What if our story had never happened? But then I realized, even with all the 'what ifs,' our love, however brief and complicated, was a precious chapter in my life. And in the quiet corners of my heart, I will always hold a piece of you, a piece of us, with fondness and a wistful smile
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After so many years, we met again at your father's funeral. Your sister, who was so close to me and a coworker, was the reason I went, knowing I would see you there. When I arrived, I hugged your siblings and your mom, feeling your presence just a few feet away. But I couldn’t find the strength to offer my condolences directly to you.
I tried to stay busy, chatting with others to avoid catching your eye. As I did, memories of our time together when we were young came rushing back. I was so in love with you then. We were just kids, caught up in a secret romance. You had your girlfriend, and I had my boyfriend, so we kept our love hidden from everyone. I cherished those stolen moments deeply.
You were the outgoing, adventurous one. Because of you, I learned to see life with a happier perspective. You made me try things I never would have on my own, pulling me out of my boring routines. Eventually, we went our separate ways, our love story too complicated to sustain.
Now, here we are, both married to other people. As I look at you from across the room, I can only wish you happiness, grateful for the beautiful, if fleeting, moments we shared. Our love may have been a secret, but it will always be a treasured part of my heart.
As I left the funeral, I couldn't help but wonder—what if we had never known each other? What if we hadn't fallen in love? What if our story had never happened? But then I realized, even with all the 'what ifs,' our love, however brief and complicated, was a precious chapter in my life. And in the quiet corners of my heart, I will always hold a piece of you, a piece of us, with fondness and a wistful smile
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But time, that relentless time....carried us apart
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After fifteen long years, our paths crossed again at a friend's wedding. He stood there, married, as was I. His eyes met mine, and he asked, "How have you been?" I replied, "I'm happy," though beneath our words lay a sea of unspoken longing, emotions carefully contained.
We once shared a world of dreams, believing in a future together. Back then, we were just two college students with empty pockets but full hearts. Our dates were humble and dictated by our modest means. We wrote love letters, shared long kisses, and spent hours lost in conversation.
But time, that relentless time, carried us apart. Now, in the present, he is a refined man, living abroad with his family. He is still the same at heart, yet I find myself admiring him even more for his unwavering responsibility and dedication, building the life we once envisioned.... but for someone else
#truestory #what if #sweethearts
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Sometimes I regret the paths I've chosen in life,
What if I'd been bolder, faced challenges with strife?
Perhaps my job would be more aligned with my soul,
What if I'd been patient, let time play its role?
Maybe I'd have chosen a path more refined,
A future more promising, a fate more kind.
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