#crystal farron
melanie-ohara · 2 years
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Love in Andromeda
Exiled from the Nexus and with nothing to her name but a ship and a sword, Dela Raisaris never expected to find a home in Heleus.
Sometimes, home is a person.
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zhenniguan · 10 months
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Digitober 2023: > day 5, Snow and Serah > day 20, Claire > day 24, Man of no consequences > day 27, Prince of Lucis and King of Fishing > day 28, The Oracle > day 29, Ace from Class Zero
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fyresaber · 6 days
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lightning farron | ss25
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cainballad · 24 days
Got two boxes of the new FFTCG Hidden Trials near my workplace and I was gifted so many nice foil cards~ I didn’t take a picture of them all cuz I got lazy
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I was hoping for the FFXIII ones but instead
I got Layle ♥️♥️♥️!!
It was a surprise that @lastaim showed me from their box
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He’s beautiful ♥️♥️
Gosh I love this man
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regaliasonata · 2 years
I'm sorry but with all the versus 13 and FNC references for Yozora there's no way in hell we won't see ff13 characters in kh4
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Like from the crystal stasis and this unforseen realm beyond worlds? I need to see lightning or the 13 cast show up. Imagine Caius doing some crazy shit in the next game
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stayatsam · 1 year
im trying so so so hard to enjoy dark souls 3 but i feel like every area i do im just like "oh god im so glad im done with this area"
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snvxiii · 1 year
I know Serah’s Focus is up to interpretation—I don’t think she ever confirmed it either—but I feel like Vanille’s interpretation is the closest to the truth: that Serah had been assigned the same Focus as the rest of them; except, Serah overcame it through her own will.
Dysley lied—or is it possible that he misinterpreted the reason for her crystallization? He doesn’t understand human will nor emotion; he’s a fal’Cie. Beyond that, he’s arrogant. From his perspective, it’s impossible for a human to overcome a Focus. A human’s will could never overcome fal’Cie might. The thought wouldn’t occur to him.
Therefore, his conclusion: Serah had been used by Anima as a tool to gather everyone to destroy Cocoon. Is it a lie? Yes, in the sense that he didn't actually know her Focus.
He's an all-powerful Cocoon fal'Cie, but Cocoon and Pulse fal'Cie generally minded their own business. The War of Transgression happened IIRC, because Anima got pissed that its resources had been stolen. It's unlikely they collaborated or communed in any way for him to truly know.
I truly believe Serah did overcome her Focus. I never really examined her character in XIII, but after playing XIII-2–it just makes sense.
She has always demonstrated a strong and consistent will from XIII to XIII-2. She defied the fal’Cie and passed her will on to Lightning and Snow to save their world. She defied Caius and protected the future. Her absolute faith in Lightning never wavered.
Further, humans possess chaos: a matter strong enough to allow time travel, the ability to see the future, control monsters, and remembering when the timeline has changed (none of which Noel possessed). Given how powerful a "blessing" it is–is it possible Serah manifested her inner chaos and crystalized because of it?
Tl:dr; Serah did overcome her Focus through her own will and, maybe, by manifesting her inner chaos without knowing.
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dawnblxde · 2 years
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@fatenull - Merry Christmas!
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/relear/art/merry-christmas-344849084
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oathofpromises · 2 years
"I truly had high hopes for you, Claire. How disappointing." || Cid to Lightning
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At the mention of her real name, the pink haired woman's eyes narrowed, her hands clenching into fists. It was something Lightning had long left behind her, or so she thought. At the time, the warrior figured changing her name would somehow help her overcome the pain of her parents' deaths. When in reality it was her trying to distance herself from the whole ordeal. As the older sibling, it was up to her to look after Serah. Lately, it felt like she hadn’t done a wonderful job with that. So many regrets filling her mind as Cid spoke those words. How many people had she let down over the years? It felt like too many to keep track off, but the most painful one of all was watching her sister turn to crystal. 
“You wouldn’t be the first disappointed in me and certainly won’t be the last Cid. I don’t know what you want from me exactly. It seems like everyone nowadays wants something from me or my sister. So, how about you cut to the chase and tell me exactly what you called me here for.” The woman’s tone was cold and calculating, blunt and to the point. She didn’t have time to waste right now. Sure, they had avoided one danger after another, but how long until that luck ran out? 
“I’m not the type to assume things, but given what happened the last time we ran into each other. I don’t know where you stand in all this. All I remember is seeing a man that fought so hard to escape his fate, too. I thought I heard whispers that you couldn’t bare what you had done and requested Rygdea to peacefully put an end to you. Tell me, why have you come here in front of me now, of all times?” Leaning against the pillar, she glanced in Cid’s direction, the guy seemed way too nice. A luxury the young woman wasn’t used to nor afforded in her lifetime. Some saw her as a warrior, others the savior, and some even a goddess. It was hard to keep track of all the titles that were tossed her direction. 
“You seem to know so much about me, yet I know little of you. Tell me exactly what I did to let you down? I can’t say that I am surprised with how often people seem to want to blame me or my friends. I guess even at this point, the path I have chosen isn’t one that everyone would agree with, but my question still remains. What do you want Cid Raines?” 
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Thirteen days. That’s all that remained of the time left to save the world. To rescue as many souls as she could. Would she fail in that task too..watch as all the people she loved faded into nothing. Reaching up, she moved some hair out of her face, trying to keep herself composed as usually. However, the thing about Lightning was she was so good at fooling others, but had yet to trick her own heart into believing such things. Time was short, and here she was talking to someone she hadn’t seen in a while. It felt..comforting, but maybe that was the human part of her talking. 
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freyayuki · 7 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Bahamut Spiritus Quest Missions
The World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut SPIRITUS quest in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game comes with several missions.
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Most of these missions weren’t time-limited. So after my initial clear of the aforementioned Spiritus quest as well as doing all the time-limited missions and any of the ones I could easily do already, decided to hold off on clearing the rest of these missions.
But now that I have a bit of extra time, tried to see if I can clear the rest of these missions already.
Spiritus Quest Information
Spiritus fights are listed as “quest level ???” so presumably, these are harder than Shinryu (level 300; currently the hardest type of fight in the game) quests.
Spiritus quests come with a Grade system. There are 5 Grades - Grade S, Grade A, Grade B, Grade C, and Grade D.
According to the in-game text:
Even if you aren’t able to defeat the enemies in the quest, by fulfilling certain conditions, you’ll be able to achieve grades that may be reported to clear the quest.
Reporting by itself does not clear the quest. A certain grade must be reached to clear with reporting.
To get Grade S, players need to: clear the fight within 40 turns, clear without any KOs, and take 5k or less HP damage. Getting Grade S will also automatically get you all the other grades as well.
To get Grade A, players need to: clear the fight within 60 turns, clear without any KOs, and take 5k or less HP damage.
To get Grade B, players need to reduce the HP of the enemies to 30%.
To get Grade C, players need to reduce the HP of the enemies to 70%.
To get Grade D, players need to reduce the HP of the enemies to 90%.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus Quest Missions Information
There are several missions or quests associated with clearing the World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus fight. These missions are permanent and they are as follows:
Achieve grade D or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade C or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade B or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade A or better in SPIRITUS difficulty
Achieve grade S in SPIRITUS difficulty
Complete CHAOS (quest level 180) difficulty
Complete LUFENIA (quest level 200) difficulty
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only Red Crystal / Yellow Crystal / White Crystal allies
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only spear / bow / special or unique weapon type allies
Clear in SPIRITUS difficulty with only Final Fantasy IX / Final Fantasy XIII / Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles allies
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So far, I’ve been able to clear all of the missions above except for the last 3.
World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus Quest Series Mission Clear
For my series clear of this fight, my team was Cid Raines from Final Fantasy XIII (#ad), Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII, and Sherlotta from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time with Pandemonium as my summon.
My Calls were Rydia’s from Fnal Fantasy IV, Seymour Guado’s from Final Fantasy X, and Raijin’s from Final Fantasy VIII.
Sherlotta, Raines, and Lightning are as fully built as possible with all of their weapons MLB, all of their Boards and such completed, etc.
Cid is currently equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Fist Ultima Weapon, Lightning has my Level 5 of 5 Sword Ultima Weapon, and Sherlotta has my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique Ultima Weapon.
As a Green Crystal char, Raines also has access to the 3 Green Crystal passives that I’ve been able to unlock so far.
Before starting this fight, took a quick look at the in-game info for this quest to refresh my memory on how to deal with the mechanics and gimmicks here. Didn’t bother looking up a guide though. My plan was basically to just wing it.
Anyway, since all chars are boosted in the World of Illusions, got to start this fight with my force gauge already charged to 50%.
Started preparing for when my force gauge was fully charged by having everyone activate or refresh their bufffs and such.
Used Seymour’s LD Call to debuff the enemies and delay them by 2 turns. Used Rydia’s LD Call to give the party a buff that would let them evade 3 attacks. Used Raijin’s LD Call to inflict all the enemies with a debuff that will nullify all the HP damage they deal for 2 turns.
Had Sherlotta spam her instant turn rate moves to speed up the charging of my force gauge.
When my force gauge was nearing 100%, started activating everyone's BT+ finishers. When my force gauge was fully charged, had Raines activate his FR. By then the force gauge of the enemies was at 69.4%.
It's been a while since I did this fight so don't remember all the details anymore but IIRC, the enemies didn't get to move at all. Made use of Seymour's LD Call and Raines's turn manipulation to keep them from moving.
Lightning also tended to get multiple turns in a row, and her skills have high turn rate so she was usually jumping forward in the turn order. She can also delay enemies with her Ex ability.
Was gonna go into Raines's Burst+ phase but - well, don't remember for sure now what happened but I didn't get to go into Raines's Burst+ mode soon after activating his FR. Maybe it was because Lightning ended up getting multiple turns in a row.
Was able to use my Force Echoes already and everyone was able to deal pretty good damage so by the time I only have 5 turns of force time left, the HP damage bonus was at 645% and the enemies were down to 27% and 58% HP.
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One of the gimmicks of the bosses in this fight was the fact that they will automatically reduce the duration of their debuffs by 1 turn upon reaching certain HP percentage thresholds. They will do this even if it isn't currently their turn.
Anyway, when I finally went into Raines's Burst+ phase, only have 4 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 710%. The enemies were down to 23% and 58% HP.
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The boss with 58% HP still has a lot of debuffs but they were all going to end in 2 turns. The boss with 23% HP only has 1 debuff left and it was gonna end in 4 turns.
Thankfully, it looks like the enemies won't reduce the duration of their debuffs during a char's BT+ phase. Had Raines focus on the boss with 58% HP. He was able to finish off this enemy before his BT+ mode ended.
By the time I only have 1 turn of force time left, the HP damage bonus was at 999%, Raines still has 4 turns of his Burst+ phase left, and there was only one boss on the field.
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By the time Raines was about to cast Opposing Destiny, his finishing Burst+ move, the last boss was down to 1% HP and he was basically dead already.
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Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to finish him off yet because he currently only has 1 debuff. If the enemies here have 3 or less debuffs, then they can't be killed.
Raines doesn't debuff enemies. Sherlotta and Lightning can only inflict enemies with one debuff.
Thankfully, haven't used Seymour's regular Call yet. This inflicts enemies with multiple debuffs. So just had to wait for it to be Sherlotta's turn since she was the one equipped with Seymour's Call.
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Since the enemy was basically dead already, the damage from Seymour's regular Call was more than enough to end the battle on turn 8.
Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades.
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World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus Quest Crystal Color Mission Clear
For my Crystal Color clear of this fight, my team was Sherlotta, Lightning, and Edgar Roni Figaro from Final Fantasy VI with Bahamut as my summon.
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My Calls were Seymour’s, Raines’s, and Auron’s from Final Fantasy X. Auron’s Calls debuff the enemies. Raines’s LD Call will enable its user to initiate launches for 2 turns.
My Edgar is as fully built as my Lightning. He’s currently equipped with my Level 2 of 5 Spear Ultima Weapon.
Anyway, like I did in my series mission clear, started setting up and preparing while waiting for my force gauge to be fully charged.
Made use of Auron's and Seymour's Calls to debuff the enemies although made sure not to use all of my debuffing Calls. Edgar's a debuffer too so had him inflict the enemies with all of his debuffs.
Made use of Sherlotta's instant turn rate moves to speed up the charging of my force gauge then had my chars use their BT+ finishers and such when my force gauge was nearing 100%.
Once my force gauge was fully charged, had Edgar activate his FR. Got to use some of my Force Echoes before going into Lightning's Burst+ phase.
By then have 8 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 393%. The enemies were down to 86% and 89% HP.
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By the time Lightning was about to cast Gestalt Drive, her finishing Burst+ move, have 2 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 903%. The enemies were down to 12% and 35% HP.
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Lightning's attack took the enemies down to 21% and 1% HP. As soon as her Burst+ mode ended, the duration of all the debuffs on the enemies went down. Now they only have 1 debuff left. Have 1 turn of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 983%.
Summoned Bahamut already. His on-entry attack took the enemies down to 15% and 1% HP. It was Lightning's turn. Had her use one of her Force Echoes.
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Now both enemies have 1% HP but since they only have 1 debuff, couldn't kill them yet. Lightning got another turn. Actually, she got multiple turns in a row. summon5
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So had to wait until it was finally either Sherlotta's or Edgar's turn so I could inflict the bosses with more debuffs. It was Sherlotta who got the next turn after Lightning. Just had her use Seymour's LD Call to debuff and finish off the bosses.
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The battle ended on turn 5. Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades.
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World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus Quest Weapon Type Mission Clear
For my weapon type clear of this fight, my team was Cor Leonis from Final Fantasy XV, Aranea Highwind from Final Fantasy XV, and Iris Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV with Pandemonium as my summon.
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My Calls were Seymour's, Lilisette's from Final Fantasy XI, and Serah Farron's from Final Fantasy XIII. Serah's and Lilisette's Calls debuff the enemies.
My Aranea, Iris, and Cor are as fully built as my Lightning. Aranea uses a spear as a weapon while Cor and Iris have special or unique-type weapons.
Cor is equipped with my Level 5 of 5 Special or Unique Ultima Weapon while Aranea has my Level 2 of 5 Spear Ultima Weapon.
Anyway, like I did in my previous clears of this quest, started setting up and preparing while waiting for my force gauge to be fully charged. Used some of my debuffing Calls.
Had Iris spam her instant turn rate move to speed up the charging of my force gauge then had my chars use their BT+ finishers and such when my force gauge was nearing 100%.
Once my force gauge was fully charged, had Aranea activate her FR. Got to use some of my Force Echoes before going into Aranea's Burst+ phase.
By then have 10 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 315%. The enemies were down to 88% and 83% HP.
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Cor gives his allies a buff that will let him attack the enemies right before said ally moves. While his BT+ is up, he can give this buff to both of his allies. Made sure Aranea has this buff before going into her Burst+ mode.
One of the effects of Iris's BT+ is that it will set the max brave of the enemies to 0, which means they'll get out of break every other turn.
While Aranea's BT+ is up, she will be able to initiate launches with all of her skills. She will also participate at the end of this launch and then do a follow-up attack in the air which deals lots of damage.
With Cor's pre-emptive attacks plus Iris's support via her buffs, auras, and such, not to mention all the launches that everyone got to participate in, Aranea was able to basically melt the HP of the bosses.
By the time she was about to cast Outstanding, her finishing Burst+ move, have 4 turns of force time left and the HP damage bonus was at 780%.
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The enemies were down to 4% and 2% HP so right after Aranea's Burst+ phase was over, the battle also ended.
Got the score and all the other mission requirements which also got me all the Grades. It was only turn 6 and didn't even get to use my summon. LOL. This team did so well.
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Anyway, glad to finally be done with all of the World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut SPIRITUS quest missions.
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete the missions in the World of Illusions Spiritus: Bahamut Spiritus quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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fffanthology · 2 years
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If you haven't applied yet feel free to fill in our form as we're still looking for more Final Fantasy fans to apply to our zine, especially those for unpopular ones.
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catyo90 · 3 months
Why I still recommend Final Fantasy 13
As we all know FF13 was the black sheep of the Final Fantasy games. It had a different fighting system and was strangely more linear than its previously better-known games. However, this was more of the gamer's issue as when FFX and FFX-2 came out a lot of people said there were too many missable items and didn't like having to search everywhere for items or hidden scenes.
Years later Square Enix responded made FF13, and what were the gamer's responses. "We don't like it"
Now with FF games like 15 and 16 which are open-world people praise both for their own styles and stories. I'll be honest 15 was okay, the fact though that DLC kept coming out for the game and the story was lacking a bit for some of the characters, made me kinda miss the simpler ones. Now as for 16, I have not played it yet but I will differ from those who have that opinion.
As for FF14 which is an mmo its far different from the others but you get the opportunity to play with friends and actually go at your own pace.
But with all the games that have come out of the Final Fantasy franchise, I can say that everyone in the FF13 trilogy I remember and they have good characters. which I wanna talk a little bit about. (FYI this is where the spoilers now will appear. you've been warned. Also Very long Post just fyi)
Let's start off with of course the Queen
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Lightning aka Claire Farron. A Cocoon soldier who stays distant and strong for her sister after losing their parents, after years of becoming strong to protect her only family. She faces losing her sister Serah to become an eternal crystal or the insidious cieth. After everything she faces, they save Cocoon. She only had a moment with everyone and realized that she and Serah could have a chance at actual peace. She gets taken away from the dream to save a goddess and forced into the duty of a protector. And even after that, she stays strong, guiding Serah along the way to help her fight Caius even though everyone thinks she is dead.
But then Etro dies and she fails in her mission, overtaken with grief by not only the goddess dying and failing...her sister. The only person in her life that kept her from losing all of her hope. Dies. Everything she did in the first game...gone. And then after sleeping for 500 years she's given the chance by God to save Serah and the World. A sort of redemption if you think about it.
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Snow falls kinda under the same category but from a small different point of view. Snow was deeply in love with Serah and in the first game was trying to save her and Cocoon as well. Even though Etro caused Lightning to disappear he still tries to hold the fort and he got to have his peace with her afterward. But sadly he only gets to have that life for a year before FF13-2 starts, the love of his life goes on a mission he cant join. All the while he does his damn hardest to help Fnag and Vanille's pillar holding up Cocoon. And in doing so, willingly takes on the I'cie curse even after getting his brand removed in the first game. Once again everything in the first game almost not worth it (This is a reoccuring theme.), if not for Serah coming back. But then she dies and he can't fix, and he couldn't be there for her. His promise to be her hero is shattered. For 500 years he cares for the people and everyday misses Serah, blaming himself everyday for what happened and not keeping her safe. HE is basically the prime example of a suffering hero.
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Hope is kinda the odd one out, he is only a child, in the wrong place wrong time situation with his mother and him being brought into the Bodium purge. He loses his mother and goes on a verge to get revenge on Snow who he held responsible. But in a short amount of time when he stays with Lightning he learns from her that his innocent world is over, he is a fugitive, a I'cie and alone. But after she tells him about her past and facing the worst that life can offer, you grow from it. He even goes from taking up the rear to guarding her in the front, his fear fades throughout the entire game and he learns to grow up to be a fine young man in FF13-2. He even makes a new world for humanity in case Cocoon were to fall. He was their Hope, their hope for a world rid of monsters.
But in LR, we see that he has disappeared possibly having been kidnapped, remolded / torture back into young hope and made to spy on Lightning to fulfill her Savior duties. And can't speak his true thoughts, he is a fake. Even Lightning realizes though that the next world needs him, he even sees his parents who were long since dead he realizes that he gets the chance to have a proper life, Hope is the Symbol for all to have Hope and to Believe.
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Sazh suffers from the possibility of outliving his son. He is a widow and the only family left for him is his son who is quite young, and unfortunately at a young age his son is branded by the I'cie. Dajh basically only has a short time to be a child, until he either turns to crystal or a monster. Sazh loses him after being taken and fights to save him, but all the while he slowly loses his faith. He lost his wife and now his son, every moment he questions what they are doing. Only the prospect of saving Dajh keeps him going as well as his Chocobo chick. After saving Dajh though they get to live a normal life until the end of FF-13-2
For almost 500 years Dajh is in a coma like state and Sazh once again loses his faith thinking the only way Dajh can be saved is by doing it himself. When Lightning comes around though and helps reawaken Dajh, well so does Sazh. He regains his faith and even comes to the final moment of the game with everyone ready to welcome the new world with his son. He's the family man, kinda similar to Barret from FF7. But he is also the representation of a man going down the harder path to help those he loves.
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Fang and Vanille fall under the same issue, Born to Gran Pulse and lived and had to sleep in immortal crystal to awake and find their home in ruins. The life they lived all gone and the only thing left of who they were is each other. Fang even takes on the torture to awaken Ragnarök. Doomed to bring about the end of Cocoon. But then their fate is changed and they were able to save instead of destroy.
In FF13-2 they are able to help Serah in her mission but they knew what she might have to face and with LR, they were torn about by both a sense of duty and a want to protect the other. Lightning finds out that they each wanted to help the other, however Vanille want for redemption at the cost of her own life to save the lost dead souls, thats what splits Fang away because she refuses to lose Vanille.
They can represent both family and lovers. One will not go on without the other, no matter what.
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And now for the princess, (not literally) but still i love Serah. Anyhow, Serah is the embodiment of Love, Faith and Hope. She goes through everything, turned into an enemy of Cocoon, turned into crystal, given the gift and/or curse of Etro, lost her fiancé to time travel for a bit, dies, has her soul taken out of Lightning where she was safe and then used as a bargaining chip by God to make Lightning keep to her role. But through everything, she still believed her sister and fiancé would save her, that she would be able to live her own life and teach children.
This girl fought and stepped up to every challenge but unlike lightning she shows her emotions, all the pain of failure and loss is understanding and that makes her into a connection for the player.
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Okay so for times sake Im putting these three in one group since their stories are enveloped all together.
They are the last humans of a future timeline where the events of ff13 did not go well, Noel is basically the last human that ever existed and under Caius teaching and wing both of them protect Yeul who is a priestess of Etro forced to live again and again only to die after seeing the last of her visions into the future. Caius who knows some of the past Yeuls loved him, the last one loves Noel and he tries everything to save her. So whats his plan. Oh yeah, kill the goddess Etro to stop all natural death and the visions. Hence stopping Yeul from dying.
Noel guided by Lightning has to aid Serah to stop Caius and save the Future. After everything though, he fails by killing Caius not realizing that with his death he actually killed Etro (long story) watches Yeul die and Serah die. and after all of that is forced to watch the world and timeline for 500 years fall and crumble into a shell of the former grandeur that it was.
Yeul after dying, helps Lighting but in her now spirit like self she reveals a terrible truth that while Caius is alive no good will come. But while the Yeul we know wants Caius dead. (along with hundreds of other past selves.) Some of them also want Caius to live causing him to never truly die. To quote Caius "Even if one Yeul desires my salvation, another demands my rebirth."
Yeul is the symbol of mourning and regret but also wisdom in knowing that not all things will be bad, and that good things do eventually happen.
Caius is the symbol of inability to accept what happens and the cruelty of death. His immortality while at first would seem like a gift is a curse, he watching all those he love die and when the chance to die comes, it fails. He is stuck in an infinite life that is now out of his control.
Noel is the symbol of failure but also standing back up taking the next steps forward. After everything, with just the promise of seeing the person he loves again, even if only one more time. Gives him the strength to move on.
So if any of you can identify with even one of these characters I highly recommend you play the game. Trust me, me writing all of this down doesn't do the games justice. Its a lovely styled game that after some time you will get used to and its really not that hard of gameplay, watch a few videos and you will get the hang of it.
So anyways im not sure if i convinced any of you but enjoy your days and i send you off with a smiling lighting because its so rare and you all deserve one.
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zhenniguan · 11 months
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The Blue Ardyn is a lie.
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He was red all along.
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I just re-colored him on Photoshop OTL
I really wanted a red vs blue theme going on...
Here's a concept sketch of Blue Ardyn along with a Red Mage one and a chocobo themed one...
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definesanity · 9 months
Blinded By Light
Warning for mildly suggestive content, and for incest; if you want to complain, please don't, and do not complain if you read something you do not like; if you do, that's on you.
When Lightning (Or Claire, but it feels strange to be called it by anyone other than Serah and Lumina) awoke in the New World, it was a few days after Serah did,
Seeing Serah again made Lightning feel a surge of emotions, and above all else, there was one she focused on:
Love: And one that wasn't exactly... sisterly.
Back then, before everything went to shit, Lightning knew the way Serah looked at her. She knew it wasn't right, and kept it to herself.
When Serah started dating Snow, it was then Lightning had the revelation of how much she needed Serah, and only Serah, in her life.
But then, the whole mess started; and ended, before Yeul launched her to Valhalla (she still isn't sure on what to make of Serah and Yeul...), and then, Serah...
Being The Saviour was tiring. It was, she believed, a good cause, but she was still tired. Sometimes, she spent her time standing so still, time itself paused for her. And during those times, there was only one single thing on her mind. A person. A name.
Serah Farron.
Serah, Serah, Serah.
And then, the finale; she killed God, and founded the New World. She was happy. Happier in eons.
Then, Lumina--Lumina Farron--appeared.
It was so strange, seeing two mirror images of her little sister, but the two were everything the other wanted.
For Lumina, she wanted to have a relaxed persona; for Serah, she wanted to be more confident.
Though, that wasn't the end of the things that happened.
It was meant to be a nonchalant comment, a throwaway gag, as Lightning saw Serah without Snow when the two were in their new, oddly cozy home. "I haven't seen Snow in a while. Something wrong between you and him?"
Serah looked up at Lightning from the collection of movies she had. "Oh, right, I never said. Me and Snow... are done."
Lightning's mind was ablaze with emotions, and one was joy, of all things. Serah continued, picking up one that featured that one symbiotic alien. "After everything, Snow and I thought we should try and stop; he was great, really! It's just that, well... it wasn't going to work out, after all the trouble we've been through..."
She then smiled, looking at Lightning. "And, besides, I may have found something better."
"What do you mean?"
The pinkette rolled her eyes, crystal blue meeting the ones of her older sister. "You, Claire. Cheesy, I know, but... after travelling through time itself, it helped me get my thoughts together. And it made me realise that, holy Etro, I am down bad."
Lightning blinked. "Eh?"
A giggle from behind her made the hair on the back of Lightning's neck stick up, as Lumina came into her vision, crystal blue twinkling. "It means that, no offense, Serah wants you to ram her into the mattress."
Pink dashed across Lightning's cheeks, and red exploded on Serah's. "I-I do not!"
"Serah, sis, don't deny it." Lumina moved like a snake towards, her 'twin', a mischievous smile on her lips. "When Light came back from the gym the other day, I'm pretty sure it wasn't magic that made water gush out of your pants~"
Serah's face was burning now. "S-So?!"
Lumina poked Serah's cheek. "C'mon, Lil Sis: be honest for once~!"
Serah groaned heavily, hands reaching her face to scream into them. Turning to Lightning, her face alight, "WHY ARE YOU SO SEXY?!"
Lightning... blinked. She thought she herself wasn't unattractive, but...
Lumina quirked the left side of her lip. "Light seems to be in denial...~"
Lightning, meanwhile, knew one thing: she was glad as all fuck for her l'Cie strength. one small mercy.
Everyone seemed to take to their relationship well; Sazh was just happy Lightning didn't look like she wanted to murder anyone; Hope looked a little sad, but he knew his crush wasn't exactly gonna wait for him; Snow, oddly, also seemed happy; also a little sad, but mostly because he can't call Lightning 'Sis' anymore.
Fang and Vanille, though? Those two were smug as fuck.
The two were dating; in the past, during the travels, the two were rather open about it, and Lightning even got dragged into it. Later on, Serah even got roped in. And then, in this world, the sisters were subjected to the primal Pulse ladies. Lightning and Serah still have phantom pains, even if they are nice/
The four were, and weren't, a thing. They all can admit they like each other, but four ways are, well... Lightning has enough with just Serah and Lumina.
Of course, then enter Yeul. Well, Yeuls.
They guard death itself, and one of them was left with Noel. Poor guy deserves it. But Serah was one they liked as well, it seems.
The first time it happened, Lightning was walking back home, Fang tagging along, and she saw the light on. Nothing bad, but it was late. Very late.
"Maybe she's having her rebel phase?" Fang joked, but even that brought back memories to Lightning.
"Serah hasn't had that in years, thankfully."
"Maybe she and Lumina are having a girl's night?" Fang offered next, as Lightning opened the door.
The soldier shrugged. "I'll see, soon enough. it had better be for a good reason."
"Heh, I had always wondered why--" the door closed, and Lightning listened.
There was Serah. Moaning. And another voice. Multiple. Ones she knew was familiar.
When she went upstairs, the door was flung open, and Lightning was greeted to a sight she was sure belonged on a painting.
A chaotic mess of bodies, with Serah in the middle upon her huge bed (a small debate, wherein Lightning gave in to it), and Yeul. And another. in fact, there was about ten of them, with an eleventh at Lightning's side, a veil on her face.
"Hello, Lightning." They greeted, a smile on their face. In the background, the Yeuls continued their tryst with Serah, Serah's sweet moans a paradox between wanting them to slow down and for them to go on.
"Yeul," Lightning greeted back plainly. there wasn't much to say, the past notwithstanding.
"Ah, you are still mad at us for what happened in the Old World." Veil Yeul noted. Her face was passive, and her eyes went between looking at Lightning and staring at Serah.
Lightning looked back, her lips in a small line.
This world was so, so strange.
And yet, with that strangeness, came the bliss.
Lightning was young when she started to cook. Even now, she does it from time to time, but only simple foods and breakfasts. She nor Serah minded; it was maybe a telling that Lightning liked to play by the rules.
While Serah didn't, and usally made feasts.
It was the lead-up to the festive time of year, with snow dancing around the world and falling to the ground. Lightning, however didn't see.
She got a cold. Something that made her laugh from the sheer irony of a cold bringing her down, and annoyance because it was really starting to get on her nerves.
Getting another clean tissue, she looked over at Serah, who was preparing what was by the far the single largest turkey she's ever laid her eyes upon. "Everything okay, Serah?"
Serah smiled warmly, her hands expertly multitasking. "Claire, don't worry, seriously! I can do this. You know that, right?"
"I do, don't worry; I just thought--" she stopped to sneeze, wiping her nose with the tissue. "--Lumina would be helping."
"Oh, Lumina is banned from the kitchen." Serah said as casually as the weather or her fighting Caius Ballad.
"...?" Lightning's face scrunched up further.
"You look cute like that, Claire; but you know how I had to replace the pan last week? Lumina tried to cook something, and it started to spark."
"I pled innocence, and that the pan was busted." Lumina quickly slid by, trying to sneak but the back of her hair was grabbed by Serah, who had an eyebrow raised.
"Lumina, it was brand new."
"Nuh uh."
Serah's expression become more flat, and started to look like Lightning's expression when she was on Coccon; murder, mainly.
At the end of the night, however, one thing was true to Lightning and everyone she knew and loved.
That this was, is, and will be, the best possible outcome. Lightning believes this with all her heart. And as the snow fell, Lightning found herself smiling, looking out of the window with Serah and Lumina at her sides.
"Beautiful." Lightning uttered, and she meant it with her whole heart.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 1
Characters Chosen Undead | Anastacia of Astora | Knight Lautrec of Carim | Solaire of Astora | Blacksmith Andre | Oscar of Astora | Giant Blacksmith | Quelaan/Daughter of Chaos | Quelana of Izalith | Gwynevere Princess of Sunlight | Siegmeyer of Catarina | Sieglinde of Catarina | Kingseeker Frampt | Darkstalker Kaathe | Patches the Hyena | Lord's Blade Ciaran | Dusk of Oolacile | Darkmoon Knightess | Elizabeth | Furtive Pygmy | Witch of Izalith | Hawkeye Gough | Giant Crow | Shiva of the East | Black Iron Tarkus | Alvina of the Darkroot Wood | Big Hat Logan | Ingward the Guardian of the Seal | Female Undead Merchant
Bosses Asylum Demon | Taurus Demon | Capra Demon | Gaping Dragon | Bell Gargoyle | Chaos Witch Quelaag | Iron Golem | Moonlight Butterfly | Dragon Slayer Ornstein | Executioner Smough | Centipede Demon | Gravelord Nito | Seath the Scaleless | Four Kings | Great Grey Wolf Sif | Dark Sun Gwyndolin | Crossbreed Priscilla | Sanctuary Guardian | Artorias the Abysswalker | Manus Father of the Abyss | Black Dragon Kalameet | Gwyn Lord of Cinder
Enemies Silver Knight | Mushroom People | Havel the Rock | Black Knight | Wheel Skeleton | The Channeler | Black Hydra | Stone Guardian | Sunlight Maggot | Batwing Demon | Crow Demon | Ghost | Undead Attack Dog | Maneater Mildred | Crystal Golem | Skeleton Beast | Kirk Knight of Thorns | Undead Dragon
Dark Souls 2
Characters Bearer of the Curse | Emerald Herald/Shanalotte | Lucatiel of Mirrah | Aslatiel of Mirrah | Lonesome Gavlan | Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Vengarl of Forossa | Faraam, God of War | Alsanna the Silent Oracle | Nadalia Bride of Ash | Jester Thomas | Sweet Shalquoir | Benhart of Jugo | Weaponsmith Ornifex | Creighton the Wanderer
Bosses Ruin Sentinel | The Rotten | Executioner's Chariot | Covetous Demon | Mytha the Baneful Queen | Old Iron King | Throne Watcher | Throne Defender | Looking Glass Knight | Demon of Song | Velstadt the Royal Aegis | King Vendrick | Smelter Demon | Royal Rat Authority | Fume Knight | Sir Alonne | Elana the Squalid Queen | Sinh the Slumbering Dragon | Aava the King's Pet | Lud the King's Pet | Zallen the King's Pet | Burnt Ivory King | Darklurker | Nashandra
Enemies Aurous Knight | Heide Knight | Amana Priestess | Pursuer | Flame Salamander
Dark Souls 3
Characters Ashen One | Fire Keeper | Anri of Astora | Horace the Hushed | Yuria of Londor | Eygon of Carim | Irina of Carim | Orbeck of Vinheim | Sirris of the Sunless Realms | Unbreakable Patches | Greirat of the Undead Settlement | Siegward of Catarina | Princess Filianore | Company Captain Yorshka | Sir Vilhelm | Baby Ocelotte | Queen of Lothric | Painting Woman | Liliane of the Sable Church | Lord of Hollows | Karla | Cornyx of the Great Swamp | Ringfinger Leonhard | Rosaria Mother of Rebirth | Pygmy Lords | Yellowfinger Heysel | Old Wolf of Farron | Archdeacon Klimt | Archdeacon Mcdonnell | Archdeacon Royce | Shira Knight of Filianore | Pilgrim from Londor | Ludleth of Courland
Bosses Iudex Gundyr | Vordt of the Boreal Valley | Curse Rotted Greatwood | Crystal Sage | Deacons of the Deep | High Lord Wolnir | Old Demon King | Champion Gundyr | Pontiff Sulyvahn | Abyss Watchers | Yhorm the Giant | Aldrich Devourer of Gods | Dancer of the Boreal Valley | Dragonslayer Armour | Lothric Younger Prince | Lorian Elder Prince | Ancient Wyvern | Nameless King | Storm Drake | Oceiros the Consumed King | Champion's Gravetender | Gravetender Greatwolf | Sister Friede | Father Ariandel | Demon Prince | Darkeater Midir | Halflight Spear of the Church | Slave Knight Gael | Soul of Cinder
Enemies Pontiff Knight | Fire Witch | Sulyvahn's Beast | Grand Archives Scholar | Lothric Knight | Darkwraith | Carthus Swordsman Skeleton | Tree Woman | Ravenous Crystal Lizard | Corvian Settler | Corvian Knight | Ringed Knight | Desert Pyromancer Zoey | Londor Pale Shade | Holy Knight Hodrick | Angel | Outrider Knight | Jailer | Grand Archives Scholar | Monstrosity of Sin | Wolf | Grave Warden | Deep Accursed
Groups/Ships/All Games Twin Princes | Nkstein | Ciartorias | Eygon x Irina | Four Knights of Gwyn | Crystal Lizard | Patches | Basilisk | Mimic | Skeleton | Velka Goddess of Sin
Others Dubious Grandma | Maiden of the Moon | Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
DS Trivia
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coolbossweapons · 1 year
Coolest Souls Boss Weapon Competition
-There will be a first round, where the 112 weapons selected will participate in 14 free-for-alls, each with 8 weapons.
-Afterwards will start the bracket phase.
-The weapons with the most votes (no matter how small the difference with the runner-up) will go to the next round.
-This only includes weapons that you gain by fighting bosses (so, boss souls weapons, weapons actually dropped by the bosses, tail weapons, and in Bloodborne’s case, weapons that you can buy after getting a boss’ badge.
-Demon’s Souls weapons are not included, solely because I haven’t played the game. Don’t even mention Sekiro.
-I did not include shields or spells.
-You can do propaganda for whichever weapon you want, but don’t diss other weapons.
-I will not be doing propaganda, myself.
-Have fun!
First Round
-Watcher Greatsword
-Bone Scythe
-Farron Greatsword
-Roaring Halberd
-Curved Dragon Greatsword
-Wrathful Axe
-Butcher’s Knife
-Winged Greathorn
-Fume Sword
-Great Lord Greatsword
-Sacred Relic Sword
-Dragonslayer Greatbow
-Hand of Malenia
-Chariot Lance
-Lothric’s Holy Sword
-Golem Axe
-King’s Ultra Greatsword
-Moonlight Greatsword
-Marika’s Hammer
-Starscourge Greatsword
-Sacred Chime Hammer
-Spotted Whip
-Dragonslayer Spear
-Storm Curved Sword
-Tin Darkmoon Catalyst
-Dragon Bone Fist
-Twin Princes’ Greatsword
-Old King’s Great Hammer
-Gael’s Greatsword
-Demon’s Scar
-Chime of Want
-Ruler’s Sword
-Axe of Godrick
-Loyce Greatsword
-Wolnir’s Holy Sword
-Carian Regal Scepter
-Blasphemous Blade
-Gargoyle Tail Axe
-Manus Catalyst
-Priscilla’s Dagger
-Kos Parasite
-Warped Sword
-Rose of Ariandel
-Aged Smelter Sword
-Spider’s Silk
-Yorgh’s Spear
-Dragonrider Twinblade
-Ivory King Ultra Greatsword
-Dancer’s Enchanted Swords
-Dragon King’s Cragblade
-Giant’s Red Braid
-Lifehunt Scythe
-Dragon King Greatsword
-Greatsword of Judgement
-Barbed Club
-Mytha’s Bent Blade
-Lion Greatbow
-Ivory Straight Sword
-Axe of Godfrey
-Scythe of Want
-Smough’s Hammer
-Crypt Blacksword
-Morgott’s Cursed Sword
-Giant Stone Axe
-Firelink Greatsword
-Bow of Want
-Iron King Hammer
-Dragonrider Bow
-Thorned Greatsword
-Frayed Blade
-Vordt’s Great Hammer
-Gundyr’s Halberd
-Burial Blade
-Dragonslayer Swordspear
-Moonlight Butterfly Horn
-Maliketh’s Black Blade
-Lorian’s Greatsword
-Drakewing Ultra Greatsword
-Greatsword of Artorias
-Grafted Dragon
-Abyss Greatsword
-Cleric’s Candlestick
-Quelaag’s Furysword
-Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear
-Dragonrider’s Halberd
-Darkmoon Bow
-Dragonslayer Greataxe
-Gargoyle Bident
-Holy Moonlight Sword
-Arced Sword
-Bewitched Alonne Sword
-Pursuer’s Ultra Greatsword
-Hollowslayer Greatsword
-Defender Greatsword
-Fume Ultra Greatsword
-Darkmoon Longbow
-Guardian Tail
-Cursed Greatsword of Artorias
-Crystal Sage’s Rapier
-Yhorm’s Great Machete
-Profaned Greatsword
-Bastard’s Stars
-Repeating Crossbow
-Spider Fang
-Smelter Sword
-Spitfire Spear
-Arstor’s Spear
-Chaos Blade
-Lost Sinner’s Sword
-Friede’s Great Scythe
-Obsidian Greatsword
Round 1.5
-Bastard’s Stars
-Cursed Greatsword of Artorias
-Twin Princes’ Greatsword
-Gael’s Greatsword
Second Round
-Burial Blade
-Friede's Great Scythe
-Morgott's Cursed Sword
-Firelink Greatsword
-Cursed Greatsword of Artorias
-Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
-Hand of Malenia
-Gael's Greatsword
-Kos Parasite
-Blasphemous Blade
-Dancer's Enchanted Swords
-Moonlight Greatsword
-Farron Greatsword
-Holy Moonlight Sword
Third Round
-Burial Blade
-Morgott’s Cursed Sword
-Cursed Greatsword of Artorias
-Holy Moonlight Sword
-Kos Parasite
-Dancer’s Enchanted Swords
-Hand of Malenia
-Burial Blade
-Holy Moonlight Sword
-Kos Parasite
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