#crossover universes
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Promo post for me and @pktearsoftazmily
Art done by @gorgonacorali/@rayheroism/@pvachypessa and artwork used in the final image done by me.
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innerenigma · 4 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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*Danny and a Batfam member having a friendly chat at a cafe. They've known each other for a few months now*
Batfam member: "You know, you actually kinda look like B with a few minor differences. Prime adoption bait. Hope you're not another secret love child of his." *laughs*
Danny: *Starts sweating bullets because he is in fact, Bruce's kid but from a different dimension where instead of being a himbo billionaire, he's a himbo ghost hunter named Jack who almost killed him before he got here .* "Haha, you don't say?"
Batfam member: *Clocks in on sudden shift in mood* "Please tell me you're not."
Danny: "So do you want the short and funny story, or the long and sad one? Yes, there's a right answer."
Batfam member: *crying because they can never have a normal sibling*
Danny: Also, do you believe in ghosts?
Batfam member: *cries even more*
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lenny-link · 3 months
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TF2 x Steven Universe ⭐️
guess who’s bacc with another crossover au that nobody asked for 😎
pls dont ask me about lore/story/drawing fusions i have no idea i just wanted to draw the mercs as gems lol
but id love to hear ur ideas!
edit: if you ever wanna draw about this go ahead! just tag me :)
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itskeithxx · 3 months
Summoning The Ghost King [GONE WRONG]
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Good grief this took so long (12 hrs 45 min) but it’s done! i have never drawn Jason before or any DC character but ive been obsessed with DP x DC crossover fics so this was born :3 i hope he looks ok lol
also: the runes are actual words i translated and they spell out stuff abt summoning the ghost king…. i def didn’t need to do all that but eh
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hello-eden · 3 months
DpxDC #5
Ancient royal family misunderstanding.
Danny gets two obsessions due to being a halfa, which is space and protection. due to misunderstandings people think that Danny is two different ghosts: the ancient of protection and the ancient of space. I think that people think that the ancient of protection and the ancient of space are married which is why they are so interchangeable when stories are going around. This gets even worse when Dan and Ellie are de aged and are called Danny's children. which means the rumors are that they've just had kids. In my head I have made Ellie the future ancient of chaos and Dan the future ancient of Destruction. which just means the ghost King has just gotten two heirs which are chaos and destruction.
This ends up with this Justice League trying to get involved which is when they get human Danny with a summoning Circle. I think Danny has some Cryptid features and definitely has the vibe of something is not right with this person even in human form so they believe that Danny has just shapeshifted. The entire time that Danny is with the Justice League they are trying to figure out whether they have summoned the ancient of space or the ancient of protection. I also think it'd be funny if they didn't know whether protection or space is the ghost King. Misunderstanding gets worse when they ask about the kids and after Danny has assessed that they are not threats he starts gushing about how well Dan and Dani are doing.
I think  that they would later find out Danny is still technically human and start thinking that the ghost King is turning this human into his Immortal consort and it starts being a question of whether they're doing this willingly or not, whether they know what is happening or whether they're tricked. Because of the original misunderstanding they never put two and two together that Danny is both space and protection.
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koytix · 6 months
Zelda and Link!
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stars-obsession-pit · 26 days
Little Baby Man King
Batman had underestimated the cult. He’d been captured—as Bruce Wayne, no less—and been stripped of all the items on his person before being tied up in a strange device, half-technology and half–magic circle.
And they began to chant.
His hands worked at the bindings. They’d been tied well, and only had a tiny amount of give, but he’d escaped similar binds before. But it could take time. Time he didn’t have, if the increasing fervor of their words and thrumming of the circle gave any indication.
Still, he continued his work.
Suddenly, something seemed to crack and the temperature in the room plummeted. A fissure appeared in the ring, leaking Lazarus-green light. No, that was an understatement. Lazarus Water was just a sickly imitation of the glow emanating from the rift.
Bruce felt the ropes around his wrist finally come loose, but he worried it was too late as the crack expanded to fill the circle with swirling green.
A hand reached out from the depths.
A very small hand.
The figure that emerged was not some towering conqueror. It was a child.
A very cranky child.
“What the hell do you people wan— Dad?!”
what the fuck, did the cult forcibly make him adopt some otherworldly child-entity?
Danny could be forgiven for yelling and mistaking some guy for his father, alright?
He was exhausted! He’d been having a shitty day! Cut him some slack!
First he’d been physically de-aged into a toddler, he deserved to be pissed off about that. He was in college, damn it! How was he supposed to work like this? And to make things worse, some idiots had to go and tear a hole into the Ghost Zone. But not just that—nooo, that’d be too easy—they had to tear a hole right into the middle of Pariah’s Keep and nearly free him. Meaning that Danny, as the Zone’s own Designated Problem Solver Ghost King, has to go fix that.
The sooner he could get home and take a nap, the better.
At least now he has some fruitloops to take out his frustration on.
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frishbi · 4 months
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RWBY X Star Wars AU! :D
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emacrow · 1 month
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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noxcheshire · 4 months
I just think
It’d be really neat if Danny looked more like Martha Wayne than Thomas Wayne.
I love the Danny Fenton looks like Thomas Wayne or Danny Fenton is Thomas Wayne reincarnated — but the BEAUTY of Martha??
Of Alfred interacting for under five minutes with Danny, dabbing his eyes and going, “That is indeed Martha,” I WANT IT. I want Martha who was spunky and sassy and wanted to do good for her town the same way Danny wants to do good for Amity Park.
I want Martha who loved to take Bruce and the family out to star gaze because her baby had never seen the stars before, and the way his eyes light up like a mini galaxy takes her breathe away the same way that Danny feels when he turns his head up to the sky yearning for something he knew loved but doesn’t know what.
I want Martha who would literally find trouble in a paper bag because she can’t help her curiosity the same way Danny can’t help tripping over his own ghostly tail and making a mess of things before he figures things out.
I want Martha who would fight men who thought they held power, going absolutely feral from stress the same way Danny does when he’s tired of not being able to do his homework or pick up a vacuum against the wall to clean because ghosts.
I want Martha who loved the pearl necklace that Bruce had picked out for her birthday, and Danny reaches towards his neck and startles when his fingers only touch skin when he is certain there was something supposed to be there. I want Danny whose eyes linger on whites and pearls when he passes by open window stores in the mall, fingers itching to flick a nail against the smooth surfaces.
I want Martha who died bleeding underneath the hand of a gun, hoping to everything above that her boy would be safe, and Danny whose body burns at merely looking at the makeshift guns his parents create in the lab, his heart pounding desperately with a yearning to save there was someone she wanted to save the ghosts.
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pinkiemachine · 9 months
…and again…
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knifknightkorner · 22 days
Two Sentence DC x DP prompts
Ellie joins the Justice League, when there is an attack from an enemy that none of them can handle. Ellie uses her last resort and calls her dad.
Damian dies and his big brother knows. Danny finds Damian in hell and rescues him from the depths.
Jazz gets kidnapped by cultists who want to summon the Ghost King. The Bats are confused af when Jazz laughs in the cultists' faces.
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mikasleaf · 3 months
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How i feel the 2012 boys would react to rise leo
He IS an interesting character, I'm still a 2012 fan tho
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DpxDc AU - If his parents are going to treat him like a punk, he might as well lean into it. 
Danny is getting seriously worn down by his parents constantly asking him to explain why he’s gone all the time and why his grades have slipped so far. I mean, sure, it took them months to notice, but now that they have, they’re alluding to the fact that he’s turned into some kind of punk and that he’s not taking life as seriously as he should be. This is what makes Danny kind of snap. 
He cuts his hair, gets Sam to pierce his ears in a few places (which sucked but was nice to catch up with her since Team Phantom didn’t get out much anymore), learns how to skateboard and gets Tuck to help him mask his identity on the internet as he begins online protesting the unethical treatment of ghosts. He makes picket signs that he leaves outside of Fentonworks and it takes days before his parents see them because they’re down in the lab. They go back up immediately after his parents take them down, and he begins tagging buildings with protest sayings and art all over amity park.
No matter how they ground him, the Drs Fenton are at a loss as to what to do to control Danny. Jazz says it’s not her place to interfere and is cheering her little brother on for being passionate about a new hobby. 
Danny’s honestly really vibing with the changes. He always understood why Sam wanted control over her own look, but he’s really leaning into the whole shebang. Ember and Johnny13 have never bonded over anything more than they have the punk transformation of their King. He’s really representing them fr fr- she taught him how to play the bass. 
With enough protests about the Anti-Ecto acts, the JL step in and begin their efforts to lobby change within the US government. Constantine is up to date on the new King being from Earth and thinks they might be able to weasel out a non-apocalyptic scenario if they reach out sooner than later. A letter gets sent through the infinite realms (No way in fuck was John going to try and summon a fucking King excuse you Bats)- Danny gets the letter and decides to let them sweat a bit, sending back his own letter that just says “K.” cause he’s learned that adults/authority figures all suck ass until proven otherwise. After a few days, a portal opens up in the middle of their meeting. 
Ghost King Phantom is rolling in on a skateboard, with the Ring of rage dangling from one of his ear piercings and ice crown floating above his head. He’s drinking an off brand smoothie, wearing a leather jacket that has medieval chainmail on it over his now distressed hazmat suit and his boots steel toed.
“...Sup. Y’all want to do something about this whole situation? I’m an all or nothing kind of guy.” Danny greets them. He means that he’s willing to be diligent in his efforts to disbar the Acts. It gets interpreted as him threatening to end the world, ofc, but that’s an issue he has to deal with later. 
“King Phantom we have been working daily to-” 
“Uh huh. Look, didn’t you guys have like a teenage group? I want to work with them, they’ll probably actually help me get shit done while you fuck around with paper work.” 
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hello-eden · 3 months
Dcxdp idea #2
 so I have an idea. Danny ends up in some sort of cloning body in Cadmus. but instead of you know being Amazed by the bunch of Heroes and aliens and such he is terrified. not because they're Heroes and such but because his powers are locked up and they're scrutinizing him. He is confused and disoriented and he is not explained what the Justice League is because to everyone else it is common knowledge and they forget to explain it. So from Danny's point of view he is just being moved to a different facility. I think Danny does not realize he is in a different body for a hot minute because he was disoriented. I imagine Danny going along with whatever people are telling him because his experience with everything isn't exactly good.
Everyone would be so used to everyone automatically going into heroism that  Danny wouldn't really get a choice in it. Everyone would be trying to help Danny But they're not helping with the right things. I think Danny would be seen as a natural at heroism and make it seem like it was something he wanted to do.  Danny wouldn't try and show off a bunch of his powers because he is trying to have a few tricks up this sleeve. I think that his natural response to being quippy when in danger or scared would be seen as his normal personality and because no one knows him they wouldn't see anything wrong with  how he is doing.
 I imagine there would be a lot of angst when they realize that Danny doesn't know he can say no. He would get really injured and maybe try and hide it or he would literally get up off of a medical bed or ask about other missions and that is when other people start to realize something is up. I imagine if their telling him to rest then him being like I haven't needed rest before and that's when they realize Danny wasn't not injured , he just didn't think he was allowed to be.  I think it would cause angst for the heroes because they then realize Danny did not know he was safe and the friendliest they thought he was exuding was really him just trying to be on his captors good side. especially if they don't know Danny was Danny outside of the  clone body.
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