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crynwr-drwg · 6 days ago
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PROTEST in PONTYPRIDD on Wednesday thr 26th!!! No time has been set yet, as people are trying to find out still what time these fucks rock up
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
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Solomon a Gaenor (1999)
1h40m | Welsh, Yiddish, & English
Y wythnos diwetha', nes i weld y ffilm 'ma. Mae hi'n am Solomon Levinsky, sy'n dod i'r Cymoedd De Cymru o Rwsia efo'i deulu, a Gaenor Rees, sy wedi byw yna ei holl fywyd. Mae Solomon a'i deulu'n Iddewon Uniongred, a mae Gaenor yn dod o deulu Anghydffurfiol, ond mae'r dau'n disgyn mewn cariad. Mae'r stori'n dipyn bach fel Romeo a Juliet, ond mae hi'n wahanol hefyd—mae'r cymeriadau'n mwy cymhleth, yn fy marn i, ac yn y diwedd o'n i ddim yn siwr beth i feddwl amdanyn nhw. Er hynny, mae'r hanes yn ddiddorol iawn, a mae'r ffilm yn sôn am y streiciau yn y Cymoedd ac am hanes Iddewig yng Nghmyru. Mae'r sinematograffi'n wych, ac o'n i'n licio'r trac sain hefyd, ond dwi'n dal i drio penderfynu am y plot. Rhaid i chi'w gweld a deud beth ydach chi'n meddwl!
Last week, I watched this film. It's about Solomon Levinsky, who comes to the South Wales Valleys from Russia with his family, and Gaenor Rees, who's lived there all her life. Solomon and his family are Orthodox Jews, and Gaenor is from a Noncomformist family, but the two fall in love. The story is a bit like Romeo and Juliet, but it's different too—the characters are more complex, in my opinion, and at the end I wasn't sure what to think about them. The history was really interesting, though, and the film talks about the strikes in the Valleys and about Jewish history in Wales. The cinematography is great, and I liked the soundtrack as well, but I'm still trying to decide about the plot. You have to watch it and tell me what you think!
Geirfa - Vocabulary
(Note: The movie is set in South Wales, so some of these are Southern Welsh variants)
swllt - shilling cefn gwlad - countryside cenhadwr - missionary perthyn i - belong to, be related to pai' bod yn ddwl - don’t be silly rhywpryd eto - another time tost - sick moddion - medicine damwain - accident twymo - to heat up darn - passage tlawd - poor cwlwm - knot siort - type pobi - to back carthu - to clean bod mas o gyrraedd - out of reach of, past main - fine cyhuddiad - charge, accusation dieithryn - outsider cosb - punishment disgwyl babi/plentyn - to be expecting a child, to be with child cywilydd - shame bradychu - to betray gwlân - wool sodli - heel gweddi - prayer rheol - rule haearn - iron lliain - towel pyped - puppet dere ymlaen - come on, let’s go carchar - prison cyfeiriad - address gwau - to knit
Os ti isio gweld y ffilm, mae hi ar Youtube // If you want to watch the movie, it's on Youtube:
Fersiwn Gymraeg (heb isdeitlau/isdeitlau i'r Iddew-Almaeneg yn Gymraeg) / Version in Welsh (no subtitles/subtitles for the Yiddish in Welsh)
Fersiwn Saesneg (y rhan amla' yn Saesneg efo rhannau yn Gymraeg a Iddew-Almaeneg/isdeitlau i'r holl ffilm) / Version in English (mostly English with parts in Welsh and Yiddish/subtitles for the whole film)
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mountainside · 1 year ago
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Robin Weaver.
Cymoedd y 70au.
70’s Valleys.
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feveredbcnes · 3 months ago
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"Argh...sorry, no. Not unless you take on high-school dropouts with no future?" Reynardine snorted out a laugh as he scooped up the lighter, holding it out for the other man to take. He did wonder what the job entailed, but judging by their surroundings, he had a feeling it was something to do with the dead. Just a hunch. "I was actually just passin' through, but then I got distracted by a fox an' decided to follow it for a bit. Massive thing." Here, he demonstrated its size by holding out his hands on either side. "I swear they get bigger every year." Once he started talking to somebody, it was sometimes difficult to stop; a conversationalist by nature. He caught himself, realising that his topic was hardly newsworthy. With a laugh, he scrambled to find something else to talk about. Really, he should politely leave and allow the man to carry on with his day -- but now Reynardine was curious. And a million questions were already firing up inside his mind.
"Probably a super daft question," he continued after a beat of silence, pushing his hands inside the front pocket of his hoodie to keep them warm. It was a chill morning, made even colder by the openness of the cemetery. He hated this time of year, especially when all the hostels were full. Despite layering up, his clothes did nothing to protect him against the harsh winter whilst sleeping under a bridge or park. "But are you a funeral director...undertaker, maybe? Tha's pretty cool. Respectable job, aye." He wanted to ask questions, but Reynardine had a feeling that he'd heard every single one of them. And he didn't want to bore the man. What did peak his interest, however, was the familiar accent. "Wha' part of Wales are you from? Faint, like, but I hear it. 'm originally from Barrow Hill, in Y Cymoedd."
Mathias Greenway leaned his head against the cool marble of the chapel's outer wall and surveyed the cemetery through a freshly blown cloud of smoke, his cigarette hung precariously out the side of his mouth as he fidgeted with the lighter in his hand. He rolled his calloused thumb over the flint wheel absentmindedly, igniting the wick before flicking the brass lid shut with a sharp snap.
Snap... snap... snap. Rhythmic, controlled. His shoulders ease. Blue eyes closed slowly as if he were hypnotizing himself. The tired sigh that leaves his lips billows out in front of him— what a week. On top of his regular duties he was stuck with the headache of figuring out staffing issues that arose one right after another.
A grave digger with a back injury, an embalmer about to go on maternity leave, one of the removal boys out on an extended honeymoon, and a cremation tech about to retire... It was all so much. Helping the dead seemed like the easiest thing he had to deal with at this point.
Snap. Fingers fumbled the smooth brass and bright blue eyes flutter open at the feeling of the sudden emptiness in his hand.
"Ah—" He freezes mid-bow, startled at the sight of his lighter landing at a stranger's feet. "I was— ahem. Sorry. Here for a job posting?"
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walkaholicuk · 4 years ago
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Wind turbines @penyCymoedd Rhigos #windmill #windfarm #windturbine #blackandwhitephoto (at Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPh2kgbDEtm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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english-history-trip · 6 years ago
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"Fashion in the Frame" Exhibition
Costume students at Coleg y Cymoedd in Wales display their final projects: Perfect recreations of the works of art at the National Museum in Cardiff.
(Courtesy of Coleg y Cymoedd Creative Industries)
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queerwelsh · 6 years ago
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Ym 1998, cafodd y gwleidydd Ron Davies ei syfrdanu mewn sgandal pan cafodd ei fygio ar ol cytunodd i gwrdd a dyn yng Nghomin Clapham. Wrth weld yr ymatebion homoffobig i’r digwyddiad yma yng nghyfryngau Cymraeg, ysgrifennodd yr hanesydd John Davies am hyn yn y cylchgrawn Barn yn Tachwedd, 1998. Fe wnaeth ei brofiadau fel Warden Pantycelyn am 18 o flynyddoedd, a’r ymatebion homoffobig yma, dylanwadu ar John Davies i dod mas. Dyma dyfyniad o hyn, o’r erthygl uchod:
In 1998, the politician Ron Davies was embroiled in a scandal when he was mugged at knifepoint after agreeing to meet another man at Clapham Junction. After seeing the homophobic responses to this in the Welsh media, the historian John Davies agreed to write about it in the Welsh journal Barn in November, 1998. His experiences as Warden of Pantycelyn, and these homophobic responses, influenced him to come out. The following is a quote of this from the above article (English below):
‘Arwr Gwlad a Thref’ “Ai anoddefgarwch y cymoedd diwydiannol arweiniodd yn y pen draw at gwymp Ron Davies? Mae John Davies yn bwrw golwg bersonol ar y mater.”
“Dydw i ddim am wneud odid un sylw ynglŷn â'i rywioldeb honedig, ond does dim amheuaeth fod y digwyddiadau hynny wedi peri i gyfunrhywiaeth fod yn destun trafod yng Nghymru. Ac er mawr foddhad i mi, mae'r ymateb wedi bod yn bur adeiladol. Mae hynny'n fater o gryn syndod hefyd, ohwerwydd roeddwn yn credu bod homoffobia wedi'i wreiddio'n ddwfn yng nghymdeithas draddodiadol macho y cymoedd glofaol ac yn ddyfnach eto yn y broydd gwledig Cymraeg.
Mi fûm am ddeunaw mlynedd yn warden ar sefydliad lle'r ymgartefai tua ti chant o wŷr a gwragedd ifainc ein cenedl. Cefais droeon y profiad o geisio cynnig cymorth a chyngor i wŷr ifanc a arswydai with iddynt ystyried beth fyddai eu tynged pe bai eu gogwydd rhywiol yn dod yn fater cyhoeddus. Mi gofiaf yn arbennig grwt yr oedd y gwewyr ar ei wyneb yn boenus synwyradwy wrth iddo sôn beth fyddai'n ei ddioddef pe bai sïon amdano yn cyrraedd ei gwm genedigol - a’m cwm genedigol innau hefyd. Yr oedd hyn ar adeg pan oedd Y Cymro a'r Faner yn cyhoeddi llythyron a honnai bod cyfynrhywiaeth yn gwbl absennol yng Nghymru; afiechyd ydoedd a berthynai i ddinasoedd megis Llundain, Amsterdam, Berlin a San Ffransisco, afiechyd yr oedd y Cymry, drwy ryw ryfedd ras, yn gwbl rydd ohono.
Nonsens, wrth gwrs, a'r hyn y dylaswn fod wedi'i ddweud wrth y crwt o'r Rhondda oedd: 'Rwy'n deall yn iawn, oherwydd dyna yn union fy nghyflwr innau hefyd.’ Ond ni ddywedais hynny. (Ar y pryd roeddwn yn cadw fy nghynddaredd ar gyfer ymosod ar siofinistiaeth Gymreig a oedd, ysywaeth, yn brigo yn achlysurol ymhlith rhai o drigolion Pantycelyn.) Tristwch i mi oedd gweld rhywun yn y papur diddorol ond byrhoedlog hwnnw, Y Ddraig Binc, yn disgrifio'r neuadd fel cadarnle homoffobia. Dichon bod sylwedd i'r sylw a mater o gywilydd i mi oedd fy methiant i wneud dim i herio'r homoffobia. Teimlaf na fedraf ymatal rhagor. Yr wyf fi yn ŵr hoyw. (Yr ydwyf hefyd yn hapus briod ac y mae cynnwys y llith hwn wedi ei drafod gyda fy ngwraig a’m dwy ferch a’m dau fab.) Taflaf hyn o wybodaeth i mewn i'r drafodaeth; a derbyn bod gan rhai barch i mi - a dymunol fyddai credu hyn - hoffwn iddynt wybod bod y parch hwnna yn barch tuag at berson sydd bron yn gyfangwbl gyfunrhywiol.
Y mae'r straeon yn y Sun ac ati yn awgrymu bod dynion cyfunrhywiol yn ymdrybaeddu mewn trythyllwch a hynny i raddau cwbl unigryw. A minnau o bryd i'w gilydd yn mynychu clybiau a bariau hoyw, nid dyna fy mhrofiad i. Caf y argraff fod mwyafrif y mynychwyr yn mynd i'r fath leoedd, fel yr af i, am yr yn rhesymau ag y mae Cymry Cymraeg brwd yn mynd i'r eisteddfod genedlaethol - hynny yw, i droi am ysbaid ymhlith pobl o gyffelyb chwaeth. Wedi'r cwbl, fel y mae'r Saesneg yn gwbl dra-arglwyddiaethol yn ein cymdeithas, felly hefyd ddelweddau gwahanrywiol; y mae dianc o bryd i'w gilydd o'r naill neu'r llall yn weithred gwbl amddiffynadwy. Mi gofiaf bod mewn clwb hoyw yma yng Nghaerdydd. Yr oedd dyn a dynes ifanc yn dawnsio yno; doedd neb yn gwrthwynebu hynny, ond ar wynebau rhai o'r gwylwyr yr oedd yna wep yr oeddwn wedi'i weld o'r blaen, a hynny ar wynebau rhai o drigolion Pantycelyn pan oedd rhywun wrth law a oedd yn arbennig o lafar ei Saesneg. Ystyr y wep oedd: a chymaint o leoedd lle y medrwch chi wneud y fath beth, pam yn y byd yr ydych chi'n wneud e fan hyn?” 
‘Town and Country Hero’ “Was it the intolerance of the industrial valleys that ultimately led to the fall of Ron Davies? John Davies takes a personal look at the matter.“
“I do not want to make any comment about his alleged sexuality, but there is no doubt that those events have caused homosexuality to be a subject of debate in Wales. And, to my great satisfaction, the response has been quite constructive. That is also a surprise, because I thought that homophobia was deeply rooted in the macho traditional coal mining society of the mining valleys and deeper in the Welsh-speaking countryside. I have been eighteen years a warden at an institution that houses about three hundred of our nation’s young men and women. I had a great deal of experience of trying to offer help and advice to young men who feared to think what their fate would be if their sexual orientation became a public issue. I especially remember the anguish on a young man’s face as he told me what he would suffer if rumours about him reached his home valley - my native valley as well. This was at a time when Y Cymro and Faner were issuing letters that claimed that homosexuality was completely absent in Wales; It was a disease belonging to cities such as London, Amsterdam, Berlin and San Francisco, a disease that the Welsh people, through some strange rash, were completely free of. Nonsense, of course, and what I should have told the young man from the Rhondda was: 'I understand perfectly, because that’s exactly my situation too.’ But I did not say that. (At that time, I was keeping my bravery for an attack on Welsh chauvinism which, sadly, occasionally sparked amongst some of the residents of Pantycelyn.) It was sad to see someone in the interesting but short-lived paper, Y Ddraig Binc, describe the hall as a homophobic stronghold. Perhaps there was substance to this comment and a matter of embarrassment to me was my failure to do anything to challenge the homophobia. I feel that I can not abstain further. I am a gay man. (I am also happily married and the contents of this article have been discussed with my wife and my two daughters and sons.) I will throw this information into the discussion; and accepting that some have respect for me - and it would be desirable to believe this - I would like them to know that that respect is respect towards a person who is almost completely homosexual.
The stories in the Sun and such suggest that homosexual men wallow in promiscuity, and that to a unique degree. As I occasionally attend gay clubs and bars, that’s not my experience. I get the impression that the majority of attendees go to such places, as I do, for the reasons why Welsh speakers (Cymry Cymraeg) go to the National Eisteddfod - that is, to turn for a while to people of similar tastes. After all, as English is totally dominant in our society, so are heterosexual images; from time to time departing from either is a completely defensible act. I remember being in a gay club here in Cardiff. A young man and woman were dancing there; no one was opposed to that, but there was a scowl on the faces of some of the spectators that I had seen before, on the faces of some of the residents of Pantycelyn when someone was on hand who was particularly verbal in English. The meaning of the scowl is: with so many places where you can do such a thing, why in the world are you doing it her?”
John Davies, ‘Arwr Gwlad a Thref,’ Barn, 430 (Tachwedd, 1998), p.4-5.
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musicblogwales · 3 years ago
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Chroma - ‘Weithiau / Caru. Cyffuriau.’ (Libertino)
Chroma's fantastic new double a side single 'Weithiau / Caru. Cyffuriau' is out now via LIbertino REcords and has already received support from Circuit Sweet, For The Rabbits, Loud Women, God Is In The TV, Who Music Magazine, Y Selar, Huw Stephens on BBC Radio Wales, Adam Walton on BBC Introducing, Lisa Gwilym on Radio Cymru, Georgia Ruth on Radio Cymru and last but not least been featured on Sub Pop Records one’s to watch playlist!  Mae ‘Weithiau’ yn gân emosiynol bwerus sydd yn rhan o seng Ddwbl-A Chroma ‘Weithiau / Caru Cyffuriau’. Dyma’r gerddorieth gyntaf ir grwp ryddhau ar ôl ymuno â’r label Libertino. Recordiwyd y canaeuon yn fyw i ddal sain amrwyd ac egniol y triawd o'r Cymoedd gan y cynhyrchydd Kris Jenkins (Cate Le Bon, SFA, Gruff Rhys). “Mae Weithiau yn gân am orffen perthynas gyda rhywun ti’n caru a’r prosess o ddod i deall bod pethau ddim yn gweithio. Mae am rhoi dy hun gyntaf.” - Katie Hall, Chroma Mewn cyferbyniad perffaith cerddorol i felancholy diwyro ‘Weithiau’ mae ‘Caru Cyffuriau’ yn gân punk ddi-stop ‘in your face’ am fod yn dy arddegau yn y cymoedd, de Cymru. “Mae ‘Caru Cyffuriau’ am ‘naughty’ teenagers yn y cymoedd yn mynd lan y mynydd i cymrid ‘drugs’ ac arbrofi gyda rhyw achos does dim lot I neud. Fi’n meddwl does dim digon o adnoddau i pobl ifanc mewn ardal fel y cymoedd. Mae angen mwy o adnoddau a pethau i pobl ifanc neid rhag i nhw deimlo mor ynysig. O ni moen sgweni trac pync yn y Gymraeg, sydd yn adlywychu profiad go iawn pobl heddiw.” - Katie Hall, Chroma 'Weithiau' (Sometimes) is an emotionally powerful song that is one half of Chroma's Double-A single 'Weithiau / Caru Cyffuriau'. This is the group's first release after joining the Libertino label. The songs were recorded live to capture the versatile and energetic sound of the Valleys trio by producer Kris Jenkins (Cate Le Bon, SFA, Gruff Rhys). “‘Weithiau’ is about ending a relationship with someone that you love deeply. The process of coming to terms with the fact that the relationship doesn’t work, and putting your self first in that situation.” - Katie Hall, Chroma In perfect musical contrast to the sometimes melancholy 'Weithiau', 'Caru Cyffuriau' is a non-stop 'in your face' punk song about being a teenager in the South Wales Valleys. “Caru Cyfffuriau is a song about being a naughty teenager in the valleys experimenting with drugs and sex because there’s not much else to do. I think there needs to be more stuff going on so young people don’t feel so isolated. We wanted to write a welsh language punk song that reflects young people's lived experience today.” - Katie Hall, Chroma
Stream: https://soundcloud.com/libertinorecords/chroma-weithiau
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interlinkrct-blog · 7 years ago
Cwm Taf Wellbeing Plan
We now have public services with a duty to work sustainably through evidencing the 5 ways of working - thinking long-term, focus on prevention, integrated services, collaborate with others and involve people and communities.
This is a cultural shift from public services 'doing to' to 'doing with'. This means a more equal relationship where public services value and support the work of volunteers, families, carers, community groups and larger third sector organisations.
So I see some great strategic conversations but that is what they are. How do we move to action from words? How can we be more realistic, we are talking about building community capacity while community facilities are closing and more and more money is being taken away from local communities.
I was feeling a bit frustrated but this morning went to the Cynon Valley Forum meeting. What a breath of fresh air, amazing work being carried out by local groups to support paddling pools, churches and young people with autism. Thanks to the Pen y Cymoedd and the Big Lottery Fund, lots of great projects to fund #ABCD
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mountainside · 1 year ago
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Cymoedd y De.
Valleys of the South.
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peterjohn0 · 5 years ago
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! Annwyl ffrindiau! Bydd cyfarfod nesaf YesCaerdydd yn digwydd ar yr 11eg o Fawrth 2020 yn Nhŷ Cwrdd y Crynwyr, 43 Charles Street, Caerdydd CF10 2GB rhwng 1900 a 2100. Rydym wedi archebu'r ystafell o 1830 felly mae croeso i chi gyrraedd yn gynnar. Cyfarfodydd yn y dyfodol:  Rydym hefyd yn falch o gadarnhau ein bod wedi llwyddo i drefnu cyfarfodydd rheolaidd mewn lleoliad cyson.  Felly, wrth symud ymlaen cynhelir cyfarfodydd YesCaerdydd ar ail ddydd Mercher y mis yn Nhŷ Cwrdd y Crynwyr. Syniadau ymgyrchu:  Yn ein cyfarfod diwethaf, cytunwyd y byddai'n dda i aelodau gael sianel i gyflwyno syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau ymgyrchu.  Yna gellid trafod unrhyw awgrymiadau yn ein cyfarfod nesaf a chynllunio gweithgareddau.  Hoffem felly annog pobl i awgrymu syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau ymgyrchu - mae croeso i bob syniad. Efallai bod gennych chi syniad am daflen newydd y gallwn ei dosbarthu ar y strydoedd neu o ddrws i ddrws, neu eisiau trefnu gwrthdystiad yn y Senedd sy'n gysylltiedig â dadl / pleidlais sydd ar ddod ac ati - unrhyw beth i wthio achos Annibyniaeth!  Os oes gennych chi syniad neu os hoffech chi wneud awgrym, anfonwch ef at: [email protected]. Gwaith cymunedol:  Mae is-set o'r uchod yn gweithio i wella ein cymunedau, a bywydau'r bobl o'n cwmpas.  Felly, unwaith eto, os oes gennych chi unrhyw syniadau anfonwch e-bost atom fel y gallwn drafod syniadau yn y cyfarfod nesaf.  Enghraifft wych o hyn yw'r gwaith a wnaed gan YesGrangetown ac eraill wrth helpu gyda'r gwaith o lanhau llifogydd yn y cymoedd, a rhai syniadau eraill yr ydym wedi'u cael yw trefnu banciau bwyd, casgliadau dillad a chasglu sbwriel - unrhyw beth a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol ym mywydau pobl. Bws i AUOBWrecsam:  Rydym yn trefnu bws i AUOBWrecsam ar 18fed o Ebrill 2020. Bydd y bws yn gadael Caerdydd am 0630 yn y bore a dylent fod yn ôl yng Nghaerdydd erbyn 2000. Mae tocynnau yn £11 yr un ac ar gael yma. Welwn ni chi gyd ar yr 11eg! YesCaerdydd   Happy St David's Day! Dear friends! The next meeting of YesCaerdydd will be happening on 11 March 2020 at the Quaker Meeting House, 43 Charles Street, Cardiff CF10 2GB from 1900 to 2100. We have booked the room from 1830 so feel free to arrive early. Future meetings: We're also pleased to confirm that we have managed to organise regular meetings in a regular venue. Therefore, going forward these will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at the Quaker Meeting House. Campaign ideas: At our last meeting, we agreed it would be good for members to have a channel to submit ideas for campaign activities. Any suggestions could then be discussed at our next meeting and activities planned. We would therefore like to encourage people to suggest ideas for campaign activities - all ideas are welcome. You might have an idea for a new leaflet we can distribute on the streets or door to door, or want to organise a demonstration at the Senedd connected with an upcoming debate/ vote etc. - anything to push the IndyWales cause! If you have an idea or would like to make a suggestion please send it to: [email protected]. Community work: A subset of the above is working to improve our communities and the lives of the people around us. So, again, if you have any ideas please send us an email so that we can discuss ideas at the next meeting. A great example of this is the work done by YesGrangetown and others in helping out with the flood clean-up in the valleys, and some other ideas that we've had are organising food banks, clothes collections and litter picking - anything that will make an appreciable difference in people's lives. Bus to AUOBWrecsam: We're organising a bus to AUOBWrecsam on 18 April 2020. The bus will be leaving Cardiff at 0630 in the morning and should be back in Cardiff by 2000. Tickets are £11 each and are available here. See you all on the 11th! YesCaerdydd Reminder for next YesCaerdydd meeting! It's this Wednesday 29/01/2020 between 7-9pm in the ‘Cwtsh’ at Chapter Arts Centre (CF5 1QE). Please send any items you would like added to the agenda to: [email protected] Diolch YesCaerdydd
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drapersolutions · 6 years ago
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Used car batteries may power football stadium lights ##drapersolutions #technology Image copyright Getty Images Old batteries from electric cars could soon be keeping the lights shining at six European football stadiums.US firm Eaton, which re-uses batteries from Nissan Leaf vehicles, is in talks to update power systems at the as-yet unnamed venues.Eaton's refurbished batteries are already in use at stadiums in Norway and the Netherlands.The project is part of a broader push to find new uses for old batteries.Eaton vice-president Craig McDonnell said the football stadium community across Europe was "interested" in its battery-powered electricity supply system.Mr McDonnell declined to name which clubs it was talking to but said they were "significant" names.Last year, Eaton switched on a three-megawatt power storage system at the Johan Cruyff stadium in Amsterdam - home of the Ajax football team.The Ajax system stores power generated by solar panels fixed to the roofs of the stadium's stands so it is available for evening and night-time events.Many governments have started projects to re-use batteries for electric cars that can no longer be used to power the vehicles. Like many other rechargeable batteries the systems can degrade over time.Car-makers BMW, Hyundai, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz and Renault are also re-using batteries for domestic and industrial power storage rather than recycling the materials in them.BMW used 500 battery packs from its i3 cars for a power system in Wales that stores electricity generated by a wind farm. The Pen y Cymoedd location uses 76 turbines and can provide power for up to 15% of Welsh homes.In South Australia, Tesla used its battery technology to store power for a massive project to improve electricity supplies in the region.The European Commission has also funded many projects to repurpose degraded batteries to help "smart grid" projects. Read More...drapersolutions.com Link: https://drapersolutions.com/2019/06/25/used-car-batteries-may-power-football-stadium-lights/
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pontiobangor · 6 years ago
Cynhyrchiad cyntaf erioed yn y Gymraeg a’r Dwrceg yn dod i Pontio ym mis Mehefin
Bydd y cynhyrchiad theatr cyntaf erioed yn y Gymraeg a’r Dwrceg gan y cwmni theatr radicalaidd, Be Aware Productions, yn teithio Cymru yn ystod haf 2019 ac yn cyrraedd Stiwdio Pontio ar Nos Fercher 5 Mehefin.
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Gan fynd i’r afael ag obsesiwn cyfredol cymdeithas â hunaniaeth ryngwladol, mae drama wreiddiol Y Brain / Kargalar yn troi gwleidyddiaeth gyfoes y DU yn fater personol dwys trwy hanes ‘dychweliad adref’ yr awdur Twrcaidd Meltem Arikan i Gymru. Yn enedigol o Dwrci, ond wedi ei gorfodi i adael gan ymgyrch bardduo wleidyddol, daeth i Gymru a phrofi ymdeimlad dwfn o berthyn i’r dirwedd a’r diwylliant yn syth.
Bellach, mae’n croesawu cynulleidfaoedd i ymuno â’i thaith trwy ei hargyfwng personol wrth i’w hunan ataliedig, di-wyro, Twrceg ei iaith, Mel, gwrdd â’i hunan anturus, naturgarol, Cymraeg ei iaith, Tem, am y tro cyntaf.
Mae Y Brain / Kargalar yn archwilio hunaniaeth, cartref, rhyddid rhag gorthrwm ac iaith. Cydweithiodd artistiaid o wledydd ddwy fil o filltiroedd ar wahân i greu’r cynhyrchiad theatr cyntaf sy’n defnyddio’r Gymraeg a’r Dwrceg ochr yn ochr. Cyfarwyddir Y Brain / Kargalar gan Memet Ali Alabora, fe’i perfformir gan Pinar Öğün a Rebecca Smith Williams gyda throsiad Cymraeg gan Sharon Morgan.
Meddai’r awdur Meltem Arikan, “Oherwydd y cyhuddiadau yn fy erbyn yn Nhwrci, roeddwn yn ceisio cychwyn ar fy mywyd newydd yng Nghymru. Wedi marwolaeth annisgwyl fy ngŵr, roeddwn yn ceisio ymdopi â phroblemau newydd ac weithiau’n meddwl am roi’r gorau i’r cwbl … ond efallai bod gan y gwyddau, y brain, y coed a natur berthynas gyda fi. Efallai bod y mynyddoedd, y cymoedd, y coedwigoedd yn fy nghofleidio beunydd. Efallai bod teimlad rhyngof i a natur wyllt Cymru … efallai nad oedd gan yr adeiladau mawr a’m llyncai gysgodion brawychus. Dwi’n dal i allu clywed cân aderyn yn lle bwrlwm gorlawn traffig. Teimlwn fod y tiroedd hyn wedi eu lapio amdanaf bob amser, ar yr adegau anoddaf yn fy mywyd. A’u bod yn fy iacháu. ‘Gwn yn awr fod gan y wlad hon ystyr arbennig i mi, mae’r wlad hon yn caniatáu i mi ddarganfod fy hunan, fy menyweidd-dra, a chredaf bod llawer o fannau’n galw arnom oll, ond efallai na wyddom sut mae clywed yr alwad honno …”
Yn ystod y sioe, gall gwylwyr uniaith Saesneg ddilyn y ddrama trwy ddefnyddio’r testun sioe pwrpasol a gyfieithwyd i’r Saesneg, gyda graffeg gan y dylunydd o Gaerdydd, Melin Edmowonwyi.
Y Brain/Kargalar – BeAware Productions Nos Fercher 5 Mehefin, Stiwdio Pontio, 7.30pm £10/£8 myfyrwyr ac o dan 18. Canllaw oedran 11+
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thewarpholesstuff · 6 years ago
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The #queen out for more #mischief #forehead4days #beavisandbutthead #mikejudge #copics #markers #sketch #monarch @ Coleg Y Cymoedd Nantgarw https://www.instagram.com/p/BvwhgzMg8oW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qjc53mvfuxwl
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mrhenryharrell · 7 years ago
March 29 Green Energy News
Headline News:
Low carbon sources accounted for 50.4% of electric power generated in the UK last year, according to latest government data, overtaking fossil fuels. Coal generated only 6.7% of the mix. However, the UK’s total energy consumption remains more than 80% reliant on fossil fuels, and transport consumption continues to rise. [The Energyst]
Pen y Cymoedd wind farm in Wales
The cost of wind and solar energy continued to drop in 2017, falling another 18% across the globe, according to a report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The report also highlights the falling cost and growing uptake of battery storage, which is now encroaching on the flexibility and peaking revenues enjoyed by those fossil fuel plants. [RenewEconomy]
The world’s biggest-ever solar project, a $200 billion venture in Saudi Arabia, comes with a “batteries included�� sticker that signals a major shift for the industry. Surging battery supplies to feed electric-car demand have sent prices plunging, and solar developers from California to China are adding storage to projects like never before. [Bloomberg]
Massachusetts announced that the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission project of Central Maine Power Co will proceed in the Massachusetts Clean Energy solicitation process. Northern Pass, which previously had been chosen as winner, was denied Certificate of Site and Facility by the New Hampshire Site Evaluation Committee. [Renewables Now]
Even if Maine converted all activities currently powered by gasoline, natural gas and other fossil fuels (like transportation and home heating) to electricity, the energy provided by offshore wind turbines could still produce 13.7 times as much power as the state would use, according to a report released by Environment Maine. [Environment Maine]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
March 29 Green Energy News posted first on Green Energy Times
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williamdbellb · 7 years ago
Meet Matthew Sier…
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left to right: Sean McDonald, deputy director at JG Speedfit, Matthew Sier and Nigel Sanger
John Guest Speedfit is helping to make sure that the future of British plumbing is in safe hands, by sponsoring a talented college student.
The new sponsorship with Coleg Y Cymoedd (Ystrad Mynach Campus), home of Wales’ leading plumbing & heating course, sees Matthew Sier, a Year Two student, win a bursary worth £1,000, to help complete his studies.
Matthew was selected after a fierce competition to find the student who best demonstrated their commitment to plumbing and had the skills to succeed in the industry. Lecturers at Coleg Y Cymoedd nominated six students who had performed well in Year One. The candidates then visited the home of JG Speedfit in West Drayton, answering competency based plumbing questions and being interviewed by a panel of lecturers and JG Speedfit experts.
Matthew said: “I feel grateful towards JG Speedfit for giving me this opportunity. I learned some interesting facts about push-fit plumbing and enjoyed the factory tour, seeing how Speedfit products are manufactured. I had put a lot of hard work into preparing for this day and am totally chuffed about winning it.”
Nigel Sanger, technical director at JG Speedfit, added: “Matthew will be a fantastic ambassador for young plumbers. We were impressed by his dedication towards the profession and the technical knowledge he is already demonstrating. We’re delighted to help him with his studies and look forward to seeing how he gets on.”
As well as receiving £1,000 per academic year for the remainder of the course, on completion he will also receive a toolbox and workwear from JG Speedfit.
As part of the partnership, JG Speedfit is supplying core-plumbing product to the college, as well as supporting the creation of a room dedicated to JG Speedfit UFH, where students can learn the theoretical and practical elements of underfloor heating installation.
JG Speedfit is planning to repeat the sponsorship with Coleg Y Cymoedd in the 2018/19 academic year and is also looking for partner colleges in other regions of the UK.
The post Meet Matthew Sier… appeared first on Heating & Plumbing Monthly Magazine (HPM).
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8248515 http://www.hpmmag.com/news/meet-matthew-sier via http://www.rssmix.com/
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