#cybertronian civil war
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pluralsword · 2 years ago
Arcee once said that "ferocity without compassion is brutality." We think this is a clear case of Slipstream engaging in brutality, gods. Omega Supreme's poor brain module… ;-;
So we did this video this way with the death included to demonstrate that you can still die to Omega Supreme while playing as a flier in Chapter V on normal (though it is substantially harder to do so than as a grounder) for the dub we might play it on hard or just- use the second half of the video. Honestly a bit terrified (in both a generally sapphic but in this case very concerned in the context of the mod's plot way) of Slipstream's alt-mode guns hereafter.
For those who don't know what this mod is, it's a campaign mod for War for Cybertron that lets you play Slipstream and Arcee in various parts of the campaign! It's subtitles only because we couldn't port in new audio for Slipstream or characters talking to her. You can read more about it here
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huli-jinx · 1 year ago
The Astral Express makes a brief stop at a destroyed Cybertron.
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scribescrawls · 2 months ago
On a more silly note, imagine the High Guard after the whole killing Sentinel thing happened/banishment and a few weeks later call a meeting with Optimus and they go “hey so I know we’re at odds at the moment but are we ever going to get payed for the last 50 cycles?” cause I mean technically I don’t think they were ever officially fired so much as declared dead to the general public and secretly being hunted down during that time. Do they go up to Optimus and are just like “so I get that we don’t really work here anymore but like can we still get our severance pay and our backlog of paychecks?” Cause I’m pretty sure since they were military the government was paying them before the whole Sentinel betrayal thing and any funds any of them had has probably been seized by the state (aka Sentinel during that time) or frozen sitting somewhere in account of being presumed dead. Does Megatron not want to have this meeting but the entire High Guard are grumpy about it like "no I want to get payed! I want my stuff/money back!" so now he has to sit across from Optimus in the most awkward meeting after their fall out as Starscream shouts across the table negotiating if they still qualify/are entitled for the Cybertronian equivalent of military/veteran pension for their previous cycles of service.
Cybertronian Civil War on hold due to the nightmare of bureaucracy and paperwork because tracking down at minimum 73 different case files of each High Guard member and getting them all in order when probably half of the information was purposely destroyed by Sentinel means it will probably take a while. How many times has Shockwave and the rest of the High Guard have to sign documents to declare "yes I am alive" "no I did not fake my death to commit tax fraud". Or dealing with banks and other organizations going "please provide proof that you are indeed Starscream." Starscream going "I'm literally Starscream and standing in front of you what other proof is more clear! You are literally looking at a photo of me on the datapad!" "Apologies, but unless you have x, y, z document I am afraid we cannot simply take your word that you are Starscream. If you are missing these documents please fill out these thirty forms as alternative verification of identity". Also imagining Thundercracker going "hey do you think my buy five get one free drink stamp card still works. I've been sitting on that free drink for 50 cycles…"
Funniest thing if Shockwave was a senator before joining the High Guard and there was a small period of time where he actually was declared dead before it got cleared up back in the day when the Primes were still alive, but now they can't find the paperwork that cleared up that it was an error and he was still in fact alive so now he's been declared doubly dead.
Shockwave: It's document 37C!
Elita: Repeating it for the fifth time will not change the fact that it does not exist!
Shockwave, done with being declared dead: It exists! It's added every time my taxes get filed each cycle! Did I suddenly imagine the last thousands of cycles of my life!
Elita, losing her own temper: There is no document 37C! Listen here Blinky, I can easily resolve this matter by getting you declared dead for a third time for real!
Optimus stressed and trying not to cry: Maybe we should call for a break in the meeting...
When the break is over no one can find Optimus who has decided to play hooky from his responsibilities because he'd tired and feels like he's going to lose it dealing with all the sudden responsibilities of being leader of an entire planet. I like the idea that it's Megatron who finds him. Megatron going "if I have to suffer through these meetings so do you" (he was secretly also ditching the meeting and accidentally bumped into Optimus because the place is technically their old spot that they sometimes went together, both thought it would be abandoned and no one would find them there). It's awkward, there are hurt feelings on both sides, but maybe they slowly get to talking and at least commiserate how much they hate paperwork. Also funny if they find out they both also have to resolve their own "declared dead by Sentinel" paperwork considering he said they both died after the Iacon 5000 lol.
Also I think it would be funny if these meetings drag on for so long that Optimus is just like instead of commuting back and forth from the surface to Iacon every day just stay here in the city it will save time. Banishment temporarily rescinded. Even more funny if they also have to deal with the Quintessons so half of these meeting turn into war meetings to deal with and fight the Quintessons off their planet where both sides are like "we're not on the same side!", but also eventually have to work together to win. So it's basically an officially we're not on the same side, but all actions say otherwise lol. I like to think Bee likes to hangout with Soundwave during meetings and finds him so cool, and Soundwave actually likes listening to Bee yap finding him endearing.
They eventually realize that it would be easier (and less paperwork) to just reinstate the High Guard and at this point so much time has passed that they've basically been doing their old job anyway as they fight the Quintessons together. Banishment permanently rescinded for all parties involved. I like to think megop over the course of these meetings and fighting together against the Quintessons make up. Things can't go back to the exact way it was between them, but that doesn't mean they can't rebuild something new between them. I like to think both groups have differing ideas of how to lead and how to deal with situations, but I like to think eventually they get to a point where they can compromise and work with differing ideas depending on what's best for the situation at hand similar to the 13 Primes who probably had conflicting and contrasting personalities and approaches but were able to use these differences to work together and make them stronger as a united front.
Cybertronian Civil War avoided through the sheer slog of paperwork and bureaucracy.
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knight-says-rollout · 3 months ago
It is so important to me that people remember the difference between “pre-war” and “no war” AUs
No war is a civilian AU, that’s the dreamland on cybertron, that’s your happy ending where they work as musicians and clockmakers and all that!
Pre-war?? Pre-war is what caused the war. It’s a dystopia. That is not a silly little civilian AU those robots are in turmoil.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months ago
I swear I would die for a fanfic or writing of Alpha Trion experience with feral bitey Orion who has no respect for his ancient ways or scrolls and like the experience of finding him.
Coming right up my dear anon! I may have messed with your prompt just a little bit. Sorry for how short this is.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Orion Pax." Alpha Trion put down his quill with a sigh as he looked over his shoulder. The feral monstrosity was at it yet again.
"Primus below, give me strength." He knew exactly what to expect, but it still prompted him to sigh as he looked at the hole in Orion's crib. He had, yet again, bitten his way through the metal bars and clambered his way to freedom. Alpha Trion would need to get a cyber-hound kennel or get a custom crib made from something far more sturdy than whatever the crib was currently made of.
This was the third crib just this stellar cycle.
"Archivists, be on the lookout for Orion Pax. He has escaped his designated space yet again." He sent the message over the private channel used by the Archives. He could almost feel the collective groan of his students as they put down whatever they were doing to find the wayward sparkling traversing the Archives.
He wandered the halls while rubbing his face in exhaustion. Ever since taking in Pax, there had been no peace in his once restful workspace. Orion cried throughout most of his recharge cycle, and barring that, he was plotting yet another escape attempt. It was draining on body and spark alike. Especially when Orion was found chewing on a record dating back to the early Quintesson era.
"Sir, we've located him?" He perked up at the voice coming across his commlink, but he frowned at the almost questioning tone. Was the archivist not sure?
"You do not sound confident." He remarked simply as he strode in the general direction of the archivist's signal.
"Well, we have found him, but he's... in the ceiling?" That was not a good sign. Alpha Trion all but sprinted until he found the archivist and a few others crowded around the base of a huge pillar. It held up the fifth archival level and extended more than sixty feet into the air. Looking up, Alpha Trion wanted to bang his helm against the nearest wall.
"Do we get a ladder?" The question hung in the air as Orion Pax clung to the very top of the pillar, his little clawed digits digging into the metal as he chewed on a datapad. Why he climbed up the pillar and why he was eating a datapad was beyond Alpha Trion. He stopped bothering to ask questions after a certain point.
"Yes, get the ladder." Alpha Trion sighed and died a little inside as, before he knew it, he was teetering precariously on a ladder with the aid of more than a few archivists as he reached out to grab his ward. The feral sparkling purposefully kept scooting around the pillar to avoid his grasp, growing as he did so. Alpha Trion had half the mind to shoot him with a dart gun just to make him loosen up. However, he was not fond of the idea of actually hurting the little monster.
A half groon and more than a few scratches later, Alpha Trion held his screeching ward by the leg upside down as he carefully worked back down the ladder. The archivists vented in relief and one was quick to grab an energon crystal for the screaming sparkling to chew on. The moment Alpha Trion put it in his intake, Orion's optics cycled down and he contented himself by crunching his way through the crystal.
It was a momentary break from what was likely to be a long few cycles of chasing Orion down while a new crib was made.
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kulalanti · 18 days ago
Matters of the Spark (Shattered Glass Fanfic)
Suddenly had a craving for a sparkmate AU but like in Shattered Glass skskks.
This fic combines both FunPub and IDW Shattered Glass continuities.
Also used elements about Functionism here, but it may not be correct cause I am still learning about it.
Now with a Part 2 because I have a problem /j
A mathematics professor and a senator. Both sparkmates. But before that, they began life as a miner and as a librarian. Otherwise known as, the events of their lives before Professor Megatron and Senator Orion Pax ever met, alongside the sparkbond they share between one another.
Ao3 Link:
For the longest he could remember, his sparkmate had a profound sadness. Subdued as the emotion was, it was a constant in the connection that D-16 could not help but wonder what life his sparkmate had led. Even in the deepest pits of the mines of Kaon, D-16 had found joy among his fellow miners - regardless of their circumstances. It was truly a wonder what experiences his sparkmate was going through that sorrow clung to him as though he’d been forged with it.
It was an ache to his own spark to experience it, so when he could, D-16 would send bursts of his own happiness through their bond. Not that it ever elicited a response aside from a harsh lock being put in place between them. It never lasted for long, only one solar cycle before his sparkmate opened the connection once again.
He didn’t know what to make of that. D-16 still sent the bursts of joy, unwanted as they may be. He hoped that in some distant future, his sparkmate would accept the comfort. It was only right that he continued to try. When D-16 had a rough day in the mines, or felt grief at the loss of another of his many friends to the collapsing tunnels, his sparkmate would reach out through the bond and fill him with hope of a better tomorrow. If his sparkmate could comfort him, D-16 didn’t know why he couldn’t do the same. If only the mech on the other end would let him.
This was the closest they may ever get to know one another, and D-16 would be lying if he said the continued lock on the bond didn’t frustrate him. 
He may not know what life his sparkmate may have lived, but D-16 didn’t entertain the thought that he’d ever leave the mines of Kaon. It was a grief that left traces of rage within him as he thought of the centuries before him underneath the Functionist laws.
So many mechs have lost their lives to the darkness of the mines, and he wondered if he would too. If one solar cycle, those walls would close in on him and snuff out his spark.
He hoped for the sake of his sparkmate, that his death would be quick.
He’d seen firsthand the anguish a mech could feel as they waited for their sparkmate to slowly offline unable to do anything but claw desperately at the rubble that would never give way beneath their servos.
It haunted him most lunar cycles that his sparkmate was a miner too, somewhere on Kaon - not that he would ever know unless by some chance they were assigned together, and even then, they’d have to bare their sparks to one another to know.
It was lunar cycles like those that made his sparkmate reach out.
For as long as his sparkmate lived, D-16 would always be filled with the promise of a hopeful world.
His sparkmate won’t let him feel anything else.
For the longest he could remember, his sparkmate always felt so defeated. It was just his luck that Primus attached him to a spark just as hopeless as he was.
Somehow, the despair on the other end of the bond gnawed at him more than his own ever did.
Optronix was no fool. By Functionist standards, he was casted an easy lot in life. He took some pride in the role of a librarian, entrusted to keep the sanctity of Cybetronian history. His older brother, Ultra Magnus, even chastised him for the emptiness he felt in life even when he could have anything he wanted - provided it matched his status.
Yet that was not enough.
It would not be enough until he could rid himself of the pain in his spark - his own and that of his sparkmate’s.
It drove him mad to think he could not find a way to control it, that nothing he could do would ever rid his sparkmate of that pain. Oh Optronix tried while he attempted to fix his own.
He did, he really did.
Yet nothing.
And the sheer audacity of his sparkmate to try reaching out to him with false joy was utterly repulsive.
He would close the bond whenever that happened, though he would always open it once a solar cycle had passed because despite having never met the mech on the other end, Optronix loved them.
He had asked Ultra Magnus once on what could be done about the sparkbond, on how he could force the other mech to feel a permanent sense of hope. His brother had laughed, calling him a hypocrite.
They both knew how empty Optronix felt most of the time, not that he ever told his brother the cause of it, even if Ultra Magnus had attempted to send him to the best mnemosurgeons their lot in life could afford.
How to tell his brother that the life he’d been forged for was not the life he wanted?
Not only would never let him be more than a librarian… but it would never let him know the mech at the end of his sparkbond.
It was always a matter of luck or riches when it came to finding one’s sparkmate. If you were lucky, you’d find one another. If you were rich, it was easy enough to hire an outlier mech to find your sparkmate.
Optronix could save enough shanix and it would never be enough to afford a good outlier. His sparkmate could try, but from the despair towards the future that the other bond usually let out, Optronix had long ago concluded that his sparkmate must be a lower-caste mech. Not of his sparkmate’s own fault, he had been merely forged that way.
And Optronix didn’t believe in luck.
He knew in this world, if you wanted something, you would need to take control of your fate.
His sparkmate may not have hope but that was alright.
He’d create the hope they both deserved.
He didn’t think that in his lifetime that the Functionist laws would ever be challenged. 
Nor did he ever expect he’d be one of the many mechs who’d be part of the fight against them.
D-16 was forged to be a miner. Nothing more. 
Really, this was his sparkmate’s fault.
If he hadn’t fed their bond with nothing but hope then D-16 would have maintained his position as nothing more than a lowly miner. 
Yet the hope had infected him like a virus that corrupted his processor until the thoughts that had circulated within him slowly translated themselves into poems, and then the poems turned to lengthier writings.
The writings were meant to be nothing more than personal pieces, yet somehow he had lost them and they had begun to circulate among the miner population before making its way to the other castes. Then some mech had leaked his writings to a radiocaster.
That should have been the end of his involvement. He had not signed his writings. They had been spread so far and between so many mechs that it should have been impossible to pinpoint the original author.
The radiocaster, Soundwave, was unfortunately rather brilliant in finding intel.
The mech had approached him at one of the local bars, buying him a few drinks before finally broaching the topic before inviting him on his radio show. D-16 had at first refused, terrified at the thought of giving a voice to his written words - which had only really been meant for his optics. No one should have known. His words should not have reached the other miners. It should not have spread as far as it did.
He had rushed out of the bar, but not before Soundwave had given him his personal contact. Really, D-16 should have deleted it from his communicator. He didn’t have any intention of ever contacting the other mech.
But the thought had plagued him even into recharge.
It didn’t help that his fellow miners had begun to take his words to spark.
Even if it had taken him a long time to agree to Soundwave’s proposal, his words had begun to change even within his mining sector. Not a solar cycle went by where D-16 did not see a fellow miner begin to argue with the supervisors, claiming that as Cybertronians did they not all have the right to be treated equal.
Of course, those little rebellions led to punishments, and those punishments led to more unnecessary deaths.
There really wasn’t a specific moment where D-16 decided enough was enough.
Just one solar cycle, he found himself contacting Soundwave.
Soon enough, his words had gained a voice and himself a new designation. It was a necessary precaution to protect his identity until he found the courage to really show himself.
He was still a miner, but somehow he found himself a new role as a civil rights activist.
He wondered if his sparkmate could feel the true hope emerging from his own spark.
Optronix had not cared much for current politics, truth be told.
That was a business his older brother could concern himself with.
He was more fond of history, of the many ways their old leaders had made the same mistakes over and over before slapping the label of “progress” on them.
Still, he found himself more immersed as changes began to run through the entire Cybertronian system.
Even so, his growing interest in current politics was mostly a personal one. A budding jealousy as he began to realize the source of the pain in his spark.
He blamed that new civil rights activist.
For a long time, Optronix had scoured the library for a reason for their existence. If the Functionist laws were to be believed, then they were all forged to be cogs in the great machine of Cybertron.
Yet if it was such a perfect system, then why did it lead to many mechs never achieving more than they could and why was the rate of sparkmates meeting one another so low? It only proved that the Functionist laws were wrong.
It had taken him long, but Optronix had come to a sobering conclusion.
In the current Cybertronian system, life had no meaning.
The Functionist Life was not truly living.
It had nearly sent him into a breakdown once he’d realized.
Oh, he did have a breakdown, but it wasn’t because of that.
What truly led him to the edge was the realization that he could not do anything about it, and that sickened him.
He had wanted to create a hope for him and his sparkmate, but the system would not have allowed that. Optronix had to resign himself to the truth that he could do nothing. He had no control.
He had no life.
He would be a librarian for the rest of his life, and history would not remember his name nor his sparkmate’s. They were nothing but cogs that functioned today but would be replaced as soon as their frames began to rust.
The thought had deeply upset him that he had to shut down the bond for an entire astroweek.
That agonizing realization had wrecked his emotional core that Ultra Magnus had genuinely threatened to have his processor checked. Optronix had to force himself back to work after that. His brother would not have understood his pain.
And that pain remained until them.
Some mech had begun to question the Functionist laws. His writings had even reached Iacon before the Senate labelled them as heresy.
Optronix had even read some before they were all confiscated.
It made him jealous to think that another mech had done what he couldn’t. Some other mech was bringing change, and Optronix knew they were the type of mech that would forever be remembered in the historical records.
Personally, it made him irrationally angry that this mech was the source of his sparkmate’s growing hope. 
They were the reason his sparkmate no longer needed Optronix’s comforts of hope.
And so, D-16 embraced his role as a civil rights activist, emerging as Megatron. He spoke against the Functionist Laws and the Senators that continued to perpetuate the cycle of inequality.
Slowly, Cybertron began to change, and some sympathizers within the Senate had begun to question the old laws.
This is how the rebellion began: through the hopeful words of a lower-caste mech.
A mech who wanted nothing more than equality.
In another world, the rebellion escalates to a ceaseless war.
In this world, the rebellion ends with a near death.
But they were too late.
Change had already begun.
Life changed for Optronix when the civil rights activist was nearly assassinated.
He remembered it clearly.
They say Megatron had garnered a meeting with the Senate that solar cycle.
Many mechs had testified against the Senators who had orchestrated the assassination. In an attempt to rid themselves of Megatron, they had only made more mechs rally against them.
Still, that wasn’t what he remembered clearly.
It was the debilitating pain, the brief taste of death in his spark that haunted him.
Later, he would look at the after-images of the assassination, at Megatron’s broken frame.
And he knew.
He knew.
Polyhex had welcomed him after everything.
A few of the friends he had made in the Senate had tried to convince him to return, offering protection, but Megatron had refused them.
In his lifetime, he never thought he’d see change.
Yet when he’d onlined after a long time under stasis, he’d been told that while Cybertron was still at the early stages of change, his words had truly begun to affect the way the system worked.
He’d heard that mechs had begun to be welcomed into positions that they were not “forged” for.
Working conditions in the mines were on their way to being improved.
It had brought him to tears, and he appreciated that Soundwave was there to calm him down.
He had nearly been offlined for this, and Megatron would do it all over again if given the chance.
But he couldn’t go back to that life. Not because he was afraid of what had happened to him, but because he had emerged from stasis as a different mech.
He hadn’t even recognized himself in the mirror when the medics had allowed him to finally walk around his medical quarters.
He had been forged with the frame of a miner, yet the mech that had stared back was someone else entirely.
D-16 never had wings.
He hadn’t told Soundwave - though he felt the outlier knew how he really felt - but he hated his new frame. It was him, but… not. 
The medics had explained that some of the Senators had wanted to give him a new frame, something that no longer resembled that of his old caste.
That decision made on his behalf disgusted him.
He had nothing against his old frame, no matter what he was forged for, and he wouldn’t have minded a change - but they never asked.
With Soundwave’s encouragement, Megatron had refused to return to his old role as a civil rights activist - and he’d even refused a position on the Senate.
In his time in the medbay, Megatron had turned his attention to mathematics. He’d always found numbers to be calming. Soundwave had supplied him with datapads of mathematical theories and had even borrowed some from the Iaconian archives.
After Megatron had mentioned he wanted a fresh start, Soundwave had helped him apply to Polyhex. He had been mortified as he never had a formal education, but Polyhex had welcomed him after reading the entrance essay he had written.
It was a new start.
It was at Polyhex that Megatron shed his old life behind. He had shown his brilliance in the field of mathematics. With renewed passion, he had written his own theories and once his education had concluded, he had been offered a position as a professor.
It was so far removed from his old life as a miner, and as an activist.
This life made him happy.
His only regret throughout it all was that when he came back online after nearly being offlined, the sparkbond had been closed.
He was not prepared for a meeting with any Senator. 
The last time he met with a Senator, he had nearly been offlined.
Back then, he had at least looked presentable.
Megatron was functioning on only a few groons of recharge when the door to his office slid open.
He hadn’t even turned at the sound of the panels sliding open, too engrossed in the mathematical formula that had haunted him for the past astroweeks. If the conclusion was to be believed then Megatron was staring at the promise that Cybertron would be engulfed in a civil war soon.
And it might have already begun.
The destruction of Crystal City popped into his processor just as the intruder behind him made a small noise to catch his attention.
Pushing down his frustration, Megatron turned his helm slightly to look over his shoulder pad, intending to chastise a student from entering without permission.
He felt the energon in his cables grow cold as red optics met his blue.
Megatron fully turned, his attention focused entirely on Senator Orion Pax.
“I’ve always wanted to meet the famous civil rights activist.” He could feel those optics look him up and down, an easy smile on the Senator’s faceplate as he approached Megatron, holding out a servo. “A pleasure to finally meet you.”
“Senator.” He kept his tone even, keeping his servo from shaking as he reached out towards the Senator’s. “This is a surprise.”
And it was.
Megatron had some friends in the Senate, but Senator Orion Pax was newly-elected. They’d never met before, and he doubted that any of the other Senators would have encouraged him to talk to Megatron, much less visit.
He shivered as the other mech held onto his servo, pressing a kiss to the back of it before finally letting him go.
“Please, call me Pax.” Megatron tried not to think too much about the pout in the other mech’s tone as the Senator walked closer to him, enough that he could nearly feel his heat against his own frame. “My friends call me Pax.”
“Senator, to be truthful, I have to say that I have no interest in making new friends - especially ones in the Senate.” Spending time away from Iacon did not dull his glossa. Megatron would not back down from a fight with a Senator. None of them would ever get the satisfaction of seeing him weak ever again. “Please state your business with me. If it involves my past as an activist then I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave. I’ve changed. If you wish to talk about mathematical formulas then you can stay.”
Instead of anger, the Senator had chuckled, delighted at Megatron’s words. His optics shone with a profound joy that Megatron couldn’t quite understand.
“While I would love to pick that brilliant processor of yours, as I am a fan of your work - both as an activist and as a mathematician - I’m afraid I’m here on a personal matter.”
It had taken him a long time to claw his way to a position of power.
Optronix hadn’t done it for selfish gains, rather, his sparkmate had inspired him to finally take control for once.
After he had nearly lost him, Optronix had done everything he could to gain a higher position. He had amassed mechs that wanted what he had wanted: peace through control.
All for his sparkmate.
Megatron had wanted peace, and lowly Librarian Optronix couldn’t have given him that.
Senator Orion Pax could though.
Now that he had power, he could make their world better. For them.
It had pained him to close the bond after Megatron’s near offlining, but he hadn’t wanted to burden his sparkmate with his plans. He wanted him to rest until he could arrange their first meeting. 
He had monitored where his sparkmate went after everything.
He learned through intel provided by the Wreckers that Megatron had left Iacon for Polyhex. He never thought his sparkmate would find passion in mathematics, but he had been happy for him. It was a safer profession than what he’d previously had. 
Megatron no longer needed to be an activist. Not now that Pax was fighting his battle for him. No longer did Megatron have to fear retaliation from some of the Functionist loyalists that still clung to their beliefs. Pax ensured that they were among the first that he needed to cleanse Cybertron of.
Alongside the Senators that had so thoroughly broken his darling sparkmate.
His red optics focused on his sparkmate, taking in the blue wings that emerged from the other mech’s backplates. It was a shame, Pax had found Megatron’s original frame to be beautiful.
No matter. He loved him no matter the frame. 
His only worry was how Megatron felt about the change.
At least those gorgeous blue optics hadn’t changed.
He leaned closer, savoring the moment.
This close, he could feel the warmth of his sparkbond, could almost imagine the spark inside the other mech’s chassis. 
The spark that belonged to him.
He could hear Megatron rudely rebuke him, and Pax was delighted to know that the near offlining hadn’t destroyed that passion inside his sparkmate.
Otherwise, he would have to make those Senators suffer even more.
He chuckled, his spark thrumming with joy and anticipation. “While I would love to pick that brilliant processor of yours, as I am a fan of your work - both as an activist and as a mathematician - I’m afraid I’m here on a personal matter.”
Before the other mech could ask, Pax did what he had long hoped to do.
He reopened the bond.
Shock was the first emotion he felt, then utter awe.
Pax committed those wide blue optics to his memory circuits.
He didn’t have to, as Megatron was coming home with him now that they had finally found one another, but he did.
“Hello, sweetspark.” His voice was gentle, and he pulled the other mech right into his arms. “I’ve missed you.”
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witchofthesouls · 11 months ago
Story idea of a take "human fell into media and took over a character's body."
Set far before TFP, a human wakes up upon a slab inside a body that's not theirs. "Tell the Master, she lives!"
As much as I enjoy the "Sam Witwicky time travels to pre-war Cyberton," he had the approval and semi-guidance of Primes and the Allspark to work his way through Golden Age Cybertron.
What happens to a human who didn't have that protection? Only basic knowledge via the show and online discussions? Now, they need to navigate the treacherous waters of High-Caste society, the cultural and moral shocks, and the immense systematic pressures that allowed them to take over an empty frame.
Specifically, the exploration of an alien planet that has commonalities with Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, Victorian England, and Gilded Age America with space trade.
Much like the tragic Cassandra, warnings go ignored at the most crucial shatterpoint, and the war still happens.
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fandomunsexyman · 11 months ago
What is something that your OC would find incredibly hard to lie about? Even if they really wanted to do so...
For Saragan and Brickback?
For Saragan it would be their parents. Saragan does not talk about Iphan or Holris much, but when they do they're very frank about who their parents were. Iphan was a Bhaalspawn and as much as she worked to protect Saragan, Saragan was still aware that Iphan committed atrocities so that he would not kill them. Holris was a hero and Saragan looked up to him but they don't want to mythologize him because Holris was their father first and foremost. Saragan would want their fathers to be understood as people and not myths.
Brickback would have a hard time lying about their early life in general. They're proud of where they came from and refuse to minimize the impact it had on them. Brickback remembers that period of their life fondly as them when they were "better" and as such would be as truthful about it as possible. On a lighter note Brickback would also find it hard to lie about their medical history. Their first ever doctor was someone who could and did poison people which left them with the lasting impression that all medics did that at will.
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nameishname · 2 years ago
man the thing that always gets me the most about transformers is when they know each other by name. Like,, sure it hurts when they do because they knew each other pre war. But really when it's like,,, knowing someone by name because you've fought each other so many times in so many battles all during the same unending war that you know this person. Like, sometimes it's even more than just knowing their name sometimes you know this person. The characters that have playful relationships with each other that met for the first time on the battlefield. That are actively trying to kill each other, but will be sad about it and miss them when the other is gone. The ones that bond in unlikely situations just to go back to fighting as soon as the dust settles. Sometimes it's even at a time where the war has lost its point or contradicts what they were even fighting for in the first place. Where they're literally doomed to fight into extinction or.. stop. But they don't stop. Like, idk... The autobots and decepticons pretty much always end up fighting for an amount of time so large it's literally inconceivable. And at the end there's often so few of them left, and they mostly all know each other intimately and by name and like,,,
Idk this is really rambly and I'm having a bit of trouble articulating but sometimes I really stop and think about how many of them know each other specifically through fighting and it gets to me a little bit
#kalla's ramblin#like#the tragedy of cybertronians always runs so deep#like idk it's hard to articulate#it just plays over and over in my mind like 'they know each other. they met during the war and they know each other'#maccadam#like even when they're fighting for nothing#their world is ending#they're going extinct#they hate so much and they're making friends and they hate their friends but they love their friends#they get stuck in a cave and team up and joke and get really close and help each other get out before parting ways#they meet on the battlefield cybertron is dead cybertronians are dying#they share a sad smile as they kill each other in the name of something that doesn't exist anymore#they KNOW each other#I don't--#aaa transformers is so sad man like#what happens when you fight for change and it never ends#what happens when you fight so long the thing you were fighting for doesn't exist#what happens when your war outlasts civilizations and sees the birth and death of planets and you were there from the start#what happens when your war outlasts the cause but you keep fighting because if you stop now what's the point#and almost all of them are doing this#when they hate each other for nothing but they know they hate each other#they hate each other to the point of ending their entire existence but then they don't even hate each other#idk like#'they know each other' means more than what I'm saying but I don't know HOW to say what I'm saying#they hate each other and they love each other and they know each other#dear god#a point when 'kalla's ramblin' really really means what it says hhhhhhhhh
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supremestarscream · 2 years ago
He’s also more than willing to feed the much more entertaining narrative that Megatron just had space rabies all along.
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pluralsword · 2 years ago
Warpath: "Look -- that's the outer shell of Cybertron's Core! Wow…"
Arcee: "The Core remade me when I asked, and now it aches, I- sobs.
Arcee: "You look sad, Optimus."
Optimus: "Sad for Core, you & all trans bots. The Core, the main conduit of energon and reforging to all on Cybertron, to see it defiled…"
Well, you all (at least some of you) knew this was coming! Sword Arcee, trans and all, with her story interwoven with that of many more transformer across generations- making the wounds the Core has suffered all the more bitter, and the fight one for an ecosystem/self that has affirmed transformation (pun intended) from the beginning. We find Core as a character interesting (it/it's pronouns!) because it's not a deity figure but is at the center of cybertronian life, transformer or no. Also there's something very satisfying about writing WFC Arcee as a trans character within the game itself since her bot and alt mode were the basis for IDW1 Arcee's look in 2012-2014 at the beginning of the Robots in Disguise/The Transformers comic…
This portion of the mod needs some editing, spotted a line where Arcee is referred to as Ironhide left over from the base game, and there are some cutscenes to remove Ironhide from (unfortunately Arcee can't be added to them in his place due to coding limitations of the game).
For those who don’t know what this mod is, it’s a campaign mod for War for Cybertron that lets you play Slipstream and Arcee in various parts of the campaign! It’s subtitles only because we couldn’t port in new audio for Slipstream or characters talking to her. You can read more about it here and see Slipstream attempt to yeet delete Omega Supreme here
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yuukirita · 4 months ago
Thinking about how “entire-moral-backbone-of-the-decepticon-army” B-127 exists in the context of the cybertronian civil war and like
The Autobots are going to have a vested interest in keeping him alive.
Like yes Optimus Prime and Commander Elita-One would be very cross if something were to happen to him but there’s also looking at it from a logistical standpoint.
Most if not all of the Decepticon high command like the guy, they want to keep him safe AND happy. They pull themselves back from committing atrocities if they think it would upset him/make him disappointed in them.
Shockwave: Suggests war crime #1
Starscream: Counters with war crime #2
Soundwave: Logistics on making both things happen
B-127: *vague noises of being upset*
All Three: Pull back! Abort! Wrong course of action!
Intelligence is going to have a field day bc maybe War Crime #2 would have been a huge strategic advantage to the Decepticon but it didn’t happen bc of this yellow happy mess of a bot
And the worst/best part is he’s not even trying, he just wants his first friends to get along again
Yeah the war is going to be different thanks to Bee-
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Everyone is glad he is there!
*looks at second Bee au*
yeah. Glad he's there.
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keferon · 3 months ago
Titan LL!
Heavens, I love Titan LL.
...You know, since nobody's doing anything, I think I'll try something. Dibs!
Lost Light is named after a day of mourning.
He doesn't feel like it.
Perhaps it was a wish made upon the smallest of the youngest batch of Titans, brought online shortly before fires of revolution blazed across Cybertron and it's domains. For the mourning to be the least in the coming times. Perhaps they succeeded, but joke's on them. Lost Light may have been online through the times of grief, but grief does not touch his spark. It's another element of his surrounding, like floating rocks, clouds of solid something, solar winds, the works.
Well, for a given definition of "online", because, he, his batch and some older Titans were moored in random spots in the system, just away from Cybertron itself.
The new batch was mostly stationed in the shadows of Cybertron, in vain hopes of civil war going away quickly. But sometimes, when the fighting peaked and threatened to reach the moons, they were herded away and over to the system's edge, near the border of termination shock. There were a lot of visible stars here. And Primus, there was nothing more Lost Light liked more than those beautiful, beautiful stars.
The first Titans were sparked to carry their Cybertronian brethren beyond the embrace of their homeworld to the stars and defend them on the way. Not all Titans functioned as deep-space transport nowadays, but that was the original idea behind their frametype. Wayfarers.
And just when Lost Light started to go mad between moorings and itched to stretch his warp drive, because Primus and Unicron conspired to punish him specifically for his hubris, the Quintessons struck.
And Titans of Cybertron, eternal guardians they are, stood as the first line. While the little ones below scrambled around and got their priorities and slag-all in order, they stood. And together they withstood successfully. Neither Cybertron nor any planet in it's system fell to the Quintessons. It was not a clean victory, and Quints broke the lines to land incursions, but the Titans weathered enough that the little ones on the grounds were not overwhelmed. They endured the first of storms.
In the end of the beginning, the home system was safe, the civil war was over, and the Titans under the newly united Cybertronian High Command were partially reassigned to the outer fronts.
Now, Lost Light is a tiny Titan. An unusually tiny Titan by Titan standarts. He heard it was because there was a mix-up of vessels for reforging into Titanframes, and his was made from a late shipment two classes below specification.
His largest configuration houses in theory a thousand crewmembers. He prefers his smallest, which should hold above a dozen, but he does not have even a dozen of a crew anyway. He is still a Titan, and can comfortably rip into one, two, three Quint ships, but he cannot withstand a dozen, and Primus below, Quint ships in outer space come in waves and swarm like the squids they are. Instead, in this war he does he does best of what he does - he runs. He is small, his warp drives and bridge generators are the best among his batchmates, and he is fast. So he runs.
There's no Quint blockade that can stop him. Perhaps his cargo hold is not the largest, but if he is given a delivery, he will deliver it as soon as possible, come Pit or high tides. There's no escort craft that can keep up with him (and let's be honest, they are already understaffed enough that they simply can't find proper escort for his size), so he runs alone. If the Prime himself needs an express delivery, Lost Light is the Titan for the job.
He sees a lot of stars on his runs. He is pretty sure some of them are at least unclaimed, and some may be uncharted at all, so he marks them all on his maps. For later! Once the war ends, the beautiful, beautiful stars are his! He amasses a lot of maps, colors and marks them in the brightest hues his software comes with.
And some little ones even ask after the maps. Not like he hides them or something.
So, when the Prime calls, he comes.
Prime waits for him in the hanger personally. Together with the usual retinue, very much less usual very large pile of maps, boards and documents, a Perceptor hidden behind the pile of stuff (Xanthium talks about her favorite gunner a lot, when they have time to catch up), some twitchy engineer and his frequent passenger of express ferry Head Tactician Prowl.
Who has something very tiny enthusiastically crawling on him. Something so tiny, he has to recalibrate his inner and outer sensors for recordicon contact. His optics were hit in bot mode by rocks larger! Which were sometimes crawling with assorted space crustaceans! Come to think of it, thos crustaceans moved similarly...
And, because he is better at acceleration than braking, first thing Lost Light does is voice this observation.
"Prowl, sir, you've got crabs"
That was a start of a wonderful working relationship. Once they calm the tiny organic down from laughing, that is. It's name is Jazz, and it needs a ride home. Home which is besieged by Quintessons, and likely is near a fortified outpost, if not a starbase.
Strictly speaking, usually Titans are kept apart from organics, because they are usually very small, and tend to rot and fossilize. But since Lost Light is also very small, he got a direct invitation to an organic planet and immediately engaged his internal environmental system to produce enough oxygen. This is a chance of a lifetime!
Which brings him to his current... Problem?
The thing is, Jazz apparently has comrades. They pilot simulacrum frames specialized in Quint killing, which is very much respectable. And Lost Light's alt-mode's hangar bay may be a little tight in this configuration, but still compatible with them.
The issue is, one of those simulacrums which Lost Light got to shelter, a pleasantly painted one (flame patterns are always in vogue! No matter what anybody says!), appears to have broken down. Which made the organic inside very upset. At least he thinks it's upset, he is not very good at reading organics. Those "humans" do have fields, but they are very dull in comparison to Cybertronian ones.
The little organic with great taste is shouting what appears to be obscenities at unresponsive frame and alternates this with begging. Lost Light is floundering in his processor. The organic performs some indecipherable actions towards a fuel line of some sort with a tiny wrench. He's been at it for hours. None of the others from Jazz's makeshift warband returned yet.
This means Lost Light is responsible as the hosting Titan. Lost Light is usually alone. He does not quite know how to host other Cybertronians for prolonged periods of time, let alone organics. He hopes he maintains a nice oxygenated atmosphere.
He cannot watch this anymore. He has to gather all his confidence in his circuits and do something. Like talk to an organic without Prowl or the twitchy engineer (Swear? Swole? Swire? Swalter?) present. And, well, he'll figure how to decelerate later!
"Little one, do you require any assistance? I do have an internal welder somewhere..."
The organic startles, almost falling from it's precarious perch at the simulacrum's locked elbow joint, catches itself in time, and glances around. Then it glances up. And around again.
"I haven't hit my head that hard, yes? Is there someone here?"
"Well, yes? I mean no offence, but you're inside me"
Silence answers him, quickly broken by laughter. He remembers Jazz laughing. It is a similar laugh. He thinks he likes this laugh more.
"Well, I did not expect the ship to be speaking too. I really should not be surprised after this whole month"
At least the organic isn't despairing anymore? Lost Light thinks he can see a smile on it's face if he strains the camera.
"Technically, I'm a Titan. I'm a ship in the same way Deadlock is a,,, what you call small ground vehicle... Car? If I want to, I can be a building."
"Wait, but if you're the ship... How big do you guys come?!"
"Very. Now, little one, do you want my welder or not?"
Another wave of laughter follows.
"I do have a name!"
"You did not introduce myself"
"Cheeky. And yet, you did not introduce yourself either, big ship"
"My designation is Lost Light, and I'm the best Titan Courier this side of the galaxy"
The organic seems to finally locate his internal camera and so it points at it with it tiny wrench. Lost Light thinks it likes it's smile too.
"Well, nice to meet'cha, Lost Light. Name's Hot Rod. Now, about that welder..."
Lost Light rummages in his inventory for his favorite welder, mountable on a cargo manipulator. It is surprisingly elusive.
"I have it, I have it.... somewhere. It's been a long time since I patched up myself."
"...You patch yourself up often?"
"Nowadays not much, I'm a very good runner, and... Aha! There it is!"
Hot Rod look very, very happy to see the welder-wielding cargo manipulator. He is so much smaller than the tiniest little ones he carried. He reminds Lost Light of something that escapes his processor.
"Thanks, big ship. I hate ruptured lines. God knows when Ratch and that Swerve guy will be back"
"I'm not that big, you know. And I'm glad to be of assistance"
Despite pointed critique from the organic called Ratchet later on, Lost Light considers his skills with a welder in his internal cargo manipulator arms to be above average.
Hot Rod thinks so too, and ire of a medic shared is misery halved in Lost Light's books.
And then it hits him.
He reminds Lost Light of those beautiful, beautiful distant stars.
Lost Light prepares a very tiny datapad for a very big map.
...And here it is. I got possessed. Guest-starring my basic knowledge of astrophysics and bad jokes.
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 days ago
Concept: the entire Transformers franchise is one giant time loop. Every new iteration is another attempt to get it right and avert the Great War.
I wrote an entire one shot specifically for this ask. Enjoy.
Aversion at its Finest
Primus has never been pleased with the fact that his creations always go to war with each other. Thus, in an attempt to keep the Cybertronian civil war from occurring, he has chosen to periodically rebuild reality and try again with the help of his chosen. Unfortunately for Optimus, Primus is learning the ropes just as much as he is, and until they both get it right, neither can rest.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
The skies were thick with smog. Fires burned in the distance, but only their crackling filled the void. There were no more cries. No more moans of pain or the curses of the most hardened warriors of both sides. All was quiet. Everything was gone… save for Optimus and his foe.
The hole in his chassis burned. He could feel his frame shutting down as he lay in the ash, his limbs useless now that he had no enemy to fell or weapon to hold. He would have liked to see the stars as it all came to an end, especially since he was not surrounded by friends and family as he had been during his first death. Yet, he didn’t dare turn his gaze away from the blackened skies. If he did, he knew all he would see was Rodimus’s body stabbed through with dozens of pieces of rebar and Elita torn limb from limb.
Both had fought so very hard for him. Trying desperately to buy him just a little more time. If they had only had the chance to activate the space bridge, maybe they could have brought their species to its bitter end on their homeworld rather than dragging Earth down with them. As it was… this was to be the end. The end of everything. No more games. No more laughter.
Only silence.
“We had a good run, didn’t we, Prime?” Megatron spoke up, his voice as deep and grating as ever. There was a faint tremor to it, the barest inklings of fear that threatened to peek through the persona of madness he usually wore. After so many millennia of fighting the mech, Optimus could tell that he was seeking companionship, even now as they lay waiting for their respective ends.
“Yes we did, Megatron.” Optimus replied just as faintly, his right optic flickering just enough to annoy him even with the pain of death creeping at the edges of his every waking thought. He kept his optics on the sky, not wanting to see the devastation. At least the black above was without blemish. It was solid, not filled with horrors. Merely the echoes of them.
How had it all come to this? Cybertron was restored. Their people were thriving. Optimus and Rodimus were ruling together and Galvatron left for the stars? Just how had it all gone so wrong?
A renewed war.
A plague of hate.
The Quintessons and their creations.
Unicron’s wrath.
So many little things… all of it leading them right back to where they started. War and violence, pain and anguish… without a hint of hope to be found. When had Optimus heard any of his soldiers laugh? It had to have been centuries.
“Rodimus was a poor replacement. I never did get the same thrill fighting him.” Megatron chuckled and Optimus had to fight the urge to work up the strength to throttle him to death for it. Even now as everything they could have possibly worked toward lay burning to ash, his foe was still laughing about it all. Like it was some grand game.
“He was never meant for war, and you were hardly yourself when you were Galvatron.” Optimus was unable to stop the hint of bitterness that entered his tone. Rodimus had not asked for the burden. He never deserved such an end.
“Very true.” Megatron responded with a faint huff that died down soon enough.
Silence consumed the battlefield for a while. Perhaps it was mere minutes. Or maybe it went on for years. Time meant nothing now. But eventually, as if to spite him one final time, Megatron opened his mouth again.
“You were a good rival, Optimus. Always taking me by surprise.” The comment briefly took Optimus by surprise. But the cold was already settling into frame, making his processor slow and his reactions more controlled. He said nothing, opting instead to observe the skies as he had since he fell.
“I’m going to miss this.” Megatron’s faint wish rang in his audials. Optimus acknowledged it with a soft hum, his final offer of amiability considering the circumstances. As much as a small part of him screamed that he should let Megatron suffer at the end of it all, the rest of his spark could not handle that idea. They were dying anyway. Might as well do so in relative comfort. 
So many millennia of conflict… Why had they battled at all? Megatron was a power hungry villain, yes. But how did it reach that point? Why did Megatron attack him and his friends at the docks? Why had Megatron risen to power at all? 
Why had it turned out this way?
His processor ached as he thought back, dredging up ancient memory and finding nothing. Had there even been a point?
“Why were we fighting to begin with? Why did you choose to do all of this?” Optimus found the question escaping his vocalizer before he could stop it. Against his better judgement, he looked over at Megatron and saw his foe grinning, but not meeting his gaze. The beam stuck in Megatron’s abdomen left him spitting up energon as he cackled.
“Come now Prime. You should know the answer to this.” Megatron’s optics blazed between flickers, his servo reaching up toward the sky as if to grasp at some invisible goal. Optimus wondered what the answer would be. Glory? Some strange ideal that he’d never seen fit to share? Perhaps to avenge a long dead loved one?
“Power of course.” 
He should have known better.
“But why? You were a state of the art model. You had the whole world in front of you, and instead you chose to burn it all down.” Anger and despair boiled in Optimus’s very core. All this death had been for some twisted power fantasy? At least if it had been due to some old rivalry or goal Optimus could have died with an answer.
By the stars… what a life he’d lived.
“I’ve forgotten.” Megatron’s response to his anguished question came soft and oddly thoughtful. Yet, Optimus could only respond with a grim scoff, a sound he hadn’t made since he was Orion Pax.
“You’ve forgotten why you killed millions?” 
“You act as though you haven’t slaughtered thousands yourself.” Megatron shot back with a vicious retort before laughing. If Optimus were capable of shaking in rage, he would have. But his frame was weakening, his systems failing faster now. He simply didn’t have the energy.
“Does it really matter, Prime? Today we die. So shut up and do it with a bit of grace.” Optimus’s optic twitched in agitation. Megatron was one to talk when all he’d done was screech at Starscream and Soundwave the times he lay on death’s door.
“Never would have taken you to be a mech to go down quietly.” Optimus snarked as he sensed the Matrix going quiet. That was his sign to hurry up with his final will and testament if he’d had anyone aside from the glitch next to him to express his thoughts to.
“Normally, I wouldn’t. But I dragged you down with me, didn’t I? Ripped your Autobots apart and blasted you half to pieces.” Oh for the good of Vector Sigma-
Optimus’s optic twitched again, anger bubbling so hotly that if he’d had even the barest inkling of strength left he would have gotten up and shut Megatron up himself, mercy forgotten. As it stood, all he could do was clench his fist and rage internally.
“You are the worst.” His bitter remark was met with a laugh, one he didn’t bother responding to. Not even a few minutes later, the faint sounds of Megatron’s venting vanished, leaving Optimus alone with his fate. A bitter part of his processor cursed at his old foe for being selfish yet again and dying before Optimus could. But most of his spark was simply weary.
Anger faded into sorrow and lamentation. Strength slipped right through his digits and the only comfort Optimus had in his final moments were the memories of better times. Even those did little to ease him as his venting grew harsher.
It wouldn’t be long now.
“Elita… what would you think of this madness?” Optimus coughed weakly, an instinctual response to try and clear his soot filled vents. He knew it was useless, especially as his processor started furiously running through every memory file it had access to.
He saw his soldiers in their final moments. He saw the war at its worst and the peace Rodimus brought. He saw his first clash with Megatron after his reformat. But most importantly to him, he saw Ariel’s fair face smiling at him as she guided Orion Pax along the docks for one of their usual dates. He felt her derma against his as they danced under the moonlight, and with that memory held close, all was right with the world.
It was a pleasant vision, one Optimus clung to as his optics shut down and the rest of his frame quickly followed suit. But instead of the Allspark greeting him, Optimus found himself in a void. Formless and alone. 
He had no idea how long he spent there or if it even mattered. But eventually, as thought and consciousness grew less important, a voice rang out.
“So much death…” 
The chorus-like nature of the voice washed over Optimus in waves, reviving memories that had gone dormant and bringing him back to full awareness. He could not identify where the song came from or if it came from anywhere at all. All he knew was that it was powerful and demanded respect he knew not how to give.
“You were all such innocent children. It should not have come to this.”
Children? Strange.
“We will try again. We will make this right.”
What was that supposed to mean? He died. That was it. He was one with the Allspark once more. Wasn’t he?
“Who’s there? What’s going on?” He tried to ask questions, but his voice felt like a faint wisp in the wind compared to the power of the entity which spoke as if the whole universe hung in its grasp.
“Hush now. Rest while you can. Your duty is not yet done.”
Optimus’s vision was flooded with images of things he could hardly comprehend. War. Death. Fire and brutal combat. The forms of the fighters changed, sometimes thick and sometimes spindly. But through it all, there was one figure Optimus knew by spark. Gunmetal gray and built for war, he knew the frame of his foe without even having to think about it. With his blaster raised to the sky and a roar bubbling in his vocalizer, Optimus understood what was being asked of him.
The battle was not yet over. He didn’t know how or why, but Megatron was out there, and he had to be stopped. That was the only possible conclusion Optimus could come to.
“How long must I fight?”
“Till All Are One.”
And then everything faded away once more.
Optimus came online slowly, memory washing over him in an overpowering wave that left him shaking on whatever berth he was laid out on. There was much to sort through, but the first thing he remembered was his current identity. 
He was Optimus Prime, brought to life using a protoform and trained at the Academy to serve the Autobots and guard Cybertron against their greatest foes, the Decepticons. He was raised under the belief that the war was over and that his programming defined his reality. However, he fought against both of these concepts and strove to be something more, a hero of all things.
He had friends during training. Elita-One and Sentinel. Both betrayed him, although at different times and with varying justification. Cast aside for his ‘crimes’, Optimus was allowed to keep the rank of Prime, a position that came close to equaling that of General rather than supreme ruler of the people. From there he was all but demoted and supplied with a crew to repair space bridges.
It was a simple life, but ambition and one unfortunate crash led them to Earth. Megatron and his Decepticons remerged. He made friends, growing close to his team who were so similar and yet so different all at once. He did not know a Bulkhead until now, or a Sentinel for that matter. But Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Elita? They sparked recognition in him. 
Slag, his processors hurt.
“Bossbot! You alright?” A far too excitable voice prompted Optimus to unshutter his optics, coming online fully with a groan. He sat up slowly, rubbing his face and trying to comprehend his reality as he began to recall more. Looking at the bot who called him, Optimus logically knew him as Bumblebee. But half his processor screamed at him that Bumblebee looked and acted differently. Boxier, more mature in some regards, and yet playful all the same.
This Bumblebee was his, but he was wrong. All so very wrong.
“Bumblebee? What… happened?” Optimus’s optics tried to calibrate, but there was something off about it. These optics were a little different from the ones he knew. Where was his battlemask? Why was he so… lanky?
No. He was always lanky. The memories… they were not his. 
“You were holding the Allspark and got a bit too close.” Ratchet put a servo on his shoulder, stunning Optimus as he stared at the medic. Slag, he was ancient. His records stated he was old, but contradicting memory indicated that Ratchet was meant to at least act a bit younger with humor and laughter. What the frag happened?
“It knocked you flat on your aft!” Bumblebee laughed, and that much at least was familiar. Optimus touched his chassis, feeling his spark pulse within as memory settled. Ancient and now useless protocols faded away to make room for data he could actually use. 
“I… yes. I remember.” He was a dock worker once. Orion Pax was his name. He was shot. He was reforged. He claimed a relic his current reality did not know until the Allspark was placed within it. He fought against his enemy, Megatron. He went on adventures, made friends.
Then he lay in ash and ruin, his world shattered.
“I died.” His voice came out softer than intended as Optimus looked down at his servos. They were not covered in scars like his old ones. They did not reek of plasma, nor did his body ache with familiar pains from centuries of hastily tended wounds. He was young, and now he had wisdom.
“Yeah, but that was forever ago back on Earth!” Bumblebee tapped his arm lightly, but Optimus hardly reacted. It was difficult having two personalities settle, but purpose guided him. The voice in the void ordered that he fight Megatron. Did he have to obey?
Looking at his team, his friends… Optimus found himself leaning into the order regardless of the validity of the voice and its authority. The wisdom of the Prime he once was, or at least the Prime that existed in another time and place, would aid him in saving his own people and saving them that same fate.
He was Optimus Prime, and his mission was to stop Megatron at all costs.
“His processor is scrambled.” Bulkhead gestured nervously, earning a huff from Ratchet who began taking scans. Optimus paid him no mind, instead standing up and squaring his shoulders. The joy of his first existence was more subdued now, calmed by reawakening and determination.
“Where is Megatron?” The question came sharply, more so than Optimus intended. His voice shook as he attempted to speak with a vibrato he no longer possessed. His friends looked at him strangely, and Ratchet took the chance to quietly begin assessing his frame. Optimus allowed it, his focus elsewhere.
“In prison. We brought him back to Cybertron, remember?” Bulkhead informed politely, only earning a low hum from Optimus as he considered. Megatron was defeated. So why had the voice done this and ordered that he fight? He’d won, hadn’t he? Surely there was something missing… Perhaps another Decepticon? A Galvatron in the making? Or was Unicron the threat?
“And the rest of the Decepticons?” He could feel his spark sinking in his chassis as he considered the possibilities. If so much as Starscream managed to get away-
“Unaccounted for.” Frag.
Optimus cursed under his breath, a habit that his prior self would have never approved of. He crossed his arms, thinking and reviewing memory for a long moment until something stuck out.
Tender touches shared in the dark. First with Elita-One, and then with another. A blue visor that shone in the moonlight, the simple pleasure of digits laced together. A soothing voice and dozens of hours spent in meditation he never quite understood but engaged in anyway for the sake of companionship. The adoring glances exchanged when the others were deep in recharge or otherwise engaged…
“What about Prowl?” His spark knew the truth, as did his processor. But some small fragment of Optimus’s being needed confirmation.
“He fell in the final battle.” Ratchet’s words hit harder than expected, and Optimus couldn’t help but sit back down with a sigh.
It was never official. What he shared with Prowl was a simple companionship that walked the line between something deeper and mere brotherhood. They never used words to describe themselves because such labels were dangerous. They both claimed it would hurt more that way. And yet, as Optimus reviewed his memories of their intimate moments shared when no one was looking, he felt nothing but grief. No one knew what they had. None would understand.
It was like leaving Elita-One on Cybertron all over again. The ache would never fully fade, but it was dulled by the memories of his prior existence which diluted his affections, spreading them out over others who he had not even met in his current reality.
“I see…” Optimus took a moment to sit in silence, a grace period that even the likes of Bumblebee respected. Memory supplied him with countless battles, and from the experiences of his prior self, he had a feeling that he’d already come too late to stop what was brewing. His memory would do little when the Decepticons were already a fully trained, highly organized militia. There was no stopping it now.
“This… is not going to end well.” Optimus’s words were hardly a whisper, but they felt dooming.
His declaration turned out to be entirely correct as time wore on.
The Autobot empire fell apart in brutal fashion, with Ultra Magnus dying and Sentinel Magnus making a fragging mess out of everything. Optimus raised a militia of his own with the help of his other self’s memory, but by the time he had his people in line and Sentinel in prison, war was already upon them. Megatron matched the vision the voice shared as he burned their cities and killed their warriors. Optimus fought as well as he could, but this Megatron was far more cunning that the one his prior self knew. Not quite as vicious perhaps, but highly intelligent. 
One battle after another, and Optimus watched history repeat itself. The laughter and joy of his people dimmed. Stoicism and anger set in as the Allspark failed and their war grew more destructive. It was like the great war from long before his forging, only a thousand times worse. Optimus had no words to describe it as he led his warriors onward, fighting for something even he no longer understood. He acted because that was what duty demanded. Heroism and personal agendas were irrelevant. 
Vorns upon vorns of conflict, and he ended up right where he began. His warriors had all been slaughtered, with Bumblebee and Sentinel of all bots having fallen in his defense instead of Elita-One and Rodimus. His frame was slowly shutting down from yet another brutal blaster wound to his chassis, leaving Optimus on his knees. But instead of having the satisfaction of bringing Megatron down with him, Optimus sat alone amidst the rubble of their world, a blaster pointed right at his helm.
“This is the end, little Prime.” Megatron’s voice rang out, but he couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry. This Megatron was not a glitch about his victory. Instead… he seemed somewhat solemn as he lowered his weapon temporarily, allowing Optimus a chance to speak.
“Why? Why go this far?” Optimus couldn’t help but ask the question that had been burning at the back of his mind since he woke all those vorns ago, before he was bitter and scarred. His Megatron had been a power hungry glitch, insanity driving his every action. But this Megatron was far wiser. So why had he done this? Why burn it all down?
“Because your people, the society you built, are corrupt. My kind were bound in chains, told they were monsters and enslaved.” Megatron knelt down, a sign he recognized as indicating respect. Optimus released his axe with a faint cough as he clutched the wound on his side. There was no point fighting now. And beyond that… there was truth in Megatron’s words.
Reviewing the history of both his lives, he could see that there were cracks. Orion Pax had been oblivious to the hidden discrimination toward the frame types that fell out of acceptable ranges. In his current existence, Optimus could now clearly sense the lies that had been fed to him. Thousands of warframe and only warframes would not rebel without reason. They would not flee for millennia instead of blowing the planet to the next solar system. They weren’t an organization built for seeking out power.
Megatron had reasons for his violence, and that at least was a vague comfort.
“I may have had to wait millions of years, but today my people shall have their vengeance and their freedom.” Megatron’s optics were blazing, and yet offered no emotion except eerie calm. Optimus coughed as he tried to respond. It hurt so much now…
“I… I fought for the freedom of my people too. I have fought for so long.” He hated whining, but he was unable to stop the tremor in his voice as he sagged in defeat. He’d managed to fail a second time.
“And I do not blame you for your struggle. You had no way of seeing through the lies.” Megatron, in a gesture of good will Optimus would have never expected, carefully pulled Optimus to his pedes. He held the back of Optimus’s neck, keeping up the illusion that he had the strength to walk himself as Megatron guided him to stand before the Decepticon army, now reveling in their victory.
“Here stands the last of the Autobots! The only one among their number who shall die with honor!” Megatron’s voice rang out. But instead of cheering, the Decepticons stood quiet and firm. Their optics were all locked onto him, but none were disrespecting the dead. The Autobots who had fallen were laid out, gathered by lower ranked Decepticons to be put to rest respectfully. It was enough to have Optimus’s venting hitch as Megatron’s blade came to rest against his neck.
He had failed. But at least this end was an honorable one.
“You were a good rival, Optimus. Die well, and know that I have respected no other as I have you.” Optimus managed a faint laugh as he looked up, uncaring of the doom that awaited him as he once again found himself staring up at smoke filled skies. 
He missed Elita. He missed Prowl.
“Till All Are One.” With his final mutter, the blade came down, and Optimus knew no more…
Until the voice rang out as it had millennia earlier.
“Too late. You woke too late.”
The chorus washed over him again, soothing and yet dejected all at once. Optimus felt a flash of anger infused his being as he snapped back, pain and anguish from both lives overwhelming reason.
“How was I supposed to have remembered earlier? I only got my memory back when I used the Allspark-” Before he could finish, the voice cut him off firmly, but not unkindly.
“It was not your fault. You fought well, my chosen.”
Optimus wanted to stay angry, but the faint comfort kept him from doing more than bristling internally. 
“We will try again. Just as we did before.”
So the voice was going to send him back again. But why? What did this thing care about so deeply?
“Who are you?” He tried to pose a question, but again the voice silenced him as it washed around him in a maelstrom of love, determination, and conviction.
“Not now. We are out of time.”
Once more, Optimus woke. This time however, he came online with a start. 
He shot up, clutching at his chassis as his spark spun and his processor burned with new data. It was easier this time to know and to accept. This frame was built for larger stores of information, a genetic quality of his lineage. He heard others around him, but he was far more focused on the meshing of personalities that now overwhelmed him.
He was forged a Prime, rather than made into one. He was of an ancient line, but only by the standards of his current reality. By any other metric, he was still young, practically a newbuild. He had a brother, Megatron. Together they were raised by Sentinel Prime, but only Optimus was chosen to lead their people. Megatron was to be his Lord High Protector, but too many squabbles and differences of opinion led to jealousy. That jealousy boiled over into war.
Optimus led his people as well as he could, but compared to the experiences of his other lives, he was all but a child. He had strength and he had wisdom, but he lacked the necessary exposure to truly wage war successfully. Megatron was no better, and so their war waged until their world burned and the galaxy crumbled in their wake. Countless good mecha died, including close allies and companions during the battle to save Earth and reclaim the Matrix.
And Jazz… by the Allspark, they’d lost Jazz.
“Prime, slow down.” Ratchet pressed a servo against his chest, forcing Optimus to sit back down as he unknowingly attempted to stand. Only then did Optimus note how erratic his venting was, or how hard his servos shook as he tried to calm his anxious spark. 
“Slaggit mech, scared the scrap outta us.” Ironhide tugged on Optimus’s arm as well, forcing him to settle. Optimus looked at both their faces and had to fight back a flinch. Ironhide looked… wrong by the standard of his prior lives. As did Ratchet for that matter. Their face plates did not exist, instead replaced by ever shifting parts to facilitate movement that he logically knew was required for proper functionality in their kind.
After a moment, Optimus’s initial fear response settled and he began to review anything of importance. Immediately he recognized the fact that he was far too late to do what the voice was asking of him. He still wasn’t entirely sure if the voice wanted him to kill Megatron or win the war. But both options were practically impossible to reach considering his situation. Their people were all but extinct as it was. Even if he won the war and ended his brother, their world was still dead.
It would be like the first life he lived. Eventually, they would all perish. Considering how upset the voice was about the death of so many, Optimus assumed it would prefer a different outcome. Slag there was so much to do. He was already too late to save what was lost. Jazz would have already had a plan-
His servos shook as Optimus buried his face in his servos, remembering yet another loss that weighed on him. First Elita, then Prowl, and now Jazz. 
Jazz had been with him since the beginning. He was a friend during training, a comrade as Optimus found himself accepted into the ranks of Primes, and later he became something more as the war began and dragged on endlessly. His spark cried out in grief as he recalled the countless times Jazz had come to spend time with him when he was but a scientist. They shared so many moments, tender touches and deep conversations. Jazz was, despite all his joy and whimsy, a highly educated and thoughtful mech.
Many of their youthful plans had long since been discarded. But Optimus remembered talk of hatchlings. He recalled many long nights where neither of them could recharge, so they cuddled up close and instead talked about better times. Slag it all, they had made a promise to formally join their houses once the war came to an end.
Now it didn’t matter. Not only had he failed to do as the voice asked, he’d failed to save the one person he really cared about aside from his former brother.
“I’m too late.” Oprimus’s voice cracked as he spoke. Ironhide and Ratchet stalled in their attempts to comfort him. The others were likely just as confused.
“I don’t understand it all. But I know now that I’m too late to change how this will all end.” Optimus muttered more to himself than to the others, grief overriding reason. He did not understand the voice, but by the Allspark he wished he could curse it for doing this to him.
“No matter how hard I fight to end this accursed war, it always ends in sorrow.” Always in ashes. Always alone. 
“Why? Why did it have to be me? Why was I chosen?” Curse it all. He should have died with Elita and Rodimus back on that forsaken battlefield. Perhaps then he could have found peace until the Quintessons inevitably revived their species as slaves once more.
“Losing Jazz hit us all hard… but we’re going to be alright, Optimus. You are going to be alright.” Strong arms wrapped around Optimus’s shoulders, drawing him into a firm embrace. Looking up, Optimus found it was Bumblebee who held him, his voice a mix of radio clips and static, but just as comforting as ever. This was a mech he recognized from all his lives. Despite all the minute differences, this was still his Bee.
“Bee’s right. You aren’t yourself. That last fight really fragged up y’er helm.” Ironhide patted him on the shoulder, offering comfort in his own gruff way. It did little to help, but Optimus appreciated the gesture anyway as the lamentations of two other lifetimes settled in his very core.
“I have to agree with Ironhide for once. Take some time and rest, Optimus. You need it.” Ratchet tried to smile, as did the rest. Unfortunately, it did next to nothing for Optimus’s mental state, even though he would have liked it to.
Battles came and went. Megatron died and was revived. The stakes continued to grow ever higher. When Quintessa came, Optimus was too tired to resist her call. He wanted to be done with it all, and if her offer of revival was what it took, he was willing to do what was required of him. Even when he broke free of her spell through Bumblebee and created a tentative peace between his kind and humanity, it was all very empty.
Megatron was unaccounted for. The Decepticons still roamed. Their war was not over… merely stalled.
There was no point in fighting anymore… at least not in this life.
“Hey Optimus.” Bumblebee called out to him as Optimus sat on a grassy hill, overlooking the landscape. He’d already made his decision, but he could tell Bumblebee sensed it.
“Bumblebee… it is good to see you again.” Optimus replied curtly, his sword resting firmly by his side. His optics were locked on the setting sun, enjoying a brief moment of peace before he tried again. The voice would surely make him fight once more, so for a mere klik, he wanted respite.
“You haven’t been around for a while. You know you can talk to us about stuff, right?” Bumblebee came to sit with him, a servo resting on Optimus’s leg in a friendly manner. Optimus regarded it with a faint hum, feeling calmer than he had in several Earth years. Such turmoil… such hopelessness. He had no idea what happened to the world when he perished and the voice took him, but Optimus hoped that those he left behind kept on living. He hoped the galaxy recovered from the war, back in his first realm. And as much as he hated the suffering of his last life, he did partially wish that the Decepticons were indeed ruling Cybertron in peace now that the Autobots were gone.
By the stars… it would soothe him greatly if his people managed to find a safe source of energon and began raising hatchlings again. He could never accomplish what the voice wanted, but his people, if they were lucky and didn’t annihilate each other in his absence, would endure.
“I know.” Optimus’s response was stalled, but Bumblebee didn’t seem to mind as they both sat there quietly. The sun continued to set, and as it did, Optimus felt his time drawing to a close. He had not had the chance in prior lives… but maybe this time a final will and testament was due.
“I’ve done this before, Bumblebee.” The words flowed easily from his vocalizer, relieving tension that had hung heavy in his shoulders since his waking. Bumblebee regarded him nervously, but did not interrupt as he continued.
“Countless battles, endless conflicts. Yet I cannot seem to complete the task that was given to me.” Looking up, Optimus was relieved further as he saw stars instead of smoke. It was going to be a pleasant deviation from his prior existences. 
“What task is that?” Bumblebee questioned hesitantly, his concern evident in the way his optics cycled and his door wings twitched. Optimus felt a hint of guilt bubble up in his spark, but it was soon smothered by exhaustion. The voice would return him soon enough. It didn’t really matter.
“I… do not know. Not entirely.” He admitted his ignorance without shame. The voice had given him a duty, but that duty was vague and uncertain. “How can you do something if you don’t even know what you are meant to be accomplishing? You treat yourself too harshly.” Such comfort from one so young. The two other lives within him smiled at the offered kindness. But Optimus merely sighed. 
Born too late to stop the war… This was all he could do.
“The one who gave me my purpose, the one who keeps making me fight… that being showed me a vision of my brother. The fire… the death… I felt that maybe he was the key. But he’s no longer a threat, and I do not feel complete.” More and more of the weight lifted from Optimus’s spark as he poured out his woes. There was a certain melancholy to the whole situation, but speaking was freeing.
“I think I was meant to preserve our world and our people. But I came too late to do that.” Optimus had his opinions when it came to the voice and its vision. Now that he’d lived three times and failed in each attempt he made to target Megatron specifically, he had a feeling the voice wanted something else.
But even if that were the case, there was still nothing he could do in his current state. His work here was done.
“We live and there is a chance at restoration. You did all you could. You are not to blame.” Bumblebee’s tone indicated he was more than a little concerned. However, Optimus simply hummed. The ache of loss hurt more than it should have. But Jazz had meant so much to him in this life… and the loss was fresh.
“So I’ve been told… but I know in my spark that this is not what the entity sought. I shall be forced to fight once more. Of that I am certain.” Optimus again looked back up at the skies, trying to find familiar constellations he learned while talking with Spike all those vorns ago. What would that boy think of him now? There was no joy in him anymore. At least, not the open variety.
“Maybe you should take some time off… go join Drift and explore for a while. I’m sure Sam would love to see you again.” Bumblebee offered with a nervous uptick of his doorwings. The air between them was tense, unspoken understanding radiating on both their ends. Bumblebee was doing his part, but it was clear that Optimus was going to do what he planned to, and no one could stop him.
“I shall consider it.” Offering a gentle smile, Optimus clasped Bumblebee’s shoulder and memorized his features. He hoped the voice’s next attempt would let him keep his oldest friend. He wasn’t sure how he was going to keep marching on if every time he woke, his dearest companion was always deceased.
“Optimus, I know you’ve got your own monsters to face, but please… don’t give up on us or yourself.” Bumblebee drew Optimus in for a hug, one that lasted a while. But eventually the time came for his companion to leave. Bumblebee hesitated, looking back periodically as he made his way back to base. Optimus kindly did not act until long after dark, and even then, he ensured he was far from prying optics as he recorded a final message and raised his blade for a final time.
Guilt hung in his spark as the void claimed him, but he couldn’t bring himself to care as the voice again washed over him.
“You hurt so deeply, my chosen.”
Oh so now the voice pitied him. After sending him through suffering meant for Unicron’s servants, only now did it regard him?
“You did this to me and I don't even know who you are or what you want from me.” He wanted to be angry. By the stars he wanted to rage.
“Oh dear one, we did not mean to cause you such suffering… but one of ours must bear the burden, and you who carried such spirit touched us deeply with your devotion.”
What the frag did that even mean? The voice chose him to endure life after life and seemingly didn’t anticipate that it would hurt? What a joke.
“You make me live again and again in realities that are ever changing and yet still the same. How could it not bring me pain? Why would you make me do this? I watch my people die over and over again and nothing I do seems to bring it to an end.” Grief and anger surged forward in a brief flare of rebellion. Despite that, his wrath died down all but instantaneously. Rage would earn him nothing. Not when the voice apparently commanded his reality.
“Not yet…  we cannot repair what is broken yet. But soon we will succeed. You learn and we grow.”
How ominous the voice was…
“What are you?” He asked yet again, not really expecting an answer.
“All that is and will be.”
For the fourth time, Optimus shot awake coughing as lingering pain from his reformat eased out of his tense and tight cables. He fell to his knees as knowledge washed over him once more. This time, however, it did not burn as it had in lives before. Knowledge was quickly filed away and understanding set in as soon as the information did. The Matrix pulsed in soothing waves, the relic finally of use in ways it had otherwise not been in prior lives. 
He was Optimus Prime, formerly Orion Pax the Archivist. He was taken from the wilds while young and raised in Iacon under Alpha Trion where he spent much of his time reviewing history and taking note of corruption. He allied himself with Megatronus of Kaon, the Gladiator. Through their combined might, they eventually developed a bond and reached the High Council. Orion was chosen to be the Prime instead of Megatron, formerly Megatronus. That single decision tore them apart and sent them spiralling into war. Only when it reached its peak had Orion gone to receive the Matrix of leadership from one familiar entity.
Primus. The god of all Cybertronians. He who made them from dust and starlight. The connection between Primus and the voice was an easy one to make, and above all, it made sense. Primus, the all knowing ever patient god of their people was bound to be the entity trying to preserve lives. Why wouldn’t he? Above all, his inexperience made sense. Primus had not even been a concept in his first life, or his second for that matter. There were whispers in his third, but they were distant things.
It seemed the god that had taken him as a champion was finally beginning to change reality in meaningful ways. The story had changed to include their creator and actually make use of the relic that continually gave Optimus back his memory.
A fascinating change indeed. One that had the potential to actually turn out the way Primus intended.
Optimus followed quietly as he was brought to his pedes and returned to base. He knew what path stood before him now. Even still, Ratchet pulling him aside as soon as time allowed surprised him for a moment before memory reminded him of who the medic was.
“Orion… are you still in there?” Ratchet touched his face, feeling his now sharper features and assessing his frame for damage. Optimus smiled, nodding as memory returned to him. Anguish for loves lost still hung in his spark, but more than anything, he felt adoration as it stirred in him. It hurt to have a partner live and vent beside him, but more than that, it healed.
“I am here… moreso now than ever.” Finally, the Matrixdid something useful and toned down the emotional weight of his extended memory. If he’d had this in his prior existence, he might not have ended things so suddenly. Poor Bumblebee likely felt horrible, if he was still online at any rate.
“The Matrix, what has it done to you?” Ratchet's question was sharp, but still tender in his unique way as he looked at Optimus’s chassis accusingly. Optimus fought back laughter that he had not known since his first life.
“Memory, Ratchet. So much memory…” With a smile, Optimus pressed a kiss to Ratchet’s brow, reveling in the closeness of one he held so dear. This was what he needed. Time, composure, and connection. Primus truly was developing.
“I remember loves from lives that were not this one. I recall battles, wars and death so great the bodies coated the earth.” Ratchet held him tighter as Optimus’s field, a new addition to his biology, flared out in sheer relief and joy. For all the sorrows he endured, it all seemed less important when he was with his love, at least for this life.
“I remember the torment of not knowing… and now the grief of revelation.” Ratchet stiffened at his statement, likely running through a thousand grim scenarios in his processor. Optimus saw no need to correct him since it earned him a tighter hug.
“I’m here, Orion. I’m here.” Ratchet, in a rare show of open affection, did his best to soothe. Optimus returned the gesture by resting his chin on his dear doctor’s helm, enjoying the closeness. 
“Of that, I am more thankful than I can properly express… it has been so long.” Ratchet’s field flared in concern as Optimus pulled away to look out the nearest window and out at the stars. Oh how he loved the stars…
“I now understand my design.” Primus did not wish for death. He desired life. 
Lucky for him, Optimus’s memory from his current existence supplied him with countless plans for victory. If all went well, the war would come to a close in short order and he would finally be free of Primus’s grand mission.
However, unfortunately for Optimus’s grand aspirations, the war dragged on despite his knowledge. His newest Megatron was a cunning creature backed by strength and age. His followers were just as intelligent, and no matter what Optimus threw at them, they adapted. His efforts were useless when pitted against such wrath.
As the war went, Optimus felt his chances of success dwindling. By the time they got to Earth with their conflict, he was fairly certain Primus would have him try again. Even still, he managed to salvage the situation. With Ratchet by his side and his team supporting him, restoration was made possible. Optimus was even revived as he had been once in his first life to facilitate the repairs being made to their home. He took that to mean Primus was at least partially pleased with the outcome, even if Megatron was still out there lurking and Unicron cursed.
The people mourned the dead, and Optimus certainly felt weariness in his core. But the war was over, Autobot and Decepticon were coming together, and if all went well, Cybertron was to be fully functional in a few centuries. Was it ideal? No. But there was hope to be found.
“Optimus, are you coming to berth or not?” Ratchet tapped his pede impatiently as Optimus waved Bumblebee off as he set toward Earth for another diplomatic mission. He smiled, content with his situation as he responded.
“In a bit, beloved.” Watching the space bridge close was strangely calming. Millennia of war, and for once, he wasn’t about to die on a battlefield or alone drowning in grief. He’d played his part, even if the loss of life still weighed on him in the dead of night.
“Berth. Now.” Ratchet looked more annoyed than truly upset. Optimus couldn’t help but laugh lightly at the expression his dear doctor was making as he obeyed the given order.
“Very well.” Wrapping an arm around Ratchet’s waist, he guided them both to their habsuite. He settled quietly, pressing a kiss to Ratchet’s audial and watching as his love drifted off for a while. It was peaceful, a blessed relief.
As his optics closed, Optimus smiled. Megatron was still a threat, but he was finally done with his mission-
“I died?” Optimus couldn’t help but gawk as he found himself in the void once more. He tried to think about what happened, but he got the distinct impression his death was not a natural one. What was Ratchet going to think? By the Thirteen, what went wrong?
“It was not intended. But we expected it sooner or later. Your work is not yet done.”
What? Had he not restored Cybertron? It was an imperfect restoration and the war still occurred, but all was as it was meant to be.
“Why did you restore me if I was simply to die and do it all again?” He wasn’t necessarily upset this time. Just… confused. He’d had his moment of peace, but why did Primus see fit to try again? The people were happy, or at least getting there.
“We believed we might salvage what remained. We did, and you fought well.”
Optimus internally sighed. He knew how this was going to go. 
“But we lament the loss of life. We grieve over what could have been. So many children… extinguished so young.”
Primus was a god, but he was, at his core, something above mortality. He had no reason to understand loss like Optimus and the rest did. Of course he grieved. To him it was likely a numbers game.
“I know what you are now, Primus. Why do you continue to strive for this strange perfection? Cybertron was restored. The people were happy. Why have me do it all again?” He tried to express his concerns, but Primus seemed to be displeased as he responded, his voice firmer than before.
“Your other half falls to our counterpart time and time again. Our children are massacred when it is not needed. If it can be prevented, then we wish it so.”
So that was how it was going to be. Perfection, or nothing at all. Optimus could already feel exhaustion settling in.
“Go. Try again. Soon… we will make things right.”
Waking was easier this time. The reality Primus made was much like his first, and as such, Optimus knew how to act quickly. He went straight for Megatron, charging in with all his knowledge and experience. He had no love to hold him back and his happier existence prior to his current one eased the grief enough for him to focus. Even still, the war occurred. Megatron seemed to become more intelligent every time they met in a new life. Perhaps it was an equalization factor. Regardless, war came without an end in sight.
At least until Optimus beat Megatron in a duel, earning their people a tentative peace under a Council made up of an Autobot, a Decepticon, and a neutral party. Optimus was fairly certain Primus would not be pleased despite Cybertron largely avoiding complete desolation and chose to isolate himself to keep away from further incidents. He could have ended himself, but he saw no need. He took the time to simply live, helping where he could and keeping Megatron in line when he wasn’t doing that.
He let life pass him by, at least until Windblade arrived, speaking of Titans and war. That was when he knew it was time to act, and he did so without complaint. He didn’t even mind working with Megatron. It was just like old times, like when he and Megatronus talked over revolution matters. Although, much to Optimus’s agitation, his current Megatron was beyond fond of prodding at his emotional weak points.
Despite that, there were times when he enjoyed conversing with the glitch.
“I asked once, in another life, why you did all this.” Optimus stood quietly, watching the stars just as he always did. Megatron huffed as he cleaned his blaster, the only part of his body he seemed to actually give a frag about.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Megatron snarked, his optics never leaving his weapon.
“Why did you rise up? Why did you go to war? You had the whole world before you, and you chose to burn it down.” It was a question Optimus recalled asking his first Megatron, only to get laughed at in response. His second Megatron spoke of corruption, his third was a jealous creature, and his fourth had legitimate reasons for waging war. But his current one and the first? He never really understood, even though they were technically the same mech in many regards.
“Hmm… I would think you would know the answer to this, Prime.” Optimus sighed, expecting laughter.
“To a degree.” Megatron’s response earned a momentary glance from Optimus, his finials twitching in mild surprise.
“I wanted the power to change the world, to mold it in my image.” Megatron, smug as ever, crossed his arms and gestured out to the planet they were now attempting to save from itself. Optimus followed his gaze, but he still found himself questioning.
“Because I didn’t like the way things were, or the corruption that set into our society.” Megatron huffed, clearly quite pleased with his answer. Optimus however found himself more contemplative. He knew how to see corruption after so many lives, but he still wondered…
How much had he missed?
“Was that corruption always there?” He pondered aloud, more to himself than the mech next to him as he ran through ancient memory. It was blurry now. Distant and no longer as applicable.
“Of course it was. You were just so lost in your little dock worker world that you couldn’t see it.” Megatron, either not knowing the question was not aimed at him or not caring, responded with a huff. He gestured to Optimus in a dismissive manner, and that was enough for Optimus to think back on his life, back to Elita.
Their lives were simple. Of course they failed to see corruption.
“You fought for freedom?” Optimus wondered more and more if they were truly the same mech given different paths to walk. Megatronus was similar to Orion Pax in many ways. Was that simply an aspect of his and Megatron’s relationship?
“In a sense. I wanted every mech to be able to choose their future for themselves.” That was very Megatronus of him. It seemed it was not only Primus who was learning.
“Then why were we fighting at all?” Optimus took the chance to step a little closer, remembering nights spent with his Lord High Protector in his third life. He missed his brother, even if the glitch was a pain in the aft.
“Because you were a fraggin pacifist and a weepy newbuild until I beat some sense into you. By then your Autobots were dead set on the destruction of my Decepticons.” Megatron punched him in the shoulder. Optimus simply sighed. He’d forgotten how much of a brute his first life’s Megatron could be when not otherwise engaged.
“For what it’s worth, I apologize for how our war ended. I wanted to end the needless death.” His attempt at apologizing was met with laughter, a mirror to his end lifetimes ago.
“And instead you brought more. How comical.” Megatron slapped his back in what could have been a friendly manner if not for the force behind it. Optimus internally cringed, but allowed it. How familiar this all was.
“You are the worst.” His comment was met with even more laughter, to which Optimus simply walked away.
When the time came for him to die for his people, Optimus took the burden without complaint. He was done anyway.
And just as predicted, Primus met him once more.
“You did better this time. But still not enough. Too many died. Too many children lost to war.”
Optimus didn’t even have the energy to be surprised.
“You seek the impossible, Primus. No matter what you do to me or how you reforge reality, war is inevitable.” Attempting reason was likely impossible, but Optimus gave it his best shot. Perfection was impossible, but here Primus was, trying anyway. Granted, if anyone was to aim for such a thing, it was only really plausible for a god to pursue such a goal.
“Not so. We will make it right.”
But at what price?
“I remember too late to change things if I have a relationship with Megatron. And if I do not, I hold no sway over him.” Again, Optimus put forward his objections. Anyone from his prior lives would have likely gawked at him, save for perhaps Ratchet, his ever faithful atheist.
“We know. We are learning. Soon, all will be as it should be.”
That much Optimus could attest to. It was already far easier to operate than it had been the first few times. Still, he didn’t want to do this forever. He’d had moments of peace and he wanted them back.
“I’m tired. I want to return to those I have loved. Elita, Prowl, Jazz, Ratchet… I miss them. I miss the versions of them I adored.” He sensed waves of understanding from his god, but Primus spoke all the same.
“We will give them all to you when the work is done.”
That was a pleasant promise, if nothing else.
“Stop the war. Stop the death. Stop your counterpart from falling. That is your design.”
Another life, another awakening. Optimus tried his best, especially since reality was again similar to his first life. But guiding and succeeding were two very different things, and war seemed to be inevitable. He wasn’t able to put a stop to it, so he simply resolved to observe as Bumblebee and Windblade worked. He did offer his assistance when the Quintessons came and the Tarn from another time popped out of the void, but more often he preferred to watch. Especially since he got humorous commentary from Megatron when they weren’t at each other’s throats.
“I’ve been meaning to ask… why is it that you’re always so-” Megatron, between sips of his drink, gestured vaguely to Optimus’s form. Optimus chuckled, leaning back in his seat a bit as he and Megatron sat observing the city. It was still on fire in places, but it wasn’t exactly their problem. They tended to cause more trouble when they did anything outside of combat.
“Aloof? Uncaring? I don’t know how to describe it.” Megatron tried to find the words for his question. Optimus politely did not interrupt as he nursed his energon, content to be since he knew his current life was a failure anyway.
“You always preach your talking points about freedom and all that, but I never see any drive in you. It’s boiled my energon since the war began.” His once foe huffed into his drink, seemingly annoyed. Optimus saw through it easily, noting the genuine curiosity there. They both had secrets, but Megatron was never one to leave them alone.
“Because for me, there is no point in passion. I failed in my only purpose long before I took the Matrix.” Optimus, having long since grown apathetic to anything and everything related to his continual existence, shrugged. “What in the Allspark are you talking about?” Megatron made a face that was worthy of the human ‘memes’. Optimus fought to keep his composure as he tried to keep it serious and failed, at least in part. He was unable to keep from smiling, despite the situation.
“I have loved and lost, Megatron. I have done all I could to try and prevent war… but I always arrive too late to change things.” Taking the chance to chug his glass, Optimus sighed in contentment. Warm energon really was the best. Living so long, one learned to appreciate the little things.
“You… what are you?” Optimus raised an optical ridge in mild surprise as he looked up at his former rival. Megatron was glaring at him, not necessarily in anger, but suspicion. 
“You sense it?” 
“I always knew there was something off with you. So spit it out, what are you? What happened to Orion Pax?” Well that was an odd way to phrase the question, but who was Optimus to judge. The Archivist in him probably would have asked something similar.
“He is me and I am him. Except one of us is wiser. One of us remembers realities that have long ended.” Keeping the answer as simple as he could without giving Megatron an existential crisis, Optimus put down his now empty cube and casually checked his HUD for anything important before continuing.
“One of us cannot rest until we prevent the Great War.” That was about the best way he had to describe it. Until he remembered, he was just an idealistic fool with far too much ambition.
“Unmaker cursed?” Megatron, with all the subtlety of a Titan in a city, squinted as he made his accusation only barely veiled as a question.
“No, the opposite.” Taking it in stride, Optimus kept his answer simple.
“Slag… that’s worse.” That was putting it lightly. At least he understood.
“I can know no rest until I stop the war before it can start… and keep you from falling to the Unmaker’s touch.” Optimus gave Megatron a look without really meaning to. It was more of a sidequest at this point in his long life, but he was getting tired of having to divert Megatron away from drugs or other less than pleasant curses.
“Why would I-?”
“Other versions of yourself were desperate. Far more desperate… they needed strength and knowledge, so they sought it where they could.” Instantly, Optimus thought back to his fourth Megatron. That mech was a monster in many ways, especially when high as a kite on the Unmaker’s blood.
“Have you told anyone else about this?” Megatron, with a surprising amount of concern evident in his tone, crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair. Optimus regarded him quietly for a moment, unsure if he should respond. However, after a klik, he concluded there was no harm in it.
“No. Even if they believed me, there is no stopping it. When I die, Primus shall restore me to life in another time and place to attempt to stop the war… to stop you.” Saying it out loud was… rather depressing. The air grew heavier in response, and Optimus almost regretted opening his mouth. 
“Sounds lonely.” And then Megatron came out of nowhere with a strange amount of sympathy.
“It is. But I take comfort in lives like these… ones that are lighter on my spark.” Trying to stay positive and not think hard on the grimness of his situation, Optimus smiled. Megatron didn’t seem to buy it, but played into it anyway.
“How about you tell me about the other versions of me out there. Get it off your chassis for a while, eh?” Bless him, he was kinder than the rest.
Life went on after that, with things changing and Cybertron being saved a few times. Eventually, Optimus got tired of it all and let an assassin get to him. But his return to the void created a whole new set of problems.
“You did not use this life wisely.”
And there came the disappointment.
“You sent me too late. I cannot work with nothing.” Too tired to be upset, Optimus mentally projected a shrug. He wasn’t sure if it went through, but he hoped it did if only for his amusement.
“It is your duty to do this work. We give you wisdom and opportunity. Why do you struggle so?”
Oh to be a god and not understand mortality.
“I share next to nothing in common with Megatron. I cannot stop a war if I cannot relate to its leader. I certainly can’t kill him when we are always near equal in strength. We are too different… and even with knowledge, it means nothing if I can’t make him see reason.” Optimus expected exactly nothing from his attempt at reason, but to his surprise, Primus paused. Things went quiet for a while, long enough that he momentarily wondered if his god had up and chosen a new champion. Then, Primus’s voice returned with renewed energy.
“We have never rewritten the world in such a way. Your counterpart was always meant to be so. Different, unique.”
By the thirteen, he’d managed to make Primus see some reason.
“We can come from the same roots and still have a chance to be different. Please, if you want this war to end before it can start, you must put me with him when we begin. I need time.” Internally crossing his digits, knocking on the organic substance of wood, and praying to every version of the thirteen he knew of, Optimus threw out his request.
“Then it shall be so. We have eternity to complete this work.”
Fraggin yes.
Waking was no longer a stressful thing. Optimus came into being, knew he was fragged, and waged war as usual. The shared origins helped, and he did his best to make the most of it, but Primus was a fickle being on a good cycle, and Optimus knew this was a test run more than anything else. Being a miner had sucked, but it gave him and Megatron connection that finally manifested itself vorns upon vorns later on Earth when, in a grand middle finger to every other Megatron, Optimus managed to convince his foe to side with him.
It was brilliant, and for the first time in forever, Optimus was outwardly joking and having a fantastic time as he waited for the end. Sure, he probably could have been doing more, but he didn’t feel the need to. He’d tested his theory. Shared origins were perfect. Now he just needed to get the Matrix and his memory at a better time.
Until he kicked the can, he was more than happy to watch as Primus’s newest additions to reality bounded and played, goofing off with their human family. Optimus personally found it odd and wouldn’t have made the choice himself if he were Primus, but it wasn’t exactly his problem. Wait, watch, observe, step in if need be, and wait to try again.
But of course, waiting was boring without company, and it had been many vorns since he’d taken a lover of any variety. He considered Elita, but his version was too different from the one he knew from his first life to really sit well with him. Instead he went for a thrill in Starscream of all mecha.
Quite frankly he enjoyed the wild card attitude, especially when they were attempting to be domestic.
“I don’t think I’m going to have to fight for much longer.” Optimus remarked as he fiddled with his ration. He almost wanted to poke holes in it for fun, but the older and more bitter aspects of his personality shut that idea down quickly.
“Oh really?” Starscream snarked from across the table, likely thinking about their current affairs. Optimus smiled fondly as he pulled out his favorite tactic to mess with mecha aside from using human tech incorrectly for fun.
“You will not understand… but Primus has learned. He’s setting the pieces right. Soon I expect he will give me the proper setting to do as he desires.” Letting his voice drop an octave, Optimus leaned into the ominousness of his time as the archivist. Starscream was unimpressed and threw a spoon at him.
“Stop talking like you are right out of the fragging Covenant. What are you trying to say?” Ah, Starscream was so refreshing.
“It may not be in this life or the next, but sometime in the near future, there will be no war.” Optimus lost a bit of his jesting attitude as he fiddled further with his ration. So many lives lived in rage and confusion… soon it would all be over. How strange that feeling was.
“Sure Optimus. Keep dreaming and using your emojis.” Starscream rolled his optics and chugged his drink before sauntering over in a familiar demand for intimacy, one which normally began with threats of violence.
“Now are you going to eat that or should I?” Optimus smiled, letting Starscream drape himself over his shoulders like a makeshift cape. Things could be worse.
He just had to wait.
And wait he did, until the time came for him to give his life to open the space bridge back to Cybertron. It was an easy choice to make, and Optimus went with a cheery whistle.
“Almost. My design improves once more.” 
Primus’s voice was more composed than it had been. His intentions seemed clearer, his emotions less out of sorts.
“So you are singular now?” Optimus noted the change in interest. Primus had gone through some changes, and so had he it seemed.
“I have grown, my chosen. Through your optics I have seen, and with your aid, I now know what I must do.”
So it had all been worth it. That was… relieving. The memories of toil and struggle from his first few lives eased dramatically in the back of his mind as Optimus considered. If Primus had things right… then he would soon rest.
“You promised me my loved ones. Will I have them this time?” It was hopeful and presumptuous, but he had to ask.
“Yes. The world is changed once more, and now all is as it should be. Act swiftly, my chosen. For the time to end this great war is upon us.”
Optimus’s spark flared in sheer determination as the first real confirmation of anything he’d had since his mission began. This was his chance then. No more waiting. No more wars. No more long agonizing realities where all he had to do aside from suffer was perish.
“When my work is done, do I have to remember all of this suffering? All the pain I have endured?” Part of him didn’t want to forget the few moments of joy he’d experienced, especially in his time as the archivist and onward. But the rest of him was tired. So very tired. He laughed and joked in recent lives, but that was more to cope.
He was done with all of this.
“No. Once the threat has been averted, I shall take from you the torment you have endured for the sake of my progression.”
At least Primus was kind enough to offer him that much for his service.
“Will I see you again?” He doubted he’d miss the mission or the void, but there was a certain comfort in Primus’s presence. He did not wish to simply cease being at the end of it all. 
“My chosen, I have always been with you. That shall never change.”
Worries he had not known eased into nothing and Optimus found himself calm as the cycle he’d first been forged. Everything was going to be alright now.
“My thirteenth Prime… my chosen champion… go now and complete this great work.”
Primus’s voice washed over him, firm and adoring as the void faded.
“You have served me long enough.”
Wakefulness came in a flash, and it settled quickly. Optimus shot toward the surface, fueled by Primus’s intervention and the Matrix’s power. When he landed, he locked optics with the one mech who mattered most for the sake of his success. Megatron, his eternal foe and rival.
They clashed, but wisdom guided Optimus to victory. As Megatron fell to his knees in defeat, Optimus was quick to pull him up and into a hug. Memory from his current life urged him on, encouraging him to hold his closest companion tight. D-16 was a kind spark, and he did not deserve a life of violence.
“You’ve done enough. I’m sorry I could not stand with you when you needed me most.” The mech in his arms tensed, rage etched onto his features as he pulled away, albeit with reluctance.
“How could you? How could you defend him?!” Megatron shook, gesturing toward where Sentinel’s body lay. Optimus was unphased. He’d seen far worse versions of D-16. He knew that the mech before him still had a chance.
“I was scared for you, Dee. I do not wish to fight you. Please, don’t make me.” The words came easily, emotions of all his lives imbuing his every glyph with honesty. Never once had he wanted war, and that fact had not changed.
“You betrayed me.” Megatron bristled, clutching at his damaged arm. Optimus took the chance to step forward, reaching out with all the kindness he could muster. This mech, his Dee, was just a scared newbuild. He’d been exposed to too much all at once.
He needed rest and support.
Those things Optimus could offer him.
“Perhaps I did… but no others need to suffer because of the sins of our ancestors. Let it end here, with us.” He hesitated a moment, considering if this was going to be the moment he messed it all up. Would he have to live again? Another life in another reality? What would Primus think of him if he failed here? Would he be alone?
A thousand thoughts raged, but ultimately, Optimus found the will to grasp Megatron’s servo firmly, but not so much as to be seen as a threat. It was a symbol of peace, one he hoped his companion saw.
“Let us stand together as one.” More hesitation, this time from Megatron. But as Optimus watched, he saw how those vicious red optics eased into orange, then back to a calm yellow. Silence followed as D-16 considered. Optimus could almost feel the whole world weighing on him as he waited with a baited vent.
Then, blessedly, D-16 squeezed his servo back.
“We will talk.” Sheer joy flooded Optimus’s spark as lives upon lives of relief washed over him. In his excitement, he drew D-16 in for another hug, clutching at him almost desperately. Finally, finally, he was going to be free.
“Thank you.” Releasing his hold after a moment, Optimus smiled as he had not in eons and parted his chassis plating so that the Matrix shone clearly. D-16 regarded him suspiciously until Optimus took the Matrix in his servo and grabbed D-16 with the other. Guiding his brother in arms to grasp the ancient relic, Optimus raised both their arms to the skies, a symbol he hoped conveyed unity.
The masses watched in awe, the High Guard stalling in their attacks. In that brief moment, Optimus sensed confirmation from deep within his being. Locks began to settle into place. Memories dimmed.
“You have done well, my chosen.”
At last, his mission was complete.
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random-fandom1984 · 10 months ago
Can I have some g1 soundwave x reader please😅😅😅😅😅
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Being the only femme Cybertronian on the Ark can be... something. Especially when some of them try hitting on you without getting to know you; quite annoying really, but you keep it pushed down; but some people can tell because of your alt-mode.
You stayed in the Ark because of your job as a medic. Your alt-mode is a heartbeat monitor, which also corresponds with your sparkbeats, which is how some people, very few, can tell what you're feeling.
You made your own little base of operations under an abandoned amusement park. You'd bring in people who were injured and left behind in the ruckus of the battlefield between the two factions. Human or Decepticon.
Whenever it's a human, you'd ask them to promise to not tell your Autobot friends about your place of escape, and they do. But with Decepticons, you make sure that they are knocked out, and you just give them a few amounts of anesthesia because they would break in, destroy the place, kidnap you and hold you for ransom against your friends.
One day, when looking through one of the many aftermaths of a battle, you found a minicon in the rubble, Soundwave's minicon: Frenzy. When you took him back to your base, you realized you've forgotten to stock up on more anesthesia, so now you have to worry with the fact that he might wake up soon as you did the procedure of fix-and-repair.
As you were putting your tools away, he woke up with a fright, and you quickly explained the situation to him, which slightly calmed him down. Key word: Slightly. He was suspicious of you but is slowly diminished as you continued to work on the minor injuries that just need a new paint job and be buffed. The last bit disappeared in an instant when you gave him an Energon Goodie.
When he came by again, to your surprise that he remembered the way here, you gave a tour of the place above, he somehow managed to get the place up and running again; thank Primus that your location was miles away from the nearest civilization.
As time went by, Rumble found out, then Ravage, then Laserbeak. When they come to visit, it would be like as if there was no war, they're having a good time in the amusement park.
Sooner or later, Soundwave got suspicious. Where were his kids minicons going late at night?
Being the best spy he is, he followed them, and was surprised that they were hanging out with an Autobot, weren't fighting like there was a war, stopping a fight between Rumble and Frenzy as calm as possible- and somehow easily get them to make up?! He couldn't do that without them continuing to squabble with each other.
He used his telepathy powers to look into your thoughts to see if you secretly had ill intentions with his sons minicons, but there wasn't any!
When his minicons return back to base, it's an instant interrogation the moment they step foot back in the habsuite: How long has this been going on? How did this happen in the first place? What do she always do with them? The only questions that were about you were answered back with positivity.
Curious, he decided to look more into your file when the Decepticons fight the Autobots near the Ark. When he does, all he finds is all good things.
When it was the next time they decided to visit, he wanted to meet her in person. And so he did, and by Primus were you nervous. You were worried he might blow your helm up. You, Soundwave, and his minicons walked through the park, watching the minicons play games, ride the rides; he began to trust you.
The more you all hang out in private, at your secret location, the more you begin to bond closer together, mainly you and Soundwave; the minicons noticed it as clear as day.
So, being mischievous little ones they are, Rumble and Frenzy decided to stage a lil' something. In private, the minicons would call Soundwave Sire, or dad in human terms. So, when the next time you and they met up, they would unexpectedly drop Carrier, mom, at random times in the night. When they first did it, they'd put on an act like as if they didn't mean to say it and it just slip. You fell for their act, so did Soundwave because it was unexpected.
They see you? An Autobot medic? As a parental figure? I mean, sure, you heal up their injuries, you give them Energon sweets if they be good and behave, calmly deal with their fights, gives them sweet head pats, have the most caring optics he's seen, the most beautiful smile- Oh, scrap! He's in love.
He would lie awake at night, questioning why he found you attractive. For starters, your gently touch that he felt when you repaired him, your smiles seem to shine brighter than any star, and sound from your vocalizer was like a siren's call and he was the sailor that was lured by its enchanting melody, your optics the prettiest shade of blue that rivals with this hunk of rock's sky, have the spirit of a Carrier with his kids- Primus, he was hooked, lined and had sunk deep.
After he came to terms with his newfound emotions, he started noticing something about you. Every single time he was close to you, he'd see the screen of your alt-mode, on your chassis, start getting taller. One time, he danced with you as music played in the park, and he saw that the big spikes became frequent, and a subtle blush would be on your cheek plates that you try to hide with your servo and turning your helm to the side. He found this adorable, so much that he became addicted to having that cute blush on your face.
When back on the Ark, you would get pings from an unknown comm-link number, only to realize it's Soundwave, and he's sending you something. When you are finally alone in your habsuite, you would take a look to see that they were poems; they were so sweet, you reread them, laying on your berth, kicking your feet as you excitedly giggle from how nice, sweet, and adorable they are that they might as well be invitations for Cupid to continue to shoot arrows into your spark, making you fall harder for the Con.
When they spent the night in your secret base, you all had fun doing any activity that comes to mind: pillow/blanket forts, teaching the little ones the steps on how you make your glorious Energon Goodies, etc. The last activity was a horror movie marathon. Every time a jump scare would pop up on the screen, you would hug the closest bot, and it just so happened to be Soundwave. During the horror movie marathon, you, Soundwave, and his kids ended up in a cuddle pile, scared, all but Soundwave, Ravage, and Laserbeak.
They decided to spend the night here before returning to the Decepticon base at the break of dawn. You decided to put the little ones to sleep. He decided to start cleaning up the mess that was made, and when he finished, he came back to you telling the ending of an old Cybertron bedtime story.
To him, it looked so nice and peaceful, and you looked so motherly that he just wanted to confess right there, right now. What sealed the deal was you placing a goodnight kiss on the top of their helms, tucking them to sleep before leaving the room they were occupying, only to be dragged off to somewhere by Soundwave, into the place you slept in from time-to-time.
You wondered what was happening, until Soundwave got on one knee plate, servos holding your own, visor looking up into your optics, glistening as he let out a very poetic, charming, delightful, exquisite of him telling you about his feelings, everything about you that made his spark soar: your voice, your optics, your touch, everything.
He carefully watched the screen on you chassis to see if there was any indication of making you uncomfortable or not. And by the end of his heartfelt confession, he watched the heart monitor didn't make any giant spikes. Oh, no. It made a heart at the center of the monitor as blush covers your entire faceplate.
Part 2 coming soon!
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witchofthesouls · 9 months ago
This might be a weird thing to think about but I wonder what Cybertron’s armed forces were like during the caste era? I think that, it’s culture it’s internal workings etc, are pretty untapped wells of potential.
Transformers, both canon and fanon, gave us so many delicious morsels that I just want to take a stick and beat out more lore!
Especially when taking into consideration of popular tropes and/or personal headcanons to make it work or delve deeper into the implications.
Or even the basics like food across the different iterations since crossovers are getting popular. TFP is focused on a purely liquid diet, whereas G1 managed to get Energon from geothermal or nuclear soueces, and IDW/MTMTE expanded on the different forms of Energon and actual dishes.
It's fascinating because there's so many ways to explore the differences: an evolutionary divergence, adaptation due to lack of resources, an inherent biomechanical quirk of the species of a specific universe, intentional modifications via Quintessons or the High Council...
And that's with just one thing.
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