#crowley accuracy
scales-n-art · 3 months
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Rockstar! Crowley AUs have me in a chokehold.
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luppiart · 1 year
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They’re going to buy a lava lamp
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jude-shotto · 9 months
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🌟1920s Ineffable Wives🌟
which version do you like better?
process video🍉
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ingravinoveritas · 20 days
Me every time Michael and David reference each other or flirt during interviews or do anything together in general:
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infernal-scales · 3 months
the beginning of the end to your sanity starter :) || @fellandfeathers
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WHEN IN ROME do as the Romans do, and Crowley has discovered Romans do a lot of fucking. End of story.
Nudity and sex weren’t really anything looked down upon yet in most civilizations. Well, if you overlook the instances of Sodom and Gomorrah, or any other time humanity has been far too indulgent in their “sinful ways” that called for their untimely destruction.
There was a carefree attitude for all things pleasurable with the Romans, though, that Crowley quite liked, and with a flourishing nation came a want for indulgence within all its people.
It was A BREEDING GROUND for on-the-job demons, of course.
The knowledge that Aziraphale was stationed in the city alongside him put a damper on his mood. DON’T GET HIM WRONG: seeing that familiar face did wonders for his mood usually. However, this would be the first time Crowley was actively working when the angel was nearby. Most of the time, he stumbled upon or sniffed the other out—keeping his reputation clean of actions that would otherwise have Aziraphale turning his nose up at him.
Not this time, and it made him itchy, irritable, more so than he already was with the whole Emperor gig.
Speaking of the devil, the public bathhouse is filled with nothing but Caligula’s court, all mingling with each other in a manner of… INDECENT WAYS. Crowley’s mainly kept himself separated from the more involved circles—doing his best to enjoy a goblet of the finest wine in the country—but it’s not long before a curly blonde soldier swims in between his legs.
❝ How can one seem SO ALONE in a room full of people? ❞
Was that suppose to be romantic? Rude, but okay.
Crowley smirks instead of letting a biting remark fly, aware of the eyes on him from the powerful parties nearby. A hand cups the man’s jaw, forcing his neck to crane up.
❝ NOT ALONE NOW, am I? ❞
The blonde beams at him, but it lacks the radiance and dimples that never fail to warm him.
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angelcore-bitch · 10 months
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here they are! ineffable wives in the 1920's. it truly was revealed to me in a dream
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alphacentaurinebula · 16 days
Chapter 9 of You’re the Bad Guys is up!!
What are our favourite KGB and MI6 spies up to today? Besides pining. And occasionally moaning.
Be warned, there are some physics jokes in this chapter. My apologies to anyone who understands them.
Beta’d by the fantabulous @fellshish , who is not responsible for the science jokes.
Tags under the cut!
@puntos-cardinales @naturallyteal @di-42 @hellsgardener01 @sabotage-on-mercury @thesherrinfordfacility @a-z-hampton @knifeforkspooncup @weasleywrinkles @handyowlet @crowleys-curl @ghostsparrow-blog @goodoldfashionednightingale @seven-stars-in-his-palm @theeminentlyimpractical
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silychurl · 4 months
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Dumping a few of my Gomens sketches then back to lurking!
Currently going through a trying to design some new looks for the Ineffable Partners for fun sakes in between some bigger projects. So far the list is:
Fantasy Armour Shenanigans Aziraphale (Supreme Arc-Angel?)
Viking Era Aziraphale (Crowley’s design in the concept comic is from Imus.sumi on Discord! Have yet to ask their Tumblr handle but it’s something I’ll get to asking in the near future. Also probably the one that’s going to change the most since I do want to lean in a more historically accurate look for this one due to story reasons)
Fem Crowley and Aziraphale Disco Inspired looks (emphasis on inspired on this one since it looks like I’m just going on generally a night dance club look for it, unlike the others these are made for a future full illustration so I’m giving myself much more leeway on it)
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Sorry for the lengthy post, back to lurking.
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crowlipso · 1 year
Does Agatha wear traditional Siamese clothes or western dresses when she's at home? I looked and Thai traditional clothes are so pretty, I wonder if she wears them aside from formal occasions?
Well yes! She always wears it at home her mother Chandra (in Sanskrit meaning moon) is the one who influenced her to wear it and made her proud of her root, Chandra was a Nang Rum Luang (there's no English word for this, but it means royal dancing lady and her job is entertaining the monarch by dancing in traditional moves) at the royal palace.
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she brought a lot of traditional clothing, jewelry, gold, and a lot of accessories with her to England and she usually wears it adapt to the western clothing.
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The breeches are called Jong Kraben and it's common to wear them in Siam. it's very comfy and easy to tuck. Agatha loves it. (anything but skirts)
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foulfiendfern · 2 years
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fem tudor crowley for me and my qpps three month anniversary . because we're both lesbians who're suckers for fem crowley
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elentary · 2 years
Ok, I'm not over Neil Gaiman's post about the appearance swap and, obviously, I had to watch that moment again.
(the "big energy miracle" starts at 7:03 of the you tube video)
Here instead a little gif:
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(gif from here @mimisempai)
I have always been fascinated by the "swap back" and I have tried to find which vfx (visual effects) are involved in that shot.
Unfortunately, I'm not one of those special magician so I can have just a couple of polite guesses (Vfx side of Tumblr, please, feel free to comment and correct my mistakes).
Ok, at first I thought it was just a bit or morphing but... ...it wasn't just that.
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This is the starting point with just a bit of the miracle going on (at their wrists): you can see that those are David's hand at the left and Michael's one on the right.
And we can see the same hands few frames later when the miracle spreads.
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Why is this important? Because there is a "colour changing" (I don't know if it could be called a "colour grading") at first and not a morphing (you can see the wrinkles, sizes and position are the same: just beige where there was black with the opposite going on Aziraphale).
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(Crowley's hand is just a bit "paler")
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You can also see that the lapels are still unchanged. Aziraphale's bowtie and shirt are starting to disappear, becoming more skin tone.
Here is when it is starting the morphing time:
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(sorry, I couldn't resist)
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Crowley's glasses and silver tie are starting to appear on Aziraphale.
And On Crowley, his tie is starting to change in the Angel's bowtie and shirt.
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(It feels strange seeing Aziraphale with red hair and a blond Crowley)
Last few changes:
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(just the glasses)
And then we are done:
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There is some blurring at the "edges" of the two supernatural beings that helps in my opinion with the idea of a miracle happening and to smooth the morphing. In my opinion they had the right idea to use a colour changing before the morphing (it helps the changing for our eyes),
I really loved how the transition was done with a camera moving: it makes the change even better (than a static shot).
I think they shot the same moviment twice: one with Micheal on the right side (and David on the left) and the other time they switched sides.
Btw, really cool trick!
Oh, a little thing that i noticed before the swapping:
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It's just my theory but i think that is, dear friends, his underwear!
I suppose he's wearing a sort of long johns (or long underwear).
I don't know if it was Michael Sheen's idea to not die in the cold or something the costume department had thought Aziraphale needed (to achieve the proper Victorian silhouette), but now i want to see the angel dressed like this:
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(I'm absolutely not thinking of Aziraphale in "The Bathtub" dressing like that).
If it was a "costume design", I may know someone who could be really happy (yes, she is Bernadette Banner).
Back on the swap, I adore Aziraphale's little wiggles!
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I think that's all!
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laudaddysmitten · 4 months
Crowley's & Aziraphale's Regency Clothing: Shirts
Researching shirts - the base under all those delicious layers- for umm, science & reasons (cough), was rather important for my upcoming 1827 Laudaddy fic!
(Spoiler: GO BTS and Casanova pics included below.)
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The shirts are billowy around the body, have frills at the cuffs, and the collar can go all the way to the jaw if starched (our guys wear them folded down so it's just halfway up the neck).
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(top left) David Tennant BTS gives the best view of the front and collar of his black shirt. (top right) BTS with Michael Sheen shows Aziraphale's white shirt under/behind the cravat.
(bottom left) BTS David shirt and waistcoat only! Good view of the collar and sleeves. (This pic disproved a supposedly official costumer post calling the red thing being a corset.)
The collar/neckline goes down to roughly below the sternum, then the shirt had to go on/off by pulling over the head. (You can write that they miracle it off, but I think it's more fun the slow/ human way. 😉)
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The photos from Casanova do a good job showing what the neckline would be like and the frilly cuffs, such as where it sticks out from the end of his coat on the right. And then.....
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"More murders, I'll drink to that!" This still of Crowley shows off the frilly cuffs at his wrist really well. (And his waistcoat, but that's for next time!)
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So, in Good Omens (novel), Aziraphale is specifically identified as a Principality. In Good Omens (show), Crowley has to be (or, in this case, would have had to have been) at least a Throne or a Dominion to access Heaven's records of Gabriel's trial. If Aziraphale's rank in the novel is canon in the show, then he is (or was) several ranks below Crowley in terms of relative importance and (presumably) power.
[Then again, Crowley makes a joke early in s2 about "Extreme Sanctions" being a story used to frighten the cherubs, and Cherubim are highest-order scary mfs with four faces and four wings, so we're probably running a bit fast and loose with the hierarchy.]
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feel like shit just want him back (radio omens crowley)
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twoheadedoddity · 9 months
i SWEAR chapter 2 is coming along. it's just turning out to be a beast beyond even my comprehension
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