                                                                                              JOÃO GILBERTO, SAMBA TRISTE, par Jacques Denis , Libération, 6 juillet 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Père récalcitrant de la bossa-nova et chanteur de légende, le musicien brésilien est mort à 88 ans. La musicalité de son chant hypersensible ouvrit la voie au génie de Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil et Tom Zé, et son influence immense toucha jusqu'au jazz de Miles Davis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Une bouteille d’eau, une guitare, un tabouret, il ne lui fallait rien de plus pour mettre l’Olympia à genoux. En ce soir de juillet 2001, João Gilberto enchaîna pendant près de deux heures trente les classiques. Les siens et ceux des autres, qu’il habitait comme nul autre. Pas un bruit dans le temple parisien transformé en une cathédrale de silence, et puis tout d’un coup, tous debout, dans un tonnerre d’applaudissements pour celui qui imposait l’écoute. Deux ans plus tard, ce sera un tout autre tintamarre, le boucan d’intermittents pas contents, qui vint gâter un éphémère moment qui aurait dû suspendre définitivement le temps : l’une des plus belles voix du siècle, seule dans le théâtre antique de Vienne. Samedi soir, on a appris la mort de cette légende absolue de la musique brésilienne à 88 ans par un message posté sur Facebook par son fils João Marcelo.                                                                                                                                                                  Rumeurs et fantasmes                                                                                                                                                                                                                    La «rareté» – dans tous les sens du terme – de ses apparitions était déjà légendaire à l’époque, et les admirateurs n’hésitaient pas à faire des milliers de kilomètres pour le voir. Combien ont rêvé le rencontrer, lui poser mille questions, juste le remercier pour tout, et même le reste. Un journaliste allemand, Marc Fischer, en fera même un livre : Ho ba là là, à la recherche de João Gilberto, une quête à la façon de Sisyphe. Las, João Gilberto s’en est allé, et ce peut-être depuis un bail déjà. Ne nous avait-il pas prévenus dès 1960, en égrenant avec délice les paroles de Doralice : «Je préfère vivre seul, au son des lamentations de ma guitare.» Le fantasque fantastique Brésilien vivait reclus dans son appartement de la zone sud de Rio, n’ouvrant sa porte que quand il était sûr de ne trouver personne de l’autre côté.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ces dernières années, plombé par des dettes, dépossédé de ses droits, miné par des procès à rallonge, notamment celui qui l’opposait à la maison de disques EMI, depuis que celle-ci eut l’idée de publier en 1987 sous CD des versions «indigentes» de ses enregistrements historiques, acculé par des histoires de famille où il fut même placé sous curatelle par ses deux premiers enfants, l’homme avait «disparu». Au printemps 2015, une vidéo sur Youtube le montrant, affaibli, fredonner avec sa jeune fille Luiza, ne fit qu’alimenter le bruit médiatique. Où était-il ? Que faisait-il ? Comment allait-il ? Il sera dès lors le sujet de bien des rumeurs et fantasmes, mais ce n’était pas vraiment là de l’inédit. Restait le musicien, dont des proches assuraient qu’il continuait de se pencher sur cette six-cordes, objet d’une analyse. La sienne. Nul besoin de témoin pour cela, devait estimer celui qu’il serait trop aisé de qualifier banalement de misanthrope.                                                                                                                                                                            João Gilberto était aussi avare de ses paroles en public que le chanteur savait distiller comme peu sa science superlative du phrasé. La mémoire numérique, qui traque dans les moindres recoins, n’en a d’ailleurs que peu de traces : dans une brève interview datée de 1967, le Brésilien reçoit dans sa petite maison du New Jersey, beaucoup de questions, peu de mots en retour, avant de converser avec Bebel, sa fille, tout bébé. Une vingtaine d’années plus tard, quand il se retrouve face au présentateur vedette Amaury Jr., João Gilberto préfère laisser répondre ses musiciens qui l’enlacent. Grand moment de vide médiatique, mais avec à la clef quelques indices sur les choix esthétiques du maître, quand celui-ci consent à égrener quelques noms de chanteurs qui comptent à ses oreilles : outre ses deux disciples, Caetano Veloso et Gilberto Gil, il cite le «merveilleux»Roberto Silva, Emilio Santiago, Beth Carvalho… Soit trois sambistes pur jus.                                                                                                                                        «La bossa-nova je ne sais pas ce que c’est. Moi je joue de la samba»,avait-il assuré en 1961 au moment de publier son troisième album, où se retrouve justement une version de Samba da Minha Terra, le classique de l’un de ses maîtres chanteurs, Dorival Caymmi. Cette terre, c’est celle où il est né le 10 juin 1931 à Juazeiro, dans l’état de Bahia, c’est-à-dire bien loin des plages de Rio où il ne débarquera qu’en 1950. À la maison, la musique a sa place, le père tâtant en amateur de l’ukulélé et du saxophone. Quant au petit João, il aiguise ses talents précoces à la chorale. La légende prétend qu’à 7 ans, il aurait pointé une faute d’accords de l’organiste à l’église ! Sept ans plus tard, il met les doigts sur sa première guitare, et forme un groupe vocal : Enamorados do Ritmo. Texto : «les amoureux du rythme». Le rythme, une notion bien particulière chez lui, sera la base de la divergence de son style. En attendant, après un passage à Salvador de Bahia, où João Gilberto commence sa carrière à la radio, il prend la direction de ce qui est encore la capitale du Brésil et surtout la voie royale pour faire carrière.                                                                                                                                                      La matrice de la bossa-nova                                                                                                                                                                                                          À Rio, il va apprendre le métier, enregistrant des 78 tours avec Os Garotos da Lua, un groupe vocal dont il se fait virer, puis grave une première session en 1952 pour le label de Copacabana : la samba mélo et le bon vieux boléro sont alors à leur apogée, et le jeune João teinte son vibrato de ce vernis langoureux. C’est un bide. Du coup, tout en fréquentant les oiseaux de nuit dont João Donato avec lequel il va partager l’incompréhension des tenants du bon goût, il vivote de petits boulots à la radio, au théâtre, pour des réclames… Rien de bien glorieux pour ce caractère ombrageux, soumis déjà à des hauts et des bas. On prétend même qu’il passe ses journées en pyjama, embrumé à la marijuana – à l’époque, on le surnomme Zé Maconha !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Le premier tournant se situe en 1955, lors d’un séjour à Porto Alegre où il croise le compositeur et pianiste Armando Albuquerque qui lui donne l’assise théorique, notamment les questions d’harmonie qui lui faisaient défaut. L’autre révélation, il l’aura en retournant vivre chez ses parents. «C’est la terre première, un exemple», insistera des années plus tard João Gilberto de retour d’un périple mondial devant le public bahianais au moment d’interpréter une chanson signée d’un jeune homme alors plein d’avenir, Gilberto Gil : Eu Vim Da Bahia («Je viens de Bahia») magnifie en quelques vers ce berceau. Loin de Rio, il s’attelle enfin à trouver son style. Ce sera Bim Bom,considérée comme la chanson matrice de la bossa-nova, qu’il aurait composée en écoutant marcher les lavandières. «Bim bom bim bim bom bom…», cette chanson de trois fois rien (trois lignes de texte) est avant tout une histoire de rythme, celui qui va imprimer le reste de sa carrière. Au début de 1957, João Gilberto s’en retourne à Rio de Janeiro, cette fois pour de bon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Plus question de s’en tenir aux figures de style imposées, le Bahianais va dès lors avoir le mérite de concrétiser les désirs sous-jacents d’un mouvement en gestation, la bossa-nova à laquelle il apporte deux petits plus, de vrais défauts d’autodidacte qui feront les qualités de cette «nouvelle vague». D’abord le grain de voix, le canto falado, le chant parlé, murmure couleur pastel qui détonne au milieu des chanteurs de charme, intimisme feutré loin de toute vanité virtuose ; ensuite la batida, ce délicat décalage entre temps forts et temps faibles, cette pulsation inédite qui va bientôt faire chavirer le monde entier. Ce seront les marques de fabrique de João Gilberto, et à sa suite, de toute la bossa-nova, qui souffle un air d’ambiguë mélancolie.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cette mélodie faussement nonchalante et cette rythmique vraiment pas évidente vont illico séduire une nouvelle génération d’un Brésil en plein désir de changement, à l’image de Juscelino Kubitschek, président bâtisseur et lui-même amateur de cette espèce de samba qui lorgne du côté du jazz de la côte ouest. Entre 1959 et 1964, toute la planète découvre puis décline la petite nostalgie de l’incertain bonheur de vivre. Cinq ans pendant lesquels, aidé du producteur Aloysio de Oliveira, entouré de Jobim et compagnie, João Gilberto pose en une poignée de sessions des jalons aussi insurmontables qu’indispensables. Chaque syllabe colle au plafond, la moindre inflexion met le frisson, il a tout pour plaire aux âmes sensibles aux cordes subtiles. Les jazzmen ne seront pas les derniers, en pâmoison devant un chanteur qui se hisse dans les mêmes hauteurs – profondeurs, aussi – que le roi Nat Cole.                                                                                                                                                                                                            En 1962, la première dame Jackie Kennedy organise une soirée bossa-nova à la Maison-Blanche, en préfiguration du grand raout au Carnegie Hall prévu le 21 novembre. Tout le gotha bossa est là. Miles, Dizzy et bien d’autres ont fait le déplacement. Malgré une relative incompréhension de part et d’autre, certains Brésiliens décident de demeurer aux Etats-Unis. João Gilberto en profite pour rejoindre le label Verve, et enchaîner avec le saxophoniste Stan Getz et Jobim, lui aussi resté à New York. À la clef : c’est un succès insensé (87 semaines de suite dans les charts pop !) pour la fille d’Ipanema, Astrud Gilberto, chanteuse amateur au registre limité. Pour le single radio, la voix de l’esthète brésilien est coupée et le nom de Jobim figure en tout petit. Pourtant, ce Getz/Gilberto réalisé à la mi-mars 63 ne vaut pas un real sans eux. «L’amour est une chose bien triste quand il s’efface», prédit la chanson. Si João Gilberto glanera un Grammy, il perd dans cette histoire sa femme, qui part avec le saxophoniste. Las, il convole avec une autre chanteuse, Miucha, la sœur de Chico Buarque et future maman de Bebel.                                                                                                                                                    Et comme si ce contresens historique ne suffisait pas, l’année 1964 voit un coup d’État mettre fin aux illusions du novo Brésil. C’est le début d’un éloignement pour le chanteur, qui va même un temps s’installer à Mexico, où il enregistre une session au tournant des années 70 : au menu, une version irréelle du génial O Sapo de son ami João Donato. «Bolobolo bolobolo bolo, badabada…» Dès lors, l’inaccessible personnage se donnera très peu en spectacle, se fera de plus en plus discret en studio. Peu de disques certes, mais pas une trace de médiocrité dans ce parcours. À commencer par le monumental album à son nom qu’il enregistre à New York en 1973, une épure totale, à l’image de sa couverture immaculée. Cet autre album «blanc», tout juste teinté des percussions de Sonny Carr, raffine à l’extrême vieilles sambas et nouvelles chansons. Comment ne pas tout lui pardonner, à l’écoute de E Preciso Perdoar, où il assume : «Je voulais l’illusion, désormais la douleur est en moi…» Au bord du silence, le chanteur donne à la moindre onomatopée un sentiment de plénitude. Quatre ans plus tard, il se retrouve bardé d’un grand orchestre de cordes qui fera pousser des cris d’orfraie à ses fans. Et pourtant, porté par les arrangements impressionnistes de Claus Ogerman, il transporte la désuète ballade Estate dans le domaine de l’irrationnel. La grâce d’une voix qui fait tout chavirer, tous chialer. «Oh, Brésil magnifique et coloré / Tu es mon Brésil brésilien / Terre de la samba et du tambourin…».                                                                                                                                                                                          En 1980, alors que le Bahianais décide de rentrer au Brésil et entame une décennie où il visitera enfin des capitales d’Europe qui l’attendent depuis des lustres (Rome, Lisbonne, Paris, Bruxelles…), il choisit d’enregistrer une version d’Aquarela do Brasil, cette fois avec les cordes de Johnny Mandel. Pour cette version – là encore définitive – de l’antique composition du pianiste Ary Barroso, véritable second hymne national, le maître est secondé par deux de ses fidèles : Gilberto Gil et Caetano Veloso. Pour avoir été de turbulents tropicalistes, ils n’ont jamais manqué de saluer qui de droit. Caetano, dont le timbre de voix le fait tutoyer pareils sommets, n’aurait peut-être pas eu la même vie sans la découverte de João Gilberto en 1959. «João Gilberto fut le rédempteur de la langue portugaise, pourfendeur de l’immobilité sociale au Brésil – avec sa stratification inhumaine et grossière –, architecte des formes les plus raffinées et critique moqueur de toute stylisation qui les abaisserait», confie-t-il dans son autobiographie, Pop tropicale et révolution.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    «Une émeraude qui se réfléchit à la lumière»                                                                                                                                                                                Les voir sur scène à Buenos Aires en 2000, alors que le cadet vient de produire l’ultime sommet en studio de l’aîné (Voz e Violão), reste un de ces moments d’exception. Quant au futur ex-ministre, il saluait encore en 2014 les sambas de l’autre Gilberto. La génération, qui suivit les premiers pas de la bossa, ne cacha jamais ses affinités pour cet homme hors norme. Ainsi, les hippies de Novos Baianos auront trouvé leur voie grâce à lui, quand ils enregistreront un second opus figurant en haut de la pile de toute discothèque brésilienne. Notamment pour cette version d’une vieille samba, Brasil Pandeiro,que leur avait indiquée João Gilberto.                                                                                                                                                                   «Il y a un avant et un après João Gilberto. Tout ce qu’il chante est une émeraude qui se réfléchit à la lumière», résumera un soir Tom Zé, autre visionnaire qui partage avec le Bahianais le sens de la mesure démesurée et du déséquilibre naturel. «Il peut bien sonner même en lisant un journal», dit un jour l’exigeant Miles Davis. C’est sans doute là, encore plus que tout le reste, que résidait le miracle de João Gilberto. Jamais pris en défaut de bon goût, toujours prompt à sublimer une comptine de quelques vers, le chanteur aura redonné ses lettres de noblesse au mot «interprète». Combien de titres demeureront pour l’éternité associés au nom de ce créateur qui n’eut de cesse de creuser les mêmes sillons en quête de l’ultime perfection : O Pato, Falsa Baiana, 'S Wonderful, Desde Que O Samba E Samba…Comme lorsqu’il fait sien à tout jamais, en 1991, de Que reste-t-il de nos amours, où il décale légèrement son chant irradiant des arrangements clair-obscur de Clare Fischer. C’était tout cela, João Gilberto, le sentiment tenace d’avoir un soir été convié à l’Olympe, un souvenir d’une caresse qui nous poursuivra sans cesse.
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universo-genial · 5 years ago
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A estrela S5-HVS1, da constelação Grous, foi vista viajando relativamente perto da Terra! . Um grupo de pesquisadores, liderado por Sergey Koposov do Centro McWilluams de Cosmologia da Universidade Carnegie Mellon, avistou uma estrela da constelação Grous que foi lançada para fora do buraco negro supermassivo de nossa galáxia, o Sagitário A*, a 6 milhões km/h. Conhecida como S5-HVS1, ela foi vista viajando relativamente perto da Terra (a 29 mil anos-luz de distância) em uma velocidade 10 vezes mais rápida que a maioria das estrelas em nossa galáxia. . “A velocidade da estrela descoberta é tão rápida que ela vai inevitavelmente deixar a galáxia e nunca mais retornar”, afirmou Douglas Bouber, pesquisador de Oxford e co-autor do estudo. A estrela foi descoberta com observações do telescópio anglo-australiano (AAT) de 3,9 metros e do satélite Gaia da Agência Espacial Europeia. O estudo faz parte da Pesquisa Espectroscópica de Fluxo Estelar do Sul (S5), uma colaboração de astrônomos do Chile, EUA, Reino Unido e Austrália. . “Isso é super emocionante, pois suspeitamos há muito tempo que os buracos negros podem ejetar estrelas com velocidades muito altas. Porém, nunca tivemos uma associação concreta de uma estrela tão rápida”, dissse Koposov no comunicado. . Essa é a primeira demonstração clara do Mecanismo de Hills em ação. A teoria, proposta pelo astrônomo Jack Hills há 30 anos, explica que estrelas são ejetadas dos centros das galáxias em alta velocidade após uma interação entre um sistema de estrelas binário e o buraco negro no coração das galáxias. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🚀Marquem seus amigos, e sigam o @universo.genial ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #universogenial #ciencia #astronomia #fisica #quimica #biologia #personalidades #curiosidades #universo #cosmos #vida #astrofisica #genial #astronauta #divulgação #cosmologia #vocesabia #livro #facebook #instagram #twitter #tumbl #science #astronomy #sorteios #correnteastronomica #live #astrofilia #sigame ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Créditos @universo.genial Fonte: Space ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BTfYhgc13/?igshid=1lfttw76uk3at
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thinkgrowgames · 8 months ago
The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom
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The different stages below include chronological suggested readings that will help in understanding and appreciating important ideas and perspectives. Some of these super ideas have been mentioned in The Atlas of Worldly Wisdom, and others serve to build on certain themes.
The assumption is that between half an hour to one hour per day can be dedicated to this project
thisis where the expected timeline for each stage comes 
The different readings and suggestions are included in tabular form in the last page of this document. They have been categorized into the different spirals and the different stages. To get the complete information about any of the books, check the ‘References’ document.
Stage1: Basics-I– 10Books–~ 4months
SixThinking Hats (De Bono)
TheLessons of History (Durant)
The7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
TheMind Map Book (Buzan)
What theNumbers Say (Niederman)
TheArt of War (Sun Tzu)
Think-GrowModules : Personalities & Behavior 1
Think-GrowModules : Succeed
Think-GrowModules : Win-Win
ChooseOne :
Howto Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
Oneof [ Brain Power or Verbal Intelligence ] (Both by Buzan)
1 For the Think-Grow Modules, check out the ‘Apps List’ Document, or go to: ahijazi.website
Stage2: Basics-II– 10Books–~ 4months
Howto think like Leonardo Da Vinci (Gelb)
Thinkingin Systems (Meadows)
ChooseOne :
AtomicHabits (Clear) or Tiny Habits (Fogg)
ThePsychology of Money (Housel)
Think-GrowModules : The Better Brain Library
NakedStatistics (Wheelan)
TheRichest Man in Babylon (Clason)
CashflowQuadrant (Kiyosaki)
Think-GrowModules : Lead
Buildinga Second Brain (Forte)
NetWork (Anklam)
Stage3: Insights&Synthesis–10 Books– 4to5 months
Fuzzyon the Dark Side (Hijazi)
TheNew Leaders (Goleman)
TheArt of Worldly Wisdom (Gracian)
TheArt of Thinking Clearly (Dobelli)
The80/20 Principle (Koch)
Creativity, (Catmull)
Emotional Intelligence(Goleman)
ChooseOne :
TheGreat Mental Models-I (Parrish)
OneSmall Step : The Kaizen Way (Maurer)
Theone left/not chosen from 10 [Stage 2]
Stage 4 (Mastery & Further) and Stage 5 (Cultured : Beyond) include a total of 16 books, but these will (probably) take significantly longer to finish than those in Stages 1 to 3.
I believe that going forward, personal tastes and preferences can play a bigger role. These are landmark books that will expand your knowledge and awareness into key fields and to include important super ideas. Choose the ones you prefer, but try to keep moving between the categories of the Triple-Spiral (Awareness, Intent, Creativeness).
As you read the books in this category, many ideas for further readings will come up. The path should get progressively more interesting as you advance and customize it further with more personally-relevant choices.
Stage4: Mastery& Further –10Books –4to5months
GiftsDiffering (Meyer-Briggs)
GoodStrategy Bad Strategy (Rumelt)
Steal Likean Artist (Kleon)
TheBed of Procrustes (Taleb)
Fooledby Randomness (Taleb)
Skinin the Game (Taleb)
ScientificRevolutions (Kuhn)
Theone left/not chosen from 8 [Stage 3]
Bookof your choice on Design Thinking & Creativity
Bookof your choice on the Philosophy of Science
Bookof your choice from cognitive science
Bookof your choice from Popular Science (Evolutionary Biology or Quantum Physics)
Next you can go through the list of books I’ve included in the ‘Cultured: Beyond’ category, and keep growing your knowledge and understanding of the world and yourself.
This reading list is a work-in-progress. It will keep changing and will be updated regularly (I hope).
On the following page you can see the suggested readings as a table, categorized by level and dimension.
Good Luck!
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uzaydanhaberler · 5 years ago
Dünya'yı terk etmek nasıl olurdu? Böyle bir olay sekiz yıl önce MESSENGER Uzay Aracı Merkür gezegenine doğru giderken tekrar Dünya'nın yanından geçtiğinde çok detaylı şekilde kaydedildi. Dünya'nın, bu hızlandırılmış videoda uzakta küçülürken dönüşü görülebiliyor. Dünya'nın Güneş tarafından aydınlatılan kısmı o kadar parlak ki arka planda yıldızlar görülemiyor. Robotik MESSENGER Uzay Aracı şu anda Merkür'ün yörüngesinde ve yakın zamanda yüzeyin ilk tam haritasını oluşturdu. MESSENGER bazen Dünya'ya doğru da tekrar baktı. MESSENGER Dünya'da yapılan ve ayrıldıktan sonra bir daha asla geri dönmeyecek olan az sayıda şeyden birisi. Araç görevinin sonunda Merkür'ün yüzeyine çarptırılacak.
Video: NASA/JHU Applied Physics Lab/Carnegie Inst. Washington
#apod #nasa #sky #space #astronomy #science #repost #gökyüzü #astronomi #uzay #bilim #uzaydanhaberler #merkür #messenger #mercury #güneşsistemi #solarsystem
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astroimages · 1 year ago
ASSINE AGORA O SPACE TODAY PLUS PREMIUM, APENAS R$29,00 POR MÊS, MENOS DE 1 REAL POR DIA!!! https://spacetodayplus.com.br/premium/ Em novembro de 2023, o Telescópio Espacial James Webb da NASA observou um enorme aglomerado de galáxias chamado MACS J0138.0-2155. Através de um efeito chamado lente gravitacional , previsto pela primeira vez por Albert Einstein, uma galáxia distante chamada MRG-M0138 parece distorcida pela poderosa gravidade do aglomerado de galáxias intermediário. Além de distorcer e ampliar a galáxia distante, o efeito de lente gravitacional causado pelo MACS J0138 produz cinco imagens diferentes do MRG-M0138. Em 2019, os astrônomos anunciaram a descoberta surpreendente de que uma explosão estelar, ou supernova, havia ocorrido dentro do MRG-M0138, conforme visto nas imagens do Telescópio Espacial Hubble da NASA tiradas em 2016. Quando outro grupo de astrônomos examinou as imagens de 2023 Webb, eles ficaram surpresos. para descobrir que sete anos depois, a mesma galáxia é o lar de uma segunda supernova. Justin Pierel (bolsista da NASA Einstein no Space Telescope Science Institute) e Andrew Newman (astrônomo da equipe dos Observatórios do Carnegie Institution for Science) nos contam mais sobre esta primeira vez que duas supernovas com lentes gravitacionais foram encontradas na mesma galáxia. “Quando uma supernova explode atrás de uma lente gravitacional, a sua luz atinge a Terra por vários caminhos diferentes. Podemos comparar esses trajetos com vários trens que saem de uma estação ao mesmo tempo, todos viajando na mesma velocidade e com destino ao mesmo local. Cada trem segue uma rota diferente e, devido às diferenças na duração da viagem e no terreno, os trens não chegam ao destino ao mesmo tempo. Da mesma forma, imagens de supernovas com lentes gravitacionais aparecem aos astrônomos ao longo de dias, semanas ou até anos. Ao medir as diferenças nos tempos em que as imagens das supernovas aparecem, podemos medir a história da taxa de expansão do universo, conhecida como constante de Hubble , que é um grande desafio na cosmologia atual. O problema é que estas supernovas com múltiplas imagens são extremamente raras: menos de uma dúzia foram detectadas até agora. “Dentro deste pequeno clube, a supernova de 2016 no MRG-M0138, chamada Requiem, destacou-se por vários motivos. Primeiro, estava a 10 bilhões de anos-luz de distância. Em segundo lugar, a supernova era provavelmente do mesmo tipo (Ia) usado como “vela padrão” para medir distâncias cósmicas. Terceiro, os modelos previram que uma das imagens da supernova está tão atrasada no seu percurso através da extrema gravidade do aglomerado que só nos aparecerá em meados da década de 2030. Infelizmente, como Requiem só foi descoberto em 2019, muito depois de ter desaparecido de vista, não foi possível reunir dados suficientes para medir a constante de Hubble. “Agora encontramos uma segunda supernova com lentes gravitacionais dentro da mesma galáxia de Requiem, que chamamos de Supernova Encore. O Encore foi descoberto por acaso e agora estamos acompanhando ativamente a supernova em andamento com um programa discricionário do diretor com tempo crítico . Usando essas imagens de Webb, mediremos e confirmaremos a constante de Hubble com base nesta supernova com imagens múltiplas. Encore é confirmado como uma vela padrão ou supernova tipo Ia, tornando Encore e Requiem de longe o par mais distante de 'irmãos' de supernovas de vela padrão já descoberto. “As supernovas normalmente são imprevisíveis, mas neste caso sabemos quando e onde olhar para ver as aparições finais de Requiem e Encore. As observações infravermelhas por volta de 2035 darão seu último suspiro e fornecerão uma medição nova e precisa da constante de Hubble.” FONTE: https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2023/12/21/supernova-encore-nasas-webb-spots-a-second-lensed-supernova-in-a-distant-galaxy/ #JAMESWEBB #HUBBLE #UNIVERSE
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netmassimo · 5 years ago
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Un articolo in fase di pubblicazione sulla rivista "The Astrophysical Journal" riporta un nuovo tentativo di calcolare la velocità di espansione dell'universo, questa volta utilizzando come riferimento le stelle giganti rosse. Un team di ricercatori coordinati da Carnegie Institution for Science e Università di Chicago e guidato dall'astronoma Wendy Freedman ha usato osservazioni condotte con il telescopio spaziale Hubble per effettuare quel calcolo. Il risultato ha un picco di probabilità a 69,8 km/s per megaparsec, una via di mezzo tra i valori calcolati usando i due metodi che hanno fornito valori discrepanti.
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