#cringe is dead be free
abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
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what if... we snuck around the fancy part of Ul'dah and made out in dark corners
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porcelain-rob0t · 9 months
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on identity, healing the inner child, fursonas, and cringe culture
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snakeautistic · 3 months
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Me pondering whether or not to out myself as silly with it
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nostalgicish · 7 months
say “yeah this book was so good it changed my life” and no one bats an eye
say “yeah this fan fic was so good it changed my life” and society goes wild
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so-very-small · 3 months
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enders-redemption · 5 months
rdr fan culture is playing the game, looking at so many posts, and reading so much fanfiction that arthur’s dialect unironically starts slipping into your every day vernacular
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quotidianish · 10 months
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I’m shadowbanned who cares what I post. CRINGEPOSTING SPREE!!!!!! og survive the horrors under cut ‼️
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klancerion · 18 days
To kindly tell the students at my school to fuck off with their homophobic and disgusting asses, I am making Alterhuman/Otherkin/Therian/Fictokin, LGBTQIAT+, agereg + petreg, AND ANYTHING ELSE BRACELETS THAT I WILL WEAR AROUND ON THE FIRST DAY AND FOR THE WHOLE YEAR.
So send me anything YOU want to be made into a bracelet (Theriotype, Kintype, Xenogenders, Sexualities that defy the ‘norm’, literally anything), so I can tell the people at my school that I am the “cringiest” person at school and so other people feeling denied for being themselves knows I’m safe.
WIP(S): Monster high bracelets with pride colors Alien in disguise bracelet Catgender + doggender bracelet Queer doggo bracelet Aroace dragon bracelet Queer vampire bracelet Raccoon in disguise bracelet Neucreature bracelet with star themes Queer and plural + Autistic pride bracelet Bisexual aardwolf bracelet Rawr XD bracelet (completed) Stargender bracelet Melanie Martinez / Alex G bracelets Cathearted bracelet "you still think I'm human?" bracelet Computerkin bracelet UwU/OwO bracelet Outsiders bracelet Omengender bracelet Therian bracelet(s): (so far: Canadian Lynx) Transexpressive bracelet
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Fuck male validation and academic validation, I only want the little queer autistics on my phone (my Tumblr mutuals) to like my rambles. Call this Tumblr validation.
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whereserpentswalk · 8 months
I'm not a furry, but if someone hates or makes fun of furries that's a red flag.
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abyssalmermaiden · 6 months
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Turn your face away from the garish light of day Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light...
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i am not immune to main six polyamory
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jtkys · 11 months
I genuinely cannot express my hatred for people in the lgbtq who hate on the “2020 alt style”, the “cringe froggy mushroom obsessed kids”, the “hehe gremlin” people. Because what’s the purpose?? Especially when most of those “cringe” people are neurodivergent and younger, or new to expressing themselves and the lgbtq generally.
Genuinely, why do you feel the need to hate on them? I’m sure you were in their shoes once. You know? Wearing pride flags round, rainbow laces and bracelets, bunny hats, the “cringe 2020 alt fashion”, getting excited when you see ANYTHING pride related?? That’s self expression, queer joy, and you’re shaming them for it?? Because it’s “cringe”??
Please just take the second to remind yourself that you were them once. Surrounded by all these new and cool identities and new people who are just like you, why would they not want to be proud of who they are?? People who hate on “baby gays” that are only just finding out about themselves and looking more into different methods of self expression through style and behaviour truly will never have my trust.
It doesn’t matter if it’s “cringey” or “weird”, WE WERE LIKE THEM ONCE. Stop shaming people for expressing themselves, because that’s truly just dickriding behaviour. You just want to feel included in the hateful group of cishet, hateful neurotypicals. You just want to have the special title of “oh yeah they’re gay but not THAT type of gay..” be fucking for real. Grow up
What’s even worse is you guys are the same people who say “cringe culture is dead” and “I love emos!!!” STOP. JESUS CHRIST. STOP CHERRYPICKING.
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gobliniguess · 7 months
life is too short to be boring and embarrassed by everything,, liek wear that outfit your mom said looked bad on you!! Put on that tail you wanna wear!! Read that fanfic!! Watch that show,, be cringe! Express urself!!!! Be weird, be crazy, be u!!!!!!!
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derpu-doodles · 3 months
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Can't get my mind out of those memories Now time to tell them, "Don't take my dream"
basically I was listening to P4's Heaven while drawing and my brain immediately went "lmao what if we Third Semester Akechi,"
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the-edgy-fuckerz · 6 months
Psst if you're a weirdo or "cringe" I love u and keep being your amazing self <3
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