#crying Johan
drmarune · 2 months
Norm family day
Josele is @loosesodamarble oc
Johan whas annoyed and what do little devil‘s if they are you right they bite
Johan is 3 year old here
Heinrich:I‘M sooooo sorry Josele!!!! Johan what did I told you young man?! No biting no strawberry‘s the whole weck do we us understand!!!
Johan crying :NO!!!! Papa!!!!!
Josele whit a bleeding hand: It’s ok Heinrich it’s harmless Johan did not like apparently if I move fast around him closely and touch he’s wings“smile at Heinrich
Heinrich:you are right but it’s no reason to bite devil bites are dangerously for humans you are lucky you have a strong enough immunity against it that’s Ida „grumpy
Johan still crying
Josele:well you right…..little devils like to bite I guess……“laughing a little
Heinrich:well you are right small devils begin to bite bevor they even use magic there it’s the only thing they can do if attacked what makes damage……….
Heinrich poking Josele‘s hand whit he’s finger and heal the bite wound on her hand all up……
Heinrich:well I go now come Johan „smile and take up he’s crying fussy baby
Johan crying :No papa…………I’m sorry………..
Josele:well we see us……….
Heinrich:well yes see you have a nice day“say he goes out whit Johan
Josele just stare at her at least Johan did not bite a child this time………
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starjunkyard · 11 months
Sorry i genuinely feel like im going fucking crazy What do u mean wilson's ex-wife named their dog after an anagram for Doctor Greg House What do u mean she'd resented house since the very beginning of their marriage solely because wilson was always there for him but never for HIS OWN WIFE "You always needed him, and he was always there for you." "You knew he had a wife waiting at home; you didn't care." "I'm not saying you broke up the marriage, but you didn't help." Is anyone else hearing this .am i going crazy
"When we had people over, he'd nip at their ankles." Ohhhhhhhhhthefuckiiinnggggggg THEFUCKING That statement being a metaphor for how house drives every prospective spouse of Wilson's away Theway house growls and snaps and bites and lashes out at anyone who even shows a single shred of romantic interest towards wilson. Allof wilson's ex-wives canonically actually fucking hating house's guts because of how close he was (and is) with wilson in a way that he was never able to be with them
House gives out bribes so he can acquire confidential personal information about and to blackmail wilson's girlfriends Willgo to their workplaces so he can Talk AboutWILSON Will bark and snap at anything and everything and protect wilson from NOTHING Willscare away anyone who even tries to get close to wilson instinctively intrinsically irrationally Almost AnimalisticallyKILLS YOU KILLS YOU KILLS YOU KILLS YOUUUUUUUUUU))/!!:):):7/)£:);6:£7:7:
Animal motifs OHHHHHHHAnimal motifs FUCK . Fuck. House loves wilson like a dog. Masters will abandon their dogs in the middle of dirt roads and drive off and their dogs will chase after them until their paws are oozing bloodied raw and numb Masterswill shun and kick and starve their dogs and maybe the dog will fight back. Maybe the dog will bare its teeth growl and bite But a dog's loyalty isn't something you can ever beat out of it . Loyalty is hardwired into a dog's dna Loyalty that is blind irrational and suffocating that transcends logic and reason that is Branded and Burnt into their genetic makeup until it becomes their achilles heel; the thing thatwill end up killingthem The thing that keeps them crawling back to their masters no matter what no matter what No Matter What
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xxylan · 25 days
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jaxieus · 7 months
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( Johan I hc is a pretty vocal crier )
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fubukisimp · 3 months
during the 1st affiliate fight:
*jake fighting or whatever*
eli: nice ass
johan: do not lust in your heart- jesus you’re right
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roboneco · 4 months
I kinda love how certain lookism characters, while not really being involved in each others story, still sometimes acts or thinks in similar ways.
Eli & Johan both tend to isolate themselves when things get fucked. Both have (to me at least) INCREDIBLY different mindset about it tho. Eli trying to protect others while Johan (I believe) tries to protect himself.
Zack & Samuel both feel jealousy over people they once thought were their equal. Both dealt with it in different ways tho. Samuel hating that Jake is living his "dream" and refusing to be close to him. Zack ended up accepting that both Daniel and Johan are privileged in that aspect and he can only work to be better. They are his friends and he doesn't want to lose either of them.
Jake & Daniel both love their friends so much but still lie to them and wear a facade alot of the time. Both have different things to hide tho. Different things they are afraid of losing.
The circumstances are different for each individual and all of these characters has a very different way of thinking than the other. Yet somehow they are very similar in ways they don't even realise.
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imtomiee · 3 months
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IS HE FUCKING DEAD WDYM LIFELESS I WAS CRYING TWO SECONDS AGO AND SAID "hey lets read the new lookism chapter so i can cool down" WHATTJKSKKSOOQOQ
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ari--l-een · 2 months
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real life photo
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still crying during fights with gun
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suusoh · 3 months
Johan liebert would do that old school pavlov classical conditioning "get them addicted to my presence using adrenaline" trick with darling. He'll tell you he wants to show you something, then proceeds to show you either some upsetting and horrific movie/material on the internet. Or bring you to a place in some shady area where you'll surely witness something straight up sick or disturbing (think that orphan scene)....But don't worry, he'll be there the whole time. up to you though if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
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ventivente · 3 months
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tumbles-the-clown · 3 months
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old lookism theories were really somethn💀
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whumpdiary · 11 months
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jaxieus · 3 months
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Cry harder
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guriten · 6 months
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Quality content on monster tiktok
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prettyokwizard · 1 month
on a scale of 0-10 how likely do you think it would be to find a grimmer/tenma doujinshi while in japan? d-definitely not 0, right????? ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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gimyung · 2 years
hate these gangseo mfs they know too much 💀 shouldve just told johan to work at a fastfood or sum
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