cynor · 23 days
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gonna tell my grandkids these are sheogorath and lucien lachance
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
a moment of silence for Cynotical :(
A moment of silence 😔
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
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have u heard of this man???!?!?!?
hmm… no, don’t think so. never heard of him. he doesn’t really ring any bells.
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scarasun · 2 years
give some moots oddly specific compliments please !!
@ataraxyystories - i feel like you have really neat bookshelves? you seem like the kind of person who would probably get really angry/sad if you found out that one of your books got damaged (even slightly) so you take care of them a lot :))
@ariespellz - you're very protective over the people you love? like you're very laid back but people know not to mess with you,,,which isn't a bad thing at all
@cynotical - SKSKSKS I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE CYNO 😭😭😭 idk i like seeing pages/blogs where someone is like really enthusiastic about a certain character and it was one of the reasons why i followed you 😭😭
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mimi-cee-genshin · 2 years
hi mimi!! i just wanted to say that ur writing is literally SO CUTE and ur fics?? all of them are so sweet and lovely and your portrayal of the characters r so on-point even though they are so smitten? like oh my goodness you are so good at writing them and ur writing style never fails to make me feel giddy hehe 💕 thank u for ur hard work!!
Ahhhhh!! Thank you so much!! I honestly get stuck sooo much trying to figure out how to keep certain characters in character and in love, but I both love and hate the challenge 😂. It's like... a problem-solving thing for me and it feels so good when I figure it out. Both Alhaitham and Cyno were all kind of hard for me to figure out at first. (I'm still having a hard time grasping Wanderer's character and yet he's the one I'm writing a series for. 💀)
I'm glad they made you feel giddy. Hehehe. It's definitely my favorite type of fic to read and to write. :D And thank you so much for taking the time to leave this ask for me!
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1eaf-me-alone · 2 years
Cyno is like a walnut. He's all hard on the outside, but he's soft in the inside. He’s like a burnt marshmallow- in which once you get through the hard, burnt outside layer you arrive to the soft gooey centre. And it IS worth traversing the hard layer because once you reach soft Cyno he will be the sweetest thing you’ll have ever known.
Because once Cyno gets to know you, once Cyno starts to connect with you, once he starts to care for you and realise he might-possibly- perhaps - maybe love you he is prepared to do anything for you to make you happy and safe.
If you're anxious, he’ll hold your hand to make sure he’s there for you, if you feel cold he won't hesitate to hand over anything he has to make you feel warmer (although I doubt it will be much- I mean my man’s walking around barefoot and practically shirtless) and he’ll piggy back you if you're tired from walking. (no matter how heavy you are) if you can't sleep, he’ll stay beside you and help you- he might try relax you with his voice, or tell you stories to help you sleep, or cuddle next to you until he feels like your breathing normalises as you drift into your dreams.
if you're feeling self- conscious he’ll compliment you- because to him you're already beautiful. He might supply you with gifts- though usually they're really hand made and thought out, he’ll make your favourite food, comfort you when you’re not well....
If you feel uncomfortable in your clothing- he WILL learn how to knit to make the clothes for you, he’ll remember what you love, cook the food you enjoy most- and like @cynotical said he’ll put his hand on the corner of tables so you don't get hurt. Cyno will gladly give you the whole bed if you're one to take up space or need to roll around (for your comfort and for his own) and as @perpetualcynicism said he’ll chop the onions for you so you don't have to
Because even if Cyno might give off a “I don't care about you, I'm cold, harsh, be scared of me” kind of vibe- because yes you were scared of him when you first met him- from his harsh and quite intimidating wall, that wall broke as soon as he met and saw you.
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pixelwisp · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if you had any genshin or haikyuu blog recommendations? I really love your writing, and I have been having a hard time finding new blogs to read lately...
Please make sure to take care of yourself <3
ahh thank you so much that's so sweet ;-; of course I can recommend some blogs! im still new to the genshin writing community and its been a few months since ive been active in the hq scene, but here are some of my current faves! (all blogs recommended below write sfw (though some may have suggestive content, they tag accordingly)~ if you'd like nsfw recommendations i am happy to provide those as well<3) - @/xzho-writes - genshin @/cynotical - genshin @/whoistartaglia - genshin @/xnchxntmxnt - hq & genshin @/cynicalmusings - genshin @/hiraya-rawr - genshin @/augustinewrites - hq & genshin @/toraashi - hq & genshin @/silkjade - genshin @/calyxcore - genshin a lot of the hq blogs i used to read are inactive now </3 sorry i couldn't find more for you ):
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im-bush3d · 2 years
GUYS. Cyno is coming. His demo is in a day and his banner is in a week. CYNO IS COMING.
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@mxthtea @perpetualcynicism @cynotical @aeripq
He IS coming
And I'm excited as hell
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cynor · 26 days
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lucanis the shortest male companion
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
hello mae!! hru today? :D
i was on break from tumblr for a bit so sorry this is so late- but HEY HOW ARE YOU, im doing alright as of now 🥰
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
(This is for the impersonation ask)
so i just had another idea... what about kdrama male lead cyno who is perfect in every way and also imagine how hed hold ur hand so gently... hes perfect... im gonna make a kdrama au now. any thoughts?
candace is so beautiful and perfect... still loyal to cyno tho 🤓
i’ll give you an 8/10.
you’ve definitely done well regarding the myriad of ‘…’s and the ‘i’ve had another idea’, as well as the overall phrasing of the text. however.
i know absolutely nothing about kdramas (although i haven’t deducted any marks for that), and to get into details, i’d likely put an exclamation mark between ‘lead’ and ‘cyno’, a couple more apostrophes, a ‘your’ instead of ‘ur’, and admitting at the end that this au will likely never see the light of day again.
the small text at the end is accurate, although i personally wouldn’t use an emoji there and say ‘though’ instead of ‘tho’.
otherwise, very good!
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scarasun · 2 years
scaramouche, kazu, xiao
husband: scaramouche
one night stand: xiao
best friend: kazuha
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mxthtea · 2 years
maybe if we combine our luck it might become better?
drags our moots in
@perpetualcynicism @cynotical @aeripq and everyone else send us your luck
pspspsps cymutuals cmere lets all cmobine our luck
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#lonely #loneliness #afraid #scary #alone #understand #peace #peaceful #people #quotes #counseling #psychology #therapy #confess #Confession #Confessyourself #cynotes #secretletter #relationship #love #mask . . Did you like what you read? Yes? Then please open ➤ @i.ConfessYourself ✔ for more. Also don't forget to like, share and comment.
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3mptinesss · 7 years
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"You can never really go back to the same waters. Not only are you no longer the same, but neither are the waters you left. The current has changed. The elements of nature have affected the stream. When you return, although it appears the same, it really is a different river and you are a different person. Therefore, you cannot cross the same river twice." . - Alice Walker, Same River Twice . =================== . . Comment your views. Share and help us grow. . "Follow our page for quotes, extracts, secret letters and confessions ●► ●► @i.ConfessYourself . ==================== . #Confess #Confession #ConfessYourself #CYNotes #SecretLetter #quote #love #hate #relationship #counselling #psychology #story #book #alice #walker #samewater #timechanges #peoplechange #notthesame #nothingremainsthesame #river #water
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1eaf-me-alone · 2 years
hi there!! (sorry its been so long hehe) HRU?? i hope ur doing well and taking care of urself <3 (oh, also, idk if i ever asked this before sorry my memory sucks but do you have a name/nickname u want to be called?) ALSO IM VERYY EXCITED FOR THAT ZHONGLI POST U SAID THAT GOT ANGSTY!!!!
hi! i’m doing fine (although I’m very tired because i just went on a long 2 day expedition- which has used up a lot of energy) i hope you’re doing well
for the question- honesty I’m unsure (and I’m uncomfortable using birth name for privacy reasons - ) let me think about it and I’ll get back to you :)
I love all your posts, they’re incredibly well written and amazingly stylised - you have a very clear writing style you can immediately recognise it as you
Zhongli post should be up very soon (i actually turned it into a two parter)
happy you’re excited for it :)
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