#crossover and fandom fusion
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thatordinaryoddity · 28 days ago
Chapter 22 comes with a rating change - do I need to say more?
Little teaser:
It was small, barely there, but Siuan caught it; the way her blue eyes widened for just a second, unguarded, raw. Like she wasn’t used to being touched like this. Like the idea of someone tracing that scar, treating it - and her - as something precious, was impossible to fathom.
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deadlyrose9086 · 2 years ago
(HEAVILY inspired.)
Kokichi Ouma is bored and plays chess with a strange man in a bar.
Fyodor plays chess with an odd boy in the Port Mafia and gets more than he bargained for.
Language: English Words: 2,618 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 38 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: 237
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jc-martin-og · 4 months ago
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A little sneak peek of what's to come for the next chapter of the crossover 👀🐺(which hopefully will be ready by next week, a thousand pardons for the delays 😥🙏)
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pinkrosealice · 3 months ago
I really like crossover fanfics and fan art, I really do. However I sometimes feel like some of the most popular fandom crossovers are also ones that perpetually fall into boring and predictable patterns while simultaneously and consistently ignoring/forgetting the most obvious and easy ways two or more fictional properties could be combined or crossed over.
And I think this is nowhere more apparent than the absolute proliferation of Danny Phantom and DC comics content here on this site.
Because you know what, I think there are some really cool and interesting things you could do with placing Danny and company in the world of DC or vice versa. The problem is that overwhelmingly I don't see any of those interesting ideas being done.
It's all the same variation of like three different plot points, all of which are exacerbated in their boring unoriginality and fandom cringiness by the fact that they also almost entirely revolve around the same flanderizations of DC characters that originate from people whose understanding of these comic book characters is entirely based off of watching the Teen Titans and Young Justice cartoons.
I am so so so so tired of seeing the same premise of Danny getting involved with Batman because he's a dark-haired light colored eyed superhero "twink" just like the rest of the male Robins. I'm tired of him getting adopted by Bruce, I'm tired of him being secretly Dick Grayson's long lost relative.
What's even worse is this crossovers frequent demonstration of what I think is the inexcusable sin of unoriginally using John Constantine, a character that I by and large think the vast majority of this website and it's user base just doesn't understand and probably never will. (this is a whole separate rant but the website that at one point had the majority of its user-base obsessed with an imaginary queer interpretation of one of the most aggressively mediocre and dude bro heterosexual paranormal TV shows to have ever existed is one that I think is fundamentally incapable of actually understanding or appreciating a legitimately compelling queer paranormal/urban fantasy character. The website that thinks Cas and & Dean were anything, whether that be a compelling romance, compelling characters or even in a good or enjoyable show, I think are forever incapable of actually understanding John.)
Do I think you could write an interesting story with John Constantine interacting with Danny? Yeah sure but I think that that would be entirely predicated on one's ability to actually write John compellingly, which is a dubious ask in the first place AND regardless it's still the most uninspired and boring interpretation of what you could do with "Danny interacting with one of the supernatural characters of DC"
Here are some actual recommendations for interesting crossovers and universe fusions :
*The fact that people want to have Danny Fenton interact with DC characters and Deadman and Secret are not the characters that immediately come to mind for fic ideas shows I think either the fundamental lack of creativity on the part of people who like this crossover, or just that they really don't know shit about DC comics....... Danny and Boston Brand would play off each other so well both comedically and as potential mentor and mentee. Greta and Danny would be ADORABLE together whether it is just friends or in a shippy dynamic.
* We need stories where Danny is interacting with The Spector, and the lack of them is just plain criminal in my opinion. I really could see a bunch of really cool stories where GhostKing Danny is put into conflict with the Vengeance of God. Or make him team up with The Specter have and have him fight Eclipso.
*we know the DC afterlife is incredibly complicated and interconnected with other mystical realms such as The Dreaming and Hell, maybe explore how that would relate to DP's conception of the Ghost Zone. Danny, Zachary Zatara and Kid Devil's bizarre interdimensional odyssey would be a great fic!
* if one has to put Danny in Gotham for some reason or another have him fight against the Gentleman Ghost, play around with the relationship with the glowing green ectoplasm and the green glowing liquid of the Lazarus Pits, and if you do that you have an excuse to make him interact with Jason Todd if you absolutely can't resist bringing in a member of the Bat family. Remember, Jason has the ability to summon forth magical blades under certain circumstances and as a character who has repeatedly died and come back to life he's the only bat that I think would actually have interesting interactions with Danny.
* but above all if you have to have Danny Phantom and company goes to Gotham as your story premise, I cannot emphasize this enough, HAVE HIM TEAM UP WITH RAGMAN!!!!!! I swear to God, have the snarky Ghost Boy interact with the character whose costume is literally filled with ghosts!!!!!!
*going back to the ectoplasm and Lazarus Pit idea, make Danny an avatar of The Black/ Rot. I would absolutely love to see him have to contend with the likes of Anton Arcane or come into conflict with Swamp Thing and Animal Man. Also having Swamp Thing present in the story would give a far more organic reason as to why John Constantine would be interested in this teenager with ghost powers.
So yeah I would kindly ask the people who are so insistent on producing crossover content of these two fandoms to actually do some interesting ideas.
And incidentally while we're on the subject matter, the fact that so much of Danny Phantom is directly inspired by Spider-Man and yet there's not really a lot of crossover between DP and Marvel properties is really really bizarre to me, especially because this website's user base purports to be such huge appreciators of the Spider-Verse films........
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spycemel · 11 months ago
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You know what, fuck you. *Turns the funny Angel and Machines into bugs*
My brother forced me to play through the Pantheon of Hallownest while I was taking a break from trying to P-Rank Layer 7. So now these exist.
I'm also planning to do Minos and Sisyphus Prime eventually, alongside maybe-possibly some enemies and the Earthmover.
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toonsforkicks22 · 7 days ago
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Gummy candy 🍬
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joneoyvilde03 · 6 months ago
Balaine (together fusion)
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Hello everyone I got made fusion to Balan + Caine = Balaine that’s cool fusion a together digital theatre circus in wonderworld with multiverse and welcome to world the amazing digital showtime circus wonderworld and thanks for made joneoyvilde03
Gifts @neviagreatestart2003
Character from:
Balan wonderworld/Arzest
The amazing digital circus/GLITCH productions
By joneoyvilde03
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aravenlovesfanfiction · 26 days ago
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<- prev [Danny Phantom fics] next ->
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theadhddimsenion · 27 days ago
Some crossover ideas for the Hellaverse.
Trench crusade.
Charile just being generally horrified at the nature of basically everything about the nature of the trench crusade world like the clones of uncle jesus, horrific brutality and cruelty of the heretics now bowing at her feet and the headless choristers who claim to be honoring her mother by singing the "black hymns of lilith".
A yoke fiend endlessly complaining that he can't whip sinners with whips made of still living nerve bundles anymore like the good old days.
The i.m.p team have taken to being hired as mercenaries hired by the various hell aligned factions. No one quite knows how they got past the covenant of hell but it is rumored that the goetian prince stolas had something to do with it.
Queen bee flinching at the mention of the black grail.
Lute was a new Antioch trooper in life.
The vees have taken to war profiteering by supplying the heretic legion new vox tech weapons.
The i.m.p team come across some trench ghosts and blitz teases millie about her being wrong about ghosts.
The dhorks have found a lumen sage.
Lute made the mistake of thinking the doom slayer could be controlled.
Ronaldo finds a place amoung the heretic navel raiders.
A conversation between mammon and chyress.
Mammon: well where is it?
Chyress: where is what my lord?
Mammon: the Sheba Sheila's gold you little cunt fuck!!! I don't see it? Now where is me bloody gold!
Chryess: my lord the faithful of the tyrant God have been putting up fierce resistance and the jungle has proven difficult to navigate and.
Mammon: do I look like I give a bloody fuck!! I want the Sheba Sheila's bloody gold and I want it right bloody now!!! I don't get that gold by the end of this month than I'll have your head as compensation!!!!!!
Chyress. Yes my lord.
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dreamy-pill · 2 months ago
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Dipper Pines and Steven Universe fusion.
What was their name again? Was it Stepper, Stipper, Dipven, or Deven? I honestly can’t remember.
This was inspired by this one.
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voidofthevoidmv · 2 months ago
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Adventure Falls- The crossover that isn’t really a crossover that nobody asked for (It makes a lot of sense trust- I have a lot of lore for this John trust- I might draw the first chapter out just cuz I can-)
Anyone interested in knowing the story behind this cuz it’s def not what your expecting I assure you-
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thatordinaryoddity · 2 months ago
In Chapter 19 there is only one bed (again)
(idk why it‘s not linking a proper preview)
Little teaser:
Siuan felt the weight of it all, the unabashed curiosity, the unspoken questions. She fought the urge to scowl, to snap at them to quit gawking and get back to their damn business. But she bit back the sharp words, swallowed the fire in her throat, and focused on what mattered: getting Moiraine settled without drawing more attention than they already had.
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deadlyrose9086 · 2 years ago
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom, Sakamoto Days (Manga), 博多豚骨ラーメンズ - 木崎ちあき| Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - Kisaki Chiaki, Violence Action (Manga)
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Midoriya Izuku Yagi Toshinori | All Might Shiota Nagisa Akabane Karma Ritsu (Assassination Classroom) Shin Lu Xiaotan Sakamoto Tarou Lin Xianming Banba Zenji Kikuno Kei Heisuke Mashimo Crossovers & Fandom Fusions Assassins & Hitmen Moral Ambiguity Villains Post-Paranormal Liberation War Arc (My Hero Academia)
In a world where eighty percent of humans have Quirks, every single one of these people grew up knowing about Heroes and Villains. After all, they were the two major players within the cycle of humanity.
However, there was another faction that was often overlooked yet their impact on the society wasn’t any less than the two. Like in a self-sustaining aquarium where when the number of fish overpopulates, humans will introduce a predator into the tank to help regain balance.
These predators were known as Assassins.
Language: English Words: 13,268 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 37 Kudos: 273 Bookmarks: 51 Hits: 3734
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jc-martin-og · 2 months ago
Triple Noceda Trouble Incoming! 🐺🇩🇴🤘
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I'm beyond excited to share the next batch of character cards for the crossover! This time, we're diving into Camila, Vee, and the freshly arrived Avery! These designs were pretty fun to explore, and I can't wait to tell you a bit about the inspiration behind them!
For Vee, I loved her punk-inspired look from the timeskip (even though we barely got to see it cuz, you know, WD hates fun) and decided to stick with it. Her human form just fits her so well, so I decided not to give it major modicifications as I did with Sasha and Marcy🐍💛💚
Camila, on the other hand, was a fun blend of her various looks throughout the show. I used her timeskip design as the base and added touches from her earlier appearances to create a warm yet commanding presence. She’s got that perfect "mom mode" vibe despite her kids being already grown-ups, but with a sense of magic and experience after everything she went through with her kids! 💝🌈
As for Avery, the wolf palisman… where do I start? I absolutely adore him! 😂💜 His design took major inspiration from the wolfs on Hunter's shirt in Thanks to Them, but pup-like version (cause let’s be honest, that t-shirt is a total must have). Plus, the fandom headcanon of Camila having a wolf palisman was too cute and funny to resist! Regarding his striking red colour and magenta eyes? That’s something I can't go into much detail for now 👀🐾
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I hope you've liked these cards so far and how they reflect how the characters are in this story. I hope they give you a peek into their journeys and relationships! 🥰💖
Stay tuned for more stuff soon! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ🌟
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whimsical-creations · 11 months ago
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Pony Jackson
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spycemel · 8 months ago
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Turns out that WIP was not staying a WIP for long.
So here! Have my Angel Radiance design, fully colored and shaded :D
I'm invested in this now so I'm gonna try and make a design for the Vessels, I have a bunch of ideas for them :DDD
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