isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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HTGAWM cast + Beyoncé
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
yo what are you always so stressed about?
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
Don’t tell your daughter that when a boy is mean or rude to her it’s because he has a crush on her. Don’t teach her that abuse is a sign of love.
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
I got an 800 on the SAT II Math Level 2… and with this video, you can too! (Pun definitely intended.)
Prep books:
Barron’s SAT Subject Test Math Level 2
The Official SAT Subject Tests in Mathematics Levels 1 & 2 Study Guide
The Official Study Guide for ALL SAT Subject Tests
Princeton’s Review: Cracking the SAT Math 1 & 2 Subject Tests
Online resources:
SparkNotes SAT Subject Tests: Math Level 2
Practice questions
Even more practice questions
Khan Academy Trigonometry
Related videos:
SAT II’s: what they’re about, why you should take them, how they help you get into great colleges
subscribe // twitter
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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So, the dreaded ACT. Or, the test that decides if you get into the college/university you want (if you live in America). I’ve compiled a list of websites and book reviews to help you prepare and review for the test, as well as some general test-taking tips.
So, without further ado, here’s how I have a 32 on the ACT (
“The ACT® test contains four multiple-choice tests: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The ACT with writing includes the four multiple-choice tests and a writing test.” (act.org)
So, basically, the test is around 4 hours long and begins at 8:00am with a 10 minute break in the middle. It’s a long one, but studying beforehand will ensure that you don’t have to take it as many times as I have (5 times ugh).
This is the first section and the one with the most amount of questions. You have 45 minutes to complete 75 questions asked about grammar rules and word choice in the English language.
30% of the questions involve choosing the simplest answer. Don’t go for the one that says “Although, in a way, her ex-mistress began, in a lively manner…” No, choose the ones like “Her ex-mistress happily began…”
Remember “NO CHANGE” and “OMIT” are plausible choices! On this past ACT (June 2016), I found myself choosing that a decent amount of the time, so just remember that it is a choice!
READ THE QUESTIONS IN YOUR HEAD! “Well, duh, Shelby, you have to if you want to answer it!” No, I mean, give it feeling. Pretend you’re working at a big editing firm and dramatize every. single. comma. I’m serious. Take around 2-3 seconds on each comma, and trust your gut.
MAIN FOCUS: comma rules!
The ACT loves to ask about comma rules! Approximately (and this is my own guess so please don’t shoot me) 50% of the questions were about commas and comma placement, so make sure you review those!
As the second section with the most time allotted, math is the most draining part. You have 60 minutes to answer 60 questions, progressing in difficulty from the beginning to the end. 
I know, beating a dead horse here, but draw a picture! Especially on geometry questions, this can make or break our understanding!
To save time, go through the answer choices on variable equations and plug them in using your calculator. This is how I finish on time. 
If you can’t answer it within a minute, skip it and and move on! You can always come back to it or guess the most reasonable!
MAIN FOCUS: geometry and pre-algebra!
A huge portion of the ACT questions in math ask about some kind of geometry, be it planar or coordinate, and super basic algebra (proportions, one variable equations), so just go back and review these things (especially basic area and volume equations).
Use these ten minutes to destress. You’re halfway through, and you only have 70 minutes left of testing (unless you’re taking the ACT with Essay [I’m sorry lol]). Ten minutes go by very quickly, so don’t loiter around talking to friends; take care of yourself.
Eat a quick snack! Berries are especially good for your mind and memory!
Meditate! If you’re experienced with meditation, I do really recommend this, because it’ll bring you some peace in the middle of this stress.
Take a brisk walk! Even if it’s just pacing back and forth in the classroom, I’m urging you to move around. It gets your blood pumping and will help you feel more awake, because this is a Saturday morning: everyone’s tired.
PEE. Go to the bathroom. Please. It will save you getting distracted in the reading and science sections when you need to really concentrate.
Okay, back to the test.
Four passages, 35 minutes, 40 questions. To a lot of people, this seems like the easiest, but then the scores come back and they’re surprised. There are only four kinds of passages: prose fiction, social sciences, humanities, natural sciences. 
Decide which you can get the most points on (if you’re really good at analyzing nonfiction, choose one of the nonfiction, but if you’re a regular mortal like myself, stick with the order they give you.) and do it first. 
Make sure you read the question properly! Please don’t miss a “NOT” or “LEAST LIKELY” because you didn’t take enough time to read the question.
Don’t spend five minutes trying to pronounce something like “Domenikos Theotokopulos” because you can just call him Dom (Greek painter that moved to Spain, got famous, and got nicknamed “El Greco” or The Greek.)
What I do: I always skim the passage first, absorb a little bit of information, and then it makes it easier for me to reference the passage for specific details I missed.
MAIN FOCUS: Pay attention for transition words like “however,” “but,” “yet,” and others that make the focus shift. These are almost always asked about!
Again, the science test has 40 questions to answer in 35 minutes, and this is where most people run out of time. Most of this test is being able to read graphs and charts, with a little bit of middle school science knowledge mixed in. There are three different kinds of passages: Data Representation (interpret info in charts or tables), Research Summaries (analyze the design of an experiment), and Conflicting Viewpoints (more like critical reading!).
On this one, skip straight to the questions and then go back to find the answers. Reading and trying to understand the passage right off the bat will just waste time.
You don’t have to know even a little about what they’re talking about. Haven’t taken chemistry and there’s an entire passage about it? Don’t stress: just breathe and eliminate the choices you know are wrong using information given!
MAIN FOCUS: Relaxing and eliminating wrong answers! 50/50 is much better than 25/25/25/25!
Please don’t take everything I say about this too seriously because I can write really good AP essays, but I struggle a little with the ACT.
Each ACT essay prompt gives you three perspectives to analyze. Make sure you incorporate all of them into your essay. You have 40 minutes to write an essay, so make sure you use all your time to make it good!
Don’t just get good sleep the night before, get at least eight hours the entire week before! This will ensure that you aren’t too tired!
Answer every single question!!! Pick a letter and stick with it–B and G are apparently very popular answers…!
Eat a good breakfast! Berries and protein and carbs! Seriously, if you aren’t hungry during the test, you have one less thing to think about other than the test.
Don’t change your answer unless you can make a solid claim for it and against your original answer! This is how I always lose points. Don’t second-guess yourself!
Get your clothes and bag ready the night before. This will save you a ton of stress in the morning.
Think positive! If you go in thinking you’ll do well, you’re more likely to do well than if you go in thinking you’re going to fail, you probably will…
Official ACT Website
English Practice Questions
Math Practice Tests
Reading Practice Tests
Science Practice Tests
(ACT does an official Question of the Day if you sign into your account!)
The REAL ACT Prep Guide Third Ed.
This is the one I used and I really liked it because it had five practice tests with explanations for the answers and scoring guides.
Cracking the ACT (Princeton Review)  (4.4/5)
This has 6 practice tests (four in the book and two online) and is the bestseller on Amazon.
Kaplan ACT   (4.1/5 stars)
Three tests in the book and three online.
Barron’s ACT 36   (4.5/5 stars)
It doesn’t say how many tests??? Also, a review says this one is very good for beginners.
Personal Message
Please please remember that this test isn’t a test of intelligence. It doesn’t define you as a student or as a person. That’s not to say it isn’t important, but remember there will always be another test date. Take care of yourself and try to relax. Don’t stress too much about your score. A 17 doesn’t make you stupid, just like a 36 doesn’t automatically make someone smart. I believe in you, and you’re going to rock it!
(If I got anything wrong, or you find something I can add, please let me know; I just want to help you all.)
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
Hello, lovelies! This week, I talk about how I got a 2300+ on the SAT without any outside tutoring or prep classes. Yes, it’s possible, and I tell you how to do it in the video.
I also put together a masterpost of resources below. Even if you aren’t self-studying, a lot of these things might be helpful:
Official College Board SAT Study Guide (The Blue Book)
Direct Hits Vocabulary (Volume 1) // Direct Hits Vocabulary (Volume 2) – What makes these books stand out from other SAT vocab books is the use of pop culture references to explain definitions. For example, the first word in Volume 1, ambivalent, is given the sentence: “In The Avengers, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Thor are initially ambivalent about joining S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Avengers Initiative.”
Barrons SAT 2400 – Fabulous book, helpful strategies. I didn’t read the whole thing or do all the practice problems; I only used it for extra help on the sections I struggled with.
Grubers SAT 2400 – Didn’t personally use it myself, but it was recommended by a lot of my friends.
→ Non-SAT Critical Reading Advice
→ My favorite reading sources:
The Atlantic – mix of interesting articles
Variety – pop culture focus, but with more cultured language
New Yorker – very cultured, good place to pick up vocabulary
New York Times – classic SAT reading material
Boston Globe – I have a soft spot in my heart for their entertainment and style sections
National Geographic – exactly the sort of passages you’ll find on the SAT
→ Vocab Flashcards (mentioned in video)
→ Top Writing Errors
→ Top Grammar Rules
→ Khan Academy
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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It’s never too early to start studying for AP’s! Here’s a list of all the classes we have taken or will be taking this year. These are credible resources and we hope they help you as much as they helped us. Good luck! (an asterisk* is used to indicate purchase is necessary)
AP Biology 
Barron’s Flashcards (either get these or the review book; both aren’t needed)*
Barron’s Review Book ($13 but worth it)*
Bozeman Science Videos (AP Bio Essentials Playlist, Labs, and Final Review)
Learnerator Guide
AP Calculus (AB and BC)
Calculus Cheat Sheet
Elaine Cheong’s Study Guide
Final Review Sheet
Guide to Self-Studying BC
Quizlet of Calc Vocab
Stuff You Must Know Cold (AB and BC)
AP Comparative Government
One Month Study Guide
Practice Exams 
Guide to Russian Gov
Study Guide by Ethel Woods
AP Economics (Micro and Macro)
No Bull Economics Lessons Video
Released Practice Tests (practice tests are KEY to doing well on this exam)
The Princeton Review *
15 Minute Final Review (Macro)
19 Minute Final Review (Micro)
AP English Language
Course Notes 
How to Study
Study Notes (sample essays and rhetorical terms)
The Princeton Review (2016 edition)*
What You Must Know
AP English Literature
AP Practice Exams (practice tests, vocabulary, example essays, flashcards)
College Board Released FRQ’s and Scoring Guide 
Youtube Playlist for Lit
AP European History
Comprehensive Study Guide by Steven Mercado
Crash Course Book (the only review book you need!)*
History Exam Review Page
Study Notes
AP French Language and Culture
College Board (pratice exams, frq’s, scoring information)
Practice Exam
AP Physics (Algebra-based)
Practice Exam (practice test, flashcards, review)
Bozeman Science Videos Physics Playlist
Learnerator Flashcards
AP Statistics (requested)
Cumulative AP Stats Study Guide
AP Statistics Review
Course Notes
AP United States Government
Government Review (142 pages… but it has a lot of valuable information)
One Month Study Guide
Study Notes
AP United States History
Barron’s Flashcards*
Barron’s Review Book*
Crash Course Videos (John Green!) 
Study Notes (topic outlines, practice tests, timelines, sample essays, vocab) 
AP World History
Cram Packets and Review Sheets
Course Notes
One Month Study Guide
Study Notes
World History 101
Hope this helps! Feel free to send us your favorite links here and we will check them out and add them!
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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297 notes · View notes
isnewyork-blog · 8 years
If flowers were people roses would be THAT BITCH…like sipping champagne on a balcony overlooking Paris at sunset in a silk nightie while their man makes dinner
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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RIP Larnell (x)
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you ARE a woman in STEM, SUPPORT women in STEM, or ARE STILL BITTER about Rosalind Franklin not getting credit for discovering the structure of DNA and the Nobel prize going to Watson and Crick instead.
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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Bob Morley on Bellamy Blake’s relationship with Gina
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
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Beyoncé attends the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards at Madison Square Garden on August 28, 2016 in New York City.
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
My AP Bio teacher gave us a list of websites that are actually really helpful so I thought I’d share them just in case anyone is struggling out there. They are all the sources she uses to come up with lesson plans. You can repost this if you want because I didn’t come up with it! Anyways here you go good luck! Let me know if any links are jacked up.
tutorials, homework, and assessments for bio
magazine of the society & science of the public
latest research news
discussion boards for ap teachers
ted talks
interactive simulations for biology
use of miniposters in the classroom
biology animation library
the scale of the universe
full nova episodes
audience response polling website (idk why this is here but who knows)
nsta learning center
multimedia resources
proteins databank
howard hughes medical institute
collection of bioscience images
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isnewyork-blog · 8 years
School Masterpost
Google like a boss
note taking techniques 
nice notes
How to effectively take notes
taking notes effectively and practically
guide to notetaking
online study resources
in class notes
symbols and abbreviations for note taking
various types of subheading
Back to school
Every textbook answer ever
Packed meals
what to eat before a workout
25 quick and healthy breakfasts
study snacks 
drink lemon water!! 
Sleeping tips
Becoming stress free
How to be happy
How to remove toxic people from your life
how to wake up early
how to go to bed early & fall asleep
mornings tag
drink lemon water!!
what to eat during exams
keep a health tracker
vegan food on the go
how to drink more water
anxiety tricks
study snacks
self care masterpost
20 things you should do everyday
what to do on a bad day
tips for stressed out students
sounds to soothe anxiety
what to do when ur stressed
When do go to sleep
Organize the school year
5 ways to make your life more organized 
how to organize your school work
color coding
folder organization how i organize myself 
organize your life: notetaking edition 
organization guide 
study organization 
make your own syllable 
how to be organized 
how to get & stay organized 
keeping your notes organized 
how to make organized notes 
getting organized and keeping it up
keep your school bag organized
how to organize your desk
an app that organizes your time for you
How to get straight A’s
How to get top grades
How to improve your grades
How to apply to university
How to track your grades
Grade calculator
How to become disciplined
Stay focused: Train your brain
Stay motivated
Get motivated
Motivational quotes
Why motivation is important
How to plan an essay
Essay tips
How to write an introduction
How to write a conclusion
how to write an essay
essay writing tips
how to approach poetry analysis in an exam
guide on punctuation
Word will format your entire paper
do your eyes a favor and change the background color
tools for referencing
social media citation guide
100+ words for SAT
transition words
synonyms for “different”
synonyms for “shows”
synonyms for “suggests”
synonyms for “said”
synonyms for “increase” and “decrease”
synonyms for words commonly used in students’ writings
45 ways to avoid using the word “very”
How to ace a math exam 
how to study math(s)
Preparing for math exams
studying chemistry 
Chemistry Tips
15 days bts plan 
back to school tips
 back to school hacks 
bts tips and motivation 
5 things to do before school starts 
back to school series 
getting prepared for the year
preparing for school in the summer 
surviving junior year
tips that will make your school year easier 
getting prepared for school 
“how i survive school”
how to start studying 
study methods
5 tips for mindmapping
what to do the night b4 an exam
mastering tests: draft a study plan
timed memorization
how to revise notes
things not to do when studying 
5 tips on keeping your attention in class
sat math tips 
free sat/ap prep materials
sat masterpost
sat tips
sat subject tests
sat study guide
sat tips
self study for the sat 
Anti-procrastination masterpost
websites/apps that will help you with procrastination
the science of procrastination, and how to beat it
how to overcome procrastination
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