#critical illness cover uk
digitaltechpro · 5 months
5 Common Questions About Critical Illness Insurance
Very few people in Bangladesh have adequate financial preparation for critical illness. Here, most of the people who take life insurance policies consider the financial benefits more than the health coverage. A person can reduce the medical expenses of unexpected physical illness by taking critical illness insurance coverage. What is Critical Illness Insurance? Complex physical illnesses that…
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Today - May 22nd, 1989, 'The Miracle" album released in the UK.
This album was originally titled “The Invisible Men”, as a riposte to their critics and because it appeared nearly three years after 'A Kind Of Magic' album (1986)
Reached no 1, on chart for 32 weeks, achieved Platinum status
🔸Queen's thirteenth studio album was recorded at Olympic and Townhouse Studios in London, and Mountain studios in Montreux, between January 1988 and January 1989. It was produced by the band with David Richards, who also engineered the sessions with the help of various assistants. Having spent considerable time with the band on both Queen various solo ventures, Richards was now a permanent fixture on sessions and would remain so through to the final songs Freddie recorded in 1991.
For the very first time on a Queen album, all the songs (and subsequent single B-sides) were credited as written by the band collectively, regardless of the actual author.
The striking cover artwork for the album was based on a concept conceived by Queen and represents the unity of the band; a seamless merging of four people becoming one. This was, after all, during the period when the Queen members were pulling together closely beneath a veil of secrecy in dealing with Freddie's deteriorating illness. Indeed, there was the very real likelihood during these sessions that Freddie would not be around to complete the work. The band closed ranks like never before to focus on the work ahead and in order that nothing deterred them from their course. The four faces morphed into one on the cover, captures this feeling and remains today one of Queen’s most admired and universally recognised images. The startling back cover took the idea a step further, with a seamless regimented montage of just the band's eyes.
Although there were rumors that a tour would be announced following the release of the album, sadly, for reasons that are now obvious, this was not to be. In May 1989 the band recorded a special interview for BBC Radio One in which Freddie explained to Mike Read that it was he who didn't want to tour. “We've been there and done that”, he said, and now the time had come for Queen to break the relentless 'album, tour, album, tour' routine.
Freddie went so far as to say that at his age he didn't feel he should be running around a stage in a leotard any more.
To continue on 👇
Pic: Queen, Press shot from the Miracle photo shoot.
Shot at Olympic Studios in barns
📸 Photographer © Simon Fowler
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
I wouldn’t mind hearing your thoughts on the reality tv fic research you’re doing, if you had any thoughts or observations you wanted to share, be they fic-related or otherwise 🌹
So the reality TV fic is really the first chapter/prologue of a longer fic that covers Jamie's reintegration into the team and developing friendship with Sam in the first half of season 2, while also having some complicated feelings about Amsterdam and his time on Lust Conquers All as Sam and Jan rope him into their effort to get the player auction during at the charity gala changed to something less terrible. While I don't necessarily think Jamie's experience on LCA was itself traumatic, the structure of reality dating shows might poke at some sore spots in a way he might not consciously register, same as the auction did in season 1. 
Unhinged ramble on reality TV dating and how it might affect Jamie under the read more:
(My research was mainly focused on Love Island UK, the real-world equivalent of LCA; however, some of the rules, filming practices, ect. are based on industry norms that I don't know for 100% certain apply to this show) 
There are some aspects of the reality TV experience that Jamie would likely be better equipped to handle than most contestants — while the producers do go out and scout people and I gather that some (or possibly most) of them are social media "micro-influencers," one of the main things they tend to struggle with is not only the sudden rise to fame and the volume of criticism that comes with it, but the fact that it's very temporary fame and they have to reintegrate into regular life and a regular job afterwards. Jamie struggles with depression after leaving LCA, but he clearly didn't put the same stock in it as a career move as most contestants do — his depression is tied to his football career (or rather, his temporary lack thereof) and his dad; LCA was primarily a way to get away from James rather than something he was invested in for its own merits or that he likely expected to have much of an impact on his life in the long term.
He also has an advantage when it comes to contract negotiations. Reality TV contracts are extremely extensive and typically involve the contestants waiving the right to sue in the event of... basically any kind of harm (emotional/psychological distress, injury, illness, death, ect), as well as their right to privacy — many shows specify that they have hidden cameras and microphones throughout the entire house, including areas like bedrooms and even bathrooms, and that they can use, edit, ect. anything they record however they want, including frankenbiting, ie cutting together snippets of audio to form sentences that the contestants never actually said — and their contact with the outside world, as contestants aren't allowed to keep their phones or go on social media. They also often tie the contestants to the production company for several months afterwards, which may involve doing public appearances or even restricting activities related to the show (this is less relevant for something like LCA, but American Idol season 2 contracts didn't let contestants sing anywhere outside the show, even at like. private gatherings with friends and family).
I imagine Jamie's contract would include a lot of these same rules, but unlike most contestants, he has an agent (even if we know the agent kind of sucks) who may have gotten him better terms. That being said, based on the way his agent talks about him going on LCA in 2x02, there is a distinct possibility that he signed on as an impulse decision and actually didn't have anyone look over the contract, so really whether or not he had an advantage here depends on how pre-meditated his decision was at the time. Another area where he has an advantage is purely demographic: he's a white man, and reality dating shows have a massive problem with racism and sexism that affects casting, how the contestants are framed once they're on the show, and even voting behaviour. 
Prospective cast members undergo a very thorough vetting process that involves a background check, medical exam, psychological evaluation, and interviews with basically everyone they've ever talked to, it seems like. How effective the psych eval is in rooting out people who are likely to be negatively affected by the show is debatable — I read an interview with a former contestant on the Bachelor who said she suspects she was chosen because she was emotionally fragile after a recent breakup with her fiancé — and they seem to be more geared towards keeping people off the show who are likely to be physically violent with the other contestants. Jamie fits the profile of someone who might be chosen pretty well, actually: he's combative and has a big enough personality to be involved in drama, but he doesn't actually start physical fights. 
Once contestants arrive, their belongings are searched for any contraband alcohol or drugs, as well as clothes with logos from non-sponsor brands. Shows generally don't allow them to keep their phones or other electronics — Love Island contestants have cellphones that they sometimes use to take pictures and where they instructions via text, but these don't appear to be their own personal phones. (Sometimes contestants appear to be posting on social media during the season, but it's actually someone else running their account.) They're also not allowed to leave the villa except on scheduled dates (some shows do allow the contestants out, but they have to ask permission first). This is... kind of creepy, honestly, but I suspect that with James being on Jamie's case the way he was after he came back to Manchester, the lack of contact with the outside world may have been part of what appealed to him.
Life in the villa is very regimented: two producers live there with them and the contestants are told when to eat and when to sleep. This is another area that Jamie might cope with better than the average contestant, since he'd be used to working with nutritionists and generally having many more aspects of his life than the general person planned out, and the dietary restrictions are likely less strict. While conversations aren't scripted, contestants are often told to go to a specific location and to have a conversation with a specific person about a specific topic, which produces the slightly odd effect that, especially in the first couple of episodes, they spent all their time analyzing their relationships/prospective relationships with people they just met and barely know. I suspect this might be part of why it's hard to build sustainable romantic relationships in this environment — obviously communicating about what everyone wants in a relationship is good, but it doesn't allow for the regular conversations that make up most of the process of getting to know and like another person.
Which brings us to: kayfabe. Kayfabe is a wrestling term which refers to the implicit agreement between wrestlers and their fans to act as though the staged performances are authentic. Part of what I suspected tripped Jamie up during his stint on LCA and got him kicked off is that he's... not great at this part. He'd probably have some form of PR training and he has experience doing brand deals, but ultimately footballers don't have to pretend they're doing anything other than trying to win. Reality dating contestants can't say that they're there to build their brand or win the cash prize; the only motivation they can publicly acknowledge (not contractually, just in terms of coming off well to the audience) is finding love, and I suspect that Jamie was maybe a bit more obvious than he should have been about the fact that he approached it as a competition more than as an opportunity to find a relationship, which I don't think he was actually interested in at that point (or at any point, for the aro Jamie truthers among us).
There's also a bit of a tension between the producers' putative goal of capturing authentic reactions and creating certain storylines. The result is that they try to elicit certain reactions during the talking head interviews without stating outright what they want the contestant to say, and I suspect Jamie and the producers would find each other frustrating to deal with given his blunt approach to social interaction and difficulty with subtext and other forms of indirect communication. Similarly, interactions between the contestants — particularly the contestants of opposite genders — are governed by a set of extremely heteronormative social norms in which the contestants reaffirm their relationships through by, for instance, acting jealous or worried when their current partner is talking to another person as a sign that they're serious about the relationship. In addition to just generally not being a sexist dick even in his prick era, he is, again, just not that great with subtext. Ultimately, I think Jamie attracts the public's ire because he's too obvious about the fact that he's approaching LCA as a game to be won — while viewers are generally aware that reality TV is constructed, the contestants acknowledging that damages their popularity.
And now onto the potentially triggering stuff. First up: the alcohol. Most reality dating shows involve a lot of drinking, although instances of light drinking (eg sipping on champaign, drinking beer on dates) are generally more common than heavy drinking like taking shots or the contestants being shown to be very drunk, though it does happen. Some shows have an open bar, while others control the consumption of alcohol more closely and only give the contestants one bottle at a time. Contestants on Love Island are often shown drinking (usually champaign, or at least something in champaign flutes) from what appears to be an open bar, but I'm not sure which approach they actually use. I've seen some former contestants (on The Bachelor, not Love Island) attribute the frequency with which everyone drinks to the fact that they don't really have anything to do besides interact with the other contestants, get involved in drama, and drink — they don't have personal electronics, obviously, but they also aren't allowed to bring books or other forms of entertainment. Jamie does drink in canon and he goes out clubbing with his teammates, but the consistency with which everyone is drinking and the potential pressure to drink more himself as a result might make it feel a bit more fraught, particularly if part of the reason he doesn't remember losing his virginity in Amsterdam is because James forced him to drink.
Second: consent in reality dating shows is... weird. Once they sign the contract and enter the villa, the contestants pushed — though not technically legally required — to engage in various forms of intimacy which in any other situation would be considered pretty clear violations of their consent. Couples are formed unilaterally: in the season of Love Island that I watched (season 8), the initial couples were chosen by the voting public, and couples are re-formed in ceremonies in which, for instance, a newly arrived man choses between the two single women and the one who isn't chosen is sent home (or vice versa). In essence, only one member of the couple (or neither, in the case of public voting) actually has a say in whether they want to be with the other person. These couples then sleep in the same bed (in a room they share with all the other contestants), and the challenges similarly often involve one contestant choosing another to kiss, offer a lap dance, demonstrate their favourite sexual position, or perform other forms of intimacy (these examples are all from the first challenge of the first episode of season 8). In essence, while the contestants could technically refuse, they probably also wouldn't be on the show for long, and the whole thing is very much built on the presumption of consent to these more "mild" forms of intimacy. 
Other Things: 
Part way through, the men are sent to a different villa where they meet a new set of women, while the women stay at the original villa and meet a new set of men. I imagine the Jamie cheating on Amy with Denise in a hot tub incident probably occurred during something like this. 
For some reason the announcer always calls them "boys" and "girls." He does it for both genders so at least it's not sexist, but I still don't like it. 
If you want to read more about consent in reality TV dating, I found this chapter very interesting: Sreyashi Mukherjee and Dacia Pajé, "'You Can't Force Someone to Want You': Investigating Consent, Tokenism, and Play in Reality Dating Shows," in The Forgotten Victims of Sexual Violence in Film, Television and New Media: Turning to the Margins, ed. Stephanie Patrick and Mythili Rajiva (Palgrave Macmillan) [tried to attach the pdf but I got it through institutional access from my university and it won't let me 😞)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Why Birmingham probably will host the Invictus Games in 2027 by u/Mickleborough
Why Birmingham probably will host the Invictus Games in 2027 Basically: No other city has put in a bid to date: Daily Mail archived / unarchivedThe British Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs seems to be an admirer of Harry, and may or may not have played a part in this.Harry and the Invictus bosses will decide later this year which will be the host city. That’ll be a quick meeting.The UK taxpayers, via the Government, has guaranteed the £26 million / $33.1 million cost of the Meghan Show. There’s been some criticism as the Armed Forces is underfunded, yet there’s money to watch Meghan parade in a series of inappropriate, ill-fitting, and unironed outfits.The linked article had some interesting disclosures about the Games and security:- About 25% of the costs is spent on security; accommodation; and ‘associated events’. Query what the other 75% goes on. The Hague was estimated to have cost £22 million / $28 million; Düsseldorf £24 million / $30.56 million.- In terms of security - it’s believed that, in The Hague, the Dutch government and royal family covered the Sussexes’ security costs. In Düsseldorf, the Sussexes had to pay for their own security outside the venue. In the UK, the practice with similar events would mean that - like in Germany - the Sussexes are responsible for their security outside the venues. However, there’s nothing to stop them demanding that the Government pay for it.It’ll be interesting to see if the Royal Family will recognise this. They’ll probably send a representative. post link: https://ift.tt/1mdtYc0 author: Mickleborough submitted: March 17, 2024 at 10:25PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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tltw-wrestling · 11 months
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The Love That Whirls, An Introduction
One of my biggest loves is women's pro wrestling. Ever since the early 2000s when I started watching wrestling, I was amazed by the women who found their way to the top. I loved Lita and Trish Stratus and was floored by how incredible the Gail Kim and Awesome Kong feud was. However, with the lack of exploratory knowledge of the Internet and lack of critical research I missed out on the best of the best from that time that had happened outside of major promotions and what little from Japan I knew about. I ended up falling away from really diving deep into it. I had seen the rise of 4 horsewomen of NXT and learned more and more about STARDOM as it grew in popularity. Social media helped give me glimpses of Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling (TJPW) and other smaller joshi promotions. AEW also helped with giving me exposure to the international scene, as well as the ill-fated NXT UK. Though, I never REALLY stayed focused on women's wrestling.
In 2023 however, I started watching TJPW more seriously. I wanted to really dive deeper after being inspired watching old joshi matches and video essays about the modern scene. I was also seeing American independent wrestlers I was familiar with participating in TJPW shows. So, I borrowed my friend's Wrestle Universe account and watched TJPW Grand Princess '23. I was amazed by how much fun I had watching, and wanted more. Not just more of TJPW, but I wanted to pay more attention to STARDOM, Marvelous, Sendai Girls, Pure-J, anything women's wrestling I could find. I initially included that with paying attention to more wrestling overall, and was rating matches across the board I enjoyed. Then it dawned on me that while I know that men's wrestling could be great, I was just losing immense amounts of interest. Especially in American wrestling and New Japan. Meanwhile, I was drawn back again and again to the women.
I started with deep diving into TJPW, STARDOM and as much of the American scene that was available to me (AEW, WWE, ROH, Impact and various others). I've put money into WRESTLE UNIVERSE, Marvelous and PURE-J. I got into Actwres Girl'Z, OZ Academy, WAVE and Sendai Girls. I know far more about the current picture than I did in March when I started. This has led me to wanting to not just rate matches or throw a few quick opinions out on Elon's hellhole or anywhere else. I decided that I should really consider covering the women's wrestling scene.
That's where this blog comes in.
While I am not ready to get started yet, I am looking to get fully invested in taking in as much women's wrestling as I can next year. I want a fresh start in January, and cover everything. These women bust their butts, and I want to just appreciate it and tell everyone all about it. From Tokyo Dome week to WrestleMania weekend, from the theaters and clubhouses in America to Arena Mexico. Wherever there is women's wrestling, I want to see it and tell you about it. On top of that, I want to deliver my thoughts on classics from time to time.
The Love That Whirls will be a new venture for me, but I want to try and bring the Internet the best writing I can produce about what I am passionate about. I can't just scream from the rooftops or post loudly from social media to watch things. I have to get as much of what I watch out there for the world to see, and learn about scenes I am less familiar with new and old. The importance of women's wrestling can only be shown if given the love and attention it deserves, and that's what I promise to deliver.
See y'all soon. I might post a classic review or two before the year gets started and offer a look back at 2023 if time allows.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'THE BBC is under pressure today to apologise to Irish actor Andrew Scott after he was asked an “inappropriate” question about Barry Keoghan’s package at the Baftas.
Dubliner Barry was up for a gong for hit movie Saltburn.
And one of the standout moments in the flick sees him dancing naked through an empty house soundtracked by Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s classic pop hit Murder on the Dancefloor.
But there was anger on the red carpet at the Baftas when Andrew was asked about the dance by BBC entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson.
In a clip of the interview posted online, the BBC man asked the Irish star ”how well” he knows Barry and for his reaction when he saw “the naked dance at the end of Saltburn?”
However the BBC interviewer then continued: “There is a lot of talk about prosthetics. How well do you know him?”
To which an uncomfortable Andrew responds, waving the question away: “Too much, too much.”
Newstalk Reporter, Henry McKean, who was in London covering the awards at London’s Royal Festival Hall, claimed the incident cost other media their chance of talking to Andrew on the red carpet.
Henry told The Irish Sun: “Andrew walked away from us and I think he was annoyed over being asked such a lazy question. It was inappropriate.
“It was a bad line of questioning. It was one ill thought out question. Andrew clearly looked uncomfortable.
“I think this is one of the reasons why Cillian Murphy is gone off red carpets because sometimes journalists do ask silly questions.
“He could have asked Andrew Scott about Andrew Scott and the nominated perfect film All of Us Strangers. Not about Barry Keoghan’s package.”
UK theatre critic Mark Shenton added: “How utterly embarrassing is this BBC red carpet interview with the brilliant Andrew Scott.
“Andrew handles it with supreme tact – but why was he even asked this?”
Andrew was re-united with All Of Us Strangers co-star Paul Mescal, to present the Bafta for Best Animated Film during Sunday’s ceremony.
The BBC did not respond for comment.'
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senjuushi · 2 years
Enfield Card Info
“Antique Gun”
Soul Gun: The Pride of Inherited History
Inflicts 3.6x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.
Skill: Hammer Shot
Inflicts 1.8x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy. 
Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
Trait 2: Safety Guarantee
Each time an enemy is defeated, Defense increases by 2.2% (Max. 4%), Max. 5 enemies.
. . .
“Be Noble”
Soul Gun: Be Noble, Be Heroic
Inflicts 4.2x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.
Skill: One Thorn, One Shot
Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy. 
Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
Trait 2: Stand Firm
When HP is less than 50%, Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
. . .
“Therefore, Love is Declared in Darkness”
Soul Gun: Be Noble, Be Heroic
Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.
Skill: One Thorn, One Shot
Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy. 
Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
Trait 2: Stand Firm
When HP is less than 50%, Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
Card Commentary: 
This is the fragment of a distant memory. A tale of the days in England. Instructing the wayward is the duty of the noble. In the cover of darkness, Enfield fulfills the duties of brotherhood. 
“No, that won’t do. You must follow my orders.”
Soul Gun Commentary: 
“Behave yourself. Behave yourself, I say. That way, I won’t have to punish you.”
...the young man, alone and with a noble heart, calls his feelings love. 
. . .
“The Unknown Smile’s Meaning”
Soul Gun: The Pride of Inherited History
Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.
Skill: Hammer Shot
Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy. 
Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).
Trait 2: Safety Guarantee
Each time an enemy is defeated, Defense increases by 2.2% (Max. 4%), Max. 5 enemies.
Card Commentary: 
Enfield. In the castle of mist, he’s well-known as a courteous and honorable young man. He is deeply loyal to the British Empire, and his conduct is undoubtedly noble. Today as well, he cares for his ill-tempered younger brother— and yet, even now, no one knows what truly lies behind his smile. 
Soul Gun Commentary: 
Could anything be a greater source of pride and happiness than being the cornerstone of the British Empire’s grand history? Senpai, please keep watching me. I am the gun that succeeds you; a masterpiece of a muzzle-loader! 
. . .
“Labyrinth -THE TOWER-”
Inflicts 4.32x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy, and decreases target’s defense by 10% (20 sec). 
Skill: Decapitation Quick-Shot
Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.
Trait 1: Homeland Insight: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Critical rate increases by 22% (Max. 40%).
Trait 2: Britannia’s Lance
England Group units’ Attack is increased by 11% (Max 20%). 
Card Commentary: 
Even though my brother’s existence is troublesome and stressful, I can still stand like this, with my back to his. It means that the tower destroyed by thunder can still be rebuilt.
Soul Gun Commentary: 
Fate points to the hand of the tower. Is it destruction or salvation? No need to worry. I’ll guide you to the correct path. Everything for your sake, my precious little brother. 
. . .
“Vivid Green Exorcist”
Soul Gun: Begone, Wicked One
Inflicts 6.4x damage to a single enemy. 
Skill: Divine Protection
Inflicts 2.16x damage to a single enemy, and increases allies’ Defense by 10% (10 sec). 
Trait 1: Battlefield Utilization: UK
When the battlefield is in England, Defence is increased by 22% (Max. 40%).
Trait 2: Oath of Tenacity 
Defense is increased by 16.5%. Remains standing with 1 HP when receiving an attack that would be a knock-out (once per battle).
Card Commentary: 
As a Noble Musketeer, you should push yourself to the limit of your abilities when faced with a crisis that threatens your Master’s life! Impressed by Enfield’s conviction, “someone” grants him the incredible power to eradicate evil spirits.
Soul Gun Commentary: 
Yes, leave it to my holy self! I shall consecrate and purify everything my precious Master tastes, touches, or wears! Yes, please rejoice! 
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: August 13, 1990
Oh-oh, yeah
To-do-do, oh-oh
These are the days of the open hand
They will not be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars and the choosers
This is the year of the hungry man
Whose place is in the past
Hand in hand with ignorance
And legitimate excuses
The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much but we'll take our chances
'Cause God's stopped keeping score
I guess somewhere along the way
He must have let us all out to play
Turned His back and all God's children
Crept out the back door
And it's hard to love
There's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above
Say it's much, too much, too late
Well, maybe we should all be praying for time
To-do-do, oh-oh
Mmm, whoa-whoa, yeah
These are the days of the empty hand
Oh, you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear twice a year
This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there is over here
So you scream from behind your door
Say what's mine is mine and not yours
I may have too much but I'll take my chances
'Cause God's stopped keeping score
And you cling to the things they sold you
Did you cover your eyes when they told you
That he can't come back 'cause he has no children
To come back for?
It's hard to love
There's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above
Say it's much too late
So maybe we should all be praying for time
Songwriter: George Michael
Oh-oh, yeah
"Praying for Time" is a song written and performed by British singer and songwriter George Michael, released on Epic Records in the United Kingdom and Columbia Records in the United States in 1990. It was the first single from his second studio album, 'Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1' (1990), spending one week at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100, making it Michael's seventh number one in the US and his last solo single to reach the top of the Hot 100. "Praying for Time" also reached number one in Canada for two weeks, becoming Michael's penultimate number-one solo hit there.
The song was Michael's first single in almost two years, entering the UK Singles Chart in August 1990. A dark and sombre reflection on social ills and injustice, it was hailed by many critics. The single peaked at number six in the UK, but it was his ninth number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The song remained in the Billboard top 40 for ten weeks. It was the first song of political motivation he had released as a single since his earliest days with Wham!.
After Michael's temporary move to Virgin in 1996, Sony Music re-made the video in a simplified CGI version, with a uniform black/grey background and no animations at all. This is the one most commonly available as of 2017, and as such it was released in the 2017 Deluxe Edition of the 'Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1' album.
While Michael refused to appear in videos to support the album, an experimental video clip directed by Michael Borofsky was released for "Praying for Time", featuring only the lyrics of the song with a blue and black background that, at the end of the clip, reveals itself to be the image on the cover of the album. Some of the written lyrics featured in the video are slightly animated:
The video quickly became a buzz clip on MTV, and stayed in rotation on most video networks for weeks. Similarly, the commercial single had no cover photo, only words. Some have speculated that the style of the video was influenced by Prince's similar promo clip for "Sign o' the Times" released three years previously.
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leprivatebanker · 24 days
FCA to probe potential rip-offs in UK pure protection insurance market
Financial regulator to examine whether customers receive poor value for products such as critical illness cover
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Finding the Right Life Insurance in the UK: A Guide To Top Providers and Mortgage Coverage
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Choosing the right life insurance policy is one of the most important decisions that one has to make towards the security of the family. The fact is that many providers offer different programs, so it is necessary to know the peculiarities of their products and what they can provide to the clients. First, let us consider some vital aspects when selecting the most suitable life insurance company, the current market of life insurance companies in the UK, and more on mortgage life insurance coverage.
Selecting the Best Life Insurance Company
Thus, when choosing the Best Life Insurance Provider, several important aspects should be taken into consideration, including insurance coverage, premiums, and other services. The best providers usually have a variety of products, which include term insurance, whole insurance, and universal insurance. They should also have easy payment plans and the possibility to adjust the policies according to your preferences.
It may also be helpful to read customer reviews and consult financial advisers when looking for a reliable life insurance company that provides comprehensive coverage.
UK Life Insurance Providers Overview
In the UK, there are numerous life insurance providers each with unique features and benefits. Among the top Life Insurance Providers U.K. are Aviva, Legal & General, and Prudential. All these companies have a reputation for being financially stable; they offer diverse products as well as having a good customer support department. Also, most of them add other benefits like critical illness cover to their schemes aimed at enhancing policyholder safety. Comparing different quotes and policies from several providers can help you get the right fit for your specific needs.
Explanation of Mortgage Life Insurance Cover
Mortgage Life Insurance Coverallows your mortgage to be paid off if you die so that your family can continue living in their home without worrying about money issues; it is known as mortgage protection insurance. Such type of an insurance plan is commonly referred to as a decreasing term policy because its amount reduces over time in line with the remaining balance on a mortgage. Some of the things that one should take into account while considering mortgage life insurance include how long the term will last, what the face value of the policy originally, and any other extra services provided by such type of cover.
To help enhance the customer’s offering, particularly when it comes to all-inclusive coverage, several life insurance companies in the UK provide mortgage life insurance in their array of products.
Selecting a suitable life insurance plan requires taking into account various factors; such as finding the best life insurer and comprehending what different players offer. One of these vital components is mortgage life insurance cover that will ensure your home is safe for your loved ones upon your demise. Thorough research on different providers and their policies followed by comparisons can guarantee you make a well-informed choice that suits your requirements best thus giving you peace of mind for yourself and your family members.
Finding the Right Life Insurance in the UK: A Guide To Top Providers and Mortgage Coverage
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digitaldiary123 · 3 months
EDIC Course
The EDIC course, or European Diploma in Intensive Care, is an advanced training program designed for healthcare professionals specializing in intensive care medicine. It offers a comprehensive curriculum covering essential topics such as critical care management, emergency procedures, and advanced life support techniques. The course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage critically ill patients in various clinical settings. EDIC certification is recognized internationally and is often pursued by doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in intensive care medicine.
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nsane29 · 3 months
What is Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness insurance is like a safety net for your health. Imagine you are playing a game and you have a power-up that helps you when things get really tough. Critical illness insurance is that power-up in real life. It gives you money if you get very sick with diseases like cancer, heart attacks, or stroke.
Why is it Important for NRIs?
NRIs, or Non-Resident Indians, are people who live outside of India but are originally from India. They often travel a lot and live in different countries. When you live away from home, it's harder to manage everything, especially if you get sick.
How Does It Work for NRIs?
First, you buy an insurance policy. This is like signing up for a plan that will help you if you get a serious illness. When NRIs buy critical illness insurance, they pay a little money every month or year. This is called a premium. Additionally, If NRIs gets very sick with a disease covered by the insurance, the insurance company gives them a big amount of money. NRIs can use this money to pay for your treatment, travel, or anything else you need. They can pay a little bit of money every month or year to keep the policy active.
Benefits of Critical Illness Insurance for NRIs
Peace of Mind: As NRIs, knowing that you have financial help if you get very sick makes you feel safe.
Helps with Medical Costs: Medical treatment can be very expensive in countries like the USA, UK, or Canada. The insurance helps pay these big bills.
Supports Your Family: If you can't work because you are sick, the money from the insurance helps take care of your family.
Flexible Usage: As NRIs, you can use the money for anything you need, like paying rent, buying medicine, or even travelling for treatment.
Tax Benefits: You might get some tax benefits in India for having this insurance.
Affordable Plans: Critical illness insurance can be more affordable than regular health insurance.
Critical illness insurance is very helpful for NRIs. It’s like having a strong friend who helps you when you are in big trouble. Just like you wear a helmet when you ride a bike to protect yourself, having critical illness insurance protects you from the financial problems that come with serious illnesses.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
UK Unemployment Rising Fastest Among OECD Countries, Analysis Shows
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The UK is experiencing the fastest rise in unemployment among the 38 richest countries, according to a new analysis by the Trades Union Congress (TUC). This comes a day before official labour market figures are expected to confirm another increase in joblessness in Britain. The TUC examined data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) covering the first three months of this year. The findings revealed that, apart from Costa Rica, the UK saw the highest rise in unemployment during this period. Every region in the UK has been affected by the increase in unemployment and the decrease in job vacancies. This situation highlights a disconnect in the labour market where employers are struggling to find workers with the right skills amid rising joblessness. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is set to publish new unemployment figures, which are anticipated to show a further rise in recent months. This could undermine Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s claims of robust economic growth. Last month, the ONS reported that the UK economy had exited last year’s recession, growing by 0.6% in the first quarter. Business leader surveys have shown rising confidence in economic growth, and consumer confidence has increased due to higher average disposable incomes. Despite these positive signs, employers are planning to reduce their workforce. Research by the Chartered Institute of Management (CMI) found that more UK employers were preparing for redundancies and hiring freezes in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year. The CMI survey of nearly 1,000 British managers revealed that 35% of organizations planned to either freeze (21%) or reduce (14%) recruitment in the next six months. This is a significant increase from 24% last year and 15% in the summer of 2022. When asked about the reasons for freezing or reducing recruitment, 60% of managers cited worsening revenues or rising costs, 55% pointed to organizational restructuring to cut costs, and 34% mentioned increased economic uncertainty. Additionally, 19% attributed the decision to higher staff pay, and 13% to the increased use of digital technology and automation. Public sector employers were more likely to plan staff reductions, with three-quarters attributing this to budget cuts. The research has heightened concerns among some Bank of England policymakers about the long-term economic outlook. The central bank’s monetary policy committee will meet later this month to discuss whether to lower interest rates from the current level of 5.25%. In its recent labour market report, the ONS noted a decline in job vacancies across the country, with a drop of 26,000 to 898,000 in the three months leading up to April. TUC general secretary Paul Nowak criticized the government, stating that the ONS figures and TUC analysis highlight "just how out of touch Rishi Sunak and his government are – and this complacency is costing Britain dear." He added, "The prime minister’s economic boasts are frankly laughable." The OECD, which includes countries like the US, France, Germany, Australia, and Japan, has urged politicians to invest in workforce skills to boost employment. Many workers left the labour market during the Covid-19 pandemic due to ill health, and the organization emphasizes the need for skills investment to address this issue. Read the full article
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easyloanhub · 4 months
Retirement Planning for Self-Employed Individuals
Retirement planning is very important for self-employed people in the UK. It can be harder without an employer pension plan. But you must still save money for your old days. There are some special challenges self-employed people face.
You need to pick the right pension options yourself. And you must make all the payments from your own income. It requires more work and self-discipline to save consistently.
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Personal Pension Plans
When you put money in, you do not pay tax. The full amount goes right into your pension savings pot. Your pension money can be put into different investments. You pick where it goes - stocks, bonds, funds and more.
Each year, you can change how much you want to add. Put in more if you are able that year. You do not need to fill out special tax forms. The tax relief on your pension contributions happens automatically.
Money invested for a pension may grow faster over time. No tax slowing growth means a higher potential for bigger savings. Personal pensions provide flexibility, tax benefits, and investment choices. This allows you to build retirement savings tax-efficiently as you wish.
Diversify Investments
It is wise to put your money in different places. This way, if one thing goes bad, you still have other investments.
Property in the UK can also be an investment. You will need cash for the down payment and other costs. There may be other ways to invest money in the UK. Look for options that fit your goals and risk levels.
The best idea is to have a nice mix of investments. Putting some money in stocks for growth, bonds for safety, and property can give rent income.
If you need help, consult a professional investment advisor. They can recommend a diversified portfolio suited to your specific situation. The consultation may cost you a hefty sum. In this case, get instant cash loans to cover it up. This way, you will get the best advice along with some secret pointers to help you garner massive profits.
Diversifying across different investment types and asset classes is wise. This provides balance and can help manage overall investment risk appropriately.
Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)
SIPPs are a special type of personal pension. They work like normal pensions. But you have much more control over investments.
But SIPPs also let you invest in other things too. You can put money into things like properties, land, and art. There are very few limits on SIPP investments. You have the freedom to invest in almost any allowable asset you want.
With a SIPP, you are fully self-invested. All investment decisions and responsibilities are yours to manage as you wish. Having full investment control means higher risk with a SIPP. However, it also means higher potential growth if invested well.
Since SIPP investments grow tax-free, higher returns can compound faster. This allows savings to become much larger over time. Before opening a SIPP, consider your investing experience and knowledge. You'll need to make wise decisions to maximise growth potential.
Stakeholder Pensions
With a stakeholder pension, you only need to pay a little bit. The minimum payment can be very small each month. The fees for a stakeholder pension are capped by law. The pension company cannot charge you more than allowed.
Because of the fee cap, stakeholder pensions tend to have lower costs. This means more of your money goes to your savings. You can take a stakeholder pension with you between jobs. The pension can move with you from employer to employer.
If your employer offers it, they can also pay for it in your plan. This helps you save even more for retirement. You can pay more or less into the pension yearly.
Protect Your Income
You can get special insurance for your income in the UK. This will pay you money if you cannot work due to illness or injury. Another option is critical illness coverage. This insurance pays out a lump sum if you get a serious illness like cancer or heart disease.
It is also wise to save up some extra money. Keep this money safe for times when you need it. Having cash set aside is very important. It lets you get by if your income stops for any reason. Build your savings little by little.
If you don't have cash saved up, there are loans to help. Some loans are made just for people with no job. Loans like loans for the unemployed from a direct lender need no middleman, which means a better deal and lower fees. These loans are made for tough times with no income. The lenders know your situation and will work with you.
Do not wait to start your retirement savings if you are self-employed. The earlier you begin, the more time compounding can work its magic. Paying yourself first is a top priority from day one. This allows for decades of tax-advantaged growth potential.
With wise pension choices and diligent saving, self-employment can fund an enjoyable retirement. But the right planning is crucial for getting there. Protecting your income is so vital. Your money pays for the life you want. Taking steps now can prevent big troubles later on.
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careskillstraining · 5 months
Palliative Care Expenses Unveiled
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Palliative care is a crucial aspect of healthcare that focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals facing serious illnesses. While it offers invaluable support to patients and their families during challenging times, one common concern that arises is who bears the financial burden of palliative care in the UK.
What is Palliative Care, and Who Needs It?
Palliative care is a holistic approach to healthcare that aims to relieve the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. It is not limited to end-of-life care but can be provided at any stage of a chronic illness to alleviate pain, manage symptoms, and offer emotional and spiritual support.
This form of care is suitable for individuals diagnosed with terminal illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, or neurodegenerative disorders, as well as those with chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Understanding the Costs of Palliative Care
Palliative care encompasses various medical, social, and emotional services, which can incur significant expenses. The costs may include:
Medical Services: This includes doctor consultations, medications, medical equipment, and treatments aimed at managing symptoms and improving comfort.
Non-Medical Services: Palliative care also involves social services such as counselling, spiritual support, and assistance with daily activities.
Facility Costs: Depending on the level of care required, patients may receive palliative care at home, in a hospice, or in a hospital, each with associated costs.
Who Pays for Palliative Care in the UK?
In the UK, palliative care is predominantly funded by the National Health Service (NHS), ensuring that individuals have access to essential end-of-life services regardless of their ability to pay. NHS-funded palliative care typically covers medical treatments, hospice care, and certain support services.
Additionally, individuals may be eligible for financial assistance through benefits such as:
Attendance Allowance: A non-means-tested benefit for individuals over 65 who need help with personal care due to illness or disability.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP): This provides financial support to people aged 16 to State Pension age who have a long-term health condition or disability.
Financial Support Options for Palliative Care
Aside from NHS funding and government benefits, there are other avenues of financial support available to help cover palliative care costs:
Charitable Organizations: Numerous charities offer financial assistance and support services to individuals receiving palliative care and their families.
Insurance Policies: Private health insurance or critical illness policies may cover certain aspects of palliative care, depending on the terms and conditions of the policy.
Personal Savings and Investments: Planning ahead and setting aside funds for future care needs can help mitigate the financial burden on individuals and their families.
Planning Ahead: Palliative Care and Financial Preparations
Given the unpredictability of serious illnesses, it's essential to plan ahead and consider financial preparations for palliative care:
Advance Care Planning: Discussing end-of-life wishes and preferences with loved ones and healthcare providers can ensure that the appropriate care and support are in place when needed.
Financial Planning: Seeking advice from financial advisors or exploring options such as setting up a lasting power of attorney (LPA) can help manage financial affairs and ensure that funds are available for palliative care expenses.
In conclusion, while the cost of palliative care in the UK can be significant, various avenues of financial support are available to alleviate the burden on individuals and their families. By understanding the funding options and planning ahead, individuals can access the necessary care and support without added financial strain.
Ready to learn more about providing quality care? Explore our comprehensive Care Certificate Standard 3: Duty of Care course to enhance your skills and knowledge in the healthcare field.
For more informative articles on healthcare and caregiving, visit our blog.
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alisondentaldesign · 5 months
Securing Your Future: Exploring UK Protection with IHC Insurance Brokers
In an uncertain world, safeguarding our health, wealth, and well-being is paramount. As life unfolds with its unpredictable twists and turns, having comprehensive protection in place is essential for peace of mind and financial security. Enter IHC Insurance Brokers, a trusted ally in the realm of insurance, offering bespoke solutions to meet the diverse needs of individuals and families across the UK.
At IHC Insurance Brokers, protection goes beyond mere policies; it's about crafting personalized strategies tailored to each client's unique circumstances and aspirations. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, their team of seasoned professionals guide clients through the intricacies of insurance, empowering them to make informed decisions and secure their future with confidence.
One of the cornerstones of UK protection with IHC Insurance Brokers is their unwavering dedication to client-centric service. From the initial consultation to ongoing support, clients are met with professionalism, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand their needs. Whether it's safeguarding loved ones with life insurance, shielding assets with income protection, or preparing for the unexpected with critical illness cover, the team at IHC Insurance Brokers stands ready to provide tailored solutions that align with each client's goals and priorities.
Moreover, IHC Insurance Brokers prides itself on its extensive network and industry expertise, allowing them to access a wide range of insurance products from leading providers across the UK. This ensures that clients have access to competitive rates and comprehensive coverage options, giving them the flexibility to choose policies that suit their budget and lifestyle.
In addition to traditional insurance offerings, IHC Insurance Brokers also specializes in niche areas such as international health insurance, travel insurance, and expatriate insurance. Whether clients are seeking coverage for overseas adventures or relocating abroad for work or retirement, IHC Insurance Brokers offers tailored solutions to meet their unique requirements, providing peace of mind no matter where life takes them.
Furthermore, the commitment to transparency and integrity sets IHC Insurance Brokers apart as a trusted partner in the realm of insurance. Clients can expect clear communication, honest advice, and full disclosure of terms and conditions, ensuring that they have a thorough understanding of their coverage and rights.
In conclusion, for those seeking comprehensive protection and personalized service, IHC Insurance Brokers stands as a beacon of reliability and excellence in the UK insurance landscape. With their expertise, commitment to client satisfaction, and diverse range of insurance solutions, they offer a pathway to peace of mind and financial security. Trust IHC Insurance Brokers to safeguard your future and provide the protection you need to thrive in an ever-changing world.
IHC Ltd 1-2 Bolt Court London EC4A 3DQ Phone: +44 (0)20 7353 4099 Email: [email protected] Broker - Insurance Broker London - Medical Insurance (ihc.co.uk)
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