#ct trapper
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charlietikoobadiah23 · 1 month ago
CODENAME Kids Next Door OCs: LORE #1: Rain was in a different Sector before Δ
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In an ask, Rain never wanted to meet Sector QT out of trust issues.
Well, it all started back when she was with Sector NR+CT (with Harper Rose [her then-best friend], Emilia Gutiérrez [a huge inspiration for easing the tension with a good comedic timing of jokes], Alex Butha [a friend that would always go to the arcade after a mission] and lastly, Duante Caleb Imani [the leader that had a rocky chemistry]. The old design seen in the fourth slide is how she used to be. Calm, collected and intellectual. She was basically the backbone of the Sector.
The worst day of the Sector, in particular the worst day for 1.8, was that there was a very dangerous mission going against an adult villain that used vegetables as weapons. The operatives were fighting with their all until Numbuh 1.8 almost fell of a cliff and held for her dear life. Numbuh 658,352 wanted to help her but she was always getting cut off by the vegetable-wielding villain and couldn't reach her. Luckily she was able to get on the cliff again until a humongous pea hit her in maximum speed and sent her to the cave inside, getting her stuck. After the villain was defeated, Duante decided to be a jerk and let the OTHER operatives to help 1.8 with her situation. Alex laughing at the current situation she was in and Emilia didn't really care much about her, saying what did she provide for the team anyways. THAT statement from her "hero" was what broke Rain's heart. Harper didn't even defend her in fear that they would also ditch her the same way they ditched 1.8 and then, they just left.
Luckily, a boy with a trapper hat that was a kid operative told a pigtailed scientist to dissolve the pea and check what happened. Those kids were Clovis Willson AKA Numbuh 16.28 and Bluma von Albrecht AKA Numbuh 1.02 together with Joan Washington AKA Numbuh 776. "OH, Man!" Joan exclaimed as she helped 1.8 "You need some help, ASAP". So, she went to their Sector to clean herself up, Sector Δ is what the base is named. She told her what has happened in her mission and why she was locked in a cave with a pea as a boulder, she even felt comfortable enough to express the bitter feeling she had when she realized her teammates were just...not good people. Numbuh 776 (Joan Washington) decided that she would go to Moonbase and try to convince Numbuh 362 to change you into a new sector. Needless to say, those were the most difficult 5 days of convincing of Joan's young life, but she manages to let 362 change 1.8 to Sector Δ (keep note that Joan NEVER told her the cruddy teamwork her new member's Sector was out of PITY).
Well, she's now in a new Sector and at first she still holds the grudge of lat mission but as new missions came in, she became more like her "hero", Numbuh 336,536 [Emilia Gutiérrez], but more likeable and way funnier. One day, Numbuh 658,352 [Harper Rose] came to Sector Δ to check after she heard that her old teammate was in a different sector, she was so guilty that she would call Numbuh 86 for an EARLY decommission, feeling that she didn't even stand up for herself in that moment and when 1.8 opened the door to see who was knocking, her face wasn't full of rage. No. She was...melancholically serene when seeing her. THAT is worse. Harper just decided to move on, seeing as there is no way to convince her that she was scared, afraid to be...thrown out the windows like she was a nobody, but 1.8, without looking at her all the time, stopped her, went in, picked a piece of cloth that was hers, gave it to her and then switched her attitude when she was having fun with her new crew. Harper was now melancholic but is now relieved that Rain forgave her for actions. [You see, when Rain does something out of action instead of words, she REALLY means it! No questions asked].
What about Sector NR+CT? After learning that Rain was in a different sector, Duante FLIPPED! It's not as if he cared about her, he just made him look bad. Alex would just find another person to play arcade with him as he has no shame about the fact he LAUGHED at a very dangerous situation. Same goes for Emilia
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warsamongthestars · 10 months ago
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Since I didn't chase anyone off the first time, how bout some more? This round isn't nearly a storied as last round.
THE BAD BATCH did not grow up with each other. I know, counter to a lot of HCs. Each BB had a batchsquad that they were given back to (with flagged profiles about being apart of the 99 project--DO NOT DECOMMISSION), and thus, had an original regular clone trooper batch-squad at one point. This is where they got their names and social experience. WRECKER was a apart of KILO SQUAD. His Batchmates, were Chopper (who was later assigned under Sergeant Slick; TCWs), Boomer (Also known as Clone-Sergeant 2207; 501st; TCWs), Basher (the only CT out of the unit to make it into the Empire Era; SW Detours), and Hardcase (who lost his life during the Umbara Campaign; TCWs). Kilo squad were known to be happy-go-lucky destroyers of the training rooms. HUNTER was a part of ETA SQUAD. Three confirmed members of ETA Squad were, Tracker (212th; apart of the Dark Disciple series), Trapper (212th, formerly 91st--saw the battle of Ryloth, and the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), and Hound (Coruscant Guard, Mastif Handler; TCWs) CROSSHAIR was apart of OMICRON SQUAD. With Hawkeye (91st, died during the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), Longshot (212th, died during the Lola Sayu Mission; TCWs), Scope (104th; SW:CWA) and Sinker, of the 104th Wolfpack. TECH was apart of a soft-shell tech squad, with two confirmed members--Switch (CP-6824; SW:CW:RH) and Chatter (501st; radiotech).
Unfortunately, thanks to an incident that occurred to CT-9905 (a 99 projector (and original character)), Four of the Six / Seven of the 99-Project clones were finally gathered to be a team. ( CT-9905's fate is unknown. ) ( CT-9902 would be regulated as a Kaminonian Assistant. ) ( CC-9900, the "proof of concept" 99er, whose regeneration abilities served as the genetic-patch to prevent further clones from over-aging in their growth tubes--was already apart of the Republic Commando training, and would not be joining any other 99er. ) The original squads would be broken up and either sent out alone to other legions, or would be assigned to different squads.
HUNTER'S ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSES allows him to know when something has a static charge. So rub against a carpet, and he'll just know you have the charge. He describes it as if the feel of the air became spicy. Basically, he's a living voltage detector. Could probably tell you when your battery is dead.
WRECKER'S BONES are unbreakable. This isn't actually a form of mutation, but a form of later-life augmentation. That same later life augmentation staved his life when a bomb or charge went off near his face, and instead of pulverizing his skull (and thus his brain), it only pulverized the closest soft tissues--like his eye and inner ear.
WRECKER'S ENHANCEMENT allows him to have flexible muscle mass; allowing him to pick up and move objects without prep work, and to with stand any aftermath soreness. Thanks to the later-life augmentation, he has the strongest back in human existence. Unfortunately, a side effect of this is weaker organs, and a weaker heart. His enormous muscle growth has resulted in at least one near full organic transplantation, due to the muscle growing too fast for the organs to keep up. The abnormal strength of the muscle, thanks to be spliced with other-than-human genetics, is also what required the later-life bone augmentation, or risk his very muscles crushing his bones by movement alone.
Wrecker does not remember much of his childhood, due to the sheer growth pains from his enhancements.
TECH suffers from severe nearsightedness, and its been suggested, that as he's been spliced with Kamoninan genetics in order to ensure a "computational brain", that his eyes are more suited to underwater environments. Funnily enough, he does actually see in the water better. Not great, but better.
TECH, having been spliced with Kamoninan Genetics (whom are primarily amphibious), did have a vestigial-tadpole tail in his infancy. It went away as he got older... but he does occasionally have " Nonexistent-tail wiggles" when particularly excited, as a left over response--he finds them quite unprofessional and embaressing, but sometimes, one just gots to wiggle in place to get all that energy out.
Thanks to the Genetic splicing, Crosshair was actually born blind, with his eyelids semi-permanently shut (Not unlike a baby bird). They would open over the course of his first month; but this shows that not only does he have powerful eyes--he has powerful eyelids to compensate for those eyes. Its theorized that, if he had normal human eyelids, he would've seen through them.
The AlphaGens, or the famous 100, were the first clones in existence. They were the proof of concept, the Sparten-2's to the regular clones' Sparten-3, with minor enhancements and power armor--but also with the first severe issues that would come along during the Kaminonian's cloning. 99 was the final "successful" AlphaGen, whose gene-glitch aged him drastically in his growth tude, and whose problem would later be "patched out" with later clones, with the 99 project. ( Most Gene-patch projects were usually named after an AlphaGen's number; for example, there was the failed 17-Project, which attempted to gene-patch out premature white hair--did so with no success, and actually introduced Auburn and Blond Hair into clone troopers, as well as the additional problem of premature balding. ) ( Or the gene-patch project, 24-Project, that attempted to patch out Blue eyes--which catastrophically failed and resulted in blindness. ) 99 Himself, who was aware of the project being based from him, kept an eye out for all the "99ers", in what little ways he could. It is a well known AlphaGen trait, after all, to adopt BetaGen or Regular Clone Troopers. For example; for a young Wrecker, with uncontrollable strength, and great terrible growth pains, he left a small "tooka" doll made from baby cloths and what little fluff he could find. 99 would not officially meet a 99 Team, until after the loss of 9905.
99 himself, as the AlphaGen of Maintenance, knew of the secret places undernearth the Kaminonian Cities. He often worked around where CT-9902 did And he knew of the canceled OmegaGen clones project.
THE OMEGA GENERATION Cloned from a different prime, Arla Fett, the OmegaGen project was an attempt to create force-sensitive clones through "natural incubation" in order to "garden" the growth of midi-chlorians in a clone. Only two surviving clones were the result of the OmegaGen project--Omega-01, who was born via designated incubator (Heavily implied to have been the OmegaGen Prime), and Omega-02, who was the result of the Kaminonian typical method of cloning... and deemed a failure due to lack of midi-chlorian count. The project was deemed a success--but the expense and the time taken to make OmegaGen clones was deemed unacceptable, and the project was canceled after the first successes.
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hazyaltcare · 1 year ago
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Self-care for a Lucifer Morningstar (DC) with items that connect him to his family. This kit includes themes of bullets, board games, auroras, angels, wings, knives, bright colors, magenta, chocolate, rum, Bones (show), cop shows, pianos, guitars and emotional strength and has a soft budget of $10.
Online Care:
105 Mental Health Affirmations for Mental Peace & Strength
Chocolate Angel Delight Recipe
Fallen Angel Cocktail Recipe
Lucifer Morningstar Cocktail Recipe
Lucifer Morningstar Tribute Video
Lucifer Theme Song (Guitar Cover)
Trapper Pocket Knife - $9.99
Coloring Book - $10.74
Large Angel Meeple - $0.99
TV Guide: The 50's Police Shows - $8.19
Coffee Mug - $24.88 $9.95
Whiskey Glass (2 ct.) - $8
Keychain - $6.99
Sticker - $2.50
Pendant - $8
Chocolate Angel - $4.95
Angelic Sigil Stone - $6+
Guitar Pick (3 ct.) - $10
Nightlight - $9.57
"Inner Strength" Tumbled Crystal Set - $5.99
Mod Haze (🥧Fiona)
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theawkwardartist12 · 2 years ago
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Clone Squad - Sketch/WIP
Here’s some designs of a clone squad that was lead by a Jedi oc I made a while ago (that second piece is old) and I���m still figuring out designs (and facial consistency, rip) I’ll go into more details about them when I do their full designs, but for nowww
Their general is Jana (the human woman in the second piece)
CT-3337/Captain “Ace”: leader of the squad, excellent pilot
CT-9380/Lieutenant “King”: second in command, very dramatic
CT-2642/“Trapper”: explosives expert and strategist, zero impulse control
CT-0979/“Gunner”: heavy artillerist, knows too much about weapons/vehicles
CT-9497/“Patch”: medic, marksman, done with everything and everyone
All their CT numbers are the Discord tags of my friends that I based each clone off :3
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ryuucha · 4 years ago
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My brain: Just because you found out some names doesn’t mean you can put them all in one place! Think about the timeline!
Also my brain: what timeline?
Group hug because I suddenly need one
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aleexiisoficial · 4 years ago
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Design para @ovi_oficial Por mi 🔥 @ranchohumilde Agradecería a los fans que compartan y que etiqueten a @ovi_oficial para que lo vea Tags/_/_/_ #ct #ovi #ovioficial #desahogo #tumbados #traptumbado #verdesverdes #las3torres #cuandotocatoca #pacasverdes #retumban2 #corridos #trap #bape #corridosverdes #corridostumbados #trappers #trapeton #ranchohumilde #humilde #jimmy #jimmyhumilde #jimmyh https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4RXISh3Pm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yukipri · 2 years ago
Clonetober 2022 Art Compilation
Giving these portraits their own Masterpost in order to make room for more links in the Star Wars 2021~ General Art Masterpost!
The link to this post can be found through both the Masterpost linked above, as well as my pinned Masterpost!
The below links contain both the Clonetober Complete Compilation post, as well as links to every individual portrait.
Masterpost Key:
[ILL] = Illustration
Clonetober 2022 Challenge Completed! Compilation of 31 Portraits
     [ILL] Day 1 - Fordo | Alpha-77
     [ILL] Day 2 - Seventeen, “Alpha” | Alpha-17
     [ILL] Day 3 - Waxer | CT-7002
     [ILL] Day 4 - Boil | CT-7212
     [ILL] Day 5 - Fives | CT-5555
     [ILL] Day 6 - Echo | CT-1409
     [ILL] Day 7 - Wooley | CT-9899
     [ILL] Day 8 - Crys | CT-8324
     [ILL] Day 9 - Wolffe | CC-3636
     [ILL] Day 10 - Fox | CC-1010
     [ILL] Day 11 - Thorn | CC-9333
     [ILL] Day 12 - Jesse | CT-5597
     [ILL] Day 13 - Hardcase | CT-2666
     [ILL] Day 14 - Bly | CC-5052
     [ILL] Day 15 - Longshot | CT-1110
     [ILL] Day 16 - Trapper | CT-3457
     [ILL] Day 17 - Gree | CC-1004
     [ILL] Day 18 - Bacara | CC-1138
     [ILL] Day 19 - Gregor | RC-5576
     [ILL] Day 20 - Kix | CT-6116
     [ILL] Day 21 - Stabber | CT-9111
     [ILL] Day 22 - Ashe | CC-2222
     [ILL] Day 23 - Glitch | CT-1414
     [ILL] Day 24 - Blackout | CC-0007
     [ILL] Day 25 - Howzer | CT-7569
     [ILL] Day 26 - Rex | CT-7567
     [ILL] Day 27 - Cody | CC-2224
     [ILL] Day 28 - Ninety-Nine | Alpha-99
     [ILL] Day 29 - Omega | Omega-ØØ
     [ILL] Day 30 - Boba Fett | Alpha-ØØ
     [ILL] Day 31 - Jango Fett | The Prime
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wub-fur-radio · 2 years ago
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Indie Rock Mind Wipe 😶   
…and we’re back! Following our longest hiatus from the internet airwaves in over 2 decades, Wub-Fur Internet Radio returns with a brand new eclectic streaming mix packed full of the kinds of quirky and tuneful 21st century indie rock our fans love. Specially programmed to gently wipe the grease, dust, cobwebs, and other detritus off the walls of your mind and leave it sanitized, shiny, spotless, and oh so smooth! Featuring the head-cleansing musical powers of Vacation, Guided By Voices, Blitzen Trapper, Pink Mountaintops, Together Pangea, The Special Pillow, Sonnyskyes, Mythical Motors, Sigh Figh, and 13 more bands who will leave your brain feeling fresh, blank, and breezy all day long.
Thanks & apologies to Dan Cuddy & the Special Pillow, whose tune provided the inspiration for our mix title and “concept”
▶︎ Listen on Mixcloud (or scroll down to use an embedded player below)
Running Time: 59 minutes, 56 seconds
Lame Loss (1:55) — Vacation | Cincinnati, OH †
Unproductive Funk (3:28) — Guided By Voices | Dayton, OH
Broke Down (3:23) — Sleepyhead | Boston, MA
Mind Wipe (2:42) — The Special Pillow | Hoboken, NJ
Pull Me Up (2:56) — dumb | Vancouver, BC, Canada
Karoshi Karaoke (3:05) — Mush | Leeds, UK
Perusing Janet's Record Collection (2:50) — Blitzen Trapper | Portland, OR
Sleep Walking Time (2:50) — Sonnyskyes | Long Beach, CA
I Won't Look (2:41) — Sigh Figh | Baltimore, MD
More Than It Hurts You (3:50) — The Front Bottoms | New Jersey
Quantum Entenmann’s (2:04) — Tijuana Panthers | Long Beach, CA
Translated Sight (3:06) — Fontanarosa | Lyon, France
If I Needed Someone (2:27) — George Is Lord | Los Angeles, CA
Red Clouds (3:09) — Queen Rodeo | Portland, OR †
Understand It (2:51) — Dentist | Asbury Park, NJ
Miss Sundown (2:01) — Pink Mountaintops | Los Angeles, CA
Up to My Elbows (3:27) — The Stroppies | Melbourne, Australia
The Sound of Music (3:08) — Kiwi jr. | Toronto, Canada
The Wishing Well (1:58) — Ovlov | Newton, CT †
Grass (3:40) — Together Pangea | Los Angeles, CA
Creatures of Paradise Parade (2:26) — Mythical Motors | Chattanooga, TN
All tracks released 2022 except those marked † which were released in 2021.
🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈 😶 🎈
Embedded Mixcloud Player
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years ago
Maedhros: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Maedhros: I must be losing it, I'm quoting Celegorm.
Maglor, runs to reception: hi hello along with those tests can we also get an emergency mri scan?
Maglor: put a ct scan in there too. Just in case.
Reception: that... would be over 800 dollars?
Maglor: no problem. here *hands over Fëanor's credit card*
One of them is quite enough haha
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silvermoongirl10swfics · 4 years ago
1st in the Vopak AU verse series.
Summary: With the help of General Ti, Fives is able to pass on knowledge of the control chips to the Jedi. Saving both his own life and Tup's life. But little does he know someone he thought who was lost to him, will soon be returned to him.
Obi-Wan and the Jedi Council are suspicious of Chancellor Palpatine, but the Senate also wants to gain control of the clones in the GAR. Obi-Wan and the Jedi agree, to protect their men, then their men must leave Coruscant and hide. Cody, not wanting to leave his cyare behind, has to convince Obi-Wan the Jedi have to also leave Coruscant to save themselves from the Senate.
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox, Padmé Amidala, Bant Eerin, Original Clone Trooper Character(s), CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6116 | Kix, Waxer (Star Wars), Boil (Star Wars), Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Kit Fisto, CC-6454 | Ponds, Monnk (Star Wars), Qui-Gon Jinn, Longshot (Star Wars), Gearshift, Trapper, Shaak Ti, Depa Billaba, Jaro Tapal, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-5052 | Bly, Cal Kestis, Caleb Dume
Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & Anakin Skywalker, 212th Attack Battalion & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Mace Windu, background Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala, Alpha-17 & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha-17 & CC-2224 | Cody, Alpha-17 & CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives are Twins, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Lives, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives Lives, Protective CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, The Jedi are protective of the clones, The clones are protective of the Jedi, Mentioned Bad Batch, Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), The Jedi leave Coruscant, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Needs a Hug, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo gets a hug, CC-2224 | Cody Needs a Hug, CC-2224 | Cody Gets A Hug, Force Ghost Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug, Protective CC-2224 | Cody, Protective Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Protective Anakin Skywalker, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives is a Good Bro, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo is a Little Shit, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives is a Little Shit, Domino Twins cause chaos, CT-7567 | Rex is So Done, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side
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star-wars-scribbles-ff · 4 years ago
Clone Log Series | 1 | Trapper
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Note: This is the beginning of a new series I want to write that was inspired by a short scene from Star Wars: Tales from The Clone Wars Webcomic Collection Season 1 - Prelude: Cold Snap, you can find more about that HERE. 
The first Clone I’ve chosen for this series is Trapper! For those who aren’t familiar with this fellow, Trapper is an ARF Trooper with the 212th Recon Division and served at the Second Battle of Geonosis. He was the only survivor alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi when their LAAT/i crashed on Geonosis, en-route to RV Point Rain. 
Taglist: @divergent-llamas-03​ @remadster​ @tallyquark​ @thisistheendtimes​ (There was an update to the taglist options, so please feel free to revisit it HERE if you’d like to make changes to your form 💗 )
Note/Disclaimer: This fic contains both canon and fanon material. Trapper doesn’t have a canon CT number, so the one listed is entirely fanon and not official by any means. Lance is a clone OC of mine.
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I’d heard stories about the Battle of Geonosis from veterans. It was the first time the Grand Army had seen combat, and apparently despite simulations training, nothing could quite prepare them for the hell that was Geonosis. I wasn’t there - wasn’t even a year out from graduating - but my former CO, Commander Ponds… he was there. Every clone knew- you didn’t inquire about previous campaigns unless it was logistically necessary, especially from a Commander, but on occasion he’d share bits and pieces. 
Following the GAR’s first sight of war, countless changes were made to the training that clones received on Kamino. Apparently there were things we just weren’t thoroughly being prepared for, but despite that fact, they were rushing us off the assembly line so fast most of us never really finished out training anyhow. Not completely at least. 
I still remember when we graduated, Lance. It all happened so quickly. We were on a cruiser heading for Coruscant before any of us really got to process the first accomplishment of our lives. 
I don’t know why I’m addressing this to you, Lance. I guess… It’s just been a while since we got to catch up. Before we even landed on Coruscant we all got word of our placement in the GAR. You were off to the 212th Attack Battalion, I was transferred to the 91st Reconnaissance Corps, and the rest of the squad stayed together under the 327th Star Corps. I never thought I’d hear from the others again, and I thought the same about you.
As long as I’m writing this to you, I might as well fill you in. Things were pretty slow in the 91st Recon Corps for the first month or two, that is, until we got deployed to Malastare. That was my first time seeing combat. I still remember staring down the Separatist line. They outnumbered us ten to one. I lost a lot of brothers in that massacre, despite not knowing any of them for very long.
Somewhere along the line, whispers began to spread. It was no secret we were losing the battle. The Separatists had launched a hefty operation to drain the Republic of its fuel supplies that were made available by the current treaty with the Dugs, and they were doing a hell of a job pushing us back to the Capital. 
I wasn’t in the know, but I’d overheard from a Sergeant that the Republic was issuing the use of a prototype bomb to be used as a last ditch effort to push the Separatist line back. Sounded like a long shot. Word spread fast and eventually all military forces on Malastare were debriefed on what was to happen. Commander Ponds issued a statement to the 91st Recon Corps forces, that we were to hold the line until the bomb’s drop. The bomb was said to produce an electro-magnetic field that would expand from the impact zone. It had to be a hell of a bomb to match the diameter of the Separatist line. 
When the bomb hit, the electro-magnetic pulse emitted from it knocked out the clankers, but did hell to the sound dampeners in our buckets. Few boys had their eardrums burst. I guess that wasn’t something they accounted for. 
Despite that fact though, the bomb did do its intended job, and wiped out ninety percent of the Separatist forces; I have to admit I was impressed and would have remained so… If not for what came after. While the electro-magnetic field resulted in the deactivation of all Separatist forces, the detonation of the bomb created a sinkhole bigger than the underworld portals on Coruscant. It swallowed what was left of the clankers along with countless men… too many to count. I was close to the sinkhole and managed to outrun its increasing diameter as it swallowed everything in its path… I can still hear the screams of those who weren’t so lucky.
Victory wasn’t a word any of us were able to consider. Not after that. For those few seconds before the crater began, a rush of relief washed over all of us; you could almost see it in the way our postures relaxed, and some of us even let out relieved chuckles or held breath. The Dugs were already celebrating the victory in the following seconds before it happened. It sounded like a crack of lightning coursed through my body; the ground jolted so hard some of us lost our footing. Seconds. It wasn’t more than thirty seconds between the bomb’s detonation and the crater’s formation, although it felt like so much longer.
For almost thirty minutes the crater was surrounded by a massive cloud of dust too thick to breathe. Most of us couldn’t speak in the time following the proton bomb’s encore. Talk about a slap in the face, Lance. Most of us thought it was a sick joke. Price of victory, eh?
Well apparently that wasn’t one of the outcomes the Republic accounted for either. Following the settling of the new geographic monument, I was chosen alongside a couple other troopers to investigate the crater. Word was that high command had lost contact with the rescue team, and General Windu accompanied us, as did Commander Ponds to look for the lost search party. 
Its all a bit blurry from there. We ended up finding the rescue party but… We didn’t end up getting any of those men out of there. It became apparent rather quickly that we were trespassing on a certain creature’s territory. It all happened so fast; the General had a few men stay behind with what was left of the rescue party while we searched the area. By the time it became evident of what we were dealing with, we were running towards the extraction point, and General Skywalker was distracting the creature with his starfighter… We left all those men behind. Granted it would have been close to impossible to extract them all without losing men, but… We didn’t even try. Aside from the General and the Commander, Hawkeye and I were the only ones to make it out. 
We all have those moments, when that guilt always rears its ugly head. I just wonder if the officers ever feel the same, or if its just us foot soldiers who feel it.
The creature we encountered was called a Zillo Beast. I’ve sure as hell never heard of it. No one else seemed to have prior to its unexpected appearance. We ended up taking the damn thing too; back to Coruscant no less. I’ll tell ya, Lance… Sometimes I question the sanity behind some of these decisions. It isn’t my place, but you can’t help but consider it. 
I don’t know where you were, but I was on Coruscant when the Beast got loose. I wish I could describe or explain the chaos that ensued, but we felt like a bunch of loth cats trying to wrangle a rancor; it just wasn’t plausible. 
Cleanup after the Zillo Beast incident was thankfully, not our job. It was within the week following that event that I got news of my transfer. Apparently something big was going down somewhere, and troopers were being shifted around to handle a coming campaign. 
While I wish I could say I felt something when I got the news, I’d lost so many comrades that there were few left that I was truly acquainted with in my company. Ninety percent of the company was made up of new batches coming in, so when i left, I admit I wasn’t completely against it. 
I was transferred to the 212th Attack Battalion’s Recon Division, under General Kenobi and Marshal Commander Cody. Gotta admit… I felt a bit hypocritical joining this Battalion. Everyone talked trash about other battalions, especially the 212th and even the 501st Legion. It was all in good fun, but they were pretty photogenic. They were the face of the Republic Military on the HoloNet news and saw some of the biggest battles of the war. 
Joining their ranks, I don’t know how I felt. Out of place was one word for it. Everyone was welcoming enough. Transfers happened all the time, it wasn’t customary to alienate other troopers just arriving, but it was always awkward. Every Battalion had its own way of doing things. 
I was on the Venator-class cruiser, The Negotiator, as soon as my transfer was put in and we were off to… somewhere. Arriving at the barracks, the last thing I honestly expected was seeing you across from my bunk, Lance. 
I wouldn’t have said it out loud, but I liked it better not knowing where you were and whether or not you were alive. Now I knew I’d either see you go down or you’d see me. You probably noticed my hesitation to be content to see you. Thankfully the arrival of the new armor sets prevented anything awkward, although now I would give anything to go back and have interaction, awkward or not. 
ARF armor… That was one way to tell someone they were receiving a promotion of sorts. Although I assume they just needed to outfit the foot soldiers in something that resembled the terrain we would encounter. Whispers were saying Geonosis, but I was one of the few that didn’t believe it. We’d conquered Geonosis, there was no reason to go back, right?
Heh, wrong. Commander Cody debriefed everyone in the hanger. We were heading to Geonosis. There we were briefed on the plan, and our teams. At the time, I was thankful we were both on a gunship together. I’d give anything to go back and have you put on a different transport. If we crash I’ll need someone to drag my body out of the mud. You have a really sick sense of humor y’know; always have, even during cadet training. I remember when you joked about getting a ninety-five percent on one of our firearms performance tests: Guess I’m getting terminated, you had joked. You di’kut… Can’t believe you made it to graduation considering how often you talked smack. 
Oh, di’kut… It means fool. Yeah, I learned that from this uh… Girl - a retired mercenary - working with the GAR. Apparently she’s held up with the 212th more often than not, so maybe you know who I’m talking about. 
Loading onto that gunship, I remember feeling surprised when General Obi-Wan Kenobi headed for our LAAT/i with Commander Cody at his side. You’d knocked my arm to get my attention, like I wasn’t already looking. 
When we’re on the ground you better watch my six, you’d said. I’d rolled my eyes. First time we’d seen each other in months and you were already back to your old games. I’m warning ya, Trapper, my aim has improved since cadet training. 
So I only have to carry half of your weight now- I’d countered.
When the General had climbed aboard the gunship, most chatter quieted but continued. After taking off, it got quiet. We knew the landing zone would be hot, and there was no doubt many of the shuttles would be downed on the initial assault. 
Despite the odds, you never think its going to be you. You can’t afford to think like that, so you don’t. That is, until your LAAT/i is hit, and you find yourself holding onto whatever you can as your gunship hurtles uncontrollably towards the ground. 
I remember hearing the General yelling out over the comms, getting word to the Marshal Commander.
We’re hit- We’re going down! It felt like an eternity as our shuttle crashed. It was probably the first time I was truly terrified. Everything was out of my control. At least when a creature the size of a large-class freighter is coming after you, you can run out of its way. This was different. I’d heard a horror story or two of troopers crashing in gunships. Details I couldn’t stop replaying in my head as we hurtled towards the ground.
You were next to me, I think. Somewhere along the line the stabilizers gave out, and the gunship went into a sort of barrel roll. I don’t remember the impact. 
The holovids always depict death, or even near-death experiences like this peaceful, dreamlike state. I thought that was bantha fodder, but it almost makes me laugh - because it actually was, Lance. It was just like that. 
I remember it only in simple terms, but for some reason, before waking up, I remember hearing General Shaak Ti’s graduation speech. Her words, as brief as they were, inspired us. We all felt like we were going out to make a difference, restore peace… be the good guys. 
The naivety of it makes me chuckle. 
Canon fire landing in the dirt a few meters from our downed LAAT/i was what interrupted that dream-like state. The pressure on my chest was the first prominent thing that invaded my mind; it was sharp and intense. Broken ribs most likely. It took a few struggling moments before I could recover a breath, and even longer before I was able to get my vision to focus. Concussion most likely. The Medic had told me my half-conscious state most likely kept me from going into shock, if I had, my broken ribs may have punctured a lung. 
When my eyes had finally focused, and I was able to loosely make out what was around me, it was dark. Slivers of light illuminated the space enough for me to know we were on the ground, but something wasn’t right because it was too quiet. My first thought was that they’d mistaken me as dead and moved out… I wish that was the reality of the situation. Maker knows I would give anything for that to have been the case.
By the time my HUD came back online, I was coming to terms with reality. I could see the troopers scattered about the gunship. With the blast doors closed, there weren’t many places to go. One trooper was draped partially over my legs, and others covered the ground of the ship. What startled me most was when I turned and saw General Kenobi seated next to me, head hung over. He was unconscious. 
At that point I was just surprised to be alive, and maybe even relieved… Then my HUD began reading vital signs. One by one all of the troopers came back negative. At first I couldn’t find you, Lance. Part of me didn’t want to, why would I? The odds weren’t great, so I may have avoided looking towards the other side of the LAAT/i for a while.
With a series of blinks, I accessed the Officer's frequency channel for communications. I don’t know how long I spent trying to contact someone, anyone. Priority was to inform the next in command that the General was incapacitated.
From the sounds of cannon fire, it seemed we were right in the thick of it. I could distinctly hear our AT-Te cannons, but I could also hear enemy munitions from behind us. We weren’t in a great spot, that was for sure. 
As the minutes passed, the pain became more prominent. My neck hurt, and the rest of my body was sluggish to respond. I could move my legs, thankfully, but a trooper pinning them prevented me from doing much. 
With little to do about the fact, I had no choice but to hold tight and keep trying to contact command. It felt like auto-pilot. Maybe it was just me trying to ignore the fact that I was surrounded by dead men… maybe something else. At that point I just couldn’t… I couldn’t consider you being dead too. I knew there was a good chance you were, but part of me continued to hold out hope that you went for help; maybe woke up before I did, realized comms were down before going to get the Commander for support.
By the time the General awoke, I had given up trying to get word out. He had begun to stir and I’d spoken up, inquiring if he was alright before his eyes had opened. 
A slight twitch in his expression and crinkle around one eye revealed he was in some sort of pain. Later it was obvious he had sustained similar injuries to myself, but in the moment I had no way of knowing how far off he was.
His gaze was alert rather quickly however, and he cleared his throat before confirming my question. I suppose I could be better, he had let out a strained chuckle. He craned his neck to look around before he looked at me. 
I have to admit it was odd, to have a General’s attention on me and me alone. Are you alright? He’d asked. I hadn’t spoken one-on-one with a General before. The most I could throw together was a nod before I finally got a hold of myself and confirmed I was fine. 
A cannon blast struck nearby, and the rumble of the ground shook the gunship, causing dust and sand to fall from nooks in the ceiling. 
It appears I’ve had a late start, The General had surveyed the area before he turned his attention towards me, and I prepared to tell him we were the only survivors.
Trapper isn’t it? The question had caught me off guard. I’d been a part of the battalion no longer than one standard rotation, and the General knew my name… Almost made me chuckle on the spot.
Yes sir, I’d said. Comms are down; something’s interfering. Sir, I can’t get word out to the Commander of our status. 
Well if I know Cody, he’ll be keeping an eye out for us. Not to worry. He was trying to reassure me, that was evident. We’re the only ones. It’d been a statement, and observation. The Jedi always had a way of knowing it seemed.
...Yes sir, I’d responded. 
I’ve yet to experience something quite like my time in that crashed LAAT/i; knowing the fight was raging around me, I had to be on my guard incase the fight came to the crashed gunship, but in the majority of those moments, the eerie silence of the enclosed space far surpassed that of the sounds of blaster and cannon fire outside. 
At that moment I’d tested moving my legs. I was able to, but I didn’t want to disturb the body of the soldier, my comrade and brother, just yet. Now that the General was awake however, the reality of the situation suddenly dawned on me in a different light.
With some effort, I sat forward and proceeded to move him to the side so he was lying on the ground near my legs. After making sure his body was settled, I rested back against the wall, letting out a controlled breath. I didn’t know his name. Part of me was glad that I didn’t.
Cannon fire continued to rage on both sides of the transport as the minutes passed, and one thing that was becoming clear, was that the enemy fire seemed to be coming closer. 
Sounds like the enemy is making headway, I tried to break the silence in the most respectful way possible. The General didn’t look to be in the best shape. The only plea I had was that the General not die before I do. I’d hoped the universe would spare me that much. The number one rule amongst us clones is to never let the General go down on your watch, I know you know that much, Lance. If you did leave to get help I sure as hell was hoping you’d get back before then. With how the General was looking, he was having difficulty remaining completely aware.
It appears so, Trapper, The General had responded, craning to listen for a time before he turned his gaze towards me. He looked weak. It was hard to witness a General, a Jedi, in such a position.
I knew I needed to get up and go get help. I knew no one had gone and I was the only remaining trooper from the transport capable of bringing help, as much as I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that I was alone. It was just a matter of being able to support my own weight long enough to get the blast doors open.
I admire your determination, Trapper. The General’s words yet again caught me off guard. But you are in no condition to take such chances, just as I am. I believe our best chance is to wait a bit longer. 
I didn’t know if the General was right in the head, but Jedi had their ways. And safe to say- as much as I wanted to, I wasn’t going anywhere. Not on my own power alone at least.
If you say so, sir. I appeased him, but quietly questioned his clarity. He probably knew I was too, but he didn’t go to speak about it thankfully. 
I admit I was hesitantly surprised when the doors to our down gunship were pried open minutes later. Two troopers I didn’t recognize were responsible, not that I was complaining. 
Waxer, Boil, The General didn’t seem to need more than a moment to identify them. Another thing Jedi were good at. General Windu once told Hawkeye that our- what was the word- aura? Or maybe an impression? Yeah. Like all living things, we left an impression in the force that made it relatively easy for the Jedi to identify us. I guess that has a ring of bittersweet irony to it; we may all have the same face, but our Jedi generals don’t need physically distinguishable markings to identify us, because as he put it, through the force, we’re all rather different. 
Am I glad to see you. Trapper and I are the only ones still alive.
Good to see you, sir. 
I wish I could say I was paying attention when my two comrades hauled us up to our feet. But I knew in that moment that I was about to break my promise to you. Is it cliché to say I felt completely helpless? If not for my condition you know I’d have dragged whatever was left of you back to the RV point. 
Before we left that gunship, I saw you… Hunched over at the head of the transport space. I knew you were there the whole time; knew my HUD had identified you… I’d just hoped I wasn’t right in the head. But I knew I was the only trooper leaving the gunship alive. I just wish I had known when I got on that gunship, what was coming. 
Waxer was the trooper who got me back to Point Rain in one piece. I don’t know how we did it, but it felt like it took an hour to get back to the square. Thankfully we still had a hell of a fight ahead, and I didn’t have time to mull over my situation. When the reinforcements finally arrived at the last possible second, there was still a lot to do. It wasn’t until the Separatist energy shield was destroyed that they started rotating out spots of leave to us troopers, and I finally got the break I was dreading. 
I’m starting to feel stupid writing to you, Lance, I gotta admit. Its not like you missed much in that gunship but… Turns out the company I was assigned to was completely wiped out on Geonosis. Another gunship transporting a portion of the company crashed, killing everyone, and the rest died defending RV Point Rain. I had to report to the Marshal Commander for instruction on who to report to. I don’t wanna brag, but you know I’m gonna - he kept me pretty close for the remainder of the campaign; even brought me along on a lovely rescue mission of General Unduli that I’d rather not talk about. That’s a whole ‘nother story. 
Sitting alone in the mess on the cruiser after the battle came to a close, Commander Cody approached me… told me he was going to reassign me soon. Before leaving he told me writing is apparently a good way to speak what we can’t verbally put into words. I guess he knew I was… on my own. So you’re stuck listening to me ramble I guess. Serves you right for leaving me here along, mate. I know you’d hit me for feeling guilty about leaving you there… You know I’d have dragged you outta there if I had been able to hold my own weight, let alone yours… 
I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll keep you updated on things going forward. Commander Cody assigned me to Ghost Company, so I imagine I’ll be seeing some action. You’d be jealous beyond words, I know, so don’t worry - I’ll keep you posted.
CT-4473, Trapper 212th Attack Battalion, Ghost Company
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Feel free to request a trooper via ask or message (either to this blog or my main: @horseluvr00-ff​), just make sure to mention its for the Clone Log series and give me enough information: 
Trooper’s name
If the Trooper has a fanon name (w/ the blog that named them)
The episode/comic/media they appear in
Description of the scene or an image if clarification is needed
I’ll review the trooper and answer the ask with whether I’ll write something for them. 😊
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one-real-wrimonkey · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-3636 | Wolffe, Domino Squad (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Trapper (Star Wars), CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1010 | Fox, Cuy'val Dar (Star Wars), CC-5052 | Bly, CC-6454 | Ponds, Kaminoan Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Kaminoans Being Assholes (Star Wars), Planet Kamino (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Decommissioning (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Reconditioning (Star Wars), Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Dehumanization, recovery from dehumanization, Freedom, Sith, Adoption, Good Parent Jango Fett, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Parental Obi-Wan, good parent Obi-Wan Series: Part 3 of Twisted Memories AU Summary:
Prime returns to Kamino with a guest, and the gossip kicks off like wildfire. It's not that Cody doesn't want to know who this new person is, or why Prime is acting so weirdly, but gossip is dangerous, and his vode should know better. Right? . . . In other words, the Clones decide they like Jango with spouse far more than Jango without him.
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ao3feed-obikin · 5 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W1KqaQ
by Femalefonzie
The Sequel to Condolences to Mace Windu
With Obi-Wan being relocated to Coruscant for the foreseeable future, the 212th & the 501st have to put their concerns aside and say goodbye to the General.
Words: 1888, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Obi-Mom Kenobi
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, 212th Attack Battalion, 501st Legion (Star Wars), CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-6116 | Kix, Trapper (Star Wars)
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, 501st Legion & Anakin Skywalker, 212th Attack Battalion & Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alpha Anakin Skywalker, Mpreg, Humor, Light Angst, Obi-Wan Kenobi Is The Mom Friend, Anakin Skywalker is a Little Shit, Obi-Wan Regrets Everything and Then Nothing and Then Everything Again, This Is STUPID, The Clones love Obi-Wan, Implied Sexual Content, The Clones Worry About Obi-Wan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W1KqaQ
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silvermoongirl10swfics · 4 years ago
OC designs 3/10
(These were all made on Picrew, https://picrew.me/image_maker/565738)  These squads featured more prominently in the Clone Wars Senior Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi series, but they have also had smaller cameos in the Vopak AU series. I will give short information about them in this post, but if you search on this blog using their squad name, you will get more detailed information about them.
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Centre squad - batchmates:
Trip (CT-1891) - Trip has military regulation black hair and is clean shaven. He earned his name because he was constantly tripping over his own feet. He was the second member of the batch to earn his name.
Trace (CT-2018) - Trace has military regulation black hair and is clean shaven, although his face is often smeared with engine oil, despite the fact he is not an engineer who works in the Negotiator hanger. Trace is the defacto leader of the batch, and can come across as a bit harsh and a bit of a bully. But he loves his batchmates dearly, so don’t let his prickly demeanour fool you.
Worrywart (CT-2315) -  Worrywart has military regulation black hair and is clean shaven, he likes looking the same as his other brothers. He was the first in the batch to get his name, as he is a constant worrier. Did he pass the test? Are his batchmates happy? Is Theo coping alright after the war? There is always something for him to worry about. His nickname is Wart, which he doesn’t really like, but he understands that his name is a bit of a mouthful.
Trigger (CT-1897) - Trigger has longish black hair and is clean shaven. He earned his name because in training he loved working with blasters, he did not name himself Blaster because so many brothers had already chosen that name. He is the marksman of his batch and while he is a bit of a lone-wolf, he loves that his entire batch were assigned to the 212th.
Theo (CT-2085) - Theo has shaggy black hair and is clean shaven. Theo is the studious one of the batch, he has a good memory and enjoys learning new things. He is a little quiet and the introvert of the batch. However, when he discovers something that interests him and when he is alone with his batch he is a chatterbox, often keeping his batchmates awake longer than they would have liked, but they never tell him to be quiet.
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Foxtrot squad - batchmates:
Needle (CT-1455) - Needle has short military regulation red hair. He is a medic assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion. During medic training on Kamino, he became best friends with Painkiller. Needle ironically had a fear of needles and when he got put into medic training on Kamino he fainted. (I found a picture of the medic symbol and pasted it onto Painkiller’s picture.)
Trapper (CT-1816) - is a canon clone from the 212th Attack Battalion, Ghost Company, Waxer’s platoon. I could not find his CT number, so I created him one using the same system I use to create my OC clones’ CT numbers. In my Clone Wars senior padawan Obi-Wan series, Trapper earned his name because he is always getting trapped somewhere. His sleeping pod on Kamino or various supply cupboards, doesn’t matter what, if it can be locked, Trapper will get trapped there.
Meteor (CT-1352) - Meteor has military regulation blonde hair and is assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion, Ghost Company, Waxer’s platoon. Meteor is the dreamer. He plans to one day travel the galaxy after the war and visit as many planets as he can. During the war, and after, he picks up the first rock he sees on a new planet and keeps it as a memento. Meteor is the one who keeps an eye on his friends/brothers. He also tends to keep Blackeye in line when his brother is about to do something impulsive.
Runner (CT-1821) - Runner has military regulation black hair and a beard. He is assigned to the 501st Legion, Torrent Company. Runner got his name because he was the fastest runner in his batch and also the one who loved endurance training and anything that involved running.
Blaster (CT-1211) - Blaster has military regulation black hair and a scruff beard. He is assigned to the 501st Legion, Torrent Company. He got his name because he was always enthusiastic about using blasters in training and they are his favourite weapon.
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star-wars-scribbles-ff · 4 years ago
Where I Belong | Masterlist
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Summary: The only family she’d ever known gave her a name; back when she belonged to something. But when that family is lost, she leaves it all behind. When destiny drops her in the last place she ever wanted to be, she has to earn back the trust and respect of the Republic that left her to die. Caught between the Jedi and the Grand Army of the Republic, she'll discover where she belongs.  
Rating: T+
Last Updated: October 23th | 2022 (this isn’t abandoned! Just having some writer’s block. Check in now and again for updates!)
TAGLIST FORM PLEASE FILL OUT (not currently using due to reader count)
Genre/Warnings: action / adventure / found family | war violence, death, alcohol consumption, angst, fluff, lots of clone boys, spans the clone war
Chapter One / Prologue | FFN | AO3
Chapter Two | FFN | AO3
Chapter Three | FFN | AO3
Chapter Four | FFN | AO3
Chapter Five | FFN | AO3
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Temple of Eedit (Chapter One art) & Aerial Map
Arwen Corcer Mercenary Visuals
Little Arwen Corcer / Lucky Visual
Arwen Corcer - Past Lives
In Service of the Republic 
RC - Last Mission
Jerky and Sabacc | Chap 4 Animation
Draw the Squad (DtS) - Commandeered Deck Transport
Draw the Squad (DtS) - Commando shenanigans
CT-1917 | Callsign: Lucky
“She’s just a kid.”
Mash and Lucky  (  N E W  )
Echo Squad
Trauma Squad
CT-4605 | Fang
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
“Another Life” by @/lupotterdraws
Arwen/Lucky Icon by @/anstarwar
Arwen and Bek by @/nikscribbles
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Vote Form Info
Description: Logs, stories, and journal entries from clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Ever wondered about a clone trooper you saw in a clone wars episode or comic and then never saw again? Well this series is dedicated to expanding on the thoughts, feelings, and stories of those troopers in the background and on the side lines that got little to no screen time. Description Cont.
Note: This series exists within the universe of my fanfic above, but it can be read on its own!!
Log 1 - Trapper
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one-real-wrimonkey · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano & Clone Troopers, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Clone Troopers, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura Characters: Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Plo Koon, CC-3636 | Wolffe, 104th Battalion | Wolfpack Battalion (Star Wars), Aayla Secura, CC-5052 | Bly, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Hardcase (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix, Boil (Star Wars), Wooley (Star Wars), Crys (Star Wars), Waxer (Star Wars), Trapper (Star Wars), Myles the Mandalorian (Star Wars), Jaster Mereel Additional Tags: Introspection, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Ahsoka Tano is a Sibling to the Clones, Background Relationships, Parent Jango Fett, Mand'alor Jango Fett, Parenthood, Overprotective Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Protective Siblings, Mentioned dead characters Series: Part 11 of Twisted Memories AU Summary:
The Vode love their Jedi, but they do have favourites. How could they not?
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