#curse you tfp for killing breakdown
thatturtleleon · 1 year
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they make me emo
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decepticononline · 6 months
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TFP Knockout X Breakdown “Tell me you need me.”
This is a secret santa gift for a discord server I am in, dedicated directly to @neonhoneycomb ! Merry Christmas 🎄 I enjoyed writing this!
Warnings: NSFW, size kink, medical gore, angst, spike comparison, squirting.
The hologram target fizzled out of a view, which caused the ex-wrecker to growl in frustration. His rapid vents exhausted one after another as he retracted his blaster in defeat. He'd been in the training room for almost the whole cycle to work on his shooting aim now that he was… impaired. His non functional optic made all forms of combat almost impossible. He couldn't make a clear shot to save his own aft, let alone his partner's. 
Before Breakdown could exit the armoy room, his comm system loudly pinged. A slew of cybertronian curses fell past his dermas when he saw the comm was from Knockout. That indicated to him that he had been absent from the med-bay for far too long. 
“Need something?” With a nonchalant tone in his voice, the navy blue deception tried to play off the situation. It wouldn't work, but there was a 99% chance that if he didn't sound like he was doing anything wrong, then maybe he wasn't.
“Do I need something?! Great question because what I need is some assistance in the med-bay.” Even without seeing Knockout's face plate, it was obvious the mech was highly irritated.
 “Got it. I'll be there in a-” The comm ended abruptly, and Breakdown's singular beaming yellow optic rolled in its socket. Over the comm Knockout had sounded like he'd blown a few and a half gaskets since he'd been gone, and that made him much more resilient to take any longer to return.
Upon heading towards the med-bay, the mech passed by two badly cauterized vehicon drones, one of them still leaking energon onto the deck plates of the ship. Knockout must have been too busy to repair him correctly, but it didn't look severe, so the vehicon could walk it off… eventually. 
Two red glaring optics followed the ex-wrecker's movements as he entered the med-bay. If looks could kill, Knockout would surely be vaporizing him with just his vision right about now. The red medic didn't offer a greeting nor a chastising remark as his silence was more than enough to do the trick. 
“Sorry, got carried away in the armory.”
Knockout still said nothing while he cauterized a gaping wound in the shoulder-plate of another vehicon. He took his time with this one as the injury was fairly deep into the cybernetic metal. Knockout gestured to the data pad on the medical berth, without saying a word Breakdown knew he wanted him to start logging in the Vehicon’s credentials for an injury report. On his way to the opposite medical berth, the ex-wrecker let a servo graze against his partner's hip strut.
“Don't you dare start.”, a deep chuckle rumbled within Breakdown’s chassis as he tried to calm his highly displeased lover. The reaction Knockout gave him didn't make him feel any less determined with his goal. 
“I need a set of sharp pliers. There's a bullet fragment still in here.” Knockout's digit inched into the deep cavern of wound the vehicon drone shuddered with pain. The sensitive protoform within his shoulder-plate was exposed, and leaving the fragment in there would never let the gouge heal properly. 
“You know I'll give you whatever you need.”
“How about you drop it?” 
"How about you hold it."
Knockout's red optics widened, and he debated on whether or not he should hurl the cauterizing scalpel at the larger mech. “Enough!” The red medic said with a hiss before snatching the pliers out of his partner's servos.
After removing the plasma bullet fragment and completing the cauterization of the wound, the Vehicon designated as ST3V3 was evicted from the med-bay. Knockout shut the sliding doors and began logging all the services perfomed for that cycle within a data report for future reference. He had never seen so many patients at once, especially not when there weren't any instances of Autobot retaliation. 
“This cycle has been one of the worst in awhile -” Knockout's digit tapped rapidly against the datapad screen, furiously filing his own report. He knew his paint job looked like a wreck and that he would need a good polish and wax after a cleansing station visit.
“- You weren't here helping because you decided to go frag off to the armory room.” It wasn't often Knockout needed to scold the other mech. He was usually resourceful and there when he needed him, lately Breakdown’s been consistently absent from his duties and refusing to pick up extra shifts with him. The mech declined going out on a patrol of a newfound energonmine, which Knockout deemed to be completed out of character for him.
“I'm still missing almost every shot, I can see but at the same time I can't see slag! Everything just looks off, I've never felt so useless.” Both of the ex-wreckers servo’s slammed down on the medical berth in front of him out of frustration.
Knockout's posture softened, and his optic ridges slightly raised. Breakdown was being… vulnerable around him, this was rare. He knew the mech had been having some difficulties accustoming to his sight with the subtraction of an optic, but he wasn't aware of how critical the situation was. If anything he thought the mech was toughing it out like he did with everything else.
“Your vision, it'll take some time to restabilize. The lack of an optic is going to make things hard for you, but it won't be impossible.” The medic approached his partner and let his servo grasp the side of his faceplate. He'd never seen such defeat on the decepticon ex-wrecker before. 
“And you're not useless. I wouldn't be able to do this without you, and you know that BD.” The dermas of the two mechs came into contact with one another and that gave Breakdown all the permission he needed to pick up the smaller mech and pin him down on the medical berth. 
The size difference between the two of them wasn't as severe as it may have been amongst other cybertronian relationships but it definitely gave Breakdown the upper hand at being able to maneuver Knockout how he wanted. The connection of oral receptors continued as Knockout slipped his glossa in and danced it along Breakdown’s, enticing him of what was further to come. 
The ex-wrecker's thick digits circled around Knockout's interface panel before the plating willingly slid down with a hiss. The aroma of the red mech's dripping valve filled the med-bay, and Breakdown broke the kiss. 
“You're already ready for me?”
“You think I didn't enjoy your antics earlier?” Knockout vented deeply as Breakdown pressed a digit at his entrance before slowly sliding it in.
His lubricating slick coated the intruding digit, and the quick clenches of his valve walls urged it to start pumping. A growl left Knockout's vocal capacitor when a second digit joined refuge within his valve. Breakdown knew exactly how to angle his digits to make the medic's frame twitch and heave. A loud moan erupted from Knockout when one of Breakdown's digits began rubbing circles around his outer-node. 
“Tell me you need me.”
“Frag- I do!”
“Then say it.” Breakdown quickened the pace of his digits, and the lewd slick noises only became audibly louder with the furthering of Knockout's pleasure and excitement.
“I need you!” The medic's sharp digits dragged along the underneath of the medical berth leaving gashes across the underside. Breakdown's servo was showing his valve no mercy as it shamelessly guided him to a long and drawn out overload. It didn't take long for Knockout's walls to start to spasm and small spurts of lubrication to erupt from his valve. He rode out his climax with a guttural groan and a very brief rev of his engine. 
Even the interface panel housing his errect spike slid off to allow him to leak thick beads of blue transfluid from his tip. Only when the medic was coming from his high did he pay attention to his partner's thick spike leaning up against his own. Their size difference wasn't just on the outside, as Breakdown was a good size and a half larger than Knockout in the spike department.
Knockout could swear to primus they were made for each other with how well he'd fill his valve when they interfaced. Breakdown lined up the tip of his spike against the soft mesh valve folds in front of him before pushing forward to enter. The entry was quick and painless as Knockout's frame knew this game the two of them would play all too well. 
A beep went off on the docked datapad stationed at Knockout's desk, which indicated that there were new inbound patients to the med-bay. Knockout looked back over at the mech, who was currently still inside him, who bared the expression of a sad cyberfox pup who'd just been told to stop. 
“We're finishing this. They can wait... Besides, I still need you.” A smirk appeared on his faceplate, telling his partner that the two would have a much longer cycle ahead of them...
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invadergia · 1 month
I'm so sorry for cursing you all with this train of thought 🤣
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The story here of breakdown and knockout as shrek and Fiona is killing me XD @strawberry-sundaee @skylarkking @tfp-nexus @starscreamhasdied
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melishade · 2 years
ok what about knockout somehow arriving on attack on titan earth the characters meeting a bad guy turned good
The thing is with TFP Knockout: He didn't turn good for the sake of knowing that the Decepticons were wrong in their endeavor and the Autobots were right. It was literally out of a necessity for survival. So Knockout didn't necessarily become a good guy, he was just trying to play it smart. And it worked, he wasn't given any prison time by the end of the series and the Autobots seem to be just fine with having him around. It's weird. It's like everyone's okay with the vain doctor.
That being said, if Knockout were there he would ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!
It more primitive that Earth! The titans are terrifying! The humans are gross! Hanji won't leave him alone! There are no car washes! And worst of all, his former boss is there!
Primus might as well just kill him now!
So Knockout would stay as close to Optimus as he possibly can the first couple of weeks because he's the only person that isn't out to get him. And Optimus just accepting it at this point.
The first human that he even starts to like is Levi, because is essentially a germaphobe and he would give Knockout a wash. Knockout's never felt this clean before in his life, that's how precise Levi is, and vows to keep him safe for this very reason.
Levi's annoyed and Hanji laughing her ass off.
Knockout would totally give Historia and Ymir relationship advice. He sees from a mile away that those two are soulmates and gives them tips on how to improve their relationship. Surprisingly they would work. Historia asks how Knockout would even know this, and Knockout briefly talks about Breakdown to her. Historia ends up giving him a comforting pat on the servo and offers her condolences. She ends up confiding in Knockout her fear of losing Ymir to the 13 year curse and how she was scared she wasn't going to be prepared when she's gone.
"You're not going to be," Knockout states bluntly, "It's going to hurt. It's going to be painful, because the person you spent every day adoring will be gone forever."
"That's...scary," Historia swallowed.
"At the very least...you have a good support group," Knockout reasoned, "Decepticons aren't known for being soft."
Historia and Ymir actually feels safest when talking to Knockout about relationship advice because same-sex relationships would definitely be more common on Cybertron and not frowned upon. It's unexpected. The Survey Corps and Optimus were not expecting this.
BTW Knockout and Breakdown relationship is the literally personification of "Be gay. Do crimes." and you can't change my mind.
Hanji ends up taking one look at Knockout prod and immediately wants to replicate it for 3D gear purposes. She starts pulling all nighters trying to get it right and continuously asks Knockout about it.
The Survey Corps do eventually see Knockout bring his a-game in a fight and immediately become terrified of him. Seeing Knockout ram his prod into the neck of Reiner's titan form with a grin on his face would haunt them for a good few weeks. Decepticons are just ruthless.
I think that Knockout would do his best to avoid Megatron, considering he did betray the Decepticons while Megatron was hijacked by Unicron. Besides, Knockout has both seen and dealt with Megatron's brutality. He doesn't want to be anywhere near that if he doesn't have too. He'll probably do a quick repair but that's it.
The only time that Knockout would even think to muster up the courage to confront Megatron would be about Breakdown. We know that Knockout and Breakdown have just become canon over the years since TFP, and they were most likely in a relationship in TFP. Based on what we've seen in show after Breakdown's death, Knockout was given no solace or comfort after the loss of Breakdown. He was basically told to suck it up and move on. The closest thing he got was torturing Cylas, but that was still the corpse of his former lover. That's messed up on so many levels.
Once the distrust would dissipate between the Autobots and him, I think the Autobots would give him solace and comfort him for his loss and the abuse he went through under the Decepticons, which is one of the things Knockout grows to like about the Autobots. He won't admit it out loud, but he appreciates that they give a damn.
So if Knockout were to confront Megatron about Breakdown, he would really just call Megatron out for his blatant hypocrisy. How he refused to save Breakdown from the hands of MECH, and that it was Bulkhead who went to go and save him. Not the Decepticons, Breakdown's most hated nemesis. How he constantly berated him after what happened with MECH. How Megatron refused to ignore the decrease in morale among vehicons after Breakdown died because Breakdown was the only one talking to them and treating them like more than drone. The biggest one, being the Cylas incident, and making the conclusion that if Cylas had succeeded, they would've kept him around. And if Megatron did, Knockout would've defected on the spot.
The Survey Corps would definitely get more insight to the Decepticon work environment and would just despise Megatron from then on out. The fear would turn to hatred.
Levi would add this to the increasing list of reasons they shouldn't trust Megatron.
(This was interesting. I didn't think I would have a lot to say about Knockout. Although I feel like I'm going to need to make a list of "What if this TFP character was in Attack on Prime" soon.)
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 19: Rock Bottom.
Genuinely started crying when I realised. No. You cannot be serious. I can’t do this again…
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
I will say that compared to my last episode notes, I’m a bit more upbeat. I finished ep 18 then went straight onto this, so I have no explanation as to why I’m more calm.
00:08 - mm delicious quality. Look at those smexy rocks.
00:31 - After Operation: Breakdown, if I were to theorise that it was actually a Cybertronian body, no one could say otherwise.
00:46 - They need one of those backpacks with a leash attached.
00:51 - especially considering that the conversation had very heavy implications that the mine was a dead end. This show would be a lot shorter if they put Miko on a leash. Could’ve been longer if they gave bots the recovery arcs they deserve though-
00:57 - Bulkhead’s father skills. I love it… Okay been a bit deprived of Dadimus and Bee content, so there’s a part of me that’s wants to redraw this scene so it’s Optimus running after Bee.
01:01 - Kinda vibing with Jack in these past few episodes.
01:29 - *throws into the crowd of Megatron and Starscream fans* FEAST!
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02:23 - Please tell me someone has a hc that Megatron goes spelunking in his free time.
02:38 - Would it be wrong for me to say I’m kinda vibing with Megatron rn?
02:42 - Starscream has an outline for some reason. Probably lighting.
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02:47 - indulge: To allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something.
So he d o e s like spelunking.
03:08 - it absolutely would not :D
03:31 - A lot of the time when a character uses a bunch of buzzwords, it’s just a bunch of gibberish. TFP writers really said ‘hold my beer’ because I’d be lying if I said that the explanation didn’t make sense.
04:17 - mmm beautiful camera angle. Really shows the power imbalance.
04:22 - *throws to the Megatron fans* FEAST!
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04:24 - What’s going on? Why does Starscream look so cute??
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04:43 - excuse me how the fu-
04:54 - … HC Megatron reads body language excruciatingly well. Use that for your fanfictions if you so desire.
04:57 - Why would be so that?! C’mon. Ya could’ve used that.
05:00 - I cannot b r e a t h e ! Can he even see Starscream at that point?!
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05:08 - Mmmm walk cycle. Also heavily animated Megatron(?), he’s very expressive in this moment.
05:30 - I adore the contrast of Megatron being expressive, but also unapologetically confident, while Starscream’s stiff and moves like a pigeon that hasn’t quite worked out that it should be flying away.
05:35 - Megatron’s like a theatre kid. It’s so compelling. I feel like I should be bored, but there’s another part of me that cannot look away.
05:51 - He said the title! Wee Woo!
06:20 - how did Arcee not hear them? I get that Megatron wasn’t exactly loud, but they were making noises that was most likely amplified by the tunnels.
06:22 - Megatron’s looking up, not at them.
06:47 - Smart choice, Starscream.
06:51 - let us take a moment to question wtf Megatron thought was going to happen. He had every intention of killing Starscream, but once his attention was drawn away, did he really think Starscream was going to stay back? It’s not like Megatron would need any help anyway, it’s Arcee. As much as she’s a girl boss, she doesn’t really stand a chance against Megatron.
08:27 - that shot lasted too long. + Apart of me was kinda hoping that it would cut to Optimus being like ‘My Primey senses tell me Arcee and Bulkhead are in trouble.’ Then Ratchet there like ‘your what?.’
08:54 - Jack using an Autobot curse. Really getting into the lingo aren’t ya, Jackie boy?
09:05 - Is that a reference?
09:16 - cue Surface Pressure
09:26 - this is a Metaphor for his emotional maturity and how he’s able to carry himself without being emotionally charged nor emotionally constipated. It isn’t- but it totally could be.
09:45 - okay but like, what if he did let go? Slowly, of course.
10:16 - There’s something so enjoyable about a character reacting in a way that is so unbelievably in character for them.
10:39 - Damn. Using your head there, ain’t cha?
11:24 - okay but why has no one come looking for the bots yet?
12:36 - Maybe the rocks are a metaphor for emotions? Arcee let’s her emotions get the better of her, Jack’s learnt to roll with the punches, Miko need to work on it but finds herself getting tired and having to give in, Bulkhead ends up in over his head and needs to let out steam otherwise he will get hurt, Starscream will always be on the run, but will work on himself too and Megatron’s buried too deep.
12:44 - *cri* noooo Bulkhead
13:09 - Aside from that being Optimus’s line, good job, buddy ol’ Jack.
13:35 - I hope Miko’s learnt her lesson.
13:47 - aww sweet pea!
14:10 - world’s most beautiful visual. Megatron’s got some very strong lights in his eyes.
14:25 - Even Megatron knows when he should be defeated.
14:38 - I know he’s right but like… man how I wish he did kill Megatron, or at least try.
14:45 - Why not with Bee? You two have tea together after all (IYKYK)
14:56 - from the way he moves it’s safe to assume he wiggling. Is Megatron secretly a worm? Perhaps.
15:24 - Somewhere in some universe Bulkhead’s a parent.
15:47 - hit me baby one more time. + If Bulkhead’s arms locked would he be able to continue to hold it?
16:43 - this camera angle really puts into perspective how large Starscream is.
16:56 - Ayo 🤨
17:48 - but the way Starscream said Miko- damn
18:17 - Her tears look like they were made on ibisPaint X
18:40 - Power imbalance shown through the angle
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19:23 - Bulkhead’s mouth guard is fraggin hollow? Excuse me??
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19:43 - The nicknames *cri*
19:50 - Why is that such a ‘main character’s bully gets told off’ scene?
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20:20 - depends what from.
And that was Rock Bottom. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Ain’t a favourite but that’s alright. It's a good episode, not my style, but certainly one that deserves love.
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elendiliel · 1 year
A small follow-up to this fic. For my Transformers fics in general and this crossover in particular, many inspiration and worldbuilding credits go to @justawannabearchaeologist's "TFP Wheeljack in TFA" series, which I highly recommend. (I don't think I've used much of it for this one, but better safe than sorry.)
Peace at last.
Well, nearly. Hangar E was almost as empty as it ever got outside a more-critical-than-usual emergency. Most of Team Prime’s Autobots were off trying to retrieve more Predacon bones before the Decepticons found them; Fowler was in his office, Nurse Darby was at work and the children appeared to be doing the homework she had set them, which probably meant that Jack and Rafael were working and Miko had found a new way to procrastinate. That left Ratchet to ‘bot the groundbridge – and keep the new recruit company.
Optimus had decided that Glitch should have some time to acclimatise before joining the others on missions, and (unlike a certain rookie) she had agreed. After all, just the previous day she had found herself in a different reality, one for which she was woefully ill-equipped; anyone would need time to process something like that. Part of the equipment she did have, one of a pair of magnetic manipulators that were apparently standard medical tools where she came from, had shorted out in a rather one-sided battle against a party of Vehicons; she was repairing it herself at Ratchet’s worktable, utterly absorbed by her task. (He made a mental note to do something about the furniture in the hangar; everything was sized for humans or ‘bots Arcee’s height or taller, and Glitch was almost exactly halfway between the two.)
Ratchet decided not to disturb her for the time being. After an acute bout of homesickness as the gravity of her situation made itself known, she had rebounded impressively, playing ball games with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Wheeljack (and responding to concerns about her stature with, “Judge me by my size, do you?” which had amused the humans), chatting to Miko about music, Rafael about computers and Nurse Darby about medicine, filling the hangar with her laughter as Fowler told the story of his conversation with Breakdown during the space-bridge raid, but Ratchet had a good idea of how much that had cost her. He had known other ‘bots like her, in the dim and too-distant past, and recognised the signs – the way her speech patterns changed as she grew accustomed to other people or when discussing a topic close to her spark, a lack of eye contact, little movements of her hands that she quickly suppressed, and other tells. He knew she wouldn’t welcome too much social interaction that day, as that of the previous evening – while by no means feigned – had certainly been energy-intensive for her, and suspected that her Cybertron was no kinder to such ‘bots than his had been. She seemed confident that that could and would change, however, and he sincerely hoped she was right.
Her mood couldn’t have been helped by the fact that she hadn’t powered down (“entered stasis”, she called it) all night, apparently deep in the data files Optimus and Ratchet had put together to help her adjust to their reality and understand their current overarching mission. Ratchet had a feeling there was more to it than that, and with a jolt he realised what it was. He had seen such behaviour during the war for Cybertron, among rookies after their first battles, afraid to power down after what they had seen and done. Glitch was no rookie, as the scars on her chestplate declared, but in her universe the “Great War” was long since over, and Decepticons were more likely to be captured than killed. She almost certainly hadn’t seen a ‘bot die in combat until the day before, let alone played any part in their deaths. He cursed himself for not realising that earlier – but then, there were few or no rookie Autobots left in his universe. The only one he had met in aeons was Smokescreen, whose training, enthusiasm and ego had carried him through those early days. Glitch wasn’t like him; though at times high-spirited or even thoughtless, she seemed to be all reckless kindness and self-sacrificing selflessness, with a species of gentleness and optimism that could easily be mistaken for innocence. Ratchet prayed that their endless war wouldn’t take that from her.
Having someone she knew she could talk to would help there, and Ratchet reluctantly concluded he was a logical choice. Optimus had the entire team to worry about, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee had their humans, Ultra Magnus wouldn’t have been suited to the task even had there not been a certain amount of friction between him and Glitch, Smokescreen was too inexperienced and Wheeljack… no. Just no. Might as well get it over with… He made his way over to the worktable, where she was still working on her mod. “Need any help with that?”
Her hands remained steady and on task even as the rest of her jumped in surprise. She was well trained, then. “No, I’m nearly done. Not the first time I’ve done this; probably not the last. Thanks, though.” She smiled up at him, briefly. “These are only civilian-grade. Technically I’m not a combat ‘bot, so I’m not allowed battle-grade ones like my – the other Ratchet’s. Civilian-grade magnets are more sensitive, but less powerful and easier to damage. There’s always a trade-off.”
“Quite so,” Ratchet agreed. “And you can say “my Ratchet” if that’s easier for you. You won’t hurt my feelings. What’s he like, by the way?” Part genuine curiosity, part putting off his real questions.
Glitch thought for a bit. “Hard to describe, really. Worked his way up through the system to become one of the best medics on the planet, even before the Great War. Saw far too much on the battlefield, even before he became Omega Supreme’s mentor – each of the Omega Sentinels was bonded to an Autobot teacher, and Ratchet ended up being the first. Long story. Hasn’t really trusted higher authority since, and wasn’t keen on it before that. Once went against orders to treat a Decepticon survivor of a cosmic rust attack, which led to the Autobots gaining an antidote for it.”
“Cosmic rust? Is that like cybonic plague?” Ratchet hadn’t heard of “cosmic rust” before, but it sounded just as nasty as anything his ‘Cons had used in his war.
“Assuming that’s a bioweapon, not quite. Cosmic rust’s a chemical weapon that destroys Cybertronian plating. I saw a case not so long ago – Rodimus Prime.” Glitch had already explained that in her world “Prime” was only a rank, between Major and Magnus. She’d been awed by its significance in Ratchet’s universe. “He got the antidote just in time, but it still took him weeks to be able to function, let alone recover fully. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer ‘bot, according to one of his team, who’s an old friend of mine. Anyway. My Ratchet can come across as prickly and bad-tempered, he doesn’t mince his words and his people skills can still use some work – not that I’m one to talk – but he cares a lot more than he lets on, about his team, Cybertron, even Earth and its people. He almost never backs down from a fight, he’s always got our backplates, and he’ll even go against Optimus if he thinks it’s the right thing to do. No matter what I’m going through, he’s there for me. Saved my life a few times, as well.” One finger traced the scar on her upper chestplate, which cut into her Autobrand; there was a matching one on her backplate. The injury must have been perilously close to her spark chamber. Ratchet found himself impressed by his counterpart’s skill, and Glitch’s endurance.
“It sounds as though you admire him.”
“I do, and have done since I was a sparkling. Of course I know he’s not perfect, but I’m still very lucky to have him as a mentor.” She flashed Ratchet an almost sly grin he was already coming to recognise. “And that some things don’t change. There, that should do it,” she added before Ratchet was forced to respond to that compliment, meaning her repairs. She powered up the offending magnet and tested it out, levitating the Wreckers’ lobbing ball level with the top of the worktable before carefully putting it back down. “Good as new.”
Deciding that there was no point in beating about the bush, as Nurse Darby sometimes said (what did that phrase even mean?), Ratchet abruptly changed the subject to the one he’d meant to address all along. “Yesterday, was that the first time you’d seen anyone die in battle?”
She nodded once as her gaze dropped to the table, her good mood vanishing. Ratchet cursed his own bluntness, but knew apologies would be counterproductive. Instead, he said, “I thought so. Optimus told me how you reacted just to cutting an Energon line.” And Ultra Magnus had complained about her “reckless stunt, almost worthy of a Wrecker,” which had made Wheeljack grin. “It’s hard for all of us, especially medics like you and me, but you’re not alone. You can talk to any of us, whenever you need to – though I don’t recommend Smokescreen. Or Wheeljack, really.”
“Thank you.” She took a deep, shaky vent. “I trained in infirmaries, so I’ve seen ‘bots die, I’ve treated combat injuries, and I saw what Shockwave did to my Ultra Magnus, but I’ve never been even partly responsible for anybot’s death before. Didn’t know it’d hurt quite so much.”
“One never does. But as I say, you’re not alone in that. By the way, what do you have against your universe’s Shockwave? I’m none too keen on ours, but you appear to have something personal against yours. And I don’t think it’s to do with your Ultra Magnus.” Glitch really didn’t seem to like her Cybertron’s leader, which wasn’t helping her relationship with his counterpart much.
“He was undercover as an Autobot for centuries. I was in boot camp with him, trusted him to have my backplate even in live-fire exercises, and never thought for a nanoklik he might be a Decepticon.” She sounded as angry with herself as with the spy.
“If his cover lasted that long, nor did anyone else.” Ratchet filed the “live-fire exercises” away for later consideration. Glitch’s Cybertron was supposed to be at peace, but it sounded unnervingly well-prepared for war. “Trusting easily and seeing the best in people can be risky, but I for one would never ask you to change that. You have a good spark, Glitch. Take care of it.” He took a risk of his own, putting an arm around the sparkling’s shoulders. (She wouldn’t care to be called a sparkling, but on his Cybertron she would be one. Not even two million…)
“Wilco.” Glitch reciprocated the half-embrace, wrapping her arm around Ratchet’s back as best she could. Their spark-to-spark over, the two medics sat in companionable silence, awaiting the next emergency. Some things don’t change…
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Can you list the Top five Tfp cons who would be the best parents?
Oddly specific, but lets go!
Breakdown. Big bust, ever caring of their feelings, a great cook, and stronger than an ox, Breakdown is a doting and caring dad. Not to mention him and Knockout make a hell of a team together, so sparkling raising is a piece of cake (though BD is more of the parent. Knockout isn’t as nurturing as he is, just in the programming).
Airachnid. She’s very sweet, protective, and caring of her little bundle. But she more or less lets her child do as they please. Its both a blessing and a curse, how much free roam her sparkling would have. But she is always there to help them in the midst's of a mistake, so her baby can rely on her.
Soundwave. There isn't ANYTHING Soundwave can’t handle. Being a wellspring of information, as well as a mean killing machine, no one fucks with Soundwave’s kids. Having said that, he isn't good at giving advice (though he listens VERY well).
Dreadwing. He’s actually had practice, in a way. Being the older twin, he took care his brother pretty much his entire life, so he knows how to be kind, yet to be firm. Not to mention he’s a total mama bear; beating the shit out of anyone threatening or scaring his baby. If anything his flaw is that he’s a touch clingy, so the sparkling can tend to feel a bit smothered.
Megatron. While he’s definitely VERY heavy handed, he’s also kind. To a degree. He will teach his sparkling fighting skills, science, politics, all while showing all of their baby pictures. Though, the sparkling would most likely try to be ‘that perfect kid’, so some issues lie there.
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soundcrazy · 4 years
Old love
Here’s another story from my Wattpad! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,563
TFP Knockout x Cybertronian! Reader
          It's been about two weeks since I arrived and may I say the earth is so beautiful. I normally lay in fields or walk around in a forest, but today was different I became low on Energon.
          I look to the meter to show how much Energon is left in my ship’s contaminants. The bar is all the way down to about two days worth of Energon.
          "Great," I curse to myself as I get my Energon for the day and head outside. The weather outside isn't helping my sad state, it only made it worse. It causes me to only hear the rain hitting my helm and armor.
I sit in my normal place at a cliff and wait for the rain to pass. Which it does after a while but it was worth the wait. The cliff looks over a small town with an ocean view. A smile comes to lips as I stare every day but it seems like every day the view gets better and better.
          I jump back into reality when I hear a blaster go off. I stand to my full height and pause for a moment to give the view one last glance before I leave. I always act like I'll never see it again due to the Autobots and Decepticons being on earth. I know one day I’ll be caught and I know that luck is running out.
          The worse part is as I got closer to the blasters I noticed that there fight is right where my ship is sitting.
          "Scrap," I get both sides in my view and see that the Decepticons are winning.
          "Fall back!" I could hear the Autobot leader yell out and take off to a ground bridge with his team not far behind.
          "Finally, they're gone," I look back to the Decepticons and see a sliver seeker speak up.
          "Starscream, you did nothing," the booming steps of a blue mech is all I can hear as both of them walk to my ship. I, of course, follow them try not to get caught in the process.
          "Who would live on this piece of scrap?" The mech I learned his name to be Starscream looks around and tosses things over his shoulder.
          "We should just go back it seems that who even was here left," the bulky blue mech turns around and begins to walk straight to my hiding spot with Starscream behind him.
          I began to back up and the trip over a pipe and I fall back against a wall. I look down and back up and hope to not see the two mechs but my hopes where crushed fast.
          "Hi." I give them a nervous smile and wait for one of them to respond to me.
          "Are you an Autobot?" Starscream gives me a glare with his ruby-red optics. I can tell he is very displeased to see me.
          "Give them a break, Starscream. It’s obvious they aren’t, they don’t even have the Autobot logo." The blue mech looks to Starscream then back to me, he reaches out for me and gives me a small smile. I take his big servo and he pulls me up as if I was nothing to him.
          Starscream huffs and walks off the ship and I can hear him calling for a ground bridge in the distant.
          "I'm Breakdown and that was Starscream. He can be a pain." I look at him and smile.
          "Nice to met you, Breakdown, I'm Y/N." He looks at me for a moment before breaking into another huge smile.
          "You’re Knockout’s old friend!" I pick up on the name of my old best friend a cherry red mech that is so self-centered he doesn't know when to stop talking about his paint job.
          "Yes that's me," I nod my helm and look to where the green, yellow, portal appears.
          "Come on, Knockout is going to be happy to see you!" his voice picks up a bit in excitement as I follow him out of my ship and into the portal.
           A deep, rough voice greets me as I walk through the ground bridge. “Welcome.” Once the person comes into view I see it's Megatron.
          "I guess I am joining the Decepticons," I look to Megatron and he smirks in pleasure from my answer.
          "Of course you are," this time Breakdown speaks up. I look to him and all I could see is a glimmer of joy in his optics and a smile on his lips.
          "Well, Breakdown will you take them to get here insignia done and show them to their berthroom," Breakdown nods and pulls my small frame out of the room and to the med bay.
          "Here we are, med bay," Breakdown pulls me inside fast and lets me go. "Wait here," he takes off to a room connected to med bay which I guess is where the doctor is at.
          "What!" I hear a screech from the other room. I move over to the door and peek in and inside I see Knockout and Breakdown talking.
          "I am not joking they are here!" Breakdown seems to jump and down with joy and Knockout doesn't seem to care at all.
          "Can I just say something?" I pop into the conversation and hope that they don't yell at me.
          "What do you want, Y/N?" Knockouts voice comes off annoyed and disgusted.
          "I wanted to say that I am happy to see you, that's all," I begin to shrink back into the other room out of fear and guilt for speaking up.
          "Y/N, wait," Knockouts voice travels as he steps closer to me. He reaches out and grips my wrist.
          "I'll leave you too," Breakdown winks at us and walks out the door into the hallway.
          "I am so sorry for leaving," Knockouts voice breaks, “I’m stupid for leaving you back then. It was a dumb idea. I’m so sorry.” 
          "Knockout I can't forgive you for something that big," his grip on my wrist gets stronger with every word.
          "Please forgive me," he looks at me with pitiful optics, but I don't break.
          "No, you just went off to join a side and you abandoned me!" I bark out my words and jerk my wrist from him but his servos stays wrap around my wrist.
          "Please," he looks at me and I stare back at him with not emotion. I know he is hoping I'll forgive him but I have no interest in forgiving him. "Just think back to when we were on Cybertron, we said we would become mates and we would have sparklings, we would be happy," his tone slowly became more depressing to listen to.
          "We did talk about that, but that was before all of this," I point out the facts and try to rip his servo off my wrist all at the same time. I give up and stop when I know he isn't going to stop holding my wrist.
          "Fine," he drops my wrist and walks out of the room and into the med bay. "You can get your insignia done now, If you want," I think for a moment and agree with him.
          "Will it hurt?" Knockouts back is to me but I know he was thinking about the question for a moment.
          "Maybe," he shrugged his shoulders as he turns to me and helps me up on the table.
          "Just maybe?" I begin to worry about if it's going to hurt, I was never a fan of pain so when it comes down to this, fear is rising in me.
          "You'll be fine," Knockout uses his silky voice to calm my nerves for the moment. "Just shut your optics," I trust him and shut my optics.
          "You lied to me! It hurt terribly!" I raise my voice from him lying to me.
          "I said maybe," he looks at me as I sit right up on the table.
          I glare daggers at him and wait for him to help me down.
          "You think that I'll help you, you yelled at me earlier," he moves back from me.
          "Fine if you are going to act that way then I'll get down from here by myself," I let my pedes touch the ground and I push off the table. "There I did it all by myself," I stand full of pride and I start to walk past Knockout but his arm goes out and wraps his arm around my waist.
          "Where are you going, newbie," I look to him and give me a glare. "The doctor hasn't said your excused," he gives me his flirty smirk and shoves me against the table.
          "Knockout?" My voice is a low whisper as I see his face coming closer to mine. His optics lock with mine as he gets close, lucky he doesn't kiss me he just lays his forehelm on mine.
          "Please, forgive me," he changes the subject and gives me puppy eyes. "I want those dreams to come true my, dear Y/N," this time he looks so broken and pitiful.
          "Ugh, you kill me," I couldn't hold myself back anymore, I put my servos on the sides of his face and pull his mouth to mine. His servos find their ways around my waist, when we break apart we smile at each other. "I love you."
          "I love you too, Y/N.” 
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the-energon-hole · 6 years
I love your writing, darling! May I request TFP Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout and Predaking comforting their crying human s/o? Their beloved doesn’t express emotions much and seems to be perfect: eloquent, intelligent, regal and wise. However, she has a mental breakdown and her flawless demeanor is shattered. She feels worthless for making mistakes and disappointing others, and because she never speaks about such fears and bottles up the negative emotions, her feelings bursts like a damn.
((A/N Thank You My Dear, just an f.y.i. I have been there so many times it’s crazy how well I know this feeling. I keep shit so bottled up I end up weeping over a fork I dropped on the floor.))
-He had heard about the harsh punishment and verbal reprimandation you received from your boss at the lab you were employed at, something about you making a “rookie mistake” because you made a simple oversight of not labeling your chemicals for others to know what was around your workstation when the other shifts came in to continue your research. You talk about the kinds of shady things that go on at your workplace constantly to him, besides you stealing top secret plans and chemicals for the Decepticons of course, and he finds himself enticed for some reason to actually listen and care to your small anecdotes and stories about your idiotic top secret “intelligent” and “important” co workers.. There just seems to be so much drama going on with the other scientists, and you unfortunately, were seen as an easy target for them to use as a proverbial punching bag because they have shitty personalities and don’t know how to deal with their own business; and if he were to be honest, it bothered him that this was happening to you specifically, but you were so emotionless and monotone about the whole thing when you described what they said to you and even about you that he never thought to much of at the time. In fact, if you never said anything about your working environment at all, he would have never been the wiser to all your barriers and problems you were facing from the humans you were employed by- and he prided himself on being able to read most people and bots like an open book as he was a very observant mech. You were a strong person emotionally, as he has known you to never let someone dictate how you felt about a situation (even him), and mostly, you knew how to outsmart most other humans that he always just thought you got small petty revenge on them by doing something amusing like poisoning their lunches so they get sick during the day or sabatoshing their individual projects so that they have the potential to get fired and screamed at and you would never have to see them again in your lab. Yes, that was why he liked you so much in a small way, you were able to laugh at others misfortune while still retaining a little bit of your humanity while staying humble and eager to work with him being able to trust you to always get the job done no matter what- that was why you had a secret alliance with the Decepticons after all, he would spare the Earth and seize power so that you can dictate how the world should be properly run so long as you did what you were told and continued to reveal secret government plans to them. He found himself becoming even reliant on you and your intelligence gathering as you were becoming an integral part of his team- and best of all he didn’t have to worry about you double crossing inm like all these other degenerate on this ship.
-He must be going soft in his spark or something, because if a few cycles ago you told him he would be concerned for this little human sobbing uncontrollably in the control room of his ship, he probably would have thrown you out of the airlock in space to watch you become exposed to the vacuum of space. Here he was though, holding you in the palms of his claws while you were having a crying fit that made his spark clench a little in it’s chambers. You told him all the stress and all the small things were finally starting to get to you- you didn’t want to cry and you felt so weak and helpless succumbing to trivial and silly things like your human emotions. You just wished that you didn’t feel anything at all sometimes- maybe then you could finally become the perfect human that you try so hard to be everyday. That face you put on, that stoic attitude you display to others, and all of the slightly harsh and logical words you managed to mutter out of your quivering lips- it was all a lie. No matter what you do, you are cursed to feel strongly about everything that has been happening to you. It was just surprising to hear Megatron give a small chuckle as he took one of his claws to gently tilt his face upwards to look into his piercing red optics. He told you it is the burden of those whom are destined for greatness, you feel things so deeply and so fully, that you have to do something in order to change the world around you. It was how he managed to single handedly plunge Cybertron into chaos after all, he felt all the injustice and pain of those who were unfortunate enough to be in a caste below him being forced to fight him and die for the enjoyment of others- he has had his own weak moments. He will stand here with you all night if he has to, you and he were one in the same, and soon there will be nothing more to cry about- he will make sure of it.
-Ever since you have come to serve with him under the regime of Megatron he has rarely ever known you tro make mistakes. You always knew what to say to make the other bots back off ands leave you alone when they came to torture you about being a weak and small human, you always knew how to take care of any electrical or mechanical problem they were experiencing on the ship as you were a very fast learner and picked up on Cybertronian Mechanics os quickly, and mostly you were stoic enough that when you did make a mistake or miscalculation you managed to stay calm and collected while facing their ruthless and twisted leader. It was a gift not many have possessed over the cycles as he has seen so many falter and fail so terribly that Megatron took no mercy on them, whether they were useful to his future plans or not, but nothing stopped you from doing the job you were brought aboard this ship to do. Recently he noticed you making more and more small mistakes, simple ones at first that he can easily correct and fix without anyone noticing, but it was starting to get worse and worse as he noticed your hands trembling when you worked and your breathing would become quick and panicked- he also noticed a rise in blood pressure when ever he took a scan of you when you started to question your normally correct and informed decisions. You were like him, and he knew it was going to be your downfall, as he too did not speak about his fears or his insecurities with anyone- he didn’t trust them to not use his weaknesses against him so he thought it better to just bottle everything up and try not to let it explode while he was busy performing his duties. He has been doing it for eons, so really, eh knew what signs to look for in himself when he became to frustrated with current events to continue working to which he would have someone cover for him while he took a quick and quiet flight alone through the cool night sky. You didn’t have that opportunity since being here, and you have been forced time and again to prove your worth to the cause, he can tell it was draining on you- and he can’t say he blames you for making mistakes.
-It surprised him a little to find you curled up in a tight corner in between some consoles in the engineering room of the ship crying unattractively and uncontrollably as you cupped your face in your hands to the point the heat must be making your face flush a darker color than normal- and when you looked up at him once you heard his approach he noticed your eyes were darker due to the tears and your face glistened a little due to the ones that have long fallen past. He wasn’t expecting this, honestly, as he was sure you would just go somewhere else to decompress and relax as he does whenever he becomes overwhelmed. He couldn’t help himself, as he felt drawn to you instinctively, as he took a slim digit to softly push your hands away from your face so you can get some deeper and more calming breaths into your lungs. He can read the distress your body was in on his screen, and it bothered him that you were keeping things so bottled up that this is the result of the situation. He needs to pay attention to your signs much closer now because if someone other than him were to walk in on you like this, well, it would have been a one way ticket into the atmosphere that was so thin you would be dead before you hit the ground from the long fall. You spilled your guts out to him as you latched onto his instinctively arm for support as you nearly fell over from your fetal position when he forced your arms to your side- this was so hard for you. It was a mental challenge on top of being a life or death situation, it was almost impossible to think with all of these hecklers and bystanders screaming profanities at you from afar, and it was hard not being able to see any of your friends or family anymore. Truth, you agreed to this situation- but it must have been harder on your emotions that you first might have thought. He felt like that when he first joined forces with Megatron, everything changed so quickly and harshly that he had no choice but to adapt or he would be killed just like all the others… Just like you could be killed potentially. He said nothing as he lifted you to hold you in one hand, which must have surprised you enough to make you gasp in fear as you started to tremble while apologizing profusely to him in an almost begging tone, which ceased once you finally looked into his screen with wide eyes while sniffing at those tears and emotions long since now passed. He had a small heart on his screen, a human sign of affection he noticed- he liked you a lot, and if you needed to cry to decompress he would allow it, so long as it was in his presence and not in someone else’s who would be so willing to stomp on you without giving it a second thought.
-Your beauty and regality is what drew him to you in the first place as he has never seen an human work it as hard as you do- it was a little intoxicating watching you manipulate and trick people into doing whatever you wanted when you played up that “stupid little airhead” trope he has seen in so many movies. Truth was that you were a deliciously dirty little minx who can charm anything from anyone- it wasn’t a  gift that was taught but one earned through hard work on appearance and hard work on witty and fun little quips- you and him were the same way. He has so easily gotten out of life or death situations by batting his eyes at any mech that was eyeing him up and down on the battlefield, it was nice to see there were humans who were just like him. It was why he picked you up to work for the Decepticons, you could do things on the down low that hey never could. Need an artifact that the humans have displayed in some second hand shoppe? You can do that. Need to distract a group of humans so he can sneak by and obtain whatever it was that he needed from a warehouse or construction site? Done, you were really good at that. You never let him down when the situation called for it, so when you failed to charm someone, it came as a huge shock to the both of you. It was a verbal malstrom of malcontent and anger from Megatron form your first ever failed mission- he considered that a good thing as you both got off the hook so easily, yet you seemed to take it differently, you became so cut off and so quiet since then. You rarely conversed with him in his lab and you barely made comments on teh funny anecdotes he had to tell you, if he was going to be honest, it was a little concerning for him as this was a side of you that he would have never thought he would see. He would have assumed you could just bounce back as fast as he could- but once he learned of your fears of failure and your fears of letting everyone down who relied on you, well, it all made sense in that clear moment to him.
-He can relate to the whole afraid of failure thing, even if he was cool under pressure, so when you sat in the lab on a table giving of f ugly wails as you cried and it absolutely broke his spark into two- you can’t feel like this so long as he is around. Seeing you cry like that mean she was essentially crying like that, and well, we can’t have that. He picked you up unceremoniously as you yelped and grabbed onto a few of his digits to prevent yourself from being flung across the room by accident. He sat down on an exam table and looked at you expectantly as you rubbed at your slightly sticky face while giving a small hiccup- the tears stopped due to the shock of almost being dropped a few stories onto the ground by a bot who sometimes forget how fragile and squishy you really were. He asked you to explain why the leaking ands why the animalistic wailing, to which you slightly laughed at the way he worded it but were instantly brought back to that dark place by the anxiety that was shrouding your mind in a foggy haze- you swore if it weren’t for the sobering moment of almost dying that all of this would have felt like some dream and that you were still stuck in a place you didn’t want to be. You had to explain to the slightly comically expressed Knockout that failure has never been a good thing in your life as time and again your failure to do even “simple” tasks has caused such traumatic backlash that anytime you so much as drop a fork on the ground you can spiral uncontrollably to the dark places in your brain that you don’t want to be in. That reflected so hard to his processor as he felt his spark clench as the smile fell from his face as he looked deeply at you for the first time since you two have been working together- this was the reality call he needed to remember that humans were in fact fully conscious and functioning begins with deep and complex thoughts and emotions. It just proved to him you were more similar than even eh would like to admit- he has been to that dark place to, but here on this ship, you need to get a thick outer frame fast or else you will be the subject to cruel and unusual punishment- jeez, the things a mech does to stay on the winning side. He let you weep a little more after that, he figured it was bets to let those bottled up emotions come out rather than you put a  lid on it just to explode a little later on- he will try to help you gain a thicker outer shell, but until then, you go ahead and cry- he will make sure only he will see it.
-You were the only human he has gotten to know rather extensively, and if you were a prime example of what your species has to offer, well then your planet was worth saving if that were the case. You were a kind and gentle keeper to him, even when he has made so many mistakes and lashed out in anger, but no matter what he did you always protected him from bots like Starscream who liked to flex his power by taunting him. It was amazing watching you, this tiny and feeble little human, stand up against bigger and stronger alien life forms on his behalf- you took absolutely nothing from nobody and it was very enticing to see. You were so stoic and put together while somehow still being kind hearted and loving, though he was forbidden to help you should you be overwhelmed by the bigger bots, he got the feeling that you wouldn’t need his help anyway. You knew how to handle a gun and you knew when the appropriate time was to use lethal force against a perceived enemy. He was learning a lot from you just by watching you interact with all of these miscreants, and he will be forever grateful to your services to him, he will pay you back one day- this was his promise to you even though he did not speak it aloud for others to hear him say it. It wasn’t long after he made this commitment though that you suddenly had such a shift in your personality display, you started to become a little shaky and uncertain as if you were caught doing something wrong in the act. You paced back and forth in his cage a lot, muttering and mumbling to yourself about things he did not quite understand- things like you being a failure to all your family and how you have fallen short of expectations and regret taking on so much work with such small compensation. It was off putting he will admit, but he fully believes nothing can crack through your armor and that you just needed a quiet place to think, to which he will gladly let his sanctum be your space.
-It didn’t really hit home for him that you were an actual person, you know, a person with actual thoughts and feelings that go deeper than what was on the surface of the personality he has witnessed. These emotions were new to him, and he can’t say he understands what was truly upsetting you, but when you lay at the back of his cage curled up and making small pathetic noises that were out of character for you- well he was concerned, or at least, that’s what he thought this feeling must be. It kind of made him clench and cringe when you sniffed and huffed in a bawlign fit that he was sue must be a human thing because he has never seen Cybertronians act this way, but then again, he hasn’t seen them acting any other way than malicious and angry so there was that. You let out another ugly whine as his instincts began to kick in and before he knew it he had you curled up in his side as he lay where you once did, he felt you shaking a little as this was new for him as well- was this what it was like to comfort someone as you comforted him when he was injured in battle? You spoke to him of your fears and of your failures, how it felt like no matter how hard you worked you always fell short of expectations and it just made you feel as if you were just an etheral being just sliding by without contributing anything to the situation and it drove you crazy that you can’t do anything more because you were “weak” and “helpless”. He just grunted in protest and used a clawed hand to tap at your chest where your spark was supposed to be, he knew you had something else there, but the same principle certainly should apply. He swished his tail as you continued to sniff but look at him with a curious glint in your eyes- he has never interacted with you like this, the cuddling and the touching, it was foreign but it was not unwelcome as he was pleasantly warm and comforting. You might not know what he meant when he thumped on your chest but you knew that was where his spark was, so maybe it was his way of telling you to “believe in yourself”, and that was actually kind of beautiful. All the cons are trying to tell you this beast has no thoughts or feelings and is just a tool for war- you knew they were all wrong, and this is the proof. It was vindication to see it, and honestly, it made you feel a little better to know you haven’t let him down as you have the others around you.
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