#cute story about babies being strong and surviving
thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
When [Marie] had her 20-week scan doctors found that Ava had a lot more amniotic fluid surrounding her body than did her sister Mila.
As Loftus and Corrigan explain
They drained some of the fluid while the girls were still in the womb, but it continued to build back up. This confirmed their diagnosis that Ava had esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula as she was not swallowing the fluid.
These conditions cause an abnormality where the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, is not attached correctly, ending in a pouch further up her body. Ava was also diagnosed with a brain condition called rhombencephalosynapsis, which is a rare abnormality of the cerebellum, has varying degrees of severity and can cause other disorders such as cerebral palsy.
“Because the condition is so rare, doctors had no idea how severely it would affect her, and I was offered a termination,” Marie said. “It was never an option though, I had to give her a chance to fight.”
Marie underwent an emergency caesarean. Doctors then determined that waiting was no option: it was best for her to have surgery that same day. “Surgeons closed the gap between Ava’s esophagus and windpipe before sewing together the upper and lower parts of the esophagus.”
When Ava was five weeks old, she underwent her second major surgery, to lift her aorta and fix it to the sternum so she could breathe correctly. “Mila and I had been discharged but thanks to the support of The Sick Children’s Trust, we were able to stay with Paul at Crawford House, just next door to where Ava was,” said Marie.
Finally, after 8 weeks, Ava was strong enough to go home.
Loftus and Corrigan conclude their story on an optimistic note
Ava is currently being tube fed as she has no sucking reflex and has regular physiotherapy to help her with head control and general movement, but her surgeons are pleased with her progress. “They’re both little characters, Mila is very chilled out and patient and Ava is really happy and smiley,” said her mum.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Hi! I saw/read this Request (My Sweet Babies/Tiyanaks' Human Mother) and I want to really thank you so much for making this and I really love it!!!
If it's okay, To make a part 2 of this request, where (character) wants Reader and her kids to meet his family/friend from his pantheon?
Same characters from previous request and some interactions/reactions, including some teasing/embarassing/other moments, from his friends/family of his pantheon …
(ex. Beezelbub- he introduce Reader and kids to his friend/s, Hades (& Lucifer, Lilith, and others, who died from/by Satan, are either survived/revived or it didn't happen) and his friends are proud of/ happy for him, as they talk and ask if they're dated/engaged/married/other while playing with the kids…)
-You were a little nervous, holding onto (Love’s) hand as he gave your own a small squeeze, making you look up at him, seeing that he was smiling down at you, “Don’t worry- everything will be fine.”
-You gave him a small nod, warmth growing in your chest, your fear and worry leaving, knowing that (Love) and your babies were going to be by your side for this new adventure.
-It had started weeks ago, when (Love) asked if you would come with him to his pantheon- his home, as he wanted to introduce you to his friends and family, since you and your children were now a part of his family as well.
-You knew that some may not be as accepting as he is, as you had heard of some gods that disliked humans, and you were nervous that if there were any of these gods at this little get together, that they wouldn’t like you and deem you unworthy of being with (Love).
-(Love) didn’t care- he loved you for you, human or not, just like your children, who adored you and were all fiercely protective of you.
-You felt foolish, feeling so nervous, knowing that you had such a strong support group.
-When you entered the pantheon, your children flying ahead, to scout out any potential threats, you were looking around in awe, amazed by the beauty of his home- it was so unlike the village you called home.
-Several voices called out in greeting- greeting (Love) warmly by name, welcoming him back before their eyes fell to you.
-You felt a chill of fear run up your spine, feeling nervous at their stares before someone shoved (Love) off you, pushing him away before enveloping you in a warm hug, “I’m so happy to finally meet you! (Love) has talked so much about you- all good things of course!”
-Being greeted so warmly made you instantly relax, a smile appearing on your lips as you bowed your head lightly, greeting them politely.
-(Love) was soon pouting, arms crossed over his chest as you were surrounded by his friends and family, all of them adoring you, finding you so sweet and gentle.
-Your babies looked so proud but also so happy, seeing you happy, and they were welcomed quickly into the fold, as (Love) had told them your tale and the tale of your birth- your babies.
-Just like (Love), they were infuriated to learn how cruelly you had been treated- how could anyone be so cruel to someone like you?!
-(Love) was soon regretting bringing you, as albums were brought out, showing you embarrassing pictures and baby pictures, which made you coo on how cute your lover was, and you were told all sorts of embarrassing stories which made you laugh while (Love) wanted to crawl into a hole, begging them to stop.
-(Love) ended up grabbing you, rushing off when your children provided a momentary distraction, and you heard the uproar of outrage behind you, demanding that he bring you back.
-You couldn’t help but laugh as your arms were wrapped around his neck, hugging him close as he ran, your babies flying to catch up, staying close to (Love).
-You were held close that evening, as he was pouting, burying his face into the back of your neck, hugging you close while your babies were cuddled in your arms, soaking up the affection you were giving to them.
-(Love) squeezed you lightly, hugging you close, as he was happy that those who were important to him loved you just as much as he and your babies did. But there would be no visits for a while- he needs time to recover, and he hoped you would forget what you had been told or shown.
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artsybug0 · 1 year
What are some facts about Millie? (Can also be for any AU!)
❤️Fun Facts About Millie!❤️
She’s afraid of the dark so she uses a nigh-light when she sleeps
She likes foods with strawberries in them more then just eating strawberries
Her entire home is lovecore decorated
She has three adopted parents who are in a poly relationship
She has seven adopted brothers
She’s the oldest sibling but third to be adopted
Millie can do many tricks on her roller skates. She even puts on a show for her neighbors with Barnaby
She caught feelings for Wally first
She compliments people a lot about how they look like characters from books she’s read
She gushes often about romance stories
You can often find her sitting on Howdys counter reading out loud to him as he works
She stims a lot (she’s just a happy gal!)
She word stims Wally’s name often
She’s afraid of fire (like big fires)
She moved to the big city to go to a good college to become an author.
She graduated with a BA (Bachelors of Arts)
She’s worked a lot of jobs and has been almost all over Hollywood for work, but as you can imagine for a puppet. That didn’t get her anywhere
She gained her kinda violent tendencies while living alone in Hollywood (learned behavior for her own survival)
She became extremely depressed and had thoughts (and one attempt) at 💀 herself
She was literally dragged into the studio to be a replacement Actor for Welcome Home Puppet Show by Janet
She knew how to act because at that time she’s been pretending to be a “damsel in distress” to manipulate men into using their money on her so she can have a comfortable life for years.
She’s a big fan of Eddie’s
Millie only worked so hard to be Wally’s friend so she can hopefully get him to meet up with her youngest brothers who she used to watch WH with all the time
Millie originally planned to use Wally’s feelings to manipulate him into giving her everything she wants, but she caught the feelings before she could do anything (Wally was rude and cold towards her at the beginning so she saw this as revenge)
She at first declined Wally’s gifts for her because she was nervous she was accidentally manipulating him to think that’s what he wants to do (she wasn’t, he just loves spoiling her)
She has a list of “reasons why I love Wally” on her phone that she occasionally adds to
Egg was a gift from Wally, he’s their baby
Millie was engaged to a human once
Doesn’t have a friend group
She roller derby’s
Everytime you see her she has a new bruise or scratch
She often gets into fights
She thrives in annoying people
Refuses to acknowledge that she has valid feelings
Her wings flap when she’s angy
She didn’t get as much as a height boost as the rest so she’s pretty small compared to everyone 😂
She teases a lot
She hates being teased though
She’s used to being described as hot or sexy but as soon as someone calls her cute she’s embarrassed and red faced
She’s actually pretty lonely, and despite how she acts, she really does care about what people say or do to her.
She’s very attached to her partners Susanna( @yami-xd character) and Wally. But mostly Susanna because she doesn’t call her mean names and is pretty nice to her
Is the most likely Millie to have 🔞 with you (if you’re around her age, 23-27)(she’s a ho)
Rainbow Factory
She’s by far, the loneliest Millie
Her parents death were later in life so she would of been at least 13 when it happened
She was never adopted
Her scars were caused by a chemical explosion she was too close to
Only Wally visited her in the hospital (that’s how she developed strong feelings for him)
She soon changed job titles and became his assistant
Even though she’s his assistant she does a LOT more then what is required of her. But she doesn’t mind.
She mixes coffee and energy drinks in a cup and chugs it down at once before working
She had extremely jealously over those who have things she doesn’t (friends, family, beauty)
She really despises Julie in this Au but doesn’t do anything about it. She only hates her because she’s Wally’s ex
She has a soft spot of kids, they remind her of herself before everything happened so she wants to protect them
She’s made fun of for her scars so often she doesn’t believe anyone if they compliment her for being “pretty”
She keeps trying to ask Wally out but backs out last second
She passes out often from overworking herself and starving her body
All the other Au’s I don’t have much put together to make fun facts about them yet so this is all I can give for now!
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hopeymchope · 8 months
"Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" might've had a lot less kaiju action than the previous attempt to translate Godzilla into a TV series, but it more than made up for that in quality storytelling!
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My sundry observations, gripes, praises and questions:
They really went out of their way to honor the Japanese roots of the source material, didn't they? We're in Japan for a ton of the show, dealing with Japanese and/or Japanese-descended characters for the majority of it, and have a surprising amount of Japanese dialogue throughout — it's nice.
I know Wyatt Russell is a Nepo Baby, but he's honestly still very good at what he does. I don't think the series has any bad acting... but the two Russells (because Kurt Russell is, ofc, amazing), Mari Yamamota (Keiko Miura) and Joe Tippett (Tim) are still the absolute highlights for most of the run, IMO. The Russells and Yamamota do the emotional heavy lifting with aplomb, whereas Tippett is so naturalistic and likable that it's hard not to find him engaging.
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Cate starts off the series being such an asshole who doesn't show any empathy for people going through the EXACT SAME SHIT that she is, but I think the later reveal of her trauma on "G-Day" somewhat explains her attitude problem. She then manages to pivot to being much more likable JUUUUST in time for the episode where we get the flashbacks revealing she was a shitty person even BEFORE G-Day. LOL.
May ALSO swings between being likable and being a total ass, and while that sounds like a complaint, I actually sort of appreciate it. We're seeing the main female characters get the kind of nuance and depth to them that they aren't often afforde in mass-market media, and that's cool.
On the flip side, there's Kentaro. The fact that both Cate and May get to act both likable and dickishreally me expect the same thing for Kentaro. They're the trio of young people who make up the titular "Legacy," right? (Well, I guess that's mostly meant to refer to Cate/Kentaro.) So... I was shocked when Kentaro's chance to be a total prick never came around. He's pretty likable and understandable throughout! Even when he's being SUPER harsh on Hiroshi, I still understand it in light of what Hiroshi's done to their families. I feel like maybe Kentaro got something of a short shrift on this front. He gets adequate backstory, mind you, but he also never gets either A) as much focus time as May and Cate, nor B) a chance to come off like kind of a dick like May and Cate sometimes do? It's a little tempting to say that making him the more "pure" of the trio comes off as sexist, but... the way that he gradually is shoved into the background of the story's focus and doesn't even get to go on the big final adventure makes it pretty clear that this ISN'T because the producers favor Kentaro. More like the opposite....
In fact, take particular note of how nobody really gives him credit for how he was the ENTIRE REASON THEY SURVIVED Episode 4. They diss him and don't believe him, and when he's ultimately proven right in a way that saves all their asses? May gives the credit for her survival to Cate for some inexplicable reason. (Except for ONE later moment when neither Kentaro or Cate can know or hear her admit Kentaro saved them.) WTF. I found that frustrating.
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That episode was the start of Cate and May becoming incredibly tight-knight with one another, and I'm still not clear on how/why that happened. Is it just because they both vascillate between being chlidish assholes and likable adults?? By the halfway point of the show, I was really getting strong shippy vibes off them. Which would be super cute and sweet if it wasn't also, y'know... kinda shitty. Because May used to be with her brother? Who clearly still had feelings for her when the series starts, just a few days prior? MMM.... not cool, May. To be fair, however, not always caring about their own hurtful/sketchy behavior is actually pretty in-character for them both, so maybe it works. And I suppose you gotta take that happiness where you can get it in this crazy, now-kaiju-laden world.
The character who shows up at the end of Episode 9 completely shocked me. They got me there. And in light of that twist — that character who disappears near the end of the finale? Perhaps this goes without saying, but there's no way we've seen the last of them. ZERO chance... unless the person portraying them doesn't renew their contract for season 2 or something. :P
This is, of course, a "Monsterverse" series. But the logic of how the Hollow Earth works in this show doesn't seem to REMOTELY align with how it was portrayed in Godzilla vs Kong, does it? Not even KIND OF. I wonder if Godzilla x Kong will get that disconnect to retroactively make sense.
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At least one returning actor from the Monsterverse films shows up to provide a link... for one scene.
And speaking of the Monsterverse, that's hardly the only Continuity Sketchiness going on here! Serizawa only gets name-dropped ONCE in this series despite the fact that he's still presumably the HEAD DUDE IN CHARGE over there. They keep calling Verdugo the Deputy Director because Serizawa is the director, right?? Though Verdugo sure does make unilateral decisions about the whole-ass organizations multiple times in this show.
All of my prior point is especially goofy when the idea of HELPING Godzilla is treated as this shocking, bizarre concept ..... despite the fact that it's Serizawa's entire fucking philosophy since BEFORE this takes place???
Okay, let's shift back to positives: Takehiro Hira doesn't get as much screen time as many cast members, but his performances over the last two episodes are friggin' emotionally devastating. Fantastic.
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The lack of more Toho monsters in the Monsterverse has been something of a downer for me personally, but they still do pull out some really cool original designs. That Frost Vark is pretty badass.
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Chasing Laughter
Kanene's Notes: Heyaa! Gosh, it's been a long time since I've been able to write and finish AND post a fic. But! I've got a new fandom >:D uytredrtyuidfg So, at first I didn't know a lot about Fit but GOSH, now he is one of my faves. Like, a guy that is trapped in a experiment controlled by a gigantic force that is not above torturing, experimenting and doing awful thing just to keep the control and yet this is the happier he had ever been? Because he has a wonderful son and friends? Because here, different from the world filled with war he came before, he at least knows a bit of peace? And he would do anything to still have this love, happiness and family he found? B r u h I am on the FLOOR Although, I still haven't watched a LOT of him so probably this is kind of OOC but yeah it is what it is dfghujuygtfrftgy
Warnings: None. This is pure flluff and plyaful tickles. Ticklish!Ramón and Ler!Fit. Around 1.000 words. General warning: this is a tickle fic
Ramón took off running.
It felt almost natural, now. He learned to run for his life a long time ago, nowadays being able to deal much better with all the thoughts his mind had to attend to. Where he should step, when he should keep going or try to hide, how far was his pursuer, what could he do to get just a few more seconds before help came… 
At first, it wasn’t supposed to be a game, running away from someone more than often isn’t in his daily life. Not with the place that they lived. The island.
But, well… 
The wind ruffled his hair and the adrenaline raced in his veins, heartbeat going in sync with his footsteps, painting in firm strokes and nimble steps determination in every turn and dodge. The voice that followed him on his path only served as a reminder that it was just a fun chase.
It was hard to not have fun when his father was involved. 
“Ramooon, where are you? You can’t run forever, my baby boy.”
All of this was Dapper’s fault, really. He was a menace and immature and the one who didn’t know when to admit that he had lost the wrestling match and so decided to change to cheating so he could win. And no. It didn’t matter that technically Ramón had also cheated by sneaking up behind his twin and starting the play fight when the other was busy building. That is not cheating. This is being tactical and having a strategy . Cheating is resorting to unfair methods like throwing all your weapons and tools to the ground, shoving your hands under the enemy’s chestplate and squeezing their sides non stop.
Tickling isn’t even allowed in a real fight! Dapper doesn’t even expect the big storm that is coming to him, Ramón also has a lot of a very kind of giggly, tickly blackmail about his brother that he is more than happy to share with his uncle Bad.
He just needed to survive this chase first.
With the potato gun in his hand he turned around, firing. None of them hit the target, it was hard when both of them were moving so fast and inconsistently, full of zig zags, circles and jumps on the usual irregular soil.
“Ops, almost got me there, Ramon, but you can’t escape your father.”
Ramón almost laughed, almost cursed and almost tried to shoot another round of potatoes on his dad for being so embarrassing.
“You know I will always find you. Come here, my boy!”
In the end, he ended up stumbling.
His body didn’t even had the chance to fall on the grass before two hands, warm and kind. larger than life, full of scars that contained brave stories and strong enough to hold him dangling in the air in what his Tío Foolish liked to call the “Air Prison”, got him from behind.
“Oh! Oh!! I got you, I got youuuu, my beautiful, beautiful baby boy! Look what I have right in my hands, a cute little sneaker who thought that he could outrun his old man, huh? You love to see it.”
Ramón struggled on the hold, kicking and feeling his cheeks light up in flames at his father’s usual baby voice, trying to ignore with his entire might all the giggles crawling up his throat and the gigantic smile that fought to take over his mouth. 
He was NOT going to lose this time! No matter how much embarrassing praises and unfair baby voices his own father attempted to pull against him, he would keep himself strong and simply not break!
(He always did. No matter how long they’ve played this game of hide and seek and chase, or how often his father’s eyes glinted in pure happiness when he saw him awake or even how the pride took over his words and gestures every time Ramón showed him his newer project. Everyday Ramon tried to keep his composure, his mature self in front of him as a shield and a preparation. Yet,  every single day his dad came and let him act and feel like he was… like he could be just a child in front of him.)
All his thoughts came to a halt and got scrambled when suddenly he was thrown upwards and spun in the air, no time to get the grappling hook to escape the situation before Fit caught him again, now with both of them being able to face each other. 
His father’s grin was as mischievous as big. Ramón huffed and squinted at him and did not pout at his destiny. 
A couple of fingers sneaking under his armpits and digging there quickly made his grumpy demeanor melt in a loud squeak.
"Ohoho, what is this? Is that a smile that I am seeing right there? A big, bright and starry five stars smile, indeed."
Ramón shook his head, entire body shaking with the struggle of keeping the laughter inside. His hands attempted to push his father's hold away, but it would be much easier to try to move a mountain. 
The fingers began crawling downwards, giving each rib a few quick, nimble scribble before focusing entirely on squeezing his sides, not being even slightly discouraged by the smaller’s tactic of trying to become a defensive ball, a couple of quiet yelps escaping when the scratching found a sweet spot right where his sides and ribs connected.
"I think someone's barrier is about to crack.~" Fit playful taunted.
A couple of giggles ran away without permission from his mouth, his smile growing from one ear to another as each tickle seemed to send a tingly, funny kind of adrenaline in his veins.
It took only single scribble on his stomach for everything, every squeal, giggly snort, squeaky wheeze and crackling to come trembling down from his mouth, filling the air with a loud, energetic laughter and a quiet, amused chuckle that danced together amidst the wind and the trees.
For a few moments that was all that existed, the silly, playful, tickly moment and genuine laughter. It lasted a couple of minutes before Fit decided they both already had their fun and that Ramón could use some of benefits of taking big, uninterrupted gulps of air.
"Okay, okay, enough. I don't want to take it too far." His father's movements weren't exactly gentle , still roughed in the edges by the life he had before the island, but he was the most careful as he let him on the ground and discreet enough to not snicker too loud when Ramón wobbled a bit on the same spot, left over sniggers still escaping and making his nose scrunch up. "Are you alright, Ramón?"
The kid just quietly wiped the beginnings of tears that formed in the corner of his eyes before, in a flash, grabbing his sword and quickly hitting his dad with a clear swing before jumping away.
"Wh- wha- what! Hey!" His voice was the perfect mix of amused and exasperated. Not a single drop of regret in it as the flames danced on his armor, barely even affecting him. "Now, come on…"
He stepped closer to the smaller one, only for Ramón to jump away once more and pull his spyglass, squinting at him in a clear show of protest.
(Of course both realized how the corner of his mouth was still up in a remain of a happy smile, how the swing was totally non harmful and how he would never, ever, truly run away from his father.)
"OK, OK, you're right, that was unfair of me." Ramón slightly bent his knees, hand still close to his sword, waiting for more. "What if we go clear that dungeon you mentioned earlier? Think you could forgive me then?"
The kid quickly put away his spyglass, stepping closer and nodding pleased. His father was smart. He knew he would stop being silly and see the reason, eventually.
Fit watched as his kid led the way, a pep on his step and a joyful hum in the tip of his tongue. His chest filled with warmth, realizing (not for the first or last time) how lucky he was to have all of this in his life.
He will do anything to keep this happiness, to keep them, alive.
Ramón may or may not strategically try to get his revenge in the future in front of a very curious and mischievous Brazilian (Pac really needed a Second to Breath when he heard Fit giggling for the first time, and, really, how could he just NOT help his sobrinho, ya know?) and ever since their life (and bit by bit the life of everyone in the island because rumors fly like crazy and not a single one in there isn't prone to some mischief) got filled with much more laughter and sillyness Just wanted to write some light-hearted fun
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zoguy1 · 4 months
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Here's Calli!! Also his bf Xavier.
I made Calli, and his brother Mulberry, a long ass time ago, while I was in middle school. They were a Swap Sans x Fell Sans ship children. Cringe? Very much. But have appreciation for these OCs because I didn't realized how much I projected onto them until I grew into an adult and went to therapy for a few years.
I'll start with Calli's origin story, and share Mulberry's when I post his pride art.
Callicarpa, although being a CherryBerry child, was originally from SwapFell (red). He was raised by Swapfell!Sans to be a child soldier. Big problem though, he has a problem with his fight or flight, in that he always freezes. He wasn't a bad fighter by any sense of the word. He's skilled. But he has a problem when it comes to anytime he's afraid. This caused him to be bullied relentlessly by his parental unit. As a result, Callicarpa became very fisty and argumentative. He's also blunt and often times come off as rude.
One day, he meets his alternate self, Mulberry. Mulberry is the complete opposite of Callicarpa. Mulberry is sweet, kind, and cute. All things Callicarpa has despised because of his upbringing. So he projected a lot of his internalized problems shit on Mulberry. Calling him a "baby" and "weak".
One day, Mulberry got a glimpse into Callicarpa's personal life, and saw how shitty he was treated, and because Mulberry is a daddy's boy and like 10? He told his dad, Swap Sans, about this and Swap Sans took Callicarpa under his custody.
Callicarpa very much hated this. He lived his whole life in a Fell universe and is suddenly been taken out of it, and put into an environment where it's not "kill or be killed" anymore. He had to deal with the culture shock that you don't have to be strong to survive. That you can just be yourself and people will like you. It's not something he's used to. What he *is* used to is lashing out. So he's made a fuss about this for a few years now. Not accepting his new family and very much dreams of going back.
One day, he meets Xavier, a Cross Sans x Dream Sans child, and he had a fascination at first sight with him. Callicarpa viewed all of Underswap to be weak compared to him, and Xavier was the first person who could match him in fighting skill. So Callicarpa talks about his life and how much it sucked and how much he wanted to go back to Swapfell. Xavier offers to take him back, since he has the ability to. And Callicarpa jumps at the opportunity.
Once he was back in Swapfell, he realized how much it sucked and how shitty his first father was to him. Having lived a normal life with Swap Sans and Mulberry, he had to come to the realization that life was not good back in Swapfell. So he chose to go back to Underswap.
There, he dose a lot of self-reflection with the help of Xavier. Coming to terms with his current home life, and starting to explore who he wants to be instead of what he had to be in Swapfell. He starts working on his relationship with his brother. He starts exploring his sexuality and gender presentation. He starts exploring hobbies he never got the chance to do back in Swapfell.
Because of this shift. He goes from a self-centered arrogant brat who thinks he's better then everyone else, to a self-confident cheerleader who will fuck up a bitch if they start fucking with his people.
From there, Calli assists in Xavier's story of trying to out beat his uncle, Nightmare. A story in which I didn't flesh out at all. Just kinda been a post-it note on Xavier's character.
Calli grows up to be a professional clothes maker. Learning about fashion and aims to show the world his creations. He also lives a noematic life with Xavier and eventually have a kid named Juniper.
I love Calli's story because of how much I unintentionally projected onto him. His original purpose was to be a foil to Mulberry. Mulberry was my Marry Sue character, and I wanted to give him something to have conflict. So Callicarpa was going to be someone who Mulberry would have to fight with.
But I think Calli reflects my adoption experience. I was adopted by my aunt at the age of 6. Growing up, I felt like the black sheep of the family, and had a lot of behavioral issues. I didn't like my aunt. I loved her, and was grateful for what she did for me. But I didn't like her. I didn't feel like she understood me nor was there for me emotionally. Now adays I accept that she wasn't a perfect parent. That there's no such thing as a perfect parent. And that she did her best with what she knew at the time.
I want to make Calli's story into an actual story one day. Once I get enough motivation, I will. But for now. Calli is remains a concept.
Bonus art time:
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This is the gang. From left to right we have Mulberry, Flamelight, Callicarpa, Nova Flame, Cyber Hono, Fuego, and Parapsplat. All ship children. Flame, Nova, Cyber and Fuego are all Sans x Grillby children. Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, and Swapfell respectively. Nova, Cyber and Fuego are not considered Mulberry and Calli's brothers because they have different Sanses.
Parasplat is an Ink x Fresh ship child. Or como child? Is it combo child if the parents of said child aren't together in the child's canon? Idk. I use "ship child" to refer to any character created with the intention of making a mixed design of two characters.
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This was one of Xavier's beta design.
I noticed that pretty much everyone in the gang had hair and Calli and Mulberry didn't. So I gave them wigs.
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Here's some Mulberry and Callicarpa banter. They very much fight like siblings do.
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moccahobi · 2 years
A Story From a Different Time [Taehyung x Reader]
Summery:  Love. Love is such a wonder. Your love story is especially wondrous to your grandkids who love love as much as you and hang on to every word as you relive the time in your life as a teacher when you met a soft hearted tattoo artist.
Pairings: Taehyung (BTS) x Reader
Rating: Teens and up
Warnings: a suggestive joke
Word Count:  4.8k
Genre: Fluff, a hint of angst, Teacher au! Tattoo artist au!
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVELY AND AMAZING @taegularities​. This has been quite a year for you and I am so proud of all you’ve done and survived. You’re so strong and caring. Make sure to have a nice big celebration and remember, I am always giving you big big hugs. I love you so much bb!
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“Yes, Dohyun-ah?” 
“How did-did-did you and harabeoji meet?” 
You sighed, gently rubbing Dohyun’s head as you tucked his sheets around him. 
“Well, it was…”
You sighed and giggled, looking out the window to the clear night sky.
“We met in a really cute way… but it’s late, baby, I can tell you tomorrow. What story do you want me to read to you tonight?”
Dohyun pouted, his lips pouting.
“P-please Halmoni! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
You laughed, rubbing his forehead.
“Ok, baby.”
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 He signed up for one of my weekend reading programs reading to children. I don’t know what I expected him to look like. Maybe like other people in their twenties who often showed up to these events in jeans and a t-shirt. Nonetheless, I was shocked when he showed up to the training program in a leather clad outfit. He looked soooo tough back then! Later I learned that he had come right from work to attend the training. He had been very worried that other people at the training would give him funny looks for his tough outfit. 
He shuffled up to me to check in and listened to the session, nodding along and taking notes. He even came around after the session with a list of questions that he was too shy to ask in front of everyone, all the while, a small smile was on his face.
I went home that night with mixed feelings. 
He was so sweet and no one would reasonably throw a fit about him helping out at the center. That being said how would the kids react to someone heavily tattooed and covered in leather? How would parents react to him?
Many of the kids hadn’t seen more than one or two tattoos and they went wild for them… and tattoos were still taboo generally. You knew they’d have mixed reactions to Taehyung. I’d hoped that it would be good for them.
What I hadn’t expected for the first session was for Taehyung to show up thirty minutes sooner than asked... which was a whole hour before children would show up. I was taken aback from how he looked today.
Baggy jeans, a loose shirt, and a soft yellow cardigan. His tattoos were somewhat hidden. His left hand was taped up to hide his tattoos but not everything was hidden as well. The tattoos under his shirt looked almost like ghosts under his t-shirt, especially when it touched his skin. If one wasn't looking closely it might have looked like he was wearing a very faded styled shirt. 
He looked much softer than he had the day before.
I was struck by him. 
The whole first thirty minutes were very awkward though because I didn't have much to do before the adults arrived. There was no way I would have managed to move 30 small desks around the day of a session so I had done most of the preparations for the program last night. 
In the end, we settled for making some coffee. It wasn't the best. The Keurig only had a few off-brand light roast blends, but Taehyung’s company made it worthwhile. 
"I wish that I could have the classroom set up like this all the time. My students would love it." I sighed looking around the soft and inviting space. 
The desks were pushed against the cubbies and used as barriers to seperate off different reading sections. Blankets were thrown over the ones being used as barriers to soften the whole vibe. I'd even gone through the work to grab all the soft and comfortable chairs I could find in the building to use. I had also spent some time organizing all the books by their difficulty at the table up front for adults to grab for their student groups. It was a beautiful setup and would help the day go by smoothly.
The place looked so soft and inviting… so unlike my normal classroom.
"You've done an amazing setting up the space, Y/n-ssi." 
"Thank you!"
He held my gaze for a few seconds, his cup awkwardly held up as if about to take a sip. I imagine it was uncomfortable. I could barely hold the cup for a few seconds before the coffee’s heat became too much for my sensitive fingers.
Now I know that his hands had long since gotten used to heat from the needles tattoo artists use. 
Instead of taking a sip, he broke eye contact and looked around with a deep sigh, "The place is so different from the tattoo shop I work at. It's a nice change. The tattoo shop I work at definitely leans into the grunge aesthetic."
I laughed, "Yeah. This place isn't very grunge."
Taehyung's deep laugh filled the room, seeming to bounce off of the walls and hug me comfortingly. I liked his laugh even then. 
"Now I want to see this place in a grunge aesthetic."
He looked at me thoughtfully then, butterflies filling my stomach as I looked at him. I was tempted to ask him what was going through his head at that moment. As he was about to open his mouth to say something, someone else walked in. 
The moment was lost. 
There were many more moments though. 
During that day and most of the future classes, Taehyung and I shared many soft glances. Sometimes it was during breaks, the kids running around to get drinks and snacks as he sat and waited. Other times, it was while he was reading and I was walking around. Each time though, I felt a warm blush rise up on me. He stayed a little late most sessions as well, spending extra time helping me clean up as the two of us chatted away. His humor drew me in almost immediately. 
I felt like I'd develop a six pack from how much I was laughing. 
I enjoyed it.
On my way to a painting cafe, I found myself ruminating on our conversations. My mind replying back our jokes and conversations. You'd wondered if Taehyung’s actions were showing him wanting to become my friend or if he was being nice. I liked spending time with him and it would be so cool to have a friend who actually enjoyed going to painting cafes. Jihyo, bless her soul, only came begrudgingly after I promised that we would do a 10k race together. 
I shuddered at the thought as I entered the cafe and made my way to Jihyo and I’s reserved table. Tonight would be a fun night for the two of us. I wouldn’t think about Taehyung right now. He was something I could worry about later.
“Listen, unnie. I know I don’t like painting as much as you but you look like you’re dreading tonight.” Jihyo said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Oh? I looked stressed?”
She laughed and nodded, setting her stuff down as she sat down, “You looked like you were about to start writing a lesson plan.”
“Omg! Not at all! I was thinking about someone.”
“Miss. Y/n thinking of someone?! Unheard of!” 
I laughed and shoved Jihyo, “Shut up. That isn’t true… but it is Kim Taehyung. He’s a volunteer for the reading program and I’ve been enjoying his company. I hope if he was too. That’s all.”
“Is he hot?”
Jihyo wiggled her eyebrows as she cooed, “Then ask him out!”
“No! I don’t even know if he wants to become my friend… I don’t think I could even ask him out.”
“Well… it doesn’t have to be a long term dating thing.”
“No. If I went out with someone, I’d want it to be for a serious relationship. Besides, I don’t even like Taehyung that way.”
Jihyo shrugged, “You’re demi, right? Your feelings could change as you get to know him more.” 
“Perhaps… I don’t want to talk about this anymore though. How’s classes going for you?” 
“Yah! You think that work is a better topic than romance!? I am hurt… but classes are going well. My students aren’t as rough as last year. It is like a breath of fresh air.” 
“I am glad.” I looked down at the canvas that was at my table, “My classes are going decent as well. I have a few kids that need extra help, but they are very nice.” 
“That’s good… now… I have a very important question… Do you have any idea what you’re going to paint?” 
I laughed, “No. Do you?”
“Nope… which is why I need to focus for a little while.” 
I laughed and nodded, grabbing a paintbrush and trying to think about the painting. All my worries lessened for a little as I painted. It was why I liked painting so much. For the time I painted, everything felt easier to manage. My stress was less significant as I focused on something completely different than classes and people. It was also a perfect creative outlet and stress reliever. 
I deeply needed that painting session with Jihyo. It left me feeling refreshed and upbeat. Plus, I found myself planning intensely how to decorate my classroom and my reading room for Halloween. A totally normal thing to do the week before Halloween. I had so much trouble finding inexpensive decorations since so many had been bought already. I found myself often falling down rabbit holes of DIY decorations and sites that were selling tons of decorations for cheap. That was what Taehyung found me doing when he showed up early for the next weekend reading session. 
I jumped when he first spoke, too engrossed by the search to notice him, “Those decorations don’t look very grunge.” He said as he entered and sat next to me. 
“Ohhhh. You’re right! Want to help me look for some more grunge ones?” 
He nodded and we found ourselves in a comfortable silence as we scrolled through a site. With him, I filled my wishlist with tons of cool decorations. I had low hopes of actually getting them approved but I didn’t have the heart to tell him that, he looked way too excited at the fun items we were finding. 
“I am so tempted to get some of these for myself. They are so cool!” 
“They are. I hope that I am able to get some with how close it is to halloween.” 
Taehyung laughed, “I am rooting for you!”
I blushed and nodded, “Thank you. If not, I will probably have to stay up and make some myself. It’ll be fun though. I like painting so it’s not like it’ll be a painful task.”
“Oh? Painting? I didn’t know!” 
“There is a lot that you don’t know about me, Taehyung-ah.” I said jokingly, gently shoving his shoulder.
“I’d like to learn more about you. How long have you been painting?” 
“Five or so years at this point. I am not the best but it’s good stress relief and it is very fun.” 
“Art is so nice. I feel similar with drawing. Been drawing for eight or so years and tattooing for four. I find them so relaxing.” 
I nodded, “Tattooing sounds stressful to me… what if you make a mistake?” 
“Well, then I got to improvise!” Taehyung laughed, “If you want help with making some decorations, I’d be happy to help out.” 
“Thank you, and if I’m able to get them and you want, you could always take some of the decorations after I use them.” 
“Really?” He asked, an excited look growing on his face as he looked between the long wishlist and me.
I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach as I nodded, worrying my lip, “I’d need you to promise to return them for me to use next year.” 
Taehyung turned and looked at me more intensely, “I can promise that.” 
Was he always this close to me? Or was he getting closer? 
I couldn’t tell but the tension budding between us was very present and I didn’t quite know if I minded. He leaned in closer, his hand rising to cup my cheek before he started speaking again, “Listen, Y/n-ah--”
“Miss Y/L/N! Quick question about the test tomorrow!” A new teacher opened the door, “Oh-- Am I interrupting anything?”
I separated, my face red hot, “Not at all. What can I help you with?”
Taehyung seemed to deflate as the teacher and I talked but I felt somewhat relieved by the distance. Did I want to kiss him? Did I like him? I didn’t understand my feelings and a possible kiss would have made it so much more confusing for me. 
Plus, there was no way he liked me. We hadn’t even hung out outside of these sessions and I barely had time to do so. This must’ve been a heat of the moment mistake for Taehyung. 
Despite the momentary relief, the whole reading session felt tense. Taehyung seemed to waver between being more touchy and being stand-offish, and I didn’t know how to act either. Something happened and acting like nothing did would be silly but there wasn’t time to talk about it. The longer the day went on, the more confused I felt about my own feelings as well… Maybe Taehyung would be a good boyfriend… But was I ready for one? Would he be ok with me spending so much time working?
I didn’t know what to think and Taehyung didn’t seem to want to talk after the session was done. He quickly left the room, barely even saying goodbye before going. It hurt and I found myself stressing about his reaction. What would this halloween session look like? How awkward was it going to be?
Unsurprisingly, as the week progressed, I didn’t have much time to worry about how Taehyung would act during our session. Work was challenging normally. Having to juggle everything with Halloween decorations made me busier. It didn’t help that the school seemed bent on not approving anything fun. The grunge theme wasn’t approved for my classroom and Jihyo wanted to do a Nightmare Before Christmas theme which was shut down as well. The school telling both of us to stick to traditional Halloween decorations. 
I had to use the same, brittle and old Halloween decorations saved from gym Halloween parties. I also took to making some new decorations that were as basic and boring as the old ones I got permission to use. The kids seemed to enjoy the decorations and they took great fun in helping decorate the classroom, but it made me sad. Especially when Taehyung showed up early on Halloween. 
“Oh? Here I thought there was talk about grunge themes?” He asked as soon as he entered.
Despite his comment, he looked excited, a large square smile growing on his face. He had a Jack Skellington sweater on under his leather jacket, something he’d worn a few times during the sessions. The kids (and you) went wild over. Part of me wanted to call Jihyo over to show her the Jack Skellington outfit as she’d get a kick out of it, but she had too much work to do. 
 Part of you might have wanted to be alone with Taehyung.
The two of you could talk about what happened last week, “My boss almost gave me a stern talking to about the grunge theme. It isn’t Halloween themed according to them.” 
He laughed. 
“I guess. Still a shame. I was excited to walk into a grunge classroom.” He hummed, wandering up to a skeleton and poking it, “This reminds me of what one of my high school science teachers had in his classroom. Scared me so much every time I saw it.” 
I laughed and nodded, “Did your teacher ever claim that it was an actual skeleton?”
“No! That would have made it so much worse! I would have needed to transfer classes if he did that.” 
“My middle school science teacher said that every year they chose the worst student to become a science skeleton.”
“Omo! That is so scary!”
“It gets worse! I had the lowest grade that year. My classmates gave me flowers after our final.”
Taehyung laughed loudly as he leaned closer to the skeleton, “I wouldn’t have taken you as someone who would’ve done bad in classes. Here I thought that all teachers were good students as kids.”
“Oh no! I needed sooooo much help to pass my classes. I have dyslexia and ADHD and I wouldn’t have made it through school if it weren’t for tutors and good teachers. That’s why I wanted to become a teacher. I want more kids to have the chance to do well in classes. All kids deserve care and support.” 
“That’s very kind of you.” Taehyung looked at me with a soft look then and I found my skin itching under his gaze. This would’ve been a great time to talk about what happened last week… but I couldn’t do it.
“Yeah. Although sometimes, well often times, they aren’t kind back. One time, I got this new haircut that I was feeling. It was super different than what I normally get but I was feeling adventurous… well the kids didn’t approve. One went up to me and said my haircut was ugly.”
Taehyung started laughing.
“I was so embarrassed and I’ll never get that haircut again. My friend still bring it up to this day sometimes.” 
“Noooo! Why would they do that?”
“Well… because she was in the room with me when it happened and my face turned beet red when they said it. I was frozen for a minute or so after too. She finds it hilarious.” 
“It is a little funny.”
You started laughing as well, “It was very funny in retrospect.”
Taehyung nodded, joining you in laughing as others started coming into the room. The reading day sadly started as your conversation eded. On the bright side though, after Halloween, there was much less tension in the air. We’d drink some tea and talk for a few minutes before the actual program started and by the end of the academic year, I was considering him a friend (dare I say one of my closest, non-teacher friends)... even if there was also a tension between the two of us sometimes. 
Neither of us seemed to have the courage to ask for the other’s phone number. We talked lightly about meeting up later some time, but it was as if neither of us had the courage to take the next step. It was like there was some sort of barrier between us and neither of us knew how to break it. I wanted to get closer outside of the reading program and Taehyung seemed to as well. Yet nothing happened past talking about doing so.
That was until the end of year celebration. I had wanted to do some sort of celebration to thank the volunteers who helped over the year and finally managed to get it approved by the school. Most of the places they talked about were pricey and I’d only gotten a bit of money from the school with the approval. Nowhere near enough to pay for the amount of food people were talking about getting at these pricey restaurants. It became a hot topic of discussion over email with people trying to bargain with everyone to get the restaurant of their choice
As the email chain was dying down with little agreement on location to celebrate, Taehyung suggested that we go to a noraebang. I later learned was one of his favorite places to go to celebrate. People seemed into the idea and it worked well for the budget because I could pay for the first two hours and a round of beverages for the chaperones. Plus, it would be easy for them to pay separately for other food and drinks they ended up getting. It wasn’t an all paid celebration but it made it easy for people to go over budget without tons of confusing payment.
After that night, noraebangs became my new favorite outing, and it really helped that the people I was going with were so good. 
Everyone was cheering each other on and dancing. I didn’t expect I’d have as much fun as I did but the environment was so wonderful. Plus, it helped that Taehyung set the mood. He wasn’t shy of embarrassing himself. He made the night so chaotic, and had such a soothing voice. I swear, he could have been a singer if he wanted to be. 
I was mesmerized by his singing and I remember vividly during his last song, I found myself accepting that I liked him romantically. I could see myself going out with him. While I didn’t know what to do with this realization, I felt beyond excited.
As the night was winding down, I realized that if I wanted to see Taehyung again, it was time for me to gather my courage and ask for his number. We likely wouldn’t see each other again otherwise. I grew nervous as I thought over the ways I could ask for his number.
Funny thing though… I didn’t end up asking for his number. 
The night ended with a soft kiss between the two of us… and then we awkwardly parted ways. 
I beat myself up over it so much. He was so cool and now that the program finished, I had no way to contact him and no guarantee that I'd see him again. I was disappointed in myself. 
I also understood why I didn’t ask for his number. After the kiss, I felt starstruck and also very awkward. It was a night of high emotions and I found myself second guessing everything that happened. He likely got carried away and I didn’t know if I wanted to risk it.
After that night, I felt upset at myself and my fears. I didn't have much time to dwell thought. Summer school prep was nearing and I had a big role to play with coordinating it and summer camp programs. Soon enough, I was wrapped up in tons of work and barely had time to think about any social life. It was tragic but at least I got paid well for summer camp programs. 
"If we separated the school up by summer school and summer camps, we could keep the students separate and provide a good space for everyone." Jihyo explained, drawing on a small map on the desk. 
"That could work but it doesn't quite do enough to solve potential issues with students getting lunch or outdoor space. Both will need that."
She hummed and nodded, glaring at the map. 
"What if we staggered the times that stuff is done? Longer recesses for summer school students and during then, the camp kids are having lunch. Make sure that those in summer school have focus time and relax time."
"And for the activities for the campers, we could try to tell the councilors where to go and where not to."
I hummed and nodded, Jihyo dismissing an email that showed up on her phone. 
“Y/n-ah, I do have an odd request, though… and I know this is a sudden topic change but I want to ask now before I forget.” 
“Could you let me handle emails? I know you normally do for the summer camps but we got an email asking for your number and it … It put me off. I mean the person seemed nice and I recognized the email from one of the volunteers for the reading program we did. I told them I couldn’t give your number… but I want to make sure that if they email again asking, I can respond.” 
“Oh? Who emailed?”
“Uhhh… I think it was a Kim Taehyung?”
My heart stopped. He had tried to reach out and I was not in the right role to see. 
“Did you keep the email or delete it?” 
“Um… I kept it… why?” 
“Would it be bad if I emailed them?” 
Jihyo laughed and wiggled her eyebrows at me.
“I take it you like this Taehyung?”
Blush rose on my cheeks in embarrassment at her comment.
Jihyo gasped excitedly, slapping my arm.
“Go email him right now! OMO! If I am not a bridesmaid at your wedding I am going to be so upset!”
I left that room in a giggling mess and sent Taehyung an email right then and there. We went on our first date a few days later and the rest was history. 
The restaurant was big and cold. I shivered as I walked towards the hostess table, my nerves swirling at a nauseating speed. This was the first time in almost three months that Taehyung and I had met. I had no idea what to expect from this meeting. 
Would he talk about what happened? Could he be inquiring about another reading program? Was he going to be friendly and act like nothing else happened? 
I was preparing for the worst mentally. 
Surprisingly, Taehyung was already seated at a small booth in the back of the restaurant. I'd thought I'd be the first to arrive since I came fifteen minutes early but he had also chosen to come early as well. He looked good in his all black outfit, a long and loose fitting black jacket and barrette resting on the booth next to him. 
Somehow I managed to sit down with Taehyung and have a nice conversation. Despite the conversation that flowed that eased my initial nerves, I didn't have enough confidence to ask about what happened at the party. At the very least, he seemed to want to be my friend which I could resign myself to. As the night progressed, the worries about a relationship with Taehyung faded some as I tried to enjoy the time we had. Conversations were fun and fast paced. They ranged from fun tattoos he's done to theories on how the fashion industry would change over the decade. It was fun and I was sad when the waiter came and we placed a dessert order. It wasn't the end of our lunch but the end was close and I didn't want it to end yet. 
Taehyung sighed, setting down his iced tea and looking over at me, "I have really enjoyed catching up with you and this lunch is wonderful... but I don't think we can go on like this. Like friends is all we are." 
Shock washed over me. I hadn't expected him to bring it up now. Sure stuff happened at the party a while ago. That was a while ago though and so much time has passed since then. I'd assumed that he'd moved on and had someone by now, or at the very least wasn't interested in me anymore. That was at least what I had assumed since he waited until now to bring it up.
This didn't feel real. Taehyung was still interested in you? 
"I thought... I thought that what happened at the party last time we met meant something." He looked back down at his drink, rubbing at the condensation. It seemed that in my momentary shock, insecurity started to creep back into Taehyung.
"It did! Absolutely!" 
"But?" He asked, worrying his lip. 
"There is no but. Really. I was... surprised. I am sorry but you are so amazing and it took me so long to respond to you. I thought that you had moved on or something. Hearing that you still felt like there can still be more to our relationship is a shock. A good shock." 
You sighed wistfully, looking at Dohyun, who was now deep asleep.
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You sighed wistfully, looking at Dohyun, who was now deep asleep. 
“Good night, baby.” 
As you got up, body achey with age, you saw Taehyung leaning against the doorframe. He was dressed in large soft pajamas that practically swallowed him whole, his tattoos peeking out from under the sweater. He aged so gracefully.
“I love you, Y/n-ah.” He whispered quietly, opening his arms for a hug.
Waddling over, you giggled once in his embrace. No matter how much time passed, he still managed to make you a soft mess. 
Hand in hand, the two of you made your way downstairs where Taehyung had made tea for both of you. 
“I am glad you didn’t tell them what we did after the noraebang night.” Taehyung said with a wink after taking a sip of his tea. 
You practically coughed up a lung at that.
“YEAH! Why would I!”
He shrugged.
“All I am saying is that I am glad you changed the story some.”
“Well, I am glad we had a story to tell in the first place.”
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938! Episode 5 thoughts!
Spoiler Alert!
Hey! So I am back again with my thoughts coz as mentioned this is a routine thingy now for clearing my head. Also, whoever is reading them knows that it's mostly my boi Rang centred thoughts and a few rare other ones 😂. So yes, let's talk about how we felt about the episode:-
Okay, so first things first, I was a lil sad coz I felt my boy Rangie had less screen time today. I know, I knoww, some of it was because he was disguised as a baby. Oh God 😂 but yeah. This season has spoiled me a bit and I want to see him in every other scene coz last season, I used to have to search for his scenes like looking for needles in a haystack. Can't go through that again Mr writers. 🥺 Okay, done crying.
Finally, Rang and his fox eyes 😍.Him being disguised as the baby and the baby showing a middle finger to the cop 😂 my boy's voice in the background all pissed coz he is feeling all suffocated in that tiny body 😂 I love him. When they took a shot at the baby, that animated baby jump and roll was so hilarious and then Rangie finally there with a babyy hanky on his neck. Gonna cherish that scene.
I loved baby Lee Mi ho and I am sad that we had to say goodbye to her 🥺. Yeon and Shin-ju giving full goodbye speeches while Rang refuses to say anything. Gosh, his fear of attachment kills me. We all know he adores her, he knows he adores her but hell shall freeze over before he accepts that. Lee Mi ho being more open and stating that she prefers the Bandit. Gosh, how happy Rang was about it and his "you are not too bad yourself 🥺". This boy will kill me.
I also like Ryu hong joo, the more I get to know her.. She did irk me at a point of time with how she is incapable of taking a no. But if I don't look at it, I like her character. She is strong, smart and protects her people with a ferocity that's admirable. I am looking forward to seeing her.
I have said this before, saying it again, I want to know what's Cheon Moo-young's story. Yeon was almost as happy to see him alive as he was to see Rang but at the same time, he is also suspicious of him. I really think I am gonna get hurt for him though.
The last 10 mins of the show gave me life. They were my favourite moments. Everyone can guess why 😂 Rang is slowly starting to like Yeo-hee and it's pretty clear. I find them really cute. I loved how a jealous Yeo-hee pretty much destroyed the room and Yang found it cool. 😂 Boy was impressed with how strong she is. And Yeon and shin-ju spying on their dates and deciding how good of a match those two are. 😂 Ah, please don't ruin this for us later. I won't survive.
Now, one thing, one small conversation that I can't help but discuss is when Shin ju asks Yeon if he can actually leave Rang and go. And he mentions that he can not, that Rang would again think he is being abandoned. This topic is something that I have too many strong thoughts about and I won't get into all of them but I just wanna say, what else is Yeon expecting. I love this future Yeon and how much he cares about Rang but I don't get his plan of action. What are you planning to tell Rang and when, this Rang is someone whose last thought of you would be being stabbed by you and then being left for dead. Now, you are here being all nice and if you don't give him any context and up and leave him in a month, what else will he think. He will probably have to seek therapy to try and make sense of what just happened. For all the progress that this season has made, can we please have Yeon and Rang have a heart to heart conversation. Like please. Coz, right now even I don't understand your reasoning Yeon for a whole lot of things. I will make a separate post to rant about that sometime 😅 but hoping that we do get a heart to heart chat.
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Look at this sassy motherf**ker. How am i supposed to not simp.
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Random question. Favorite author/s?
I love this question!
Got me really thinking and most of them are on AO3 haha! But, this is probably a way longer post than it needs to be BUT LET ME GUSH!
FanFic Authors
Krebony - I love their story You Are My Home. It is such a sweet Ominis story and I am praying for the day it gets updated cause I am invested in what happens. I love the way Ominis is written (strong and sweet and protective and cunning) and it's a super sweet story with angst.
Lana_Morrigan - I love her Arcana - Julian story The Mirror Cracked. I love how she incorporated fairy tales into her story and it was just such a fun and heartfelt read. I enjoy reading very different prose from my own -> helps me grow more and branch out from the normal.
heartsof_theround - omg I love her story Our Floral Courtship. It was so cute and kept me on the edge of my seat. I love how she used the language of flowers (makes me want to do something in regards to that it was just so freaking CUTE).
@applinsandoranges - I love pretty much all of her one-shots because they're so well written and I love how sweet and cute most of them are (im sure everyone is sensing a trend with this and i am a sucker for cute and sweet content).
@eggymf - I love that she's putting in so much time and effort into crafting a long, multi-chapter story. I love hearing her ideas and how she executes them into her stories. I love how she writes Ominis - and I'm excited to see where OPPAW goes!
Kazutoyo Maehiro, Natsuko Ishikawa, Banri Oda - the genius writers behind Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (the critically acclaimed award winning expansion lolll). I am still reeling over the emotional devastation they caused me, and it's been a year since I played it. The characters they crafted will stick with me for a long, long time. It's truly amazing how someone can make a character - then make you care so much about them. It's an art I would love to hone and master - and I admire them greatly for being able to do this so freaking well. Like I don't cry much when I'm reading, but damn did I cry like a baby. A literal SOBBING BABY. Just... amazing.
Kentaro Miura - the legend who wrote Berserk. I'm not really into gritty, dark stories, but wow. Just wow. He made me appreciate the trials and hardships of what a character/person may go through - and how they may emerge and change from it. It's really beautiful how you can write the human spirit that survives even when everything seems against them. It's really made me think about how I write future characters -> what makes them human
J.K. Rowling - probs a controversial take, but I admire how she created a world, a literal world, that is such an huge part of society. When you think of wizards -> you think of Harry Potter. I believe that's an amazing accomplishment to have so many people love your stories and to be so invested in this magical world. She inspired a lot of people's imaginations and I think that's the end goal of every writer -> to inspire imagination. And I hope to keep doing that (even with my dumb lil writings about Ominis or whatever)
Brandon Sanderson - Currently reading Mistborn, but he's the first author that I'm reading with a different sort of lens. I'm viewing his work as a fellow author (i know, i know - hot take of me calling myself an author butttt). It's been interesting breaking down his work and how he structures things. I love how he's made the magic system and world easy to digest without it being boring. You're in this world - and it's so organic. You learn more and more without it being overwhelming. You start to really understand the magic system, and it's so freaking cool. I love his prose - as I'm not the biggest fan of flowery prose - and his is a bit more straight to the point.
There's many more I could put on here - honestly there's so many fanfic writers that don't get enough credit, but they're doing the Lord's work out there. I love all of their creativity and how they inspire others with their stories and characters.
Thanks again for the ask! <3 <3
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UNPOPULAR OPINION:  SECOND ONE OF 2024 (remember these are MY opinions…no one has to agree with me…After many hours of reading, researching, theory crafting, and speaking with others…we have looked at many things that would be “between the lines”..  But again; these are MY opinions and thoughts, so if you wish to unfollow me or not, if it offends…)
➥ The one thing I do wish to say is…I have seen both trailers more than twice in recent days.  This opinion has nothing to do with those, but I may post something later. 
So, grab a drink and sit back…here we go…
One thing I will begin with is this…when did the book of Fire and Blood move away from being canon and the show is the canonical material??  To me, the book is canon and that is where I begin MANY of my muses and their backstories unless they are ones that there is not enough written on them and really become an OC if they have not been fleshed out enough.   
I remember the ASoIaF fandom, the original one; you had to know the books before the show as the books were canon…so why the change now?  Is it the lack of time?  Because even if you do not read it, you have books on tape.  I do not understand and maybe I am one of the few or of a majority (who are not writers) who read and study books. 
Yes, I am a nerd, but I digress.
The first road I am going to travel down is the Aemond-Alys Rivers gothic romance idea, story…or wish.   I do not believe this truly happened for a few reasons.  I know many want to see it because “Aemond is so cute” but you must understand he was always a cunt and a psycho by the timeline after him killing Luke.  And the clues and facts of certain things always makes me, and many others believe this never truly happened. 
My theory is that she despised House Targaryen for the death of Harwin and Lyonel.  And I believe she wanted her own revenge on them.  I have always thought this from the first moment I read the book then reading what many believe happened to her after the war ended.
First thing first…  Aly Rivers was the BASTARD daughter of Lyonel Strong and an unknown woman when he was younger, which makes her half sister to Harwin and Larys.  She was at least 40 years of age when the Dance began, a wet-nurse for many as ALL her babies had been stillborn.  She did have an interest in potions, but medicines and potions are also interchangeable…now I am not saying she did not practice some sort of woods magic.  I am not saying she was not a beautiful or handsome woman because no one really gives a great description. 
During the first assault on Harrenhal, she did survive as Daemon and the other House Lord of the Riverlands came to meet there but we know they did not hold it for long as Cole and Aemond returned to retake it without bloodshed.  It was rumored she tried to seduce Daemon and it failed because for me if she tried to use magic on him; he would be resilient, and it would fail. 
But when Aemond came in and burned the Riverlands, executing the remaining members of House Strong because we ALL know how he feels about bastards, and Strongs; yes, he did keep her alive, but I think he made a choice of sleeping with a burning sheep or a female.  But again, Aemond was not someone that would fall in love.  His anger and arrogance would hold him at bay on that. 
Remember, he feels since he rides the largest dragon, and his youth is on his side; he is indestructible…which makes him a great target for an older woman to manipulate him for her own use.  Because in truth without Vhagar, Aemond was nothing more than a whelpling like Aegon.  He wanted to show his father that he was the strength and such but, as much as I love Aemond; he was still a child at 19 years old. 
I truly believe he fell for this woman’s sweet words and such but as for a marriage or even a pregnancy…  I doubt it.  Aemond Targaryen was one that did know the customs of Old Valyria and of the old ways.  He would have found someway to have a wedding…a true wedding even in a war…to show he married her… and since I do not believe this happened; I also feel he made her drink Moon tea just as to NOT have a bastard child giving his feelings towards them.  And do not think he ONLY hated his half-sister’s children; I believe he hated all and any as they were impure.  His hatred for any bastard stems from his childhood and he held onto that anger and sadness until his death. 
I believe her desires were to see the House of the Dragons fall for the pain they had caused her family.  And this was why this all came about because even as she stated she was pregnant and “could feel the dragon clawing inside of her”, no one was close enough to her to see if she was truly pregnant or using a form of “glamour” and her stance that the son was the rightful heir is wrong because with Aegon II dead and the agreement to place Aegon III on the throne before he died; any other line was dead, even if it had a chance.  Aemond was ONLY Prince Regent not King.
The tale of Ser Regis Groves’ death, I believe came from crossbowmen and/or slingers because Harrenhal was gaining a following of broken men and former warriors from the war…like anyway; they did not wish to return to their homes or their lives before to continue fighting for a cause that was lost.  Aegon III was king. 
I believe Alys wanted vengeance on House Targaryen and she would have used and one anything to get it.  I believe Aemond Targaryen was too arrogant and too angry (and in pain) to be manipulated.  I do not believe the great romance happened.  I do not believe a marriage happened, even as she claimed it because no one was there to deny it…she tried to use her sexuality and beauty to make people see what was not real…many believed she was of little intelligence or “simpleton”.  Some believe her son after the winter’s fever went to a House in the Riverlands and became its Lord but since there is no proof and it doesn’t look like we will have Fire and Blood, Volume 2; we won’t ever know. 
What I do know is my own opinion and others feel the same.  Alys was a conquered female for Aemond, and maybe that is a stretch because I am not sure he knew how to love unless someone was manipulating him.  And do not get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE the Aemond character and maybe I have spent too much time researching and such; but it makes more sense to me with what we do know of him and the theories or opinions I have mentioned. 
But again…they are mine and I am not here to make you believe them but just maybe think on them. 
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lesbocs · 1 year
MARIYAM BASKERVILLE (she/they) (@upvote)
"hiii!!! this is a character from a horror rpg maker game series that perhaps one day i will make.
mary is a poor pathetic meow meow final girl who has doomed the narrative itself. she has the ability to see anomalies (ghosts, demons, spirits, etc-- basically anything supernatural) but nobody believes her. she's a student at an all girl's catholic school in rural ohio in a vaguely post-apocalyptic timeline who is relentlessly bullied by her peers for being weird and neurodivergent and she has a sucky home life so all around she's having a terrible time. she's kind of eccentric and super into the occult, which in the good catholic town of woolwick is not accepted at all. her only ally is her older brother, callum, who she is very dependent upon but he apparently runs away from home shortly after a fight between the two of them. (it's a misunderstanding, he has his own demon stuff going on) and she's left in her senior year of high school feeling like shit.
so yeah life hates her and she hates life back. but !!! her solution to her very vitriolic misanthropy and unhappy circumstances is to open a portal to hell and allow her fucked up town to be consumed by it. on devil's night (the night before halloween, where kids play pranks and throw toilet paper at houses and etc) she sets her plan into motion and manages to find her way into getting roped up in the hijinks of a group of misfits (all students her age at the catholic girls school and all wlw and most of them are pretty nice actually) and horror game shit ensues with her getting involved in too because she's just a strange beast motivated by years and years of resentment and didn't really plan shit out… but she survives in the true end yay ^__^ sort of. schrodinger's cat girl.
she plays a vaguely overarching antagonistic role in the series over all but her intentions slowly become more benign as the story progresses… also she develops weird homoerotic enemies to allies to friends to STABS YOU IN THE BACK relationships with two of the other girls in the cast. idk mary is just a silly quirky trans autistic lesbian and yes she wants to destroy the whole world in her grief for her brother and the life she never had but she looked cute doing it!!!"
you can learn more about them here! (art for mariyam by pommeplisa on twitter)
XENIA (she/her) (@mossboss030)
"She's my D&D character, the first one to reach level 20. She had amnesia when I created her and worked in a fighting pit because she was very big and strong. She killed her boss when he made a pass at her and then began her life as a mercenary when she had to leave town. Over the course of the campaign she found out that she was half troll, that her father (the troll) was killed by an adventurer, that her mother had traded her to a devil for a new kid that was fully human, that she was turned into a demon that killed a lot of people (including her mother and replacement). She took that all in stride I think, killing several dragons, dying once and coming back as a demon again that the party had to fight, looking like her actual half-troll self when she came back and meeting the two loves of her life. She later became a full devil after befriending a devil in the campaign and plans on usurping Asmodeus as King of the Hells one day but for right now is enjoying retirement with her two wives. She fought with a big maul and was a multi-class of barbarian and fighter and she was the second smartest person in the party behind the wizard and the ranger's animal companion (a ferret). She adopted (bought) two babies in the city of brass because she felt bad that they'd been abandoned. She also briefly dated two villains in the campaign and tried to date another one but it didn't work out. In conclusion, she's a 6'9" trans butch lesbian, vote for her!"
you can learn more about her here!
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
if you had to like
kin assign. (like what they have in common/resonate with in one another)
the sbi all the different versions of link
what would u give them
i'm curious. it has been in my brain since i saw your carrd.
Ohhhhhh okay I thought pretty hard about this and I think I have a reasonable estimation of what I believe would be sbis kin assignments/most relatable to the links.
First of all, Techno is most similar to TP Link! Why do I say this? Cause surface level everyone believes TP Link to be the most gritty, serious, and even amongst the darkest of the Link's but that's simply not true! Because if anything TP is one of the kindest, most patient of the Link's with a love of animals and helping other people out. Everyone thinks that Techno is this super serious, stoic guy when in reality he's very emotive and cares a ton! He just shows it in a different way than most which people wrongly interpret as not caring/being super dark.
Going off of that, TP Link and Techno both share a love of the chill, farming lifestyle and always default to a protective, defensive role when alongside someone! Also like, they're both absolute sweeties and both share a big big love for animals, you're telling me you wouldn't find Techno in castle town petting all the cats and lowkey ignoring the looming twilight?? Smh, he wants to pet the kitties leave him BE.
Alright, now for me I've always thought Phil to be pretty similar to BOTW Link! The reason I say this is because the both of them are extremely freedom loving and have a highhhhhh affinity for traveling/exploring the lands. Neither of them stay in one place for long and are always itching to learn more! But this also leads to the both of them having buried feelings of loneliness that they have no idea how to deal with or how to approach. Another thing is that both BOTW Link and Phil share the whole 'I'm all alone in a world filled with remnants of the dead and I'm piecing everything together because I'm so hungry to know of what I lost'.
Also just, they're both so so chaotic, but get away with it due to their cute faces and the fact that they're extremely generous and easy-going. WAIT ALSO, both BOTW Link and Phil share the trait of getting distracted so so easily and oops, wasn't I supposed to be saving the princess? Welllllll I'll go do that after I go to this shrine-
And for Tommy! WW Link :D! And I actually have a pretty good explanation to why that's the case. The game is about jumping into the unknown, about exploration, about being risky and willingly submitting yourself to the terrors of the uncharted, free world. Its also about finding the people and companions that make every step of that fear worth it! It's finding the little pockets of humanity that survive in the face of complete and utter devastation no matter what. That feels very Tommy to me! As well as the fact that both WW Link and Tommy are SCARILY stubborn and have absolutely no chill factor whatsoever!! Tommy and WW Link both like to have companions that challenge them AND balance them!(Tubbo and Tetra).
Also like, Tommy feels like the kinda guy who would go along with being shot out of a cannon if it only meant to serve a point. He's stubborn and endearing like that, I love him. Both of them have baby faces which means alot of people like to downplay their emotional depth but in fact they hide some of the most hard hitting morals and messages in the entire story.
Okay now here's the thing, Wilbur is really difficult for me to place cause I've ALWAYS associated him with the Zeldas moreso than the Link's. The fact he has such a strong sense of duty, the authority and respect he carries on his shoulders, the suffocating pressure of wanting to protect his land and people. Its all of this and more than I'm gonna break this a bit and say that Wilbur is OOT Zelda! The reason I say this is because I feel like Wilbur is someone who's always been obsessed with the past, present, and future of the story that he's forced himself to carry. OOT Zelda is someone who carries a SCARILY large responsibility from such a young age that I feel like Wilbur can relate to a ton!
OOT Zelda saw Ganondorf and saw hyrules downfall, Wilbur saw Schlatt and saw L'manburgs downfall. He's also someone who carries so many masks in order to protect himself, just like OOT Zelda, but will uncover his true self around those he truly trusts and loves! Wilbur also carries so much guilt, oh so much, and OOT Zelda is someone who feels extremely similar despite the fact that it was utterly out of their control. They just carry so much in their hands that they feel responsible any time something slightly goes wrong :(
So uhhhhh yeah! That's my answer :]]] Techno = TP Link, Phil = BOTW Link, Tommy = WW Link, and Wilbur = OOT Zelda!
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ninapedia · 2 years
A, B, C for Viera Surana for the recent ask meme, please!
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Viera is a shoujo protagonist in a dark fantasy world. She is my ultimate power fantasy of being faced with unspeakable horrors but still remaining kind - not unchanged, but kind. She loses a lot of her initial naivety and is sometimes made afraid by the way she's changed, but stubbornly persist in holding on to compassion. I love the idea that being genuinely gentle is strong enough to save the world. I love that I don't have to fall into the very bad trope that either the kindness or the heroine has to be sacrificed to achieve salvation because in either scenario you're shown that there is no space for compassion, that it can't survive something horrible. Viera not only survives, but she thrives!! She lives a life no one ever thought she would live either by virtue of being a mage, an elf, or a Warden who slayed an Arch Demon; and because of that she's a beacon for those around her that they can do the same. That's what makes me excited about her.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Short answer: the choices I made in my first playthrough of DAO
Long answer: So, I came late to Dragon Age. I think I only started DAI in like 2018 or something and it was fun! I had fun! And I liked playing out different characters but I couldn't get one to like 'stick'. I didn't have a canon playthrough until much later- after I played Origins and made Viera. DAO gives you more of a freedom to be a character and build a character by virtue of the origin system alone but having an unvoiced protag with a VERY blank past (Elven Mages have like NOTHING on them) gave me the wide room to fill in so many of the blanks myself.
And she didn't start out concrete visually. I was playing a modless DAO on the PS3 so I was mostly just trying to make a character that wasn't an affront to the senses. While playing her story she formed my concrete in my head and I became enamored with an idea of an elf who was nothing like people expect but still seen as objectively beautiful- because like most lores Dragon Age elves are known for their beauty. Dragon Age elves are already shorter than humans with big eyes so I went full Doll Like. I wanted her cherubic, I wanted her unreal but in soft way that made people drop their guards instead of being intimidated by it. She's cute and charming and knows it and it gave me a good "lore" reason for maxing out what basically boils down to a charisma stat very early. People cannot say no to the tiny little elf with the face of a baby doll.
Personality wise see my answer to question A for the inspo.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Because Viera was created as the PC of a video game I didn't have to do a lot of leg work there! Her story has changed a little as I've played through it- and others- a few times now and have learned to be less precious about making game mechanics fit into the lore I want to build. But I never had trouble making her fit because she is ~ the main character ~.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.57--Episodes 4-5
I have watched through S6E5; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—(┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻ That’s it?! I’ve been hoping for Jekyll and Hyde for six seasons and they finally show up and that’s it? What the fricking heck!
—Oh, but the way they died together was beautiful.
—And much as I’m upset that Jekyll and Hyde are gone, their last episode was a terribly good spin on the story. I mean, I adored Dr. Jekyll with my whole heart, but the concept that he wasn’t all good and Mr. Hyde wasn’t all evil was amAzing.
—Seriously, the implication (because I don’t think it was ever really fr stated) that Jekyll split all of his emotions into Hyde and left himself with only the method and the science is intriguing. My brain feels like it’s expanding. It’s a real shame I won’t get to see any more of it.
—I also like that we finally emphasized the ‘mad scientist’ aspect of Dr. Jekyll. What he was doing definitely went against the laws of nature.
—Yeah, also, I’ve waxed philosophical and poetic about Dr. Jekyll’s character, but now Imma be shallow as heck. I was hoping. For some mad scientists. Being gay and doing crimes in the lab together. I don’t usually get upset when my ships don’t happen (except in the case of stuff like FinnPoe or Garashir that is so close to canon you know it would’ve been if the makers hadn’t been cowards/stupid) but I really liked the idea. And I’m not even really upset, just ruminating on the ✨potential✨ Which is what fic is for!…Unless it’s a rarepair, which I’m pretty sure Jekyllstein is. Moral of the story: I need to not rarepair, especially in the case of character who have, like, two seconds onscreen together (WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?) because I am not emotionally strong enough for it.
—I wasn’t expecting Rumple to get a haircut. I loved his old hairstyle so much that I considered having it done for my hair, but his new one is alright. I agree with Regina—it highlights his eyes. Which, by the way, are a *fine* intermediate shade of brown.
—I didn’t really like Jasmine at the beginning. She went on about her palace and how she’s a princess and then had the audacity to ask Aladdin, a guy who literally has to steal to survive, why he wasn’t doing anything to make Agrabah better. Like, girl, get some awareness.
—I like Aladdin having magic. That was a cool way to bring him into Emma’s storyline, and also a neat method of eliminating the need for the genie.
—Also, the fact that the stupid monkey wasn’t there has me weeping tears of joy. I hate all monkeys and apes, they just freak me out too much, and their noises are obnoxious. Not having to put up with the monkey makes me so happy!
—Jasmine’s clothes are pretty.
—Ack! Archie’s A) a cricket and B) in a cage. Now not only do I have to worry about him being okay, I also can’t hear his soothing voice or see his cute face. Dang it!
—But him having to babysit Robin under threat of death was fun. Most guys look extra cute holding a baby, but especially the homey types like Archie.
—If Regina has to die to kill the Evil Queen, I will not be pleased. She’s a pretty cool lady. And if Emma dies, Henry is going to need one mom left.
—Iago is such a pretty bird!
—I love that Snow wants to be a teacher again. And I adore her deeply for saying that teaching is a noble profession. That’s what I wanted to do with my life once, and even though it can’t work out for me, I think it’s noble, too.
—Hook is going to do something stupid with those scissors.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend and while KR may try and very well might suck the joy out of the rest of this season I refuse to let her take away the joy of this last episode, so its song time!! And in honor of the lovely, poignant Chim and Ravi storyline this episode, I think we should talk about The Projectionist. Admittedly I honed in on this one because Chim's "hand it off" to Ravi gave me strong "we're leaving our shadows behind us now" vibes, but the closure they both got definitely felt summed up nicely by "makes us brave again". There start of this one made me think of Chimney Begins, and the "truth is heavier than fiction" struck hard for him and Ravi's story (which for some reason happened entirely off screen and was never mentioned 😠😠😠), so hope you enjoy this one too!!
Also no regrets on you roping me into 911!! Its been frustrating lately but its also has been gratifying seeing what a well thought out drama can be, especially in a wee woo show which normally wouldn't be on my radar. And like you said, we survived RNM and while I may have a lot to bitch about in these last 2 seasons, it hasn't reached that level of terrible with the incredible speed RNM managed it to. Actually now that I think of it all (Eddie getting sidelined reminding me of Alex, Buck's reconned growth being like Michael, BT drug on even though it was painful to watch exactly like you know what, the constant praise of L and inserting her where she isn't needed....) bestie I think I know where KR gets her "ideas" from (hopefully I didn't just totally corrupt our song post)!!
Oh I'm glad you've got a song for me because I am very busy trying to be "I do not see, I do not perceive" about this new woman but naturally no one ever tags for anything so the constant stream of "oh god, they're soooo cute together! She's soooo pretty! I don't mind if we don't get Buddie if he's with her!" (while knowing zero things about what kind of person she is beyond her looks. How very progressive and feminist of you 🙄)
ANYWAY, I started on a fic, wrote some smut for the first time ever, and I'm getting ready to go chill and work on puzzles and paint my nails. Agreed that this show still is able to deliver sometimes which is more than we ever got with RNM after that last episode of season 1 tanked things and never recovered, so at least there's that!
So in the spirit of focusing on the good stuff, lets talk about Ravi and Chim!
When I was young, I fell in love with story With the eleventh hour, with the blaze of glory The theatre lights dim and all goes quiet In the darkest of rooms, light shines the brightest
This is such a good song because it's all about the love of movies and storytelling which is SO good for Chim since we know he's a movie buff! I'm also thinking of little baby Ravi being so sick who probably spent a lot of time in hospital beds, watching movies and imagining being somewhere else. BRB gotta go cry about that for a minute. Also, the idea of falling in love with the last minute save and them both having jobs that are intense and they have seconds to save people, and how this show has a foundation of hope and that light shining through even when things look dark and hopeless.
When hands are tied and clocks are ticking An audience convinced: we're leaning in Holding our breath again Just when we thought the game was over The music lifts and our dying soldier lives And we breathe a sigh of relief we’re leaving, we’re leaving our shadows behind us now. we’re leaving, we’re leaving it all behind for now.
This ties into the hope of the show too, of us the audience holding our breaths through these rescues and breathing a sigh of relief with the character when they pull off a save. But I'm also thinking about holding my breath through Ravi's story and how he thought he was pulling off this heroic save, but not only did he lose a child, he save the man that was trying to kill his kids. He didn't get to have that sigh of relief and he's still be holding his breath this whole time until Chim lets him know it's okay to breathe again.
I love that talk with Chim and Ravi and you're right it fits so perfectly with that last line, and learning to leave those shadows behind so they can work on saving the next one.
but even dust was made to settle and if we’re made of dust, then what makes us any different? i guess we give what we’ve been given: a family tree so very good at giving up when we’ve had enough. though truth is heavier than fiction, gravity lifts as the projectionist rolls tape. and it makes us brave again and it makes us brave again and it makes us brave.
I love that line “even dust was made to settle/and if we’re made of dust, then what makes us any different?” like, nature is pulling everything to settle and you need to accept it and let the shadow go and settle in the with dust where you belong. AND THEN!! You have that brilliant line “I guess we give what we’ve been given: a family tree so very good at giving up when we’ve had enough” like !!! That’s Chim!! He has this family that just gave up on trying to deal with him, and he finally, to protect himself, gave up on trying to reach out to them. And even now, we see that he’s trying to let the hurt go, but he’s not expending any more energy on that relationship. But compare that with Chim and his firefam and his job! He NEVER gives up! He pushes back against a bad captain to make sure Hen has a place, he pushes Hen and Karen because he knows how good they are for each other, he pushes Buck and Bobby, he goes after Maddie because he knows that she needs some space but she also needs to know that he is right there waiting for her when she’s ready.
Then of course you have that whole “truth is heaver than fiction” bit which strikes me as Chim having to pull back from the “movie” aspect of the job (something that inspired Buck to join as well and a lesson he also had to learn) because it’s not always easy to brush off when the perfect movie save doesn’t happen and a patient it lost. It’s not always easy when the one you save is the one that was hurting the one who didn’t make it. But facing that truth, letting it be heavy, letting it carry weight and learning to not let the weight drag you down, is what it means to be brave and do the job.
so we’re leaving, we’re leaving our shadows behind us now. we’re leaving, we’re leaving it all behind for now. and it makes us brave again and it makes us brave. we’re leaving, we’re leaving ‘em all behind for now.
I love this song, I just listened to it the other day and it was such a good one for this week! Chim and Ravi’s conversations really felt like them making the choice to be brave and leave those shadows behind and I love love loved seeing Ravi welcomed back to the firefam with open arms. This episode was a real highlight this season for me, so I’m so happy we got to talk about a song for this one. All the love for Chim and Ravi!
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primrosepaw · 1 year
LightningClan Moons 0-3
I lost BrookClan to the update (by which I mean I didn't really update as download a new file? idk computers aren't my strong suit so..... time for a lower effort game with less drawing. Maybe I'll go back to that version of the game at some point but not this exact moment).
Setting Up:
According to the rangen we are LightningClan. AND it randomized in with a cat with the "Lightning" prefix, so I think we're off to a great start. He HAS to be the leader, I think.
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Bloombrook is the Deputy
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And for medicine cat... Glintspots!
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LightningClan lives in the Mountain Cavern environment.
Moon 0:
The StarClan guide is Fleetfreckle:
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As for the Clan, we have...
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His lives were for: compassion, acceptance, hope, courage, mentoring, persistence, farsightedness, faith, and tireless energy
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Of course nobody randomized in with mates, but I do like the idea that there could be mates in the group, so I'm going to randomize that on my own.
Lightningtstar and Bloombrook are mates! Boyfriend leaders!
Dawnsky and Fleetfreckle were mates in life (though of course I can't represent this in-game until Dawnsky dies). But... hell yeah gay rights the only starting mates are queer! Love when RNG does that.
Cypresstuft, Asterscratch, Speckleshine, Heatherpaw, and Dawnsky went on a border patrol. They encountered a small dog, which they drove off, but Cypresstuft was bitten.
Moon 1:
Heatherpaw is now Heatherheart, honoured for her responsibility. I imagine that she was promoted as a result of her part in driving off the dog. Maybe she managed to rescue Cypresstuft!
Speckleshine is in the medicine den with a stomach ache, but wants to go on patrol with his former apprentice, Heatherheart. Which is cute!
Meanwhile, Cypresstuft is engaging himself while he heals in the medicine den by telling Weedpaw and Splashkit stories. Which makes sense, as he's a good speaker.
Heatherheart has ambitions to become deputy one day.
Splashkit, the only kit in the Clan, for two moons in a row now, wants to stop being babied. KID YOU ARE A BABY.
Asterscratch, Heatherheart, Lightningstar, and Weedpaw all went on a border patrol. They found the body of a dead kittypet whose twolegs dropped them off in the wild and then drove off.
Dawnsky and Speckleshine also went on a border patrol. They encountered a dog but, possibly because there are only two of them, decided to report it rather than attacking.
Moon 2:
Lightningstar, Weedpaw, Dawnsky, and Heatherheart went on a border patrol. They met a loner named Mosaic, and invited her to join the Clan. She is a former kittypet who is suffering from a bite-wound. If she heals up/lives, Lightningstar has decided she will be given a warrior name!
Asterscratch and Speckleshine met a BearClan patrol and decided to antagonize them. They were intimidated. It made inter-Clan relations worse.
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Moon 3:
Heatherheart was stolen by twolegs but managed to escape. She now wears a rainbow bow collar (and is cute as a button)
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Splashkit was made an apprentice. His name is now Splashpaw, and his mentor is Heatherheart (one step closer to that deputyship).
CYPRESSTUFT. This cat. Healed from the dog bite. Then got bitten by a venomous snake and "miraculously survived". Lord.
Weedpaw was made a warrior with the name Weedshade, and was honoured for his stealth.
Cypresstuft also has a little bit of a crush on Heatherheart, and Heatherheart has the SMALLEST POSSIBLE bit of romantic affection back for her. It's another gay relationship. RNG is saying "no straight cats in LightningClan" and I am not complaining.
Also, hilariously, Weedshade absolutely adores (platonic) Heatherheart, and she doesn't care about him in any way.
Heatherheart and Splashpaw went on a border patrol, and they met a loner named Freya!
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Lightningstar, Weedshade, Speckleshine, and Asterscratch go on border patrol and meet some rogues, but manage to drive them off with Speckleshine leading the charge.
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