#crwby why
themoonmywife · 1 year
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tecnestheim962 · 1 month
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walpywalpy · 3 months
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I think CRWBY was very on the nose with this frame in the Weiss Character Short.
WhiteRose are soulmates because even before they met, this imagery occurs.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
Tyrian Callows - The Master of Murder, Mayhem & Multitasking!
So, I recently saw a post discussing Tyrian Callows and I wanted to go into why I find him quite interesting despite his overall demeanor seeming to be that of a nihilistic serial killer.
Off the cuff, when I first saw Tyrian I hated him, "Oh good, another cackling serial killer, I hope e only exists to die & be replaced".
Then he ambushes RNJR & suddenly, oh suddenly I'm having fun!
Because he's not just cackling & killing, he's bombastic, spewing purple prose and strutting around like he's on a stage, then flinging himself through walls for dramatic poses. He waits after receiving major surprise attacks to reveal they didn't hurt him.
He is in essence, a theater kid who happens to also be a cultist and serial killer and I think that is incredibly entertaining if nothing else.
Beyond that I find his fawning behavior on Salem intriguing. Like, even beyond his failure, when Salem is growing in fury & others like Watts & Hazel know to get the fuck out. He starts irrationally offering her acts of service in a bid to make her happy before fleeing as well.
Like, whatever is going on there is interesting if nothing else, I think.
Then there's the fact he is far more insightful than characters like him are usually written as but, its not at the expense of is manic disposition as it often ends up being with say, Joker, bleh.
What I mean is, Tyrian is very good at analyzing people, what they want, what they feel, what will hurt them the most, what above all drives them & can articulate it very easily. Ala his confrontation with Mercury only knowing violence & being too afraid to leave it.
Yet at the same time when out under pressure by Clover, Qrow & Robyn he very quickly starts losing his cool, his mannerism and behaviors become more unhinged & wild, he is legitimately not all there. & it is isn't until he's had time to cool off in the airship that he's back on his game.
Finally there is his 'rivalry' qith Qrow.
To me the fun thing is that there is zero rivalry on Tyrian's end.
Qrow is just someone who he met in V4 and knew to be a capable fighter & important enemy agent. He was excited to fight & kill him & was briefly knocked off his game when disarming Qrow did nothing to slow him down.
Most Hunters based their fighting styles on their weapons so disarming them tends to be a winning move unless they are Hazel, Tyrian or Yang style combatants.
But he was back on his game in short order and still having a great time and even managed to essentially score the win... Right until Ruby dismembered him & he did not take it gracefully.
To say the least, Tyrian is definitely arrogant, I think that much is self evident.
It makes sense, it took a cooperative operation of Mitral Hunters & Atlesian Specialists to take him down. The Queen of Grimm came to collect him herself. His Semblance lets him take Aura out of a fight. & by all accounts he definitely seems to be among the most dangerous combatants on Remnant even without said Semblance.
So yeah, not surprised that he was both knocked off his game & angry about the injuries but after that he doesn't seem to dwell on them much the way Cinder spent several volumes seething over the damage Ruby did to her.
His little foreshadowing moment to Ruby before the election massacre & enjoying Qrow's suffering during Volume 7 very much seem like things he'd have done regardless cos he's just like that.
Tyrian will however exploit the idea of a rivalry to his advantage.
What I mean is, Qrow makes it clear when ambushing him with Clover & Robyn that he holds a grudge over their last fight. Tyrian doesn't utilize that in the three on one beatdown he gets, he's barely keeping his head above water most of that fight.
But once he is back in the game he's cheerfully egging on the break down in the Atlas and Mantle alliance. He's completely ignoring Qrow until the man jumps on him & even then doesn't offer him any unique attention.
Its only once he's established that things with Qrow and Clover have degraded as far as they have that he jumps in. He avoids starting off too violently to see how things go & is well pleased by Clover's dogged commitment to his orders.
Also likely dismissing Tyrian as just a violent lunatic.
It is then and only then that he leans on the idea that he actually wants a rematch with Qrow. But even then he still patiently waits for Qrow to float the idea first. He is playing into Qrow's grudge & Qrow's belief in a Shounen style rivalry & with it the belief that Tyrian will ignore Clover themoment he is not interrupting the fight and duke it out with Qrow.
But Tyrian only plays along with that and instead uses Clover's defeat to end his fucking life and frame Qrow for it.
He certainly has fun twisting the knife but again, this is stuff he does with everyone when he gets the chance. & it serves to make things more complex for Atlas and the now rebellious heroes than it would if Clover & Qrow had died together. Especially as enemy reinforcements are coming.
After this, again, neither Qrow or Ruby warrant a mention from him.
This is his job, they were parts of his assignments and Tyrian just happens to love what he's doing. Which humorously aligns very well with the life advice he gave Emerald and Mercury. Even if that was just because he thinks it'd be fun to be given the chance to kill them.
Anyway those are my takes on Tyrian Callows, evil as fuck, but smarter & more interesting than the usual portrayals of his archetype!
Thanks for reading!
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erros429 · 2 months
sienna khan come home the kids miss you
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fishpondpages · 2 months
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started rewatching rwby again last night
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 months
Remember her message
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crescent--rose · 1 year
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baneonn · 2 months
People thinking rwby is going to get a reboot are hilarious
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thornsofrosesdumps · 2 months
Give Yang a Tan, please. C’mon, give the girl some Melanin please. Her dad has it, why can’t she?
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jynxlinkz · 5 months
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Rooster teeth shows this at the end of their this is why were here stream. Feel free to give them a follow.
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constantvariations · 4 months
Okay so, I like that Professor Rumpel is both Rumpelstiltskin and the miller's daughter-turned-queen, and that her weapon invokes the spindlewheel from the tale, but the guessing of the name is so utterly lazy that I could chew glass
Spoilers for Before the Dawn btw
It literally comes out of nowhere. There is no buildup to the mystery of Professor Rumpel's name; she just randomly says at the start of the fight that if Fox, Neptune, or Yatsuhashi can guess her name that she'll let them go chase the Crown
It would have been so easy, too! Just have it be Rumpel's game whenever the students want something. Late to class and don't want extra homework as punishment? Guess her name and you're free. Got caught getting handsy in an inconvenient spot? Guess her name and she'll let you off with a warning. Hell, have some of the staff lean into it for comedy and comradery
This would naturally set up why Rumpel would offer an easy out to the fight and establish how steep a demand that is for our heroes. If no one's guessed her name in the many years she's been at Shade, what hope do they have of figuring it out in the next five minutes?
But, no. We get zero setup and the payoff doesn't even land! They guess her name and Rumpel attacks Neptune anyway. Right in front of the whole school, including Headmaster Theodore! In what world does that make sense? I get that she's desperate, but it feels contrived so Yastuhashi can do his thing and accidentally break the mind control
These books honestly read like a first draft of a story that really could've been something if more time and attention had been given. Rwby in a nutshell, eh?
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Volume 1: Spring
#Ruby Rose
•The episode is a mix of the vanilla rwby version and the Ice queendom version.
•The episode starts with *the narrators* little speech to Ozpin (vanilla rwby version).
•cue Torchwick and his gang walking into the Dust store. (Note: the gang members have Torchwicks symbol on their clothes because they are his personal henchmen this time.)
•One of the gangsters spots a little, red riding hooded girl drop Dust cannisters into a basket before returning to her weapon magazine.
•"Fork over the Dust and hands behind your head, now!" (the gangster turns the girl around, revealing her face and headphones). (The man motions for the girl to take off her headphones). "Yes?" "Get on the ground and gimme the Dust, now!" "Are you... robbing me?" (As Ruby says this, a smile grows on her face.) "Yes!" "Ooooh... ok."
•The gangster gets flung out the window while Ruby trails behind him, covered in rose petals.
•(Roman turns his head around to watch the spectacle) "A semblance?"
•"Criminals beware... for the Red Reaper is here!!!" (Ruby points her weapon at the gangsters). "That old fairytale?" (Roman turns to his henchmen). "Get her!"
•"Good thing I never gave you a raise... Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..." (raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid) "...I'm afraid this is where we part ways!"
•Roman fires at Ruby, who uses her sniper recoil to dodge, she spots Roman climbing a ladder, "Are you hurt, shopkeeper?!" "No but-" "Good!", Ruby launches herself after Roman.
•The bullhead airship apppears, Roman jumps inside, he takes a Burn Dust crystal out and throws it at Ruby before shooting it, causing it to explode in her face.
• "Ohohohohoho!"
•The explosion cloud clears, revealing a violet forcefield around Ruby made by Glynda Goodwitch (no Glynda glyph, those are more exclusive now).
•(Ruby looks up at Glynda) "You're a Huntress!!! Can I have your autograph?!"
•"...property damage, using a weapon in a no-shoot-zone, *no huntsman liscence*, and now you're telling me that you've been chasing after criminals before!!!" "But I'm just trying stop criminals, like you!"
•Ozpin comes in and dismisses Glynda. Before she leaves he whispers to her "drop all criminal charges made against her..." Glynda looks confused, but obeys and leaves without a word.
• "Miss Ruby Rose... you have silver eyes."
•The rest of the conversation is basically the same as vanilla rwby.
•insert scene: Ozpin leaves the interragation room after Ruby accepts his offer. We see Yang and Taiyang sitting on a bench waiting for Ruby (they both stand up when they see Ozpin). Ozpin informs them that all charges against Ruby have been dropped... and that she will be attending Beacon academy early. (when Ozpin drops the latter news, the camera zooms in on Taiyang giving Ozpin a death glare.)
•Scene change: "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" (Yang says as she hugs Ruby to death.)
•Bee's knees conversation.
•The girls attention then changes to the breaking news report on the airships TV system. Lisa Lavender goes over the Dust robbery Ruby just stopped and momentarily puts her mugshot on the screen as the "real life Red Reaper" before she switches to talking about Roman. The shadow people on the air bus start murmering about Ruby, which causes her to frown and hold her head down.
•Lisa Lavender than goes to the next news segment about Faunus riot that police believed was started by the White Fang. The shadow people now start murmering about "animals" and "beasts".
•Ruby looks towards Yang, "The White Fang? Are those... like bad guys, Yang?"
•"Well, I guess you could say... actually, no. They're more like victims." When Yang says this, one of the shadow people walks far away from her. "... I guess not everyone thinks the same way."
•Glynda introduction + speech
•Jaune then bursts into the scene and vomits next to Ruby and Yang.
•Ruby screams.
•Yang punches Jaune.
•The end.
#The Shining Beacon arc
•Basically the same as vanilla rwby: Ruby and Yang's airship lands at Beacon academy. Jaune is vomiting in a trash can in the background. Yang encourages Ruby to make friends by ditching her. Ruby than trips and falls into Weiss + her luggage.
•"What are you doing?!"
•"Uh, sorry?"
•"Sorry! Do you have any idea the damage you could have caused?!" (Weiss then points to the luggage Ruby tripped over). "That suitcase contains a gift that *my* late grandfather gave to me! You could have broken it and the repairs for it would bankrupt your whole family!"
•"What?" Ruby says with a blank stare
•"Don't 'what' me! What are you, brain-dead???" (Weiss then turns her head to talk to herself, out loud). "Is every commoner from Vale this disrespectful?" (Weiss then turns back to Ruby). "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?!"
•"Hey, I said I was sorry princess!"
•"Don't you *dare* call me princess! Do you even know who I am!"
•"Weiss Schnee, second child of Willow and Jacques Scnee, singer, songwriter, producer of the best selling music album in Atlas, and heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, the largest producer of Dust in the world." Blake says after making her first appearance.
•"Finally! Some recognition!"
•"The same company infamous for its racist labor forces and illegal business partners." Blake shoots back while giving Weiss a death glare.
•"Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!"
•Weiss and Blake then leave Ruby alone.
•"Hey... I'm Jaune."
•"IM SORRY!!!"
•Ruby and Jaune's bonding scene is exactly the same. (including Jaune's chauvanism, Im gonna turn it into a real character flaw).
•Ruby and Jaune then head to the auditorium, Ruby splits from Jaune to hang with Yang, Jaune mopes that his 17 year old behind can't get with a 15 year old, Pyrrha stares at Jaune from behind with horror movie strings playing (im joking).
•Ruby tells Yang about the stuff she just went through, Weiss comes over and tells Ruby that she didn't break her grandfathers gift... which is good because if she did she would have sued the pants off their family. Yang tries to smooth things over, which leads to Weiss' iconic line "Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!" "Wow, really!" "No."
•Jaune mishears the conversation and assumes that Weiss confessed her love to him behind his back.
•Ozpin comes in, drop his "yall suck" speech, and leaves. Ruby comments that he was acting a bit weird, and Yang drops that dad (Tai) said Ozpin acted off when he was their headmaster, but dad didn't say much more to her. Cut to Jaune flirting with Weiss.
•Slumber party time!
•"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though."
•"I know I do! (purrs as she watches several muscular, shirtless guys and girls in short clothes... and Jaune).
•The scene where Ruby writes a letter to her friends at Signal is removed, in this au Ruby is very introverted and never had any close friends before.
•Ruby and Yang then talk about the friend, and enemy, that Ruby made in a day.
•The two girls then notice a candle being lit Blake, who is sitting in a corner reading a book. When Yang looks at Blake, she blushes (because bmblb is actually planned from the start this time.)
•Ruby informs Yang about her, so Yang drags Ruby over to Blake so they can make friends (and so she can get a girl).
•Ruby's hero speech to Blake is the same as before because it's perfect.
•Weiss walks over to ruin the fun, same as before.
•The end.
#The Emerald Forest arc
•Ren and Nora are introduced to us basically the same way they were in vanilla rwby, but this time the reason why Nora is so excited is because she and Ren started dating each other the moment they set foot in Beacon.
•Ruby and Yang are having their little conversation but this time Yang stresses to Ruby that if she wants to be a "normal girl" so badly, then maybe she should make friends like a "normal girl".
•Weiss and Pyrrha have their little conversation, but a thousand times more gay (Weiss is shy and blushing)
•"This will be perfect! The smartest girl from Atlas combined with the strongest girl from Argus! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be school celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!"
•Jaune comes between them.
•Pyrrha pushes Weiss out of the way so she can talk to Jaune (she wants to peg him so badly).
•Jaune ignores Pyrrha to help Weiss off the ground.
•Weiss knocks Jaune over and then goes right back to Pyrrha. Perfect love triangle!
•"Pyrrha, quick! I need to take you to the school nurse for that muscle spasm you just had!" (Weiss then grabs on Pyrrha's arm and tries to move her) "Oh wow, you are really buff." "I know."
•"Weiss!" (Jaune screams as he hops to his feet) "stop looking at at her... and look at me!"
•"1, why would I want to do that? 2, Jaune is it, do you have any idea who Pyrrha is?" "Nope." "Pyrrha Nikos, graduates top of her class at Sanctum?" "At where?" "Pyrrha Nikos, winner of the Mistral Region Tournaments ten times in a row, a new record!" "Dosen't ring any bells." "SHE'S ON FRONT OF EVERY PUMPKIN PETE'S MARSHMELLOW FLAKES BOX!!!" "That was you!"
•The three of them go back to arguing about teams. Weiss dosen't want herself (or Pyrrha) to be stuck on a team with Jaune, Pyrrha thinks would be an amazing teamate (just saying that to tease him), Jaune gets weird with Weiss and Pyrrha spears him to the wall.
•Ruby and Yang pick him up and everyone goes to the launch pads.
•Ozpin gives his little speech along with his "your teamate will be the first person you make eye contact with" surpise.
•Jaune dosen't know what a landing strategy is gag.
•The Ice queendom scene where creepy music plays when Pyrrha finds Jaune is used ("I have you now, my pretty Jaune!")
•Ruby runs for a bit before running into Weiss. Weiss turns and walks away, so Ruby follows her because they are supposed to be teammates now.
•Weiss talks her stuff about Ruby slowing her down, so Ruby pops up in front of her, Weiss asks how, and Ruby goes "It's my semblance, Rose Red! ~and I named it myself~"
•Ruby gives her little speech about she's going to change Weiss' mind about her and she runs off to kill some Grimm, leaving Weiss alone when a pack of Beowolves corner her.
•Yang's fight with the two bears + partnership with Blake goes the exact same way, but this time she blushes when Blake saves her.
•Cut back to Weiss, in her internal monolouge she plans to use Burn Dust to one shot the Beowolf in front of her and then use Wash Dust to create steam from the fire to make a quick get away. Then Ruby pops up in front of her. Weiss wastes her Dust on the wrong target, and then drags Ruby out of there because this time there are like 30 Beowolves (Ruby could still take them, but not without wasting all her Aura).
•Ruby and Weiss have their same argument but from the Ice queendom version.
•Cut back to Jaune and Pyrrha, Jaune runs into a branch and Pyrrha asks to check him for injuries. Jaune replies that he's never been cut in his life, even when he tried to give himself cut eyebrows using his sword and accidentally touched his eyeball with the blade. Pyrrha finds that highly unusual, and pulls out her Scroll to scan Jaune.
•"Jaune, your AP levels have a max of 3,000! Do you know what this means?" "Oh no... I'm going to die!!! Wait, I thought a lot of Aura points were a good thing?" "Jaune, you have more Aura than me." (as Pyrrha says this, she rests a hand on Jaune's shoulder and gives him a bittersweet stare).
•The Ren vs the King Taijitu fight is it's own stand alone scene. Completely unchanged otherwise. Boop included.
•Glynda informs Ozpin that the last partnership has been formed and, unlike last year, there have been zero casualties so far. She then goes on to talk about how "strange" this freshman year has been, one celebrity student by themselves would have been rare, but several (Pyrrha, Weiss, Ruby to an extent, Cardin, unamed shadow people) from different kingdoms all in one place is a little... sus. Ozpin then asks if Glynda is questioning him, and she responds that his plan was to make his perfect "team JNPR" but now there are characters that could give even Pyrrha a run for her money that "just so happened" to turn up at their school. Ozpin admits that even he found it a bit "off" that Weiss Schnee went to their school instead of Atlas or Haven, but now that they have her they may as well use her and students like her for their goals. (Shady Ozpin real???).
•The second Ruby v Weiss argument, Ice queendom version.
•Blake and Yang find the temple with the relics and banter. With extra gay.
•Jaune and Pyrrha wonder into a cave that they believe is the temple because it has strange markings on the walls (note: the markings are simplified versions of Salem's eye emblem). Jaune finds the relic, the relic is the glowing tip of a Deathstalkers stinger tail. Run away time!
•Cut to Ruby and Weiss, who are riding on a Nevermore because Ruby thought it would it would be the fastest way to escape the forest fire Weiss created after they wondered around in circles for an hour. Ruby decides that they should jump. Weiss dosen't.
•Ruby jumps and falls from the Nevermore's back. Before she can hit the ground, Jaune rams into her from the side and they both safely land in a tree.
•Blake: "... did your sister just fall from the sky?" "I-"
•Before Yang can finish, Nora rides in on an Ursa with an exhausted Ren behind her. Nora picks up the golden rook and does her queen of the castle thing before Ren shouts at her.
•"... did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" "I-"
•Before Yang can finish, Pyrrha calls out Jaune's name while being chased by the elder Deathstalker grimm that they woke up. The grimm then swats Pyrrha away, and she lands next to the gang.
•"Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?" (Yang uses her semblance while getting angry, which causes Blake to looked shocked and to take a step back) "I can't take it anymore! Can people stop falling on us for two seconds before another grimm shows up!"
•Two seconds
•The Nevermore carrying Weiss shows up. Weiss decides to let go and falls down. Jaune catches her, realizes he still dosen't have a landing strategy, and they both fall down. Jaune breaks Weiss' fall.
•"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" "Not if I can help it!", Ruby says before getting knocked out after trying to 1v1 a Deathstalker (ooh that v5 quote makes me mad).
•Ruby then tries to use her semblance to escape, but the elder Nevermore catches her cape with its feather shot. Weiss then saves her at the last second. They then have their little heart to heart that starts Weiss character arc of becoming nicer.
•Tactics time: Ruby states that their objective is to grab the relics and go to the cliff. However, because the two elder grimm keep chasing them, they most likely will have to fight them anyway. So the plan is to get as close to the cliffs as possible before fighting them so they still have the chance to escape (or hopefully be rescued by Ozpin) when they get beat up by the grimm (emphasis on the fact that the grimm are super old which is why they are so dangerous, by themselves none of these guys could kill them except maybe Weiss if she dumped all of her Dust onto them).
•"Run and try to live - that's an idea I can get behind!"
•RED LIKE ROSES FILLS MY HEAD WITH DREAMS AND IT FINDS ME ALWAYS CLOSER TO THE EMPTYNESS AND SADNESS THAT HAS COME TO TAKE THE PLACE OF YOU (Note: this song is Ruby's real feelings underneath her facade of cheerfulness in this AU).
•New teams ceremony, Cardin and his gang are team CRDL, led by Cardin Winchester (throw in a smug smile on Cardin's face here).
•Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren are team JNPR, led by... Jaune Arc (throw in a surpised pikachu face from Glynda because Ozpin's original plan was to make Pyrrha team leader).
•And finnaly, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Yang become team RWBY led by Ruby Rose (Weiss still gets pissy, Yang hugs Ruby, Blake has a little smile).
•The Roman scene at the end of the episode is left completely unchanged.
•The end.
#The Badge and the Burden arc
•The girls set up bunkbeds! (Unchanged from vanilla rwby)
•and they + JNPR are still late to class.
•First class: Grimm studies by Prof. Port
•Because today is the first day of class, Port goes over the basics of the Grimm: monsters that supposedly feed off the negative emotions of human beings (he dosen't mention Faunus cuz he's a bitch) by eating them. They infest every corner of the world, but their numbers are greatest towards Iaptus, the land in the west. There is real evidence that grimm can starve to death if they don't eat humans, but otherwise they are immortal and heal from non-lethal injuries which is super bad because they get smarter as they age and new ones keep spawning at consistent rates. It is known that there are billions more grimm than humans... "and Faunus too, I guess." (Blake side eye in the background).
•" Yes, our planet is absolutely teeming with Grimm that would love nothing more than to tear humans to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses...(sexually harasses a 17 year old brown girl) Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"
•It is an extremely entry level course to the point of being elementry school level. In the background, Weiss and Jaune and Ren are taking as many notes as possible, Blake and Yang and Pyrrha aren't writing anything down because they already know this, Nora is making heart eyes at her boyfriend, and Ruby is goofing off (this is why she didn't get good grades at Signal).
•Port starts going on a vauge, probably sexist and racist rant about a story he made up to make himself look good before asking which among his students is true Huntsman like and Weiss raises her hand.
•When Weiss raises her hand, the shadow people start whispering like "Weiss Schnee's in this class!" "I heard she has a special semblance!" "I WANT HER TO SIGN MY FOREHEAD!!!"
•Port then asks Weiss to step up to the front so she can face her opponent: a caged and very hungry Boarbotusk.
•The fight is the same as before, Ruby gives Weiss good ideas to fight the grimm that Weiss shoots down because she wants to prove herself as a better huntress than Ruby even though she is not team leader. (Note: I don't have a good place to shoehorn this in, but the different colors Weiss' glyphs have are from her combining them with Dust. White = Breeze Dust, Black = Gravity Dust, Blue = Freeze Dust, etc.) Weiss then uses one of Ruby's ideas and kills the grimm. Ruby tries to talk to Weiss, but she pushes her away.
•Plot Twist: it's time for the next class of the day which is sparing by Glynda Goodwitch!
•Glynda admits to her students that there other classes were probably very dull (oh the irony) so instead of boring them with a lecture, she will give anyone willing the chance to blow off some steam.
•Weiss jumps up immediately and volunteers, making an angry face the whole time.
•Glynda accepts and then asks Weiss to either choose a sparing partner or to wait for someone to volunteer. Weiss prepares to point at Ruby... "I volunteer!" (Yang says as she suddenly stands up).
•"Yang, what are you doing?! She's mad at me!" (Ruby pleads to her sister). "I could take her, if you two want me." (Blake offers to Yang while grabbing her weapon). "Thanks Blake, and no. If Weiss wants someone to be mad at so badly, then she can be mad at me. Sit back and watch, sis." (Yang then struts up to the sparing ring). "Oh boy, oh boy!" (Ruby chants underneath her breath). "Don't worry Ruby, your sister can take this." (Blake comforts Ruby while placing a hand on her shoulder.) "What? I'm not worried about Yang, I'm worried about Weiss!"
•(Weiss stares up at Yang) "What are you doing?". "You pick a fight with Ruby, you pick a fight with me! Whatever is happening between you two, it ends here." (Yang tells Weiss as nicely as possible). "If you girls have a dispute," Glynda commands to them, "then settle it in battle! The match begins now!!!"
•First au exclusive fight: Weiss Vs Yang! The fight is mostly a homage to the White trailer, with Yang taking the role of the knight as a big, strong tank that Weiss "dances" around. Unlike the knight grimm, Yang is a lot faster and she's able to dodge, block, and counter attack a lot of Weiss's moves. At the end of the fight, Weiss tries to freeze Yang using Dust, but then Yang activates her semblance to melt the ice and to knock out Weiss.
•After winning, Yang offers Weiss a hand but that's when she realizes that Weiss has been crying. Before she can consult her, Weiss slaps her hand away and runs out the class room, wiping her tears away. Glynda dismisses the class, and then gives everyone an essay homework to write before she walks out the door.
•Cut to Ruby wandering the halls by herself where she encounters Ozpin. They then have the same conversation they had from vanilla rwby.
•After that scene, Weiss is standing by herself at the balcony when Glynda shows up, who was looking for her. Weiss then asks Glynda if she can transfer herself to a different team, seeing that her current team mates "don't like me". Glynda tells Weiss that freshmen huntsman teams not liking each other is common, and if she can't handle that then maybe she should go back to her singing carrer. "I don't want to sing!" (Weiss screams). "Hmm, well maybe you should tell that to your father instead of yelling at me?" (Glynda returns). "Im sorry prof. Glynda. My father... wouldn't listen to me. He dosen't listen to anyone." "And pray tell, miss Schnee, what would your father do in your situation?". "Hehe, he would demand to the next teacher he could find to switch teams immediately and... oh no." "I see you finnaly realized your error, miss Schnee. Now, if you hurry along there is still time to fix it." (Weiss gets ready to leave, but then turns back.) "Thank you, prof. Glynda."
•The ending is the vanilla rwby scene where Weiss and Ruby bond again, but this time with scenes of Yang and Blake still awake and listening to the conversation. Yang smiles when the two girls make up, but the last shot of the arc is of Blake's neutral expression turning into a face of raw spite as she gazes at Weiss.
•The end?
#Jaunedice arc
•The arc begins with an extended version of the fight between Cardin Vs Jaune that starts from the very begining. Cardin charges Jaune who can barely react in time to use his shield. The inital strike creates a small explosion from the Lava Dust crystal in Cardin's mace. Then the camera changes to Jaune's perspective, where Cardin's face is a distored image that looks like grotesque human face grining evily at Jaune. Cardin then repeatedly pounds Jaune into submission, the blonde becoming more scared with each firey blow. Within seconds, Cardin hammers away at Jaune's high Aura and his final hit has enough force that it causes Jaune to roll backwards while letting go of his shield. (Like Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu but more aggressive, zero moments to breath)
•When the match is finished, Cardin moves to strike again but Glynda uses her semblance to restrain him at the last minuet. She then gives him and his team two hours of detention for attempting to break her rules. This causes Cardin to glare at Jaune, who flinches, before walking back to his team who groan at him returning.
•Glynda then anounces the Vytal festival + tournament that will be coming soon which excites all the students.
•cut to the lunch table scene: Ruby (& an unenthusiastic Weiss) and Pyrrha are sitting next to Jaune who are sitting across from Ren & Nora. Blake sits at the very edge of the table far away everyone else, and Yang sits next to her. (There is the vibe that team JNPR are only friends with Ruby, while Blake is annoyed by them.)
•Nora is telling everyone about a crazy dream she had when Pyrrha tries to bring up the subject of Cardin to Jaune. This puts all eyes (even Blake's) onto him. Jaune tries to deflect, he says his fight was a fluke and he suggests that Cardin must have some type of semblance that scares people and he used that to win. "Really Jaune? A semblance that scares people?" Weiss sarcastically asks. "Yes!!! I could totally feel it over me with my fourth eye or something!!!" "It's third eye, Jaune." Ren sardonically corrects him.
•Ruby then tells Jaune that this isn't just about their sparring match, for the last week Cardin has been bullying Jaune and so far none of the teachers will do anything about it because he's the son a celebrity council member. "Ugh, I hate people that use their parent's fame and fortune as their own personal shield! Good thing none of us are like that, right guys!" Weiss tells the group (Blake side eye. Bombastic Blake side eye.)
•Pyrrha then tells Jaune that if he ever needs help, he can just ask his friends. "Ooh, I know a guy who knows a couple of guys and we could all get togather to break his legs in dark alley in Patch! No one would find out too!!!" Nora offers. "...thanks, Nora? But guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone!"
•This is when the gang overhears Cardin and his team bullying Velvet. The upperclassmen has the same look of fear on her face that Jaune had when he spared with Cardin. He is pulling on her rabbit ears harshly while the rest of his team laughs at her and calls her 'grimmspawn'. "Atrocious. I can't stand people like him." Pyrrha states coldly. "He's not the only one..." Blake says while staring daggers at him. "It must be hard to be a Faunus." Yang sadly states.
•Cardin then yanks Velvet's ear again, causing Blake to stand up and begin marching towards him. "Blake stop, you're just going to get in trouble!" Yang pleads to her, but it falls on deaf ears. As Blake coldly marches towards Cardin, all of the shadow people's heads turn towards her.
•"eh?" Cardin turns towards Blake, his hand still gripping Velvet's ear. "What do you want??" Without saying a word, Blake spits in his eye. "AHHH, YOU BITCH!" Cardin screams at Blake, jumping from his seat while letting go of Velvet. The faunus runs towards Blake's side, unable to stand properly from fear.
•Team CRDL surround the two girls. Yang dashes from her seat, but before she can reach Blake-
•"What is going on here?!" Glynda shouts as she marches into the scene. "THIS BII-Er girl spat into my eye!!!" Cardin screams at her. "Miss Belladonna, is this true?" Blake then stares into Glynda's eyes, "I'd do it again." This enrages Glynda. "Prof. Glynda please, Blake didn't start this!" Yang pleads to the teacher. "No excuses Xiao Long!" "She's right!" Ruby says after appearing behind Blake. That's when she realizes that Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, and all of team rwby are by her side. "Prof. Glynda, Blake saw Winchester harassing this girl for being a faunus and acted to defend her. If she deserves to be punished for that, then we all do because we made Blake feel that she had to confront Cardin alone." Weiss argues. Blake's eyes widen as she realizes that humans are defending her.
•"Miss Scaletina, are these claims correct? And I can tell if you are lying." Velvet looks at Blake and smiles, her look of fear completely gone. "Yes, prof Glynda. As an upperclassmen, I should have acted to defend myself sooner, but I was scared. If anyone deserves to be punished, it should be me." Glynda then shakes her head no, and looks at Cardin and his team. "Team CRDL, your two hours detention has been extended to two months and you all are no longer allowed to eat in the cafetaria! 25 years ago, your headmaster helped passed the law that ended anti-faunus segregation and hate crimes, and I will enforce them." Glynda then gets close to Cardin's ear and whispers "And calling your daddy won't make a diference, little boy... he's scared of me too."
•Glynda then escorts team CRDL out of the cafeteria, leaving an awestruck Blake and her friends standing in the middle of a hurricane of rumors and whispers. While Weiss and Pyrrha are both admired, team CRDL are the most popular students at Beacon and being the first ones to take them down has put RBYNR on the social map, whenever they like it or not. As the kids react to the news, Pyrrha finnaly realizes that Jaune is no where to be seen, which is when the camera then pans over to a cowering Jaune just outside the cafeteria doors.
•The next scene is on the roof top of the school at night, where Jaune is standing alone. Pyrrha then appears, saying she was looking all over for Jaune and that he dosen't have to be afraid of Cardin anymore. Jaune says that he knows, and right now he just wants to be left alone. Pyrrha then asks Jaune why did he leave in the first place, which makes Jaune snap at her. He says he isn't "brave, or strong" like her or Ruby. He dosen't have a legacy to live up to like Weiss, and he isn't a natural warrior like Blake or Ren. "I'm nothing." "That's not true Jaune! You-" "Pyrrha the only reason I'm even here is because I cheated my way in!" "... what?" "I trained with my dad for years and I never got better. I took every huntsman exam I could find, and I failed. Even now, I study harder than you and I only get Cs! I... just leave me alone."
•After a few seconds, Pyrrha sorrowfully relents and leaves.
•"I heard everything." An invisible voice calls out to Jaune. Suddenly, Ren materializes from behind him. "It all makes sense now... your lack of skill with your weapons, your lack of a semblance, you cheated your way into Beacon and now your reaping the rewards as our team leader." "Ren I-" "If you don't want me to contact our professors right now and have you expelled, then you will hold your tongue. Tomorrow, you will do exactly as I say if you actually want to be a huntsman. By then, I will have figured out what to do with you..." Ren then turns his back to Jaune, and disappears into darkness, leaving behind a heartbroken Jaune as he collapses to the floor.
•The next scene begins in the Forever Fall forest. Ruby tells her team that it's cool that the teachers at Beacon let them do field assignments with no supervision. The rest of team Rwby then trail behind her as the exit the scene, revealing a solemn NPR standing behind them. "You're being irrational!" an irritated Pyrrha tells Ren. "I'm the only one here that's considering the rational option. Nora and I shouldn't have to find out from spying that our team leader is a fraud." Nora, standing between them, says "Well, Nora thinks that we all had a looong day yesterday so maybe we should all calm down and-"
•Jaune then enters the scene.
•"You don't have to do this Jaune-" "Yes I do Pyrrha. Ren's right, it's not fair that he got into Beacon fair and square while I cheated my way in." Jaune then looks Ren in the eye. "Whatever challenge you have for me, I'm ready." "So it's decided. Your challenge, Jaune Arc, will be a trail by fire. You must defeat me in combat!" Ren then takes his battle stance (but curiously dosen't have his weapons).
•"Uhh, actually I was hoping that maybe you would forgive me if I admitted you were right and-" before Jaune finishes his sentance, Ren palm strikes his chest with enough force to send him flying into a tree. "That was the Force palm technique, Jaune. I trained with the monks of Mistral until I mastered every single Aura technique there was to learn. What have you mastered?"
•The rest of the fight is basically the same as that; Ren ragdolls Jaune while introducing a new Aura technique to the audience (Forcefield technique to block Jaune's sword, Shadow Clone technique to confuse Jaune, Third Eye technique when Jaune throws sand into Ren's eyes) while Jaune only survives because he has a mountain of Aura.
•Team RWBY eventually take notice and rush towards the scene. "Oh no! Whats happening, why is Ren fighting Jaune!!!" Ruby asks Nora. "Oh, Jaune cheated his way into Beacon, which is super illegal by the way, so now my bestest boyfriend for life wants Jaune to beat him in a sparing match to prove he's good enough to be our team leader which me and Pyrrha think is kinda ridiculous but, boys will be boys!" "Oh n- wait what?!" Weiss then pops up, "Jaune cheated his way into Beacon? I thought you had to be smart in order to do that."
•Ren finnaly starts to get exhausted from spamming his Aura techniques (hyperventalating), and he asks Jaune how he's able to keep up being constantly attacked. Jaune then looks up and grins, "Aha, this was my stratagy all along Ren! I knew that you had the lowest AP levels on our team so instead of fighting you, I let you waste your Aura reserves!" "... that... is actually a good plan. You have what it takes to be a huntsman in training." "So does that mean you'll stop beating me!!!" "No!"
•Ren then prepares his next attack, using so much of his Aura shield shifts into his righ hand. Jaune readies his shield. Before Ren can strike, an elder Ursa pops out of the bush behinds him and fells him in one blow.
•"REN!!!" Jaune screams. Nora immediately pounces on the grimm while the rest of the gang engages it. Jaune rushes to Ren's side. "Ren, talk to me!" Ren barely groans at him. Jaune flips Ren over and discovers he has three deep slashs on his back. "No no no, this wasn't supposed to happen!"
•"At last you understand..." a mysterious voice whispers to Jaune, "... what it means to be a huntsman. It was never about defeating darkness, but defending the light. Young man, will you allow your comrad to have his light stolen on this meaningless day? Or will you save him so he can face his destiny? Awaken the light within you, descendant of King Charles of Vale!
•Jaune's eyes then glow a pure golden color as his body is surrounded in the shimmering light of his Aura. As Jaune touches Ren, his Aura regenerates itself completely and heals his wounds.
•Just as Nora finishes pounding the elder Ursa into nothingness is when the rest of the gang realizes that Jaune is glowing. Then he stops and helps Ren to his feet.
•"You, unlocked your semblance?" Ren askes. Jaune nods his head. "... the trial is over. I am honored to have you as our team leader, Jaune." "Thanks Ren... and uhh, guys is it normal to hear voices when you get your semblance, or..."
•"Hear voices, what are you talking about?" Ruby asks Jaune. The rest of the gang is similary confused. "Oh well, guess I'm crazy." Jaune sarcastically says and the rest of the group laughs.
•As the camera zooms out, it changes to a screen on a computer that Ozpin is watching intently.
•The End.
#Black and White arc
•The beggining of the arc is almost entirely the same: team RWBY are following an excited Weiss down the streets of Vale when they happen upon a crime scene. The two detectives investigating wonder aloud if the Dust robbery was by the White Fang, which prompts Weiss to call them "an awful bunch of degenerates!". This prompts Blake to shoot back at her, which Weiss is confused by because she can't fathom why anyone would defend them. Small change, when Weiss accuses the WF of wanting to Genocide Humanity, Blake directly tells her they don't.
•Ruby then changes the subject and suggests that "that crook I tried to bust before I got into Beacon" (Roman Torchwick) is most likely behind the robbery since it matches his last crime perfectly. "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. (to Blake's growing anger) Faunus like them give good ones like Velvet a bad name. In fact, they push Faunus rights back decades!" Yang then tries to interject but-
•MY SUNSHINNNNE- ahem, the gang overhears a group of sailors chasing after a stowaway monkey Faunus. The Detectives then give chase, which causes the stray to sprint away at full speed. As he passes team RWBY, he looks Blake in the eyes and winks at her mischiveously, which causes Blake to blush.
•"Quick! He's our only lead on the robbery, we have to catch him!" Weiss states as she practically drags her team with her as she chases the stray. When they turn the corner, she realizes that he's completely out of sight. "No, he got away!" "Uhh... Weiss?" (Yang points strangely at the girl underneath her teammate)
•Penny time! Again, her introduction is pretty much one to one with vanilla rwby.
•And then argument time. Again, basically the same, but Weiss says she is Blake's friend instead of just her teammate.
•This is not a change, but during the transition between the street and Vale the implication is that Weiss and Blake had been arguing all day.
•" I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!" "That is the problem!" "You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!" "There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!" "People like me?" "You're discriminatory!"
•"I'm a victim!" (Silence as the two girls stare at each other. Ruby and Yang both stand in the middle, unsure of what to do.) "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust some Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood." Ruby then interjects "Weiss, she di-"
•"No!" Weiss thenturns away and walks back over to Blake "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!" "Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake backhand slaps Weiss hard enough to knock her onto the floor. Silence drops down on the scene again. Ruby and Yang both stare at Blake with heartbroken faces. "I... I..." Blake dashes out the door.
•Blake runs until she's at the statue Beacon's courtyard. She then unties her bow, revealing her cat ears.
•"I knew you would look better without the bow." Blake then looks up an sees Sun hanging off the statue.
•The next day, RWY are in Beacon's courtyard looking for signs of Blake. "Blake's a Fang assassin, what we should be doing is alert headmaster Ozpin." "Weiss, come on. She's one of our friends." "Is she? We all heard what she said!" "Weiss." Ruby sternly looks at her. Yang then starts up again "Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her!" Weiss then mutters underneath her breath, "An assassin set to kill me, right underneath our noses..." Ruby then talks to herself, praying to the God of Light that Blake is ok.
•The scene then changes to Blake and Sun sitting outside a teashop, Blake asking Sun if he wanted to know more about her and Sun nods.
•"Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?" "Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!" "I'm the daughter of the White Fang's founder, Ghira Bête."
•Sun then spits out his tea. "Wait a minute, you're Blake Bête?!"
•"That's right. The so called princess of the White Fang is me. Once upon a time, I used to live life like a princess too... Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, my father was assassinated. Right at one of his rallies. I had the front row seat. That... broke us. Our new leader, my foster mother Sienna Khan, didn't want peace or unity. She wanted respect, and she wanted revenge. I wanted revenge too, at the time. She helped me find the men that murdered my father, and I ended them. I thought that with the heads of Natural Order finally gone, the Fang would go back to normal. I was wrong. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a fugitive hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow."
•Sun then asks if Blake has told any of this to her friends, and she lowers her head.
•cut back to Ruby, Weiss, and Yang serching the streets for Blake. Dialouge is completely unchanged. The girls then run into Penny again. Again, dialouge is the same but "teammate" is replaced with "friend".
•cut back to Blake and Sun. Blake affirms that the White Fang most likely are not behind the Dust robberies. Sun then uses his junior detective skills to deduce that the the only way to prove that the Fang are innocent is to go where they might be and not find them their. He then drops that a Schnee Dust shipment is coming at the docks, so Blake decides they should do a stake-out.
•Yang comes out of a shop with Weiss, waving to the person inside, "Thanks anyways! This is hopeless." She then looks at Weiss, who is looking around nonchalantly, "And you're the reason she left and you don't even care! What's wrong with you!" "Me?" "Yes, you! First you picked a fight with my little sister, and now you pushed Blake away! And just when I thought you were becoming nicer!!" Yang then marches off in a huff, leaving Weiss to alone to think.
•Ruby and Penny then have their little convo about Blake.
•Blake is hiding on a roof top when Sun suddenly jumps up. He then presents her some stolen food, since she has been up there for hours. "Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?" "Hey, weren't you a terrorist of something?" (Blake angry face) "Ok, too soon!"
•Just then, a bullhead airship lands and White Fang members walk out. Blake is saddened. Then-
•"Hey! What's the holdup!? We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you grimmspawn try to pick up the pace?" Roman Torchwick then walks out the Bullhead, hurling slurs at Fang soldiers while they grin and bear it.
•Blake can't stand the sight of it.
•"Hey, what are you-" before Sun can finish, Blake jumps down from the rooftop, rolls, and apprehends Torchwick as fast as possible. She then demands to know why the Fang are aiding a racist scum bag like Torchwick, and he enlightens her that "we're on a joint buisness venture!" Torchwick then blasts the ground under his feet, dazing Blake.
•Ruby then finnaly arrives on the scene, knocking out a few White Fang soldiers before being blasted by Torchwick.
•P.E.N.N.Y. IS COMBAT READY!!!!!!!!!!
•Roman is eventually forced to flee. Yang and Weiss finnaly come, along with the local police.
•"Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..." Weiss ignores her and squares off with Blake. She calmly looks her down, "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm sorry for hurting you. Back when I was with the-" "Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided... I don't care."
•"You don't care?"
•"You're not one of them anymore, right?"
•"No, I-I haven't been in a while but Weiss my-"
•"Ah-bahp-bahp-bahp! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some... Someone else."
•Blake wipes tears from her eyes as she says "Of course." "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Ruby cheers! Weiss then points a finger at Sun "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" Sun the looks back to Blake, "Your teammate is Weiss Schnee!!!" and he collapses.
•"He-Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?y, wait a minute... Where's Penny?" The camera then pans to black car with Penny in the back. She is being repremanded compromising herself, to which she apolgizes. The figure then places a comforting, white gloved hand Penny's shoulder.
•Cut to Ozpin, who is in his control room (the same room he was in during the Jaundice arc) watching the fight on one of his security cameras. He then gets a notification on his scroll from Qrow and pulls it out. The message is entirely emojis (something like 🐈‍⬛🟰👸🏻), but Ozpin understands that it means Blake Belladonna was Blake Bête the whole time. Ozpin shifts his glasses in response.
•After credits scene: Roman's bullhead flies over a grimm infested forest and lands in an abandoned building in mountain Glenn. As he gets off the ship, he is greeted by slow clapping from a mysterious woman standing behind a corner. "Bravo, Roman. Your little fiasco has angered my friend, Corsac Albain. We expected... more, from you." "Hey! You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts!"
•The woman in red then lights a fire in her hands, revealing herself as Cinder Fall. Behind her are Mercury and Emerald... and a very large Beowolf nuzzling itself against Cinder.
•"And you will continue to do so. We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is... a little cooperation." The Beowolf nuzzling Cinder then begins to howl as the scene fades to black. Ending the season.
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
So we know Neo loves Fairytales, specifically 'The Girl Who Fell Through The World'.
Do you think Cinder liked them as well? Reading them in the Glass Unicorn in the hopes that some day a Rusted Knight would show up and save her as well?
Alright, this is an interesting ask because I've always had the headcanon that Cinder was illiterate for a LONG time until she was found by Salem-
Orphan girl abandoned in a pitiful orphanage of Mistral that didn't even have a name. Not completely related, but now that I'm at it, I'll say that I always thought Cinder gained her name at the orphanage because she was made to sleep near the fireplace, and thus, getting dirty with the ashes made the other kids start calling her 'Cinder', very much like in some of the old original Cinderella fairy tales.
It stuck with her, so her official name became Cinder.
Now, at the orphanage Cinder only had the chance of hearing stories from mouth-to-mouth from the other kids. But they didn't exactly have many means of entertainment. Perhaps she heard of some stories vaguely, because some kids were abandoned later and had the chance to learn about the popular fairy tales of Remnant a bit more. But the major part of the time, it was made up stories by the older kids to entertain the younger ones.
Although, Cinder was rarely seen with them- she was prone to getting bullied for one reason or another, so she had to sneak in to listen to those stories.
People didn't like her.
When she was adopted to be part of the Glass Unicorn, she still didn't have a single book- not that it mattered, because the Madame didn't step up to teach her how to read. At much she knew what the main signs around the hotel were, but she couldn't read books- the Madame probably was the kind of woman to think that if Cinder learnt how to read, it could be dangerous (because sometimes knowledge is power!) so she had to leave Cinder being as ignorant as she could.
As a slave.
I'm sure the step-sisters had plenty of books, but Cinder never had the intention of sneaking and picking one- instead, this time around she liked to listen to the stories that Hunstmen had to tell about their adventures.
I doubt Cinder had the chance of ever really daydreaming of having a knight coming to save her, but more like, she had the fantasy of a Hunter or Huntress come save her like they did with other people, and Rhodes would've been that figure in her life for a time.
After that, things went to hell and her opinion of Huntsmen changed forever.
So, no Rusted Knight, and no fairy tales to dream about.
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
RWBY & Red Herrings
That would be a good title for a video, someone should make that,
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erros429 · 1 year
i need to see sienna khan back on my screen. idc that she’s dead i just need to see her again
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