mysticvhedd · 1 year
Rise of the Drow Tuesdsays
Rise of the Drow
Is this a pay-to-play game
Yes, a fee of $20 per player per session will be paid to the DM. All payments are made post session
Decent internet/mic, DDB for character creation
Time and Date:
Tuesday 6:30 pm Eastern standard time
Character Level and Stats
Level 3Standard Array or point buy. All PHB races and setting specific races are approved, All Sub-class options from any WoTC official material is permitted.
Session run time.
3-4 hours
Number of Openings:
2 seat available**Message mysticvhedd#6266 if you’re interested**
Winter Solstice has come to Rybalka. The town—a frontier melting pot of the Vikmordere and Klavek peoples—prepares to ward the coming darkness of winter’s longest night with the Vigil of Light. A palpable sense of dread permeates the droves of people who have come to take part in the ceremony. The air crackles with the sound of fire: the spiritual voice of warriors long dead telling the living stories of their past glories, or so the tradition of the Vikmordere people claims. The soft glow of a thousand candles have been lit to combat the creeping darkness, and in their glow a hymn begins to drift across the town, but darkness always follows the light…A mile below the surface of Aventyr, darkness stirs. From inside the husk of a colossal arachnid, a plot is spun. Along its strands, hungry mouths break the uneasy truce between the dwarves of Embla and the drow of Holoth. Death stalks the underworld, feasting on the souls of the living and the recently dead. Suffering has become the currency used to purchase unimaginable power. Hungry eyes turn to the surface as their long-awaited result seems to be on the brink of fruition. The price, however, has hatched a multitude of discontents. The question is, who will have the fortitude to brave the underworld; who will have guile to deal with the discontent? The darkness consumes, but the flames of Rybalka willing, the light will follow—assuming you can bear its torch!
Tomb of Annihilation- Mondays 7pm EST (Running Campaign) One open seat Rime of the Frost Maiden-  Thursdays 7pm (Running Campaign) One open seat Rime of the Frostmaiden- Sundays 12pm EST (Running Campaign) One open Seat Curse of Strahd Thursdays 7pm EST (NEW) One Seat open
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abhorrentabby · 3 months
Hi all, if you have extra time and money for gaming, or know somebody who does, I'm doing GMing for a chicago company called Rough Magic Games. They're pretty great. I'm going to be running one D&D campaign and one Blades in the Dark campaign. It's cool if you can't, but any signal boost would also be appreciated!
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Looking for a trans friendly DND game!
So I've been playing DnD for about 10 years or so. Started with Pathfinder (Still my favorite!), have some experience with 5E and I REALLY wanna try PF2e. About 6 years of my experience has been as a GM, so I'm really looking forward to having a PC again! I'm very early on in my transition, so I thought DND would be a fantastic way to explore myself and work on my fem voice. If any LGBTQ+ friendly group is looking for another player, don't hesitate to reach out!
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Looking for a D&D friend group???
I hardly everrrr post on tumblr, but
My group is looking for 1 more DM/player to add to our group! I'm currently the forever DM, and I'd love to be able to play in another campaign with everyone else in addition to my own :).
Majority of us are unable to meet in person, so we play online using discord, and roll20
We play cameras on because we believe it adds to the roleplay aspect of our game.
We are a very roleplay heavy, theatrical group of people. Combat has it's place, but definitely takes a backseat sometimes to exploration, and roleplay.
Sessions generally cap at 3 hours and we're all pretty happy with that.
Before you go to the trouble of writing a campaign, we can hold a one shot of some kind of make sure our playing styles mesh well with each other :).
be 21+
be a passionate storyteller who loves what they make, and loves collaborative storytelling + world building
All of us are in the EST time zone, so you'll have to be able to work with that
Be able to make time for sessions every week to every other week regularly.
Be flexible, willing to listen, and value communication with others.
Be understanding of mental health struggles.
Understand that we may need to take a break from sessions once in a while! Life happens, yk
Additional assets:
being queer is not a requirement, but we all are so just be aware of that.
Being an artist is also not a requirement, but definitely enthusiastically welcome as 2/4 of us are.
Perks to joining us:
We're all very close, and anyone we add to our group immediately gets drawn in to our excitement and chatter about the campaign.
We love to b stupid
we hang out regularly outside of D&D to play games and watch movies
In addition to being DM for your own campaign, you'll immediately get to join mine as a player :).
I will love u and b eternally grateful for freeing me from forever DM prison.
If this all sounds like it's for you, feel free to shoot me a message to chat! welcoming any questions, no pressure at all!
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dwtdog · 6 months
oh shit the old bingo board! we have our unexpected soldier in the drolo war
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metanoiamorii · 6 months
D&D campaign
Hi, to all the fellow D&D and tabletop players out there. I am currently looking for some players to start a new campaign. I ask that everyone is 20+
The synopsis of the campaign includes exploring cosmic horror and mystery, and typical d&d shenanigans. It is set in a homebrew world, with access to homebrew races and classes. I will be leaving the link to fill out the application along with the hook for you all.
Each and every one of you have since had a run in with a god of death. Whether it be you finding yourself in an accident, you were murdered, you had a hand in taking your own life, or another method. Whichever way you found yourself to the gates of the underworld, ready to face judgement and see which afterlife you landed up in... An entity inferred. Before judgement could be passed, this entity returned your life to you and slighted death. It offered no grounds of refusal, and demanded you play this game and have a second choice at life. In return for doing so, it would grant you one boon of your choosing. Would you like to be the most intelligent person alive? Would you like a cursed object? Would you like the ability to see through glamors and reveal a divine being in human disguise? The choice is endless on what you could ask for. It seems more than happy to complete your request. The only catch that comes with this opportunity? You cannot ask for its name and true identity. You all thought yourselves the only ones but... you find yourself all with the same invitation, asking you to the same place. You find one another, and perhaps, just perhaps, you might be able to put your heads together and begin undoing this elaborate mystery you find yourselves in.
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zizibutik · 1 year
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European player looking for a DM/players
I'm 28, preferably looking for other adults to play. I'm only interested in 5e currently, I don't want to learn a different system.
I live in GMT+2 timezone, currently any day is free,
I'd prefer to play over text but voice call is fine too,
I have no particular limitations about classes, so if you need a specific class to fill a spot I'm down,
I'd prefer to play less humanoid races (tief, orc, dragonborn and other beastfolk, warforged, etc.)
If you have a campaign starting or just need a +1, feel free to reach out 💕
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swerveable · 8 months
I want to play CoS so bad, I'd even join a pay to play if I had the money (I don't, I'm broke without a job, and I’m only 16 years old).
Anyways I’m legit serious about joining a Curse of Strahd campaign if anyone’s looking for a player to join. I’m looking to put my Drow Warlock/Artificer to use. If I need to change nothing to fit the DM’s choices here is her D&D beyond sheet https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/118139467/fyGuSB.
I would use roll20 if I knew how it worked, I can and do use discord. I can’t do video as of the moment, but I’m working on it. I can however do voice. If you think I’m a good fit or interested in having me join your campaign pm me for my discord.
EDIT: I found a DM, in need of more players. Pm @/mimudraeg to join :3
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hadesttrpg · 10 months
Shadowdark Campaign, Looking for Players! (West Marches)
Hello I am Hades! I am running a Shadowdark game that is inspired by Old-School RPGs and Dark Fantasy games like Elden Ring, Darkest Dungeon, etc.
The game is POC and LGBTQIA+ friendly (I'm a POC myself). If you're new to Shadowdark worry not as the game is open to all experience levels!
Welcome to the world of Sil'Den, a land where the boundaries between life and death have been shattered. Long ago, the gates to the Underworld were sealed shut, preventing souls from crossing over when they die. Over time, these lingering souls have evolved into terrifying and deadly creatures that now roam the land, posing a threat to all living beings.
You are Exorcists on the continent of Eros, a land where the impact of the sealed gates is particularly strong. In the great cities, people huddle together in fear, while in the wilds, the undead creatures run rampant. Magic is unpredictable, and the very fabric of reality seems to be fraying at the edges.
But you are not alone in this world. There are those who seek to reopen the gates to the Underworld, hoping to restore balance and order to the universe. There are factions that seek to exploit the chaos caused by the undead creatures, using them for their own purposes. And there are others who simply want to survive, carving out a life for themselves in this dangerous and unpredictable world.
As Exorcists, you will have the opportunity to explore the continent of Eros, uncover its secrets, and face off against the dangers that threaten its inhabitants. You will encounter strange and terrifying creatures, navigate treacherous terrain, and battle powerful foes. But you will also have the chance to forge alliances, make friends, and perhaps even uncover a way to restore the balance between life and death.
Additional Info - Exorcists work for the Church of the Absolver, taking on missions to rid the world of the Returned. - Dying in this game prompts a roll to determine what type of returned you come back as. If you're really lucky, you'll come back as a Revenant. - Certain regions react poorly to failed spellcasting, causing random magical events to occur. - Killing a humanoid will always lead to a Returned, so burn the bodies before they get the chance to come back!
If you're interested, please fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/US18ocd2iGT3G42Y8
I will be contacting people through Discord to have an icebreaker conversation about the game! Thank you for taking the time to check it out!
(Art by Stefan Koidl)
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crimsonxe · 11 days
Stinky Dragon on the CR platform, hell fucking yes!!!!
The insta post:
Screenshots for those that'd rather view it here than go to Insta:
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thecalicodragon · 1 month
If you've ever wanted to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons, and have some time to spare this Friday (08/23/2024) at 6:00pm EST, consider joining me on StartPlaying!
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game-saved · 1 year
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DND Campaign: L.A. Numinous
The Pantheons of the World are not as fantastical or mythical as you might think. They are around us, always hiding in plain sight. They hide from the Mortal Realm, having forgone most of their earthly attachments after the Great War, the World War, the Last War that they would put themselves through.
They hid their World, their mythologies, their fantasies from the Mortal Realm, between the cracks of what can and can't be seen. There in the unperceived, the lives of fantastical creatures, of ogres and fairies, of kitsune and deities, they continue to survive.
It's 2028, just 6 months before the Summer Olympic Games starts anew in the City of Angels, Los Angeles. You scroll through your X feed, look at the current trending topics: Articles about Whales and Dolphins taking over the sea; The Olympic Flame being ignited in Greece; And the death of an Instagram Model with no leads. It's almost banal and boring as you flick through tweets.
Perhaps, just at the corner of your eye, you see a little miracle, a trick of the light or a creep of a shadow. But something/someone tumbles over you, a friend, a loved one, a mentor you've known for some months, weeks, or maybe only a few days. They're blood soaked and their eyes are pleading, worrying, and saddened, as they look at you, clutching at wounds that only look seconds old.
"Aphrodite is dead. This was not how I meant for this to happen but I'm sorry but I must pass my Eidolon to you before it's too late."
Light flashes before you could even ask. You find yourself engulfed with it, bathed in it and then... nothing.
Now there's a dead body in your hands and an ominous feeling in your chest. Your phone beeps and rings to life with a spoken message. You're pretty sure it didn't have that feature before.
"[Player Name] , you are summoned before the Divine Council to be condemned for the Assassination of a Deity and Usurping their Status. Cooperation would be most advised."
ART CREDIT: Tony Sart, Javier Charro
Hi, hello, Name's Kiri or Hex or Vai! I hardly ever post on Tumblr anymore or advertise any campaign ideas here due to school but this one has been nagging me just a little bit more after listening to Stray Gods, watching American Gods, and rewatching the Percy Jackson films, so I needed to just write down the blurb and the pitch in case anyone is wanting to play some DND in a Divine Urban Fantasy kind of setting.
The game is set in contemporary Los Angeles, a few years into the future, a few months before the Summer Olympic Games. You have been accused for the assassination of a Deity and usurping their power and status, their Eidolon. Through the Eidolon, you gain power and are now able to perceive Los Angeles in its truest form, a City of Mythical Creatures living in secrecy.
During Character Creation, you will choose a Deity from any Pantheon (Japanese, Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, Norse etc) whose Eidolon has been passed down to you.
This is going to be a Human-centric campaign so, despite the advertisement of other races in the game world, physically your character will be Human. Through the power of the Eidolon, they can be reskinned with the capabilities of other DND races.
Gameplay will be roleplay heavy, debating on either PBP semi-live text or just Discord VC with a separate channel for Texting RP. But there will also be combat involved of course.
The DM, me, hi, has a flexible schedule but I am in PST so applicants who are close to that would be preferred.
Current Allowed Resources are PHB, Xanathar's, Tasha's, and Mythic Theros
Depending on interest, around 4-8 rotating players can be taken.
If interested, DM me or like this post for more details so I can get back to you.
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obi-wap · 3 months
If anyone is interested and available for a queer little game of Waterdeep Dragon Heist, hit me up ASAP I'm looking for maybe 2 more people or so. Must be cool, 20 plus, have a mic and access to a computer, and be free on Friday evenings (I am in EST)
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michaeljpatrick · 6 months
Looking to start D&D?
This Thursday is session zero for my new D&D 5e campaign! First two to sign up get the session at half off. If you have any questions about the campaign or me as a GM, let me know and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
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dwtdog · 5 months
😭😭 i thank them every day for making the tiny squeaky dream i couldn’t live without him
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colormints-art · 8 months
it is my birthday today 🥳
i was never before this tired on my birthday kekw
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