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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
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They do be fixing that boat
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
how do you people even come up with such urls, who thinks hmm uk what would be a great tumblr username?? VOLDEMORTSHAIRYNIPPLES
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p.s. not making fun of this person who liked my post, but the url just got me🤍
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
listening to louis tomlinson singing is a million things. it's like a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning, like snuggling into the sheets with your favourite book that's been read so many times, it's worn out. it's like watching your favourite movie again and laughing as if it's the first time you saw it. it's like a bouquet of your favourite flowers,like waking up so early in the morning that the only sounds you hear are birds chirping and the dew is still fresh on the flower petals. it's like the smell of old books, of their wisdom and the stories they hold, not just the ones written in them but the ones they gathered over the years by people reading them. it's the smell of wet pavement after rain, incessant rain on a dark day. it's the first crack in the dark clouds through which the first golden rays of sun hit the ground after days of rain. it's like the smell of new books and the excitement you have to read them. it's the warmth of hot chocolate in winter, or that way you love to make your tea or coffee,like a warm drink to ease the pain of life. it's like watching the sunrise on a mountain top and the sunset on a beach. it's like pulling out that jumper you wear every winter, the one you can't seem to let go because you love it so much. it's the happiness of waking up in the morning when its quiet and the only thing you can hear is birds chirping,when you're free for the day so you decide to reread your favourite book and visit that world once again in which you used to get lost. it's like having your favourite bar of chocolate while laughing with your friends. it's like the smell of the earth after it rains, like the freshness of spring and the happiness of summer, like the beauty of autumn and the comfort of winter. it's like a big warm hug, something reassuring for when you're sad,heartbroken,upset or just tired. it's the happiness you feel for that one moment when you enter your house after a long day at work or at school and your pet comes running to you and rubs themselves against your legs. it's like coming back home after ages to a family dinner where there's nothing in the air but love.
but at the same time, it's like having your heart broken into a million tiny pieces. it's like the day you realise you've lost your childhood, like going to the store one day and finding out they don't make the candy you loved as kid anymore. it's like going to the park and seeing they chopped off your favourite tree, like the death of your pet you've had since childhood. it's like losing your best friend or that one terrible fight you had with the person you loved unconditionally. it's like losing all your friends, the ones you trusted so much but who only used you and then threw you away like a plastic bottle. it's like being hurt by the person you loved. it's the harshness of winter and the realisation that you're so alone you don't have someone to spend christmas with. it's like the feel of cold metal against your skin, like feeling tied up in a metal chair in the middle of a dark empty room. it's like all the happiness has gone out of the world and there's no hope for humanity anymore. it's like the death of someone close to you, someone who knew all your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, your secrets, someone you trusted more than yourself. it's being alone in a big city. it's like waking up every morning with the knowledge in the back of your mind that you're waking up alone. it's the sadness, the heartbreak and loneliness you feel when you give so much,you give the best you had to that one person you adore, the one you wish adored you too but whatever you do, it's not enough for them and never will be. it's like being hurt by someone you loved, loved to pieces, loved unconditionally. it's loss like you've never known.
it's claustrophobic but liberating. it's happiness but heartbreak. it's love and it's loneliness. it's gain and it's loss. it's a hug and a shove. it's home and it's hell. it's life and it's death. it's everything and it's nothing.
listening to louis tomlinson singing is a million things. but most of all, it's magical. it's an experience you'll never forget.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
pride and prejudice keeps getting better and better with every read. finished reading it for the fourth time last night after not looking at it for almost four years, and im gonna be honest with y'all i forgot how good it was
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
kaz would totally do this.
Kaz would visit Nina in little palace and act so unbelievably fake. He would show up being like “oh, my very close friend lives here I'm just saying hi since I'm nearby visiting my girlfriend” and it takes some convincing but Nina finally gets him in.
Naturally, she's suspicious. “Is it Inej? Is she okay?” and Kaz just continues being this fake ass hoe like, “no, i just missed you, darling friend of mine. How can I not? We get along so well! Always! Yay!”
And Nina CANNOT figure out what this man wants. Is a crow in trouble? Is he trying to ask for something? She can't figure it out. He doesn't interact with anyone else. He just keeps being super fake and finally just goes “so nice to see you but I need to get home now. We should do this again sometime!”
Nina has never been more bewildered in her life. She's convinced someone tailored to be Kaz just randomly visited her.
Then someone bursts into the room and starts yelling that half the royal vault Is gone and she's just like “ohhhhhhh that should have been obvious. My bad.”
Meanwhile Kaz is writing her a letter like “okay, I know I call you stupid, but I’m legitimately concerned you didn’t catch onto the very obvious robbery going on. I swear I don’t care about you, but also… are you alright?”
Nina tells people it is the one and only time Kaz has ever asked about her emotional well-being.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
i'm buying her waffles
"You can try and fail to love Inej more than i do. Yes,you found her family and gave her a ship but did you raise the dead for her? No, you don't even raise a mirror to check on your hair.So die mad about it Kaz." - Nina Zenik giving her co-bridesmaid speech at Kaz and Inej´s wedding.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
let's face it, we all saw dead poets society once and we've never been the same since.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
kaz would faint for a good five minutes then come back round and immediately proceed to insult jesper
Completely obsessed with how incapable Kaz is of being chill around Inej in any remotely romantic context. He's a hardened criminal who goes completely incoherent when his best friend laughs. He can't even look at her without catching his breath. She cradled his face once and his brain broke. I'm convinced a kiss might take him out for good.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
the funniest thing about six of crows is that kaz brekker, all of 17 years of age, is a mafia leader. like honey, you can't even vote.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
death and all is fine but have you ever read chapter 40 of crooked kingdom?
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
if you think about it, pick up lines and dad jokes are the same thing.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
may i present more of sleepy brad
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Sleepy Brad, you know the deal: reblog your kink
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
Brad in glasses
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can i add more kinks?
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Sleepy Brad, you know the deal: reblog your kink
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
never hit reblog faster
I am laughing at all the straight men who are confused by Paul Rudd being named sexiest man alive. My dudes, do not underestimate the sexiness of a sincerely loveable goofball.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
i see y'all crying over one direction and 5sos and the vamps and arctic monkeys and i give you:
one direction x the vamps
they both started off making really sweet pop songs and as young teenagers and over the years they released albums that were so mature and which became a turning point in their careers. for one direction, it was midnight memories and for the vamps it is cherry blossom. makes a lot of sense for them to collab and perform together.
5sos x arctic monkeys
yes, 5sos started off as a boy band and performed with 1d but they've really embraced the entire punk rock vibe over the years(for reference, listen to youngblood and CALM). arctic monkeys have always been a punk rock band so imagine how much power this collab would hold.
now i raise you: all these bands performing together. why, you ask? well, they all have stuff in common. british bands(yes, 5sos is australian but let's allow this exception), pop and punk rock music and the fact that they're all such beautiful singers, songwriters and composers. this collab would literally kill the world. you're welcome.
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zubiaisjobless · 3 years ago
it's amazing how people who love one direction love the vamps love 5SOS love little mix love taylor swift love lorde love ed sheeran love olivia rodrigo love conan gray love shawn mendes and are basically the most tasteful people on earth and literally make the world a better place
viva la fandoms
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zubiaisjobless · 4 years ago
sometimes, my brain works like a youtube video from the early 2000s. you get 30 minutes of buffering followed by 2 minutes of 4K video and then you gotta wait 5 business days for it to work again.
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