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akratijewels · 1 year ago
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Unlock the Mystical Powers of Moonstone 🌙 Enhance intuition, promote emotional balance, and embrace new beginnings with the serene energy of moonstone. #MoonstoneMagic #CrystalHealing
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oldearthminerals · 1 year ago
Himalayan Quartz Crystal with Rainbows & Macromosaic Patterns - Himachal Pradesh, India $32 plus shipping.
#himalayan #himalayanquartz #crystalheaing #crystallove #clearquartz #quartzcrystal #mineralsofig #geologyrocks
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evilpawnjewelry · 6 years ago
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The Skadi Ring just released on the website. So excited for this ring! The center stone is Jade, the only green winter stone, I carefully planned this release for over a year. Jade is a habit breaker and the best time to kick a habit is when pivotal changes take place in the world’s consciousness. (A new year as an example) The Jades were charged under last December's SuperFull Moon and then wrapped in black velvet to preserve the power a full year can bring. The final rinse before shipping is from the same Moon's water. Coming now to Full Circle, the ouroboros reveals his true nature, when the snake eats his tail. You can set intention to not repeat another year as the one before or to continue the blessings of 2017. Intention is key and setting intention with Jade only requires cold water and request. 💚 Jade is also an amazing stone for changing inherited family habits and imprints deep in your DNA. Jade has a very strong hold on the past, present, and future; and a strong association with cold water. Representing the cold tide turning and the change to your life like a season can bring. Be prepared, an activated Jade is only second to a teacher quartz. It is a powerful confidante. If you want to read more about Jade please see #EPJJadeStonePosts Happy Week's End and Happy New Moon day! ✨ • • #jade #jadeRing #rotd #rings #epj #ringsoftheday #wintergreen #healingcrystals #crystals #crystalheaing #evilpawnjewelry #earthmedicine #thankYouLife #NewYear #wintersolistice #changeIsNigh #changeIsComing https://www.instagram.com/p/BrF_vwmlOQ9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ulghjzb64yok
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kinggemsstore · 4 years ago
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DM for buy wholesale #amethyst #amethystjewelry #amethystcrystal #amethystearrings #amethystpendent #amethystpencil #crystalsupplier #crystalpendant #crystalpendants #crystallivesales #crystalquartz #crystalheaing #pencil #Germany #uk #usa #newyork #newcrystals #ukraine #usa🇺🇸 #healing #protection #phillipines #singapore🇸🇬 #australia #india (at UK England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGPpNCSH3nP/?igshid=afq85walvgu8
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toriroze · 4 years ago
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Hi, my name is Tori Roze. I am a certified Reiki Practitioner. Reiki Energy Healing works both in person and from a distance - if you or someone you would like to help would like a session or have any questions, DM me ❤️ I also make custom Reiki Blessed jewelry for specific purposes, goals, and intentions so that your healing can go with you wherever you are 🌱❤️🌱 if you would like a custom piece, DM me as well 😉 otherwise, head on over to #ETSY and search for #rozewellness to get yourself or someone in need some already made beautiful healing magic on the go! #reiki #bewell #staywell #love #healing #healingenergy #blessings #reikiblessed #jewelry #oneofakind #nofilter #magic #artist #energyhealing #chakras #chakrahealing #crystals #crystalheaing #feeldealheal https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7TlKcDalk/?igshid=jscvnw9d1xsa
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wahoeorg · 3 years ago
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Malachite is a lustrous green stone with a silky shiny surface. Its green shiny striking color is loved by the Greeks and the Egyptians in ancient times. Its green color does not fade over time or when exposed to light. It is a powerful gemstone good for health, recovery, and wellness. Green color gemstones always seem to have super-strength powers and love connecting to the heart chakra.  It opens the heart chakra and also works with the third eye and solar plexus chakra. It’s a birthstone for Scorpio and Capricorn. This stone takes its name from the Greek word for malakos – meaning soft.    
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everything-soulful · 7 years ago
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In many ways, you are like a flower bud who is ripe and ready to open and grow.  Don’t try to rush this process, as it’s part of your beautiful path.  Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills.  Take your time to gather new ideas.  Nurture your body with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, water, and healthful food.  Soon enough, you’ll get the unmistakable signal that it’s time to put your learning into action.  Spend time among flowers, or work with flower essences and oils to support your growth process. You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up. Slow down • Have patience • Get involved with gardening • Use aromatherapy and/or flower essences • Keep the faith Aeracura is a Celtic and Germanic Goddess who multitasks as an Earth Mother deity, a fairy queen, and also a bridge between earthly life and the hereafter.  She helps us put our goals and challenges into perspective so that we don’t needlessly stress ourselves.  Call upon her for emergency money or help in manifesting supply.  She’s especially fond of assisting artists and inventors. Recommended: MANIFESTATION infused with Rainbow Fluorite to help revive your light, realize your worth and manifest your ideas into realty. Contains #frankincense #lavender #lemongrass #palosanto You can find it at our on-line shop and @thephluidproject in #noho #oracle #doreenvirtue #aeracura #celtic #goddess #diety #newideas #dontgiveup #gardening #patience #aromatherapy #floweressence #knowledge #faith #manifestation #rainbowflourite #crystalheaing #motherearth #gaia #growth #everythingsoulful
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Rose Quartz 🤤 the colour of the heart chakra - representing emotion and unconditional love. The energy is soft and warming. Good for helping with self-love and matters of the heart. They say if looking for love 💕, place two rose quartz together to represent companionship 💕💕 • • #rosequartz #selflove #emotion #heartchakra #pink #colourtherapy #compassion #love #crystallove #shimmeringlightcrystals #shimmeringlight #mbsbirmingham2017 #birminghamnec #crystalheaing (at London, United Kingdom)
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handsofspirit · 5 years ago
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i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) -e.e. cummings Sneak Peak for our stocking stuffer Live Sale coming Nov. 24th. - - - #polychromejasper #jasper #polychrome #jasperheart #heart #hearts #livesale #livesales #heartcrystal #crystalheart #crystalhearts #icarryyourheart #eecummings #pocketstone #stockingstuffers #art #artistofinstagram #artistic #crystallove #crystallovers #lovecrystals #meditation #stoneheart #watercolor #polychromejasperheart #boulder #heartchakra #energyhealing #crystalheaing #handsofspirit (at Hands of Spirit Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xfxkwhFH-/?igshid=17o5mvtzqjeis
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moodiebella · 8 years ago
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We are at the School house market today! Come check us out! #islandlife #market #jewelry #artisan #crystals #crystalhea #magic #herbmagic #openingday (at Craigflower Manor and Schoolhouse)
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lunasavita · 5 years ago
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Mermaid skeleton keychains going out today! Still time to snag one before Halloween! 🎃 #etsyseller #etsyshop #craftsposure #etsyfinds #etsy #smallbusiness #bohojewelry #supportsmallbusiness #jewelryaddict #handmadejewelry #shopsmall #smallbusiness #photographytips #shophandmade #etsylove #etsyelite #handmadewithlove #artisanjewelry #crystalheaing #etsysellersofinstagram #instajewelry #etsyhandmade #jewelry #etsyfind #makersgonnamake #halloween #mermaid #mermaidskeleton — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2nEl8So
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evilpawnjewelry · 6 years ago
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The Sophia Ring has been released on the website. This fluorite has been charged under the 2018 Super Moon and Blue Moon water combined from January 2nd and 31st. Released one year after its birth. I have always believed it is important to wear fluorite at the turn of the New Year. Fluorite renews stale energy and forgotten motivation. I always say if Fluorite had a theme song, it would be 'New Level' by Pantera. 🤣 One thing I have always cherished about this stone is its sharp severing of etheric cords. Ever have a person that you needed to energetically cut ties with? Have any cords tied to a place, year or an event you have to keep reliving? There are ways to not JUST let go... but ways to make someone or something let YOU go. Reclaiming your energy and self is not selfish; it is selfless. Energetic voids disguised as people are in the same boat we are in. Teach them to swim by cutting their liferaft. You can't swim for two or more forever. You too will drown. Their becoming and yours depend on you cutting the cord because this is what you are here to learn. To let go. Fluorite is also a source to tap when those severed cords, that are no longer getting your energy, start to lash out. A psychic attack is no match for fluorite. A stone that literally bleeds positive energy and renewal. I could really go on and on about the properties. The fluorite properties are amplified due to the metal being stainless steel. If anyone wants me to post some old Fluorite lore, let me know in the comments and I will post! First Quarter nigh! Happy Week's End! • #fluorite #positiveEnergy #crystal #cutcords #letgo #become #epj #crystalheaing #earthmedicine #evilpawnjewelry #gratitude #healingcrystals #selflove #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/BsgH2XXFfFK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p89k2apdomk2
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kinggemsstore · 4 years ago
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DM for buy wholesale #rosequartzcrystal #rosequartzsphere #rosequartz #crystalsphere #crystalspheres #crystal #healer #crystalheaing #crystalquartz #crystallovers #crystalmanufacturer #crystallivesales #livesale #livesales #roseheart #crystalball #etsy #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #tarot #uk #usa #Canada #new #crystallivesales (at London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaUCJZHyDt/?igshid=19sko60if1okx
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misslapis · 7 years ago
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Empress Jewels Co💎 👑Moonstone faceted Briolettes on gold chain with Indo~style magnetic gold clasp.✨✨ Moonstone is the Ultimate crystal for depression, anxiety, stress, imbalanced mood, low self esteem, anger, tension or general edginess. I love coupling moonstone with lepidolite and Selenite on my #crystalgrids for extra support and nurturing during strong moon cycles 🌙 🌝 or inner turmoil. #gold #moonstone #crystal #gems #crystalhealer #relax #mood #centering #balance #divine #emoress #jewels #regal #magnetics #hawaii #kauai #crystalheaings #briloettes #therapy #synergies #frequency #energy #alignment
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mybodycontour · 5 years ago
Sharing a small clip of what a #reiki session looks like • • Thanks to my little model #reikisession #healer #crystalhea...
Sharing a small clip of what a #reiki session looks like • • Thanks to my little model #reikisession #healer #crystalhea…
Sharing a small clip of what a #reiki session looks like • • Thanks to my little model #reikisession #healer #crystalhealing #energyhealing
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So much crystal energy! Currently building some crystal packs. Currently, we have: Crystal Cleanse Set; Soul Cleansing; Anxiety; Abundance & Prosperity; Higher Consciousness; Inner Strength; Manifest Love; and many more... 💎 • • • #higherconsciousness #crystals #crystalheaing #heaing #holistichealing #crystalpacks #shimmeringlight #higherself #innerself #crystalsforsale #shimmeringlightcrystals #mbsbirmigham2017 #birmingham #westmidlands #mbswellbeing (at London, United Kingdom)
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