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monochromatictoad · 2 days ago
🎲 Gabriel/Marie 🥺
42. A clumsy kiss (Them but babbies 🥺)
As soon as his lessons were over, Gabriel ran out into the mountains. He was on a quest to go meet his friend out there, and he wouldn't miss it for the world.
He ran in the woods, running trails known only to him and his best friend, his boots splashing in the streams. Gabriel knew these woods, he was raised under the careful guidance of these mountains, and the spot he was heading towards was not on any of the Brotherhood maps. It was his and his friend's secret spot.
Speaking of which, he stopped once he made it to the glade. There was a little brook bubbling through it, with a few skinny trees doting the landscape. He startled a few rabbits back to their warrens as he went to sit in their usual spot. His was a tree stump, whilst his friend sat on a smooth stone, worn away with time. However, his friend.... Wasn't here yet.
Gabriel didn't get a chance to look though, as small hands covered his eyes.
"Guess who!" Marie's voice chimed in the glade.
"Could it be.... Sister Gertrude?" He replied, laughing at her little prank.
"Not even close!" Marie squealed as she uncovered his eyes. Gabriel couldn't help but laugh at her antics, as she sat down and her gown poofed around her dramatically. He never could stop smiling around her. But he was here for another reason.
He rummaged through the pouch on his hip, and found a note. The note was given to him by Marie's brother, Joshua, and it read for him to meet her here once his chores studies were over.
Her brown eyes lit up at the sight of the note, "So he did give it to you!" She nodded her approval.
Gabriel tilted his head, "yes, but what did you need to talk to me about that was this important?"
She jumped up from her spot, "that's because I had a question for you, Mister Belmont!" She drew out the "mister" part, and Gabriel lifted an eyebrow at her. "I wanted to know if you've ever kissed anyone!"
"No! Of course I haven't!" He was taken aback by her question.
"Well," she stated, "I haven't either... But have you ever thought about it?"
Gabriel had thought about it. He thought a lot about it, especially with the girl in front of him. But that wasn't allowed. Kissing was saved for marriage.
"I see that look in your eyes! You definitely have! I wonder who the lucky lady is!" She laughed. The squire blushed and looked away from her.
But she didn't let that happen, as she stepped closer to him and placed her hands on his face. Her hands were soft, though some callouses were forming from learning the ways of a seamstress like her mother.
"Well, it wouldn't do if you didn't know, at least a little of what you're doing!" She chuckled, her smile never leaving.
"Marie, what are you on about?" Gabriel stuttered out. His face was hot in her hands, but it was clear that she was on a mission.
"I saw Joshua and Florina kissing behind the pig shed yesterday, and I'm curious. Aren't you just a little bit curious?" She asked. Gabriel was surprised that Florina would kiss Joshua, especially considering her parents owned the tavern.
But he didn't want to think about them at this moment. It was a sin to do this.... But Marie was right there and he was pretty curious. So he nodded.
She smiled and pressed forward and he leaned down a little.
Their lips didn't quite connect how he envisioned them to. Their noses bumped and their teeth clanked, it was more of a chaste press than anything he had ever seen with the knights of the Brotherhood and their lovers. They both pulled away, blinking at each other, before laughing together. It was perfect to them.
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monochromaticwriting · 1 month ago
The Gabriel/Marie/Maycella fic that won the poll 🩷
Gabriel was lounging on the massive bed Maycella had managed to convince him they needed. He couldn't do much at that moment, with Richard having decided that his father's chest is the best bed for his nap, so he lounged and flipped through the channels on the "TV". There were so many options and it was quite overwhelming to him. He paused on his search, looking down at the toddler on his chest. He couldn't resist pressing a small kiss on his forehead.
A sound coming from the livingroom pulled his attention, making him sit up, and place his clawed hands on the back of Richard's little head and body. He quietly stepped off the bed, his vampiric nature allowing him to walk without sound, despite his bigger build. Pressing his ear against the door, two familiar voices filled his ears. One was monotone, with a southern drawl, that belonged to his beloved Maycella. The other was accented similar to his, that belonged to his beloved Marie.
With a sigh of relief, he opened the door with his powers, as to not take his hands off his son, and stepped out of the room. Sure enough, Marie and May were taking off their many layers of jackets and outdoor wear, having just gotten home from the bookstore. Gabriel couldn't help but smile at his spouses, coming over to greet them with a kiss, that was quickly returned by both. May and Marie also made sure to plant a little kiss on the sleeping toddler's forehead.
Gabriel watched as Marie and May both made their way to the shower, to warm up and change into lounge wear. While they did that, Gabriel wrapped Richard up in a sling, and tied him to his chest, before heading to the oven to dish out some stew he made earlier. Sure, he didn't need to consume anything but blood anymore, but his beloveds and youngest son still needed food, and since he didn't leave the home often, it only made sense that he took care of the home while they were out at the Bookstore.
He heard the shower stop by the time he set the table up for them. Their footsteps were soft, covered by wool socks that he made them, as they stepped out of the bathroom and down to the dining room. They both thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, before sitting and enjoying the warmth from the stew. The evening was filled with warmth, love, and stew.
Richard woke up, a little fussy at first, but very excited once he saw his momma and ren, squirming for them. His little fists raised up in the air for them, to which Marie picked him up first, kissing his little forehead and cooing at the two year old, while May and Gabriel set to work setting up some of his toys in the living room. Soon, he whined and reached for May, who happily took him in their arms, and cooed at him.
The rest of the day was spent playing games with the toddler and loving on each other. As the moon rose high in the sky, so did Richard's little fists to his face as he rubbed his eyes. He slowed down and reached up, begging for May to pick him up and rock him, which they did gladly. They took him to the bedroom, itself being pretty tired from the events of the day, leaving Marie and Gabriel to straighten up the living room.
Once done straightening up the room, they were quick to join May in the bedroom, as it laid Richard down in the crib close to the bed. Gabriel laid in the bed first, with his arms open, as Marie curled into his left side, and May into his right side, as they curled under the quilts. Marie and May fell asleep soundly, as Gabriel stayed awake. He didn't sleep much to begin with, but he didn't mind being a bed for his loves. And if he slipped into the realm of dreams while watching them sleep? Only those in the room had to know.
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toadagere · 1 year ago
I see a lot of people on here who have F/O caregivers, but I don't really see that many with F/O age regressors!
So, allow me to gush for a minute.
Gabriel is really cute when he's regressed, mostly because he's just a little bitty baby. He'll waddle after me like a little duckling, and I hold his hand because he gets lost easily. He doesn't like to be alone, especially when regressed, so he always has one of his caregivers with him.
Trevor and Gabriel are also adorable when they regress together! Trevor will be babbling about a toy to Gabriel, and little Gabriel will just suck on his pacifier and watch in child-like wonder. They also get excited for sweets and love to help Marie and I make them!
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monochromatictoad · 9 months ago
Drake and I had a classical ceremony in my Tomodachi Life, surrounded by loved ones, and have a large family together.
Gabriel, Marie, and I are still planning a day for our wedding. Possibly for when I can move into my own place, so we can have a pseudo proper ceremony.
Usiel and I are also planning a ceremony, but we both know it will be awhile before we can do ours.
Are you married to any of your F/Os or do you plan on marrying any of them? And if so how do yall plan on having the wedding? Is it just gonna be a proposal and yall spending the rest of the day how you'd like? Or is it going to be a more classical ceremony?
Maybe there's something conflicting yall from getting legally married so yall have some mock wedding in a flower field that is still just as important?
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monochromatictoad · 3 months ago
Marie resting in bed, with Dracul on top of her, asleep. Her fingers go through his hair, and he gently squeezes her as he stretches some, before releasing his grip and cuddling further into her chest, purring in his sleep.
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monochromaticwriting · 3 months ago
Hi, just something small and soft for my Selfship with Gabriel and Marie 🩷 Basically, Gabriel meeting the newest member of the family, his son Richard.
Dracul was in awe of the little being in his arms. The babe was resting peacefully, swaddled in a blanket of Marie's creation. Speaking of whom, he glanced up at his spouses. Maycella was asleep on the hospital bed, with Marie resting beside her in a chair, Alucard and Laura had left to get some food for the colony, which left Dracul resting in the chair by the bassinet.
Looking back down, he studied the face of the baby in his hands. His skin was pale, but there was a little bit of dark peach fuzz on the top of his head, but he was unmistakably Dracul's and May's.
"Such a fragile little creature," Dracul spoke softly, his finger coming up and rubbing the babe's cheek with his knuckle. The infant's head was so small in his hand. He couldn't help but become immediately fond and attached to him.
Soon enough, he felt Richard squirming in his arms, before his red eyes met the infant's. This earned him a little gummy smile from Richard, and made Dracul's heart clench.
"Hello little one," his voice was soft, as to not startle the babe, nor wake up Marie and May. Richard squirmed more, wiggling in his swaddle. Dracul gently rocked him, making a soft trill at his son. That seemed to do the trick, as Richard fell back to sleep pretty quickly, allowing Dracul to swaddle the blanket back around him.
Dracul sighed, setting Richard back into the bassinet. He couldn't keep his eyes off the baby.
Richard was his. Was his, Marie's, and May's. This little one was Alucard's and Laura's little brother.
He helped make this innocent little creature.
Dracul had trouble processing that thought. He helped create such an innocent, vulnerable being.
Gently, he leaned over the bassinet, placing a soft kiss on Richard's forehead. Right there, he made a vow.
A vow to protect this tiny being with his life, and to give him everything Dracul never had when he was growing up.
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toadagere · 8 months ago
Marie Belmont Caregiver Board!
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monochromatictoad · 2 months ago
Oooh!! Could I get one for my wife Marie? 🩷
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Deru's Ice Cream Truck (F/O Reblog Game)
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Reblog this with one of your F/O and I'll give them an ice cream to enjoy~
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year ago
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Mari hardly ever cried. Huh.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months ago
I'M UP! I'm UP!!!!
I am requesting Demon Neil, because I must, but if you get too many of them, I am requesting his feathered counterpart instead <3
-- @quiescentdestiny
WIP Wednesday (10/16) | Demon Neil AU (Part 5)
After a bit of back and forth, Andrew decided to make chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. He's just finished making a stack of them and is piling on the syrup and whipped cream. Partly because he likes them that way and partly because Neil said he didn't. Andrew likes being contrary and annoying, even to the nefarious entity in his mind.
Neil scoffs. "I'm not nefarious."
"No?" Andrew raises a brow, though he thinks Neil can't see it. "You're a demon, isn't nefariousness a requirement?"
"Not that I know of. I told you, I'm a real sweetheart. I've never hurt a human in my life and I don't plan to start with my host." Neil sighs. "Even if you're making me eat pancakes with chocolate in them. You're the nefarious one here, I'm afraid."
Andrew loads up a forkful of pancakes and feels Neil grimace. "Do not ruin my favorite breakfast for me, Neil. I'll put more sugar on them."
Neil stays quiet for the rest of breakfast, leaving Andrew to enjoy his mound of sugar. He very nearly forgets about the demon, until he starts doing the dishes and Neil pops back up.
"Do all humans do this by hand?"
"The ones without dishwashers do." Andrew shrugs.
"You don't know a cleaning spell or something?"
Andrew considers the question. "I've got abracadabra and bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. No cleaning spells."
"I've never heard of those." Neil says, making Andrew roll his eyes.
"They're from movies, Neil." He says as he finishes rinsing off his plate. "Hate to break it to you, but humans don't have magic. So you have to stand here with me and do my dishes."
"You're wrong. Humans can have magic. My mom does."
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jadelemonadee · 2 days ago
modern seabury who listens to slipping through my fingers by abba and thinks of his late mother
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heros-bug-collection · 3 months ago
Uhm uh-
This is me to you!!! >//<
Ooookaay byeee have a great dayyy!!! ^^)/
Love u!! >♡▪︎
- ☂️
ffjgk i love you too tthank you i hope you have a good dsy too
[He is shaking and crying his face is entirely red I don't think words can express how happy this ask made him lmfao -🐁]
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sanctamater · 5 months ago
amelia runs the sister mary blaze account (real. not clickbait.)
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monochromatictoad · 2 months ago
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A Gabarie stim board!! The center piece was a piece i commissioned from Bunny on Etsy!!! (It's technically a keychain, but I couldn't resist a stimboard with the art itself 🥺)
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monochromaticwriting · 5 months ago
Selfshiptober Day 1: Night
The cold air greeted Maycella as they locked up the bookstore for the night. Castlevania City was bright and colorful, with Jack-o'-lanterns on the steps of businesses and apartments, and even a few trees and statues. The streetlights had faux spiderwebs, making them chuckle as they stood in front of the bookstore.
They began their nightly walk through the city, taking in the energy and excitement of the people for Halloween. Their footsteps were drowned out by people getting ready for Halloween day. There were families, with tired, but smiling parents as their kids were pointing out the decorations that were out already. Groups of teens were skateboarding around or just hanging out with their friends, messing around as teens do. Maycella knew this was just the start. Castlevania City always gets excited during holidays, especially since the Fated Day. Though they couldn't help the chuckle as many of these people would never know that monsters lived with them, just under their noses.
The Belmont family was trying to lift up the spirits of the city, and it was working out in the end.
They smiled to themselves, knowing that their own children will be excited for the special holiday. Maycella could already imagine the costumes the kids had in mind this year.
Maybe Richard could be a bat this year, having been a pumpkin last year, Myrrh would probably prefer their spider form, and Laura would have a handmade costume by the end of the first week of October.
Maycella was so lost in thought, they didn't notice two different sets of hands grabbing theirs. One hand was calloused and had claws at the end of each finger, the other hand was also calloused, but unmistakably human.
With a startled noise, they gripped their spouse's hands as they lost their footing on the icy sidewalk, falling on their butt. Marie and Gabriel were quick to apologize and try to help them up, only to also lose their footing and fall as well.
All three were laughing on the sidewalk, sitting there in the ice and snow. Maycella pulled the other two close to them, kissing them happily and exaggeratedly. This caused another laughing fit, with the three jumping up and slipping and sliding on the sidewalk as they played like kids.
When they get home, all three would take a warm shower, and drink some hot chocolate and tea, while wrapped up in blankets and each other. But for now, they were just trying to get each other in the banks of snow, like children playing.
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toadagere · 1 year ago
When I go grocery shopping, I tend to think of Gabriel, Trevor, and Marie with me. Trevor always grabs a box of Scooby Snacks. Marie has to keep her hand in Gabriel's, because he has a tendency to wander off. Gabriel won't voice it, but his eyes always light up when I pick up some cookie mixes. Since I still wear my mask, they will also wear masks as well. Gabriel's has a hidden slot where you can insert a pacifier, and has a vampire teeth pattern on it. Marie's has a teddy bear pattern on it. Trevor has a wolf mouth on his, and his also has the pacifier slot in it as well. Usually, Gabriel is the only one who uses it though. Most of my cart gets filled with snacks and junk food, but Marie and I don't mind, and will still let our boys into the toy aisle.
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