#i hate this country so much
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dqmeron · 6 months ago
"we did an incredible job with the pandemic" ??? no??? you didn't???
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sometimesraven · 8 months ago
"we want actual working class people leading this country who know our struggles and our lives!!"
but when the deputy prime minister grew up in poverty and had to fight her way to where she is, "Primark" (fast fashion shop largely considered to be for poor people because it's affordable) is trending on Twitter because of the sheer number of people already ripping her apart just for the suit she's wearing
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pakeithpsy · 8 months ago
You know what, I'm just gonna fuckin say it (cw: Israel/Palestine, police brutality)
When one singular black person died y'all and the rest of the Social Media Warriors™ were out there rioting in the streets, smashing windows and setting fire to the establishment and attacking random passerby but when THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of Palestinians are dying your only solution is to yell "SWIPER NO SWIPING!" into the void on Not-Twitter and forcibly shove horrific, graphic images of human suffering down my throat while offering no actual solutions to prevent further atrocities from happening other than worthless boycotts of every single company in America that are all doomed to fail because it's basically public knowledge at this point that CEOs are vile, irredeemable filth obsessed with greed and will gladly lay off hundreds of their employees just so they and their shareholders can buy another yacht yet y'all seem to think we live in A Christmas Carol or Steven Universe where all it takes to convince heartless, selfish, genocidal monsters to change is to sing a dopey little song about "feewings" and they'll immediately see the error of their ways and repent.
You are not radicalizing anyone, you are desensitizing people by harassing us for not spending every waking moment of our lives watching death and destruction while giving us no sense of hope or ways to prevent this from happening. I know what's happening, I FUCKING HATE IT, IT'S DISGUSTING AND INHUMANE, but what am I supposed to do about it? It feels like nothing will actually help - boycotts will only punish innocent employees and rich assholes with way too much money can immediately undo all our hard work with the press of a button. It feels like we can't do anything to prevent this and anything we can do doesn't matter because we're trapped in late-stage capitalism where rich and powerful people can do whatever the hell they want as long as it benefits them personally, rest of the world or even basic human survival be DAMNED.
Happy fucking Independence Day. Probably the last one we're ever gonna have before congress brings back dictatorships and church and state. This country is a fucking embarrassment to humanity and you people are a bunch of hypocritical, self-righteous blowhards who don't believe any of the shit you actually say and only want to be on the "right side" of history to make yourself feel better about the fact that you've done nothing meaningful or worthwhile with your life and that we're all fucking doomed because we had to treat the 2016 election like a fucking reality show because the memes were too damn hilarious. What a sick joke. Australia has an arts program that is giving hundreds of struggling artists the funding and platform they need while our country is destroying all our breathable oxygen in the name of not having to pay artists. Fuck this country and especially fuck all you worthless loudmouths who have done nothing but spout meaningless words while refusing to take any action out of fear of scraping your knee. You've been shouting "FREE PALESTINE!" when all you really wanted was Free Attention. The pandemic was a sign from God that He was sick of our shit and we should have let Him finish us off before we could make things worse.
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refuseths · 1 month ago
doom scrolling on here i cannot go on without tiktok it hasnt even been a day
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thedevilinmybrain · 18 days ago
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bbyboybucket · 10 months ago
Well, I hope the pro-lifers and the U.S. gov is happy. Cause now pregnant women (who decided to keep their child) and are having pregnancy emergencies, like ectopic pregnancies, blood clots and preeclampsia, placenta complications and decay, birth/labor complications, etc. are being refused treatment to help them survive. Literally even women who are in ORGAN FAILURE are being turned away by hospitals and doctors and are being refused treatment due to abortion laws, or if not outright refused, they’re being put at the bottom of triage. These women who are dying or at risk of dying, are being denied survival for themselves and even possibly their child, because if a mother dies, it’s likely the fetus isn’t gonna have an easy time either. That’s super “pro-life” of these people. So “pro-life” that they’re okay with a woman dying because she tried to have a child and her body couldn’t keep up with the physical demands. When will these dumb fucks realize that it was never and will never just be about the “morals” of birth control. It doesn’t just involve a woman may wanna terminate an unplanned pregnancy, it’s hurting the women who do want to have children too. And if someone can’t bring themselves to agree with pregnancy termination, the least they can do is wake up and realize this is bigger than birth control. It’s literally life or death of full grown women. It’s life or death for your sisters, your mothers, your wives, or even yourself if you’re a woman who’s a pro-life. And these people are dying, literally dying. All because idiots would rather have both mother and child die, than just save the woman who has an actual life.
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x-h3kk3ning-x · 4 months ago
Every year I vote Democrat, and every year I get The Shit slung at me for 'sucking the teet of american white liberals' or whatever and EVERY YEAR WE END UP HERE BECAUSE NO ONE BELIEVES ME WHEN I SAY I HATE THIS PARTY BUT THERE IS NO OTHER GOD DAMNED CHOICE!!!!
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forzafinally · 7 months ago
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eldrai · 1 year ago
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Fuck sake
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years ago
America be taking several hundred steps backwards and rapidly becoming a fascist hellhole
Meanwhile Im just sitting here playing with ninja turtles and trying not to completely lose my mind as the country falls apart around me
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lookthetart · 2 years ago
Natalità problem here, natalità problem there: let Italians go EXTINCT already
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technofeudalism · 2 months ago
CNN suggested that Luigi Mangione stage a boycott instead of what he did. a boycott of the health care industry. exercising my right to protest by fucking dying.
edit: it was ABC. tomato, tomato.
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the-only-highlander · 11 months ago
my fellow americans please recognize that it is not merely the president is exploding people but also the senate and supreme court and every other seat of government alleged to represent we the people
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fallentofable · 1 year ago
Okay so my sister works in politics. She's a people manager, and was a campaign manager for Bernie Sanders back in 2020. This year, she's a campaign manager for a guy named Cornell West, and he's the only person I know running on a platform that will actually make shit better. Cornellwest2024.com if you have the time. If not, some of the highlights are
-stop funding the state of Israel
-end the Israeli apartheid of Palestinian people and push for a program for Palestinian justice and liberation
-Abolishing poverty and homelessnes
-deprivatizing Healthcare and instating universal Healthcare
-codifying an equal rights amendment for LGBTQIA people
-reparations to address unpaid debt to black US residents
-forgive all student debt and free tuition for all state college students
And so much more
His chance of winning is a shot in hell, and obviously he can't do everything but if he wins, maybe we'll actually start going somewhere with this damned country.
"Biden is funding a literal genocide!"
Yeah - and so will Trump. Like, if you don't vote for Biden, Trump will win, and he will continue to send aid to Israel - in fact, he will likely send MORE aid to Israel. That's the reality of the world we live in.
And, to be honest, any US president will support Israel. Because the USA is Israel's ally. That's how foreign policy works.
So who do you prefer?
Biden, who has helped lgbtq rights, reproductive rights, infrastructure, the environment, lowered medication costs, supported unions, and done MANY good, progressive things,
Or Trump, who we already know is awful. Who we already know will destroy any human rights Biden managed to gain. Who will not help the environment. Who will not help trans people, or immigrants, or women.
Because those are your two choices. And if you think they're the same, you are dangerous to all marginalized people.
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stardustfemme · 1 year ago
i just saw the most horrific scene ive seen coming from Gaza, i’ve never seen anything like this my brain can’t comprehend it. i feel like every day we think this can’t get any worse how could it get worse and every day we’re proven wrong. anybody who still defends the US or “Israel” is nothing short of genocidal and soulless
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trzpiotka · 2 years ago
another pregnant woman died in poland because the doctors waited for the fetus to die on its own while ignoring her sepsis symptoms (there was NO CHANCE of the fetus surviving, but they didn’t want to get charged with performing an illegal abortion). but yeah women around here don’t have many kids cause they just... uuuh *checks notes* party all the time 
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