#cross dimensional rift travel
sinnah8 · 1 year
If universes aligned
pairing: Miguel o hara x Spidergirl!reader
Prompt: Miguel falling for Spidergirl!reader and being a complete simp for her whenever she is around him
a/n: I got this request from alathan13 ty! I added a bit of a twist. send me some requests!!!
Masterlist | ask
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Miguel was stuck in a different dimension because of Lyla. The prototype for the watch worked but she couldn't get him back. So he decided to find a Spiderman and that's when he met Y/n Spider girl.
He couldn't stop thinking about Y/n once he came back after being with her for a month and getting to know her. Miguel knew he had to find a way to confess his feelings to her, even though the odds seemed against him.
One day, as fate would have it, Miguel managed to track down a dimensional rift that led him to y/n universe. Determined to seize the opportunity, he mustered up all his courage and entered the portal.
Emerging in a world unfamiliar to him, Miguel found himself in the heart of the city where y/n patrolled. He awaited her arrival As soon as she appeared Miguel's heart skipped a beat.
"Y/n!" he called out, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and hope.
Y/n paused mid-air, looking around to locate the source of the voice. Her gaze fell upon Miguel, and recognition flickered in her eyes. Descending gracefully, she landed in front of him.
"Miguel? What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise.
Taking a deep breath, Miguel gathered his thoughts. "Y/n, I traveled across dimensions to be with you. The first time I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. Your strength, your bravery, and your unwavering commitment to justice... they've touched me in a way I can't describe."
Y/n studied him intently, her masked eyes revealing a mix of curiosity and confusion. "Miguel, this is unexpected. We come from different worlds, different realities. How can this be?"
Miguel's eyes met hers "I don't have all the answers, Y/n. But what I do know is the connection I feel towards you. I've fallen for you, and I can't ignore these emotions any longer. You inspire me to be a better person, to fight for what's right. I want to be by your side, no matter the challenges we may face."
y/n remained silent for a moment. "Miguel, this is a lot to take in. Our lives are intertwined with dangers. But I can't deny how I feel about you, even across dimensions. there's a reason our paths have crossed."
Hope surged through Miguel as he heard her words made him feel seen and understood. Y/n raised her hand to his cheek and kissed him on the lips knowing what she was doing was wrong but she didn't care.
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fantasblog · 17 days
Chapter 2: into the unknown. (scibill au/shift falls)
The night had grown quiet, but the silence in the aftermath of Stanford's disappearance was heavy with unresolved tension. Stanley, Bill, and Fiddleford stood near the now-cold remains of the portal, each lost in their thoughts.
Stanley’s frustration was palpable. “We need to find out where that portal led. If Stanford is out there, we have to bring him back.”
Bill, though shaken, was quick to shift into problem-solving mode. “We might be able to reconstruct some of the portal’s energy signatures. With Fiddleford’s expertise and my knowledge of dimensional stability, we could figure out where it went.”
Fiddleford nodded, his expression determined. “I’ve got some old blueprints and equipment that might help us analyze the portal’s residual energy. Let’s get to work.”
The trio returned to the lab, where Fiddleford began rummaging through his assortment of tools and gadgets. Bill, meanwhile, started recalibrating some of the lab’s more advanced instruments to detect any lingering traces of the portal’s energy. Stanley paced, his mind racing with thoughts of his brother.
As the hours passed, the lab was filled with the rhythmic sounds of scientific equipment working in unison. The air was charged with a renewed sense of urgency. Finally, Fiddleford emerged from the clutter with a set of readings.
“Alright, I’ve got something,” Fiddleford said, holding up a printout. “These energy patterns suggest the portal wasn’t stable. It might have connected to a dimension with fluctuating conditions.”
Bill examined the data closely. “If the energy readings are correct, we might be looking at a realm with highly variable physical laws. It could be anywhere or anywhen.”
Stanley, his determination unwavering, leaned in. “Then we need to find a way to stabilize our own portal to track down Stanford. What’s our next move?”
Bill’s mind raced through the possibilities. “We’ll need to create a new portal with precise calibrations to match the residual energy signatures we’ve detected. It will be risky, but it’s our best shot.”
Fiddleford was already setting up additional equipment. “I can help with the calibration, but we’ll need to be careful. If the portal’s energy is unstable, we might end up in a place we don’t expect.”
Stanley nodded resolutely. “Let’s do it. We can’t waste any more time.”
Hours of intense work followed, with the trio collaborating closely to build and fine-tune the new portal. The lab became a hive of activity, every tool and piece of equipment being used to its fullest potential.
As dawn approached, the new portal stood completed—a sleek, intricate structure humming with a controlled energy field. Bill took a deep breath, examining their work. “This should take us to the dimension connected to the residual energy. Are you ready?”
Stanley stepped forward, his resolve clear. “I am. Stanford’s out there, and I’m not stopping until I find him.”
Fiddleford gave a reassuring nod. “We’ll be right behind you. Let’s hope this portal gets us where we need to go.”
With that, Stanley stepped through the portal, followed by Bill and Fiddleford. The moment they crossed the threshold, they were enveloped in swirling lights and shifting sensations. The world around them seemed to twist and blur as they traveled through the dimensional rift.
When they finally emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a strange and alien landscape. The sky was a swirling mix of colors, and the ground beneath their feet was composed of an otherworldly material that shifted and shimmered. The air was thick with an unfamiliar energy, and the atmosphere seemed to vibrate with a constant hum.
Stanley, Bill, and Fiddleford scanned their surroundings, searching for any sign of Stanford Pines. The landscape was both mesmerizing and disorienting, with strange formations and glowing entities dotting the horizon.
“We need to stay focused,” Bill said, his voice steady despite the surreal environment. “If the portal’s readings were accurate, there should be some clues here about where Stanford might be.”
Stanley nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. “Let’s split up and cover more ground. Keep in contact through the communicators we brought.”
The trio set out, each taking a different path in the hope of finding some sign of Stanford. As they ventured deeper into the unknown dimension, the landscape grew even more bizarre and challenging. Strange creatures and shifting terrain tested their resolve.
Meanwhile, Stanford Pines found himself in a tumultuous environment, far from the safety of his brother’s lab. The dimension he had been thrown into was chaotic, with reality constantly shifting and unpredictable dangers lurking around every corner. He knew he had to find a way back, but the odds were stacked against him.
As the search continued, the bond between Stanley, Bill, and Fiddleford grew stronger, their combined skills and determination guiding them through the perilous journey. Little did they know, their quest was just beginning, and the true challenges lay ahead as they ventured deeper into the mysteries of the unknown dimension.
**Thirty Years Later**
Thirty years had passed since the dramatic events that had thrown Stanford Pines into the unknown dimension. In that time, the world had changed, but some things remained constant. The small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, had become a place of legends and mystery, drawing curious visitors from far and wide.
The Mystery Shack, once a humble tourist trap, had grown into a popular attraction. Its owner, Stanley Pines, had transformed it into a thriving business, capitalizing on the town’s enigmatic reputation. The shack was filled with oddities and curiosities, each piece carefully selected to pique the interest of visitors seeking answers to the town’s many mysteries.
Stanley, now in his sixties, had become a local legend himself, known for his gruff charm and the stories he spun about the strange occurrences in Gravity Falls. His life had taken on a routine that balanced managing the shack with the occasional foray into town life.
One crisp autumn day, Stanley was behind the counter of the Mystery Shack, handling a transaction with a visitor, when the bell above the door jingled. He looked up to see two familiar faces enter the shop: Mabel and Dipper Pines, now in their twenties and looking as eager as ever.
“Welcome back to the Shack!” Stanley greeted with a broad smile. “Mabel, Dipper, it’s been a while. What brings you two back to Gravity Falls?”
Mabel, her vibrant sweater reflecting her cheerful personality, hugged her great-uncle tightly. “Stanley! We missed you! We’re here for a visit and to check out the old place.”
Dipper, now wearing a more mature version of his signature cap and jacket, shook Stanley’s hand. “It’s good to see you, Uncle Stan. We’ve heard some strange reports coming from the town lately and thought we’d come investigate.”
Stanley raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Strange reports, you say? Gravity Falls hasn’t lost its touch, that’s for sure. You might be in for an adventure.”
As the trio began to catch up, the conversation was interrupted by a sudden, eerie chill that swept through the Mystery Shack. The lights flickered, and a shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, sending a shiver down everyone’s spine.
“Hello, Stanley,” said the figure, stepping into the light. It was Bill Cipher, but not in his usual chaotic form. Instead, he appeared more refined, dressed in his signature black necktie and scientist’s cloak, but with an unsettlingly familiar aura.
Stanley’s face went pale. “Bill Cipher? What are you doing here?”
Bill’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and mischief. “Oh, Stanley, it’s been a long time. I see you’ve managed to hold down the fort while I’ve been… away. I heard you’ve been keeping things interesting in Gravity Falls.”
Dipper and Mabel exchanged wary glances. “You know him?” Dipper asked.
Stanley nodded, his expression grim. “We have a complicated history. Bill Cipher was once a powerful entity who caused a lot of trouble. We thought he was gone for good.”
Bill chuckled, his voice echoing with a strange resonance. “Gone? No, just taking a different approach. I’ve been exploring new dimensions, new possibilities. And it seems I’ve stumbled back into your little corner of the universe.”
Mabel stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. “What do you want from us, Bill?”
Bill’s grin widened. “Oh, nothing too drastic. I’m just interested in catching up and perhaps seeing if old friends might still have some use for my… unique talents.”
Stanley’s expression hardened. “We don’t want any more trouble. If you’re here to cause problems, you’d better leave.”
Bill’s eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and challenge. “Trouble? No, no. I’m simply here to reconnect and see how things have changed. Besides, I’ve always enjoyed a bit of chaos now and then.”
As the tension in the room mounted, Dipper and Mabel stood by their great-uncle, ready to face whatever came next. The unexpected appearance of Bill Cipher signaled that the strange and mysterious world of Gravity Falls was far from finished with its secrets.
Stanley took a deep breath, his gaze steady. “Alright, Bill. If you’re here to make trouble, you’ll find we’re not the same people we were thirty years ago. But if you’re here for answers or something else, you’ll have to play by our rules.”
Bill’s grin remained, though there was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. “Oh, I do enjoy a challenge. Very well, Stanley. Let’s see what this new chapter brings.”
As the shadows lengthened and the evening grew darker, the stage was set for a new adventure. With Bill Cipher’s return, Gravity Falls was once again on the brink of mystery and intrigue, and the Pines family was ready to face whatever came their way.
As the tension with Bill Cipher hung in the air, the Mystery Shack’s door swung open again, this time letting in a familiar figure. Old Man McGucket, now considerably older with a beard and glasses that had seen better days, shuffled in with his usual haphazard gait. His weathered appearance and the assortment of odd gadgets he carried were unmistakable.
“Howdy, folks!” McGucket called out, his voice as cheerful as ever despite his advanced age. “I heard tell of some strange goings-on and figured I’d come lend a hand.”
His jovial demeanor faltered slightly when he noticed the imposing presence of Bill Cipher in the room. McGucket’s eyes widened behind his glasses, and he took a hesitant step back.
“By the stars! Is that… Bill Cipher?” McGucket exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and recognition. “I thought he was long gone!”
Stanley’s face tightened as he looked at McGucket. “Yeah, he’s back, and we’re not sure what he wants this time.”
Bill’s eyes lit up with recognition as he took in McGucket’s appearance. “Ah, Fiddleford McGucket. Still in one piece, I see. It’s been quite a while since our paths crossed.”
McGucket’s gaze was wary but resolute. “I don’t want any trouble, Bill. If you’re here to stir up chaos, you’ll have to go through me.”
Bill chuckled, a mix of nostalgia and amusement in his voice. “Oh, I remember you well, Fiddleford. You were always a bit of a wild card yourself. I’m surprised you’re still around, given the upheavals of the past.”
McGucket gripped his walking stick tightly, his expression a mix of determination and apprehension. “We’ve all been through a lot, Bill. But we’ve learned to deal with folks like you. Just keep in mind that Gravity Falls doesn’t take kindly to your kind.”
Stanley nodded in agreement. “We’ve faced many challenges, and we’re ready to face whatever you throw at us. Just don’t make the mistake of underestimating us.”
Bill’s smile was enigmatic as he regarded McGucket. “Very well. I didn’t come here to fight, though. I’m here to see how things have changed, to see what’s become of the world I once knew. I must admit, it’s fascinating to see how you’ve all adapted.”
McGucket’s eyes narrowed as he studied Bill. “You may be here for curiosity, but we’re not letting our guard down. There are plenty of mysteries left in Gravity Falls, and we intend to keep it that way.”
Bill’s expression softened slightly, though his eyes retained their glint of mischief. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
With that, the atmosphere in the Mystery Shack grew slightly less tense, though the presence of Bill Cipher was a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. Stanley, Dipper, Mabel, and McGucket knew that they needed to stay vigilant.
As the evening progressed, they began discussing their next steps. McGucket shared his insights into recent odd occurrences around Gravity Falls, while Bill listened with an air of detached interest. Though his true intentions remained unclear, his return had already set the stage for a new chapter in the town’s enigmatic history.
With McGucket’s arrival, the group’s resolve to uncover the mysteries of Gravity Falls was strengthened. They knew that whatever came next, they would face it together, combining their strengths and knowledge to protect their world from the ever-present shadows of the unknown.
The evening was settling into a comfortable rhythm, with the tension from Bill Cipher’s appearance slowly easing as the group engaged in discussion. The door to the Mystery Shack jingled once more, and in walked two familiar faces: Soos Ramirez and Wendy Corduroy.
Soos, now a burly man with a friendly grin and a collection of colorful tattoos, entered first. “Hey, everyone! I heard there was some crazy stuff happening and thought I’d swing by. How’s it going?”
Wendy followed closely behind, her laid-back demeanor and casual attire as effortlessly cool as ever. “Yo, what’s up, guys? I saw the commotion and figured I’d come check it out. Hope I’m not interrupting.”
Stanley greeted them with a warm smile. “Soos, Wendy! Glad you could make it. We’ve had quite the evening—Bill Cipher’s back.”
Wendy’s eyes widened, and she shot a glance at Bill. “Seriously? I thought that guy was gone for good. What’s he doing here?”
Soos, looking more curious than alarmed, stepped closer. “Yeah, I remember that dude from before. What’s the deal with him showing up now?”
Bill gave a theatrical bow. “Ah, the legendary Soos and Wendy. It’s a pleasure. I assure you, I’m here to observe and perhaps rekindle some old connections.”
Soos’s face lit up with recognition. “Oh man, I remember you from when you messed with our reality. What’s your angle this time?”
Wendy crossed her arms, her gaze sharp. “We’ve dealt with enough of your tricks before. If you’re here to cause trouble, you’re gonna have a hard time with this crew.”
Bill’s grin remained, though his eyes sparkled with intrigue. “I assure you, I’m not here to cause chaos—at least, not in the way you might expect. I’m merely interested in how things have evolved since our last encounter.”
Stanley gestured to the group. “We’ve all been through a lot, and we’re ready to handle whatever comes next. We’ve managed to keep Gravity Falls safe for a reason.”
Soos nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds like a plan. If you need any help around here, you know we’ve got your back.”
Wendy gave a supportive nod. “Yeah, just let us know. We’re all in this together.”
As the group began to catch up, Soos and Wendy shared their own updates. Soos had continued to work at the Mystery Shack, helping to maintain its quirky charm and manage the influx of curious tourists. Wendy had moved on to new adventures but still remained a close friend to the Pines family.
The conversation turned to recent strange occurrences in Gravity Falls. Soos and Wendy recounted tales of odd sightings and unexplained phenomena, adding to the growing list of mysteries that had surfaced since the portal incident.
Bill listened with genuine interest, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and amusement. “It seems Gravity Falls has maintained its reputation as a nexus of the extraordinary. I suppose it’s no surprise that such a place would attract attention from various… entities.”
Stanley’s expression remained cautious but determined. “Whatever your reasons, Bill, you’re part of this new chapter. We’ll deal with whatever challenges come our way.”
With everyone now gathered and involved, the group began planning their next steps. They needed to investigate the recent anomalies and figure out how to address the lingering threat that Bill Cipher represented.
As they worked together, the bonds between them grew stronger. The unexpected return of Bill Cipher had reintroduced an element of uncertainty, but with Soos, Wendy, and the rest of the team united, they felt ready to face whatever the future held.
The night in Gravity Falls was once again filled with the promise of adventure and mystery, as the Pines family and their friends prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.
As the group continued their discussions in the Mystery Shack, Dipper and Mabel decided to explore the various artifacts and curiosities scattered throughout the place. The walls were lined with old photographs, strange objects, and mementos from the Shack's long history.
Mabel’s attention was drawn to an old photo framed on a nearby wall. It depicted a younger Stanford Pines with Stanley and Fiddleford McGucket, all three smiling and engaged in what appeared to be a celebratory moment.
“Hey, Dipper, check this out!” Mabel called out, pointing to the photo. “Who’s this guy with Uncle Stan?”
Dipper walked over, his eyes scanning the photograph. “That looks like it’s from a long time ago. I recognize Uncle Stan and Mr. McGucket, but I don’t remember seeing this guy before.”
Bill Cipher, who had been watching with a detached curiosity, stepped closer. His eyes lingered on the photo with an almost imperceptible flicker of interest.
Stanley, noticing the focus on the photo, sighed and approached. “That’s Stanford Pines. My twin brother. He disappeared thirty years ago after a... well, an incident with a portal.”
Mabel’s eyes widened. “Wait, that’s Stanford? I’ve heard stories about him, but I didn’t know what he looked like.”
Dipper frowned, his mind racing. “So this is the brother who went missing? What happened to him?”
Stanley’s expression grew solemn. “He was pulled into another dimension by the portal. We tried to find him, but the portal’s instability made it nearly impossible. Over the years, we’ve tried to piece together what happened, but he’s been lost to us.”
Bill Cipher’s gaze remained fixed on the photo, his face a mask of inscrutable emotions. “Stanford was quite the brilliant mind. It’s no wonder he would be involved in such extraordinary events.”
Mabel’s voice was filled with concern. “If Stanford is still out there, then we need to do everything we can to find him.”
Stanley nodded, his determination evident. “I agree. We’ve been working on ways to track him down, but it’s been a slow process. With the recent disturbances, it’s possible there might be new leads.”
Bill’s eyes sparkled with a hint of intrigue. “Interesting. If Stanford is still in that dimension or somewhere connected to these disturbances, finding him could prove quite… enlightening.”
Dipper looked at Bill with renewed wariness. “Are you suggesting you want to help us find him?”
Bill’s smile was enigmatic. “I’m simply interested in the outcomes. My involvement could be beneficial, or it might complicate things. It’s up to you to decide.”
Stanley’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll take all the help we can get, but don’t think we trust you entirely. This is about finding my brother, and we won’t let anything stand in our way.”
The group fell silent, contemplating the implications of Bill’s offer. The mystery of Stanford Pines and the uncertainties surrounding Bill Cipher added layers to their already complex situation.
Mabel turned to Stanley with a hopeful expression. “We’ll get through this, Uncle Stan. We have to believe that Stanford is out there and that we can bring him back.”
Stanley’s expression softened slightly. “Yes, we have to keep that hope alive. We’ll start by examining the recent anomalies and seeing if there are any clues that could lead us to him.”
With their resolve renewed, the group prepared to embark on the next phase of their quest. The photo of Stanford Pines served as a poignant reminder of their mission, driving them forward with a mix of determination and hope.
As the Mystery Shack bustled with activity, the Pines family and their friends faced the challenges ahead with renewed purpose, ready to confront whatever mysteries and dangers lay in wait.
The room fell silent after the group’s discussion of Stanford Pines. Stanley’s eyes were fixed on Bill Cipher, his expression a mix of anger and frustration.
“You know,” Stanley said suddenly, his voice tight with emotion, “I need to ask you something directly, Bill. Did you—” he paused, struggling to control his anger, “did you mess with my brother? Did you do something to him?”
Bill Cipher’s eyes widened slightly, and he regarded Stanley with a mixture of amusement and irritation. “Stanley, that was a long time ago. It’s not as simple as you might think.”
Stanley’s fists clenched at his sides. “Don’t give me that! You were there, and you know what happened. If you had a hand in it, you’re responsible. My brother’s been missing for thirty years because of things connected to you.”
Bill’s smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression. “Stanley, I understand your anger, but the events of the past are complex. I didn’t deliberately harm your brother, but the nature of our interactions and the chaos of those times certainly played a role.”
Mabel and Dipper exchanged worried glances, sensing the depth of the confrontation. “What does that mean?” Dipper asked. “Are you saying you had some kind of influence or control over what happened to Stanford?”
Bill’s gaze was inscrutable. “My presence certainly contributed to the instability, but the portal’s nature and the actions taken were beyond my sole influence. What happened to your brother was a consequence of many factors.”
Stanley’s anger softened into a weary resignation. “So, you’re saying you didn’t directly do anything, but you were still part of the reason he’s gone. That doesn’t make it any easier to accept.”
Bill sighed, his tone reflecting a hint of regret. “The past cannot be changed, Stanley. My role in it was a result of the chaos I thrived in at the time. If there’s anything I can do to help now, it’s because I am genuinely interested in seeing how things have evolved.”
Stanley’s gaze remained sharp, but he nodded slowly. “If you want to be part of this, you need to understand that we’re here to find my brother and bring him back. If you’re going to be involved, you better be on our side.”
Bill’s expression hardened slightly, but he nodded in agreement. “Very well, Stanley. I’ll assist, but don’t mistake my involvement for complete absolution. The past is what it is, but we can focus on the future.”
As the tension in the room eased, the group resumed their preparations, now with a heightened sense of purpose. Bill’s presence added a layer of complexity to their mission, but the Pines family and their friends were determined to move forward.
With a renewed focus, they began to strategize their next steps, knowing that finding Stanford Pines would be a challenging journey fraught with uncertainties. The photo of Stanford, along with the truths and tensions revealed, fueled their commitment to uncovering the mysteries of Gravity Falls and bringing their missing family member home.
With the tension from Stanley’s confrontation with Bill Cipher subsiding, the group refocused on their immediate goals. The lingering questions about Stanford Pines and the recent anomalies in Gravity Falls remained at the forefront of their minds.
Stanley, Mabel, Dipper, Soos, Wendy, and McGucket gathered around the table in the lab area of the Mystery Shack. The room was filled with blueprints, old maps, and various pieces of technology, all set up in preparation for their next move.
“So, what’s our plan?” Dipper asked, looking around at the gathered team. “We need to figure out where to start looking for Stanford.”
Fiddleford McGucket adjusted his glasses and spoke up. “We’ve seen some unusual readings lately. I’ve been analyzing the data, and it seems there’s been a significant increase in dimensional fluctuations around certain areas of the town.”
Wendy leaned over to look at the maps. “I’ve noticed some odd things too, like strange lights and weird energy bursts. Maybe these fluctuations are linked to where Stanford might be.”
Bill Cipher, who had been observing silently, finally spoke. “Dimensional fluctuations could be a key. If Stanford is indeed in another dimension, tracking these anomalies could lead us to a way to pinpoint his location.”
Stanley nodded, taking in the information. “Alright. We’ll use the data to narrow down the areas of interest. Fiddleford, can you pinpoint the strongest fluctuations?”
McGucket nodded. “I’ve already got a few locations that might be worth checking out. They’re spread out, so we’ll need to cover a lot of ground.”
Mabel, always quick to take action, suggested, “Why don’t we split up to cover more areas? We can regroup later and compare notes.”
Dipper agreed. “That sounds like a plan. We’ll need to keep in touch and share any findings immediately.”
Soos, ever enthusiastic, raised his hand. “I’ll take care of the research and keep an eye on the Shack. If anything changes, I’ll let you know.”
Wendy nodded. “I can join Dipper and Mabel in the field. I’m used to dealing with weird stuff around here.”
Stanley looked at Bill with a cautious expression. “And what about you, Bill? What’s your role in all this?”
Bill’s eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and mystery. “I’ll assist as needed. I have my own methods for tracking dimensional anomalies, and my insights could be useful.”
The group set their plans into motion. Mabel, Dipper, and Wendy ventured out to investigate the areas identified by McGucket, equipped with various gadgets and tracking devices. Stanley, meanwhile, stayed behind with Bill and Fiddleford to analyze any new data and prepare for possible leads.
As night fell, the atmosphere around Gravity Falls was charged with a sense of urgency. The strange occurrences that had become more frequent in recent days seemed to intensify, and the team’s efforts to track down the source of these anomalies were more crucial than ever.
In the field, Mabel, Dipper, and Wendy encountered a series of peculiar phenomena—flickering lights, brief disturbances in the air, and unexplained sounds. They documented their findings and communicated their observations back to Stanley and the team.
Back at the Shack, Stanley and Bill reviewed the incoming data, piecing together the puzzle. Bill’s insights into dimensional disturbances provided valuable context, helping them understand the patterns and potential connections.
Hours passed, and the team continued their tireless search. Despite the challenges and the uncertainties surrounding Bill’s involvement, their shared goal of finding Stanford Pines united them.
As dawn approached, the group reconvened at the Mystery Shack to compare their findings. The data indicated that the fluctuations were converging on a specific area of Gravity Falls, hinting at a possible connection to Stanford’s location.
Stanley gathered everyone for a final discussion. “It looks like we’re closing in on something. The anomalies are concentrated in one area. We’ll need to investigate further to see if it leads us to Stanford.”
Bill, his demeanor focused, added, “It’s a promising lead. We should proceed with caution, but it seems we’re on the right track.”
With a renewed sense of determination, the team prepared for the next phase of their search. The mysteries of Gravity Falls were far from over, and the quest to find Stanford Pines was just beginning.
As they set out once more, the bonds between them grew stronger, fueled by the hope of reuniting with their missing family member and unraveling the secrets of the enigmatic world they lived in.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
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sanvirtheobserver · 3 months
Taking Flight, Chapter 29: A Very Violent Shindig
Dawn breaks as the War Rig rolls across the Powdered Plains. Everybody else is getting ready for their arrival at the Fudge Pits while Uzi, Saturday, and Gummigoo look over what the away team found in Chewmaw's war room. There were various diagrams of esoteric patterns and procedures, with each step being outlined in excruciating detail.
Saturday: So Chewmaw's Bandits were helping the Darkfudge Cultists with a large-scale divine communion ritual.
Uzi: There appears to be a ley line convergence point within the Fudge Pits. An area with such little dimensional segregation is the perfect spot for a ritual of this scale.
Saturday: Such an event would still require them to tithe something of paracausal nature............ like the Syrup of a Sterling Arbor.
Uzi: Yep. Once the tithe is offered and a rift between planes is created, they'll be able to invoke the presence of whatever they're calling into the mortal realm.
Saturday: And unleash chaos on Sugar Canyon and the Sweetlands as a whole. Do we have any info on who they're trying to invoke?
Uzi flips through the scriptures, finding what sound like the being's various titles. The Fifth Scholar of Zalgo. The Sin Eater. Progenitor of Husks. The Hollowed Blade. Several titles later, she finds an actual name.
Uzi: Says here they're trying to invoke someone called........ Vais.
Saturday: Vais, huh? Been a while since I've heard that name.
Uzi: You know about him?
Saturday: I've encountered these Darkfudge cultists before. According to their old scriptures, Vais is supposedly an Archon of the Demiurge Zalgo. A being with even a fraction of his power can rain untold chaos.
Meggy: Great. Once again, a super-powered demon guy wants to destroy the world.
Max: Uh.........how often does that happen with you guys?
Meggy: *sighs* More often than not.
Meanwhile, we see a small warband traveling through the caves while carrying several barrels of syrup, while Chewmaw and the head Cultist are leading the way to the ritual site. They cross a cliff face hanging over the deep pools of tar-like fudge. One poor sap trips and falls in, his screams of agony muffled as he is consumed by the bittersweet purulence below.
Chewmaw: CAREFUL! You blokes lose ONE barrel and it's swimming lessons for everyone! How much longer?
Cultist: It's just around this corner, m'lord.
Following the Cultist, Chewmaw rounds the corner and sees their destination for the first time. Across the lake of Fudge laid a massive black Pyramid, surrounded by indescribably ancient ruins that form a path towards the entrance. He could sense the oppressive aura as the cultist looked on unfazed.
Cultist: At last......... we can begin.
Back on the surface we see the tankers forming a blockade around the entrance. One bandit is on a smoke break and looks out to the horizon, where he see's something in the distance.
Bandit 1: Oi. Are we expecting anybody else?
Bandit 2: Not to my knowledge. Why?
Bandit 1: Cuz' it looks like someone's coming up to say hi.
Before the others could respond, the blockade is run through by the war rig like a spear through a boar's hide, crushing the poor bandit beneath its front treads before grinding to a halt. The remaining bandits ready their guns, but are quickly mowed down by Meggy and Uzi on the trailer's mounted guns. Saturday is the first to disembark, followed by Jax, Gummigoo, and Mario as Meggy and Uzi hop off the guns.
Uzi: Yep, this is the place.
Meggy: Remember the standard protocol?
Uzi: Yeah. Shoot bandits repeatedly until they're unrecognizable.
Meggy: Damn straight.
Tari makes her way to the door with Saiko, Ragatha, and Pomni behind her.
Saiko: Are you certain you don't want us to come with you?
Pomni: There has to be something we can do. I want to help.
Ragatha: You are helping. We need someone to stay here and guard the Rig while we're gone. And the MOMENT you see those Gator Brothers try anything, you give them the business. That fair?
Pomni gives a sigh and nods.
Saiko: Just, please be careful.
Tari: Don't worry, I'll have Ragatha and Saturday watching my back.
Ragatha follows Tari outside and they meet up with the others.
Saturday: Alright, listen up. According to our intel, Chewmaw's boys are helping the Darkfudge Cultists with pulling something out of Heaven or Hell knows where. I expect each and every one of you to be on the highest alert and do whatever it takes to bring down Chewmaw, stop this ritual, and if necessary, send whatever hellspawn they dredge up screaming back into the abyss. Everybody clear?
Meggy: Transparently, Ma'am.
Jax: Never thought I'd be scratching Eldrich Deicide off my to-do list, but I'm game.
Mario: BRING IT ON!!!!!!
Saturday: Alright......
She draws her lance and leads the charge.
Saturday: Let's get this shindig started, shall we?
Within the Pyramid, the chantry echoes with the sound of infernal tongues. The cultists circle around the black metal slab, each in line with a gilded reliquary. The rosaries on the silk-swattled mass jingle with anticipation as the bandits open the Syrup barrels. The enraptured head Cultist speaks his sermon.
Cultist: Oh great Scholar, blessed with Demiurgent power. Oh great Scholar, who has scoured the sea of screams in pursuit of the all edged truth. Oh great Scholar, who's words echo the gospel of ascension. Take this act of charity, so that your heart may beat with your soul once more, and have the sky itself fall before the call of your name............ VAIS!
The Cultists chant the name in unison, an echoing rhapsody that can be heard from the ruins outside where the crew arrives. Meggy notices that Tari is tense in the presence of the Pyramid.
Meggy: You good?
Tari: Yeah, I just............ there's something completely wrong about this place.
Saturday: My father told me ghost stories about the Fudge Pits and how it was full of things that shouldn't be here.
Chewmaw: Just like you, Princess.
The group looks up to see Chewmaw gazing down at them from the Pyramid's peak.
Gummigoo: Howdy, boss! I hope you didn't mind me inviting some friends over to your little party.
Chewmaw: I always knew you were a snake, but you Princess? I thought you didn't need help leading a kingdom.
Saturday: I could say the same for you, Chewie. Always getting others to do your raids while you sit all safe and snug on that pile of rocks you call a throne.
Chewmaw: Says the lass who disappeared for two years and came back with a bunch of outsiders.
Saturday: In all fairness, I'm pretty sure you were out of commission when I took that eye of yours. Now you're skulking in the shadows with a bunch of madmen calling upon forces they don't understand.
Chewmaw eyes Uzi. He can smell her blasphemous aura, and she knows it.
Chewmaw: You're one to talk with the devil child by your side.
Meggy: Devil Child?
She fires a flare shell directly at Chewmaw, who catches the flare with his claw before crushing it and giving a toothy grin.
Chewmaw: With pleasure.
With a mighty roar, he leaps down from the Pyramid and onto the platform. He breaks for Saturday, but is intercepted by a well timed punch from Jax. Gummigoo, Meggy, and Uzi open fire and chewmaw blocks the incoming gunfire with his claw. Machinery whirrs to life as a small turret pops up from his back and returns fire, but Tari manages to bring up a barrier just in time. Ragatha lunges in from behind with her cleavers. Chewmaw spins and parries her away before opening his claw and revealing a hidden barrel. With a flick of a gear, he unleashes a volley of explosive shells. Ragatha manages to dodge and lunges in again, right as Saturday does the same. He spins around, blocking Saturday's lances with the claw and batting away Ragatha with his tail. She would've landed in the Fudge if Jax hadn't caught her in his enlarged hand.
Jax: You good dollface?
Chewmaw's swings clash with Saturday and Tari's slashes. Meggy and Uzi strafe to his flanks, dodging his turret as they lay in to him with gunfire. A series of panels open along his tail, sending out a blitz of flares that carpets the surrounding area. Meggy and Uzi quickly dash to cover. Chewmaw bats Saturday aside and lunges towards Tari, trapping her in a vice like grip.
Chewmaw: You got heart, little bird. I wonder how it tastes.
He opens his mouth and bears all his rows of sharp teeth as he prepares to bite down on Tari's head. But before he can take a bite, Mario comes in and Goomba stomps Chewmaw's tail. He yowls in pain, his claw loosening its grip and allowing Tari to toss up a blinkblade. In a flash, she disappears out of his claw and right above him before plunging down with her glaive. While she narrowly misses the head, she manages to graze his scope and break it before dodging away. Chewmaw spins around and manages to grab Mario by the scruff of his shirt, now preparing to bite his head off instead. Right as he bites down though, he feels his teeth bounce off a rubbery fist that's been inflated to comical proportions
Jax: Ow! I'd say chew on this, but looks like you already beat me to the PUNCH.
Right on cue, Jax lands a spring-loaded punch right on Chewmaw's snout, allowing Gummigoo to dash in with a knife and slash at Chewmaw's hip, freeing Mario in the process. The turret locks on to Jax, but the bullets bounce harmlessly off his rubbery body. Meggy manages to land an explosive round on the turret and and blow it off. Chewmaw raises his claw to fire a point blank volley at Jax, but its suddenly jerks upwards as Ragatha yanks on it with her threads. From up high, Saturday plunges her lance right down the claw's barrel, disabling the gun permanently. Saturday, Ragatha and Jax fall back as Meggy, Uzi, and Gummigoo pepper Chewmaw with gunfire. The Warlord winces in pain with every shot before feeling something yank on his tail.
Mario: So long, fishy fishy.
Chew maw sees the world around him spin round and round as Mario swings Chewmaw like a mace. The speed of the spin reaches breakneck speeds before Mario lets go. Chewmaw yells in fear as he flies face first into the rocks, before finally dropping into the Fudge below. One last pained roar echoes out as he sinks beneath the Fudge.
Gummigoo: WOOOOOOO!!!! Have a nice swim, Chewie!
Saturday: Yeah! I hope you brought your bathing suit.
Without even thinking about it, the two give a high five. It was only when Saturday saw the amusement on Ragatha's face that she started acting more civilized again.
Saturday: *ahem* Thank you for the assistance, Germaine.
Gummigoo: Heh.... Anytime, Loo.
However, their celebration is interrupted by a sudden rumbling coming from within the Pyramid.
Uzi: Dammit, the ritual.
Saturday: Alright. Spletzer, Uzi, Gummigoo, you keep guard out here. Ragatha, Jax, Tari, you're with me. Mario........uh......you stay there until we're ready to leave.
Mario: Okie dokie.
And so Tari, Ragatha, and Jax follow Saturday into the depths of the Pyramid to face off against whatever the cultists are planning.
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sasseebeee · 19 days
been thinking about the cross-rift travel stuff lately and like. if its gonna happen eventually there's a good chance it could happen in 7.x, right? i mean the cross-dimensional gate that krile popped out of seems like a pretty big breakthrough in the field?
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faejilly · 1 year
Any random headcanons/theories about sh warlocks? The spiral labyrinth, how magic even works, why Magnus is the best (what I'm not biased, it's the objective truth, how dare). This isn't really a fic prompt, but i won't complain if you turn it into one 🩵
And a reminder to take care of yourself! If you need water or meds or a good nap
(and also I got good sleep last night and just made a yummy drink! I even did remember all my meds with breakfast, too. AND MADE MY BED! It's a good self-care day. Thanks for checking in, that's very sweet of you. 😘)
I am IN FACT writing a "fic" that is full of all my weird lore/magic/worldbuilding thoughts called "The Down World For Dummies" By The High Warlock of Chicago. Who I made up, obviously, I don't care about canon for this. Her name is Runa Pryce, and the current draft is full of footnotes because I am easily amused and also #GNU Terry Pratchett. HERE ARE SOME (too many) HIGHLIGHTS BENEATH THE CUT (that do include the Spiral Labyrinth & why Magnus Is Best!):
Theory 1: Angels & Demons have nothing to do with religion/spirituality and are just multi-dimensional beings who get along like matter/anti-matter. This means that yes Angels are frequently assholes and Demons can in theory be fine because they're just weird individuals from other planes of existence. (Demons are mostly assholes too, because the things you have to do to travel dimensions basically disconnects you from your own world and that fucks most people up, even people who aren't human people.)
Theory 2: "Demons" are bad for our plane of existence because they basically eat it just by visiting, and if they're trying to get here in particular it's because they find our negative emotions especially delicious, so then they are generally very nasty to make the visit tastier.
"Angels" can't get anything resembling power/nutrition from our dimension, but can kind of scorch the edges of our reality if they're not careful. Which is boring for them, so that's why they're mostly not ever here.
HOWEVER, if angels accidentally break a dimension/realm, or the demons eat one all the way up, it screws up the balance between all the dimensions/realms, (and is possibly how some previously mundane realms 'fell' and became demonic ones) so the angels try to stop the demons when possible.
(This is in fact why Clary's Alliance Rune freaked them the fuck out. The Fae are the only known stable angel/demon combination. Every other attempt has pretty much made entire realms go boom.)
We're not really real to most of them though, and they're really really Not Human, so. As little contact as possible is probably good.
Theory 3: Multi-dimensional creatures cannot be killed when they're not in their proper dimension. Thus fighting demons & angels mostly just banishes them back home. However! If they're weak enough, their magical essence can't cross the Void between dimensions, and then they really do die. This is also why they usually need some sort of rift (or a very goaod spell) to get between dimensions. The Void isn't friendly, even to demons & angels. (Valak is actually a Void creature in this headcanon, thus why he is so very different than any of the other demons we see them fighting in the show.)
Theory 4: The reason demons keep making demon babies is the resonance of having an offspring of their own blood in a different dimension makes it easier to travel through the Void (they can both follow directly OR triangulate off the family ties, so to speak, and suddenly the trackless Void has directions, it's very handy for them) and having that resonance spread out among different dimensions gives them a boost magically in terms of raw power as well.
THIS IS SIMILAR TO HOW THE WARLOCKS MAKE THE SPIRAL LABYRINTH. It requires cooperative multi-dimensional magic, which no one else can do! You have to have multiple individuals with magical resonance in different dimensions who trust each other enough to balance out each other's magic enough to form & ward an area out of the Void that is resonant with multiple dimensions but not actually in any of them. Warlocks whose demon parent is from one of the lesser known dimensions are actually very valuable to the Spiral Labyrinth, because every new dimension they can add to the Labyrinth makes it both more stable and more powerful. (And probably bigger, though that's hard to tell with multi-dimensional spaces.)
Theory 5: I'm actually gonna quote the aforementioned fic-in-progress here, 'cause I like how my HWOC put it 😅
Warlocks are the children of mundanes and demons. They are inherently, naturally magical, with a magical core that is anchored in the Realm of their demonic heritage but resonates with the natural magic of the world they're born into. These cores continuously generate magic that is fueled and directed and shaped by their emotions. Warlocks are immortal and sterile, can cast spells and create potions out of a fantasy novel, are simultaneously, eternally, a part of and separate from the natural order of both their birth Realm and their demonic parent's Realm.
Theory 6: Is kind of specifically for my mer!Alec-verse, but I like to assume magic is very traditionally elemental since the Shadow World does seem to rely on very familiar magical tropes. In that case, magical species would have elemental strengths. Air: Nephilim, Earth: Fae (Seelies), Fire: Warlocks, Water: Mer-folk. (There's a whole thing in the mer!Alec-verse about how water magic is inherent to this Realm, rather than being about crossing between Realms like the other three, but I haven't quite figured out how that's going to manifest in the fic yet.)
Theory 7: Vampires & Werewolves are opposite ends of the demonic infection/magic spectrum, which is why they just really feel gross to each other.
Vampires are dead, after all, and Werewolves are Very Alive, heightened senses and healing factors and etc. (Elementally, to go back to Theory #6, Vampires are Death, while Werewolves are Life.) I like to think that, while not immortals, Werewolves generally live a few hundred years just because their bodies heal most everything that is part of mortal aging. They'd probably last even longer, except the Down World is of course prone to some vicious behavior and they tend to get injured or poisoned with silver enough over the years to slow them down. But! They cannot be immortal, because that is not life, that's like demons & angels, that's being inherently disconnected from your natural dimension just so you can fuck around with other dimensions. Werewolves die, because werewolves live.)
Theory 8: Fallen Angels are absolutely still a thing, formerly Angelic Dimension Natives who got corrupted or Fell or flung themselves willing through the Void for More Power. They can only survive if they can devote/link themselves to a demonic realm, and they are generally more powerful than anyone else because that means they have magical connections with two realms as well as the weird immortal power quirks of any other dimensional traveler.
Asmodeus is, for a variety of reasons (mostly spite probably), especially powerful even for a Fallen Angel, and Magnus is especially powerful even for a child-of-Asmodeus because he is one of the only Warlocks who really truly embraced and studied the native flow of magic HERE, both in terms of our leylines and weather and seasons and every other nerdy-thing he's ever learned, BUT ALSO, he knows he has to understand/acknowledge/face his OWN emotions to pull on that power. That's enough for him to get a balanced amount of power from his birth Realm as well as his Demonic Realm AND THEN, because he's the son of a Fallen Angel, he also gets his Father's Angelic Realm. And he's better at that than most Warlocks as well, because it's just more to learn, you know?
Theory 9: Many warlocks associate their emotions with their demonic heritage, since their magic usually manifested in a moment of fear/anger/loss of emotional control, but demonic magic isn't about emotions at all, that's the human side of them. Realizing that made a huge difference for Magnus after he got away from Asmodeus and started turning himself into who he wanted to be, rather than who everyone else thought he was.
This emotional awareness is also how/why Magnus can balance out the different magical influences through his emotions, because that's how humans work.
Which brings us to the fact that most of the warlocks we see have only one color of magic, but Magnus has at least three! The metallic gold & silver is very intellectual, all about curiosity and an academic sort of greed, always wanting to know more and mostly resonates with his angelic heritage. Blue is for elemental magic, instinctive and protective and comforting, natural magic, while red is demonic magic, pulled on through heightened emotions and, in his case, usually fear and/or anger.
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bumblevoid · 2 months
do you want to hear a bit about my au as i'm working on the long fic? hit read more! long post.
do have no clue what this au is?
it's a kaden lives au! it starts off in the middle of rift apart, in kedaro station. ratchet, wearing the robot disguise armor, falls into the lombax dimension and gets mistaken as a robot.
after a few shenanigans that is the not yet done first chapter, ratchet is joined by the interdimensional division in trying to fix the dimensional cataclysm and, of course, find clank again.
below are the au ref sheets & backstories for the interdimensional division! since ive been having fun with the timeline and a lot of details probably won't come up
starting off: Kaden!
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this version of kaden just barely survived his fight with tachyon. he may have survived by being thrown into blizon so hard it shattered and brought him to the lombax dimension, but it wasn't an easy fight before that. he lost his left ear and lower arm to an explosion.
during the genocide, kaden had thought his family made it out, and he was not the one to hide ratchet on veldin. in the thirty years since, he lost himself to depression and grief for a long while. but eventually he started to find a new normal after the loss of his family.
kaden is currently the "keeper of keepers", the title for the head of the keepers which is one the divisions in d&d au. he is also a member of the interdimensional division, and formerly part of the praetorian guard. he and mags met when he was assigned to keep mage safe in other dimensions, which eventually evolved to him being made the keeper of the dimensionator.
next up: mags!
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first id just like to say i did draw this before id designed his prosthetic finger. if you want to see that in more detail there's a drawing a ways back!
now, mags is everything he is in canon and a lot more. he grew up during the great war and in his 20s acted as a translator for any and all alliances the lombaxes had. he was a linguist, and spoke nearly every language native to polaris. when the war ended and the interdimensional division began, he joined and proved very useful in exploring other dimensions with his knowledge of language. he helped to establish the research colony on savali, and was eventually selected for the first solo cross dimensional exploration mission.
it was meant to last five years, where he'd be hopping through some dimensions and spending more time in them to learn. the people he encountered in the first dimension were hostile and he ended up on a rainforest planet in a second dimension with a non-functional dimensionator. it took him nearly ten years to fix it with the limited resources there, but he came back as soon as he could.
when he came back it had been not ten years, but seven and a half centuries. it took him a while to accept that everything had changed and everyone he knew was long gone, but now he's doing fairly well.
mags is the head of the interdimensional division! while the division is mostly gone now, it was actually the biggest that made it to the lombax dimension. without the ability to travel dimensions anymore, nearly all of them spread out into other divisions.
now, the two ocs. the interns. they both have plot relevant reasons to be in the fic as much as they are, im just not going to spoil those :3
firstly, niven! not a new face to this blog haha
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niven is a bit of a prodigy in robotics. there isn't a specific robotics division, though, so they ended up studying interdimensional research at the academy. and while they have graduated already, they aren't quite old enough to be a full member of the division, so they're just an intern.
they were born in the lombax dimension after the city had mostly been built again. the population is still small, and niven ended up skipping a lot of grades. they found themselves lonely, and built a friend, M-01. they're almost never apart now.
aaaand, M-01! also known as Millie or Mellon
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she's a robot that niven built to be their friend. she's a bit sassy, and enjoys tinkering with random things. where niven enjoys robotics, millie enjoys making practical upgrades to things.
first and foremost, mellon is a companion. but she also likes racing. she wasn't programmed with a calculator and loves to rag on niv for it.
yeah! there's the interdimensional division of denial & disguises. the first chapter is about halfway done, and these guys first appear there! mags and kaden got oneshots already, though i do need to edit a few timeline things in the first one.
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sentient-rift · 11 months
About ARiA
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Name: ARiA
Paradox Cross: .Hack x Digimon (With bits of Megaman Battle Network thrown in.)
Gender: Female
Face Claim: Subaru from the .Hack series (See Background for details.)
Abilities: Dimensional Travel, Healing, Light Blast, Mastery of the Great Axe
Background: In an alternate paradox dimension where the world of .Hack and Digimon are one, there were extraterrestrial beings who planned to protect the world from evil. Unlike the beings who created Symphony, Duo, and RiFT, these beings learned about the Multiverse early and would make a living dimensional rift their first project, thus creating ARiA.
At some point, ARiA wanted to get closer to humans. A videogame known as "The Digital World" was the biggest thing at the time, and using its coding, ARIA constructed a body based on a legacy player known as Subaru. She played the game like the humans to understand who she was protecting, and unlike Symphony, who later betrayed people and saw them as inferior, ARiA wanted to do everything she can to protect them. She would eventually learn about the Multiverse War, and like RiFT, she puts together an army to help fight against Slur and her forces, and eventually teams up with RiFT so they can protect the Multiverse together.
ARiA, like RiFT, is quite humble, despite her power, and knows that her power is meant to protect people and not to use it for selfish means. She also knows that as a being made by imperfect people, she herself is imperfect, and will need help to keep the Multiverse safe.
From playing the Digital World for a long time, she has an army of GuardiAngemon at her command, all who are very loyal to her and will do everything they can to keep the Multiverse safe.
(Click here to see her introduction.)
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psychic-nature · 2 years
Traveler’s Log - Entry 5
Happy New Half Year!!!
Perhaps I should explain the strange name of this entry. For most dimensions I’ve been to, there’s one new year event.
On Praga, there are two.
It happens when your planet has a year over six hundred days long split between two dimensions. Praga’s planetary orbit has a massive dimensional portal right in its path.
According to records of conversations with Novae, it is the collision point, the place where the two dimensions intersect.
We have records of when it formed about 3,000 years ago, right on top of what used to be the fourth planet around the sun in our home dimension.
Many of the sentient species that call Praga home escaped Rahab as it imploded into the portal. My mom is one of them.
According to legends, the mana guardians sacrificed their lives to send as many people from Rahab to Praga. Only one mana guardian is still alive. He religiously guards the portal wasteland, an island where the Rahabians first arrived. Now, it is a jumbled maze of hundreds of opening and closing portals going to countless dimensions. I would not recommend going there unless you can sense dimensional fields. You can be on the island one step and in a completely different dimension the next.
I’m rambling again. I apologize, the time around the Traversal Festival is the busiest for Dimensional travelers.
Between strengthening the ley lines before, and then finding and closing any wild portals that open up during the cross-dimensional journey, I’m exhausted. At least the planet only experiences this twice a year.
I can see Psy tried to write a report about the creature that came through one of the Transversal rifts. I’ll thank her when she wakes up. For now, it’s best to let her continue to sleep in my mind. She’s a good teammate and friend.
Vaga, signing off.
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exfavillarp · 3 months
From the embers rises the ever-singular bird Her eternal flame a beacon to all that's balanced and whole Her ashes a reminder of what once was And what will be.
Ex Favilla is a new 18+ post-canon canon-only Final Fantasy multiverse RP.
Set on a large airship called The Inceptum, our Heroes (and villains) are recruited and guided by a peculiar entity known as "The Firebird". Their goal? To cross the dimensional rifts connecting their worlds to thwart a growing menace that, if left unchecked, threatens to destroy the very fabric of their shared reality. Travel from one iconic Final Fantasy world to the next in search of myrrh, make new friends and allies, and unravel the mysteries of The Realm Between.
[ Q: "What are the requirements for joining?" ] ✧ — You must be aged 18 and above. ✧ — Knowledge of at least one complete Final Fantasy game (and its spinoffs, if applicable.) ✧ — The ability to write lit. paragraph and script styles (both are welcome!) ✧ — This is a canon post-game roleplay, meaning that every FF game is "finished". You must accept that you'll encounter spoilers in RP!
[ Q: "What can I expect from Ex Favilla RP?" ] ✧ — The ultimate crossover between the Final Fantasy worlds! ✧ — An LGBTQ+ friendly community. ✧ — A simple application process. ✧ — A large pool of characters to choose from; from Jack (FFO) to Shelinda (X) to Leonora (IV:TAY), nearly everyone is playable! (Exceptions apply.) ✧ — Headcanon freedom, as long as they're based around canon information. ✧ — A linkshell system for easy and quick interactions, and location channels for threads of any desired length.
If our RP server seems like the right one for you, feel free to join! We also welcome spectators, but only for a maximum of two weeks.
Disboard | Discord | Masterlist
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goldenteaset · 4 months
Me in 2019: Oh my gosh Sandalphon swooped in to save Lyria from getting trapped in the Dimensional Rift, that’s so romantic!
Me now: The romance still stands but oh my god we could have gotten Lyria’s Adventures With Belial. Can you imagine her traveling through worlds with him, trying to keep him reined in? Going to the aquarium in Shibuya…holding his hand as they cross the busy streets because “I don’t want to lose you”…both of them inwardly freaking out because they finally feel needed…
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terraxcloud · 8 months
I'll be taking a break until the next part of the demo releases. I got distracted from drawing and other stuff.
Several things I'd like to mention though:
The "relationship between Sephiroth and Cloud is like an inverse of Cloud and Terra (Sephiroth is doing Cloud's role and Cloud is going Terra's role). I think the moment in Remake where Cloud grabs his left arm in front of Sephiroth and Jenova was a hint to that.
Rebirth's main theme kinda hints who the character saying the lyrics IS NOT. I'm not so sure, but this character hints that they wouldn't say the words "fate", "destiny" and they aren't too concerned about "keeping a promise". Is it trying to cross off the possibility of it being Sephiroth (Jenova), Aerith, and Tifa? Well, it doesn't seem to hint that this character would not do things like Jessie or Yuffie, Lol. Jokes aside, I wouldn't ignore Yuffie even if everyone else does.
The first notes of Aerith's theme play at the end of the State of Play in the same way it happens during the hand-reaching scene in the OG FF7 ending. Like I've said long ago, the part most similar to the FF6 Opera. The lyrics of Rebirth's main theme do hint at the ending with "take my hand".
Gilgamesh appears frequently in the story. Some people believe he wields the Advent Children Fusion Blade. I'm not sure, but I feel he's connected to Yuffie with that one scene where he appears as a rock golem (yep, that's him) and the building he's shown residing at (as well as his general appearance being like a Wutai boss). You'll get to see him after fighting Beck's gang in the Grasslands. I need more information since he travels through "dimensional rifts" or what is the earliest form of "torsions".
Cloud appears with Aerith at the church (in Midgar) when she gives him the White Materia. I wonder if Aerith knows she's unable to save the world like before and expects Cloud to hang onto it until...well, let's just leave it there.
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grislyintentions · 1 year
Clea sighs, "Hey, chief, right? You need a break.... here," the Eremite hands the other a chocolate-sprinkled muffin. How did she get it? Dimensional rift! "D- do you even like sweets...?" She asks, still confidently sticking it out to her. (For Candace!)
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“Clea.” The girl is greeted with a gentle smile from the Guardian once she crosses over the makeshift bridge. “Welcome back.”
Long before they met, Candace had seen her stop by the village before with the Traveler in tow and surmised that this Eremite is somewhat of one herself. Who would have anticipated that the great sands would lead their paths to cross once more?
Since making contact again, Clea has made more frequent stops by the village; something she is grateful for, as she finds interactions with the other to be pleasant. When presented with the muffin, she receives the gift with a measure of gratitude.
“Oh. You didn’t have to get me anything, but I thank you for your kindness. Shall we split this together?”
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commenter2 · 2 years
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The idea of the next Ratchet & Clank game being about Ratchet and Clank going to the Lombax Dimension with there dimensional counterparts Rivet and Kit sounds awesome BUT I hope Insomniac Games knows that they could/should let other characters go with them, the top 3 choices for me being Captain Qwark, Talwyn Apogee, and Ratchet's AI Lombax space ship Aphelion. Now some of you new fans are probably wondering who some of these characters are and why I want them to go with Ratchet and Clank, so I will explain why. Some of you long time fans might want to stick around too as I got some interesting ideas for these characters that IG could do in the Lombax Dimension game.
Captain Qwark is an obvious choice. He has been a part of the series since the first game in 2002 that Insomniac Games has stated that it's not a Ratchet & Clank game with Captain Qwark, not to mention because of Jim Ward (the OG voice of Qwark) had to retire due to illness Qwark didn't get much screen time in Rift Apart so he should go. I could see him going so he could make a documentary about the Lombaxes (something based on an old RA art work of Qwark) and though Ratchet and Clank don't want him to come, they learn by now that he will just get involved somehow or cause problems while there gone so they invite him just to keep an eye on him. Talwyn Apogee has many reasons for going with them, one being that she is Ratchet's CANON girlfriend and cares for Ratchet that she would want to go with him to support him. She is also a great explorer so not only could she be useful in exploring a new environment but she is capable of reading the Lombax language unlike Ratchet. Side note I could see a funny GOW reference in the game where we learn that in between ITN and RA, Ratchet has learned to read some Lombax but still has trouble reading it properly. However the biggest reason she would want to go is so she can look for her father, Max Apogee. Through out the Future trilogy, there was a subplot involving how her famous explorer father disappeared one day but through out the trilogy we learn he found and relocated the Dimensionator and as theorized on a radio newscast, likely used it to transport himself and "Lombax" Angela Cross (which is another story) to the Lombax Dimension in order to escape Tachyon. If I was Talwyn, I would check on that lead. Also along with finally ending that subplot that never truly went anywhere, it would be nice to see Talwyn interacting with her father which could lead to some interesting development for her as mentioned in some of my previous works. Aphelion should go cause not only would having a ship be handy (I mean Ratchet got lucky in Rift Apart) but a Lombax ship would be a good way for Ratchet and his friends to travel safely in a Lombax controlled area. I also see a lot use for her gameplay wise such as my idea for a gadget where you could mark locations for Aphelion to bomb. I also wish to see the return of space ships sections similar to what was seen in Going Commanod and the 2016 game along with the gimmick in A Crack in Time where you fly to places you want to go and be able to land on moons, depots, etc. With how advance tech has gotten since the PS3, this could be made possible and could make the game even more fun. I also see you being able to buy upgrades for Aphelion and being able to customize her for battle or for fun. Do you agree with me and that these 3 characters should be in the next Ratchet & Clank game? Who would you want to see go with Ratchet and Clank to the Lombax dimension and why? Let me know in the comments. All images are owned by Insomniac Games base by Alpha-Duelist35
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So like do have in secrets Deity that you keep from your family?
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“I told..Zane about it once..no one else. Rift travel isn’t always fun or safe…not everyone is the same as where you’re from.” ((Blog art help and assistance by @tyeler-kostlan This is a small sneak peek at the rift travels fic aftermath, the travels fic takes place after zane dies in s3))
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any Good Omens and Doctor Who crossovers? Specifically with Crowley meeting the Tenth Doctor? Thanks :)
Hello! We have some Good Omens/Doctor Who crossover recs here, and  I’ve got some more now...
Angels by I_llbedammned (G)
Everything is going just swimmingly for the Tenth Doctor when he notices something going terribly wrong in early 2000s London. He decides to land in a place where a past version of himself is lurking :Crowley. Taking place after the Apoca-wasn't, the Tenth Doctor has to work with Aziraphale and Crowley to rectify a problem in the space-time continuum that has caused a surplus of weeping angels to start invading.
The angel and demon of SoHo by GreenGlitchBitch (T)
“Rose, don’t go out there! We have no idea what’s behind that door!” the Doctor shouted, grabbing his coat and quickly putting it on, as he rushed to her side. She huffed a sigh, and moved away from the door, crossing her arms. “Then you look out” she said, and he took a deep breath as his hand grabbed the door handle, and he pulled the door open. But the sight he was greeted with shocked him more than he expected it would. It looked like...London’s SoHo? He and Rose shared a look of confusion, still standing in the doorway, before a familiar voice yelled at them. “Oi! I thought we were to be left alone from now on! What the Heaven is that box? Some kind of kidnapping device?!” the voice asked angrily. “Doctor, that sounds like you” Rose said with a start. “Yeah, it does. Let’s go find out who it is” the Doctor said, and together, they walked out of the TARDIS.
This Isn't the Angel I Wanted by JustADragon (G)
Crowley returns to his flat after traveling to America for a temptation, only to encounter an uninvited guest. Aziraphale flings himself headfirst into dealing with the problem, who in turn ropes a certain Time Lord into helping out.
The Beauty of Alpha Centauri by PeachGO3 (T)
On their way to Alpha Centauri, an angel and a demon crash into a blue box. Time to catch up on things. Revelations ensue.
Ineffable Companion by King_Scrungo (Series) (G)
Hoping to get a break from Aziraphale's non-stop antics, Crowley contacts another universe through an inter-dimensional rift in Cardiff, Wales. In this universe, he encounters a very strange man who calls himself simply "The Doctor," whom he dismisses as a dangerous lunatic. In a universe without Heaven or Hell, however, Crowley has become halfway mortal. Finding himself trapped in a parallel reality and out of options, the demon enlists The Doctor's help in order to return home before something kills him. Together, the two of them go on a whole host of adventures in an effort to save the universe and - more importantly - Crowley.
where fire and ice collide by Bootstrap_Paradox (T)
Something strange is happening in Tadfield. Strange enough to persuade the 17-year-old Adam that it is time to consult the grown-ups. Not his parents, of course, but another happily married couple - Aziraphale and Crowley. A phone call from a worried anti-christ is enough to turn even the quietest of mornings hectic, but the surprises don't end there. An hour later, two unusual visitors turn up at the doors of the closed bookshops: a blonde young woman, and a tall, skinny man. A man who looks almost exactly like Crowley. Now the Doctor and Rose are teaming up with Aziraphale and Crowley to investigate the mysterious, indescribable something that awaits them in the depths of Hogback Wood...
- Mod D
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sentient-rift · 2 years
I seriously like RiTF and Solo, even though I was introduced to it a little while ago... but I find this universe of yours that you created very interesting, even if I don't like this idea of ​​a multiverse very much, I think a little messy, but do what you want, anyway, I also think it's amazing the way you write and make a scene with the characters and just a question, do you draw? if you don't draw, feel free to ask me to draw something for you
(How's my Portrayal?)
Thank you. It warms my heart when someone really likes RiFT. Even though at first glance he's pretty much Copy X' body with the core of the sentient dimensional rift inside the reploid (Hence why he's called RiFT), there's much more to him when you get to know RiFT as a character. I hope you look forward to the stories I plan to write with him in the future. There's a lot about him under the surface.
Solo (A.K.A. Rogue) is a lot of fun to write since he's different from most of my muses. A lot of them are a lot kinder and try making friends, while Solo tries to act like a loner when in reality he's just a tsundere who really cares about the friends he makes but doesn't want to admit it so he doesn't appear soft. And his dynamic with Laplace are some of my favorite things to write. But the most ironic thing is that one of the coolest characters is also one of the funniest to write because of all the shenanigans that happen around him that can make him lose his cool, like reminding him that Geo (A.K.A. Star Force Megaman) always beats him (You've pressed the Geo Button. You shouldn't have done that.) And when people keeps trying to ship him with Luna. But he's gone through enough character development that shows how much he's improved as a person. He even admitted to Azure Kite that he actually cares for his team.
I understand why some people don't like the idea of the Multiverse. Like Time Travel, it can be messy, and when written poorly, very inconsistent, and sometimes makes no sense. Despite that, I love the concept because it's something that opens up infinite possibilities for storytelling. An idea for a story usually starts with a "What if," and alternate dimensions are pretty much a what if scenario that can completely alter an existing story to create a new story, which is exciting for me. In fact, I like the concept so much that I tend to look up what if stories on YouTube. Some examples are MasakoX' "What if Raditz turned good," Rune Scribble's "What if Ash met Meowth first," and The Sega Scourge's "What if Emerl survived." But I'm glad the Multiverse didn't stop you from enjoying my writing and when the characters interact with each other.
And to answer your question, yes, I can draw. In fact, some of my icons I drew myself. Here are some examples;
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My King of Sorrow Icon
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My Torque Icon
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My Restored Ray Icon
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And my Welch Vineyard Icon.
I even drew the icons for @cosmolumine PiXEL and @grafitticreativity Arcaneman.EXE.
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PiXEL Icon
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Arcaneman.EXE Icon.
With that said, I don't mind doing a drawing exchange. I assume you were the one who drew Tabletwoman.EXE, which is well done. I may come and ask not only if you'd draw something for me, but if I'm aloud to draw something for you, like fanart of Tabletwoman.EXE, or even Tablet Cross Megaman, if that's okay.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words. I like the characters you have as well. I'll be sure to continue the thread again soon. I want to learn more about them, and Lan and Megaman seem to get along with them. Keep up the great work!
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