#cw flashing image
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 3 months ago
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stimboard for : a white cat and sea nymph in a pastel sea witch aesthetic requested by @snuggle-bug
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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owlservice · 6 months ago
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Other illusions even demonstrate how we use prediction to compensate for living a few milliseconds in the past. This phenomenon can be illustrated very clearly in the form of an animation called the flash-lag illusion [as above]. A small bar rotates around an invisible centre point, like the second hand of a clock, flashing on the screen at predictable intervals, much like a stop–start animation giving the perception of movement. If an additional bar is flashed alongside the first bar, at the same angle, then the two bars look to be aligned as they rotate around the central point. But if the second bar appears only at unpredictable intervals, the two bars are perceived as misaligned, a kink in the hand of the clock. The predictable nature of the movement of the first bar means we are actually perceiving the bar to be where we expect it to be, while the unpredictable flashes of the second bar mean we can only see where it actually is, resulting in the two bars appearing to be set at an angle to each other.
The Man Who Tasted Words by Guy Leschziner
What do you guys think of this one
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fayrism · 2 years ago
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ID in alt
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hs-panel-hue-picked-flags · 2 years ago
abrosexual flag from any panel, and an omni flag from a vriska panel ? pls and ty
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Of course, yeah. Abrosexual Dadbert flag
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and Omnisexual Vriska flag.
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maledictosanguine · 2 years ago
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Aldous/Remington Blackwell. The middle brother. Reckless and impulsive, he's known for going above and beyond but is protective of his littlest brother, Alan. He had his fangs ripped out and was staked in 1831 by the Visigoths, this began their curse of being killed and reborn.
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Emerson/Alan Blackwell. The youngest. He mostly keeps to himself. He enjoys art. Not much is currently known but he has been reborn just as much as Aldous and Frederick, and is briefly seen in No Love In LA, commanding a horde of people wearing gas masks to seize Aldous/Remington. Of course he escaped before they could, but it is now known in No Love In LA that it was just a dream. Remington is sick and hallucinating his past lives while being cared for by Frederick/Sebastian and Emerson/Alan.
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Frederick/Sebastian Blackwell. The oldest. Most sophisticated. He enjoys a drink or two and gambles in the bastards novel for money but gets caught up in the wrong group of people. Ends up being sold to this hospital as a body but survives and escapes. As he escapes, he comes across Remington who had *also* been getting money but as a gravedigger. They both leave. After Emerson had been chased into the crypts by a group of thugs, they all made their way back to the caravan, where they received a letter. The letter will be revealed in the soon to be released volume 2 of The Bastards graphic novel.
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Credit to @charlie-rulerofhell for the caravan pic. I couldn't find it anywhere and I needed it for this post. Thanks!!!
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doggirl-narcolepsy · 2 years ago
I think I finally managed to get my Auto-Block macro to a point where I can just leave it running to clean out my follower list
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geo-is-queer · 6 months ago
Does anyone seriously think keeping sex drive is that important though? Like seriously who wouldn't press the button??
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half-a-life-left · 9 months ago
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viperbunnies · 1 month ago
What flavor of Gumball did you get?
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Screenshot to get your gumball! What flavor do you think they'll taste like...
A little gift of some mutual's ocs that I've been itching to draw :>, I'm still terribly artblocked but I've been doodling some ocs to try and get some motivation back :') (Ocs belong to : Andy = @rizdoodls Arlo = @sunnysidesevenup Ashi = @ashipiko Cass = @the-travelling-witch Dranav = @justm3di0cr3 Fayrouz = @fell-e Hagi @hagi-clvnk Iris = @lficanthaveloveiwantpower Jewel = @jewelulu Jovie @jovieinramshackle Kyra = @angelwishess Lydia = @treydia Mayu = @anbaisai Niko = @j-yushi Raven = @raven-at-the-writing-desk Shin = @liyuviq Shuu = @oya-oya-okay Taru = @taruruchi Tia = @cozymochi Yuume = @kazuww00 Yuusha = @crystallizsch Yuu shi @boopshoops Yuya = @cheerleaderman )
If the oc belongs to you, feel free to use for personal use, Transparent png version for those who own the oc: here!
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 6 months ago
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stimboard for : cabinet man (lemon demon) with with arcades, neon stuff, and fursuit paws
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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corruptimles · 2 years ago
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MikuAllWeeku - Miku Goes Turbo, complete! We beat the video game! I know which one had the most responses but I'd still love to hear if you had a favourite :) See you next year! 💚🎵
Extras under cut:
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secret extra note: I keep forgetting Miku is not as green as I draw her. Sand Planet has had an unrecoverable impact to me
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garysprites · 1 year ago
just how big are the planets in homestuck?
this is a question that has been in the back of my mind for a while now and i thought i might as well try to figure it out.
first we're gonna need a good reference point.
fortunately andrew hussie made this part easy for me.
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we know the stick on the floor in this panel is a meter stick with exactly 8.56cm snopped off to make it exactly one yard. as a canadian im more comfortable working in the metric system, but i'll take what i can get.
at its longest points, this stick is 211 pixels in length. 211 divided by 3 is 70.33333333…
let's round this down to the first decimal point to make things easier for myself.
ok so in the homestuck universe one foot is 70.3 pixels. at 417 pixels, this would make hussie in the same panel just shy of 6 feet (1.8m) tall.
with this unit of measurement we can start measuring other things.
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john, at 222 pixels from the bottom of his shoes to the top of his hair, comes out at 3.2 feet (1m). quite short for a 13yo, but i digress.
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safe assumption that john remains 3.2 feet no matter how far away you are. with john zoomed out to 87 pixels in height, a foot is now equivalent to 27.2 pixels, again rounded to the first decimal point. that would make the alchemiter next to him, at 278 pixels, 10.2 feet (3.1m) tall. the door, at 179 pixels, is 6.6 feet (2m) tall. the window, at 125 pixels, is 4.6 feet (1.4m) tall.
let's zoom out again.
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john is a minuscule 27 pixels in this panel. the doors are a diminutive 51 pixels tall and the windows a whopping 36 pixels. alliteration aside, this would make a foot at this distance a mere 8 pixels. with this in mind, the entire house, at 703 pixels tall on the right-side wall (not including the railing), is 87.9 feet (26.8m) tall.
once again we zoom out.
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the same wall in this panel is 117 pixels tall, making a foot from this distance a mere 1.3 pixels. the pillar it rests atop of, from the end of the driveway to the point where it meets the clouds, is 182 pixels or 140 feet (42.7m) tall.
one more zoom out.
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the combined 227.9 feet (69¹.5m) of the house and pillar combined have been reduced to a mere 10 pixels here. with the length of a foot now immeasurably² small, let's just go ahead and make this our new point of reference. at 250 pixels, the diameter of LOWAS is the same as 25 of john's house plus pillar, or 5,697.5 feet (1,737m). this would make its circumference 17,899.2 feet (5,456m).
we only need to measure LOWAS its been demonstrated a few times that all the homestuck planets are roughly the same size.
at a diameter of less than a two kilometers, the homestuck planets would most likely be astronomically classified as asteroids. it would take about an hour and a half to walk all the way around a homestuck planet. not that you even could walk on it because assuming they had a density comparable to earth, homestuck planets would have an acceleration of gravity of 0.0000000000000001 m/s^2 (for reference earth's acceleration of gravity is on average 9.80665 m/s^2)
anyway that's how big the planets are in homestuck.
¹nice ²technically measurable i just dont feel like it
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hs-panel-hue-picked-flags · 2 years ago
hi!! could i get the bigender flag picked from a davepeta and jasprose panel + the trans flag picked from a strilondes panel (any combination of them) or the transmasc flag picked from john + the genderqueer flag picked from an eridan panel?
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hi! we've done transmasc john and genderqueer eridan before but i'm happy to do it again. got one of each for you.
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nonbinarywarcriminal · 6 months ago
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lamotrigine could save her
(better res + non gif below)
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spaceistheplaceart · 5 months ago
once again thinking about @void-dude's static ford. ough.
check this out
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moth-tea-merchant · 1 month ago
Sound On Pls CW: Fast Video With [Non-Bright] Flashing Images Artistic recreation of how it felt when during the treasure hunt event in Labyrinth Cliffs to encounter the water and sky getting replaced by the unwrapped skin-texture of the fish that were in the water...
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