#criminal intent toronto
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months ago
CityTV Masterlist
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Hudson & Rex Masterlist
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Law & Order: Toronto Masterlist
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claires-audience · 11 months ago
Law and Order but its about my life and the detectives investigate my stupid decisions and call it
Law and Disorder
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year ago
I. Want. To. Vomit.
Bring back Bobby and Alex. Or better yet, let me do it and I'll give it a Blue Sky Era vibe that won't be out of place.
I can do it. I've done it. I've already got the script.
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echoing-locations · 10 months ago
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I really like Law and order Toronto, so take Graff and Bateman in my very inconsistent style
Ref photos 👇
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storiesofsvu · 1 year ago
it's thursday, lets round up law and order night
Just discovered I can select citytv toronto so I can watch this shit at 5pm. Fucking win. 
Okay, the way these eps are airing doesn’t make our hypothesis about the maddie case coming to canada to launch CO:TO make sense, we’ll see… 
Not shaw instantly knowing it’s a dating app 👀👀 
Jfc...word on my laptop doesnt want to open, im stuck doing this through safari, fuck i hate the way technology is changing... hoping it works later, i was planning on writing tonight. Ugh. 
Man, the way that receptionists/door staff is always all “hey! Excuse me! You can’t go back there” always makes me laugh, like, first off, how do the cops know where they’re going/that the person theyre looking for is actually back there?  
Why are there no lights on in this courtroom? Wtf? 
Nolan just tells sam to do all the work and then takes lead on all the cases, huh? 
The way this ep is going its lowkey looking like mccoy is getting fired/forced to retire, not doing it voluntarily lol. 
Lol, i give no shits if they fire nolan, just don’t touch my samantha bebe pls. 
Okay so they really are setting mccoy up to being fired, hey? 
All of these shows would be SO much better if they actually just acknowledged that they all exist in the same universe/city. Like... i’d love to see the same recurring cast members as the defence attorneys/judges/etc as the same characters in all three shows. Or like, have them mention each other, like in this ep they easily could have at least been like “hold on, I'll call benson, maybe she caught the case” no need to guest star, just mention it. Though they could guest star the other characters considering svu is only giving screen time to M and Ice... 
I am SO bored watching jack in court... where’s the spunk? 
There is way too much political shit that goes into this. Ugh.  
Also this send off is lame. They really couldnt have done it any better? The promos made me think it was some big celebratory thing... 
Yeah that was lame as shit. 
Alright... moment of truth.... is CI Toronto going to be good or absolute crap? 
Why is it tinted blue? This is like when shows “go to mexico” and they just tint the screen yellow. Do they think canada is blue tinted because of the snow/cold? 
Theme song does not slap. 
Where did my subtitles go?? 
Okay the liutenant is my faourite part so far. I like her. Female detective is on the fence for me right now, i don’t like the dude. 
Are they not carrying guns?? Does dick wolf think canadian cops don’t carry guns? Cause i assure you they do... 
LOL at the casual dropping of facts about characters we know nothing about. She has a kid, noted. 
... i stopped paying attention, i can’t lie. This isn’t terrible, but it isn’t great. We coulda had For the Defence... 
Okay, so like i said, not terrible, but i found it pretty boring.  
Moving on to SVU 
Okay this is clearly some kind of abduction situation going on. 
Velasco got a line! Yay! 
Wanna steal that plaid...ngl. 
“aren’t you a captain” THAT IS EXACTLY MY QUESTION, HOW DOES THIS SQUAD NOW HAVE TWO CAPTAINS??!! Make it make sense!! 
“and you needed a rollins” thank you fin for telling it like it is. 
Liv is off her fucking rocker man, like yeah, the kid on the train obvi needs help, and they should intervene and there is a slight chance that it is related to the maddie situation, but that’s the only thing she can see righ tnow and it’s not making for a good show. 
Say pittsburg one more time. I dare you. 
“it’s captain benson” uh... eileen called *her* why did that phone convo go like that? 
The delulu in this episode is stronger than my delulu imagining being married to fictional charaters jfc.. 
“happi burger” ?!?!? I'm having s9 flashbacks 
Aaaand a guest star that was on the show in the last year and a half is guest starring again... as a different character... not surprised. *sigh* (at the v least she’s acting her ass off and is good at what she does so...) 
Liv you have as many issues as this agent, don’t try and make her seem like she should open up to you lololol. 
“you sure youre not just projecting?” THANK YOU 
Thank fuck this gd maddie shit is finally done with. I am over it lol. 
Liv's out here just adopting rescues from all sorts of different departments temporarily, this doesn’t make any sense. 
Omg this OC flashback just made me so excited, all the amazing shit that happened last week LOL. 
Literally thought that old man was mcgrath.. 
I'm sorry... if i find something in a *bathroom* garbage can, the last thing I'm doing is putting it in my *mouth* 
Ayanna being all “gimmie!” about the stuffie is adorable. I may have to write some kind of fix it fic for her/this situation.... 
Okay that was lazy writing, Rita’s friend literally just basically repeated the exact same phrase twice... 
“no gps to pull from a camera” that is a straight up fucking lie. Both my point and shoot and my dslr have gps... 
This other tech guy working for them (ai guy?) he reminds me of kevin from crimi. Not sure if that’s just the over eager-second choice tech- guy vibes or if its something else... 
I don’t trust this bitch. At all. She's gotta be in on it. 
Hahahahaha elliot’s face when he walks in to jet and bobby in the room lol. 
This hate crimes guy is growing on me. 
Anyone else looking at the parallels of liv being hyperfocused on maddie and finding her, meanwhile elliot was so wrapped up with the Rita situation in the last season and now is so upset/lost about losing her... 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"ARREST OF three men today has led to a clean-up in the Royce Ave. bank robbery of 10 days ago, police claim. Hector LeBlanc (left) was picked up in an Toronto house while William Lake (right) and Stanley Scarfield were captured at Bartonville, a Hamilton suburb, wearing air force uniforms.
SMALL-SIZED arsenal was confiscated in the seizure of the men, including a Sten gun and a double-barrelled shotgun. Cash of $9,000 was also seized. Toronto bank was robbed of $12,549.
MAKES ARREST ON LAST DAY Detective John McArthur, serving his last day on the city police force before retiring on pension after 30 years' service, arrested Hector LeBlanc, one of the three men charged with robbing the Bank of Montreal branch on Royce Ave." - from the Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 2.
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"BANDIT GUNS confronted Elta McClellan (left) and Kathleen McLean when they arrived at the Royal Bank in Wheatley yesterday for work. The guns were held by five men who took $34,000 from the vault.
AT GUN-POINT, Miss Jean Tait, accountant, was prodded into opening the vault.
BANK MANAGER William Forshee, held captive with his wife throughout the night, stands at the door of the vault.
ROY HOPPER, 13, was one of the two boys who saw the men enter the bank manager's apartment.
HIS COMPANION was Ken Julien. 12. They never did sound a warning because they thought it was a "false alarm." - from the Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 25.
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"CHARGE THREE MEN WITH A ROYCE AVE. BANK ROBBERY," Toronto Star. September 11, 1943. Page 25. --- Two Are Nabbed in Bartonville and One in Toronto --- PAIR WORE WINGS ---- Arrests of three men at the point of drawn guns and the seizure of a Sten machine-gun, loaded revolvers and almost $9,000 in cash, was announced today at police headquarters. The three men are charged with machine-gun robbery of the Royce Ave., branch of the Bank of Montreal 10 days ago, when $12,549 was stolen.
Inspector of Detectives M. M. Mulholland announced that the men held and charged with the armed robbery are: William Lake, alias Dell Harris, 25. Toronto; Hector Le Blanc, alias John Rivers, 25, of Montreal, and Stanley Scrafield, 22, of Long Branch.
Scrafield and Lake were arrested at Bartonville, a Hamilton suburb. when visiting a friend, police said. Le Blanc was arrested in a house on Bartlett Ave., Toronto, by Detective John McArthur, who is serving his last day on the city force after 30 years service. McArthur is retiring on pension.
When arrested, Lake and Le Blanc were wearing air force uniforms. Lake had a D.F.M. ribbon on his tunic. Both tunics also carried wings. In the Bartonville house, police said they found $3,600 in cash in a club bag and a loaded revolver, also a large quantity of jewelry.
Hamilton detectives and Dets. Nimmo and Tong went to a Hamilton hotel and searched a room. In a suit case, police say, they found $2,073 and a loaded revolver, which was identified as the one stolen from the Bank of Montreal, Royce Ave. on the day of the hold-up.
Lake and Le Blanc are also charged with armed robbery of the People's Watch Co., Dundas St. W.. last month when jewelry and $10 were stolen. Scrafield and Wm. Bennett, 22 of Lake Shore Rd., Lakeview, and Harry Franklin, 24, Bartle Ave., are charged with receiving the stolen jewelry. Franklin was under arrest two days ago and Bennett was arrested yesterday.
Lake, Scrafield, Bennett and Le Blanc are also charged with shooting with intent. Police state H. D. Smith of Kingston surprised four men attempting to steal his automobile on Aug. 11 and in a chase was fired on.
Lake, Serafield, Bennett and Le Blanc are also charged with the armed robbery of a taxi cab driver in Montreal in August. Police say the driver was thrown out of his machine on the highway outside of Montreal after being robbed of $20. This car, recovered today at London, Ont., was used in the Bank of Montreal hold-up in Toronto, Inspector of Detectives Mulholland stated.
In "A" police court before Magistrate Browne today Scrafield, Le Blanc and Lake were remanded until Sept. 17. No bail was set. The trio are also charged with shooting with intent to maim R. Purton, manager of the bank.
Officers working on the case were Inspector Arthur Levitt, Det- Sergt. Hector Barber and Det. Lister Sullivan. Det-Sergt. Maxwell Richardson worked in co-operation with Hamilton police.
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thena0315 · 2 years ago
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raurquiz · 19 hours ago
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#Happybirthday @karenrobinson01 #karenrobinson #actress #Pav #StarTrekDiscovery #narc #SchittsCreek #larsandtherealgirl #LawandOrder #Toronto #CriminalIntent #prettyhardcases #titans #nurses #morningshowmysteries #AMillionLittleThings #king #TheHandmaidsTale #marykillspeople
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anhandfulgirl18 · 2 days ago
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LAW & ORDER TORONTO: CRIMINAL INTENT 2.01 -> Sergeant Graff stating facts
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months ago
Adding to Ask List: Henry Graff (Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Toronto)
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tsudigogo · 7 days ago
Hoser Columbo confirmed Swiftie.
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years ago
I am seeing another mention of Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent and so I am once again angry that although Kathryn and Vincent have wanted to come back for YEARS a version of their show in Canada gets greenlit first.
Fuck you, Dick Wolf.
Give me the rights to Alex and Bobby, damnit!
I'm most of the way through writing a pilot script!
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fusdbcom · 10 days ago
Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent
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laresearchette · 2 days ago
Thursday, February 27, 2025 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN1/SNEast) 7:00pm: Oilers vs. Panthers (SNWest/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Flames vs. Lightning (TSN2) 7:00pm: Sharks vs. Habs (TSN3) 8:00pm: Jets vs. Predators (SN360) 10:00pm: Chicago vs. Knights (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Canucks vs. Ducks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Celtics vs. 76ers (SN Now) 7:00pm: Grizzlies vs. Pacers (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: Nuggets vs. Bucks
CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING (CTV) 8:30pm (FINALE): Astrid and James put together a complex summer schedule of camps, activities and work that only leaves one day where the entire family is free; the pressure is on to make the most of their time together.
WATER WORLDS (APTN) 9:00pm: Pacific herring are integral to the West Coast food web but overfishing and habitat loss have endangered their populations; conservationists are raising awareness and working on solutions to protect this keystone species.
ADAM RICHMAN EATS BRITAIN (Flavour Network) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Adam is in Eton to try the world-famous, delicious mistake, Eton mess; he also tries a British tradition, afternoon tea, local venison bon bons and tops his trip off with fudge. In Episode Two, Adam learns all about the Bakewell pudding in the town of Bakewell; he also tries some local grouse at a renowned gastropub and has an unexpected taste of West Africa in the heart of the Peak District.
ANIMAL GENIUS (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm: A look at natures furry little geniuses in all their wonder.
FAKE (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: Birdie decides to investigate Joe and with Allan's help, discovers that his con was never about her; Birdie publishes an article to find closure but realises this will tie her to Joe forever.
LAW & ORDER TORONTO: CRIMINAL INTENT (CityTV) 10:00pm: A stabbing in the PATH leads Graff and Bateman to one of the most scandalous data breaches in Toronto's history.
MORE ONE BIG RECIPE (Out TV) 10:00pm: Host Kimberly Lallouz shows audiences how to pull off a mouthwatering, toast-worthy, multi-course dinner for four, all in 60 to 90 minutes.
RACHAEL RAY'S ITALIAN DREAM HOME (Home Network) 10:00pm/10:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Rachael Ray sets out to create her lifelong dream of owning a villa in Tuscany, but the clock is ticking until the big anniversary party, and the team begins to worry that construction won't be finished in time. In Episode Two, Rachael Ray's dream villa would not be complete without a spectacular bedroom, so Michael Murray and crew need to figure out how to create a bedroom suite with a double toilet bathroom, a double-sided fireplace, and a top of the line kitchen.
MONSTER PREACHER (Oxygen Canada) 10:00pm: In 1986, self-proclaimed pastor Gary Heidnik kidnapped, tortured and raped six women in Philadelphia, brutally murdering two; two of the victims recount the horrors of surviving the monster preacher.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: The Scrapped; Llamas at the Laundromat; Blood of Ghent
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rickchung · 20 days ago
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Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent (prod. Tassie Cameron).
Rogers' very Canadian remake of the durable police procedural spin-off series adds enough Ontario flavour to its familiar "ripped from the headlines" cases of the week. Starring Aden Young and Kathleen Munroe as our TPS detectives, each episode has its own twist to the usual cop show antics with notable locations that refreshingly don't have to stand in for another generic American city. Regarding television formats, L&OT:CI injects some fresh elements from the Canadian justice system to keep the notoriously comfortable cop show setup interesting from week to week.
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tvthemesongs · 5 months ago
Law & Order: Toronto: Criminal Intent intro
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