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The world can be an ugly place, but sometimes it's that ugliness, that reminds us how beautiful our existence is - Catherine Fraser
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baneonn · 15 days ago
>Everyone in the comments praising the AI
>Post is still up on the rwby critics page showing that the mods have no problem with AI being posted in their sub and some even in support
You: “It’s only one person using a ChatGPT for a shitpost that means it’s okay to use AI”
It is disgusting because it’s still AI you idiot, but of course you would defend it. I expect nothing less from a rwde
The rwby critics support AI how fucking disgusting
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baneonn · 15 days ago
Getting this excited over AI is insane work
The rwby critics support AI how fucking disgusting
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baneonn · 15 days ago
The rwby critics support AI how fucking disgusting
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baneonn · 1 month ago
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a little late holiday art 🧣🤍
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baneonn · 5 months ago
That psyga guy really proves every fan how stalkerish and creepy the rwde are as a whole. Most of the people he screenshots to complain and bitch about has him blocked, but no one from the rwde side seems to care and actually support and encourage him in block evading which I guess isn't really surprising
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baneonn · 6 months ago
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Reminder that Twitter is a fucked up place to be
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baneonn · 6 months ago
The way Loid always panics and thinks he's done something to make Yor want to "divorce" him is always a funny and cute bit to him. He acts like it's simply "for the mission" but he really does come off more like a smitten husband afraid to displease and lose his wonderful wife.
FOR REAL its funny and also lowkey sad at the same time 💀 like my hope is for him to one day be secure enough in himself + his relationship with Yor that he doesn't immediately panic, but at the same time the panicking is funny so... 🤷‍♀️
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baneonn · 6 months ago
Can't say I'm really surprised this creep screenshotted me and my friend's post and posted it on reddit, but he should make a correction because I'm not a bumblebee shipper so don't generalize.
I simply think there's nothing wrong with their relationship and the hate the ship gets is pretty dumb because it's always blacksun shippers starting ship wars. You can easily disprove many arguments with things that happen in the show, but I personally don't like blacksun because of Blake slapping Sun and yelling at him. It's a reason why many people don't ship them to be honest because it's not something that's nice to see.
I would rather see Sun happy with someone else because I really do think there's someone more suited to be with Sun then Blake in my opinion
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baneonn · 6 months ago
One thing I hate about the hiatus is all the really good analyst find different shows while the people who lack media literacy stay stuck here spewing all kinds of made up shit and acting like it's fact
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
She still made him jump so what's your point. Besides Blake and Sun looking like two friends
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
Hmm I don't know man it's almost like Blake came back into Yang's life, stayed, and got past this exact issue with Blake leaving many volumes ago. So if you're not caught up yet, Blake showed how much she was there for Yang and promised to be there for her in volume 6 so I don't see a reason why anyone wouldn't appreciate and ship them
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And it seems like they're doing well together as well. It is sweet I have to admit
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Also Blake said Yang is nothing like Adam did you even pay attention in the show or what
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
Congrats I'm black as well so shush. Her speech wasn't even all the nonsense you're making it be about at all. Blake's speech happened during volume 5 when Blake heard word of Adam's plans to bomb and attack Haven. Blake then tried to recruit faunus in Menagerie to go with her to Haven to stop Adam, but no one was signing up. Then Blake and her family got attacked by the WF which caused Blake to make a speech in response. She used what happened to explain how even their own kind can try to hurt them like how Adam tried to kill her and her family. She then talks about how they shouldn't wait around and do nothing when Adam is out there with his group causing havoc benefitting none of them. She mentions Adam's plans to bomb Haven and asked her fellow people to sign up and stop him. That's really all that situation was. I don't know how you missed the point so badly in that situation when Adam tried to kill her and her family not even moments before her speech to make it be about wanting to appease her oppressors, when it was always stopping Adam from what he was doing.
I'm not even going to entertain your Yang comment because it makes no sense and once again made it up like:
"Not to mention Yang literally told Weiss, who for some reason told Yang that he "Walls crumbled down, and no one blamed her." Depsite weiss saying "the innocent never run yang." Weiss schnee- Slave mine owner.
Surprised when they get mad that they're used for awful labor."
I can't even understand this kind of logic. Like what in the hell is this. What happened at the end of volume 3 wasn't Blake's fault it was Adam's because he was the one to cut Yang's arm off and harm both of them, not Blake. Blake only ran away to protect them and in the conversation Weiss has with Yang she spells it out exactly on why Blake ran so it isn't the same thing like what Weiss said before in volume 1.
It's also pretty damn obvious why Yang wants Blake to be with her and it's because she loves her. That's why she's so broken up over her leaving. That's why she's mad, sad, and all the above towards her friends before she cools down inside by herself because she's having a hard time with her being gone. Yang is trying to act like everything is fine, but she misses her. But Yang never demanded Blake to be there like she owned her. Yang simply missed her and wished she was here with her, which is a common thing to want when you miss someone.
And again Yang would have done a laser pointer to anyone it really isn't that deep
And I have no idea what your yapping about with being black. This is a fictional show with fictional characters this is not real life
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
They also never heard of multiple love interests either. They think it's a first come first serve which ironically would be Yang since she met her first, but it's funny how they say "No indication they liked each other" then proceeds to say exactly how with Yang losing an arm for Blake lol.
And let's say sure Yang would do that for anyone, but how would that change her still doing that for the person she likes/ loves. We see a clear difference in how Yang treats her friends like Weiss for example in comparison to Blake. When Weiss left, Yang wasn't broken up, sad or down when she was gone. Sure Yang was happy to see Weiss again and they shared a nice moment, but she wasn't nearly as distraught like she was when Blake left.
There's a clear difference that's heavily emphasized in the way Yang feels about Blake in comparison to others, where we see how much more Yang feels for Blake that goes beyond just platonic and develops to become more
And for Sun, his character was mainly around to be, like you said, a supporting character for Blake with the WF. Most of their scenes together are mainly focused on him helping Blake with the WF not getting with her
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
Lmao what the hell are you even yapping about. You can't even make a point without making things up. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously saying things like Yang treats Blake like her property, Blake has character assassination because she made a speech about faunus like Adam doing bad things as well and Yang being abusive and racist because of a laser pointer lol.
Do you even know what racism is. How is Yang pointing a laser pointer prejudice, discriminatory, or antagonistic when she was trying to get her attention. Yang would have done that to anybody in the same position because was Yang being hateful and making fun of Blake when she used the laser pointer going kitty kitty look or some nonsense no she wasn't. She only used a laser pointer to get her attention. It's only people like you who try to make their relationship creepy, weird, and abusive
Versus Blake and Sun where Blake actually got animated to slap Sun and made him flinch telling him to shut up
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
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Yeah Blake and Sun are real cute together
Love the way she makes him jump out of fear
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 6 months ago
Lmao you got baited hard
Bumbleby is planned and confirmed to be planned.
It’s okay that blacksun wasn’t planned guys. Sun was always a fleeting crush and support character for Blake not her endgame lover
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baneonn · 7 months ago
I think it's funny how blacksun shippers still try to do ship wars. It's basically a one-sided beef at this point because while everyone moved on these people stay being bitter and dedicating blogs to hating bumbleby
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