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The harem's and the kids reaction to Crepus being back and making Diluc cry
You guys really like making me work, huh.
But let's just get one thing clear: the Kids know what a good dad looks like because Diluc has given them that. So them seeing how Crepus treated Diluc would kill them. Because of the way Diluc talks about his father, they thought Diluc had learned his loving naturing character from his father, but it was more like Diluc had learned what not to do.
Diona would be literally plotting murder. While Bennett probably trying to get her and Razor under control, Fischl trying to pull Diluc away, and Klee pulls the boss move and cries to her mom.
Which I feel. Alice is final boss material if you hurt her kid's feelings.
Now, for the Harem, we are gonna speed run this because a lot of them are very protective.
Albedo: He's calling Alice again.
Al Haitham: Make Crepus cry with a brutally honest review of Crepu's own parenting or something else he's proud of.
Ayato: Probably takes something exceedingly hurtful that Crepus said and turns it against him. Definitely has people stalking Crepus and making him as uncomfortable as physically possible.
Childe: Diluc probably has to physically hold him from stabby time
Eula: Definitely plots her revenge. A way for Crepus to publicly embarrass himself. Or explode his poor parenting to the public.
Itto: Crepus gets in Ushi to the face.
Kaveh: Probably shouts at Crepus and explains how Diluc is perfect.
Thoma: I'm pretty sure Thoma's disappointment is lethal to anyone
Xiao: Xiao normally doesn't care about mortal but it honestly would be stabby time v2.
Zhongli: Probably see this as Crepus breaking the agreement he forge with Diluc when he brought Diluc into the world so maybe a little wrath of the rock.
#diluc harem#albeluc#albedo#haithamluc#al haitham#ayatoluc#ayaluc#ayato#chiluc#childe#tartaglia#euluc#eula#ittoluc#itto#kaveluc#kaveh#thomaluc#thoma#xiaoluc#xiao#zhongluc#zhongli#dadluc
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AO3 Post Update!
A new shortfic and new chapters have been posted! I hope you all enjoy! I'll keep you updated on future posts.
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constantly exhausted gang🤝
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my favourite bit of canon diluc lore is that families literally line their daughters up at any event so that they can score him for a son-in-law. like as someone who sees him as almost exclusively attracted to men can you imagine the hottest bachelor in mondstadt one day just has a ring on his finger and it belongs to one (or all) of:
a) literally a fatui harbinger who goes anywhere and leaves a trail of bloodied corpses in his wake and the two are always at each other's throats
b) the drunkard that has been harassing him for months now and it totally seems like he is one step from smiting him every time
c) an equally attractive man with such a gentle presence but who just won't shut up about liyue seriously is this all he knows wtf any and all topics lead to liyue
can you imagine the field day kaeya would have just laughing at diluc over the rumours and gossip ???????
also think about the rarepairs..... albeluc, xiaoluc...... kazuluc........ the introversion factor is so high here everyone would just wonder when tf any of them ever interacted
#this isn't to say I'm against diluc x female character btw#i just hc him as mlm primarily#diluven#chiluc#zhongluc#albeluc#xiaoluc#kazuluc#genshin impact#peables-rambles#peables-hc#diluc#diluc ragnvindr
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#notctas#aesthetic#my aestetic#lockscreen#wallpaper#genshin impact#genshin aesthetic#genshin edit#xiao#diluc#xiaoluc#lucxiao
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Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we share our favorite genshin ships? I'll start
Xiaoven, Eulamber, beiguang, ganqing, scaramona, Kaebedo, EiMiko, Jeanlisa, Kokorou, Ayamiya, Kokosara
Chiluc, xiaoluc, thomaluc, Zhongluc, Diluven..... [Separately]
Okay so I might just have a bias towards Diluc ships-
Also yes, I have more favorite ships, but they take over my brain much less. It was a struggle to find half of these within my brain as is-
⚠if you even attempt to start a shipping war, I will block you. These are my personal opinions, and I don't ship these according to canon interactions. As long as the characters are age appropriate, legal to ship, and it seems they would have good chemistry, there is no reason to begin discourse⚠
#xiaoven#chiluc#eulamber#kokosara#kokorou#ayamiya#kaebedo#jeanlisa#beigguang#scaramona#ganqing#eimiko#genshin impact#only a handful of genshin ships make me uncomfortable#*barks agressively at childe*#xiaoluc#thomaluc#zhongluc#diluven
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*continues to ship Diluc with characters he has not and likely will never have canon interactions with*
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who decided all my genshin ships would be rare pairs.
tell me, I just want to have a conversation with them.
#i am so tired of shipping two characters and then finding no content :C#genshin impact#genshin rarepair#kazuxiao#xiaoalbether#xiaobedo#xiaother#albether#xiaoluc#chiluc#sjshfhs i have no one to blame but myself#this is self imposed but its fantastic its like a double edged sword#i get a fun ship but i also receive no food except the crumbs i feed myself
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and they were roommates.
oh my god, they were roommates
i just spent the last two days working on my second poly ship fic, and although it’s badly edited it’s finished. so, another shameless promo…
read my latest fic, home.
(i couldn’t find one of these edits for the three of them so uh…heres just diluven and xiaoven again…)

#genshin venti#genshin xiao#genshin diluc#genshin fic#genshin au#modern setting#modern au#xiaoven#venluc#diluven#xiaoluc#diluxiao#genshin kaeya#genshin childe#genshin tartagalia#chaeya#chaeya is actually a minor ship#like only mentioned#genshin fluff#and they were roommates#oh my god they were roommates#rare pair#rare ship#polyamory#poly ship#do i enjoy healthy poly fics or am i poly
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wip of a xiaoluc comic i'm making because i need content to fuel the tag

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How do you think Diluc’s harem would react to someone flirting with Diluc?
/nf I don’t even know if your still doing these things 🧍
I am always up for more Diluc Harem! I am sorry this is so late. I've been in the last hour of school, and it's been a weird "stop AND NOW RUN!" I have been nearly forgetting everything. But I put alarms on my phone for a reason!
See, Albedo is probably one of the more confident people here. And like real confidence. Not prideful, and not faux confidence. Real pure confidence.
So someone flirting with Diluc would be totally unphased. But he might start taking not to see what Diluc is respective to. Because he knows Diluc would not be respected at all and does his best to shut it down. But if there is a slight reaction, Albedo would like to know and then try the line himself because if it managed to break through Diluc's defense with a strange what would happen if he said?
And Albedo loves nothing more than Diluc's reactions.
Ayato is a little more jealous. He does try not to because he trusts Diluc. But he's just a little more possessive. So while his initial reaction is to be annoyed, he sort of likes seeing Diluc get a little aggressive and put people down. He'd probably watch a moment, and then if the person would not give up, he would probably step in and just kiss Diluc in front of everyone. Much to Diluc's great embarrassment, but Diluc's not gonna protest that much. He's just gonna need a moment that Ayato will happily accompany.
So Childe is impuslive. He kind of just does a lot of stuff without thinking. But he's also a little clueless about certain things. So it would take him a minute to realize that someone is flirting with Diluc. It probably would end up with them getting touchy with Diluc.
And well depending on the touch, there might be a lost hand. But that would totally be passed on Diluc's comfort and reaction enough. Because you can't tell me Childe isn't a King of respecting boundaries. Like He just pulls out a knife and diluc just gives him a look that says "No don't kill him, but you can kick him out" and Childe is just a happy puppy he picks up this person and literally drops the kids them out.
So Eula is a little more insecure. And has this thing about not wanting to taint Diluc's image with her name. So she would just sit quietly. And just a little sad. But Diluc would quickly notice and probably ignore whoever was flirting with him and go sit and have a good time with Eula.
Now if Childe is a dumb golden retriever boyfriend Itto is 10x worst. He would totally not realize the person is flirting with Diluc and would actively join in thinking they are just talking bout how great Diluc is. And he would get so super into it and just energetic that I think the person flirting would just give up. Because they just can not match Itto's energy and just pure love.
So we all know Kaveh has a lot of pride. And I think that would extend to his pride in being a good boyfriend. So he combined with his total faith in Diluc as the "sweet person," He would really only feel the end to outdo the person in flirting.
And While I think he's a little awkward and dramatic at times, it's all charming because he's simply so passionate and care so much. Diluc probably liked that best about Kaveh, just how much he can care and keep caring despite how hurt he might get.
So there isn't a lot to say here because Thoma's just a sweet guy, and he and Diluc would just both kind of ignore the person flirting until they got the message.
It might be a little different afterward, with Thoma feeling like he needs to give Diluc more attention and affection because clearly, people haven't noticed that Diluc's in a relationship with him.
Xiao is the kind of person who tolerates other people for Diluc. But he would not tolerate someone flirting or touching Diluc. So the moment it starts the person flirting with Diluc would just feel a murderous aura. And see the Adeptus just glaring at them from probably like a rafter or something and then they leave, letting Xiao take their seat. While Diluc just chuckles to himself.
Now Zhongli has age and confidence on his side. But he'd take an interest in new flirting techniques and, like Albedo would watch a moment before going up to the person flirting with Diluc and asking them questions. Definitely does a "back in my day" line and tries an old pick up line on Diluc. Which to be fair, it is only effective because Zhongli is using it.
#diluc harem#albeluc#albedo#haithamluc#al haitham#ayatoluc#ayaluc#ayato#chiluc#childe#tartaglia#euluc#eula#ittoluc#itto#kaveluc#kaveh#thomaluc#thoma#xiaoluc#xiao#zhongluc#zhongli
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AO3 Post!
This book is now completely finished! I hope you all enjoy, and those of you that have been reading along while I've been posting, I hope you all enjoyed! I do have lots of future stuff planned out, and I will get to it as soon as possible!
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autumn leaves, autumn sorrows
(Part 1)
Once, there was a bird. It perched on the balcony of his bedroom and watched over him all night, its glowing, yellow eyes piercing through the darkness much warmer than any human eye ever glanced at him.
Every night, the same dark bird. Bathed in starlight just as any creature that belonged in the wild, bright and free, fierce and strong like he wished to be one day.
Young Diluc was enamored by it, by the way its feathers shone and its beak opened just the slightest as if to mimic the way one would mouth some words. He wondered what kind of words that bird would say, or sing, or chirp. He wished to get up and join it on the balcony, bask in the moonlight and caress its soft fluff.
One night, Diluc waited outside of his room, sat outside with the pale glow of a candle by his side. For all he waited, the bird had not come that day, so Diluc fell asleep, unaware of how the cold embraced his small body and almost made him sick.
A cloak of feathers dawned upon him, but the child was too deep in the land of dreams to notice, and, when he awoke, only the feeling of gentle warmth remained.
The following days, the child tried to wait on the bird, but it never again came to visit him.
As a result, Diluc went back to his usual routine, sleeping on his bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying awake to get a glimpse of an animal which, according to his own memory, started to as nothing more than a child’s dream.
However, sometimes he’d still feel the soft touch of feathers, as if a warm, big cloak was embracing him at times when the weather is too cold or his worries cloud his mind, impeding his rest. Diluc doesn’t think much of it, and soon, just as every good thing on his life, one day the sensation faded, never to be felt again.
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What if,,, all of the adepti liked raw qingxin flowers?? Kaeya & Childe one night tell Diluc that Zhongli ate the qingxin they gave him and Diluc stops like, "Xiao does the same thing?"
Mona & Keqing overhear and are like "what the fuck?? Ganyu does that too??"
Like, they love their adeptus partners but some quirks of theirs take getting used to
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Heehoo Angel's back at it again with their brainrot
So here's some Xiaoluc because I love them <33
Rarepair ship, but the small bit of content I get is golden
#xiaoluc#genshin impact#rairpair#genshin diluc#genshin xiao#xiao x diluc#theyre showing affection in a library#look how soft#also diluc with freckles hc
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