#cycle routes in the new forest
rosemaryhelenxo · 17 days
Sopley Farm, Pick Your Own: Enjoy Fresh Berries and More in Christchurch, Dorset | Travel
“Nestled in the idyllic countryside off the Avon Causeway, in close proximity to the picturesque New Forest, is Sopley Farm – a seasonal Pick Your Own destination! “ Sopley Farm in Christchurch, Dorset is known for its Pick Your Own experience, specifically for their juicy strawberries during the summer and their pumpkin patch in the autumn! This family-owned farm, part of Dan Tanner’s, has…
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
In the face of a rapidly heating planet, the City of Eternal Spring — nicknamed so thanks to its year-round temperate climate — has found a way to keep its cool.
Previously, Medellín had undergone years of rapid urban expansion, which led to a severe urban heat island effect — raising temperatures in the city to significantly higher than in the surrounding suburban and rural areas. Roads and other concrete infrastructure absorb and maintain the sun’s heat for much longer than green infrastructure.
“Medellín grew at the expense of green spaces and vegetation,” says Pilar Vargas, a forest engineer working for City Hall. “We built and built and built. There wasn’t a lot of thought about the impact on the climate. It became obvious that had to change.”
Efforts began in 2016 under Medellín’s then mayor, Federico Gutiérrez (who, after completing one term in 2019, was re-elected at the end of 2023). The city launched a new approach to its urban development — one that focused on people and plants.
The $16.3 million initiative led to the creation of 30 Green Corridors along the city’s roads and waterways, improving or producing more than 70 hectares of green space, which includes 20 kilometers of shaded routes with cycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
These plant and tree-filled spaces — which connect all sorts of green areas such as the curb strips, squares, parks, vertical gardens, sidewalks, and even some of the seven hills that surround the city — produce fresh, cooling air in the face of urban heat. The corridors are also designed to mimic a natural forest with levels of low, medium and high plants, including native and tropical plants, bamboo grasses and palm trees.
Heat-trapping infrastructure like metro stations and bridges has also been greened as part of the project and government buildings have been adorned with green roofs and vertical gardens to beat the heat. The first of those was installed at Medellín’s City Hall, where nearly 100,000 plants and 12 species span the 1,810 square meter surface.
“It’s like urban acupuncture,” says Paula Zapata, advisor for Medellín at C40 Cities, a global network of about 100 of the world’s leading mayors. “The city is making these small interventions that together act to make a big impact.”
At the launch of the project, 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees were added to roads and parks across the city. By 2021, the figure had reached 2.5 million plants and 880,000 trees. Each has been carefully chosen to maximize their impact.
“The technical team thought a lot about the species used. They selected endemic ones that have a functional use,” explains Zapata.
The 72 species of plants and trees selected provide food for wildlife, help biodiversity to spread and fight air pollution. A study, for example, identified Mangifera indica as the best among six plant species found in Medellín at absorbing PM2.5 pollution — particulate matter that can cause asthma, bronchitis and heart disease — and surviving in polluted areas due to its “biochemical and biological mechanisms.”
And the urban planting continues to this day.
The groundwork is carried out by 150 citizen-gardeners like Pineda, who come from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds, with the support of 15 specialized forest engineers. Pineda is now the leader of a team of seven other gardeners who attend to corridors all across the city, shifting depending on the current priorities...
“I’m completely in favor of the corridors,” says [Victoria Perez, another citizen-gardener], who grew up in a poor suburb in the city of 2.5 million people. “It really improves the quality of life here.”
Wilmar Jesus, a 48-year-old Afro-Colombian farmer on his first day of the job, is pleased about the project’s possibilities for his own future. “I want to learn more and become better,” he says. “This gives me the opportunity to advance myself.”
The project’s wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. Medellín’s temperatures fell by 2°C in the first three years of the program, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even taking into account climate change. In turn, City Hall says this will minimize the need for energy-intensive air conditioning...
In addition, the project has had a significant impact on air pollution. Between 2016 and 2019, the level of PM2.5 fell significantly, and in turn the city’s morbidity rate from acute respiratory infections decreased from 159.8 to 95.3 per 1,000 people [Note: That means the city's rate of people getting sick with lung/throat/respiratory infections.]
There’s also been a 34.6 percent rise in cycling in the city, likely due to the new bike paths built for the project, and biodiversity studies show that wildlife is coming back — one sample of five Green Corridors identified 30 different species of butterfly.
Other cities are already taking note. Bogotá and Barranquilla have adopted similar plans, among other Colombian cities, and last year São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America, began expanding its corridors after launching them in 2022.
“For sure, Green Corridors could work in many other places,” says Zapata."
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 4, 2024
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mallowmaenad · 9 months
6'3" Underweight Trans Girl With Eyebags whose wearing an Oversized Black Sweater: I recently remembered all of my past lives. Most of it was spent as various plant life and fungi in the same twenty foot radius in a forest by a rural interstate route until a robin ate the seed containing my soul and flew to another forest where I reincarnated as her child. I would then die a tragic death at a young age to a local fox where I'd live a long life as her kit and eventually die of old age, I then spent several generations as various plant life and fungi in that forest which was eventually destroyed by industry.
I was a tree during that time and my plant fibers were processed to manufacture paper used to make a sticker placed on an orange whose peel was placed in a compost bin, eventually leading me to the dark yet decadent life of a worm until I then eventually expired and awoke as a tomato plant in the care of a kindly older woman, it is that life whose memories I treasure the most.
She was a very skilled and warm woman, and many of my cycles afterwards were spent as my own kin in generations of tomato plants in a blink of an eye. One day she took me into her car in a pot, I remember how she spoke to me. At the time she had named me Reynolds, she had set into a trend of naming me after Hollywood actors she found attractive. It was the day before her daughter's birthday and I was to be her gift, I could not feel bittersweet about this a the time, because I was a tomato plant.
She buckled me into the back seat of a car as if I was a child of her own and drove down a rural interstate route, illuminating the black sea of the night sky with her headlights as the shadows seemed to drown out anything but us. A deer with bone wasting disease stood in the road like a grim reaper, white eyes shining as her aching foot tried to react in time on the break peddle.
The two embraced in a bloody collision, I remember the deer in its last moments weakly nibbling at her flesh as they both bled out in an agony they were ignorant to, I wilted and died in that car along with her and that deer, I do not know what the journey of my soul was like, but my next life was as a patch of semi-feral grass on the side of a similar road caught in the mouth of a possum eating a partially full discarded box of Wendy's fries who was then promptly turned into road kill, when the day was new a burly Appalachian man whose stern demeanor hid a soft heart would legally and cleanly collect the cadaver and break it down, using the remains for a meal some yuppies would find ghastly. This man was my father- or rather my father in this cycle of life.
I know in my heart of hearts that you were that old woman who nurtured me so many times as her beloved tomato plants, you had the rare privilege to live your life as an incinerator at a crematorium, but the march of technology and nut after bolt you grew broken, a death by a thousand cuts, a death by a thousand bodies. Your massive metal cadaver was melted down over time, the raw materials eventually finding itself to a factory that manufactured bullets, a life of darkness in a cardboard prison only to be shunted into a pistol's magazine... your entire existence is interesting, stretching the meaning of what it means to be eaten and to live. The meek 24 year old boy thought nobody would mourn him when he was gone, you lived as an amorphous patch of greenery ahead of his grave stone.
A curious thing would happen during a visit to this boy's grave, his childhood dog either in embarrassing coincidence or a moment of sentience began to dig at where the body was, being wrenched back as it began to desperately sink his teeth into the soil, ripping you asunder. Almost as divine penance, you lived your next life as a member of this dog's litter, you'd be named after the boy, despite being a girl. Maybe the dog was given some precognition and wanted to eat the boy and take his soul into its mouth to get her the life she always wanted. You were unfortunately born with a chronic condition that led you to a young death, the girl's mother crying just as hard after the vet put you down. You were buried lovingly in her back yard where you became a tomato plant, your same mother not being as much of a green thumb as mine but she devoured your fruits all the same, eventually giving birth to another meek boy after growing pregnant during the time when your last tomato was picked off your wilted stem. I have pursued you since that day with my whole body and spirit, one part unintentional one part in this moment of enlightenment. I love you, and I will love you for the rest of forever.
Trans girl who dropped out of high school to make Hello Kitty breakcore who has her girlfriend's dick in her mouth and is high as fuck right now: Waash dat?
Their shared girlfriend sitting across from them playing Wario Land Shake It on her modded Wii U: Was I the deer with bone wasting disease?
6'3" Underweight Trans Girl: ... Yeah...
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chknbzkt · 1 year
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Damn I missed another entire month and for WHAT but here’s the first of the lineup because fuck it SMAUGUST IS FOREVER (to be fair to myself I’ve been busy being experimental and taking my art studies seriously but AUGH)
The others are still in the microwave so y’all get Glamrock Chica first!
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And some design exploration on the side!
Info on this lovely girl under the cut
Chica is a wandering Drake who comes and goes as she pleases through Hyde’s Crossing. Dragons (and monsters in general) like her are tolerated so long as they don’t cause trouble, which she doesn’t for the most part, but her tremendous metabolism (and in turn massive appetite) make her the scourge of farmers and cultivators near and far.
When she’s not being fended off with brooms and the odd pitchfork (Old Man Farkle is a Spicy One) along her foraging route cheekily close to people’s properties, she’s either hard at work maintaining her hoard in the form of a massive network of orchards and fruit/vegetable gardens spread all throughout her territory, or patrolling its edges to ensure no creature meaner or nastier than her tries to cause trouble for the people who rely on her orchards and in turn offer her edible goods of their own. It’s a symbiotic relationship, and she’s good on maintaining her end of the unspoken bargain as this side of the kingdom’s makeshift guard dragon.
Chica goes through a cycle every few years where she’ll sleep for a year straight. In order to build and maintain the fat stores needed to endure this cycle, she must keep eating. This is partially the reason for her choice of hoard (drakes like her are big eaters in general, each one having a favorite choice of yummy thing to snack on), partially because Hyde’s Crossing keeps falling on hard times and getting worse and worse each year. As long as you’re in need and she has food to offer, she’ll let you fill your basket ‘til you can scarcely carry it.
Out of the main cast, she’s the second largest (and the second physically strongest). Don’t think for a moment that there ain’t a wall of solid muscle beneath the squish and the fluff, girly gives an elephant a run for its money 💥💥💥 she’s also one of the more placid dergs you could run into while wandering Targum Forest.
Just give the bakers that live there a wide berth, they’ve invented a new delicacy and lent it to her to try and she seems prettyyy mad for the stuff 🍕
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pokemonfangame · 8 months
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Pokémon: Hollow Woods
Welcome to Oblar, a Pokémon region split between two factions. Your mother, the leader of the Lavender Faction, tasks you with researching Oblar's unique Pokémon species. But you find much more: an ancient and mysterious Pokémon, an organization with questionable motives, tales from Oblar's past, and plenty of intrigue... ...all centered around Oblar's Great Forest, where a powerful force is said to lurk.
This game aims to provide the nostalgiac feel of a Gen IV Pokémon game while refreshing some of the standard plot formula. You'll find gym puzzles and badges, a Pokémon professor, a rival, and other callbacks to canon Pokémon plots. At the same time, the game adds many new features (described below) and incentives for exploration, from sidequests with rare rewards to regional Pokémon that can only be found via thorough gameplay. It also asks new questions about the Pokémon world and its governance. Hopefully, this game will echo whatever drove you to play Pokémon games in the first place while giving you plenty of new content to enjoy!
A carefully curated regional Pokédex, featuring Pokémon and moves from the first 8 generations.​
A balanced experience crafted by a team of competitive Pokémon players. Though this is by no means a "kaizo" game, it should be difficult enough to provide some challenge to even experienced players.​
37 regional forms of existing Pokémon currently obtainable, with more planned for future releases.​
39 formal side quests, plus a variety of smaller content unlockable through player interaction.​
"Secret Spots" - areas accessible with a special item that contain rare Pokémon and/or items.​
"Super trainers" - extra-challenging trainers that will challenge you only if you battle every other trainer on a route.​
A variety of new game options, including Nuzlocke mode and level caps for those that want a difficult experience, as well as infinite rare candies and autoheal for those that want a more casual playthrough.​
A custom soundtrack featuring remixed versions of existing Pokémon tracks, with more to come in future updates!​
Exp. Share options - experience sharing can be disabled entirely, enabled from the Bag to give Exp. to all Pokémon, or given to one specific Pokémon to share Exp. with just that Pokémon.​
In-game time cycles with no relation to real time, enabling the player to find different Pokémon available only at certain times of day.​
Some of your favorite characters from canon Pokémon games have cameo appearances.​
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constantlymisspelled · 11 months
Stewjon and Its Peoples
A Complete Guide to the Planet, its Peoples, and its History
[Yes, I went a little bit insane. And yes, I have more projects I should be doing. I know that full well. Here, have a 4k long extrapolation on the Stewjoni.]
The Planet;
The Planet Stewjon is an averagely sized, mostly temperate planet with two celestial moons. Its rotation cycle lasts an average of 28 hours, with just under 320 days in a standard rotation around the sun, which is named 'Itz' by the locals. The planet has three large bodies of water, each connected to the other, known as the 'Great Seas', and most of the world's population sits along the coasts of these seas. Stewjon experiences moderate seismic activity, although only along specific rings, where the cities are rarely built above three or four stories. Stewjon is located in the Core, and sits along a defunct Hyperspace Route that fell out of frequent use after the New Sith Wars ended. Stewjon has a standard gravitational pull, a breathable, arable atmosphere, and contains both lush forests, bountiful seas, and polar circles. Winter and Summer are extremes, and the planet experiences a seven-year average water cycle that creates a distinct feast and famine alternation. Winter brings snow to the areas of the Poles, and Summer brings fires to the lands that currently sit along Stewjon’s Median Line. The earth of Stewjon is rich in many semi-precious to rare metals, but less so than many Outer Rim planets. However, the true jewel of Stewjon is the planet's strange volcanically created crystals and coloured waters that were once a great tourist attraction. These crystals are believed to have been what has caused many of the unexplained phenomena of Stewjon’s long and complicated history. [Extrapolation needed]
The People;
There are multiple peoples that consider Stewjon their home world. Before occupation by the Sith, and even earlier, the interference of the Rakata Empire, it is believed that Stewjoni were once a singular race. Genetic research compiled by the Stewjoni Medical Board currently presents that Stewjoni were humanoid in shape - pre-interference - but did not have their quintessentially modern appearances of the current subclasses of Stewjoni. It is currently believed that the first few splits in the species occurred naturally, in the form of the Faedh and the Sidhe.
The Faedh – ancient ancestors to what are now called the Seraphim, or the Sephi – were similar to the so called ‘Angels of Iego’ in appearance. They were commonly tall (standing on average from six to seven feet when fully grown), with elongated features, and were thought to have glowed slightly in the dark. It is this trait that is believed to have caused them to deviate from the main Stewjoni species. It is indicated in research that not only did they have membranous wings, contrary to other Stewjoni species with furred or feathered wings, but soft antenna instead of the more common antlers. The major difference between the species has been discovered in ancient burial grounds and upon study of bones and holograph evidence. The Faedh were believed to have been what is now considered ‘Force Sensitive’ in a specifically linear way. Ancient writings from old Stewjoni archives painted a people who looked like Faedh to have been Seers, or Prophets. Much like most of Stewjon, Faedh had metallic red hair, and largely opaque, colourful eyes. They were also believed to be non-venomous, which is a possible reason for their exodus off Stewjon, and for leaving the Core worlds.
The Sidhe – who are still in existence deep within the Great Woodlands of Stewjon – were small (somewhere from two to three feet in height) and are believed to be the mostly closely related to the ancient Stewjoni genus. Much like the Faedh, they possessed wings, although typically lightly furred. There were the odd exceptions of membrane winged Sidhe, but they were often contained within a small cluster of families in the Deep Woodlands. Sidhe were often colourful, although it is believed they have begun to take the appearance of similar features to their neighbours after the attempted eradication by the Sith. Sidhe often have short little horns instead of full antlers, and usually only sets of two, to four. Sidhe are the longest naturally lived of all of Stewjon’s native species.
The Common Stewjoni (Modern) is typically human in appearance, with a couple of notable differences. Stewjoni, and those with Stewjoni blood, are often easy to medically identify, if hard to spot as a passerby. Stewjoni have two livers, to protect from Stewjon’s many toxins and hazardous wildlife. Stewjoni also have Retinal Tapetum, or reflective irises, although it is unknown why this particular trait emerged in the species. As a species, Stewjoni are often rather diasporic, with certain areas having vastly different common features than others – sea the Saphire Islands, where children will have white hair until they hit puberty, or the Nameless Lands, where many Stewjoni have blue, or even grey skin, despite no relation to Pantorans, or Chiss. One of the common attributes known by outsiders is the Stewjoni ability to, it is believed, ‘breed with anything,’ however this is not strictly true. The reproductive processes of most of the Stewjoni is typically humanoid – much like most warm-blooded species – with a few glaring exceptions. First, are the unusually specific requirements for getting a Stewjoni’s romantic attention. Then the particulars of actually successfully copulating with a Stewjoni. And then, it depends entirely on your and their subspecies whether the egg (yes, egg) is soft shelled, or hard shelled, which in turn changes both how many children will be born, how long gestation lasts for, and whether or not the child will survive infancy. The other common misconception about Stewjoni is their red hair – yes, it is now the dominant trait of Stewjon. However, this trait was specifically engineered to become exclusive by genetic tampering. Red hair was always common, except now it is almost impossible for Stewjoni to have any other hair colour thanks to this fact. It is also believed that the red of the Stewjoni never fades. This is unfortunately untrue in certain circumstances.
The Ancient Stewjoni are beyond living memory, and whilst many have theorised what they would have looked and acted like, the truth is unknown. It is believed that they were a combination of much of modern Stewjon.
Their Biology;
The physical body of most Stewjoni – even those only partially, or adjacently Stewjoni – are often similar. First, most Stewjoni are considered venomous. The venom in question is, truthfully, more of a muscle relaxant and tranquiliser than a true venom, as it very rarely kills by itself. It is believed that Stewjoni gained this ability to help them escape a predator that had pinned them, and run their own prey into exhaustion. It also assists with inter-species relations in many ways – such as being a common ground between many predator and prey species, and being largely helpful in difficult sexual relationships. It is not a true sedative, and cannot be used like the holoporns suggest, either. Stewjoni view unmitigated use as a form of harassment. A form of punishment is the surgical removal of said teeth – very rare, viewed as the worst of punishments.
Modern Stewjoni – if living off world – are required to attend a set of ceremonies during their aging. First, is their official blessing into the community at thirteen, as they believe the beginning of puberty to be a time of celebration. Second, is their seventeenth, often seen as their first forays into learning the ways of the adult warrior. And third is twenty-three, when their body is settling into its more permanent form, seen as the introduction of the person in question to the world as a true adult. Each of these ceremonies coincide with important biological events in Stewjoni life – from the age of thirteen onwards, the children will often be on watch for possible ‘threats’ and have higher than traditionally human aggression levels due to having been heavily hunted by Sith and others at this age. At seventeen, Stewjon allows children to take charge of their own affairs and begin to take steps to leave the nest of their parents, whilst still being a part of the immediate family. Most Stewjoni will become fiercely independent at this age – in their own way, which is still largely communal due to the species’ social needs. And at twenty-three, Stewjoni are often encouraged to travel their world. Once, before the Sith, the histories state that Stewjoni would travel the world and bring back stories, wisdom, and new kin. That is no longer possible under the Isolation Acts enforced by the Republic.
Stewjoni have a close biological relationship with the force. It is incredibly rare for Stewjoni to be born Null. It is also rare for Stewjoni to be particularly powerful. The average midi-chlorian count of Stewjon sits in the range of three thousand to eight thousand midi-chlorians, just under the Jedi Order’s acceptable amount. Admittance to the Jedi Order is often only allowed in the case of special abilities – such as powerful visions, or unusual talents such as disintegration. Due to this, it is often observed that Stewjoni are incredibly sociable, and empathic creatures. The community comes first to a startling degree, and it is common for entire families to spend their lives together. Children are raised communally on most levels of Stewjoni society, due to the biological prerogative of the children of the people being the highest priority. This has such an instinctual drive that most of Stewjons wars, conflicts, and laws almost always directly relate to children, their rights, and the protection of. This unfortunately means that children, left unattended around a Stewjoni out in the galaxy, have a large chance of being spirited away to Stewjon, not to return. This is rare in modern times, but still possible, and difficult to counter when up against an entire planet. (See Stewjon vs The Republic for more details.)
The red of Stewjoni hair is due to a couple of factors. It is first of all, similar to the colouration of the Twi Lek, in which certain shades and patterns travel down family and Clan lines – the blood red hair of one Clan being specifically different to the fluorescent, mildly glowing variety of their close neighbour’s being key example. It is also true that the red of a Stewjoni’s hair should be permanent for their entire life. Only stress, strife, suffering and pain should ever dull a Stewjoni’s hair. If surrounded by loved ones, it is rare for grey hair to do more than pepper a Stewjoni’s hair until the death of a partner, or a child, or other such tragedy, and it is more common for a Stewjoni to die out of grief than for them to continue living past such things. The grieving is a private affair, and many Stewjoni have refused to explain the phenomenon to outsiders, claiming that without the force, they cannot explain such things.
It is said that hair, once cut from a Stewjoni – if provided willingly – will stay as bright as the day it was given as long as the Stewjoni lives. The Jedi Temple has evidence of something suggesting this to be true in the ancient records of the Archives, describing a Master finding their padawan’s braid, coloured white after their death.
The reproductive process of the species is often instigated through external pressures – such as change in season, diet, and circumstance. Many Stewjoni will go through delayed puberty without being forced into fertility. Additionally, the idea of Stewjoni being easy lays is quite far from the truth. Many Stewjoni will take certain behaviours commonly accepted by much of the galaxy – prolonged eye contact – very differently, which causes friction between Stewjoni and their partners. Stewjoni as a species require large family groups to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and safety. Only young Stewjoni tend to leave home alone, and even then, are often shadowed by older clan members. The adage of ‘If you see one red, there are more unseen’ is very true, and is basis for much of their interactions with the greater galaxy.
Sexual dimorphism is limited in Stewjoni, and almost invisible to outsiders. Many would claim that almost all Stewjoni seem to be the same sex, or similarly shaped, but this is often due to the necessity for their people to blend in amongst each other. Stewjoni, after much of their historical strife, are a preferred target for slavers, as they are considered exotic, and either good slaves or gladiators. Stewjoni are often confused by the question of whether they are male or female, as there is such little difference in their species between one or the other, however. There are some key things to remember. Not all Stewjoni have the appropriate organs to carry, or have children, but the vast majority – well over 80% of the populace – do, which makes the conceptualisation for the differences in gender seemingly meaningless to them. Those who are explicitly only female, or only male, make up less than 40% of the total populace, and it is believed the margin is only going to continue to decline, due to the biological interference of the Sith. It is not uncommon for only those with higher testosterone levels to have facial hair, however, this is not exclusive, or even all together common. Some sections of Stewjon only have hair on their head. Others, like the remaining Sidhe, have a light dusting of metallic fur all over their body, almost translucent. Additionally, modern Stewjoni often only show the more extreme variations of their natural colouring if they complete their coming of age on their home world. It is unknown as to why.
Their Culture;
It has been observed that Stewjon have a religious relationship with death in a way that most of the Galaxy cannot comprehend. It is often observed that Stewjoni will behave as if their loved ones aren’t dead per se, simply resting, or out of action. There is still a sense of profound grief at the loss of life, especially young, as they believe that the being in question has not yet learned all they needed to proceed to their next life. The religious worldview of the Stewjoni is very cyclical. All things are connected, running into itself like a stream, and there are festivals that celebrate the passing of time of the last rains of the year.
It has been considered a religious requirement for Stewjoni to learn to either dance or fight to appease their ancestors and their gods – to prove they are worthy of the life they have been awarded. It is also considered fair to judge another and their clan on their battle, or physical prowess. Stewjoni must have purpose within the community, even if that purpose is simply to provide company, it is treated with great respect. An example of this would be an ancient story of a warrior who broke their back, and could no longer walk, but continued to tell stories and fables to children until their dying day. They are held as a hero in folklore despite having never won a fight.
Stewjoni believe all things have soul, or life, if loved and known long enough. It has created an interesting conflict between the Stewjoni and their neighbouring planets when it comes to the introduction of droids in day-to-day life. Stewjoni don’t believe in the purchase of droids as you cannot own and purchase people in their beliefs, and due to this, despite their respectful treatment of the automatons, very few droids exist on Stewjon. Additionally, the extremes of Stewjon’s climate tends to destroy unprepared hardware. There are a multitude of religious diasporas on Stewjon, with the practices varying not just from city to city, but from clan to clan. Paint and tattoos on Stewjon have particular cultural and religious significance in certain groups.
Relationship with the force
There are many force sects on Stewjon – before their interactions with the Je’daii order, Stewjon had as many temples as there were cities, but once the fledgling republic discovered the planet and its peoples, a set of skirmishes almost wiped out the religion and force sects off the face of the planet. Fortunately, Stewjoni are first and foremost survivors, and believe in communal knowledge, and it took a Je’daii living undercover for three years to finally be allowed to enter a Stewjoni Temple.
The Modern Temples, further destroyed and tarnished by the ancient Sith battles, fall into a small select systems. The Star Temples, who predominantly teach their disciples how to interact with the great cycles of the universe. The Storm Temples, who teach their disciples to weather great pains and protect their kindred from the affect of outsider magicks. And the Summer, or Sand Temples, who teach their disciples to pull from the ebbs and flows of life and death without enforcing their will onto the world. Only the Star Temples – most specifically, the Star Temple of the Capitol of Waijoni has ever been accessed by a member of the Jedi Order.
It is believed by outsiders that Stewjoni throw away children too strong in the force. This is untrue. Stewjoni are often heavily connected in the force that binds all things, and often entire families can fall into the same nightmare or vision if an untrained Seer lives without shielding. This caused the Stewjoni obsession with Mandalorians, which will be explored in history. The inability for the children to separate from the minds of their family causes some strife, unprepared, or weaker in the force parents often place their children in care until they can come and collect them. However, stewjon is constantly in turmoil, and so children are often swapped between families by choice, by accident, or by force. There fore, to keep the more powerful seers from being poached until they can defend themselves, Stewjoni will often temporarily donate their children to Temples around the galaxy, and come to collect them when able. Other occasions, such as force related illness, can cause mass and sudden abandonment and adoptions as well. This also led to Stewjoni of ancient times racing off into the stars to chase a ‘call’ only to come back with children from around the Galaxy, often taken from unprepared parents.
This has lead to Jedi and Stewjoni being conflated together, being synonymous with ‘Child Stealers’ which is true for one, and not the other.
Whilst most on Stewjon are born with at least more than a passing Force Affinity, those without are often considered safe to send out into the galaxy under modern law, as they will often be able to resist a call from the stars. Ancient Stewjoni Force Sensitives travelled on great ships powered by something the species carefully keeps secret from outsiders, but allows the Null Stewjoni to interact with the force whilst flying said ships. The smaller ships of modern times are fast, agile, and are often spotted in patrols of no more than six, travelling around the galaxy across the ancient passages the Stewjoni People once travelled in their many Force Pilgrimages among the stars.
Due to the frequency of force sensitivity and the incredible empathy of Native Stewjoni, it is believed that the Stewjoni Language only developed so that those who couldn’t sense the force, or outsiders, could communicate with them. This unfortunately means that Stewjon has all the hallmarks of being a pidgin language, and thus has very few completely rigid rules in place. One of the few common conventions is related to writing, and script, which was the basis for the words and their phrasing, however much of Stewjon’s language style was borrowed from others. Such as Ba’va meaning ‘Uncle or Auntie’ or B’ur meaning ‘Mum or Dad.’ There is even significant pidgin from the ancient Je’daii who interacted with Stewjon – such as Dai meaning ‘offworld Force practitioner,’ Je’deyir meaning ‘Outsider’ and Sythe meaning ‘enemy/monster.’
One of the most well-known names out of Stewjon is ‘Obi Wan Kenobi’ after the many historical figures from Stewjon with that name. However, it might surprise you that Obi Wan Kenobi is not a name at all, but a red herring. It was designed, after one of the worst civil wars on Stewjon’s surface, to separate unclaimed, and claimed war orphans. It was supposed to be a way for the child to know that they hadn’t been picked yet. However, outsiders construed the meaning, and took it to indicate the child was unwanted, not unable to be cared for, leaving many Stewjoni who’d been forced from the system with that name when occupied by the Republic into poverty. This of course instigated much of Stewjon’s attitude against the Republic, the Jedi, and the Galaxy. Obi Wan Kenobi means ‘no one, of no clan.’ Which is contrasted by the real meaning for exile, which is ‘Wan Bi Kitrir,’ or Undesirable Person.
It is believed the word ‘Ken,’ for clan, came from the root word for ‘kin.’ Stewjon has no name in the language of its peoples, it is simple titled True Home, or Suti’yon, which was misheard by travellers as Stewjon.
Family and society structure
The importance of family and community in Stewjoni culture has lead to some interesting dynamics not commonly seen in seemingly human species so close to the core worlds. [Unfinished]
Their History;
Early Stewjoni have been documented around the galaxy in eras that long predate the accepted comprehension of space travel. This has led to the belief that ancient Stewjoni utilised vastly different tech to the Rataka Empire long before they encroached on the galaxy. This of course means that even on planets that deny any relation to Stewjon, the quintessential metallic hair and reflective eyes can reappear thousands of generations onwards. It is believed – and perpetuated – that Ancient Stewjoni often travelled to for off worlds in some form of ancient migration or forgotten force practice.
This brings us nicely into their first specific recording. The Pantorans claim that, sometime in the era of 32 000 to 30 000 BBY, a troupe of Stewjoni were in residence to bear witness to the winter solstice festival. They were documented to have stayed a few months, danced, and sung and spoke in a strange, incomprehensible tongue, introduced their magick and technology to the people around them, shared star maps, and left for their next location.
Mandalore states that, sometime around 20 000 to 15 000 BBY, an ancient Manda’lor and another troupe of Stewjoni assisted each other in a great battle against a nameless group of mercenaries preying on the Starships used to house the population of Mandalore at that time. Historians theorise that this may be why the words for magick, force healing, and other non-jedi related variants of the skills began to appear in Mando’a at this time. It also coincides with the Dathomiri beginning to be commonly widespread around the area Mandlore will one day occupy. It is believed that sections of the magick is in some way shared between what Mandalore remembers of Ancient Stewjoni, and what Dathomir has taught them.
Recorded history of real note on Stewjon picks up a written form around the 13 000s, and sometime during this period, Stewjon begins to select a princess – a person who is actually not required by Stewjon to be female, just mistakenly titled that way by outsiders upon meeting – to be the interplanetary advisor between the rest of the Galaxy and Stewjon. Around this time, the ancient Hyper-lane between Stewjon, their nearby branch worlds that would one day be lost to the Sith Lord Nihilus, and Iego would be documented by the Republic, and fiercely defended by Stewjon in what is described as Stewjon’s first real battle on the Galactic Scale.
It is somewhere around this time that Stewjon garners the attention of the fledgling Sith Empire of the era. In 7 000 BBY, Stewjon documents a rapidly rising number of assaults on the edge of what was once ‘their space’ – which under modern laws, they no longer possess – and this caused a number of Stewjoni Warships to be scrambled to meet the assailants.
It is described by many that from 6 000 to 5 000 BBY, after centuries of subtle genetic experimentation and torture, Stewjoni began to disappear from the galaxy. The Republic still hadn’t documented them as a species – and the ancient Jedi order has lost much of the knowledge in the most recent assault on their new Coruscant Temple, and no longer had information of the Species – this meant that when Stewjoni began appearing among the Sith, often enslaved, or Fallen, the Republic simply saw them as tube made creatures from the labs of the Sith, and put them down in the same way. This caused incredible outrage from what remained of the Stewjon at the time, who started a three-way assault on the Jedi, the Republic, and the Sith. It ultimately led to the occupation of their world, and the destruction of their temples, first at the hands of the Sith Empire, and later at the hands of the unknowing Jedi order, who had no precedent for what Stewjoni should have looked like, and almost eradicated the entire species by accident.
In the centuries that followed, Stewjon became incredibly insular, and began to bar entry to outsiders due to the suffering that the Sith and the Republics attempts at eugenics had caused them, leading them to be wary of anyone not outright part of their people. Stewjon had been under Republic occupation for almost a thousand years when the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian Empire went to war with the Republic, and in this time, Stewjon broke free of control, and actively killed any and all republic citizens still in their worlds. Unfortunately, they again attracted the attention of the Sith Empire, and begun to have to fight both just to survive. In the few occasions that Mandalorians and Stewjoni met on this era of battle, it was cold, but respectful – as Mandalorians still told tales of the Stewjoni of old, and some of the more non-human Stewjoni still were prevalent in society.
Stewjon eventually offered support to the republic against the Sith on smaller, closer to coruscant battle fronts that caused the Republic to allow Stewjon to move into true isolation – left alone in the heart of the republic as a non-member world, completely self-sufficient. The Jedi were barred from entering the planet’s space after Darth Nihilis destroyed much of the nearby systems unless they were a Finder. Multiple children were given to the Jedi Order at this time, and were also brought back to Stewjon, without their Master, for their coming of age.
When the New Sith Wars began, the Stewjoni sided with the Jedi and the Republic near immediately, resulting in much of the Galaxy following suite. After them, midway through the wars, Mandalore also offered their support, which cemented the first official treaty and legally documented interaction from Stewjon and Mandalore, resulting in the suspected apprenticeship of a Force Sensitive from Mandalore in Stewjon’s modern ways. This is the era in which the Mandalorian Houses came into effect – it is believed it is mimicked off of the way Stewjoni states their Temple of Origin after their Clan name, showing their allegiance and beliefs. This is argued against by most modern Mandalorians, specifically the New Mandalorians, who believe that Houses were a step away from Mandalore and Stewjon’s shared barbaric history. Notable Clans from this time were the Asterabi, or the ‘Unflinching,’ the Kestis, or the ‘Blade/Dark Family,’ and the Yeneboro, or the ‘Many Shapes.’ It is during this war that the Republic banned all non-Jedi adjacent Force practitioners from Republic space, and with Stewjon’s new alliance, the ‘darker’ Temples on Stewjon were either hidden, emptied, or in the case of the Kestis’, who could not hide their guardianship of the Temples of the Dead, exiled. Most exiles from Stewjon for this reason were immediately given residency on many of Mandalore’s distant worlds. Unfortunately, it means modern Stewjon and modern Iego – the current location for the majority of Clan Kestis – despise the Jedi personally.
At the Ruusan Reformation, and later the Dral Haran (The Republic's assault on Mandalore in a time of peace), Stewjon, and subsequently the Stewjoni, were barred from elections and from voting. This was proven to be a wise move when the current princess of Stewjon ordered their fleet to rally against one of the supply vessels headed to attack Mandalore. Stewjon has been banned from purchasing large numbers of ships, ammunitions, and transports ever since.
Modern and Current Galactic Impact;
[Don't mind me, guys. Doing what I do best. I'll add more to this as I explore the worldbuilding in my writing, but so far, this is what I have. I'll add pictures and references eventually, and hopefully have a semi organized pidgin to explain Obi Wan's naming convention. But that is for a distant horizon.
And for non-Star Wars fans, this is not at all canon, I promise.]
[[Wow, I haven't even gotten to clothes and cuisine yet, haha.]]
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Two families in East Germany, longing for freedom, built their own hot air balloon out of masses of taffeta, bought secretly in preparations that took more than a year.
They planned to flee and cross into West Germany in a daring plan put into action in September 1979.
They set out in their craft on a moonlit September night - after a failed attempt when they ran out of gas in the air and crashed into the bushes below.
However, they managed to reach the West in their second try, making it out of the country in a highly dramatic feat just before the East German police caught up with them.
The two families were dicing with death, as guards protecting the border in East Germany, then part of the Eastern Bloc, were ordered to use lethal force to prevent people defecting to the West.
The inner German border and the Berlin Wall were heavily fortified with watchtowers, land mines, armed soldiers and other measures to prevent illegal crossings.
"We didn't know anything about ballooning," says Günter Wetzel, 69, from one of the two families who managed to flee in their homemade balloon, who researched at length after a television programme provided inspiration.
When asked whether his dreams have been fulfilled in his new home, he replies soberly, "What do you mean by dreams?" Wetzel, who retrained as a car mechanic, was sure it would all work out.
His story was later made into several films. His character was played by US star Beau Bridges in the Disney film "Nightcrossing" and by David Kross in a German movie called "Balloon" (2018).
Sadly the films did not make him rich, however. "We were naive," he says, looking back.
Exploring the former death strip
A sign located on what used to be East Germany's infamous death strip now tells visitors about the balloon flight, known worldwide for its boldness.
Following World War II, Germany was divided for decades, separated by a lengthy border that can now be walked by hikers.
Where the death strip ran along the inner German border, there is now a green belt between the Saxon-Bavarian Vogtland region and the Baltic Sea.
Day trippers are drawn by the combination of forests, moorland, rivers, heathland and low mountain ranges.
Hiking journalist Thorsten Hoyer has covered 1,250 kilometres of the roughly 1,400-kilometre-long green belt in less than a month, but he does not recommend it, saying, "70% of it is over concrete and asphalt."
Nature is working on reclaiming the terrain, but has not yet managed completely.
The route is modelled on the Kolonnenweg on the east side, where the former East Germany border guards patrolled over perforated slabs.
Today, there is greenery everywhere along the path - though less in the way of tourist infrastructure and in places, there could be better signposting.
So it is better if cyclists and hikers focus on select routes, perhaps in the Franconian Forest where the states of Bavaria and Thuringia meet.
'Little Berlin'
The river Saale, once a border, flows leisurely along and builds up to a smooth surface near Hirschberg and is lined with trees and bushes, while canoeists rush over a weir. If you cycle along the colonnade path, watch out for the wide depressions in the concrete.
The situation eases on a forest path and the little road to Mödlareuth. Here, Americans used to call the village "Little Berlin."
Just like the German capital, Mödlareuth was divided by a wall and you can still visit the German-German Museum which has a memorial to the separation of the country. Visitors can also see a section of the Wall, and watchtowers and barbed wire fences bear witness to the painful division.
Britt Hornig, who is currently wandering through the museum grounds, is deeply moved and agitated. She used to work as a paediatric nurse in East Germany. "There can't be anything like this again. That was my childhood, my youth. It was absolute madness what they did to us."
"I went to the demonstrations in Leipzig every week and fought for freedom until the Wall came down."
Otto Oeder, a former border policeman and now 79 years old, also recalls the division. "I thought the world ended there," he says, describing his deployment on the Bavarian side of the Iron Curtain.
He wrote and published his book about those divided years, recalling refugees who made it through. "At our police station, we first dressed them in dry clothes, donated by us, not paid for by the state."
He also set up a regular meeting point in a pub for people who had crossed the border and could share their anecdotes. Anyone loyal to the East German regime was unwelcome.
Hiking through the past
Frankenwald-Steigla is the name of a network of circular hiking trails in the Franconian Forest, three of which illustrate the German-German past.
The Wetzsteinmacher trail, 5.3 kilometres long and starting below Lauenstein Castle, leads up to the Thüringer Warte. It is a viewing tower on the summit of the Ratzenberg and provides a fantastic vantage point to survey the area. Climb 117 steps and you can take in a view of the forests of the Thuringian-Franconian Slate Mountains.
Other climbs include the challenging Grenzer-Weg trail - 16.8 kilometres from Carlsgrün - and the moderate, recently inaugurated 10-kilometre Grünes Band trail, which starts in Mitwitz.
Along the way, a stream babbles and cuckoo calls echo through the forest. You can hear birdsong, while dewdrops sparkle like pearls on blades of grass. Dragonflies dance in the sun and it is so peaceful that you cannot imagine anything ever happened here.
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mings · 1 year
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Scenes from the trail - new episode
I haven't been here much recently because reasons. Yesterday was an opportunity for me & the Bean to stretch our legs and clear our heads.
I was recently appointed to the board of directors of the local Forest Trust, which is on the threshold of a huge, once in a generation opportunity. Over 1100 acres (450ha) of land neighbouring the forest is on the market, and the owners are willing to consider a community purchase. We're forming a joint venture with another local organisation and hope to raise the funds to buy it.
That's no small endeavour - we'll need to raise more than £1 million - and at any stage, an external buyer could step in and beat us to it.
Anyway, as it's for the community, what better way to put a plan together than to ask the community for their views, ideas, and aspirations? So we're holding drop-in sessions here and in the neighbouring village. I thought it might be useful to have some images of a wilderness that many folks may never have seen.
Although this used to be the drover's route from Fort William to Inverness, there's little evidence of it today. Apart from the prolific heather, much of the ground is peat bog, giving us a clue that this was once a very different wooded landscape. It's ripe for rewilding, and the presence of well-established willow and juniper suggests that either the deer are few enough to be manageable (unlikely) or they stay out of sight in the forested areas. We'll also have to be aware of the wild boar that are regular inhabitants of Glenurquhart because this land adjoins the Glen, and its inevitable that they'll continue their eastward migration.
Peatland restoration holds massive potential for carbon capture and the opportunities for healthy pursuits are endless. Meall na h-Eilrig at 465 metres (1526 feet) sits above Loch Glanaig and provides spectacular 360° views. It's a grind getting there, but restoring and extending the old peat cutting tracks would make it much more accessible for both foot and cycle traffic.
So many things to think about. Now, where to find a spare million or so...
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middletone · 5 months
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Introduction Post
My Perfection-run Farmer is Leander. He’s roughly in his late twenties; a latent witch, having let the forest magic he had begun to cultivate as a child staying with his grandfather fade once he moved to the city with his mother. Will he be able to reawaken his powers after returning to Aurora Fields Farm?
Well, we’re doing the Community Center route, so probably.
I’ve never really kept a game log before and I thought it would be fun; Stardew Valley lends itself to this type of thing so well imo. I’ll do weekly (in game) updates of the highlights so I’m not flooding people’s dash.
WILL CONTAIN 1.6 SPOILERS! Tagging as “Aurora Fields” if people would prefer to block; mod list under the cut.
Aurora Fields is a Meadowlands-type farm with remixed CC bundles & mining rewards; guaranteed 1st year completion set.
Initial Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens - I thought you had to marry Shane so I have never gotten them
Max hearts - Everyone will be our friend, so help me
Marry Sebastian - He was my first bae and continues to be my favorite; also best spouse room
Spring – Year 1: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Summer – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Mod List (Available on Nexus):
Better Butterfly Hutch
CJB Cheats Menu - Durable Fences, No Friendship Decay, Instant Catch Fish enabled
Content Patcher
Content Patcher Animations
Crafting Collection
Daily Screenshot
Deluxe Journal
Dynamic Reflections
Farm Icon on Load Screen
Fast Animations
Generic Mod Config Menu
Highlighted Jars
Horse Squeeze
Menu Cycle
Monster Slayer Anywhere
More Grass
NPC Map Locations
Part of the Community
Portraiture - Using SHIE’s Portraits (hoping for an update to include the new outfits)
UI Info Suite 2
Visible Fish - Viewable Trash disabled
Babies Take After Spouse V2
Bathhouse Hot Spring
Bedroom & Kitchenette
Better Lilypads
Better Water
Clint Rewritten
Bath House Running Water
Musical Cellar
Summer Bird & Cicada Sounds
Even Better Artisan Good Icons
Fancy Artisan Good Icons EBAGI Pack
Fancy Artisan Good Icons Retexture
Elle’s Cuter Barn Animals - Edited various assets
Elle’s Cuter Cats (Edited) - Edited assets to incorporate my IRL cat, Steve
Elle's Cuter Coop Animals - Edited various assets
Elle's Dirt & Cliff Recolor
Elle's Cuter Horses
Elle's Seasonal Buildings
Elle's Town Buildings - Edited Marnie's Ranch to have original colors
Family Choices Expanded
Jealousy Responses Begone
Less Ugly Spouse Rooms
Love Letters
Night Market Cat Boat
Perma-Fluffy Sheep
Please, Remember My Marriage
Seasonal Mariner to Mermaid
Seasonal Special Orders Board
Seasonal Wedding Arch
Rustic Traveling Cart (Edited) - Edited assets to keep original cart color, but incorporate modded boar & roof shape
Simple Foliage
Simple Resources
Spam Mail
Squid-like Squid Kids
Uniform Rings
Animated Junicrows
Animated Mining Pack
Auto Animal Doors
Better Train Loot - Set to max 1 train per day, otherwise too chaotic/OP
Change Farm Caves
Custom Fixed Dialogue
Destroyable Bushes
Fall 28 Snow Day
Fall 28 Snow Dialouge
Greenhouse Sprinklers
Like a Duck to Water
Placement Plus
Ring Overhaul
Stardew Hack
Supply Crates on Beach
Tree Transplant
Waterproof Items
Wear More Rings
Bachelors/ettes Stay Friends
Better Beach Farms
Blue Eggs & Golden Mayo - Edited to match EBAGI
Elle's Grass Replacement
Immersive Spouses
Natural Paths - Gravel Path changed to Dark Grass path, Wood Path changed to Light Grass path
Please, Remember My Birthday
Demetrius Visits Farm Cave Redux - Set to Saturdays as Demetrius doesn't so anything special on Saturdays/there are no Saturday Festivals
More Grass – Set to 50% coverage; using Ali’s Flower Grass, Lumisteria More Flowery Grass, & Lumisteria Short Flowery Grass
Platonic Partners & Friendships
Platonic Relationships
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rainerbayer · 3 months
rb's Free Rider's Motorcycle Memories (2 / oo)
On the Route des Grandes Alpes (Maritime Alps, France) – and some thoughts on the age of 60
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First picture: Me and my Triumph Tiger Sport 1050 on a pass on the Route des Grandes Alpes towards Nice via Valley of Isere (Val d'Isere): Col d'Allos.
With my type of motorcycle clothing 8-) , it was also possible to hike up to the managed lake d'Allos (Lac d'Allos) without any problems. It's about 30 minutes (one way) from the parking lot further up, which is subject to a fee in the high season. The path runs partly on a rocky track next to the meandering stream bed. The path is marked with information boards explaining the formation of the stream and the peculiarities of the lake and its surroundings.
However, I don't want to give a description of the Maritime Alps (discover them for yourself!), but rather make a few comments on how traveling by motorcycle has changed for me with age.
So, let's go back to the first picture: A good 10 years ago in a somewhat freer and simpler world (also for motorcyclists): less complicated, less regulated, more light-hearted than today.
When I was younger, I wished the journey would take forever, and I could well imagine living in this fantastic mountain world: right on the spot, so to speak, without the tedious approach route of hundreds of kilometers.
The latter is still the case today, although in view of developments in Europe, the question arises as to whether I am far enough away there from growing madness …
In the early years, I also savored the trip to the hilt and always returned well after midnight or in the early morning, usually in pouring rain.
Nowadays, at the beginning of my 6th decade of life, it's the growing feeling: "I'm here and it's still nice, the routes are still fantastic to ride; I've seen a lot again and also new things, but now it's also good to go home again". Today I usually stay overnight again on the route back - due to my age. One positive aspect of getting older is that the feeling of being back home becomes stronger. By "home" I mean the people and the landscape: the environment in which I grew up. People and landscape are interwoven in a special, almost mysterious way; a realization that takes time.
The last two pictures: So I usually come back in the early evening nowadays. If the weather is not too bad, I take off my luggage and immediately cycle up a few more 10 kilometers to our "small" mountain and forest landscape here; in good weather bathed in the almost golden light of the evening sun in late summer and early autumn. And I am enjoying our narrow mountain roads through our mixed forests, our green meadows and our gentle to rugged (steep) slopes of the vineyards.
Here it is the south of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, not the "far" south of europe. It is not the fantastic mountain and rock world of the Alps with its (drivable!) passes up to over 2700 m altitude, its deeply carved gorges, its mountain lakes and streams, its alpine farming areas, its often grotesque and "dangerously" narrow roads, with their different people, their slightly different way of life. (You see, I'm already starting to miss that again.)
But it's my home and it feels good to be back.
And to get ready again for the next trip.
(Tanslated from German with DeepL - free version.)
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Through migrations and the strengthening of trade, the Mayas have adapted to the various climatic or socio-economic crises.
From Atlas historique de la Terre via @LegendesCarto
Climatic cycles and Mayan periods
Between 650 and 850 the Mayan civilization flourished, as still testified by the impressive pyramids high in the tropical forests of Central America. Everything seems to have stopped then, feeding the myths around the disappearance of the Mayas. Climatic causes are often put forward: in fact, droughts are attested between 830 and 870, but many cities are abandoned before. Socio-economic and political unrest could be the main reason. During this period of crisis in the south, two new great capitals emerged in the north: Uxmal and Chichén Itzà. Archeology shows a formidable displacement of the populations towards the coasts which appears by the new geography of the cities. The Mayas settle in areas that are sometimes dry, but where they can take advantage of sea routes and exploit underground rivers (notably thanks to cenotes, chasms filled with water). Many of these cities would have succumbed to a second wave of droughts between 1000 and 1150. The Mayan world did not disappear, however. The major sites dating from after 1200 bear witness to its vitality and its changes, to the increased influence of the Toltec civilization and to exchanges with the whole of Mesoamerica. Climatic chronology and Maya history are not really synchronous.
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brandrise · 2 months
The Must-Visit Destinations Germany
Germany, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, offers a diverse array of attractions that cater to every type of traveler. From the bustling streets of Berlin to the fairytale castles of Bavaria, Germany is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or an art lover, Germany has something special for you. Here are some of the best places to visit in this captivating country.
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Berlin: The Heart of Germany
Berlin, the capital city, is a dynamic blend of the old and the new. Its historical significance is palpable as you explore iconic sites like the Brandenburg Gate, the Berlin Wall, and Checkpoint Charlie. The city is also a hub of modern art, culture, and nightlife. The East Side Gallery, a preserved section of the Berlin Wall covered in murals, and the Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage site, are must-see attractions. Berlin's diverse neighborhoods, each with its unique vibe, offer endless opportunities for exploration.
Munich: Bavarian Charm and Oktoberfest
Munich, the capital of Bavaria, is renowned for its picturesque architecture, world-famous beer gardens, and vibrant cultural scene. Marienplatz, the central square, is the perfect starting point to explore the city's historic buildings, including the stunning New Town Hall. Munich is also home to the legendary Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival, which attracts millions of visitors each year. Don't miss a visit to the Nymphenburg Palace and the English Garden, one of the largest urban parks in the world.
Neuschwanstein Castle: A Fairytale Come to Life
Nestled in the Bavarian Alps, Neuschwanstein Castle is straight out of a storybook. Commissioned by King Ludwig II, this 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace served as the inspiration for Disney's Sleeping Beauty Castle. The castle's picturesque setting, surrounded by lush forests and towering mountains, makes it one of the most photographed sites in Germany. Guided tours offer a glimpse into the opulent interiors and the fascinating history of Ludwig II's dreamlike creation.
The Romantic Road: A Scenic Journey
The Romantic Road is a picturesque route that winds through some of Germany's most charming towns and villages. Starting in Würzburg and ending in Füssen, this scenic drive takes you through medieval towns, vineyards, and castles. Highlights include the walled town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, and the baroque city of Würzburg, with its impressive Residenz Palace. The journey culminates at Neuschwanstein Castle, providing a perfect end to this enchanting road trip.
The Black Forest: Nature's Wonderland
The Black Forest, or Schwarzwald, is a region of dense forests, rolling hills, and quaint villages. Famous for its cuckoo clocks, thermal spas, and scenic beauty, the Black Forest is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking, cycling, and skiing are popular activities in this area. The town of Baden-Baden, with its luxurious spas and casino, offers a touch of elegance, while Triberg is home to Germany's highest waterfalls and the Black Forest Museum, which showcases the region's rich cultural heritage.
Hamburg: The Gateway to the World
Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city, is a bustling port city with a unique maritime charm. The historic Speicherstadt, the world's largest warehouse district, and the modern HafenCity, with its striking Elbphilharmonie concert hall, showcase Hamburg's blend of old and new. Take a stroll along the Reeperbahn, known for its nightlife and entertainment, or relax at the serene Alster Lakes. Hamburg's rich musical heritage is evident in its numerous theaters, live music venues, and the Beatles' early performance venues.
Germany's diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture make it a destination that promises unforgettable experiences. Whether you're exploring the historic streets of Berlin, sipping beer in a Munich garden, or marveling at the fairytale beauty of Neuschwanstein Castle, each destination offers a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of Germany. Pack your bags and embark on an adventure that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
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(Coat of arms of Windenburg)
Windemburg is a large and diverse country, with a population of approximately 41.32 M people according to the last census, its geography ranges from impressive coastlines to imposing mountain ranges. On the west coast, the Sea of ​​Aegir laps the golden sand beaches, providing fishing routes and a mild climate. To the east stretch the Moon Mountains, with peaks covered in snow for much of the year and deep valleys containing ancient forests.
The Lys Valley, where the capital Lysgard is located, is located in the center of the country, surrounded by rolling hills and green fields.
In Windenburg, culture is characterized by deep-rooted values ​​that promote community, harmony and respect for nature. Some important values ​​for citizens include honesty, solidarity, and appreciation for tradition. The connection with nature is reflected in seasonal festivals and rituals that celebrate natural cycles.
Windenburg flag:
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Windemburg has its roots in ancient times, when nomadic tribes settled on the banks of the Eilen River. The first inhabitants, known as the Eilenites, were dedicated to agriculture and fishing. Archaeological remains indicate that the region was inhabited since 3000 BC.
In 500 BC, the unification of the tribes under the leadership of a charismatic leader, König Aminus, marked the beginning of the Age of the Aminus Empire. This civilization ruled what is now known as Windenburg for almost 2,000 years.
In the 9th century the Empire saw its end due to years of poor harvests and popular rebellions that caused its destruction and a new restructuring. Society was structured in a feudal system, with nobles ruling vast tracts of land and peasants working for them, the largest of these lands being ruled by the Windemburg Family. The fortification of cities and the construction of castles were prominent features of this period.
In the 15th century, after what was known as the War of the Fiefs, all the fiefs were unified into one great country: the Kingdom of Windemburg.
Government and Politics
Windemburg is one of the few Absolute Monarchies left on the continent of Arantis, although it has its peculiarities.
The government is made up of the Monarch who is the highest authority and his eight Parliamentarians, formerly known as Advisors, elected politicians who represent each of the regions of Windemburg defend the interests of their region and advise the Monarch in his political decisions, below among the Parliamentarians are the local Mayors. Justice is independent and is based on a system of codified laws that guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens.
Windemburg is known for its robust technology sector, especially the city of Techvalley is an epicenter of innovation, where startups and technology giants develop cutting-edge products and solutions. The government actively supports research and development (R&D) through tax incentives and subsidies.
Agriculture remains a fundamental pillar of the Windenburg economy. The Eilen River Valley is one of the most productive agricultural areas, growing cereals, fruits and vegetables. Fishing is also essential in coastal areas such as Tartosa or the Sulani Islands.
(This section is still in the process of creation)
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distanthorizons · 3 months
so what will the ranking system look like? any special ranks?
Hello, yes! We will have special and unique ranks for every clan.
Every clan will follow the pattern of having a leader, deputy/advisor, physical healer, mental healer, a Soothsayer/divinator, and a diplomat (acts as a messenger and peace keeper). The other "typical" ranks are warrior, apprentice, queen, kit, elder. The names of these ranks will depend on the group.
We also have 2 unique ranks per clan. An apprentice will be able to decide (or it will be decided for them) which role they are able to take. If they do not take the role of a healer or warrior, they have 2 other options. I will list them below! The information guides for the different groups should be coming out soon, but just to give you a sneak peek:
Shadow Stalkers: The Coven's elite task group, highly specialized and highly skilled. They are capable of moving through the marsh undetected through the shadows, and are responsible and crucial for gathering information from other clans. Shadow Stalkers are used to spy on other clans, and as such are to report any threats or useful information, as well as those who are sent to infiltrate other territories if needed in a sabotage event. They are responsible for silent patrols, stalking silently to ensure there are no intruders or threats that go unnoticed within the territory, as well as are able to act as an emergency response team and swiftly warn of incoming threats.
Twilight Wardens: These are specialized cats who patrol and protect the Coven’s territory during the night. Their excellent night vision and ability to navigate the dark marshland makes them perfect defenders during the hours when other clans might be at their weakest. They are responsible for patrols and guarding among the twilight hours, where their excellent night vision helps them excel.
Stone Jumpers: Specialized navigators of their rocky terrain. These cats have exceptional agility and strength, allowing them to scale cliffs with ease. They also can jump far distances, and are responsible for high-ground patrols and leading rescue missions within the cliffs.
Peak Watchers: The scouts and signallers of the group. They specialize in using the acoustics of the rift and rocky terrain to detect and project sounds. This allows the clan to communicate over long distances and detect potential threats early.
Wave Riders: Specialized swimmers and navigators of the Colony’s aquatic territory. These cats have great swimming skills and a deep understanding of the lake and creeks. They are responsible for leading water-based patrols, rescues, and fishing expeditions.
Tide Watchers: Observant guardians of the Colony who specialize in monitoring the weather, water levels, and environmental conditions. They play a crucial role in predicting changes that could impact the clan, such as flooding, and preparing for these changes.
Fire Tender: Excels in the usage of fire and how to control it. Living in an area that is prone to intense overgrowth as well as forest fires during the dry summers is a recipe for disaster, so to combat this the group has formed a role that enacts controlled burns within the pine forest. These controlled burns allow for new growth to appear as well as burn away older growth, and gives less for forest fires to latch onto during the summer cycle, as well as provides the soil with nutrient rich ash that promotes new growth. As a group that values and reveres the cycles of life and death, and the seasons, fire tenders are seen as very brave and are respected for their role.
Pathfinder: The Pathfinder is an expert at navigating through the dense forest and hidden pathways of the Keeper’s territory. They specialize in scouting and creating safe routes, as well as planning new paths through the underbrush. They are very crafty and good at bramble weaving.
Wind Racer: The Sky Runners do not have individual healers; instead they have the Wind Racers. This role is important and core to the group, as each Racer is trained in the art of healing, both physically and mentally. They are trained to be able to carry any materials needed, such as bundles tied with grasses, and sprint long distances quickly (they act as the group's cat equivalent to a humans' EMT service). It is not an easy job, as it requires each Racer to keep a steady head under pressure and to be able to deal with whatever incident that may have occurred. Be it intergroup conflict, predator attacks, or even traps set by the hunter. The Sky Runners are known to not just have the Racers tend to their own group, but in dire circumstances are known to send them to other groups or even clanless cats in need.
Burrower: The tunnels within the grasslands and hills are not all burrows dug out by rabbits and coyotes, but the Sky Runners as well. Though they feel safer and more free under the stars, that wide open freedom can be a disadvantage at times, and circumstances will urge the group to go underground. Be it large predators or inclement weather, the Sky Runners are able to escape due to the Burrowers. Feeding into their semi-nomadic lifestyle, the Burrowers carve and expand upon tunnel systems within the hills precisely. Cats who are drawn to this rank tend to feel more comfort underground, finding safety within the enclosed walls. These tunnels help sustain The Sky Runners way of life.
We hope this helps to give an idea of what is to come, and we apologize of the length of this! Let us know if you have any other questions!
- Between Distant Horizons Staff Team
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Swablu & Altaria
Swablu (#333)
Nubesia amicibilis
General Information: Swablus are known as the Cotton Bird Pokémon. These little cuties are much beloved critters who fly through the skies on cotton wings of clouds. They are also finicky sorts who can’t stand unclean surfaces, and will wipe away dust and dirt with their wings—and should its own wings become dirty, it will find a stream or spring to cleanse itself in.
Swablu average at 1’4 feet (0.4 M) tall and 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg).
Habitat: Swablu can be found all over the world, for their migration patterns are long and complex, with many flocks taking on different paths and routes each year. They generally prefer forests, with their favorite habitat being cloud forests. Despite how many places they can be found, Swablu are relatively rare to spot, and such sightings are a noteworthy occasion.
Life Cycles: The general population does not know where the Swablu nesting grounds lay, but there is a nature preserve of a cloud forest deep in the Andes Mountains of South America, that is heavily guarded by elite Rangers. In this mysterious nesting ground, Swablu are generally born in nests of 3-7 others, and they are lovingly taken care of by their two parents, who are usually Altaria, but not necessarily. These Swablu live with their parents for the first year of their life, following them wherever they go. At one year old, the female Swablus usually stick with their parent flock, while it’s usually the males who go out in search of a new flock to call home. This is a fairly amenable process, but it can cause strife. Swablu reach reproductive maturity at level 15 or 2-years-old, whichever comes last, but due to the social dynamics of Swablu flocks, are unlikely to achieve reproductive success until they are older and stronger.
In general, a Swablu can live up to 30 years in the wild, though many things enjoy eating them.
Behavior: Swablu are friendly, hypersocial Pokémon with no fear of humans. They are so unafraid of humans compared to other creatures, that many have been known to plop themselves upon someone’s head, and rest there! Their demeanor makes them excellent starter Pokémon.
Diet: They eat mostly fruits and nuts, and are agreeable to many standard PokeFoods—such as PokeBright Foods (subsidiary of Dark Moon Corporation)
Conservation: Endangered due to infringement upon their nesting grounds by illegal poaching, logging, and deforestation.
Relationship with Humans: Swablu have been friends to humanity for many generations. They were rarely hunted, and cultures tended to perceive them as gentle beings of the clouds, perhaps servants of the heavens, or companions of the wind gods or the weather gods, and so forth. They are widely beloved, though there are certainly some cultures that see them in more neutral lights. However, the Swablu/Altaria flocks are intelligent and pass on knowledge through the generations, so they are inclined to remember places where they had bad encounters and avoid them.
Swablu is the mascot for the internet browser Cloud Nine, an independent browser that proudly doesn’t track your information and permits ad-blockers. Cloud Nine is a competitor to the Full Moon internet browser (subsidiary of Dark Moon Corporation), but its popularity is far below that of Full Moon.
Classification: Swablu are most closely related to other bird Pokémon.
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Altaria (#334)
Nubesia bellus
General Information: Altaria the Humming Pokémon and also the evolution of Swablu. It’s known for its graceful glides and soprano singing through the clouds. Interestingly, its voice is known to induce a “dreamy state” for those who listen to it. When they fly, Altaria utilize their ability to see geomagnetic fields to navigate their flight.  Altaria have the special ability to mega evolve into Mega Altaria, a Dragon/Fairy type!
Altaria average at 3’7 feet (1.1 M) tall and weighs 45.4 (20.6 kg)
And Mega Altaria is 4’11 (1.5 M), but that extra height is entirely fluff because it weighs the same as regular Altaria. An interesting thing of note, is that the wings of Mega Altaria have an iridescent shimmer.
Habitat: Altaria can be found in the same places as Swablu.
Life Cycles: Altaria are the most likely in a flock to reproduce due to the social dynamics present in them. In general, Altaria prefer to mate with those who have proven themselves resilient to the throws of life and are picky about who will be their co-parent in raising Swablus. With that said, it’s the females who select the mates, so while female Swablus do lay eggs with some regularity, they tend to be Swablus who are stronger and older. It’s rare to see any individual mated before the age of 4 years old.
Behavior: Altaria are kind and affectionate creatures who enjoy enveloping their loved ones in their cottony wings. But be warned, if an Altaria is provoked they mercilessly attack with shrill cries.
Diet: Altaria primarily eat fruits and nuts.
Conservation: Endangered due to habitat destruction at their nesting grounds.
Relationship with Humans: Altaria are fanciful creature, and amongst bird-pokemon fanciers considered to be a prized Pokémon to own. They require a moderate amount of upkeep, mostly in the wings, and Pokémon Shows will harshly judge an Altaria’s fluffiness (considered its most pleasing physical trait). A humorous note: Altaria enjoy getting baths and it’s considered an essential part of their upkeep, but too much water will completely de-fluff an Altaria’s wings and it’s very funny to look like. In fact, the real-life expression “you look like a drenched rat” is replaced with “you look like a drenched Altaria.”
Altarias (and Mega Altarias) are popular in children’s media, and many plushies are made of them.
Classification: Altaria are placed in the genus Nubesia, derived from “nubes” (Latin for “cloud”).
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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skendong · 7 months
Year of the Dragon 龙年
Year of the Dragon 龙年
Enter the wood Dragon. Another day & beginning the cycle That leaps into a turbulent Transformative lunar new year.
Your lucky numbers 1, 6 & 7. 3 & 8 avoid if you can. Lucky colors gold, yellow, silver. Limit blue & green Advised the sage.
& the obligatory red, Fan Tai Sui must be appeased. Wear red briefs, red socks, Red knickers, anything red. & go to church, temple, Synagogue or mosque.
Celebrate with family & with or friends. If solitary is your serving Open the window, smile! Let us invite Another new year in.
What can be said About entering the Dragon. That divine creature. Creator, Destroyer & shapeshifter Said to take on human form.
Identified with Jiaolong, Not those ferocious flying Fire breathing dinosaurs. More benevolent, Less malevolent, This Dragon breathes The clouds instead.
A composite of a head Shaped like a camel, Antlers of a stag, Ears of a bull, Body of a snake, 117 scales of a carp, Belly of a clam, Feet of a tiger, Talons of an eagle & eyes of a demon – Ever seen a demon? Have it as you will.
Tenacious, Courageous, Tianlong could lead the world. A dominant, ambitious spirit, Even emperors proclaimed it: I’m a son of a Dragon – I’m a son of Heaven.
So why in the Great Race Did you come 5th place? Jade Emperor bemused, Queried why you not first? Such a powerful being You can fly without wings, The Dragon took a pause & proceeded to explain.
There was a fire blazing In a village en route. The people begged for water To extinguish the danger. The Dragon produced rain Which took a little time.
Then flying over the forest, & back on track, He saw a crane to be eaten By a fierce wild dog. The Dragon intervened & the vigorous fight took Longer than expected.
Then on the last leg, Over the swirling current, On course to break The finishing tape on land. He saw the rabbit in distress, Desperately clinging to a log. Took pity & advanced A helping hand. Puffed the magic Dragon Forfeited the glory, Easing the grateful rabbit Safely to shore.
Impressed Jade Emperor, Though the Dragon came 5th, Sanctioned it To reside in the celestial sky. & master the creatures Of the bountiful seas. & made an engineer, Master of the rain – ordained An immensely generous & noble being.
Symbol of power & honor: Though out of all in the zodiac The only fictious character.
Lunar year starts tragic – Raging conflicts, Problematic elections, Economic strife, Seething inflation, Job insecurity, Some going hungry, Double digits Just to live in your home.
Pleading to Tianlong. Before immersing in longwu, We summon you to petition Jade Emperor Yu Huang:
Calm this earthly thunder. Work your magic Work your wonders. Project your reflection – & if we make it 祝你好运: The year of the Snake, Slithering through.
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