#cw dictatorship
todaysjewishholiday · 27 days
21 Menachem Av 5784 (24-25 August 2024)
Shavua tov! Semana buena! Gut voch! At tzet hakokhavim Shabbat departs and we enter another six days of labors. As the song says, may it be a week of peace where gladness reigns and joy increases.
Unfortunately, this week’s commemorations are not joyful ones. Rather, they are reminders that we are still in Av, a month of tragedies.
Today’s is one such catastrophe, a turning point in the catastrophic events that led to the deaths of six million European Jews at the beginning of the 58th century of the Jewish calendar.
In 5692, the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had campaigned to become president of the German Republic. He was defeated soundly by the incumbent Paul Hindenburg, one of the legends of Germany’s conservative establishment, who was shocked to receive the support of a coalition of progressives who were determined to prevent the Nazis from coming to power and saw in Hindenburg’s significant popularity the best chance to defeat them. Hindenburg, for his part, also despised the Nazis, who he considered disorderly hooligans, but was also an opponent of German democracy who wished for the restoration of the Hohenzollern monarchy. Still, he swore to never give Hitler a post in government.
Hindenburg reversed that position hardly a year after his reelection as president when he called new elections due to conflict with his chancellor, and the government’s coalition lost seats to the Nazis, who became the largest single party in the German parliament. Determined not to allow any of the leftist parties into government, Hindenburg entered secret negotiations with the Nazis, which ended with Hitler’s appointment as chancellor. Hindenburg almost immediately regretted his choice and regularly attempted to keep Hitler in line by threatening to use his constitutional power as president to dismiss the chancellor and call new elections. But Hindenburg was not in good health, already 86 years of age at the time of his election and suffering from cancer. And despite his personal animosity towards Hitler and contempt for the Nazis he acquiesced to many of their requests so long as he saw them as strengthening the position of German conservatives and keeping the left at bay. To that end he authorized major limits to freedom of the press and the banning of most of the opposition parties, as well as supporting legislation to allow the cabinet to issue laws by decree rather than needing a legislative majority.
In 5694, Hindenburg’ health took a turn for the worse, and Hitler became determined to not face the risk of another president who would potentially be less compliant with Nazi goals and with the power to dismiss Hitler as chancellor. He began secret negotiations with the armed forces to gain their support for an unconstitutional seizure of the powers of the presidency upon Hindenburg’s death. On the twentieth of Av 5694, Hindenburg’s doctor informed Hitler that the president would not last another day. Hitler immediately called an emergency session of the cabinet to pass a law replacing the constitutional succession process, in which the supreme court’s head would serve temporarily until a new president could be elected, with the complete dissolution of the office of President and the combination of all the powers of both President and chancellor in one office. The next day, Hindenburg died, and Hitler immediately announced his new dictatorial powers to the nation. There was now no further legal procedure for removing him from power. There would be no more democratic elections in Germany until after Hitler’s defeat and death. On the 21st of Av 5694 the German military was also assembled to swear a new oath of loyalty— not to the Republic or the German state or people, but to Adolf Hitler personally.
The persecution of German Jews, which had been a part of Nazi party activities from the beginning, took on a far more threatening and invasive nature following Hitler’s successful seizure of full executive power. The removal of constitutional limits on their authority emboldened that odious man and his vile accomplices to commit the untold horrors which they had before only dreamed of. The 21st of Av 5694 was truly an evil day for European Jews.
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thundersyst3m · 6 months
what is an obscure or niche hyperfixation that you are invested in but seemingly nobody is as well?
I could say psychology but i think nowadays it isn't that obscure!
Might be problematic but I actually love to study paraphilias and how it affects the human brain, also the psychological effects of cannibalism, i also like studying torture methods, especially the ones utilized during Brazil's Dictatorship, which are gruesome as hell to say at least....
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squipy-shippy · 1 year
Whatever happens... don't forget
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Ship: morgen x dj cadence
Warnings: talk of possible death, slight references to dictatorship government???, Mentions of being frozen to death
A/n: can you believe this is about club penguin! Anyways I wanted to write something about operation blackout because yeah so whatever enjoy!!! Also yeah this is uuuh super short and kinda sucks but eh whatever it's y'all's fault for following me lol
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The nightclub was cold it was dark. What was usually a bustling place for penguins to bust their moves and have fun and meet new people was no longer that at the moment. It was now a place where two love birds morgen and cadence had been spending their days trying to stay warm and away from the evil paws of Herbert. Herbert had taken over the island freezing the most important agents and creating what was once an island of hope and joy into one of darkness and despair. As days went on and the island got colder the harsh snow piling up along the walk it seemed more and more hope left the island. Morgen was looking out the window seeing the snow it was getting really bad out there causing morgen to get lost in thought before she felt a flipper on her shoulder and a weak smile appeared on cadence's face "hey let's talk okay.." she said.
Morgen nodded and followed cadence over to a warm area in the nightclub placing the slightly smaller penguin morgen in her lap. Cadence messed with Morgen's wig looking down at her trying to keep her warm "morgen....I want you to know something" she said sounding very serious.
Morgen had never heard cadence sound so serious sense her confession to her so many months ago. So she listened looking up at Cadence. Cadence sighed rubbing her eyes " you know I'm not as important to Herbert as I am to the EPF...but I am still someone who's popular on this island...I don't know Herbert's plans I don't know what's going to happen but I want you to know this!" She paused taking a deep breath turning morgen around to face her "if I get captured by Herbert if I'm frozen please don't come after me...move on...I'm serious morgen I can't bear the thought of losing you!" She said grabbing morgen by her shoulders.
Morgen had tears forming in her eyes her mind racing she couldn't lose her cadence had given her so much confidence and love she didn't wanna lose that "w-wah! No no Cadence I'm not going to lose you!!! You're not going to get taken!!!! I'm not going to let that happen!!!" She said in a panic trying to stay calm but the thought of her losing the love of her life was too much to deal with as tears formed in her eyes fogging up her purple glasses.
Cadence sighed with a smile as if she knew morgen would react this way "you don't know that morgen...no one knows what's going to happen...but what we do know is that it's possible...we know Herbert hates noise I make a lot of noise...I need you to know that if that happens to not come after me...move on okay.... we'll meet again some day but I can't risk making it out and you..." She stopped tears forming in her own eyes as if she didn't even wanna imagine the possibility of her losing morgen.
Morgen clung onto cadence not wanting anything to happen scared that in that moment she'd just disappear from her. She thought that if cadence left she'd go with her even if it was well...that didn't matter! What mattered to morgen right now was keeping cadence safe and right now she never wanted to let go as she sobbed into cadence's feathers. The other simply rubbed her back to try to sooth her down... neither knew what was going on to happen but in that moment at least they had each other...
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simplestoryteller · 8 months
yo guys I just got a youTube ad to support trump.
I feel highly offended that youtube thought I'd be interested in such a thing, especially not his bitcoin
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steveseddie · 5 months
go for it
steddie | rating: t | cw: none | wc: 4,6k | tags: eddie and steve have a crush, they finally do something about it, the hellfire club is there whoops, first kiss, getting together
for my stficbingo: “This is a dictatorship and I’m in charge!”
click here to read on ao3
“You drag yourselves out of the tunnels and find what seems to be a friendly tavern in the woods,” Eddie narrates in a low voice, his eyes sweeping over everyone sitting at the Harrington dining table. They’re all at the edge of their seats, collectively holding their breath, looking suitably daunted yet excited as they brace themselves for some other twist in the story. “The innkeeper welcomes you with warm food and offers you a place to stay. She assures you that you’re safe.” 
He pauses for dramatic effect. Watches as Henderson bites his knuckles, Wheeler squeezes his eyes shut, Jeff covers his face with his hands-
“Tonight you get to rest,” he finishes with a flourish of his hand and the party sighs in relief. 
“Thank God!” Gareth says, slumping back on his chair and wiping his brow where beads of sweat started gathering during the final moments of the campaign. “I thought we wouldn’t make it.” 
“Holy shit, me too,” Sinclair agrees, shaking his head in disbelief. He’d been one bad die roll away from dying by the time they finally defeated the goblins that attacked them out of nowhere. “That was brutal!” 
“It was fucking awesome!” Henderson says with a squeaky laugh and everyone around the table heartily agrees.  
Eddie grins widely, resting his chin on one hand and doing a flourish with the other one in lieu of a bow. “Glad it pleased you, Master Nog.” 
The kid flashes him a toothy smile and then he and the rest of the party start discussing tonight’s campaign- the best moments, the ones where they thought they would all die, their predictions for what will happen next week. 
They’re so caught up in their conversation that they don’t notice when Eddie slips away from the table.
The Harrington house is easy to get lost in, bigger than any house Eddie has ever been to. Even after weeks of being friends with Steve and coming over for movie nights and pool parties, Eddie isn’t sure he’s seen all of it. He knows there’s a third garage somewhere and he’s only been to one of the three guest bedrooms and that was back on the first night he slept over. 
(Since then, he and Steve realized that they sleep better when they have company and Eddie never saw the inside of that or any of the other guest rooms again, sharing Steve’s bed with him whenever he spends the night instead.)
Eddie has been to Harrington kitchen plenty of times though, so he makes his way there easily. 
As he gets further away from his friends and their noise, Eddie’s ears pick up on the music coming from the Harrington kitchen, which further guides him in the right direction. He belatedly recognizes the song as part of the mixtape he made for Steve a couple of days ago in an attempt to improve his music taste. When he gave it to him, Steve eyed it warily (“It’s real music, Stevie, not a rabid animal, it won’t bite you!”) before shoving it into his car’s glove compartment. He didn’t bring it up since then and Eddie assumed he forgot about it. Knowing that Steve didn’t forget and he’s actually listening to it now fills Eddie’s stomach with butterflies. 
Those butterflies flutter pathetically when he finally reaches the kitchen and finds Steve doing the dishes. 
He’s standing in front of the sink, his hips moving with the music (not heavy metal but some soft rock that Eddie thought might be more Steve’s style while still being cool) and there’s a flowery apron tied around his waist which matches the rubber gloves he’s wearing. Both were a gag gift from the kids, Steve told Eddie the first time he saw him wearing them, one that actually turned out to be quite useful and now he wears them often. 
For a moment, Eddie lingers at the kitchen doorway, giving himself a few seconds to stare at Steve, filing away how he looks for later when he’s daydreaming embarrassingly domestic fantasies of a life with Steve. Then he raps his knuckles twice on the door frame to get his attention. 
(Eddie knows better than to sneak up on him now. The one time he did Steve had him pinned against a wall before Eddie could even realize what was happening. He thought it was hot more than anything, but Steve had been mortified. He spent the rest of the night apologizing and acting like a kicked puppy around him. He didn’t relax until Eddie reminded him that the first time they met, Eddie did the same thing, only he also held a broken bottle to Steve’s throat. So now they were more than even.)
Steve’s head whips around at the sound and his face lights up when he sees Eddie leaning against the door frame. 
“Hey!” Steve says, grinning like he’s delighted to see Eddie. Like he missed him, like he didn’t see him less than forty minutes ago when they all took a break to have dinner. “You finished early tonight.” 
Glancing at the clock on top of the fridge, Eddie realizes that Steve is right. “I figured they had enough for one night,” Eddie says, stepping into the kitchen and joining Steve by the sink. “Usually the brats would throw a fit, but I think they were actually glad this time.”  
“That bad?” Steve asks with a snort.
“Wheeler rolled four nat ones in a row, Steve, four!” Eddie says, dancing in and out of Steve’s space until Steve hip-checks him out of the way with a chuckle. 
“Four, huh?” 
“Mhm, the odds weren’t in their favor tonight.” 
“Well, it was nice of you to let them off the hook for once, Mr. Dungeon Master,” Steve says, crinkly eyes meeting Eddie’s momentarily before looking down at the sink and picking up another plate. 
“I’m always nice, Stevie,” Eddie says, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
Steve gives him a bitchy face. “Dude, I’m pretty sure I heard you threaten to chop off Dougie’s hand.” 
“That was the goblin, not me!” Eddie protests, wagging his finger in front of Steve’s face. “Who Jeff killed shortly after, so who’s the one that isn’t nice here?” 
“Right,” Steve deadpans. He takes off the rubber gloves after rinsing the last plate and picks up a dish towel to start drying. “You can always get your revenge next week I guess.” 
“Oh I will, Stevie. I will,” he says, grinning manically. Oh the things he has planned. Eddie hops on top of the counter, right next to where Steve stands as he dries plates and glasses and everything else he used to make the most delicious lasagna for the party. His feet dangle from the counter and he lightly nudges Steve with one. “Hey, thanks for letting us play here. And for dinner.”
“You know you don’t have to thank me every time, right Eds?” Steve says with an exaggerated sigh, but his annoyance is downplayed by his playful smile. The lopsided one that makes Eddie want to kiss him stupid. 
After Spring Break, Principal Higgins was quick to shut down Hellfire once and for all, leaving the party with no place to hold their campaigns. Eddie wasn’t surprised but like everyone else, he was pretty fucking bummed about it. No one in their party had enough space at their house to host their campaigns, and the only two that did, Wheeler and Sinclair, failed to convince their parents to let them use their basement for their alleged satanic cult gatherings. 
But just when they thought their club was done for, Steve swooped in like the knight in shining armor that he is and offered up his house, which is why for the last couple of weeks they’ve been gathering at the Harrington residence where Steve not only hosts their campaigns and puts up with the noise and the mess they leave behind, but he also cooks or buys them dinner every week and makes sure to stock up his fridge with each of their favorite drinks, even indulging in Gareth’s weird obsession with Bubble Up soda because he is unreal and the nicest fucking guy Eddie knows. 
So Eddie can’t not thank him every time. Contrary to what people might believe, he has manners. He also likes the pretty pink flush that covers Steve’s cheeks whenever he does it.
“Hm, I think I do,” he says, nudging Steve’s leg again. “Hellfire would be over if it wasn’t for you, sweetheart.” 
“And what a tragedy that would be,” Steve jokes but aha! There it is- that pretty pink blush. 
“Hey! I know for a fact that you don’t hate it as much as you pretend to,” Eddie says, shaking his finger in a reproachful manner. “You sat through the whole session last time and didn’t even yawn once!” 
Last week, Dustin begged and pleaded so that Steve would sit and watch their campaign instead of retreating to the kitchen or his bedroom. Steve held his ground admirably until Eddie joined in on Dustin’s pleas, batting his eyelashes and pouting exaggeratedly until he caved, sighing in defeat and sitting down next to Eddie. He didn’t expect Steve to make it through the whole thing, but he did and while he did look a little confused at times and complained that there was way too much math involved, he also seemed to actually enjoy himself. 
Steve shifts from one foot to the other and bites his lip. “Yeah, I guess, but that’s because I was watching you the whole time,” he shyly says.
Eddie blinks. “Me?” He remembers Steve’s eyes on him while he led the campaign, but he didn’t think much of it then. But now Steve’s shy admission that he enjoyed himself because he was watching Eddie makes his heart stutter in his chest. 
Flushing deeper, Steve keeps his eyes on the glass that he’s drying, not meeting Eddie’s gaze as he says, “Yeah, you, uh. You’re very good at doing those voices and you know, drawing people into your stories. It’s, um, fascinating.” 
Fascinating. No one’s ever used that word to describe Eddie before. He can’t help the way his breath catches when Steve Harrington of all people calls him that. 
“Oh. Well, thanks,” he stammers out, feeling his own cheeks match Steve’s flush. “And here I thought you were going to say I’m just pretty to look at,” he adds with a slightly shaky laugh.
And that’s what he expects Steve to do- laugh it off. Instead, he finally meets Eddie’s eyes and says, “Well, that too.” 
Eddie’s jaw drops. Holy shit. 
Steve does laugh then but not because it was a joke. He laughs at Eddie’s reaction which consists of him gaping like a fish because Steve Harrington just called him fascinating and pretty. 
And it’s not that Steve hasn’t given him compliments before or hasn’t flirted with him before. He plays along most of the time- sometimes with a playful smirk and sometimes with that baffled puppy look that Eddie saw for the first time after calling him “big boy”.
The thing is he’s never flirted like this- shyly, without a hint of a joke. And it’s- 
Well, it’s a lot. 
But if Eddie learned anything after Spring Break is to roll with whatever the universe throws at him, which in this case isn’t an army of hell bats or an apocalypse, but Steve Harrington finally, maybe, possibly making a move. Something that Eddie has been waiting for after weeks of the two of them dancing around each other. 
He couldn’t see it at first, or rather he refused to, afraid to get his hopes up only for his heart to break when he turned out to be wrong. But there are things that not even his cynical eyes can ignore. The way Steve gravitates towards Eddie in any group setting or the way Eddie catches him staring when he thinks he isn’t looking like last week when they went swimming at the quarry and Eddie took off his shirt or like two weeks ago when Eddie tied his hair up to keep it off his face while he played his guitar. Or the way Steve’s eyes seem to dart to Eddie’s lips constantly when he talks and the way he can’t go more than a day without seeing him before he’s knocking on Eddie’s door to spend time with him.
It would be slightly easier to ignore all of this if it wasn’t for the fact that Eddie acts the same way when it comes to Steve. And Eddie is halfway in love with the guy, so. It makes him wonder. 
But despite all of this, Eddie still hasn’t made a move. Steve either. Until now maybe. 
Eddie clears his throat, finally finding his words. “Well, as entertaining as it must’ve been to watch me.” He grins. “You’ll have more fun if you actually play with us. Maybe next time I can finally convince you to join.”
Hazel eyes narrow at him. “If I play, will you threaten to cut off my hand too?”  
“Nah, I promise to go easy on you since it’s your first time.” He winks and Steve’s eyes widen, the blush from before making a wonderful return. 
“I- I haven’t said yes-”
Steve huffs. “What makes you so sure that you can convince me?” He asks with an arched eyebrow. “The kids have tried and failed and you know how relentless they are.”
“Yeah, but I can be very persuasive.” He gestures at himself with a hand flourish. “You know, as a cult leader and all.”
Steve hums. “Of course.” He leans his hip against the counter, only an inch away from Eddie’s thigh.
“There’s gotta be something I can do to convince you,” Eddie says, moving his thigh until it touches Steve’s hip. “Something I can give you in exchange. To make it worth your while.”
Steve’s eyes immediately dart down to Eddie’s lips. Eddie’s stomach swoops. There it is.
“You’re right,” Steve says, and in one quick movement, he pushes himself away from the counter and moves to stand between Eddie’s legs. Holy fuck. “There’s one thing.”
Anticipation bubbles up in Eddie’s stomach. “Yeah? What- what is it?” He asks with a suddenly dry throat. 
Steve ducks his head, glancing at Eddie through his eyelashes. “A kiss from the Dungeon Master?” He asks in a shy whisper. 
Eddie stares at him for a second, lips parted in surprise because goddamn shitting fuck. Then-
“Not the goblin?” He asks in his stupid goblin voice. Like a fucking loser.
As soon as he blurts it out he slaps a hand against his face. “Fucking Christ, I can’t believe I just did that. That was so lame. I’m just fucking nervous, sorry.” 
Steve wraps his fingers around Eddie’s wrist, lowering his hand. His eyes are sparkling with fondness. “Don’t be, it’s cute,” he says with a soft chuckle. 
A nearly hysterical giggle bubbles up in Eddie’s throat but it abruptly cuts off when Steve places his hands on Eddie’s thigh and leans in. 
“Are you gonna give me that kiss or what?” Steve asks oh so sweetly.
And Eddie doesn’t waste a moment after that, he finally goes for it. He cups Steve’s cheeks and tugs his face closer, pressing their mouths together, feeling his chest explode with warmth as he thinks finally and pinch me and holy fucking shit. 
The kiss is sweet and slow. It starts a little tentative, just lips slotting together, Steve’s bottom lip fitting perfectly between Eddie’s. But then something shifts- Steve’s hands settle on Eddie’s waist, his thumbs digging into his hip bones while Eddie’s fingers find their way to Steve’s hair, scratching at his scalp, tangling with the soft strands, tugging on them. The last one makes Steve’s mouth fall open in a gasp, just enough for Eddie to press in, catching Steve’s lower lip between his teeth and biting down hard enough to earn himself a small whine. Then he lets it go, easing his tongue across Steve’s lip and licking into his mouth. 
He loses track of anything else that happens when Steve’s own tongue licks into his mouth in return. 
After a while the kiss softens again, turning into something slow and tender until it comes to a natural stop, once they can’t ignore the need to breathe anymore. 
Steve pulls back but Eddie doesn’t let him go far, keeping a firm hold on the lapels of his dorky polo shirt. “Definitely worth my while but-” 
Eddie cocks an eyebrow. “But?” 
“But,” Steve says, his red, wet, well-kissed lips stretching into a wicked grin. “I think I’m gonna need more convincing.”
Eddie grins back. “Oh, I think that can be arranged.”
He tugs Steve closer again and he comes willingly, sighing happily when their lips slot together once more. God, Eddie is so fucked. They’ve kissed once and he’s already addicted to kissing Steve. He’s convinced that he could stay like this forever, lazily making out with him on his kitchen counter, tongues exploring, hands wandering.
And he probably would’ve- if a shrill voice didn’t make them jump apart. 
“What the hell is going on here!” Dustin yells.
Steve whirls around so fast he almost faceplants on his kitchen floor and Eddie jumps back and hits his head against one of the upper cupboards.
He lets out a string of creative curses as he rubs the back of his head, seeing black spots when he opens his eyes. Despite those, he can still see the whole party standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at them with expressions ranging from utter shock (Sinclair and Henderson) to disgust (Wheeler) to smugness (Jeff, Gareth, Dougie, and weirdly enough, Erica). 
“Uh,” Steve says dumbly as he tries to find his words, but there’s no lying their way out of this one and they both know it. They were just caught with their tongues down each other’s throats and Eddie’s hands on Steve’s ass. 
“Well?” Dustin prompts in a bitchy tone.
“I was, uh, convincing Steve to join D&D next week,” Eddie says, which is, technically, the truth. 
Gareth snorts, raising an eyebrow. “With your tongue?” 
Eddie gives a gleeful laugh. “As a matter of fact, yes.” 
“Eddie,” Steve hisses, flushing to the tips of his ears. 
“That’s gross!” Wheeler cries, his face scrunching up which is rich coming from him, Eddie thinks, considering he saw him sucking face with El more times than he would’ve liked in the short time she was in Hawkins after everything. So he knows Wheeler has nothing against kissing and it makes him wonder if he might have something against Eddie kissing a boy, or boys kissing boys in general and Eddie loves the kid, he loves all of them but he will sit him down for some tough love if he happens to not be okay with-
There’s a slapping sound as Erica smacks him upside the head.
“Not cool, butthead,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Wheeler. “Boys can kiss boys too.”
The corner of Eddie’s mouth tugs up in a smile. Just like that, she’s currently his favorite. 
“What?” Wheeler asks, rubbing the back of his head. “I know that. I don’t care that Eddie wants to kiss guys, I care that he wants to kiss Steve!”
“Hey!” Steve protests with an affronted frown.  
“Eddie is cool and Steve is so lame! And he’s my sister’s ex!” He says with extra snark. 
Eddie can’t help it, he bursts out laughing. Steve’s head snaps in his direction, his offended expression now directed at him. “Sorry, sorry,” he says between giggles. He clears his throat and gives Wheeler a stern face. It’s a much different scolding than the one he thought he would be giving him just a few moments ago and he’s grateful for that. “Steve isn’t lame. Yes, his music taste is shit and he owns more polo shirts than an 80-year-old-” 
“Dude, are you defending me or helping Mike insult me?” Steve mumbles with a pout. 
“But!” Eddie says, ignoring him. “He’s also badass and he’s saved your sorry asses multiple times and he’s nice enough to let you pipsqueaks eat his food and trash his house every week and he’s hot as fuck, so. Show some respect, Wheeler.”
Mike’s face scrunches up. “What does Steve being hot have to do with anything? Ew!”
But before Eddie can reply to that, Dustin takes a step forward, looking between the two. “So this is a thing now? Are you guys a thing?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at them.
Steve and Eddie exchange a look, both of them trying to communicate the same thing- do you want to be a thing? Steve gives him a sheepish smile and a nod, and in response, Eddie wraps his arms and legs around him, essentially hanging off of Steve’s back like a koala and trapping him against the counter. “Yes, Henderson. We are, as you so eloquently put it, a thing.”
Eddie expects more outrage, but Dustin nods solemnly. “Okay, cool. Just- no flirting at the D&D table. And no kissing!” There are nods and noises of agreement from the rest of the party. 
Eddie lets out an indignant squeak. “Excuse me, this is a dictatorship and I’m in charge! And the Dungeon Master decides that there will be kissing, butthead,” he announces, and then to prove a point, he smacks a sloppy kiss against Steve’s cheek. 
There’s a lot of groaning and whining and fake-gagging. 
“Dude, it’s like watching my parents kiss,” Sinclair says and Henderson nods, rubbing at his eyes like it physically hurt him to see Eddie kiss Steve. 
Eddie rolls his eyes- and they call him dramatic.
“Fine, fine, no kissing,” he says and sees Steve pout out of the corner of his eye. “But I won’t be deprived of the joy of flirting with one Sir Stephen.” 
Steve leans back against Eddie’s chest, twisting his neck to arch an eyebrow at him. “Sir Stephen?”  
“I’ve been working on your character sheet for weeks,” Eddie says with a grin. And it’s true, he had the feeling that he would be able to convince Steve to play and he wanted to be ready. If he’d known a kiss was all it took to do it, he would’ve done it much sooner. 
“That’s presumptuous of you,” Steve mumbles, but there’s a smile teasing at his lips. Eddie shrugs, nuzzling his face against Steve’s shoulder. 
“Fine!” Dustin groans, reminding Eddie that he and Steve aren’t alone. “As long as you stay in character.” 
Eddie grins wickedly, already looking forward to flirting with Steve through all his characters, even the goblin. 
“Anyway,” Jeff says, clapping his hands on Dustin’s shoulders. “We were on our way out. We would offer to take the kiddos home, but Dougie’s piece of shit car won’t fit them all.” Dougie protests with a “Hey!” that they all ignore. 
Usually, Eddie doesn’t mind driving the kids around, but right now, a part of him does wish that he could stay a little longer with Steve. The other part can’t wait to get home so he can scream into a pillow. 
“Nah, I got it. Gentleman, lady, grab your things, we’ll head out in a second,” he says, making shooing motions with his hands. 
Sinclair rolls his eyes. “He just wants more time to make out with Steve,” he mutters as they all start to pile out of the kitchen. 
“Correct, Sinclair!”
He and Wheeler make gagging noises, earning a shove from Erica as she follows them. Yeah, she’s definitely his favorite. 
Henderson lingers on the doorway. 
“Any other rules you wish to impose on us, Master Nog?” Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow. 
Dustin shakes his head, curls bouncing. “No, I’m just- I’m happy for you. Both of you.”
Eddie blinks. “Oh,” he exhales softly, touched by the kid’s words. 
“Thanks, Henderson,” Steve says, and he sounds touched too. 
“Yeah, thanks, kid.” 
“And I love you both, but if you get divorced, I will pick sides.” And with one final narrow-eyed look, he turns on his heels and leaves.
“Which side?” Eddie asks, but the little shit pretends he doesn’t hear him. “Henderson! Which side?” His shoulders slump. “Brat.”
“Too bad we’re never gonna find out,” Steve says, turning around to face Eddie without dislodging his arms or legs that are still wrapped around him.
Eddie’s heart stutters in his chest. “Never? That’s presumptuous of you,” he says, echoing his words from before. 
Steve shrugs. “I just know I don’t plan to break up with you- or divorce you like the kid said.” 
Oh yeah, Eddie definitely needs a pillow to scream into right about now. “Um, yeah, me neither, so I guess we’re stuck together.”
Steve nods with a dopey smile. “And we’ll never know who Dustin would’ve picked.” 
There’s a short silence. 
Then, “He would’ve picked me,” they both say at the same time. 
Steve squawks. “Me!”
“No, me!” 
“I’ve known him longer!”
“He thinks I’m cooler!” 
And so on until Eddie gets tired of arguing and shuts Steve up with a kiss. Before they can deepen it though, they’re once again interrupted by the kids. 
“Eddie!” Dustin yells. 
“Stop sucking face and let’s go!” Wheeler adds and Eddie can’t see him, but he knows his nose is scrunched up in disgust. 
“We’re gonna be late!” Sinclair adds, urgently, and Erica mhm’s in agreement. 
Eddie throws his head back with a groan. “Jesus H. Christ! They’re so annoying.” 
“They are,” Steve chuckles, brushing their noses together. “Hey, you wanna come over tomorrow? We can work on that character thing together. Just you and me.” 
Eddie’s eyes widen, lips parted in awe. Steve and D&D? There must be hearts in his eyes right now or bursting out of him like he’s a cartoon. “You’re offering to do nerdy shit with me? God, you’re a dream, Jesus Christ!” He says, hands coming up to cup either side of Steve’s face and peppering kisses all over it- his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, and finally, his lips. 
Steve giggles. “So, that’s a yes?” 
“I’ll be here,” Eddie says with a grin. 
Steve wraps his arms around his neck. “And since the kids won’t be there I expect there to be kissing and flirting.”
Eddie inches closer, smirking. “Hm, you can count on it, sweetheart.” 
This time they don’t even get to kiss before the kids are yelling again, this time in unison. “Eddie!”
Eddie lets go of Steve’s waist and slaps his hands against his face. “Motherfucker!” He groans. Then louder, “I’m coming!” 
Steve shakes his head with a laugh as Eddie hops down from the counter.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Eddie tells him. 
Steve gives him another dopey smile- or rather the same one since it hasn’t left his face at all. “Can’t wait.”
Eddie sweeps in for a quick kiss, one that the kids can’t interrupt, marveling for a second at the fact that he can simply do that now. Then with a final tug to Steve’s flowery apron, he skips out of the kitchen, turning around at the doorway to look at Steve one last time. He’s leaning against the counter, smile firmly plastered on his face and looking at Eddie like- 
Well, exactly like Eddie is looking at him. Lovestruck, he thinks comes close to describing it. And ain’t that something. 
He gives Eddie one of those little finger waves, and in return, Eddie blows him a kiss. Steve’s cheeks turning pink is the last thing he sees before he leaves the kitchen and joins the kids in the living room. 
“Okay, shitheads!” He says, clapping his hands together to get their attention. “Which one of you am I sending home walking?”
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snikt111 · 4 months
hi hi hi hi I found out about Hal Jordan TODAY and am going so autistic over him it’s insane can you please give me a rundown on what his deal is I think you’re the Tumblr Green Lantern guy
omg hi, insane compliment btw, tysm! i'm glad to give you a rundown!! also definitely check out @katmaatui for more hal info, red is SUPER knowledgable abt him. @rillette, @catboyollie, @halcarols, @starsapphire and @yellowcorps (along with so many others that i cant think to tag off the top of my head) have some great hal takes too! (edited the post just to tag more ppl)
apologies if this is a bit rushed/messy, i'm doing this while i smelt stone in minecraft LMAO
that being said... i think this will be a long one, so more below the cut :3
(cw for light mentions of pedophilia, abuse, canon typical violence)
okay, so hal jordan is the first human green lantern of the GREEN LANTERN CORPS. it's important to note that there was technically a human green lantern before him (alan scott, originally from earth two/the justice society, but integrated into main DC canon after crisis), but his power comes from a different source- which is a whole different ballpark that would take ages to explain, lol, so i'll move on from that.
hal was originally introduced in a showcase issue in 1959, but ended up getting a solo run in the mid 60s because of his showcase issues doing well. he's been a test pilot, middle brother, compassionate, rule follower (although being surprisingly liberal for the time) with an interesting relationship with star sapphire carol ferris since those first appearances. for the first 20 odd years of his appearances we had no information on his parents, but we got a lot from other family members, such as uncle titus, cousin hal jr (aka airwave), younger brother jim jordan and older brother jack jordan. through the 60s and 70s those members of his family were developed along with him; with the audience learning that jim's wife sue thought jim was green lantern, rather than hal, and hal himself training his cousin, hal jr.
the most known version of how hal got the ring in the first place is probably based off of geoff john's rewrite in the mid 00s, reiterating the original story of abin sur crashing onto earth and dying, leaving hal with his ring to be trained by sinestro and the rest of the glc, while also changing miniscule details that had been developed in emerald dawn 1 & 2 (which was released in the 90s, more on that later). the main premise of abin sur's crash has stayed the same, but the story around hal's current life, job, family and stability keep changing. for instance, the original comic with abin sur in showcase only showed hal getting the ring, the guardians choosing him. the first rewrite i can think of was emerald dawn volume 1, published in 1989 and continued in emerald dawn v2 (1991). here we get the classic hal watches his father die in a plane crash with carol ferris beside him as a pre adolescent, and some of the biggest implications of the mistreatment from his father. we also get introduced to hal, despite his stick to the rules, straight edge attitude, making some serious mistakes and putting people in danger and even death- with the implication of alcohol abuse. the audience HAS known hal used to be in the air force since sometime in the late 60s or early 70s (sorry, i don't remember the exact issue!), but emerald dawn shows us that hal's moved on from the air force and into test piloting, and that his mother keeps having to bail him out for making mistakes. emerald dawn vol 1 shows the abin sur moment, followed by fights that cost hal's friends life, and is followed up by sinestro training hal in emerald dawn vol 2, where we get to see the iconic scenes of hal finding out about sinestro and his... dictatorship.
along with that; how the guardians and rings are treated and hal and the glc's perception of them is vastly changed over time. in the early days of gl in the 60s, the guardians were really never to be seen. hal was repeatedly summoned to them and then had his memory almost fully wiped- only leaving a vague notion of his orders. the guardian's called hal to them at seemingly the worst times, ending up with him almost getting injured, getting in trouble at work, and even ending up jobless and homeless. the chaos of being a green lantern has been around the WHOLE time, but originally, the green lanterns didnt really... fight it. the guardian's were their masters (and even father figures, to hal) and not to be questioned. the rings in the 60s were also much more powerful, despite the yellow weakness (the yellow weakness is the notion that from about the 60s to the mid 90s the green lantern rings were completely unable to be used against anything yellow). time travel, phasing, teleporting, etc were all very viable and common things- as well as forceful shapeshifting, invisibility, mind control, mind reading, etc etc. these days, writers have dampened these powers down to mostly shooting light and constructs.
okay, it's parallax time. the emerald twilight arc from the mid 90s wasn't an arc that was as thoroughly planned out over a long period of time as it probably should have been. a lot of fans at the time (and even now) hated what happened there, and claimed it ruined hal's character entirely. i can understand why! but, at it's core, the parallax arc is a story about a broken man pushed to the limit, fully grieving his home and family (originally, he lost his brother jim in the destruction of coast city, along with a lot of other family members) and being goddamn fed up with how his "masters" treated him and the rest of the corps. the so called "perfect lantern" (no, he wasn't that much of a rebel, despite what johns wants you to think) snapped and essentially tried to gain as much power as he could to bring back coast city. when the guardians stripped him of his powers so he couldn't, hal became enraged and took down every lantern in his path, just to get to the guardians and that power. long story short, he kills the guardians and absorbs all the energy from the central power battery on oa, becoming parallax- essentially a god. this marks the start of zero hour, an event made by dc to restructure and reset; giving the comics a new generation of heroes. hal destroys the world and remakes it, but is ultimately taken down by kyle rayner, the new green lantern, with the help of the jla, jsa and associates. there are a few more run ins with parallax after this, before kyle convinces parallax/hal that he can make up for all of this by reigniting the sun after it went out- aka killing himself. hal does it, is stuck in limbo for awhile and then becomes the spectre to continue to make up for the horrible things he did as parallax. the spectre is the spirit of god's wrath and vengeance, a weapon used to drag sinners to their very own, self made hells, and scare the shit out of people. the spectre, from it's very first appearance, is a ghost like spirit that takes on a host, and is primarily described using christian terms and is used in a very... christian ideology. HOWEVER, the spectre 2001 confirms that hal is jewish (jewish mom, catholic dad) and that belief system, plus his personality as a whole, literally makes him change the spirit of vengeance into the spirit of redemption, for at least as long as they are bonded. the whole parallax to spectre arc is about grief, pain, cycles of abuse and terror, redemption and guilt. it is NOT about a fear bug that possess hal. (im so serious though, the spectre 2001 is one of the best comics ive ever read. amazing. changed my world view) but... geoff johns changed all of it, decanonized the spectre, and ruined the legacy of parallax and hal's growth as a person by releasing green lantern: rebirth in 2004/2005. this retcons hal's breakdown and journey through grief into him BEING POSSESSED BY AN ENTITY CONTROLLED BY SINESTRO THAT FULLY CHANGES PREVIOUS GREEN LANTERN CANON AND IMPLICATIONS. also, fucks up the importance of kyle becoming ion, but whatever. geoff johns writes hal (and even more so, carol) so very wrong, and change their stories so vastly in ways that go against the stories very meanings.
now... time to get started on some rougher stuff. hal jordan misconceptions. i'm saving that arc for last.
- hal jordan wasn't much of a rule breaker or rebel until the 70s/80s, where he BEGAN (very slowly, mind you) to be radicalized by oliver queen during denny o'neil's green lantern/green arrow. hal was painted as more of a conservative during this period (which, admittedly, kind of goes against previous canon... he's always been relatively central to liberal, not to any extremes like ollie though, lol) but gets more and more understanding of how power structures work and how lower classes are mistreated during this time- which ends up opening his eyes a bit to how shitty the guardians are. (this is helped by the guardians literally just. leaving. the green lanterns and kind of disbanding them so they can go fuck the zamarons, lmao). geoff johns tried to change this narrative into making hal a very... maverick-from-top-gun type of character, who punched his way out of the military (when, in reality, the original story during emerald knights in the late 90s was that hal had been framed for stealing a jet and was dishonorably discharged, which he took the punishment for because he knew someone had to) and hits on women constantly and gets ladies and allat (which, funnily enough hal was awful at getting carol to like him for a long time, since carol fell for green lantern rather than hal. not to mention the awkwardness of carol's proposals or hal's many, many failed relationships). hal has always been insecure and lowkey boyfailure, he is NOT a top gun maverick tom cruise sorta guy! fuck you jeremy adams!
- hes not that much of an idiot asshole. hal can be a real dick, he's had that going for him since the beginning, but he isn't what you read in batfam fics. he's not stupid and shouldn't be the laughingstock of the justice league. i assume this idea started from the obsession with batfam and the fact that the jla has quite the history of ignoring hal and his issues (as well as. all of their issues. theyre not so great at work life balance), but it's gone too far. hal isn't making fun of the robins and pissing bruce off bc of that. hal isnt fooling around on the job 24/7 (he takes being a gl and pilot VERY seriously, although he does enjoy some danger and high stakes) or slacking off to get girls. again. not top gun maverick.
- hal has not been a creep since the beginnings. hal was not weird with carol in the 60s. things were weird between them, yeah, but that's based off circumstance and the craziness of star sapphire and green lantern. he was NOT being horribly sleazy! i hate that i even need to say this, but i see this take too much not to
- going off of what was said above, lets discuss the arisia arc. if you want to be a real hal fan, this is unfortunately something you need to know about. in action comics, after crisis and the guardians left to go fuck the zamarons, most of the green lanterns fell apart and seperated. a small group went to earth- led by hal and consisting of hal, john stewart, katma tui, kilowog, salaakk, ch'p and arisia rrab. (also sometimes guy gardner, but that's complicated) previously to this arc, hal treated 14 year old arisia like a beloved little sister, welcoming her and leading her into the corps just like everyone else. things started to change once the timeline gets closer and closer to crisis, where arisia starts showing that she has a crush on hal (who is roughly 30s at this point). any advances made by arisia are shut down by hal at the beginning, because she's a child. now, it's unfortunately a common thing to just call hal a "pedophile" because of what happens in this arc- but it really isn't that simple. still weird and icky, but definitely not to the degree of which some fans like to act like it is- esp to attack hal fans for, which is... an odd choice regarding how many fucked up things every character (esp male characters) did back in the day. arisia ends up using her power ring to artifically age herself up, making her body AND MIND into that of a young adult (the comic makes this very clear). once this happens... hal stops rejecting her. they get together, they kiss. the only person in the group of green latnerns who actually has an issue with it is john (salaakk is meh about it, but he just doesn't like human-esque romance no matter what), and katma even directly encourages their relationship. kilowog ends up crushing on arisia as well, and guy gardner hits on her repeatedly throughout the whole period. eventually, hal and arisia break up, but this legacy (thank so much englehart, for wrtiting this. /sarc) is a big controversy among the comics crowd. "is hal jordan a predator?" personally, and i know a lot of friends/mutuals/other gl fans choose to erase the arisia arc entirely (versus how canon ended up retconning it to be 14 earth years is equal to that of an adult and she didn't really get super ages up, or whatever) and go with the familial relationship between hal and her. that's my preferred version! i know red (@katmaatui) has explored that version as well as an alternate version where the arisia arc did happen, and how it affects arisia in particular, which is really depressing but super interesting. anyway, it's complicated and weird and nuanced, but that whole occurence doesn't mean hal's a bad character or person (cause yk. retcons) and it's certainly not bad to like his character. (definitely ignore any guy gardner fans who try to bitch about this arc. cough cough. guy was ALSO into her and hit on her repeatedly. smfh) most people who bring this up to demonize fans didn't even read the arc, and don't know the nuance or the other weird shit that happens in it. (hal is not a horse, sigh)
hal jordan is a super complicated character with an extensive history spanning from the 60s to his worse written appearances in modern age. it's okay to like any version of the character, but it is important to note the changes that have been made, the storylines butchered and lost, and more. he has quite the legacy, and he's particularly interesting as from a moral standpoint. hal's a real sweetie though, when it gets down to it! he's neurodivergent coded (imo at least.. his dad very much gets onto him for being disrtracted, hes kinda shit at social interaction (and then amazing at it the other half of the time) etc etc. "spacecase") and his dad is an abusive asshole, who he desperately doesnt want to be like but thinks he NEEDS to be like!
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones: CW List
Can't believe I have to make this disclaimer, but here we are
Better Bones is not a project that aims to fix canon by making the Clans wholesome and unproblematic. Though there can be fun and kindness in it and my philosophy is an optimistic one, It's not an escapist fantasy. It is a story about semi-realistic cats of human intelligence in a violent, war-obsessed theocratic dictatorship, and how they attempt to change it over the years.
Clan Culture is flawed, that is on purpose. Addressing and changing this is what the story is about.
I am very disappointed I have to state this because it should be obvious from my main post where I explicitly say that my goal is to "Address (Canon's) Problematic Elements." Not remove.
If you cannot handle themes or depictions of;
Physical and emotional abuse; Domestic, authoritative, and familial
Child abuse and inter-generational trauma
Somewhat graphic medical discussion, such as abortion, wound infection, and the use of leeches and maggots
The killing and processing of small animals into food, including tanning and butchery
Semi-realistic cat behaviors, specifically marking things with urine
Ableism; both externalized and internalized, Clan culture treats disabled cats poorly and this is something several characters struggle with
Xenophobia; to a violent degree, including stochastic terrorism, hate crime, and discrimination
^^^ read that one again. Consider that on this list twice.
Politics; Authoritarianism, fascism, and liberalism as an enemy, discussion of dog whistles and ideology
"Redemption arcs" of people who did bad things
Cosmic horror and supernatural curses
Graphic violence, including against innocent bystanders, through assault, poisoning, drowning, falling, and even being eaten alive by large fish and demigods.
Animal abuse; Human beings harming cats on purpose and Clan cats generally being terrified of all humans, even kind and loving ones
Clan cats, both villainous and culturally mislead, glorifying these things in-universe, not immediately staring at the camera and breaking character to tell you "This Is A Bad Thing!"
Then Better Bones may not be for you. I would at minimum rate this project as PG-13, but PG-16 would be a more accurate bet.
I have sympathy for you if these are not topics you can handle. My project tackles very upsetting real-world issues and not everyone is looking for something challenging; that's understandable and there's no fault in that. I try to tag appropriately but can't promise to catch everything, so please keep yourself safe.
There are other, softer projects out there run by cool people if this is not for you, and you can add #Better Bones AU to your tag filters and this project will not show up!
But, I'm not responsible for your comfort with my art. If you followed me under the assumption that BB is "Warriors without any ableism/xenophobia/violence" you were mistaken. If you don't have the maturity to act responsibly when something upsets you, or DO have the malice to read a disabled person's work with the most bad faith interpretations you can muster, LEAVE.
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tommysversion · 8 months
Bedside Manner (Medic!AFAB!Reader x TLOU2! Tommy Miller )
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Spoiler Free Summary: you’ve been secretly in love with Tommy Miller for years. When he gets injured, you - the town medic - take care of him. One thing leads to another…
Spoiler Friendly Summary: After losing the closest thing to a best friend you had, the man you’ve secretly pined after for six years is brought to your door gravely wounded. Given time and proximity, you finally act on your feelings.
Pairings: Tommy Miller x Reader , past one sided Joel Miller x Reader
CWs: major character death, spoilers, unprotected PIV, unsafe sex, oral sex (m!receiving), implied thoughts of adultery, Tommy has a dirty mouth, praise kink, big girthy unspecified age gap, mutual pining, cowgirl lmao.
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Before the outbreak, there was a rule, a code that all doctors, medics and nurses followed. Do no harm, always help where you can, and don’t get involved with your patients. Simple enough.
That code still mostly applies these days, though you’re pretty sure it’s a much more loose moral code, thanks to your FEDRA sponsored medical education. Wham bam thank you military dictatorship, you’ll take your education and run, thanks very much.
You’ve always had a thing for him. Ever since he joined the community almost seven years ago, just a few months after you, when you were younger and freshly establishing yourself as one of the town medics.
Of course, you’d been too young, too shy, too focused on your job and earning your place in the community, and even if you’d felt a spark between you? It had never gone anywhere. You’d contented yourself to just admiring him from afar, pushing down the pangs of envy when he had married Maria.
Nobody had ever seemed to notice that your gaze always lingered on him. Nobody, except Joel. The arrival of Tommy’s older brother had been a welcome distraction, for a while. Joel had a fair few old injuries for you to keep an eye on, and more than a few mental scars you weren’t equipped to do anything about.
The older man had been your friend; hell, if you hadn’t fallen - albeit rather pathetically and unrequitedly - in love with his brother years ago, you could have grown to love him, perhaps. He had been company. Someone to talk to about the state of the world. To rag on the early days of FEDRA with.
And hell, when you’d both been drunk and lonely, he’d been someone to fall into bed with without any fear of complications. Rough, hasty fucks with no strings, just a line of trust between two jaded people. Never mind the age difference. You weren’t afraid of him, and hell, he knew what he was doing. The one time he had tried to be slow and gentle with you, pressing his lips to your throat, nuzzling into your soft skin, you had let slip your secret, moaning his brother’s name as you came apart around him.
Joel had never given you shit for it. Never been mad about it. Never even mentioned it, but he’d never been soft with you again.
You’d cared about him, in your own way, and now he was gone. Joel was gone, and Tommy…
Ellie and Dina had brought him directly to you, accompanied by two of the patrolmen from the wall. At first, you had been frozen in shock before directing them to get him on the table, for Ellie to fetch your field kit.
Shot in the kneecap. A bullet to the skull, passing through and exiting via his eye. Fuck, he was lucky to be alive. You’d set the younger women up in the guest room and told them you’d call for them if needed, and stayed vigilant all night, waiting.
He had woken just before dawn, and hadn’t left since. Three months had passed, and while the wound to his head was healing well, he still walked with a limp.
“Maria still won’t see him,” Ellie had told you, “I heard them yelling at each other.”
He’d said as much to you, when you had asked about whether they were coming off that break any time soon.
“Doubt we ever will, hon. No matter, really. It was a ticking clock, for a while, anyway.”
He’d moved into your guest room, brought a cardboard box of his belongings over. You hadn’t argued, simply said you could oversee his rehabilitation better this way.
And that had been that. Somehow, you’d lost the person akin to your best friend, and ended up with his brother - the man you had loved for years - living in your guest room. It didn’t seem like a fair trade, even if you were glad for his presence.
Your boots crunched on the snow as you walked up the path to the house, let yourself in and took off your coat, setting your field kit satchel down.
“Tommy? You here?” You call out automatically for your… roommate? Friend? Patient? Who the fuck knows. All of the above.
“Yeah. Upstairs.”
You make your way up the stairs, taking them two at a time, trying not to think about how long it must have taken him to get up here on his own, when he still has to use a cane to get around.
He’s in the guest room that’s become his room, one hand on the wall to brace himself as he looks out the window. You know it’s probably the wrong fucking time to admire the view, but you can’t help but do it anyway, take in all six feet of him, how broad he is, how well put together, even in his mid fifties and missing an eye.
He has his dark curls tied back in a messy bun, has trimmed his facial hair since you saw him this morning. He cants his head to look at you as you come in.
“Are you okay?” You get out, a tiny bit breathless from how fast you took the stairs.
“Aside from moving like a fuckin’ old man? Sure.”
Tommy used to be an optimist, fiercely so, but the loss of his brother and his subsequent injuries have made him bitter and jaded. You understand completely. Put up with his moods because you understand his grief. Understand what it means to be in pain. And because you know better than to pick and choose which parts of someone to love.
“You’re getting better. You won’t need the cane at all, soon.” You encourage; at the moment he only really needs it for the stairs, for longer walks.
“Whatever you say, doc.” His remaining dark eye rolls slightly as he returns to looking out the window. You turn to leave, to give him space, before you start taking his bad mood personally, but he sighs and reaches out a hand to catch your wrist. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me.”
“You’re allowed to be rude to me. Better you take it out on me than anyone else.” You shrug, then promptly shut your mouth. You don’t need to start making things awkward, not when you’re pretty sure he thinks you got over him years ago.
His eye narrows as he looks at you.
“Well, fuck. Joel wasn’t kidding, huh?” He exhales. Sounds, suddenly, very tired.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Your blood turns to ice as you get the words out.
“My brother… well. I loved my brother, but he wasn’t a good man. You know that. He never talked about you to anyone else, would have broken anyone’s jaw who tried, but he may have… shared some… details… with me. On occasion.”
“I’m pretty sure the entire town knew me and Joel fucked on occasion.” You say. The words taste oddly bitter coming out. You’re not ashamed of what happened between you, but talking about your past with Joel with Tommy just feels… whatever. It’s not like he sees you like that.
“It bothered him, you know.”
“What did?”
“Joel’s older by five years.” Tommy doesn’t even notice that he’s using present tense as he speaks; “he did everything first. And he was always there gettin’ me outta trouble. He was always first. I think it bothered him, that he wasn’t your first choice.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You repeat, finally, because the idea that Joel may have told Tommy how you felt…
“We’d had a few drinks, and he told me. He told me you’d never gotten over that spark we had. Told me how he was fuckin’ you one night and it was me that you called out for. And y’know what? I haven’t been jealous of my brother in a long goddamn time, but in that moment… fuck. I wanted to knock him out.” His gaze darkens as he watches you, watches your cheeks heat at the implication.
“I ~” you can’t deny it. Are too fucking embarrassed to deny it. And somehow… grateful. Grateful that Joel had spared you the mortification of ever confessing.
“Been thinking about that a lot, recently.” His hand comes up to cup your jaw, thumb stroking your cheek. “Thinkin’ about you screaming my name when another man’s fuckin’ you. How much I wish I’d gotten a chance to see for myself, all those years ago. Imagine my surprise, finding out you still wanted it…”
“Want.” The word slips out of your mouth to correct him before you can stop it, before you can think of how it’s a bad idea, of how he’s technically under your care and that you shouldn’t -
“Want? Still? It wasn’t… it wasn’t Joel? I thought you were just takin’ care of me cause I’m his brother…”
“No. No; it’s not like that. I loved Joel, but I wasn’t in love with him. He was my best friend, as weird as that sounds… it… no. It’s you. It’s always been you. I never wanted you to know, I didn’t want to make things weird, and you’re married, and -“
“Was married,” Tommy corrects you softly, “not anymore. Now it’s just you and me, in this big old house, and I’m startin’ to think I’d really, really, really like to hear how my name sounds from your mouth when I’m fuckin’ you.”
There’s a sort of edge to him now that wasn’t there when you first met him… and you find that you like it.
“I… you’re still hurt.” You say lamely, distracted, so distracted, by his thumb rubbing circles on your cheek.
A wicked smirk crosses his face.
“So I can’t fuck you into the bed just yet. You said yourself I’ll get better. Ain’t nothing stopping you from riding my cock, is there, honey?”
You’re beyond glad that he didn’t say these words six years ago, because the you of the past would have melted into a puddle under those words. As it is, your knees are a little weak as you nod, try to be a little clinical about it, try not to let how eager you are show.
“You need a distraction, right? If we’re careful… I don’t see why we couldn’t-“
His mouth is on yours before you can finish the sentence. The kiss is needy, demanding, years of hidden desire released in a single touch. You’re careful, still, in how you touch him as you wrap your arms around his shoulders to pull yourself closer, lips parting to allow his tongue entrance.
You’ve thought about kissing him dozens of times. Hundreds. Never, though, had you imagined it would be like this. That his mouth would be so soft. Taking in the pine soap iodine scent of him. Your hands find the thin strip of leather tying his hair back; tugging it free, you run your fingers through his dark curls, humming quietly at how soft his hair is.
Idly, your fingers play with the buttons of his dark blue shirt; when he doesn’t stop you, releases your waist so he can get the shirt off, you make short work of the buttons and tug it off, leaving him just in his jeans.
“Go on and undress for me, honey.” The pet name falls from his lips as he softly nuzzles his mouth into your collarbone, nips at sensitive skin, teasing.
Shaking ever so slightly, you step back, unbutton your shirt, let the fabric fall as you make a start on your pants, shimmy out of them. Your bra and panties join the pile, leaving you bare to his gaze. He steps closer to you again, backs you up towards the bed as he slips a hand between your thighs.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as he drags his index and middle finger through your slick, slow, deliberate, humming low in his throat at how wet he finds you.
“Fuck…” he almost hisses it as he readjusts his jeans with his free hand, eye dropping closed for just a moment as he slides his fingers inside you, just to the first knuckle, but it’s enough to make you mewl for him.
“Gotta get you ready for me, hon, don’t want you to hurt yourself. Fuck, such a pretty pussy, gonna feel so good round my cock…” Tommy’s rambling, and he knows it, but he’s letting years of repressed desire come to the surface, years of being faithful and not looking twice at you, even when he’s wanted to.
Your hands reach for his belt, get it undone and work on getting his jeans down. Almost lazily, he steps out of them, pulls his fingers out of you and draws them to your lips. With eyes half closed, your lips part and you suck his fingers clean.
“That’s it… good girl.” He moves then, settles himself on the bed, wraps his hand around his cock and strokes lazily as he watches you. Fuck, his cock… you’d been too distracted by his fingers to notice until now. He’s so big, thick and curved and perfect, bigger than you’d ever imagined.
“C’mon over here, honey, ain’t gonna bite.” Tommy’s voice is soft, low, encouraging as you crawl onto the bed, careful to not put any weight on his bad leg as you straddle him, feel the hot weight of his cock pressed against your stomach as you lean down to kiss him.
You know it’s probably wrong. That, given you’re the medic in charge of his care, you absolutely should not be doing this, but you can’t bring yourself to care, not when his rough, callused hands settle on your hips, thumbs drawing little circles on your skin.
“Soon as I can manage it,” he tells you, “‘m gonna get y’to sit on my face.”
You shiver with delight at that particular idea, kiss him again, a slow lazy kiss, before you start to slowly kiss your way down his chest, wanting to kiss every single freckle on his body as you eventually settle between his thighs, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“Honey, you don’t have to-“
“I want to.” You tell him, smug at the flash of wicked lust that flickers across his face at your words. “Trust me. I want to. Let me take care of you?”
He groans low in his chest, leans back, props himself up against the mountain of pillows on the bed, and watches you. Slowly, deliberately, you wrap your hand around his cock and stroke him, paying attention to the tip, already leaking precum under your touch.
Leaning in, maintaining your eye contact, you lick the head of his cock, humming softly at the salty taste of him, taking him further into your mouth until your nose is pressed into the soft curls at the base of him.
“Fuck, that’s it, such a pretty mouth, shit~” he draws the last word out in a drawling groan, fingers twisting into your hair and holding you in place as he bucks his hips up into your mouth lazily. You take him in eagerly, flattening your tongue on the underside of his length, licking and sucking at him greedily, rubbing your thighs together to try and get some sort of friction.
“Get up here and sit on my cock before you make me cum with that mouth.” His Texas drawl is so much more pronounced as he demands this of you; pulling away from his cock with a lewd, wet sound, you kiss your way back up his chest until you’re straddling him again, his big rough hands back on your hips.
“What, you don’t wanna cum down my throat?” You tease, humming softly as you drag your soaked cunt along the length of him, feeling yourself tighten around nothing at the sheer anticipation of being filled by him.
“Some other time, hon, c’mon, don’t tease this old man, now.” He rocks his hips ever so slightly, and you shift, notching the thick head of his cock at your dripping entrance, sink down onto him.
“Not that old,” you manage to retort, exhaling sharply as your hips meet his, flush against him, his cock stretching you open deliciously. Maybe it’s not how you’d originally envisioned this; you’re both six years older than you’d hoped, you’re jaded and your joints are fucked, he’s lost an eye and will likely walk with a limp for the rest of his life, but none of that matters right now, not when he’s finally, finally inside of you, looking up at you like he’s seeing you for the first time. Really seeing you.
“Fuck, where have you been all this time?” He groans as you start to move, resting your hands on his shoulders to brace yourself.
“Right in front of you,” you reply, mewling softly when his hands move to cup your tits, thumbs brushing over your nipples, teasing. “Not my fault you weren’t looking.”
In answer, he bucks his hips up, pressing as deep into you as he can in this position, with his leg still aching.
“Fuck…” the drawn out curse is half a groan of pleasure as you tighten around him, a hiss of pain.
“Careful,” you chastise him, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, “you gotta be careful.”
He smirks, lets go of your tits to trail his hands down your sides, to grip onto your hips.
“Then ride me, baby, stop fuckin’ around. Ain’t gonna break, and if I die now with a pretty girl wrapped round my cock? Worse ways to go.” He smirks at you and you laugh, the sound fading to a moan as he takes advantage of your distraction to press a thumb to your swollen clit and rub at it, making you tense up above him, thighs tightening against his.
“That’s it, honey, fuck, like that, fuckin’ love this pussy, can’t believe I waited this long…” Tommy Miller is a lot of things, has done a lot of things, but he tries to be an honourable man. So much as he might be running his mouth now, saying these deliciously filthy things to you, you both know full well that he’d never have touched you if he was still with Maria.
You try not to think about that, focus instead on the feeling of him inside you, grinding his hips roughly into yours as you ride his cock. For a while, the only sounds in the room are soft exhales, the lewd sound of skin and skin meeting, your little needy mewls and the occasional low moan from Tommy.
“Soon as I’m not completely fucked up…” he props himself up as best as he can so your chests are pressed together, “I’m gonna make you scream for me.”
“You mean it gets better than this?” You tease, though it comes out far less teasing and taunting than you planned, given how breathless you are, how you tighten around him at the words.
“You have no idea,” Tommy rests his head on your shoulder as you ride him, able to move faster with his arms around you. “C’mon, honey, need y’to cum for me, know you want to…”
His lips brush your throat as he says it, nose gently nuzzling below your earlobe. It’s such an intimate gesture, it shatters your self control. He grinds up into you as you move to meet him, whimpering as you tighten around him, urged on by the hand he slips between you to rub your clit once more.
“Thaaaaat’s it, honey, let go, be a good girl for me, fuuuuck…” he’s amazed he’s managed to last this long, honestly, at his age, with how long it’s been since he actually enjoyed fucking someone this much; but he’s determined to see it through, to fuck you through your peak and over the other side of it, leaving you sweat damp and clinging to him, whimpering and gasping.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, Tommy, I ~” you can’t get the words out, choke on them, mewl his name as he roughly grips handfuls of your ass, holding you in place as he rocks up into you, chasing his own release now, uncaring about his injuries.
Your moans are muffled by the heated kiss he devours your lips in, muting his own curses and growls as he pulls you down onto him, unthinking, uncaring as he spills into you, feels your cunt tighten painfully around him again, pulling him in deeper.
“Fuck, baby, so fuckin’ greedy for my cum, look at you. Feel so fuckin’ good, look at the mess we’ve made…” he rests his forehead against yours, panting as he tries to catch his breath, riding the last waves of his own release.
You hum, grind down onto him as you feel his release start to drip out of you around his slowly softening cock.
“So,” you say, managing a smirk, still dazed from the fact that he’s touching you, holding you, kissing you. “Did that satisfy your curiosity?”
He pulls out of you with a frankly obscene grunt, lays you down next to him, wraps his arms around you, good eye sparkling with amusement and lust.
“Perhaps. Or maybe we’ll need to try again. Just to see whether you scream louder when I’m fucking you.”
Your cheeks heat as you lean in to steal an open mouthed kiss.
“We’ll need to wait til you’re better.”
Tommy fixes you with a filthy smirk that promises all that and more.
“Good thing I have a fucking amazing doctor, then, huh?”
You can’t help it. You laugh, for the first time in a long time, eager to see what the future will bring.
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hetaberia-week · 6 months
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧⠀⠀here are your rules !
1. this event focuses on portugal and spain. you are not obliged to make content about both of them, but must focus on at least one in each work you produce;
2. use the #hetaberia week 2024 tag (in the first 5 tags) and @hetaberia-week so we can find and reblog your work;
3. the free day token allows you to pass on prompts and create anything you want. we are going to monitor this and allow only one token per person. after all, it defeats the idea of hosting an event if every day is a free day;
4. you can make multiple works for one day/prompt and can also combine prompts if you see fit - it's up to you!;
5. your submissions must be appropriately tagged, including characters, ships, and any content warnings that apply (e.g. #cw gore, #wfsn, #spuk, #hws portugal, #aph spain). additionally, if writing about characters in a platonic relationship, you can tag your work #platonic to clarify this to others;
6. a list of content we will not accept: inc*st, n-con, p*dophilia, n*crophilia. for those using the 'historical' prompt, please avoid topics covering current affairs, dictatorships, extremism, g*nocide, etc. we feel this is not the event for these sorts of topics. we expect sensitivity and respect from participants, and we will not share works we believe are inappropriate at our own discretion;
7. we will also not accept any harrassment, ship-bashing, general nastiness or bullying. this want this to be a safe space for creators and expect everyone to be respectful. if you don't like something, scroll away;
8. we welcome any ships for this event! it's all about generating new things for the fandom to enjoy, no matter how niche or rare or popular or cliché! we want to see it all!;
9. enjoy! divirta-se! ¡disfruta!
𓆝.° 。 psst, have you seen the prompts yet? if not, check out the full list, available here!
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xerith-42 · 4 months
Irene but like a "bibically accurate angel" (as the Internet likes to call them) inspired angel
Or Irene with a bug or spider motif
Obvious CW for a lot of arachnid talk in this. If you're not a fan of spiders for any reason don't read this post
Hmmmm... Spider Irene huh? I never thought of that but like... She does sort of weave this web of connection. Like some of the Divine knew each other before her, but some of them likely never would have met had she not gotten involved. She manages to unite Ru'aun not through tyranny, but a more benevolent dictatorship because everyone just really likes her. But the dictator is also a god sort of?? And talks to dimension hopping winged lizards. Just another day in Ru'aun about 1,000 years ago.
Spider Irene is a really cool idea tho. I love the idea of her having a form where the bottom half of her body is a spider while the other is her human half. And if we go fully biblically accurate angel then make her just a mass of 8 eyes and legs and maybe give her cool teeth or something.
Ohhh and this can turn into such great world building in Ru'aun!! They don't necessarily fear spiders as much because they're seen as a sacred thing! Emmalyn knows a lot about certain spiders because they're the ones most strongly associated with Irene. Even if you don't actively worship Irene, it's still common practice to not kill spiders but to either make your home accommodate them because they can be genuinely helpful, or remove them without bringing harm to the spider.
Maybe weaving becomes a sort of religious thing?? Like she was a weaver of webs so there's a lot of weaving in worship of her, lots of tapestries, lots of art depicting her having a web between her and the other warriors. People who worship Irene have the motifs of spiders or web like patterns woven into their religious garments.
Thank you Spider Irene Anon, you have brought beauty into the world today!
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Wintering (The Irish Poem) - Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: Joel reads a favourite poem of yours, and reflects on the subject's similarities to you.
Rating: E. minors dni.
Pairing: Joel Miller x SeasonalDepression!Reader (F)
Tags: Irish coded reader. a little bit of Gaeilge. One Shot. Happy Ending(™). FLUFF. Sickening fluff. Soft!Joel. Established relationship/situationship. No smut in this but could be in the future.(❀❛ ֊ ❛„). Book a dentist appointment my friends, you will probably have cavities after reading this.
CW: brief mention of suicide and overdose attempt, mentions of seasonal depression/mental illness symptoms, mention of SSRIs. 
WC: 2.4k
A/N: Happy late St. Patrick’s Day! This work was inspired by an Irish poem called “Geimhriú” by Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh. The translation came from this post, and I only have a little Irish but it seems right. The Irish language is beautiful and I love it dearly, so I wanted my first posted work to celebrate it (i'm terrified of sharing this btw lol). I wrote this bc culture and language is nearly always left behind and forgotten in survivalist worlds like TLOU, and it’s rarely a theme in fics, but is an essential part of survival, especially for Irish communities. I may potentially expand this work to a series to explore more aspects of Irish culture as part of the story if it's well-received and I feel like it. btw this is not beta-read and idk how to format anything - this is genuinely my first time posting so there are likely mistakes! please comment if you find one, or have constructive criticisms, and of course like/reshare and interact if you had a good time reading this, it would mean the world to this little Irish gal.
(♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡ enjoy!
Even at the end of the world, in the fucking apocalypse, in this shitty, godforsaken place, you were still somehow suffering from a seasonal affliction. 
Depression, that is. 
Joel saw it immediately, the way you took a little longer to answer the door when he came for you in the mornings, the bags under your eyes just a little more pronounced as the days in your district grew less colourful and the dry leaves wilted to the sodden earth. He also saw how you tried to hide it and for a while, tried to respect your clear denial of something being very, very wrong. 
To your credit, you did what you could; soldiered on. Ate and slept more than usual, like a bear. Before the outbreak, you’d been on Zoloft, then Wellbutrin, but the chances of any SSRI medication still existing were so slim you knew you didn’t need to bother checking. 
Even so, it frustrated you every morning, the fact that you weren’t like Joel. That you couldn’t just get up and get on with your day, that you needed some stupid chemical to make your brain work just because the weather was cold and the sky was churning furiously, gnashing it's teeth on nothing but grey, day-in and day-out. 
You couldn’t make sense of it. You were living in near constant poverty, under a dystopian military dictatorship and in the middle of a civil war every god-damned fucking day whether the sun was shining or not, so why did the fields being barren and slick with sleet make you viscerally despise life so much more than seeing them full of fresh flowers and humming with bees? You’d still be hungry at the end of the day. Exhausted. What should the seasons matter to you now? There was no difference. No future. Not then.
You had hoped that maybe eventually, living in constant survival mode might, y’know, actually make your brain want to survive. But it didn’t. You hated it. But what you hated about yourself most of all was the fact that you desperately needed help. It was pathetic. Weak. 
Joel didn't see it that way. Well, he didn't now.
At the start he thought it hadn't been too serious. Maybe you were 'just tired'.
But then winter had nearly taken you from him that year. The sudden and shocking bone-chill of Boston post-October had him practically dragging you out of your own bed every morning for the “supply run” he had taken to bringing you along on; silently begging you to get up and keep going for his sake if not your own. Telling you if a man from Texas could survive it, you’d better get your sorry ass up and do the same. 
He’d found you then, in late December, the dead of night, throwing up and barely breathing. You’d collected enough opioids to kill a horse and tried to take your own life. You’d been lucky to see the next sunrise, and that was the last time he’d allowed you to sleep on your own. And the first time he’d heard of “Seasonal Depressive Disorder”, or whatever it was. 
You’d explained that before all this, you’d had medications that would have stopped this issue for you; so Joel, having then appointed your fragile well-being as his responsibility, had looked for some. But of course there was nothing. So much to everyone else's delight, he spent the winter just like you; because like two really fucked-up peas in a pod, if you were in a foul mood, Joel’s was never far behind. With the QZ being overcrowded, freezing, and insistent on working you both to the bone, you were always in a foul mood. 
So now he can admit to himself that he likes this; likes seeing the glow of your rosy, apple cheeks in the tangerine afternoon rays of a tired day. The way the sunlight dapples the colour of your hair; the lazy smile that breaks across your gentle mouth as the cool breeze caresses you both. This wheat field is completely abandoned, high bland stalks swaying quietly. The rush of the little river nearby. A perfect place to take you; you who were beaming so joyfully, could’ve replaced the goddamn sun itself as far as it concerned him. 
He feels the embroidered spine of your book in his hand, holding it away from your reach. The one you always had open on the same page, the one he caught you reading when you were supposed to have your hands on your rifle and your sharp eyes looking for guards and raiders.
“Let me read it.” he grins without realizing it, stretching a little further away as your fingers grab for purchase, pointlessly. You're too short to even touch the cover as he leans over you. “No!” You reiterate, and he frowns, a finger coming to his lips to remind you of your surroundings. Still careful. “Why not, huh? Can't be that bad if y'like it so much.” 
A slow blush stains you as you huff, dropping your arms to your sides. Like a petulant child. Admitting defeat.
“Fine, but it’s not even in English.”
He quirks an eyebrow at that, and keeps your gaze as he flips the faded, worn pages open to find the one he’s looking for. “You won’t understand it.” You whisper. But he doesn’t need to understand it, he just wants to see. It makes perfect sense to him that you're bilingual, he doesn't know a lot about you, but he knows you're smart, and sharp as a tack...as long as something interests you.
The paper of this page in particular is dog-eared to the point of severe damage, and marked to all hell, but it isn’t dusty at all. Whatever this is, he sees that it’s well-loved by you. Well-read. His curiosity gets the better of him as you make one last reach for the precious item and he, with ease and very quiet glee, denies you. 
He doesn’t try to read it aloud though, the words roll around on his tongue unfamiliar, tangled up in the calculator of his brain that is so used to the anglo-saxon american structure of speech. But he scans it quietly all the same, to your surprise. 
Ná labhair focal,
ná féach im threo,
tá duifean ar mo chroí
nách n-ardófar. 
Géillim don ngeimhriú
Ní aithneofar mé 
go péacadh na mbachlóg. 
Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh.
He clears his throat, and runs a finger along the last line of text; “This the author?” 
You peer over, nodding. He hums in acknowledgement, filing the information away for later. Then he graciously hands the book back to you, brushing your fingers with his, and you snatch it away; folding it closed against your lap. A low gust of wind makes the hair that frames the sides of your face dance delicately. You lean back on your arms then, to appear relaxed. Trying not to think of the delicious electricity sparkling under your smooth skin at his touch. Failing. You're hot, now. The humidity doing nothing to cool off the desire pooling in your belly as you look up at him through thick lashes. He's chewing a thought in his mouth, you can see it.
You are actually taken aback, but smile and shake your head good-naturedly at the attempt. “Gaeilge.” 
A look of confusion crosses his brow and a laugh, golden and sugary, pours from your chest. It squeezes him with violent affection for you. “Gaelic is Scottish. This is Irish. Gaeilge.” You repeat, cocking your head. “They’re different.” 
He nods slowly. He wants to ask you how you came to speak it, and is that why you have a lilt in your accent? did you come from there? From Ireland? And how did you manage to keep speaking it after the outbreak?
 But, he thinks those questions can wait til later. You'll tell him your story on your own terms when you're ready, and he respects that. What he does know is that this must be important to you somehow, and he's happy to focus on that for now.
 “You gonna tell me what it’s about?” 
“I could...but those are meant to be read and understood in the spirit of the language they’re in. They’re not meant to be in English.” You season the last word with some disdain, teasing.
He gives you a dry look and you laugh again. Rolling his eyes and pretending to fall over, he pops back up and props his dozy head with his elbow against the coffee-brown and burgundy leaves that have scattered and broken on the ground beneath gale-swept branches. Then he waits. 
You take him in in all his intensity, the way his curls ruffle against his hand. The sleeves of his shirt pushed to his elbows, muscles and tendons flexing and taut, brown in the sun and from working outdoors.
You guess you do owe him one. Reaching your free hand towards him, he turns his face into your gentle touch on his jaw, and you just about explode. How could you deny him anything when he looks like this?
“Alright,” You give in, and it feels like the easiest thing in the world.  
The book opens once more, and his pretty eyes follow your slender finger against the printed words with his gaze; you feel observed; shy. And you begin, your voice unsure of itself. But his hand on your thigh is cosy, encouraging.
“Don’t say a word,
Don’t look in my direction,
There’s something on my heart 
That can’t be lifted. 
I give in to wintering 
You won’t see me
Til the buds begin to blossom”. 
“Til the buds begin to blossom.” He repeats slowly, intentionally. 
“You a man of literature now, Miller?” 
He exhales sharply. “Not at all, ma’am. Just a curious one.”
The corner of your lips tugs upwards at this easier side of him - and you hum as you close the book and set it down with care, next to you. You each settle against the other comfortably then, taking in the sights and scents around you. A tranquility has made home inside your bones, with the feeling of his warm front against your back and you raise your face to the rays of sun; still beaming onto you from the early evening sky. Your whole body rests now, soothed by his presence.
Comfortable silence blankets over you both, for a few minutes. 
“So, d’ya like the view?” He asks all of a sudden, kicking his feet back and stretching against the massive tree he’s got you both behind - completely hidden from the view of the gate patrol. He’s been scoping this place out for weeks, he knows it’s safe. 
You feel his shirt ride up against your back and it ignites something that quickly dwarfs anything mellow or peaceful inside you.
“Do I like it, Joel Miller?” You repeat incredulously, turning around and crawling onto his lap; with only a little grace. His rough, calloused hands instinctively come up to your hips, and the denim of your worn jeans suddenly feels far too tight and restrictive for the kinds of lovely, fuzzy messages your body is giving to you. You straighten up, leaning in to breathe; a faint hint of whiskey, lot of smoke. Lot of man. Yours. Your man. 
Before you can unleash the teasing reply you had tucked away for him, an unwelcome thought sobers you. He notices the shadow cross your pretty face, the terrible memory flickering away in the back of your mind. Calling back to your thoughts before, you realise very abruptly that you do owe him one. In fact, you owe him your life for this very afternoon. The seeping heat on your skin and the pastel wildflowers. The gorgeous vermillion colour of the sky. The rush of contentment in your heart.
“I never would have even seen this sunset if it wasn’t for you.” You murmur, lowly enough that he has to strain to hear it. A grumble rumbles in his chest but he says nothing in reply, so you stay quiet, and take his larger hands into yours. Trying to convey how grateful you are with your touch. Hoping it'll osmosis or something. Knowing you can never repay him for his selflessness, his friendship, his sacrifices. 
He clears his throat then, to get your attention, and you lock eyes with him; searching and deep. Knowing. 
“You know I love it.” you whisper, appreciating the deep brown irises framed by spectacular eyelashes. The eyes you’d know absolutely anywhere. “I love it more than anything.”
You’re not talking about the view anymore. 
 He knows it, too; lines softening at the complete adoration on your face, the vulnerability; the way you’re giving it all to him. And he wants it even though he really shouldn’t. He wants you exactly like this for the rest of your lives. Warm and happy, tucked up next to him in some butt-fuck middle of nowhere place in the sun, tending to your garden and reading your books and your poems, unbothered by the harsh realities of the world revolving around you. Away and safe from the sickness and cruelty of the cities.
 He watches carefully the radiant glow that’s touching your expression, and he can’t help but understand then, why you like that poem. 
It’s you. 
In moments like these, when you’re pressed up against him and smelling so sweet he feels heady and drunk, it’s much harder to shove away those very domesticated thoughts he’s been having; of you and the kind of things he wants to give you. The kind of life he wants you to have, together. Although he couldn’t tell you out loud, not yet anyway. He’s working on it. 
You wonder what he's thinking about, leaning to press a soft kiss to his chin to bring him back to earth- closing your eyes at rough stubble brushing against your cheek. You feel an earth-shattering smile and wish you could see, but it’s gone by the time you raise your head again. 
What you do see is a tanned arm reaching behind you to pluck something from the soft earth.
It’s a sunflower. Bright and plush and golden. 
 Like you, he thinks. 
Firm fingers gently and deftly push your strands aside, carefully slipping the green stalk of it right behind your left ear.
Leaning back to peer at you and admire his handiwork, he tucks his hands behind his head.
 He compares what’s in front of him now to his memories of last month; your face tear-tracked and pale in his bed, telling him you didn’t want to live. Him never knowing how to help you, spending those bleak evenings with fear poisoning his every thought, constantly worrying he would come back home to you cold and still. Wrapping himself tight around you in his bed late at night in the hopes he could somehow just piece it all back together by holding you. The memories the experience brought up for him; the ones fuelling his terror of failing you, like he failed her. 
And now you here, surrounded by spring buds blossoming in the sweet change of the season. Wildflowers, peonies, just like you, so easily pleased by the sun and the green of the forest and the view from the top of your apartment building once the snow had begun to melt. Softened by just a little bit of warmth and a lot of love. A lot of care. He's proud of you and how hard you've worked to drag yourself out of the place you were in.
He’s suddenly finding it difficult to control the way he wants to cry with relief. 
You don’t know any of this, of course. But the way he observes you so deliberately sends little shivers down your spine, despite the humidity and haze. You do feel kind of silly sitting like this though, so you reach up to pull the flower from your hair, but his fingers grip your wrist hard and fast before you can get to it and they tell you otherwise, pressing indents into your skin that you'll remember later tonight.
“Don’t.” He says softly. “I like it.”
You try to stop the grin from breaking out but fail miserably, and he's dazzled by it. One smile, and he’s completely and overwhelmingly filled with love for you.
 Yes, he thinks; even at the end of the world, even in this shitty fucking place, this apocalyptic nightmare, you still somehow manage to blossom in the sun.
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pakeithpsy · 3 months
You know what, I'm just gonna fuckin say it (cw: Israel/Palestine, police brutality)
When one singular black person died y'all and the rest of the Social Media Warriors™ were out there rioting in the streets, smashing windows and setting fire to the establishment and attacking random passerby but when THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of Palestinians are dying your only solution is to yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING!" into the void on Not-Twitter and forcibly shove horrific, graphic images of human suffering down my throat while offering no actual solutions to prevent further atrocities from happening other than worthless boycotts of every single company in America that are all doomed to fail because it's basically public knowledge at this point that CEOs are vile, irredeemable filth obsessed with greed and will gladly lay off hundreds of their employees just so they and their shareholders can buy another yacht yet y'all seem to think we live in A Christmas Carol or Steven Universe where all it takes to convince heartless, selfish, genocidal monsters to change is to sing a dopey little song about "feewings" and they'll immediately see the error of their ways and repent.
You are not radicalizing anyone, you are desensitizing people by harassing us for not spending every waking moment of our lives watching death and destruction while giving us no sense of hope or ways to prevent this from happening. I know what's happening, I FUCKING HATE IT, IT'S DISGUSTING AND INHUMANE, but what am I supposed to do about it? It feels like nothing will actually help - boycotts will only punish innocent employees and rich assholes with way too much money can immediately undo all our hard work with the press of a button. It feels like we can't do anything to prevent this and anything we can do doesn't matter because we're trapped in late-stage capitalism where rich and powerful people can do whatever the hell they want as long as it benefits them personally, rest of the world or even basic human survival be DAMNED.
Happy fucking Independence Day. Probably the last one we're ever gonna have before congress brings back dictatorships and church and state. This country is a fucking embarrassment to humanity and you people are a bunch of hypocritical, self-righteous blowhards who don't believe any of the shit you actually say and only want to be on the "right side" of history to make yourself feel better about the fact that you've done nothing meaningful or worthwhile with your life and that we're all fucking doomed because we had to treat the 2016 election like a fucking reality show because the memes were too damn hilarious. What a sick joke. Australia has an arts program that is giving hundreds of struggling artists the funding and platform they need while our country is destroying all our breathable oxygen in the name of not having to pay artists. Fuck this country and especially fuck all you worthless loudmouths who have done nothing but spout meaningless words while refusing to take any action out of fear of scraping your knee. You've been shouting "FREE PALESTINE!" when all you really wanted was Free Attention. The pandemic was a sign from God that He was sick of our shit and we should have let Him finish us off before we could make things worse.
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somer-writes · 9 months
Heart of Hyrule Modern AU pt 2
Wanted to get down some thoughts on world-building. specifically as it relates to war and reconstruction. this is all subject to change, i just needed to get it laid out somewhere so if something doesnt make sense please let me know!!!
Also CW for wartime, occupations, terrorism
The Borderless War
13 year long civil war
Started as an attempted coup to move from monarchy into military dictatorship
General Rivia of Noble Court planted his men at major forts throughout Hyrule. Once smoke signals were lit, the men mutinied and took control (or attempted to) of military stations and strategic routes.
Rivia was swiftly detained by the Sheikah protecting the royal family. The outposts were more difficult because the sitting king was deemed weak/ineffective. The forces were split 50/50 as was most of the populace
Rivia’s wife Nomi managed to take the royal family as political hostages with a rogue group of Sheikah she promised power
Nobles were rounded up and executed if they refused to kneel as were important figureheads. Entire towns were razed if they refused to swear fealty
As refugees fled to neighboring lands, the defected army hunted them down
During this time Ordon (previously on good terms with Hyrule) was forcibly occupied for their agriculture and isolation
The Zora remained neutral but accepted refugees, the Gorons defended the Eldin province from non official militants (the defected army), and the Rito fled from forest fires up into the mountains
The war ended when Nomi was betrayed by the Sheikah after failing to follow through on her promises
Without her at the helm, the uprising was swiftly squashed (About 4 years after Time is born/left in Kokiri Forest)
The Harkinian royal family takes the throne again (princess Zelda was born while the family was captive and sent as a protected hostage to a sheikah base in the east)
Weapons development
The war served as the turning point in modern magic weaponry.
The warriors family established their company by refitting old weaponry with mana charges which could fire liquidized or crystalline spells even by those not magically inclined
On top of projectile spells, the company produced traditional weapons (swords, spears, etc) that also used charges to apply spells to the weapons
They also produced tactical staves and learned to make the first lab-grown mana crystals (which they still have a patent on)
The weapons advanced much faster than the defenses which had devastating results for casualty numbers
Anti mage armor does come about towards the end of the war but is expensive and heavy
Due to the lawlessness of the war era, monsters swiftly took over the wilds (especially in the south of Hyrule)
As the land was attempted to be resettled, monsters attacked and killed a lot of townships/camps
Monster hunting starts off as a noble trade but swiftly becomes synonymous with extortion and ransoming
Much of the south is left abandoned and with forces and resources already stretched thin, the royal army leaves the area to monsters with devastating results on the towns that survived through the war but were left defenseless
As a way to catalog refugees/orphans, Hylians are made to adopt true surnames over place names
The first wave of standardized official identification is rolled out. ID cards include names, birthdays, province of origin, and whether or not the person is magically inclined
King Harkinan establishes the sages as a unified council in peace attempts
Official seats of the country (castle town, goron city, etc) are fitted with anti mana barriers that require a key item such as a ring to use magic within the barrier limits
Dark magic is declared officially illegal. Light magic requires special licenses.
Post-war Occupation of Ordon
Ordon is denied a representative on the sages’ council leading the relationship to sour more. Hyrule has yet to pull out of the region.
The first Ordon Rebellion occurs resulting in the destruction of the great fort on the north end of Faron bridge. As a result, a second occupation occurs
Ordon is forced to name a capital (Ordon village) and an ambassador. Ordonians are then forced to take Hylian surnames.
A rebellion group forms with Ordon leading to a number of small terror acts and attacks on Hylian grounds. Anti-Ordon sentiments begin to crop up
Hyrule exhausts itself in Ordon and withdraws from the area under an unstable treaty. Ordon is considered Hyrule territory, but is allowed to functionally govern themselves. This makes trade/travel/logistics difficult between Hyrule and Ordon.
The temple of hylia constructed in Ordon Village is abandoned
Anti-ordonian laws (ID cards, permits/paperwork, lack of representation) are passed further dividing the kingdom and province
Character effects
Time is a war refugee who is born during the war and taken to the Kokiri for safety as an infant when his parents were outed as monarch loyalists working with a resistance
Malon’s family stayed in the south through the war and reconstruction. She vividly remembers hiding in the cellar from monsters as a child
Wars’ family owns and operates Warriors’ Weaponry Co. He has mixed feelings on his family’s legacy. He’s fairly inclined to magic and is somewhat skilled with a power spear.
Twilight is a Hylian reconstruction refugee adopted into Ordon. He faces a lot of anti-Ordon sentiment in Hyrule and the opposite in Ordon. His home and family were destroyed by a monster.
Wild was severely injured in a monster attack in the northeast of Hyrule which destroyed his home village.
Legend’s family is noble blooded but went into hiding after the war and gave up their titles.
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nicsnort · 1 month
Trial by Fire (part 1)
A Nightcrawler/Fem!OC romance, drama, and mystery fanfic, with lots of Quicksilver thrown in for fun and even more drama.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story)
CW: mentions of slavery, violence, and murder
‘Genosha. It has become one of the richest countries in the world over the past twenty years despite being a small island country off the coast of Honduras. A colonized land, the native inhabitants were all but wiped out by English settlers who lived a hard life in the jungle environment. Disease and wild animals plagued the colonizers who used the remaining native population as slave labor. The use of slave labor never stopped but the source has changed. Now the government of Genosha uses mutants as their labor force.
They advertise themselves as a place where any mutant can find a job. This is true. When a mutant from abroad arrives the government takes them into custody and with the aid of power suppressing collars put them to work. All to enrich Genosha. Their largest company is the government. This is the source of their wealth.
I am unsure who has it worse: the refugee mutants tricked into going there or the ones that grow up here. All children undergo genetic tests at the age of thirteen. If a child tests positive for the X-gene they are taken into the custody of the government. The parents receive approximately 2000 Genoshian dollars (4398 USD) and 0.5% of the wealth generated by their children when they are put to work. This usually puts the parents and any human children in a position of comfort for many years - until the payments stop coming.
Life in the work camps is harsh. Mining, construction, hand-farming, and other forms of hard labor. If a mutant can survive past the first few years they often live to their mid-thirties before the toll on their body is too much. However, many do not survive the first few years. It is not hard labor that takes these children, it is often the experiments. Awful genetic experiments that most say have no purpose, equal with Mengele’s work on Jews.
This is the source of Genosha’s wealth, dear reader. I hope you are enjoying your Genosha-grown coffee this morning - sold at all Starbucks. It is the product of a country that is on par with Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, and Apartied South Africa. I know you must be surprised, perhaps disgusted, perhaps disbelieving. Genosha has kept the source of their wealth a well-guarded secret but I was able to enter this country under the guise of being a mutant refugee. What happened inside, dear reader...well, I haven’t quite gotten all the way through it.’
Bedelia Hayes stopped her inner monologue as the sealed truck holding her and three mutant refugees came to a halt. The heavily armed guards gestured them out with guns and slurs. Her monologuing she would call writing. It helped to calm her mind in stressful situations. Bedelia was a freelance investigative journalist. She was here to uncover Genosha’s best-kept secret.
Oh, there were rumors of what happened in the dictatorship held by David Moreau, who had been the ‘elected’ prime minister for the past twenty-one years. But it was not until she met a runaway hiding in Texas that she found out the truth or at least some of it. The Genoshan government had recaptured the mutant before Bedelia had the chance to properly interview him. So, she came to Genosha to investigate what she had heard. Already it was worse than she imagined.
Honestly, for all the secrecy, it was disappointingly easy to enter. When she arrived in the capital, Hammer City, they had not even tested her genetics beyond a pinprick of her finger. Her dyed bright green hair, bright green contact lenses, and her words were evidence enough. They hadn’t even asked what her power was. While Bedelia had answers prepared, she was glad for the lack of inquiry - because Bedelia was not actually a mutant. The blood they took was of an acquaintance of hers in Mexico, a mutant who could control ink, but who she knew as a fellow journalist. Genosha did not allow non-mutants - especially journalists - into their country, so the subterfuge was necessary.
Bedelia and the fellow refugees were forced into a corridor and resting chambers. Bunk beds were stacked four high and assigned with numbers. There were a few other mutants in here already, likely given a small reprieve due to good work, or it was not their shift. Finding her bed, Bedelia saw it was under a bunk where a woman currently sat, leaning against the wall. She had brown hair, long and matted, and heavily tanned skin. From here Bedelia could see the scars on her arms. Bedelia was number 413, she was 415, but Bedelia was interested in her story.
Climbing up the ladder, Bedelia popped her head over the top bunk. “Hey, looks like I’m under you. Name is Sarah.” It was a false name that she had given to the government here. Her tone was neutral, careful. For Bedelia, it would not do to act scared or depressed, but she could not let her curiosity show completely. It would put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and make her an object of suspicion.
The woman opened her green eyes and focused them on the woman with vivid green hair. “Hello, I’m Trance.” Trance studied Bedelia closely, her eyes lit with suspicion suddenly. Bedelia kept calm and kept her expression neutral at the woman’s next question. “What’s your power?” 
“Ability to get myself into shitty situations,” Bedelia said with a sad chuckle, looking down before sighing. “Hypercognition...I make connections where others cannot, though sometimes when critical information is missing...” She gestured around as the sentence trailed off.
It was a benign ability with no way to actually test it, yet something she could perform to a satisfactory level. Bedelia had learned a wide variety of skills before deciding on her current path, but the skills had passed on. She could hack basic systems, was excellent with disguises and could sneak in places she was not supposed to be - here, for example. While she was not a genius in any regard, all these skills combined could pass, to the untrained eye, as a hyperintelligent mutant ability.
“May I ask what you can do?”
A thin smirk on Trance’s lips didn’t quite reach her eyes. Her eyes were calculating, if not a bit cruel. Bedelia now eyed the woman with caution. “I toy with visions.” She said cryptically. “Why did you come here?”
Bedelia could sense distrust. It was natural. But she was an expert at getting others to open up to her. It was critical in her line of work. “Why do you think? Heard all the things about this place and wanted to see it for myself.” It wasn’t technically a lie. It was important that she not lie to the mutants about anything other than her name.
From outside the barracks, three men entered. Two were heavily kitted out with guns and gear, and another was less heavily dressed but obviously more important. “All right, you mutant scumbags,” he shouted, his eyes immediately targeting the three new arrivals. They narrowed harshly at the sight of Bedelia, who instantly scrambled off the bunk. The immediate compliance seemed to quell his gaze, for now.
“You have fresh faces among you. I am not going to explain what you need to know. If your fellows feel generous, they might tell you; if not, you will learn quickly enough. I will tell you that any thought of escaping, of returning to your old country, your old life, crush it. You Muties wanted a job, well you got one.” He looked around the room again. “You're going to the fields. 2 bushels each.”
The guns were raised, making it obvious they were all to follow.
“You picked an interesting day,” Trance murmured to “Sarah,” speaking from the corner of her lips to keep it secret that she was speaking at all. Given the silence in the room, it was easy enough to have mistaken her murmur as a buzz of a fly.
Bedelia heard Trance take a slow, deep breath as she watched the three mutants start to walk around the aimed guns. The space in the barracks wasn’t large, giving them a brush against the barrels if they weren’t careful. 
And just like that, bad luck came in the sound of a cat screeching down the hall outside. The three soldiers paused, looking up in confusion. It wasn’t a yell, a shout, or a word...just a cat screeching. It was enough, however, to give Trance and four others an advantage. “Get down!” 
The brunette woman shouted, her voice rough and sharp to the three new mutants as two from the top bunks made a run and a jump on two soldiers. Trance grabbed ahold of a shiv made from a comb and jammed it into the third man’s neck while she took hold of his gun and raised it. There was a single shot -- far too much, too loud, as it would likely set off alarms from outside. As his blood painted the nearby beds, the woman cursed and twisted the gun from his hands. 
“Follow us!” The fourth mutant called out, three holding the weapons as they started their way to the door. 
Trance looked at the three mutants who had fallen to the ground at her order, a dry grin on her lips. “A hell of a day to show up.”
Bedelia’s eyes widened as the woman she had just been talking to killed a guard. Well fuck. There goes all her time to gather information...and possibly her life if this didn’t work out in their favor. “God damn it,” she hissed under her breath.
Grabbing the stun stick off the dead higher up, she tossed it to one of the other mutants that had come with her and then picked up the tablet at his waist. “Well, this was far sooner than I expected,” she stated, brushing her hair out of her eyes.
Her keen eyes moved over the tablet. Picking up the dead man’s hand, she pressed it against the bioscanner. It unlocked with a ding, and she smirked. Essex Corporation. That was not the first time the name had come up, and their involvement here was beyond disturbing in its implications. But now was not the time for that.
“Let’s see….” The collars were welded together. There was no option to take them off, but there were a couple of highly guarded mutants Bedelia saw using their physical powers for hard labor. So there was a way to turn them off. She gazed across the applications before seeing what she needed. Holding open the eye of the guard, she let the prompted scanner do its work. “And collars off.”
“Pattern seeking worked out in more than math class.” Trance remarked approvingly as she watched the woman work. The others had started to file out with the guns in hand, alert and aware of how there would no doubt be others coming at the sound of the gun going off. They still had some time due to the element of surprise, but they couldn’t lose that momentum. 
Trance gestured towards the door with her head, indicating for Bedelia to follow. “You’ll remain hidden as long as you don’t go too far away.” 
Bedelia followed her sudden ally carrying the tablet with her. She kept close to the woman, knowing that she had very few ways of defending herself, but kept a close eye out for anything of use. If she could not spend more than the few days she had already spent here, she needed to bring as much as she could with her.
They passed a dead guard, and she spotted a camera phone in his pocket. “Perfect,” she muttered as she picked it off the corpse. Others passed by them but did not look. Her eyes flitted to Trance - she must be hiding them somehow. The cell phone was unlocked after giving it a once over and seeing the sliding pattern on the glass. People need to learn to wipe their phone screens down to prevent such easy access. Opening the camera app, she began taking photos of the events around her.
Bio for Bedelia Hayes
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saiilorstars · 3 months
☁️✨️🦩 for the summer qs
☁️ wip you want to write but haven’t started yet
I've been hooked on my adventures with superman so every time I see a new episode, I keep imagining an oc throughout the series. And I always loved the plot of the world killers (that was literally my fave villain in the cw supergirl series) so I drafted a few scenes. Her name's Ginevra (Jimmy would call her 'Ginny' to annoy her lmao) and she was part of a group experimental hybrid world killers left to fend for herself as a youngster on Earth by her own crew of (older) world killers who deemed her too Kyrptonian and not enough 'word killer'. As she grows on Earth, she doesn't have too many memories of her time in the labs but she still knows that she's most definitely not human. It's still a mess but that's the main premise so far.
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✨ newest wip
I've been (re)working on a new The Originals OC. I've changed her a couple times but I think this time she's finally got a solid foundation lmao. Her name's Aura, and she's a witch from a secluded coven outside the U.S. Aura and her brother get caught in Marcel's dictatorship while he has Klaus prisoner. Aura possesses special abilities that Marcel uses to get into Klaus' head but ends up prisoner herself. Sometimes later, she helps Klaus escape (with those special abilities of hers) and stays prisoner herself in order to save her brother. Grateful, when Klaus returns to the Quarter with his family the first thing he does is free Aura from her imprisonment. Although Aura is free to go with her brother, the concept of the Hollow and the fact that it's going after little Hope Mikaelson troubles her and so she agrees to stay in the Quarter to help where she can. At the end of the day, the time gap happens again and ironically, Klaus goes in search of Aura again to ask beg for her help to save Hope (now a teenager). Only now, Aura is at the lowest place in her life than she ever was and Klaus has to snap her out of it (help her heal) before time runs out for Hope.
For some reason, I really want this fic to end in tragedy though so I don't know how exactly I want to end it except that I know it'll be season 5 (the show's finale). Either Aura might die, or Klaus, or her brother - I'm not sure yet. The thing I really want to focus in this fic and the two seasons is the theme of grief and healing. I've never done a short series, and much less about the two aforementioned concepts so it's like a new challenge for me and I like it! sorry for rambling with this one
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🦩 wip you hate working on but are too far gone to turn back
I wouldn't say that I hate it, but it is trickier to write than I originally planned and it's made me set it back for a while now. It's my doctor who oc Grier. I'm thinking of changing her face claim (her first incarnation) too so there's that?? It's her second fic that's got me in trouble because my dumbass decided to make it one of those "they're time travelling in opposite directions" for a while (like season 5 to the first half of season 7). I like the challenge but it's working out the nitty-gritty stuff that's got me aaaaaa. I love Grier, and I really want to make this fic one of those morally gray 'is he/she wrong for how they reacted" things so that's one thing that keeps me going. I plan on making both the Doctor and Grier royally fuck up and that's a first. I've always tried making my ocs do bad things but for good reasons. In here, the Doctor screws up first and then Grier takes it REALLY to heart and starts screwing with him in painful ways as well. It's chaos after chaos but here I am <3
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Send over some summertime writers' asks if you'd like!
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