#cutting contact
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furiousgoldfish · 5 months ago
abusive parents life plans:
step 1: have child
step 2: make child as miserable as possible, make sure they feel bad for every moment of their life, shame and blame them for getting born, costing money, being alive, for forcing parenthood on two innocent people, shame child for being in pain, groom them to be whatever the parents find convenient and easy to exploit
step 3: get upset when child cuts contact
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theclitisaliberallie · 5 months ago
Time again to sit down with myself
Explain, like I’m a child, that: “you shouldn’t pick at scabs
Scabs are important because they let you heal
So while they’re uncomfortable
(much like an unread notification)
It’s better to leave them to heal
Because if you keep picking
Then they just keep bleeding”
I sit and nod, pointedly ignoring the soft ping my phone makes
As I receive a message
To answer would be to peel back the scab
And they have bled enough.
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mental-health-advice · 11 months ago
I recently cut off a friend (we are both close to 30) because she was draining me emotionally and refused to change her behavior when I addressed it, but now that time has passed I am still grieving this friendship and need to know if I did the right thing.
For the past 2+ years this friend has obsessively texted me from the moment they woke up until they went to sleep, almost every day. This was easily over 30 texts a day. We had been friends for a while when this started and she was going through a bad break up and trouble at our mutual workplace, so at first I thought she was just reaching out during a crisis. But it never stopped and it just became normal to me.
This person is not my closest friend by several people, but the texts became more and more emotionally intimate - just constant updates about what she was doing or feeling during the day - all of her emotional ups and downs. It didn't matter if I ignored the texts, they just kept coming to the point that while on vacation with my family they asked me to mute her because it was visibly "ruining" my time off.
I admit that I didn't realize how odd this was partly because this started during peak COVID when a lot of people, including myself, were isolated and reaching out more, and partly because it was flattering that someone seemed to care so much about my opinions and wanted to talk to me so much.
But she seemed to fixate on me more and more. She made a private twitter account and asked me to follow it - it ended up just being me following it and none of her "best" friends. She used this twitter to share even more of her emotions including intense emotional and sexual thoughts about people she wanted to date. She also began texting me pictures of journal entries and I didn't know how to respond.
I finally realized how one sided this relationship was when she cut me off in the middle of telling a story about a work-related milestone that had just happened and was really important to me because she wanted to talk about her upcoming first date with someone she met on an app. I sat on that feeling and decided to address it with her. I told her at a private lunch that I felt we had fallen into a pattern where she relied on me for emotional support and intimacy. And that I didn't feel she always considered my emotions or what I may be going through before messaging me. I told her that I was going through a lot at the moment (abusive boss, family illnesses - all things she was aware of) and that just because I don't express it the same way that she does that doesn't mean it's not taking a toll on me. I said that I was happy that she was finding joy in dating again, but I would like a boundary where we don't talk about the ups and downs of each date. I would be happy to meet this person when she wants me to or be there for her if there is something serious to discuss, but it is a lot for me to be there for all of the emotional ups and downs of dating on top of the other things she texts me about as well as my own personal struggles unrelated to her.
At first she apologized profusely and said she was being a bad friend, which I denied because she couldn't know that something is upsetting me unless I tell her. I just asked that in the future could she please consider my feelings or what I may be going through before messaging me. She then proceeded to ignore me in person for over a week, but would still text me about herself, never asking me about myself. This made me feel used and I started to ignore her in return.
However, I felt that I had to give her time to adjust to the boundary and asked to have lunch again to check in. She said she was avoiding me because by asking her to consider her behavior in the future I reminded her of our abusive boss (who has objectively and publicly lashed out at me in ways she has not experienced). She also said that I was invalidating her dating efforts because she only wanted to talk to me about it. She said that there are things she only tells me and her journal.
I apologized, but afterwards I just felt angry. I felt it was manipulative to compare me to our mutual abuser. If she didn't mean to be manipulative, then it at least demonstrated how she can't think about my feelings because she cannot see how much our boss has abused me and how that might affect my feelings separate from her. I didn't appreciate being compared to a journal, but I realized it was an accurate comparison. I feel that she has treated me like an inanimate object who should hold her feelings but have none of my own.
She kept messaging me - again just about herself, never asking about me. I responded but didn't give it the same energy as before to distance myself. I didn't try to engage with her in person but neither did she - she never asked to have coffee or lunch like we used to. I got the feeling that she expected me to make things better, but I didn't feel the need to do that work for someone who doesn't think they should have to think about my feelings - especially after I went through the effort to be direct about what was upsetting me.
I am mourning the closeness I thought I had in this friendship and the way it made me feel like my thoughts mattered. But the more I look back, the more I realize this friendship was about me being there for her feelings with very little reciprocity. I feel guilty, but I also don't think it's fair to be assigned as someone's caregiver. I wanted a mutual friendship, not to be a mom or therapist. I was on call for her emotions - and she expected me to be - for over two years. I asked her to be more considerate about my feelings and she couldn't do it for one week. But then the guilt says, did I ruin everything?
Hey there,
After reading your Ask I do not feel as though you were in the wrong for the decision that you made to cut contact with this friend at all. It is fairly evident that you did everything that you could have to ask her to be a bit more considerate to yourself and to also try to put a few boundaries into place. This is and was a really positive step to take on your behalf as friendships should not just be one-sided which is what it sounded like your friendship with this person was. With saying this though, it is quite normal to grieve the loss of this friendship (no matter if it was toxic or not) and to question yourself on if you did the right thing or not in the actions that you took. Try to be kind to yourself though, as I know how hard it can be with a one-sided friendship and how it can play on your mind and make you feel like you were the bad person in ending the friendship when in reality you were just doing what you needed to do for you and to enable yourself to work through your own life struggles to the best of your ability without being bombarded by someone with what they were going through as well. I guess what I am trying to say is that I personally feel as though you did everything right for you and that you acted in ways that you personally needed to at the time, and there is nothing wrong with doing this at all!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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memeingfulem · 9 days ago
Man seeing something stressful just as you were about to go to bed is not fun. Now I gotta start all over from the top 4 hours ago and get ready for bed again
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anonymousisnotavailable · 6 months ago
So, he unfollowed me on everything. It feels a little weird, and I have been feeling a tiny bit guilty since we last spoke. I haven't done anything wrong. I was polite and truthful. I did not just ghost him. I let him know directly, that I have no interest in meeting up with him. I don't feel the need to or particularily want to. There are plenty of reasons as to why, but he did not ask for an explanation. I had no intention of giving him one either to be honest. Not that I owe him one in the first place. And yet I somehow cannot help but feel a little guilty. Seems silly. Maybe it is. I don't regret cutting contact though.
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paintedcrows · 5 months ago
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They're both autistic (and ADHD) 2 me
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spirk-trek · 22 days ago
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he's so fine and normal about spock doing mind stuff
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 month ago
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A doodle of a couple misc hcs I have about Gman's anatomy
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northescere · 7 months ago
as much as i love tendou with abandonment issues due to not having friends before and being terrified of them leaving him i believe we need to give more attention to wakatoshi with abandonment issues. i can't see his mother as the loving type. his father was probably his only pillar of emotional support and comfort growing up and when he moved to america, wakatoshi had all of that ripped away from him, thus the fear of the people he loves leaving him behind. i can imagine wakatoshi in tears grabbing tendou by the wrist as he's boarding the plane to paris, saying in a voice too broken for the man he appears to be that he doesn't want tendou to leave him.
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 9 months ago
Just received your print of the egg man speech in the mail, it was a gift for my brother who can recite the whole thing from memory. Needless to say he was very satisfied with the gift, and me and my siblings sat around it for 10 minutes cackling, till our mom showed up and we scattered. His room mates are jealous of it and want their own. 10/10 thank you <3
sjfgjsfdhsfshd thank you! glad it could bring joy to your beloved gremlins
for the rest of ya, this is the print in quastion:
it looks like this
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years ago
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hephaestn · 10 months ago
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Nate Mann as Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal Masters of the Air (2024) — Part Six
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mental-health-advice · 1 year ago
hi, i am feeling really lost right now because i cut out a person who i thought was only causing me pain and emotional distress but now that she's gone i feel like everything is shaken up, i feel super unstable, and i dont know where to go from here.
mostly because i cant figure out how to be my own person... like i relied on her and the 'exciting' and unpredictable emotions that came with her that my life without her feels dull and pointless?
she used to be my best friend... and i guess she still is or at least the part of me thats sick thinks so. and now that she's gone, going to the club or cafe dobt feel the same anymore, things i enjoy feel hollow and cold. I really just want to know how to feel... ok as just me again? i hope thats not too much to ask, im sorry if it is
Hey there,
It can be really hard when we have to make a decision that will ultimately better our lives. It can be hard because like you have noticed, it can leave us feeling unstable in a sense because you have gotten so used to that other person being in your life, even if they were causing you more harm than good in an emotional way. When we have had such a person in our lives it can just become habit to get use to it, like it’s our ‘norm’ and so consequently, removing that person from our lives like you have done can cause great pain and leave a sense that you don’t know who you are anymore without them being in your life.
With saying all this, I think it’s of upmost importance to acknowledge that what you have managed to do, even though it was really hard and upsetting for you afterwards, you did want you needed to do for you, and this is really good in itself. I know that with how you feeling right now that you may not be able to see this, but in time I hope you will be able to be proud of yourself for doing what you did as it really was what was best for you at the time.
I know that you mentioned that you don’t know ‘where to go from here’ (having cut contact with this friend) but I think you are stronger than you give yourself credit for! Yes, it will take time to get use to not having this person in your life, but try to be kind to yourself, allow you to get to know yourself again and just give yourself some time to just being your own person. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a single answer in how you can move on, but just try to take each day as it comes and try and take comfort and joy in the little things in life. Like the smell of flowers blooming, or feel of the wind flowing through your hair as you walk outside, the little things we all take for granted. I will not say that moving on will be easy, because it won’t be, but I can assure you that in time, you can and will feel happy once again and that you will be able to see yourself as your own person. It will just take time.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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memeingfulem · 10 days ago
I hate the fact that I have nearly completely severed contact with my family and the one, and only, line I use to halfway communicate is used to guilt me about my decision to cut contact.
I don't respond, but god it hurts so bad.
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pippynsworld · 8 months ago
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varpusvaras · 2 months ago
Do I think Jason should have to cut contact with the rest of the family just because of Bruce? No. The "Batfam" is not a singular unit, and it has people in it that do not answer directly to Bruce in every single thing. Do I think that he should have to leave Gotham, too, because of Bruce? Absolutely not, that is his home just as much as it is everybody else's. It's not fair to him.
Do I think, though, that both of those things might be the only way for him to heal and be safer? Unfortunately, yes.
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