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keferon · 3 months ago
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That thing when you need five business days just to get inside the mech..
(The size differences in this au are getting progressively more insane lmao)
So. How about we give Rodimus something to do eh? How about that something being the whole sapient spaceship? How about that? ‘,:)
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cosmique-oddity · 4 months ago
INKFORMERS dumping !!
Hey guys, we are no longer in October month aren’t we ? So it means, I….failed to complete the Inktober of transformers on instagram ;_;
But in a bright side I can show you my progress in drawing bots !
Because yeah. The prompt 1 was like….the second time I was drawing a transformers. Or even a mecha.
So I will happily say that I’m very proud of these 8 first days. Even if it’s not a lot….
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Note : the Original characters are not all belonging to me, i borrowed some mechs to my instagram friends hehe (we got a group chat called Transformers Brainrot…..!)
The fourth one, the A.U. is belonging to @keferon the GLORIOUS AU with drift being a cool mythic fox, but I loved the Giant Lost Light’s bond with tiny Rodimus
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springtimeishere · 2 months ago
The last panel is so SWEET !!! 😭💕💕💕
Look at how Roddy’s titan ship looks at him ackvfhhdifjgbdudhdjd 💘💘💘💘
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keferon · 3 months ago
OKAY BUT LIKE it would be so funny if the lost light in the mecha AU was cybertronian by origin cuz- like-
Imagine the others, idk ultra magnus and such talking to this human-piloted-mecha (hotrod) that like "yeah the spaceship is a sentient thing but it doesnt listen to us" AND THEN THE SPACESHIP JUST SUDDENLY LISTENS TO THIS TINY FUCKASS HUMAN?? HUH?? THE ORGANIC?? IS??? CONTROLLING?? OUR?? TITAN??
I have become insane in the span of like 5 minutes after finding out about Lostrod
Roddy: I asked?
Cybertronians: Yeah everyone asked, but why is he actually listens to you??
Roddy, absolutely not knowing any ancient lore: Idk I think he liked my memes or something
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Also I like the idea of Lost light being just as batshit chaotic as Roddy but also really cute if you’re just looking at him. Like. He’d be all “🥺👉👈” and then throw a mountain haha
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keferon · 3 months ago
Lostrod is nightmare for the Quints. Not bc of their size (okay maybe some of it), but bc of their sheer collective chaos. Flamethrowers while messy were at least cleanable, but a ship with quantum engines and who knows what else packed in there (and flamethrowers?) those quints are NOT standing a chance
Quintesson generals: We cannot deduce their strategy. We cannot understand what are they doing?? All titans are usually very predictable bc those Cybertronian cowards are using them as a last reserve. But this one is…wtf is going to on???
Meanwhile Roddy and LL are just fucking around because they saw a HUGE asteroid made of gold and now is trying to catch it. Roddy because he wants to be rich and Lost light because gold is delicious and he’s kinda hungry.
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mysticalcashslimepainter · 2 months ago
#transformers #mecha #prowl #jazz #deadlock #lostrod #lost light #swerve #vortex #drift #blurr #ratchet
The free time,, I’ve finally found it!!! 👏😭 [have some mecha pilot au doodles to celebrate 🎉✨]
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Shoulder rides for everybody!! >XD ✨
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Jazz *picking Prowl up*: [His mech is so light?? Must be the metals or something :0] You’re light as a feather!
Prowl: …I may not know what a feather is,, but I’m sure I could pick you up too. >:|
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My spidey sense is telling me something very crazy is about to happen to them,, and I, for one, am very scared 💀🫶
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keferon · 3 months ago
Titan LL!
Heavens, I love Titan LL.
...You know, since nobody's doing anything, I think I'll try something. Dibs!
Lost Light is named after a day of mourning.
He doesn't feel like it.
Perhaps it was a wish made upon the smallest of the youngest batch of Titans, brought online shortly before fires of revolution blazed across Cybertron and it's domains. For the mourning to be the least in the coming times. Perhaps they succeeded, but joke's on them. Lost Light may have been online through the times of grief, but grief does not touch his spark. It's another element of his surrounding, like floating rocks, clouds of solid something, solar winds, the works.
Well, for a given definition of "online", because, he, his batch and some older Titans were moored in random spots in the system, just away from Cybertron itself.
The new batch was mostly stationed in the shadows of Cybertron, in vain hopes of civil war going away quickly. But sometimes, when the fighting peaked and threatened to reach the moons, they were herded away and over to the system's edge, near the border of termination shock. There were a lot of visible stars here. And Primus, there was nothing more Lost Light liked more than those beautiful, beautiful stars.
The first Titans were sparked to carry their Cybertronian brethren beyond the embrace of their homeworld to the stars and defend them on the way. Not all Titans functioned as deep-space transport nowadays, but that was the original idea behind their frametype. Wayfarers.
And just when Lost Light started to go mad between moorings and itched to stretch his warp drive, because Primus and Unicron conspired to punish him specifically for his hubris, the Quintessons struck.
And Titans of Cybertron, eternal guardians they are, stood as the first line. While the little ones below scrambled around and got their priorities and slag-all in order, they stood. And together they withstood successfully. Neither Cybertron nor any planet in it's system fell to the Quintessons. It was not a clean victory, and Quints broke the lines to land incursions, but the Titans weathered enough that the little ones on the grounds were not overwhelmed. They endured the first of storms.
In the end of the beginning, the home system was safe, the civil war was over, and the Titans under the newly united Cybertronian High Command were partially reassigned to the outer fronts.
Now, Lost Light is a tiny Titan. An unusually tiny Titan by Titan standarts. He heard it was because there was a mix-up of vessels for reforging into Titanframes, and his was made from a late shipment two classes below specification.
His largest configuration houses in theory a thousand crewmembers. He prefers his smallest, which should hold above a dozen, but he does not have even a dozen of a crew anyway. He is still a Titan, and can comfortably rip into one, two, three Quint ships, but he cannot withstand a dozen, and Primus below, Quint ships in outer space come in waves and swarm like the squids they are. Instead, in this war he does he does best of what he does - he runs. He is small, his warp drives and bridge generators are the best among his batchmates, and he is fast. So he runs.
There's no Quint blockade that can stop him. Perhaps his cargo hold is not the largest, but if he is given a delivery, he will deliver it as soon as possible, come Pit or high tides. There's no escort craft that can keep up with him (and let's be honest, they are already understaffed enough that they simply can't find proper escort for his size), so he runs alone. If the Prime himself needs an express delivery, Lost Light is the Titan for the job.
He sees a lot of stars on his runs. He is pretty sure some of them are at least unclaimed, and some may be uncharted at all, so he marks them all on his maps. For later! Once the war ends, the beautiful, beautiful stars are his! He amasses a lot of maps, colors and marks them in the brightest hues his software comes with.
And some little ones even ask after the maps. Not like he hides them or something.
So, when the Prime calls, he comes.
Prime waits for him in the hanger personally. Together with the usual retinue, very much less usual very large pile of maps, boards and documents, a Perceptor hidden behind the pile of stuff (Xanthium talks about her favorite gunner a lot, when they have time to catch up), some twitchy engineer and his frequent passenger of express ferry Head Tactician Prowl.
Who has something very tiny enthusiastically crawling on him. Something so tiny, he has to recalibrate his inner and outer sensors for recordicon contact. His optics were hit in bot mode by rocks larger! Which were sometimes crawling with assorted space crustaceans! Come to think of it, thos crustaceans moved similarly...
And, because he is better at acceleration than braking, first thing Lost Light does is voice this observation.
"Prowl, sir, you've got crabs"
That was a start of a wonderful working relationship. Once they calm the tiny organic down from laughing, that is. It's name is Jazz, and it needs a ride home. Home which is besieged by Quintessons, and likely is near a fortified outpost, if not a starbase.
Strictly speaking, usually Titans are kept apart from organics, because they are usually very small, and tend to rot and fossilize. But since Lost Light is also very small, he got a direct invitation to an organic planet and immediately engaged his internal environmental system to produce enough oxygen. This is a chance of a lifetime!
Which brings him to his current... Problem?
The thing is, Jazz apparently has comrades. They pilot simulacrum frames specialized in Quint killing, which is very much respectable. And Lost Light's alt-mode's hangar bay may be a little tight in this configuration, but still compatible with them.
The issue is, one of those simulacrums which Lost Light got to shelter, a pleasantly painted one (flame patterns are always in vogue! No matter what anybody says!), appears to have broken down. Which made the organic inside very upset. At least he thinks it's upset, he is not very good at reading organics. Those "humans" do have fields, but they are very dull in comparison to Cybertronian ones.
The little organic with great taste is shouting what appears to be obscenities at unresponsive frame and alternates this with begging. Lost Light is floundering in his processor. The organic performs some indecipherable actions towards a fuel line of some sort with a tiny wrench. He's been at it for hours. None of the others from Jazz's makeshift warband returned yet.
This means Lost Light is responsible as the hosting Titan. Lost Light is usually alone. He does not quite know how to host other Cybertronians for prolonged periods of time, let alone organics. He hopes he maintains a nice oxygenated atmosphere.
He cannot watch this anymore. He has to gather all his confidence in his circuits and do something. Like talk to an organic without Prowl or the twitchy engineer (Swear? Swole? Swire? Swalter?) present. And, well, he'll figure how to decelerate later!
"Little one, do you require any assistance? I do have an internal welder somewhere..."
The organic startles, almost falling from it's precarious perch at the simulacrum's locked elbow joint, catches itself in time, and glances around. Then it glances up. And around again.
"I haven't hit my head that hard, yes? Is there someone here?"
"Well, yes? I mean no offence, but you're inside me"
Silence answers him, quickly broken by laughter. He remembers Jazz laughing. It is a similar laugh. He thinks he likes this laugh more.
"Well, I did not expect the ship to be speaking too. I really should not be surprised after this whole month"
At least the organic isn't despairing anymore? Lost Light thinks he can see a smile on it's face if he strains the camera.
"Technically, I'm a Titan. I'm a ship in the same way Deadlock is a,,, what you call small ground vehicle... Car? If I want to, I can be a building."
"Wait, but if you're the ship... How big do you guys come?!"
"Very. Now, little one, do you want my welder or not?"
Another wave of laughter follows.
"I do have a name!"
"You did not introduce myself"
"Cheeky. And yet, you did not introduce yourself either, big ship"
"My designation is Lost Light, and I'm the best Titan Courier this side of the galaxy"
The organic seems to finally locate his internal camera and so it points at it with it tiny wrench. Lost Light thinks it likes it's smile too.
"Well, nice to meet'cha, Lost Light. Name's Hot Rod. Now, about that welder..."
Lost Light rummages in his inventory for his favorite welder, mountable on a cargo manipulator. It is surprisingly elusive.
"I have it, I have it.... somewhere. It's been a long time since I patched up myself."
"...You patch yourself up often?"
"Nowadays not much, I'm a very good runner, and... Aha! There it is!"
Hot Rod look very, very happy to see the welder-wielding cargo manipulator. He is so much smaller than the tiniest little ones he carried. He reminds Lost Light of something that escapes his processor.
"Thanks, big ship. I hate ruptured lines. God knows when Ratch and that Swerve guy will be back"
"I'm not that big, you know. And I'm glad to be of assistance"
Despite pointed critique from the organic called Ratchet later on, Lost Light considers his skills with a welder in his internal cargo manipulator arms to be above average.
Hot Rod thinks so too, and ire of a medic shared is misery halved in Lost Light's books.
And then it hits him.
He reminds Lost Light of those beautiful, beautiful distant stars.
Lost Light prepares a very tiny datapad for a very big map.
...And here it is. I got possessed. Guest-starring my basic knowledge of astrophysics and bad jokes.
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keferon · 3 months ago
Love the thought of little tiny human Roddy just disappears for a bit then comes back one day and everyone is like "hey, wait where were you- What is that." upon seeing the LL follow (even to the other cybertronians that's be a shock bc teeny tiny human man having a titan with him??? What did this guy do????)
Also Lost Light is a lot bigger than I expected, that's a certified Big One
For whatever reason Roddy gets sent/taken to the Quintesson space station/base. Maybe Quintessons try to take him hostage or maybe he’s on a stealth mission idk. The point is, he’s playing Among us in real life and crawling around in their vents because he needs to break free. But to do that he needs to turn their security mechanisms off. And since he doesn’t know how to operate Quintesson computers he decides he just needs to break their power source and it will make all their systems just go bonkers right?
But instead of some kind of reactor or generator he finds out that power lines are hooked up to a spaceship. And that spaceship doesn’t look Quintesson even in the slightest ‘,:)
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keferon · 3 months ago
Something something, mecha au teeny tiny rodimus being the human pilot of the lost light, like how you had jazz eventually piloting prowl. Something about having a bond with and being willingly controlled by a being the size of a flea to you, comparitively, and on the other hand, being the pilot of a mech so absurdly bigger than you and grappling with the fact it just... lets you drive.
Y E S. EXACTLY. Roddy is SO small and fragile and literally unnoticeable compared to Lost light. And yet~ I was thinking about Headmasters way of piloting. Like. Roddy would need to get inside his mech and then hook up his mech to Lost Lights systems.
Also imagine everyone. Humans, Cybertronians, Quintessons, EVERYONE being fucking terrified. Because.
What do you mean there is a titan???
Okay okay maybe it’s not that dangerous. Who is in charge of..WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS RODIMUS?? THE ONE WHO SETS THINGS ON FIRE FOR FUN?? THAT RODIMUS????
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eightexe · 1 year ago
oooh ohohoho so there are other people that thought of this
I also might have a desire to ship Rodimus with his ship ahahahah
Okay but just IMAGINE how cool it would be if Lost Light was actually….like….alive and conscious being?? Like those titans eheheheh
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keferon · 3 months ago
ive been thinking about the LL and Roddy, are we allowed to see them as queer platonic? everytime i see them i just get a feeling. like your not dating but theres smth.
This is actually exactly how I see them. I tag them as lostrod mostly for convenience.
For me it isn't necessarily about kisses of thinking of each other as hot or other classic shipping(ha) stuff. They're a ship and it's captain. A titan and his tiny crew. A giant alien and his lil favorite microbe sized guy. You can ship them, you can think they're friends you can choose the secret third option, I don't mind any of that.
They're just. Special for each other:)
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keferon · 2 months ago
I was checking the mecha tags and saw the "mecha bs th" and i got confused, "bs?? Mecha bullshit?? Why?"
Then i ssw a post with the blurr and swerve tag and it clicked "OH SHIT IT'S BULRR AND SWERVE"
#mecha th - is Mecha thoughts. Its my tag for post with mecha concepts:D
And then the two other letters are for character dynamics
Bs - blurr and swerve, rl - Ratchlock, dr - deadlock and roddy, lr - lostrod, etc
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shishi-neraoiba · 3 months ago
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That thing when you need five business days just to get inside the mech..
(The size differences in this au are getting progressively more insane lmao)
So. How about we give Rodimus something to do eh? How about that something being the whole sapient spaceship? How about that? ‘,:)
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springtimeishere · 3 months ago
Aw sick!! That’s a cool design!! Our guy is going to need glasses to see Rodimus lmao 😂
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That thing when you need five business days just to get inside the mech..
(The size differences in this au are getting progressively more insane lmao)
So. How about we give Rodimus something to do eh? How about that something being the whole sapient spaceship? How about that? ‘,:)
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mysticalcashslimepainter · 2 months ago
#transformers #lost light #rodimus #mecha #lostrod
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That thing when you need five business days just to get inside the mech..
(The size differences in this au are getting progressively more insane lmao)
So. How about we give Rodimus something to do eh? How about that something being the whole sapient spaceship? How about that? ‘,:)
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