#cw hella gay
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escuchar las palabras ajenas hace que deje escapar otra risita, sin poder evitar el impulso de dejarle un par de besos extra en el rostro. quizás, porque le parece medio adorable esa postura que adopta. ' ¿y escaparnos? no creo que sea tan difícil~' la sugerencia sale despreocupada, incluso si se plantea más como una posibilidad hipotética. ' cuando deje de haber tantos guardias' porque ahora que está fuera, no es difícil divisar como los susodichos parecen asechar en cada esquina de la isla, sin dar espacio a grandes libertades. el único sitio tranquilo parece ser la playa a la que se dirigen, contando con la privacidad suficiente como para que puedan compartir su tiempo juntos. ' ¿qué deberíamos tener para nosotros...? mh, ¿algo conjunto?' se deja golpecitos en el mentón mientras lo sopesa, y los ojos brillan como si la idea le entusiasmase. a fin de cuentas, también había llegado a considerar la posibilidad de compartir algo, motivado por una curiosa necesidad. quizás solo quería un objeto que con tan solo un vistazo pudiese evocar el rostro ajeno, y su voz, y sus manos, y su aroma con toda la facilidad del mundo, al menos cuando ya no lo tuviese tan cerca para ir y refugiarse en él con la facilidad que le daba la isla. comisuras se alzan aun más al oírle, comprobar que sus propias dudas respecto al destino de la canción son compartidas haciendo que perciba un alivio que le hace estrechar aun más la mano que sostiene en lo que sigue bailoteando mientras camina. ' ¿perderme?' la palabra deja una sensación de resequedad en su garganta, y eso le hace detenerse un poquito, como si la palabra despertase algo dentro de sí. sin embargo, luego le mira, y niega con la cabeza. ' en realidad, quiero escucharla contigo' afirma, y ahí le mira, en esa breve distancia que no llega a ser lo suficientemente amplia cuando sus manos aun siguen unidas. ' recuerdo que era una canción de amor, así que... ¿no se disfruta más cuando la oyes con una persona que te hace sentir justamente así?' y no solo esa, sino que, tal como stevie dice, también quiere descubrir muchas más cosas en su compañía. quiere quedarse a su lado y sumergirse más en esas divertidas búsquedas que les toman horas mientras ríen e intercambian ideas, y luego, al final de toda la tarea, que exista esa proximidad de la que nunca tiene suficiente. se ha vuelto una de sus actividades favoritas. ajeno completamente al tipo de emociones que despierta en el mayor con sus acciones o el efecto de su propia risa, se permite ser tan juguetón como le es posible cuando corre por la arena y le insta a atraparlo, siempre poniendo a prueba esa habilidad del mayor como si estuviese recurrentemente expectante de terminar en sus brazos. como si fuese algo que siempre espera, que siempre anhela. como si quisiese escuchar silenciosamente que, incluso si corre aunque sea un poco, debe tener la seguridad de que será encontrado. aquella noción lo llena de regocijo. los trastabilleos opuestos le sacan más risitas que siguen perdurando incluso cuando ya está encerrado una vez más en la familiar candidez de su abrazo, y mientras se acomoda contra su cuerpo con esa costumbre que parece haberse adherido a su sistema, se deja llevar por las sensaciones agradables que cosquillean dentro suyo. nunca había sentido tanta libertad y tanta pertenencia al mismo tiempo, nunca disfruto tanto de la idea de ser de alguien como lo hacía en ese minuto. habiendo rechazado el escenario centenares de veces, hoy parece buscarlo con una necesidad la cual no sabe como nombrar, que simplemente existe. y cuando el beso llega, y florece con una electricidad que le recorre de pies a cabeza, ya tiene claro qué significa todo esto. ' bueno~ tienes que disfrutar de tu premio entonces, señor stevie kwon' le molesta, usando el mismo tonito que había empleado en su momento en el louvre, balanceándose al son de los movimientos opuestos en un gesto meramente travieso.
sus dedos dejan caricias en la zona de su nuca antes de introducirse bajo sus brazos para acariciar su espalda, paseándose cerca de los omóplatos y arrugandole la camisa mientras la proximidad se profundiza, arqueando su espalda tanto como le es posible para verle con la mayor cercanía posible. ' de hecho ' le cuenta, antes de ir y dejar otro besito suave en sus labios, no separándose lo suficiente, como si esperase el momento de recibir otro. ahí, parpadea y le ve con esa ilusión familiar en los ojos. ' quería enseñarte algo' le cuenta, pupilas encontrando las opuestas, como cuestionando en silencio si le interesaba ver qué era lo que deseaba hacer. ' pero el corazón no suena mal' agrega luego, volviendo a reírse bajito, gracejo que solo se acrecenta con el beso en su hombro y las caricias que recibe en su cabello. la brisa le desordena los mismos y siente que le hace cosquillas en las mejillas, y aun así, parece realmente poco importante cuando son los dedos ajenos los que hacen que su piel se entibie con sencillez. oír la respuesta a su pregunta es algo que anticipa, sintiendo como los nervios se enredan dentro suyo y se convierten en un ovillo tirante que lo lleva a contener un poquito la respiración. sin embargo, cuando le oye, todo lo que había generado tensión en su sistema se relaja lentamente, y cuando recibe la misma cuestión de vuelta, sus labios se entreabren sin que salga palabra al principio. su mirada desciende, y aunque sigue en el abrazo, sus manos terminan apoyándose en el pecho ajeno en tanto sopesa sus palabras. siente que decir lo que sea que está a punto de verbalizar acarrea un sentido de responsabilidad sumamente grande, como si al pronunciarlas, le estuviese dando total sentido y haciendo absolutamente real los sentimientos que lo embargan. y eso le da miedo, porque hay muchas cosas que llenan su cabeza y le preocupan, y pensar en hacer promesas se siente como algo que no debe hacer cuando sabe su destino, y... ' sí' pero al final, nada de eso importa mucho cuando la afirmación sale por sí sola, y las emociones le terminan ganando a la razón o al deber. ahí sonríe con sinceridad, y asiente suavecito. ' también lo soy ' luego, baja la mirada. ' pensé que no lo merecía en realidad... o que nunca sabría como era, ni lo sería de nuevo. lo había olvidado ' ahí se encoge de hombros, mientras el viento sopla un poquito más fuerte y lo obliga a fruncir la nariz. ' pero después de conocerte, volví a darme cuenta de que es algo tan fácil ser feliz' y se queda así un momento, mirándole después de sus palabras, antes de soltarse un poquito para inclinarse justo en la orilla. con una ramita que ha encontrado, comienza a trazar formas en la arena, que el agua salada se lleva consigo. entonces, de pronto, palabras en hangul comienzan a ser escritas en espacio de tierra de húmeda. ' una vez me dijeron que cuando el mar se lleva cosas, no siempre desaparecen. a veces duran para siempre, porque el océano no tiene fin, o algo así ' asiente, muy confiado de su pequeña remembranza. ' entonces, siempre escribo las cosas que quiero que se queden conmigo. nombres, objetos. personas, recuerdos. incluso si ya no está cerca ' sentencia, y cuando termina, hay un nombre escrito bajo todas las otras formas y dibujos aleatorios que había hecho antes. un perfecto (스티비 권). ' stevie. kwon.' apunta cada palabra, traduciendo el coreano para él. ' y, ¿notas eso? el primer carácter tiene forma de casa' le dice, dejando escapar una risita suave, medio contagiosa, y llena de vida. ' bueno, es que eso significas para mí ' luego, voltea y lo mira. ' creo que eres como mi hogar, stevie. donde me siento seguro, y feliz. ' @stevvvies
' no me sirve que sean pacientes, necesito que lloren por mi ausencia. ' bromea para animarse un poco a sí mismo. se siente un poco dividido ahora mismo. no ve la hora de que todo termine para poder regresar y estar de nuevo con su familia, nunca pasó tanto tiempo alejados de ellos y está siendo más difícil de lo que creía. pero también regresar significa separarse de sus amigos y de yves, y eso sería lo peor que podría pasarle ahora mismo. ' quizás. ¿será que nos dejan ir de nuevo al pueblo fantasma? podríamos pedir permiso por un día. tenemos que buscar algo para nosotros también. ' esto último lo dice con un poco de vergüenza, su voz bajita y sus mejillas un poquito rosas. no le sirven únicamente los recuerdos, no son suficientes para él. quiere poder sentirlo cerca cuando estén a un mundo entero de distancia. no le presta mucho atención al camino, ya prácticamente se lo conoce de memoria, y prefiere aprovechar estos momentos para recordar cada detalle del menor. sabe que ahora mismo tiene la sonrisa más boba del mundo mientras lo hace, y que se agranda cada vez más mientras lo escucha. ' yo pienso igual. me daba un poco de miedo perderte una vez que la encontremos. ' en sus pensamientos más tristes y ansiosos, yves ya no tenía más interés en pasar tiempo con él una vez que la encuentren. pero ahora sabe que hay algo más que una simple canción y atracción entre ellos, sabe que sus sentimientos son correspondidos y que se encuentran en un mismo lugar ahora mismo. no los une un simple misterio a descubrir, sino algo más que no puede terminar de poner en palabras debido a sus propios miedos. ' mejor, porque me gusta descubrir cosas nuevas contigo. quiero seguir haciéndolo por un largo rato. ' admite con nervios, el viento tapando un poco sus palabras, y sus piernas tiemblan un poco. un poco agradece que se eche a correr, así tiene un segundo o dos para recomponerse antes de salir en su búsqueda. es un poco complicado mantener el equilibrio cuando frena de golpe en la arena y cuando la risa contraria es la música más linda que escucha, logrando que se distraiga un poco. siempre están cerca, la distancia es algo que ya no conocen, y aún así en su estómago aparecen mariposas cuando sus narices chocan. juntar sus labios con los de yves viene de manera natural y siempre, siempre, siempre, por más corta que sea la unión, su estado de ánimo mejora. ' es el mejor premio, no querría otro. ' están solos y no hay nadie cerca, pero de todas formas su voz sale en un susurro, entrando en ese mundo donde solo existen ellos y todo lo demás no es más que el decorado. sus manos bajan de sus mejillas a sus hombros, acariciándolo con suavidad mientras deja que se acomode entre sus brazos. ' ¿qué escribimos? ¿nuestras iniciales y un corazón? ' suelta burlón, porque nunca fue de esas personas que jugaban mucho con la arena. disfrutó siempre del mar y del océano, pero no de jugar fuera del agua. la pregunta lo toma por sorpresa, y si se queda en silencio es porque no sabe qué decir. su cuerpo se mece con lentitud mientras intenta encontrar las palabras correctas, acomodar un poco sus ideas antes de hablar. ' soy muy feliz. ' termina por decir, su voz bajita y su diestra buscando el cabellos una vez más, dejando caricias en su nuca. ' más que nunca y es gracias a ti. ' por primera vez sabe lo que es querer a alguien de verdad y que lo quieran de regreso, ¿cómo no iba a estarlo? ' me hizo feliz encontrarte. ' es lo último que agrega antes de dejar un besito en su hombro. ' ¿qué har de ti? ¿eres feliz? ' / @rhyves
#ft. stevie#cw hella gay#no words tbh#yo escribiendo esto con mis dos neuronas despiertas y el poder de los wekos de mi lado
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Okay the one thing I will say before I go to bed tonight is this:
I love Pedro with my WHOLE heart
#shazam spoilers#like??? hhhh#and like...ohhh my god#listen i have known that dc is much more willing in general to portray their queer characters as queer on the screen#between the cw shows and the hbo max shows they have proven that#but it is. SUCH a different experience to see queer characters in a superhero movie on the big screen???#genuinely i was so ecstatic at the beginning of the movie and i thought the baseball magazine was going to be all there was to it#and then he SAID THE WORDS 'i'm gay' and it was just something that existed and was important and was a small moment.#but i KEEP thinking about it. i am soso SO happy. it was small but it was so so big#and i am so glad for it. i frequently have gripes with dc but. they are willing and ready to tell more stories. it's a bumpy road#but it's not all stories based on and written by and for cishet white men yknow? and i am soso glad for that#anyway @marvel the ball is in your fucking court dc's shows are hella queer and they have a queer character on the big screen#last i checked mcu had...one vavue reference to liking men from loki? ina disney+ show? jist saying
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Rafe Cameron x FWB! Male! Reader
A/N: Was listening to more than friends and eyes don't lie by Isabel LaRosa while writing this :3 Just remember, english is not my first language, so sorry for spelling mistakes and bad wording! also, sorry that it's a bit short :(
CW!: Based on my bot I made! (just click on the word 'bot' for the link <3), this is merely headcanons and brabbles and not a full fic (unfortunately), both SFW and NSFW headcanons/brabbles, this Rafe is heavily based on my bot, not the Rafe in the series, same character, just not personality, do not come for me if his personality is wrong or that he won't do these things. Rafe is 20 years old in this. In public you and Rafe are close friends, in private you are fuck buddies, and in Rafe's head you two are dating (you don't know that though) Rafe is hella possessive and clingy (like badly), slight somnophilia!, mention of violence, Rafe is slightly pervy, Rafe is a bit too much into you, Bottom! Rafe x Top! Reader, reader is a male at birth (AMAB) but otherwise, the gender of reader is not explicitly explained, so can be read as transfem reader (who still has a penis) Words to describe reader: you, your, you're, [name]
・☆・ He definitely acts like a jealous girlfriend and an insecure one around you even though he knows the both of you are just 'friends' ・☆・ You were his first friend in kindergarten, and now you're still his closest friend even to today ・☆・ You're basically his first contact in his phone, oh, he needs something? He calls you if you have it. Oh, he done something? You're the first to hear about it, he barely even hides things from you now, you two have known each other your whole lives basically ・☆・ He laughs at your jokes often (even if they're not funny), seeing you happy makes him happy ・☆・ Rafe definitely gets jealous often, especially when another person tries to be in your life ・☆・ Be prepared for Rafe to give someone the meanest and nastiest stare if they try to flirt with you (you're his)
・☆・ Rafe definitely buys you things, clothes and accessories mostly, it makes him smile when he sees even one item he bought you on your body ・☆・ Rafe wears a necklace you bought him, and you wear a necklace he bought you, it's of course matching necklaces (one be barely takes off) ・☆・ When the both of you were younger, he definitely slept over at your house a lot and went to school with you like that, a few days a week at least, barely even in his own house during that time ・☆・ Rafe def likes to cuddle you when ever he comes to sleep over (he still does it even though he's 20 now), he doesn't care if he's the big spoon or little spoon, he just wants to hold you while he falls asleep ・☆・ When he gets hurt, expect him to be already at your doorstep, asking you to patch him up, and while you do it, he just smiles at you, asking if you can also kiss it better ・☆・ Oh, but when you get hurt? Even just a bit? He's already hunting down the person who did it, probably carrying a bat with him too, ready to teach the person a lesson to not touch his friend ・☆・ He has a shit ton of things of you, some he stole, and some you bought him or gave to him, he never even threw the things away you gave him when you two were younger, he still has everything, he would rather die then throw those things away ・☆・ Rafe isn't bisexual, or gay or straight, he's [name]sexual, he's basically only attracted to you, yeah he slept with other people before, but why should he when he has you? He just needs you, all he needs is you ・☆・ He acts like your personal bodyguard sometimes ・☆・ Follows you around like a lost puppy, you're the only one he hangs out with almost everyday (he gets pissed if you're gone for too long, and I mean a literal day, he gets pissed if he doesn't see you or gets to hang out with you for a day)
・★・ You were his first wet dream, and you were the first person to take his anal virginity and the last (now he won't let you go) ・★・ Has put some innocent person in the hospital just because they touched your arm and tried to flirt with you
・★・ Has wrapped the necklace you bought him around his cock, stroking himself with it wrapped around his cock, watching it glistening with lube, knowing that your hands was on the necklace at one point before you gave it to him. ・★・ Thinks about you when he hooks up with a girl, you can't leave his head- and it's the only way he'll even cum during sex with the random girl ・★・ Often masturbates to pictures of you ・★・ Did I mention that Rafe just loves to stare at you? Thoughts going inside of his head, some innocent... some not so innocent, imagining you naked, his eyes going over the bulge between your legs, or going over you hands, imagining your hands wrapping around his neck while you fuck him ・★・ His favorite part of your body is your hands obviously, he always imagines that his hand stroking his cock is yours, or that your fingering him when he fingers himself (it's never the same feeling) ・★・ When Rafe sleeps over, be prepared to wake up with either his hand or mouth wrapped around your cock, and when he sees that you're awake, he'll only claim that you were "hard" when he woke up so he decided to help you out ・★・ Rafe loves to ride your cock, it's his favorite position, his other favorite position is probably prone bone, he loves to stuff his face into his pillow while you pound him from behind- hell, wrap your arm around his neck and choke him like that, he absolutely loves it ・★・ Rafe definitely hints that he wants to wake up to you fucking him, since you woke up so many times with him pleasuring you, he wants you to do it back to him, as almost like payback ・★・ Rafe doesn't really care where the two of you fuck, just not visibly in public, maybe in bathrooms, or secretly grinding against each other in the library, but he does not want to be caught, scared that it'll ruin the Cameron name
・★・ Would suck the soul out of your body through your dick, especially when you're trying to game or on a call, he likes to tease you like that ・★・ Oh, but if you do it to him? If you suck him off like it's his last day on earth? God, he is whiny, he wouldn't even be able to talk with anyone while you suck his cock, not even if he tries to block the noises with his hand, you'll still hear him whimpering and whining about how good it feels ・★・ Loves it when you cum on his face, he'll even stick out his tongue while you paint his face white with your cum (don't get it in his hair though, or he won't talk to you for 10 minutes straight) ・★・ Only watches porn if one of the people in the video looks like you, even if just slightly, or if they don't show their face, but he'll still watch it if the person's body matches yours ・★・ He probably wouldn't leave the business to be your househusband (one day, he prays, he seriously does), he'll want YOU to stay at home while he works, one he can come home to, eat some of your delicious food and then get all the stress pounded out of him <3

★☆ all works belong to @onekmaway, do NOT steal, copy or repost anywhere without permission from ME personally. ☆★
#°•☆- ᴠᴀʟ'ꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ#dom male reader#seme male reader#top male reader#male reader#x male reader#sub character#top reader#bottom male character#dom reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron x reader#outerbanks rafe#rafe x reader#rafe outer banks
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woo first post of the year! i finally finished my doodles of everyone in the streamer au :3 i’m rlly excited to post it cuz i love this au dearly!! some lil snippets of info about everyone is below the cut if ur curious abt this silly au :3
LTTM | Kamaria (she/her)
Works as a nutritionist, was inspired to go into the field because both her parents are doctors! Usually mods Sig’s chat and occasionally joins streams if she’s up for it. In a book club with Cyra, and is a little gym rat, specifically weight training and likes to joke that she can bench-press Sayani (she can.). Usually level-headed but gets extremely anxious when people get sick, especially Felix. Thankfully Sayani and Cyra are there to force her to rest and help if one of them is under the weather. Massive lesbian and Sayani’s partner.
SRS | Cyra (they/he/xe)
Sheltered catholic boy turned nonbinary librarian with like 3 boyfriends (gn). Started using they/them on accident when they got asked their pronouns in class and panicked and blurted “he/they” and then was too awkward to correct himself. Currently attends school with Felix, getting their masters degree in library science (xier bachelors was in history). On the very rare occasion they join sayani’s streams, xe wears a facemask which has triggered sayani’s fanbase to make a “headcanon” that he’s a vampire and doesn’t wanna show his fangs. Joined a book club to find some friends that he goes to with Kamaria.
SOS | Sylvia (she/her)
ngl she’s usually just a background character, probably an accountant or something
OSO | Felicity (she/her)
fun fact i literally googled “bitchy girl names” to get a name for her. looks like a tired office woman. probably works with sliver and hates her.
EOI | Echos (any/all)
haven’t really used him either but they’re vegan and like crocheting :3 probably has a small business on etsy or smth
CW | Chase (he/him)
straightest gay man in existence. had piper convinced he was genuinely straight until yui told them otherwise. sig’s childhood best friend and partner in crime. not a streamer but does play games with sig regularly. his last name is Gray-Windsor (clubs came up with that banger)
NSH | Sayani (she/he/it)
god i could dump so much stuff about this lil freak. she’s a streamer, obviously, and also a top-ranked esports player in multiple FPS games. refuses to tell chat its pronouns bc she thinks it’s funny watching them guess. gets hella bitches and is dating kamaria, cyra, & felix, and occasionally fucks around with piper, yui, & chase. his mom is from the philippines and his dad is japanese, and her mom speaks to him mostly in tagalog, which sig can understand but can’t speak (…aside from swear words, lmao). attended the same college as felix & cyra’s for one semester until the streaming thing blew up.
PI | Piper (they/them)
DEFINITION OF PRETTY PRIVILEGE. PURE OF HEART AND DUMB OF ASS. lowkey stoner and helps felix w his chronic pain. highkey gay whore, is with Felix officially and kinda Cyra and Sayani. competitive esports player & streamer who met sayani at a competition.
UI | Yui (she/they)
streamer & competitive esports player, can come off as a bit of a bitch due to being defensive in such a male-dominated space. from korea and makes fun of sig for not being bilingual like she is. very close friends with piper and phoebe.
ABL | Phoebe (they/them)
again, haven’t really used them much but they’re yui’s best friend. has a massive crush on yui but doesn’t really have the confidence to go for it. enjoys fashion design.
FP | Felix (he/him)
Kamaria’s adopted brother (hence why he’s a scrawny ass white boy). Battled cancer as a child and deals with chronic pain due to it, but has been in remission since he was 12! has to use crutches when he walks sometimes. artsy little fuck and getting his bachelors of fine arts, drew all of the emotes for sayani’s streams. used to be camera shy but eventually came to be a pretty regular guest on stream, and occasionally does little drawing streams. knows how to play guitar and sing, but thinks his voice sounds “girly” so he doesn’t do it often. dating sayani, cyra, and piper.
aaaaaand yeah! that’s all i can think of rn lmfao. i’m probably gonna hit post and be like “NO I FORGOT TO SAY—“ but oh well lmfao. feel free to send me asks abt it :D
#rain world#rain world downpour#human au#rw iterator#rain world au#i am not tagging all these mfs individually. hell naw#rw#streamer au
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7.) Ship the antis in your fandom like, but you think is hella problematic?
8.) Ship that is (presented as) cute in canon/fanon, but you think is problematic anyway.
If you want ofc.
Holy shit I didn't think anyone would ask me anything, thank you so much!!
I'm... so sorry for the oncoming rants. Oh boy lol.
CW for mentions of coercion toward the end
7) Chansaw. Chansaw, Chansaw, Chansaw. Without a sliver of a shadow of a doubt.
Antis like it because WLW, and as we all know, WLW >>>>> HET ALWAYS. And also, WLW is never toxic because they say so, and if you disagree, you're an ugly pedo rape apologist! HET BAAAAAD, WLW GOOOOOOOD! uwu! Because, you see, when a boy pulls your pigtails because he likes you, it's problematic. But when a girl pulls your pigtails because she likes you, suddenly it's all right! Because it's different when it's a GIRL. She's not a BOY, so it's different, see? Because if it's a BOY, it's not gay. It's m/f, not f/f, and it's less valid if it's not f/f don't you know uwu I'm so progressive and if you don't like this specific ship UM you're homophobic 💀💀💀 l + ratio + bozo /S
Never mind the fact there's literally three other girls to choose from, so this is hardly the only wlw ship we have to work with or perish. 5/8 of the students are girls, and Ms. Flem is the only notable adult. Never mind that all Chandler and Veronica do is butt heads the entire time they're on screen together. At least when Veronica got together with J.D., she actually liked him. He had nothing to offer her, yet she still decided he was worth the trouble and only realized she dun goofed later on when he proves he's not exactly safe to be around. Whereas she got with the Heathers specifically for the benefits of popularity, not because she liked them (in the musical, her exact words were "They're solid Teflon - never bothered, never harassed / I would give anything to be like that." Not them. Like that), and she paid for it with her talent of forgery.
I've seen the argument Chansaw is better because Chandler was just a bully, whereas J.D. murdered people. OBVIOUSLY no one is doubting murder is worse than bullying. Right?? That's a given (I hope). But they seem to be forgetting bullying is also bad behavior. Plus, when that's not the question being asked, any attempt to insist that's still the answer just derails and distracts from the point. The question is NOT "whose actions are more bad/who can we deem the WORSER PERSON (and therefore who DESERVES to be HATED MORE)?" but "do their actions paint them as bad people?" Murdering is bad, yes, obviously, but so is being a cunt. Veronica didn't want to murder, but she ALSO didn't want to be an asshole to others, not for shits and giggles, and definitely not to Martha Dunnstock, who's done literally nothing to anyone. I don't see how that's so hard to understand. The scale of the offense doesn't matter because that’s not the point.
8) Again, Chansaw. None of the relationships in Heathers are without some level of problematic bs, but this one kickstarts it. The story wouldn't exist if this relationship was any better than it canonically is.
Heather Chandler treats everyone around her with the utmost contempt, including Veronica Sawyer, and the fact that antis love this ship so much is one of the fandom's biggest ironies. You can't wear the "Mythic Bitch" badge with pride but recoil and screech and desperately try to reframe it as something else when she actually and unapologetically behaves like a bitch. Passing off the toxicity as romantic also goes against anti beliefs since that's romanticizing toxicity, is it not? And insisting she's actually not a bitch because "well um uhm uhhhm ackshually see what happened was like their own personal headcanon dictates she's just mean because like misunderstood uwu and like daddy issues owo and if you don’t agree their interpretation is the only valid one despite blatantly contradicting canon then did you know you're the wrongest person in the whole wide world to ever wrong and also did you know deserve the death?" is like... first of all, headcanons are just headcanons, not canon-canon, and no one has to agree with ones they don’t like, and second of all, we clearly did not watch the same story because that girl has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
(And no! Her high school junior ass getting coerced into blowing a uni guy in the movie doesn't make her misunderstood! Sympathetic, absolutely. But there's nothing to misunderstand. Adult man pressure girl at party. Girl hate this. Girl mad. Girl mad so girl mean to friend for not getting hurt too. Friend sick. Friend want go home. Girl not let sick friend go since sick friend not hurt like girl was. Sick friend vomit. Girl mad at sick friend more. Friend mad at girl. Girl drop friend. Friend try say sorry. Girl not say sorry back. Girl not care. Friend kill girl. Friend not mean to. Girl dead. What's not to get?
Also no! Her singing her "suicide" note in the musical doesn't mean jack because we all saw her "suicide" was murder (that's literally the premise), and her murderers are writing this note to cover their asses. All the stuff they're making her say is to make it look like she murdered herself so they don't get in trouble. It can't be more obvious than it's shown! I can't believe antis are so desperate to prove they only stan Good People they choose to blatantly ignore concrete evidence of shit going on and try to insist their pure viewing is the universal interpretation of events! There's headcanon and then there's whatever this is!)
#proship#Heathers#anti anti#antis dni#antis don’t interact#proshippers please interact#proshipper safe#anti harassment
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hello from the mod of this account!!! you can call me, hm, nakshi.
general info:
this is a pretty self-explanatory sherlock AU. everyone is in gen z and has tumblr.
this AU uses characters from bbc sherlock and sherlock&co. they will probably be ooc as this is pretty much its own thing. steer clear if you're not a fan of that.
i will sometimes reblog things in character. these will be tagged "____posting". (replace ____ with character name)
there are characters who are yet to be introduced (mycroft, anthea, victor trevor, moriarty). they'll all come in. probably.
there may be OCs. cry about it.
the only concrete ship in this is johnlock, which will be endgame. philip and sally will also probably be endgame (but in the far background). i have no idea what i'll do with anyone else.
there's currently no plot for this. i'm just fucking around. this is subject to change.
i will not tag any of my posts with anything other than "#gen z sherlock holmes" and possibly the occasional comment. this is because i'm hella embarassed of this AU and it's very self indulgent. possibly in the future i will also tag this with "sherlock holmes".
🚂cluelock - sherlock holmes, he/they/it, gay
🏉jhwatson - john watson, he/him transmasc*, bisexual
🥀its-mari-bitch - mariana ametxazurra, any pronouns, lesbian (s&co)
⭐gracelestars - grace lestrade**, she/her, bisexual (s&co/bbc)
🌞mollybop - molly hooper, she/they, pansexual (bbc)
🔥fredweaslesleftsock - sally donovan, she/her, straight (bbc)
🍆phatass - philip anderson, he/him, straight (bbc)
🌠sapphoshards - vanessa wright, any pronouns, bisexual (oc)
*john transitioned before moving to the school he's currently in, so no one knows he's transmasc (yet)
**in sherlock&co lestrade is a woman, and i decided to roll with that adaptation.
general cw:
homophobia, transphobia, offensive jokes, suicide jokes (possibly), typing quirks(?), excessive swearing, slurs, use of gen z slang (possibly). CW will be updated as the series progresses.
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fl🅰️ming h🅾️t cheet🅾️s
#katie mcgrath#lena luthor#she’s amazing#the love of my life#beautiful#she’s so hot#supergirl cw#supercorp#mmmmm#i’m hella gay :)
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I hope this is the 1 in 14 million reality where CW + Supergirl are smart enough to make supercorp canon
#what i hope we see sunday and next week#we’re in the endgame#supercorp endgame#i have no idea why this idea haunted my mind and compelled me to make these#but it took me waaay to long y’all#supergirl#supercorp#lena luthor#kara danvers#kara x lena#cw#avengers infinity war#avengers endgame#lgbtq#also im technically bi not gay but i be hella gay for supercorp always#so shhhh
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i HATE "is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon". 1) they make hestia horny 2) they made artemis straight 3) they made frejya boring 4) they made hephaestus attractive
but at least hephaestus and loki anime girls. hephaestus' gender doesnt really matter, his wife, aphrodite isnt in any lesbian relationships but she is the patriot of lesbians (they deserve better than a tacky-ass r*pist) so shed be cool with hephaestus being a girl. also loki is a genderfluid shapeshifter so theyd be hella fine with being an anime girl
#danmachi#mythology is hella gay yall#also artemis is aroace and i will fight you online if you disagree with me#oh but orion - orion was only dubbed as artemis' bf in some versions of that myth and even then it was only apollo who said that#and even they were dating then artemis would be demiro ace which is technically still on the aro ace spectrum#also its been years since i watched it so im probably misremembering loads of stuff#also can we stop making even mythology euro-centric. ok theres egypt but like egypt is basically in europe#also i bet you cant name a popular mythology that isnt from europe#moana did its part for polynesian mythos and history (its really interesting) but it didnt make it become popular#rant cw
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So I’m watching all Studio Ghibli movies and I just finished When Marnie Was There and,

That is the GAYEST thing I have ever seen in an anime film and I am appalled at how it unfolded. And here I was mad at the blatant SuperGirl queerbaiting. I stg WMWT baits in ways SuperGirl could never. I’m. In. Shock. I. Do. Not. Approve. This.
But it was a great movie tho.
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“so… i don’t really know the best way to say this.” dakota laughed though it came out more forced than anything. god, he could do this. right? “you can’t come over anymore.” he avoided meeting their gaze as he spoke. and really, they shouldn’t stay in contact at all anymore. he didn’t need them getting mixed into everything, but he was selfish as fuck when it came to them. “i uh…” dakota rubbed the back of his neck, “remember when i told you i killed my ex? yeah so not so fun fact… turns out he’s still alive.”
#open ⟩ 【i think there's been a glitch】#indie rp#indie smut rp#indie gay rp#indie bi rp#indie oc rp#indie kink rp#death mention cw#reposting cause i really highly want this#but i'm also gonna be hella selective on it#so i know that'll probably keep people from replying#but i promise if u reply and i can't do it#i will hit u up for something different!
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Reader dom, sub Peter parker, sub, Tony (I need this artwork to live)
Here ya go
Sub!Peter Parker x Dom!Male reader x Sub!Tony Stark

Cw:(first time, soft to hard fucking, hella gay, vibrator, spanking, praise, degrading, mentions of getting pregnant, mentions of 'boypussy' but is still male, smut)
Tony Stark had fallen head over heels in love with you. You were his 24/7 bodyguard (cliche I know-) that would constantly be near him. He asked you to be his boyfriend and you happily agreed. You couldn't deny that you loved his cute face too. You loved the way he would melt from just you looking at him. Even a single touch from you could make his legs wobble a tiny bit. The power you had over him just made you feel warm inside. You made your way to the kitchen where Tony is currently complaining about a headache.
"Anthony~" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He let out a long and tired groan. I smiled and spun him to face me. I held his legs either side of me and sat in his seat. I gently put his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back. "It's ok, Baby~ Daddy's here to take care of you~" I cooed to him teasingly. He blushed and let out a sigh and relaxed into me. "You better…" He grumbled.
I hummed and turned to the sound of an elevator opening and saw Tony's newest assistant, Peter Parker, walk in and looked pretty stressed. "Mr. Stark, I need to talk to you- Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy!" He said as he saw us cuddling in the kitchen.
I waved him off. "It's alright. We were just relaxing a bit. What did you need?" I asked. He squirmed and fiddled with his fingers, his gaze averting to the floor. "Um…N-Nevermind!" He mumbled. I smiled when I heard a little snore come out of Tony. "It's just me now. My bunny here is sleeping~" I cooed softly. Peter came a bit closer, sitting in one of the seats next to me.
"Well…um…I know you two probably won't feel the same but I just need to get it off my chest, even if you reject me." Peter said quietly as to not wake Tony. I nodded and guestered him to continue. "I-I have a…really big crush on you and Mr. Stark. I can't help it, you two are so attractive and…these weird thoughts keep coming up…" Peter quietly whimpered.
My eyes widened a bit at his confession. 'Why would this adorable little boy lust after us? He could have picked a younger person…' I thought. "Oh Peter...Are you sure you would want to have a romantic relationship with us? I mean, you're so young. You could get a relationship with someone you deserve." I mumbled to him.
He looked up at me. "I-I'm sure I want you and Mr. Stark. I can't think about being with anyone else. I love you." He whimpered. I stilled for a bit, thinking for a bit. I lifted the hand that was on Tony's thigh and tilted Peter's face to look up at mine. "Oh my~ How could I refuse a pretty face like yours~" I purred. "Here. Come with me~" I whispered and walked to our bedroom. Peter followed us quietly. I gently laid Tony on the bed.
"Let's wake our Piccolo Topo(little mouse)~ I'm sure he'll like this present~" I purred and took his clothes off. Peter blushed and got in between Tony's legs. "I-If you say so…" He whimpered and licked the tip of his cock. I smirked and went behind Tony, kissing his neck to wake him up. "Tesoro(darling)~ Come on, My little pudding cup~ Wake up for me~" I whispered in his ear. He whined and bucked against Peter. "What…" He mumbled.
"Look at your little present here~" I purred and snaked my arms up his shirt and began to play with his nipples. His head fell back on my shoulder and he let out a long and lazy moan. "So fucking cute~" I growled and pinched his nipples. He arched his back and gasped. "Mr. Stark~ My body feels hot for you~" Peter whimpered and bobbed his head up and down Anthony's cock. Tony gasped and his hands came up to Peter's hair. "S-Shit, kid…Your mouth feels so fucking good~" Tony groaned.
I slowly grinded my cock on his ass. "Ohhh the things I want to do to him~ I want to fuck him right on the bed while is sucking your pretty cock off~ I want to fuck him until he can't think about anything but us~ I want him to scream as loud as he can until he looses his voice~" I growled. I felt his whole body heat up from the statement. "W-What are you waiting for then…" He huffed.
I smirked. "Oh don't worry, I'm going to make sure that all of those things I said are going to happen~" I murmured and bit his ear. He let out a lewd groan and came into Peter's mouth. I rubbed his tummy, watching him twitch from the intense feeling. I moved over a bit and took my clothes off. "Peter~ Be a good boy and take your clothes off~" Tony purred.
Tony watched with a hazy look as Peter shimmied his clothes off. He noticed us staring and climbed into the bed, hiding himself in the blankets. "C'mere baby~" I growled and pulled him closer and pinned his arms away from his body. He relaxed a bit and looked up at me with those big, adorable, puppy eyes. I let out a shaky sigh and saw his twitching cock. "P-Please be gentle…I-I'm a virgin…" Peter begged. Virgin…Peter Parker?
All movement around us seemed to stop. Peter shifted uncomfortably under our gaze. "Is that bad…?" Peter whispered. I shook out of my daze and gently rocked my hips against his. "No~ Not at all~ It just means that we are the first ones who get to touch your pretty body, Ragazzo Carino(pretty boy) ~" I growled. I rolled Peter over so that he was on his knees with his face buried into the bed. I quickly snatched the lube from the dresser and poured some on my fingers. "Are you comfortable? Is there something you don't like?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Please continue!" He begged. My fingers gently danced around his hole before gently plunging inside the warm cavern. "Wow~ you're so tight~" I praised and ran my hand over his smooth thighs. "Così fottutamente carino(So fucking pretty)~" You mumbled. You stuck another finger in, scissoring his hole gently.
He whimpered and clutched the bed sheets. His thighs were shaking a bit as I nuzzled into them. "No one else is ever going to see this~ only us~" I growled. I pluck my 3rd finger in just to make sure. He looked down at the pre-cum dribbling down his cock. "I'm ready! Please fuck me! I want to know what it feels like~" Peter begged.
I pulled my fingers out and slowly lubed my cock, edging Tony and Peter at the same time. I got behind Peter and slowly rocked my hips into his, teasing my cock at his entrance. "Ready? Ask nicely." I ordered. "Please, M/n! Please fuck me!" He begged. I held his hips and slowly eased my cock inside of him. He gasped and moaned loudly.
"Fuck~ Your so tight and warm~" I groaned. "Mr. Stark! Please put your cock in my mouth! I wanna taste you!" He begged out, fisting the sheets. "You're so adorable, Peter~ Here's your reward~" Tony purred and shoved his cock inside of Peter's mouth.
I slowly moved in and out, careful as to not hurt him. "Your so fucking cute~ I just wanna do this," I said and slapped his ass, moaning when I saw it jiggle. His body jolted at the sudden movement and moaned loudly. "Cute~" You purred and slapped his ass more. You set a medium pace, making sure he was comfortable. Your arm wriggled under his tummy and you jerked his cock off.
"Mmm!!!" His screams were muffled by Tony's cock. "Peter, Take it easy~ Don't rush it- Ah~" His sentence got cut off by his sudden moan when Peter sucked on his lip. I reached by the side of the bed for a vibrating buttplug in the 'toy box'. "Tesoro~ Spread your legs for us~" I smirked. He spread his thighs apart more and leaned back. I lubed up the plug and slowly eased it in, making sure it reached the base.
He sat back up and slowly rocked his hips. "Fuck~ Please let me cum this time!" He begged. I smiled and turned it up 2 settings high. Tony's breath hitched and he grabbed onto Peter's hair. I leaned down, my chest resting on his back and I nuzzled into his neck, kissing his neck.
His whole body was shaking and he came right in my hand. "Did you cum already~ Adorable~" I licked my lips and bit down on the nape of his neck. He shivered and moaned loudly on Tony's cock. "Cumming…!" Tony moaned and pushed Peter's head on the base of his cock. 1I grabbed Tony's wrist. "Be gentle, Tesoro~ It's his first, let's be gentle~" I cooed. "I-I don't mind! Please wreck me!" He cried out.
"I don't want to hurt you." I whispered in his ear. "Please! Harder! Spank me more, Amore!" He begged. My pupils dilated and at his words and I spread more lube on my cock before pounding him into the bed. "Keep sucking that fucking cock, who told you that you could stoo~" I growled and spanked him harder. He let out a long moan and choked on Tony's cock.
I turned Tony's setting all the way up as Peter choked on his cock. I could hear it buzzing through his tummy. Tony groaned loudly and clawed at the bed. "TOO MUCH!!! OH FUCK!!!" He screamed and came again. I jerked Peter's cock faster when my own orgasm neared. I kissed and bit his neck more, admiring the red and purple Mark's I left.
"Your going to take this fucking cock~ I'm going to stuff your boypussy with~ my cum~ I'm going to breed you so fucking deep that well have children~ Oh~ You like that idea~ Do you like the idea of having a tummy filled with kids? Walking around with a baby in your tummy at such a young age? You fucking slut~" I growled. He pulled off of Tony's cock and screamed out. "YES!!! PLEASE BREED MY BOYPUSSY!!! GET ME PREGNANT!!!" He screamed and came again in my hand. My cock twitched and I came deep inside Peter. Tony let out a broken groan and came on Peter's face.
I turned the vibrator off and let them rest. Peter went limp and collapsed on the bed, twitching and panting. I went to get a damp towel and wiped Peter's body down, cleaning his face and then his ass. I took the plug out of Tony and let him curl up in the blankets. "Can you put a plug inside…like the people do when they don't want anything to leak." Peter mumbled shyly. I smiled and reached in the box and grabbed a pretty blue buttplug for him. I put some lube on it and gently put it in, making sure it was snug inside of him.
I wiped Tony's toy down before throwing it in the box lazily and hopped into bed. I wrapped my arms around Peter as he curled into Tony's chest. "Good job, Peter~ You were such a good boy today~" He praised. Peter smiled weakly. "Thank you, Mr. Stark." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. Me and Tony gave each other one last look before falling asleep as well. "G'night, Tesoro~" I whispered.
Next up: Tony stark x ??? X male reader
It's a secret :]
#avengers x male reader#marvel x male reader#marvel#x male reader#marvel fic#male reader#Tony stark x male reader#peter parker x male reader#spiderman#iron man#ironman x male reader#tony stark x reader#peter parker x reader#gay
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☁synopsis: in school there are only two things that sunwonki care about, passing classes and loving their hallway crush m/n who happens to be the schools photographer. what will happen when they all start to fight over the photography club's secretary while trying to maintain the popular boy stereotype?
☁enha! maknae line x male! reader featuring: wonyoung of ive, hyeongjun of cravity, dongypo of mirae, jeongseob of p1harmony, yoon of stayc and the rest of enhypen!
☁cw: smau! fluff + angst! slow burn! lowkey crack! flirting between heeseung and jake, hella gay, polyamory
taglist (open): @priochebun @geonusboy @strwberrydinosaur @rinswrlds-blog
#enhypen fluff#enhypen x male reader#sunoo x male reader#jungwon x male reader#niki x male reader#male reader#x male reader#kpop x male reader
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Could you write a Hyunlix!Male reader smut with Degrading, Edging and Multiple orgasms (Bottom reader) I don't think there's nearly enough Male reader content for stays.....
No Sugar & All Spice
cw // Smutty Smut of Smut, Rough Sex, Degradation, Edging, Objectification, Small Spanking Part, Begging, Sex Work AU, Non-Implied Aftercare (Remember to always give your partner aftercare no matter what, I didn't put it in because it would prolong the drabble. Aftercare is important.)
a/n: Oh and yes there isn't enough m reader content out there sadly.
Maybe going to a gay strip club in the middle of the night isn't that bad after all, as long as your sober atleast. You had spotted two amazing dancers up on the stage earlier — one of them, the tall blonde one even made eye contact with you. The loud crowd gives you serious headache.
You sighed, rotating glass of grape juice as you thought back to the two dancers, the bulges on their mini-shorts look awfully tasty. God, even their muscles were worth to be drooled at to be honest. They looked ethereal, sadly when you asked the bouncer earlier — he mentioned that they won't have a performance for today.
There were other dancers in the club of course, they were hella good-looking too but the other two just hits different in a way.
You reminisce slightly of the performance, you were fully entranced at the sight of the two swinging on the poles. You leaned on your hand that was on the table, taking a sip of your grape juice as another sigh went out your mouth.
So focused on the past, you didn't even notice that someone was tapping your back. The guy tapped harder, breaking you out of the trance you were in.
Turning back at the soft touch, you let out an “Eh?” then you finally realized who it was.
Both of the hot dancers were now up close and personal. A smirk both tugging on their lips.
After the cogs on your brain started working again, you spoke, “Oh! Hi. Hello.” came out of your mouth.
Fuck! What the fuck, was that?! You were panicking slightly now. You felt awfully embarrassed at what you had said.
The blonde guy with medium length hair, opened his mouth to speak first — his freckles glamoured at the disco lights from the club. “Hi, pretty boy~ You seem a bit dazed, you drunk?” the blonde boy asked.
You shook your head, “Grape Juice.” you pointed out, raising the glass filled with purple liquid.
“Oh.” the blonde dancer simply said, while the grin from the short black haired dancer only widened.
“Names’ Felix but you can call me daddy~” He whispers, earning an elbow to the side from the other dancer.
“Call me Hyunjin, what’s yours?” the other said, reaching out his hand to your bottom lip, his calloused thumb rubbing it gently.
“Oh, just Y/N is fine..” you hum in answer, you didn't to anything to Hyunjin’s hand — too entranced by his beauty.
The short haired man bit his lips while the one with the freckles huffed, crossing his arms.
“Say, Y/N... Would you be down for some fun?” Hyunjin says, his thumb gently massaging your cheek now. Felix was wearing a huge grin at that, yellow sparkles dancing in his eyes.
Oh, this would be a fun night.
“F—Fu- Ah~!” you moaned against the sheets that was stained with your tears from pure pleasure. Felix was thrusting mercilessly on your loose hole, your rim desperately clenching around him as he groans lowly.
His grip on your hips bruising as he pistons his hips and pulls you back on your cock. Your eyes were rolled back at the back of your head as he grips your cock harshly, cum seeping out as you felt like you were arriving at your 3rd orgasm of the night.
Hyunjin was busy jerking his big cock off, him already using your hole once already while Felix had already gone twice.
With each thrust of Felix, dribbles of cum pours out from having been filled endlessly already.
“Fucking slut, we saw the way you were looking up at us on the stage earlier. ” Hyunjin says harshly in the sides, glaring at you intensely as you fall apart from Felix’s dick.
Felix heard that and chuckled before gripping your hair — tugging it back, “You like this, don’t you pretty boy? You like getting reduced to nothing but a fucktoy. Maybe we should’ve called the others, I'm pretty sure they're needing a hole to fuck too.” Felix growls, slapping your already-red thighs.
You whined against the sheets, drooling at the overwhelming pleasure. “No no, d-don’t want any other than L-Lix and J-Jinnie...” you mumbled, choking on your spit when Felix striked your swollen prostate.
Hyunjin and Felix both liked that very much.
“Ah, G-Gonna cum, gonna c-cum.” you chanted, burying your head in the sheets, not wanting them to hear your embarrassing cries.
“Don’t let him cum, Lix.” Hyunjin instructed firmly, twisting his hand on his cock, groaning at the sensation.
Felix nodded and gripped your cock tightly, ignoring your begging and pleas. “Let me cum! Please, ah..!” you protested, squirming against tight grip.
Felix scoffs, one deep and harsh thrust shutting your mouth out fully. He loved the way, you slumped against the bed, fully pliant as he ran his hand your back.
“By the end of this, you’d be our fuckdoll~” Hyunjin said, a smirk playing on his lips as he stood up running his hand on your messy hair as you stared back up at the beautiful man.
“We’ll keep you a secret from the others, they’re annoying.” Felix added with a grin, your twitching cock still in his hold as he started slowly thrusting into you again.
Oh what a long night it is, unexpected club visits do turn into interesting outcomes.
#midnight requests 2021#blog anniversary special#kpop x male reader#stray kids x male reader#skz smut#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#sub male reader#kpop x reader#kpop smut#dom stray kids#hwang hyunjin x male reader#lee felix x male reader#mlm fic#x male reader
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OP is acting like they're just now discovering that gay people exist 💀
What are your opinions on mha????
Random but okay???
When I first watched it a couple years back I thought it was pretty cool...
But the Fandom ruined it for me tbh😒
Do I think sum of yall need therapy??? Maybe- but thats okay cuz so do i🥲😌
#also anyone who says the MHA fandom ruined it for them are hella fragile lmao#MHA fandom is chill as hell and u just need to learn to take charge of ur own experience on the internet to avoid things u don't like lol#honestly if a few harmless gay ships is enough to turn you away from a whole show ? u probably do need therapy#mha wank#mha discourse#bakudeku#tododeku#cw: discourse
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i want this woman on top of me now, destroying my insides. #noshame🥴
#supergirl#she’s amazing#beautiful#i love her#lgbtq#top me pls#katie mcgrath#lena luthor#supergirl cw#supergirl 5#supercorp#i’m hella gay :)#like 🥴#phew 🥵#damn 🤤#ugh 😍😍😍#she can **** ** anytime#shes so hot
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