#cw wasp
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bonefall · 10 months ago
I like that Waspstar's name has some symbolism to it! Real wasps having a reputation of stinging without reason or being aggressive, when in reality they're normally just protecting their hives..
Oooo, thanks for pointing out, that's delicious.
Most of the time, Canon!Waspwhisker has blue eyes since he's a gray and white cat... but none of his kits have blue eyes anyway, and there's too many cats with this color scheme anyway.
So maybe I'll make BB!Waspwhisker have BRIGHT yellow eyes, just like a yellowjacket. I'll even make the gray patch on xeir head resemble the T-shape that a common wasp has. This mark helps distinguish a more "aggressive" common wasp from the passive (but larger) german wasp
Xey're not trying to hurt you, so don't try to hurt xem. Come openly, speak calmly, perhaps make a small offering of meat and sweets and you'll see no problems.
CW: BUG FACE. Insect. Close-up head of a wasp.
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[ID: A common wasp. From top down, its head is striped black, then yellow, then a black stripe connects its antennae and dips downward into a T. A final black stripe defines its mandible and "lips."]
Funfact; the common wasp is rare in the US, but the German wasp has been widely introduced. If the yellowjackets seem "smaller" in the UK, that's probably because you're looking at a common wasp!
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tala-the-artist · 6 months ago
(content warning: a wasp)
A bit of lore
Beetle Khan wasn't my first choice for his solver form (and probably isn't the final draft).
Waaaaaaay back when, I had his form modeled after a Tarantula Hawk Wasp.
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Of course I had other ideas (and still do), like a Giant Anteater, Owl, keeping him as a Bat of course, etc.
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chaos-potat · 11 months ago
I have weird paranoia about waking up with a wasp/hornet nest being in my room suddenly and they swarm and cover me and sting me endlessly 👍
Oh, I've had nightmares like that, I had a huge wasp nest above my door and my window was old so they'd come in my room sometimes
I probably shouldn't have said that if you have a fear of wasps
this is more rational than my fear, I'll say that for sure
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rebeccathenaturalist · 6 months ago
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It’s Tell a Friend Friday! Please enjoy this picture of an ichneumon wasp (maybe Clistopyga p.?) on a piece of honeydew melon (Cucumus melo).
Then tell someone you know about my work–you can reblog this post, or send it to someone you think may be interested in my natural history writing, classes, and tours, as well as my upcoming book, The Everyday Naturalist: How to Identify Animals, Plants, and Fungi Wherever You Go. Here’s where I can be found online:
Website - http://www.rebeccalexa.com
Rebecca Lexa, Naturalist Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/rebeccalexanaturalist
Tumblr Profile – http://rebeccathenaturalist.tumblr.com
BlueSky Profile - https://bsky.app/profile/rebeccanaturalist.bsky.social
Twitter Profile – http://www.twitter.com/rebecca_lexa
Instagram Profile – https://www.instagram.com/rebeccathenaturalist/
YouTube Profile - https://www.youtube.com/@RebeccaLexaNaturalist
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iNaturalist Profile – https://www.inaturalist.org/people/rebeccalexa
Finally, if you like what I’m doing here, you can give me a tip at http://ko-fi.com/rebeccathenaturalist
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mothmiso · 1 year ago
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Lauwersmeer (2) (3) (4) by Jeroen Hillenga
Via Flickr:
(3) Een rozengal is een vergroeiing van een rozenstruik, veroorzaakt door de Rozengalwesp (Diplolepis rosae). Deze maakt een beschadiging ergens op de plant, legt haar eitjes, spuit een stofje in waardoor op die plek van de rozenstruik een vreemdgevormde woekering ontstaat: de gal. Deze dient dan als woning voor de larven van de galwesp. A rose gall is an overgrowth of a rose bush, caused by the rose gall wasp (Diplolepis rosae). This causes damage somewhere on the plant, lays its eggs, injects a substance that causes a strangely shaped proliferation at that spot on the rose bush: the gall. This then serves as a home for the larvae of the gall wasp.     
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swords-and-chaos · 1 year ago
the nature of collecting silly things is that, at some point, you’re going to spend an concerning and unusually large amount of money on something extremely frivolous.
……….. in completely unrelated news, my clown doll commission from @slocotion should be arriving quite soon.
also please go and support slocotion if you can! if you don’t know who she is, you are missing out! she’s an incredible artist and does what are like peak clown designs!
image under the cut!
sneak preview of Atlas the Pepsis wasp clown!!!
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To Slocotion: I know I have said this before, but you have been so thoroughly lovely to work with throughout this whole process :D! You were genuinely so sweet for offering a commission slot in the first place! Also, pls lmk if I am sharing images of them prematurely! I know that you haven’t posted any images of them yet, so feel free to just ignore this and post images later, add onto it, or let me know and I will delete it when I am online.
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dogfennel · 4 months ago
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wake again after rest
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bamsara · 1 year ago
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Forget the car, what did you mean by a hole in your mouth? You were talking about a cavity I hope
nah dog there's a hole there, not on a tooth AND THERES A WASP AT MY WINDOW AGIAN AS I TYPE THIS HELLLO
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bunnis-monsters · 6 months ago
I am so unwell about the idea of a bee/wasp hybrid ???? Absolutely CLINICALLY down bad.
They’d be so soft and squishy and fluffy but so angry. . . Like a poorly trained purse dog.
Trying to do literally anything but bee/wasp hybrid bf just worming his way into your arms, grumbling and buzzing in annoyance. Can’t you see your cute boyfriend wants your attention?
God you can’t bring this man out in public. To most he looks so soft and sweet, but if anyone even looks in your direction he’s threatening to skewer them. Wasps and bees are very protective, so combining them is like throwing gasoline and fire into a tornado.
He’s so clingy, you’d think he’s been surgically attached to your hip. So soft and fluffy, but handsy and a bit rough. You never know what you’re getting with him.
One second he’s snuggling into you, little purrs and buzzes as his wings twitch in pleasure, then all of a sudden he’s biting your neck to establish dominance and shoving his cock into your fat cunt, stuffing you full of his eggs.
He looks like any other bumble bee hybrid, but he’s a bit angular like a wasp if that makes sense, with a reddish tint instead of yellow. Kind of like a person with strawberry blonde hair that leans more towards ginger!
He’s got terrible separation anxiety and instead of getting nervous he gets PISSED when he can’t be with you 24/7. Will absolutely show up and start fighting anyone that tries to keep you away longer than an hour or so.
Now imagine an ENTIRE HIVE of these bee/wasp hybrids! They’re absolutely overbearing… some combine the best aspects of their differing species, while the others bring out the worst.
But god you love them, and they adore you. They’re just angry, fuzzy little things!
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pixel-mess · 18 days ago
something that kinda ticks me off in the bug community is when people act like a bug has to be a useful part of the ecosystem to deserve to exist. Like for example whenever mosquitos get hated (like where people are like we should kill mosquitos entirely) people's responses are always "well mosquitos are actually polinators and do..." like. yeah i get that but just bc they are helpful isnt what gives intrinsic value! its really annoying to me, because the response to posts like that (the hating of bugs) shouldnt be "oh but its helpful!" it should be "damn. thats honestly a really weird thing to say, and the fact that you think we should eradicate an entire species (weather or not its "annoying" or "scary") off the face of the planet is a huge red flag to me, an annoying/scary individual."
like thats actually horrible of you to say.
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skelerangart · 10 months ago
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Totally forgot about this project I did for college. We had to design an interpretive sign for a park
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farmhandler · 1 year ago
the wasp is still there 😭and now that it's warmed up outside it's moving around. pls leave so I can go outside
There's a wasp on the edge of my door frame. I can't go inside
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sersi · 2 years ago
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Are these your ants? From the ant farm?
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smugpugchimera · 2 months ago
Some BEAUTIFUL footage of various wasp species!!
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envy-stims · 9 months ago
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🇺🇸 • 🤍 • 🥗 • 🐝 • 🍔
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“White people when there’s coleslaw at the function”
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coleslaw at the function stimboard
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bamsara · 2 years ago
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Hey little guys. Why are you building a nest in my window
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