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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
#boxing#koreankickboxing #craymerguys#manbun #natural #olympiclifting #aaulifting #takano#naturaldesign #cooldad #fightingdad#gotaproblemwiththat #robertcraymer #crossfitsandbox #croffin #crossfithollywood #november #thanksgiving (at Taejo KickBoxing)
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jliquor · 9 years ago
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Good day at the station, thanks #crossfithollywood for posting your WOD's online - 15 min AMRAP 55 DU 15 CTB 5 hang power cleans (145 lbs, scaled from 155 Rx) 3 rounds + 58 #fire #firefighter #work #stationlife #firefit (at Garner Valley)
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jenniferrocholl · 9 years ago
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New year, new drive. #reebok #reebokcrossfit #crossfithollywood
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blonyx · 9 years ago
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#Repost @melody_crow ・・・ Huge shoutout to our awesome @blonyx wholesalers @crossfithollywood -- thanks Andy and Kyle for the hospitality and letting us sweat all over ur floor!!! See you guys at the @crossfitgames this weekend and swing by the #Blonyx suite and have a drink with us!!! Your box rox btw----and anyone in or around the Hollywood area, drop in and pick up ur jar of Blonyx from them!!! #boom #blonyxlove #BlonyxTeam #blonyxified #blonyxstrong #getafterit #hollywood #cfhw #killacali #CrossFitGames15 #CrossFit #cfg15 #Californication #CrossFitHollywood @melody_crow @graemeatblonyx @rowanatblonyx @kt_at_blonyx @blonyx_bearded_weightlifter @thebenbenjamin @CrossFit
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yogawithtali · 12 years ago
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#handstand365 #crossfithollywood #handstand365day50
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paleokao-blog · 13 years ago
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Tuesday, April 24th (7:00 am) WOD 20 min AMRAP 6 thrusters 95/65 9 hang power cleans 95/65 12 sdlhp 95/65 - 5X
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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
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#pull#snatch##olympicweightlifting #masters #aau#usaw #powerlifting #dontbullymybreed #manbun #koreankickboxing #powerhouse #man#manstyle #bearddad #mandad #crossfithollywood ##powersnatch #powersnatches #snatchgame #cooldad #coollifting #takano #weightlifting #powerliftingmotivation #eating #foodie #deadlift #press (at Takano Weightlifting)
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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
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#cleanandjerk#clean#olympiclifting#masters#aau#usawlifting#aauolympiclifting#usawpowerlifting#masters#clean#jerk##thepull#crossfitsandbox #crossfithollywood #position#overhead#takano#powerlifting#dontjudgeme#cooldad #liftingdad I#aau#snatch#powerclean#practice#sweat I like to have a clean pull straight into the hole a nice clean and drop...
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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
#newsong #organic #originalsong #recorddad #realmen #beardmen #bearddad #beard #guitar #gibson #strat #studio #telecaster #TeamR2RCo #tour #yea #travel #crossfitsandbox#crossfithollywood#shows #shoes#leather #playing #musician #modeldad #wine #wow#coolshots #cool (at Shin Bu)
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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
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#koreankickboxing#craymerguys #tough #dontfuckwithme #dontbullymybreed #dontjudgeme #crossfit #crossfitsandbox #crossfithollywood #kickingit #kickboxing #fighter #fighting #dontfightme (at Koreatown, Los Angeles)
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robertcraymer · 7 years ago
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#craymerguys#music#model#crossfitsandbox #takano #craymerguys #aydenville #spain #sangria #v #beard #beardguys #dadio #beautiful #nationals #natural #organicfurniture #aydenville #craymergreen #crsymerlife#crossfithollywood #lifting #beardcool#coolbeard#beardguys#beardeddragon #bearddads #beardsofinstagram #beardmodels #beardsingers #beardguys #onceudoabeardudontgoback#sexydads#sexybeards#sexybeardedman (at Palau de Mar)
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robertcraymer · 8 years ago
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Lots of hardware lots of sweat tears hours hours of training lifting tiny tiny steps forward and huge steps backwards broken fingers broken pain but you get back up and u slowly lift again and at the end of the day there are USA masters champion American Masters Champion Pan Am Masters Champion California State Masters Champion And the BIG One ,,WORLD Masters Champion .. Well well so I go back and I pick up where I left off Training Sweating Crying and having a Beer...! It's kinda cool how many times in life can u say I Am A World Champion.. Well thank you thank you thank u... #lifting #cleanandjerk #crossfit #crossfitsandbox #positionlifting #positionopen #takano #crossfithollywood #aauworlds #aauworldsvegas #aaupanamerican#californiastategames #snatch #cleanjerk #dadio #shoes #positionshoes (at Takano Weightlifting)
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robertcraymer · 8 years ago
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Well There It Is... A long way from crying on the Floor at Crossfit Hollywood learning how to oly lift to being The AAU World masters Champion..! Ahhh lots of tears sweat and many hours of Training.. The AAU World Masters Champion..! #crossfitsandbox#crossfithollywood #takano #cleanjerk#snatch #lifting#position #dadio... Thank you...! (at Rio Hotel Convention Center)
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robertcraymer · 8 years ago
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These are the original first shipment actually first sold Position lifting Shoe very very first when I was just realizing my lifts, Andy was my coach,,,Now I am the AAU American masters champion #California state masters champion#panAmericanchampion And the US masters in two weeks I compete in the worlds Sooo. Do you think it's time for a new pair of Postion lifting shoes...#position #olympicweightlifting . I saw a really pretty blue pair .. I still have my original ORIGINAL I was there when they arrived into crossfit Hollywood ... Ha ha.. They have been my lucky Charm.. There is no strap left there beaten no name left broken heel but they have been on my feet for every gold medal...! Last stop##The Worlds.. #crossfithollywood #crossfitsandbox #cavecrossfit #position #takano #liftingshoes #cleanjerk#snatch (at Takano Weightlifting)
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robertcraymer · 8 years ago
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#sofa#customsofa#crossfithollywood (at Omaha, Nebraska)
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robertcraymer · 8 years ago
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#californiastategames2016 #olympiclifting #California #oly #gold #gold #gold #bmh45 #robertcraymer #cleanjerk #cleanjerksnatch #mastersgold #usachampion #americanmasterschampion#crossfitsandbox #crossfithollywood #mastersweightlifting (at San Diego, California)
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