#crime cases in bihar
rightnewshindi · 7 months
सिविल कोर्ट पटना के बाहर ट्रांसफार्मर में हुआ ब्लास्ट, एक वकील की मौत; कई अन्य हुए घायल
सिविल कोर्ट पटना के बाहर ट्रांसफार्मर में हुआ ब्लास्ट, एक वकील की मौत; कई अन्य हुए घायल
Bihar News: पटना में एक बड़ा हादसा हुआ है। यहां के व्यवहार न्यायालय परिसर में गेट नंबर एक के पास ट्रांसफॉमर ब्लास्ट हो गया। इस हादसे में कई लोग जख्मी हुए हैं, जबकि एक की मौत हो गई है। अमर उजाला की खबर के मुताबिक घटना के शिकार वकील देवेंद्र प्रसाद की मौत हो गई है। घटना से इलाके में हड़कंप मच गया। प्रशासन की टीम भी आनन-फानन में घटना स्थल पर पहुंची। घटना की सूचना मिलते ही फायर ब्रिगेड की टीम मौके…
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seolawchef · 2 months
Navigating the Legal System in Patna: Tips from the Experts
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Navigating the legal system can be daunting, especially in a city like Patna, where legal procedures and requirements can be complex. Whether you are dealing with business-related legal matters or personal issues, understanding how to effectively work within the legal framework is crucial. This article, presented by Lawchef, aims to provide valuable tips on navigating the legal system in Patna, emphasizing the importance of Legal Services in Patna, Legal Consultancy Services Patna, and Legal Consultant Services Patna.
Understanding the Legal Landscape in Patna
Patna, the capital of Bihar, has a unique legal landscape that requires an understanding of both state and national laws. Whether you are a resident or a business owner, familiarizing yourself with the local legal system can help you address your legal issues more effectively.
Key Areas of Legal Practice in Patna
Corporate Law: Involves legal matters related to business operations, including compliance, mergers, acquisitions, and corporate governance.
Family Law: Covers issues such as divorce, child custody, alimony, and property disputes.
Criminal Law: Deals with defense services for individuals accused of crimes, ensuring a fair trial and justice.
Real Estate Law: Focuses on property transactions, disputes, and land use regulations.
Intellectual Property Law: Protects patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.
Tips for Navigating the Legal System
1. Seek Professional Legal Services
Engaging professional Legal Services in Patna is crucial for navigating the legal system effectively. Experienced lawyers can provide expert guidance and representation in various legal matters.
Research and Choose Wisely: Look for reputable law firms with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours.
Initial Consultation: Schedule consultations to discuss your case and assess the lawyer's expertise and approach.
2. Understand Legal Consultancy Services
Legal Consultancy Services Patna are essential for strategic legal advice and planning. They can help you make informed decisions by offering insights into legal implications and solutions.
Business Advisory: Ensure your business complies with local and national regulations and manage legal risks effectively.
Personal Legal Matters: Get advice and representation in family law, property issues, and other personal legal matters.
3. Leverage Legal Consultant Services
Legal Consultant Services Patna provide ongoing legal support and advice, ensuring you navigate legal complexities smoothly.
Continuous Support: Receive regular legal advice to address evolving legal needs.
Documentation Assistance: Get help with the preparation and review of legal documents and contracts.
4. Stay Informed About Local Laws
Understanding the local laws and regulations in Patna is crucial for effective legal navigation.
Keep Updated: Stay informed about any changes in state and national laws that may affect your legal matters.
Local Resources: Utilize local legal resources and organizations for information and support.
5. Be Proactive in Legal Matters
Being proactive can prevent many legal issues from escalating.
Early Intervention: Address potential legal issues early to avoid complications.
Regular Audits: Conduct regular legal audits for your business or personal matters to ensure compliance and address any risks.
6. Utilize Online Resources
The digital age has made many legal resources accessible online.
Online Consultations: Take advantage of online legal consultancy services for quick and convenient advice.
Legal Information: Use online platforms to gather information about your legal rights and responsibilities.
Navigating the legal system in Patna requires a strategic approach and the right expertise. By leveraging Legal Services in Patna, Legal Consultancy Services Patna, and Legal Consultant Services Patna, you can ensure that your legal matters are handled efficiently and effectively. Lawchef is committed to providing top-notch legal support, helping clients navigate their legal challenges with confidence and ease. Whether you are dealing with corporate law, family disputes, criminal defense, or real estate issues, having the right legal guidance is essential for achieving favorable outcomes. Stay informed, be proactive, and seek professional legal assistance to navigate the complexities of the legal system in Patna.
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mybharatguru · 3 months
More than 100 women were locked up and sexually tortured in Bihar… Shocking information
It has been revealed that over 100 women were locked up and sexually tortured on the promise of getting them jobs in Bihar. Also, a video showing a woman being brutally beaten with a belt has come out and has caused a shock. A news package on that. The case has now come to light that a fraud gang has been involved in crimes for the past 3 years targeting young job seekers. The gang’s criminal…
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sshivangeee · 8 months
‘Rights of the convicted - The often ignored dimension of justice'
“Right is right even if everyone’s against it, and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it” indeed very wise words by William Penn.
Each time we talk about justice the very first thing that comes to our mind is the poor victim being manipulated and crying for their voices to be heard and many other ideas that are all centred to our image of a victim but one aspect that we often ignore is the state of the convicted.
Even right now as i say this many won’t even acknowledge why we should talk about the criminals or why should the guilty's well being even concern us?
Now that’s a very wrong way to look at it. In Black stone’s famous words, it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer. And this is also the essence of criminal trial in many countries, including ours. Talking about which, you must be wondering exactly what could be the rights ensured to the convicted?
So the most basic of it are, Right to legal aid, Right to free,fair and speedy trial, Right to privacy and protection against unlawful searches, right to appeal, right to humane treatment in prision, right to be present at the trial, right to cross examination, and many more.
Even after being entitled to these many rights the reason why we still need to keep Justice for the convicted in light is because it’s the minimum of these rights that are in reality ensured to them cuz once declared guilty these people become centre of public hate.
For instance take the very first filled PIL of India, It was formed from the concern for the well being of the prisoners in Bihar jail. Now whether or not there conviction found legitimate is not the real concern!
What concerns us is the inhumane condition under which they were living. If they were sentenced to life imprisonment for say, they weren’t sentenced to be confined in dark rooms for years with no basic living requirements. Like aren’t our justice systems some what centred to the themes of amnesty and amelioration.
To get my point clear I’d take the same topic through a few examples to clarify that Why as democrats, or wise social citizens of our nation is it important to keep advocating for the rights of the convicted.
So firstly talking about the juvenile delinquency. There have been so many instances where people have demanded juveniles to be treated as adults and in some cases they have also been treated as the same in countries with judges judicial discretion. Yet, why don’t we realise if a child at such young ages is commuting such heinous crime it’s because of the lack of proper education, basic alms and facilities. Their own government and fellow citizens failed and disgraced them which is what lead them onto the path of crime.
Where the constitution of most countries stands against arbitrary and illegal arrest, it has been no secret that how recklessly the police has been using their power being under the influence of racist mindset or even various political bias for that matter. So, secondly what I talk about here is police brutality. Right to know the grounds of arrest, Right to bailment, Right against Illegal confinement and the list can go on and on are some of the many rights that are guaranteed to the citizens to protect them against the harm, while the police force exercises their power but the question here is that the people might be entitled to these rights but are these rights really ensured to them, do the officials allow them to exercise these rights??
How can a government ensure justice to its people when new cases of innocents being arrested on grounds of sedition and terrorism charges are seen every single day. The irony being that most of them are as young as 25.
Next that I talk about is Capital punishment being a violation against right to live. Now this is a very debatable issue but I personally stand against it because are justice system should be focused on rehabilitation instead of revenge. As well as, world’s most prosperous countries like Norway have formally abolished capital punishment giving us a clear proof that such a harsh penalty isn’t really required as an essential to justice.
Over here the topic of greater concern is about the dilemmatic living conditions of the people on death row. Who’re neither executed and are nor being pardoned of their sins. So won’t this be considered Double Jeopardy. These criminals themselves become the victim of the judicial system.
It’s not as if that these issues are never addressed. UNHRC and many philanthropists organisations keep on talking about them, yet the situation seems no better.
On conclusion I’d like to say that we as vigilant global citizens need to advocated for the rights of the guilty, each and every single time we talk about Justice.
Lastly I quote what Martin Luther King Jr. once said, Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate only love can do that.
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India e violenze ai bambini ...a centinaia, migliaia
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/it/india-e-violenze-ai-bambini-a-centinaia-migliaia/
India e violenze ai bambini ...a centinaia, migliaia
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In India, il dicastero per lo Sviluppo della Condizione delle Donne e dell’Infanzia WCD, ha ordinato la chiusura di 539 strutture di accoglienza per bambini in difficoltà in India su indicazione della responsabile, Maneka Gandhi. La causa di questa decisione nasce dal sospetto che molti dei bambini ospiti delle case sono stati vittime di abusi. Per questo motivo i centri (377 in Maharastra, 78 in Andra Pradesh e 32 nel nuovo stato di Telangana) sono stati chiusi e i minori sono stati trasferiti in altre strutture.
La decisione finale è arrivata dopo quanto riscontrato a seguito delle indagini e della scoperta di ripetuti abusi sessuali ai danni di bambini e bambine in alcuni centri di accoglienza a Muzaffarpur, in Bihar, e a Deoria, in Uttar Pradesh. Una scoperta cui erano seguiti, a luglio scorso, controlli più approfonditi ordinati dal governo. In quell’occasione, il ministro Maneka Gandhi aveva dato mandato ai governi di tutti gli stati indiani di “ispezionare subito in tutto il paese ogni casa per la cura dei bambini”. L’indagine ha riguardato circa 9.000 istituzioni del paese per bambini abbandonati, resi orfani o soccorsi. Parlando al The Indian Express, Maneka Gandhi ha dichiarato: “Ho chiesto alla Commissione Nazionale per la Protezione dei Diritti dell’Infanzia (NCPCR) di garantire che l’audit sociale sia completato per tutte le istituzioni i prossimi sessanta giorni”.
Il caso è emerso a seguito della modifica del modello di verifica sociale precedentemente approvato dal Centro alla Corte Suprema (nell’ottobre 2015): una verifica che prevedeva solo controlli formali e strutturali e che non era in grado di scoprire gli abusi sessuali di cui erano stati vittime i minori accolti nei centri. Con la decisione del maggio 2017, il Comitato di Vigilanza aveva rilevato questa mancanza e aveva affermato che dovevano essere condotti ogni anno audit sociali e “non solo a scopo di introspezione, ma anche circa la trasparenza e la responsabilità nell’attuazione effettiva della legge JJ (Giustizia minorile) …”. A titolo di esempio, in quell’occasione, era stato riportato il caso di una casa di accoglienza nel Bihar, che aveva continuato a funzionare nonostante la licenza fosse stata revocata per irregolarità l’anno precedente.
Le conseguenze non si sono fatte attendere: dopo le verifiche avviate la scorsa estate, nelle scorse settimane la Commissione per la Protezione dei Diritti dell’Infanzia ha ordinato la chiusura di oltre cinquecento istituti! Il ministro ha spiegato che la gran parte delle strutture che sono state chiuse perché non offrivano gli standard richiesti e molte non rispondevano alle norme e alcune non erano neppure registrate.
Quello che si è verificato in India non è una novità: è solo l’ennesimo caso di violenza sui minori. Secondo le statistiche, quello degli abusi sessuali sui minori continua ad essere una piaga mai rimarginata della società. Solo negli USA, secondo le statistiche, si verifica un caso di violenza sessuale ogni 98 secondi (considerando solo vittime sopra i 12 anni). Secondo le ricerche condotte da David Finkelhor, direttore del Crimes Against Children Research Center, una ragazza su 5 e un ragazzo su 20 sono stati vittime di abusi sessuali (in un solo anno il 16% degli adolescenti americani tra 14 e 17 anni ha subito tali violenze, il 28% di tutti gli adolescenti tra 14 e 17 in tutti gli USA). In Europa la situazione non è molto migliore: nel Regno Unito un bambino su venti è stato vittima di abusi sessuali (Radford, L. Child abuse and neglect in the UK today), ma il loro numero reale potrebbe essere molto maggiore dato che un bambino su tre vittima di abusi non lo ha mai detto a nessuno. E per i bambini disabili il rischio di essere vittime di abusi è statisticamente maggiore.
In Italia, da un’indagine condotta qualche anno fa su una quarantina di Comuni (dei quali, però, solo 31 hanno risposto al questionario), è emerso che su 758.932 casi di adolescenti esaminati, ben 7.464 erano stati affidati ai servizi assistenziali perché maltrattati o vittime di violenza (ma i casi di violenza sessuale erano solo il 6,7% del totale degli assistiti, le altre erano “altre” forme di “violenza”), 1 minore su 6 fra quelli assistiti dai servizi sociali dei comuni italiani.
Quella delle violenze sessuali sui minori era e (in barba a tutte le promesse fatte) rimane una piaga.
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ravish42 · 9 months
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"Get to know the experienced and skilled professionals who make up our crime investigation unit. Our team brings together diverse expertise in crime scene investigation, forensic science, and criminal profiling"
Detective Agency In Patna
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currenthunt · 9 months
UP stood first in the country in inter-operable criminal justice system for the third consecutive year
- UP stood first in the country in inter-operable criminal justice system for the third consecutive year. - Uttar Pradesh has stood first for the third consecutive year in registering the highest entry rate on the Inter-Operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) platform. - The Directorate of Prosecution Uttar Pradesh has so far registered 1,56,22,514 entries on the ICJS platform. - Madhya Pradesh is at second place with 35,04,828 entries and Bihar is at third place with 16,65,107 entries. - ICJS platform has been conceptualized by the e-Committee of the Supreme Court and implemented by the Ministry of Home Affairs. - Notably, the ICJS platform facilitates the seamless transfer of data and information between various pillars of the criminal justice system across the country. - In these, data related to crimes and criminals is exchanged between courts, police, prisons, and forensic science laboratories through a single window system. - Through ICJS, records of FIR, case number, jail ID, and everything from registering FIR against suspects to sending the culprits to jail are maintained. - Additionally, details of court cases, trials, judgments, prosecution, and forensic information can be accessed by courts, police, prisons, and forensic science laboratories through a single platform. Read the full article
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cinemapremi · 11 months
Mukesh Ambani Receives Third Death Threat with a Demand of Rs 400 Crore Ransom
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Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, faced a third death threat via email, this time with a staggering demand of Rs 400 crore. The unknown sender had initially demanded Rs 20 crore, which was raised due to non-response. The Mumbai police, with their crime branch and cyber teams, are actively tracing the sender to ensure safety. This article delves into the ongoing threats and investigations surrounding one of India's most prominent industrialists.
The Persistent Threat
Mukesh Ambani, one of India's most influential business figures, has received a series of alarming death threats via email. These threats have been consistently escalating, with the latest demand set at an astonishing Rs 400 crore. The initial threat, which demanded Rs 20 crore, was sent to Ambani's company email address by an unidentified person. The sender's audacity further manifested in a subsequent email that stated, "You have not responded to our email. Now the amount is Rs 200 crore, otherwise the death warrant is signed." This increase in the ransom amount raises concerns about the seriousness of the threat.
The Ongoing Investigations
In response to the first threatening email, the police began investigations after Mukesh Ambani's security in-charge lodged a complaint. The case was registered under sections 387 (putting a person in fear of death for extortion) and 506 (2) (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The Mumbai police, along with their crime branch and cyber teams, are leaving no stone unturned to trace the sender of these alarming emails. The safety and security of Mukesh Ambani, a prominent figure in India's business landscape, are of utmost importance.
Past Incidents
This is not the first time Mukesh Ambani has faced threats to his life. Last year, a man from Bihar's Darbhanga was arrested for making death threat calls to Ambani and his family members. These threats included threats to blow up the Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai.
Mukesh Ambani's ongoing ordeal with these death threats has put the spotlight on the need for comprehensive security measures for high-profile individuals. As investigations continue, the authorities are determined to ensure the safety of one of India's most influential industrialists. Also checkout: Read the full article
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18 जुलाई को केंद्रीय को-ऑपरेशन मिनिस्टर अमित शाह ने 'CRCS- सहारा रिफंड पोर्टल' लॉन्च किया था https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm1Z_k52aJE युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | - 18 जुलाई को केंद्रीय को-ऑपरेशन मिनिस्टर अमित शाह ने 'CRCS-सहारा रिफंड पोर्टल' लॉच किया था | - The 'CRCS-Sahara Refund Portal' was launched by Union Cooperation Minister Amit Shah on July 18. - राजस्थान से गुजर रहे अलग-अलग नेशनल हाईवे पर 65 ऐसे खतरनाक स्थान हैं, जहा पर बार बार दुर्घटनाएं हो रहीं है | - There are 65 such dangerous places on different National Highways passing through Rajasthan, where accidents are happening again and again. - भारतीय ड्रग कंपनी मेडन फार्मा को क्लीन चिट मिल गयी | - Indian drug company Medan Pharma gets clean chit. - बिहार विधान परिषद् सचिवालय ने रिपोर्टर, असिस्टेंट, असिस्टेंट लेजिस्लेटर, डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर, लोअर डिवीज़न कलर्क, सिक्योरिटी गार्ड और ऑफिस अटेंडेंट के 172 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी है | - Bihar Legislative Council Secretariat has issued a notification for the recruitment of 172 posts of Reporter, Assistant, Assistant Legislator, Data Entry Operator, Lower Division Clerk, Security Guard and Office Attendant. - जयपुर के जनाना हॉस्पिटल में बिना सहमति एक महिला की नसबंदी करने का मामला सामने आया है | - A case of sterilization of a woman without her consent has come to light in Jaipur's Zanana Hospital. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/FRKXh6rZlttH99KKEP2PXv Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #18thJuly #Co-opreationminister #rajasthannews #nationalhighway #indianews #Drugcompany #Pharma #cleanchit #biharnews #vacancy #parishad #sachivaley via yugcharan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg July 26, 2023 at 01:39PM
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india7d · 1 year
The Ban on Alcohol: Bihar's Battle Against Liquor
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Alcohol consumption has been a longstanding societal issue with significant social, economic, and health implications. In Bihar, the government's decision to impose a ban on alcohol consumption in 2016 marked a bold step towards curbing the adverse effects of liquor and reshaping the state's socio-cultural fabric. The ban on alcohol has been a contentious policy, attracting both praise and criticism, and has remained a subject of ongoing debate.
The Context of Alcohol Consumption in Bihar:
Bihar, like many other states in India, faced numerous challenges associated with alcohol consumption. Rampant alcohol abuse not only led to adverse health consequences but also contributed to social problems such as domestic violence, road accidents, and public disturbances. The state was grappling with issues of law and order, as illicit alcohol trade and bootlegging thrived, leading to criminal activities and revenue loss for the government.
The Decision to Impose the Ban:
In 2016, the Nitish Kumar-led government decided to impose a complete ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol in Bihar. The decision was based on the belief that banning alcohol would address the myriad of social and health problems associated with alcohol abuse, especially among the economically weaker sections of society. The government also cited the need to protect women and families from the negative impacts of alcoholism as a primary reason for the ban.
Impact of the Ban:
The ban on alcohol had both positive and negative consequences, and its impact was felt across various domains: - Social Impact: The ban on alcohol had a positive social impact, especially concerning women's empowerment and domestic harmony. There were reports of reduced instances of domestic violence and improved family relationships due to the absence of alcohol-related conflicts. - Economic Impact: The ban significantly affected Bihar's revenue generation, as the state used to earn substantial income from taxes on alcohol sales. The ban led to a decline in government revenue, resulting in financial challenges for the state. - Public Health: The ban had a positive impact on public health, with a decline in alcohol-related health issues and road accidents. Hospitals and healthcare centers observed fewer cases of alcohol poisoning and alcohol-induced illnesses. - Law and Order: The ban initially led to a reduction in incidents of public disturbances and crimes associated with alcohol consumption. However, there were concerns about the rise of illicit liquor trade and bootlegging, indicating the need for stricter enforcement and surveillance.
Challenges and Criticism:
Despite the positive aspects, the ban on alcohol also faced challenges and criticism: - Illicit Trade: One of the major challenges was the growth of an illicit alcohol market. Prohibition led to the creation of a black market for alcohol, as bootleggers and illegal liquor vendors flourished. - Revenue Loss: The state experienced significant revenue loss due to the ban on alcohol sales. The shortfall in revenue impacted government expenditure on various welfare programs and infrastructure development. - Legal Loopholes: Some critics argued that the ban's effectiveness was undermined by legal loopholes and inconsistent enforcement. This raised questions about the sustainability of prohibition. - Individual Freedom: The ban was also criticized on the grounds of infringing upon individual freedom and the right to personal choice. Critics argued that adult citizens should have the freedom to consume alcohol responsibly.
The Path Ahead:
Bihar's battle against liquor remains a complex and evolving issue. The government faces the challenge of curbing illicit alcohol trade and addressing the revenue loss while ensuring the ban's efficacy. Policymakers must strike a balance between public health and individual freedom, finding a comprehensive approach that tackles alcohol abuse while promoting responsible drinking. The state government should invest in public awareness campaigns about the harmful effects of alcohol abuse and work on providing support and rehabilitation to those affected by addiction. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms to counter the illegal liquor trade and addressing socio-economic factors contributing to alcoholism should also be prioritized. Conclusion: The ban on alcohol in Bihar reflects the government's commitment to addressing the challenges posed by alcohol consumption and protecting its citizens from its adverse effects. While the ban has seen positive outcomes in terms of improved social harmony and public health, it has also faced criticism and challenges in terms of revenue loss and illegal trade. Moving forward, a comprehensive and balanced approach that considers both public health and individual freedoms is essential in Bihar's battle against liquor. By learning from the experiences and continuously refining its policies, the state can better address the complexities associated with alcohol consumption and pave the way for a healthier and more vibrant society. Read the full article
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simplyforensic · 1 year
Amardeep Sada: The Youngest Serial Killer in the World
Introduction Discover the chilling story of Amardeep Sada, an 8-year-old boy from Bihar, India, who shocked the world when he became a serial killer. Unveiling the horrifying details of his crimes and the questions surrounding his motives, this article delves into the unsettling case of Amardeep Sada and the alarming reality of a child turned cold-blooded murderer. The Making of a Child Serial…
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sequelscreen · 1 year
Ex Bihar MP's Surprise Dawn Release From Jail Amid Prison Rule Change Row
The current location of Anand Mohan Singh, who has served 15 years in jail for abetting the murder of an IAS officer in 1994, is not known.
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Patna: Former Bihar MP Anand Mohan Singh walked out of jail in the early hours today amid a huge row over the Bihar government's prison rule change that cleared the path for his release.
The current location of Singh, who has served 15 years in jail for abetting the murder of an IAS officer in 1994, is not known. His son and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLA Chetan Anand is unreachable on phone and the family's house in Saharsa is locked.
The gangster-turned-politician was initially to be released around 7 am. But the sudden change of plan was reportedly made to avoid the media.
Singh was out on a 15-day parole for his son's wedding. During the break, he spoke to media. He returned to jail only yesterday.
The former MP's release from jail comes after the Nitish Kumar government in Bihar tweaked the jail rules. Earlier, anyone convicted in connection with the murder of a public servant on duty was not eligible for a remission in sentence. This was changed by the Bihar government, paving the way for the release of 27 convicts, including Singh, who have served 14 years or more behind the bars.
The move has sparked a huge controversy, with Nitish Kumar government drawing fire from the Opposition BJP. BJP's MP Sushil Kumar Modi, also Bihar's former deputy Chief Minister, has said Mr Kumar had sacrificed law to stay on in power with support from ally RJD.
Singh, who represented RJD in Lok Sabha, is considered a prominent Rajput face. And his release is being seen as a move to attract Bihar's upper caste votes in the 2024 general election. The release also comes against the backdrop of Mr Kumar meeting Opposition leaders to stitch a joint front to take on the BJP in 2024.
Singh, who faced multiple cases, was found guilty of instigating a mob that lynched district magistrate G Krishnaiah, a Dalit IAS officer, in 1994. Krishnaiah was attacked by a mob protesting with the body of Chhotan Shukla, another gangster-politician of Anand Mohan's party, who had been killed a day earlier. Singh was sentenced to death by a lower court in 2007, but the Patna High Court later commuted the penalty to life imprisonment.
The late IAS officer's wife has expressed disappointment over Singh's release. Speaking to NDTV, Uma Krishnaiah said, "We don't agree with the move. It's in a way encouraging the criminals. It sends out a message that you can commit a crime, and go to jail but then get freed and join politics. The death penalty was good."
The Central IAS Association, the top body for bureaucrats in the country, has slammed the move. "Such dilution leads to impunity, erosion of morale of public servants, undermines public order and makes a mockery of administration of justice," it has said.
Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati, too, has criticised the Bihar government's move that paved the way for Singh's release, calling it an "anti-Dalit" step.
Speaking to the media during his parole break, Singh had responded to the uproar over his release. Taking a dig at the BJP, he had said sarcastically, "A decision has been taken in Gujarat due to pressure by Nitish Kumar and RJD. Some people have been released and greeted with garlands." Asked if he was referring to the Bilkis Bano gangrape case, he said, "Yes, that's what I am referring to". BJP is in power in Gujarat.
He had said all the 27 people whose names are in the list for remission of sentence have served their time in the jail. "It's not that the state government is letting people walk free just like that. There is a Supreme Court directive."
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
Major Police Strike Against Bihar YouTuber Manish Kashyap, Freeze Four Bank Accounts – Fake Video Of Migrant Attack Tamil Nadu Shot Manish Kashyap Bihar
Bihar economic crimes unit will soon arrest Manish Kashyap and Yuvraj Singh Rajput in the case of fake videos of Bihari workers in Tamil Nadu going viral. A special team has been formed to arrest both. The police are raiding several places to catch them. Both bank accounts have also been frozen. Bihar police has frozen the amount deposited in Manish Kashyap’s bank accounts. This includes a total…
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years
Bihar | Woman kissed | Bihar news | Jamui | kiss | crimes | kiss group | force kiss | Sadar Hospital | crimes news
Bihar: Woman was talking on the phone in hospital, youth forcibly ‘kissed’ and ran away, police registered a case The victim woman told that some unknown person came from behind and pressed her face. I started flirting. I cannot tell why he came, what he came to do. I don’t know that person. I have lodged FIR. Image Source: ANI The young man ran away after forcibly kissing the woman Patna:…
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newnewz · 2 years
Human trafficking too high in India, says US
The US Department of State in its ‘2022 Trafficking in Persons’ report has stated that India does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
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NEW DELHI: The US Department of State in its ‘2022 Trafficking in Persons’ report has stated that India does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. It also has stated that 22 of India’s 36 states and Union Territories (UTs) did not report identifying any bonded labour victims or filing any cases under the relevant rules even as the acquittal rate for traffickers remained at 89 per cent.
The report has also stated that the government did not report investigating, prosecuting, or convicting government officials for alleged involvement in trafficking crimes.
The report, released recently, has also expressed dismay as the government did no updates to its national action plan (NAP) to combat trafficking in persons or amend Section 370 of the Indian Penal Code to remove the requirement of force, fraud, or coercion to prove child sex trafficking.
It said the lack of sufficient political will across many states to address bonded labour stymied efforts nationwide. Citing figures, the report states that 6,622 trafficking victims in 2022 were reported identified; in addition, there were 694 potential trafficking victims.
In 2019, it said, 5,145 trafficking victims and 2,505 potential victims were identified.
In 2020, the government identified 5,156 victims in labour trafficking, including 2,837 in bonded labour and 1,466 in sex trafficking but the government did not report the type of trafficking for the 694 potential victims in 2020.
The US Department of State report, quoting the Ministry of Labour and Employment’s annual report, stated that despite about 8 million Indians estimated to be in bonded labour, the ministry in its report has stated that the government had identified and rescued only 3,13,962 people since 1976.
“Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and UP accounted for the majority of bonded labour victims identified in 2020 with 1,291 from Karnataka, 289 from Tamil Nadu and 1,026 from Uttar Pradesh respectively,” the report says.
Far from meeting standards: State Dept
In 2022: 6,622 trafficking victims were reported to have been identified; in addition, 694 were identified as potential victims.
In 2019: 5,145 trafficking victims and 2,505 potential trafficking victims were identified.
In 2020: The government identified 5,156 victims in ‘labour trafficking’, including 2,837 in bonded labour and 1,466 in sex trafficking. But the government did not report the type of trafficking for the 694 potential victims in 2020.
Some traffickers kidnap children from public places, including railway stations, entice girls with drugs, and force girls as young as 5 years old to take hormone injections to appear older for sex trafficking.
The traffickers also kidnap and force Indian and Nepali women and girls to work as ‘orchestra dancers’ in India, especially in Bihar, where girls perform with dance groups until they have repaid fabricated debts.
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh were major source states for economically vulnerable workers potentially exposed to labour trafficking.
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internationalnewz · 2 years
Human trafficking too high in India, says US
The US Department of State in its ‘2022 Trafficking in Persons’ report has stated that India does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
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NEW DELHI: The US Department of State in its ‘2022 Trafficking in Persons’ report has stated that India does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. It also has stated that 22 of India’s 36 states and Union Territories (UTs) did not report identifying any bonded labour victims or filing any cases under the relevant rules even as the acquittal rate for traffickers remained at 89 per cent.
The report has also stated that the government did not report investigating, prosecuting, or convicting government officials for alleged involvement in trafficking crimes. The report, released recently, has also expressed dismay as the government did no updates to its national action plan (NAP) to combat trafficking in persons or amend Section 370 of the Indian Penal Code to remove the requirement of force, fraud, or coercion to prove child sex trafficking.
It said the lack of sufficient political will across many states to address bonded labour stymied efforts nationwide. Citing figures, the report states that 6,622 trafficking victims in 2022 were reported identified; in addition, there were 694 potential trafficking victims. In 2019, it said, 5,145 trafficking victims and 2,505 potential victims were identified.
In 2020, the government identified 5,156 victims in labour trafficking, including 2,837 in bonded labour and 1,466 in sex trafficking but the government did not report the type of trafficking for the 694 potential victims in 2020.
The US Department of State report, quoting the Ministry of Labour and Employment’s annual report, stated that despite about 8 million Indians estimated to be in bonded labour, the ministry in its report has stated that the government had identified and rescued only 3,13,962 people since 1976.
“Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and UP accounted for the majority of bonded labour victims identified in 2020 with 1,291 from Karnataka, 289 from Tamil Nadu and 1,026 from Uttar Pradesh respectively,” the report says.
Far from meeting standards: State Dept
In 2022 6,622 trafficking victims were reported to have been identified; in addition, 694 were identified as potential victims.
In 2019 5,145 trafficking victims and 2,505 potential trafficking victims were identified.+
In 2020 the government identified 5,156 victims in ‘labour trafficking’, including 2,837 in bonded labour and 1,466 in sex trafficking. But the government did not report the type of trafficking for the 694 potential victims in 2020.
Some traffickers kidnap children from public places, including railway stations, entice girls with drugs, and force girls as young as 5-year-old to take hormone injections to appear older for sex trafficking.
The traffickers also kidnap and force Indian and Nepali women and girls to work as ‘orchestra dancers’ in India, especially in Bihar, where girls perform with dance groups until they have repaid fabricated debts.
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh were major source states for economically vulnerable workers potentially exposed to labour trafficking.
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