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io-wall · 3 months ago
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Subnautica brainrot is in full swing again... which means that I've updated the characters' designs and even changed their names
Recently I played through the story again and got motivated to write another fic about these guys... hopefully my motivation will last long enough to finish it.
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sewerpalette · 11 months ago
Subnautica headcanon designs part 1. I might make another one with Jochi, Hollister and a couple others. I’m not entirely happy with it but I’m not getting it to look any better so might aswell post it!
Second image was the thumbnail, as you can see, I didn’t capture a lot of likenesses and also decided to scrap doing ryley, but the shading was kinda fun so I guess there’s that. Seems like this page is going to become a dedicated subnautica brainrot page now, I think my OC stuff should stay on insta.
I’m not very happy with how the proportions turned out, I’m sorry lol. But I guess it’s some progress from the usual. I originally wanted to give danby black hair too but I realised that that’s just kinda what I default to and there are already so many characters with dark hair so I changed it to a blonde tone. I also tried to create more variety in face shapes but I’m still relatively new to that so I’m sorry if everybody looks kinda same-y or proportionally off.
Danby and Avery were done on the first day, then I drew Ozzy, then drew Yu on another day with much demotivating wich is why she kinda looks different to the others, then drew Keen and overhauled Yu again.
The artstyle was inspired by the Subnautica character concept art of Ryley!
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(Headcanon time)
To be honest, I’d imagine most of them know each other (except for Avery ofcourse), I’d like to believe that Danby doesn’t usually talk to people unless it’s for his job, but is still generally known and liked by the others, he finds his job boring but believes it’d be stupid to stop after studying for so many years.
I think they’d all be around 25-60 in age, with danby maybe being the youngest with about 28-31 years of age, matching with ryley who I’d imagine is around the same age.
I think Yu would be very goal oriented, but also trying to find solutions with wich everyone involved would be happy, wich mean that she’d know a bit about everyone, wich is why she feels so attached to the crew and wanted to disobey orders to try and save them after the crash.
I think Keen would really thrive in his job, similar to Yu, but be a lot more reliant on orders, somebody who likes to follow them more than to give them. He puts much trust into his captain and any other sort of authority figure above him, whilst feeling maybe a little too responsible for those under his command.
I believe Ozzy would be a very talkative person, like Yu he knows everybody a little, and everybody knows him. Except for ryley, who at this point has become kind of an outsider for just how much he tries to fit in with everyone else. Most people feel indifferent towards him.
I don’t think avery would be fond of being the captain of a ship, I don’t think he’d mind that much but I think a lot of the legal stuff he has to handle because of it would probably be really frustrating in the long run. He enjoys to talk to people though, and tries to help people in need if alterra doesn’t prevent him from doing so.
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plothika · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday CTO Yu
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post-itpenny · 2 months ago
Swimming Chapter 6: Reuniting
In which Ryley is suddenly not so lonely.
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Thank you everyone for your patience. It would be the chapter I was so darn excited to write for to be the most difficult so far. Developing Keen from the handful of audio entries we get proved a little challenging. Then I went overboard and gave him a whole backstory lol. Ryley get's quite a bit of dialogue as well, so it was strange writing so many conversations after having basically none at all for five chapters. As I have mentioned before with Ryley, if anyone has any advice or observations please feel free to reach out. As always, likes relogs, and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Happy New Year everyone :)
Ryley stared at the man sitting in the sand before him, dumbfounded and not quite believing what his eyes were seeing. But eventually, he allowed his heart to bask in the unexpected joy of seeing another person and a wide grin broke across his face.
Keen seemed caught in the same overwhelming confusion, blinking several times as if trying to adjust his sight. Finally, he, too, smiled, and a bewildered laugh bubbled out of his throat. “I-I thought.” Keen stumbled out. “You have no idea how good it is to see another person.”
“Yes,” Ryley answered as he all but sprinted across the sand to meet the officer. 
Keen was a tall man with sandy hair that was kept in a military cut. His suit was in worse shape than Ryley’s, most specifically the right leg which was ripped to shreds. Keen’s leg was wrapped in bits of suit and thin strips of leaves. The exposed skin around his knee and ankle looked an angry red. Keen noted where Ryley was looking with a nod. “Had a slight run-in on my swim over. Strange armored thing with many teeth. But- pardon me. Second Officer Keen.” The officer introduced himself with a firm handshake.  “Umm, Ryley.”  “Pleasure. Tell me, have you heard from any of the others? CTO Yu? Have you seen her? She would have been utilizing a sea glide.”
It was too many questions for Ryley to handle. He pulled up his Altera profile on his PDA and shoved it in Keen’s hands before running back to the seamoth to collect the med kit he had been smart enough to bring. 
Along the way back, Ryley collected the edible lantern-like fruit along with something he was pretty certain looked like a potato. He was hungry and excited by the idea of eating something other than fish. But he couldn’t help but note that Keen looked rather worse for wear. The injury on his leg must have impacted his mobility enough to make it difficult to scavenge for food. No doubt he was also dehydrated. When he returned Keen was exactly where he had left him, the dim light of Ryley’s PDA illuminating his face. He flashed a grateful smile and accepted the med kit. “Your PDA says you were a part of the ship’s maintenance team? Chief Robinson of Non-Essentials Maintenance.” “Yes.” “It also says you’re certified in welding and electrical technician work.” “Yes.” “Diagnosed with an expressive language disorder.” “Yes.”
Ryley waited for some additional comment, the usual, exasperating question for him to explain what an expressive language disorder was (the irony of which never escaped him). But instead, Keen gave another nod and passed back Ryley’s PDA. 
“I thought I remembered you. During the evacuation, you got those blasted doors open. Good work.”
Keen looked at the sky, the encroaching sunset casting long shadows over their open sea cave. “I have one last signal flare. We can use it to potentially get a fire going and place it where it can be spotted in case anyone else shows up tonight. Go get some kindling, and then we can plan what to do next.”
Ryley did as he was instructed. Bristling slightly at being so suddenly ordered around but willing to let it slide. There were more important things to worry about in his mind, and the idea of a fire sounded incredibly nice. They soon had a small fire going, the signal flare being nestled between the rocks higher up the hillside. Ryley genuinely did not believe anyone else would come. But he also had not believed that Keen was still alive, so he supposed anything was possible.
“Your scanner suggests the fruit and root vegetables you found are edible,” Keen observed. “I’ve been living off nutrient bars and whatever Yu caught before she left. I need to know, have you seen CTO Yu? She made it here two days ago before leaving to try and reach the Aurora.”
Ryley’s face must have told Keen all he needed to know; the officer’s face was unreadable, and he was silent for quite some time as he stared at the fire. When he finally did speak, it was with a deep, exhausted sigh.  “I told her to stay. We were to follow the captain’s orders and wait for anyone else to arrive. She insisted no one else was coming and that we needed to reach the ship. HQ will most likely send any directions for getting off this overgrown puddle to the Aurora.” His frown deepened. “I should have done more to stop her.”
Ryley reached out, drawing a picture of the creature from the Aurora to the best of his ability. “Big, umm… Big, big monster.” “Aggressive?” “Very.” “Have you heard from anyone else?”
Ryley shared his PDA once more, directing the officer to the final PDA logs of both lifepods 3, 9, and 17 and again to the saved messages from the Sunbeam. “So they were able to get an SOS out. Excellent, we just need to make it a few more days then.”
They spent the rest of the evening planning what they should do next. Even in the dim light of their fire, it was clear the disinfectant and second-skin bandages of Ryley’s med kit could only do so much. Keen was, in truth, not in the best shape to survive on an alien planet. His leg was most likely infected and he had consumed very little food and water the last couple of days. What food Ryley was able to scavenge helped. But Keen was still in no state to leave his shelter on the island, and they needed to get him to Lifepod 5 where the only functioning radio was located.  But Keen was also reluctant to leave the island because it would “go against the captain’s orders.” Ryley was thankful Keen hadn’t been foolish enough to follow this Yu person. But surely at some point, the logic of preparing for rescue would win out over the thin hope that anyone else had made it?
They agreed on Ryley making a trip back to Lifepod 5 for another med kit and checking the radio. But beyond that, they were to follow the captain’s final orders. 
Ryley was just too tired to argue, and figured that, as stubborn as Keen was being, he would win out in the end anyway. A small, darker part of him whispered that if the time came he would just leave Keen on the island and let the man fend for himself. But this thought was banished quickly. He fell asleep that night curled up next to the fire, thankful for the soft sand as opposed to the cold, metal floor of his lifepod. He did not dream that night; however, in the early dawn, as his mind just began to return to wakefulness, Ryley thought he opened his eyes to find himself looking up at… something.
Four bright, glowing, blue eyes stared down at him. The silhouette of something blurry and warped. He swore he heard a voice-
“What… are… you?”
His sleep-fogged brain could only take so much, so he rolled over and fell right back asleep, but not before hearing Keen shift uncomfortably in his own dreams. 
With the morning sun, Ryley hopped back into his seamoth and rushed back to Lifepod 5, there was no new radio message, but the medkit fabricator was ready, and it occurred to him that having some protein would help Keen in his recovery. So Ryley spent an hour fishing and cooking, quite pleased with the results.
He sat in his lifepod, resting a moment before beginning the drive back to the island. He decided to read the new flora entries on his PDA and was also surprised to realize he had accidentally taken several blurry pictures with all the moving he had been doing.
Some were funny, his thumb over the camera, the ground, a startled Boomerang fish. But then there was one blurry photo…
Ryley closed his PDA, deciding it was time to return to the island.
Ryley found Keen right where he left him. Though it appeared the officer had managed to collect more firewood while Ryley was gone. 
“The flair went out, but I managed to keep the fire going.” He explained before tucking into the offering of fish Ryley had brought him. As Keen ate, Ryley tended to his leg. The infection had been significantly reduced and the bite mark mostly healed, though Ryley suspected it was severe enough to scar. 
“I think I owe you a proper thanks,” Keen admitted when he finished eating. “Yesterday morning I was sitting here expecting to die of exposure. I was hardly in the state to go off running. I do believe that’s twice now that you have saved me, Chief Robinson. Thank you.”
Ryley couldn’t help but beam with pride for himself. It had never occurred to him that getting the Pod Bay doors open had been heroic, nor the act of helping Keen recover. He was just doing as he should. 
“As it is,” Keen continued, “I understand from our conversation last night that you agree with Yu that no one else is coming. But she did, and now you’re here. Yu also had to swim a phenomenal distance to reach this island the first time and did so without being attacked. I’m willing to hold out a little longer in the faith that she will return.”
Ryley nodded. “Umm, ship. But-but ship?”
“What about the Aurora?”
“The rescue ship?”
“It will be some time before they can reach us. We can risk one more day here.”
Keen paused, letting out a slow breath as he looked up at the late morning sky. “Give it one more day is all I ask. The Captain’s final order was for me to take care of the crew, and if all that is left of the crew is the three of us, then so be it. But I insist we give it one more day.”
There was something sad to Ryley, realizing that Keen was still clinging to the belief that Yu was alive. He shook his head, opening his PDA and reluctantly scrolling to the picture he had found. 
When he had first seen the photo, Ryley knew right away when it was taken. He also knew he would definitely be having nightmares tonight. 
He remembered the feeling of something coming up under him. The monster from the Aurora unintentionally giving him a place to plant his feet and make the final push to the safety of a sea cave.
In the picture was the blurry photo of teeth, so many teeth. One foot was placed squarely between the creature’s four eyes and the other farther up on its horn. Even with how shaky the PDA’s camera had been, the anger- the pure hate in those bottomless black eyes showed clear as day. 
Keen’s face grew sickly pale, and he accepted the PDA with shaky hands. “Big, big monster?”
Keen swore under his breath as he studied the PDA, finding another photo Ryley had not realized he had taken, this one of the monster as it was swimming toward him. He could hear the roar even now.
“That thing is bigger than the lifepods,” Keen mumbled. “A leviathan.”
“Ah,” Keen paused in his thought. Handing back the PDA. “I know someone fascinated with this sort of thing… It’s an old legend from Earth. It was a sea monster that would attack ships. A giant sea serpent.”
“Big umm… fish any, umm… fish… big, fish?”  
“Any big fish? Have you seen more?”
Ryley scrolled over to his PDA entry on the Reefbacks. Pointing out that the PDA couldn’t identify the class size.
“Your entry states these are non-aggressive,” Keen noted. “Leviathan’s are violent.”
“You want permission to classify these as Leviathan-sized?”
Ryley rolled his eyes and added “Leviathan” to complete the size entry. He wanted an opinion, not permission. Keen was clearly used to giving orders. It was something Ryley would have to learn to live with just as much as he hoped the second officer would learn to lighten up. This wasn’t the Aurora, this was two people needing to work together to survive. This was no place for a chain of command or egos. 
The Sunbeam couldn’t get here soon enough. 
“Robinson, you’ve been out there on your own for a few days. All the lifepods you found held no survivors?”
“I didn’t even see Lifepod 9 when I left my pod… No survivors?”
“No, umm… not get umm… inside.”
“You couldn’t get it open? Perhaps they were keeping it sealed shut?”
“Umm, maybe.”
“It was a tough swim to the surface, and that was before that thing bit my leg. Nothing at Ozzy’s or the people of Lifepod 3?”
“Damn, I liked Ozzy.” Keen sighed. “Very well. I’m still not up to snuff. Give it one more day Robinson. Then we will reconsider your proposal to-”
They were cut off by a violent, splashing sound. From a flooded tunnel a woman stumbled out. Her long brown hair tangled around her arms and waist. She stared at them, gasping for breath, before falling to her knees and sobbing.
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coineagle · 2 months ago
Predicting the Future of Bitcoin DeFi after Astonishing 600% TVL Surge in 2024
Key Points
Bitcoin DeFi TVL grew by almost 600% in Q1 2024, with further growth predicted in 2025.
Babylon led the sector with $5.5B of locked BTC, as demand for BTC yield increased.
Bitcoin’s DeFi Total Value Locked (TVL) experienced a significant increase of nearly 600% in the first quarter of 2024.
This upward trend is expected to continue into 2025, coinciding with the launch of several key L2 platforms.
Record Highs in BTC DeFi
Recent data from DeFiLlama revealed that over 70k BTC, equivalent to $6.68 billion, was locked across the DeFi ecosystem, a record high.
This represents a substantial increase from the 13k BTC locked in October, highlighting the robust growth of the DeFi ecosystem.
Babylon, the latest restaking platform on the network, led the BTC DeFi sector with over 90% of the TVL.
The platform had a TVL of $5.5 billion, demonstrating significant investor confidence.
Babylon’s TVL rose by nearly 150% in the past month, as investors eagerly staked their BTC for yield.
Lombard and SolvBTC were ranked second and third, respectively, indicating that the restaking narrative popular in Ethereum has extended to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Expectations for 2025
Top executives in the DeFi sector anticipate even more growth in 2025.
Fisher Yu, CTO of Babylon, disclosed plans to combine BTC and the altcoin universe to reap the benefits of liquidity and security through the upcoming Babylon L2 launch.
Institutional DeFi lending firms are also preparing to offer BTC derivatives as collateral this year.
Sidney Powell, CEO of DeFi lending firm Maple Finance, suggested that BTC could become the ‘premier collateral asset’ for DeFi systems.
Many scaling solutions, such as the Lightning Network and Stacks, have planned upgrades to further drive the BTC DeFi renaissance.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
Bitget proudly hosted its inaugural flagship event, EmpowerX Summit, in Singapore on September 12, 2023. The summit welcomed nearly 1900 esteemed guests, featuring more than 247 distinguished VIP speakers and partners who engaged in profound discussions on the transformative potential of crypto and the burgeoning web3 ecosystem. Tim Draper, renowned venture capitalist and cryptocurrency advocate, delivered a keynote address that reverberated through the crypto space.  I love what Bitget is doing - bringing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to the masses," Draper emphasized. It has to be done with good user experience, good user interfaces, and it's gonna be done in a way that brings so many people in. There's no incentive for banks to take them on because people can't afford to even open an account; it's too expensive. Opening a bank account is more expensive than getting Bitcoin." Haseeb Qureshi, Managing Partner of Dragonfly Capital, shared his insights in another captivating keynote. He highlighted the seismic growth in on-chain settlements with stablecoins, revealing, "In 2022, over $11 trillion stalecoins were settled on-chain. That means there's more money being sent through stablecoin chains than through Visa. He drew attention to the fact that 25 million addresses hold $1 across all wallets and chains, collectively comparable to the fifth-largest U.S. bank in terms of users.  This staggering figure signifies the vast number of individuals engaged with stablecoins today, underlining the rapid expansion of the crypto market. EmpowerX Summit marked a pivotal moment in Bitget's journey towards crypto empowerment. The event commenced with an inspiring speech by Bitget's Managing Director, Gracy Chen. She articulated Bitget's mission to empower global users to trade crypto and assist companies in realizing their vision of decentralized real-use case products. A riveting panel discussion ensued, featuring industry luminaries such as Justin Sun, Founder of TRON DAO; Yu Hu, CEO of Kaito ai; Alexander Pack, Managing Partner of Hack VC; David Tse, Professor at Stanford University and recipient of the Shannon Award. The panelists delved deep into topics encompassing AI, Blockchain, and the future of the internet. EmpowerX Summit spanned the entire day, comprising six insightful panel discussions. Visionaries and co-founders in the blockchain realm, including Mihailo Bjelic, Co-Founder of Polygon; Adeniyi Abiodun, Co-Founder of Mysten Labs; Bryan Pellegrino, Co-founder of LayerZero; Alexandre Dreyfus, Founder of Chiliz; Sander Gortjes, Co-founder & CEO, HELLO Labs; Michael Gronager, Co-founder Chainalysis; Sebastien Borget, Co-founder of Sandbox, graced the stage with their expertise. Venture capitalists of eminence, including Dragonfly Capital; Carl Hua, Investment Partner and CTO of Shima Capital; and Tony Cheung, Partner of Foresight Ventures, were among the distinguished attendees. Bitget's transformation from a derivative crypto exchange to a comprehensive ecosystem was evident. The company's strategic investment of $30 million in the decentralized BitKeep multi-chain wallet (rebranded as Bitget Wallet) earlier this year marked a significant milestone. This move solidified Bitget's position as a comprehensive decentralized space ecosystem. The announcement of the $100 million EmpowerX Fund during the event signifies Bitget's unwavering commitment to fostering ecosystem development. The fund will primarily support the growth of regional exchanges, data analytics firms, and media organizations. This initiative aligns with Bitget's core philosophy of "Trade smarter," emphasizing user empowerment through intuitive tools, security, and user-friendliness. One of the standout moments at the EmpowerX Summit was the thrilling Web3 pitching session, presented in partnership with HELLO Labs. During the summit, attendees had a unique opportunity to witness a sneak peek of the "Killer Whales" reality show on-site. Four participating
projects presented their ideas in front of a high-profile panel of judges from the show. In the end, Lava was selected as the winner. Lava is an open standard for blockchain RPC and APIs, aiming to simplify the development of web3 applications using blockchain data, all while ensuring data freshness and high uptime. Bitget's rebranding campaign, revolving around "Trade smarter," solidifies its position as a leader in innovative trading products. This philosophy was presented during the event. Comprising the Smart Money Awards and Hero Trader Awards, the Bitget Smart Awards ceremony honored excellence across two segments. Leveraging the proven capabilities of 0xScope, a respected leader in blockchain analytics, the Smart Awards illuminated standout investment behavior and trading strategies. The company's multifaceted ecosystem expansion demonstrates its unwavering dedication to facilitating smarter trading, empowering individuals, and building a more secure, user-friendly, and efficient financial future for all.    Source
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resurrectedteleport · 1 year ago
amendment 110.5 WOMEN (some counted more than once). list under cut
1 sucre 2 me 3 alyx 4 mossman 5 collette 6 gina 7 slaydrian 8 ms pauling 9 zhanna 10 lauren 11 chell 12 azian 13 feminem 13.5 felix (0.5) 14.5 vader eloha 20.5 holly hollowtones (6) 21.5 kate 22.5 mabel pines 23.5 wendy 29.5 penny parker (6) 30.5 amy hedgehog 31.5 heather 32.5 peach 33.5 daisy 34.5 rosalina 35.5 wendy koopa 36.5 olivia papermario 37.5 administrator 38.5 glad0s 39.5 pbody 40.5 ellen mclain 41.5 raku chan 42.5 koneko chan 43.5 nurse sama 44.5 wiz's (me!) geodude 46.5 mariella 47.5 the curator 48.5 audi madcom 50.5 hatsune miku (2) 51.5 chicken little duck 52.5 Uhura 53.5 Dr. Crusher 54.5 troi 55.5 Seven of Nine 56.5 Janeway 57.5 Be'llana 58.5 Kira 59.5 Jadzia 60.5 Ezri 61.5 T'pol 62.5 Tilly 63.5 Bendi 64.5 Mariner 65.5 Captain Freeman 66.5 strawberry 67.5 hollyberry 68.5 princess 69.5 cotton 70.5 golden cheese 71.5 white lily 72.5 black pearl 73.5 chili pepper 74.5 pomegranate 75.5 dark enchantress 76.5 financier 77.5 latte 78.5 caramel arrow 79.5 sea fairy 82.5 named princess background characters (3) (wiz forgor names) 83.5 dr wasabi 84.5 ice candy 85.5 mustard 86.5 karen dunn 87.5 eleanor lamb 88.5 toriel 89.5 undyne 90.5 alphys 91.5 chapel 92.5 ortegas 93.5 number one 94.5 leeta 95.5 la'al 9 6.5 jade 97.5 rose 98.5 vriska 99.5 vex'ahlia 100.5 keyleth 101.5 pike trickfoot 102.5 cto yu 103.5 robin ayou 104.5 lifepod 3 lady 106.5 ladies that 'sploded in subnautica LOL (2) 107.5 kissy missy 108.5 slow saline 109.5 alice angel 110.5 elizabeth afton
i think if you subtracted women counted multiple times you would end up with less than 100. so just add fnaf chicas until you get 100.5
me @cuckhoun and @adrian-sheppy just named 102.5 WOMEN !
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io-wall · 2 years ago
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Subnautica & Below Zero survivors
Bart Torgal
Ryley Robinson
Avery Quinn
Roman Keen
Jochi Khasar
Milo Berkeley
Emily Yu
Danby Miles
Osvald "Ozzy" Grrison
Robin Ayou
Sam Ayou
Paul Torgal
Marguerit Maida
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ele-alien · 2 years ago
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transhoverfish · 4 years ago
ok but fr. one of my favorite pieces of subnautica lore is that one pda entry in the storage room across the cafeteria. its literally just a menu. but at the very bottom it says that all the actual desserts were thrown into space because of "an incorrect use of a repulsion canon". and obviously im taking this as implying it was berkeley and yu, because yu was messing with robot programs and berkeley had already been given a repulsion cannon instead of a propulsion canon in a different pda, and yu directly tells him that it could put a hole through the space ship.
its SUCH a small and overlooked thing but its very dear to my heart,,
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queermarzipan · 2 years ago
My head started hurting about two seconds in because the ads are insane, so I copy-pasted the article below. I included the links in the original article.
ChatGPT Happy to Write Smut About Freakishly Obscure Sex Act
"It's stealing that."
Ever heard of the Omegaverse? It seems like OpenAI's models are already deeply familiar.
In case you're not clued in, the Omegaverse is a niche subgenre of speculative erotic fanfiction that has developed its own complicated set of conventions and terminologies.
But as Wired reports, fanfiction writers were startled when they realized that a writing assistant app called Sudowrite, which makes use of "several variants" of OpenAI's GPT-3 — and, in our testing, the GPT-3-based ChatGPT — was suddenly spitting out incredibly specific Omegaverse-related smut.
Per the report, the integration churned out a story that included something called "knotting," an Omegaverse term that refers to a moment in which a male "Alpha's" penis locks itself inside a vagina during sex.
OpenAI has famously refused to say exactly what data it trains its large language models on, but given the damning evidence, the data clearly includes at least some Omegaverse-related works.
It's a fascinating glimpse into the vast amount of training data OpenAI's models are trained on — and how the tech is starting to affect authors, whose work is being scraped by those models without being compensated.
Though Omegaverse authors often aren't looking to make money from their graphic labor of love, they understandably don't think it's right that someone else might — especially if they're using AI chatbots like Sudowrite to generate fanfiction.
And writers have been ringing the alarm bells for quite some time now.
"This is particularly concerning as many for-profit AI writing programs... utilized GPT-3," a Reddit user called cafethereseu, who called attention to the issue in a Reddit thread roughly six months ago, wrote in an email to fanfic repository Archive of Our Own.
"These AI apps take the works which we create for fun and fandom," the email continued, "not only to gain profit, but also to one day replace human writing."
But is that really the end goal of apps like Sudowrite? For his part, Sudowrite CTO James Yu appeared to be unfazed by the issue.
"For me, it highlights the things I don't know," he told Wired. "In every one of these models is millions of other latent spaces that I just never encounter. It's almost like an endless ocean."
Yu had a convenient answer when asked whether he had any plans to compensate folks like the ripped-off Omegaverse writers.
"I'd love for there to be a simple way to do fair compensation for content that was used to train GPT-3, but unfortunately, there is no mechanism that OpenAI provides for that," he told Wired, adding that he'd be open to the idea.
"I would love to get to a place where we could have a totally opt-in model and everyone is compensated for that," Yu responded. "I just don't think that's possible right now."
Fanfiction writers, however, aren't convinced such a future will ever materialize.
"Even if it's just plain smut, there's a human element there and it's someone creating something for their enjoyment and they want to share that hard work with people," Hayley Krueger, an Omegavese author, told Wired. "It's stealing that."
Bet no one on here can guess what this is about!
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(Just kidding, it's about omegaverse, including -- gasp! -- knotting!) Wonder where it learned about that?
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post-itpenny · 2 months ago
Swimming Chapter 10: Building
In which the Aurora finally explodes and we get multiple POV's.
Previous chapter
A lot has been going on and I was struggling to write. Thank you for your patience.
Upon returning to Lifepod 5, they found Sunbeam had not left any new messages. Though Keen was not particularly worried by this, reassuring that it can potentially take days for messages to be picked up in deep space.
It was a relief for Ryley to be back in the Safe Shallows, being near the Aurora and his lifepod felt like coming home after a long trip. Keen sat atop the pod, observing the ship as he used a fresh medkit to doctor his leg. Ryley collected bladder fish, holding off on unpacking the seamoth as Alexis had dozed off when they passed through the Mushroom Forest and was still curled up asleep inside the vehicle. When she finally woke up, Alexis attempted to help unload the Seamoth, but, as it turned out, she had not lied to them when she said she didn’t know how to swim. It wasn’t that she couldn’t swim at all, but it was an awkward movement as she loudly splashed and kicked through the water. She also wouldn’t use her arms at first, forcing her legs to do twice the amount of work. This led to a brief swimming lesson in which Alexis almost drowned twice because her long hair kept twisting around her arms and over her face. “It may be wise to cut your hair short, Miss Eidolon,” Keen commented. “I imagine it would be easier to care for as well.” The look she shot him was enough to make Keen retreat into the lifepod.
Soon Alexis gained enough coordination for Ryley to trust he could leave her to unpack the seamoth as he scavenged for resources, particularly titanium. On their return to the lifepod Ryley had stumbled through his proposal for a small base, pleased when Keen agreed it would be a good idea. So Ryley spent the remainder of the day gathering what metal and quartz he could while also scouting for an ideal location. Deciding it would be wise to not stray too far from Lifepod 5. There was still the concern regarding the ship’s drive core, however, but, if he were to guess, the hull of the ship would contain much of the blast. It was the radiation that would be a problem. 
The next morning, this guess was tested.
They received a PDA message in the middle of the night warning the drive core was at its limit. However all three of them slept through this notification, so it was the official countdown that started in the middle of breakfast that alerted them that time was up.  Both Ryley and Keen climbed atop the lifepod, feeling the need to watch the Aurora meet her end. Ryley had been right in his hunch that the hull held back much of the blast, forcing massive plumes of fire to blossom out wherever they could; chunks of metal flying in all directions as a blast of hot air nearly capsized the lifepod, sending both men into the water. Ryley surfaced just in time to see a massive tail breach the surface near the Aurora’s starboard side and several large splashes near the stern. 
Keen came from behind him. His face was a mixture of grief and fear. The loss of the Aurora combined with the terror of knowing that the leviathans were still nearby. 
Second Officer Arthur Keen was a man in shambles.  Not on the outside mind you, he worked hard to maintain an aura of level-headedness and authority (the slip of this mask on the island was a mistake he would strive to not make again). But the explosion of the Aurora cemented the finality of what he had done. The sight of the Leviathan's tail brought home what he had allowed.  His responsibility in the death of the Aurora. His failure to stop CTO Yu from swimming to her death.
The search for the Degasi wasn’t so much a secret as it was a thinly veiled need-to-know basis. It had been kept low on the press’s radar at the request of Torgal Corp. and the discretion of Altera’s Board of Directors. Their favor for the Mongolians would have done much to not only strengthen relations with Altera but also line the pockets of the Aurora’s officer staff. 
But they weren’t supposed to find anything on Planet 4546B. Authur himself insisted that any remains of the Degasi would most likely have sunk to depths far beyond what their scanners could pick up. Authur had been the biggest advocate that they conducted the scan despite concerns that flying so low during the slingshot maneuver would be dangerous. Now the ship was destroyed, Captain Hollister was dead, CTO Yu was lost at sea, and, if Robinson was right, they would not be finding any other survivors. 
On the outside Authur watched the Aurora showing only the briefest glimpse of fear and heartbreak. Internally he was falling apart. A scream of agony building in his throat and staying trapped behind his clamped-down teeth. This was his fault. Now, they were stranded and alone, at least until their rescue ship arrived. The Sunbeam couldn’t get here soon enough, he wanted to go home, needed to get home.  Authur took a steadying breath as he dug his nails into the palms of his hands. He could grieve and wallow in his guilt later. He still had a job to do, and he still had people to take care of. The great irony of it all. He had been livid when he was denied promotion. But here he was now. Commander Keen, just what he had always wanted, with all the crushing responsibility attached.
Beside him, Robinson stared at where the tail of the Levithan had once been. For one so taciturn, the man was very communicative, at least to Authur he was. He could tell how unsure the NEM chief was despite consistently demonstrating how clever and reliable he could be. It was a small comfort to Authur that he had the fortune of being shipwrecked with someone who so easily adapted to the situation.  Eidolon was, potentially, another story. 
The woman in question poked her head out from the top hatch of the lifepod. Her perpetually exhausted expression was marred with alarm as she looked around for Authur and Chief Robinson.  Judging by her head injuries, he assumed she had a severe concussion. She would have been dead by now if it was worse. He recalled a man who took a hard fall during basic training and how it took weeks for him to recover. Authur expected the slight disorientation, the confusion, and even her excessive sleeping made sense. But she- His thoughts were interrupted by a loud splash as Miss Eidolon slipped from the top of the lifepod and tumbled into the water, Robinson diving down in a rushed panic to bring her back to the surface.
Authur pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy exhale. The problem was that he couldn’t tell if it was the concussion symptoms or if she was genuinely… just like that.
He frowned at a new thought, recalling her awkward attempts at swimming yesterday. Despite her confusion, she had been indeed telling the truth that she couldn’t swim. Or, at least she could not swim very well. So, how did she get to the surface from Lifepod 9?
After much searching, Ryley decided to set up their base at the border of the Safe Shallows and the Kelp Forest. His logic was that, while the Stalkers could be incredibly infuriating, sitting between the two biomes allowed for easier access to the resources both offered. If he were honest with himself, he was also thinking of the view it would offer.  Ryley found the blueprints for a habitat builder and soon the little group was in business. Keen had a good eye for layout and, while they did not intend to build anything elaborate, was able to quickly draft out a layout for their base on his PDA, estimating what they could build with their limited supply of titanium.  As for Alexis, the two were content to let practice swimming, Keen insisting there wasn’t much help she could offer otherwise. But then she surprised them when she offered several large chunks of metal to convert into titanium.
Keen gapped in surprise. “Where in the world did you find all this?” “I made friends.” “I beg your pardon?”
Alexis gave a cheeky grin before diving back down to demonstrate a frightful level of confidence as she swam up to a Stalker. The creature turned its head to regard her with one of its reptilian eyes, then swam off only to return moments later with a chunk of metal. She surfaced again, holding up her prize. “They like to trade for fish. So I used scraps from breakfast.” “You dug into our food supply?” “I got the metal you needed, Officer Keen. You’re welcome.” 
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cuddle-leviathan · 5 years ago
Yu: Out here living my best life.
Keen: Berkeley is drowning.
Yu: This isn’t about him.
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incorrectsubnauticaquotes · 5 years ago
Yu: This is bad.
Berkeley: You’ve said that already.
Yu: It seemed worth repeating.
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jahaliel · 6 years ago
some subnautic fic snips
while i work on getting back to the main plot (took a left turn into fluffy comfort plus bed-sharing tropes 101) and also tense wrangling here’s some teaser bits under a cut for you.  none of these are super spoilery.  if you read this and are like yes i wanna read more a) first chapter this weekend maybe b) please please please play the game first - or maybe watch a lets play, because there are so many many spoilers in my fic!
subnautica on Steam, its also got console versions i believe.
Chapter 2 - Nemo sighs internally as admitting to fighting a stalker had caused both of her basemates to do the headless chicken thing."Please, calm down - I'm alright."  She rolls up the sleeve of her shirt revealing the bite marks "see it's barely a scratch"
Chapter 3 - Nicholas stuck his head into the room “Where would you like the melons?  I have so many melons!” // Hikari pulls apart the fabricator because she can.  A bit of fiddling around with the programming and she’s able to override the limitation code which will enable them to do more cooking that just “cooked fish” and “cured fish”.  
Chapter 4 - On the Aurora Hikari wants to get back out into the water to help Nemo but Nicholas stops her - in an argument reminiscent of the first they had, “Nemo wanted us to change the distress call.  We should honour her sacrifice by doing so.” “I’m a little upset that you think a fish would be the end of me,” comes Nemo’s voice from the other side of the platform. 
Chapter 6 - Hikari finds a deck of cards in the belongings she salvaged from the Aurora and this leads to the three of them bemoaning the lack of a fourth player for Bridge or Hearts; Nicholas enjoys Up and Down the Spaceway but Hikari hates it, eventually they compromise on Sevens and Nemo carves a 3-player cribbage board from the wood of the island trees and then proceeds to soundly beat both of the others at the game.
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resurrectedteleport · 2 years ago
officer keen is professional most of the time but him and cto yu argue for no reason at least twice a day. fight me
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