#crying in the club i love diluc
ephemeralwxsh · 1 year
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@dcviated asked:
Diluc moves out of the way just in time to avoid being bowled over by the mass of linens being carried down the hall. It's his fault not being out of the manor already, but certain proclivities kept him from running a normal schedule.
"Clorica." He calls out. "Clorica!" Once more for good measure. Hopefully it's enough to gather her attention (and her consciousness)
"Weren't you supposed to be off today?"
          “ Laundry day, la-di-day, would you like some apples today~ ”
Soft humming filled the halls as Clorica entered the winery, a large basket of sheets and bedding obscuring her vision. The warm sunlight would surely be missed, but it had done such a wonderful job of drying the linens, so all was well.
Even without being able to see the halls in front of her eyes, the young butler knew exactly where to take the baskets, and at this time of day, the other maids would be working in the kitchens or sweeping outside. No need to worry in the least, which meant that Clorica was free to daydream and hum-
Or maybe not. The first call of her name didn’t process in the least, but when Master Diluc repeated it — a bit louder, a little sharper — Clorica jolted, faltering in her bouncy steps. It only took an additional moment to place the linens down and swish around to face him, but that didn’t mean her response would come swiftly.
On the contrary, she spent a few additional minutes pondering his question — Moco and Hillie had made extra special sure to remind her that tomorrow was her day off, not today, but Master Diluc and Miss Adelinde were almost never wrong! What a conundrum…
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          “ Oh, how strange... I thought for sure that was tomorrow. ”
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meili-sheep · 1 year
Hello, Kai, really interested in knowing the relationship of sumeru characters and diluc. Also, fontaine characters too (those who we know/already meet)
I think that Navia and Diluc have some stuff in common... I think
This is my first time asking you, so please ignore mistakes
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Hello! Welcome! And don't worry about mistakes my brain has this really nice autocorrect feature called dyslexia so about 70% of the time I don't any grammar or spelling errors. But it back fires a lot. Kind of like regular autocorrect. ANY WAY. I would kind of love to talk about this.
Al Haitham
So I do enjoy shipping Diluc and Al Haitham because well they would just absolutely vibe together. Defiantly a lot of autism to autism communication. They are also both they type of people who can work or do separate activates right next to each other and come away saying they really like each other and the other is a good person.
Like their relationship could be them hardly speaking to each other but they just genuinely enjoy company and having someone understand on different level.
So I firmly think she (and Dehya for that matter) would look at Diluc and go "baby"
She's a protector and would in a small way equate Diluc to a little prince or knight. And I think if she learned about Diluc's family history she might feel a common ground there. And she'd defiantly pick up on how young, but accomplished he is. Just generally he'd kick in her protective instincts. SPECIALLY SINCE HE'D BE A VERY RESPECTFULLY GOOD BOY.
Honestly I think Diluc would really enjoy Cyno's jokes. Not to the point where he'd laugh out loud but defiantly remark about how funny and clever it is. And Cyno just get the glint in his eyes that Collei and Tighnari fear.
I've also had them together in The Teyvat Detective Club Because they have strong senses of right and wrong with focuses on justice and retribution. So I kind of think out of everyone in Sumeru Diluc and Cyno would be the closest as friends.
So I believe Diluc know of Collie. Lisa does tell him about her progress and he's got a silent investment and pride. But he doesn't really think he need to introduce himself. She doesn't need to know that he cause the distraction and took the blame for her accident. But he's always extra gentle with her.
For Collei's part she probably is just amazed by Diluc and how gentle and calming his presence is. With Tighnari she's probably been told to be very careful with Pyro vision, but she doesn't see the Choatic side of Diluc. Diluc reminds her a lot of a camp fire, a warm relaxing. She probably see him as an exemplar of what Knights are supposed to be based off of what Amber has told her.
And I think if she learned about his involvement in helping her and who he too hate the fatui and has suffered at their hands. She'd cry.
As a Claymore Pyro, (on standard) I think Dehya already feel a connection. And she would love swapping stories with him until she realizes how young he is.
And then she'd probably ask about how he keeps his skin looking so nice. He would shrug and just say he washes regularly.
Then it hits her
He's not even 25 yet he's barely 23.
Big sister mode kicks in and she picks him up toss him over her shoulder. This her now. her little brother and if anything happen to him she will kill everyone and then herself.
So these two are probably the ones most likely to have canon interaction. And Dori has absolutely tried to sell counterfeit dandelion wine.
And well.
Dori has probably the personally see Diluc's pretty close to bottomless assets. The ability to by like what was it 2000? fake Breath of Barbatos. Either way she sees him as someone she can't really cross without facing a lose in some way, and he's not one who she can trick. So she admires him in some way for how he's added to his family's wealthy but also in some was see him as a rival for having family wealthy and still being a good businessman.
Diluc actually calls her Madam and gives her the elder respect that she asks for. So she loves him and probably has tried to get him to become a student specially since I do think Diluc would have an interests in linguistics particularly in syphers and codes.
She probably would be his got to for such things relating to machines and langue. And honestly Diluc would personally fund her projects seeing that her lines and interests in blending fields of study could have long term good effects for everyone.
So I'm a big Kavehluc person.
And Kaveh would instantly see Diluc's beauty and just fall head over heels and just progressively get worst because he'd see Diluc on top of being beautiful is one of the gentlest and sweetest people he's every meet. Kaveh would admire him because he just gives himself and knows when to hold back with out feeling any of the guilt that Kaveh struggles with.
And even if you don't ship them I feel they would get along as Kaveh feels he could learn something from Diluc.
So Diluc's not an astrology person. But I feel he's treat Layla the same was he does Sucrose. He would be extra gentle and try to subtly build up Layla's confidences. Which would put him in high regards in "other" Layla's book.
If he meet them both he would tries his best to meet the real Layla which he thinks is some point in-between day and night time Layla.
Not give a single shit she's an archon.
That's a baby.
And Diluc has a biiiiiiig soft spot for children. Defiantly respects her wisdom but defiantly is in big bro mode.
But I get the feeling that Nilou is like Amber and that she has a "grump" translator. Meaning when Diluc says something that might come across as "Blunt" at best She instantly knows what he means. And she instantly knows how kind and sweet he is.
There defiantly is at small group of Nilou, Dehya, Diluc, and Candace all swapping skin, hair and general beauty tips.
So Tighnari is the Sumeru Rep of the Bully the Fatui Brigade. And I think Tighnari would eventually learn what Diluc did for Collie. So There is a lot of respect between them. And A lot of low key chaos
A little Less when Tighnari learns Diluc acutely like Cyno's Jokes.
I'm not really a fan. But I feel like Diluc wouldn't be intimated by Wanderer at all. And Wanderer would be super duper leery knowing about Diluc's past.
But Diluc doesn't remember Wander but Wander would be sort of curious about this side of the feared Fatui hunter. Defiantly would probably try to get one his good side for his own revenge related reason. Enemy of my enemy all that.
So there isn't a lot info on her yet for me to make a call. But I feel they would have a generally positively sort of respectful relationship. Not a lot more tho.
Into the kid collection he goes. He likes all his kids Diluc would be extremely gently and patient with Ferminet. Defiantly giving him claymore tips and probably even recommending he talk to Eula because there could be lines crossed between swimming and dancing that could be used to help him.
Diluc probably has a general soft spot for Cyro users just because of Keaya so ya know.
So consider she's just Fischl on steroids. Diluc would probably end up treating her like he does Fischl. Just gently playing into what makes her happy but also drawing clear lines when she's over stepping or about to overstep.
Diluc already has experience pulling in his archon, and given his own sense of justice I feel he and Furina would generally get along great up untill he wounds her pride, but he'd only every do it when she's being too much.
Neuvillette sings Diluc's praises for this.
Just like with Al Haitham.
Autism to Autism communication.
Lynette would be totally see similarities between Diluc and Lyney as they are both brother would try and take all the burden away from their siblings and do everything they can protect them. So Lynette would look out for Diluc probably ends up giving Kaeya a care list for Diluc because I totally think she has one for how she takes care of Lyney when he's not looking. Not to her suprise Kaeya already has one.
Lyney and Diluc are generally the more calm and collected end of the Pyro spectrum. But I get the feeling they both would just bring out their inner Chaos.
Like Yeah both Lyney and Lynette have heard about Diluc's Fatui Hunting. But I also think that Diluc would have tried to liberate House of Hearth and find better places for Kids. If not give them more supplies and more of a childhood. Because the he would learn of the House of Hearth and I think It's where Diluc would start to waiver on his conviction which would lead to him seeing how his method wasn't working.
So despite being Fatui Diluc would still treat them well and I feel he'd love Lyney's stage magic and learning all the tricks. It would be a puzzle game between them Lyney performs a trick and Diluc tries to figure out how he did it.
So Navia I feel could probably be the best candidate to be add to the detective club.
And there would be a lot of trauma bonding with her and Diluc over losing their father before taking up their mantles. So again I feel Diluc would provide funding to Spina di Rosula specially since the info they gain could be usfull to the Detective club or Diluc's underground organization.
Navia might even be an apprentice to Diluc but I acutely sort of get the vibe that she's older, but she's still have a lot of respect for his experience and general attitude. while he admires her passion for doing what is right and seeking the truth against all odds.
So I've already seen art of Diluc and Neuvillette together and they are like super cute and chill vibes.
Like I don't have the best grip on Neuvillette yet but I feel like he and Diluc would get along in that they generally are pretty vibing but at the same time Neuvillette could learn a lot form Diluc as Diluc's passion for justice as well as being a generally passionate person would give Neuvillette a lot more perspective while not overwhelming him.
But also that leak about the Dark knight hero line. It would add a lot of spicy and also questions to the realtionship
New daughter.
That's all I got mostly because see below.
Look man this is gonna be my new addition to the Diluc Harem. Like I just get the gay Jane Austin Vibes from these two. Like if you want regency romance Wrioluc will be your thing. But that's just the vibe I'm picking up right now. I am super excited to learn more.
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Kinktober Diluc -Day Twenty Six-
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Tags for the day: Sensory deprivation and heat play
Summary: He needed to apologize he needed to get back in her good graces. He'd do anything to hear her voice, to see her, fuck even feel her. He was going insane but thankfully his insanity paid off.
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For the next few weeks I adjusted my schedule and continued to ignore Diluc’s messages and calls. I changed to the after midnight shift and was always with Cerpus -Diluc’s dad- who even though was the fuck buddies dad was a dad to everyone who worked at the club which made it a lot more comfortable than being with Diluc. 
“So kiddo I’m not trying to pry but did something happen between you and my boys?” Cerpus asked, in response I turned as red as his hair. 
“Pfft. nothing happened, what would happen, haha, your mistaken Cerpus nothing ever happened between Diluc, Kaeya and I.” I said hurriedly. 
“Uh huh, sure kiddo. Well Diluc asked if you’d want to join our family’s Halloween traditions.” I chuckled. 
“Y-Yeah, no thanks I gotta make sure to pass out candy.” I say. 
“Hmm, I guess I gotta tell Diluc you are avoiding him.” Cerpus said, I whipped my head to the red head. 
“I’m sorry?” I asked
“Diluc believes you're avoiding him. I don’t remember how many times he’s asked me to tell you to respond to his calls and messages. Whatever happened between you two seems to be getting him fired up.” Cerpus said, pouring vodka shots. 
“W-well I mean something did happen and I would like to avoid meeting with him after what happened. A-at least until I can face him without thinking about what happened.” Cerpus hummed and leaned against the counter. 
“Did you confess to him?” He asked
“N-No. . .I Y’know I’m gonna clear that table.” I said excuse myself. Continuing to work. I worked until the club closed and Cerpus and I closed the club with a few other employees and right as he locked up the club he walked me to his car. 
“You really should talk to that boy, he’s been driving me crazy because of you. Alright?” I smiled and drove home. That night I looked at the messages and voicemails Diluc left me. 
“Hey I’m really sorry about Kaeya, he’s a fucking IDIOT! Please return my calls.” 
“I know you probably don’t want to talk. I mean that was clear like 20ish messages and voicemails ago, but I really need to see you, please answer my calls.” 
“Fuckin’ hell Y/n please! I-I know I’m partly to blame for Kaeya catching us b-but I can’t take this anymore, I really can’t. I-I don’t care if you don’t want me to look at you I will literally do anything you want at this point, even if meant having you fuck me with a toy I just need to know your-” The message cut off. 
“Y/n please I. . .I need you. . .I need to hear your voice o-or at least tell me what you want. I feel like I’m going fucking crazy.” 
“I’m sorry I keep calling you and leaving these damn voicemails. I-I know you probably want nothing to do with me after that but I can’t handle you ignoring me. . .” I could hear Diluc cry as he spoke, “Fuck, please call me back. Let me hear your voice. Fuck please~! I-I’ll get on my knees and beg I-I don’t care j-just please~ Please!” The rest of the messages are virtually the same, Diluc crying begging me to answer him. Making it very clear I could do anything to him as long as I went to him. 
I bit my lip and called Diluc, when he answered he sounded like a horse as if he had been crying again but he sniffled and chuckled, “Y/N! I’m so sorry about everything that happened, I-I please come see me.” Diluc whined. 
“I thought you were staying at your dad’s.” I say.
“I-I am. . .b-but I can totally go home!” I looked at the wall and sighed. 
“Those bed strap cuffs you love using on me and a blindfold. I also want you to give me control.” I said, I could hear more sniffles. 
“A-anything else?” 
“I’ll bring the rest. Do you understand?” I asked, I could hear a door open and close then running before both Cerpus and Kaeya’s voice echoed into the phone questioning where the red head was going before I heard dangling keys and another door closed followed by a starting car. 
“How long do I have?” He asked. 
“Thirty-ish minutes depends on traffic.” I say. 
“That’s more than enough time. I’ll guess we’ll meet soon.” I hummed and hung up. I went to my bedroom and got the candles I was given by a friend and a lighter before leaving my apartment heading to Diluc’s.  When I had gotten there I parked and turned off my car ready to get out but rather stayed inside the car. 
“What the fuck are you doing here Y/n? This is really sad even for you.” Is sighed resting my head on the wheel, “Your at your fuck buddy’s house so he can make it up to you for getting caught by his goddamn brother. I should just go home.” I groaned, turning my car back on, then I screamed and turned it back off. 
“God I am pathetic,” cursed, I got a text and opened my phone. 
‘Waiting for you like you.’ This message paired with a winky face made me slam my head into the horn before grabbing my bag and leaving the car park and going to the man’s apartment where I opened the door and saw all the lights but the kitchen’s off. I went to the kitchen and saw a glass of Zinfandel on the counter with the rest of the bottle. I hummed and downed the drink like a shot before snatching the bottle and shaking out the nerves and heading to the bedroom where I saw the redhead strapped to the bed naked in all of his German glory. I snapped myself out of the trance I was in and put the wine bottle on his nightstand, setting my bag down on the bed and digging through it. 
“Italian leather. . .T-that’s the bag I got you right?” Diluc asked hesitantly, he must think I’m someone else. Mainly because if I answered yes he knew I was someone else. He’s never given me a leather bag, actually he’s never given me anything but an orgasm. 
“No, it’s some cheap bag I bought in a thrift store.” I corrected it. The man took a deep sigh and smiled sweetly. 
“I-I thought you wouldn’t come and my servants would see me like this rather than you.” He chuckled, I hummed and took out the bundle of safe sex candles and my lighter before throwing the bag into a chair in the bedroom.  
“A-are you alright? You sound. . .” I was undressing as he was talking but before he could make his own answer I cut him off. 
“I’m drinking your Zinfandel so I’m getting drunk.” 
“S-so you are drinking it. . .Why? You don’t normally drink.” I was left in my underwear and went to the bed again. 
“I’m a quiet drunk, It’ll help me not expose myself to you.” I say. 
“Expose? I told you I don’t care if you use me.” I hummed. 
“Shut up, pretty boy. I’m in control tonight and I will not have you ruining this.” I scolded using a hand to squish his face. He nodded and I took one of the many candles, I chose the golden colored one before lighting it and putting it in a candle holder that just so happened to be empty. 
“Hehe. . .setting the mood is really useless because I-” I grabbed his face again. 
“You talk when you're nervous. If you don’t want this I’ll unstrap you from this bed and leave.” I said, the man tried to sit up but his bounds kept him down. 
“N-No! If you leave now you’ll just keep ignoring me! A-and I can’t handle you ignoring me.” He sounded so hurt. I sighed and plopped my ass on his bed. 
“I’m not doing anything that’ll hurt you.” I say. 
“I-I know you wouldn't, t-that's why I offered my body.” I  hummed and by the time I lit the candle and talked to Diluc it began to melt. I grabbed in and straddled my hips. I quickly tested the wax temperature on the back of my hand before letting the hot substance land on DIluc who gasped and squirmed under me. 
“I-Is that wax?” I slipped my panties to the side and welcomed the man’s cock inside like I had done a few weeks prior, “F-fuck, you feel. . .shit I missed- Damn it that’s hot.” the bartender hissed. I smirked and bounced on his cock as I continued to allow the wax drip onto his body writing the word ‘Mine’ from his chest to his belly button. When I was finally happy with how the message was written I let the wax continue until the flame went out. 
“Y/n? F-fuck a-are you done with the candle?” Diluc moaned. I smirked and put my hands on his chest and pulled him into a passionate kiss as I began to cry. Diluc began struggling before I felt that knot getting tighter and tighter until it unraveled and both Diluc and I came. I of course got off, left the note I had written ages ago and got all dressed before taking my bag and taking off the bindings before heading to the door
“Y/n if you want you can stay the night.” As he finished his words I left the apartment silently crying as I headed to my car. I got in and began driving home only to pull over and turn off the car. 
“D-damn it Diluc! I-I can’t fucking believe I cried while doing that! Damn it! Why did I have to love him!” I rested my head on the wheel crying as I realized my feelings for Diluc weren’t going away and that whole situation made me realize that he only sees me as a fuck buddy. 
“I don’t believe in god, please go away.” Just then I heard my own voice. 
“Why did I have to love him?!. . .Damn it Diluc!” I opened my eyes to see the red head with the sweetest smile and some kind of bag in one hand while the other held his phone. 
“If I knew you felt the same I would’ve asked you out a lot sooner.” He laughed. I went bright red and ran to my bedroom and hid myself under the blanket in shame. He followed me and planted a sweet kiss on my embarrassed state before leaving for my kitchen. Throughout the entire day Diluc took care of my hangover state and reassured me he did love me, only making me even more embarrassed than before. 
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@stygianoir @yunadxd @akenofujihara
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Genshin but cringy high school theater kids (I might do other groups in the future, but I think this group is super funny)
- make up
- Nilou tried to convince her to get on stage once, but she felt uncomfortable and it never stuck
- killer smoky eye tho (she also loves doing dramatic stage makeup)
- set design
- “ok we need a power saw, some scaffolding, and ofc I’ll need to be able to pick some paint samples…”
- no concept of the word budget
- listens to show tunes constantly and has multiple musicals memorized
- can’t sing, but that doesn’t stop him from belting along at rehearsal
- constantly bitches abt his artistic vision
- solid triple threat, very talented
- only talented guy and therefore plays every male lead
- he’s played a prince so many times you’d think he was one in another life (wink wink)
- gets invited to all the sleepovers bc he’s gay and has anxiety
- dance captain
- she really only joined bc she wanted to be able to dance more often (plus Childe invited her since they were friends from dance class)
- costumes (and she helps Yun Jin w/ the music sometimes)
- she embroiders so I choose to believe she goes thrifting with with Xiangling and Yun Jin to find costume pieces she can upcycle
Yun Jin:
- she helps score some of her father’s operas, and she uses the school club as a chance to work on things of her own
- she’s like super duper talented. She and Xinyan have sleepovers where they talk abt their ideas and work together
- he mostly prefers to stage manage from the shadows, but occasionally he joins in w/ a performance
- he’s also completely in charge of pr
- Crepus told him he was proud of him after his first show and he started crying
- Crepus then took him and Diluc out for ihop on opening night
- technically he assistant directs, but mostly he just sticks to himself
- his counselor told him he needed an extracurricular on his transcript that wasn’t academic related, so he got dragged into the crew
I’ll add more later, but just know it features actor Venti, Hu Tao on lights, and Collei occasionally helping Tighnari w/ props
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wri0thesley · 1 year
I think Diluc would fall in love at first sight with you 💕
WAAAA.... thats so cute anon. crying in the club. holding this to my heart today. mr diluc i am free on thursday at 9pm. and also any other time
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stuckinatension · 2 years
Say my name, say my name. If you love me, let me hear.
Say my name, say my name. I'm dying to believe you.
"Well, well, who is there", the young guy sitting on the couch was the first to notice the figure that appeared in the doorway. Diluc chuckled and went straight to the familiar face. Kaeya took a sip of his drink, wincing at the tartness of the alcohol. "Mister anti-fan of alcohol came here, to the club, to have a good night with girls", Kaeya made a pause, looking at Dilyuk from the bottom up from his seat, and then added, "or boys and drink some good beer or even worse. Am I right?"
"Almost", Diluc leaned over, taking the glass from Kaeya's hand and drinking the last of the tequila, "But you made a mistake about who I will have fun with".
Kaeya tensed slightly, shifting in his seat. It's not that he cares who his ex-lover is dating now, but... But who he's cheating on? He was on edge as hell right now because of this.
"With who?" He put his glass on the low table making a gesture to call the waiter. Diluc sited next to him trying not to smirk but he was bad at it.
"With you, Kae-dumbass", Diluc leaned forward to him and left a light kiss on his lips, "Sweet, as always".
Kaeya was so dumbfounded that he didn't even resist. Instead, he reached for another kiss, deeper and longer than the last. His fingers gently stroked his lover's cheekbones. Diluc closed his eyes in pleasure, wrapping his arms around the other's neck.
They were distracted only when the long-awaited waiter brought two whole glasses of strong alcohol, smiling softly at the two lovers.
"At my expense," Tartaglia smirked, retreating quickly until his best friend came to his senses. Little bastard.
"Is it a dream?", Kaeya asked holding his breath. They broke up nearly a half of the year ago on the initiative of Diluc. Alberich spent a lot of time to recover from his first in everything Diluc picking up the pieces of broken feelings and memories. And now he came back. Kaeya is definitely drunk, even though he had only one glass.
"No, it's not, Kaeya", Diluc responded becoming serious. He took someone his ex-boyfriend's hand in his, intertwining their fingers together. Kaeya watched the scene as if spellbound, afraid to frighten off a pleasant hallucination. "I was an idiot when I broke up with you. I thought you'd be better off without me. That I'd be better off without you. But it's not. Both of these statements are false, and do not even deny it. Childe had already hammered it into my head", he laughed softly at the last sentence, trying to defuse the situation, but he didn't get a chuckle in return.
"And you're calling me dumbass", Kaeya only responded hugging his lover. He wanted to cry and laugh and kiss him and beat him and many other things. However, he could only say how stupid Diluc was making that decision. And breaking up with him, of course.
"I'm so in love with you, Diluc. How could you even think about that?"
"Because I know that. And I feel the same to you, Kae."
Keia pulled his boyfriend close to him, endlessly kissing his face, trying to hide the tears of his happiness.
"Happy birthday, my love."
A/N: I' already living in the first of December and I was left without the Internet, but I could not help wishing my man a happy birthday. Happy birthday to my ultimate kinn and main!!!
P.S. : If you see a mistake, please, text me. I wrote this at the 2 am.
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haikavehs-audhd · 5 months
Get to know me
🦋🐰🌸Basic Info🌸🐰🦋
💜 Name: Nabito (nah-bee-toe)
Comes from 나비 토끼 (nabi tokki) which means butterfly and rabbit respectively
💜 Nicknames: Nabi, Father (Certain friends only), Sunshine
💜 November 27th
☀️ Sagitarrius
🌙 Pisces
⬆️ Aquarius
💜 25
💜 He/Him/They/Them
💜 Bisexual
💜Tortie Cat and Lop Rabbit Therian
💜 Taken
💜 Current Hyperfixations: Genshin Impact, Love and Deep Space, Pokemon, Splatoon 3, Oshi no Ko, Apothecary Diaries, Jujutsu Kaisen
💜 Art Blog: @nabitodexart
💜 Strawpage:
🩵 Pokemon
🩵 Sonic the Hedgehog
🩵 Genshin Impact
🩵 Love and Deep Space
🩵 Splatoon 2/3
🩵 Stardew Valley
🩵 Animal Crossing
🩵 Minecraft
🩵 Undertale/Deltarune
🩵 Princess Debut
🩵 MySims
🩵 Corpse Party
🩵 Omori
🩵 Five Night's at Freddy's
🩵 Outlast
🩵 Layers of Fear
🩵 Doki Doki Literature Club
🩵 Catherine: Full Body
🩵 Quake 3 Arena
📺TV/Anime Series📺
💙The Apothecary Diaries
💙 Fruits Basket (2019 Reboot Specifically)
💙 A Sign of Affection
💙 InuYasha
💙 Jujutsu Kaisen
💙 Another
💙 Higurashi When They Cry (I haven't played the visual novels, don't hurt me--)
💙 Sailor Moon
💙 Puella Magi Madoka Magica
💙 Oshi no Ko
💙 Angel Beats
💙 Code Lyoko
💙 Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo
💙 Alice in Borderland
💙 Sonic Prime
💙 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 specifically)
🩷 Suzume no Tojimari
🩷 9
🩷 Coraline
🩷 Jujutsu Kaisen 0
🩷 Oculus
(More to come i just can't think of anything-)
🖤 Marry My Husband
🖤 My Husband Changes Every Night
🖤 My Dear Cold Blooded King
🖤 Everything is Fine
🖤 Dragon's Keep (Janet Lee Carey)
🖤 Dragonwood (Janet Lee Carey)
🖤 The Night of the Dragon Moon (Janet Lee Carey)
🖤 If We Kiss
🖤 Kiss Me Again
🖤 My Last Kiss
🖤 Don't Look Back
🖤 Seven Realms Series
🖤 Shattered Realms Series
🖤 Fruits Basket Manga
🖤 Higurashi: When They Cry Manga
🖤 The Apothecary Diaries Manga
🖤 Oshi no Ko Manga
🖤 Tokyo Ghoul Manga
🖤 Judge Manga
🖤 Sailor Moon Manga
🖤 Twisted Wonderland Manga
💻Internet Stories/Fanfics/ARGs💻
💜 Welcome Home
💜 Outcast (BTS Horror AU on Twitter)
💜 Creepypastas
🩵 Markiplier
🩵 Jacksepticeye
🩵 Night Mind
🩵 Smii7y
🩵 BigJigglyPanda
🩵 fourzer0seven
🩵 Wildcat
🩵 Nogla
🩵 Kryoz
🩵 VanossGaming
🩵 Dollightful
🩵 Poppen Atelier
🩵 Moonlight Jewel
🎶My Playlist🎶
✅️ Cats
✅️ Infodumping about my interests
✅️ Singing
✅️ Plushies
✅️ Drawing
✅️ Haunted Places
✅️ Horror Movies
✅️ Sleeping
✅️ Food
✅️ Baking
✅️ Pastels
✅️ Spring Rain
✅️ Summer Storms
✅️ Plushie Dreadfuls
❌️ Loud Noises
❌️ Thunderstorms
❌️ The Dark
❌️ Spiders, Water bugs, House Centipedes, cockroaches
❌️ Blood
❌️ Crowded places
❌️ Fighting/loud arguments
❌️ The feeling of velvet
🦋🐰🌸Little Things About Me🌸🐰🦋
⭐️ My Kpop Ults are The KingDom, Ateez, and Dreamcatcher, my ult biases are Hwon, Yeosang, and Dami
⭐️ I am Wiccan/Pagan/Spiritual, whatever you wanna call it
⭐️ I hate waking up before noon
⭐️ I collect crystals, Build a Bears, Tokidoki Unicornos, Plushie Dreadfuls and other cute figurines
⭐️ my favorite Pokemon are Zorua/Zoroark, Sylveon, Sprigatito, Rowlett, Victini, and Shaymin, my fav games are Platinum, BW, BW2, Legends: Arceus, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
⭐️ I have a Mimikyu Plushie named Pikaboo and a Zoroark plushie named Sly
⭐️ I have an Autism Bunny Plushie Dreadful named Aurora
⭐️ Cannot function without my caffiene
⭐️ my fav food is Choco Chip Pancakes and Steak
⭐️ I'm EXTREMELY feminine despite being a trans man and it's made me have mutliple gender crisis
⭐️ My fav Genshin Characters are Kaveh, Diluc, Xiao, Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Lyney, Lynette, Arataki Itto, Diona, and Kokomi
⭐️ Currently in Itto, Wriothesley, Kavetham (all Genshin), Gojo SatoSugu (Jujutsu Kaisen), and Rafayel (Love and Deepspace) Brainrot
🦋🐰🌸Kin List🌸🐰🦋
Bold means i Kin Them The Most LMFAO
🇨🇦 Canada (Hetalia)
👽 Rin (Catherine Full Body)
🦎 Alphys (Undertale)
🦌 Noelle (Deltarune)
🎀 Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
🍙 Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
🦅 Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact)
🐱 Diona Katzlein (Genshin Impact)
👹 Xiao (Genshin Impact)
🌱 Alhaitham (Genshin Impact)
🏛 Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
☂️ Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
🫖 Lynette (Genshin Impact)
❌🪽 Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)
👼🏻 Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
💚 Shinozaki Mion (Higurashi: When They Cry)
💛 Hojo Satoko (Higurashi: When They Cry)
❤️ Maebara Keiichi (Higurashi: When They Cry)
🩷 Itadori Yuji (Jujutsu Kaisen)
🖤 Fushiguro Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
⛓️🪚Denji (Chainsaw Man)
🩸😈 Power (Chainsaw Man)
🚪 Suzume (Suzume no Tojimari)
♣️ Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland)
🤡🤖 Fizzaroli (Helluva Boss)
🍴Mochi (Friend's OC)
🤖⭐️Franky (One Piece)
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mxdnightlvers · 2 years
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐖 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬°˖✧✿✧˖°
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Comfort/Fluff. Genshin comfort with my sad songs. Basically. My sad playlist. A lyric from one of those songs. To match how Genshin men comfort you. It’ll make sense when you read it 😭
➸𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Zhongli, Childe, Diluc, Xiao
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Reader is stressed,, otherwise mainly fluff
➸ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬/𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Gender Neutral
➸ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Heavy self insert fr I just wrote this cuz i needed some comfort from my favs😭 I haven’t written comfort b4 my ass was just writing whatever at the moment
I recommend to listen to the songs while reading
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Artic Monkeys- 505 (Zhongli)
“But I crumble completely when you cry”
Oh how his heart would shatter the moment he sees tears stream down your face. To know his previous attempts at comforting you didn’t help much. He’d always try to solve any problem you have before you’d be super stressed out by it, so to see you simply start crying, he’d be a bit lost for words at first. However even if he is, he doesn’t waste a second in holding you in his arms, petting your hair as you cry into his shirt. Slender fingers running through your hair as he presses his lips to your head, “Shh it’s okay it’s okay” He may not know the right words to say at the moment but he does know that he can stay by your side until you’re okay, reassuring you that everything will be okay. Soft whispers of, “I’m right here my love, let it all out it’s okay.” His words are quiet, just audible enough over your broken sobs. To see the person he loves the most like this is devastating and he will do everything he can to comfort you and make you feel better. You’ll fall asleep in his arms after crying and wake up the same. Wrapped tightly in his arms, his hand motionless in your hair since he also fell asleep. You decide to indulge in his comforting warmth more, positioning your head so that you can hear his heartbeat. Relax to it’s rhythm until he wakes up. He’d check on you as soon as his eyes open, relaxing upon seeing your smile. He’d stick near to you for the rest of the day, cooking for you, reading you a story, doing whatever makes you happy <3
Billie Eillish- Everything I wanted (Childe)
“As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you.”
Everything was simply so stressful the past days. It didn’t help the fact that everyone seemed to either get on your nerves or said something that simply drained your social battery. You’d come home drained, and head straight to your bedroom. The familiar warmth of your bed wasn’t enough to drain all the stress away and you’d be holding back tears. Childe noticed your saddened self and followed you to the bedroom. He’d slide under the blankets and pull you close, brushing your hair aside with one hand. “Hey what’s wrong?” His eyes filled with worry as his thumb lightly caresses your cheek. Your mouth opens to answer him but instead no words come out. The recollection of the past few days finally getting to you and you bury your head into his chest. He doesn’t question further, silently understanding as he pulls you closer. His chin rests on your head and his other hand lightly traces up and down your back. “It’s okay, just hold me tight and let it all out, I’m not going anywhere.” He’s pulling you as close as the two of you can be, just hoping that his presence and his warmth can bring you comfort. “I’ll always protect you and keep you safe” He’s not even sure of what exactly is bothering you, simply pouring his feelings out to you to help you calm down. When you eventually do, he doesn’t let go, keeping you close until you absolutely convince him you’re better. A playful smile returning to his face when he sees yours, spending the rest of the day together <3
Yot Club- YKWIM (Diluc)
“Seems like I care too much”
Diluc notices your selfless actions. The way you give so much to others and he also notices the way they don’t seem to reciprocate the same care and kindness that you give. Also notices how it eventually starts to stress you out. However he’d try his very best to not let it get worse. He already puts you first, and gives you nothing but the best but he’ll find ways to give back more. Just to show you how much he cares for you. Letting you sit with him while he works or taking you out for a midnight walk in the winery. Staying just a bit longer in bed when you two wakes up, even if it might slow his work down temporarily. Reserving days to spend time with you with no work, just to enjoy each other’s presence. He struggles with properly voicing just how much he loves you but, he tries, just for you. “I love you more than anything else in the world, i really and truly hope you know that,” The sudden words of affirmation shock you but bring joy to your heart nonetheless. Burying your head into his chest before you two fall asleep, softly mentioning how the past few days have been difficult. “I know love, and I’ll do any and everything to make the stress lighter.” His words bring comfort, knowing that they’re truthful and he genuinely does care. Knowing that even though others mightn’t reciprocate your kindness, and as stressful as it is, you can always find comfort in Diluc and he’ll listen to all your problems and treat you with nothing but kindness and love <3
Kate Bush- Running up that Hill (Xiao)
“If I could, I’d make a deal with god and I’d get him to swap our places.”
His hand would be wiping away your tears the moment they start to fall. He’s not quite sure on what to do, or to say really but he knows that he definitely doesn’t want to see you cry. He won’t dare risk saying something that can probably make you feel worse, he’s speechless really. However the more your tears fall the more his heart stings. He takes a moment but pulls you in closer so you can cry into his shirt. If he’s unable to find the right words then he’ll simply show his care and worry for you through his actions. The way your body shakes with every cry has him holding you tighter. Wishing that he was powerful enough to simply take all your pains away, or at least help you burden them together. He’d much rather for himself to shoulder all your pain instead. You’re nothing but kind and caring in his eyes, to see you with such a sad expression… it simply doesn’t suit you at all. As an adeptus he silently curses himself for not knowing a better way to comfort you. For now he’s just holding you tightly, as you cry it out, hoping his embrace can say all the words he wishes to say. When you eventually calm down and decide to look at him, his eyes would be scanning you intensely. He’s simply trying to figure out if you’re actually feeling better by your expression. This is when he finally speaks up, “Are you feeling a little bit better now at least?” A soft smile on his face when he sees you nod, “Good….you can always talk to me, I may not know what to say but I’ll always listen…I’m always here for you.” Hearing him say those words himself made you feel a lot better, curling back up in his arms as you decide to talk to him about it. He listens attentively, reminding you that if there’s anything he can do for you, he will <3
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kae-karo · 3 years
2021 Fic Roundup
i love procrastinating writing almost as much as i love actually writing, so here's all my fics posted in 2021!
first and foremost, let's start with my faves from each month, and i'll put the rest below the cut!
january: (shh i hadn't gotten into genshin yet)
february: cold devotion, aka chilly chili, mostly cause i hand-wrote the majority of this during a power outage :)
march: approaching dawn, a soft (and a tiny bit angsty) kaeluc windblume festival getting together fic
april: feet don't touch the ground, soft wholesome xiaoven college au ft some background kaeluc
may: kissaphobic, a canon divergent au and my first chiluc fic, as well as finally fulfilling my desire to name a fic after that song
june: chosen, a zhongchi au about sacrifice and worship. by far my most popular fic and honestly one i'm massively proud of, smutty as hell and very fun to write
runner up: our hearts are heavy burdens we shouldn't have to bear alone, which is one of my favorite pieces i've written - canon divergence chaeya who are still in love with diluc (kaeya) and zhongli (childe) but find comfort and solace in each other (friends with benefits but one of the benefits is therapy)
july: to love (and be loved in return), my royalty kaeluc arranged marriage/fake relationship fic with a boatload of mutual pining and some background (meddling) zhongchi
august: knights of favonius, always so ine-fish-ent, my humorous not-quite-crack merfolk!kaeya canon-divergence kaeluc fic featuring a very fishy kaeya and a very begrudgingly helpful diluc
september: the days are so short, and you are so lovely, the time-traveling childe x (nearly) immortal zhongli fic about love across time. u will cry. i cried. a lot. they're happy tears mostly tho
october: monster mash, the halloween crack-adjacent kaeluc smut fic about some very...interesting halloween costumes
november: perfect stars and broken parts, the chiluc dubcon smut fic that i'm shocked i even wrote, but really adored writing tbh (and have plans to write more of this au)
december: here's our own hands against our hearts, an ongoing chaeyaluc (with heavy chiluc) canon divergent au featuring childe with memory loss, grumpy diluc that just returned from his fatui murder spree, and manipulative (but surprisingly caring) kaeya
not that i love the following fics any less, but i wanted to make this a little more digestible! the rest of my 2021 fics are below the cut, organized by ship!
kaeluc/luckae, the overwhelming majority:
i don't commonly melt like this, my very first kaeluc fic!! canon divergence with some mild angst before getting together
time has no power (when love is involved), aka venti ships kaeluc and all the ways that goes horribly wrong lmao
fire up the night, a kaeluc stripper/strip club owner smutty little one-shot
come find me, a soft canon divergent au about hide and seek in the grapevines
ika ya, a study on kaeya's arrival at the ragnvindr's
all my life i've been on fire, my first ever omegaverse fic, canon divergent and with a bit of self-sacrificial injuries (aka the one i constantly confuse with my chiluc fic with a title from the same song)
only place i call home, a little pre-fallout getting together kaeluc
make me melt again, a soft, midsummer island kaeluc post-fallout getting back together piece
a shattered heart of ice, a story about kaeya coping with crepus' death in diluc's absence (and a bit of post-fallout reconciliation)
and when it rains (you get stuck), a little pre&post fallout piece about the rain as well as my excuse to use a country song for a title
not if it's you, a worried kaeya patching up an irritated diluc after a night out as the darknight hero
something just like this, a very wholesome pre-wedding kaeluc conversation
nocturnal serenade, vampire diluc x vampire hunter kaeya with smut and a spicy little twist
tiny, quiet hours of the night, soft established kaeluc where diluc helps kaeya deal with his nightmares
reviens-moi, a near-death experience for kaeya leaves diluc admitting...something that kaeya doesn't believe. ft. some angst but they figure it out eventually
fated to be doomed together, my demon!kaeya x witch!diluc modern magic au that deserves the world. soft bois who deeply care about each other
this means war, a lighthearted 'competition' in canon-divergent au with the premise of 'unrequited rivalry'
i think that i'm learning to hope (oh no), a fluffy little past and present reconciliation fic centered around the snow
Lovesick Fool which deserves my attention again...a modern teyvat au with professor tartaglia and professor zhongli :)
i'm all yours, pure 21k of smut with some mild angst to set the mood, a canon-divergence fic with dragon!zhongli and some quality time in the serenetea pot
fragile soul, a soft canon-divergence piece about xiao meeting venti (again)
college au 2: electric boogaloo, a fun little piece with xiaoven meeting at a college party
do i look like a cat to you? wherein xiao becomes a catboy
watch me as the ashes fall, aka it's diluc's birthday and he wants to forget (and wants childe's help)
unrequested interference, which barely counts as zhongluc because it's only vaguely hinted at the end lmao
i know a place, the (true) beginning of my descent into zhongluc hell, which is actually a lovely place. canon divergence lantern rite soft getting together content
lay down your weapon, a fun fake-relationship start to the contrast between zhongli and a fatui-murder-spree diluc
lethal company, a little canon-divergence flirty one-shot
break me down, bury me deep, wherein chaeya taunt diluc into joining them like the chaotic bastards they are
to leave it all behind, the sequel to nocturnal serenade featuring newly-turned vampire kaeya and injured human childe
other genshin fics:
suffer in silence, if you want, a little albedo & kaeya fic for a prompt (with implied kaeya crushing on diluc & vice versa)
hands of fate, a feral kaeya confronting zhongli about what happened to khaenri'ah
three strokes of the pencil, a scheming lil shit albedo kaebedo fic
love in real time, my 'ayato=tomo' theory melded with ayatomo x kazuha x thoma story about the time since ayato ('tomo') nearly died at the hands of the raiden shogun
kings and gods and nonbelievers, the evil crepus fic (it would eventually have kaeluc but i haven't gotten there yet lmao)
human enough, an albedo x imposter albedo (or platonic tbh) story about what happened during the shadows amidst snowstorms event
bnha fics, cause i did post a few of those this year!
part 2 of into the dark, a bakudeku afterlife fic
make it spicy, a multiship combo of todobaku, dabihawks, and shiggynatsu based in a bakery that moonlights as a nightclub
the final chapters of awaken, part 3 of the king of disaster series, a fantasy + war au with a heavy emphasis on dabihawks, followed shortly by todobaku, shinkami, and a hint of kirideku
three additional one-shots set in the king of disaster universe: slow grenade and more than that which tell todobaku's stories pre and post main story as well as finding mellix, izuku's story about...finding mellix lmao
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kazewhara · 3 years
In my writing club, I have a soulmate prompt to do. I chose Thoma initially cause duh perfect househusband. But then, I was just like Kazuha 😍 then I was like Kaeya 😍 then Xiao😍 then Diluc 😍 then Yoimiya clouded my brain for a while… now I’m back to Thoma and it’s due this Thursday I CANT DECIDE :(( if you had to write a Genshin soulmate au with yourself, who would you choose? Whoever you choose, I’ll choose LMAO
xiao. easily.
because i mean the others can be pretty soft and cute, yeah, but with xiao, you can explore his past a little, y'know? why he thinks he shouldn't have a soulmate or why he used to think he was immature for thinking someone would still love him despite all he's done... or when he finally finds his soulmate, how he'd probably be too conflicted to confront them, or he'd outright try to scare them off, or maybe he'd be vulnerable and cry for the first time in millenia! who knows!
makes me wanna keep going with the siren au actually . but yes, my choice would be xiao!
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meili-sheep · 2 years
omg Kai we're like opposites then! I'm like... I try to put a tough persona outside but if someone so much as say like "I didn't like your rice" i will almost cry and be sad all day dsnkgjfnd. Ah but imagine something! Diluc is loved by everyone! Everyone in Mondstadt loves him and WILL glare at whoever drunk cause trouble in the tavern, then imagine: (everyone already met Diluc) -Zhongli walks into the tavern to spend time with Diluc, only to ALWAYS forget his wallet to the point his tab is as big as Ventis, and no one is dense here Mister Sir Zhongli everyone knows what you're trying to do! And now suddenly, every time he tries to chat with Diluc, someone interferes to either chat with him or with Diluc. -Ayato has planned 10 steps ahead, nothing can go wrong! But his feelings may be genuine but a plan is still a plan and there's just something wrong in the way this guys acts. Every time he feels a glare in his back and the tavern is always getting more and more crowded the only time he is there, and everyone is suddenly demanding Diluc's attention. -Childe is a F Fatui!! He is simply not allowed to even breath the tavern's air! and DID HE JUST FLIRT WITH DILUC?? Oh no 10x, not in anyone watch! suddenly the time Childe goes to the tavern everyone provokes him to always get on his nerves and get him kicked out the moment a fight almost breaks out. -And then there's a table in a corner with Rosaria and Kaeya always waiting the time any of them walks in to have a good laugh and bet on who will be next: the big oni that came with Ayato? Or perhaps his housekeeper that also came with him? The little angry guy with green hair that accompanied Zhongli one time? -And there's Diluc feeling a headache forming because he knows there's something going on but can't exactly pinpoint what. I offer this little brain rot of mine, I only managed to have Childe, Zhongli and Ayato tho haha. ~S
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lol. Yeah, I'm a lot tougher than I look. I tend to surprise a lot of people. But I also have a tendency to bottle shit. And I never look as stressed as I actually am. Actually, when my YOUNGER brother and I go for adult Drinks, I always get carded while... my brother doesn't
Anyway! Diluc harem. And people fighting for Diluc. (and I'll briefly mention the Diluc fan club I joked about a while ago with Diluc having a Teruhashi-like fan club)
It would be funny with these trying to go after Diluc because Childe and Ayato would fail a lot as they would flirt, and it would ZOOOOM right over Diluc's head. As he tends to take things too literally.
Zhongli would then be a little smug as he gets a nice chat with the bartending but ultimately has his hopes and dreams crushed. When Venti makes Zhongli realizes that They didn't really have a conversation and Diluc was politely listening... like a good bartender.
Then we have the Chief Alchemist, who flies under the radar but ends up being the closes.
Itto probably is the most forward, but he's also a little dumb. So he tends to invite Diluc to "Hang out."
Thoma has the most support, and Kaeya is always secretly rooting for him because Thoma is the only one Kaeya can tolerate. But Thoma and Diluc have both firmly diluted themselves into the friend zone.
Xiao is rare. He hardly appears at Angel's share, but when he does he is always there to check to see if Diluc is ok. Diluc plays it off as a friendly concern not releasing how unlike Xiao this is.
And If you put them together, I love the idea of them having little fights. Where you have little alliances forming, like Zhongli and Xiao helping each other. Itto's got his whole gang supporting him. Thoma's got most of the Mondstadt crowds' support, but He's helping Ayato. Childe funny enough has the tsaritsa and Venti on his side just cause "it would make a good song" Albedo has Klee and Alice. Which arguably is the most powerful team. Then Ayato has Ayaka and Thoma.
Or You know all of them band together and make a fan club. Like they join with the goal of making Diluc happy, but each wants him to themselves.
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catstailtavern · 3 years
Genshin impact characters as gamers
Characters: Abedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Jean, Hu Tao, and Lisa
content warnings: Childe being kinda an asshole lol.
authors note: I might do more in the future! These are just my headcanons so if you don't agree that cool! Feel free to let me know what you think they're like as gamers!!
what they look for in a game: Albedo seems like the type to enjoy games with vast worlds that involve lots of exploration and puzzles. I also feel like he like more quiet gameplay- if that makes any sense. Very much "Show, don't tell." Likes walking simulators!
things that turn them off from a game: He dislikes when games over-explain themselves/their plots. He likes to be able to unfold the mysteries and plot threads himself instead of being spoonfed. He also dislikes voice chat bc people are mean. If there is a VC he mutes basically everyone even if it makes teamwork difficult.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Albedo really only plays videogames on days off or when alchemy research has hit a lull.
a game or games that I think they'd like: outer wilds, shadow of the colossus, and journey.
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what they look for in a game: Story-rich games with unique art that explore heavy topics or philosophical themes! but also really likes multiplayer games where he can troll lol.
things that turn them off from a game: If he dislikes the art he finds it hard to play or pay attention to. This doesn't mean he demands picture-perfect graphics! He's mostly into unrealistic and eye-catching graphics/art he likes games with style and flair!
how much time do they devote to video games: Kaeya likes to play after a long day of work to unwind and relax!
a game or games that I think they'd like: Disco Elysium and the persona series!
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what they look for in a game: Diluc is a very busy man who likes to be in control of his life and the things that affect it. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that he likes simple and sweet games with low stakes where he is mostly in control if not basically god haha.
things that turn them off from a game: Games that involve him to be emotionally invested or have lots of stressors are not his thing. Games are played to relieve his stress, not make him cry over character death.
how much time do they devote to video games: He likes to play a little bit on his break when he gets the chance or a little bit after work. Doesn't like to play for too long each day or he feels unproductive!
a game or games that I think they'd like: the sims, planet zoo, my time at Portia, stardew valley, and ANIMAL CROSSING!! (I dont care if this is OOC okay. Diluc plays animal crossing on his lunch break. His favorite villagers are the bird ones. His favorite fruits are apples and cherries, and he loves terraforming his island. He finds it therapeutic.)
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what they look for in a game: loves gacha games, he's a total whale, and loves to flex his pulls. Also loves games with intense competitive multiplayer and couch co-op games. Absolutely a sore winner who everyone hates playing jack box with.
things that turn them off from a game: Dislikes the story mode of most games bc they usually fail to keep this attention. He'd much rather be making yo mama jokes and shit-talking n00bs over the mic like the little asshole gremlin he is. The only exception so far is "The Last of Us," because of one time when the internet was shitting out on him during matchmaking. He decided to play the story while his connection got itself together and ended up liking it.
how much time do they devote to video games: Stays up late playing them at night a LOT. They're usually the reason he's tired the next day.
a game or games that I think they'd like: mario kart, smash bros, arknights, mortal kombat, apex, and dead by daylight.
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what they look for in a game: Zhongli likes simple games with cute graphics and easy controls. Mostly a mobile gamer as he finds most console game controls confusing. Loves virtual remakes of classic games that he used to play with other people physically.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes first-person shooters. He finds them loud and disorienting. Poor old man.
how much time do they devote to videogames: Barely ever plays, might play while having a cup of tea or to pass the time while waiting for something!
a game or games that I think they'd like: mahjong, solitaire, candy crush, and those lumosity games for training your brain.
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what they look for in a game: At first when jean thought of video games the only thing that came to mind was "a waste of time." As the acting grand master of the knights of Favonius she rarely has time to socialize or even date. That's when she decided to maybe just maybe give dating sims a shot. She's a bit insecure about it, but they give her butterflies without the strain of a real relationship.
things that turn them off from a game: Really dislikes games that glorify villainy or have you play as the bad guy. She also really hates horror games. Fun fact, she played doki doki literature club but missed the warning somehow and WOW she got really upset-
how much time do they devote to video games: As mentioned previously Jean is a busy gal. So she really only gets to play games on her rare days off or maybe just a little before bed.
a game or games that I think they'd like: I don't know a lot of sweet and fluffy dating sims but I feel like the sweet and fluffy ones are her favorite! I've really only played one dating sim before and that was monster prom so I'm gonna use that for the example lol. I know there's a lot of mischief in that game but she always chooses the more moral upstanding choice even if it cost her a date haha.
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Hu Tao:
what they look for in a game: Hu Tao is partial to games with gothic aesthetics and horror elements! Specifically really loves psychological horror and unique creature design. Enjoys difficult gameplay and feels a sense of accomplishment when she succeeds!
things that turn them off from a game: When a game is too easy to play she gets bored rather quickly.
how much time do they devote to video games: Frequently plays really late at night while listening to a paranormal podcast or other spooky content.
a game or games that I think they'd like: Dark souls, Darkwood, The cat lady, rule of rose.
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what they look for in a game: Like Childe, Lisa likes competitive gameplay. But she's more into fantasy MMO RPGs! She just really loves fantasy things it doesn't have to be multiplayer. Also really likes games with lots of lore and digs strategy turn-based combat! Other game types she likes are visual novels or anything with a good story-driven narrative. Loves being able to discuss fan theories online in forums.
things that turn them off from a game: Mediocre writing, poor/inconsistent world-building, or a lack of lore. She needs a story to sink her teeth into or she just won't play.
how much time do they devote to video games: Probably plays a lot. Really only pausing to correct people's behavior in the library!
a game or games that I think they'd like: World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, League of legends, Darkest dungeon, and slay the spire.
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queenquid · 3 years
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#also every scorpio is in a secret club with each other and we all want to participate in a battle royale to determine which of us gets to be
My Top Posts in 2021
i was literally just in the chat saying i was a crybaby and now im fully sobbing to the farley song that adam sandler sang on snl when i dont even KNOW them like that
5 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 07:41:18 GMT
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7 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 01:45:10 GMT
Hello! I dont know if your requests are open but I RRRRREALLLY like your divorce fic! Would you mind including childe in your next one? Maybe do a cheating fic where the trigger for y/n cheating is seeing xiao piss in the piss corner ? Tysm!! Have a good day ^^
Lily I'm gonna break ur 5'0 ass like a toothpick
7 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 02:30:46 GMT
hiiii i saw ur fic and i was wondering if i could request kaeya x reader but y/n is really insecure cuz she's a little on the chubby side? and kaeya and her get into a fight abt it cuz y/n thinks she's embarrassing him and he says some hurtful things....then y/n runs into the street and gets hit by a car and when kaeya is holding her he says he's sorry and cries a lot? ive been going through a hard time and that fic would really cheer me up xoxo ur the best!!!
kaeya is a known FATPHOBE so he'd probably be HAPPY if she died. I hope you KEEP going thru a hard time and then CHOKE on a PRETZAL
8 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 00:50:57 GMT
Please do not read / interact with this unless you're in malex's genshin server. This is a joke between friends.
As you stared down at the official form, you briefly wondered if you were making a mistake. Maybe, Diluc didn't want this..? You glanced at him and saw his face, unmoving, stoic. Your heart broke again. He didn't care if you stayed or left. He didn't love you the way you needed. You signed it. You were legally divorced.
"Baby...... open pleas.e. the doooorrrrr! I need you!" Sighing, you made your way to the front door where Diluc was once again drunkenly knocking.
"What do you want, Diluc?" You could hear him slump against the door.
"Come back to me... we need a.. no you I mean you're m.." You didn't hear the rest as he mumbled but you assumed it was the same as what crap he'd been spouting the past several months. You were shocked the first time you saw him drunk, and were deeply worried. However, it just kept getting worse and now he was at your door around this time almost every night. In the past, you might have relished his attention, even like this, but you were looking for something real. You didn't want to be with someone who only looked for you when he was drunk. He never contacted you during the day, never looked for you, never even apologized. You assumed he was embarrassed or angry, but you didn't have the energy to care anymore. You'd spent so many years trying to pry open his shell that you weren't really sure he had one. That's why you'd left him. Other people in Mondstadt thought you were crazy. Leaving Master Diluc, leaving his money, his stature, just because you didn't feel loved. People scoffed, mocked you, whispered as you walked by. But even though he wasn't quiet, no-one ever mocked Diluc for drunkenly harrassing you. They murmured how callous you were, how cruel, to still be cold to him.
You flung open the door and Diluc tumbled to the floor. He was completely passed out. After dragging him to your couch and tucking him in with a blanket, you broke down and started crying over him.
"Please stop drinking Diluc... don't do this to yourself anymore..." You fell asleep holding his hand, sitting on the floor beside him. He was gone when you woke up.
"Hello y/n. It's nice to see you again." Startled, you turned around and saw your ex-husband Diluc standing behind you in the market.
"Diluc, Hi. It's good to see you!" He was standing so far away from you, you had to raise your voice a bit. He stood awkwardly for a moment before nodding his head and starting to walk away.
"Diluc." He stopped immediately at your voice and turned back to you.
"I just wanted to say... I heard that you stopped drinking. I'm really proud of you." He stared at you so intensely that you wondered if you had said something weird.
"Thank you. I... didn't want to worry anyone anymore." He looked at you with that strange look on his face again, but turned away again and briskly walked off. 'He was asleep that night, wasn't he? Did he hear me crying for him? He never says anything. I'm not a mind reader!' Irritated, you threw some more vegetables in your basket and tried to forget the encounter. Behind you, Diluc turned back and watched you for a few minutes more.
"Diluc, hi!" Diluc, your ex-husband, turned as you stood in the doorway of the Cat's Tail. You were surprised to see him in any bar, let alone a different one from his own.
"What, um, what are you doing here?"
"I'm here for a meeting about distribution, and you?" You paused to answer, but before you could your fiancee Arthur walked up.
"Oh, Master Diluc, it's very nice to meet you!" You watched Diluc's face completely slacken and he stared blankly.
"Ah, Diluc, um, this is my fiancee, Arthur." There was a long pause before Diluc gave a short nod, and quietly walked out of the bar. You sighed heavily and massaged your temple.
"Sorry, Arthur, I didn't think he'd ever be in here."
"It's ok, my love, he would have found out eventually." You nodded listlessly, before stroking your stomach. You thought again, about Diluc, the enigmatic hero of Mondstadt, someone you used to love deeply and knew better than anyone. But still not enough. You allowed yourself to wonder what a baby between you and Diluc would've looked like. Perhaps it would've had his brilliant red hair. A pang in your heart forces you to stop the train of thought, and putting a smile on your face, you head to the nearest table with Arthur.
"Y/n. Nice to see you." You turn and face Diluc. You noted the light greys beginning to form at his temples and think of your own grey streaks.
"Diluc, it's been some time! How are you doing?" The two of you chatted aimlessly for a few minutes. He was still the same man you met and fell in love with all those years ago, you thought. And the same man you divorced.
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37 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 00:35:04 GMT
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raincxtter · 3 years
Koi's eyes flicked around the room. In their hand laid a letter. From... Diluc? The red haired man who showed no loved to anyone wanted to talk to Koi? Tired watched Koi's face flush red. They read it over their shoulder
" Dear could you meet me at the pond after class? I have important things to tell you
Diluc" the letter read.
Meanwhile Yoonie peered over Diluc's shoulder. To read the letter in his hands.
"Could you meet me at the pond after classes are done?I want to talk to you
Koi" his letter read. Yoonie smiled at Tired and nodded. The day passed and it was time for writing club.
"AHHH DILUC WANTS TO TALK TO ME! WHAT DOES HE WANT?! DOES HE LOVE ME TOO?!" Koi was freaking out. The two were so clearly crushing on eachother.
"MY BESTIE IS IN LOVEEE!" Onyx dramaticly cried out.
"Onyx! Help! How do I say I love him? Will he love me?" they said. Yoonie and Tired could only giggle a bit. The time came and they ran into eachother on their way there. "Hah sorry-Ah! Wait Diluc?"Koi said.
"You wanted to speak with me? We can do it here."Diluc said.
"I-... I love... I love you Diluc I've loved you for so long.Will you pleasedateme?" Their last words came out jumbled up.
"I would gladly. I have loved you as well." he said giving Koi a quick kiss.
"Mission success!" Yoonie yells.
"... Yoonie- we were supposed to be quiet!" Tired whisper yells.
@tiredsleep @noctua-koi idk who onyx is?:sob:
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