#cultist doll
bao---143 · 2 years
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Today while I was going back home I bought some sunflowers for my favorite red hair twin <3, I hope he will like it!!! >3<!!! Glen (@asktherays) (Author: idk if it's important, Lisa is a teen doll)
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kittygamesda · 3 months
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Rebel's Voices of the Cold, Broken, and Contrarian :)
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stim-shop · 1 year
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<.... I knew a man who captured moths in a bell-jar
On nights like this, he would release them one by one
to die in the candle.... >
....... ~ ʚĭɞ ~.......
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askblondiedaniel · 11 months
Jen loves Barbies
My headcanon is that Jen is a HUUUUUGE fan of Barbie and Barbie dolls. Yes, the character from Camp Camp herself.
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Mostly cos she loves to be girly. Also, cos she likes to brush dolls or her own hair, cos it's relaxing to her.
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alancutobsstuff · 5 months
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Now Q looks like a real mad doctor. Which, by the way, he was from the beginning. And now Petrushka (ugly doll) and Mara (watching girl at the wall) are now canon.
Q: Don't worry, it won't hurt. Like a mosquito bite.
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drowningparty · 9 months
there's no way enver's taken off his anti-anxiety coat in at least 25 years, like he's an evil mastermind sure, but he's got a fuckton of childhood trauma and he's barely held together by string, you can't convince me without that coat he wouldn't dissolve
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ive-been-timebombed · 17 days
Part one
Danny is the daddy! And king- same thing.
Summoning rituals are the absolute worst. It happens too often and always ends up with one too many bruises.
Red Hood shifted on his knees and pulled at the rope that held his arms behind his back. He looked to Nightwing who was to the right of him in a similar situation only with more rope and tighter knots, he kept escaping so the cultists improvised. Red Hood looked back to the main excitement in the room and rolled his eyes at the idiotic scene.
A big circle of intricate lines and displays of many items. There were five displays, which Jason can only assume were offerings, one had a bag of food that looked similar to batburger. The second had what looked like a child’s school project on the solar system. The third held a map and a.. baby’s doll.? Jesus, what is this idiot summoning? The fourth was of a bright green liquid... Lazarus Pits? It was brighter than the actual pits and looked cleaner. Not to mention the bubbling was also missing from the vile of the pits. The last was a plant and a bag of sand... Jason gave up on trying to understand whatever the hell the fugly dude was trying to summon.
Speaking of.. the man that was scurrying around the circle looking at it making sure everything was good. He looked insane, with almost bright blue skin, black hair, and cultist-type robes. Not to mention the slight transparency of the man. Jason decided his name was gonna be Wickham.
“Oh finally! I’ll get to summon my king to this blasted world” Wickham stepped back from his summoning circle with a wicked grin, “If only my king didn’t have such strange needs to be summoned..” Wickham looked over to the vigilantes and moved in front of them his hands folding behind his back
“I guess you guys don’t know what I’m summoning do y’all?” Oh great.. he’s about to go on a rant.. “Don’t worry! You’ll find out soon!” Wickham turned to his circle again and stood in front of it. He got down to his knees bowing his head and bringing his hands together. He started to speak, a language Jason had never heard, and by the sounds of it neither had Dick.
The circle started to glow the Lazarus green. Jason felt like he couldn’t breathe. The weight of the ritual was suffocating, and despite feeling like he could grasp Wickham's words, they remained nonsensical.
Strangely enough, Jason couldn’t understand what he was feeling. It felt like longing for something that he never had.. like a warm hug from his father, Willis. He could feel excitement and yearning for the green to overcome the room and cover him in the comfort of.. the distant memory of singing and the cold of a rooftop.
Despite what many had assumed of Danny, he quite enjoyed the summonings. They weren’t too often and gave him an excuse to leave his boring meetings. When he felt the pull of a summons he grinned and waved to the idiot ghosts that were arguing in front of him and disappeared.
He opened his eyes seeing the usual scene of his summonings.. ignoring the strangely dressed mortals that were tied up near the wall.
“King of the Infinite Realms, Ancient of space and the unknown, Defeater of Pariah Dark, Honored of the Far Frozen, Knight of-“ The summoner listed off. Danny sighed he should really get rid of most of the titles..
“Blah- Blah- Blah. What do you want, Mortal..”Danny asked looking down at the summoner and hesitated at the end seeing the slight transparency of him..
The summoner stopped speaking and bowed further to the ground, “My King! I ask that you cleanse this cursed world and take it for your own! With me as your trust-“ Danny once again interrupted
“I’m good, already own this dimension. It’s only one of the infinite-“ Danny groaned before he froze.. this dimension.. it was his home dimension. The very same he was born in and dead. The same he protected with his undead life when ghosts invaded his town.. The same he left his child in to live in..
“My liege?” The summoner spoke up hesitantly glancing up at the halfa.
Danny didn’t bother to acknowledge the mortal. He was to distracted by the small very similar essence to his own only a few steps away. He looked to the tied up mortals and stared at the one that had a red helmet. The red helmet stared back his core begging for help and the support of its paternal core essence.
When Danny was first introduced to the idea of being king he was put in lessons by the many leaders around the realms. First was with Frostbite, the Leader of the Far Frozen, who taught him the biology and science behind ghost. Embarrassingly, he also had to sit through the sex talk once again. But from what he was taught when a ghost has a child or Ling short for Ghostling. That Ling would be connected to its parents or parent for ectoplasm as it would be to young to absorb ectoplasm on its own. The steady stream of ectoplasm would be used to power the young ghostlings core and nurture it to start absorbing ectoplasm on its own. The connection also helped the parent when they needed the location of their ling or just wanted to check up on them. The connection was like a cellphone that only connected to the child to the parent. It told them the location, needs, even if the Ling needed extra ectoplasm. It could be used for a call to come or even a scream for help.
When Danny was younger he had a kid.. the baby was an accident that he didn’t know about till it was left on his doorstep with a letter saying it was his. He called the kid his Baby JayJay short for Jason. He couldn’t feel a core inside the child so he assumed that Jay didn’t inherit his ghostly habits. So he didn’t form the connection between their cores, he didn’t want to hurt the still living soul of his baby by feeding it unneeded ectoplasm. Danny couldn’t stay in his dimension however.. due to the active laws against his kind. And he didn’t want to drag his child into something he didn’t need to be apart of. So he forced down his core wants and said goodbye to his baby JayJay. Then left for the infinite realms to be crowned and ever wondering what happened to his baby.
Jason couldn’t describe the feeling when he saw the being Wickham had summon finally appear.
It was a human body despite the many not human things. Their hair was a snow white and their eyes glowed a bright green. The clothes they wore had similarities of kings clothing it was a black with gold accents and a star covered cape. The cape floated like it went beyond gravity which Jason assume it did. The man had sharp canines and pointed ears. His hair floated similar to his cape, defying gravity. The feet of the being faded to invisible as it reached the floor. The glowing green flickering off to blue crown on the beings head drooped back a the being landed on the ground.
“King of the Infinite Realms, Ancient of space and the unknown, Defeater of Pariah Dark, Honored of the Far Frozen, Knight of-“ Wickham started before being interrupted by the being.. King Phantom?
“Blah- Blah- Blah. What do you want, Mortal..” The kings voice was echoey and smooth, Jason swore he heard the voice before.
“My King! I ask that you cleanse this cursed world and take it for your own! With me as your trust-“ Do Wickham was a stereotypical cultist. Only wanting one thing that will likely never gain. The being interrupted him again.
“I’m good, already own this dimension. It’s only one of the infinite-“ The king rolled their eyes before they froze their voice stopping with them. They were looking off into the distance so Jason could only guess the being realized something.
Wickhams voice felt muffled when Jason heard him as the being looked straight at him and Jason stared back.
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
Continuing to think about the horror of what happens to John, and the horrors of love...
When Alecto has first been created, she says to him "I picked you to change, and this is how you repay me?" and "What have you done to me?"
They're heartbreaking questions she has every right to ask, but there's something awful and ironic about them too. Because John also might have asked "what have you done to me?"
It's easy to get distracted by the cartoonish awfulness of John's own narration: "talk about police abuse", "come on, love. Guys as careful as me don't have accidents," "love a working tram system." But all of these comments come after moments where John has unwittingly come into proximity with violent death, an experience he repeatedly likens to having drugs forcibly injected into him; an omniscient, dream-like, out of body experience that seems to propel him forward through his basest impulses. The first time this happens, he's brought back from "the verge of something insane" by being shaken violently by P-. Lines like these aren't revealing John's diabolical plotting. They're a man who would rather own atrocities as premeditated than admit that he was losing his grip.
The second is when he encounters the soul of the earth. His human mind makes contact with the incoherent, furious soul of a planet. In any other context, this would be straightforwardly Lovecraftian. And everything he describes after that is full of elipses, jumbled, and detached. His friends are shot by gun-toting cultists and he says it was like a dream.
Hearing the earth screaming, feeling his friends' deaths under his skin like a drug, he might well have asked "what have you done to me?"
Alecto said to him, "I picked you to change, and this is how you repay me?" But as everything collapses, John says:
"I thought you were going to take me, somehow. Purge me. Use me as an instrument. But you didn't say anything...I was babbling, Show me. Come on. I'm ready. You kept screaming and screaming..."
John has spent months becoming something terrifying, an entity with yellow eyes and uncanny powers. He's discovered that death has an overwhelming impact on him that he cannot fully control. Everyone was relying on him to do something. And he did so many things: well-meaning things and stupid things and things that were lashing out in rage and frustration. Hundreds of people have died because of him. His friends have died because of him. Surely, surely there was a point to this. Surely there was meaning. Surely whatever did this to him, made him into this, had a greater plan.
But there is no plan. There is no great revelation. He tries to hurt the earth, to provoke some kind of answer, but the screaming continues. And when P dies, the person who snapped him out of it the last time, John lets go and the whole world dies.
John is kneeling on the grass vomiting up dirt and tearing out his own ribs, saying "there was still too much of me that was just a human being...", trying to swallow the soul of the earth. And by the end, the one shred he has to hold onto is a memory of playing with a doll as a child. That, and his anger...
The earth tried to reach out in the only way it could, amidst its incoherent suffering. And John tried to use the abilities it gave him, but he was only human. Fallible and proud and angry.
She said, "I still love you." And the horror; the horror of love, the horror of this story, is that to begin with they did this to each other.
To be clear: I don't mean to diminish the awfulness or the very specific forms that John's violence against Alecto takes, and continues to take across the story. I don't mean to excuse his own self-mythologisation. I certainly don't think he's blameless for the decisions he made and the agenda he pursued. But if there's one thing that happens over and over again in TLT, it's that the horror of love is not a one-way street.
And I wonder, in light of what we now know about the permeability of the soul, quite where John ends and Alecto begins. And when that blurring began...
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toriangeli · 1 month
Your sound man is dehydrated.
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Can be purchased on my Etsy store. Sold.
It's looking like my next doll will be Claudia in her outfit for her first hunt! I'm excited about this one. Based on the poll, the next dolls will be in this order:
First Hunt Claudia Cultist Armand 70's Louis Kate Sharma in the dress I've been obsessed with for two years
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ghost-in-the-hall · 11 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part V
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Thank you as always to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading for me, you're the best bb!! ❤️❤️
Hello everyone!! This chapter is going to be a little more plot/lore heavy. But, we still get some sweet and flirty boys. IV brings Reader dinner and II is becoming more comfortable in his flirting. Thank you so much for reading, if you would like to be added to the tag list let me know!
Part IV - Part VI
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
Today was one of those times where your store was absolutely slammed. "I'll be right with you Jay, just give me one second." You clap the older man on the shoulder as you round the counter.
"No worries darlin', I got all day." He smiles cheerfully at you." You hurriedly set a fresh batch of coffee to brew, quickly cleaning up the station.
"Next batch will be done in about ten minutes guys." You smile as you pass by a tow of your usuals, a group of old timers that would set up shop at the shelf along one of the windows and spend their day drinking cups of coffee and playing scratch tickets.
"Now Miss (Y/N), don't you go running off, I got a vibe to pick with you young lady." You skidded to a halt, turning in your heels to face the myriad of curious stares.
"You better make this quick Randy, I got a line out the door." You huff with a sarcastic smile.
"I just want to know what you're doing hanging around with those cultists." Your eye involuntarily twitched as he spit out the word. "I'd just hate to see you get mixed up in that crowd."
"They're nice boys Randy." You hurry up to the counter as you continue to call over your shoulder. "It might do you some good to actually get to know them before you try to crucify them over nothing.
"Why don't you try inviting them to the Fall Festival?" Jay asks gently.
"Unfortunately I don't think they'd go. I know it's hard to believe but they're just as nervous about you as you are about them." You explain with a huff.
"I think it's worth a shot at least." He leans in a bit to whisper to you. "Now I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I think if the townsfolk actually got to meet them and see that they're not some big ol' scary monster in the woods… well, they might just come around." He offers his advice with a patient smile. "If you're saying they're a good group of guys I trust your judgment. Your word means a lot more to me than some blood thirsty reporter after a story."
"Thanks Jay, I'll ask them. Who knows, maybe they'll show up." He bids you farewell before leaving you to tend to the rest of your sea of customers. After what felt like an eternity your store was finally empty. You groaned, slumping over the counter. The cool linoleum felt nice against your sticky skin. You jolted up at the sound of the bell ringing above the door, eyes flashing over to reveal II and IV looking at you curiously. "Hey guys." You give them a tired smile.
"Everything alright, love? You look exhausted." II approaches the counter, his eyes full of concern.
"Yeah, just a long day." You explain. You sit down in your chair, resting your elbows on the counter. II copies your motions, his eyes searching yours, his nose just barely out of reach from bumping into you.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You shake your head in response.
"You boys are already too good to me as it is." You giggle as II playfully rolls his eyes. "I'll be alright, just gotta do some quick cleaning before I go upstairs. Then it's a cup of ramen cause I'm too lazy to cook and shitty movie re-runs until I pass out on my couch."
"A cup of ramen isn't a meal, doll." He tuts.
"I know that, doctor." He chuckles at your sarcastic tone. "I'll be alright, one night without a proper dinner isn't going to kill me."
"I wish we could come help more around here, I hate seeing you so tired." IV chimes in, dropping an armful of snacks on the counter.
"I appreciate all your help, but I promise you, I'll be just fine." You respond with a reassuring smile. Neither of them seemed satisfied with your answer but they could tell you weren't in the mood to argue.
II sighs, "just promise me after you finish up here you'll go get some rest."
"You have my word." You chuckle. The two of them finish their shopping, idly chatting with you as you do some cleaning up. "Goodnight guys, get home safely." You wave as they head out.
"I better not come back here and see you exhausted tomorrow." II warns playfully.
"I'll try my best." He winks at you before pushing out the door. IV wishes you goodnight before joining his companion.
You collapsed on your couch with a groan once you finally made it upstairs. Despite how much you were trying to convince yourself you weren't hungry your growling stomach said otherwise. You lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling, when suddenly the familiar rumble of a pick up truck pulls into the lot. You stood, walking over to the window and pushing the curtain aside. You saw IV fumbling with something in his passenger seat before kicking the door open. You met him at the back door, he froze when he saw you standing at the top of the landing with a smirk spread across your features. "I, uh, I brought some food." He offers bashfully.
"Come on up IV." You chuckle before heading back inside. IV steps into your apartment, eyeing you curiously.
"I'm sorry I showed up without an invitation." He apologizes. You smile, taking a couple steps closer to him.
"You're welcome here anytime." He breathes out a laugh as his eyes dart to the floor. You offer to take the food for him, setting up a spot for the both of you on your couch. "I am curious, how did you manage to get fast food without raising any suspicion?" You ask as you pop a fry in your mouth. IV chuckles in response, adjusting to sit more comfortably.
"It's a funny story actually, I pulled up at the drive through and the kid working there told me he liked my costume." You laugh.
"Really?" He nods. The thought of the Fall Festival popped into your mind; how you would love to bring the four of them because you know they would have a great time, how it would give them a chance to see the town for what it really was, and of course your little crush on the charming masked men didn't help either. "IV, do you think Vessel plans on ever going into town? You know, aside from you guys making supply runs under the cover of darkness." You joke.
"If I'm being completely honest, I don't know." He pulls his mask away from his face to take a sip of his drink. "I'm the newest of our little group so I can't give you the whole story, but from what I understand up until we reached here things weren't too great. There's a lot of people out there who want to get rid of us before they even have a chance to get to know us. We've been run out of town after town, sometimes through more… humane means… other times not so much. But, we have something good here, with the camp in the woods, with you." He pauses for a moment to smile at you. "That's something I want to try and hold onto for as long as I can."
You study him for a moment, "what if I tried to help?" You offer. "I could be the middleman for you. People in town know me, I grew up here, that has to mean something. I just… I don't want you to have to constantly be worried about someone being out to get you. I know that if they met you, if they got to know the people I know you are, they wouldn't be afraid anymore."
"I'm sure Vessel would be interested in hearing you out. Who knows, maybe you'll actually convince him." He chuckles. "Between you and me, if you bat those pretty little eyes at him, I'm sure you could convince him to do just about anything." He jokes as he shoots you a wink.
"I bet that line works on all the girls, huh?" You giggle, trying to shake off the heat that had settled in your cheeks.
"As long as it works on you I'm set." You playfully smack his arm. He nestles back into the couch cushions, letting out a soft groan as he stretches an arm over the back, the back of your neck buzzing as you feel his warmth seep into your skin.
"You're all a bunch of flirts." You smile at him.
"A bunch of flirts?" You roll your eyes at his mock annoyance. "It's not my fault that you're so captivatingly beautiful." You noticed that growing familiarity in your chest. The steady thrum of your heartbeat as you tried to hide your flustered state. IV leans in closer to you, his side pressed flush against your body. "Once I met you I understood what they were all fussing over." He chuckles before muttering, "the perfect being brought to us by Sleep." You turn to look at him, his hazy blue eyes coaxing you in deeper with every passing second.
"Who's… who's Sleep?" You whisper. IV tilts his head, a curious expression matching yours. The pieces must have clicked together because he returned to his usual smiling self a moment later.
"You'll find out soon, Vessel's probably waiting for the right time to explain." You accepted his explanation without a fuss. You trusted that if it was something you needed to know they would tell you. He glanced up at the clock, "I'm sorry to cut things short, love, but I should head back." You nod, standing and walking him over to the door.
"Thank you for bringing some food." You smile.
"Anytime." He responds with a wink. "Get some rest, alright? II will throw a fit." You both shared a laugh before IV reached out and pulled you into his arms. You froze at first, not fully comprehending that he had wrapped you in a hug. But, the moment realization set in your arms slipped around his torso. Neither of you were in a rush to let go, the two of you standing in a comfortable silence as IV held you close, gently swaying you from side to side.
"Goodnight, doll." His hand lingers in your hip, taking your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before slipping out the door.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @herripinkle @thepoisonedchalice @themultiverseofmars @saturnhas82moons @wingsofeternitysstuff @creamwhxre @itsyagirl-snowflake @bookishpenguino @m0cha-bunny @coreofpleasure @madsthenightowl @dangerkitten1705 @rainy-darling @shad0wcast @amara-among-the-stars @venuswinnyix @dontpercieve-me-pls @ripleyswife @thepityscene @lipstick-and-lycanthropes @vmpirekiss @savaneafricaine @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe (I think that's everyone, if I missed you or you would like to be added please let me know!!)
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Wayne doll house: demon children.
Idea: each of the batkids is theorised to have a different origin.
Thing is, there's so many of them. The oldest is actually the youngest in body. It seems to be able to share memories with those who follow. It changes design right before a new bat appears.
The hero in the town over is definitely one of them, but what's it doing over there?? Asking just gets non-answers.
What happened to the ones that the Joker tried to destroy? One - the oldest and smallest - came back, but different, whereas the other - the purple and orange one - came back for a while and then vanished again for good.
None of them seem to age??
The first, smallest, oldest, it seemed to be some sort of circus performer? It gave its acrobatics to the blue one when it arrived, grew clever and defensive. It gave that to the skull headed red one, focused on technology and detective work after the Incident. Then again, and again, and one time even the bat changed along with it, but though the bat returned to normal the little Robin didn't, and now it's just as stabby and creative as it is small and creepy.
It's a good sort of creepy now, after over a decade of beating up bad guys and comforting victims, Gotham has gotten used to it, but outsiders don't much like it.
The justice league have a different opinion.
They know, or at least can observe, that the... Souls? Brains? Programs? Switch around, that it's not memories but persons that bring the new bats to life.
They just don't know where batman gets them. The new one, especially, is very circumspect.
For all this talk of the blood son, all the bats calling it demon child with varying levels of fondness, the way batman doesn't deny the claims...
Thing is the bat doesn't have blood. Everyone's well aware of this by now. Whatever sulpheric black tar he and the bats leak probably-certainly isn't blood, or at least... Not anything with dna.
So... What blood?? If not the bat's, why does it tie the newest mind of Robin to him?
Captain marvel is the first to think of an idea.
A blood child of a demon for a blood ritual for a demon.
Constantine and Zatanna second the notion - it's perfectly possible. Reasonable, even. The bat admitted himself he had no way to procreate the way humans did, nor any interest in doing so. Wanting a legacy was perfectly normal.
Except he already had, what, seven, eight, nine kids? He loved all of them, it was clear, and he'd always seemed happy with them. He'd even sighed over how many he had, had rebuffed the teasing about getting more. The new Robin mind had been a surprise to everyone, and the old one in a new body had been a little salty about it.
So the new theory was that batman hadn't decided to get a new Robin. Maybe the old mind had been ejected unwillingly! It had happened at roughly the same time batman had gotten a new personality - maybe the incidents were related?
But if batman hadn't done the ritual... Who had?
Who would do something like that???
Cultists. Cultists would do something like that. But giving the bat a son unwillingly seemed... A very odd goal, even for that type.
So... Had they messed up? Had they tried to summon the bat with a blood sacrifice ritual, and summoned a demon instead? Had it partially worked? Was the bat susceptible to demon summonings?? Did the summoning damage his own mind/consciousness/soul in some way, and that led to the creation of the new demon child while the bat changed until he'd healed????
How kind of batman to take it in!
Tldr; the league thinks Robin V is a demon born/created through a failed summoning ritual involving blood sacrifice that made batman like puns until he healed. The truth is the canon events of Damian arriving at the manor only for b to get tossed into the time stream, becoming the Robin to nightwing-batman while Tim, who is much less annoyed about it than canon, focuses on getting him back. Lmao.
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radioactivedotcom · 11 months
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🔮 fantasy set 🔮 [conversions] - SIMBLREEN 2023 TREAT 02
i mean… it is simblreen. had to make at least one fantasy-inspired set, right?? pairs well with any of my other fantasy sets from past years, here, here & here.
some items are over 10k polygons, so please make sure to check under the cut before putting in your mods folder.
and small reminder that you can mess with the item sizes in game by using the [ ] keys :)
– 30 packages –
all lods
find them by typing [RDC] or Fantasy Set in the search bar
credits for 3D models&textures can be found in the description boxes
recolors are very welcome!! (and yes you can include the mesh, in builds as well, as long as there’s NO PAYWALL)
– through here for all my s4 downloads –
tag me if you use!
download: sfs - mediafire (unzip and drop in your mods folder)
––– links not working? try right-clicking and opening in a new tab!
~ have fun ~
{•̴͈ ˔̇ •̴͈}
polygon count and other info under the cut!
Arcane Spellbook: 2k - clutter decoration
Bookwheel: 15k - bookshelf (not functional)
Caged Creature: 5k - ceiling decoration
Carriage: 32k - misc decoration
Chest 01: 18k - misc decoration
Chest 02: 18k - misc decoration
Chest 03: 12k - clutter decoration
Chest 04: 16k - misc decoration
Chest 05: 7k - misc decoration
Chest 06: 20k - misc decoration
Cultist Set: 7k - clutter decoration
Evil Stone: >1k - clutter decoration
Frozen Tear Lotus Pedestal: 9k - clutter decoration
Ice Potion: 3k - clutter decoration
Ivy Potion: 5k - clutter decoration
Love Potion: 12k - clutter decoration
Magical Earth Book: 1.5k - clutter decoration
Magical Steampunk Book: 5k - clutter decoration
Mermaid Potion: 6k - clutter decoration
Monster Plant: 6k - plant decoration
Moon Statue: 3k - clutter decoration
Necromancer Potion: 7k - clutter decoration
Necronomicon Spellbook: 3k - clutter decoration
Old Clock: 5k - sculpture decoration
Old Wall Clock: 5k - wall sculpture decoration
Spellbound Mailbox: 4k - misc decoration
Staff of Sleep: 3k - sculpture decoration
Staff of the Spore-Lord: 4k - misc decoration
Vegetal Nautilus: 5k - plant decoration
Voodoo Doll: >1k - clutter decoration
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mothocean · 10 months
Fuck it. Steampunk era new albion tumblr
⚙️ mcallisterindustries Follow
Today is the 40th anniversary of the death of my beloved mother, Annabel Mcallister, whose passion for science has inspired me since i was a young boy. Without her, the memory of her death aching in my heart, driving me to pursue a way to bring back those lost to time, Mcallister Industries wouldn't be where it is today. To honor her memory, we are holding a 30% sale on all new doll models, and a 1+1 deal on reanimating newly dead loved ones! Call 1-DOLL-800 to find out more about upcoming sales and order your loved one's new doll body today!
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
We're meeting again at the crossroads tonight!! Bring your doll-ay doll-ay spirit!
- Mod B
#voodoopunk #vote voodoopunk we dance with you on your graves
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 averagealbioncitizen Follow
🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
man can these dolls play literally anything else. i keep retuning my granny's radio but it always plays that elysian night song :(((
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
You just don't get it like we do
- mod A
1 notes
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🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow 🔁 redhairedbisexual
🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
my bro died so i have to take over the family business now :(( anyway hmu if you need anything special iykyk 😜🤙💯
🔁 🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
update: who tf keeps stealing our stock im gonna fucking bootleg doll you
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👑 aliceinfutureland Follow
made some progress today :) the angels will be proud
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🤖 doll34221543 Follow 🔁 doll356857543 Follow
🌠 newalbionmayor-official Follow
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby...
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 bi-bye-byron Follow
🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
🔁 🎩 bi-bye-byron Follow
🔁 👯‍♀️ dykes4dolls Follow
What a self own lmao
🔁 💞 dollay-darling Follow
op did u really think people were gonna vote against the doll? On the voodoopunk website?
🔁 🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
'voodoopunk website' up my ass y'all let the power get to your head. You fucking rusty ass stoner cultists ain't gonna last here
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
- mod B
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🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
My dad's been really terrible lately... at least i have the dolls to comfort me
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Their song is so beautiful... if only i could join them...
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby
Elysian night
Read more
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🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow 🔁 voodoopunk-official Follow
💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
With great agony, we announce the passing of one of our dear members. Mod A, also known as Acolyte Amelia, you will be missed.
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
I KNEW THOSE DOLLS WERE PROBLEMATIC FROM THE START UGH... don't support the voodoopunks they're lying to you #killthedolls #antivoodoopunk
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
Amelia didn't die because of the dolls dumbass you're just using her death as a means to further your stupid political agenda smh 🙄
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
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🚫 destroy-da-dollz-remade Follow
#anti voodoopunk #kill the dolls #i fucking said it from the start but y'all didn't LISTEN
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🤵‍♀️ kate-the-nyarrator
can anyone even hear me
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Ranking my non-human darling's by how much they like to take baths and how willing they are to let their yan(s) bathe them:
Puppy Streamer/Mall Security Darling: 1000/10. Loves a hot bath after a day at the gym or at work. Washing all that fur themself is a bit of a pain so some assistance is much appreciated
Cat Streamer Darling: -10/10 As a grown ass person they can wash themselves just fine. Only takes a bath if they haven't showered in a couple days. Hates every second of it
Bunny Streamer Darling: 5/10. Also prefers to wash themselves, but so long as their yan has a gentle hand they'll eventually warm up to the idea
Alien Streamer Darling: 9/10. Confused by these human bonding rituals, but never doubts the words of their dear friends. Probably enjoys eating bath soap.
Incubus Darling: 10/10. Sees past their yan's little tricks, but would never say no to free pampering. Be sure to polish their horns well, love
Angel/Cupid Darling: 9/10. Not sure to a mortal form and loves some assistance. Lil hesitant about letting people touch their wings due to how sensitive they are, but warms up to it with a bit of love and patience
Werewolf Bodyguard Darlingx: 4/10. Only allows others to bathe them if their fur is covered in too much filth to get out on their own like mud/blood
Werewolf Sheriff Darling: 0/10. Just give them a bucket and fuck off.
Ghoul Darling: 3/10. Scary.... Their Yan has to be extremely cautious or risk scrubbing off bits of their flesh. Easy to persuade with treats for good behavior
Evan's Spouse Darling: 0/10 when they first met. 11/10 currently. Stinky fleshy eater was initially frightened by bathing because it got rid of their natural scent and Evan used nasty 5 in 1 body soap. Now that he switched over to soaps with a more fruity and they moved into a place with a tub they both could get in, they look forward to every bath.
Cult Monster Darling: 2/10 at first. 100/10. Monster Darling was cautious of humans and nearly ran away when they mentioned bathtime as to their previous cartakers it meant chaining them down and spraying them with a hose. The cultists nor darling's mate would ever subject them to such torture and bathe them with the utmost care which they grow to love.
Sea Creature Darling: -1000/10. Fuck you. They live in water- there's no need to give them a bath. Thinks their caretaker's just want any excuse to touch them. Nearly took someone's eye out just for having a sponge near them.
Clown Fish Darling: 1000/10. Fun! Sees bath time as play time which can be a hassle for their yan if they're washing them in doors. It's best if their yan bathes with them as this darling will mote often than not try to pull them in anyway
Thembo Shark Darling: 7/10. ??? - but, they're in water all the time.... it is nice to have some help picking fish bones out of their teeth and they'd hardly refuse anything if food is involved
Slime Darling: 0/10. Do not need to be bathed and runs risk of losing parts of themselves in the water/down the drain. Likes watching others bathe instead.
Nightlight Darling: 0/10 as an android they do not need baths, but as a caregiver they like to help give them. Acts like one of those floating bathtub lights and can dispense bubbles from their mouth.
Doll Darling: 9/10. Also also doesn't need baths, but it's fun to pretend and if it makes Yan happy they'll gladly do it
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creature-wizard · 5 days
Quick rundown on my actual positions re: the Law of Assumption & reality shifting right now:
I think the practices associated with the Law of Assumption can provide a very real psychological benefit, and I think many practitioners have successfully used it to overcome problems stemming from anxiety, poor self-image, etc.
I am broadly in favor of people using these practices, insofar as they don't exacerbate other mental issues and insecurities, or create other problems. (Needing other people to feel jealous of you to feel good about yourself is inherently unhealthy. Revision is just lying to yourself or others. Everyone Is You Pushed Out is both dehumanizing and victim-blaming.)
I don't think "reality shifting" actually moves people into parallel universes or whatever. I think the manifestation type version works the same way I think the Law of Assumption works. I think the "travel to my favorite fictional world and meet my blorbos" version essentially works by inducing a kind of deep, intense dream state.
I also think confirmation bias leads people to interpret random coincidences and things that probably would've happened anyway as cases of successful manifestation.
I think many cases of successful manifestation can also be explained by the frequency illusion in action. I think they technically count as successes from a psychological standpoint, since it would mean practitioners have successfully trained their brains to hone in on things they want.
I genuinely don't care if you believe that a metaphysical element might be involved. That's fine with me. I draw the line at telling people that they can absolutely, 100% manifest anything at all if they just Do It Right, and at telling people that they are 100% responsible for literally everything that happens to them. There is no context in which claims like these do not lead to psychological and physical harm.
Maybe there are individual cases where Law of Assumption practitioners experienced an extraordinary healing of some kind. I have my own reasons to think that in some rare instances, these things actually do happen. But I also know that there is no reason to think that LOA practices were specifically responsible for it, and I also know that statistically speaking, faith healing kills.
I think a lot of people in this community are lying, because that's just human nature/the nature of the Internet. There's always people who lie.
I also can't rule out psychosis for some people, either.
I have learned from researching and studying scams, cults, and hoaxes that when someone refuses to provide solid evidence to back up their extraordinary claims, it's because they're lying, and that those who play the victim or vilify people when asked for solid evidence want to take advantage of others in some way.
I have also learned that all scammers, cultists/cult leaders, and hoaxters will try to make you think they're the Very Special Exception to this rule. They are not. They never are.
I think the practice of Living In The End is a potential incentive to make false claims. If you're living as if it's already fulfilled, it would only make sense to write a "success story," right?
People who claim they changed the color of their eyes might also not be aware that your eye color can look different under different lighting.
Use the void state or don't, I don't care. I don't think it's harmful. I think it might be beneficial for some. I just don't think it's going to enable you manifest new parents overnight or resurrect the dead or whatever. Again, I think the LOA's benefits are primarily psychological.
I think Neville Goddard was a liar. His ideas didn't come from Kabbalah, they came from Phineas Quimby. They don't derive from Jewish mysticism; they're a close relative of Prosperity Gospel.
I think "Edward Art" is yet another content farm channel.
Spiritual abuse dolled up as self-empowerment is still spiritual abuse. "But we're helping people!" Cool motive, still abuse.
If you're more upset by people calling out the toxic bullshit going on in the Law of Assumption community than you are by the toxic bullshit going on in the Law of Assumption community, you need to fix your heart.
For anyone reading this: If you are leaving or questioning the Law of Assumption and need help, please see this post.
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
c!BBH was a funeral director, a prison guard, a father of two, a stripper, a tour guide supervisor, a cultist, and a real estate agent. q!BBH is a pizzeria owner, a single dad, a babysitter, a conspiracy theorist, and the literal actual grim reaper. this guy is a god damn barbie doll.
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