#currently watching some of Hypnos for the first time
alienssstufff · 1 year
I love Hermits talking about their thought processes during the Decked Out 2 runs it’s like a little insight into what they prioritise the most when running. WHHWWH Etho goes on a lot about where ravagers are and possible escapes to counter that, I feel like I’m being talked to by a flight attendant instructing on the different exits on a plane
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fleetingcalypso · 4 months
you are an enchantress, and my mind is running around your work. Can you write something where it's y/n's birthday? it's my birthday in two days. I'd love if it was summer-y and at the lake house with all of them. It could be Y/n x anybody, i'm partial to henry :)
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≋ I hope your birthday will be celebrated with the sweetest of pastries and the most joyful of laughter. Happy early birthday, please accept this as my gift to you, may your day be one to remember forever.
≋ Henry Winter x GN!Reader ≋
≋ Word Count: 1461 words.
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“I know you’re awake,” Henry’s husky voice comes from the right side of the bed, I can feel him watching me. Of course I’m awake, how could I not be with Bunny causing a ruckus barely a few feet away from the bedroom where me and my lover doze off during the nighttime. I’m not going to let the commotion steal me away from my sleep, not when I was living in the most magnificent dream of all which now, by no means I can remember. If I pretend to be asleep and lay as still as I can, perhaps the divine Hypnos will take pity on me and bless me with a couple more hours of rest. 
As well as my deception could work on the deity of sleep, it does not on the divine being lying by my side. “Ignoring me is unbecoming of you,” he whispers in my ear, his finger grazing over the side of my hip, sliding up towards my waist, gliding up to my shoulder before gripping the thin blanket I was holding over my head and expose my body to the warm sunlight glimpsing through the half-open window. 
“Five more minutes…” I groan into the pillow in which my face is buried. I’ve never understood how Henry could wake up as early as first light whenever we are welcomed in Francis’ aunt’s mansion. He’d tried to explain it to me once, in my current drowsiness his original statement becomes abandoned in the fabric of time. “It’s too early.” I croak again, my body rolling away from his in a pitiful attempt to have him abandon me to my slumber and the many dreams that await me on the other side of the oniric world.
At last he yields, my seemingly preposterous request for just a few more moments of relaxation is accepted and my dearest has shown himself for the kind soul that he is, pressing his lips to my head in a sweet blessing, “Five more minutes, then. Not one second more.” My only response to the limitation he poses to me is an unconcerned hum and somehow, as the pandemonium occurring downstairs grows louder, it serves as the perfect cradlesong to guide me right into Morpheus’s arms.
The house being oddly quiet is the first thing that worries me when my eyes blink open, Henry’s absence beside me being the second thing I detect, although less troubling. Educated as I am on his habits and his needs, he’s most likely working on yet a new translation. 
A gentle breeze fills the room, pecking my skin with its cool kisses, alleviating for what feels like a fleeting second the heat I feel, thanks to the sun electing me as one of its lovers for it too decides to lay its kind caresses on my body. The window is wide open, I only notice it after my head turns, the sudden brilliancy reaching my gaze causes me to squint, my hand instinctively rising to create some shadow. Peeking from my fingers, I can make out a bird perched on the windowsill, if only Henry were basking in this peaceful moment with me, he’d be able to identify precisely what kind of feathered creature that is, he’s the ornithologist out of the two of us.
With time my vision adjusts to the glistening light and as I observe my plumaged friend take flight I decide it is time to finally see if my not so plumaged peers kindly left any scraps of their breakfast for me. I take my time washing up and getting dressed. It is such a serene day, to taint it with hurriedness feels like a crime against nature.
Making my way towards the kitchen has me realizing that the house is not as soundless as I imagined: hushed whispers are audible, along with repetitive shushing and a melodious yet quiet feminine giggle. I’m not swimming in solitude, then. It only adds to my enjoyment of the morning.
Finally, when I step into the room, that's when I spot it: a cake sits in the middle of the breakfast table, Bunny trying his best to not be seen sneaking a taste of it with his finger. My dearest invites me to step further in with his sweet call, “At last, you live. I thought you’d never join us.” Henry sits with his elbows on the table and his chin resting confidently on top of his joined hand, naturally I glide across the floor to him, my hand finds its rightful spot on his shoulder rubbing my fingers in his muscles, “Good morning,” I say and there rises an echo of ‘Morning’ in return.
His hand finds mine, bringing it to his lips and pressing the softest of kisses to the back of it, “Take a seat. We were just waiting for you.” The chair next to him is already pulled, waiting only to feel my weight on it. Settling at the right side of my beloved I feel like the very world we’re in is but a violin’s string, ready to snap at any moment. Clearly, I’m missing a piece of the puzzle, watching my companions throw each other amused glances, not so patiently looking forward to something I do not understand, though by Bun’s hungry looks towards the baked delicacy sat in front of him, it’s plain to see just what he is impatient for.
Following a moment’s quiet, his anticipation takes the best of him, “Do you know what day it is or are you still half-asleep?” He asks, his fingers tapping nervously on the edge of wood. I do not know what day it is, in truth. The times we spend in this sanctuary compel me to misinterpret the countless hours that spread through the summer weeks into one single round of twenty-four. It all blends together in a haze.
“Is it an important occasion that’s slipping my mind?” 
“Oh for God’s sake!” He childishly laments, shaking his head in frustration. “It is, no doubt, a special occasion,” Comes Camilla’s voice with syrupy patience embedded in it, “A cake, us gathered around it, waiting for you…” 
Miraculously I get the picture before any kind of remarks against my intellect can be formulated. Eyes wide with glee, elated smile taking over my lips, I can’t hide the appreciation I feel for the souls joining me in celebrating the day I was born. When the traces of flour smudged on their clothes finally have a reason for existing I feel my heart overflowing, they’ve baked a cake just for me and even if I haven’t tasted it yet, I can already tell it will taste like ambrosia. This is one of those times where I wonder if one individual could pass away from feeling too much love.
Celebrating with them all has a golden spot in the throne residing inside of my memory, and not for the visible kindness they’ve shown me by gifting me many presents I’ll forever treasure, but for the affection they’ve showered me. I’m able to bathe in the tenderness of our friendship.
Francis gifted me a locket on a chain, a small sparkly token where I could hide away a picture of my lover for only my greedy eyes to see. Charles and Camilla offered me a brand new chess set with the promise that they’ll take turns playing against me soon, the immaculate black and white pieces sculpted in smooth marble almost look like precious jewels. Bunny, hyperbolizing how long it took him to find a gift he deemed worthy of me, presented me with a watch I’m sure he pestered Henry to buy in his stead. Richard, with an air of uncertainty to him, handed me a book, the very one I’d been rambling about purchasing for myself during one drunken night. How he’d caught that miniscule detail, I’ll never know.
“Happy birthday,” Henry whispers, his voice caresses my ear as he sets a small rectangular, intricate, case in my hands. The see-through glass top shows me the contents of it. A stunning montblanc fountain pen, with golden decorations on its body. 
The conviction sets in me with every breath I take, that finding people as caring as them is an unprecedented benediction. “Thank you.” Attempting to put my gratitude into more elegant words is unachievable. “Thank you for everything.” Henry’s arm around my body drags me further into his side in an unusual display of public affection while my friends, they don’t seem to notice, too busy arguing over who should get the last slice of the dessert they spent so much time preparing. If birthdays could always compose such a heavenly melody, then they’d be hymns I’d never grow tired of singing. 
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bluestrawberrybunny · 26 days
Haha! @briandraws I tricked you! >:3
I wasn’t innocent! I was plotting something all along! Hahahahahaha!
Hypno Marware one-shot fic for you :3
Forgive Me (Hypno Marware AU)
Don't deal with the devil. Those are some famous words to live by.
Mr. Puzzles, however, does not.
But hey, he got some cool new powers from this little deal! So... that was something!
He currently sat in his office at his house, tapping a pen furiously against the desk as he attempted to think of something, anything, to make his next show about. He had taken control over the one who had been the largest thorn in his side, the one that he swore to one day get revenge upon:
Mario Mario.
Thanks to that deal with Vox, he had managed to bend the plumber to his will. It was going great! He would have him do the dirty work for him too. Like a personal assistant! All stars have one of those, so of course he deserved one! And who better than Mario? The revenge was beautiful, in a way.
He looked over at the Italian as he stood there, swirls in his eyes from the mind control. He had made him change into a suit. Much better than those drab dirty overalls that have probably never been washed since 1987.
He sighed, motioning him over.
Mario obeyed, as he always did after he'd first hypnotized him.
The cyborg looked at the plumber. He wasn't able to respond to him, but... he could at least vent this all out to someone! Besides, if Mario was even listening he would be too dumb to understand. Right?
He'd been the audience to most of his frustrations throughout the past... month? Mr. Puzzles lost track of time. Hell, he hadn't even been sleeping. He just worked the day away with Mario running and grabbing things for him, or standing there and hearing him vent out his frustrations.
He sighed. "Why can't I think of anything?" He asked, looking towards the plumber again as his blank eyes stared at him.
Oh... those blue eyes... even when devoid of expression, they were quite beautiful. He could actually appreciate Mario's appearance, now that he's forced him to clean up a bit and after he stopped being so obnoxious.
And he... cared... even if it was fake...
"I don't understand. I have been drawing a blank with ideas for the past week! I don't... where's the inspiration? I can't create the best TV show without any ideas! What am I missing?" Mr. Puzzles gave a glitched huff. "No matter how hard I try, nothing comes to mind! Nothing! I was able to come up with amazing show ideas! Why can't I think of anything?"
The cyborg stared at the blank page in front of him. He had started writing several scripts, getting one sentence in before his creative flow stopped and he threw the paper away.
He sighed, putting his head in his hands. "Why? I... I can't just stop... then... then no one will..." He looked over to Mario, who continued to stare at him. "No one would care about me. No one will care for me if I don't keep making things... if I quit now, no one will care for me... I... I need to come up with something! Anything! Nothing comes to mind! Why am I out of ideas?"
Mr. Puzzles looked back at the page once more before crumpling up the page and throwing it in the trashcan with the other abandoned scripts.
He stood up angrily, walking towards the door and slamming it open. Mario followed close behind him, watching his every move and awaiting his next orders.
Mr. Puzzles walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and searching for something to reignite that creative spark. Anything with caffeine.
Or alcohol...
Either would work, really.
"I just need that one great idea to hit!" He exclaimed. "Then everyone will know and adore me! I'll finally be popular!"
He grabbed a wine bottle, pouring it out and into a glass. "I just don't get why I can't come up with any good ideas!"
Mario continued to stare at him blankly, not moving as he stood in the kitchen's doorway.
"I'll never be famous like this! Ugh... but I can't give up! There has to be something where I can get an idea or... or... UGH!" He leaned his head against a cabinet. "I... why? Why am I unable to think of anything?"
He looked back at the plumber and patted his head. "Thank you for listening, Mario," he said, sad smile on his screen. "Even if you're just a measly puppet right now."
His expression changed to a solemn one, walking past him as he walked back to his office, wine glass in hand. Why did he feel... bad for this? Mario was the thorn in his side. Mario was the one that ruined everything. He'd sworn revenge on him after the Meme Factory, even!
So... why was guilt beginning to eat him up inside? Was he... really feeling bad about this? About controlling the fat Italian like a doll to bend to his will?
He looked back at Mario as he followed behind him.
It was... nice to have someone nearby. He'd been alone for so long...
No. He had to focus on writing this script so that he can rise to the top.
That was all that mattered.
But he didn't understand. He hadn't been bothered by the SMG4 crew since he brainwashed Mario, so... why was he drawing a blank on ideas? He'd been so annoyed at them ruining his work, but when they were gone he... had nothing.
Was it just an excuse?
He sighed. How was he going to get any ideas?
That night, Mario stood in the living room, blinking awake. He looked around the fancy-looking area around him. It was monochrome black and white, but... it looked very well-kept. He looked down at the suit he was wearing before stepping forward.
He walked over to the couch, looking at Mr. Puzzles as the cyborg sat with his TV head in his hands.
"Still nothing," he sighed, leaning back.
"TV Man?" Mario asked, walking over to him. "You ok?"
Mr. Puzzles jumped, turning around in his chair to stare at Mario. "I... wha...?"
"Mario asked if you're-a ok."
Mr. Puzzles stared at him. "You... you're..." He jumped up from his chair, pointing at him. "Oh, god! You're not brainwashed anymore!"
Mario tilted his head. "Yes?"
Mr. Puzzles screen changed to his crying face, looking away. Oh no.
"Wait..." he said as he looked back at the Italian. "Why... why are you asking if I'm ok? I... I thought you would have escaped, or beaten me up, or... something."
"Mario wants-a to know that you're-a ok," he said. "Mario... heard you talking."
Mr. Puzzles screen went blank as he realized the implications.
Mario had been conscious the entire time... he had heard everything. He remembered everything.
Suddenly that guilt he felt came back with a vengeance. Mr. Puzzles shook his head, crying face on his screen again. "Oh... oh no... I... I'm so sorry, Mario..."
He got down on his knees, gripping Mario's shoulders as the Italian looked him over in confusion.
"I... I'm so so sorry," he said again. "I... I'm so... how could you ever forgive me for what I did?"
Mario looked away. "Um..."
"I... I used you as a puppet and... and you were aware the entire time..." Mr. Puzzles looked at him. "I am so sorry, Mario... just... just leave. Go back to your friends... I… at least when I brainwashed you all for Puzzlevision, you weren’t aware but… being stuck like that and… and being conscious… oh god…"
The Italian remained silent, watching him with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Mario… please, go,” Puzzles said.
He remained still, watching him as his singular brain cell burst to life to form a coherent thought.
“Dammit, Mario, leave! Or at least… do or say something! Anything!” Puzzles sobbed. “I… I can’t take the silence… it’s… it’s deafening…”
Mario shook his head. "No. M... Mario forgives you. You can-a get better. You... you need-a friends..."
Mr. Puzzles watched him, curious as to where he was going with that, even if he was still convinced that Mario should just leave him be.
"Mario knows what it's-a like to be in the spotlight," he continued. "Mario... wants-a to help you. If-a you are so set on being a star, Mario can... Mario can help keep you from going coo-coo crazy."
Mr. Puzzles shook his head, standing up and taking a step back. "No... I... I'm not... sure how that would work..."
"Mario wants to help you get better," Mario insisted. "Mario knows too much about you. You can-a change for the better."
Mr. Puzzles turned away, about to speak before the door was kicked in, the SMG4 crew rushing inside.
"Let Mario go, Mr. Puzzles!" Meggy exclaimed, standing in front of Mario with her splattershot pointed at his face.
"Wait, Leggy-" Puzzles began to say before SMG4 cut him off by punching him in the face.
"We're taking our friend back!" 4 snapped.
"Yeah!" Tari agreed, peaking her head through the doorframe before pulling it back out again.
SMG3 looked back at her and shook his head.
“Wait,” Puzzles said with a glitching voice before the crew proceeded to begin beating him up
Mario looked at them in shock before stepping in front of the cyborg. “Wait!”
“Mario,” 4 said, grabbing his friend and pulling him aside, “I know that you’re mind controlled right now, but we need to-”
“Mario is not mind controlled!” Mario snapped. “Mario is normal again! But let Mario speak! Please!”
The crew stopped, looking back at him from the mangled body of Mr. Puzzles.
“Mario is ok,” Mario said. “Let… let him be. Mario thinks he can-a do better. We should give him a chance.”
“Are you serious?” Meggy snapped, looking at him. “You are obviously still brainwashed!”
Mario shook his head. “I’m-a serious! He’s not-a so bad…”
“Are you hearing yourself?” SMG4 asked harshly. “In what world would Mr. Puzzles of all people…”
SMG3 watched the three of them argue about Mario’s newfound opinion of the cyborg before looking down at him.
Mr. Puzzles was picking himself up off the ground, putting a hand to his broken screen. “Ugh…” He looked over at the purple SMG as he looked him up and down. “Oh… um…”
SMG3 looked back over at Mario. He too had had a change of heart years ago and changed his ways to become their f- teammate or… something. He didn’t like hanging out with these losers. It was just better than nothing.
Mario sighed. “Fine! Then let’s-a go home and leave him alone?”
Meggy and SMG4 both looked at Mr. Puzzles, who was looking at the ground. He wasn’t even fighting them?
“Yeah,” 3 agreed. “Let’s… let’s go. Leave him here to think about things.”
The two watched as SMG3 left, Mario following close behind. 4 and Meggy both then turned their gaze to Mr. Puzzles, who was already making his way back to his office in order to fix his broken screen.
SMG4 looked over at Meggy, who shook her head and followed behind them.
“If you even think about following us-” 4 started to say before Mr. Puzzles shooed him off.
“I won’t,” he said. “I… I’m not in the mood.”
SMG4 tilted his head in confusion before reluctantly leaving behind the others.
“Can we get-a some spaghetti?” Mario asked excitedly as they walked back.
“Sure…” SMG4 said quietly.
Mario looked back at the house as they left. Mr. Puzzles really didn’t seem so bad, once he heard all of his troubles… he smiled. Maybe he could change Mr. Puzzles ways and then they wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore!
Meanwhile, Mr. Puzzles sat at his desk, reapplying a new screen. He sighed. Mario really stood up for him? After all that he did? Even after using him as a puppet while he was aware… he forgave him?
He smiled to himself, heartbeat monitor line across his screen.
Mario didn’t seem so bad either…
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sapphire-dreamsky · 1 year
here's to all the pain
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Starring: Hades | Persephone
Pairing: Hades x Persephone
Type: Angst
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Hades has many regrets. There are many things he wished he did differently. The different paths and endings often came to haunt him at night, when the gates to the court are closed for the day, giving them a sense of normalcy in their mad reality. 
Overthinking his choices is useless. He knows it. Whatever knot he tied in the past, cannot be undone in the present. But despite knowing that, he wishes he could maybe change a small thing here and there. Perhaps things would have been different. 
“Hades, you don’t have to be the god of the underworld anymore. You can rest. Hypnos and Thanatos can rule the realm; Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus can judge the souls. Why don’t you come with me and live on Earth?”
It has been eons since that offer had been made. The beautiful Persephone was standing there on the shore, Charon and his ferry waiting at a respectful distance to give the couple some privacy. Her warm hand was holding onto his, reluctant to let it go. Her heart was clearly divided. On one hand, her happiness was above the Helheim, under the warm sun, beds of flowers blossoming from her mere presence. On the other hand, her love for him kept her tied down to Helheim. A realm untouchable by the sun and devoid of life source. 
Hades’ face was grim, a contrast to the hopeful glow in Persephone’s green eyes. His heart and mind were at war. His heart wanted desperately to follow her steps. To leave everything behind for love. But his mind knew better. His role in Helheim was too complex. He was the guard of a prisoner. The guard to his father and the other demons his brothers and him defeated during the war. He couldn’t just leave. If Kronos was to regain his strength, Hades’ duty was to be the first barrier for Olympus. His grip on his bident tightened. He couldn’t leave. His duty would always tie him down to Helheim no matter what. 
However… purple eyes finally meet the green eyes of Persephone. Every time his eyes met hers, he would get lost in the depth of those orbs. Her eyes were green like the grass, vibrant and full of playfulness. He remembered the first time he looked at them. The heat that warmed his heart. ’I wouldn’t mind getting lost in them.’ 
However… there was another solution. In his pocket, the small pomegranate he picked earlier prior to coming to their final farewell was heavy. He could offer her an alternative to their current decision. 6 months on Earth; 6 months in Helheim. He would miss her for 6 months but it was better than losing her altogether. Yes. This was a plan that would keep her here. 
However…would she be happy? During this one month she spent here in Helheim by his side, he could tell she missed the sun despite her reassurances that she was happy there with him. He saw how her once vibrant green eyes darkened with each passing day, her glowing skin matching his ghostly complexion. Persephone was not thriving in Helheim. She was becoming a shell of who she once was. Her smiles lost their warmth, becoming a bit more nostalgic. If this was how she became during four weeks, Hades dared not to imagine how she would fare when forced to stay for six months.
The weight in his heart and the pomegranate in his pocket was something he vowed to never feel again as he watched Charon ferry Persephone away. Yes he loved her. But he could never be selfish enough to make her stay when, like a flower, she needed the glow of the sun to shine. He could see even when she was sitting, her back facing him, that her head was in her hands, shoulders shaking from the lost both went through that day. 
“Curse me if it helps you move on. Hate me. But you need to continue nurturing that glow in you. You are young, don’t waste all your love on me.”
Hades turned his back to the ferry, pomegranate squashed under the sole of his shoes. 
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Deleted Scene
The familiar form of a tall man with white disheveled hair sitting at the piano was at first an odd sight for (name). Despite the lack of light, she could make a rough estimate that it was midnight. There was no moon and sun in Helheim. But Hypnos once mentioned how the courtroom operated on a 9-5 basis to provide the gods in Helheim a sense of normalcy in a very much odd setting. 
“Lord Hades doesn’t want us to burn out. So, we always start the judging at 9 in the morning and finish at 5 in the afternoon. Death may have no schedule but Hades is very particular about our work-life balance.”
Back when she first arrived, she couldn’t find sleep. The bedroom, while comfortable and lavish, felt alien to her. It was always difficult for (name) to find sleep in unfamiliar settings. So, she took to wandering around the palace until she could find sleep after both Hypnos and Thanatos reassured her that she could walk around freely at night.
“You won’t disturb anyone. Do as you please.”
Even Hades, upon noticing the uncertain look on her face despite their reassurances told her, 
“Dear, you can even cook at three in the morning if you want. We don’t mind. The walls are soundproof.”
So, after the first three weeks, she started walking around. She found many interesting rooms, but her favourite was the library with the piano at the corner. Apparently, it was Hades’ personal library. But at first, she didn’t know that. It was Hypnos who later explained to her, after seeing both (name) and Hades leave at two in the morning, that it was Hades’ personal heaven. 
“Lord Hades, I am so sorry for intruding on you last night!”
Hades tilted his head to the side, confused over the sudden apology.
“The library, I didn’t know it was your personal one.”
Hades let out a bark of laughter. His hand came to rest on the top of (name)’s head, patting the embarrassed and apologetic girl.
“Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mind it. In fact, since it appears both you and I suffer from sleep deprivation due to Hypnos’ selfish sleep hogging, why don’t you join me? I can even teach you how to play the piano if you want.”
Before long, this became their midnight routine. 
And tonight is no different. However, there is something different about the god tonight. (Name) couldn’t put her hand on it, but somehow, Hades looks more exhausted. As if he was Atlas, shouldering all the weight of the world
“Hades? Are you alright?”
The god turns his head slightly to acknowledge her presence. 
“I will be alright, dear. Don’t worry about it. Come.”
(Name) closes the remaining steps separating them, and slowly slides on the piano bench. She can feel Hades’ knee against hers. The coldness seeping through his white pants sends a chill down her body. Despite now being comfortable enough to touch the god, she still couldn’t get used to the way his body was perpetually devoid of warmth. 
“Hades, is there something troubling you?”
Ever since she first stepped foot in his library, he didn’t once turned to face her fully.
“It’s just one of those nights.”
‘One of those nights.’ Hades never confided in her before about the meaning of those words. He always brushed the subject to the side anytime she would ask him. He never wanted to talk about it. It was difficult for (name) to find words to comfort him during these moments. Although, she doubted she could find words of comfort to his ailment. They were so different. He was a god. She was a human. She could never truly understand his reasonings even if she tried her best to be open-minded. 
But at this moment, the woman felt that Hades needs to be held. She tentatively brushes her hand against his back, and upon not finding any resistance to her touch, she closes both arms around him. Because he is taller, she can’t see the surprise on his face slowly fading into a sense of calmness. His eyes closes as he rests his head on the crown of her head. 
“I’m here for you, Hades. No matter what.”
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radi0dontt · 2 years
Fisheye Lens
ao3 link
xB has carried a camera around for years, taking pictures to collect memories. xB is now alone on the Hermitcraft server.
xB took a step back, having to tilt his head up to fully take in the sight of the, honestly kind of ridiculous storage solution. 
For some reason, one of them had pitched that the best early game storage solution available to them, was a colossal chest about 15 blocks tall and wide in the middle of their sky base. 
xB would like to blame Hypno for the idea, but he thought that Hypno should be blamed for most things. So what did he know. 
He cracked a smile and started to dig through his inventory for something. 
Hypno, once he himself had finished laughing at the stupidly oversized chest, glanced over his shoulder to watch xB curiously. 
Eventually, xB pulled out what he had been looking for, what was essentially a modified polaroid camera. He held it up in victory. 
“Hold on, I’ve gotta take a picture of this thing.” 
Hypno burst into laughter again, running to stand in front of the chest. “Get me in it, for scale!”
xB backed up a few more blocks on the stone path sticking out from the central platform. He messed with all of the cameras buttons and bits until he had the shot he wanted lined up. 
He hadn’t put too much thought into it, the whole height of the chest and a waving Hypno peeking out at the bottom. The endless void of their skyblock world stretched out in the background. 
As it instantly developed, he glanced between the image and what he could currently see. Hypno had returned to intermittent bouts of laughter at the sheer scale, instead of posing for the camera, but the picture had captured most of the moment.
The clouds kept rolling across the sky, and they continued to laugh. 
He had tucked the photo away, and they had moved on. 
“Hey, want a picture?”
xB teased, switching his sword for the familiar camera that he dragged between servers. Beef rolled his eyes, readjusting his now dented iron helmet on his head. The camera was visibly old now, covered with half-peeled stickers and stories, but it was waterproof and sturdy, the cyan colour only slightly faded with time. 
“Oh yeah, great, to commemorate this occasion. I definitely want to remember this.” Beef teased back, huffing a laugh. He was well accustomed to xB taking his random pictures. He had long since accepted that it was just one of those things about xB, everybody had a thing or two. Who was he to judge, he had slightly bigger problems right now anyway.
With a sigh, Beef gave his best smile and thumbs up to the camera. He had the very distinct, disheveled look of someone that had definitely just been blown up by a creeper on the first day.  
It took all of xB’s willpower not to start laughing again as he and Beef huddled around the picture in the tiny, terribly lit deepslate hut, to get a look under the torchlight. 
That was his first picture of the season actually, he realised as he put it safely in his inventory.
He would call Beef around by the end of the season, show him the picture again, they would get to look back and laugh. 
But Hypno wasn’t here anymore, and he hadn’t seen Beef. He hadn’t seen anyone. 
He stared up at the rift, glassy purple coating the whole cave with a slight tinted purple glow.
Staring wasn’t doing anything. It hadn’t done anything, and it would continue to not do anything. xB knew that, rationally, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. 
His friends were on the other side, wherever that led to, and he could do very, very little about it. 
“I’m not gonna talk to you for a week!”
Keralis crossed his arms, stomping away through the sand, turning his back to xB dramatically. 
“A whole week!” Keralis continued as xB giggled, already fishing for his camera in his inventory. 
“Seven whole days.” Keralis turned back to look at xB, his pout breaking into a wide grin. “Princess! Are you taking pictures of me?”
xB had the little cyan camera raised, the harsh desert sun illuminated Keralis clearly in his view. He was almost glowing. 
“Well if I’m not gonna see you for a week I’ve gotta make this moment last.”
xB held his camera tightly as reached the edge of his starter base and dropped off, unceremoniously, into the water surrounding the platform.
With a splash he let himself sink. The world muffled briefly and turned blue as he watched bubbles rise to the surface. 
He blinked, and for a moment he swore he could see wide eyes staring down at him. Keralis leaned over the edge of his base, looking down. 
But spawn was empty, the shopping district was empty. The lake was empty too, his conduit was taking care of that, and his base was very, very empty. 
He swam back to the shore, camera in hand, tail pushing him lazily through the water.
He naturally retreated to the back of the group as Grian started his speech to announce the already-obvious winner of the turf war. 
xB didn’t really care who won though, they had all had fun, that was what mattered to him. He glanced around at the other hermits and knew he wanted a picture of this. 
The whole group was smiling, clearly tired from all of the games, but it was the good kind of tired. xB felt it too. 
He turned around and messed with his old camera, quickly holding it up to snap a picture of the whole group, the score board already half lit-up in the background. 
The click of his camera wasn’t heard through the laughing and cheering and joking of the crowd. He nestled the produced image into his hoodie pocket and tuned back in for the rest of Grian’s speech. 
False was stood to his right, and… and Etho to his left? Or cub? 
The rest of the memory dissolved into fuzziness, the details melting into hazy laughter, cheering and fireworks. 
xB was left staring at the picture clutched in his hands. Water had dripped down onto it, now distorting the image itself. He blinked. It didn’t clear.
His hoodie was wet, the same as his hair and fins, dripping water onto the deepslate floor and into a small puddle at his knees. 
All of his polaroids were scattered in front of him. 
xB was alone. 
He knew that he was alone. xB had been alone before. He knew how to be alone. He would go so far as to say that he was actually very good at it. 
One of the things about being alone, xB had noticed - and because he was so good at being alone, he would guess that he was right - is that it really took a while until you realised it.
xB knew that he was alone, but he hadn’t really known until he had crawled back to his base, soaking with river water, and sifted through pictures that stared back. 
He didn’t know what he was looking for. The pictures stared back with smiles and laughter. A line dangling bait in front of him, of a place he could never go back to. A time he could never have back, distorted in his memory. Friends he might never get back. 
The raft swayed gently with the movement of the ocean. 
One of the things about being out at sea, xB knew, is that you were always, very, very alone. 
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secret-subject · 1 year
I don't know if you take video suggestions, much less ones from anonymous asks, so I hope this isn't too far out of line/just cluttering your inbox. But one potential idea for the roster would be an audio based on the intersection between fractionation and resistance play. Where the listener is instructed to resist and keep resisting while being eventually worn down, but instead of that simply being the precursor to fractionation, they're instead reminded on each waking that they're supposed to be resisting, and of course they're sooo strong willed that they shouldn't be falling for these cheap tricks.
I don't know if that would actually function with how fractionation works, or if it's something that would fit with the current YT algorithm in terms of hypno content. But it's an idea for the suggestion box.
Regardless of that, thank you for your content, and your stuff addressing ADHD specifically! As someone who is still fairly new to the hypno community and has faced some issues due to my ADD, it's wonderful to see content creators in the space acknowledge and talk about it. As one last suggestion, I've found personally that I tend to have a heck of a time re-listening to files as the lack of novelty completely kills it for me. However, this hasn't been nearly as much of a problem for files that include an option to forget what happened within them with the expressed intent that a listener can return to them as if listening for the first time. I don't know to what extent my particular experiences can be universalized so this might be an overall non-concern, but it could be a relatively minor addition which might improve accessibility and rewatchability. Re-listen-ability? Make it easier for ADHD folks to repeat the same files.
Anyways, generic sign off! May you continue to capture many squishy minds in your clutches
Firstly ummm hi yes, that idea is HOT and I'm bow plotting about how evil I can make it when blending it with amnesia. I made a file wayyyy back in 2018 called "are you ready to begin?" Which is this amnesia loop that basically is like a repeating trance that you forget with each loop and lately I've been keen to revisit the idea so a combo of all three: diabolical.
In terms of youtubes algorithm, it's mean to us all ao my focus is my audience. My community who watched the content, if people want this, I will make it.
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marydswitchduet · 2 months
Chastity Log Day 13 (7/25)
What Did We Do?
I had to do adulting things this morning but it went well and now I’ve gotten a better job with better pay.
Once I got home, mommy could tell I was exhausted both physically and emotionally cuz I had only slept an hour after coming home from work. I don’t know how I’m not more exhausted tbh.
We talked and were happy for the good news, and mommy mentioned that she’d do a little session for me. I stripped, half expecting to just sleep but she asked about the diapers and she began fluffing it. I love seeing the little things she picks up, as it is those little things that make all the difference.
She laid out the diaper and had me lay on the bed. This is one of the first times we’ve done this in a long period dynamic. I felt vulnerable but safe. Before I was taped up, mommy gave my pee pee some special attention and it felt heavenly. Light touches, kisses, air on my little dicky all felt amazing.
Mommy hit me with some baby powder, an amazing scent to my nose and prolly one of the smells that bring such easy regression. I hope to get a bottle of the original white one with talc, since I don’t have any issues that the health concerns relate to.
I was dipped up nice and tight, and with my hard little dicky facing up. Mommy had me lay with her and she teased my little dicky in my diapee. I couldn’t get soft to save my life, but mommy said she still couldn’t feel it.
I humped against a stuffy per mommy’s instructions. She told me to pick a pace and stick with it. I did and she rubbed my head as I got into it. She laughed and told me how pathetic I was. I couldn’t object, cuz I was.
I laid on mommy and we cuddled and I slept a little. It was so nice, and needed. I felt safe and so comfortable, and normally it’s tough for us to cuddle like that.
We cuddled and mommy and I whispered about a cuckolding fantasy. Mommy being taken by a primal man, me diapered up in the corner just moaning and wishing it was me while I hump into my diaper. How I would be a good baby and sit and watch mommy make happy noises
Mommy had to go to work, which made me sad. But, she opened me up and powdered me up before she left though 🤤. She teased me and rubbed my hard. Then she spit on my little pee pee, sprinkled some more baby powder on it and takes me back up high and tight. Ugh I was so horny and hard it was straining at the edge of my diapee
I got instructions from mommy to hump my stuffy til she got to work and keep a good pace. I wasn’t allowed to make cummies and I had to go #1 in my diapee til mommy got home to change me.
I was able to do humpies…but I made cummies 😭
The worst part is, it was after I’d stopped but my body was still reeling cuz I was egging myself on talking to myself in little space. It does more than I expect
I told mommy cuz I know better than to try and pull one over on her 😞
She told me I was pathetic, messages below.
I got up and I got a whiff of my stickies mixed with the baby powder…quite intoxicating. If I ever need something smell-wise to basically make me docile or subby, that would be a good place to start. May need to cum on some and save it
I tried to sleep earlier but it was just too much and I just kept making humpies with my stuffy. But it just didn’t hit the same
I woke up later and peed out of my diapee, first time that’s happened. Such a shame cuz I wanted mommy to change me. Oh well
How did it feel?
Embarrassing, fun, little space of disappointment
How are you feeling? Ball-Wise?
Sore, I came today and even now they still hang low
What I want more/less of in current dynamic?
More: research on my own of what helps me enter and delve deeper into a little headspace
Hypno files, I’d like to try some. Whether they be ones I find, ones mommy makes, or a combo of both. I will admit there were a few I saw that needed to be paid that the temptation was there
Things I’m enjoying
All of it, cuddling and sleeping with mommy today. My change this morning.
The fact that even if mommy and I don’t know if we’d ever add a third to our relationship, it does make me happy we can talk about it. Just nice to know we are comfortable and safe with each other to say it and voice interest AND concerns. Nice and healthy
Mommy told me I needed to come up with 3 punishments:
* one I’d enjoy: having to shave my body, I’m comfortable with legs, groin, ass, and upper arms. Then mommy to rub baby oil over me and into my diaper and I have to lay there and not move t the good feelings and high sensitivity
* One to put me Into a deeper little headspace: this one I’ll need to revisit as I’m still figuring out what best gets me into little space
* one that I’d be scared/excited for: given a drink, a bottle perhaps, with laxatives and have uncontrolled mess
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wifkin · 2 years
i asked that before i found out you were a pos, but like, why are you transmysoginistic. like explain your logic i genuinely wanna know
its sad you have to hide behind anon to have a decent conversation.
the funniest part is im not even a “real” terf or whatever gender identity disorder is undeniably real. i identified as FTM for a decade. i still use he/him with those i am close to irl. but no matter what i do i am still a woman and will be percieved that way by most, and thus i am affected by womens issues and have the general life experience of a woman living in [current location] in [current era]. to the world you are no more than the sum of your parts, and accepting that will allow you to let go of issues like gender dysphoria
by the time i was 10 years old i was fully online, entrenched in TRA communities; i have been watching our community cannibalize itself for just as long. predators, abusers, rapists, pedophiles, you name it, are protected by other TRAs because it threatens to expose the cesspit of hypocrisy and sexual degeneracy literally screaming under the surface. being trans for men has become this thinly veiled golden ticket to dodge responsibilities and repercussions, to abuse those who disagree with your delusions, and to clout chase; for women it is an attempt to escape the cycle.
TIF circles are both perpetuating and victims of misogyny. they are hurt girls, usually heavily sexualized as children, or victims of sexual abuse. they tear down anything that can be construed as remotely feminine, as well as the women who partake, because they are trying to escape the discomfort of their oppression and sexualization via assimilation with the men that made them feel that way in the first place. it is escapism.
for TIMs, it is either a reaction to a feeling of failing at their own masculinity, to fulfill a degradation fetish, or a combination of the two. they are too weak, too fragile, too sensitive, too cowardly to be "real men", so they dress themselves up in some pornsick mockery of every girl they had wet dreams about when they were 13. i mean, why go through the effort of improving yourself, finding the qualities of yourself you like and want to hone in on, or god forbid INTROSPECTING, when all you have to do is put on a skirt and some clown paint for asspats? to them, a woman is the lowest, most degrading thing you could become. comprendo?
TRAs are only hurting their own, blindly fighting for their egos and what makes their dicks hard. degenerate men have sunk their claws into us and have twisted our suffering into a costume to be perverted and exploited; feeding you false, misogynistic, violent rhetoric in digestible twitter threads while women self-flagellate to desperately avoid being crucified by sissy hypno bugmen. its an ouroboros
it goes beyond a "social issue". this is being actively encouraged from the top down. it is systemic misogyny. i doubt you will read this but i will link you anyways.
transmisogyny is not real btw
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hotdog4321 · 2 years
Currently open for discord.
Welcome to sunnyd's request thread. I will keep this simple, in fact I'll keep this entire thing simple. Of course I'm looking to find a good partner, for more of a long term Roleplay. If you are looking for a quick and short RP, I'm sorry that's not for me. I have been Role-playing for about 3 years, learned alot since then, but I still find myself making simple mistakes, it happens, just know it happens. I generally crave the more smuty side of things, know that doesn't mean there won't be plot, there definitely will be. The rest be reason for characters to be where they are and have to be plausible I have to give a percentage, but because it's a popular thing around here,. I would say 75%\25% smut to plot.
1. I can write in both first and third person, but I generally go for third person as my main. HOWEVER, I do understand that some stories are better suited in first, or that the other partner my prefer a certain one. If that is the case however, please let me know off hand and I will have no problem complying.
2. I do prefer 2-3 paragraphs per reply, I can generally go anywhere from 1-4, but anything longer or shorter I lose interest. I prefer to just go with what the story requires, quantity or quality. As they say. Usually around 200 words.
3 I know my grammar, is off from time to time, I find myself not proofreading, but I will try to do my best, just let me know, If grammar is a big deal, and I'll make sure to do my best.
I only have one rule, that rule is, put some effort into your first message. I'm tired of reading the same intro. 'hi I'm looking to Roleplay' just include your kinks, what caught your eye. That's all I ask.
-public Humiliation
-Pet play
-rough. Hair pulling, chocking etc..
- Aphrodisiacs
Star wars
Game of thrones
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Rick and Morty
My hero academia
-Father x daughter
-Mother x son(s)
-Brother x sister
- cop x burglar
- doctor x patient
- boss x assistant
- female boss x male assistant
- teacher x student(s)
- hitchhiker x trucker
Hacked social media
Something I been thinking about. Recently I had a family member who's Facebook was hacked. There stole there pictures, threaten to release them. Began to sell there videos etc.... I would like to play this idea out. A person, brother, friend, neighbor, hacks YCs social media, and begins to blackmail her with it. It's simple I know, but I think it could be a lot of fun.
'my sister/daughter is a stripper?' fuck
(This could be a father or brother, but going to type it out, as if it was her brother.)
A young college woman got onto the stage and began to show off her body, to the many men around her. What she didn't realize was that her brother was hiding in the crowd, watching her like a hawk. He had just learned a couple of days ago is sister was a stripper, after coming to the strip club with his friends. He after going through the college rule book, he learned they had a no public nudity rule, strip clubs, porn, were a big no-no. He knew he could have his baby sister in his pocket
'From mother to slut'
Mother of a couple son's, is very stressed lately, having to work, and take care of her children. Her son's find her to be a bitch, but decide, to surprise her with a gift. A all inclusive, spy day treatment. Even then she has to be convinced. However, what she doesn't know, is this specific spy, is a front, it can double down as a Hypnosis treatment. The sons have paid the spy, to Hypnosis there mother, to no matter what she isn't allowed to say no to them.
' Two Bros and a sister '
Sister comes home late one night, drunk. And depending on your preference. The brothers get her to drink more and more until they have her worshiping there cock she would of course come to regret it, or she's comes home drunk crawls into bed with one of her brothers. Suducing her brother's, in her drunken State. Maybe she's doesn't regret it, and begins too sneak around behind her parents back.
A stressed businesses woman goes to a therapist to help her coap with her ever-growing stress. He suggests hypnotherapy, implying that the things that cause her stress could be removed if she simply wants it. After giving permission, he puts her under, after a couple of weeks she begins to realize that it was working, things like her incompetent employees, or her useless assistant, or the tons of clients no longer were pissing and stressing her. However what she didn't realize is that he was also putting commands into her, making it impossible to say no to anyone that would give her a command. If one of her employees told her to shut it and suck her cock, she would have to say yes.
(Hypnosis, rape, Humiliation more...)
' forced transformation '
A young man just getting out of a bar drunk, gets into a taxi, after a few too many beers. With no one else to talk to, he begins to rant with the taxi driver, and somehow the conversation spirals into how women are inferior to men. All this feminist bull shit is ridiculous, he told the driver. It mostly boiled down to the fact that his boss is a woman who always talks down to him. The drunken man then makes comments about how he would rape his boss if he could and any other woman he wanted. The driver didn't take this lightly, as it's a conversation that should not be joked around. Unknowingly the driver puts a curse on the man, when he wakes he would be transformed into a woman. A beautiful curvy big breasted woman. So I was thinking this one could either be a slow transformation, where her mind is still fighting it, he's a straight man, who is the perfect image of a man's man, but the longer he's in this body the more feminine he gets. Caring about his look, what he wears, and begins to like cock. Or simply, while he's a man trapped in a female's body, he can't say no to any order he receives.
(Transformation, mind-altering, Bimbo, gangbangs)
'unlucky train ride'
An unlucky woman gets on a train on her way to work. A short skirt, tight blouse, you know the look. Then suddenly she feels a hand on her ass, a man trying to touch her for his enjoyment. Not trying to cause a scene she tries to fight him off, quietly, pushing him away, but before she knows it, he has his hand buried in her panties and a hand over her mouth. would like to stretch this out, and involve blackmail. He record's the whole thing and uses it against her.
(Public Humiliation, molestation Butlackmail)
' human cow '
A Young woman steps off the bus, her four-inch heels almost causing her to fall. She couldn't believe her father was making her go and work at her uncle's farm, all because she was arrested for the third time that month. As she walked up to her uncle's house she passed just about every animal she thought of on her way. Pigs, cows, dogs. She hated just about everything she was seeing, it was her worse nightmare come true. Don't worry, she thought. She wasn't going to be working, she could talk her way out in almost any situation. She figured she just has to put on those puppy eyes and her uncle wouldn't make her work with those disgusting animals.
(Lactation, incest, Beastiality, non-con, drugged, bondage, many more)
'My sons bully'
I'm sure you heard the simple idea before the mother's son is being bullied, she can't take the t anymore, goes over to the bully's house to talk to him, but ends up being his fuck toy? Fun right. If you want to do that great I'm always down for it, but I thought if something slightly different. A father's son is being bullied. After months of hearing his son complain, he goes over to the bullies House, the parents are home, and he talks to them. A week later and his son is still being bullied. Once again, he goes over to their house, but this time the bully answered the door. To his surprise, it's a female. A cute one too. I think we know what's going to happen here...
(Non-con, rough sex, pet play, humiliation)
'Interracial play'
Don't have a plot for this one yet, but it includes white men and black/Asian women.
'Hermione yes girl'
Hermione or any witch we want? Was going beyond the lesson, which was not advised, and told no by the teacher. Hermione of course didn't listen, but there was a reason. Hermione began making the potion, and when she finished it, so confident she didn't even test it, she drunk it. But something happened, it didn't work. She couldn't get the reaction she wanted there was no reaction. At least that's what she thought. Later that day, after she gave up, walking down the hallway way, she heard a kid yell 'stop' suddenly Hermione couldn't move. That's when it hits her, whatever she had Concord up in her room, was forcing her to obey everyone's orders, no matter what. Maybe with enough time, she can fix this before someone finds out, that they could mess with her. Willing to play many, many different guys for this one, she could end up being the school whore after there done.
(Non-con, pet play, humiliation, gangbangs)
Azula put in her place
So I was thinking something with avatar the last air bender. Azula to be Specific. So the idea is real simple, Azula The princess of the fire nation gets taught a lesson in respect. I imagine this around sometime in season three if you remember the show? I was thinking After killing the avatar, she gets some sort of high ground. In her mind She did something her brother, father or grandfather couldn't do and that's kill the avatar. That along with Di lee agents she loses respect for her father. After a Incident ( Something we can discuss more detail) Her father had enough. One night when she's sleeping he has her captured and Restrained. Of course this could Involve any kink you like or any cannon character you like? I also like the idea Toph being captured. They break her down, humiliate her. Fore her to dress like a Child, a pacifier in her mouth etc....
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nerdyquestier · 6 months
I’m currently thinking about how much “Our Last Summer” applies to Hermes and Hypnos. But specifically the “our last summer, where we could laugh and play” bit.
Don’t get me wrong, the two have seen some Stuff over the millennia, however they both were able to get into Heaven despite their lives. They had good lives up there for the most part, sure other Winners sometimes had a problem with the two of them being as close as they were (even before either of them realised “oh shit are we just dating?” “We are? HOLY SHIT WE ARE-”, but that’s another story) but it wasn’t like they let that change how they acted.
Hermes loved being helpful in any way, an act that started out as a way to rationalise why xe got into Heaven and his daughters didn’t, and was constantly trying to fix and upgrade small quality of life things. But that was his hobby, work that he adored doing. Even when xe and Hypno moved further away from the main city, he still went back every now and then to do that work.
“Our last summer, where we could laugh and play.”
Hermes now has to constantly be looking over his shoulder, and watching out for any danger that could approach xem or his partner. Hermes lost his wings, even though he can still fly without them because of how xer powers work, he isn’t whole anymore. If one didn’t look too closely at xem without his mask, xe’d look like a normal human now, an alive one at that. He constantly is working, at the bar, or trying to make life liveable for newcomers, or even just researching for a hope that he might be able to answer some of the questions that xer child comes up with.
Hypnos used to be very close with the Archangels, and was the one out of the two of them who basically adopted Jesus. He had family who looked out for him, and he helped to lessen the load of pressure on them. He helped to maintain balance in Heaven, with Winners and Cherubim, and even Seraphim, who all had questions, about why things aren’t exactly as they were stated in the written texts. He was taught how to use his halos to imitate sight so accurately that he didn’t need to rely on his hearing.
“Our last summer, where we could laugh and play.”
The first thing that hit him when he was Falling was that he couldn’t see. He had long perfected the tricks he was taught to use, but he couldn’t see anything. It was just dark. His ears were ringing, and blood was flowing from the cuts in them. He had to get used to an afterlife where he cannot see anything unless he taps into the subconscious of someone else. He had to get used to not being able to know where his loved ones were unless they were touching him or talking. It wasn’t like he was helpless, but any time he forgot that he couldn’t just look at something to quickly check and needed to get someone to read stuff to him if it wasn’t in braille, pain twinged in his chest.
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fruitwanderer · 1 year
I feel you on the writing thing, I’m currently grappling with writing hypno for the first time and I’m like damn dude I hardly know your speech pattern or mannerisms what am I doing lmao
Mood tho, we legit had to pause writing earlier just to watch some of Cleo's Last Life and remember how she talks ;o;
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mimikyuvelcro · 2 years
What if all the other Hermits were in Double Life?
Ever since Double Life started, whenever I watch one of the Hermits who isn't in it, I keep finding myself wondering what it would have been like if they had joined. And more specifically, who would they be soulbound to?
So, I decided to find out for myself! I'm going off the assumption that the selction of Soulmates was truly random and so I did what was basically the virtual version of pulling names out of a hat. I took the names of every Hermit who isn't in Double Life, and put then in a list on a random item picker website. I then had it pull one name at a time, and I deleted each name from the list as I went to avoid anyone being pulled twice. To keep things fair I only did the process once and didn't reroll at any point. 
This list assumes that the current Soulbounds on Double Life would remain the same, so all the participating members of Double Life are not included here. Because the number of non-participating Hermits was an odd number, I included Skizzleman as well. If you would have rather seen LDShadowLady in this list you can just swap Skizz for her. 
Without further ado, here's the list!
GeminiTay & Cubfan135
Docm77 & Xisumavoid
XBCrafted & Iskall85
FalseSymmetry & Stressmonster101
VintageBeef & WelsKnight 
Keralis & Skizzleman 
Tinfoilchef & JoeHills 
MumboJumbo & Hypnotizd 
iJevin & ZedaphPlays 
I really love how this list came out. There's a great mixture of potential dynamics here, ranging from people who would immediately be power couples to people that would probably be disasters. And of course, plenty of chaos. Here's my thoughts on some of the pairs! I'm far from a HermitCraft historian, so I'm sorry if I don't know about any previous interactions Hermits have had and completely misread their dynamic. This is just more going off vibes anyway.
Gem & Cub
I don't know why, but my immediate gut reaction is that they would not get along. Gem would probably end up joining one of the other pairs instead, either Scott and Cleo for the gay and single alliance, or Stress and False for the girlboss energy. Cub would ally with Doc and Xisuma for ultimate destruction capabilities. 
Doc & Xisuma
Power couple. Everyone will fear them, and rightfully so. Sure, Xisuma is a sweetheart and Doc isn't that bad (or so he says). But their skills and dedication combined together would be an absolutely deadly force. That is, until they inevitably mess up one of their own intricate traps and end up being one of the first duos eliminated. 
XB & Iskall
These two would start off super excited to be Soulbound, and would work together great at first. But things would pretty quickly fall apart between them. They'd probably still work together for the sake of practicality, but they'd be snippy the whole time. I picture them pulling an Etho and Bdubs in Last Life by dividing their base directly down the middle. Iskall would try to buddy up with Stress, but she wouldn't be interested. 
False & Stress
OTP. Absolute besties, would have total lesbian couple girlboss energy the entire time. Would also be complete gremlins and mess with everyone else constantly. This might end up painting a target on their back, but they also would be strong contenders to be the winning team. 
Beef & Wels
Would have the most normal, drama free relationship of everyone. Not madly in love or hating each other, just two dudes being bros and chilling.  
Keralis & Skizz
Constant comedy. Would regularly get into disagreements, but nothing that would ever drive a wedge between them because they'd end up just laughing it off. Would try to homewreck other teams.
TFC & JoeHills
They'd quickly come up with an arrangement where TFC would mine for resources, and Joe would find creative ways to sell them to people. They might end up becoming a target, especially once people start going red, because of their accumulated wealth. Joe may also end up being tricked by Scar into doing something that would cause his death.
Mumbo & Hypno
Would be excited to work together, but Grian would constantly be trying to win Mumbo over, and it would absolutely become a tension point between them because Mumbo would claim to be loyal to Hypno while also constantly running off to do things with Grian. 
Jevin & Zedaph
These two would be the type of pair that despite their individual brilliance, would have -1 brain cells when working together. They'd have all the greatest "what could possibly go wrong?" schemes. Would either be the first team to lose or would somehow manage to win by sheer dumb luck. 
This was a ton of fun to do, and I might do some variations, maybe doing some new rolls on the current Double Life cast, or using all the Hermits and the Double Life Cast together. Also I'm really sorry if someone else has done this already and I unintentionally stole the idea!
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
Hi, just a heads up my ask is kinda specific and I apologize in advance. Could you do Hypnos x male reader, but the reader is the adopted son of Achilles and Patroclus. He’s usually dazed thinking about when he was alive and dwells on what happened when he was. Hypnos gets really excited when Hades sends for Thanatos to go get him from Elysium (currently stays in elysium with Patroclus) cause that means he gets to see him and watch him train. If you want to reject this, that’s okay, I get it.
Hey anon, sorry for the long wait and no worries about the specification. I actually found it kinda helpful. I just hope i got close to what you were looking for!
Wake me from this dreaming
Word count: 3.8
Hypnos x male! reader
Warning: violence, no kissing, some sexual/romance tension, flashback to death and war. No beta.
Just as quick extra note, this is not how real life ptsd works and any fighting advice is just off of Google, please understand that every thing is fictional.
It was the screaming that you remembered the most.
Achilles hunched over Patroclus' body, broken and bloodied. Screaming an inhuman sound that echoed in your head.
You knew you would carry that sound with you beyond your dying breath.
You should be screaming too you think but all you can do is tightened the hold on your spear.
Someone had to pay.
You thought Elysium was beautiful. Or at least you did whenever you were able to force yourself out of the memories long enough.
Patroclus' voice was usually enough to pull you out. You blinked down at him, "Forgive me, Pa. I didn't hear you."
He waved a hand to the shade that stood before you, their spear at ready. "Another fool seeking glory."
You looked toward the warrior, "I guess I can't ask you to come back another time, can I?"
You stepped forward and Patroclus called out, "Mind your footwork. You were sloppy last time."
Countless Shades had seeked you out for the chance to earn the glory of beating the son of Achilles and Patroclus.
You slammed the bottom of the spear into the ground and walked to the shade without any weapons.
You smirked slightly at the nervous look the shade gave you.
And this fool before you was another thing to take down. And just like all the ones before them, it took a single hit.
You watched dispassionately as the shade fell apart before your eyes. But for a few moments you didn't see the shade but of the every soul you took laid before your vision. And the roaring of a crowd in your ears. You looked down at your fist and you could have sworn you saw it covered in blood.
"Y/n. Y/n." A hand touched your shoulder and you jerked around only to have your wrist caught by Patroclus.
You blinked, before you remembered exactly where you were. "I'm sorry. I-"
"Silence." Patroclus said gently. "Even after all this time?"
You didn't say anything for a moment. "Not all of it." You told him.
Just the worst of it.
Patroclus frowned and looked like he was about to say something when black smoke appeared.
You stared at the god that floated before you.
"Lord Hades had sent for you, Y/N." The god told you. You tried to remember what his name was.
"Why?" You asked.
The god gave you a disapproving glare. Thanatos, you suddenly remembered. You have seen him before...
"Do you need to know why Lord Hades sent for you?"
"Y/N, the god asked you a question." Patroclus shook you carefully. You blinked and pushed the call of the past away.
"A reason would be nice, yes."
"He wishes to speak to you. That is all the reasons you need."
You looked toward Patroclus, "Are you okay with me going?"
"Go. Tell Achilles I expect an explanation soon."
And with that you nodded, "Very well. Take me to Lord Hades."
You weren't sure what to make of the house as Thanatos led you through a hallway. It felt like You were inside a living thing but none of the walls or floors moved.
What you did notice though was another god following behind you just down the end of the hallway. You turned your head around and saw a head full of white curls peeked around the corner, you couldn't quite see their face. A hand stuck out to waved excitedly at you.
You stared, not quite sure what make of the strange being or day you were having.
Thanatos snapped,"Hypnos, I know you have work to do. Leave now."
Hypnos ducked away, only to peek around again after a few seconds.
What an odd creature.
Thanatos opened the wide double door, "This is Lord Hades' private study so mind your manners." He warned as the door closed behind you.
You walked forward to the looming desk in the dark room. It looked just the one you passed with a long line of shades awaiting for Hades to appear.
Achilles stood before it and you could feel his rage coming off of him. When you saw him this angry when you both were alive, it usually meant some people were going to lose their heads. It was a rare sight now to see him almost shaking in rage.
It was all the warning you needed.
Hades looked up from your father and smiled.
It wasn't a kind one.
"Lord Hades, thank you for welcoming me to your home." You glanced over to Achilles, "Father."
You hoped he heard the unspoken words. His blue eyes met your and you almost frowned at the guilt you saw there.
"Now, Achilles, will you explain the situation to your son or shall I?" Hades asked, sounding pleased with himself.
You kept your face blank, not giving away the worries you felt. Achilles took a deep breath before turning to you.
"Lord Hades wants us to make a decision. To keep Patroclus in Elysium, I will be 'retiring' and you will have my current job."
"Or?" You asked. Achilles's mouth tightens, "Or Patroclus will be kicked out of Elysium along with you, and I will not be allowed again to have any contact."
So no decisions, just threats. What did Achilles do to make Lord Hades change the deal?
You looked at Achilles then to Lord Hades. "It would be an honor to serve the house, Lord Hades but may I make a request?"
"Oh? What request is that?" Hades glowered at you but you kept your blank face even if you wanted to personally slam your spear between his eyes.
"My father, Achilles will have his retirement in Elysium along with my other father, Patroclus." You paused, "And the retirement is permanent."
Achilles whipped his head and hissed, "Lad, what do you think you're doing? That was already part of the deal, don't waste it."
"Done." Hades said, "lucky for you, Achilles. Y/N is more like Patroclus, he is able to actually think ahead. You didn't even ask where I was sending you for your retirement. You are both dismissed."
Achilles opened his mouth to argue but you placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He glared at you but kept his mouth shut.
"Of course, thank you, lord Hades." You tugged your father to follow you out. As you followed your father down the hallways, you looked over to him.
"Pa is going to be furious." You told him mildly. Achilles just groaned.
You met Hypnos, the odd little creature that followed you around, on the first day of your duty. Even if the first hour was Hypnos just peeking around the corner.
"I've heard of you, even all the way down here." Hypnos told you when he finally found his courage. He was floating but you see the excitement in his body, if he was on his feets, he would be rocking on his heels.
With his curls and his big golden eyes, he reminded you of those too pretty boys that rich politicians would bring along to watch fights while leaving the wives at home.
He leaned forward, his hand resting under his chin. His golden eyes watching your face with a curious look.
"Y/N, the Greek hero who took out monsters in a single strike, was able to hold off Ares and is the son of Achilles and Patroclus. Both great warriors in their own right." He smiled. "Is it true by the way?"
For a moment, all you saw was Ares' mad eyes staring down at you and the taste of blood in your mouth. Everything else had faded away, the sand and screaming of dying men echoed and all you knew is blood and blood and blood and blood -
“Y/N?” Hypnos’ voice, confused and almost too soft, pulled you out.
"Yes. I fought him.” And you said nothing else and stared at the wall. You didn’t realize the memories had taken you for a trip. Normally, only your fathers' voices were able to pull you back.
"You must tell me how!" He filled in your vision, his eyes wide and hopeful.
“No.” You said bluntly. "I'm busy." And you're too attractive for someone so irritating, you thought.
“But-“ Hypnos pouted and you had made yourself look away before you got caught staring at his mouth.
"Hypnos, don't bother him. It is still his first day." Prince Zagreus spoke from behind Hypnos.
Hypnos spun away from you and floated around Zagreus. "Oooh, so how did you die this time? Did a chariot run you over again?"
Zagreus gave a strained smile in greeting. "Forgive Hypnos, I think he forgot his manners when he heard you were joining us in the house."
You shook your head, "It's perfectly fine, your highness." You stared at the prince, the whole reason you were even here was because he looped your father into helping with his runaway attempts.
Zagreus nodded, his face polite but nervous. "Achilles told me I should train with you. That you are actually better at fighting than he is."
"Only in hand to hand combat, otherwise, if you give my father a spear he would win every time." You told him, trying to push away the memories but you could already smell the sharp tang of blood.
"He fought a tribe of centaurs when he was a mere child, Zagreus and he won!" Hypnos gushed, "And he took down Ares!"
You shook your head slightly and the smell of blood went away. Hypnos did it again.
How odd.
Hypnos used Zagreus' head as an armrest much to the latter's displeasure. Zagreus shook him off as he asked, "You killed Ares?"
"No, just knock him out long enough to let my men escape." You left it at that. Ares was more monster than god, and you would rather not revisit those nightmares.
"Zagreus if you like, I can train you later. It would be interesting to see how different our training might be." You said, hoping they would take the hint.
Zagreus nodded, "Of course, I will come find you later."
Zagreus moved to leave but upon seeing that Hypnos wasn't going to leave, grabbed Hypnos' by his cape and pulled him away.
"Come on, Hypnos. I think you do even less work than I do, and I don't even work anymore." Zagreus said pleasantly but an undercurrent of a warning.
You didn't hear Hypnos' response beyond an offended gasp.
You shook your head, no wonder Achilles only wanted quiet when he came to see you and Patroclus.
Of course when it was time for Zagreus' training with you, Hypnos followed along. You thought about kicking him out but knew he would sneak back in later. You know because this wasn't the first time you trained Zagreus and nothing else seemed to work.
Also for some reason, this god ended up being a grounding point for you. You didn't want to admit it but it made being in the house bearable and not a daily fight to stay in the presence. Not that you needed his help.
You pointed toward Zagreus to the middle of the room and turned to Hypnos who beamed up at you. "You. Corner. If I hear one peek from you…" You warned.
Hypnos held his hands and floated silently to the corner. You ignored how Hypnos' eyes followed you around the room. Hypnos wasn't the first fan boy you had and as long you don't feed the attention seeking, he will get bored sooner or later.
Zagreus was a good student. Mostly. But you could tell your father was more careful with him than he was with you.
You shook your head and held up an open hand, "Hit me again."
Zagreus swung a fist into your hand, only to hit the side of your palm. "Alright, step back."
You crossed your arms, "You need to be more intentional in your hits. You're creating more work for yourself. And you won't always have that sword on you." 
Zagreus frowned, "I'm fighting monsters down there, not humans. If I don't have a weapon, they're not going down."
"Like I said you won't always have a weapon in you. Lord Hades took away my father, and that was your best tool. What are you going to do if he takes away your weapons and you can't get them back?"
You raised a brow and asked "Are you going to stay down here and obey like a good little boy?"
And you could tell you stuck a nerve at the scowl Zagreus gave you. Hypnos made a mocking sound and Zagreus whipped his head around to glare at Hypnos.
You mentally sighed, your father got soft over the years. Just for arguing back, Achilles would have You running laps from sunup to sundown while carrying bags of feed.
"Here, let's wrap up with a quick brush up for your next lesson." You said, not bothering to comfort him. The sooner you can break Zagreus out of your father's soft training, the better. "Do you know all the weak points of a body?"
Before Zagreus could respond, Hypnos butted in. "Oooh, I do! Eyes and groin!"
You took a breath when suddenly an idea came to you. You turned to the god, "Hypnos, since you're so eager, come on over here."
Hypnos looked at Zagreus who shrugged then back to you. "Okay." He dragged out the word with suspicion in his tone.
"Well?" You asked, keeping your tone friendly with a smile on your face. You waited until Hypnos got close enough to grab his shoulders and forced him to stand on his feet.
You grabbed his face with a hand, squishing his cheeks. He made a squeaky sound and you bit back a smirk. A little humiliation should be enough to get Hypnos to stay away and you can focus on what you came here to do. The only reason you bothered with helping Zagreus was because your father asked you too.
"Pay attention, I expect you to remember this for your next lesson." You told Zagreus.
"Hypnos got two right, but he forgot about the nose and honestly, almost anything you will ever fight will have a weakness here." You tapped Hypnos between his eyes which made him blinked. "Hit here or here if you can get a good upward swing ," you tapped the tip of Hypnos' nose, "With preciseness you won't need much force and you save energy as well."
Next You turned his head toward you and could see the start of a flush. Good, it was working.
You pointed to the area between the ear and jaw, "This won't kill but it will make your opponent dizzy and that could buy the second you need to finish them."
You went on listing other parts of the body for Zagreus and Hypnos obediently went along with it. Moving his arm and lifting a leg up.
"And lastly, the groin like Hypnos said earlier but I doubt I need to go in depth about that area." You finished as you let Hypnos go.
"Got it?" You asked.
"Yes, sir." Zagreus smirked at his friend's misfortune.
`Hypnos just stayed silent, flushed to his hairline.
You were sure you wouldn't see Hypnos for a while but the little god surprised you. Just a day after the training, he seeked you out.
"Achilles didn't teach you how to fight, did he?" Hypnos asked. His dark circles were deeper than normal and you got the feeling he didn't get much rest.
"What makes you say that?" You asked, actually curious about Hypnos' thought process.
"I mean, you're unusually strong and you seem to have, let's say, a more ruthless fighting style than your father does. Not bad, mind you, just different." Hypnos shrugged, "I've seen him train Zagreus. And it's just different."
You thought about bushing him off, but something about how tired he looked made you speak up. "You're right. Kinda. He wasn't my first teacher. I was sold as a child for a fighting ring. And they usually don't let the loser live." You tighten your hold the spear, to ward off the memories.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine." Hypnos said. "I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."
You blinked several times, "You didn't."
But the look on Hypnos' face told you he didn't believe you.
Screaming. Inhuman mad screaming.
Patroclus' body broken on the ground and Achilles stared past You even as you tried to talk to him.
You felt like you lost both of your fathers as you trailed behind Achilles on his warpath.
Hands wet with blood and you think you should be screaming too but Patroclus was broken and gone and the screaming never stopped-
"Y/N. Hey, Y/N." Hypnos stood in front of you, his big golden eyes concerned. For a moment, you weren't standing in the East wing with Hypnos.
But a burning city and people running and crying. And Hypnos stood in the middle of it.
What was the little god doing here?
You blinked and you were back in the east wing, no smoke or no fire or crying followed.
“Hypnos?” You realized you had a tight grip on Hypnos’ arm as if you wanted to yank him out of the memories.
You let go. “I-i my apologies, Hypnos. I-“
“Wowie, that must have been a bad one huh?” Hypnos didn’t look upset and you frowned at him. “Are you not…?” You trailed off, not sure what to say.
“No.” Hypnos said softly. “I know the story about how you… Died and what happened to your head.” Hypnos waved a hand toward his own head, trying to make his point clear. “I guess what I’m saying is no, I’m not upset or mad or whatever. I just wanna know if you’re okay.”
You said nothing for several moments, looking at Hypnos’s kind face and realized to your great shame exactly how little you understood Hypnos and his intentions.
“Yes, thank you.” You told him softly.
You tapped your foot as you waited on Zagreus to show up. You have been in the house for several months now and Zagreus didn't always show up for training especially since he was getting closer to the surface.
Hypnos floated lazily around the room, waiting for you to look away so he could touch one of the weapons.  Normally Skully was here to chase him off but apparently not even Skully wanted to show up.  
After a few more minutes and warning Hypnos off on touching the spear, you got tired of waiting for Zagreus.
"Come on, Hypnos I think his highness must be on one of his attempts." You told him.
"Wait, wait or you could train me!" Hypnos circled you. He gave you the puppy dog eyes and you shook your head.
"Please. I've been so good when you're training Zagreus! Just one time." Hypnos begged.
And of course, you gave in.
"Alright. On your feet."
You chuckled at Hypnos' cheering.
Hypnos was… You didn't know what he was. After the day of failed attempts of embarrassment, Hypnos stuck around. He would follow you around like a lost puppy whenever he could.  
You knew he was lonely, quietly trying to repair the broken bonds with his family. That he had near encyclopedia knowledge about Greek Heroes and monsters, even about your own fathers'. That he loved sweets but would eat raw honey every time if given the chance.
And the fact that just like your fathers, he was able to pull you back into the now.
He was...
Friend, you think firmly, he had become a friend.
“Can I ask you something? Like super personal?” Hypnos said out of the blue one day. You raised an eyebrow, “I have never known a personal question to stop you before but sure, you can ask me.”
“Why haven’t you drunk from the river Lethe? Wouldn’t it help?” Hypnos said, biting a thumbnail.
Oh. No wonder he was nervous.
“I don’t want to forget. I need to remember as much as I can.” You told him gently. Hypnos tilted his head, confusion on his face.
“If I forget, I won’t be the same person. You can’t forget without losing a part of yourself and I want to keep all of me. The bad and good.” You tried to explain, feeling like you sound like a cheesy philosopher.
“Oh. I think I get it.” Hypnos said. His smile was small but warm. Blood and darkness, you had gotten soft. You couldn’t stop the bust of fondness that your chest and you already looked like a fool so why not go farther?
“Like you, I wouldn’t want to forget you, Hypnos.” You said, a blush forming on your cheeks.
Hypnos blinked as if he didn’t understand what you just said but you saw a blush form on his own cheeks.
“I wouldn’t want to forget you too, Y/N.”
Part two
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
And part b to part six.
Warning:.some spicness, like kissing and stuff.
*Reader's pov*
You were bone tired but pleased with your process. You pushed your hair out your face. Lately you had taken to wearing it down, it was nice not to have to fuss with fixing a bun or the headache that came with it sometimes
You hummed a song as you began collecting the next round of scrolls. You
You heard the door open and your eyes widened, "Hypnos! Here for a second time?"
You waved him in with a smile. He gives a smile in return, "Yeah, I got done early so I decided to stop by to check in."
You noticed there was a tension in his body that you haven't seen before but you decided to hold your tongue for now.
"It's going well. Come on, I got the backroom nearly done. I'll give you a tour."
You motioned to Hypnos to follow you, eager to show off your work. You didn't notice how his eyes stayed on you the whole time.
"So I got the history area set up, and I got it broken down by the time period followed by the area…" you chatted as Hypnos floated behind you. He was mostly quiet except for a quick question here or there.
"And that is it for now." You said, fingers brushing across the wooden shelves.
You looked at Hypnos, candle light was always good to Hypnos. It has taken some time to admit to yourself that You did like the strange handsome look of your husband. Now it was something you couldn't stop thinking about.
"Impressive. Do you enjoy doing this?" He asked.
You tilted your head, not expecting that question. "I do. I like the stories and even the non fiction can help give context to what a story is about."
Hypnos smiled, and damn it, you could feel a blush forming.
"Is this what you would do if you had a choice?"
"I…" You bit your lips, not quite sure what to say. "Maybe. I think I would, but I could be happy doing something else."
"Are you unhappy with your work?" You tried to keep your tone casual. It was already unusual for Hypnos to visit twice in one day and ask questions like these. It was silly but you didn't want to scare him off. Even if he was your husband, he was more like an acquaintance right now.
"That would be putting it mildly." Hypnos shrugged. "Not exactly the type of guy you would want doing paperwork, but that's all I do."
"Why do it then?" You frowned, "I mean being the god of sleep would have to be a full time job on its own."
Hypnos didn't say anything for a few moments, and you feared you may have pushed too much.
"What exactly did your family tell you? About the war, I mean?" Hypnos asked, his voice soft.
You crossed your arms and shifted on your feet. This wasn't what you expected. You still didn't like to think about it. That war had cost so much more problems than it fixed.
"My mother told me some things but not what you did. She did say you were the only reason she didn't lose a war. Which is huge if you know what my mother is like." You locked eyes with Hypnos. You could see the guilt on his face, another thing that surprised you tonight.
"Well, Aphrodite helped some. Even if she didn't realize it." Hypnos matched your gaze.
He grinned a little, and held up two fingers."I…put Zeus to sleep. Twice. I don't think he found out the second time, I was much more careful the second time around."
You gasped at him, "How in the world did you even get close enough to do that?"
This time Hypnos laughed and you tried to ignore the warmth in your body.
"I was a determined and a very stupid child back then. I thought I needed to prove I was worthy of being called a god." Hypnos looked amused at the thought of his younger self. "I saw Zeus had a hard time saying no to a pretty face and gave your mother the idea to trick Zeus by using his own ego against him."
You shook your head with a laugh, "No wonder my mother didn't say much, she probably was mad she didn't think of it first."
"After that, my mother wasn't exactly pleased that I was getting involved with the Olympians so much. She talked Hades into keeping me here until I grew up some. So now I'm here, listing off the dead. I think Mom was trying to show me the cost of that war."
"Oh, it's been so long since that war though. Surely she must have forgiven you by now." You had been a child yourself, just on the cusp of becoming a woman. Those hazy days of youth seem so long ago.
"I suspect if it wasn't for the current war right now, I would probably be out of the house."
A moment of silence then Hypnos floated closer, "Actually, could I confess something? You're probably not going to like me much afterwards though. But I need to tell you."
"Hypnos, I doubt that very much." You watched him stop his floating and stand. You noticed that he could block you from the door, but you felt comfortable enough with Hypnos. And you were sure he wouldn't do anything. Honestly, you weren't sure if you would say no if he did try something.
His face turned serious, "I really hope so."
You frowned at him, "Hypnos, just tell me. I don't like these kinds of games." You couldn't help the nervousness in your voice. If this was some joke…
"I helped your mother for a reason. I… I did it for you." Hypnos said quietly.
You stared, not quite understanding. "But we never even met…"
"No, we have once,Y/N. I don't think you noticed me the other times." Hypnos respond desperately.
You shook your head and took a step backwards, the shelves pressed against your back.
Hypnos grabbed your shoulders, firm but not bruising. He got close enough that you could feel his body heat and you looked away from him. You hated how your heart flip flopped between wanting to push him away and pulling him closer.
"This isn't funny, Hypnos." You snapped at him.
"No, it's not." Hypnos grabbed your chin. "Hey, Y/N look at me. Hey."
You gave in the gentle pressure and allowed Hypnos to pull your face up. You realized you were trembling as you met his light golden eyes.
"You really don't remember me, do you?" He whispered. You shook your head, unable to speak.
"I remember. Each time I saw you. The first time, you didn't see me I think. It was a party, you were dancing with one of your sisters. I was there because I wanted to see what the big deal was about the Olympians."
His thumb brushed your face, a small smile on his. "The second time was when I first tricked Zeus, you were in the hallways and I had to hide so no one would see me. I almost got caught anyway since I couldn't take my eyes away from you."
You couldn't look away, you almost felt like you were in a trance, only able to listen to Hypnos' voice. "The third time… I was in your mother's living room, and I could see you in the garden. I sneaked off so I could get a closer look, and that when I found you trying to listen in. You looked like a painting to me, this beautiful little goddess hidden among flowers. I had to send you off before I could even talk to you."
Your eyes widen, an old memory rushing back.
"The red poppies." You murmured and Hypnos' face lit up.
"She tried to offer me anything. Wealth, boons or strength, anything a young god could want. But… I wanted you. My mother tried to stop it, to save you from my foolishness, but Hera had already swore to the river Styx."
"Hypnos- I - this is too much." You shook your head. You placed your hands on his chest, but you were trembling too much to push him away. Your hand just curled into his tunic, shaking in a mix of anger and stock. And hurt, you thought maybe you could trust him.
"How- I can't even talk to you. My sisters-" you pulled your face away from him. Your voice cracked, "my sisters. My home."
Hypnos used both hands to hold your face as he bent down to look at you. "I know. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I would have thought your family would have told you."
You took a deep breath, "I-i thought you were a friend. I thought you were in the same boat as me. I thought maybe you were helpful in a battle or something and my mother saw a chance for some dumb political move and that Nyx was in on it."
You glared up at him, "I didn't know you traded for me, like -like I was some dumb cattle!" You stepped away from the side, back facing Hypnos; trying to get air into your lungs. You hated the fact the only reason you were able to get away was because Hypnos allowed you.
"First of all, you will not talk about yourself like that." Hypnos' voice went hard but you just scoffed at him, too upset at him.
He got close to you again, tone a little softer "And second, it wasn't like that. I honestly didn't think she would offer her own daughter up. I-"
You whirled around to face him, finger in his face. "You didn't have to take her up on it though!"
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him. His face is a mixture of anger and desperation. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held you flushed against him. You raised your hand to his chest to push off but the fire in his eyes stopped you.
"I knew I would never get another chance to have you, Y/N. By blood and darkness,it was my only chance and I took it! I know what the almighty Olympians really think of us. I know I would never get to see you again if I didn't take up on her offer."
Hypnos lean down, almost close enough to kiss. "I would have done anything for you. I still would."
You tighten your hand on his chest, unable to move away, not wanting to move away. "You barely know me, Hypnos. Why? Why me?"
"Because I do know you, in the way that matters. I see how hard you try to please your family, how you get lost in the words of a story."
You shook your head, unable to deal with emotions that were building up in you. But Hypnos just kept talking.
"I know you have a soft spot for everybody, even the outcasts, how smart you are and how you always try to make sure to help anyone who needs it."
"I- Hypnos." You whispered.
He let go of your wrist to wrap his other arm around you. "Y/N, I don't know everything, not yet. But I would like to. Will you let me?" He asked softly, desperately.
You couldn't speak if you wanted to. You cupped his face and pulled his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
Hypnos tighten his hold on you. Gently, he pressed a little more into the kiss. You gasped against his lips and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and just tried to hold on.
You didn't know how long or short the kiss went on when both you and Hypnos both took a breath. He pressed his forehead against yours, his golden eyes on your eyes.
"I'm still mad at you." You murmured, fingers caressing his cheek. He smiled, "If this is how good you are when mad, I can't wait to kiss you when you're happy."
"Oh, for goodness sake." You rolled your eyes, not able to hide your smile. Hypnos pressed a kiss against your cheek and then another one, slowly working his way to your neck.
You tugged him back up to face you before he could continue because if you didn't, you were to make some very foolish decisions.
"Can I kiss you again?" Hypnos asked, his hand cupped the back of your head and you nodded as you pulled him down for another one.
Suddenly the doors bang open, "Hey Y/N! I got past- oh." Zagreus' voice halted. You hid your face in Hypnos' chest, wishing for a pit to open up and swallow you whole.
"Zagreus, buddy. Ever heard of knocking?" Hypnos snarled, "Let me help, it when you use your head and-"
"You know what, I will come back later. Much later." Zagreus slammed the door shut.
Then opened it again.
"Congratulations you two!"
And slammed close again.
"I'm going to kill him." Hypnos murmured into your hair.
"Be nice, he is your best friend." You murmured into his chest.
"But he gotten used to dying." Hypnos brushed a kiss against your head. You sighed and looked up at him, "I said no, Hypnos. You said anything for me."
"I did." Hydnos agreed easily. He dipped his head down to met you in another kiss.
"Anything for you, Y/N."
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College has stopped kicking my butt enough for me to post another chapter of the the Scattered au fic. this one is meant to be a parallel to last chapter, so you might want to reread that one.
scattered au is by @hermitcraftheadcanons and their community
reading tag list: still just @helleborusangel right now. Send an ask if you want to be added on.
Xisuma pulled himself out of the water, coughing a bit from what had gotten past his filter. He tried to look around only to squint at the light from the surface. He didn’t think he had swum that far up, but for all he knew, he was able to push himself that far to finally escape the warden. So when something suddenly attacked him and didn’t immediately kill him, Xisuma quickly fought back.
While initially swimming, he thought he had felt something though wasn’t sure, but this was much more clear. And slimelike, it seemed, since that’s what it felt like when he attacked it. But the following grunt of pain from the attacker sounded much more human like.
Xisuma did his best to focus on whatever was there, but he was seeing double. He looked back and forth, trying to tell if it was just from the intense lighting change or from there actually being two… things there. And it seemed it was the latter when the things looked at each other.
“Well, that’s probably not good.” The two things spoke in unison, which didn’t help the headache that Xisuma could feel coming on. Still, he was able to focus enough to get a good look at whatever was there and was a slime hybrid of sorts similar to Jevin, though instead of his very clearly blue slime, these two - one? They were more of a sea green. Plus from what Xisuma could guess, they were able to split like a regular slime, something Jevin couldn’t.
“Sorry.” Xisuma spoke up, it finally clicking in his mind that he had likely damaged them enough to make them split. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought you were attacking- I mean, maybe you were, but this does seem to be where you’re staying, so I guess I invaded your home a bit.”
“I guess. So, are you from around here?” The slime pair asked, making Xisuma shake his head. “Huh, neither am I… are we… This is the first time I’ve split so-”
Xisuma tilted his head a little. “I guess it is pretty safe here. Have you had any deaths so far?”
“I thought that was going to be my first.”
“So that would explain the lack of death messages as opposed to Gemini or Pearlescent. Do you know either of them?”
“No, sorry, not really.” The slime people answered. “Well, uh, there’s just enough here if you need basic tools, but not much else. I’ve got a pickaxe- crafting table.”
Xisuma looked between the two. “I think both would be nice. I spawned underground and had trouble with getting anything at all.” And before he could say more, the slime people were handing him those two items and a few more.
“You’re on your own for food though. Berries aren’t the most filling, so I’ve been eating them all up. They taste nice though.” And to prove their point, each of the slime people went after a berry, though they went after the same one and ended up fighting over it.
Xisuma nodded and went up to one of the walls. This would be much easier than getting the warden to do all his mining, seeing as how he would now be in control. He started to staircase out of the cave, placing what few torches he had until he found more coal. Technically he didn’t need to, but then something could spawn and head down and attack the slime pair. And Xisuma didn’t want to never return and just leave them there alone forever. So when he finally did get up to the surface, Xisuma went straight back down. “Are you sure you want to- er, what are you doing?”
The slime people looked back over to Xisuma and shrugged. “Trying to fuse back together or something. Why did you come back?”
Xisuma wasn’t sure exactly what happened, but the next thing he really knew, he was going back up towards the surface, his arms full from holding the slime pair, one cradled in each arm. Sure, they said they would be safe alone in the cave, but X couldn’t help the feeling that they wouldn’t be safe so far away. He was pretty sure it was just from his worry about everyone else, and this was just one person he could protect, but Xisuma couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else going on.
Hypno leaned against Etho, who was doing surprisingly well considering their current situation. Both of them were low on hunger, only managing to stay alive from what little they could get from the flowers and grass they picked and ate. Etho somehow managed to find a pig wandering around and killed it for some raw pork, handing it to Hypno to eat. They couldn’t cook it, but Etho was less worried about the hunger the meat would satiate and more about the fact that Hypno wasn’t fully himself.
After the initial shock of finding horns on Hypno’s head, the pair looked him over. Hypno made mention of an ache at the base of his spine, and Etho found a few concerning bumps on Hypno’s upper back. Until they actively looked into it, Hypno hadn’t noticed anything wrong, which led to them checking Etho, and also giving the ninja something to plan for on his next respawns.
Etho was glad they didn’t notice much with him, but with little to do, he explained to Hypno his encounters with Ren, Impulse and Grian. Out of the three, Impulse had seemed the most normal, only having red eyes instead of the golden brown he usually sported. Ren had seemed fine at first, but then in the attack from the creeper, the shifter had killed Etho, acting like an attacked wolf. And then Grian for the most part had been acting like a bird, though near the end…
A moobloom trotted over, pulling Etho out of his thoughts. It nuzzled against Hypno, who happily reciprocated. Still worried about the other hermit and the effects the environment was having on him, Etho forcefully separated the two, needing to attack the animal to make it flee.
“What was that for Etho? It was just being friendly.”
“Right now, we need to be cautious of everything. Especially those cows and all the flowers around here. Because in case you forgot, growing horns like that is not normal. Plus, we could use the food right now.”
Hypno huffed. “We’ll use up more energy trying to kill it than we would get from anything it drops. It’s better to let us willingly help us than-”
Etho suddenly held up a finger to shush Hypno, letting them listen to the breeze. “Do you hear that?”
Hypno listened, only hearing a few moos from the nearby moobloom. “The cows?”
“Well, okay yeah. But it’s more what I’m not hearing.” And then Etho pulled out his communicator. Hypno watched as Etho stared at the screen, mask moving ever so slightly as he mouthed counting up. But nothing was happening. At first, Hypno didn’t get what was so important until he pulled out his own communicator. No death messages were coming in. Specifically none from Impulse.
“Impulse got out.” Hypno said, whispering in disbelief. “Someone must have found him.”
Etho nodded. “Yeah, but the question is who.” And then almost immediately, it was answered.
Zedaph was slain by impulseSV
If there was one thing that was a benefit to respawning in the same place every time, it was the fact that no matter how many times Impulse died, the guardians wouldn’t disappear. Meaning that after a few attempts, he finally killed one of the monsters giving him grief. Just being able to slay one of them felt freeing with all the torment he was currently being put through, but that wasn’t the only benefit.
When the guardian died, it dropped two things, a prismarine shard and some cod. Impulse greedily grabbed at the items, stuffing the shard in his inventory and then stuffing the fish in his mouth. After not eating in so long, the fish seemed like the most heavenly food in the world, though Impulse had other ideas on why that was the case.
Here and there, guardians had completely ignored him. Sometimes he felt like he was getting a full breath of air even though he was still stuck in the water. He hadn’t missed the webbing between his fingers and toes growing each respawn nor the scales that appeared and itched like crazy. Half of Impulse would have preferred drowning forever instead of whatever this was, but his other half realized that it was likely his only way out.
Another respawn left him fumbling for his prismarine shard, using it to dig into the nearby blocks. Along with the claw-like nails he had gained, Impulse was able to break another block, making him smile at first, but then his expression dropped. With the way the temples were constructed, the walls weren’t that thick. Instead of gaining an air pocket, he had just broken into another chamber.
In anger, Impulse took the prismarine shard and used it against the next guardian he saw.
He started by using it like a knife and jamming it into the eye of the beast, making it flail and spread its spikes.
As the world around him seemed to fade into blues and golds, Impulse kept attacking, needing to get his anger out somehow.
“Impulse. Impulse. Impulse.” And then Impulse felt like he was falling, but he still thrashed around, trying to stop whatever it was. Then the next thing he knew, it was like gravity had increased drastically, leaving him pressed against the floor. Something moved and he attacked it, surprised to find it feeling much fluffier than the guardians had been. There was a sound, like someone talking, but why would anyone be talking with him stuck all alone. Etho maybe? Was he back?
As the creature died in his hands, Impulse looked towards the sound. The first thing he noticed was that Etho’s eyes were now both red. Even the sclera were red. He had also dyed his hair blond, and gotten rid of his mask, and well that wasn’t Etho at all. Impulse kicked his legs to try and swim closer, only to finally realize he wasn’t underwater anymore.
The moment Impulse realized he was out of the sea temple, he started taking gulps of air. His lungs had already started breathing it all, but now he was trying to get as much oxygen as he could before he drowned again. A part in the back of his mind told him he couldn’t drown right now, but his mental state wasn’t the best right now.
“Hey Impulse. Calming down now?” Tango was asking, and Impulse looked over, glad to see his friend. He nodded, which got Tango to smile before looking off towards the horizon. Impulse briefly followed Tango’s eyes before his hand moved and he felt the soft wool of the carpets beneath him. It almost felt overwhelming how different it was compared to the past week plus that he had been stuck in the temple. But it was also good, so he wrapped himself up before following Tango’s eyes once more.
“What’s that way?” Impulse spoke, voice feeling unfamiliar from disuse and possibly alterations that matched everything else going on with him.
“Zed. I’m hoping he’ll be able to find us again since I have made a bit of a path.”
Impulse tilted his head before noticing his inventory had many more items. “Did he get killed or something?”
“Yeah, you sort of killed him when we first summoned you in.” Tango explained, and Impulse felt horrified. Him? Kill Zedaph? For a prank or something, sure, that was believable, But this had been from pure bloodlust at the time.
“I killed him? Oh no! I didn’t know! It had been a guardian at first, and then I was falling, and then I was-”
“Hey, calm down.” Tango replied. He took a step toward Impulse, obviously to comfort him, but then Impulse was surprised to see his friend change their mind and step back again. “Zed and I figured something like this might happen. We would have made beds to set our spawn, but we haven’t been collecting wool that much, so at most we would have had just one piece.”
Impulse chucked a little after realizing there were no sheep around. “What? Did Zedaph finally grow his hair out enough?” And he expected Tango to laugh in return, but the frown that appeared didn’t bode well.
“Impulse, do you… realize what you look like?” Tango asked, and then Impulse looked down at his hand and flexed it.
“What’s happened with Zedaph?”
Tango took a few steps to the side and a moment later the nearby leaves of a tree caught fire. “Zed and I have had both of our more animal-esque traits acting up. I’m burning just about any flammable thing that gets close to me and his wool is growing out of control. There’s other stuff too but…”
“But even if you’re not ending up like me, you’re still dealing with your own things.”
“Hey! I’m back! And it looks like Impulse has not killed you!”
Hels cut down a hoglin that was in the way of he and Wels as they travelled the nether. Wels was reluctantly following, his copy being the only reason he was doing so well right now. Well that, and the fact that he was promising some sort of shelter. They went a bit further, and then Wels spotted something that was clearly man made, making him try to run forward for shelter before he was grabbed by Hels. “Don’t run ahead idiot. I just know that you’ll manage to die if you try that and we’ll have to start all over.”
“Well I’m sure I could find a way to survive fine on my own.”
“Sure you could.” Hels said, obviously sarcastic. “And your death messages make that so very believable. Tell me, have you noticed anything odd about your situation, other than being stuck in the nether.”
“Well, chat hasn’t been working right and I can’t regenerate my health.”
“Right… Well, what have you been eating?” Hels asked as they finally reached the door to the helsmit’s base, opening it to let Wels inside.
“Mainly crimson fungi or the rare pork if I can chip enough health away from a hoglin.” Wels answered, linking himself to the respawn anchor sitting inside.
“That fungi is only edible to hoglins you know.” Hels said, closing the door and then crossing his arms.
“Well obviously that’s not the case here.” And then Wels made his point by munching down on a mushroom he still had in his inventory.
Hels pursed his lips before yanking the fungi out of Wels’ hand and then smashing the knight’s head against a nearby wall. “Spit that out right now or I’ll go again until I break your tusks.”
“My what?” Wels asked, reluctantly spitting out the half chewed fungus.
“You’re an idiot. How did you not notice you were growing tusks?”
And Wels didn’t have an answer, just letting his hand go to his mouth and feel what were definitely tusks. “When did-”
“Who knows. My guess is it's something with this world. It’s not like any of us want to be here.”
Wels looked back over to Hels at that comment, a questioning look on his face. “Evil Xisuma approached me a few weeks ago. He was planning to get into the new season before the rest of you so he could keep from getting banned and put some action into play with his brother and a number of the other hermits. I wasn’t as interested in his plan, but having fun on the server on my own seemed like a good idea to me. A few others were planning to join us, but I’m sure they haven’t followed along. So as far as I’m aware, it is only Evil Xisuma and I trapped here with all of you.”
“Well, at the very least neither of us are stuck here alone.” Wels spoke, trying to give a positive spin on things.
“I would have preferred to be alone.” Hels replied. “You’ll use up more of my resources. That being said, my guess is you’re necessary for whatever is going on around here to stop. So until that’s fixed or I learn otherwise, I am reluctantly helping you.”
“Alright, that sounds fine for now. And you said Evil Xisuma is here too, correct? Any clue where he could be?”
Bdubs stared down at the void below his feet, glad to have stopped moving, though his gut was still getting used to that change. The guy in pink armor next to him was reluctantly patting his back as another wave of nausea hit and he started to dry heave. “Th-Thanks.”
“Whatever. I just know what being stuck in the void is like so I have a little sympathy.”
“Well glad to know I’m not the only one stuck in this situation. Not that that’s a good thing.”
“Right.” The armored person deadpanned, looking down at the void as well.
Bdubs was quiet for a little before looking over to his savior. “So then, I don’t really think I caught your name in all our yelling to heave both of us up here.”
The other person raised an eyebrow at Bdubs, as if to ask if he was serious, then being a little surprised when he was. The person hesitated, looking down, not to the void but more at their lap, then a hand fiddled with their hair before they finally looked back at Bdubs. “Name’s Xannes.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Bdubs!” And he held out a hand, pausing as he noticed the state it was in.
Xannes took the hand carefully and shook it, before helping it back to Bdubs’ side. “Side effect of the void. I’m more protected because of my armor, but you don’t have that.”
“Well now I’m actually upset about not having armor, even if it were pink.”
Xannes looked incredulous at that before putting his hands on his hips. “Hey, this is simply a… lightish red.”
“You mean pink.”
“Lightish. Red.”
“Lightish red is red mixed with white. And what does that give you? Pink. You’ve got pink armor.”
“Alright, so maybe it’s supposed to be pink.” Xannes conceded. “But my color is red, and this isn’t my armor, I’m simply borrowing it. So for anyone else, it would be pink, but as long as I wear it, it’s a lightish red.”
“Whatever you say.”
Xannes sighed and then carefully took Bdubs’ hand again. “Alright, so looking again, this doesn’t quite look as natural as being stuck in the voice can make it. Obviously that’s because none of this is natural. Even though it wouldn’t help me in the long run if it were working, I have tested plenty with my communicator and learned a number of things. First, we are not the only ones in a situation like this.”
“Yeah.” Bdubs agreed. “I already met Scar stuck on one of the islands below.”
“Noted.” Xannes nodded. “Well, others have similar odd spawns. I- Someone named Impulse had been stuck in a guardian temple, a Docm77 has been sent to his death by goats. X-Xisuma has been dealing with a warden.” Xannes started to explain, voice getting quieter at the last example, though Bdubs didn’t notice.
“And the void stuff?”
“If I knew more about what was going on, I could tell you. But as it stands, I can just tell your limbs seem to have a form of void-bite and your eyes are as dark as the void itself.”
Bdubs leaned back a little in shock at the comment. “Wait, really?” And then he was fishing into his shirt before pulling out a knife, Xannes’ eyes widening at the weapon. Bdubs held the blade up, briefly putting it back down to shine it against his shirt before using it as a mirror and then staring into it. Sure enough, his eyes seemed to go on forever into their sockets, pure darkness filling them.
“How many knives do you have?” Xannes asked, tearing Bdubs’ gaze from the weapon.
“Huh? Oh, I’ve got plenty. Want one?” And he pulled out another, only the tiniest bit worried about being stabbed by the unfamiliar person. But instead of stabbing him, Xannes simply threw the knife off the edge, watching it fall down. “What was that for?”
Xannes didn’t really reply, just holding a finger up for Bdubs to wait. Reluctantly, he did, but then got restless as time seemed to drag on. Any time he attempted to talk, he would just get shushed, making it feel even worse. Finally, out of nowhere, the knife suddenly fell past them, making Bdubs jump back enough that he nearly fell off their gateway and into the void, but Xannes grabbed him before that could happen and pulled him back in.
“Well then, it seems like a loop around the void lasts around two and a half minutes.” Xannes stated, shifting to turn his body and move to a different part of the gateway. “I guess it would be less on a second loop after already reaching terminal velocity, but it's good to know. I know something has been flying past here ever so often but I was still sort of stuck on the side of this thing for most of it, then I was dealing with you, so… you get the idea.”
“You telling me everything’s looping up and down like us?” Bdubs asked, looking around the sky, or what passed for it in the end.
“Us and anything non-living. I’ve already seen that there have been three void related deaths by Scar, Etho and TinFoilChef.”
“Well so far I’ve only seen Scar and you.” Bdubs replied. “I guess those other two are stuck around here too.”
“The chef, yes, but I’m not so sure about the other.” And Xannes handed his comm to Bdubs, showing a list of death messages, all belonging to Etho. “I have a function that lets me sort these messages. It’s very handy.” And then he reached off to the side, catching a comm as it fell from the air. “And this would be yours. I’ve seen it here and there… To be honest, it seems like it takes more than two or so minutes. We might need to test more.”
Bdubs swapped their communicators before looking down at the abyss below. “Well, Scar’s somewhere down there, I already found him once. I’m gonna see if I can get to him again and you can do whatever while I’m falling.”
Xannes rubbed his chin and then nodded. “Alright, go ahead. I’ll look out for you. If you respawn, wait a loop for me to catch you because I don’t have omniscient reaction time.”
“Sounds good to me.” Bdubs replied with a smile, then jumped into the void once more, ignoring the fear that came with it.
Scar rolled around on the end stone, trying to get to sleep. Sure, beds didn’t work in the end, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t sleep. It just wasn’t restful enough to keep phantoms away or set a spawn. Not like he needed to set a spawn three blocks away from his current one.
But right now, there was too much noise. The endermen were slowly losing their cool with Scar and he was also hearing the whispering of the vex. To be honest, that was probably why huge endermen were acting as they were. Void magic didn’t like to work with other magic.
But even with all of that, Scar really wanted to sleep for another reason. The whispers of the vex weren’t the only new thing with him. He had polished the pillar near him as just something to do other than wait around. The end rod in particular he shined until it was just mirror-like enough that he saw his green eyes were now vex blue. From that, he checked himself over a bit more and found that his eyes weren’t the only change. He seemed to be an inch or three shorter and his skin was definitely paler than before. He didn’t have wings again, but he knew it would only be a matter of time.
Scar really didn’t want to use any more help from the vex yet, knowing it would speed things up. He wanted to keep hope out for seeing Bdubs again before doing anything since it could be his last chance before a deal was needed once more. If he could just-
“Convex.” A much clearer whisper spoke, making Scar jump a little. “Are you sure a deal is such a bad thing at this stage in time?”
“Oh no no no no no.” Scar insisted, standing up and waving his hands in refusal. “I’m sure I’ll be better use to my friends if I’m not mostly stuck working with you guys.”
“What if you were not working for us?” The whisper asked, making Scar pause.
“Wait? I’m Convex because I can’t become true vex because of Xisuma and him tainting me and Cub with the void or something. I would think now being stuck in the end would make it worse, not better!”
“You still cannot, that is true. But a new evoker is being trained, one also tainted by the void. And I believe you would want to work with them.”
Scar inhaled sharply at the implication, knowing that it must be a hermit they were referring to. He fumbled in pulling his communicator out and then scrolled through all the death messages before finally seeing what he wanted. Death messages to vindicators and evokers, both about Mumbo. “So clarification on this deal?”
“You will still be considered Convex, but on a higher level than before. Not quite at the level of standard vex however. But during this, you will be linked to the new evoker, and cannot be released unless they themselves will it. And you should not will your release either.”
“Yeah, yeah, if that’s all, sure!” Scar agreed quickly, so excited he didn’t really take the time to think it over. Then suddenly he could feel more magic flowing into him. So much it felt like a red hot iron pressed all over his body, especially at his scars. And then it was gone, and he was left panting on the ground.
He didn’t know how long he had been there, but suddenly his name was shouted and Scar managed to lift his head up. He saw Bdubs rocking down towards him again and suddenly felt stronger again, getting a burst of energy and moving towards the builder. New wings spread from his back and let him fly, keeping him above the void as he grabbed his friend and then slowed them before reaching the abyss below, then slowly dragging them back up.
“Bdubs! Are you okay?!” Scar asked the moment they were both on the endstone, only staying on his feet for a second before his knees buckled beneath him.
“Am I okay? Am I okay?! I’m on the sweet sweet ground again!” And then he kissed the stone beneath him. “What about you? You look… not Scar but sound normal.”
“I can explain more in a bit. There’s an end city just over that way and I want to get something so we can start towards the main island. I’ll see if there’s elytra for you.”
“Oh no. I don’t think I ever want to fly again. If anyone, give it to Xannes.”
“Okay, guess my story first.”
On the main island, TFC dodged another attack from the dragon. She had been attacking less frequently, which was good and bad in his eyes. No attacking meant less dying, but TFC needed her attacks to even attempt destroying all the crystals. Because there was no way she was dying to fists alone with them still around.
That all being said, TFC had a sneaking suspicion on why exactly that was happening. His prosthetics were built to match his remaining limbs in function, but gradually over the past few respawns, they were becoming off balance. In trying to fix them, TFC realized he was less human than before, claws on his hands and feet, and tenderness at his tailbone and shoulder blades.
TFC was old, that much was true. And because of that, he had seen all sorts of situations. While for the most part the problems of this world were new to TFC, adaptations were not. A number of present day hybrids were a result of that. Heck, mob variants were also sourced from suce and occurrence. So yeah, TFC was not too surprised about seemingly becoming a dragon hybrid.
Thinking it over, in the long run it would likely give him just enough of an upper hand to defeat the dragon, but there was also the concern of how long it would take to get to that point and how far these alterations would go. If this went too far, the world itself could mistake him for a new ender dragon, and even after killing the real one, no portal would form due to his existence.
Well, if that was the case, he would need to figure out what it was that made the existence of the dragon close the portal and see if he could reverse it. Especially since he recalled at least one or two hermits were supposed to be stuck in the end with him. Though that did give him another idea. Maybe he didn’t have to keep fighting if the dragon opened the portal herself.
The next time TFC respawned, he waited, giving her time to rest. When he was sure the dragon was fully healed again, the miner made his way to the podium and waited. The dragon swooped a few times, giving some warning shots, but she didn’t attack TFC directly, and he made no move to attack the crystals. She didn’t look happy, but TFC had plenty of time to wait.
In a bout of frustration, ink was spilled over the floor, making Mumbo even more frustrated than before. He didn’t understand the need for learning another language just for spells. He was sure that knowing the characters that appeared with enchanting would be enough, but apparently the illagers had their own writing system. At the very least, Mumbo recognized a character or two that Scar or Cub must have had written down, but it still felt like he was learning a new language from scratch.
With ink all over the place, Mumbo paused to work on cleaning everything up. He had ruined nearly all his materials, so now he would have to attempt to get more or find an illager who would assist him in such a task. Paper was easy enough to get, a farm already set up in the mansion, but Mumbo hadn’t automated it yet, so there wasn’t going to be much to reap. And squid ink wasn’t something they just had on hand.
Mumbo reached the farming room and grabbed what sugarcane had grown, taking the reeds over to a crafting table then cutting and pressing them into paper. He only managed to make six pages from all of that and didn’t have the material to bind them into a book.Instead of leaving the room, Mumbo put the paper into a nearby chest and then pulled out his redstone materials.
As Mumbo built, he decided to multitask by using redstone dust to practice some of the characters he needed to learn. He couldn’t remember the normal order of the characters, so he just wrote them at random. He never really focused on the characters, so he didn’t notice when a few in a line started to glow a bit. In fact, he was just pausing his writing to work on fixing a bit of redstone, his head stuck in the contraption.
His hand blindly reached for some string to add as a tripwire, but he was about half a foot to the wrong side of his pile of materials. When Mumbo’s hand started to go further, it was stopped by some thread being placed in his hand. The redstoner said his thanks and then strung it up before pausing and pulling his head out.
Standing nearby was someone Mumbo immediately recognized, not knowing anyone else with a bright red sweater like that. Not caring that he was currently covered in redstone dust, Mumbo jumped at the newcomer and hugged them tightly, so glad to see a familiar face. “Grian! You’re okay! How did you get here? Where are the bots? Are you alright?”
But pulling away again, Mumbo watched as Grian just blinked at him, seeming a little confused. “I think you may be mistaken and confused, my mustachioed friend. I mean, I am okay and I got here because of you, but I’m not sure what you mean by bots and well, you were trying to take to someone named Grian.”
Mumbo furrowed his brows. Looking them over again, he could tell this had to be Grian. His clothes and hair and everything were the same. He couldn’t quite tell about their eyes because they were wearing a mask, but it matched the one he had seen Grian with in the past, a black mark on its face instead of the purple Eflyn expected. The only thing unfamiliar were the wings. Shape and pattern wise, they matched the wings Grian had, but the colors of the feathers were no longer red yellow and blue, but purple grey and black.
“Well then. If you’re not Grian, then who are you?” Mumbo asked, and the person giggled slightly.
“I could have swore you already knew, but I guess not. The name is Xelqua, but don’t go throwing it around to just anyone.” And just hearing it reminded Mumbo. It had been a name Grian had told him before.
“Well, if you don’t want me throwing it around, I’m going to have to call you something.” Mumbo spoke up, Xelqua seeming to agree. “Since I already mistook you for him and he’s not around, how about I call you Grian.”
“Hmm.” Grian thought about it before shaking his head. “Just you and me, you can call me Xelqua. Otherwise just Watcher is fine, okay?”
“But I-” Mumbo started to say, and then there was a clatter, making Mumbo and Grian look over at the door where Eflyn was standing.
“Well. It seems we have another guest then…”
Joe had paused in his material gathering. It was just going to be for a little bit, but he needed to clear his head. And the best idea he had for that was climbing the tower at spawn the correct way. Sure, he could try climbing from the outside or something, finding a window, but at this point these were definitely Watchers, and Joe was very much aware that they were not to be messed with.
Joe needed to pause on a platform to hold his head, a headache forming. It had been coming and going for a while, but it didn’t feel so bad now, the tower already lit up pretty well. As he waited, his other hand clutched at the wall as best it could, just feeling the texture of the wall, as if to check that it was real. “Guess you really couldn’t have been swayed, now could you?” Joe asked, speaking into the empty air around him. “Well maybe after this mess we can try it again.”
Joe climbed a few more parts of the parkour that acted as steps before nearly falling to a sudden splitting headache. He half considered letting go and trying again, there being enough hay lining the floor below to break his fall, but he had already gotten so far. And maybe if he could get to the top of the tower…
It had been ages ago when Joe had first met a Watcher. From what he could tell, it was even the first Watcher to exist. One that eventually disappeared to time that not even the other Watchers knew what happened. He wasn’t an expert of whatever the Watchers exactly were, but it had been enough that he recognized Grian as one pretty quickly when they first met in season six. Though that was partially from that not being their first meeting.
Yes, Joe had been along for a very long time. Which is why he was not happy with everything going on. But he had a bargaining chip in the form of knowledge, so getting to the top might be the one place to try and use it.
His headache passed and the glow from his eyes faded. Joe pulled himself back onto the platform and then adjusted his glasses. Just a bit more to go until he was at the top.
Doc woke up in a wood hut, lying in a bed. His back and head hurt, getting worse when he attempted to move to get up. He tried to remember what happened last, but suddenly being knocked unconscious wasn’t the best thing to try and remember. Looking around in a way that didn’t hurt as much, he was able to see a chest as well as something lying on the ground to his right.
Some crackling implied there was also a furnace running nearby. Mixed with that was some slight banging of metal from crafting and the hum of a tune that was familiar to Doc, but he couldn’t quite place it.
Another attempt to sit up left Doc yelp slightly in pain, stopping the humming and crafting sounds, getting replaced with footsteps that came towards him. “Are you awake this time?”
“Grumbot?” Doc asked, vaguely recognizing the robot that appeared in front of him. He only really distinctly knew his larger form, only seeing him and his brother at this size when they were just about to leave their previous world.
“Yeah. looks like you are. We have some bread if you’re hungry.” Grum spoke in a quiet voice that felt so odd compared to how energetic the hermits usually were. That being said, it had been a while since he had seen anyone else, so it might have just been from what others were dealing with. “I also left some of the wheat as wheat if you prefer that.”
“What? Why would I want that? Bread sounds fine.”
“Okay, I wasn’t sure if you were like dad or not.” Grum said before he went over to the chest, giving Doc a moment to think things over.
“Dad as in Grian or Mumbo?”
“Grian.” Grum answered, pulling out some food. “He was with us on the mountain. Everything was getting to him, so he started eating seeds instead of other stuff.”
“Okay. Is he out getting supplies or something?” Doc asked and then Grum’s face shifted to something sadder. “What happened to Grian?”
“I don’t know.” Grum spoke, managing to be quieter than before. “He just disappeared and Jrum and I were stuck alone on the mountain. And then I messed up.” And it took all of Doc’s willpower to not sit up and possibly hurt himself in the process with how sad Grum sounded in that moment.
“Why? What happened?”
“Someone figured out how to send messages in chat by accident. Jrum and I noticed, and we were going to try it out for ourselves, but it didn’t go right. And now Jrum… Jrum didn’t respawn right.”
And with that comment, Doc realized what was on the ground nearby. Jrum’s body was laid out, screen dark and body unmoving. “How long has he been like that?”
“A few days I think. It got really snowy so I couldn’t quite tell. Then I got busy digging through the snow until I found some ice to break.”
“And that must have been the waterfall I took down off the mountain.” Doc said, making Grum look a little sheepish.
“Sorry about hitting you when I fell. I freaked out a bit and then you were there and I couldn’t react in time. I’m sure if it was anyone else, they would have been in worse shape.”
“Why’s that?” Doc asked, though he had an idea based on which side of him ached more.
“Well, your metal parts helped protect you plus I think your thicker skull helped from a concussion.”
“My what?”
“Oh, I thought you…” Grum said, trailing off. “Um, so I think more weird stuff is happening than just being stuck wherever.”
“Yeah, I knew that.” Doc said. “Creeper instincts have been kicking in like crazy.”
“Well, your death messages mentioned goats a lot. It looks like because of that, you’ve started turning into a goat hybrid as well.”
“I’ve what?” Doc asked, incredulously. He ignored the pain from moving when he started feeling himself over, finally finding horns coming from his head. “Oh… huh…”
Grum forced Doc back down to a resting position before feeding him some bread. Here, how about I tell you what I know about, then you can tell me what you know.
“Sounds good to me.”
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yandere-sins · 4 years
The Exception
My friend let me try playing Hades on her switch and well... I kinda liked it. Namely, I liked all the characters, so my brain went like “what if they were yandere” and I had an idea for this story that I threw together this morning before working on the Fox Wedding (: The latter isn’t done yet, but this sure is, so who knows, mayhaps some of you will enjoy it! Just tried to answer the question how we could get Thanatos to whisk us away.
Characters: Yandere!Thanatos x Reader Warnings: Yandere, Blood, War, Wounds/Impaling, Major Character Death (???) or well dying, I read into greek history for almost an hour but if I gotten something wrong then so be it
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Thanatos had seen enough of the world to know that he didn't want to stay on the surface forever. 
The current battle spreading before him was a mere reason to sigh deeply as he watched bodies fall left and right, their souls soon leaving to a better, or perhaps worse, place. It was mandatory he stayed, but Thanatos was well aware of which side was winning and which was losing. It was his duty and his work to know these things, even though it didn't make the fighting any less futile in his eyes.
Letting his gaze wander over the battlefield, he watched the red splatters on the ground, heard the crushing sounds of iron against iron and the cacophony of fearful and devastating screams. He still couldn't believe Zagreus would want to come to such a place. A place where there was futile fighting and too much light, but perhaps, it was a world that fit the Prince of the Underworld, as he was the same, even if Thanatos only recognized this fact bitterly. 
Finally, the battle was closing in on its end, just like the hundreds of people that found their death because of it. The ones who weren't dead yet slowly but surely started to hesitate and retreat. Even as the personification of death, Thanatos reckoned that a pointless death was scary, even though so many humans chose it over desertion. Their death was inevitable, preordained by Thanatos sisters. Still, he had seen many hold on to the last sparks of hope that they could escape Thanatos' grasp. 
And then, on the other side of the coin, were those that practically would have offered their life to Hades and fought to the end.
You weren't an exception. Yes, your quest and pride were your downfall, and by the gleam in your eyes Thanatos could tell you knew. You knew and recognized that you'd die. However, as if you were spiting him personally, you still continued to fight ahead of everyone else, gaining questioning glances from your comrades and contempt from your enemies, which you pulled to the ground one after another and sending them to hell. 
Many before you had this overzealous compulsion to make that best out of their inevitable demise. Thanatos would admit that yes, most had a good reason for it, like saving their family or fighting for their own life. Others simply lucked out on the gift of pride and ignorance, forcing themselves and occasionally many more lives with them into the deep, dark pits of death. 
What was your reason? Thanatos wondered. 
He still had time before he needed to take action, he could allow himself a short - minuscule, really - different thought than his upcoming work, and you presented yourself so nicely to him as the incarnation of death waited for the end of today's battle. It wasn't often that he had the leisure to let his thoughts wander, so Thanatos intended to use these few seconds, which would fall under the radar, to still his curiosity.
By the looks of it, you weren't an inexperienced fighter. Or perhaps, you were just a farmer judging by your muscles. Surely, you seemed enthusiastic about your task, so were you fighting for something more significant than the glory of your country? Family? A loved one? Thanatos couldn't help but be curious about what your drive was, as he had seen so many reasons, yet they were all the same. Perhaps, yours was new?
Even so, you were graceful as you swung your sword around. What did he know about footwork, but at least, yours seemed to pay off as you weren't dead yet. When one of your foes managed to smack off your helmet, Thanatos believed that was it, but alas, you regained your strength, charging at the very same attacker. 
In a way, fighting was like an elaborate play. The only difference was that neither of the parties knew the other one's move. The person reacting better was the winner. He couldn't find joy in watching wars, but even Thanatos had to admit that it was a joy watching you. Even if you lacked the enthusiasm as the heroic shades that lingered below, like Theseus, had, you fought a fight worth mentioning in the books as well. 
Every move you made, Thanatos could see the calculations in your eyes, that keen shine reflecting in them. The sun seemed to break through the clouds just to reach out to you, making your armor sparkle in its rays. Yes, you were a formidable human, and Thanatos caught himself thinking that it was a shame you were fighting even if you looked so beautifully while doing it. 
Taking another deep breath, he could see the swirls in the air left by it. While the winter wasn't affecting him, no matter how little clothes he wore, Thanatos felt a second of pitiful understanding for everyone who had to fight in those conditions. Undoubtedly, the cold armors, freezing hands and weapons, and frozen ground were another nemesis for every soldier out here. Even if their bodies stayed warm from adrenaline and running, it certainly was another reason many of your human bodies gave out quicker, merely submitting to their fate. It was fair enough for Thanatos. It meant his work was over faster, and judging by you being circled and the other soldiers at your side beginning to see the end coming towards them with long spears and sharp swords, it was all over soon. 
You had fought bravely, that much he could give you. Perhaps you had impressed him enough to put in an unusual good word for you with Hypnos, who'd pass it on to Hades himself, granting you a shot on being put into Elysium. But your fate had long been decided, and as you fell to the ground, the battlefield erupted in victorious screams, announcing your time of death. 
And also, his start of work. 
As the winners retreated one after one, happy whenever they found a friend that survived too, Thanatos passed by them and onto the battlefield instead. Unseen by the human eye, he began his duty of reaping, one soul after the other, as mangled and frustrated over their death as they were, following his orders as he shushed them away. Usually, some pleaded and bargained with him for another shot of life, but even if Thanatos had wanted, there was no way for him to help them. But that day, everyone seemed awfully aware that there was no negotiating nor mercy waiting for them as they looked at his figure, frightened and frustrated. A pointless battle, with meaningless deaths, brought forth the self-pity in them, but this wasn't the first battle Thanatos tended to, so he felt nothing akin to that. It also wasn't his duty to take care of the souls gathered here, as it was Hermes' job to lead to them. 
He had something very different on his agenda. You. 
It was unfortunate for both of you, but when he reached you, you had yet to breathe your last breath. One eye slowly and in pain, opened, the other one damaged from the blow to the head you had received. However, as you looked at him, serene clarity laid in your gaze, and you recognized him, mayhaps by the giant scythe he carried around. Your stare was clear and less afraid than he expected you to be when acknowledging him, but you closed your eyes as a cough overcame you, hot, red blood dripping down your lips. 
"Guess that's it," you croaked, and Thanatos could only stare. Conversing… wasn't his strong suit, and there wasn't exactly a reason to talk to you.
"Are you going to kill me?" you continued, undeterred by his silence, and Thanatos weighed his actions. "No, of course not," he eventually spoke, shaking his head slowly, the hood on his head shifting along to his movement. 
"Ouch, that's cruel. You'll just wait until I die like this?" 
Your words were nothing he hadn't heard before, and he didn't feel offended by them. However, he didn't expect your lips to briefly curl into a smile, adding a jesting notion to what you said. Even that wasn't new, but… it struck a chord inside the usual stoic bringer of death. "I can't end your suffering," Thanatos explained, hoping you'd simply know about the unspoken rule that he couldn't harm you. 
"I think, I get it," you heaved, feeling worse by the minute. "You are just making sure I know I am supposed to die here."
That assumption wasn't wrong, even though there had been more playing into his service than just that. Too many kept trying to escape their fate, and sort of, Thanatos was just checking and cleaning up what would be left. You still had some time before your organs would fail and finally take you to the grave, different from the other souls that were already leaving for their new home. 
"No, you will die here," he retorted firmly. 
"I could," you chuckled, followed by another painful cough. 
"Don't test me, Mortal."
In between deep breaths, you allowed yourself a short laugh. Just like him, you were probably aware that there was nothing worse that could happen to your situation, so his threat was just a way he hoped to shut you up with. In silence, he watched over you, until eventually, your eye opened up again. This time your gaze was searching for him - or something really - but your sight had already begun to cloud. No matter how proud and achieved you are in life, in the face of death, everyone looked the same.
 "I think I did a good job. You know, fighting. Thought that if I already had to do it, I might as well give it my damn best."
More coughing. Thanatos watched the puddle of blood around you grow by the second. The spear inside your body must have been stirring up your insides the more you talked. Thanatos had expected something like this, you, young as you still were, had been led by the belief that doing your best could make up for the fact that you'd die. "But in the end, it was worth nothing, right? We lost after all."
Thanatos could only stare as he wondered what you expected him to say. He came here, knowing your life would end here, so really, the hope you had put into yourself didn't have the same disappointment to him now as it did to you. And yet, as he listened to you, seeing your body battered up with cuts and bruises, for the first time in centuries, he felt something akin to pity for you, and you specifically.
"Why did you fight then?" he asked, perhaps against your expectations. 
"Why? Because they told us too. The King ordered us to fight this battle, and only he could have known how many soldiers our opponent would bring."
"You could have run." Thanatos tried to stay as detached from you as possible, though it didn't quite work, your words taking their influence on him. "Can you?" you retorted before letting out a long sigh. Death was near, literally as well as figuratively. 
"Can you run from your duties? You don't have to do this either, do you?" 
"I do--"
There was no immediate response this time, your question justified, despite your little mortal soul undoubtedly never understanding the burdens on the shoulders of Gods. The world would stop if they all decided to not continue their work and fulfill their duties and expectations. If Thanatos stopped, no one would die anymore, and but the suffering of everything would never disappear too. 
"Dying sucks," you whispered, turning your head away. 
"I reckon," he muttered indifferently. Not like he could talk about it from experience. It must be painful, dreadful, and, depending on the circumstances, frustrating too. Right now, though he couldn't imagine the extent, you must have felt so hopeless and so, so scared. There wasn't much other reason for your banter.
"Thanatos… I always thought it was a pretty name, even if everyone feared it." Regaining his attention after finding himself momentarily lost in thoughts, he looked down at you again, watching as your eyelid closed slowly. "Say what you want, but you can't blame them for fearing death, and alas, me."
"Perhaps if they talked to you, they wouldn't be so afraid."
"Meaning you don't feel so afraid anymore?"
A smile danced over your lips once more, a truly unusual sight for a soul so close to their end, and especially after talking to him. Hypnos often teased Thanatos with being too formal and dutiful to be amusing, and Hades beware, comforting. Though he didn't care for his twin's words, yours did make him feel... happy. 
"Let's go then," you whispered, and Thanatos kneeled down, his hand falling to your wrist, listening to your pulse. Even with the feeling of your heart still desperately pumping blood through your body, only to lose it through your wounds, you didn't utter another word afterwards. You undoubtedly were dying, but perhaps, for now, you were merely unconscious as your lungs didn't stop reaching for air, and your heart used all your strength to function. 
Once more, the sun broke through the clouds, shining down right at you two, bringing Thanatos into the predicament of being blinded as it reflected off your armor. Perhaps he understood it now. Understood how unfair it was that someone like you, innocent and kind, was doomed to die out here. How awful his job on this day was, forcing him to take you to Tartarus and put you before the judgment of the god residing there. 
So what if... he didn't. 
He couldn't heal your wounds, nor make you feel better. But what he could do is battle the fate, earn the scorn of many, but at least, even if he took out the spear from your bloody body, you'd live. You'd live to tell your tale, and who knew, even he could apply some bandages, so maybe you'd recover some. 
It was a risk, and one Thanatos did not like taking, nor found pleasure in executing. But you couldn't refuse to come to this battle, whereas he, perhaps, after all these years, could refuse to do his job once. For your sake, and unbeknownst to him at that time, for his own even more.
His scythe disappeared in favor of Thanatos grabbing for the dreadful spear. Never before had he experience the kind of sound a wound could make from so close, and by the gods, he hoped he never would again. It was just your luck that you were unconscious, or the pain would have perhaps killed you faster than your wounds.
Leaning down, he scooped you up, his hand sullied with your blood and the dirt on the ground. The snow wasn't cold when he touched it, but your body was warm in his arms and still alive. Your threat of fade wasn't cut yet, and he wouldn't do it. With you in his arms, he stepped back, looking into your sleeping face before he retreated from the battlefield with a quiet, "Let's go."
No, the surface wasn't a place Thanatos liked to linger. It was too loud, too wrong, and too bright. But to see your smile, lively and happy, one more time, he didn't need to stay above ground. Where you were going, it was dark and, at times, lonely if you weren't a being born there. But you'd also be safe and alive for as long as you wished to.
And Thanatos would be with you, even if everyone would turn against him and his decision, for all eternity if he must.
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