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alohadetoxflorida · 8 months ago
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Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug or behavior usage while knowing it might lead to bad outcomes. Take compulsive gambling as an example. If you keep gambling despite the negative consequences, such as falling behind on expenses, losing your vehicle, or hurting your relationships, you may have a gambling addiction. It would be best to keep gambling while knowing it’s not a good idea.
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ditzyblog · 3 years ago
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Beware cross addiction. This is me at 2 months sober and 4 months. I grew with my grandson due to sugar and junk food binges. It’s easy to say “Well at least I’m not drinking” This is true, but don’t ignore it. I’ve been battling with sugar addiction for over a year and it’s no joke. Self care people. All the way 💖 #recovery #addiction #alcohol #sugar #crossaddiction #selfcare https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb4afh7M_wK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bulldogdaddy68 · 7 years ago
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#wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #neverforget #crossaddiction #shoppingonline #shopaholic 😂😂😂😂😂
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reconquistatokyo · 6 years ago
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バングルはちょっとおやすみ。 先日真鍮のクロスチャームをオーダー頂いたお客様がひとまずということでお手持ちの石付きネックレスにチャームを通した画像を送ってくださいました。 その組み合わせがとても素敵過ぎて、これは取り入れるしかないと思い早速久々のパーツ屋さんへ。 両カン付きのクリスタルチャームを入手しネックレスチェーンをカスタム。 ワンポイントでキラキラ感があって、身に着けるとなんだか嬉しい。 お客様の画像はもっと素敵でしたが、こういうちょっとしたカスタムで全体のイメージも少し変わるのは実に良いです。 こんな感じ良いなあと思う方がいらっしゃいましたらDMにてご相談くださいね。 #cross #crosses #crucifix #crossnecklace #christ #silverjewelry #rosary #antique #vintage #charm #brocante #gothic #jewelry #accessories #crossaddict #crosspendant #シルバーアクセサリー #クロス #クロスネックレス #指輪 #十字架 #リング #ロザリオ #チャーム #アンティーク #ヴィンテージ #ゴシック https://www.instagram.com/p/B0PSUOwgTzX/?igshid=x5dnhaif8xwe
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bethkipps · 7 years ago
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Too bad Jawbone does not have a cross band option #crossaddiction #godisgoodallthetime #jawbonefit #offersomecutebands ##sundaysunshine #fashiononashoestring (at Talladega, Alabama)
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trixiekiddoofficial · 8 years ago
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Upside Down Crossss. ➕➕ Trixie Kiddo necklaces have adjustable chains & can be worn short, medium & long!
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legsworldfan · 6 years ago
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Legs Wall: @crossaddict - http://bit.ly/2RSguhl
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nnikkoss · 7 years ago
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endeavorhouse · 10 years ago
New Post has been published on Pinnacle Treatment Centers: Michigan
New Post has been published on http://michiganaddictionhelp.com/2015/06/the-myth-of-cross-addiction-debunked/
The Myth of "Cross-Addiction" Debunked
For decades, the conventional wisdom and clinical lore in rehab facilities and recovery communities has warned against the risks of so-called “cross-addiction”. “Be careful,” they say, “you’re at-risk of picking up a new addiction now that you’ve kicked one habit.” Heroin addicts are warned against developing an addiction to alcohol, and cocaine addicts are warned against developing an addiction to opiates, Cross-addiction can even occur to things like exercise or sugar, according to pamphlets and even therapists who have worked in the field for years and years.
But is it even true? Is the notion of cross-addiction supported by empirical evidence – or does it fall on its face under scientific scrutiny?
According to a new report, published September 10 in JAMA Psychiatry, the answer is a resounding, “No.”
The study, “Testing the Drug Substitution Switching-Addictions Hypothesis,” analyzed data from the National Epidemiological Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) to investigate whether participants developed new-onset substance use disorders (SUD) after remission from a previous SUD. These data were then compared against people with a SUD who did not achieve remission but also developed a new-onset SUD.
The authors discovered that, “As compared with those who do not remit from an SUD, remitters have less than half the risk of developing a new SUD. Contrary to clinical lore, achieving remission does not typically lead to drug substitution but rather is associated with a lower risk of new SUD onsets.“
This is probably the best evidence to-date that addresses the concept of cross-addiction. Will counselors and agencies begin to pull back from this concept – or will clients still be subjected to homework assignments and lectures warning against it?
Here’s the abstract from JAMA Psychiatry (found here: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1901525):
Importance  Adults who remit from a substance use disorder (SUD) are often thought to be at increased risk for developing another SUD. A greater understanding of the prevalence and risk factors for drug substitution would inform clinical monitoring and management.
Objective  To determine whether remission from an SUD increases the risk of onset of a new SUD after a 3-year follow-up compared with lack of remission from an SUD and whether sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric disorders, including personality disorders, independently predict a new-onset SUD.
Design, Setting, and Participants  A prospective cohort study where data were drawn from a nationally representative sample of 34 653 adults from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Participants were interviewed twice, 3 years apart (wave 1, 2001–2002; wave 2, 2004–2005).
Main Outcomes and Measures  We compared new-onset SUDs among individuals with at least 1 current SUD at wave 1 who did not remit from any SUDs at wave 2 (n = 3275) and among individuals with at least 1 current SUD at wave 1 who remitted at wave 2 (n = 2741).
Results  Approximately one-fifth (n = 2741) of the total sample had developed a new-onset SUD at the wave 2 assessment. Individuals who remitted from 1 SUD during this period were significantly less likely than those who did not remit to develop a new SUD (13.1% vs 27.2%, P < .001). Results were robust to sample specification. An exception was that remission from a drug use disorder increased the odds of a new SUD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.46; 95% CI, 1.11-1.92). However, after adjusting for the number of SUDs at baseline, remission from drug use disorders decreased the odds of a new-onset SUD (OR = 0.66; 95% CI, 0.46-0.95) whereas the number of baseline SUDs increased those odds (OR=1.68; 95% CI, 1.43-1.98). Being male, younger in age, never married, having an earlier age at substance use onset, and psychiatric comorbidity significantly increased the odds of a new-onset SUD during the follow-up period.
Conclusions and Relevance  As compared with those who do not remit from an SUD, remitters have less than half the risk of developing a new SUD. Contrary to clinical lore, achieving remission does not typically lead to drug substitution but rather is associated with a lower risk of new SUD onsets.
Substance Matters: Science and Addiction The Myth of “Cross-Addiction” Debunked
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reconquistatokyo · 8 years ago
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I made the sideway crucifixring using the piece posted previously. 昨日の十字架、指輪にもしてみました。 なかなかの存在感。 上下先端の装飾部分が隣の指に当たるのが気になるところで、見え方からすると飛び出た部分をもっと丸めても良いかもしれません。 でも、見た感じなかなかの雰囲気で良いなあと思っています。 #cross #crosses #crucifix #baroque #crossrings #crucifixring #ringaddict #christ #sidewaycrossring #stackingrings #antique #ihs #god #stack #sidewaycross #crossaddict #signetring #silverring #silverjewelry #jewelry #指輪 #シルバーアクセサリー #クロス #十字架 #メダイ #重ね着け #クロスリング #リング
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reconquistatokyo · 8 years ago
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Stacking my old rings I posted previously. 前のポストの細身の指輪2つ。 重ね着けするとこんな雰囲気。 意外にもオトナの女性からカワイイとの声あり。 最近はゴールドにも惹かれていますが、シルバーにはシルバーの良さがありますね。 #cross #crosses #crucifix #crossrings #ring #ringaddict #gold #silver #stackingrings #antique #ihs #crossaddict #silverring #silverjewelry #jewelry #silk #silkribbon #wrapbracelet #指輪 #シルバーアクセサリー #クロス #十字架 #メダイ #重ね着け #クロスリング #リング #ラップブレスレット
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reconquistatokyo · 8 years ago
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My old rings. 細身の指輪2つ。 小さめのトップ、細い腕て重ね着け前提で作りました。 腕は細いですが厚みを持たせ、トップは腕と一体の造形でなく貼り付けた形。 重ね着けしてみたら良い感じになりました。 #cross #crosses #crucifix #baroque #crossrings #crucifixring #ringaddict #christ #sidewaycrossring #stackingrings #antique #ihs #god #stack #sidewaycross #crossaddict #signetring #silverring #silverjewelry #jewelry #指輪 #シルバーアクセサリー #クロス #十字架 #メダイ #重ね着け #クロスリング #リング
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reconquistatokyo · 8 years ago
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A day's stacking rings. Many stories on my fingers. ある日の指輪。 いつの頃からか、幅のある指輪をすると、指・手・手首・腕・肩まで凝ったような、筋肉痛のような痛みが出るようになりました。 アクセサリー製作を始めてから数年、その痛みがなくなり、嬉々としてシグネットタイプの大振りの指輪をいくつも作りました。 ですが3年ほど前からまた痛みが出るようになり、なんとか指輪をできないものかと試行錯誤し、細みのタイプであれば何とか着けられることがわかりました。 しかし指の太さは、1日の中でも、季節によっても、食べたものによっても変わります。 指がむくんできつくなってくるとなんとなく嫌な感じになるのです。 それで、自分が着ける指輪は季節によって少しサイズを変えられるように、途中が切れているフリーサイズのタイプにしました。 ネックレス、ブレスレット、リング、全てを1つでも良いから身につけていたい僕の苦肉の策といったところです。 最近は細みのものを重ね着けする、というのを比較的楽しめています。 怪我の功名ではないですが、重ね着けを前提とした指輪が興味深く、今後もそのスタイルを考えていけたらいいなと思っています。 過去に作った大振りの指輪、振り返ってみたいのですが、それはまた次回以降に。 #cross #crosses #crucifix #baroque #crossrings #crucifixring #ringaddict #christ #sidewaycrossring #stackingrings #antique #ihs #god #stack #sidewaycross #crossaddict #signetring #silverring #silverjewelry #jewelry #指輪 #シルバーアクセサリー #クロス #十字架 #メダイ #重ね着け #クロスリング #リング
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nnikkoss · 7 years ago
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nnikkoss · 7 years ago
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nnikkoss · 7 years ago
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