#critical shoal
apples-stables · 1 year
Super small lil horse breed known as the Banker Horse is a semi-feral/feral horse breed that lives on the barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina!
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They're not considered to be indigenous but are protected and managed by the National Park Service and currently the estimated population of these horses is 400.
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They share ancestry with other Colonial Spanish horse breeds, and genetic markers indicate the share a common ancestory with both the Paso Fino and the Pryor Mountain Mustang.
While there isn't a specific source of these horses, the biggest theories is that they swam to shore when ships wrecked in the nearby shoals, in a region known as the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" due to how many ships its claimed.
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The Foundation for Shackleford Horses has set up a studbook for establishing the Banker horse as its own horse breed. It is registered as a critically endangered breed with the American Livestock Breeds Conversancy.
If you wanna help with the conservation of these cool guys, feel free to check out the link below!
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myz-wykkyd · 11 months
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Artwork done of my Mermaid oc Ni'mue- featuring her son Akamei<3 Ni'mue is a character I made for a story a owned by a close friend- whose also the proud owner of Ni'mue's husband, Desi (whom you can see here). More Info under cut!
In this world, most merfolk live in large, tribal-esque groups called shoals all across the ocean. Ni'mue is a princess of one of the largest shoals along the Pacific coast called the Dor Djakir ("Flaming Spears" in English). After the tragic death of her mother, Ni'mue's father, the Chieftain, grew overprotective of his daughter and tried to keep her sheltered for most of her life. Unfortunately, Ni'mue developed into a curious young woman with a passion for exploring- and she would often escape the watchful eyes of her guards to wonder her shoal's territory unhindered- making discovers, befriending her people, and occasionally getting into lighthearted shenanigans. A bad habit she indulged in more frequently to escape the disapproving glares of her step mother after her father remarried.
Though her father was eventually forced to accept his daughter's penchant to wander, her happiness and wellbeing remained his first priority in all things. Infamously, Even after Ni'mue came of age, he refused to allow her to marry unless her suitor proved capable of protecting her. The prospect of a princesses' hand in marriage and an alliance with such a powerful shoal drew mermen hoping to court Ni'mue from far and wide- but none of them ever managed to pass the Chieftain's tests. Until one day, after a particularly nasty fight with her stepmother- Ni'mue accidently wondered beyond the safety of her kingdoms borders and into danger. But her life was saved by a mysterious stranger-
This stranger, A prince of a neighboring shoal called the Kithi, was named Desi. Having invertedly proven himself in the eyes of her father, a marriage was arranged between the two. Though Ni'mue was was hesitant at first to accept, she soon agreed in order to escape the critical eye of her stepmother. Though most expected her relationship with the Prince of the Kithi to be fraught with sadness due to their differences- Ni'mue knew she had the power to decide whether their marriage be for better or for worse. Overtime, she came to understand her knew husband and slowly fell in love with him- and he with her. Soon after their marriage, Ni'mue bears Desi a son whom his named Akamei.
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Yield to the Sea
Author's Note: More of Catius in Living Waters AU.
Summary: As Catius is out gathering stuff for the others in making their cave a home and to make sure they have supplies for emergencies he gets a distress call.
Warnings: Character death, self blame and survivors guilt, organ harvesting, Let me know if you need me to add anything.
Past =-= Next
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Catius was swimming, glad to be out of the cave that had been where he and Ramiel had been recovering in. He loves his brothers, but sometimes they had been almost smothering in their concern and worry for him.
He understands why though, be able to show such concern, and be able to help and fuss after him and each other was something they weren't able to back when they were back Then. He is going over the list of items that they need to gather, what is most to least urgent to gather.
Since they are on Ancient Terra and none of them have a forge or the training to do so, doing more than basic upkeep on their armor isn't possible. Perhaps if they found a wandering Salamander, either as an individual or as a shoal of them they might be able to ask for trade for fixing their armor for services or good or something.
Or- Jophiel or one of the others could talk to Erriox to see if he knew what they would have to do to get some of the Warp Smiths to help fix up their armor, if it was possible to do so with the highly limited supplies that they have on Ancient Terra.
But none of them were very happy or comfortable with the idea of asking some of Erriox's Chaos Traitor Brothers for help. Especially with something as critical as armor, it just sounded like some of the dumbest and stupidest idea to even contemplate. He is shaken from his thoughts when his vox crackles to life and he hears someone call out.
"-elp," He hears, and tries to call out on his vox device- which only does static, and he curses out loud his fucking useless broken vox. "-lease -elp."
He desprately tries to send a location ping- to send a text-vox message that sends a location ping request. All hat his helmet sends back is an error message- he had been unable to send messages out. But, unfortunately, he can recieve message. Which seems unkind and almost worse thank a fully broken communication device.
"-ounded," The voice calls out- they sound ragged, wounded, hurt. Throne Curse him this sound bad. He tries to search for the person, knowing that it's likely in vain, who knows how distant the voice is- the vox communication devices can send and recieve over vast distances. And Ancient Terra is vast in it's scope, for all that it's a single planet.
By the time he finds the person, he's been callout out loudly using all three of his lungs, bellowing at the top of his voice, trying to find and call out to the person who's in his bust vox who's begging for help. Their voice growing weaker, and weaker, more desperate and sad.
He finds the person, and his hearts drop to his stomach. He recognizes that familiar blue and gold armor. This person is a fellow Ultramarine- and from the make of his armor. He's a fellow Primaris Marine. He swims as fast as possible to his brother's side and he curses loudly, as tears sting his eyes and makes it harder to see.
This brother was too still, if his hearts, both of his hearts flatlined, his Belisarian Furnace should have activated to give him one final jolt of energy to survive. That it happened spoke to several bad things having to have happened. Or it had, but Catius had been too slow to retrieve him.
This brother- from the wounds on his scales and armor- had been a member of the unfortunate company that had been lost in the warp and abandoned by Captain Sicarius. He uses what he knows of First Aid to assess the condition of his brother.
He hangs his head. Dead, he'd not made it in time. This pooor brother died again and thought he died alone- calling out for help and that no one had heard him call out for help. He allows himself to sob, wail and curse himself out for not being fast enough before smacks his cheeks and gently grabs his dead brother's body.
Catius is going to take his body to their cave. Ramiel needs to do Last Rights- and… and… Cedric needs to do Apothecary things to help his brother pass on as well. They should… they should be able to say goodby to Atlas one last time.
His hands shake and he carries the dead weight and grimly sings the funerary durges that he'd been taught by his first born brothers in the Ultramarines. The first of his fellow Primaris Marines that heard him was Claude- who'd shadow teleported to his side once he registered what it was he was singing- worry on his face, and sadness when he spots Atlas's dead bady.
"Let me help you carry him Cedric and Ramiel." Claude says softly.
Catius nods, blinking back tears. Hopefully they would be able to s-s-salvage things from Atlas, who hadn't been dead for more than an hour or so. Jophiel is the next to find them- scenting blood in the water faster than any of them could, due to his Blood Angel Lineage.
He called out to Cedric and Ramiel- who'd swum over swift as they could- and Catius told them what had happened- how he'd heard a distress call, but hadn't been able to respond on vox- and how he'd yelled as loudly as he could, desperate to try to find whoever had called for aid.
But Catius had been too late and he hadn't found Atlas in time, his voice his hoarsh, and barely a whisper, he'd nearly destroyed it trying to find someone who's already lost to him. Again. He apologizes for not being fast enough.
Cedric and Ramiel's shoulders shake, but their hands are steady as they gently take Brother Atlas from Claude and Catius, and swim off to tend to his dead body as Apothecaries and Chaplains do. Catius is glad, even in a dark sense that he'd found some intact and had independently powersourced and properly sealed properly clean jarred devices that could be used to contain certain organs.
Jophiel and Claude have wrapped their arms around Catius and he notices a keening, wailing sound, that he only just realizes comes from him as he sobs, and sobs. A few hours later, Jophiel raises his head first and Cedric and Ramiel are back. The jars are filled with the precious organs that Atlas had been able to gift them.
"You were able to get to him in time for us to save… save Progenoid, Immortis, Blecher's, Sangiun Primus Portum, Sinew Coils, Magnifcat," Cedric said, "unfortunately his Belisarian Furance was too damaged to be useful for another."
"That is good, that you were able to retrieve so much," Catius says, his voice hoarsh and shaking with emotions.
"We shall say our goodbyes and send him off into the seas to his final rest," Ramiel says quietly.
Ramiel carefully speaks the words of the ceremony, praying to the God Emperor that he'd be forgiven for overstepping his role as a Judicar. He wasn't high enough ranked to do this ceremony, technically. But he had the training for it, and he had to do is duties, for his brothers and cousins, for this living and the dead.
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mooniwrites · 2 years
Borrowed love letters (snippet)
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x blacklatinafem!Reader
Summary: It’s your birthday and Lewis have a few surprises for you. WC: 687 Warnings: besides sickening sweet love and Lewis being a simp, none, I think.
Author note: I haven’t write anything in a very long time, so please be kind! Also, English is not my first language, and I’m not a 100% fluent in it, so I’ll probably have spilling/writing errors. Constructive (and kind) criticism is received and appreciated.
One of the downsides of dating a writer it’s that it doesn’t matter what I write, it’ll never compare to what you can come up, even in one of your ‘worst’ days, when -and I quote- “writers block is kicking your ass”. So that’s why I’m going to borrow the words of famous writers and poets to try to express my love for you, even though I know words aren’t enough to do so.
Today marks the day that you were brought to this world, a day in which the colors are more vibrant, the birds sing a little more and the sun hides because you outshine it.
Today I will give you 27 gifts, 26 to commemorate each year you have walked this earth, and 1 to celebrate the year you have shared with me (the first of many, I pray).
Today, I borrow the words of Kafka “in a way, you are poetry material; you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out.”
The first gift is a Rothschild Slipper orchid, one of the most expensive and exotic orchids in the world. As a plant mom, I know that you’ll take amazing care of her (please wait for me so we can name it together). The reason of this being the first gift it’s because I know you have been looking for this orchid for years, and also the fact that it flowers every 15 years is a huge proof of patience, love, perseverance and resilience, all things that I link to you, to who you are. I still remember the afternoon where your parents told me about your birth, that you were born death and the doctors had to bring you back to life, how complicated it was and that you spent your first month of life in hospital. I’m glad that baby you was so stubborn and fought.
The second gift is a vintage cigarette holder. Because your soul feels like an old one, one that has seen and felt and cried a lot, and still maintains the kindness and naiveness of a young one. Your existence is an exquisite mix of contradictions, like a very aesthetic artifact that was originally designed for a purpose, but a dark skinned Latina woman that loves to cook while listen ballenato would stare at and wish that she could put those incredible gorgeous Florasis lipsticks (I also pray for the day that they become cruelty free baby).
The third gift is a reversible sapphire white 14K gold ring, just because as soon as I saw it I thought of you wearing and it was meant to be (don’t worry baby, that engagement ring is in the making).
The fourth gift is a rain cloud diffusor, I knew you have wanted one for months, but haven’t got it because you forgot, or you would rather buy something for someone else (because you are selfless like that).
At 5, you fell in love with what is still today your favorite animal: whales. I still remember the way your face got warm when you told me that at 5 you believed whales could come out of anywhere that had water, including rivers or puddles, so it’s only natural that your fifth gift it’s related to them. One of my most precious memories it’s almost frizzing myself to death in Alaska just to see whales doing their dance to eat, or as you would call it “the coolest breathtaking and most beautiful method” , I remember all the times you explained to me how whales do the bubble net fishing method, how they work like an orchestra, with the trumpeters, that swim deep and release air to form bubbles and group the shoal, then the one that call the rest so they can go to the surface and eat, while also singing to confuse the fishes, seeing you get excited hearing their songs, the way your eyes illuminated when they appeared right next to our boat, your tears of happiness because you couldn’t believe what you just witnessed warmed me up better than any jacket could.   And even that freezing winter in Alaska it was warmer than the ones I spent without you by my side.
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Golden skiffia (Skiffia francesae)
Critically endangered
When the golden skiffias still lived in their natural home, it was a warm, quiet, gentle, spring-fed river with a bottom of sand and silt and mud, where they found shelter in the roots of floating plants that grew along the shore, beneath a canopy of acacias and willows. They foraged for algae on the plants, and thrived in their river, the Rio Teuchitlán.
Decades ago, the Teuchitlán was polluted, the springs that fed it were damaged, the acacias and willows were killed, and the banks were smothered in farms and urban sprawl. The skiffias barely persisted, and the last nail in the coffin was the introduction of the invasive common platyfish. It took only a year for the platys to outnumber the skiffias fifty to one. The golden skiffia was declared extinct in the wild in 1996. 
Some people loved that river. They despised the horrific things that had been done to it. That’s what drove a coalition of conservation groups to heal the river - they stopped the pollution, restored the banks, and removed the platys - then, they got to work putting the pieces of its ecosystem back together. In November 2022, Over a thousand golden skiffias, descended from fish that had been cared for in aquariums for almost fifty years since they were found in a dying river in 1976, were finally released back into the wild. 
…I can’t find what happened after that. Their relative the tequila splitfin was released a few years earlier, and it’s been thriving - but no update at all on the skiffias. I hope they’re alright. 
Golden skiffias are barely more than one and a half inches long, they’re really cute- they’re very energetic too, always chasing each other and searching and exploring and picking at everything they can find, as long as they never venture into deep water. And they’re social!!! they love to be in large, loose shoals where they find safety and potential mates. They can be hard to find but they’re so interesting and I love their bright yellow splotches :3 
Also, they’re in a really wonderfully bizarre family called the livebearers- they literally give live birth!!! Not like seahorses where they keep the eggs in a pouch, or like some snakes where they just don’t lay them until they hatch. No, they have an umbilical cord and everything. They have way fewer babies that way, but they’re safe from anything that might eat fish eggs, which is most things. Also the babies are HUGE :P
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Golden skiffias hate deep water, so they need a shallow tank - it should be at least 15 gallons but ten inches of depth is plenty for them to explore. The tank should mimic the Teuchitlán - dense vegetation and sunken wood to provide shelter and grow algae, moderate water flow, and lots of oxygen. A simple bubbler is a great way to keep them healthy. The water should be hard, and cool (68-74 F) since anything more than room temperature can affect their immune system. And it has to be really really clean - change out at least two thirds of the water weekly!!! I know that sounds really excessive if you’ve kept any other fish but most goodeids really do appreciate it. 
They have a couple other odd requirements too. They do best if you give them even cooler temperatures, like 40-60 F, for 3ish months in winter. That way they can rest - they won’t breed in winter since they’re just chilling but they’ll be healthier in spring. The other is that they will thrive more if you keep them outside in the spring and fall when the weather is nice. They don’t really need it, but something about it makes them a lot healthier and they breed so much faster. 
Since they’re social animals, make sure you get at least a small group to start out with. They’re easy to breed as long as they’re happy, but they can be pretty slow about it - they take about 8 weeks to give birth to 5-15 babies (more as they get older). Luckily, as long as they’re well fed and they have enough room they won’t eat their fry, so you only need one tank. Since they are endangered at best, it’s important that you don’t keep them with other skiffias or they could hybridize - I don’t have anything against hybrids except that it doesn’t really count as preserving the species. They’re best kept only with their own species or with something small that won’t eat the fry. It’s hard to find much information about the golden skiffia specifically but some of their relatives can be aggressive so keep that in mind and add plenty of hiding spots to the tank.
Skiffias need a plant based diet with just a little protein - they love blanched veggies and seem to dedicate their lives to eating algae, and you can feed them regular fish flakes and pellets too. Their favorite protein source is baby brine shrimp - just make sure you only give them meaty foods as an occasional treat :3
These are rlly fun fish if you can find some - just make sure u share the babies :3
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
[RFA is US State Media]
The Philippines will no longer seek financial aid from China for a package of ambitious railway projects, the transportation secretary said, adding that officials were confident the projects could move ahead with funding from interested sources.
China had been slated to build two of the rail lines on the main Philippine island of Luzon and the third on southern Mindanao island, officials said. 
The Marcos administration announced the decision to drop the Chinese loans amid tensions between Manila and Beijing in the South China Sea and days after a pair of minor collisions in disputed waters between ships and boats from both nations. 
Philippine Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said the territorial tensions were not tied to this decision.[...]
["]our government is looking for other sources of funding.”[...]
Less than a month after Duterte left office in mid-2022, Ernesto Pernia, who had served as his socioeconomic planning secretary, said the Philippines would be wise to drop the three Chinese-backed projects.
“Much better to deal with ODA with Japan, South Korea, Australia, the U.S. and the E.U.,” Pernia told BenarNews, an RFA-affiliated news outlet, at the time while using an acronym for official development assistance. [...]
Rates through the China-based lending agency Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), were “significantly higher” compared to funding from Japan or South Korean ODAs, Gatchalian said. [...]
Biden criticized Chinese ships for acting “dangerously and unlawfully as our Philippine friends conducted a routine resupply mission within … their own exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea,” according to a transcript from the White House. 
“I want to be very clear: The United States’ defense commitment to the Philippines is ironclad,” Biden said. “Any attack on the Filipino aircraft, vessels, or armed forces will invoke our Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines.” 
In an apparent response to Biden, the Chinese Embassy in Manila on Thursday said that the “escalation of activities has been inflated by the U.S. actions.” 
“Since the beginning of this year, the U.S. has been blatantly emboldening the Philippines’ acts of infringing upon China’s sovereignty and inciting and supporting the Philippines’ attempts to repair and reinforce its warship that was deliberately grounded on Ren’ai Jiao,” it said, using the Chinese name for the shoal. 
26 Oct 23
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © Matthew Meyer, accessed at Yokai.com here
[Perytons do not exist. I mean, even more than usual for the monsters covered on this blog. Rather than being a folkloric or mythological creature, a heraldic beast or a misinterpretation of a real animal, the peryton is a literary hoax perpetuated by Jorge Luis Borges in his book The Book of Imaginary Beings. Borges wasn’t particularly subtle--he claims that the manuscript describing the perytons dates back to Atlantis--but the peryton has been adopted as a semi-popular monster regardless. Borges wasn’t the only one to have thought that “what if a deer was scarier” was a good monster concept, as this sea monster from Yakushima folklore indicates.]
Umishika CR 4 CE Magical Beast This creature has the upper body of a stag and the lower body of an eel. Its teeth are canine and sharp, and its rack of antlers is keen.
The umishika are aquatic kin to perytons, and are believed to have been created in the same arcane disaster that made those savage chimeras. Umishika combine features of deer, eels and seals, and are just as savage and violent as perytons are. They are more social, however, gathering regularly into shoals in order to gang up on prey and drive competition away. They eat mostly fish, but view fishing vessels as competitors, stalking them and climbing up onto deck at night in order to kill and eat their crews. 
An umishika’s shadow behaves strangely. It clings close to the monster, and when underwater distorts the umishika’s appearance so that it resembles the outline of a large fish such as a tuna or dorado. Umishika use this ability to approach close to prey with relatively little fuss, and may even attract predators or fishermen to them before the tables turn. An umishika’s teeth are sharp, but it uses them mostly to process food after puncturing it with horns and hooves. Although they branch like antlers, the horns of an umishika are not lost seasonally, and are found on individuals of all sexes.
Umishika            CR 4 XP 1,200 CE Medium magical beast Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low light vision, Perception +8, scent Defense AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural) hp 42 (5d10+15) Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3 DR 5/magic Defensive Abilities shadow shroud Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee gore +8 (1d6+3/18-20), 2 hooves +6 (1d4+1) Special Attacks horrific critical Statistics Str 17, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 21 Feats Athletic, Improved Initiative, Multiattack Skills Climb +10, Disguise +3 (+11 as mundane fish), Perception +7, Stealth +8 Swim +18; Racial Modifier +8 to Disguise as mundane fish Languages Aquan SQ hold breath Ecology Environment any aquatic Organization solitary, pair or shoal (3-9) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Horrific Critical (Ex) An umishika’s gore attack threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. If an umishika kills a humanoid foe with a critical hit, it can tear out the victim’s heart with its teeth as a free action. Any creature that witnesses this must succeed a DC 13 Will save or be shaken for 1 round. This is a mind-influencing fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Shadow Shroud (Su) An umishika has concealment when it is underwater.
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ch-bl0g · 1 month
New York.
A/n : had a tiny little wlw blurb thought, lmk if this is any good please! Constructive criticism welcome x
Ps, if anyone can please tell me how to make those little 3 photo borders its massively appreciated 🤍
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Snow falls in hurried gusts, billowing through the city streets in icy trellis. Lights flicker off the flakes, illuminating the stormy twilight overhead. Artificial rays flood the roads; billboards, headlights and streetlamps all rebounding off the snowy ground. Fresh snowfall covers footprints, the only nod to human life being the joyous giggles and shouts of pleasure. Heavy winds batter against the boisterous banners, the light incredibly obnoxious for the late night. Warm white headlights spin and cast around as weary drivers take corners at a snails pace. Pillars beam down, vain posters stuck on there; loud and selfish yet so quiet and thoughtful. Lamps wear hats of pristine white, captained and tall as they stand. The concrete is encased in a crisp blanket, interrupted harshly by the footfalls if those braving the blizzard.
Bundled up in woollen shoals, coats hugged closer to courageous bodies. Snow clumps onto boots, crunching underweight as we walk. Hand in gloved hand, laughter ricocheting off sky-high walls. New York is stunning; the mood, the people, the life. My hand clutches her's, my own fingertips turning blue as she slips my gloves on too. Snowflakes glitter around us, falling down like blessed angels as we dance, skip and hop down the sidewalks. Scarves knotted around our necks, my burgundy complementing the rose fabric woven around her neck. Fleecy fabric tucked into our winter coats, my own hoodie an extra layer as it falls over her frame. Her hair coils and curls, jolting and bouncing as she dances to the silent disco of New York. Her hand tugs mine, eyes locked securely with me as she spins and twirls, enjoying the blizzard.
The city is massive and terrifying, but here, in the depth of winter, it is peaceful. Here, in the depth of a blizzard, it is heavenly. Here, in the depth of New York, it is ours.
Here, in our bubble, she is mine.
And I am forever her's.
New York is New York.
It is all and nothing simultaneously.
It is home.
Because she is here.
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disturbnot · 2 months
He offers a cooked section of dratini meat, the buttery flavor accented with garlic. The skin's golden brown and crispy, the smell very nutrient dense.
IF SUCH EARTHLY DELIGHTS ARE AN ARCEIST SIN, then he will gladly throw himself directly upon the brimstone of the distortion world to taste this again, and again, and again. Red has cooked the meat perfectly, sumptuous skin brought to a crisp in its own rendered fat, salt, fresh garlic and herbs; the thick meat practically melts, it's like velvet on his tongue, exploding with a uniquely meaty umami that only latent dragon energy can boast. He groans.
Ash is in another world for a brief moment; he's young again, he's awake late into the night, trying his mother's latest experimental dish for the restaurant—sleepy eyes so bleary, but he's been looking forward to this all day. That day, the local fishermen caught a few Dratini in their trawl nets, sold them to Delia at a discount in exchange for a hearty meal at the end of a long shift out on the shoals. After the restaurant closed, she retreated to the kitchen, intent on sorcery; it's not every day you get to cook with such a rare kind of meat, after all. She dried the skin and tenderly prepared the meat with butter, soy, garlic, and shichimi; cooked gently and slowly in an oven before being flash seared on her treasured flat-top.
She served it to Ash and Pikachu at the counter, accompanied by the town's favourite fried rice—Ash's preteen legs still dangling above the stool's foot-rest with excitement, gusto, even. Throughout his life, he'd always overheard the locals talk of his mother's unspeakable midas touch in the kitchen, but on this eve, Ash truly understood what they meant.
As Ash savours Red's cooking, he laments the fact the fishermen never caught Dratini in the south bay again after that.
Another bite, he sighs, smiling; such a soft symphony of flavours, sweet memories of home.
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" Mmmmm ... finally know how that food critic in Rattatatouille felt, " he hums, full of gratitude. " Y'know we almost served somethin' like this at Pallet House, long time ago. Don't think my mom could ever secure a supplier, but damn ... I almost forgot how it tasted. "
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feedyourmind1031 · 3 months
 Economic Overview: Key Market Developments
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Critical Update
Sudden market shifts may occur due to significant events. Monitor trading positions and implement risk management strategies during these uncertain times.
Economic Overview
As we enter a new quarter, the market faces numerous challenges. Rising war tensions, de-dollarization efforts, and upcoming elections in the U.S., France, and Iran contribute to the uncertainty. Here’s a detailed analysis of these developments and their potential impacts.
Currency Shifts
Russia’s move to use the Chinese Yuan for international trade and the increase in gold reserves by central banks are noteworthy. While the Yuan may not replace the U.S. Dollar soon, these actions indicate strategic shifts. Gold purchases serve as a hedge against potential currency volatility.
Geopolitical Conflicts
Middle East: The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has intensified, with Iran warning of severe retaliation if Lebanon is attacked. Daily strikes continue, and countries like the U.S. and Germany have advised their citizens to leave Lebanon.
South China Sea: On June 19, 2024, Chinese coast guard officers attacked Philippine military personnel near the Second Thomas Shoal, escalating tensions. The U.S. has reaffirmed its defense treaty with the Philippines, which could lead to military involvement if violence escalates.
Korean Peninsula: North and South Korea are on edge, with Russia signing a defense treaty with North Korea. Border incidents and threats over South Korea’s potential troop deployment to Ukraine have heightened tensions.
Nuclear Brinkmanship: France and Russia’s nuclear brinkmanship is a significant risk, with both countries attempting to establish deterrent boundaries.
Economic and Market Effects
These conflicts could alter monetary power dynamics and supply chains. Expect increased oil demand and gold purchases as safe-haven assets. Silver demand will also rise due to its military applications.
Diplomatic Relations
Zimbabwe and Zambia: Tensions are high as Zimbabwe aligns more closely with Russia, accusing the U.S. of militarizing Zambia.
Election Updates
Iran: Presidential elections are nearing completion as candidates drop out.
France: The first stage of snap parliamentary elections is complete.
U.S.: The first debate between Biden and Trump was contentious, adding to the uncertainty of the upcoming election.
Natural Disaster Considerations
While not detailed here, it’s crucial to consider the impact of natural disasters on economic activities and implement strong risk management.
Key Market Data and Analysis
Final GDP: Increased from 1.3% to 1.4%.
Unemployment: Fell by 3k more than forecasted, indicating a stronger U.S. economy.
Core PCE: Decreased from 0.3% to 0.1%.
Consumer Confidence: Fell but remained above forecasted numbers.
Housing Market: New home sales dropped significantly, while pending home sales improved slightly but missed expectations.
Gold prices remain within a range, with resistance at 2431.705 and support at 2295.536. A bullish trend is expected despite fluctuations.
Silver prices showed growth, reaching 29.900 before settling at 29.018. Resistance is expected at 29.900, but an overall upward trend is anticipated.
DXY (Dollar Index)
The dollar index showed growth but may face weakness with the anticipated September rate cut. A bearish outlook is expected.
The pound remains within a range. With potential rate cuts in both the U.K. and the U.S., significant price changes are unlikely in the near term.
The Aussie dollar shows upward momentum but needs to break above 0.67142 to confirm this trend. Analysts predict rate cuts only in late 2025, potentially benefiting the currency.
Similar to the Aussie dollar, the New Zealand dollar shows growth and may benefit from delayed rate cuts until late 2025.
The ECB’s cautious rate cut approach has weakened the Euro. Further cuts are expected but at a slower pace, indicating potential continued weakness.
Despite interventions, the USDJPY continues to grow. Watch for further interventions and economic data to gauge future movements.
The Swiss Franc fell after recent rate cuts. Further rate cuts are uncertain, making the USDCHF volatile.
The CAD showed weakness against the dollar, with analysts predicting further rate cuts. Price consolidation is expected as we await more data.
Stay informed and practice diligent risk management as we navigate these challenging market conditions. More updates to come.
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artsycloudysleepy · 4 months
posted a UTMV fic on AO3!! :D
(first time ever sharing, pls be nice; i am very sensitive to criticism and am going through a writing block rn! but if anyone has tips for using ao3 lmk! ty)
[edit: my link seems to be weird in some situations, and on a phone linked me to someone else's fanfic? so make sure the fic is titled 'Bleh' and is by me before you assume it's the correct one. sorry]
tumblr version below cut! TW for autophobia, implied/referenced abuse, minor hallucinations (not harmful).
“…nt that he comes to us.”
Cross slowly stirs awake.
“mm. gonna ‘afta talk ‘bout this ‘n therapy.”
That’s Horr-Horr. He’s nice.
“yup. ain't healthy fer him. and ya've seen how little he- oh. he's awake.”
Dusty. He’s also nice. He sounds surprised.
“stars, we wake him up? whoops.”
“heh. g'mornin’, cross.”
Cross mumbles incoherently in response, curling into a ball under the warm covers. He feels so fuzzy. Really light-headed, come to think of it.
“’s ‘e overheatin’?”
“probs.” Dust’s hand, likely, presses against Cross’ forehead.
It’s so cold. He whines in a broken, hoarse voice, and there’s a coo as the hand trails to his neck and collarbone. Cross buries his head quickly into it as he squirms uncomfortably.
“oh stars. get ‘im outta there.”
Cross gasps as the hand slides to the nape of his neck and another under his pelvis, kicking weakly and sorely croaking out a complaint whilst he’s lifted out from under the warmth of the covers.
Are they abandoning him? That's what it feels like.
He'll be left alone again.
To rot.
“shh… shh… it‘s okay.” Dust’s soothing, and Cross realises quite how sweaty he feels. He cries a little, hoarse sobs wracking his body in tiny shakes. “get the boss already.”
There’s quick footsteps, then silence. All that breaks it is Cross’ broken cries, and Dust’s occasional murmurs of reassurances that fleet quickly from Cross’ muddled, distressed mind.
Then, there’s underwater footsteps, Cross beginning to see stingrays and shoals of fish swimming in the water in his vision. Some movement, then freezing fabric underneath his palms and spine and skull and feet makes him flail weakly.
“-icine. Ideally something to combat hallucinations.”
“on it!”
There’s a shift of magic that Cross feels overstimulated by, but before it registers fully, there’s a sudden shockwave of calm that resounds in his bones, louder than his fears but quieter than the magic previously.
He weakly looks up. Nightmare is sat by him, in his bed. Cross takes a moment to realise he’s lying down, whereas Nightmare is sitting, and he can’t be lazing-
“-Cross, chiquito, you’re not lazy.” the Guardian cuts his rambling mouth off with a gentle hush. “You’re just emotional and tired, and far too delirious for you to realise what you’re saying.”
Sobs stopping almost instantly, Cross goes quiet, staring up at his dad. He thinks he keeps that thought quiet, too. Maybe.
Above, Nightmare smiles gently, forgivingly, at him. “Hello, little one. Son. Do you think you’re a bit confused?”
Cross nods, wet eyes getting wetter as they slowly blink for a little longer. He feels so disoriented, and so scared, but so sleepy, as if a gentle weight is tied around his waist. It doesn’t hurt; it like he’s sinking into the bed, and the mattress is moving and rising as he slowly descends into it, genuinely wrapping around him and making Nightmare smaller and smaller.
That's right.
He won't abandon him.
He's safe.
“Do you want to go back to sleep?” the Guardian quietly murmurs, lower and softer with every moment of groggy lull Cross endures, and stroking his skull with a phalange or eleven. “You’re hallucinating very vividly. Like you’re already asleep, despite your best efforts to stay aware. I would feel more happy if you just let your eyes close as that happens.”
Cross find himself failing to complain when a tentacle drapes over his forehead, instead relaxing into the drowsy, dizzy feeling overcoming him. Still, he’s trying to watch the others and what they do, ensure he’ll be safe, but he’s so tired…
His eyes are barely able to crack open to watch Horror and Dust and Nightmare and focus on what they're fidgeting with or whispering or doing in general, so it takes him a few moments to realise with what little he can see that Killer isn't there. Has he gone to get something (he probably hasn't abandoned him, right)? Wait, did Nightmare mention medicine..?
His memories are too muffled to tell. Like his delirium has a muzzle on it. Like the pretty cyan ribbons of magic sparkling in his fading peripheral are glittering and distracting his gliding thoughts. It's oddly soothing, though a part of him is still on edge, as always.
That'll never change.
[Sp.] “Cross, dear, sweetheart,” Nightmare murmurs lovingly, drawing his wandering attention back to him with a lilt of his voice and a guiding phalange against his chin tilting his eyes back to his glowing, soothing one, “no one minds you having a nap. It will take, what, ten minutes? Not too long with those pretty eyes closed to the sparkling sky. The white moon’s orbit, the white Sun’s rigidity, the lilac and pink and white and black planets encircling you over and over as the stars start to drizzle down.”
As ever, Cross is obedient. His eyes close on instinct, disgusting code telling him obeying is right. XGaster always-
"Dear, he isn't here. Don't you fret so much, okay?"
And just like that, the anxiety melts away.
"Hm... That's more like it. We'll work on that when you're feeling a little more perky, okay?"
The voice almost has a parental tone. But it's not like his creator's. It's not disappointed or dangerous, like he'll hit him if he's imperfect. It's calming, authoritative in a way that's soothing to his frayed nerves and worried edges because he knows how to act. He knows how to respond to orders and superiors. And this time, he won't be hurt no matter how badly he screws it up.
"You can stand down, soldier."
But he still wants to be useful. If someone abandons him again, he... He doesn't know if he'll be found again.
He won't ever be happy like this again.
"Sleep, Cross."
Cross weakly tries to hold on, digs – curls – twitches, maybe, his phalanges, but the stars are calling to him sleepily. His name, his identity, kind hands and warmth gently guiding him back to the starlit sky, the homely galaxy, the colours that are so natural to him that don’t blare in his face like sirens every time he’s introduced a new tint and shade and tone. And the stars twinkle hypnotically, inviting him to drown in them, not to think of anything but their beauty.
The hands are warm, careful, freeing him of weight and responsibility as quiet commands to release coax his own to instead weakly hold them. He’s mesmerised, numb and tingly and soothed while the voices and the stars lilt onto him lowly.
“Don’t you resist it, dear,” the most prominent star whispers in low, lulling Spanish. “it’s a waste of energy. You just rest for now. It doesn’t matter what you thought you wanted, all that matters is that you need to have this rest. Never mind any chaos outside, you just focus on counting all these stars. You focus on losing yourself here, forgetting what you felt like you wanted to do, like working and fighting and ignoring your fever for days and days, and instead just realising how nice it feels to give in and up.”
For ten minutes.
For ten hours.
It’s all the same anyway.
And as the world he was previously tethered to by a heavy and cutting rope drops from him, and leaves him blissfully carefree in the void of absence, he doesn’t particularly mind. The slow breaths probably mean nothing, seeing as his previous discomfort is absent like his reality. His thoughts are free-flowing, like ink from a pot that spilled over.
Maybe that means he’s free, for the while.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
In the early 19th century, sailors making their way to Providence, Rhode Island, depended on the signal of the Warwick Neck Light to safely find their way. While it no longer carries the navigational significance it once did, the 51-foot tower continues to preside over Narragansett Bay from its clifftop perch. 
Now, this historical property’s dramatic views could be yours.
This year, the General Services Administration (GSA) will give away six of the historic beacons, including the Warwick Neck Light, at no cost. An additional four will be sold via public auction. The goal of the transfers is to preserve the historic buildings, even as technology renders them obsolete.  
For hundreds of years, lighthouses have welcomed travelers to the shores of the United States. However, the advent of navigation technologies like GPS has left many of the shore’s sentinels without a practical purpose. Since the passage of the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act in 2000, the GSA has been transferring ownership of lighthouses “no longer critical to the U.S. Coast Guard’s mission needs” to groups willing to preserve them, according to a statement from the agency.
“People really appreciate the heroic role of the solitary lighthouse keeper,” says John Kelly of the GSA’s office of real property disposition to Mark Pratt of the Associated Press (AP). “They were really the instruments to provide safe passage into some of these perilous harbors which afforded communities great opportunities for commerce, and they’re often located in prominent locations that offer breathtaking views.”
At many lighthouses, upkeep is challenging: Two of the structures up for auction, the Penfield Reef Lighthouse in Fairfield, Connecticut, and the Stratford Shoal Light in the middle of the Long Island Sound, are accessible only by boat.
“They’re such unusual reflections of our history that it takes a certain kind of person who wants to be a part of that,” Robin Carnahan, administrator of the GSA, tells the New York Times’ Michael Levenson.
For now, the lighthouses won’t be available to just anyone. The GSA is first offering them at no cost to federal agencies, state and local governments, nonprofits, educational agencies and community development organizations. To be eligible, interested buyers must be able to maintain the historic property and allow the public to access it. More than 80 lighthouses have found a new owner—and stable future—through this process so far, according to the GSA.
Several of the lighthouses up for grabs this year are already under the care of nonprofits, which can apply to continue their work, Kelly tells the AP. For example, the Nobska Lighthouse in Falmouth, Massachusetts is maintained by the Friends of Nobska Light, which has applied for the transfer of ownership, according to the Cape Cod Times’ Zane Razzaq.
If no owner is found, the lighthouses will be offered for sale to the public via auction. The GSA has auctioned 70 lighthouses to date, in sales ranging from $10,000 to over $900,000, reports NPR’s Emma Bowman.
Other lighthouses going to auction this year include the Cleveland Harbor West Pierhead Light in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light in Chassell, Michigan. The list of transfer-eligible lighthouses includes Lynde Point Lighthouse in Old Saybrook, Connecticut; Plymouth/Gurnet Lighthouse in Plymouth, Massachusetts; Little Mark Island and Monument in Harpswell, Maine; and Erie Harbor North Pier Lighthouse in Erie, Pennsylvania.
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pannaginip · 6 months
Philippine Star (Opinion): 'Not war with China; don’t rely only on US’ – Marcos Jr.
Reacting to recent reports on China’s pugnacious maneuvers and verbal statements, Marcos Jr. said, “We must do a more robust defense of our territorial rights as recognized by the international community and international law.”
But he quickly added that war with China is “precisely what we want to avoid.”
Regarding the United States’ repeated assurance of defense support, Marcos Jr. claimed that the US was” very supportive” of the Philippines and was “very seriously” taking the Mutual Defense Treaty.
Note that the treaty has never been invoked in any instance, or threat, of armed conflict by either party since its signing in 1951. Essentially it provides that in the event of an armed attack against one of the parties, the other party is obligated to come to its defense.
Marcos Jr. said that he was doing everything to avoid invoking the MDT over the increasing number of incidents involving dangerous maneuvers by Chinese Coast Guard and militia vessels within Philippine waters. They have been harassing small boats delivering food supplies and other necessities to Philippine Marines manning an old naval ship, purposely grounded in the Ayungin Shoal to serve as maritime post in our territory.
Most significant to note was that he seemed wary about relying exclusively on America’s support.
Marcos Jr. also responded to warnings by critics of dangerous implications of his having added, in April 2023, four more of the country’s military bases as sites for the US to install military “facilities” and stockpile war materiel exclusively for their use, as allowed by the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement or EDCA.
He assured the public that these bases, along with the first five bases strategically located across the country previously approved by his predecessor, would not be used to launch offensive actions against China.
The EDCA is not a treaty. It is an executive agreement, initiated by the US, between the Philippine and US governments, signed in 2014 under the Benigno Aquino III administration. The US military facilities installed within the selected Philippine bases are absolutely controlled by the American military and are off-limits to Filipinos, military or civilian. (Top Philippine defense and military leaders, however, may be allowed inside.)
Because the EDCA sites are practically US military bases within Philippine bases, they could indeed be targets of attacks by enemies of the US – especially now that missile warfare is increasingly being utilized by belligerent parties.
2024 Mar. 23
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 9/27/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Senator Robert Menendez denied the allegations levied against him by the Department of Justice. Last week, a grand jury indicted the powerful Senator on bribery charges. Investigators found hundreds of thousands of dollars said to be payments to access the Senator’s influence. The Institute 
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the US would increase its military ties with Kenya. Washington agreed to provide additional security assistance to Kenya after Nairobi agreed to lead a UN mission to Haiti. The Institute
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday that the first batch of US-made Abrams tanks have arrived in Ukraine, which are armed with toxic depleted uranium (DU) ammunition. AWC
The Biden administration on Monday announced a $2 billion loan for Poland that will go toward modernizing Warsaw’s military. AWC
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Budapest was ending support for Kiev on international issues due to a 2017 Ukrainian law that limits the rights of Hungarians. The announcement comes as Ukraine’s support in Eastern Europe wanes, with Poland halting all weapons transfers to Kiev after President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized Warsaw. The Institute
Four American advanced fighter jets arrived in Romania and will begin conducting patrols over the Black Sea region, according to NATO. The deployment comes as Washington wages a proxy war against Moscow in Ukraine that has stretched into the Black Sea. The Institute
The commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet attended a Russian Defense Ministry video conference on Tuesday, a day after Ukraine claimed he was killed in a September 22 missile strike on the fleet’s headquarters in Sevastopol, Crimea. AWC
A senior US official told The Washington Post that the Biden administration is not pressuring Ukraine to hold elections, while some Western officials do want to see a wartime vote. AWC
A report from 60 Minutes that aired Sunday detailed how US taxpayer dollars are not only funding weapons in Ukraine but are also subsidizing small businesses and paying first responders salaries, among other things. AWC
Senate leaders on Tuesday announced they reached a deal on a stopgap funding bill that needs to be passed by September 30 to avert a partial government shutdown. The bill includes $6.2 billion for Ukraine and $6 billion for natural disasters. AWC
On Tuesday, the Kremlin said US-provided Abrams tanks in Ukraine will not impact Russia’s operations and will “burn” like other Western armored vehicles. AWC
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday that the Turkish parliament will ratify Sweden’s NATO membership as long as the US follows through on its plans to sell Turkey F-16 fighter jets. AWC
President Biden is hosting Pacific Island leaders for a second annual summit in Washington that’s part of his administration’s strategy to counter China in the Asia Pacific. AWC
The Philippines is taking steps to retake Scarborough Shoal, a disputed chain of rocks and reefs in the South China Sea that has been effectively controlled by China since 2012. AWC
Middle East
Israeli Tourism Minister Haim Katz arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for a UN conference, making him the first senior Israeli official to publicly visit the Kingdom, which comes as the US is pushing for a Saudi-Israeli normalization deal. AWC
After weeks of clashes between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Arab tribesman aligned with Deir Ezzor Military Council (DEMC), the SDF has imposed a curfew following a resumption of fighting on Monday. These ethnic tensions are boiling over in eastern Syria’s Deir Ezzor province, illegally occupied by the US and its SDF partners, as the Arab majority resists Kurdish rule. The Institute
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Someone asked me for Gavruss scenarios and I'll get to that, but I want to infodump about the dynamic first.
Gavin starts the show stuck in a positive feedback cycle. The experiences he's lived and the way he was raised formed his beliefs, his beliefs affect the way he treats people, the way he treats people re-enforce his beliefs. His parents died in a tragic meta accident; Michelle told him it was her fault for being an out-of-control meta and that metas are monsters because people are inherently bad; Gavin is rude and somehow racist to both sides of the meta coin at once; this makes people (reasonably!) snap back at him (like Isabella), proving his point in his own mind.
Russel is kind and forgiving to a fault. Cassie Shoal is the perfect example of this. She tries to kill him multiple times, he saves her life, and when she says she still has to hunt him down, he doesn't put up much of a fight about it. It's one of his biggest flaws— but it's also one of his greatest strengths. Russel is the only person able to get through to Gavin, listening patiently to his side of the story and pointing out the flaws in it gently. He makes Gavin mark Insecure; he kicks off that arc of doubting Michelle's teachings. (Important to note that Benji is the other person to show Gavin kindness, and this becomes REAL important later. Vika doesn't count; flirting bordering on harassing is not kindness.)
Russel's lawful good boy -> ACAB arc is one of the most well-written slowburns in any piece of media. And AGAIN, it's through his kindness to Gavin, his desire to work things out peacefully if at all possible, that make Gavin start going down the same path. Gavin starts questioning the police's motives and thinking critically about Valor Force.
Something important to me about the Dynamic (TM) is that the seeds of gay were there at the beginning, and that started Gavin's willingness to listen to Russel and thinking about what he said, but after that Gavin's arc took off on its own. It's NOT a matter of "love fixed him," but a matter of "love nudged him in the right direction." I think Gavin fixed himself, with a lot of hard work and sleepless nights wondering if everything he's ever believed was a lie.
It's also just an objectively very funny ship. We haven't had a symbol of gay stronger than the Boltcutters™ since RadioShack.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Crotone, Italy — Rescue teams pulled another body from the sea on Tuesday, bringing the death toll from Italy's latest migration tragedy to 64, as prosecutors identified suspected smugglers who allegedly charged 8,000 euros (nearly $8,500) each for the "voyage of death" from Turkey to Italy. Premier Giorgia Meloni sent a letter to European leaders demanding quick action to respond to the migration crisis, insisting that only way to deal with it seriously and humanely is to stop migrants from risking their lives on dangerous sea crossings.   "The point is, the more people who set off, the more people risk dying," she told RAI state television late Monday.   At least 64 people, including eight children, died when their overcrowded wooden boat slammed into the shoals just a few hundred meters off Italy's Calabrian coast and broke apart early Sunday in rough seas. Eighty people survived, but dozens more are feared dead since survivors indicated the boat had carried about 170 people when it set off last week from Izmir, Turkey.
Aid groups at the scene have said many of the passengers hailed from Afghanistan, including entire families, as well as from Pakistan, Syria and Iraq. Rescue teams pulled one body from the sea on Tuesday morning, bringing the death toll to 64, said Andrea Mortato, of the firefighter divers unit. Crotone prosecutor Giuseppe Capoccia confirmed investigators had identified three suspected smugglers, a Turk and two Pakistani nationals. A second Turk is believed to have escaped or died in the wreck.   Italy's customs police said in a statement that crossing organizers charged 8,000 euros each for the "voyage of death."
As CBS News correspondent Seth Doane reported, the latest migrant boat tragedy on European shores stoked a roiling debate over how best to address the refugee and migrant crisis facing the continent. Italy's relatively new, staunchly right-wing government has been criticized by the United Nations and many migrant advocacy groups for adopting policies that inhibit charities from rescuing people from crippled boats in the Mediterranean.
Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi pushed back strongly at suggestions that the rescue was delayed or affected by government policy discouraging aid groups from staying at sea to rescue migrants, however.   The EU border agency Frontex has said its aircraft spotted the boat off Crotone late Saturday and alerted Italian authorities. Italy sent out two patrol vessels, but they had to turn back because of the poor weather. The rescue operation then went out early Sunday after the boat had splintered.   "There was no delay," Piantedosi said. "Everything possible was done in absolutely prohibitive sea conditions."   Meloni's government — Italy's most far-right leadership since the days of dictator Benito Mussolini — swept elections last year in part on promises to crack down on migration. 
During its first months in power, the government has concentrated on complicating efforts by humanitarian boats that had long carried out rescue operations in the central Mediterranean by assigning them ports of disembarkation along Italy's northern coasts. That means the vessels need more time to return to the sea after bringing migrants aboard and taking them safely to shore.
Piantedosi noted to newspaper Corriere della Sera that aid groups don't normally operate in the area of Sunday's shipwreck, which occurred off the Calabrian coast in the Ionian Sea. Rather, the aid groups tend to operate in the central Mediterranean, rescuing migrants who set off from Libya or Tunisia.
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