#cw: colored text
opeothalmologist · 2 months
Listening to MAG 147 (spoilers) right now—OH MY GOD.
The timing of Jon and his contemplation, especially his will and how it relates to his Eye hunger and his Eye-feeding, and then Annabelle Cane (who is literally from The Web) dropping a statement talking about free will!
They’re really honing in on the philosophical parts of the Fears’ powers and their ethics this season, wow
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peonnes-art · 21 days
September 2024 blog updates (this was meant to be for August but I forgot to finish it oops):
Ending up discarding the #fandom related tag entirely. You can tell if a reblog is related to a specific fandom if I tag that specific fandom's name. Otherwise, it's just pretty art to me lol.
There are image descriptions for almost all my art now! Only the Valentine’s Day art process is left, I believe. (coincidentally, it’s that OC’s bday today! HBD Pierre!)
New tagging system again under the cut. Putting it below the cut for my reference:
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Comments, and post-edit comments if there are any.
Fandom, then character name. (or my OC tag #peonnes’s ocs. I don’t tag OCs’ names.)
If it's part of an art series, e.g. my yearly Genshin Summer series, I will tag so here.
Digital art program, if any.
#my art (for categorizing my own art away from reblogs)
#old art, if applicable (for if I post art that's more than 6-ish months old)
The year the art was made.
The queue tag, if applicable.
After that, all tags are random miscellaneous one because adding more tags gets more attention when it comes to my art.
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Chapter 8: Group Chat #2
Jess carelessly tossed her pack aside as soon as she stepped foot back into the small storage room she called home; she could wash her swimwear tomorrow. Or wherever she got around to it. Flopping down onto her bed, she pulled out her tomestone.
No messages. 
Of course, Thancred was busy - he was on a date, after all, and Jess knew full well the sorts of things that happened on dates. Especially for him. Though she was loath to think of her brother-figure in that way, he had a reputation that even his ‘family’ knew by then.
But, well… she was bored. And so she opened her group chat, seeing if, just maybe, someone else was around to entertain her, with all her other friends - all two of them - preoccupied. 
ChocoChic27: Hey everyone, wish Thancred luck! He’s on a date right now with a very special someone ;)
~LightYourWay~: Wait. He had a date?? With who??
RockYourHeart: Like a date, date? Does Thancred even know what those are?
ChocoChic27: Well it sure sounded like a date date - with Kal’istae - err, Ms. Miurani to you, Ryne. He made reservations even. Thancred! Making reservations!
~LightYourWay~: SHE SAID YES?
RockYourHeart: Wait, Miss Miurani, the magic teacher? My magic teacher? Thancred is dating the magic teacher?? Wait! Ryne, you knew about this??
ChocoChic27: She said yes!!! Oh you should have seen her, she came to me at work to ask ME for advice! Me! On what to wear! It was positively adorable - oh, I think she likes him. 
ChocoChic27: Wait, Min, she was your teacher too? 
ChocoChic27: wtf how come I didn’t get magic class? That’s so unfair.
ChocoChic27: Um. Anyway. Not the point. Yes. He’s on a date with her. 
~LightYourWay~: @StillWaters Come on! How’s it going? Did you kiss yet?
RockYourHeart: Ryne! Don’t bother them! Thancred, ignore her.
RockYourHeart: Jess, didn’t you go to the high school? Miss Miurani’s at the magic school.
~LightYourWay~: Ugh don’t call it that.
RockYourHeart: 🙄
~LightYourWay~: 🤣 You used to get pissy too.
ChocoChic27: Nerds. 
StillWaters: You’re all nerds.
ChocoChic27: THANCRED!? What are you doing here!? Aren’t you on a date???? Get off your tome!
StillWaters: I just dropped her off at home and am heading to the Underground. It’s almost ten, you know. Some of us have work in the morning.
~LightYourWay~: Tell us everything!!
RockYourHeart: Ryne.
[Incoming text message from: Kal’istae: Gods. Holy gods.]
~LightYourWay~: I have a vested interest in this. Do you know how long I tried to set them up?
StillWaters: And how often you almost sent all of my plans awry? 😆 I’m not going to kiss and tell. Not this time.
ChocoChic27: Plans? Thancred, you can’t mean to tell me you had plans. You were hopeless!
RockYourHeart: Sounds like you really like her.
[Incoming text message from: Ciprys: Good date? Spill all of the…]
StillWaters: I think that has been established at this point.
RockYourHeart: Good for you. It’s about time. Night, guys.
~LightYourWay~: But I want deets!
RockYourHeart: Let him be, Ryne. You don’t want to scare him off.
~LightYourWay~: 🤐 Night~
ChocoChic27: Well… If he won’t kiss and tell, I bet I know who will. 
StillWaters: Good night, girls. Good night, scamp. Tell Kali I said hello.
ChocoChic27: 😏
With a smirk, Jess tabbed away from her family chat to her girls chat, intent on squeezing every last detail she could out of at least one of them. Judging by the time, things hadn’t progressed quite as far as she’d expected - unless Thancred did her quick and dirty. But he was better than that. She hoped. 
Jess: So so so???? What happened?????
Kal’istae: We went on a date.
Ciprys: KALI.
Kal’istae: 🤣 He took me to dinner at that new Hingan place on Fourteenth. Can you believe he’s had rolling reservations for a month hoping I’d say yes?
Jess: Ah. I see. “Plans.” So, uh… Do you find desperation hot in a guy? Because he’s a little… Well… 
Kal’istae: I think it was sweet. I appreciate determination. And it was a great place. Apparently he knew the chef?
Ciprys: Look, I’m sure the food was great, the atmosphere charming, and the bill big, but what I want to know is whether or not you got yourself a piece of that??
Jess: I really really hate that I’m stuck between “did you fuck my brother?” and “did you fuck my brother?!” 
Jess: But also… did you fuck my brother?
Kal’istae: And people say boys are bad. No, I did not sleep with Thancred. This time.
Kal’istae: And I’ll thank you not to make me regret that any more than I already do.
Kal’istae: Toys just don’t have the same punch.
Ciprys: Clearly, we need to get you some new toys. And a new brain. Wtf didn’t you sleep with him?? Or did he not try to get in your pants? Wtf is wrong with your brother, Jess?
Jess couldn’t help but stare, just a little horrified, at her tomestone, before finding the courage to reply.
Jess: Uh… A lot. But it takes two to tango! Continuous enthusiastic consent and all that they teach in school, yeah? Very unlike him, I guarantee he’d be your toy if you asked. Was he… not interested??? 
Kal’istae: I’m going to go out on a limb and say if I’d invited him in, I would not be talking to you right now because I’d still be busy fucking him like a Viera. So the interest was there. But… it didn’t feel right?
Ciprys: Like with me and Cir. You want it to be the right time, not just the right place.
Kal’istae: Exactly! He’s… special. 🥴 I don’t want to be just another notch on his bedpost.
Kal’istae: That said, oh my gods, the man can kiss. Holy shit. Sorry Jess. I know that’s gotta be ick for you, but that mouth. Menphina’s tits!
Jess: Ick indeed! Glad you had fun but… eesh! So, there’s gonna be a next time?
Kal’istae: I really think so. I really hope so. That man is… well. He sure flipped a lot of my switches. And sorry, Jess. Uhm. So, we didn’t have to pay for dinner.
Ciprys: You didn’t dine and dash on your first date, did you??
Jess: won’t have sex on the first date but will commit a level 3 crime instead? Damn, girl.
Jess: also wait. Do most people have sex on the first date or is that… not a thing? I’m taking notes.
Ciprys: Depends on the date.
Kal’istae: Depends on the date.
Kal’istae: Jinx.
Ciprys: Damn it.
Kal’istae: This is the first date I’ve been on that hasn’t been with the intention of sex afterwards. I can only assume that there’s nothing wrong with not putting out on the first serious date, since he didn’t seem that upset. Like, he would have, but he wasn’t surprised I didn’t?
Ciprys: Don’t ask me. I never date unless it’s for a good time with no strings.
Kal’istae: Has any of us ever actually been on a real, honest, date-date?
Ciprys: Not me.
Jess: and if it hasn’t been abundantly clear by now, I’ve never been on any kind of date. So, no. I guess you’re the first! Pity us, won’t you? And remember to invite us to your wedding!
Kal’istae: Uh. Don’t count your chocobos. Let’s just get past the first few dates and find out whether or not he thinks I’m as completely lame as I know I am, okay?
Ciprys: Girl. Ain’t nothing lame about you. Good thing, Jess and I both look good in red!
Jess: It’s Thancred, he’s even more lame than you. And, uh, doesn’t wearing red to a wedding mean that you’ve slept with the groom? I just want cake.
Kal’istae: So, what did you two do tonight?
Ciprys: Subtle.
Kal’istae: I know, right?
Jess: Uh, just girl stuff. Ate. Swam. Talked about guys - or just one guy, really. Cip’s special guy.
Kal’istae: Sir something, right? Sounds like some kind of knight.
Ciprys: Cirdan. And he’s the farthest thing from a knight you can get. 🤣 And not much to spill there, yet. What we really need to do is find a guy for Jess to hook up with.
Jess: Absolutely not! Based on the kinds of guys you two are into, I very much do not need you trying to “hook me up”. And even if you did, I don’t want a hook up, I want a romance. 
Kal’istae: What’s wrong with the guy I’m in to? He’s smart, he’s sexy, he’s got a super sensitive side, but he knows how to show a girl a good time. Sounds like a winner.
Ciprys: So my guy’s a bad guy. He’s still fucking hot. And loaded. But so we find you a romance. I can dig it. I like a good love story.
Jess: What’s wrong with Thancred? What’s wrong with Thancred? Look how long he took to finally take you on a date! All of this could have been avoided if he just spoke about his feelings! He’s a complete and utter dork, just you wait. And your guy, Cip, sounds positively terrifying! Money is nice though, I concede.
Kal’istae: Do you know that Thancred has asked me on a date almost every day for a year?
Ciprys: Oh, he is positively terrifying, thanks for noticing! Some girls like to know that their man can take care of any little problem that comes their way.
Ciprys: But not for you. I think you need a sweet little fluff of a man. Well. Maybe not little. I’ll wager you need something a bit more than average.
Jess: Every day. For a year. And you’re asking me what’s wrong with him???
Jess: Hmm… I think you’re right, Cip. I don’t want anyone shorter than me. I know that removes… Oh, what, half of the population? 
Kal’istae: Every WEEK! Every WEEK! Gods. Not every day. 
Ciprys: Oh, so he’s only mildly desperate.
Kal’istae: 😣 I think it’s sweet. 🙁
Ciprys: Sure it is. And okay, so it’s a bit easier for Kali and I to find what qualifies as a tall guy, but I didn’t mean height, babe. I meant dick size, and I don’t think you’d settle for average.
Kal’istae: Smooth.
Ciprys: Nah. Smooth is overrated.
Kal’istae: 😣
Jess: CIP!!! What happened to “size isn’t everything” and all that? You CAN’T just ask someone their dick size before going on a date!
Ciprys: I mean, size isn’t everything, but finding someone who knows how to use a below-average sized dick right is harder than it sounds. So trust me, for your first few times, find someone hung.
Kal’istae: Ugh, Cip, you’re going to scare her. Jess, personality is more important than dick size, I swear, especially since you’re in it for the romance, not just the sex. Don’t worry about what’s in his pants, worry about what’s under his hat.
Ciprys: Just make sure he wears a hat.
Kal’istae: Ciprys! 😂 I’m going to go to bed. Night, you guys.
Kal’istae has disconnected.
Ciprys: Bed. Sure. Enjoy your toys, girl. And Jess, don’t fret so much. Shit will happen as it should. We’ll find you someone to get all romantical with, promise. Ta!
Ciprys has disconnected.
It was all Jess could do to stare at her screen, completely and utterly horrified. At least such things were the least of her problems - for now, she merely shoved her phone under her pillow and buried her face to hide her growing embarrassment.
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saszor · 7 months
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[ID in alt text]
gay people real 🌝
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kairukitsuneo · 1 year
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⚠️Suggestive dialogue text⚠️
Mirage is pretty dramatic and his words can be....misunderstanding…(lol)
(Noah is just helping to get the wrench that was stuck inside Mirage)
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echosdevil · 9 months
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WHAT IF 2.06 ─ What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?
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g1ngerbeer · 4 months
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finally made him real
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gobstoppr · 4 months
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Tetris Fanart.
I've been playing tetris while listening to horror podcasts. and yeah
#text#art#eyestrain#cw eystrain#bright colors#cw bright colors#tetris#nintendo#god i dont know what to tag this with. i dont wanna tag it with the podcasts themselves cuz that feels disingenuous. swagever#i actually started this piece a while ago. ok yeah looking at the date that was almost 3 weeks ago wow#but i finally decided to bring it back and finish it#ive been getting back into digital art and its been really nice. its nice having finished pieces.#ive been trying to get weirder with my art. like this piece was weirdly 'personal' in a sense#its been my unique experience listening to these pieces of media. the game in the bg is jsut as important to my experience as the art itsel#the looming sense of dread these podcasts give fit weirdly well with the high tension of some of these games of tetris#i wanted to have that sorta weird ominous vibe to it. have even the pieces feel loud and threatening.#and the gameplay being Past the ds itself is something i thought could be neat#ykno the tetris effect? where you play a bunch and then after you see the shapes everywhere;you play it in your mind?#that was part of what i wanted to channel there. but also like; how your attention works with this stuff#i might be looking straight at the ds but my attention is elsewhere; my brain is in another world#the game is still inescapable tho. tetris effect whatever. these stories stick in my brain just as much.#its all given me some. very very annoyingn anxiety. but i have to go back to them. like a moth to a flame etc. hince the moth climbing out#but uh yeah. that set up was my life for a few weeks whenever i had free time.#the main podcast this is about was magnus btw <- not typing full name so im not on the tag#and uh.#objectum#yeah i think. i think yeah.
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siphisket · 1 year
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Get Spr(ule)onkd
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opeothalmologist · 3 months
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The Ellison Files: 1 - Edge of A Small World
by peonneswrites/opeothalmologist
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Tags: Old person (reluctantly) in a found family; The Vast appearance; fear avatars
Warnings: Spoilers for The Magnus Archives Season 3 (worldbuilding reveals). Mention of suicide attempts; mention of strangling oneself; astrophobia-triggering content; contemplation of meaninglessness/nihilism
Gordon Ellison is a researcher at the Usher Foundation assigned to preparing the Archive of its new San Francisco building. But quickly he receives another task: take care of the Siblings Verne, two avatars of The Vast and The Dark.
Archive Of Our Own Link
Author's Note (Start): This is written in a transcript-like format to mimic TMA's audio format. If you'd like to make a podfic adaptation, please tell me in my askbox! Cover illustration is by me.
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[The tape recorder clicks open.]
Recording the statement of Astrid 'Asta' Verne—regarding an incident at a Los Angeles cinema in winter 2017. Recorded by Gordon Ellison of the Usher Foundation, San Francisco, on January 17th 2018.
You may start, Verne.
You can call me Asta, y’know. Only my teachers use my surname, especially Mister Yang.
Or you can be my mom and call me my full name, like, [imitates mother’s voice] “ASTRID JANET VERNE!” when you’re angry.
Make the statement, please.
Right. Back to the point, back to the point. As you said, I fell off a cinema roof.
I just fell. But there was more to it before that.
My big brother Van was there that day. He’s mostly away, at college in the east coast. Last year, he came home.
[Asta's clothes rustle as she turns to Ellison.]
Oh, you said something about using full names? His is Sullivan Verne. At first we called him Sully, but he said he’d liked not to sound like a Monsters Inc. character. So it’s Van instead.
[sighs]  That day started with him telling me that. Remembering the jokes of that ‘stupid old kids’ movie’ made about him.
We went to this cool noodle place and saw a movie. A space movie with astronauts and all.
I forgot the title, but it was great. The scenes were so wide! It was almost as if space itself engulfed the whole cinema.
And it did.
Audience members around me felt more like asteroids drifting by. When they talked, it sounded like whenever rocks collide and shatter into several smaller ones.
I could tell they were talking—I knew they spoke English, yet somehow I only could hear asteroids. Their forms were asteroids, even if I rationally knew they were people. In a cinema. Around me.
Some kids in the audience ran around, at least in my head—but to my eyes they were comets. The protagonist watched them keenly, a scene in the movie. Then again , I thought, was it just a movie?
The protagonist was this super-cool astronaut lady, I think named Charlotte? Charlie? 
Either way, the movie’s outer space just grew around me. Looked a lot like virtual reality. 
I was transported to the same space Charlie was in. She was many feet away, and her back was to me. I could breathe in this place, but she was in her suit. And she didn’t see the crowd of asteroids.
Charlie said… [pauses, exhales]
"Where am I?"
I didn’t answer, because I didn’t know what to say. I wondered if she could even hear me. Then, again and more desperately:
"Where am I?"
Charlie turned and looked at me. I saw my own face in the reflection of the helmet window.
After minutes of silence, she drifted away.
"Who are you? Where am I? Do you know?" Her questions only kept on coming.
The space between us grew. I said that word already, huh? I can’t describe it any other way, let me try—extended, uh, expanded, stretched… There were more void and stars between us. It shifted weirdly, made me feel so small.
I couldn’t see Charlie anymore. It didn’t matter, because the stars around would engulf me. Planets alone were whole worlds already. Look at the Earth! Frisco’s as big as one million mes. Think of the Sun—that would be like. Nine hundred quadrillion mes?!
The asteroids floated off too. They were no longer human, just dark dots in the distance. Van was nowhere. I couldn’t see him.
My brother and I used to watch the night sky together. He was an edgy type who liked the color black. I liked the stars dotted around. It’s fate I was named Astrid.
[Asta pauses.]
The sky was so much more than me. It was infinite. I was just Asta. Do you get me, Mister Gordon? That was the exact feeling in that cinema. I didn’t believe it all was a cinema anymore. The world was so, so much more than a cinema.
It terrified me. Deeply.
And yet it was serene.
Nothing had to matter. I could just be among these stars. The Milky Way itself was only a dot, and me an atom.
I could just watch the world like a movie. And you know what? I loved it.
I was among the stars. Yes, maybe I was insignificant. One billion years is the blink of an eye to the universe.
[Asta's voice fills with awe and a strange peace] Nothing I love matters.
Nothing you care for matters.
Not this foundation, not my brother.
I was unchained, and could freely flow.
Looking for Charlie didn’t matter. I just floated there, my mind empty, and watched the scene of the growing space. It breathed with starlight, movement of plasma clouds, asteroids who were probably people that I no longer cared about.
This scene was just like earlier in the movie, when Charlie and her spacecraft had drifted through the same growing space I was seeing.
[exhales]   Soon, I let myself wander away from my spot there. The space below me felt like a roof I stood on. Stellar clouds were just like wind on my skin.
Though I knew I was jumping from the theater roof, it was letting myself go.
Then I blacked out. And Van was there, hugging me tight. I could tell we were in a hospital room because of the sound of his IV drip.
Blah blah blah, the nurse told me everything about the getting-to-the-cinema-roof-and-jumping thing. What surprised me was what happened to Van. He had… strangled himself? In the cinema, while the movie was playing and I wandered to the roof. I tried asking him about it, but he shut me up.
Since we took you in, we’ve been tracking down your brother too.
Well, it feels empty without him. And I’m the kind of person who wishes for empty!
Well… Van is your new legal guardian, isn’t he? He should be here. And we have more in store to tell him.
Is that all, Vern— Asta?
I feel brand new. It’s a new era for me!
Under me and the Foundation's guidance, okay?
End of statement.
Good, thank you, Asta. But don’t call me Mister Gordon again.
Yes, sir!
You don’t have to call me ‘sir’ either. I told you earlier this month.
Okay, okay. Will Gordie do? I mean, you’re like, fifty, so a nickname’d be weird. Uncle Gordie?
How about just Gordon?
[groans]  …Fine.
[The tape recorder clicks closed.]
[The tape recorder clicks open.]
Addendum on January 20, 2018.
I should preface—or, er, postface—this by saying that I’m just a researcher at the Usher Foundation. Not any fancy Archivist or something.
This new LA building only opened two months ago and I was assigned to take care of its budding new archive.
I have to say, getting Asta to DC then back to California was easier than expected. She still says the same strange things about insignificance and smallness and stuff, but she’s well-behaved for a kid her age. Let alone an avatar.
And, being closer to LA, I managed to get findings on the Verne cases.
According to a police officer on the scene of Sullivan’s strangling, he wasn’t attempting it on himself—yet there was no trace of a culprit either.
[Gordon pauses.]
To make matters worse, a blackout had been going on. And, of course, they found Asta minutes later.
In her case, the catch was she didn’t jump.
At least, we’re not sure about it. It was the best conclusion the police came to, but there was no witness at all who saw it with their own eyes.
And she had no injuries when she was found unconscious, lying at the entrance of the cinema. The IV drip mentioned was Sullivan’s, and she was only in the hospital to be looked after.
After this incident, Sally and Adam Verne both passed away. Sullivan became Asta’s legal guardian, but then disappeared. He was last seen in February 2017.
A month later, the Foundation tracked Asta down and took her in, seeing as she had no other family to return to.
We identified her as a new avatar of the entity they call The Vast—there’s no other explanation. She fits the bill perfectly. The Magnus Institute, our sister organization in the UK, has had a similar jumping case of their own.
We haven’t informed her of this guess yet, but somehow tells me she already knows.
Either way, nothing explains her ‘people-become-space-objects’ and ‘movie-character-becomes-real’ things.
[whispering] Her speech patterns are rubbing off on me. [sighs]
Sullivan’s still missing. I’ve heard of sightings of him, and my coworkers are doing their best, so maybe we’re closer and closer.
That all being said, the one assigned to Asta’s care is, well, me. According to Leo, it’s because I’m the closest to her and my apartment’s large enough. Shit.
[clears throat] Addendum ends.
[The tape recorder clicks closed.]
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading if you got this far! The blog where I collect all my fanfiction and reblog fanfic-related stuff is @peonnes-writes.
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peonnes-art · 2 months
Blog updates, July 2024:
Image descriptions for almost all of my posts are finished! Only few have yet to be described, and I’ll start working on that soon.
I’ll be busy for much of August and likely September too, so I’ll try to queue my posts more (#queueth the raven nevermore). Keep an eye out for more art references because I want to collect them on this blog too.
In general, I’ve been drawing less so there may be queued posts of my old art/random sketches/etc.
I started posting my artwork process pics on Threads and probably will crosspost them to here and Cara :)
I no longer consider myself part of the Genshin Impact fandom, so I’ve started to not tag it as #fandom related. The artists in the actual fandom are amazing though and I will still reblog it from time to time.
Hope anyone reading this is doing well! 🌸
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Chapter 3: The Group Chat
Jess practically threw herself down onto her bed later that evening - well, if the blow-up mattress in the bar's wine cellar could even really be called that.
Gods, what a night. Her mind still reeled from all that had happened, faces new and old… but she simply knew she couldn't fall asleep. Not yet. 
Not without performing her sisterly duties.
And so she pulled her tomephone out of her pocket, quickly opening her 'family' group chat, a devious smile upon her lips.
ChocoChic27: guys guys GUYS you will not believe what happened tonight 
StillWaters: Don’t you dare, scamp!
~LightYourWay~: No! Tell us! C’mon, Jess, this has got to be good!
RockYourHeart: Spill the deets, sis.
WheelchairQuarterback: Aww, c’mon, don’t tease the poor guy.
StillWaters: Thank you, Arenvald!
WheelchairQuarterback: Wait until he’s gone to bed at least.
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ChocoChic27: hey Thancred get your own emote 
ChocoChic27: ANYWAY guess who showed up at the bar tonight? And not alone. With a… love interest.
StillWaters: JESS.
WheelchairQuarterback: He’s got a new girl every day. What’s the deal?
~LightYourWay~: Wait, he brought a girl to your bar?
RockYourHeart: Was she pretty?
ChocoChic27: Gods, yes! Fucking gorgeous. It's easy to see why he likes her 🤣 Au Ra, indigo skin and matching hair, purple eyes, black scales. And the way he looked at her!!!! Guys, I think it's love.
StillWaters: Jess, don’t curse in front of Ryne.
~LightYourWay~: …
~LightYourWay~: That’s all you have to say?
~LightYourWay~: Don’t curse in front of your sister?
~LightYourWay~: EXCUSE ME.
~LightYourWay~: When were you going to TELL me you’re dating my teacher???
StillWaters: Isn’t that what you wanted? And we’re not dating. Damn it.
~LightYourWay~: WELL WHY NOT??
RockYourHeart: Thancred…
StillWaters: I wanted to check on Jess. We happened to be in the same place. I invited her along. That’s all. She’s not interested in a relationship.
~LightYourWay~: THANCRED! Don’t mess this up!
RockYourHeart: Are you?
StillWaters: Don’t ask me that.
RockYourHeart: Oh, Thancred…
ChocoChic27: I, uh… oh…
Jess bit her lip, regret immediately washing through her as she stared at her tiny screen.
ChocoChic27: Thancred, I'm sorry, I misinterpreted the situation. It seemed like something more between you two, what with the touching and looks and all. I didn't mean to imply otherwise… I'm just gonna stick a foot in my mouth now if you don't mind.
StillWaters: 😔. Scamp. It’s okay. I - look, she’s a great woman. I like her, okay? 
StillWaters: Really, I like her.
StillWaters: I really like her.
StillWaters has deleted a message.
StillWaters: But she’s made it clear she’s not interested.
~LightYourWay~: …
~LightYourWay~: Thancred!
~LightYourWay~ has disconnected.
StillWaters: Damn it, Ryne.
[DM] ~LightYourWay~ sent you a message.
StillWaters: Jess, I’m not mad at you, honey. There’s a lot of chemistry there. Shame she doesn’t see it. But she seemed to hit it off with you - I hope you’ll stay in touch. She needs friends that aren’t teachers. Believe me.
StillWaters: Uh. Be good.
StillWaters has disconnected.
RockYourHeart: “Be good”. Thancred-ese for “I love you.”
AllaganScholar: I’m sorry, did anyone else notice that Thancred Waters is absolutely gone on a woman?
WheelchairQuarterback: How long have you been here, Raha?
AllaganScholar: I signed on when Ryne was getting all excited, and decided to see what was going on. Thancred’s got a girlfriend?
RockYourHeart: Not exactly. But close enough for now.
AllaganScholar: Damn. I always miss all the juicy gossip.
ChocoChic27: Or, well… something like that…
Jess eyed the DM notification in trepidation, hesitantly clicking on it to find a private message from Ryne. 
~LightYourWay~: He’s wrong!
~LightYourWay~: He’s wrong!
~LightYourWay~: He’s wrong!
~LightYourWay~: I know he’s wrong! She’s always asking me how he’s doing, and if I tell her he’s been stressing over anything, she gets worried.
~LightYourWay~: And he’s always coming by to say hi to her when he’s at the school.
~LightYourWay~: He’s wrong, and you weren’t wrong. Tell me everything!
ChocoChic27: Geez, I don’t know that there’s much to tell tbh. He came by under the guise of ‘checking up on me’ - which he did, I guess? From what I could tell they were all over each other - Matron’s Tits, Ryne, the woman asked for a Sex on the Beach!
ChocoChic27: … It’s a drink, mind you.
ChocoChic27: But, fuck me, if that’s not flirty, I don’t know what is. They were sitting close enough to touch, and I could tell Thancred was holding back a lot. He did eventually wrap his arm around her waist, though he insisted it wasn’t a date. I admit, I was a bit distracted, you know, working, but, I mean, the way they made eye contact when she… well, seductively ate a mozzarella stick (I know I know that doesn’t sound seductive at all trust me you had to be there) and then told him she needed something else to fill her up
ChocoChic27: like
ChocoChic27: You know Thancred as well as I do. You know exactly what he was thinking and what she meant. Come on, you can’t tell me there’s not something there - for both of them.
ChocoChic27: That, or she’s evil and playing him - but she definitely didn’t seem the sort. And trust me, I see that sort all the time where I work. 
~LightYourWay~: She’s not evil. She’s amazing! She’s my mentor at school, and she knows what it’s like not to know anything. She doesn’t remember her family either! She’s always there whenever I need help, and she knows all sorts of magic. She wants to teach me next year for my electives. She thinks I can learn white magic.
~LightYourWay~: The first time Thancred met her, when she called him in for a conference last year, he kept talking about her. Bringing her up. And she mentioned him a few times, too. I started to think… tell me I’m not wrong, Jess! They’re totally hot for each other!
ChocoChic27: I… I think they are. Gods Ryne you know I don't know shit about this kind of stuff but it sure seemed like it to me. 
ChocoChic27: and fuck do I hope I'm right. Because he deserves it more than anyone I know. 
~LightYourWay~: I knoooooooow! He needs to settle down and find someone. And I don’t think we’re wrong at all. I really don’t. I think they just need a chance to see it. You’ll help me, won’t you? Please, Jess?
~LightYourWay~: Please?????
ChocoChic27: Help you… how? Like, set them up? How exactly do you plan to do that? 
~LightYourWay~: I don’t KNOW! That’s why I need help! They’re already spending time together - I catch it, you know? Lunch on the weekend. Walks in the park. He spends more time at the school these days, stops in her room to talk about “work”. They’re not talking about work. We need to get them out on dates.
~LightYourWay~: Oops! Dorna just said I have to get off and do my homework. Talk later! Love you!
~LightYourWay~ has disconnected.
Jess simply set her tomestone down with a bemused snort. Part of her wondered if Ryne's meddling would only make things worse - if the Au Ra truly wasn't interested, the last thing she needed was for others to be pushing her and creating an awkward situation. 
Yet… she hadn't acted disinterested in the bar… had she?  Fuck if Jess knew. And so she merely settled for shoving her tomestone under her pillow and rolling over to bury her face. The only thing she knew for certain was that whatever was meant to happen would happen, one way or another.
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