#d: 27 aug 2018
packedwithpackards · 2 years
Examining the sources of the Plymouth Colony Pages [Part 25]
Louis Stoughton Drake, The Drake Family In England and America 1360-1895 and the Descendants of Thomas Drake of Weymouth, Mass., 1635-1691 (Boston: The Author, 1896).
While at first this book does not seem to digitized and be online fully (only partially), the reality is different. A search of the book on the Family History Library site comes back with NO results for Packards. Honestly, this doesn't surprise me at all.
F. Apthorp Foster, Vital Records of Duxbury Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1911).
The book has been digitized by Dale Cook and Mary Ellen Walz. The following Packards are within these records as being born:
PACKARD, Hannah J., ch. Henry R. and Marcia, Apr. 15, 1815. Marcia A. (Packarard), ch. Henry R. and Marcia, June 4, 1813. ———, d. Nahum, Apr. 15, 1833. P.R.105.
And marriages as noted in the book:
PACKARD, Bethuel [of] Bridgewater, and Rebeca Peterson, June 14, 1783.* Henry R. [of] Bath, and Mercy Alden, June 14, 1812.* [Henry A., C.R.1.] Hiram [of] N. Bridgwater, and Eliza Chandler, Nov. 3, 1841.* Marcia W. and Robert W. Welch, Sept. 25, 1836.* [Marcia A., C.R.1.] Rebecka [dup. Rebeckah] and Jonathan Chandler [dup. Chanler], Nov. 27, 1751.*
And Packards who died there:
PACKARD, Hannah J., ch. Henry R. and Marcia, Aug. 10, 1831. [d. Capt. H., t[yphus] fever, Aug. 9, a. 16, C.R.1.] [Aug. 10, a. 16, G.R.3.] Henry R., h. Marcia, Aug. 12, 1834, at sea. [typhus fever, a. 50, C.R.1.] [Capt. Henry R., Aug. 10, a. 50, G.R.3.] Marcia, w. Henry R., Mar. 10, 1841. [Mercy, dropsy, C.R.1.] [Mercy, May 10, a. 53, G.R.3.]
Note: This was originally posted on Apr. 27, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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eastoncraven-blog · 5 years
date: august 27th, 2018 place: northern grove time: 15:00 PM @celesteduvals
In an instant, everything turned to smoke. Normally, Easton might have followed such a thought with a joke, but there was nothing funny about the fire that was quickly spreading through the building with a ferocity he hadn’t ever encountered before. Even the fire he set at the Chapel at school couldn’t compare, and the damage inflicted had been brutal. This time, every wall was covered in deep auburn, and he knew that if he reached out to touch any of the walls, his hands would surely come back scorched.
The chaos wasn’t the worst part. Easton worked well in environments like this, where everyone was fleeing, and their self-preservation instincts were kicking in. His recklessness always overrode such fears, and after he managed to grab Juliana and put her back safely in Priam’s arms, he kept moving with a lethal-type efficiency. The world of the mob had grown to suit him. He wore the darkness like a well-worn jacket, and while his title was yet to match that feeling, he was bound and determined to make his name known. Not just in a whisper, but in a scream. He wanted the whole world to know his name.
Red was flashing in every direction, the light from the fire almost marking him blind. It wasn’t until he saw a flash of red hair that he knew he could at least walk home with one sort of trophy tonight. Even as the world burned down around him, his mind never ceased. He was a creature of greedy needs and bitter thoughts. Celeste just happened to be his greatest victim. There was already a gun to her head every Sunday that he met her. At least then he let her go home and crawl into bed with the man she didn’t love.
“Celeste,” Easton stated over the roaring of the blaze, his eyes half wild as his shirt started to singe. “Today isn’t Sunday.”
He moved towards her with a predatory-like speed, grabbing hold of her arm before she could make a move to put space between them. There were no lies between the pair. In a city that burned with lies as much as it burned with fire, Easton and Celeste had a relationship that was as honest as it could ever be. They saw one another for what they truly were.
One day the tables might turn, and it could be her crucifying him. But it wasn’t today. Not amidst the fires of Hell.
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fundieinfoplace · 2 years
The Schrock Family
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Dan Schrock married Lena sometime in 1984. They had 10 children
1. Delilah was born April 27 1985
2. Moses was born Sept 28 1987
3. Andrew D was born Oct 4 1988
4. Elizabeth was born 1989
5. Rebecca was born June 21 1991
6. Emanuel was born Aug 24 1992
7. David was born Nov 16 1995
8. Anna was born Oct 5 1998
9. Enos was born June 25 2000
10. Lydia was born Jan 29 2002
Delilah married LeRoy Keim Mar 6 2008
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1. Leanora Dec 12 2008
2. Bethany 2009
3. Nicholas 2011
4. Parker 2015
5. Cheryl Sophia Feb 4 2017
6. Ralph Winstin Jan 26 2020
Moses married Rachel Herman Sept 30 2017
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1. Justice Arrow Mar 2 2022
Andrew married Hannah Tate June 22 2014
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1. Alaythia Maeve July 18 2015
2. Caroline Ilana May 29 2017
3. Nadina Rosalee May 10 2019
4. Stella Inez Sept 11 2021
5. Josaphina Ruth Oct 14 2023
Elizabeth married Gabriel Pearl April 12 2017
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1. Eden Hope Sept 25 2018
2. Daniel Simeon June 1 2021
Rebecca married Michael Zimmerman Aug 21 2013
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1. Stephan Daniel May 2 2015
2. Alice 2016
3. Abigail Claire Mar 25 2018
4. Olivia Joel Feb 1 2020
Emanuel married Courtney Hamrick Sept 3 2016
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1. Mina Hediye June 26 2021
David married Lizzie Keim June 22 2019
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1. Charles Richard Feb 26 2021
Anna married Austin Wilson June 17 2017
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1. Summer Joelle May 15 2018
2. Paula Lillian Nov 8 2019
3. Rose Elena June 20 2022
4. Austin Dakota Mar 28 2024
Enos married Reba Tate July 10 2021
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1. Ivy Sabina Mar 14 2023
2. Baby boy due Nov 2024
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Trump & the Military
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(This was shamelessly copy/pasted from OP on Reddit (u/myusernameiscool1234, thanks dude!) because it needs to be spread and I wanted to update a tad, add links and reformat it so it's easier to follow. I'm sure I'm missing stuff, so feel free to add to it and I'll try to update accordingly. Please Share!)
On Military Service
• Trump dodged the draft 5 times, 4 for college and 1 by having a doctor diagnose him with bone spurs.
• Trump said having unprotected sex was his own personal Vietnam (1998)
• Trump said “I felt that I was in the military in the true sense because I dealt with those people” because he went to a military-style academy and that he has “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military”. (2015 biography)
• Trump accepted a Purple Heart from a fan at one of his rallies and said: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.” (Aug 2, 2016)
• ⁠No Trump in America has ever served in the military; this spans 5 generations, and every branch of the family tree. In fact, the reason his grandfather immigrated to America was to avoid military service
• Trump made his 2nd wife, Marla Maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if Tiffany joined the military (reported on June 4th, 2019)
Use & Treatment of Military
• He sent commandos into an ambush due to a lack of intel, and sends contractors to pick them up, resulting in a commando being left behind, tortured, and executed. (Trump approved the mission because Bannon told him Obama didn’t have the guts to do it) (Oct 4, 2017)
• He forgot the aforementioned fallen soldier’s name during a call to his pregnant widow, then attacked her the next day (Oct 23-24, 2017)
• He urged Florida to not count deployed military votes (Nov 12, 2018)
• He used troops as a political prop by sending them on a phantom mission to the border and made them miss Thanksgiving with their families (Oct-Dec, 2018).
• He stopped using troops as a political prop immediately after the election. However, the troops remained in muddy camps on the border (Nov 7, 2018).
• He called troops on Thanksgiving and told them he’s most thankful for himself (Thanksgiving, 2018)
• He fired service members living with HIV just before the 2018 holidays (Dec 19, 2018-present)
• He finally visited troops 2 years after taking office, but only after 154 vacation days at his properties (Dec 26, 2018)
• Trump lied to deployed troops that he gave them a 10% raise. He didn’t give them a 10% raise (Dec 26, 2018). He initially tried to give the military a raise that was lower than the standard living adjustment. This was before Congress told him that idea wasn’t going to work. Then after giving them the raise that Congress made him, he lied about it pretending that it was larger than Obama’s. It wasn’t.
• He revealed a covert Seal Team 5 deployment , including names and faces, on Twitter during his visit to Iraq. Endangering both the operatives and their families. (Dec 26, 2018)
• He refused to sign his party’s funding bill, which shut down the government, and forced a branch of the military (see below) to go without pay. This branch of military was forced to work without pay, otherwise they would be AWOL. However, his appointees got a $ 10,000 pay raise (Dec 22, 2018 – Jan 25, 2019)
• He didn’t pay the Coast Guard, forcing service members to rely on food pantries (Jan 23, 2019)
• He denied female troops access to birth control to limit sexual activity (on-going. Published Jan 18, 2019)
• He banned service members from serving based on gender identity (Jan 22, 2019)
• He diverted military housing funds to pay for border wall (Feb 15, 2019). A judge subsequently denied this. In July 2019, SCOTUS ruled that Trump could in fact divert military housing funds to pay for his wall.
• Trump pardoned war criminals (May, 2019)
• In May 2019, Trump turned away US military from his Memorial Day speech because they were from the destroyer USS John S. McCain. Trump initially ordered the USS John McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan (May 15, 2019) which led to the ship’s name subsequently being covered. (May 27, 2019)
• In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better “aesthetic appearance” (June 7, 2019)
• Trump demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019)
• Trump made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign (July 4, 2019)
• On July 31, 2019, Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who were prosecuting war criminals.
• On ⁠October 8th, 2019, Trump plans to withdraw from Open Skies treaty giving Russia the ability to target our military aircraft.
Attacks on Service Members
• Trump said he doesn’t consider POWs heroes because they were caught. Says he "prefers people who were not caught" (July 18, 2015)
• He said he knows more about ISIS than American generals (Oct 2016)
• Trump attacks Gold Star families including: Myeshia Johnson — a gold star widow and the Khan family—gold star parents (2016-present)
• He called a retired general a ‘dog’ with a ‘big, dumb mouth’ (Jan 1, 2019)
• Well documented dislike of Sen. John McCain, going back to his statement on POWs (see above) and leading up to McCain’s passing. On March 20, 2019, Trump complained that deceased war hero, Sen. John McCain, didn’t thank him for his funeral.
• Trump started his D-Day commemoration speech by attacking a private citizen (Bette Midler, of all people) (reported on June 4th, 2019)
• Trump used his D-Day interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack Robert Muller, former FBI special counsel and a Vietnam veteran (June 6, 2019)
• Children of deployed US troops will no longer get automatic American citizenship if born overseas during deployment. This includes US troops posted abroad for years at a time (August 28, 2019)
• After he pleading with superiors in a letter asking to offload most of the sailors on the ship in order to allow for social distancing and sanitizing the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Trump attacks Capt. Crozier calling his letter “terrible” and "not appropriate” leading the Secretary of the Navy to remove Capt. Crozier from his post. 114 of 4,000 sailors on the ship had already tested po sitive for COVID-19. (April 3, 2020)
• On June 24, 2020, the White House ends the National Guard's deployments to assist the American people during the COVID-19 pandemic, the day before thousands of National Guard members would qualify for early retirement and education benefits under the Post-9/11 GI bill.
Immigrants in the military
• He deported veterans (2017-present)
• He ordered the discharge of active-duty immigrant troops with good records (2017-present)
• Trump doubled the rejection rate for veterans requesting family deportation protections (July 5, 2018)
• Trump deported active-duty spouses (11,800 military families face this problem as of April 2018).
• Trump deported a spouse of fallen Army soldier killed in Afghanistan, leaving their daughter parentless. The US has since overturned this as of April 16, 2019.
• In July 2019, Trump denied a United States Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his scheduled citizenship interview (Reported July 17, 2019)
Treatment of Veterans
• For a decade, Trump sought to kick veterans off of Fifth Avenue because he found them unsightly nuisances outside of Trump Tower. Being quoted as saying, “While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?” in 1991.
• Trump sent funds raised from a January 2016 veterans’ benefit to the Donald J Trump Foundation instead of veteran’s charities (Jan, 2016). The foundation has since been ordered shut because of fraud and Trump to pay $2 million in damages as of November 2019.
• The controversy surrounding wether or not he said vets get PTSD because they "aren’t strong" (Oct 3, 2016)
• He blocked a veteran group on Twitter (June 2017)
• Trump changed the GI Bill through his Forever GI Act.
• Trump changing the GI Bill caused the VA to miss veteran benefits, including housing allowances and forced many veterans to run out of food and rent. “You can count on us to serve, but we can’t count on the VA to make a deadline,” one veteran said. (reported October 7, 2018)
• While in Europe commemorating the end of WWI, he didn’t attend the ceremony at a US cemetery due to the rain – but other world leaders went anyway (Nov 10, 2018)
• He got three Mar-a-Lago guests to run the VA (unknown start – present, made well-known in 2018)
• He increased privatization of the VA, leading to longer waits and higher taxpayer cost (2018)
• He tried to slash disability and unemployment benefits for Veterans to $0, and eliminate the unemployability extrascheduler rating (Dec 17, 2018)
• He canceled an Arlington Cemetery visit on Veterans Day due to light rain (Nov 12, 2018)
• He tried to deport a marine vet who is a U.S.-born citizen (Jan 16, 2019). He deported countless other veterans (2017-present)
• When a man was caught swindling veterans’ pensions for high-interest “cash advances,” Trump’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined him $1. As a reminder, the Trump administration’s goal was to dismantle the CFPB, installing Mick Mulvaney as the director, who publicly stated the bureau should be disbanded. (Jan 26, 2019)
• Trump purged 200,000 veterans’ healthcare applications (due to known administrative errors within VA’s enrollment process and enrollment system) (reported on May 13, 2019)
• On August 2, 2019, Trump requisitioned military retirement funds towards the border wall.
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renchbriskafa · 3 years
HD Online Player (xforce Keygen Autocad 2012 X86 X64)
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Hi. Do u have a list of when the CW, HC, IW, Endgame, and FFH happened? The MCU timeline is an utter mess. HC happened around Sep 2016. If it started 2 months after CW, it means CW took place in June (before Peter's birthday that's why Tony thought he was still 14 in HC). The school year would've already ended atm, but why did Peter say he had homework? Then IW happened in 2018, but which months? All I know it's; 1) before Aug, bcs Tony said his wedding decoy date was Aug 27, (cont.)
(cont.) 2) after Jan, bcs Betty said they already took their midterm test before The Snap. And then Endgame happened 5 years later (2023). Was that exactly 5 years or 5 years and few months? We know FFH happened during summer (June 2024). If it took place 8 months after The 2nd Snap, it means Endgame took place in Oct 2023? But how long it took for the Avengers to build the time travel machine? When did exactly Scott return? Sept? Ugh. Please help me clear my mind or I might implode. Thanks!
I answered something similar to this here and here. In one of those, I posted the official timeline Marvel created after Homecoming.
1942 - 1945: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) 1995: Captain Marvel (2019) 2009: Iron Man (2008) 2010: Iron Man 2 (2010), The Incredible Hulk (2011), Thor (2011) 2012: The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013) 2013: Thor: The Dark World (2013) 2014: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) 2015: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Ant-Man (2015) 2016: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Black Panther (2018) 2016 - 2017: Doctor Stranger (2016) 2017: Thor: Ragnarok (2017) 2018: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Ant-Man & the Wasp (2018) 2019: Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
The years on the left are the MCU timeline and the years between parentheses is the release date of the movies.
Civil War and Homecoming happened in 2016. Peter says he has homework in CW because as established in the timeline site, in June 2019, which has the same days of the week as June 2024, New York high schools finished on June 26th. And Tony met Peter on May 23, 2016. 
 Infinity War took place two years after CW and HOCO. Endgame started on October 3rd 
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Scott returns this day. Endgame begins in mid-2018 then the five years later jump happens, making it 2023. In the movie they confirm this, Ebony Maw from 2014 says that Nebula has come from ‘9 years in the future’. On October 9, they start working on the time travel theory Scott told them about, so between the 9th and the 16th, they’re working on the time machine/time heist.  
In Infinity War, they reveal the decoy date for Tony and Pepper’s wedding: August 27th. And Infinity War starts mid-to-late May 2018, late April-early May 2018.
Here’s the MCU timeline with detailed facts and events from 2016. If you want to see more years, just change the year in the ‘timeline’ tag. 
In FFH, Betty references the last day of their school before summer in June, and it’s mentioned that they were brought back 8 months ago. So you’re absolutely right, Endgame took place in October 2023. On October 27th, Peter comes back to school to reunite with Ned.
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I don’t know why but it’s always the Spider-Man movies making the mistakes when it comes to dates. Here’s an example: they showed that the decathlon competition was on October 13-15, 2016 and then later they changed that to September 14, 2016.
In the first image, you can see the poster at the beginning of the movie and the second one was when Peter was about to ask if he could come back to the decathlon team before the competition. So you’re right when you say CW took place in June. Between May and June. The events of the airport happened in June 2016 and Tony visited Peter in May 2016 because that’s when he got Peter’s passport. 
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And yes, you’re right when you say Tony thought Peter was still 14 because Peter’s birthday is on August 10 and Tony met him on May 23, 2016. 
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If you don’t mind, I’m going to answer another ask that is similar to yours, this is for the anon asking for more details about the timeline and facts they could use for their irondad fics regarding said timeline:
1. Peter quits the school band on his birthday because of Spider-Man and his extra-curricular activities. He quit band expecting a call from Happy or Tony. But Tony was probably too heartbroken to even remember Peter’s birthday or something else. 
2. Mysterio's crew learn Tony left an inheritance for Peter on June 27th, 2024 and Peter gets that inheritance on June 28th. 
3. Peter’s identity is revealed on July 10th. 
4. On July 17th, Coney Island reopens eight years after what happened between Peter and Toomes. That means Toomes has been in prison (maybe, we still don’t know because of the snap, he could’ve died and then after the blip escaped) for around eight years. 
5. Flash is now famous lmao given that the Daily Bugle gave everyone his real name and nickname thanks to the video he provided of the attack on the bridge tower. 
6. Ned is also famous too since he gave a statement to the news about Night Monkey lmao a very funny one: “He’s like some kind of European knock-off, I guess? Which is cool, I mean, Spider-Man is awesome and other countries probably need their own spider-power-based heroes just in case, but I’ve seen Spider-Man before and that definitely wasn’t him. He was all in black. Spider-Man doesn’t wear black. So, like, case closed.”
7. The raid on Area 51 is canon in the MCU lmao 
8. The Daily Bugle reached out to some of the teachers at Midtown High School for more background on Peter but they declined to comment.
9. On October 17th Tony sees Peter again after 5 years and dies the same day.
10. Tony's funeral was on October 29th. So that means Peter returned to school and then had to grieve his father-figure and then attend his funeral on October 29th. Talk about traumatic life events...
11. On May 30th, 2018 Tony was discussing his wedding plans with Pepper on Central Park, and Peter was on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art.
12. Happy is the only one that could’ve informed Nick Fury that Tony made Peter an Avenger, this means Tony and Happy talked about the kid while Peter was dead. These are just crumbs lmao but we have a little confirmation that Tony talked about Peter during those five years with someone other than Pepper.  someone send your ‘happy and tony talk about peter and tony suffers a mental breakdown’ fics asap 
13. Peter Parker died on May 31st, 2018. 
:D only happy facts here 
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architectnews · 3 years
Sydney Houses: NSW Properties, Residences
Sydney Homes, NSW Houses, New South Wales Property Designs, Residence Photos
Sydney Houses : NSW Properties
New South Wales Property Developments, Contemporary Australian Homes
post updated 31 Jul 2021
Sydney House – Latest Property Additions
New South Wales Properties – latest additions to this page, arranged chronologically:
17 Jul 2021 Stealth House, Hunters Hill
22 Jun 2021 Kingsford House
22 Apr 2021 Coast House Design: Luke Moloney Architecture photograph © Tom Ferguson Coast House A single-storey cottage overlooking the ocean received a new first floor to take advantage of spectacular coastal views. An economical design tailors simple materials to make a comfortable home for a busy couple with young children.
16 Feb 2021 McLeod House Design: Ian Moore Architects photograph © Daniel Mayne McLeod House The four-bedroom McLeod House is located on a ridge above Sydney’s Middle Harbour, with significant district views as well as a distant view to Chatswood in the west. Officially it is alterations and additions to a 1970’s house, as 30% of the original house had to be retained to allow the house to retain it’s floor area, height and location on the site, all of which exceeded new planning controls for the area.
8 Feb 2021 Dodds House Design: Ian Moore Architects photograph © Daniel Mayne Dodds House This restoration of a one-bedroom house designed by Ian Moore in 1998 and completed in 2001, which had been unsympathetically altered by a previous owner.
17 Feb 2021 Hastings van Nunen House
3 Dec 2020 Escu House
23 Nov 2020 Chimney House
16 Nov 2020 Mosman White House
5 Nov 2020 House Anand
19 Oct 2020 Eagle’s Nest, Collaroy Plateau, New South Wales Architects: Ian Bennett Design Studio photo : Clinton Weaver Eagle’s Nest, Collaroy Plateau Perched high on a prominent escarpment in the highest level of bushfire attack; Flame Zone, Eagle’s Nest aspires to balance and curate the experience of outlook and expansiveness of site, with privacy and seclusion. The restrained material palette heightens this experience of site, landscape and built form along with the changing dynamic of light and shade.
20 Sep 2020 Pindimar Lake House, NSW
4 Sep 2020 Next Generation House in Pittwater, NSW
28 Aug 2020 Oye Mi Canto House, Carriageworks cultural precinct, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Design: CplusC Architectural Workshop photo : Murray Fredericks Oye Mi Canto House An alterations and additions project on a terrace-house located in the leafy suburban streets of Sydney’s Newtown, nestled into a narrow site backing onto the Carriageworks cultural precinct.
14 July 2020 A+C Residence in Seaforth
29 June 2020 The Waterfront Retreat, Newport, New South Wales, Australia Architecture: Koichi Takada Architects photo : Tom Ferguson Photography The Waterfront Retreat Newport, NSW The Waterfront Retreat is the epitome of an Australian dream home, adorned with a private beach, garden and open-plan living. Responding the clients’ brief – a house offering sanctuary and entertainment, the Waterfront Retreat is designed to allow nature to lead, offering maximum seclusion and connection to its surrounds and outlook.
23 June 2020 Hart House, Great Mackerel Beach, New South Wales Design: Casey Brown Architecture photo : Rhys Holland House on Great Mackerel Beach, NSW This new property is located on the idyllic shoreline of Great Mackerel Beach, and was conceived as a contemporary interpretation of the quintessential one-room Australian beach shack. The form was derived from a wrapped ‘box’ open to one side.
17 June 2020 Blackwood Residence, Clovelly, eastern Sydney Architects: McGregor Westlake Architecture photo : Brett Boardman Blackwood Residence in Clovelly This NSW residence is a recently finished alteration and addition to a house in Boundary Street, Clovelly.
8 June 2020 St Peters House II Architects: Kreis Grennan Architecture photo : Douglas Frost St Peters House II in Suburbian West Sydney The St Peters House II is built at the rear of a narrow lot in the Sydney suburb of St Peters. The client’s backyard provided a new site for his freestanding home. The original dwelling remained, creating additional accommodation and a sensible approach to increased urban residential density.
19 May 2020 YrdPods Architects: Kreis Grennan Architecture photo : Douglas Frost YrdPod Garden House YrdPods are a type of tiny homes that makes architecture accessible for everyone. They are not the type of tiny houses on wheels, but a permanent structure located in backyards.
19 May 2020 New House in Clovelly Architects: Modscape photo : John Madden New House in Clovelly, Sydney
9 Mar 2020 Infinity House, Curl Curl Architect: CplusC Architectural Workshop photographers : Murray Fredericks and Simon Whitbread Infinity House in Curl Curl This new NSW property is an exercise in material, time, and cost efficiency. A specific project brief included two bedrooms with built-in robes, bathroom/laundry, an open plan dining, kitchen, living space, and a deck.
5 Mar 2020 Tennyson Point House Architects: CplusC Architectural Workshop photograph : Murray Fredericks Tennyson Point House Working within the bones of a solid, well-constructed water front home built in the 1960s on Parramatta River, the adaptive reuse of this multi-level dwelling involved various changes. All the internal workings of the existing structure were removed, the central circulation core was re-invigorated, light and cross ventilation was developed, and the waterfront outlook reinforced.
2 Mar 2020 Porter St Ryde Apartments, Shepherds Bay, Meadowbank Precinct, Ryde, New South Wales Architects: Glyde_Bautovich photograph : Atelier Illume Porter St Ryde Apartments in Sydney, NSW Planning approval obtained for this new residential project within City of Ryde’s Shepherds Bay, Meadowbank Precinct.
4 Feb 2020 Townhouses on Tamarama, Upper North Shore, NSW Architects: David Mitchell Architects and Chapman Architecture photograph : Michael Nicholson Tamarama Townhouses NSW, Upper North Shore Three luxury properties on Tamarama’s waterfront have been designed to cut into the slope of the site’s natural landform allowing the building to open generously to the view as it simultaneously bunkers down to the landform.
29 Jan 2020 The Balcony House in Newtown
29 Jan 2020 Copper Top House in Mosman
17 Jan 2020 Iron Maiden House in Longueville, New South Wales
More contemporary Sydney Houses online soon at e-architect
Sydney Houses in 2019
5 Dec 2019 Balmoral House in Mosman
17 Nov 2019 Beachside Sanctuary House in Mona Vale
9 Jul 2019 Fundamental House in Annangrove
30 May 2019 Clovelly house, eastern suburbs of Sydney Architects: Rolf Ockert Design photograph from architects Clovelly house Having seen some of our earlier work the owners of this extraordinary oceanfront site invited us to submit ideas about what a new house there could look like.
14 Apr 2019 Taylors Bay House in Mosman, NSWW
4 Apr 2019 Avoca Beach Beach House, Avoca Beach, Central Coast, NSW Architects: Architecture Saville Isaacs photograph : Kata Bayer Beach House in NSW The core idea of people living and engaging with place is an underlying principle of this architecture practice, given expression in the manner in which this home engages with the exterior, not in a general expansive nod to view, but in a varied and intimate manner.
2 Apr 2019 Twin Houses Architects: Architecture Saville Isaacs photograph : Kata Bayer Twin Houses in Sydney Responding to the irregular site boundary and contextual differences, the houses take on different yet complementary forms. No.2 presents a street façade of sensually curved brick mass with window penetrations.
27 Mar 2019 Garden House Architects: James Design Studio photograph : Simon Whitbread Garden House in New South Wales A new home in the upper north shore using vernacular forms and gables defined by differing materials with a link in the middle giving a glimpse of what lies beyond while providing a framework for privacy.
3 Mar 2019 Wentworth House, Vaucluse, New South Wales, Australia Architects: MHN. Design Union photo : Brett Boardman Wentworth House in Vaucluse, NSW Wentworth House is located on the southern ridges of Sydney Harbour at the crest of a gully which feeds into Vaucluse Bay.
13 Feb 2019 International Lodge Apartment Design: Ian Moore Architects photo : Iain D. Mackenzie International Lodge Apartment, NSW International Lodge is a Harry Seidler designed apartment building in Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, completed in 1962. The building was designed as compact 40 square metre 1 bedroom and 29 square metre studio apartments.
2 Feb 2019 Tamarama House, Upper North Shore Architects: Modscape photo courtesy of architects Tamarama House in NSW Located just a few minutes’ walk from the beach, this elegant home in Tamarama, NSW is beautifully detailed to create a sophisticated, functional, light-filled family home.
31 Jan 2019 Earth Wind and Fire – The Village House, Upper North Shore Architects: Luigi Rosselli Pty Ltd photo © Justin Alexander New House in Upper North Shore Earth is one of the oldest construction materials known to man; it can be fired, as with bricks and tiles, or used in its raw state as with adobe or rammed earth.
More new Sydney Houses welcome for consideration on e-architect
Sydney Houses in 2018
1 Nov 2018 Sunrise House, South Coast, NSW Architects: MCK Architecture & Interiors photograph : Michael Nicholson Photography South Coast NSW Home A robust yet finely articulated home arranged as a collection of positive and negative spaces, opens up completely to its immediate landscape, or shuts down as the coastal weather turns.
7 Oct 2018 Hidden Studio, Byron Bay, northeastern New South Wales Design: Harley Graham Architects photo : Andy MacPherson Byron Bay House Nestled into rainforest on a 20acre property in Coopers Shoot Byron Bay, ‘Hidden Studio’ by Harley Graham Architects is a private sanctuary with views over the hinterland and Pacific Ocean beyond.
16 May 2018 North Curl Curl House Architect: Rolf Ockert photo © Luke Butterly North Curl Curl House The clients fulfilled their dream to live by the beach when they bought one half of a new subdivision of a double size block on a quiet street with great views across the road to the lagoon and beach of North Curl Curl.
25 Apr 2018 Escarpment House, Gerringong, Illawarra region, New South Wales, Australia Architects: ATELIER ANDY CARSON photograph : Michael Nicholson New House in Gerringong This modest two bed guest house explores the vernacular farm shed, with a plan that’s charmingly simple yet highly considered in its detail. Located on a quintessentially NSW South Coast dairy farm. The design explores the vernacular steel portal frame typology in a highly refined and detailed way.
23 Apr 2018 Headland House, Gerringong, Illawarra region, New South Wales Design: ATELIER ANDY CARSON photo : Michael Nicholson New House in Gerringong This new home designed by Atelier Andy Carson is a sanctuary from its harsh surrounds, perched on a sprawling coastal site overlooking Werri Beach, New South Wales. Green pastures and paddocks running dairy cows line this 150-acre property on one side, rugged coastal cliffs and ocean on the other.
18 Apr 2018 The Books House, Mosman Design: Luigi Rosselli Architects photo © Justin Alexander New House in Mosman Subtle and thoughtful new property that focuses on the startification of the rock found – and exposed – on the site of the residence. The concrete structure of each floor is oriented differently to suit the views, and also maximise the distances from the neighbours on each side.
10 Apr 2018 Double Bay House Architects: SAOTA photograph : Adam Letch Contemporary House on Sydney Harbour Shore An oversailing timber roof canopy connects the street side to the garden and the beach. It permeates the interior, presenting itself at odd moments, it protects and defines the collection of internal and external spaces composed beneath.
2 Feb 2018 Mt Duneed House, Geelong, Victoria Architects: Lachlan Shepherd Architects photo : Ben Hosking New House in Victoria An honest, low-slung building in a suburb of Geelong, Victoria. the property sits sympathetically with its surroundings. Simply clad with corten steel and recycled timber, the home is positioned on the crest of a gentle hill and surrounded by paddocks with scattered trees.
5 Feb 2018 Glebe House Design: Nobbs Radford Architects photo : Murray Fredericks Glebe House The project is primarily focused on the interconnections of cloistered spaces, created and selected framed openings. The outer concrete elements contrast with the timber elements that further define the various internal zones and functions within the house.
1 Feb 2018 Small Living Spaces Apartment, Surry Hills Design: Catseye Bay photo : Katherine Lu Small Living Spaces Apartment A New South Wales studio apartment structured by colour.
29 Jan 2018 House Pranayama, Bellevue Hill Design: Architect Prineas photo : Ben Hosking Home Pranayama in Bellevue Hill This residential project involved a narrow three-story side addition to a 1920s two storey brick house. The clients desirted space for a study, library and rumpus area that also provided an opportunity for internal connection/lift access from the previously separate garage.
13 Jan 2018 Maybanke House Architects: AJ+C photo © Michael Nicholson Maybanke House Design ingenuity and a dose of respect for its original Gothic Revival bones deliver a blighted 1870s harbourside home in Sydney into the 21st century.
Archive of NSW residences posted up to and including 2017:
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arinfmdxcs2 · 3 years
Crutzen, P. and Stoermer, E., 2000. Sustaining Earth’s life support systems – the challenge for the next decade and beyond. Global Change, p.1.
Crutzen, P., 2002. Geology of Mankind. Macmillan, (415).
2015. An Ecomodernist Manifesto. 1st ed. [PDF] Available at: < http://www.ecomodernism.org> [Accessed 15 April 2021].
J. Widholm and T. Nagata, Plant biotechnology for sustainable production of energy and coproducts, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, 2010, (66)
Ellis, E. 2011. The Planet of No Return: Human Resilience on an Artificial Earth. The Breakthrough Journal no.2 (Fall 2001) pages 37-44.
J. Griffith, 2011, The Human Condition, Available at: https://www.humancondition.com/save-the-world/
G. Garver and P. Brown, Humans and Nature: The Right Relationship, Minding nature, 2009 (2) Available at: https://www.humansandnature.org/humans-nature-the-right-relationship
1960, No Author, The Relationship of Man and Nature (Vol 41 No. 4)
Lewis, S. and maslin, M., 2015. Defining The Anthropocene. Nature, (519).
Commoner, B., 1971. The Closing Circle: Nature, Man and Technology. pp.1-24.
Commoner, B., 1971. The Closing Circle: Nature, Man and Technology. pp. 6
 A, Spirkin, Dialectical Materialism (5) On the Human Being and Being Human: Man in the Realm of Nature. Accessible by https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/spirkin/works/dialectical-materialism/ch05-s03.html
 P, Kahn. 1999, The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture pp9
 P, Kahn. 1999, The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture pp46
 M. Diogo, I. Louro, D. Scarso, 2017, Uncanny Nature: Why the concept of Anthropocene is relevant for historians of technology (23)
 J. Derrida, 2002, The Animal That Therefore I Am (more to follow)
L. Jackson, 2003, The relationship of urban design to human health and condition. Laura E. Jackson 2002. L.E. Jackson / Landscape and Urban Planning.
S. Chan, 2008, Humanity 2.0? EMBO Reports, Vol 9.
J. Harris quoted in S. Chan, 2008, Humanity 2.0? EMBO Reports, Vol 9.
L. White Jr. 1967, The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, Science, (V.155 N.3767) pp 1203-1207. Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science accessible by: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1720120
Ph. Bourdeau, 2004, The man-nature relationship and environmental ethics, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 72 (2004) 9–15
L. White Jr. 1967, The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis, Science, (V.155 N.3767) pp 1203-1207. Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science accessible by: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1720120
Trinity College Dublin, 2019, Available at: https://phys.org/news/2019-12-global-unearths-myriad-nature-cultures.html
Britannica, edited 2020, Available at: https://www.britannica.com/topic/nature-worship
M. Awana, 2018, Available at: https://www.theclassroom.com/relationship-between-nature-mankind-greek-mythology-15384.html
S. McDaniel, 2020, Tales of Forgotten times: Did Ancient “Pagans” Really Worship Nature? Available at: https://talesoftimesforgotten.com/2020/03/19/sorry-ancient-pagans-didnt-really-worship-nature/#:~:text=A%20review%20of%20the%20idea%20of%20%E2%80%9Cpagans%E2%80%9D%20worshipping%20nature&text=It%20was%20thought%20that%20everything,and%20all%20aspects%20of%20nature.%E2%80%9D&text=%E2%80%9CToday%2C%20Paganism%20(neo%2D,%2C%20nature%2C%20and%20so%20on.
Forsbergfilm, 2012, Ancient Egyptian Art: linking us to the Prehistoric World through Nature and Animals. Available at: https://forsbergfilm.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/31/
M. Chandrashekhar, 2019, Nature Worship By Ancient Aryans Of India. Available at: https://cultureandheritage.org/2019/09/nature-worship-by-ancient-aryans-of.html
W. Smith, 2011, Ecocide is Earth Religion, National Review, Available at: https://www.nationalreview.com/human-exceptionalism/ecocide-earth-religion-wesley-j-smith/
E. Shelley, "Art in the Paleolithic Age." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, www.thoughtco.com/what-is-paleolithic-art-182389
B. Harris, and S. Zucker, 2009, Available at: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/global-prehistory-ap/paleolithic-mesolithic-neolithic-apah/a/paleolithic-art-an-introduction
Borchert, T.H. Waterman, J.P. Taschen (no date) The Book of Miracles. Available at: https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/classics/all/44613/facts.the_book_of_miracles.htm?&tag=rankercom-20
E. Morrison, Available at: https://www.bl.uk/medieval-english-french-manuscripts/articles/beastly-tales-from-the-medieval-bestiary
E. Martinique, 2016, Available at: https://www.widewalls.ch/magazine/environmental-art
C. Hackett, Available at: https://www.caitlinhackett.com/about
C. Hackett, Available at: https://theflyingfruitbowl.co.uk/2013/03/29/an-interview-with-caitlin-hackett/
C. Hackett, 2017, Available at: https://www.thepeoplesprintshop.com/blogs/news/one-great-tumble-of-beautiful-wilderness-an-interview-with-caitlin-hackett)
L. Marx, 2017, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2017/07/06/lauren-marxs-interconnectivity-of-life-unforgiving-portrayals-of-nature/
L, Marx, 2017, Available at: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2019/12/chimera-by-lauren-marx/
M. Wittfooth, 2019, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2019/09/27/interview-with-martin-wittfooth/
M. Wittfooth, 2015, Available at: https://beinart.org/blogs/articles/interview-martin-wittfooth
M. Wittfooth, 2015, Available at: https://wowxwow.com/artist-interview/martin-wittfooth-ai
T. Dean, 2021, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2021/02/02/tamara-dean-interview/
T. Dean, 2018, Available at: https://bluethumb.com.au/blog/interviews/an-interview-with-tamara-dean/
L. Laine, 2021, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2021/02/09/lexi-laine-interview/
A. Matano, 2020, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2020/03/19/interview-animal-sculptor-adam-matano/
A. Bowman, 2020, Available at: http://voyagedallas.com/interview/meet-ariel-bowman-ariel-bowman-cearmics-flower-mound/
J. DeVille, 2019, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2019/10/01/interview-with-julia-deville/
F. Rodgers, 2019, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2019/09/05/interview-with-forest-rogers/
S. Gruss, 2014, Available at: https://beautifulbizarre.net/2014/06/12/the-living-dead-creatures-of-sabrina-gruss-interview/
C. David White, Available at: https://www.christopherdavidwhite.com/index.php/en/about
C. David White, 2014, Available at: https://twistedsifter.com/2014/03/wood-like-ceramic-sculptures-by-christopher-david-white/
 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) Directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Avatar (2009) Directed by James Cameron.
There Will Be Blood (2008) Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
Black Mirror (2011) NETFLIX, 4 December 2011.
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Examining the sources of the Plymouth Colony Pages [Part 14]
Vital Records of Attleborough Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849 (Salem, MA: The Essex Institute, 1934).
This book is available online in a transcribed format on ma-vitalrecords.org, rays-place.com, and dunhamwilcox.net. Of those, one includes transcribed births/baptisms of Packards in Attleborough:
––––, s. Martin, laborer, Aug. 23, 1844. Freelove, d. Robert, bp. June 6, 1756. CR2 Lidia, d. Robeert, bp. June 6, 1756. CR2 Melzar, ch. Robert, bp. June 6, 1756. CR2 Silence, d. Robert and Lydia, bp. Feb. 26, 1758. CR2
CR2 refers to the Second Congregational Church in Attleborough according to another transcription, this time of the book's abbreviations.
Also transcribed are Packard marriages in this area:
Elisha, of St. George, and Keziah Lane, int. Oct. 13, 1769. Martin, and Mary M. Skinner, unm., of Mansfield, int. Nov. 9, 1827. Silance, and Adin Stanley, July 22, 1784.
Apparently not on that site, this one, or any other, are any Packards listed among those who died in the area. Perhaps they moved somewhere else. The full view of the book is available on Haithitrust.
In sum, this book doesn't really say much about the Packards at all, but is a good source although, once again, transcriptions should be completely taken for granted.
Note: This was originally posted on Apr. 27, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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henrykathman · 4 years
The Owl House and the History of Witchcraft
In the spirit of the season, this video will be discussing Disney's new series The Owl House and its relationship to the history of witchcraft and magic? How do the characters of this modern cartoon comment upon the subjugation marginalized people have suffered under the suspicion of witchcraft? 
Music masterfully composed by Molly Noise (check out her Bandcamp)
Special voice appearances by DrawpinionDump and Laura Crone 
My Twitter, The Pink Aisle Podcast, My Patreon 
Bibliography Below
“American Family Association.” Southern Poverty Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, 2005, www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/american-family-association.
Barnett, Errol. “Witchcraft in Tanzania: the Good, Bad and the Persecution.” CNN, Cable News Network, 27 Oct. 2020, www.cnn.com/2012/10/05/world/africa/tanzania-witchcraft/index.html.
Bever, Edward. “Witchcraft Prosecutions and the Decline of Magic.” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 40, no. 2, 2009, pp. 263–293. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/40263656. Accessed 23 Aug. 2020.
Blair, Judit M. De-Demonising the Old Testament: An Investigation of Azazel, Lilith, Deber, Qeteb and Reshef in the Hebrew Bible. Vol. 37. Mohr Siebeck, 2009.
“Branded 'Witch', Nepal Woman Force-Fed Human Excreta: Police.” Hindustan Times, 19 Aug. 2019, www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/branded-witch-nepal-woman-force-fed-human-excreta-police/story-N0US7FHSNSKv3RxymAWRiM.html.
De Carteret, D. “Modern Witch Hunts Terrorize New Guinea Highlands.” AFP News Agency, YouTube, 3 Jan. 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfwcBmpHsUU.
Ellis, Lindsay. Loose Canon: “The Wicked Witch of the West” Lindsay Ellis. Youtube,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiZB4WgjJmA March 16, 2015
Epure, Ioana. “The Women of Ghana's Witch Camps.” VICE, Vice Media, 1 Feb. 2016, www.vice.com/en/article/3dxg4v/the-women-of-ghanas-witch-camps.
Federici, Silvia. Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women. PM Press, 2018. ISBN-10 : 1629635685
Jacobs, Ryan. “Saudi Arabia's War on Witchcraft.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 27 July 2015, www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/08/saudi-arabias-war-on-witchcraft/278701/.
James I, King of England, 1566-1625. Daemonologie : In Forme of a Dialogue : Divided into Three Bookes. Edinburgh :Printed by Robert Walde-grave, Printer to the Kings Majestie, 1597. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25929/25929-pdf.pdf  June 29, 2008
Little, Becky. “Native Americans to J.K. Rowling: We're Not Magical.” National Geographic, 11 Mar. 2016, www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2016/03/160311-history-of-magic-in-north-america-jk-rowling-native-american-stereotypes/.
Neubauer, Ian Lloyd. “Why Is Papua New Guinea Still Hunting Witches?” The Diplomat, James Pach, 18 Jan. 2018, thediplomat.com/2018/01/why-is-papua-new-guinea-still-hunting-witches/.
Speaks, Angie “The Politics of Witchcraft and the Archetype of the Witch” Angie Speaks. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aaxbFIw8oU Oct 30, 2018
Suuk, Maxwell, and Isaac Kaledzi. “Witch Hunts: A Global Problem in the 21st Century: DW: 10.08.2020.” Deutsche Welle, 2020, www.dw.com/en/witch-hunts-a-global-problem-in-the-21st-century/a-54495289.
“Tanzania 'Witch Killings' Claimed 479 Lives from January - June 2017: Report.” Africanews, Reuters, 1 Aug. 2017, www.africanews.com/2017/08/01/tanzania-witch-killings-claimed-479-lives-from-january-june-2017-report/.
Thorn, Oliver “Witchcraft, Gender, & Marxism” Philosophy Tube.  YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmk47kh7fiE, Oct 26, 2018
Yasmin, Seema. “Witch Hunts Today: Abuse of Women, Superstition and Murder Collide in India.” Scientific American, Springer Nature, 11 Jan. 2018, www.scientificamerican.com/article/witch-hunts-today-abuse-of-women-superstition-and-murder-collide-in-india/.
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womenintranslation · 4 years
Tumblr media
Starting this Thursday. From the PEN Translation Committee, Jill!, and DC-ALT announcement:
DC-ALT Board Member Nancy Naomi Carlson is co-organizing three virtual readings in celebration of Women in Translation Month, streaming for three consecutive Thursdays at 1 p.m. ET. Find out more and stayed tuned for all three readings by clicking the links below:
Aug 13
Aug 20 - including DC-ALT Board Member Indran Amirthanayagam
Aug 27
It’s August, and time once again to celebrate Women in Translation (#WiT) Month! This initiative was started six years ago by blogger Meytal Radzinski with the purpose of focusing on translating words by women or nonbinary authors and working toward gender parity in literary publishing—so important to freedom of expression throughout the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities to include translators and the authors they translate in a virtual reading format, showcasing participants who might otherwise not have been able to travel to such an event in the past.
Organized under the aegis of the PEN America Translation Committee and hosted by Jill! A Women+ in Translation Reading Series, this event will bring together five translators joined by their authors, working in such varied languages as Guatemalan Spanish, K’iche’, Hebrew, Arabic, Galician, and Senegalese French.The reading, moderated by Anna Dinwoodie, will be followed by a brief Q&A discussion (time permitting). We hope you’ll join us for this one-of-a-kind bilingual reading!
On AUGUST 13, at 1pm ET, tune in for the first LIVE bilingual readings by translators from Guatemalan Spanish & K’iche’, Hebrew, Arabic, Galician, and Senegalese French. This reading will be livestreamed; you can RSVP and tune in via the Facebook page of our host, Jill: A Women+ in Translation Reading Series.
Gabriela Ramirez-Chavez is a Guatemalan-American poet, translator,and Literature Ph.D. Candidate at UC Santa Cruz. Her work appears in Centro Mariconadas: A Queer and Trans Central American Anthology (forthcoming) and The Wandering Song: Central American Writing in the United States (2017). She attended the Kenyon Review Translators Workshop with a scholarship.
Rosa Chávez is a Maya K’iche’-Kaqchikel poet, playwright, artist, and activist who is Guatemala Program Coordinator for the international feminist organization JASS Mesoamerica. She has published five books of poetry, including El corazón de la piedra(2010), and the play AWAS (2014). Her poetry has been widely anthologized and translated.
Joanna Chen is a literary translator and writer. Her full-length translations include two books of poetry (Less Like a Dove and Frayed Light, a finalist for the Jewish National Book Award) and a book of nonfiction, My Wild Garden. She writes a column for The Los Angeles Review of Books.  
Tehila Hakimi is an award-winning Hebrew poet and fiction writer. She was a 2018 Fulbright fellow at The University of Iowa. Hakimi has published a poetry collection (We’ll Work Tomorrow), a graphic novel (In the Water) and a collection of novellas (Company). Hakimi is a mechanical engineer by profession.
Melanie Magidow is the founder of Marhaba Language Expertise, providing Arabic to English translation and other multilingual services. She holds a Ph.D. in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures from the University of Texas at Austin. Magidow has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Fulbright Commission. She is also a co-host of the Goodreads MENA Lit Book Group. For more on her projects, see melaniemagidow.com.
Reem Bassiouney was born in Alexandria, Egypt. She obtained her M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Oxford University in linguistics. In addition to more than 8 books in linguistics, Bassiouney has 7 novels and has won numerous awards. Her novels have been translated into English, Greek, and Spanish. Her most recent masterpiece, "أولاد الناسثلاثية المماليك" 'Sons of the People: The Mamluk Trilogy' was published in 2018. Reem Bassiouney was awarded the prestigious Naguib Mahfouz Award from Egypt's Supreme Council for Culture for the best Egyptian novel of the year 2019/2020, making her the first woman to win this prize.
Laura Cesarco Eglin translates from Spanish, Portuguese, Portuñol, and Galician. She co-translated Fabián Severo’s Night in the North (Eulalia Books). Her translation of Hilda Hilst’s Of Death. Minimal Odes, (co•im•press) won the 2019 Best Translated Book Award.Her translations have appeared in Asymptote, Modern Poetry in Translation, The New Yorker, and more. Cesarco Eglin is the author of five poetry collections, most recently Life, One Not Attached to Conditionals (Thirty West Publishing House). She is the publisher of Veliz Books.
Lara Dopazo Ruibal has published four poetry collections and she is the co-editor and co-author of the experimental essay volume Através das marxes: Entrelazando feminismos, ruralidades e comúns. Her poetry collection ovella was awarded the Francisco Añón Prizein 2015, and with claus e o alacrán she received the Fiz Vergara Vilariño Prize in 2017. Dopazo Ruibal was a resident artist at the Spanish Royal Academy in Rome for the academic year 2018/2019.  
Aubrey D. Jones is Assistant Professor of French at Weber State University in Utah. She received her Ph.D. in French Literature from the University at Buffalo-SUNY and has also worked in freelance translation since 2010. Aubrey is now involved in building Translation Studies in French at Weber State, as well as undertaking the translation of works of Franco-Ontarian and Senegalese poetry and fiction. She lives in Ogden, Utah with her husband and three children, and will often be found wandering in the mountains when not in her office.
Ken Bugul was born in Senegal in 1947 as Mariétou Mbaye. In her native language, Wolof, her pen name means “one who is not wanted.” From 1986 to 1993 she worked for the NGO IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) in Kenya, Togo and the Congo. Ken Bugul’s autobiographical debut novel Le Baobab Fou was published in 1982 and is one of the most important documents in the Francophone literature of West Africa from the 1980s. Since then, Bugul has published many novels, which have been translated into several languages. Characteristic of her work is a highly literary language densely woven with the rhythms and fundamental thought structures of Wolof.
This reading will be moderated by Anna Dinwoodie, a poet and German-English translator. Anna received a Katharine Bakeless Nason scholarship to attend the Bread Loaf Translators Conference in 2019, and her writing appears in the anthology Poets of Queens (August 2020). She is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing & Literary Translation at Queens College, CUNY.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
As mass shootings rise, experts say high-capacity magazines should be the focus
As mass shootings rise, experts say high-capacity magazines should be the focus
By Griff Wittes | Published August 18 at 6:23 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted August 19, 2019 7:45 AM ET |
It took a shooter all of 32 seconds to spray 41 rounds outside a popular bar in Dayton, Ohio, this month, an attack that killed nine people and injured 27. A lightning-fast response from nearby officers prevented a far higher toll: When police shot him dead, the killer still had dozens of bullets to go in his double-drum, 100-round magazine.
The use of such high-capacity magazines was banned in Ohio up until 2015, when a little-noticed change in state law legalized the devices, part of an overall rollback in gun-control measures that has been mirrored in states nationwide.
With the pace of mass shootings accelerating — and their tolls dramatically increasing — criminologists and reform advocates are more intently focused on limiting access to such accessories as one of the most potent ways to curb the epidemic.
Restrictions on the capacity of bullet magazines will not stop mass shootings, but they could make the attacks less deadly, giving potential targets precious seconds to escape or fight back while the shooter reloads, experts say.
“The high-capacity magazine is what takes it to a whole other level of carnage,” said David Chipman, who served 25 years as a special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. “It’s the primary driver for why we’re seeing more mass shootings more regularly.”
Chipman, who now serves as a senior policy adviser for Giffords, a group that advocates for gun control, said banning the devices “does seem like a logical policy choice if you’re trying to stop a killer from turning into a killing machine.”
The odds that Congress or state legislatures will act still appear relatively remote. Powerful gun rights lobbying groups, including the National Rifle Association, vigorously oppose high-capacity magazine bans or limits, arguing that criminals will find a way to obtain the devices regardless of the law, just as they do with weapons. Would-be killers, they say, can always arm themselves with multiple weapons or magazines, effectively skirting any ban.
A man in Philadelphia held police at bay for seven hours Wednesday with an arsenal of weapons and ammunition that, as a felon, he should not have been able to have at all; he shot and injured six police officers before surrendering, and authorities have said it was a “miracle” that no one died in the shootout.
Still, a growing body of evidence suggests that past federal and current state-level restrictions on magazine capacity have been effective. And with high-capacity magazines becoming a staple of mass shootings, experts have an ever-longer litany of case studies to bolster their argument. 
Magazines like the one used in Dayton have little utility in hunting, law enforcement or self-defense. But high-capacity devices, which are readily available online and in stores, have been used in more than half of all mass shootings in recent years, including especially deadly attacks in Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, Tex., and Parkland, Fla. Taken together, those three attacks from October 2017 to February 2018 claimed 101 lives and injured 459 people at an outdoor concert, in a church and inside a public high school. 
They were also used in the 2011 Tucson shooting of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), for whom Chipman’s group is named. That attack was interrupted when the shooter, who was using a 33-round clip, stopped to reload and fumbled the fresh ammunition. A bystander seized the chance, clubbing him in the back of the head with a folding chair while another tackled him to the ground.
With smaller-capacity magazines, said Robert Spitzer, a State University of New York at Cortland professor who has written five books on gun policy, “you could still do bad things. But not nearly to the same scale.”
Studies have bolstered the view that a ban could have an impact. 
Magazines with a capacity of more than 10 bullets were prohibited from 1994 to 2004 under federal law that included a prohibition on assault weapons. But since the law lapsed, gun crimes involving high-capacity semiautomatic weapons have increased markedly, research conducted by George Mason University criminologist Christopher S. Koper found.
A Washington Post analysis in 2011 came to a similar conclusion, finding that the percentage of firearms equipped with high-capacity magazines seized by police agencies in Virginia dropped during the decade covered by the federal ban, only to rise sharply once the restrictions were lifted. 
In more recent research, to be published in the coming months, Koper and his colleagues have found promising signs about the potential for large-capacity-magazine prohibitions and their ability to yield reductions in mass-shooting deaths and injuries. 
Boston University professor Michael Siegel has found that states limiting the size of magazines are less likely to experience a mass shooting. Nine states and the District of Columbia have such bans on the books, with most limiting magazines to 10 bullets.
Until 2015, Ohio had its own restrictions, capping magazines at 30 bullets. But the Republican-dominated state legislature erased those rules as part of a broader package of changes aimed at loosening gun laws.
“They just slipped it through,” said Cecil Thomas, a Democrat in the Ohio Senate. Following the Dayton attack, Thomas and other Democrats are pushing for new limits. 
Thomas, a 27-year veteran of the Cincinnati Police Department, said he had to worry as an officer that, with a 15-round clip and one in the chamber of his pistol, criminals would outgun him. “My little nine-millimeter would be useless against an AR-15,” he said, referring to his standard-issue handgun and a high-powered rifle that has proved popular among mass killers.
The Dayton shooter’s killing rampage — carried out with a large magazine and other equipment obtained from a friend — has only deepened Thomas’s conviction that the laws need to be toughened. He said he hopes Republicans will be amenable to a change that would not infringe on the legality of guns themselves. 
“I hear all the time from Republicans about the constitutional right to bear arms,” Thomas said. “I say ‘You can bear the arms. But I don’t know if you have the right to bear all the ammunition in the world.’ ”
There is precedent for accessory bans, even with pro-gun-rights Republicans in charge: The Trump administration last year banned bump stocks, the device that allowed the Las Vegas shooter to fire a semiautomatic rifle almost as fast as a machine gun.
In Ohio, however, there is little indication that a renewed magazine limit is viable. Republican Gov. Mike DeWine — who was greeted with cries of “Do something!” in his first appearance after the Aug. 4 Dayton attack — has proposed a range of measures that includes background checks and increased funding for mental health care. 
A high-capacity-magazine ban is not among them. In a legislature dominated by Republicans — as well as some Democrats — who prize their ratings with the NRA, few dare defy the group, which calls magazines with more than 10 bullets “standard equipment for many handguns and rifles” and disputes findings that suggest limits can be effective. 
“There’s not a shred of evidence that high-capacity-magazine bans work,” said NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen. “Politicians ought to focus on solutions that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals.”
The situation is similar at the federal level, where President Trump has expressed a willingness to work with Democrats on background checks. But he has said there is not sufficient “political appetite” for any bans — despite the fact that polls show a large majority of the public in favor. Republicans in Congress have echoed that view, with many recoiling even at the idea of stronger background checks.
Democrats on the presidential campaign trail have said they would prioritize the magazine issue if elected, and they have expressed incredulity that it has not been addressed.
“Who in God’s name needs a weapon that has 100 rounds?” former vice president and Democratic poll leader Joe Biden asked a crowd in Iowa. “For God’s sake.”
Whether anyone needs them, many people evidently want them. The NRA estimates that more than 250 million magazines with a capacity of 11 rounds or greater are in circulation. Of those, 100 million have a capacity of at least 30 rounds.
Gun experts say their popularity has undoubtedly grown as technology has advanced, making the devices lighter and less prone to jams.
A 100-round drum is still too heavy to make it useful for law enforcement or for self-defense, and it is not needed for hunting, said Rick Vasquez, a retired firearms officer and trainer for the federal government. 
At the range where he and other professionals shoot, he said, he has never seen a 100-round magazine in use. 
But to a certain demographic, the appeal is all about the image.
“You put it on your gun and take a YouTube video of yourself,” said Vasquez, who now runs Texas-based Active Crisis Consulting. “It looks really cool to the younger generation.” 
At the online gun retailer Cheaper Than Dirt, where a drum similar to the one used in Dayton is on sale for $181.33, fun is what is emphasized.
“This 100 round drum magazine lets you shoot while your friends reload,” the seller boasts, noting that whether “stress relief or Zombie horde destruction fire this magazine lets the good times roll.”
Cheaper Than Dirt did not respond to a request for comment.
Even if a 100-round magazine is not particularly useful, Vasquez said, he believes there is little benefit in banning it. The Dayton shooter, he said, “wanted to create havoc. He could have done that with 30-round magazines, 20-round magazines or 10-round magazines. It didn’t matter.” 
Gun-control advocates say that misses the point. And they say they suspect the real point for the gun industry in defending high-capacity magazines is that they are lucrative.
“They make a lot of money off these devices,” said Laura Cutilletta, who, like Chipman, pushes for gun control at Gifford. “They’re reluctant to let any law get in the way of their profit.” 
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elitism-org · 5 years
Elitism 3
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architectnews · 4 years
Sydney Houses: NSW Properties, Residences
Sydney Homes, NSW Houses, New South Wales Property Designs, Residence Photos
Sydney Houses : NSW Properties
New South Wales Property Developments, Contemporary Australian Homes
post updated 27 Mar 2021
Sydney House – Latest Property Additions
New South Wales Properties – latest additions to this page, arranged chronologically:
16 Feb 2021 McLeod House Design: Ian Moore Architects photograph © Daniel Mayne McLeod House The four-bedroom McLeod House is located on a ridge above Sydney’s Middle Harbour, with significant district views as well as a distant view to Chatswood in the west. Officially it is alterations and additions to a 1970’s house, as 30% of the original house had to be retained to allow the house to retain it’s floor area, height and location on the site, all of which exceeded new planning controls for the area. The garage and bedroom wing are maintained in the original location, while a new 2 level steel framed structure replaces the original western wing.
8 Feb 2021 Dodds House Design: Ian Moore Architects photograph © Daniel Mayne Dodds House This restoration of a one-bedroom house designed by Ian Moore in 1998 and completed in 2001, which had been unsympathetically altered by a previous owner.
17 Feb 2021 Hastings van Nunen House
3 Dec 2020 Escu House
23 Nov 2020 Chimney House
16 Nov 2020 Mosman White House
5 Nov 2020 House Anand
19 Oct 2020 Eagle’s Nest, Collaroy Plateau, New South Wales Architects: Ian Bennett Design Studio photo : Clinton Weaver Eagle’s Nest, Collaroy Plateau Perched high on a prominent escarpment in the highest level of bushfire attack; Flame Zone, Eagle’s Nest aspires to balance and curate the experience of outlook and expansiveness of site, with privacy and seclusion. The restrained material palette heightens this experience of site, landscape and built form along with the changing dynamic of light and shade.
20 Sep 2020 Pindimar Lake House, NSW
4 Sep 2020 Next Generation House in Pittwater, NSW
28 Aug 2020 Oye Mi Canto House, Carriageworks cultural precinct, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Design: CplusC Architectural Workshop photo : Murray Fredericks Oye Mi Canto House An alterations and additions project on a terrace-house located in the leafy suburban streets of Sydney’s Newtown, nestled into a narrow site backing onto the Carriageworks cultural precinct.
14 July 2020 A+C Residence in Seaforth
29 June 2020 The Waterfront Retreat, Newport, New South Wales, Australia Architecture: Koichi Takada Architects photo : Tom Ferguson Photography The Waterfront Retreat Newport, NSW The Waterfront Retreat is the epitome of an Australian dream home, adorned with a private beach, garden and open-plan living. Responding the clients’ brief – a house offering sanctuary and entertainment, the Waterfront Retreat is designed to allow nature to lead, offering maximum seclusion and connection to its surrounds and outlook.
23 June 2020 Hart House, Great Mackerel Beach, New South Wales Design: Casey Brown Architecture photo : Rhys Holland House on Great Mackerel Beach, NSW This new property is located on the idyllic shoreline of Great Mackerel Beach, and was conceived as a contemporary interpretation of the quintessential one-room Australian beach shack. The form was derived from a wrapped ‘box’ open to one side.
17 June 2020 Blackwood Residence, Clovelly, eastern Sydney Architects: McGregor Westlake Architecture photo : Brett Boardman Blackwood Residence in Clovelly This NSW residence is a recently finished alteration and addition to a house in Boundary Street, Clovelly.
8 June 2020 St Peters House II Architects: Kreis Grennan Architecture photo : Douglas Frost St Peters House II in Suburbian West Sydney The St Peters House II is built at the rear of a narrow lot in the Sydney suburb of St Peters. The client’s backyard provided a new site for his freestanding home. The original dwelling remained, creating additional accommodation and a sensible approach to increased urban residential density.
19 May 2020 YrdPods Architects: Kreis Grennan Architecture photo : Douglas Frost YrdPod Garden House YrdPods are a type of tiny homes that makes architecture accessible for everyone. They are not the type of tiny houses on wheels, but a permanent structure located in backyards.
19 May 2020 New House in Clovelly Architects: Modscape photo : John Madden New House in Clovelly, Sydney
9 Mar 2020 Infinity House, Curl Curl Architect: CplusC Architectural Workshop photographers : Murray Fredericks and Simon Whitbread Infinity House in Curl Curl This new NSW property is an exercise in material, time, and cost efficiency. A specific project brief included two bedrooms with built-in robes, bathroom/laundry, an open plan dining, kitchen, living space, and a deck.
5 Mar 2020 Tennyson Point House Architects: CplusC Architectural Workshop photograph : Murray Fredericks Tennyson Point House Working within the bones of a solid, well-constructed water front home built in the 1960s on Parramatta River, the adaptive reuse of this multi-level dwelling involved various changes. All the internal workings of the existing structure were removed, the central circulation core was re-invigorated, light and cross ventilation was developed, and the waterfront outlook reinforced.
2 Mar 2020 Porter St Ryde Apartments, Shepherds Bay, Meadowbank Precinct, Ryde, New South Wales Architects: Glyde_Bautovich photograph : Atelier Illume Porter St Ryde Apartments in Sydney, NSW Planning approval obtained for this new residential project within City of Ryde’s Shepherds Bay, Meadowbank Precinct.
4 Feb 2020 Townhouses on Tamarama, Upper North Shore, NSW Architects: David Mitchell Architects and Chapman Architecture photograph : Michael Nicholson Tamarama Townhouses NSW, Upper North Shore Three luxury properties on Tamarama’s waterfront have been designed to cut into the slope of the site’s natural landform allowing the building to open generously to the view as it simultaneously bunkers down to the landform.
29 Jan 2020 The Balcony House in Newtown
29 Jan 2020 Copper Top House in Mosman
17 Jan 2020 Iron Maiden House in Longueville, New South Wales
More contemporary Sydney Houses online soon at e-architect
Sydney Houses in 2019
5 Dec 2019 Balmoral House in Mosman
17 Nov 2019 Beachside Sanctuary House in Mona Vale
9 Jul 2019 Fundamental House in Annangrove
30 May 2019 Clovelly house, eastern suburbs of Sydney Architects: Rolf Ockert Design photograph from architects Clovelly house Having seen some of our earlier work the owners of this extraordinary oceanfront site invited us to submit ideas about what a new house there could look like.
14 Apr 2019 Taylors Bay House in Mosman, NSWW
4 Apr 2019 Avoca Beach Beach House, Avoca Beach, Central Coast, NSW Architects: Architecture Saville Isaacs photograph : Kata Bayer Beach House in NSW The core idea of people living and engaging with place is an underlying principle of this architecture practice, given expression in the manner in which this home engages with the exterior, not in a general expansive nod to view, but in a varied and intimate manner.
2 Apr 2019 Twin Houses Architects: Architecture Saville Isaacs photograph : Kata Bayer Twin Houses in Sydney Responding to the irregular site boundary and contextual differences, the houses take on different yet complementary forms. No.2 presents a street façade of sensually curved brick mass with window penetrations.
27 Mar 2019 Garden House Architects: James Design Studio photograph : Simon Whitbread Garden House in New South Wales A new home in the upper north shore using vernacular forms and gables defined by differing materials with a link in the middle giving a glimpse of what lies beyond while providing a framework for privacy.
3 Mar 2019 Wentworth House, Vaucluse, New South Wales, Australia Architects: MHN. Design Union photo : Brett Boardman Wentworth House in Vaucluse, NSW Wentworth House is located on the southern ridges of Sydney Harbour at the crest of a gully which feeds into Vaucluse Bay.
13 Feb 2019 International Lodge Apartment Design: Ian Moore Architects photo : Iain D. Mackenzie International Lodge Apartment, NSW International Lodge is a Harry Seidler designed apartment building in Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, completed in 1962. The building was designed as compact 40 square metre 1 bedroom and 29 square metre studio apartments.
2 Feb 2019 Tamarama House, Upper North Shore Architects: Modscape photo courtesy of architects Tamarama House in NSW Located just a few minutes’ walk from the beach, this elegant home in Tamarama, NSW is beautifully detailed to create a sophisticated, functional, light-filled family home.
31 Jan 2019 Earth Wind and Fire – The Village House, Upper North Shore Architects: Luigi Rosselli Pty Ltd photo © Justin Alexander New House in Upper North Shore Earth is one of the oldest construction materials known to man; it can be fired, as with bricks and tiles, or used in its raw state as with adobe or rammed earth.
More new Sydney Houses welcome for consideration on e-architect
Sydney Houses in 2018
1 Nov 2018 Sunrise House, South Coast, NSW Architects: MCK Architecture & Interiors photograph : Michael Nicholson Photography South Coast NSW Home A robust yet finely articulated home arranged as a collection of positive and negative spaces, opens up completely to its immediate landscape, or shuts down as the coastal weather turns.
7 Oct 2018 Hidden Studio, Byron Bay, northeastern New South Wales Design: Harley Graham Architects photo : Andy MacPherson Byron Bay House Nestled into rainforest on a 20acre property in Coopers Shoot Byron Bay, ‘Hidden Studio’ by Harley Graham Architects is a private sanctuary with views over the hinterland and Pacific Ocean beyond.
16 May 2018 North Curl Curl House Architect: Rolf Ockert photo © Luke Butterly North Curl Curl House The clients fulfilled their dream to live by the beach when they bought one half of a new subdivision of a double size block on a quiet street with great views across the road to the lagoon and beach of North Curl Curl.
25 Apr 2018 Escarpment House, Gerringong, Illawarra region, New South Wales, Australia Architects: ATELIER ANDY CARSON photograph : Michael Nicholson New House in Gerringong This modest two bed guest house explores the vernacular farm shed, with a plan that’s charmingly simple yet highly considered in its detail. Located on a quintessentially NSW South Coast dairy farm. The design explores the vernacular steel portal frame typology in a highly refined and detailed way.
23 Apr 2018 Headland House, Gerringong, Illawarra region, New South Wales Design: ATELIER ANDY CARSON photo : Michael Nicholson New House in Gerringong This new home designed by Atelier Andy Carson is a sanctuary from its harsh surrounds, perched on a sprawling coastal site overlooking Werri Beach, New South Wales. Green pastures and paddocks running dairy cows line this 150-acre property on one side, rugged coastal cliffs and ocean on the other.
18 Apr 2018 The Books House, Mosman Design: Luigi Rosselli Architects photo © Justin Alexander New House in Mosman Subtle and thoughtful new property that focuses on the startification of the rock found – and exposed – on the site of the residence. The concrete structure of each floor is oriented differently to suit the views, and also maximise the distances from the neighbours on each side.
10 Apr 2018 Double Bay House Architects: SAOTA photograph : Adam Letch Contemporary House on Sydney Harbour Shore An oversailing timber roof canopy connects the street side to the garden and the beach. It permeates the interior, presenting itself at odd moments, it protects and defines the collection of internal and external spaces composed beneath.
2 Feb 2018 Mt Duneed House, Geelong, Victoria Architects: Lachlan Shepherd Architects photo : Ben Hosking New House in Victoria An honest, low-slung building in a suburb of Geelong, Victoria. the property sits sympathetically with its surroundings. Simply clad with corten steel and recycled timber, the home is positioned on the crest of a gentle hill and surrounded by paddocks with scattered trees.
5 Feb 2018 Glebe House Design: Nobbs Radford Architects photo : Murray Fredericks Glebe House The project is primarily focused on the interconnections of cloistered spaces, created and selected framed openings. The outer concrete elements contrast with the timber elements that further define the various internal zones and functions within the house.
1 Feb 2018 Small Living Spaces Apartment, Surry Hills Design: Catseye Bay photo : Katherine Lu Small Living Spaces Apartment A New South Wales studio apartment structured by colour.
29 Jan 2018 House Pranayama, Bellevue Hill Design: Architect Prineas photo : Ben Hosking Home Pranayama in Bellevue Hill This residential project involved a narrow three-story side addition to a 1920s two storey brick house. The clients desirted space for a study, library and rumpus area that also provided an opportunity for internal connection/lift access from the previously separate garage.
13 Jan 2018 Maybanke House Architects: AJ+C photo © Michael Nicholson Maybanke House Design ingenuity and a dose of respect for its original Gothic Revival bones deliver a blighted 1870s harbourside home in Sydney into the 21st century.
Archive of NSW residences posted up to and including 2017:
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sophsarts · 6 years
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redraw!! antonia is my first ever d&d character, level 15 genasi paladin with a 27 strength score and a holy avenger I miss her very much
aug 2018 - sept 2017
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