#cuz I don’t think I can handle writing an entire fic
lady-tortilla-chip · 4 months
I’ve kinda just decided I’m going to start just writing down the ideas I have and sharing them that way. I miss writing fics but I’ve struggled SO much with it the last two years. So I think for anyone who cares or misses my writing this’ll be the best I can do for a while.
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goliig68 · 1 year
19 days fic rec pt.2
Making pt.2 cuz I couldn't add all of my favourite fics here( again, with no particular order )
Mark My Love by ria_green
( E | 12,525 | 9/? )
He Tian gently holds Mo Guanshan by the neck, thumb pressing into where a bond bite might one day appear.
Shivering, Mo Guanshan shoves him away. "Go do that with an omega, idiot."
Note: a funny omegaverse story. Don't let the omegaverse title put you off it's seriously very funny and cute. I love the interactions between guan shan and jian yi😂 he tian and zhen xi too! I swear they all have weirdest dynamics!
It will come back by mgsdays (regencyaus)
( E | 44,417 | 12/12 )
He Tian leaving on self-protection, after Jian Yi's disappearance, makes Mo scared enough to make a move. They stumble into something together just as He Tian leaves the country, and they have to figure things out long-distance while waiting for He Tian to come back.
Mo's known the gist of it since the dawn of his puberty. Water's wet, sky is blue, Mo's sexual desires are intertwined with his complicated feelings for He Tian. Big deal.
But the reality of it is- something else. This is something else entirely.
Did you miss me? – H
Barely noticed. - MGS
...did you? - MGS
Every minute of every day. - H
How the fuck does He Tian just say those things? Doesn't he feel embarrassed? Mo thinks he's feeling embarrassed for him, and he didn't even write it. He stares at the words until his phone light goes out, and then he turns it on again and stares some more.
Note: an amazing reunion au. I think author did a great job at handling tianshan's long-distance relationship and all of that mafia stuff. I think this fic has to be In everyone's "to read" list👌
nothing fucks with my baby by figglypudding
( E | 23,897 | 3/3 )
unexpectedly, and in the most unlikely of places, mo stumbles upon a reunion he'd long given up on.
but how can he heal when he's only just begun to acknowledge the hurt?
Note: another reunion au. But angstier and so much sadder😭 but it's happy ending, so all of that sadness was worth going through.
swimming in the blood by powerandpathos
( M | 29,455 | 1/1 )
Guan Shan’s nose wrinkles. ‘I sing like I mean it. I don’t sing it ‘cause I want everyone else to hear. That’s Jian Yi’s thing.’
’And what’s your thing?’
He Tian holds his gaze. Street lamps and car headlights are mirrored in the amber surface of Guan Shan’s eyes, and He Tian can see his own shadowed silhouette in his irises, a blocky shape of darkness with no detail. For some reason, that bothers him.
‘Still figurin’ that out,’ Guan Shan says.
Note: rock band au. Sex, drama and rock 'n roll. No drugs lol. This fic in in my top 10 favourite 19 days fics, And it is so underrated!! Go read it, it's truly wonderful!
nail House by powerandpathos
( M | 13,309 | 1/1 )
‘God,’ Guan Shan mutters. He pushes himself up onto his elbows. His thighs are still trembling, and he rolls his ankles. ‘You fuckin’ love control, don’t you?’
He Tian sits back on his haunches. ‘Have you seen my family?’
‘I don’t wanna talk about your family right now.’ Guan Shan huffs. ‘Bet you can’t fuckin’ stand that I have to drive you about, right?’
‘I got used to it. It’s a shame the car isn’t a manual. I’ve enjoyed seeing your hand around the gear stick.’
Note: Triad au/driver!Guan shan. One of my favourite aus! I really enjoyed reading it, so I read it 3 more time.
hook, line, and sinker by fayre
( Gen | 3,673 | 1/1 )
“So everything that happened,” Guan Shan says, trying and failing to keep a steady tone, “The shopping, the barbeque — everything was just because you didn’t want to go home alone? That's pretty damn convoluted if you ask me.”
He Tian huffs, amused. “Not exactly. I had nothing planned; no expectations. I just wanted to be with you.”
a post-chapter 292 drabble (the day after the BBQ/sleepover at the He family estate.)
Note: i loved all of the calm feelings I got from this fic. The descriptions of atmosphere and everything around them was so detailed that I literally could feel them too. It was very gentle and pure you know?
allergy season by fayre
( T | 6,506 | 1/1 )
“You know, they say that sneezing a lot means you’re on someone’s mind.”
“Yeah?” Guan Shan says a bit drily, sniffing hard. “Then what a fuckin’ shame.”
He Tian watches him. “For you?”
“For the bastard unfortunate enough to have gotten me on their mind,” Guan Shan answers, walking again. He hates how nasally and gross his voice sounds, and the back of his throat feels sore. “If someone’s thinkin’ of me this fuckin’ much, it can’t be good news for either of us. Trust me.”
“Ah,” He Tian says, and then nothing more.
a post-chapter 348 oneshot (the He Tian & dog chapter).
Note: man...i remember reading this fic hoping that one day, we get a love confession and kiss scene between he tian and guan shan (and now we fucking have it)
Knee high, stage fright (even if you're alright) by fayre
( Gen | 5,383 | 1/1 )
It’s no longer about what He Tian thinks; it’s about what he knows. And he knows Guan Shan — at least on a foundational level — and he knows how Guan Shan doesn’t just ask when he needs. He knows how Guan Shan doesn’t talk but doesn’t listen, either. He knows that Guan Shan doesn’t always think rationally but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think, and he knows how his body goes on autopilot before his thoughts cause him to malfunction and crash and burn.
He knows.
After all, it's the little things that add up. He Tian can only pray that they won't come crashing back down.
(or: no matter how hard he may try, guan shan can't hide all his problems. fluff ensues.)
Note: a soft and cute tianshan oneshot, with a little bit of angst but it's mostly fluff. I loved the ending, it melted my heart and brought smile to my lips🫠❤
singing in red by starlightstarshine
( T | 27,204 | 6/6 )
In which He Tian is the bassist for the most popular band in the world and Guan Shan is only doing modelling so that he could get enough money to pay for his next meal (based on that art by Old Xian).
Note: I love the fics where guan is head over heels for He tian haha😆
Tell Me On A Sunday by Llybian
( T | 1,501 | 1/1 )
He’d begun, with great difficulty, to accept all of this in his heart. But he still could do nothing. What was he supposed to do? Confess his feelings like a pathetic little schoolgirl? Not a chance.
But then again, what did he really suppose would happen if he told He Tian he “liked” him? Well, the world would end, for one. That was just a given. But beyond that, they’d probably just make out. There was really no chance of He Tian shooting him down or saying this was all just some long con.
Despite that. He just couldn’t.
Note: I think by summary everyone can get a brief foresight that what this fic is about. In my opinion, this fic is very real and in character.
Bites by Asfodel
( M | 24,263 | 7/? )
Turning to look at the black sky, he let his mind wander to a place he tried not to visit too often. To the last words Guan Shan heard He Tian say in that dim corridor.
« I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I love you, I’ll fix it, I’m sorry. »
Like a mantra.
or a rewrite of their reunion a few years after high school, basically disregarding the Christmas chapters. Side of ZhengYi, angsty but with a healthy dose of fluff, tags will be updated as the story goes.
Note: reunion au. It's such a beautiful but heartbreaking story. I love author's writing style, it captures feelings perfectly👌
A dog by Alien_Kitsune
( E | 50,000 | 10/10 )
Mo Guanshan and He Tian didn't meet in the school and each went his own way. Several years passed and Mo became a criminal. But on the verge of death destiny surprises him.
Two broken men who are still trying to find themselves in this world were always fated to find each other.
Note: mafia au. Thanks to @maruuzen for recommending me this fic!❤ I really loved the process of tianshan's relationship development. I'm sure that's how their relationship would go if they didn't meet at middle school, and/or he tian joined his family business, just like how it's stated in fic, fate brought them together. also it's angsty (of course) so be warned.
Dawn Rising by powerandpathos
( E | 78,968 | 13/? )
An Historical Fantasy AU—A poisoning; a death; a thief. A prince struggling to be a prince. A guard trying to stop one from getting killed. And everyone else on the sidelines. It has never been so hard to navigate the court of an empire when not everyone can survive.
Note: my favourite historical fantasy au, the plot, the drama, the characters it's just_ugh👌💞 unfortunately, this fic is probably abandoned, but don't let that stop you from reading it, even though it's unfinished, I think this fic is still amazing.
Cold On The Inside by incorrect19days
( E | 4,879 | 6/6 )
‘Look at me.’
He Tian instructed softly.
He took a deep shuddering breath and opened his eyes.
Note: a short and oh-so-beautiful story. It's a little bit sad but it's happy end, or hopeful ending better to say.
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offsidekineticist · 14 days
This chapter took forever to figure out. Turns out the pacing was off, and what I figured would be 1 chapter is actually going to be closer to 2 or 3 chapters. Which is frustrating cuz it really feels like the fic just keeps adding chapters to itself at least as quickly as I can write them.
ANYWAY. Time for More Feelings! And Qweck being Absolutely Done with her customer service job.
Previous chapter (part 16) here
CW: Suicidal behavior and ideation; references to burning to death; burns; body horror
Nobody Is Always Right
"Yeah, so, would it be possible to get the Laria's Latte with no milk? And no caffeine?"
You take one of the ceramic cups on the counter and hand it to him. "Yes. Here."
"Oh...do I go fill it somewhere?"
"You wanted a latte with no milk or caffeine, right?"
"There you go. NEXT!"
"Wait - I never actually ordered - "
"Sir, you have been served. If you want something else, please go to the back of the line."
"Whatever happened to 'the customer is always right?'"
"It was a lie. Nobody is always right, and you're old enough to learn that."
Usually this is where Mori, the brown-eyed girl from Corentyn who came in with a crop a few days after you arrived, would slide in between you and the countertop with a fabricated excuse for you to go back to the store-room while she smoothed things over with the customer. You would pretend to be torn about leaving someone so newly freed to handle the customers alone before acquiescing. By the time you returned, you’d have calmed down, and the problem customer would be gone.
Today, though, Mori is desperately avoiding your gaze. All of your coworkers are desperately avoiding your gaze. They barely speak, and when they do it is only what is purely necessary. No niceties, no small talk, no jokes–just the bare necessities. And it’s not even your fault.
He took her in, raised her on his own, and she has nothing but contempt for him–and so she started pouring poison in your ear and you just believed her?!
The trap door to the dormitories above the shop was still open when Giliys arrived last night, and he was loud. Everyone in the building heard what he had to say.
But of course you did–she’s a pretty face, isn't she? She's someone new and exciting and we both know you–
So now, instead of bailing you out, Mori is very deliberately looking through the beans and blends under the counter, even though you don’t need any, while you are having the worst self-control day you’ve had since you were an initiate at the cloister in Ostenso.
You don’t know what exactly has caused their alienation–are they embarrassed at having heard that? Are they upset because they believe what he said about you and Laria? Are they jealous that you have a “father” you don’t supposedly don’t appreciate? You don’t know. Nobody will tell you.
“Where is your manager? I want to talk to her!”
“You’re talking to her.”
“What about Laria?”
“She’s out sick today.”
Laria came downstairs before sunrise to open the shop, only to find ash covered streets swarming with guards. She went back to her room after that, leaving you in charge to “keep the customers from walking all over” the newly freed employees. The others think Laria is just really upset about all the people who are missing or dead. You know better. You don’t know the nature of her relationship with Giliys, but she seemed surprisingly fond of him. You wonder if she still is, now that you’re sure she knows what he is.
“Well, then,” the customer–a dark haired youth, almost certainly a student–takes a moment to recover his equilibrium. “I’ll be back when she’s better to lodge a formal complaint! You have no idea how much trouble you’re in, Miss, I–”
The entire cafe seems to turn to look at the harried halfling running through the door. 
“What are you doing here?” you hiss.
“Look, it doesn’t matter. I have to talk to you now. It’s an emergency.”
You feel your face cool. “What happened? Where’s Theo?”
“What? No, Thay’s fine–it has to do with–y’know–remember at Rivad? The part I don’t remember?”
“Excuse me! I am still here!” the customer exclaims. You throw a wet dish towel in his face before turning to Mori.
“You take care of the customers, I have to deal with this.”
“You’re just leaving?!” Mori asks–the first thing she’s said to you today.
"How dare you!" The customer shrieks, his voice cracking. You ignore him.
“Yes. Is that a problem?” You don’t mean to glare at her, but you must have given how she seems to shrink into herself.
“N-no. Sorry,” she mumbles, and you know you’re going to catch hell for this later from Laria, but you don’t care.
You walk out from behind the counter, grab Giliys by the arm, and drag him into one of the backrooms of the coffeehouse, ignoring the brat's entitled spluttering. You do not slam the door behind you. You push it closed with exactly the appropriate amount of force for the situation. 
“The fire in the Villegre. That was you,” you say, skipping pleasantries. “It happened again.”
He squeezes his eyes shut and nods. “Yeah.”
That fucking bastard. You pick up the first thing you can grab–an apple–and hurl it at the wall with a roar. “I should have killed you at Rivad,” you snarl.
“Yes,” he agrees. “You can kill me now, instead.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you snap.
“I’m not tempting. I’m asking.”
Your body feels like ice. “What?”
He closes his eyes with a deep breath, and you are suddenly struck by how exhausted he looks. “I can’t stop her. Next time she comes out, I won’t come back. So we can’t give her the chance.” He flicks his wrist, and an ornamental dagger slides out of his sleeve into his hand. He holds it out to you, pommel first, tip angled towards him. “She’s weak from what she did this morning. If you’re quick, she won’t stop you. When it’s done, get rid of the body–make sure nobody will ever find it again. She’s trapped in a gem in my chest. Nobody can be allowed to find it again. She’s too strong now. My fault for feeding her.”
“What about Theo?” you ask, suddenly remembering why you are so glad you didn’t kill Giliys at Rivad. “You’re going to leave me to deal with him alone?”
His exhaustion shifts to regret. “I’m sorry. If I had a choice–”
“You did have a choice!” you snap. “You had a choice when you decided to let a monster live in a gem in your chest!”
“I know.” He takes a deep breath. “Please, Qweck. I don’t know I’ll be able to do it by myself.”
He never calls you Qweck. He also never begs.
Another thought strikes you. “What does Theo think of this?”
His jaw sets. “Just take the fucking dagger, Qweck.”
“Does he even know?”
“It would kill him to lose you, you know that, right?”
“He hates me!” Giliys exclaims. “He just forgot. I confused him–he’s not himself. It’ll be better once I’m gone.”
“He could never hate you! I don’t know why you keep saying he does, but he doesn’t, so if you actually care for him, you’ll find another way to–”
“I fed her some of my crops.”
For a moment you wonder with confusion when Giliys was ever a farmer, and why plants would satisfy a creature that fed on souls. You know what the word ‘crops’ means to a Bellflower tiller, but no tiller would ever think of doing what Giliys just said he had done.
And yet, as you stare at him in dawning horror that you’re sure is visible on your face, he holds your gaze with something like defiance. “I had to feed her souls to keep her from taking over. So every so often–when she got hungry–I would pick out someone from my crops. Someone alone, who had no one waiting for them. Someone that no one would miss. I’d say I had a place in the city and invite them to stay with me while they got their feet under them. They always said yes. Always so happy to finally have a friend. I’d take them down a back alley and….” He stops, still looking you in the eye. “They’d always try to scream. It was always too late by then, but they’d try. Hellfire burns fast. It never took long. Just long enough for them to realize. And then they’d be gone. No soul, no body, just a pile of ashes that I’d spread out to be less obvious. And then I’d go back to Cheliax, to Brastlewark, and Thay would see there was something wrong, realize I’d ‘lost’ one, and he’d fuss over how my clothes were wet and muddy, and he’d give me some of his to wear while my clothes dried out, and I’d pretend not to notice they were much too big for him and nothing like what his normal clothes, and he’d give me cocoa and tell me stories about the kids at his library until dawn, and by the time I left, I’d feel ok. Every time I felt her hunger and felt like this time I couldn’t do it, I’d remember that he’d be there when I was done. And it would be enough.”
You’re shaking now, and you don’t know if it’s rage or shock or cold or all of it. “Does he know?” you ask, voice low with anger.
He nods. Oh, gods, he nods. “He told me he’d kill me if he ever saw me again. And then you called me to get him out of Rivad.”
Theo knows. He used Theo to carry him through damning innocents, and he let him find out. 
You’ve known Giliys for decades, worked with him, even vouched for him on occasion. You’ve known from the beginning that he was a murderer, that he subsisted off of a combination of paid assassinations and corpse robbing, but you let it go because he was dedicated to the cause–or so you thought. You shouldn't have. You should have realized–how did you not realize–
But what you’re feeling right now can’t possibly compare to what your father felt when he realized. To care so deeply for another for years, only to discover that he was a monster who used your affection to motivate his atrocities–it would be heartbreaking. The confusion and uncertainty–wondering if you had ever known him at all, if he had ever returned your affections or cared about you beyond your ability to comfort him when his conscience woke. Asking yourself how he fooled you for so long–how you could have possibly loved that–
It was a betrayal that would destroy anyone. How had it not destroyed your father?
Maybe it did, and you just never noticed. 
There’s no thought in your movement. You have barely realized you’ve taken the dagger from him before you have him pressed against the wall, golden blade bared against his throat.
“You son of a bitch,” you growl through grit teeth. You feel his body relax, and that only adds fire to your rage–does he think you won’t hurt him? Does he think your healer’s oaths will keep him safe? That your self-control and discipline will hold you back from giving him what he deserves?
No. He knows they won’t.
This is why he told you. He told you so it would be easy to kill him. So that even if it would break your oaths, you’d kill him in a fit of rage. And it almost worked.
What is wrong with you??
You are a child of Irori on the path to perfection. You should be above this. You should be above snapping at customers. You should be above lashing out at Corvinius. You should be above abandoning your father to the monster who used him.
The bastard must see the rage clearing from your eyes, because his face hardens. “Do it,” he hisses. “Just fucking do it! I deserve it–you know I do–just–”
You need to think. You need everything to stop so you can think and figure out what to do–if killing him is right or if you just feel like it is because you’re angry or–
You hiss in pain as you recoil, practically jumping backwards, away from Giliys. You look down at your left arm–the one that had been barred against his chest to hold him in place–and find an ugly burn on the side of your forearm. You hear a strangled cry, and when you look up at Giliys, face twisted in pain as he gasps for breath and claws at his chest.
His chest which is now glowing through his smoldering shirt.
All else forgotten, you move to help him. “What–”
“No–get back! Get back!” he croaks, left hand shooting towards you to push you back if you come too close, right hand continuing to claw at his chest, heedless of the flames and growing burns.
“What is going–” Your words die as he raises his eyes to meet yours–green eyes ringed with hellfire. You know the answer before he says it.
“Get everyone out. Out. Out now!” he pants.
“We’re too late. She’s back.”
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knizuu · 3 months
Talk to me abt uhhh anything- Fang, Petey, OC, idc. ANYTHING U WANT💖💖
I get so nervous writing asks wtf
Tumblr media
COUGH well imma go in order lets go with the
SIGHH I LOVE HIM SM. tbh I see how people react to the recent idw miniseries which left the Hooligan fans really sour </33 to me, though, it wasn’t too bad?? I see how it works and honestly the only sad part to me is WHY DID HOOLIGANS BREAK UP AUH but im so used to “sonic canon ew” so like-I should’ve expected that sigh. So I can reason with how excited people headcannon/draw/make whatever of the guy it’s really cool since we all kinda agree? Like even with such a variety we all take the guy lovingly <33 which is sweet :> like its pretty chill-WHCIH IS FUNNY because Im actually really scared in small communities <- i made a post bout it once i-I EAT UP ANY FAN MADE FANG CONTENT FR i love all fangs really [so far] ^ ^ tbh even my school knows that-I did pottery of him, drawn him, spoke of him, my teacher saw a drawing of Fang I did and HE QUOTE: I was looking for that [SIR I GET IT IM PREDICATABLE/silly]
Ok as much as heartfelt I feel about Fang-Petey is just some other freak of nature my family knows. I’m NOT EVEN JOKING-MY MOM SANG ABOUT HIM WHILE MAKING LUNCH/GEN GEN GEN-cough. Idk why but ever since my brother [the first dog man fan obviously] inserted dog man into my family [by 1. SHOWING MY FANART/BOOKS TO MUM 2. LETTING ME SING THE MUSICAL ALL DAY LON-/positive fs] its been insane/sILLY because-who expected everyone to say “Papa Petey” [i do NOT know how some typo made mo-ok my mom has a Petey problem/sILY AGAIN] in the car-at home…NOT ME THATS WHO. WHY IS PETEY SUCH A NORMAL THING IN MY HOUSEHOLD/positive sigh
OKK well they are ALMOST a wasteland but I have an original story to bring some ocs to life ^ ^ [including-sigh vague mention-the space dog lady and red haired lady ocs i have :3] ESSENTALLY: I’m calling it Brink of Bryony!! [Bryony is about a flower but in plot idk a city??] it’s just a human loser [red haired lady MAYBE] meeting alien folk [Cordella is there…i showed her ONCE] like my self insert hehe [Norolist] because OH NO beeg mister evil guy wants to take over Earth and this NICE alien people gonna protect it! That’s the entire thing, very unserious lmao. Pyrexavul is my precious <33 I don’t think I shared him?? I’ll share em all sometime hehe im too lazy LMAO. So yes yes I’ve been into making that story recently :> !!
OK SO my Luxury AU has been MANIFESTING MOI cuz i decided: why yes I WILL make a fic bout it!! Yknow just remaking the lore[cough this means me rewriting the first book of DogMan] and putting some stuff into one work ^ ^’ SO FAR I’m really getting into the vibes but what’s crazy is how I turned what I THOUGHT was oughta be a comedy-to a tragedy. No like I KNOW IM GONNA WRITE CUTE STUFF I WILL I JUST-….also might’ve included grief, addiction, ETC I dont even know how I got there 🙂‍↔️but it’s been fun! Especially since it makes me go down a nice study check with me lmao [I’ve been learning the medical field, laws, how media handles stuff, types of _, etc] hehe rubbing my hands together imma be so happy to write it all hehe and with that I’m learning about my characters a lot better! I thought of it more one noted because its a good start but now im actually learning more bout em :0 !! Love reworking stuff, redesigning, it’s been a huge part of me since idk when ^ ^’
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
Hey my love ❤️ I'm gonna baby Xaden in this like never before.
My poor shadow baby. I knew you were gonna break my heart with this one 😓
My baby tried to do it himself, always wanting to do things on his own. Wanna show that he's a leader and that he can do it. But he just needs help, and she helps him with disinfecting the wounds and bandaging them up, while he tries to hold it together to show that he is strong. And when they try to put the shirt back on and started to cry 💔 I will never forgive for breaking my heart like that (love you Liz ♡) he just needs to be hold but it's just so difficult with all the cuts on his back. Also she's just says "talk to me" ahhhhh she knows something is wrong 😓
Shadow baby just needs help and comfort. Someone to hold on to like Garrick and her to feel safe 🥺
My heart swelled when he was falling asleep on top of her ❤️‍🩹 little baby owwww my heart, I could keep going. But you write these things so realistically. I love him. I have a whole scenario in my head that he's like duchess little "baby brother" and that she'd be worried about him constantly cuz he is so cold but really he just needs care. I believe she took time so that he could cuddle her when he is feeling down. (I also have an entirely different story in my mind involving Xaden and Brennan but that has nothing to do with duchess lol. It's just a stuck idea 😅)
Anyway I could keep going on this cuz, baby shadow man, but this is the gist of what's going on in my mind. ♡♡♡
sorry for making you sad :( I cried a little writing it too. I just wanna give our baby shadow boy head scratches and a safe place to curl up and let it out. and writing this was the closest thing to that 🥺💗
I think we as a fandom don’t give Xaden enough credit for all the shit he’s been through. him and his shadows need several spa days to recover from it all. and therapy. therapy would be good.
Duchess absolutely babies him and Liam, the younger brothers that she never had 🖤💛 I want to write some of that group (her, Xaden, Liam, Love, and Bren as a little family with her parents…) those three are her and Brennan’s “practice children” for the kids they’ll have in the future once all of this wyvern stuff is handled.
+ this was totally an Angel fic even if I didn’t say that part out loud (I purposely left it vague so it could be any reader, but this is definitely angel to me). I’ve shown you guys a bit of Garrick and Angel (more coming!), but not as much of Xaden and Angel’s friendship. they’re a trio through and through. from little babies playing hide-and-seek in Fen’s office to suddenly orphaned teenagers to army Lieutenants, they’ve been by each other’s sides and they will continue to be far into the future 🖤💗🤎
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Okay, so obviously I’m starting with the beginning and then I’m skipping to the ending and I’ll do everything in between later cuz there’s so much to unpack. Bee, why do you do this to me? /j.
First of all, Wilbur is edging closer and closer to letting Tommy see him without the blindfold on. Not his eyes, of course, just his face. Which Tommy has yet to see in full. I always assumed he hid his face just in case he accidentally opened his eyes and I do think that was or is a part of it. But the bigger part seems to be a rule I somehow missed. No one is allowed to see Wilbur’s face, I’m sure it was there and I just forgot. But it’s another rule. And Wilbur is kinda done with rules. He’s broken a lot by this point. So what’s one more? It’s a very fun mentality that’s slowly going to fix him. It also influences a lot of his other actions and decisions through out the chapter, but I’ll get there.
It’s very fun seeing Wilbur worried about Tommy for once. Not that he hasn’t worried before. He was quite stressed about hurting Tommy with the vision and him being okay after. (speaking of which, if Wilbur were to get that same vision now there’s no way he would do it). But back then Wilbur was the only thing that could cause any danger to Tommy. As far as most people *cough* Tubbo *cough* are concerned, the only thing that poses any danger to Tommy within the temple is Wilbur,
Tommy is not only about to be away from Wikbur for the first time. He’s also about to be in actual danger (which Wilbur has no control over) for the first time. Combine that with the fact that Tommy’s the first and possibly only person Wiobur has gotten properly attached to and we get some nice separation anxiety kicking Iin. And it kicks in hard. Also, I don’t know if it’s fair to call it separation anxiety if Tommy is doing something dangerous, but the symptoms definitely feel like separation anxiety to me.
Then there’s Tommy’s unreadab.e expressions. Most of them at realising that Wilbur ks worried about him. Worried for him. I wonder if that effects his ability to run, aside from being a bit rusty (possibly). I wonder if the idea that he has to get back to Wilbur affects his judgement. I wonder if wanting to get back faster so Wilbur can stop worrying makes his less careful or more careless.
Also, you’ve written yet another fic where crime boys go acab. Hell yeah. Also the pig comment sent me.
oh yeah I think I brought this up before during the first time they went to quackity's bar, but there is a sort of more 'unofficial' rule where people aren't supposed to see the pythia's face. that's why he was wearing the veil the night of the ball. if the pythia is faceless, it's easier to think of them as a vessel rather than an individual. it's another dehumanization thing basically. also hiding faces helps to obscure the age of the pythia as well, so another way to prevent them from being seen as an individual. but yes his mentality is finally shifting!!
YUPPP now wilbur is the one super worried about tommy!! it was a very nice switch up to write since we've spent so long with tommy being the really protective worrier over wil. now tommy is the one in danger though. he's going to be away from the temple, away from wilbur, and he'll be in a lot of danger. of course wilbur isn't handling this well. tommy is literally the first person he's had a proper friendship with basically in his entire life.
hmm maybe tommy's own worries and stress affected his judgement, maybe not, you'll have to wait to find out :)
considering l'manberg was basically founded on acab it's almost a sin if you dont have crimeboys say acab lmaoooo
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blognarrymybabes · 2 years
As I have said before. I am done. I can’t. I can’t watch it and I am not going to even watch season 4. It’s too heartbreaking and I have no fucking hopes for season 5. I just watched Will and Mike’s clip in the van , the Mike el forehead touch and Mike monologue and I can’t believe they can hate a character to this degree.
I feel like they had too many ideas and instead of keeping it simple and core to the main characters they tried to do too many different things from different references (remember the white board with all movie names they took their so called inspiration from) that it turned into a big flop.
To have an unrequited love is fine
To have an unrequited gay love is also fine
But in this situation with everything that we have seen so far from season 1
The whole thing doesn’t make sense. Mike wheeler doesn’t make sense. His character went from the leader, the protector, the person who could tell Will was alive by just his breathing, the person who knew his mood or if he was okay is now a prop for Eleven, he didn’t even questioned why Will is crying, didn’t even noticed ???? And actually smiled when Will said El needs you. I can’t !!!! Mike’s character couldn’t be more degressed they made him into a pathetic asshole who is like a jerk to his best friend of 10 years apparently for no reason and the only problem he has is telling eleven I love you back
The whole Eleven’s development till Season 4 Vol1 flushed down the drain by getting back together with Mike because of his love for her.
And I can’t even formulate about Will, the once Main Character reduced to a gay pining selfless boy who only touches his neck when he senses vecna. He has been through so much so so much and he thinks he is a mistake 💔
This all is just lazy ass writing trying to keep your audience (mileven shippers) happy. Everything boiling down to that lousy, zero genuine Mike monologue and they called that his best acting !
They used Will’s feelings to push Mike and Eleven together. They treated Will’s character and his feelings like shit. He opened his entire heart to Mike ! Told him he is the heart of the group all so that Mike can tell Eleven I love you. I hate this. They treated his character like shit, his feelings were like device to prove mileven is endgame. It already was !!!! They both are dating for two seasons now. They made him so miserable.
And I with my own two eyes saw the swing set in vol1 I was not tripping. I mean how that painting changed
I give up. I got way too attached. My mistake.
I have never been queerbaited before this was my first time and I can’t handle it tbh.
This is homophobic and queerbaiting to the next level
I honestly believed Byler was real. Will deserves so much, I can see that he is going to sacrifice in the future. He basically did that now in season 4 for Mike to be with El
I learnt my lesson the hardest way possible
And yes it’s queerbaiting !!!
I mean the actors are telling one thing in the interviews and series is completely different
Finn was like “Mike is trying to be normal and is in to new things “ and Mike’s entire I love you monologue to Eleven was fucking forced ! So forced!
Duffers said “ he was given some hard hitting stuff. His best acting” wtf
Duffers said “the painting is important they had several drafts.” In vol1 i could see the swing set with my own two bloody eyes but it is not swing set it is something else”
Duffers said “Will’s sexuality will be addressed” I am like where?
Welcome to American media. Here they show that they're inclusive but no our main cast is obviously CIS het people. Cuz omg are you kidding me?
This morning Netflix crashed so they got the money alright
I don’t have it in me to watch stranger things anymore I think I know where they are going with this.
I am hoping and I will happy if Will turns out to be a villain
I am going to be in Byler land reading fics and just whatever happened today didn’t happened
And for the record I am straight, I just fell in love with Will’s character and then realized Byler while watching. And I have queer friends and people in my family who do think the same thing and ship Byler. [ I had made a post about how I started shipping Byler. I was hesitant to put it out. But if you’re interested in reading I will upload it ]
So no you guys here are not delusional at all. If I could see it, anyone can. It’s common sense and following the story it doesn’t have to be some kind of lens.
Either Noah and Finn are crushing over each other or Duffers are coward and chickened out. If they did, they are stupid enough to not realize the gold mine they were sitting on.
That’s it for my rant.
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stuckybarton · 3 years
Another One Bites The Dust
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Summary:  Another one of Tony's infamous parties ends with Tony urging the newer members of the Avengers into seeing who was worthy enough to lifting Thor's hammer. No one could have expected the measly girlfriend of Loki Laufeyson would have been worthy enough to lift the hammer. Not even Thor would have expected such an information.
Warning: A few curse words. Fluff. Crack!Fic? Overused Marvel Trope. Spelling and Grammar mistakes cuz English isn’t my first language. Not Beta’d. All mistakes are my own. Characters: Unnamed Female Character (reader insert?) x Loki Laufeyson; The rest of the Avengers.  Words: 1,518 A/N: I--I really don’t know how, but too much Soju while writing isn’t a good thing. At all.
One of the few things Y/N could never get used to are Tony Stark's lavish parties. Faces, both new and old were overwhelming at times. But the very idea of forgetting about the burden of their profession as well as having to socialize with people of different walks of life brought a new view in her mundane life.  It also didn't hurt to have her boyfriend talking to people instead of being the anti-social individual that he is always deemed to be.
But one of the favorite things she could say about the parties were when everyone was gone and the only people left were the team. To be able to let loose and just stopped worrying about work for once. No alien invasions, supremacist, or terrorist to hinder in their down time.
"Why do we have to do this again?" Clint groaned as everyone settled in their seats.
She finds herself settled on Loki's lap, hands intertwined and her back resting against his chest. Moments like this, even at the craziness of the people around them, their silence together means the most for her and she loved it, love this kinds of PDA that he had been more open to show--even for just the team at the very least.
"What are we doing again?" She asked, eyed as Thor placed his Mjölnir on the coffee table for everyone to see.
"Think of this as seeing everyone's potential. Who is worthy of being on the team." Tony explained, everyone responding with a resounding scoff. "Let's see if the new recruits could lift the hammer--which I still think is rigged."
She could hear Loki chuckle, the idea of anyone else besides Thor lifting the hammer was almost impossible. Loki had explained about the countless of warriors of Asgard that had dared to wield the hammer, but everyone failing.
"Okay, so Bird Man, Metal Arms, the Kid, and Y/N." Tony enumerates. "Let's see if you four could lift it up."
"I really think this isn't a good idea, Mr. Stark." Peter had pointed out but Sam was quick to stand up and hold onto the handle.
For the next half an hour, she had watched Sam try his best to lift the hammer but to no avail did not move even a fraction of a centimeter. It a lot out of the man to finally relent and agree with Tony that the hammer was rigged. Just as long as Sam had tried pulling the hammer, Bucky took shorter,  standing only to tug at the hammer and seeing he couldn't even lift the hammer immediately admits defeat.
"You can go ahead, Ms. L/N." Peter insists.
She stared at her boyfriend for a moment, instead of the annoyance she was used to expecting from the man, in front of her was eyes of curiosity. Dilated green eyes wide as his tongue peaked through his teeth.  With the rest of the team egging her own, she finally leaves the comfort of Loki's lap and make her way towards the coffee table where the hammer rested.
"Don't worry if you can't lift it, we won't be surprised judging by your choice in men." Tony pointed out.
She had rolled her eyes, there had been a handful of reasons why the first few months of their relationship was hidden to the team. Tony Stark was one of the biggest and most annoying reason.
Taking a deep breath and downing the rest of her drink, she had placed the glass just besides the hammer and immediately felt the spark of power from the weapon. Had anyone noticed it, she was yet to decide as everyone else seemed more amused with their own things. But Loki, he had his attention focused solely on her.
"So what do I get if I lift this?" she teased one hand finally holding onto the handle and the surge of electricity only made her let go.
"If you can lift that, then I'd buy you a new car and you'd probably rule Asgard among other things." Tony snorts.
Taking a deep breath, she held the handle now with both of her hands and with all the strength she had she lifted the hammer and landed straight on her back with the hammer resting on her chest like it weighed nothing. Loki and Thor were quick to make their way towards her. Everyone now laid silence in a mix of confusion and shock about what had just happened.
"Y/N!" Loki was both amused and worried for her well being especially with such a weapon in her hands, while Thor stood almost lifeless besides him as she had now stood back up, with the hammer still at hand.
"I think I've overestimated myself." she tried to brush of the embarrassment of landing on her back as her attention was now focused on the hammer. It was light as a feather in her hands and it made no sense to her now how Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes were incapable of lifting up the hammer.
"I knew Point Break had hots for you." Tony was the first to point out. "He probably programmed that thing for you too." He continued.
With a roll of her eyes, she had signaled for Peter to come forward and much as the protest of the two brothers, handed the hammer to the kid. Everyone in silence for the fraction of a second the spider boy could lift the hammer, before crashing face first onto the floor leaving even Tony speechless and now eating his words.
"So, do I get to pick the car?" she teased earning an eye roll from Tony, but relented as he called for FRIDAY for further assistance.
Everyone slowly headed back to their own rooms one by one, leaving the two Asgardians and Y/N alone. The hammer now once again in her grasp, a smile resting on her lips at the weapon accepting her as someone worthy enough to carry it.
"Only thing left is marry Loki and now we can rule Asgard together." she teased earning a snicker from Loki and Thor rolling his eyes at the thought. Now taking the hammer away from her hands, she was left to pout at the man and his killjoy antics.
"I still cannot understand for the life of me how this is possible." Thor muttered before excusing himself to retreat to his own room for the night.
"You've annoyed the oaf and hurt his pride in one night, I'm impressed, Y/N." Loki smirked, pulling her right back into his lap, in the same position they had been throughout the party. Hands held each others and the mix of coldness of his chest soothed her more than anything.
"You're a bad influence." she teased leaning back until her head now rested on his shoulders. "But does this change anything about me--about us?" she asked, now wondering what this would mean for her.
"I don't believe it would." he responds kissing their intertwined hands.
"But I don't feel like I'm worthy." she points out. "I just joined the Avengers, and I'm not anyone's favorite cause I'd like to spend my time with you instead of them."
"That makes you more worthy." he explained. "For the life of me don't really care about being anyone's favorite but yours and I'm fine with that. I can live with that thought for an entire eon and I'll be alright with it. Happy as well."
Silence had once again lingered in the two of them. It brought back the reason why she loved being with Loki. He understood her in a way no one else did. He always considered her feelings but always tell the truth no matter what the cost may be for their relationship. He was the God of Mischief to her, but never had his silver tongue and his lies make their way towards her and she was happy for it. He was never one to make a fool of her nor did a lie of any kind linger on any of their conversation.
"I love you, Loki Laufeyson." she whispered now turning herself so she now faced him. Arms now wrapped around his neck and her face nuzzled onto the crook of his neck.
"I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N." he whispered, hands rested on the curves of her waist pulling her even closer to him in the embrace.
The disembodied sound of Tony's voice immediately had the two of them pulling away from each other and glaring at the cameras both of them were certain Tony was watching them in.
"Still have the prank ready?" she asked finally get back to her heat, the mood ruined.
"Ready as it will ever be, Love." he muttered standing back up himself.
"As soon as I get the car from Stark, we can mess up the rest of his car." she smirked pulling the man with her back to their own room, the planned already in motion. Tony shouldn't have annoyed her as much as he did for the entirety of the night.
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veilder · 3 years
Hi! Would you happen to have Convin or Reed900 fics to recommend?
Oh, hello! I can definitely help you with Convin fic recs at least, lol! Reed900, not so much, but there are plenty of blogs around that you could ask for that ship. ^_^ But yeah, I’ll try to categorize these as best I can! And give a little summary, too! :D
Longfics 75k+ (Complete)
1. Mission: Unexpected by J11nxed (@j11nxed) Rated E (violence, sexual content, language, abuse): Super great casefic with lots of amazing character development. Very funny. Probably my favorite characterization of Connor and Gavin, lol. The fic I read when I’m feeling down. ^_^
2. Golden by jarpad (@embaggins on Twitter) Rated M (dark themes, mature content, allusions to self-harm/suicide, mental health issues, language): An absolutely beautiful story of healing and overcoming your demons handled in a very respectful manner. The subject matter is very thought provoking and it brought me to tears, both cathartic and not, more than once. It’s a heavy story, but... So worth it, imo.
3. like roses, death blooms by alekszova (@ewates) Rated M (violence, rape, torture, abuse, mental health issues): A very, very dark revenge fic. Definitely the darkest one on this list. If you like heavy angst, this might be for you, though please heed the tags. A lot of this story is about the aftermath of horrific events but there are still some very brutal scenes.
Mid-length fics 20k-75k (Complete)
1. Running Uphill by NHMoonshadow (@sharysisnhmoonshadow) Rated M (violence, peril, language): The ultimate time travel soulmate AU fic imo. Absolutely top tier Gavin characterization and development. Rich backstories and relationships. Definitely some trauma, omg. But ultimately, a happy ending. Definitely a must-read for any Convin fan imo.
2. Traces by berryblonde (@berry--blonde) Rated M (language, peril, minor suicidal ideation): One of the first long fics I ever read for this ship and still one of my faves. Excellent casefic setup, very interesting premise and some very dynamic characters. Also, really A+ backstory for Gavin. This is basically a classic for anyone who wasn’t around in the early days of fandom. Highly recommend!
3. His Robin by wolfetz Rated T (drama, language): Absolutely fantastic coming of age story set in a human!AU world. Really great character work for both Connor and Gavin and their relationship through the years. Love this one.
4. A Scratched CD/A Faulty Code by consecrated Rated T (mental health issues, language): Companion pieces told from Gavin and Connor’s POVs respectively. These were also very early fics I read when I was first getting into the fandom and I love them both dearly. The characterization here went a long way towards me loving the ship to begin with. A great intro to Convin.
5. That Boy is a Powder Keg by QueenHarleyQuinn Not Rated (language, violence, mature content, mental health issues): One of the most realistic takes on Gavin going from his canon asshole self to someone who could feasibly be in a relationship with Connor. I’m definitely due to re-read this cuz I can’t quite remember the details anymore, but I know I really enjoyed this at the time. Good for anyone who likes a more antagonistic take on him.
Shortfics/Oneshots (~20k)
1.  Sedum Spathulifolium by Burrahobbit Rated T (language): This fic... is so dang sweet. I’ve read it so many times. It’s absolutely adorable, what can I say? Love their dynamic here. ^_^
2. Always know that you are not alone by Liveinelf Rated T (language, drama): Another fantastic take on Gavin and his growth as a character. He starts off very close to canon here and is one mean asshole. But this fic does a great job of explaining why he acts as he does. And how he changes. Highly recommend.
3. Some things never change by berryblonde Rated T (language): An absolutely hilarious fic, lol. The view of Convin through the eyes of some rookie trainees, omg. It makes me laugh so much. XD
4. Mankind Needs More Empathy by BrightestStarInTheSky  (@brighteststarinthesky) Rated T (language, drama): Some good old-fashioned Gavin-getting-his-head-out-of-his-ass, lol. I love fics like this. Need a good basis to start a relationship, after all. Apologies are in order. ^_^
5. as i see them by rekal Rated T (language, drama): Same as the previous entry, this one deals with Gavin’s character growth and how he and Connor grow closer in the aftermath. It’s lovely.
6. Sweet/Wise men say... by 99MillionMiles (@99millionmilesaway) Not Rated: Two short, sweet fluff pieces that absolutely delight me every time I reread them. And as a bonus, some beautiful art by @deep-in-mind67, too!
7. Melted Phoenix by Astrapod Rated M (violence, trauma, mental health issues, mutilation, peril): This one... This is a heavy fic. It starts off with a very harrowing description of android violence that might be too much for some folks to handle. Proceed with caution. But, if you can weather that, this is an absolutely beautiful fic about love and healing. Definitely recommend.
8. So Pathetic and So Lovely by alekszova Rated M (language, drama, mental health issues, mature themes): I think the fic’s description speaks for itself here: “ Neither Gavin or Connor think they are capable of being loved by the other, but that doesn't mean it's true.” Definitely worth a read.
9. An unexpected turn of events by Smokey310 Rated T (language): This one is freakin hilarious. Connor and Gavin and a night out at the club, omg. I love this fic to death. XD
10. As Do I by berryblonde Rated T (drama): A human!AU where your soulmate can feel the injuries of their other half. It’s the story of a lifetime together. All the way til the end.
11. because the bed’s warm and it’s cold out by voidpants (@voidpants) Rated G (no warnings): Connor and Gavin being old men together. It’s beautiful. Such a lovely take on the two of them.
Unfinished Fics/Honorable Mentions
1. Spinning Yellow by sheepishwolfy (@sheepishwolfy) Rated E (violence, language, mature themes): Amazing casefic with top-tier characterization. What’s written of it is still amazing, even if it’s not complete.
2. Amidst a Crash of Worlds by fireplanetz Rated T (violence, mature themes, war, language): A fic told entirely through letters between Connor and Gavin in the aftermath of the bad ending of the game. It’s such an awesome idea and it’s executed so well. Definitely recommend. 
3. The Bet by Pence Rated T (language): Brooklyn 99-inspired DPD shenanigans. Need I say more? It’s so funny and I love the characterization of Connor and Gavin. Mostly finished, too! Just the final chapter missing!
4. Wicked by MercuryPilgrim Rated M (language, mature content): I love this one. It’s such a unique take on Connor and Gavin and it works so well, too. They are delightful here. Love the dynamic!
5. (can’t say) i don’t love you by Chibbers (@teh-chibi) Rated M (language, drama, sexual content): An angsty hanahaki!AU fic where these two idiots don’t realize they’re in love with each other. Really great writing here. Very emotional. Made me feel a lot.
And I guess I should mention that I have fics of my own, too, about half of which are Convin? You can check them out on my AO3 here! ^_^
So yeah, there we go. Those are really all I can think of off the top of my head. I know I missed some amazing works, too, alas. But at least this can give you a good start, yeah? Hope this helps @pancrystal! And thanks again for the ask! :D (Also, if I messed up any of the link or if there’re any glaring typos, lemme know. This was a lot of janky, Tumblr formatting, omg. >_<)
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elvish-sky · 4 years
Look Back {Thorin x Reader}
A.N: A thousand thanks to @guardianofrivendell , who kinda kickstarted this entire fic with their great idea (everyone go check out their work, it’s incredible!). Quick note on character ages- after the five years later bit Sigrid is 20, Otto is 3, and Kieran of course is relative to your age. I honestly really enjoyed writing this, even the parts where it made me cry (a good emotional outlet. Send me more angsty requests!) so I really hope it’s what you wanted, Anon! 
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Thanks for answering my ask about angst! No worries if it'll take a while, so long as you're healthy and not stressing out about it, I will wait cuz your writing is soo worth it)I was wondering if I could request an either thorin x reader(f!human) or kili x Reader(f!human) where the reader is dumped by them and she moves on (like ends up with an elf or another dwarf) and lives a happy life, and thorin or kili regrets having left them and tries to get them back but sees that they lost their One cuz of their mistake and regrets it? (Is that too angsty?? I'm so sorry if it is!)
Word Count: 4,576. The longest thing I’ve ever written is an angst fic. Huh. 
Summary: Thorin doesn’t want to push back against the council when they say you cannot be married.
Pairings: Thorin x Reader, OC (I have those now. Huh.) x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Regret, End of Relationship, Sadness, Fluff
Director’s Commentary
Look Back
“It is the will of the council that, since Y/N is not a dwarf, the two of you shall not be married, and cannot be together.” 
Your head jerked up. You had been expecting pushback, but not a flat-out refusal. Turning your head to look at Thorin, you saw him bow his head in defeat.
“Very well. If it is the will of the council.” 
The words hit you in the chest like an arrow. You thought he would fight for you, but no. You weren’t worth it. You rose and left without another word, slipping between the doors as the council watched you go. Balin sighed from his seat midway down the stone table, shaking his head in disappointment at the whole room. 
Arriving at your rooms, the ones right next to Thorin’s that you had been so proud of, you started shoving your belongings into a sack, leaving anything that had been given to you by your former love out. You didn’t want any reminders of him, even to see him ever again. 
Sadly, your wish to not see him didn’t work, as shown very quickly. Barely three minutes after you had entered your rooms, he came bursting through the carved double doors. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I can’t disobey the council.”
You scoffed, grabbing your few tunics and folding them into the bag. 
He continued, “You can stay, we can ask again in a few months, give them more time to warm up to the idea.”
“No. If I’m not worth fighting for now, how do I know I’ll be worth it then?”
You were drawing the string closed on your meager bag of belongings. It was rather sad to think how little you actually owned, versus what had been gifted to you by your former betrothed.
“I’m not going to risk my heart like this, Thorin. I can see that I never actually mattered.”
You cut him off.
“You’ve broken promises before, but I never thought you’d break this one, Thorin Oakenshield.” 
You had been undoing your courting braid as you spoke, and now flung the bead at him. It fell into his hand, and you didn’t even spare a moment for the pain in his eyes as you slammed the door behind you, leaving a king with everything feeling as if he had just lost the one thing that really mattered. 
You arrived at the gates to Erebor to see something rather unexpected. The entire company was gathered there, and you stopped in front of them. They were all gazing at you with unshed tears in their eyes, and looking at them you couldn’t believe how far you all had come from that ragged company running for their lives. It made you sad to think about leaving, when the reminders of what you were giving up were all right there.
“I’m sorry about the council, lass.” Balin was the first to speak. “I tried to sway them, but it just couldn’t be done. I’ll keep trying.” 
You mustered a small smile for the old dwarf. “Thank you, Balin, but you don’t have to keep beating a dead horse. We both know nothing will come of it.” 
Each member of the company stepped forward and said goodbye, hugging you before moving back to the group. Dwalin settled for briefly squeezing you, before stepping back with a muttered, “I’ll miss yeh, lass.” You saw him surreptitiously wipe a tear from his cheek, and giggled a little.
Nori slipped a few coins into your pocket, as well as a set of lock picks. “You never know when they’ll come in handy.” 
Dori was crying as he pressed several bags of tea leaves into your hand. You sniffed them, recognizing the scent of your favorite kind.
Ori was also teary as he quickly wrapped a knitted scarf around your neck. “It gets cold out there,” were his parting words before he retreated to stand next to  Dori.
You let out a small laugh as Gloin handed you an ax. “I already have my sword!”
“Yes, lassie, but everyone knows axes are better.” There were gasps of outrage, but you were glad that the dwarf had lightened the mood, even just a little. Besides, the axe truly was gorgeous. A lovely specimen of dwarven craftsmanship, with a beautifully carved handle. 
“Is that a dragon?” Gloin nodded, and you marveled at the intricacies. 
Bifur approached next, pressing a carving into your hand. You looked at the figure. “That’s me!” He nodded, and you gazed at the detail he had worked in, even the etchings on your sword were visible in the wood. 
Bombur handed you a satchel, and you opened it. You gave the dwarf a big hug as you saw the honey-scones packing it to the brim. “My favorite.” 
“The recipe is in there too.” You couldn”t resist giving him a second hug of thanks.
Bofur came forward after his brother. “I’d sing you something, but I’m not sure I can do it without crying.” You straightened his hat, which had been set askew by your hug, as he stepped back. 
Fili and Kili were last. Fili approached you slowly, but Kili shoved him out of the way and crashed into you. Burying his face in your coat, he whispered, “I really wanted to get to call you Auntie.” 
You choked back tears, wrapping your arms around him as his brother joined the hug. 
“You’ll write to us?” Fili looked as if he was trying not to cry as well, while Kili had given up and had tears visibly streaming down his cheeks. 
“I will.” You broke away with difficulty and gave the group one last look. “Thank you all, so much.” They nodded, and you turned and walked out of the gates, leaving your old love behind. 
Thorin watched from the ramparts high above as you left. He knew he had made the right choice for his kingdom, but it hurt. The expression on your face was slowly killing him, and he knew whatever his doubts had been that you had truly loved him. He had loved you too, but he thought he loved his kingdom more. Nevertheless, he found himself hoping that you would turn around, come back, even though he knew he would have to turn you away. 
You didn’t turn around. 
You didn’t even look back.
*Five Years Later*
You shouldered the door open, arms full of papers. “I’m home!” 
“Mama!” A small shape barreled into you and you barely managed to hold onto the papers, handing them to your husband before scooping the three-year-old up.
“Otto! How was your day?” You pressed a kiss to Otto’s forehead before pecking Kieran on the cheek as you brushed by him into the sitting room. There was a fire going, smoke drifting up the chimney and you stood near it, warming hands chilled by the brisk fall air. 
“Good! Look what I made!” Otto wiggled out of your grasp and trotted over to the table, where after lots of jumping he finally managed to catch hold of something. He placed it in your lap, and you weren’t sure whether to be mad or touched. You settled for shooting a glare at Kieran before oohing and ahhing over the crudely carved figure.
“It’s you, Mommy! Like the one on the table!” 
Examining it closer, you could see something that looked like a sword. It was nowhere near the skill of Bifur’s carving that you still treasured, but it was very sweet nonetheless. 
“Wonderful job, darling.” 
“Are we going to the market today?” Otto looked up at you with pleading eyes.
“Why?” You shot a suspicious glance at Kieran, who assumed a very innocent expression.
“Because Da said that if we went to the market and got ingredients you would make the honey scones!”
“He did, did he?” 
Kieran looked guilty as you frowned at him.
“Don’t worry. Let’s put our boots on and head out!”
Otto jumped with excitement and ran to grab his boots. 
You crossed your arms and glared at your husband. “I cannot believe you let him use a knife.”
“He’s three! He’s old enough. Besides, I was watching him the whole time.”
“That doesn’t make it any better!” You threw your hands up in exasperation before kissing him. 
“But don’t worry, I still love you.”
“I love you too.” Kieran drew you in for a deeper kiss, and you responded enthusiastically.
“Let’s go!!” Your moment was interrupted by Otto, practically bouncing with excitement by the door. You laughed at him and wrapped your scarf, still holding up five years later, around your neck. Linking arms with Kieran, you giggled as Otto tugged on his hat from his perch on his father’s shoulders, and walked out the door. 
The streets of Dale were bustling, people going to the market, or the King’s house just down your street. 
Having been a hero of the Battle of the Five Armies, and one of two members of the company who had seen reason (the other being Bilbo, of course), you had a close friendship with King Bard. When you had marched into Dale after leaving Erebor, eyes still swollen with tears, he and his children had taken care of you, and it was because of him that you had met Kieran. 
Two months after leaving Erebor, you had been helping Bard train recruits for Dale’s army. Most of the men disliked being trained by a girl, but one had taken your advice and training exactly as he would a man’s. He had grown skilled, and after striking up a friendship had asked to court you. You had said yes, even though you weren’t over Thorin, but had quickly fallen head over heels in love. Kieran was perfect. He respected your fighting skills and didn’t mind your closeness to the king. He was sweet, kind, funny, and in his eyes every was perfect until proven otherwise. He always saw the best in people, never the worst. In other words, he was everything Thorin hadn’t been, and more. 
The two of you were married in a ceremony officiated by the King Bard six months after he had asked to court you, a year after leaving Erebor. Fili, Kili, and Balin had attended the ceremony, sneaking away from their royal duties for a day on the pretense of a diplomatic mission. You had kept your promise to write, and although the news of you finding someone else was hard for the two princes, they were happy your heart had started to heal. You had gotten pregnant two months later, news which was received with joy from everyone who heard. Upon reading your letter announcing the news that Fili decided to show him in the middle of a council meeting (later recognized as an extremely bad decision), Kili had let out a whoop of joy, looking guilty when everyone looked at him and promptly throwing the letter into the fire. You had laughed uproariously upon hearing this story from Fili the next time he made it to Dale. The day that Otto was born, your heart healed more. You still remembered the pain you had felt leaving Erebor, of feeling like you did not matter, but it was better now. You had been able to keep in touch with most of the company, all who had been to visit at some point after his birth. You didn’t know if Thorin knew you had moved on or had a child, but you were getting to the point where you could forgive him, just a little, for the past. 
Swinging your hand entwined with Kieran’s, you made your way through the market, stopping at all your favorite stalls to chat and pick out baking ingredients. Noticing Sigrid, Bard’s eldest daughter, picking up honey, you talked while inspecting the jars. 
“Da’s been taking half a jar to put in his tea, lately. I think he’s craving sugar.”
“More than usual?”
You laughed at Kieran’s comment. “Tell him we’re making honey scones tonight. I’ll bring some up later.”
“He’ll appreciate that, although hopefully, Bain doesn’t eat them all first like he did last time!” 
“I wanna eat all the scones with Bain!” Otto was feeling left out from his perch.
“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to have the company.” Sigrid giggled at him, passing a flower up to him before waving goodbye.
“She’s a good kid.” Kieran looked after her fondly.
“We’re not that much older than she is!” You pointed this out as you brushed flower petals out of his hair, Otto looking sad as his work was undone. 
“Now c’mon. We still need to buy more flour, especially if we’re making scones for Bard!” 
You set off again, laughing with your family as you wound through the market. You were in the middle of the artisanal section when a hush fell, the sea of people parting as something made its way through. You kept moving forward, pushing people aside to see what was happening, until you came face to face with Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain.
“Y/N.” He was the first to acknowledge you, looking as if it pained him to do so.
“Thorin.” There were gasps at your familiarity, but you didn’t care. You promptly turned around, grabbing your husband’s hand and dragging him, a silent Otto clinging to his shoulders, away. 
You didn’t look back this time, either.
“You didn’t tell me she had a child!” 
Thorin was back in Erebor, pacing around his chambers as Balin watched. He had been unable to think properly after seeing you in the market, and Fili and Balin had decided that the best course of action, or at least the one least likely to cause a diplomatic incident, was to reschedule the meeting with Bard and bring him back to the Lonely Mountain.
“You never asked.” Balin had resigned himself to having a hard conversation the minute he saw you in the market, he just didn’t know what exactly that conversation would be like. They had managed to keep the two of you apart for the last five years, but it was bound to happen sometime.
“But...she has a child.” Thorin was devastated. 
He had found out that you had kept in touch with the company six months after you left, coming across Kili reading a letter from you in the library. The fact that Kili was in the library in the first place was suspicious enough, and his doubts had been confirmed when he snuck up behind his nephew and read the letter over his shoulder. 
His gasp of, “She’s courting someone,” had been loud enough to startle half the library. Kili had jumped and tried to hide the parchment, but Thorin had simply crashed down into the chair, head in his hands. 
After taking several deep breaths, all the king said was, “She’s moved on. I have to as well,” before rising and brushing himself off, as if to brush the memories of you away. He had seemed fine, but Fili had heard the muttering coming from his room that night, of loss and grief and mistakes. 
After that, they had been much better at hiding their correspondence. The brothers had only decided to tell him about your life one more time, a year after you left, saying you had been married. He had taken that news well, it seemed, but Kili had heard the broken sobs coming from the king’s chambers late that night. 
“She cannot be happy with that- that man!” Now, Thorin seemed to be taking this news hardest of all.
“She is, lad. We’ve all seen her with them. They’re a family.” Balin was trying to calm him down, but it just wasn’t working.
“But, she’d be happier here. With me!” He was pacing the room now, raking his hands through his hair in greater distress.
“Thorin,” Balin grabbed him, stopping him so that the two were face to face, “you still love her.” 
The king staggered back, falling onto his bed. His head was in his hands again, almost mirroring how he had looked with Kili four years ago. 
The one word was whispered, quieter than Balin had ever heard his king. He left, closing the door and signaling to the guard outside that the king was not to be disturbed.
The next morning, Thorin walked out of his rooms with an air of purpose about him. He was wearing an old cloak, to not be recognized as the king. Fili and Kili still managed to notice the distinct gait of their uncle and stopped him in the halls right near the gate. 
“Where are you going?” Kili looked concerned.
“Balin was right last night. I am still in love with Y/N, so I’m going to bring her back.” 
The identical looks of shock on his nephew’s face would have been hilarious in other circumstances.
“You’re still in love with Y/N?!” 
“Keep up, Kili!” Fili smacked his brother before continuing. 
“Uncle, I hate to say this, but remember how she looked at you yesterday? I don’t think she’ll be happy to see you.” 
Kili nodded at his brother’s words. “Besides, you’re the king. How are you going to convince the council when you failed five years ago?” 
Thorin looked a little surprised at that, as if he hadn’t quite thought that far ahead, but shook it off. “She will be happy to see me this time. I’m going to Dale.”
“Uncle, no!” Kili tried to block his way, but Thorin shoved past him, disappearing quickly.
“Follow him to Dale, I’ll tell Balin and the rest of the company.” Fili brushed his brother off and turned to go back to the royal wing as Kili disappeared after their uncle. 
You were making your way through the twisting streets of Dale, delivering scones to friends as you went. You had stopped at the market to give some to the honey-vendor, who always appreciated them, before turning back the direction you came. You stopped back home to pick up the basket you had made for Bard, walking in on Kieran and Otto stuffing their faces with scones and looking incredibly guilty, before continuing the walk up the hill. You were ushered in by Hakon, as usual (Bard didn’t like keeping servants, he said it made him feel “stuffy,” but a king was afforded certain privileges), and you gave him a grateful smile as he took your heavy scarf to hang up. 
“I have scones!” You entered Bard’s office, plopping the basket on his desk from which he immediately grabbed one. 
You smiled at his praise, laughing as Bain burst through the doorway behind you.
“Did I hear scones?” He quickly dove for the basket, grabbing two.
“One for each hand!” He tried to justify this before shrugging and taking a bite, giving you a thumbs up.  
“I’ve got to go home, make sure Kieran and Otto aren’t in a food coma, but I’m glad you like them!” 
The king and his son nodded at you, waving goodbye as their mouths were still stuffed with a scone.
“And save some for the girls!” You left with that, laughing at their sad faces. 
It was pleasant out, the sort of fall day you looked forward to, so you decided that Kieran and Otto could spare you for a little while, just long enough for you to take a walk on the walls of the city. 
The view of the mountain was gorgeous from here. When you had first left, you had spent hours staring, wondering if you had made a mistake by leaving. Now, you just liked to appreciate the view.
“Want to come back?”     
You jumped, spinning to see Thorin standing behind you. You hadn’t really paused to look at him the day before, but now you noticed he looked different. Not bad, but it didn’t look as if he’d found happiness the way you had.
He stepped forward. “Y/N. I’ve come to ask you to rejoin me in the mountain.”
Your jaw dropped. “What? Do you want me to move in with my family? That seems like a bad idea.”
“No, Y/N,” he took your hand and you were too surprised to remove it from his grasp, “I want you to be my queen.”
You laughed and jerked your hand away. It wasn’t a sound of amusement, no. It sounded empty.
“We saw how well that went last time.” 
“No, Y/N. This time I mean it. Come to Erebor.”
“I’m happy here, Thorin. I have a husband and a child.”
“Your child can come too, and I’m sure I can do much better for you than that man!”
Your cheeks reddened with anger as you balled up your fists, trying to restrain yourself. “I’m happy here, Thorin! I don’t need you to take me to Erebor when I have everything I could possibly want already!”
He looked as if you had physically hit him.
“Y/N, you deserve more than this, though! The council won’t be any trouble this time.”
“And you think you’re the one who can give me what I deserve?” You laughed again, the hollow sound caught by the wind.
“No, dwarf. I have everything I deserve right here and I’m not going to let you ruin it. This is my happiness, and I will be damned if I let you take that away!”
“No. I wasn’t worth fighting for then, I know I won’t be worth it now.”
“But I love you, Y/N.”
“And I loved you, once. But you’re too late.”
He watched as you walked away for the third time, knowing that this was the last.
You didn’t look back.
Kieran knew something was wrong the minute you walked through the door. 
“Otto, say bye-bye to Mama and get ready to go with Sigrid!” He strode over to you and hugged you quickly before pulling away. 
“Sigrid’s going to take Otto for a few hours.” 
“Thank you, Sigrid.” You mustered a smile for her as she tugged her boots back on. 
“Of course! C’mon Otto, Bain’s waiting!” She giggled as the child trotted out of his room, looking squishy and adorable in his winter clothes.
He ran over to you and you bent down and hugged him. 
“I love you, Mama!” 
You kissed his forehead before ushering him to Kieran, who got the same treatment before Otto trotted over to Sigrid and grabbed her hand. 
“Bye Y/N! Bye Kieran!” You lifted a hand in farewell as they left, waiting for the door to close behind them before collapsing into Kieran’s arms.
He immediately started to murmur to you, whispering reassurances in your ear as he guided you to sit next to him. He waited for your sobs to fade before speaking.
“What happened?”
“I went for a- a walk on the walls and I ran into Th- Thorin,” you choked out, voice breaking when you said his name.
You could see Kieran’s face soften in understanding. 
“Did he harm you?”
You shook your head. “He wanted me to marry him. He…” you hesitated as you saw Kieran’s eyes spark with anger, but continued. 
“He said you weren’t good enough for me. I told him you were better than I deserved.”
His eyes lightened again and he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Do you need to talk it out?” That was one of the things you loved about Kieran, he didn’t offer solutions or try to fix all your problems, he just listened. He knew that when you had an issue, you just wanted someone to talk to, not to come up with ideas but just to support you.
You nodded. “I just, I felt so bad for him. And I know I shouldn’t, but he just seems so lonely.”
“Do you want to go back? He’s right, you deserve more than me.” 
Your head snapped up. “No! Kieran, why would you think that? I’m happy here. I have the perfect husband and a wonderful child, and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.”
He still looked doubtful. 
“Kieran, he broke my heart five years ago, and yes, I was in love with him then, but you picked up the broken pieces and helped me heal. I’d never leave you.” 
You kissed him on the lips this time, trying to convey just how much he meant to you. “I love you,” you whispered, pulling away. 
“I love you too.” He pulled you back in for another kiss. When you broke apart you lay your head on his chest as he moved to lay down. 
“Let’s take advantage of the extra rest before Otto gets back.”
You laughed at him and felt the rumble of his chest as his breaths deepened, watching him fall asleep. As you faded into unconsciousness, you couldn’t help but think that after all you’d been through, you were so unbelievably lucky to have found Kieran. 
Thorin had never understood what people meant when they called Erebor The Lonely Mountain. Now, walking up to the gates alone, he got it. Something was missing, something that he’d never noticed before but now felt the absence of more keenly than ever. He couldn’t believe that he had failed to win you back. He hadn’t realized just how much he had hurt you five years ago, but the pain in your eyes had made it very clear. 
“I’m sorry, Uncle.” Kili appeared next to him as he walked up to the gates. 
Thorin ignored him, ignored the salutes and waves he got from his subjects as he made a beeline for his rooms, Kili dashing around in his wake to fix the wounded pride of every dwarf he ignored. 
Once Thorin made it to his rooms he locked the door behind him, taking slight delight even through his misery at the thump meaning Kili had crashed into it, before collapsing in his chair. 
He still was in shock. No, not shock, he was devastated. It had never occurred to him that you would be happy in Dale, wouldn’t want to rule a kingdom. He had thought that he wasn’t in love with you for the better part of five years, and once he realized he still was he hadn’t thought you wouldn’t feel the same. 
A knock sounded at the door. “Please let us in, Uncle.”
Thorin sighed and went to undo the bolts. 
Fili and Kili entered, both looking much more subdued than usual. Fili took in how Thorin’s coat was thrown on the floor, his boots tossed haphazardly in each direction and sighed. 
“What do you need?” Despite knowing how Thorin had hurt you, Kili couldn’t help but feel bad for his uncle. He had never seen Thorin like this. He looked broken. 
“I need to be alone.”
His nephews nodded, actually obeying him for once, and slipped out the door. 
Thorin was again left alone with his thoughts. Somehow, he had realized that you had been his One. That was why he had said out to make things better. But he had failed. He had lost his One, the only person who he could ever love didn’t love him back. 
Thorin buried his head in his hands, letting out a broken sob. For the fourth time in his life, he had failed. He was too late. 
Everything tag <3: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @anjhope1 @boyruins
Thorin tag <3: @lathalea
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
what are your opinions on we are robin?
Massively complicated by the fact that DC's writers don't have an ACAB bone in their collective bodies.
Dunno how new to my blog you are and thus how familiar or not you are with my ACAB stance for Dick and my personal tendency to never acknowledge or interact with the specific idea of Dick as a cop...like there's more than enough material for me to work with without ever having to delve into that and I fundamentally believe being a cop is counter to everything I see as Dick's core premise and makes no sense given the specific origins and continuities I view as most 'him' -
But I WOULD have a lot of thoughts about how Dick would feel about this massive city-wide movement that he had no hand in creating and how he would inevitably feel personally responsible for every life to put on a facscimile of his family's costume AND the things they did in those costumes (such as the kid who was manipulated into killing someone while in that guise, per the Court of Owls' agenda).....
AND I would have a ton of thoughts about the fact that it was Alfred who secretly engineered this movement and how he of all people should know how Dick might feel about that, and thus how Dick WOULD feel about that information, but complicated and coupled with the fact that Alfred most certainly was motivated in part by his grief for Dick and seeing this as a kind of legacy, a way to honor his grandson, and able to justify to himself any transgressions towards Dick's feelings here with the idea that Dick wasn't alive TO be hurt by his actions here....
BUT the reason I avoid engaging with We Are Robin content beyond acknowledging it as Duke's origin story in the background of Duke content I write....
Is I absolutely can not - or more to the point - WILL NOT - attempt to justify Dick's decision to get all the kids arrested and locked up for their own safety while he went after the Court alone.
To be clear - I absolutely am of the opinion that Dick was and always will be right and justified in not wanting to see anyone get hurt in the colors and image of his family's legacy. That this has absolutely NOTHING to do with his impression of any such individual's competency, nor is it about trying to restrict their agency. That its wholly a PERSONAL thing for him, its a private instinct that is entirely reasonable and allowable, for him to have a kneejerk need to keep more people from dying or suffering in that specific mantle that he never intended to BE a legacy beyond just himself.
I headcanon that after Jason himself, nobody hated the memorial in the cave more than Dick, because the last image he had of his family was them lying dead on the ground of the circus ring, just broken bodies colored from high above in the classic Grayson colors and covered in blood. That THAT specifically is the image Dick so often saw in his nightmares in his early years in the Manor, that is the SPECIFIC visual Bruce so often comforted him about upon waking....and that it was a massive slap in the face and an indication of Bruce's most unfortunate tunnel-vision tendencies in his own grief, that it never even OCCURRED to Bruce that in memorializing Jason in the specific way he did, he was also subjecting Dick to a constant, ever present visual reminder of one of Dick's personal most traumatic images....the sight and idea of his family, now not just his parents but also his brother....reduced to just broken, bloody costumes he'd never get to see as anything but that again.
Not to mention then captioning this memorial with "a good soldier" and thus in the process of disrespecting Jason's true bond with Bruce, simply because Bruce couldn't handle that at the time and was trying to literally DISTANCE himself from that view of his loss, the loss of a son, of family....Bruce simultaneously disrespected Dick's legacy of his family and everything he'd created Robin to be, and envisioned Jason-as-Robin to be from the moment Dick gave Jason his own old costume and embraced him as the new Robin and by extension, HIS family as much as Bruce's.....like, no matter what Bruce intended for HIMSELF and his feelings about Jason's death with that caption, he literally reduced Dick's tribute to his parents and expression of brotherhood to his brother to.....nothing more than the uniform of a child soldier, a subordinate of the Batman in HIS personal crusade. Something that Jason never actually was, and Dick CERTAINLY had never created - or gave Jason his blessing as - Robin to be.
So on that front, I have no problem with Dick WANTING to keep all the Robins, every child who called themselves one, safe - and to take on the Court of Owls alone, by himself, because like it or not, that will ALWAYS be personal for him. That is about HIS family in a way that it will never be about the family, the heritage, of anyone else, even his adopted siblings. The Court were after HIM, specifically, and always were and always would be. I don't see anything hypocritical about Dick's desire to keep kids out of that fight when he himself would have never been okay with Bruce benching him as Robin in some random fight....because this fight is deeply personal for Dick in a way that's not transferable, and to be honest, I see his desire to keep anyone else from dying as a Robin, in a fight against the Court ESPECIALLY....I see it as an inherently selfish want of Dick's. 
A selfishness that I think he's entirely justified in having. Its not about anyone but him. Its about HIM not having to deal with the burden of any more deaths in his family's colors, his family's name, when he in all likelihood originally created Robin in that particular guise because he figured he'd likely die as Robin at some point, and thus he'd never have to see anyone die in the image of his family's costume and colors ever again because the only person left TO die in them, at the time, was he himself.....thus kinda ensuring for Dick that when he did die, he'd go out just as his parents did, which in his youth at least was likely a weirdly kinda comforting idea for him.
So on the one hand, Dick's desire to keep the kids out of harm's way was ultimately a selfish - but justifiably so - desire to not see anyone else dead or injured in a literal WAR of CHILDREN being fought in his personal family colors and image....especially when 99% of them had literally no idea what the colors they were fighting in signified and meant for the mantle's original creator.
Where this all falls apart for me, and why I don't just go with this take and instead just kinda sidestep around the whole story itself and don't engage with it....
Is there's absolutely no way to 'fix' the story as is.....without coming up with an entirely different middle climax, in which Dick finds some way to sideline the kids without getting them all arrested.
Cuz see, what I'm NOT gonna ever do, is try and argue from an in story perspective, that Dick would ever be stupid enough, or try to justify, getting kids - many of them marginalized, and people of color specifically - arrested in the name of keeping them SAFE.
That's just stupid to the nth degree, and unilaterally the fault of DC's writers being oblivious to the real-world realities of police brutality and the interactions and dynamic people of color have with the actual police.
It was DC's fuck-up there, but I - especially as a white writer and fan - am not going to try and fix or transform that fuck up short of entirely rewriting the whole second half of We Are Robin's plot, which to be honest, I don't see as likely to ever be a priority for me as there's so much other content in Dick's narratives I'd rather get to first. Its just way too far down the list, the premise itself doesn't interest or engage me enough to make me WANT to invest in that particular story heavily enough to create a whole other direction for it, that navigates around the issue I have with it here.
So again, I mostly just....don't engage with it. Because I can't see Dick's stance on the issue of his family's legacy ever being other than what I always see it as, and thus see it as here, but I'm definitely never going to find it appropriate to write Dick trying to justify his decision to ENGINEER the police arresting all these kids for their PROTECTION....to a black character like Duke in specific.
Because its not. But again, this wasn't Dick's decision at the end of the day, because he's a fictional character who can only make the decisions he's written making. And thus it was the decision of writers who wrote these characters in situations that contained analogues to real world issues without keeping centered an awareness of how those issues intersect with people of different identities, particularly people of color and black people in specific.
So its not a decision that made me like, dislike Dick, because its one that I don't think he should have ever been written making, but its not a decision I care to justify in universe.
And that's about all I think I ever intend to - or even could - expand on that subject, I'm pretty sure. *Shrugs*
Oh wait, no, I lied!
Quick thought for white fans in particular....because I HAVE seen this subject tackled at least once or twice in fiction, from an ACAB standpoint that had Duke reaming out Dick for his decision here, for the same reasons I'm outlining above.....
This isn't an attempt to gatekeep or police anybody as like, I'm not actually ever trying to do that, I'd have to know every fic writer's personal identity and marginalizations TO do that, and I'm not pretending to know that or asking to, like, its just not on the menu for me so please don't get me wrong, this is purely aimed at a plea for white writers in particular to exercise personal accountability and good, sincere judgment in this regard:
No matter your personal feelings about Dick Grayson, the subject of Robin, or any of this in general, PLEASE keep in mind before utilizing Duke as a mouthpiece for giving Dick shit for this in the name of smearing the latter's character or making him look bad, like.....
Dick is of Romani descent. In the New 52 continuity as well as pre-Flashpoint. That's been made explicitly clear, and as such......there is no substitute in our current real world zeitgeist for the interactions the police have with black people, but please keep in mind that Romani people have a very, VERY long history of being subject to police brutality and persecution in a wide range of countries. Its a big part of why so many people are so uncomfortable with cop!Dick in the first place, and as such, it makes treating him as this naive, privileged white guy when having the realities of police brutality explained to him by another character, like.....not look exactly like you might intend there, because the reality is he's not SUPPOSED to be that character, but too few people at DC, and ESPECIALLY the people writing the We Are Robin stories, like, completely fail to ever extend the idea of Dick being Romani to any kind of examination of what kinds of lived experiences, perspective or perceptions this results in him having specifically.
And that's a failure on DC's part, but you don't need to go making it your failure as well, so for those of us who are white like, this really is something that should be kept centered before we decide to engage with story elements like the above one from We Are Robin, and like, if we do, then HOW we go about that specifically.
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My personal Pros and Cons of my ADHD
-noticing all the little details and appreciating them in the fullest
-Emotional Dysregulation, because when I get a new plant, or find that one oddly shaped metal marble I lost a while ago, I am so excited it’s pathetic, but I love that feeling of pure joy.
-hyperfixation of the week/day/hour (i know some people describe it differently, let me be pls) . I usually switch between art mediums, and/or a few video games/social media sites. for example, I’ve been on tumblr for 3 hours as i write this, after not touching it for, i think a month?
-nuerodivergent friends. They’re just better.
-the ability to completely drown myself in information to ignore reality. Is it healthy? no. But i simply cannot handle another existiential crissi rn, so i will instead play minecraft while listening to alt rock playlists on youtube because getting spotify sounds like a lot of work.
-my ability to retain absolutely useless information, from either my, or my other nuerodivergent friends hyperfixations/special interests. I can explain to you in terrible formatting if it’s out loud, the evolution, history, training, anatomy and roles of the horse in our world, and how ao3 works, and what makes or breaks a fanfiction.
-Object Impermanence. When i literally hide myself a treat or surprise and forget about it, then get so excited when i do find/discover it again. I hide google questions, and/or song lyrics in my tabs :) its so fun. Also, hiding away stressors. Again, healthy? no, but i don’t feel like having anxiety all day, so whatever.
-Emotional Dysregulation, again. I can switch from sad or angry to happy and excited/content in a few seconds. It’s also great for getting my siblings out of their funk. ex., my sister is mad at me. I make a silly voice repeating what she said or cross my eyes at her. she laughs, then we can talk and have constructive conversation about why she shouldn’t get that upset about me “cutting off her reading time” when we share a room and I want to sleep, and know that she will be very tired tomorrow if she doesn’t also go to sleep. (We have this conversation almost every single night, i’m not even joking)
-Emotional Dysregulation. When i get upset, I’m Upset. Like, big time, ruining friendships and familial ties if i let it get out of hand, Upset. Yeah.
-Time Blindness. Constantly late, or early, or under or over estimating the amount of time it takes to do a thing, not eating til 4 because you forgot but you also should just wait til dinner, but now its 9 and I still haven’t eaten-
-Executive Dysfunction. I can’t do the things needed to function. Don’t have the mental energy to explain this one, so google it i guess? There’s a whole checklist of things you need to be able to do to function, and i can do like, three on a good day.
-Sleeping Trouble. People with adhd have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up. So, sleeping trouble. So I’m constantly tired.
-Internal Clock is SLIGHTLY OFF. Nuerotypicals have that normal sleep schedule. Adhd ers have it shifted forward by, i think, 2, 3 hours. So we go to sleep later, and wake up later, and that’s the only way to get a healthy amount of sleep. My entire family also eats dinner super late, which might be because we’re weird, but I suspect the inner clock thing cuz we all got adhd.
-Object Impermanance. I hid my math homework one time. I failed that class. 
-Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Never trying, or starting cuz I’m so terrified to get a bad reaction. Constantly masking around certain people to appeal to the few of my Nuerotypical friends. Or, y’know, majority of my extended family. They’re ableist. and homophobic. And transphobic. And racist. and sexist. The list goes on, but, yeah. Never coming out to them! :D
-Masking. It’s exhausting and I can only handle so much of it.
-Not Masking around nuerotypicals. The shoot down after finally revealing my true thoughts, urges, feelings, stims, etc. just sucks. Super disheartening. 
-Squirrel or shiny jokes when they’re made by people without adhd. Yes, I do get distracted by squirrels, and shiny things, and dice. Stop pointing it out, and/or putting me into yet another box of your labeling. 
-saying that I’m lazy, worthless, or a disaster when really it’s not helping. I already have that internal monologue, you adding to it and giving it some truth/extra ammunition is not. helping.
-Emotional Dysregulation. Again, because mood swings. like, I’m trying to be rightfully angry with you. Stop making me laugh with you’re silly faces or pointing out of a weird face someone made in a picture you took. 
-the stigma about the hyperactive subtype. I’m inattentive. I have No Energy. Ever. Sometimes i have restlessness, but there is still no energy. Stop portraying me as bouncing off the walls, especially with caffeine. Caffeine just catches my body speed up to my brain speed, settling me down a bit, at least mentally. 
-people not getting when i say I’m overstimulated, or need some time alone to process or re-energize, and following me, or continuing to do the overstimulating thing. I will literally. lose. my. mind.
-when people shut me down after I share something that is really important to me, or make fun of me for liking something an “abnormal” amount. Flashbacks to overnight camp, when whenever I said anything about horses, they said I had to do five squats, and when i got really excited about discussing the differences in riding styles/types with another person who really liked horses, but rode english, they said that it was obnoxious, when i was just.. excited to finally find someone to talk to and who felt the same way after, basically, years and years of no one getting it or wanting to listen or talking with me about the thing. To this day I don’t discuss horses with anyone, cuz it hurts so much remembering that, and the fear of it happening again is still there. 
-seeing other people be ashamed about their adhd and hesitant to mention until i talk, like, super openly about having it, in like, the first 5 minutes of knowing each other. It just.. hurts.
-I’m super empathetic, not in a way that’s helpful though. Like, wincing, or limping myself because I saw you drop something on your foot, and am imagining it so vividly that it feels like it happened to me. Reading a fic about abuse or depression, and it hitting too hard and hurting me almost physically, and on a personal level because I simply cannot handle it. Feeling someone else’s pain so vividly that i can’t comfort or help them in any way, because I am so preoccupied with  feeling their pain. 
-never being able to finish things without starting something else. All the WIPs in my google docs, istg, i will be driven insane by it. 
(y’know, this was kinda fun. As a rant, but also as a way for me to identify things about myself and my adhd that i like. Like, I know its so much shorter, but I have a hard time with positive self affirmation, so it was kinda nice. I might do it again, but just the pros part cuz the cons are kinda depressing ngl.)
(OH, Y’all should reblog with your own personal pros added on! You can add cons if you’d like to :) I’m just interested in seeing how your experiences/feeling differ from mine :) )
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legolasoftherings · 4 years
Market Day
Pairing: Kili x female reader
Word Count: 4044
A/N: Durins live!AU :))  This is dedicated to my favorite Kili fanatic @elles-writing cuz she’s lovely!! Happy reading, my loves <3 
Song rec: Angel by FINNEAS oh my goodness this song makes me soft and kili uses the nickname angel a bunch in this fic (sorry not sorry) 
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It was late midmorning, and the cold winter sun had been in the sky for a few hours now. The whole of Erebor was awake and busily bustling, all except for you and Kili. 
Your eyes opened to him, wrapped in a blanket and smiling at you. His deep brown eyes watched your face as you came to, memorizing every detail of your slowly blinking eyes and yawning lips. 
“Morning, angel,” he said, reaching for your hand and massaging it lightly with his fingers. 
“Ki, what time is it?” you groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and rolling into his open arms. 
“It’s almost midday,” he replied as he cuddled you to his softly curved frame. Tucking your head under his chin, your fingertips played with the small curls on his bare chest. His fingers ran smoothly through your hair, sending a slight shiver down your spine. 
“Kili! Why didn’t you wake me up? I have things to do!” you exclaimed, although still half asleep, leaning back to look him in the eyes. 
“I had to let you sleep, love,” he mumbled, smiling at your tired face, “You’re adorable when you’re sleepy, you know that?” 
You flushed and slipped back into his arms, “Shut up.” Even in your drowsy state, you still felt him smile at your bashfulness. Enjoying the feeling of the warmth radiating off of his body, you closed your eyes and began to drift off.
When you awoke a few minutes later, you found Kili fast asleep, still tangled around you. His dark eyelashes rested on his cheeks, and you admired his sleep-softened features for a moment with a content sigh. You began to press kisses to his arms and hands, gently waking the sleeping beauty.  
“Did I fall asleep, darling?” he murmured sleepily, burying his nose in your hair, “I didn’t mean to.” 
“Yes, love, but it’s quite alright,” you replied, as Kili began to drowsily kiss your cheeks. 
“I wanted to get you breakfast, amrâlimê. Aren’t you hungry, angel?” 
Your stomach growled loudly at that, and you grinned. With a laugh, you said, “There's no time like the present, Ki.”
“Hm, you’re right.” 
With that, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and pulled himself up to a sitting position, pulling you up with him. As he pulled half of his gently waved hair into a ponytail (your greatest weakness), you slid off the bed and over to the wardrobe. 
Tossing a tunic at Kili, you pulled another out for yourself. It was altogether too big for you, but you wrapped it around your torso and pulled on some soft pants. 
“Ready to go?” you asked, moving toward the bedroom door. 
“Not yet,” he replied, as he pulled you in for a deep kiss, “Now I am.”
“I love you.” 
“Love you more, my angel.” 
You opened the door and stepped out, holding his hand. The sun was streaming into the halls of Erebor, illuminating the incredible craftsmanship and carvings on the walls. You could smell the scent of fresh bread in the air, and you tugged on Kili’s hand, urging him to walk faster.  
On the way to the kitchen, you met Fili and his beautiful wife, Brilyn, who were running an errand for Thorin. 
“It’s nearly noon, brother! What were you two doing all this time?” Fili asked with a smirk, winking at the slightly angered Kili. 
“We were asleep, if you must know, and we’re going to get breakfast now. Happy?” Kili replied, crossing his arms. You squeezed his arm with a warning look as a way to pacify him, as you knew what could happen to Kili when he got too defensive. 
“Ah, I see. Thorin was looking for you, by the way.” “I guess we’ll have to be careful then, eh Fi?” 
“You’re going to avoid him?” Fili’s response came incredulously, his eyes widening. 
“It’s a challenge! Right, Y/N?”
You sighed, “If you say so, Ki.”
Brilyn grinned at your hesitant affirmation and said, “Well, good luck, Kili and Y/N. I hope you don’t get caught, for your sake.” At that, Fili wrapped his arm around his love’s waist and led her away. 
“How can we be so sure we won’t run into him?” you asked Kili, worry spreading across your face.
“Well, how does a day at the Dale market sound, angel?” Since Erebor had been reclaimed, Dale had also been rebuilt, more vibrant and alive than ever before. 
“Really, Kili? That would be lovely! I’ve been craving Ms. Agnes’ sticky buns.” 
“Anything for you, ghivashel.” 
“I’m still hungry though, Ki. Can we stop by the kitchen?” 
“Of course!” 
Soon, one muffin and a sausage later, you were almost ready to leave. Something’s not quite right, you thought, but what is it? You pondered that for a short while, and then, Aha! 
“Kili, I need to change!” you announced.
“Love, why? You look wonderful.”
“Thank you, but I’m basically in pajamas. If we’re representing the kingdom, we have to look somewhat presentable.” 
“Is that right? Well, I’ve got that covered,” he quipped with a cheeky grin.
“You’re hilarious, darling,” you deadpanned with a light slap on his shoulder, “Let’s go.” 
You practically dragged him back to your room, checking carefully around every corner for the king of Erebor. Once you finally reached your room, you breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off Kili’s tunic. Rifling through the clothes in the wardrobe, you pulled out your favorite tunic and skirt, and put them on. Kili was sitting on the bed, patiently watching and waiting, when all of a sudden, you heard a loud knock on the bedroom door.
“Kili?” Thorin boomed, knocking again. 
Your eyes widened, and you silently ran to Kili. He motioned for you to hide under the bed, and you ducked underneath, pulling him with you. You covered his mouth with your hand and held your breath. 
The door creaked open, and you saw Thorin’s heavy boots enter the room. Kili tensed slightly, exaggerating his muscles deliciously, but you shook the thoughts out of your head; there was no time to think about that at the moment. To your relief, after the boots had stopped for a few moments, the boots left the room, and you could breathe again. 
“That was close,” Kili whispered, not wanting to move just yet, “We’ll have to be careful.”
Once you were absolutely sure Thorin was gone, you slid out from under the bed. Kili followed you back over to the wardrobe. He pulled on a heavy coat, perfect for the wintry weather, but all you had was a sweater, more suited for early fall. 
“We’ll have to get you something warmer, angel. It’ll be winter soon!” 
“No, Kili. I’ll be fine, you’ll see.”
“Y/N, I’m not taking no for an answer. Borrow mine, and let’s go see what the market has to offer, okay love?”
“Are you sure? I’m sure I can manage, and won’t you be cold?”
“I’m positive, and I can handle the cold better than you can. Here,” he replied, removing his coat and wrapping it around you. It was too big, but quite comfortable, and as a bonus, it smelled like him, enveloping you like one of his bear hugs. 
“Thank you, my love,” you murmured, giving him a peck on the cheek. 
Kili opened the door of your quarters and peeked out, watching for his uncle. He looked back at you with a nod, whispering, “The coast is clear.” 
The two of you walked as nonchalantly as possible through the halls, and were happy to slip under the radar. You even nodded greetings at a few passing dwarfs to distract yourself from the possible fate that awaited you. 
As you approached the hall to the throne room, you grabbed Kili’s hand nervously. He smiled reassuringly at you and squeezed your hand gently. Taking a deep breath, he stuck his head around the corner of the hall, and whispered, “It’s empty, but keep an eye out.” 
You snuck carefully past the throne room, casting a watchful gaze around the hallway. To your surprise, the entire path to the great hall and front door was clear. With a nervous glance behind him and a slight gulp, Kili began to walk faster, pulling you along. 
“Come on, we have to make it through the doors. We’ll be safe then, Y/N.” 
“Ki, is there something you’re not telling me?” 
“KILI!” Thorin roared, some distance behind you. 
“Oh no,” you groaned.
“Run!” Kili shouted, breaking into a sprint, you close behind. You crossed the great hall in record time and made it to the door.
“Kili, if you open that door, I’ll-” “Sorry, Uncle!” he interrupted, throwing open the large wooden door and pulling you outside, slamming it behind him. 
“Y/N, we are definitely not safe here.”
“I know, Ki. C’mon!” you called, taking off at a run. The crisp winter air filled your lungs, spurring you on faster. Hearing the door fly open, you looked back to see a disappointed Thorin, followed by Fili, who was trying to hold in a laugh. Kili shamelessly waved at them as he caught up to you and swept you up bridal-style, causing you to squeal in shock and delight.
“See you later!” Kili called at his brother, who was visibly shaking with his efforts to not laugh aloud. He kept running until they were barely visible, just tiny specks in your eyes. Your breath came out in clouds, and you smiled. Breathing out harder, you tried to make the biggest cloud possible and watched it float away in the clear, bright sunlight. 
“Fear me, for I am Smaug, the great slug! I will burn your village and take your gold!” you exclaimed gleefully, wriggling out of Kili’s hold. 
He laughed and pulled you back into a tight embrace, declaring, “I have caught the dragon, and she will pay for her crimes!” His fingers began to tickle your sides, making you scream with laughter. 
“KILI! Let me go!” you cried, trying to stop your giggles, but he held fast to your waist. 
“You’ll have to kiss me, angel,” he replied with a grin. You turned quickly and planted an aggressive kiss on his lips, and he released you from his arms. 
“Ki, I love you, but you can be so stupid sometimes,” you choked out, gasping for air. He jumped forward and grabbed your arm, steadying you.
“Sorry, love. Are you alright?” he asked, concern showing in his face. 
“I’ll be fine, no thanks to you.”  
“To be fair, the only reason why we’re here now is because I’m stupid enough to think we could do it.”  
“You’re right, Ki. But, Thorin will kill you once we get back.”
“What if we didn’t come back? What if we just left and traveled Middle-Earth together?” he replied, making a wide, sweeping motion at the distant mountains with his hands to add emphasis, “Y/N and Kili against the world. It would be fun!”
“Kili, that is a wonderful idea. Absolutely not!” you declared, taking one of his hands in yours and pulling him in the direction of Dale, “After all, you are still a prince.”
He laughed and followed your lead into the city. All of Dale was alive and bustling with the typical afternoon crowd around the two of you, and no one noticed the two of you weaving through the crowded market.
Your eyes quickly took inventory of all the products displayed on the large tables, searching for one table in particular. The smell of melted sugar filled your nose, and you followed the sweet scent to the back of the market to where you knew the hidden gems were.
“Ms. Agnes!” you called, pulling Kili over to the delicious smelling desserts. The grandmotherly woman behind the table looked up with a smile, instantly recognizing your voice. 
“Hello, my sweet girl,” she answered, reaching out to squeeze your hand fondly. She glanced behind you and gave you a knowing look, saying, “Good morning, Prince Kili.” 
“Morning, Ms. Agnes,” Kili replied, nodding his head as he eyed the pastries with a grin, “And please, just call me Kili.”
“Alright, then, Kili. What’ll it be, lovelies?” 
“Well, to appease Y/N, how about four sticky buns and six gingersnaps?” he laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. 
“Kili! Are we going to be able to eat all of that?” 
“In case you forgot, angel, we are on the run from my uncle. We may need to survive for a long time in the wild, my love.”
“Very funny,” you countered as the baker raised an eyebrow questioningly, “Don’t worry, Ms. Agnes, we aren’t in too much trouble.”
“If you say so,” Ms. Agnes answered as she surveyed the small box of treats that she was curating, “Right now, you have four sticky buns and six gingersnaps. Will that be all, darlings?” 
You sighed in defeat as Kili looked at you expectantly, “Well, some pumpkin cake does sound good…”
“Yes!” he cheered, spinning you around and kissing you right on the mouth. Pumpkin cake was his absolute favorite dessert, and he bought it at every possible opportunity (to share with you, of course). 
“Kili, we are in public!” you exclaimed, still reeling from his sudden outburst. Ms. Agnes laughed at your flustered state, and put two slices of pumpkin cake, generously glazed with frosting, into the box. 
“Thank you so much, Ms. Agnes,” Kili said, taking the box and dropping a handful of coins into her hand.
“My pleasure, Kili. Have a wonderful day, you two.” 
“Goodbye!” you replied, waving as you walked away. All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew through the market, sending a wave of shivers through your body.
“Shall we see about that coat, Y/N?” Kili asked, capturing your cold hands in one of his. 
“That would be nice, love.” 
Kili began to walk through the market, scanning the tables full of goods. Nothing seemed quite to his satisfaction, as there was a constant perplexed scowl on his face. You tucked your hand in the crook of his arm and led him towards a promising display. Leather, wool, and metal were proudly presented, drawing your gaze back and forth across the table. 
A deep oxblood colored coat caught your eye, and your fingers ran over the smooth fabric. Its soft, warm material reminded you of Kili’s hugs, and you smiled softly. 
The man running the stand noticed your admiration and spoke up, “This was crafted just yesterday, my lady, and it’s perfect for the winter. Would you like to try it on?” 
“Oh, yes please, if it’s not too much trouble,” you replied, looking up reluctantly from the beautiful piece, not wanting to take your eyes off of it. 
“It’s no trouble at all. Here you are.” 
You removed Kili’s coat and handed it to him, turning back to the tailor. He held the cloak coat for you to slip your arms into, which you did. It fit like a glove, and complemented your figure wonderfully; you knew that you had to purchase it. 
Kili couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his mouth hanging open just a bit, “It looks wonderful on you, angel.”
“Thank you, Ki,” you replied with a smile, “I’ll buy it!”  
“Wonderful, my lady!” 
Kili began to take out his money pouch, but you stopped him with a light head shake, “I’ve got it, love.” 
“It’s okay,” you whispered, squeezing his arm as you dropped a small pile of gold into the hand of the tailor.
“Should I wrap this up, or would you like to wear it now?” the tailor asked, holding the coat out to you. 
“I’ll wear it now, thanks!” you replied, taking it and pulling it on, sending Kili into another wave of adoration. You offered your arm to him, who took it and led you away. The two of you began to walk to the outskirts of the market, when you had an idea.
“We should get something for Fili. After all, he is stuck inside Erebor with your angry bear of an uncle,” you said, grinning at Kili, who laughed and pointed at one particular display. 
“Fi loves the cinnamon bread there, and so does Brilyn. How does that sound?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” you answered, leading him over to the display. The two of you ordered a loaf of cinnamon bread for yourselves and one for Fili, and went on your way. 
By this time, the sun was close to setting due to short winter days, and you knew that eventually, you would have to face Thorin. 
“Kili, what happens when we go back?” you asked, brows furrowed, “What will we do about your uncle?” 
He thought for a moment, and an idea dawned on him, “I’ve got it! We get something for him, and say that was the intention the whole time!” 
“Sometimes, I don’t give your mind enough credit, Ki, because that is a wonderful idea. Do you have any notion about what to get him, though?” 
“Well, Y/N, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Kili replied, the look on his face comparable to a child about to spoil a surprise party, “My uncle is a total sucker for romantic poetry.” 
“For some reason, I’m not surprised,” you said with a chuckle, “Did you see any romantic poetry here? I didn’t.”  
“Well, no, but I have a backup plan,” he answered, reaching into a pocket of his coat and brandishing a medium-sized book. 
“How did I not notice a book in there?” you exclaimed, flipping through the pages in the leather-bound volume critically, “This isn’t exactly light.”
“Well, neither is the coat. What do you think about it?”
“It’ll do as an excuse, but I have no idea what will happen if it doesn’t.”
“Maybe, he’ll just say that we’ve been working very hard, and that we deserved the day off.”
You scoffed at that, making him chuckle. His contagious laughter infected you, and you collapsed onto the ground with giggles. The two of you laughed until tears came out of your eyes, and you leaned against his chest. 
“We are totally dead.” you declared, still wiping tears from your eyes. 
“Yeah, probably,” he replied, squeezing you in a tight embrace, “Are you sure you don’t want to take me up on my offer?”
“To travel Middle-Earth together? Positive.”
“Well then, you’d better come up with a good plan to not get us killed,” he said, giving you a kiss on the forehead. 
“Don’t worry, love, I promise I’ll think of something.”
The cold winter sun began to sink behind the mountains as you sat together, casting a bright glow over Dale. As you sat, you shared the desserts between the two of you happily, the sweet cookies and pastries filling your stomachs until you could eat no more. The sun slipped away until the full moon and stars were the only light, but you were still holding onto each other. 
“Angel, we probably should be getting back,” Kili murmured as you leaned against his chest. 
“Not yet,” you replied, looking up at him with a mischievous smirk. 
“What is it?” 
“You’ll have to kiss me first, love.” 
He grinned back and pulled you around to face him, leaving a quick kiss on your lips and pulling back. You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow at his twinkling eyes, making him laugh.
“I hope that wasn’t all, Kili, or we may have ourselves a slight problem.” 
“Oh? And what might that be?” 
“I’m not sure you want to know.”
“I don’t know, Y/N, maybe I do,” he answered casually, catching your waist in his hands and holding you still. 
“Kiss me.”
“As you wish, angel,” he said as he pulled you closer to his chest. His hand reached up to brush a strand of hair away from your face, and he rested his forehead against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and met his lips softly as the moonlight illuminated his face. Moving his hands to cup your cheek and jaw, his deep eyes took you in, and he murmured, “Amrâlimê.” You kissed him again, the sweet taste of sugar still on your lips making him smile. 
“You’re as sweet as sugar,” he said, trying to hold in a laugh. 
You groaned and slapped him playfully on the chest, “You had to ruin the moment, love.”
The laugh he was hiding came out, and he touched his nose to yours affectionately.  
“Ki, you are so lucky that I love you.”
“Oh, am I?” he returned, raising a brow and biting back a chuckle. 
“Extremely,” you declared, proudly smirking at the absolutely whipped dwarf holding you. Taking his hand, you began to pull him in the direction of Erebor. 
“Wait!” he exclaimed, stopping in his tracks, “We forgot the bread!” 
Whipping around, you looked back in the darkness to where you were sitting and rushed back to the small packages of bread.
“Good thing I remembered, or there would have been nothing to redeem us,” Kili commented. 
“Mhm. Shall we get going?” 
As you walked back to Erebor, the two of you sweet-talked and flirted---trying to ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach---until you reached the door. 
You took a deep breath to steady yourself and opened the heavy front door. 
“After you, love,” you said, bowing low with a grin.
“No, please, you first, angel.” 
“Kili, you have to face your uncle sometime or another.” 
“Will you go with me?” he asked, grabbing your hand nervously.
“Yes, of course. We just have to make it through this door.”
He stepped across the threshold and you followed. Practically running in the direction of your room, you had no time to keep an eye out for the king. 
At last, your bedroom door was in sight, but you heard,“Kili!” 
“Oh, Mahal!” Kili groaned, whipping around but breathing a sigh of relief, “Fili! It’s just you.”
“You two are in so much trouble,” Fili warned, approaching cautiously, “Thorin had half a mind to banish you!” 
You sighed in defeat, but Kili laughed, “But we brought you bread!” 
“We brought you cinnamon bread, Fi,” Kili repeated, handing over the package, “For you and Brilyn.”
“Thanks, Ki!” he exclaimed, taking a deep inhale of the cinnamon-laced dessert, “By the way, this doesn’t replace all the things I had to do for you today. Somehow, I convinced Thorin to let you go without sending the entire army after you, so I expect payment.”
“Uh, right. Let’s talk about that later, okay? Goodnight,” Kili replied, quickly backing up, pulling you into your bedroom and shutting the door.
“Kili! You get back out here!” 
“Sorry Fi, Y/N’s tired! Have a wonderful evening, and I’ll see you in the morning,” he called through the door with a grin. Fili sighed and you heard his footsteps walk away and down the hall. 
Yawning, you pulled off your coat and carefully hung it up in the wardrobe. Peeling off the rest of your clothing, you quickly hopped into your sleeping clothes, shivering slightly. Kili did the same, and crawled into your warm bed. 
“C’mere love,” he called, holding out his arms expectantly. 
Climbing into bed, you snuggled into his embrace and pulled the blanket up to your chin.  
“We’ll just have to talk to Thorin tomorrow,” you murmured, already falling asleep.
“Mm,” Kili agreed, kissing you on the forehead with half-lidded eyes.  
“Thank you for taking me to the market, love.”
“My pleasure. Would you like to go again tomorrow?” 
You chuckled sleepily and said, “We might as well leave Erebor permanently if you want to do that.” 
“My offer still stands. We could leave tomorrow and be halfway to Mirkwood by midday.”
“You want to go back there?” 
“I have a few friends there that you may want to meet.” 
“Kili, tomorrow, we are going to face your uncle. No ifs, ands, or buts. Are we clear?”
“Wonderful. Goodnight, Ki,” you said, kissing his lips one final time. 
“‘Night,” he replied, running his hands through your hair, “I love you, angel.” 
@guardianofrivendell @trxblemaker @kumqu4t @emilys-books @thegodsaregay @hufflepuffinblr @lindiir @rowandor​ @moony-artnstuff​ @artsywaterlily​
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
@infinity2639 essay was really well made, it points out a lot of very true and concerning things, you should take a look at it.
for background, I wrote this chubby shouto just as a way to practice. it was done with the intentions of only being read by forty people at maximum honestly and it did pretty well for something I wrote in less than an hour, except I had one particular nasty comment from @infinity2639. now I won’t always say that comments are nasty, but they held no restraint in telling me that I was in the wrong for writing something like that - which of course they’re entitled to their opinion, but seeing that they were the only person to have this opinion i sought out how to improve on my writing because they spoke of how simple it was to fix. they then wrote a 21 paged “essay” which held no actual commentary on how to avoid writing such things, but instead ripped into every sentence and every word and chose to explain how it affected them. since it was a very me, me, me essay, I figured it was best to ignore it because I learned absolutely nothing from it other than the lengths people go to. so... consider this my response, and don’t come back asking for more details because I will not give any more.
so aside from the fact that the essay was written entirely on the basis that this one person decided to continue to read something that obviously triggered them instead of simply clicking off and realizing that this fic was not for them, let’s address these true and concerning things that they “pointed out.”
first and foremost this was a drabble, it was written on my phone and due to the nature of the content I went as far as to ask many people on how I dealt with the issues involving self image when you consider yourself to be fat/chubby/obese. I knew the dangers of what i was writing because yes, i’m not “qualified” enough to write on it from readers perspective, but I figured that maybe I could handle it from shouto’s. I got only positive reviews and feedback so I figured it was okay to move on.
this essay of theirs was obviously very, very personal - to the point where I will go as far as deeming it as being gatekeeping (this was supposed to be an essay on how to properly write on the topic of being self-fatphobic & writing healthy relationship dynamics, not a rant on how much they hated me). this was their opinion and in no way shape or form will I put them down for feeling this way. however, I will say if it made you uncomfortable yet you continued to read, it is not my fault nor shall you pin it on me.
you control your exposure to the content you come across.
the fact of the matter is that infinity and their supporting team of people are those i’m clearly having issues with right now, so it does little to make me believe that this is an actual issue and not boiled over emotions surrounding the ordeal on outside, uninvolved drama. i will admit that those own defensive emotions of mine are unwarranted because if you feel so strongly about my one work it doesn’t matter where you’ve aligned yourself, so i do apologize for initially not liking you - but seeing what you wrote and who you ranted to in those screenshots, i guess i wasn’t far fetched in my initial stance on you. the biggest thing again is that you decided to read something on chubby!shouto, you decided to continue to read through a fic that so very made you uncomfortable to the point that you were having panic attacks, you decided to finish it. I didn’t make you, I didn’t force you. when fics make you uncomfortable, click out of it. it is not my job as a writer to display only honey sweet intentions and if you’re expecting that, unfollow me.
moreover, i’m not an expert on this entire psychological thing - and I will admit that the only intelligence I have on it relies on things ive read, content i’ve watched, and my own personal feelings. obviously it wasn’t the best, I never have ever claimed to be someone who perpetuates only the cleanest and healthiest things even if I try to be well informed on the things I write because yes, while I don’t think you should learn from fiction, I understand that there are some people who do and I try to keep those in mind. the only thing I was trying to do was come at the fatphobic standpoint from a different angle. personally, if I say i’m fat, I don’t want people telling me that i’m not because I know the truth if I am or not. to me, fat has always been equated to being ugly/uglier. of course social norms today are evolving, but being fat is only deemed attractive if you are one curvy bitch, and I know for a fact that is not seen in every single person, so I tried a new approach. at the end of the day my opinion still is that being fat doesn’t make you ugly, and if that’s still an issue for you, are we really sure that i’m the fatphobic person here??? cuz it sounds like maybe it might actually be internalized in you.
but... it’s just.... concerning to me that the only people with your issues regarding my chubby!shouto post is basically you and only you. in the time it was posted I have gotten only positive reviews and anons. plentiful of anons and accounts have thanked me for my portrayal of the topic of being fat (after all, I was not discussing or debating the issues and technicalities of being fat, chubby, or obese) and going so far as telling me that your essay was complete bullshit, which I felt no reason to answer because still after all this time I keep my haters feelings in mind.
and i’m actually not a med student :( sorry that you esteem me so high that you believe that at 20 years old i’m already in medical school - so no, I don’t know the ins and outs of all of these things and i’m sure old doctors probably will fatshame and be much more fatphobic then I ever will be because again topics of being fat were different back then & fat itself isn’t universally applicable per person per case because everybody and person is different. people who have bmi’s far greater than mine are healthier and more fit than I am which is what matters at the end of the day. fat does not equate to health and beauty after all.
now the issues with the abusive relationship tendencies I guess you can pin that on me and my inability to elaborate my thoughts and intentions. verbally attacking was meant to be teasing but it didn’t sound correct/I couldn’t remember the word for teasing when I wrote it. i’m not always entirely articulate and I do fumble with my words and phrasings - as does anyone who writes for fun and not for a job - and if it hit you that deeply, i’m back to my square one thought!!!!!
stop reading things that make you uncomfortable :) it’s really not that hard at all, I promise.
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :))
a bunch of fic asks below the cut <3
Hi Rhi! I just read the usual suspects and ITS AMAZING. I was legit so immersed 😭 it’s so good, I couldn’t put it down. It was intense. I could feel Daichi’s stress and with every bits and pieces of info that was being revealed, AHHH had me shooketh. I adore your writing so much 😭💕 ahhh hats off to you!! And me being a Makki lover, I legit gasped when I read the past part!!
-nette 💕@mulberrysilk
ahhh thank you so much, bby!!! tbh i couldn’t resist throwing makki in there, once i had the idea for how i wanted to end it there was no going back and i love deceptively soft makki 
THAT RECENT FIC WAS SO GOOD. I didn’t realize it was refreshing to read a yandere story but from a different point of view. It was so good, the suspense, the crippling fear. May I ask, is this connected to one of ur fics? And would there be a part 2 to see what would happened next? Thank u so much for blessing us with your talent!
thank you! but no, this one is entirely separate from any of my other fics, as for a part two ??? who knows :))
that fic was sooo good. the writing kept me on a edge fr. daichis desperation to solve the case was portrayed so well. AND I DIDNT EXPECT MAKKI TO POP IN AT ALL
well you see the trouble is i am a complete whore for seijoh and makki in particular so?? i had no choice haha
I’m in shock. How does your writing just keep getting better and better and better holy shit
thank you, bby!!! <33
Rhiiiii!!!! Your writing is always so amazing, the newest Oikawa and Iwa fic was so good!!! And the plot twist of goddamn Makki holding you captive until the boys walk out without Daichi finding a lead was so smart!! Just a quick question about your commissions, are you willing to do something with Kawababy and Stockholm syndrome? It’s okay if you don’t, much love 🥺💞
hiya bby! so first of all thank you!! I’m really glad you liked it! as far as commissions go they’re closed atm but i wouldn’t be against writing something like that when/if they open up again :))
lawyer oikawa?? babe, you SPOIL us 😭
ain’t it hot tho? imagine him in a courtroom just wiping the floor with the opposition, it’s sexy
I love these 2 lines - “Have you found my girlfriend yet, Detective?" and “Of course I knew, but you misunderstand, Sergeant. She was never going to leave me.”
Just worded so well. hints that poor mc hasn't gone anywhere!
i was low key proud of those lines, subtle, but they were there from the start hehe
Your latest fic omg you’ve done it again 🥵🙏 I love the mystery AU, you really had the reader guessing and constantly thinking about what happened! I have to ask though...was this all just Makki acting out on his own and using the situation to his advantage or did Iwaizumi and Oikawa (maybe just oikawa LOL)get Makki to do this?
haha, as much as i love the idea of makki being a rogue agent, he really was just helping out two of his pals :)) such a good friend :))
Gaddamn. The preview you posted really made me think that Daichi is the bad guy.
ok ngl i had a few people send asks and stuff believing that iwa was innocent/being wrongfully accused and it was absolutely hilarious. like no, this time he’s an absolute piece of shit and for once, daichi wasn’t a bastard cop 
The usual suspects was so good! It read so much like a crime novel! For some reason I was suspecting daichi the whole time. I was convinced reader came to him in fear and he just kidnapped her for himself and was now trying to frame Iwa and Oiks.
love this theory, bastard cop daichi would’ve been a fun twist, but he was actually trying :(( i also love how none of you trust anybody in my fics anymore, it’s amazing
Omg. unusual suspects was just 👌👌👌imma just pray that daichi found something to lock those two up cuz god I'm scared - @yandere-writes​
i mean :)) if that’s what makes you happy :)) skhbrndjshfghjdks but thank you, bby!
oh. oh, this is one of the fics where i feel sorry for the reader. trapped between an obsessive, controlling ex and her creepy boss at work- she never had a chance, did she? and i cant help thinking that she fell into the the same mindset as daichi- that iwazumi just cant handle his ego being bruised, that oikawa just wants her for sex. she has no idea how obsessed they are with her, and thats her downfall. and theres daichi (who i loved in this fic), but i dont think he can find anything
and makki! i did not see makki coming. how did he get roped into this? is the reader being held at his house, at least temporarily? does he, at least, feel any guilt? sorry if im being annoying, but i loved this fic so much and i have so many questions.
it would’ve been hard enough to escape just one of them; the two together and poor reader never had a chance :(( as far as makki goes he’s an absolute piece of shit too. he genuinely likes the reader - out of all of iwa’s friends he was probably the one she got along best with, but makki’s morally grey at the very best, and he’d do anything for his friends. does he feel guilty? not really, after all she’s better off with the two of them anyway.
rhiii can i ask youu? do you ever write or maybe want to write reverse yandere fic?👀
hiya bby, thanks for the ask but reverse yandere fics just really aren’t my jam :(( sorry!!
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I just found your blog and I was wondering if could you do a James potter fic where him and the reader (hufflepuff) are in a prank war and their friends are all laughing at them cuz they so obviously like each other but they don't realize until the end and it just gets all fluffy when they finally realize? please and thank you, I love your writing!!
This damn bastard was known as a pranking king to the Slytherins. And the poor Hufflepuffs (much like yourself) that got caught in the middle. There was the explosion in the potions classroom, the paint bomb, the hair dye incident, letting a troll loose in the dungeon and the one that pissed you off the most: The Bathroom flooding (assistance of Peeves included). That was the final straw with him that day. 
You walked into Potions, soaked. Slughorn looked up from his desk as you marched over to James with a book and clocked him with it. “Ow-- Slughorn she just hit me!” James winced. “Your stupid pranks don’t just affect Slytherin!” You shouted. “MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL ME THAT BEFORE YOU INFLICT PAIN!” James said. “Watch yourself Potter. You fucked up.” You said walking towards the door. “Should I be scared or something?” James asked as you gripped the door handle. You glared at him, it being so threatening he actually jumped back a little. “You should be terrified.” You growled before leaving. “Sounds like you really messed up James.” Sirius said to him. 
Oh he did. Oh he REALLY messed up. This boy had many pranks pulled on him, all of them only hitting him. There was the howler, the notebook fire, the laxatives, and the best one that Sirius nearly died at: The literal exploding pen. James knew exactly who was doing this. It was you, of course it was you. After all you were making a point by strictly keeping the pranks focus on James and not the entire house of Gryffindor. 
You sat in the library, your hair pulled back when someone sat down in front of you. “You.” James huffed. You didn’t bother to look up. “Yes Potter?” You asked, turning the page. “You’ve made your fucking point.” James huffed. “Did I now?” You asked, still not looking up. “I’ll admit, the exploding pen was clever, so was the howler.” James began. You smiled, hearing his frustration. “But releasing a God damn flock of pixies is extreme!” James huffed. You looked up confused. “I didn’t--” “Don’t play koi with me. I know that was you.” James halted. “James, I really didn’t do that.” you said. “Sure. Okay.” He said sarcastically. “All of my pranks are directed strictly at you, that’s directed at all of Gryffindor, I didn’t do it.” You explained. James blinked. “Wait then who did it?” “Probably one of the many Slytherins you pissed off.” You sighed putting your book in your bag. “Well now I need your help!” James said, earning a snort from you as you got up. He rose as well, following you as you walked. “You want me to help you?” You asked him, walking down one of the many corridors within the school. 
James huffed, walking next to you. “Yes! I need to find the culprit, the others are pissed!” James said. “That’s not enough for me to help you when you have made my life a living hell Potter.” You sighed, walking down the stairs. James groaned. “I may have already openly accused you to Gryffindor.” He said making you stop dead in your tracks. “What?” You asked. “Well it seemed like a logical thing to say since you’ve been pranking me and a lot of them agreed with it!” James said. “Oh my GOD JAMES!” You yelled, smacking his arm. “Sorry-- Wait did you call me by my name!?” “I cannot believe you, first the endless pranks that got Hufflepuff involved and now Gryffindors pissed off at me because you made the worst educated guess of your lifetime!” you yelled. James sighed. “Y/n, I’m sorry. But if you help me find the idiot Slytherin that did this then we can clear your name and all will be right with the world!” James said. “You’re lucky I don’t shove you down the God damn stairs right this instant!” You snapped. “Y/n... Please.” James sighed. You shook your head.
 “It’s probably a student in Care of Magical Creatures.” You finally sighed. “What?” James asked. “They’d have to know what keeps pixies at bay in order to get them in the common room or else they’d be flying around us right now.” You explained. “What Slytherins are in that class with me?” James asked. You scoffed. “You never learned their names?” You asked, walking again. “See that would require talking to them, I don’t talk to Slytherins--” “Shut up.” You snapped. He blinked. “Has it occurred to you how fucking stupid the house wars actually are James!? How destructive they are or who they even affect!?” You asked. “I--” “There is not God damn point in being so elitist over a house that isn’t going to help you after you graduate, unless you’re a teacher here! You are absolutely insufferable and I just want your voice to STOP. TALKING.” You said making him blink. He took a sarcastic bow, walking away from you as you walked into the Hufflepuff common room.
“I cannot believe her. Calling me Elitist.” James huffed to Sirius who was sitting on the floor in front of him. “She does make a valid point though, houses are pretty useless outside of school.” Remus said. “Mooney, I don’t give a flying fuck about that. She said my name.” James said, running a hand over his face. “As opposed to...?” Sirius asked confused. “She calls me by my last name-- She always calls me by my last name. But today...” James sighed and Remus rose a brow. “She called you ‘James’?” Sirius asked. “Yes and it..” James noticed the boys smiling at him. “You like her.” Peter declared. “Oh no Wormtail. He loves her.” Sirius corrected. James snorted. “She is the same girl that managed to dye my hair in my sleep and you think I’m in love with her?” James asked. “Yes.” The group answered in unison. “How in God’s name do you figure that?” He asked. “In the midst of all the insane stunts this girl has pulled, everytime you encountered her traps you smiled. You never once fought her on it unless it was teasingly. I think you’re upset because for the first time she’s actually pissed with you.” Remus said, the boys nodding in agreement. “Face it Prongs.” Sirius said getting up. “You like her.” He said before walking out.
That was an absolutely ridiculous theory. Right? 
Wrong. James didn’t sleep for the next three days. He was watching you and everytime you looked at him you were glaring or shaking your head. There was this expression you had though, that James couldn’t describe. It was almost... Sad. James couldn’t get you out of his head though and he was slowly beginning to break down. “James. I said pass me the eye of newt.” Lily sighed. James blinked a few times. “Sorry.” James murmured, watching you work with your friend. Lily rose a brow, noticing the dark bags under his eyes and the fixation on you. “You should talk to her.” Lily said, dropping the eye of newt into the cauldron. “Talk to who?” James asked. “The girl you’re obviously into that is known as Y/n.” Lily said sarcastically. “Alright class, by now your potions should be complete.” Slughorn announced. You sighed, noticing James’ reflection on an empty glass bottle. You hated being mad at him. 
Yeah, the bastard was annoying but most of the time he was actually making you smile in some kind of way. His pranks weren’t.... unfunny. They actually made you laugh before they pulled you into them. James knew that too. He always watched you when he pulled off a prank. Seeing that smile is what made him want to see it all the damn time, even if he used unethical methods to see it. “Miss Y/n, what do you smell?” Slughorn asked. You sniffed the potion. “Morning dew, the forest and coffee.” You answered, halfway paying attention before you realized who you described. Oh no. No no no no no--
Remus rose a brow and looked at Sirius. You slowly lowered your head, praying that James was not paying attention. Oh but he was though. You saying that you smelled him definitely got James’ attention. “And Miss McKinnon?” Slughorn asked your partner. “Leather, cigarettes and wet dog.” Marlene said looking at Sirius with a smirk. Sirius smiled back, winking at her and earning a light smack from Remus. “And you Mister Potter?” Slughorn asked. “Roses, rain and honey.” He said looking at you. You lowered your head more, more whispers erupting from the class. 
When class finally did end, you slipped out before James could catch up, going to the common room. However the fun thing about the Marauders is they knew all of the passwords to every common room and they certainly could sweet talk those damn portraits into letting them in places they shouldn’t have been in. James grabbed your hand and you gasped. “James--” “I have not slept in three days.” He said. You swallowed. “I have stayed up for seventy two hours with you in my head. I don’t care if you smelled me in that damn Amortentia but I don’t want you to call me James.” He said. You swallowed looking into those hazel eyes. “What do you want me to call you then?” You asked. “What you always do when you’re not angry.” James said. “Potter?” You asked. “That’s it.” James said. “...James I’m still very much angry with you--” “Then tell me how to fix it. Please.” James pleaded. You eyed him up and down, pulling your hand out of his. “Fix your relationship with the Slytherins.” You said. “Oh Christ--” “Do it.” You said sternly. He nodded and walked out. 
What the hell was he about to do?
Well the answer was simple. He sat in the Slytherin common room at a desk and literally asked them to write him all of their complaints about him so he could fix it. He got a couple of “You are a piece of shit” responses along with a few serious requests of “Don’t mess with Rachel Newburry again” or “Could you prank Ravenclaw like once? They need a good laugh now and again too.”
He came back to you in the library, showing you everything he did and you sighed. “Alright Potter. Did you ever find out who pranked Gryffindor?” you asked. “No.” “I know who it is.” You sighed. “Who?” “Rachel Newburry’s boyfriend Jacob Canterville.” You answered. “How do you figure?” James asked. “Because he told me.” You admitted. “Oh.” James nodded. You sighed and went back to your reading. “I’ll stop with the pranks.” James said making you look up. “Hmm?” You asked. “The pranks. I’ll stop--” “I never said to stop James I said to stop roping outsiders into it.” You said. He rose a brow. “So... You liked the pranks?” James asked, a smile tugging at the boy’s lips. You chuckled “You’ve got to tell me how you got Peeves to help you.” You laughed. “I honestly don’t know, he just took a liking to me.” James admitted. You smiled at James and he smiled back. “Oh and uhm.. You might want to throw out your quill.” You admitted. “Why?” James asked. “Might’ve.. used something that makes it catch fire when you try to write with it?” you admitted making him snort. “I’ll throw it out later.” He chuckled. “You also might want to throw out your shampoo.” you added. “That’s where you put the hair dye!” He realized. “Yeaaahh.” you nodded. “Is there anything else?” James asked. “uh... Don’t try to open your potions textbook for the next two hours because it will most definitely attack you.” you noted. “Wait how--” “I made it sentient temporarily” you said making him gape. “Oh don’t give me that look! You’re the one that rigged six paint bombs in the dungeon last month!” You said. “Oh yeah, that was me.” he remembered. “You forgot you had done that!?” You asked. “Yeah, that one was me testing out if the paint bombs actually worked.” he answered making you facepalm. 
“You’re an absolute mess Potter.” you laughed. “You know you wouldn’t have it any other way Y/n.” He said making you smile. You shook your head looking at the boy in front of you. He smiled at you, moving strands of your hair out of the way. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before getting up and walking towards the door. “You’re right.” You said making him turn around. “About what?” He asked.
 “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @fleurho @yodeadxss @secretaccshh
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