#idc if she is a cultist
askblondiedaniel · 11 months
Jen loves Barbies
My headcanon is that Jen is a HUUUUUGE fan of Barbie and Barbie dolls. Yes, the character from Camp Camp herself.
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Mostly cos she loves to be girly. Also, cos she likes to brush dolls or her own hair, cos it's relaxing to her.
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ervona · 1 year
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it's lesbian day 👍 and here's Vlatka finally resembling herself
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starswallowingsea · 3 days
okay i just finished sleep tight by jh markert and christ alive what the fuck was that. i gave it 1.75/5 on storygraph and 2 stars on goodreads bc like. girl.
so the first thing is like. the most minor thing i'm going to complain about but it definitely needed one last line by line edit. how did they fuck up the daughter's name at the end and call her julie instead of julia when julie hadn't been an established nickname for her. there were a bunch of other lines that just felt like they were repeating what we already knew or didn't need to be there like we didnt need a line saying "that tess already knew because noah had told them in the car" <- not exact idc enough to go back and look but we know. we were THERE you do not have to remind us that they know this information okay.
now onto the rest of the book. so the concept is that after serial killer posing as a priest to lure victims in is executed by the state, a cult that formed around him decides they're going to get revenge on the people who locked him up and ultimately revealed that they're going to revive him with the help of the real mastermind. which i thought the serial killer priest would have been cooler than it was but whatevs thats on me. howeverrrrrrrr one of the early chapters was from the pov of a gravedigger/grave security guy and he talks about the group he just joined but explicitly called it a cult which was so. the word cult is very loaded and high control groups do not like to use it for themselves because of that and they'll use something else like group or religion for their cult even if people on the outside are calling it a cult. have you ever met an mlm girly like come on.
the mystery itself was laid out decently enough with the eyes and not so subtle hints that were dropped but the worst part of this was the fucking weird ass attempt at portraying DID. I am going to give markert the benefit of the doubt that he was trying his best and anyone reading this review who has DID is free to comment on this but i am not under the impression that most people know when a new alter fronts and that voices don't really change especially around strangers. also other than oskar and ruth, all of noah's alters were real people and 5 of them were people who he watched die and he just took on their personalities in his head and they don't age because the people they were based on stopped aging (ie died). they talked about it like he just absorbed their souls into his headspace??? and yes they could tell when someone switched to front because of his voice and like. the fact that two of them wear glasses and will put them on to front. i might be wrong and again correct me if i am but this does not seem like how it works when systems meet strangers for the first time especially ones that get violent and upset when they cant get the alter they want to front to front.
sticking with the theme of weird insensitivities about trauma, why was fuckhead justin so insistent that tess needed to forceably relive her trauma (which was revealed at the end of the book and ngl kinda anticlimactic) to try and fill in gaps in her memory from when she was 13 because it made him upset? like dude she probably shouldn't be doing that if she doesn't want to its buried for a reason leave her alone!! and the fact that their relationship went back to business as usual after everything was so!!!!! i think they should have gotten divorced anyway there is no way this is going to work out long term sorry.
and finally i get that american police just shoot indiscriminately but killing benjamin in front of 11 young children seemed kinda unnecessary. especially when they were crowded around him and could easily have been caught in the crossfire but magically weren't and the bullets only hit ben. sorry but at least one of those kids should have had some sort of gun related injury from that if not more if you were going to kill ben.
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odinsblog · 7 months
For a very long time mainstream media has been conflating the word “moderate” with the word “conservative,” and moving the Overton Window further to the right.
And at the same time, the words “leftist” and “radical” and “extremists” are also being conflated, but that’s a discussion for another time.
Liz Cheney is not a moderate. Chris Christie is not a moderate. Nikki Haley definitely is not a moderate. I guess it’s nice that they are finally calling out Trump, but they all voted for Trump (twice!) and none of them are good people. (How do I know they aren’t good people? Because they spent most of their adult lives and careers supporting harmful conservative policies that intentionally target women and poor/Black/disabled/LGBTQ people to harm.)
The same goes for pundits like Ana Navarro and the other MSNBC “former” Republicans and Republican strategists who don’t like Trump anymore, but are still “proud conservatives.” They support most of Trump’s policies even if they don’t support Trump anymore. And Nikki Haley has even said that if the choice in November comes down to Biden or Trump, she believes that it’s who is Biden the bigger threat to America. (source)
And Nikki Haley has repeatedly said that she would pardon Trump, so that’s another big NOAP for me.
Look, I understand that neoliberals and conservative leaning Democrats have a tendency to kick left + kiss right, but people have GOT to learn that just because a conservative might occasionally do something right, like oppose Trump, that does not magically transform them into good people™ worth elevating or supporting.
One last thing: I’ve seen a lot of Biden supporters get all caught up in their feelings because Jon Stewart made fun of (gasp) Biden’s age. Listen: WE are not the ones who are in a cult! It is 100% okay for voters to joke about and criticize people in power. It’s MAGA who cannot criticize their dear leader, remember? It's the other guys, THE CULTISTS, who cannot accept even the lightest of criticisms.
“But Republicans will use it against us”
Yes, Republicans will use anything and everything against us, whether we said it or not. That’s what they dO. They lie, make shit up and try to use literally anything—true or false, good or bad—against non-Trump supporters. Being good and honest and not saying anything Republicans disagree with will not gain you any votes with Republicans.
Look, Idgaf about what Republicans and other people on the right think. About anything. Idc. Their opinions don’t matter and they aren’t going to change who I vote for in November 2024. I’m not worried about trying to change their hearts and minds, because they’re heartless and mindless.
At the end of the day, I dO think that msm tends to run with rightwing narratives, but once again, none of that foolishness will change my vote.
Put your grownup pants on and don’t get caught up in the drama.
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sharffffff · 1 month
TES Fest #1
Breath / Forbidden
OC Featured: Taren Velas
Spoilers for ESO Necrom finale (idc it was used in promotional materials, still spoilers)
As soon as the vision of the second glyphic dissipated, Taren blinked twice and sighed. They didn't know what they were expecting from all that "forbidden knowledge that could destroy the entire Nirn by just being remembered" nonsense Mora kept whispering in their ear, but this wasn't it.
An entire Daedric Prince, forgotten, just like that. Her cultists, her daedric followers, even other Princes have forgotten about her ever existing. And the only reason she was ever remembered was one of her closest followers getting a strange dream. Dreams cannot be ignored, of course, especially those sent to Daedra, who are thought to be incapable of dreaming... but going after the most well-kept, most hidden, most forbidden memory of Hermaeus Mora, one that they themself forgot that they had? All because of the dream? Torvesard was a bold one, Taren had to give it to him. Bold and loyal.
Taren slightly chuckled under their breath after that thought. Yeah, of course, Torvesard went into the depths of Apocrypha because of his dream, but how is Taren better? If anything, they're worse. They're not here because of their duty, not even because of their deal with Mora, and not really to "save both Apocrypha and Nirn", like many would love to believe.
No, "Fate's Proxy" was here just because they were bored. And learning some forbidden knowledge while doing some small favors on the side is a good way to get rid of at least a bit of boredom. They were almost dreading how they were going to spend the majority of their existence in the future, as the mere concept of complete immortality was still foreign to them.
And if even the forbidden knowledge didn't completely satiate their boredom... Taren wasn't sure what would. If even fighting Aspect of Vaermina didn't as much as inconvenience them, what could? They have faced down too many Daedric Princes by now for anything to matter, so the only reason they were still doing all of this was to make sure Tamriel still existed - although even this reason had began to lose its importance.
Taren knew they had to do something to reignite their interest, and Forgotten Prince... she could mean something. Potentially not, but the very chance to discover something new had ignited a new spark in Taren's... not soul, but vestige would be the more correct term. Even though it's been more than twenty years since they stopped being mortal, they never quite got used to it. And with immortality, there is never really any risk, and with no risk, there's no motivation to take anything seriously. Taren didn't understand how more Daedra didn't go completely insane, but the answer probably lies in them never having been mortal, never having that second perspective. They were lucky.
"What was forgotten has been remembered. We must speak."
The rolling and thundering and quiet and whispering and feminine and masculine and animalistic voice had sounded straight into Taren's mind, causing them to almost lose their footing. They never got used to speaking with Mora, their incomprehensible presence always threatened to shatter the minds of everyone around them, and their voice was no different, especially when deep in thought. It always felt like each time they talked, Mora was looking straight into your being, taking note of every single one of your secrets and recording them for future use... and Taren wasn't sure if this feeling was false.
"So, your big bad forbidden memory that threatens the very threads of fate is the fact you undid one of your siblings? Why do I feel like this isn't the first time this happened? Oh yes, because it isn't. I've got to give it to you Princes, at least you did it in two different ways, once cursing the sibling you didn't like with insanity and completely reversing his sphere of influence, and the other making everyone including yourself forget about their existence. I've got to ask you, who was it there when you were deciding her fate?" - Taren's voice sounds as sweet poison, dripping slowly like honey as they recall the story of Jyggalag and all their encounters with Sheogorath. They found it quite ironic that both the Princes betrayed by their brethren had some kind of connection to crystals, even though for completely different reasons.
Mora was silent for a second that felt like eternity, and Taren had no idea whether they were stunned by the question, contemplating the answer or something else entirely. Reading the emotions of a giant blob of tentacles, eyeballs and ichor wasn't among their skillset, after all, but they were still satisfied by that pause.
"That which was forgotten is now remembered, and the damage is done by just this crack in the glass, yet you inquire of a different forgotten one and the terms of that meeting? That knowledge is irrelevant to you and was locked away by us from us, so we cannot give you that answer. What you have to know is Fate-Changer's ability to unravel strands of fate. Her very existence endangers everything."
This time Mora's voice had a much more forceful presence, and Taren cringed a little. However, although they couldn't read Mora as well as they could someone who actually had a face, this reaction of them still gave Taren the answer they were looking for.
"Oh, I was just wondering if you had Sheogorath unwittingly vote to have another Prince share a fate similar to his, or if it was Jyggalag who voted to have another Prince forgotten while wondering how long it would take for his siblings to stab him in the back next. Well, since it's irrelevant, I won't bother you with these questions any longer. I'll find your forbidden knowledge and deal with it, don't you worry - and if Torvesard somehow releases Ithelia, I'll hunt her down too. I've already faced that many Daedric Princes, what's one more, huh?"
Taren didn't see any perceivable reactions front Mora, however they still preferred to think that they got at least slightly under Mora's skin, especially with them probably being able to sense that Taren was potentially planning to intentionally let Torvesard release Ithelia - just for the fun of it. After all, how could they come this far and not have some fun with another Daedric Prince?
And as of forbidden knowledge... they didn't lie about that, either. Yes, it referred to the third glyphic, but not just that - it referred to some books they found in the very depths of Apocrypha, ones that Taren was certain didn't exist in bibliography of those authors. Yet here they were, in their pack, real as anything could be. Books on the nature of Demiprinces, on creations of Demiplanes and spheres of influence, on ascension. They didn't have time to read through them yet, but Taren was hoping to find what they were looking for in these books. And if not... well, it's at least a starting point.
@tes-summer-fest going to try and participate this year around. Maybe even do two prompts on select days
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olde-scratch · 11 months
mm momsger high au. i didn't mean to misspell that. inspired by this post from @tobisiksi . sorry this took so long i had everything written out and then tumblr Deleted Everything even tho i had like two backup posts.
i tried to include everyone i could and give all of them unique monster types but there are some repeats :( ib sowwee i tried to make them unique when i could tho. lmk if u have any suggestions for characters or different monster types.
ALSO HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i have to work but im going dressed as saiki so i still have the spirit
Saiki Kusuo - Lovecraftian Eldritch Horror
i mean. duh.
he poses as his own (human) worshipper to avoid being indoctrinated elsewhere
"i can't attend, i have worship tonight." "oh that's cool who do you worship?" "they don't like being talked about." "ohh so it's an... invite-only system. right......"
deciding now that closed worship systems like saiki purports are generally a total Scam and people avoid them like a plague. it fits with saikis foray into the internet lol
hes still sooo silly dw
to the people with the eldritch kusuo headcanons, i see u..... i hope u like monster high........ :)
Saiki Kuusuke - Cult Worshipper (Human)
bet you thought i was gonna say mad scientist. WRONG that's his day job.
kuusuke operates as a mad scientist since humans aren't allowed into the monster world (afaik humans arent even seen outside of jackson, who is half monster). idk what he makes tho. maybe he pulls a doctor finklestein and makes bone animals to roam the monster world?
kuusuke is the one who got his family into the monster world btw. i mean he definitely found it p quickly after kusuo started morphing and speaking in tongues and shit
kuusuke would LOVE the monster world, at least at first. he might get bored really quickly, but he'd love being able to be more of a crazy bastard than he already is
kuusuke functions as a head cultist for kusuo, but instead of strengthening him with sacrifices and praying for protection, he weakens him with sacrifices (the limiters) and prays for himself to be smote (kusuo to play games with him) (kusuo ignores him a lot)
maybe he made amp/anpu like he did warp. idk.
Saiki Kurumi / Saiki Kuniharu - Cult Worshipper (Human)
they were 100% human before being dragged into the monster world due to their sons
they basically live the same as they do in canon tbh i dont think a lot would change in the monster world
during the new years chapter maybe instead of saying kusuo has powers, they say something about his eldritchness or how glad they are to "worship" such a chill god. god i wanna write this now.
Kaidou Shun - Vampire
okay so not ACTUALLY a vampire but i think it was nopsi who had like an au where kaidou was like a weaker version of a vampire?? GOD i dont remember the name (hampir?? i cant find it on wikipedia, did it start with an f????). for all intents and purposes, im just gonna consider him a weak vampire
i cant remember if he'd be made thru a human/vampire relationship but if he was then i think we should play into the manga hair colors of his siblings and say that whole toki and sora and his mother are all full vampires, he was half vampire (perhaps he's from the father's side of the family from a previous relationship, since his mother has purple hair in her manga cover i think??)
draculara has her red drinks and her spf and her cute little parasol so OF COURSE kaidou has all of those as well. i think it would be very funny if kaidou had his umbrella customized to look like a hidden anime weapon, but it wasn't waterproof so he has to use a different one when it rains
i have a gen 1 og draculara from when i was a kid and i love her she's so cute :] someone draw kaidou in her outfit he'd slay. actually, just draw all of them in her outfit(s). gloom beach teruhashi. sweet screams mera. freak du chic saiki. sweet 1600 saiko. fearleader hairo. you cannot make her look bad idc.
Nendou Riki - Zombie (Frankenstein's Monster type zombie)
okay so this might be controversial but imagine:
everyone's chatting like normal, nendous head falls off, everyone goes deathly silent, nendou puts it back on and goes back to talking, cue kaidou screeching
bc im rewriting this im not gonna go thru my thought process so my idea was that takeuchi was a mad scientist who created midori after himself bc he only had access to a mirror (neither realized they looked the same). takeuchi died and chouno, who was smitten with midori, remade takeuchi who midori named riki and chose to raise as her own. chouno intended it as a poetic final goodbye but cut to 16 years later and hes still not over her lol
nendou being undead could also play into his appreciation for life.... protecting the obviously smaller and weaker saiki and kaidou.... his care for his dad that he never met (altho he might have two dads in this au?).... THE HAMSTER SCENE. NENDOU :((((
Teruhashi Kokomi - Tomie
im SORRY for bringing up junji ito but come ON
for those who dont know tomie, she's basically So Beautiful that men are supernaturally attracted to her until she drives them mad with her beauty. they cut her up and scatter her remains and they turn into more tomies
however. teruhashi isnt just a pretty girl. she's The Perfect Pretty Girl. so we can just ignore all the bloodshed and murder and deathmatches :D
i debated making her a siren but that just doesn't fit her for some reason. she doesn't have to try.
in op's post they made her aphrodite reincarnated but i don't think that there are gods walking amonst the student disembody unfortunately
Teruhashi Makoto - Intersection Bishounen
the intersection bishounen is a vengeful spirit that roams the streets and gives fortunes to young girls that drive them to suicide, after which they come back as ghosts and beg for his affection.
makoto is more of a teenage/ya heartthrob than a vengeful spirit tho so we can get rid of all the cool stuff like fortune telling and driving to suicide
the intersection bishounen also didnt want to fuck his cousin so points to him
Hairo Kineshi - Fire Elemental
think of heath. i think heath is like the son of hades or something idfk i say fuck that ive never heard that before until i started getting back into monster high that's not canon to me
theres... a surprisingly low amount of sports name puns :( there's casketball, ofc ofc, because mh is american. there's monster soccer from toralei's ghoul spirit notebook, but baseball and tennis from clawdeen and spectra dont get named so they dont have names. thats BULLSHIT btw someone who's good w puns help me im freezing up
gilda goldstag was also a fire elemental right? i dont actually know anything about her other than that she was in the student council bc she was in the doll pack
theres a wind elemental mentioned in spectras ghoul spirit notebook. figured that id mention it idk
i have nothing else to say this should be obvious
Mera Chisato - Shouku-jinki
okay i need to preface this with something that is very important to me about this, the Japanese creature the jikininki/shoku-jinki originated in the story of musou the preist. as far as ive been able to see, there is a second story featured on wikipedia about a pregnant woman that is legitimately someone's fucking oc insert. im not making this up, it appeared one goddamn day and i dont want to make an acc just to get rid of it but i dont want to have my ip address just There and i dont know how to like draw attention to it. so please know that the story of musou is the only legitimate source of the jikininki and the "jijinki" are just someones fucking oc inserts. i dont know why they did this, i dont know how it's still there bc its been YEARS how has no one removed it??
anyways im calm now.
jikininki (or, iirc the more modern version is shoku-jinki) are demons that were greedy or impious in life and were cursed to wander the earth forever starving and thirsty. at night, they eat dead bodies.
sooo remember how mera acted when she got her money back for a day.
her death was the cause of their bankruptcy, maybe they put all their money towards avenging her?
i think that mera would come from a half human, half monster family so she could already be in the monster world, but i dont have to worry about what powers she'd have due to being a monster.
her mother would be a demon and her father a human who doesn't quite know how to navigate the monster would, so he still has to go away to earn money. also imagine four kids following mera around, three have devil horns and taiks and one is just some guy. (idk if she has 4 siblings but you get the idea)
so yeah, mera is immortal, unable to feel satisfied by any amount of food or drink, working herself to the bone to provide for her siblings. the mera lore is Strong w this one.
u could totally also go for some real body horror with her if u wanted
Yumehara Chiyo - Ghost
ill go into the difference between ghosts and souls in toritsuka's part since you cant take away toritsukas thing but you cant just remove ghosts from mh
i initially thought of making her a cherub/cupid but girlie would be getting No One Together. also there's only one cupid in mh and uhhhh there would be no hope if that was chiyo. yk what chiyo loves tho? gossip. u know what spectra loves? gossip.
i think the ghosts in mh all have a chain motif iirc? ik spectra does but sirena von boo also does (the siren/ghost hybrid) and i dont know any other ghosts off the top of my head
anyways yumehara is totally just a regular people ghost. maybe she cries blood or somethin fun like that? maybe have a bit where she keeps getting told off for having makeup and its her eyes leaking or its her having anti blood leaking drops or wipes
Saiko Metori - Mummy
i was gonna make him a vampire but HELLO??? CLEO IS RIGHT THERE????
rich, bratty, self-centered?? DE NILE IS CLEOS LAST NAME.
idk if him being a mummy would change him like cosmetically, like skin tone or hair texture or whatever but i cant draw so that doesn't quite matter to me. altho ig hed probably just look like a pale, dehydrated, brittle pile of bandages if you wanna be historicallty accurate
his father glows because he's ra next question
he definitely decks himself out in a looott more gold than just his earring as a mummy. bangles, cuffs rings, anklets, hair accessories.
the bodyguards are just the tomb protectors that cleo gets as slaves
he gets a custom made desk of pure gold at pk and he never uses it
i think in ancient egypt married couples would be buried together regardless of if at least the wife was dead or alive, so he definitely propositions teruhashi to take a sand nap with him
he gets a pet crocodile. he has a tiger in canon i think and cleo gets a snake so like. nile crocodile obviously.
i cant tell if he lives in a pyramid just randomly in the middle of hidari wakibara, or if theres a bit about nendou asking him where his pyramid is and saikos just like "bro i Dont Live In A Pyramid."
Kuboyasu Aren - Werewolf
hello?? violent, tragic past that comes back to haunt them regularly and interfere with their daily lives?????
i dont think werewolves can turn into wolves in mh but like if you want doggy kuboyasu who's as big as kaidou, go for it
KUBOYASU WITH DOGGY EARS AND A TAIL.... i dont think that werewolves in mh have tails but thats. a crime.
kuboyasu can smell the rest of the cast. god i wanna know what they smell like in the non weirdest way possible.
i dont have a lot to say about this. doguyasu
Toritsuka Reita - Cult Worshipper (Human)
okay so there's a difference between ghosts and souls in this version. ghosts are a form of undead that are sort of just humans that can float and go thru walls and stuff. souls are the base forms of dead people that remain chained to existence with no knowledge of who they were. normal people can see ghosts, but not souls. toritsuka can see both
toritsuka was also raised in a temple in this au, pretty standard stuff. nothing interesting there.
so yk how toritsuka found out abt saiki thru the souls
and yk how saikis an eldritch monster that melts mind and twists reality to his will in this au
toritsuka does not know the meaning of the term eldritch btw
if ur a torisai or toritsuka angst fan then u can always imagine toritsuka thinking himself inferior to the rest of the pk psychickers bc he's a human and didnt even find saiki by himself, but with the help of his ghosts. sorry i gotta push the torisai agenda.
i personally also hc him to be hypersexualized by the adults in his life due to his touchyness from a young age which lead to him being ostracized by his peers when he began repeating the behavior, thus encouraging the development of touch starvation that he misinterpreted as horniness. in other words, "damn bitch u live like this?". sooo do with that what u will in this au.
(could saiki like..... taste his desperation??)
Aiura Mikoto - Cult Worshipper (Devil)
basically aiura but with cute devil horns and a tail that reacts with her mood. she 100% bedazzles and paints her horns like she paints her nails.
shes still a prophet and stuff but like shes just a lil demonic now. as she deserves.
"yeah i can totes check ur future!!" (rips open a portal to the underworld, chants in a forgotten language, focuses in on one damned soul that writhes and screams for mercy as it withers out of existence where it will wait to be reborn into hell after being offered the temporary reprieve of total nothingness) "babe ur bf is cheating on u like one hundo percent. but ur gonna be a bomb ass doctor one day!!"
i want her to trip toritsuka with her tail
she's not human and she lords it over toritsuka's head when they fight for saiki's attention
Akechi Touma - Cult Worshipper (Human)
initially i wanted to make him a bugboy bc yea but consider
saiki knew him in elementary school so he pulled a real I Tracked Down My Childhood Friend Who Is Actually An Eldritch Monster Masquerading as a Pretty Boy with Pink Hair in a High School?!
yeah soo like what if their dynamic was "what if we were friends in our childhood years before you had to leave to stop the uncontrollable desire you had to break down my reality and drive me into irreversible madness, yet despite knowing the danger i faced i still hunted you down, my prayers meant solely to get a response from you devolving into genuine reverence, solidifying myself as your most loyal devotee...... haha jk. unless?"
we all know that akechi likely faced no difficulty finding the monster world dont even ask
you can insert ur own hcs with his mom all ill say is that shes probably masquerading as some sort of cult worshipper or jekyll/hyde situation to live in the monster world. or maybe he just moved schools and lives sort of nearby but not in the monster world idk
akechi would fucking Love the monster world. he'd never get bored of it. you know the sweet potato scene? oh, honey, he's got access to information about the average size of different monsters, along with the influence of proportions and size, magical interference, etc etc. hed fucking LOVE the monster world.
Satou Hiroshi - Ghost
ive already got three ghosts (see suzumiya and makino) but i couldnt think of the Most Generic monster but hear me out
he's a sheet
hes got two black or cut out circles for eyes and a little 'o' for a mouth. just fuckin 0 。0 .
and saiki is IN LOVE WITH HIM.
toritsuka is honestly so offended that he is not the ghost-themed object of saiki's affections
satous friends and baseball team are either the core basic monsters (werewolf, vampire, zombie, etc) or theyre basic japanese spirits. im. not doing tons of research on if there are generic japanese demons or if theres just sort of one kind of demon that has a lot of forms,,,, im so sorry i can only do so much research please correct me if you know better
Rifuta Imu - Catgirl
i dont know what the name of the actual catgirls are in mh (werecats?) like purrsephone and toralei and meowlody but fuck it catgirl
she would have THE cutest collar. OR she'd have a ribbon around her neck w a matching one on her tail like catrine de mew. she could maybe even have some sort of shredded piece of clothing like catty noir's skirt or a habit of shredding things
im sorry i dont know a lot about cat breeds so i dont have a lot to say about her species
cat themed accessories.......
btw she's a cat bc of japans obsession w cats. i considered making HER a siren since i scrapped that idea for teruhashi but i feel like it just. doesn't suit her.
Bonuses (people i couldnt find that much to talk about)
Suzumiya Hii - Cursed Soul
i mean what else would she be.
okay so shes not a SOUL shes a GHOST i just think it sounds better like that
Makino Arisu - Ghost
ring-style ghost. i think it's called a yuurei? i did my research for her but i forgot it and the og post got deleted so. im upset.
Matsuzaki - Headless Horseman
idk what is his horse would be i just wanted bloodgood to have Presence in this and the principal is only seen like. three times.
i considered giving kuboyasu the status as headless horseman bc of his motorcycle but g1 bloodgood did not serve that much cunt for her type to be given to a 16 year old im sorry
(i also recently got a bloodgood as my first doll when i got back into mh and i love her :] she came w a cool coat that isnt her og coat but its nice anyways)
Chouno Urkyoku - Mad Jester
okay so ik i said he was a mad scientist but he retired that in order to go into entertainment. it's not going too well.
you could also go for a ringmaster/clown route but we all lived thru 2016 (or was it 2017?) and the ensuing cliche-ifying treatment the media gave scary clowns put me off them personally lol they kind of bore me
(if u don't live in the us or don't know what im talking about that happened in 2016, then god i envy you. just look up "2016 clowns usa" im sure you'll figure it out)
Michael (Ikemi something I think?) - Zombie
idk it just fits him
zombies in g1 can only communicate thru moans which makes them nonverbal in some way but g3 STOLE that from us. fuck them.
Nendou Midori / Nendou Takeuchi - Frankenstein & His Monster
i explained this in nendous thing im not repeating myself sorry
PK Principal - Gorgon
yes its bc of the glasses
also i think theres something fun about being able to say he can rule the school with an iron fist (or ig rock fist) without needing to use his eyes
Kongou - Minotaur
big strong and VIOLENT. you can also play into manny's more delicate side with kongous change of heart after saiki helps him realize what matsuzaki does for him
Takahashi - Goblin
idk i think it just suits him
Shima - Changeling
her whole bit is being a forgettable face so what if she was always just a Little Bit Different every time you saw her
Iridatsu family - Mummy
okay ik ive already done mummy but HEAR ME OUT.
idk abt the mom but i think it would be funny if yuuta was just covered in bandages and his whole thing is tripping over/hitting people with them
The pervy teacher who wasn't actually pervy at all he just had an unfortunate face - Human
he's not even disguised as anything
the monsters saw him and said "nah im p sure he's one of us" and then took him
teacher doesnt quite care cause the monster world has better health plans /j
The "your manga artist is gnc af" guy - Kitsune
kitsune are typically seen as elusive tricksters which doesnt suit his character BUT
theres a whole joke about japanese mangakas being worked to the bone to provide chapters every week or so for serialization even going so far as to hide or make excuses as to why they did not complete the chapter
i feel so bad for them bro i could not (used to do weekly updates for fics for 5 years before i started needing money bc i turned 18)
also. someone give that man fox ears and a tail.
The Alphonse guy - Invisi Billy
idk what invisi billy is but he can be here helping alphonse hide from the shame of his chunnibyou :D
Makoto's rival guy - Banshee
it just. Suits Him.
idk if there are male banshees bc we only know sarah screams and her mom but we can have a trans icon if we need
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lolipoptheclown · 9 months
holds your shoulder
UHHH THIS IS MOST LIKELY GONNA BE EXTREMELY LONG CAUSE I LOVE RANTING ABOUT MY OCS SO MUCH AT LIKE EVERY CHANCE I GET xd (I will probably repeat a lot of info that I have shared before sorry!!)
Castor is a very strange guy, he's actually not human (which was probably obvious by the amount of times I have mentioned that, and the fact that uhhhhhhhhh he has 2 ref sheets, and one of them is for his monster form). He LOVES to prank people, it's literally one of the only things he can do since he lived in the woods until he met Bob. But the thing is that he has SO MUCH anxiety for like no reason all the time, and if he gets too stressed out 1 of 2 things can happen: He will transform into his second form (unintentionally. He doesn't like doing that too much because his gums and fingertips bleed when he does, and his head hurts) and someone's dyin, or Bob will help him calm down (he is rarely able to but he tries). Anywayysssss, moving on from that, he loves to draw, and listen to music! He mostly draws the stuff that he does throughout the day, which is usually just hanging out with Bob, Melissa, and sometimes Dexter:) He is actually surprisingly good at drawing. He wants to be friends with Michelle and Carolynn SO BAD but he's afraid of talking to people LMAO
Ok uhhh moving on cuz this is already extremely long 💀
I will write about Helen now cuz I will probably rant about her less ;-;
Helen is a zombie, and she can turn herself into a ghost to escape situations she doesn't wanna be in (like the one time when she was on a walk and SOMEONE tried to scare her (Castor)). As a strange form of revenge for that, Helen is extremely cold, and Castor literally started shivering when he touched her HAHAHAHSHHSBS anyway, she was actually killed by a cultist, but she woke back up the night after her burial. That guy is dead now:3
Now, Melissa! (She's the newest one! I made her a couple days ago LOL)
So Melissa is actually a self-insert, cringe that Bob's daughter is my self-insert but idc lmao I can do what I want >:). Anyways, her family is Dexter (Father), Bob (Dad) (RATMEAT CANON!!!!!!1!!1!1), Castor (Dad's best friend, an older brother figure to her:]). After her parents both fucking D I E D she went a tiny bit crazy tho. Only thing about her that is normal OC-like lmao. She has slight anger issues, and her southern accent is a lot more noticable when she's mad. She hates it when people try to interview her about how her life was like growing up with the cannibal serial killer as a father.
Don't have much about her because she was originally made to replace someone's OC that I stopped being friends with so I could continue Michelle's story properly. She works the day shift at the Candy Club, and she is goth, but the Spooky Month artstyle doesn't really show that very well -w-' She doesn't have a mom, and one dad [Insert Melissa and Carolynn shaking hands with 'ADOPTED GANG' in bold letters], and she is kinda insecure about her legs :( but she is my happiest OC so yeah 😁
Michelle used to be my self-insert, but to be honest I wanted to take her story in a different direction so I changed that! She was my first Spooky Month OC, also. She has had SEVERAL different jobs, kind of like Rick, but currently she works at the mall. She is also Carolynn's best friend (neither of them know who Castor even is btw ;-;). She HATES Bob, like HATES him, but she doesn't talk about it much because Melissa will definitely hear about her shit-talking her dad, and she doesn't want to upset her. Not because she's afraid of her, she isn't, but she genuinely cares about her. She knows that Melissa has a lot of issues, and she wants her to open up about them more.
Uhhhhhhh thanks for sitting through this :3
TYSM for giving me a chance to rant about my OCs T H A N K Y O U
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diathacorny · 6 months
More story concept thingies by moi. Not much to say, but lemme know whatcha think, y'know? My birthday is in a couple days, so I'm excited for that, but I'll be extra happy if ppl were to comment their thoughts:)
Title: Eight Days Of L¿ve
Basically a girl who was transported to a different world for almost a year finds a way to go back. But she no longer wants to leave, and the only way she can leave is by true love’s kiss. The thing is, she isn't in love, and none of her companions feel that way for her, though they're desperate for her to stay. That's when one of her closest friends steps up, offering to be her true love. But, they don't love each other like that! And they only have eight days to fall in love.
(I kinda don't like this one, tbh, idk. Current era, btw)
(Same girl, kinda - alternative - not rlly. Current era, btw)
Title: Alicorn
“That was almost thirty years ago, and it was nothing more than just a dream. A weird one..” Forty-seven, almost fort-eight, it was a very long time ago for this old girl. Compared to how she was in that dream, she was pretty different. To everyone she was The It Girl, but as an older gal in the face of reality, she looked like any other mid age woman you'd see at a grocery store. Just a bit of a loser, never married, never had children, and really just some lame old librarian (sounds like the life for me, lol, jk). “Life is simple, can't complain, and at least I get paid. Then again, the pay really is ass..” If the people in her dream saw how she is now, they would have never guessed. Two days after her forty-eighth birthday, another tired night of sleeping on a hardass mattress and papers of bills that have yet to be paid, she wakes up to be falling through the air. And next thing she knows, she's back in her dream - thirty years later in Alice Sworn (idc I already have several characters named Alice, I'll name a whole world Alice, idgaf).
(Entirely different thing now. 1700’s)
Title: Man In The Box (And yes, HIS NAME IS ALICE, I DO NOT CARE, HIS NAME JUST *HAD* TO BE ALICE. It's just too perfect in his case. For bg, I have *several* characters named Alice.)
A young man (Alice) who was abused all his life, scorned and ridiculed, and literally the only job people would let him take was the jester in a box. He'd pop out, they'd throw all sorts of matter at him - smeared makeup, clothes stained from either rotten food or blood, either way it hurt his feelings and his body. He never understood why everyone treated him like this (his parents had the black plague, he doesn't know this, peeps won't tell him shit to keep up their laughs), but he wants to be seen, seen beyond just an object of entertainment that no one directly touches. Not even a prostitute paid handsomely would touch him, so he automatically had to sigh and turn his gaze downwards when he spotted a daughter of an aristocrat brushing out her hair, sitting ever prettily at her open window. “A beauty, yes, but I? No.. She'd soon scoff and order me to be pummeled for existing in her rich perfume-sprayed world.” In an alleyway, as he slept, cultists took him away, finding him to be quite convenient, nobody would give a shit if he went missing. Eyes flutter open - “Ah, it's waking up.” - lights are bright, eyes squeeze shut - “It needs a moment to process.” - and eyelids shoot open once he realizes people are talking. He looks around, automatically freezing up as he sees that he's chained down to a.. Stage of sorts..? “You're on a sacrificial altar. You are to be sacrificed to our deity, our reason..!!” One of the cultists said, his hands hailing the ground. Alice sputtered, weak wrists attempt to pull out of the rusted bonds, “Y-You- You can't! This isn't right! What the fuck is happening!? Let me go!!” He sputtered and yelled with fear, hardly understanding what was happening, though it was (loosely) explained. The cultists all laugh together, and one of the women are heard saying, “Oh, look at that.. It's panicking! Hahaha!” Alice can only look at them all, their voices mixing in with an ear ringing effect in his head. He speaks again, “Why are you doing this to me?? What did I ever do to you?!” One of the men replies, “Simple. Nobody cares about you, nobody wants ya, so you going missing.. We're practically doing the streets a favor!” And with that last sentence, the cultists jeer and chortle again, truly making the fool a fool. “Aren't you called the thing in the box? Oh, don't worry, we'll make sure to mark your grave as ‘Man In The Box’, since no one was ever willin’ to see you as a man!” More malicious mockery is heard, insults barely audible with all the noise and Alice's inner turmoil. Anxiety causes him to choke and cough on nothing, breaths coming out heavy and sharp, “I don't want to die- I don't want to die!” The cultists together reply, “He who is breathing, yet unliving, is dead. He who has suffocated, yet living, is alive. You are dead and breathing, so we'll give you the ‘life' you never had,” the cultists all hold up a long knife at his chest, and then it thrusts down into his chest. — ‘Everything is black, no.. There's flickering of lights. Am I blinking? I can't seem to be able to control what's happening.. People are screaming, I can taste something so delicious and juice inside of my mouth.. Something I never tasted before. I want more, I need more, it tastes so good..’ — ‘When I open my eyes, all those people who were going to kill me.. They're all dead - torn apart, mangled. As if a great, big and terrible beast has gotten to them. I lick my lips subconsciously, that deliciousness lingering on my tongue like nothing else has. Now that I think of it, it tastes just like a pomegranate. I blink and look around, really taking this all in. Surprisingly, I don't feel so scared anymore, not even as I stare at dead bodies that I don't know the cause of death for. There's something that seems to be so natural about this.. I'll just collect my clothes and go.’ (Dawg got turned into a vampire and doesn't even realize it yet, crazy. Yolo, ig)
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fuka-petals · 1 year
incoherent and shit rambling on bakery abominations (my ocs) under cut
realized I never really just lore dumped here sooo... can't do too much because I actually am writing a novel (maybe vn if I get creative) abt them but so like they're silly cake people uh anatomy is basically boneless and organless but they have thicker cake layers on the inside that work as bones and they don't need organs because magic there is literally no explanation they're just like the abominations (get it) that just kinda defy all odds and exist, also they don't actually have like hair it's just frosting, their blood is also frosting, and like their teeth is sprinkles and eyes are just frosting and sprinkle stuff that kinda moves, their horns are also sprinkles (all this as in material wise idk) and like they can like die of they have no horns its like a health bar, they also have like silly kids by removing a horn and limb then attaching them then holy hell it fucking grows wtf they also all are constantly in pain due to their wings unless they dont have any or they are extremely light, and also they all look different because cakes have cool decorations, also like humanity is mainly extinct other than like a dozen ppl, anyways like the main 4 bitches are called the peace pastries and like it consists of shortcake (like the silliest main guy ever kinda mascot), zivix, litan, and lily, and like they're all really silly but also dumb but like they don't like shortcake's sister alice who is like a cultist like many of the other abominations because they all either have a god complex or believe those with a god complex really are gods so they worship them anyways alice is like a really shitty person and only values human lives and she also kills a ton of the other abominations and sews their parts onto herself as a sort of "look at me im superior to you" kind of thing so like they set off on a mission to make her sane but like he has basically no contact with her due to this so they gotta go find her by going and taking down other cults through words or force, also there's chantal who follows from a distant them out of an odd gut feeling, and litan avoids him like the plague which he doesn't get why but he has a suspicion about why so that's why he keeps following them, and like launcelot who made a contract with chantal about something that I don't wanna say just yet so like they basically own his soul but she just likes following him around and annoying him like a sibling would, and also there's loretta and spotty who are distant friends to the main silly guys so they're there sometimes... also the whole world is really surreal and freakish now and nothing really follows basic fundamental laws of the universe anymore because it's kinda breaking down, so kinda like a labyrinth from madoka magica but the whole world, also most eat eachother because they're all sweet tooths and have no sense of right or wrong also there's no technology because zivix is a bitch and somehow broke it worldwide while trying broadcast his hyperfixations cause why not it's pretty obvious idk how to write but idc I'll make my shitty story if ppl like it or not
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malicemuffin · 7 months
at a certain point i need to actually like. begin drawing again.
throwing up and screaming and crying and blah blah blah
keep getting bogged down in details
I think starting off with exploring a new character (lmao my safety blanket) might be a good idea. just to ease myself back into it? and with like... no expectation of quality
I think I'll choose Callisto because I've been a little obsessed with her as of late and I've got a bunch of ideas for what she might look like.
unsourced images below, fight me
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I really like these two-- left more, but there's something in the face on the right that makes me think "yeah that's her". I think the lower cheeks (or those marks whatever) and the kind of tired eyes and bushy brows really make me think of her. I also really like the jaw on both, I feel like it would really suit her.
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I found these two images too which make me think of her a bit. I think one of them is billie eyelash? fuck dude. I don't know.
But like there's an intensity in there that I want in my girl.
she's one of the first lunatics / moon cultists that we meet, and she can come across as kind of team rockety (she keeps failing spectacularly at things)-- I'm guessing that audience opinion at first is really going to dislike her because she is soooo aggressively angry towards the protag, but once we see her softness towards her "family" and the real reason why she's so harsh (she's very scared), she might become a favorite. Or not! Who knows.
I'm not really sure on her hair, but I kind of like bottom left here. I think maybe some greasy unwashed, stringy black hair (I know that bottom left is in the rain, idc) might suit her very well.
alright. tonight is a drawing night and i will update with progress and if i don't i will attack myself in shame, wish me luck
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breadcults · 1 year
HELLO, I am breadcult. She/her, 19, 3 racoons in a trenchcoat
I had some long silly introduction post but idc, this one is explaining my tags
'#fresh from the cultist oven' are all my self posts
'#fresh from the cultist rebloogs' are any like reblogs I added text to
'#breadbuilding' and '#tyreth' are tags related to my world and worldbulding it :3
Ok Bai Bai!
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