#mono talks
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monochromeia · 1 day ago
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hot rod destroys optimus prime 2009 colourized
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tiredlilguy · 1 year ago
i feel like nanami would use sweetheart quite often, but sometimes it's to tease you, other times it's affectionate
but just imagine, you're trying to reach a top shelf in an unconventional way, and he's just watching you from behind (to make sure you don't fall ofc-) and crossing his arms with a sigh, leaning against the counter while saying "really, sweetheart?"
but like in an affectionate way imagine walking out of the closet in a nice outfit because you're both going out, and he walks over to you, reaching for your hand and you SWEAR you can see the stars in his eyes as he's looking at you with full adoration. he moves your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on them "you're beautiful... my sweetheart."
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monochromatictoad · 7 months ago
You know what, I think I know why I like The Torn Knight/Torn Basilisk.
They remind me of the concept of Lords of Shadow.
Hear me out, the Knight was supposed to help the suffering people, but gave into bloodlust, until they no longer had anyone to kill, before cutting themselves in half.
One half creates a new world, bringing forth healing water and life. The people it creates worship it, and praise it for their life, and the life of the world around them. It is everything Holy from the knight, in one being.
The other half, creates a plague. A plague with the only cure being the Healing Water. It's a monster. A shell of its former self. It is everything evil within the knight, in one being.
With the main character from 2000, destroying the Torn Basilisk, and bringing forth their own recreation of life... And their own Basilisk, as stated in the ending cutscene, "The world trembled and shook, shedding its dead skin and embracing the light"
What happened with the shed skin? The husk of what once was? I personally theorize that the land is in a never ending cycle of Self-destruction and Rebirth, thus the character bringing forth rebirth of the land, healing its woes and sorrows, but a basilisk of their own making is just below their skin, waiting for its own birth.
Now, in LoS, the Lords of Shadow are husks, filled with every unholy aspect of the knights they were separated from. These parts could not go into Heaven, so they stayed on Earth, creating their own centuries of destruction and chaos. Until a knight, most holy, was sent to destroy them. However, as his journey continued, he became corrupted by their darkness, since it had nowhere else to go, but him. When he destroys the final demon plaguing the land, known only as The Forgotten One, he recreates the world in a way.
The world is technically more peaceful, given there is only one source of Darkness on its planes, but that source of Darkness far exceeded any other that had walked before it.
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eggwishing · 7 months ago
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a happy ending is out there somewhere
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pokemonranch · 3 months ago
I've got some great news! I've been in contact with one of my friends in Alola, and we have finally done a long-planned trade. Dashy is now officially hers and competing on the Alolan Island Challenge, and we have a new ranch member!
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Everyone say hi to Beau! She's a retired battler and ride 'mon from Poni. She's adjusting very well at the moment with the other team members, I'll update on her soon!
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monochromeia · 24 hours ago
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tiredlilguy · 1 year ago
Soft cowboy!nanami who has you under his arm while you’re both listening to music that’s playing at the saloon-
Ur in the middle of listening to a song when u suddenly feel like standing up and dancing, you invite him to join, but he just gives you a soft smile and shakes his head
U eventually convince him by taking his hat and dancing around with it, making him get up and pull you close to him
“You do understand what it means when a sweet thing like you takes a cowboy’s hat, right?”
and then u smirk and just pull him in for a kiss because the hold that he has on your waist has already pulled u close enough
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monochromatictoad · 6 months ago
Hold up. I'm watching the analysis on the Basilisk games and I noticed something.
In the opening of the SNES version, the land is called Mycenae, and it takes place during 1437 A.D. Now the original Basilisk in this game was killed 100 years before the game took place, so likely 1337. There is a glyph seal on the ground that marks this place. There is also an Obelisk that is warm to the touch and emits a hum. Scratch, the only one to survive the slaughter by being passed over by the knight, mentions a woman that he was "sweet on" once, and then she betrayed him.
Well, I was doing some digging on the name of the kingdom, Mycenae. Well, if my findings are to be correct, it was an acropolis that dates between the 14th - 13th century BCE. The mythology part is what interests me on this though. It's stated that Perseus was the founder of the city, and named it either because his sword scabbard hit the ground, and was considered a good omen, or because he found a water spring by a mushroom.
Both of these are elements of the story, with the 'good ending' showing a sword discarded on the ground, from where the Knight cuts himself in half. But the Healing Water is important in the 2000 version, being the center of what would've been the main quest.
Now I mention the woman earlier, who betrayed Scratch and was later killed by The Knight (which actually makes a theory that Scratch and the Knight are the same entity). The Knight can talk to the ghost of the woman, where she berates him. I have a feeling this is a loose reference to the Trojan War, and the woman is supposed to be Helen, since King Agememnon was the one who led the Greeks to Troy to recapture Helen. Of course, Helen was the wife of Menelaus, who was the king of Sparta at the time, and became despised when she was brought back to Sparta (though I found that there were cults centered around her, so that's neat).
That's all I got for now.
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sad-boy-mono · 1 year ago
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Is that?
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wu-does-art · 7 months ago
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one haunted little boy vs The Flesh Eyes
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littlenightmares2 · 11 months ago
it gets me a little irritated when people act like mono isn't supposed to be an intrinsically compassionate foil to six's character.
every moment of his character in cutscenes with six demonstrates kindness and compassion. his hand is always reaching out to offer comfort and reassurance. when they're separated, despite the fact that he's answering the tower's call, he still goes out of his way to ensure that him and six are reunited and that he is safe again instead of continuing to push forth to the pale city.
the only aggression he shows is towards entities that are hostile to himself. he does what he has to do to survive, which is something that him and six do have in common. but him smashing the bullies open or lighting the doctor on fire doesn't negate the fact that he is being portrayed as a child who is inherently more tender-hearted and trusting than the girl he's travelling with.
mono is afraid of being alone. by the time we pick up six's story again within the maw, we can see that she has become adept at being alone. they're stark opposites.
even the simple theory of shapes in character design tells us so much about the two of them. mono's shape is square. this indicates to us that he is strong, sturdy, reliable, and supportive. six's shape is triangular. triangles signify that a character is cunning, sneaky and dangerous. (sometimes it is used to indicate that a character is 'evil,' but we know all too well as a fandom that using that term to describe six is doing her a complete disservice and shows a deep misunderstanding of her character.)
all this to say that it's upsetting that people see the need to try and make mono out to be more edgy than he actually is, often just in retaliation against the misunderstandings people have about six's nature. this series is very open to interpretation, so it's fair enough if you personally believe him to have a darker side. but it's my personal belief that isn't the correct portrayal of his character and there's very little evidence of that being the case within the series.
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luoisalunitic · 6 months ago
when you’re too fucking similar to a character that you don’t know if
A. You’re just projecting their personality onto yourself
B. The creators have fucking cameras on you
or C. It’s just your mind playing tricks
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arisveah · 1 month ago
i think theres a lot to be said abt six and monos differing backgrounds. its what makes six seem like such a monster to the vast majority of the fandom, and i dont agree.
explanation under cut
mono is a kid of neglect. wherever he's from, he knows not to depend on adults. but he also knows that other kids will help him, and that the more hands they have, the easier it is to survive. hes hopeful, because he's only ever lost a group once, and hes not come to terms with that.
six, however, is a child of abuse. shes from what is essentially a group home, and shes seen what happens to kids that get too confident. the pretender was not an adult- but she was a monster.
six understands that kids will do anything for praise and acceptance, and shes tried her hand at butting in on other peoples fights. it didnt help the girl in the yellow raincoat, and its never mattered before. she escaped the nest in the wake of anothers sacrifice: she will not be the next to take the fall.
and then, shes captured by the hunter. hes killed his family, and stuffed them into what looks like perfection. and its not garantiert, but its heavily implied that she would match their fate if mono hadnt broken in. that could have inspired her to reach out, but then she's dragged on HIS quest and almost dies, really truly dies, along the way. he saves her because thats what he thinks is right, but all six feels is that things have gotten worse. at least with the hunter, she could rest. she grows bitter.
some kids dont want to be saved. the way the system is, the best option is to just grow up sometimes. she needs out. she goes back to what she knows.
on the maw, violence is evident. there's bloody hand prints, cages, and so. many. kids. they're getting older. they're being consumed, sold, lusted for. gluttony. its so much worse than it was, with mono, but it's familiar. she turns her head, and sees evidence of those who came before her. the babies are cared for, but the older you get, the less charm you have. and sometimes, the best option is to just grow up. she doesn't- can't see another option. its her, or its the kids who come after her. she will not be the next to take the fall.
tldr: six isnt evil, shes abused and terrified of repeating the failures before her. terrified of something unpredictable.
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majosullivan · 8 months ago
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Thinking about how Mono was in the middle of telling Galoo she wouldn’t mind if she stayed the night, only for Worm to swim directly into her and the two of them needing to rush off to everything that’s happening with the flyfin and boys. Like can you imagine something like that happening to you on a date?
[read more]
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viridian-e · 2 years ago
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Nobody understands Six Little Nightmares the way I do.
Everyone says she’s a villain and a horrible person but she’s actually just a kid who has severe trust issues and is trying to survive. Some of her choices are questionable but that’s because of these very reasons.
Like people will say that she used Mono but that literally isn’t true. They were friends. There are multiple times when she goes back for him or gets worried whenever he dies. From her perspective, he betrayed her, thus losing her trust, and given the world they live in why would she take any chances. Essentially, what she did was wrong but I understand why she did it. Six isn’t a villain she’s just completely morally neutral, making her seem evil. Also her carnivorous tendencies are obviously something beyond her control.
I am the #1 Six defender. If six has 100 fans I am all of them and if she has zero then I am deceased.
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thatiwouldbe · 13 hours ago
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RM | mono. (2018)
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