C:LoS Agere
86 posts
Mono. 26, Virgo, AroAce, All Pronouns and Neopronouns. Completely SFW, no NSFW on this page!
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toadagere · 27 days ago
Dragon agere Gabriel, nabbing every shiny thing he can find, until Victor had to barter with him and gives him a jewel themed chewy, and a couple of little "Dragon Snacks" (Hard candies and Jerky)
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toadagere · 27 days ago
When Gabriel regresses, he gets more emotional, being a very sensitive little. You cannot raise your voice at him, he will cry.
When Marie regresses, she tends to be a very playful, outgoing little, and she loves to play games with Gabriel.
When Trevor regresses, he tends to be on an older side, but not much older than 10, and he gets a bit rough when he puppy regresses.
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toadagere · 2 months ago
9 year old regressor Laura, with 5 year old regressor Isaac, with 1 year old regressor Gabriel.
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toadagere · 3 months ago
Stares at Isaac
What if I just- Goes to sprinkle baby powder, but trips over myself and dumps it on it
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toadagere · 3 months ago
"Party Goers are Dangerous entities and will kill you in an instant-!"
But what if they were Josephine's caregivers when lir is in little space? Huh? What then? What if they protect and caregive because the Backrooms loves Josephine, and they are connected to the Backrooms, so they also love lir too?
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toadagere · 3 months ago
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toadagere · 4 months ago
Gabriel started regressing when he became Dracul. He didn't have a word or understanding what was happening to him, but the Castle found it easy to demonstrate its love to him more by protecting him when he was in this state. It made a room just for him to stay in when regressed, but it itself was not an ideal caregiver, using this opportunity to manipulate and feed off of its Prince easier.
Unfortunately for Dracul, these moments were completely involuntary.
However, he was with the Toymaker once when he regressed, and the Toymaker was more than happy to take care of him. The Toymaker was excited to have an audience for his puppet shows, and have someone test the toys he made.
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toadagere · 4 months ago
More Gabriel and Trevor agere fluff, with some mentions of Mama Marie in here too. I guess warning for accidents, but it's nothing detailed.
Trevor knew that his father had been putting off regression for close to two weeks now, the longest his father had gone without regressing voluntarily. Everyone in the home has been worried about the elder vampire, being an unpredictable force to begin with. Trevor even insisted that his father should take the day off and spend the day with Victor or Marie, but Gabriel was stubborn and insisted that he was fine and just wasn't feeling the pull to regression.
Marie packed a regression bag regardless. It was a simple red bag with a dragon on it. Inside it was everything that Trevor might need if his father regressed while they were in the office: diapers, a pacifier, sippy cups, some coloring books, a teether, rattle, and his favorite plush dragon. Trevor was very thankful for his mother's foresight, watching how his father had just been staring down at the papers in front of him without actually reading them.
"Father? You feeling ok?" Trevor asks softly, as to not startle Gabriel. Gabriel nodded, trying to refocus after having been caught. Trevor frowned, but didn't fight his father on this. The more he pushed, the more Gabriel would refuse. Trevor just had to be patient. Nodding, he turned back to his computer, focusing back on his task.
About an hour later, Trevor heard a sniffle. Looking up, he notices his father had his face buried in his arms, which were crossed on the desk.
"Father?" Trevor stood up and walked over to Gabriel, "are you okay? Do you need your pacifier?" Gabriel looked up at Trevor and nodded.
Trevor only smiled softly at his father and grabbed the little bag. Taking out the pacifier, decorated with little crystals and charms that Trevor and Marie had helped Gabriel with, he gently pressed it against his father's lips, and he happily took it, sucking on it gently. Trevor took in the state of his father. The man's eyes were sunken and glossy, unable to focus on anything. He sniffles and rubs his face, upset with something, but not having the ability to voice it. Trevor went back to the bag and took out the stuffed dragon, Puff. It was weighted with beans and currently scented with chamomile, allowing it to help Gabriel relax when it was heated up. Trevor couldn't heat it up at that moment, but he still offered it to his father just in case.
Sure enough, Gabriel took the plush with a small sniffle, clutching it close to his chest. Trevor smiled softly, as to not upset the baby minded vampire, and brought out a thick blanket from the closet inside the office and laid it down on the ground. Once the blanket was in place, he scooped up Gabriel from the chair and laid him down on it.
Cooing softly at his father, he was quick in putting a diaper and getting more comfortable clothes on him. It was a little onesie that had cartoon dragons on it, that Trevor attached a clip to keep the pacifier in place. The baby vampire looked up at Trevor, eyes wide and innocent, before giggling at him. Trevor couldn't resist when his father was in this state, and gently glided his claws on Gabriel's sides, making the vampire squirm and laugh happily.
It was nice... It was almost like he had Simon with him again...
Trevor smiled fondly and sat Gabriel back up, and went back to the bag. As he went to pull out some toys, he paused. There were coloring books, the teether, and the rattle. Simple toys yes, but only appropriate for certain age ranges.
"Hey, little dragon," Trevor called, making Gabriel look up at him, "do you think you can show Bubba how old you are?" Gabriel stared blankly at him. A stare that he recognized from a toddler. Gabriel looked down at his hands, before holding up two fingers.
"Only two? Oh, I have a wee one, don't I?" Trevor chuckles, grabbing the rattle and teether. There were some supplies in the closet, like larger toys and more blankets and pillows, but Trevor didn't want to overwhelm the little vampire. He wanted his father to have fun, not shut down completely. Though the sounds from the humans just outside the door probably weren't helping Gabriel slip fully into that mindset.
With a wave of his hand, the room fell silent. Trevor noticed an immediate change in Gabriel's body language, watching as the leftover tension left his body. Trevor smiled fondly as he watched the baby vampire shake the rattle, focusing on it like it was the most interesting thing ever to him. Trevor sat behind him, holding a brush in his hand, and gently started brushing Gabriel's hair. Something about this simple act made the vampiric instincts inside him content. He remembered his father saying that grooming was important to bonding in a vampire colony, and he recalled his father and Laura, late in the afternoon, brushing and taking care of each other's hair. Trevor figured it was the animal instincts inside Vampires.
Wolves, rats, and bats; all species had heavy emphasis on grooming to build bonds with their groups. It made sense for Vampires to follow suit. He felt his father relax into him, as Gabriel continued to shake the rattle, cooing at the noise it makes.
"Having fun there, wee one?" Trevor asks with a chuckle. Gabriel giggled and squealed, shaking the rattle more vigorously. Trevor couldn't contain his laughter, before he leaned down and blew a raspberry on Gabriel's neck. This earned him another squeal and Gabriel kicked his feet out. Trevor chuckled and brought his father back against his chest. Gabriel continued to babble and shake the rattle, with Trevor nodding in faux agreement, playing with the baby minded vampire.
Trevor didn't know how long he had sat there, playing with his father. He had pulled out a couple more toys for him, one being a bead maze and the other being a shape sorter. Trevor felt nostalgic, remember the days when he and Sypha would play with Simon. A wave of bittersweet, homesickness swept over the vampire, making him yearn for his late wife and son, and the friends and life he had before arrogantly trying to destroy his father.
A yawn brought him out of his thoughts, as he felt a heavy weight press against his chest. Looking down, he smiles as Gabriel holds Puff close between them, and tiredly shakes the rattle more.
"Oh, does my wee one need a nap?" Trevor asks, before yawning too, "Bubba needs one too." Gabriel nods and rubs one of his eyes with his fist, making Trevor melt at how adorable his father was in this mindspace. Laying his father on the blanket on the floor, Trevor packs the regression bag back up, before picking his father up. Gabriel grumbles some, before cuddling into his bubba's neck, dozing in and out of sleep as Trevor carries him up to the penthouse above the offices.
Using his powers, he opened the door without disturbing the half asleep vampire in his arms. Alucard carefully took his father up to the bedroom and gently laid him down on the bed. He leaned down, kissing his forehead and covered Gabriel up with the blankets. Trevor smiles and pets his father's hair, before heading to the bathroom to change into his own night clothes, which is a simple pair of fleece pants. Though as he was heading back into the room, he heard his father whine.
Trevor was quick to run back over to Gabriel, picking him up and bouncing him in his arms to soothe him.
"Shhh... Shhh... Bubba's here," Trevor coos. That's when he felt the wet spot on the onesie. Ah, that's what the problem was. With a soft coo, he took the vampire over to the changing table. It was quick work changing the little vampire's diaper and onesie, though Trevor paused to give his father little raspberries on his stomach, making those sad tears into happy tears.
Scooping Gabriel back up into his arms, Trevor bounced him gently back over to the bed. From there, he tucked Gabriel in and formed a nest with the pillows and blankets in the room. Once satisfied with his work, he crawls in beside his father and holds him close, purring and trilling and kneading the blankets. He gave one more little kiss to Gabriel's forehead, before falling asleep beside him.
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toadagere · 4 months ago
Is there anyone in the Castlevania Lords of Shadow niche who's interested in Agere?
Like, anyone at all?
I just want someone to talk to about it with 😔
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toadagere · 4 months ago
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this is how it feels when ur in a fandom that's relatively big and has been around for a while but there's barely any agere content
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toadagere · 4 months ago
Nursery/Daycare idea:
A growth-chart style graphic for Littles next to the door of the nursery that functions similar to a clip-chart so that Caregivers don't need to use cues from their Little to figure out how old they feel and so that Littles don't need to pick a hard number, but instead it's more organized by "height" (more like baby, toddler, preschooler, elementary school, middle school, middle and adult).
And then if you have two Littles you can have multiple clips and kiddos and move them around to keep track. This could also be helpful if you're a flip or are working with another flip!
Here's how I envision it looking :D
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Original image from
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toadagere · 4 months ago
More Gabriel and Trevor agere fluff, with some mentions of Mama Marie in here too. I guess warning for accidents, but it's nothing detailed.
Trevor knew that his father had been putting off regression for close to two weeks now, the longest his father had gone without regressing voluntarily. Everyone in the home has been worried about the elder vampire, being an unpredictable force to begin with. Trevor even insisted that his father should take the day off and spend the day with Victor or Marie, but Gabriel was stubborn and insisted that he was fine and just wasn't feeling the pull to regression.
Marie packed a regression bag regardless. It was a simple red bag with a dragon on it. Inside it was everything that Trevor might need if his father regressed while they were in the office: diapers, a pacifier, sippy cups, some coloring books, a teether, rattle, and his favorite plush dragon. Trevor was very thankful for his mother's foresight, watching how his father had just been staring down at the papers in front of him without actually reading them.
"Father? You feeling ok?" Trevor asks softly, as to not startle Gabriel. Gabriel nodded, trying to refocus after having been caught. Trevor frowned, but didn't fight his father on this. The more he pushed, the more Gabriel would refuse. Trevor just had to be patient. Nodding, he turned back to his computer, focusing back on his task.
About an hour later, Trevor heard a sniffle. Looking up, he notices his father had his face buried in his arms, which were crossed on the desk.
"Father?" Trevor stood up and walked over to Gabriel, "are you okay? Do you need your pacifier?" Gabriel looked up at Trevor and nodded.
Trevor only smiled softly at his father and grabbed the little bag. Taking out the pacifier, decorated with little crystals and charms that Trevor and Marie had helped Gabriel with, he gently pressed it against his father's lips, and he happily took it, sucking on it gently. Trevor took in the state of his father. The man's eyes were sunken and glossy, unable to focus on anything. He sniffles and rubs his face, upset with something, but not having the ability to voice it. Trevor went back to the bag and took out the stuffed dragon, Puff. It was weighted with beans and currently scented with chamomile, allowing it to help Gabriel relax when it was heated up. Trevor couldn't heat it up at that moment, but he still offered it to his father just in case.
Sure enough, Gabriel took the plush with a small sniffle, clutching it close to his chest. Trevor smiled softly, as to not upset the baby minded vampire, and brought out a thick blanket from the closet inside the office and laid it down on the ground. Once the blanket was in place, he scooped up Gabriel from the chair and laid him down on it.
Cooing softly at his father, he was quick in putting a diaper and getting more comfortable clothes on him. It was a little onesie that had cartoon dragons on it, that Trevor attached a clip to keep the pacifier in place. The baby vampire looked up at Trevor, eyes wide and innocent, before giggling at him. Trevor couldn't resist when his father was in this state, and gently glided his claws on Gabriel's sides, making the vampire squirm and laugh happily.
It was nice... It was almost like he had Simon with him again...
Trevor smiled fondly and sat Gabriel back up, and went back to the bag. As he went to pull out some toys, he paused. There were coloring books, the teether, and the rattle. Simple toys yes, but only appropriate for certain age ranges.
"Hey, little dragon," Trevor called, making Gabriel look up at him, "do you think you can show Bubba how old you are?" Gabriel stared blankly at him. A stare that he recognized from a toddler. Gabriel looked down at his hands, before holding up two fingers.
"Only two? Oh, I have a wee one, don't I?" Trevor chuckles, grabbing the rattle and teether. There were some supplies in the closet, like larger toys and more blankets and pillows, but Trevor didn't want to overwhelm the little vampire. He wanted his father to have fun, not shut down completely. Though the sounds from the humans just outside the door probably weren't helping Gabriel slip fully into that mindset.
With a wave of his hand, the room fell silent. Trevor noticed an immediate change in Gabriel's body language, watching as the leftover tension left his body. Trevor smiled fondly as he watched the baby vampire shake the rattle, focusing on it like it was the most interesting thing ever to him. Trevor sat behind him, holding a brush in his hand, and gently started brushing Gabriel's hair. Something about this simple act made the vampiric instincts inside him content. He remembered his father saying that grooming was important to bonding in a vampire colony, and he recalled his father and Laura, late in the afternoon, brushing and taking care of each other's hair. Trevor figured it was the animal instincts inside Vampires.
Wolves, rats, and bats; all species had heavy emphasis on grooming to build bonds with their groups. It made sense for Vampires to follow suit. He felt his father relax into him, as Gabriel continued to shake the rattle, cooing at the noise it makes.
"Having fun there, wee one?" Trevor asks with a chuckle. Gabriel giggled and squealed, shaking the rattle more vigorously. Trevor couldn't contain his laughter, before he leaned down and blew a raspberry on Gabriel's neck. This earned him another squeal and Gabriel kicked his feet out. Trevor chuckled and brought his father back against his chest. Gabriel continued to babble and shake the rattle, with Trevor nodding in faux agreement, playing with the baby minded vampire.
Trevor didn't know how long he had sat there, playing with his father. He had pulled out a couple more toys for him, one being a bead maze and the other being a shape sorter. Trevor felt nostalgic, remember the days when he and Sypha would play with Simon. A wave of bittersweet, homesickness swept over the vampire, making him yearn for his late wife and son, and the friends and life he had before arrogantly trying to destroy his father.
A yawn brought him out of his thoughts, as he felt a heavy weight press against his chest. Looking down, he smiles as Gabriel holds Puff close between them, and tiredly shakes the rattle more.
"Oh, does my wee one need a nap?" Trevor asks, before yawning too, "Bubba needs one too." Gabriel nods and rubs one of his eyes with his fist, making Trevor melt at how adorable his father was in this mindspace. Laying his father on the blanket on the floor, Trevor packs the regression bag back up, before picking his father up. Gabriel grumbles some, before cuddling into his bubba's neck, dozing in and out of sleep as Trevor carries him up to the penthouse above the offices.
Using his powers, he opened the door without disturbing the half asleep vampire in his arms. Alucard carefully took his father up to the bedroom and gently laid him down on the bed. He leaned down, kissing his forehead and covered Gabriel up with the blankets. Trevor smiles and pets his father's hair, before heading to the bathroom to change into his own night clothes, which is a simple pair of fleece pants. Though as he was heading back into the room, he heard his father whine.
Trevor was quick to run back over to Gabriel, picking him up and bouncing him in his arms to soothe him.
"Shhh... Shhh... Bubba's here," Trevor coos. That's when he felt the wet spot on the onesie. Ah, that's what the problem was. With a soft coo, he took the vampire over to the changing table. It was quick work changing the little vampire's diaper and onesie, though Trevor paused to give his father little raspberries on his stomach, making those sad tears into happy tears.
Scooping Gabriel back up into his arms, Trevor bounced him gently back over to the bed. From there, he tucked Gabriel in and formed a nest with the pillows and blankets in the room. Once satisfied with his work, he crawls in beside his father and holds him close, purring and trilling and kneading the blankets. He gave one more little kiss to Gabriel's forehead, before falling asleep beside him.
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toadagere · 4 months ago
[🗣️] Shoutout . . .
Shoutout to my Exhausted Littles and Caregivers.
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to the little ones who didn't get out of bed today.
To the Caregivers who haven't had the energy to care-give!
To the Caregivers/Littles who barely ate or are only now getting something. Im proud of you
To the littles who don't have the energy to regress
To the Caregivers who Simply Existed today
To the littles who are trying their bests.
To the caregivers doing the best they can.
I see you, and i'm proud of you. Its okay to have off days, Its okay to have unproductive weeks. You'll get back into it in no time, just rest for now, take care of yourselves. - Syris <3
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toadagere · 4 months ago
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𝐓𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬.. ˚🍼˚.🍓🧸
₊˚⊹ᰔ Your meltdowns do not make you scary.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Your coping in meltdowns arnt weird.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Your meltdowns do not make you dangerous.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Your meltdowns do not not make you unlovable.
₊˚⊹ᰔ You are deserving of love.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Just because they don’t understand doesn’t make what they’re saying true.
₊˚⊹ᰔ What people say don’t define you.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Sometimes meltdowns are necessary to self regulate, and that’s okay.
₊˚⊹ᰔ Meltdowns are not embarrassing or shameful.
₊˚⊹ᰔ You are deserving of support during your meltdowns.
₊˚⊹ᰔ It’s okay to take time to heal
₊˚⊹ᰔ I see you little one, and it’s going to be okay in the end.
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ʚ🌱₊˚Always make sure you are safe 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
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toadagere · 4 months ago
Hey little one!
Oh, you had a bad day? I'm really sorry to hear that.
There's no need to apologize, sweetheart. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be upset, just let it all out.
You wanna hug baba? That's right, it's okay.
Look, baba got your favorite plushie! Let's hug them too, as tight as we can, yeah?
Do you want baba to put more pressure on your body? Wrap you up tight in my arms?
You don't have to be sorry, it's okay. I love you. I love you so much.
Thank you for trusting me. I'll hold you till you feel better.
I'm not going anywhere, I'm here for you.
Baba is always going to be here for you, darling.
You're so lovable. You're worth the world. You're my world, little one.
I'm here with you. Yes, and with plushie.
Oh, was that a giggle? No? It's okay, you can giggle and still be sad. You can giggle and still cry. Feelings are complicated. But we got this.
You got this. And I got you.
You're so brave. I'm proud of you. Dealing with all those big feelings.
Baba is so proud!
.゚。.・.*.゚☆❗only interact if your blog is SFW❗☆ ゚.*.・. 。゚.
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toadagere · 4 months ago
^ྀི tummy time with an infant regressor, placing soft toys and crinkle books for the baby to grab, having their pacifier or plush rattle close by just in case, having a little mobile along with the play gym to keep the tiny one engaged. ^ྀི
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toadagere · 5 months ago
🍁 Autumn Worksheets 🍁
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Divider: 🍂
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