#cscoop fanfic
h0usehlpp0 · 1 year
Your Graduation
woah woaah lunch club fanfiction? in 2023? thats crazy i know, im reuploading from ummm my ao3 giggles
It was mid June, the school year was coming to an end and there sat a group, Travis, Schlatt, Noah, Ted, Cooper, and Charlie. A group of seniors everyone at their small high school that everyone always sees together, but right now it’s the evening of grad day, they’ve all walked across the stage, they all had their respective parties with family, celebrating a big milestone. Now the skies turning red and pink, and they’re all sat in the back of Ted’s truck on an old back road surrounded by fields, Coopers car parked next to the truck, they all got their respective drinks and had just finished passing around a blunt.
“So.. We did it.”
Noah says, sipping on his red solo cup filled with god knows what. Cooper lets out a breathless laugh and nods, looking at the setting sun. “My dad really didn’t think i’d graduate. No one did.” Cooper was a known stoner in their small town, a lot of their group were, but coopers dad was, to put it simply, a major fucking asshole. Everyone had something to push for;
Cooper wanted to prove his dad wrong, become something more than a drop out.
Noah wanted to get away from his alchie mom.
Travis wanted to get away from the school, the teachers.
Schlatt wanted to get away from his brother who was a piece of shit and his guardian.
Ted wanted to get out of their small ass hick town.
Charlie wanted to get away from foster care.
They all just wanted to get away.
This town fucked them up, it was a fight to survive, it was sneaking out during the night and meeting at the old run down playground because one of them didn’t feel safe at home whether it was because of the adults they lived with or it was because of themselves. They fought to keep each other above water, and now they’re getting closer to the shore.
“What now?” Travis asks, looking around at all the other boys, the people he grew up with, his best friends, his family.
“Well… Why don’t we leave?” Charlie says easily, with a shrug. “Leave? We can’t just leave, can we?” The curly haired brunette asks, bewildered.
“I mean, we’re all 18, we’re all graduated, none of us have anymore commitments here. We could!” Charlie says, smiling brightly as he explains it all.
Ted sat silently watching the exchange, looking over at Schlatt silently before nodding at his friends. “We can, we could load up all our vehicles as much as we can with basics, grab our important shit and we could leave tonight?”
Schlatt grins, a shine in his eye that hasn’t been seen in a while. “Let’s fuckin do it.”
“Wh- Really? We- We can just, leave?” Travis asks, awe in his eye, excitement in his voice.
“Let’s do it.”
And so, that’s exactly what they did, they all packed a suitcase and a backpack full of basics things they would need and they were gone. Ted, Cooper and Schlatt all had their own vehicles, so they divided. Travis rode with Schlatt, Charlie rode with Ted and Noah rode with Cooper, sitting on a call all together, not sure where they were all going but god did they feel alive. Soon everyone had gone quiet and was focused on driving, but in Schlatts truck Travis was watching the stars as Schlatt drove. Travis looked at the taller boy.
“Will you miss it?” He asks, his voice soft as he looks ahead, seeing coopers car in front of Schlatts on the highway.
“Miss what?” Schlatt asks, he wants out and he knows they all had, to be frank, a shit time growing up there.
“The good times, and maybe the bad. Like… you and Noah’s robot club and going to watch Charlie ‘n Ted’s theatre plays and Cooper’s slam poetry and just… The good y’know?”
Schlatt nods, smiling weakly, a hole in his chest there. “I- Yeah Trav, I will miss it. But we’ll find somewhere that feels even more like home.”
The smaller man nods processing his words, “yeah, you’re right.”
Then the two fell into a silence.
Minutes turned to hours, everyones passengers were asleep, but the sun was beginning to rise, enjoying their peace. But soon, the peace was interuppted by Teds phone buzzing over and over, then Schlatt’s and so on. Cooper looked at his phone, seeing it was his parents, and just declining. The blonde thought about his life so far, he’s freshly graduated, god and now he basically fucking ran away with his friends?
At least he’s with people who cares, they don’t care if he smokes, or if he can’t control his impulse or if he isn’t that good at math.
They care if he’s safe and if he’s taking care of himself;
They care about him.
After about an hour everyone’s phones stopped buzzing.
Then after another hour they find a small city to stop at, to take a break for breakfast. Everyone parks and gets out to go into the small cafe, everyone orders their breakfast.
From afar it looks like a group of teen boys that look a mess, eyebags and messy hair.
But if you knew them, they look happier than they ever have been.
They look free.
They may not know where they’re going but they’re always home with each other.
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mcytblrconfessions · 5 months
i think the idea of bringing back controversial fanfics is fucking hilarious actually. smpronpa revival. lets beat cscoop to death with a blender
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
i miss traves and cscoop so much even tho i literally have never been interested in streamers/mcyt content at all i just remember watching mcm. 
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pequins · 2 months
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req / ask open.
i write for jschlatt, cscoop, ted nivison and slimecicle.
what i will write ; x reader, reader specific story, extreme k!nks, smut, general, fluff and lemon.
what i wont write ; any kind of hate/abuse [ fatphobia, dv ect. ] cnc, substance addiction, scat.
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squinch-depraved · 12 days
intro post :D !!!
hi! my name is arwen (or wennie) and i'm relatively new to tumblr. this blog is (probably) for my dabbles in fanfic and also to help me script stuff for my various adventures in reality shifting.
my main fandoms right now are:
jschlatt/ted nivison/chuckle sandwich
call of duty (strictly tf141 <3) (still new to this one)
south park
i have a DR for each fandom and would be willing to post scripts edited to read as x reader fics for anyone who's interested.
i'm taking requests for the following (pls pls pls i want to write but have no ideas) (smut, fluff, angst, whatever):
ted nivison
cooper cscoop
ghost/simon riley
soap/john mactavish
gaz/kyle garrick
john price
kyle broflovski (AGED UP)
stan marsh (AGED UP)
kenny mccormick (AGED UP)
i'm really looking to make friends, so if anyone ever wants to talk please don't hesitate to dm or ask!
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crocosun · 2 years
my name is orion, but you can also call me swatch.
i’m a crocodilie therian and a furry.
self-taught artist and occassional fanfic author [depends on the day]. i’m deeply invested in multiple fandoms, but at the moment deltarune is on heavy rotation. expect lots of oc posting as well !!
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• deltarune • spooky month • dialtown • monster hunter • omori • night in the woods • later alligator • cuphead • sky: children of the light • subway midnight • minit • animaniacs • jurassic park / jurassic world • jschlatt • slimecicle • ted nivison • chuckle sandwich • rubber ross • cscoop • milomumbles • bizly • iamty
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DNI ::
• basic dni criteria  • proship/comship  • zoophilia  • anti-kin/therian/furry • christian • dream stans • k-pop stans
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• https://oriionsun.carrd.co/
• https://www.instagram.com/oriionsun/
• https://twitter.com/OrionSun
• https://www.tiktok.com/@oriionsun
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obvious-li · 4 years
lodge club - day one
Some scenes from ‘Lunch Club goes to Great Wolf Lodge’ (based off @sarah-the-peep‘s post)! This will have more parts, I just wrote too much and felt like splitting it up.
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Day One
The group was supposed to have checked in to Great Wolf Lodge by 1:00 PM. 
But Charlie’s flight was late. And Cooper’s alarm didn’t go off. And Travis forgot all of his luggage at the house and only remembered once they were halfway there.
Schlatt had suggested just giving up and heading back to Travis & Cooper & Noah & Carson’s house, but Ted reminded him that the room they booked was non-refundable and that got any ideas of giving up to dissipate rather quickly.
And now, it was 10:00 PM. Everyone was tired, and just ready to check into their suite and sleep. 
Immediately upon arrival at the Lodge, Carson runs up to the surprisingly unoccupied reception desk and attempts to climb over it. He is shut down by Ted dragging him away, muttering about how this trip is supposed to be the ‘normal’ one.
As they wait for a staff member to appear in the lobby and tell them where their room is, Carson continues his antics, acting as if he has ‘hacked’ into the front desk. He messes with his phone in an exaggerated manner, accompanied by loud ‘beep-boop-beep’ sound effects that attract the attention of the other guests waiting near them. He is stopped yet again by Ted, who takes the device away ‘until further notice’.
Carson does manage to successfully convince the next group to arrive (a tired-looking mother with two toddlers) that he is a concierge, and almost leads them to ‘their room’ before Cooper steps in and apologizes for his ‘behavior’, shooting Carson a glare as the mom walks away.
Finally, an actual concierge explains what direction their room is, hands them their key, and they walk down the hall in relative silence. 
This silence is soon broken when they reach the end of the hallway and Travis shouts out “It’s the escalator!”, running towards the large metal doors and pressing the ‘Up’ button.
After being corrected by Cooper (”It’s an elevator, you dumb fuck!”), the gang follows Travis into the ‘escalator’, glad that nobody else was already inside. 
The seven of them are all fairly squished together in the small space of the elevator, but none of them notice as Charlie slowly squats down by the shiny rows of numbered buttons, thinking to himself, “What if I were to... lick these?”
He leans forward, just about to taste the sweet, sweet satisfaction of licking those buttons after all those years of wishing he was brave enough to. Finally, his day had arriv-
“Charlie, with all due respect, what the fuck?”
Charlie looks up from where he is, kneeling by the bottom row of elevator buttons with his tongue hanging slightly out of his mouth, to see a genuinely confused Carson staring at him.
“I just wanted to see how they taste, Carson. Is that so much to ask?” he replies, returning to the elevator panel once his friend rolls his eyes and looks away.
The conclusion to this odd button-licking venture? Elevator buttons taste like dirt and plastic. This was to be expected, by probably anyone besides Charlie.
Everyone manages to squeeze themselves out of the elevator, and they soon find themselves in front of room 412. Finally, they have arrived.
The second the door is unlocked, Charlie dashes into the room, neon green suitcase clanking haphazardly across the floor as he heads into the Kid Cabin, grinning with childlike glee as he claims the coveted top bunk.
Travis looks mildly upset that he didn’t get the top bunk, but he settles for bottom bunk, and Charlie realizes with regret that he didn’t bring earplugs.
Cooper is sentenced to the other bed in the Kid Cabin, simply because nobody else can sleep in such close proximity to Travis’ symphony of snores. He doesn’t complain, and just passes out from the sheer exhaustion of driving everyone around all day.
The other four members do rock-paper-scissors for the remaining bed, with Ted and Carson winning. They settle onto their separate halves of the massive bed, leaving Noah and Schlatt to battle for the couch.
Noah looks just about dead on his feet, for some reason. Schlatt can only assume it’s because he’s been staying up too late, or possibly not sleeping at all. He takes pity on his friend and allows him the victory of the room’s last place to comfortably sleep, settling for sitting in a chair and hoping he’ll just pass out eventually.
Almost everyone sleeps well. The only two not asleep by the time morning comes are Charlie, because of Travis’ thunderous snoring, and Schlatt, because it’s incredibly difficult to fall asleep on a chair.
Charlie eventually just uses his pillow as a makeshift earmuff and manages to get to sleep by 2.
Schlatt just cracks open an energy drink and settles in for a night of not sleeping. 
It’s been a long day for the boys, and it certainly will be the next day as well.
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misfitsluug · 5 years
| 4 | callmefitz
man i’m really out here at 1am, it’s kinda quirky doe. i plan on writing different stories besides just this one; also if you have any requests just ask! i don’t bite, i can write bbs, gbg, and goopcast so yeah ajevhwebfdjjw hopefully y’all enjoy this chapter! :)
/ carson. /
余韻: linger.
stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave.
eg: "I wanted to linger in his presence longer than this."
(t.w - minor drug mention.)
"We should get off this roof," Carson added, rubbing his head.
"Yeah, let's go," I helped Carson up and grabbed his cane from the ground along with mine and his backpack. Leaving the same way we came.
I hope this doesn't change anything.
I got home later than usual, knocking on the door painfully slow because I knew what was waiting for me behind this door. It's not like I can avoid this, I live here. "Carson," Cooper greeted me with an angry tone.
"Cooper," I replied, walking inside as I felt him softly shut the door. "Where were you, dude? I waited out there for ten minutes, I looked like a parent picking up their fifteen-year-old kid waiting there."
"At least I'm back, right?"
"That isn't the point Carson, you blind fuck, you could've-"
"Listen, you're my best friend but not my parents. I don't want you on my back all the time," I spat, the room filled with silence. "I'll be fine."
"No, no you won't because there are fucking bandages on your face and you smell like weed! Explain, now," Cooper retorted, on my way home I forgot that the roof thing happened. I didn't say anything. "Carson."
"Coopie, calm down. Maybe he tripped or something?" Travis countered, his hand on my shoulder as if he knew what I did. "He'll be okay, he's home now."
"Yeah, fine. You better fess up soon because seeing you like this isn't fun, Carson," Cooper replied, probably walking to his room.
"Carson, you gonna tell him or me?" Travis asked as he moved his hand away, I fiddled with my cane. "Fine, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and some fucking assholes attacked us, happy?"
"Oh, did you do something?"
"No, Travis, I'm blind."
"Hm, be careful next time, for Coopie's sake?"
"Yeah yeah, I'm going to my room," I slowly walked to my room, throwing my cane down and put on my pajamas and falling onto my bed. I could see the fuzzy moonlight entering my room, taking off my glasses which didn't change my vision at all, I just got used to wearing them. I couldn't sleep, I keep wishing that we could’ve gone anywhere but the rooftop. Maybe things would've been better.
Earlier that day.
"Now what?" Cameron inquired as to if I knew how to respond. I just shook my head no, I didn't feel like talking. "Listen, I'm-"
"Don't apologize, it already happened," I interrupted him which led to a long pause.
"I still feel guilty, is there something I can do?" He offered, his tone was almost hopeful. I squeezed my long cane, it was going to be a long walk home. "Do you have a car?"
"Yeah but it's kinda old. Might smell like weed."
"You could drive me home," I answered, walking off the school grounds and suddenly felt freer. Maybe because I was pelted to the ground earlier. "You didn't have to ask. Do you mind if I patch you up? You look not so good."
"I bet you look not so good either," I chuckled, taking a deep breath afterward. Cameron led me to his car and opened the door for me as I sat down, mentally praying he's a genuinely nice guy and not a creep. "Okay so, I have a first aid kit in here. Is-is it okay if I touch your face?"
"How else are you gonna do this?"
"Hah, you got me there," He confessed, I listened to him fumble with the kit as a click ran through the car. The only sounds were us breathing and him looking for whatever in the kit. "This might burn," Cam mumbled, I nodded and closed my eyes tightly, a wipe touched my cheek. I hissed slightly but let him tap the scratch lightly and place a bandaid after. "Why do you have a first aid kit in your car?"
"Just for moments like these," Cameron declared, tapping the scratches away with a wet wipe that smelled of rubbing alcohol. "So this has happened before?"
"Yeah, I have a couple of scars I guess."
"I'm sorry, they're such assholes. If I could, I'd poke them very hard with my cane."
"I appreciate you saying that. You're quite the chatty guy, aren't you?" Cameron said in a sarcastic tone and I smiled. "Of course, I'm surprised at how quickly you found out."
"I have my ways," His tone became softer, placing a third bandaid but his hand still on my cheek. "C-Cameron?"
"Yeah, I finished by the way," Cameron blurted, putting away different things into the kit as he threw it in the back. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that either."
"You let me, how could I not help a guy like you?" Cameron added, his car keys jingled as the car started, the clicks of our seatbelts being put on while he drove out the parking lot. "If you don't mind me asking, what am I like?"
"I can't tell you exactly since I haven't known you that long but I can tell you're a cu-nice guy."
"What were you gonna say?"
"Nothing, just my tongue slipped is all," Cameron explained with a giggle at the end. "What do you think of me?"
"I think you're weird and different and I like that," I announced but realized what I said. "I-I mean like, I like that you're weird and different you know? I think you're cool and stuff but I didn't mean it like that, you know, right?"
"Calm down, Carson. I understand what you're saying. I enjoy how different you are as well."
"Are you repeating what I said but better? You jerk, burn in a deep frier," I stated threateningly. We laughed a little bit.
"I just realized I have no fucking clue where I'm going, do you know where you live?" Cameron advised and I told him my address. "Okay, thank you. As much as I'd love to drive around with you, it's probably past your bedtime."
"You're probably right, God, Cooper's gonna fucking send me to the slaughter machine," I forewarned myself, nervously laughing at the end.
"Cooper? Is that another one of your little goons?"
"Oh yeah, he's like one of my best friends. He and his boyfriend live with me, it's pretty great. Do you have any roommates?"
"Yep, me and my best friend, Toby. She's a very sweet person," Cameron affirmed, tapping against the steering wheel to the beat of the music from the radio. "That's good Cam. Are we there yet?"
"Uhh, you said you lived in a complex called Crossing Sunset?"
"Yep, that's it," I agreed, the car turned and the speeding bumps underneath shook the car as he parked in the parking lot. From what I knew, the complex isn't that big and it's very quiet except for the dog that barks every single hour. "Can I walk you home?" Cameron offered, I nodded and grabbed my backpack along with my cane. I told Cam my apartment number and we took our time walking there. I crossed arms with him so he could lead me to my apartment, in reality, I just wanted to wrap my arm around his, I wanted to linger in his presence longer than this. "Are we ever gonna talk again after this?" I asked seriously, which led to a long pause from Cameron, making my stomach churn. "I don't know, I'll try and talk to you as much as possible. If I don't, it's because I'm busy."
"Doing what?"
"You know what," He reminded, then I remember the smell of weed in his car. I probably smell like weed.
"Hm, okay," I replied shortly, our conversation was silent until we found my apartment. "You should probably go, I don't want Cooper to see you."
"What do you mean? Are you embarrassed by me?"
"What? Let's not jump to conclusions, you know I don't mean it like that."
"It's fine. I was just messing around," Cameron assured but his tone became more serious. He let go of my arm. "I'll see to you soon."
"Yeah, when do you wanna meet up?" I stalled but I could tell he knew that so I gave up trying to make him stay. "Nevermind, you wanna go, right? I'll talk to you later, Cameron."
"See ya later buddy," Cameron left. I stood outside listening to his departing footsteps before opening the door.
Two days later.
"Carson, wakey wakey, baby boy," Cooper shook me awake, I groaned and threw my pillow at him. "Ow, bastard," Cooper laughed and hit me with the pillow. "Seriously bro, get up."
"I will in a moment-"
"No, you won't, c'mon grumpy headass. I'll be waiting for you, okay?"
"Fine, I'll be out soon," I muttered, listening to Cooper chuckle and close the door. I sat up and cracked my back prior to standing up. It's been a while since the roof incident and Cameron still hasn't said anything. I want to talk to him but he said:
"I'll try and talk to you as much as possible. If I don't, it's because I'm busy."
And that sentence has been stuck in my head ever since. It's stopping me from talking to a guy I actually like. Do I like him? Do I really like him like that? Maybe.
I was too sad and lazy to shower so I just put on my clothes, walking out my room with my stuff as Cooper and Travis' laughter fills the living room. I walk into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and reaching for a Cliff bar. Once I retrieved the bar, I dragged myself to Cooper, tapping my cane impatiently. "Hey, lemme talk to my boyfriend, headass," Cooper demanded so I let them talk for a while until I asked Travis for the time. "Oh uhm- guys, it's 12:14."
"Cool, we were supposed to leave an hour ago," I said whilst eating my Cliff bar.
"What the fuck? Carson get your ass up, we gotta go," Cooper spoke rushed as I stood up calmly, saying goodbye to Travis as Cooper shoved me out the door and led me to the car. "I told you we should've left earlier."
"Shut the fuck up Carson or I spin your jaw," Cooper threatened, starting the car and driving off, the car screeching as Cooper spun out the parking lot. "Jesus Cooper, calm down."
"Listen, I think I have a crush, Coop."
"Huh? Seriously, what's his name?"
"Cameron, I don't know if he's gay or straight though."
"Sounds gay if you ask me. Is he gonna be like Racc?"
"Oh, awesome. I'm glad we're talking about Racc now," I pointed out, rolling my eyes.
"Hey, it's just a question. We both remember Racc."
"And I'd rather forget him, moving on," I sighed, leaning against the car door.
"Fine, I'll just leave it at that. We're here," Cooper mentioned, stopping the car. I squeezed my cane, I knew that once Cooper said Racc that he isn't leaving my mind. "Alright, I'll talk to you later."
"I'm sorry, okay? About him, just go to class."
"I will," I said as I hopped out the car and shut the door, walking away and listening to his car zoom away.
"Carson, sup dude," Jschlatt greeted me, he sounded happy.
"Hey, Schlatt. You remember Racc, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Do you really wanna talk about this? What about Cameron, how's shit going with him, eh?" Jason changed the subject, I expected him to do that. So I told him about Cameron as we walked to our second class since I missed the first one; I told him how calm and nice Cam is, how he's been involved in some heavy stuff but I knew he'd be fine, how sweet he is and how genuine this guy is. "I stopped talking with him though, it's been two days," I added, walking into my classroom with Schlatt.
"You are so gay, aren't you?"
"I am so gay it worries me sometimes," I laughed and so did he, leaving class to go to a different one. The school found he'd been ditching different classes so now if he doesn't show up to his actual classes, he's potentially screwed. So, I sat down and thought about Racc.
Racc was my first partner, he was a nice guy. We met last year and dated for almost two years until he became distant and broke up with me for seeing another guy behind my back. It's still hard for me to get over him, we broke up a couple of months ago and I could feel him telling me to move on. It's what he told me to do when he broke up with me. I could hear him whisper it just the way he told me.
"Please, move on. I want you to be happy but you won't be happy if you don't let go."
I still haven't let go. "Hey," A sweet tone whispered beside me, I looked around until they tapped my right shoulder. I look to my right and they giggled. "Hi, you're Carson, right?"
"Y-Yeah, why?"
"I'm Toby, I'm sure Cam's told you about me," She mentioned, I remember him telling me about her. "Yeah, he has. Is he okay?"
"That's exactly-" The teacher shushed us before continuing her lesson. "That's exactly what I wanted to tell you, he's okay. But Swagger's keeping him busy for some reason, Swags still thinks Cam's apart of whatever Swagger has. Anyways, he misses you a lot, I'll help you talk to him again, don't worry. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay."
"Awesome, it was nice meeting you but I don't sit here so I gotta dip, bye!" Toby said quickly, she ran to the back of the room, her chair squeaked a bit as well. I sighed and let my brain process what was happening.
Who's Swagger?
=2477 WORDS=
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pinkfelagi · 5 years
ok cooper
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 5 years
Give me your opinion (x2)
Now that I have multiple people’s opinions on xreaders, what’s everyone’s opinion on xreal person? (ex: CallmeCarson x Ted, cscoop x traves, etc)
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 3 years
On DreamSMP, SMPLive, and Fandom Spaces (a nostalgic retrospective)
I ended up writing an essay so more under the cut! I briefly mention NSFW but in no detail. Not tagging but if someone asks I can tag that. There are also allusions to certain content creators who have done bad shit, but I mention none by name nor their actions. Again, ask to tag.
I’m not sure how many people in the DreamSMP fandom have been here since the SMPLive days. I know I joined the whole SMPLive thing a bit late, and went more into the Lunch Club (yeah bet you weren’t expecting that) fanbase instead, but I think it would be interesting to compare fandoms, mostly focusing on ao3 fanfiction in relation to fan content and community. 
So there’s a lot to compare. I’ll start with Content Creator’s (CCs) views on fan content, including fanfics. In SMPLive and Lunch Club fandom the CCs generally had quite wishy-washy thoughts about fanfiction. Most of them seemed to appreciate fanart, but some seemed more uncomfortable with fanfiction. This especially applied to NSFW/shipping fanfics, which was completely fair, because it’s weird to ship real people or write NSFW stuff about them. There was also some controversy about ‘gore’ and super violent fanfics like the infamous ‘smpronpa’ fic, but as far as I know only one CC actually took major issue with it, and the rest simply joked about it a few times, and didn’t seem to care. Most CCs seemed vary aware of the shipping, and weren’t supportive of it, but did joke about it and didn’t seem to care that much. Aside from some cases (such as cscoop and traves) they did not seem to give two shits. Most just saw fanfiction as a little excessive, mostly from either not really getting it, or being kind of weirded out that people cared so much about them. There isn’t much concrete evidence to suggest anyone cared about it aside from a select few individuals and the infamous ‘serious stream’ (if you know, you know). The fanbase was also very split between ‘stans’ (ugh) who wrote fics, made art, and were perhaps obsessive or hyperfixated, etc, and ‘casual fans’ who tended to be gamer bros, who were also weirded out by the ‘stans’ and bullied them a bit, which was just silly in my opinion. 
In comparison, DreamSMP creators seem much more aware of fandom spaces and modes of fan interaction. Dream, for example, explicitly condones shipping fanfics (’so long as they know it will never come true’) between him and other CCs who are okay with it. There seems to be much more focus on CCs individual boundaries, sometimes to an absurd extend (’well they never said this wasn’t okay so it must be okay’ [in relation to writing something NSFW for example]). Due to the narrative element of DreamSMP (something SMPLive and certainly Lunch Club did not have, aside from personas and running jokes) there is much more space for the ‘stan’ type of fan, with fanfiction becoming much more accepted and celebrated. If someone wrote a fan song for SMPLive, they would likely get called ‘cringe’, but the same is not true for DreamSMP. I mean, it’s minecraft roleplay, so there isn’t really any validity in calling someone else cringe for enjoying it in a different way than you. You’re both cringe, embrace it. Additionally, fans tends to blur the lines between fan space and creator space much more than any regular fandom, meaning that DreamSMP creators tend to be more knowledgeable about things like ao3, wattpad, and tumblr. 
Now, is this a bad thing? I think it’s great that people are no longer attacked for making art or writing about their favourite CCs. There is a debate about RPF vs Fanfiction About The DreamSMP Characters, but that is a different story. I am more interested in the way CC interaction with fan spaces has changed the way those fan spaces interact as a community. In SMPLive days, people just kind of wrote and drew what they wanted because CCs did not interact with them. It was only when those works were brought to their attention that it became uncomfortable. I’m of the belief that fan spaces should be separate from creator spaces for the most part, and a CC shouldn’t be able to dictate fan experiences. As Dream said, ‘as long as you know it isn’t true’ and you’re not making anything illegal or extremely weird (like nsfw or RPF shipping) then it’s probably fine. I have an issue with fanfictions being read on stream, even if the author consented to it, because of the harassment that gets sent to the writer, and how disheartening it can be. Again, why are CCs in fandom spaces like ao3 and wattpad at all? Maybe I’m just too old to get it. Oh well!
Onto my next point of comparison, this one more specific to ao3, but I’m sure it could be applied elsewhere. The problem of oversaturation. Due to the supreme lack of ‘stans’ in the SMPLive/Lunch Club days, there was not that much fanfiction on ao3 (and about 1/3 of it was NSFW). You could go into the tag and scroll through every new fic in about 20 minutes every day, which was honestly nice. There were maybe 10 ‘big’ writers, and everyone was reading things like Floor 6 and Skyrates (shoutout to those who remember). I personally wrote a zombie apocalypse fic (Lunch Club + Wilbur Soot) which got a fair few reads and people seemed genuinely supportive of each other. It was pretty easy to filter out tags and find niches, and I met some of my now closest friends through that and tumblr. This was maybe early 2020. There was an abundance of creativity, too. The aforementioned Floor 6 (unfortunately now deleted I believe, since some of the CCs did some pretty shit stuff) was incredibly creative and engaging, and some of the ideas people came up with were outstanding. It was perhaps some of my most creative months, and I still recycle old unused fic ideas from that time for my own original work. There was a true feeling of community. You would see the same people over and over again, and if a ‘famous’ writer commented on your work, it was the best feeling in the world. I truly miss those days, especially coming up with ideas with my friends and thinking about them all day at school. It felt like a simpler time, almost. Which is sappy, for a post about SMPLive, but it’s true. 
Ao3 now is... very different. There are hundreds of thousands of fics. Perhaps even more, I don’t know. But I think one of the reasons I slowly got pushed out of the fandom is because it became so difficult to find what I wanted. There are still great fics out there, of course, it just takes 5 more layers of filtering to find them. But as I started to spend 1 or 2 hours scrolling new fics each day, instead of 20 minutes, I felt a shift happening. In the early stages, I wrote my own fics for DreamSMP. I loved it (back in season 1) and I wrote 68,000 words for one particular fic. However, I found myself reading fics less and less. When I tried to search for a niche, there would either be nothing, or a lot of fics involving characters or CCs I didn’t really care about. There were hundreds of fics which were completely identical, many more new writers (who tended to stick to wattpad back in the day) who’s work I also wasn’t interested in (nothing against new writers, but unless the concept is amazing, I will not enjoy the work if it is technically very poor) and suddenly a lot more shipping fic. Mostly Dream and George. Which is something I’m certainly not interested in. 
There also seems to be a difference in what counts as a ‘famous fic’. As I said before, when fics got popular, the writers were still just normal folks, just with more comments. Sometimes people would write spin-off fics for them, but nothing much else. A couple people drew fanart for one of my fics, but again, it was nothing compared to what it is now. Certain popular fics now get full animations, songs, fanart, and CC recognition for their work. It is an immense difference. And I’m not saying this is bad- it is good to celebrate writers- but I would also like to stress that due to the sheer volume of content, most writers get hidden completely, especially writing for a niche. It is strange, and I guess it is just an issue with huge fandoms in general. 
I would like to see something that isn’t sbi or dreamnotfound go viral, though. 
Lastly, I feel there is less sense of community in the current DreamSMP fandom. If I was a nobody trying to find a group of friends, I feel like it would be much harder nowadays than it was for me in early 2020. I met some amazing people back then who are still my friends to this day, through a single tumblr post that would probably be buried if it were posted now. Hell, this post will probably get buried. I knew people through ao3, through tumblr, and through discord. The fandom, I think, is so big now, that even on twitter folks have trouble finding a group. The entry point is now ‘be friends with someone who already has a group before joining the fandom’ rather than ‘scroll the three new posts and see if you recognize anyone’. This isn’t really something that can be helped, and I know it is a big problem I’ve had with other large fandoms. However, I also know that fandom isn’t always like this, and smaller communities do have that sense of friendship and recognition. I think this is an interesting topic and would love to hear what others think on it.
But yeah, those are some thoughts. I’m feeling very nostalgic for the ‘good old days’ right now, and I still can’t listen to the scooby doo theme song without feeling like I’ve been punched in the gut, so here we are. The ramblings of an old nostalgic fool (feeling nostalgic for a gamer fandom from two years ago). I am but an observer. 
If you wanna start a conversation, go ahead! I would love for this post to not get completely hidden immediately. Hope everyone has a nice day, and thanks for reading haha
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mcytblrconfessions · 3 years
"Rude! I'm not gay, I am not! I love gay people, Schlatt Co. fully endorses gay people! Right Connor?"Connor nods."Yeah! See? Schlatt Co. loves the gays, but I'm not gay! Get outta here, Cooper." He flushes angrily and stomps off, adjusting his tie. Connor and Ty follow.
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showf4lls · 3 years
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heyo! my name’s laz; welcome to my blog! to those who meet any of my criteria [i.e. those that don’t follow basic interaction etiquette, don’t tw correctly, don’t believe in critical content consumption, antis, bigots, etc.], i’ll block you. i don’t have the patience to sit through your shit lol
heads up: the activity on this blog is gonna be pretty sporadic since i mostly write for whatever i’m hyperfixated on in the moment. this usually bounces between dsmp and anime, so see if you can find my secret other blogs if you’re interested! please be sure to block any tags that may potentially trigger you. in addition please let me know if you need me to tag any specific triggers for you. everyone’s triggers are valid and need to be respected as such, including your own. i can’t even being to tell you how many times i’ve been reading fanfic, trying to tough it out, and ended up having flashbacks because i didn’t think my triggers were “that bad.” take your triggers (as well as other people’s triggers, duh) seriously. as a separate point, i have absolutely zero tolerance for trigger invalidation on this blog. if you invalidate other people’s triggers, go fuck yourself :D
also, if you’re looking for moots, hmu i need friends please and thank you.
about me | boundaries
dsmp fan blog ↝ @quackitee​ fic + vod reviews ↝ @mcytrauma​ hazbin hotel/helluva boss blog ↝ @strikerhunny traphouse blog ↝ @trapboysbunny twitter ↝ sapnapbubbas
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m.list | wips | anons + moots | fic recs
take a look at the masterlist to find out who i write for
the open requests page shows which requests i am currently working on or planning to work on. i plan on updating and/or clearing it out at the end of each month
take a peek at my anon list to check which aliases have been taken if you’re interested
jschlatt; teddy bear // honey, headcanons ⤥ my brainworms have taken over. alternatively, schlatt is soft as hell
cscoop; road rash // fluff, fic ⤥ cooper makes the mistake of teaching you how to skateboard
multiple; migraine hours // comfort, headcanons ⤥ cute/specific things they do when taking care of you ⤥ click to see who’s included, it’s a lot .-.
click here in order to see how you can more easily navigate my blog!
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[updated 01.14.2022]
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fraseris · 4 years
I know nothing about smpblr or the smplive fandom in general, but I've heard it was terrible. Just how bad was it? I've never actually heard specifics, and I desperately want to know what happened that gave people such intense fear.
honestly anon i dont remember a lot from the days lurking on smpblr and i never set foot onto smptwt but there are a few absolutely wild things i remember
someone tweeted about smelling wilbur at vidcon
someone stole cooper cscoops water bottle and kept it in their room for months
someone wrote a fanfic called smpronpa, and just like heatwaves it got so big that the creators were referencing it and stuff. and like even now thats terrible for our standars but back then it was like. really really really bad. and only one of the ccs on smplive that i can remember (wilbur) was ok with fanfiction and smpronpa was super violent and possibly sexual and stuff and it was just. hell
jschlatt got doxxed. so much. i cant remember how many times hes been doxxed now man
rtgame x wilbur soot smut.
schlattbur. schlattbur. thats it. thats all im gonna say there
(most of this was smptwt by the way honestly smpblr was probably even more about respecting ccs boundaries than current dsmpblr is)
so yeah the smplive fandom was like. incredibly entertaining to interact with but smptwt specifically was absolutely horrendous and i kind of miss it
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vampkittyxoxo · 5 years
Cscoop X Traves mini fluff
It’s really 12 am and I’m writing a fluff fanfic. :)
“Coopiee!” Travis whined, shaking the blonde male awake. Cooper rolled over on his side to face Travis, only to be immediately be greeted by Travis’ face. He backed away before speaking.
“What do you want? It’s 2 am!” Cooper complained, gripping onto his comforter. Travis traced a finger in a circular pattern on Cooper's sheets. 
“...I had a bad dream.” Cooper instantly groaned. This has happened once, but that was a year ago. He thought Travis had surely grown out of it. Reluctantly, Cooper scooted over to make room for Travis. Cooper laid on his back, feeling weird to let Travis sleep with him. Travis crawled in next to him, pulling the comforter over him. 
“J-Just go to sleep.” Cooper sighed, feeling his face heat up. Is it normal to sleep next to your crush? Cooper thought, closing his eyes. He attempted to take away the thought yet to no avail. His eyes jolted open as he felt an arm go over his chest. Travis rested his head on Cooper's shoulder and wrapped his arm around him. Travis’s eyes were closed and his breaths deepened as he fell asleep. Cooper wrapped his arm around Travis and gently rubbed his side, further helping him sleep.
:) i really need to sleep
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